Freedom from Alaska!

Month: November 2019 Page 3 of 5

Google Actively Blacklists, Interferes To Control Search Outcomes – Contrary to their public claims

Google got everyone to use their search engine by giving the best results. Now that almost everyone uses Google, they secretly manipulate results, which they’ve been doing for years.

I’ve seen firsthand how Google used to link to all of my posts, which changed a few years ago, keeping people from finding some of my most important posts.

I mostly use DuckDuckGo, which also doesn’t track users.

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WSJ: Google Actively Blacklists, Interferes To Control Search Outcomes

Aha, readers will say, we were right! And we were right about Google’s interference in its search results, according to a blockbuster investigative report from the Wall Street Journal this morning. Contrary to their public claims, Google actively blacklists sites, interferes with its algorithms to cook search results, and boosts big ad buyers at the expense of smaller companies. Guilty as charged. …

Over time, Google has increasingly re-engineered and interfered with search results to a far greater degree than the company and its executives have acknowledged, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found. …

More than 100 interviews and the Journal’s own testing of Google’s search results reveal:

• Google made algorithmic changes to its search results that favor big businesses over smaller ones, and in at least one case made changes on behalf of a major advertiser, eBay Inc., contrary to its public position that it never takes that type of action. The company also boosts some major websites, such as Inc. and Facebook Inc., according to people familiar with the matter. …

Despite publicly denying doing so, Google keeps blacklists to remove certain sites or prevent others from surfacing in certain types of results. These moves are separate from those that block sites as required by U.S. or foreign law, such as those featuring child abuse or with copyright infringement, and from changes designed to demote spam sites, which attempt to game the system to appear higher in results.

• In auto-complete, the feature that predicts search terms as the user types a query, Google’s engineers have created algorithms and blacklists to weed out more-incendiary suggestions for controversial subjects, such as abortion or immigration, in effect filtering out inflammatory results on high-profile topics.

Some of this has no excuse except for Google’s own commercial and political purposes. There’s no good reason for Google’s searches to favor its advertisers in results that are displayed outside of their labeled ads. Doing that without disclosures, and especially by corrupting the algorithms they claim are impervious to bias, exposes them as unreliable and undermines their credibility on other claims of beneficent oversight.

(vid) Owen Benjamin: Bono is Evil

This is the first Owen Benjamin video I saw when it was on Owen’s channel. Most of this makes sense. It’s sad to see such a gifted singer fall from grace. I found much of U2’s early music amazing. But then he put on the Devil horns in 1991, and it spiraled down after that.

Bono’s psychopathy likely started earlier, and what he’s done could be very serious – minute-57:25.

Bono, Edge and Larry were once Christians who attended a Bible school. What happened?

(vid) Owen Benjamin & E. Michael Jones meet in Hobart, Indiana

Bob & Brad: Chest Pain! Is It Costochondritis & How to Self Treat – Using a Softball

(vid) E. Michael Jones: Pornography is a weapon – Lust darkens the mind, keeps you docile and isolated • Those who control the media want people addicted • Paganism is rebellion against Logos, an excuse to indulge in what you know is wrong

Key points by E. Michael Jones transcribed by me:

3:10 “The crucial thing you have to understand here is something that St. Augustine said at the time of the fall of the Roman empire. He said ‘a man has as many masters as he has vices.’ If you want to avoid masters, you have to avoid vices. At the time of the revolution, a man by the name of Marquis de Sade turned that upside down. What he saw was if you want to control people promote vice.

9:30 “The people who control the media don’t want you to move away from it [porn and masturbation].”

10:05 The Psychology Today article claiming porn is beneficial because it makes people more docile and accepting of homosexuality, etc. “I agree with what they said. That’s absolutely the point of pornography and masturbation. It makes you docile. It makes you isolated. And people who want to keep you docile and isolated promote it. … If you want to wreck people lives, this is one way to do it. It’s probably the simplest way, if you’re a male to wreck your life, to get you addicted to this. The simplest way for a female is to have an abortion. It turns out, hey, there’s one group promoting both of these things.”

14:19 “A figure like St. Thomas Aquinas would say ‘lust darkens the mind.’This is exactly why pornography is a weapon. I brought this out at the beginning of Libido Dominandi, describing the Israeli troupes coming into Ramallah. They come in, take over the TV station, and start broadcasting pornography. This is a conquering army taking over your culture, and they’re broadcasting pornography. Are they doing this because they want to liberate you? No, they’re doing it because it’s a weapon against the indigenous population to keep them docile, divided, preoccupied by their passions, isolated, and so on.”

35:45 “I think people are pagans now not because they believe that Thor actually exists. I don’t think that’s possible anymore. I think that the main problem is your behavior. You call yourself a pagan because you’re in rebellion against the Logos. And the Logos for 2,000 years has been identified with Jesus Christ. So you’ve decided you want to live a law according to principles that you cannot reconcile with moral behavior, and that’s why you’ve adopted this identity.

37:00 “Paganism is an excuse to indulge in these things that you know are wrong.”

Jason Bermas: “Alex Jones is not a CIA asset as far as I knew when I knew him … He likes money and power … He’s almost gone full neocon”

Jason Burmas @ 1:23:14, transcribed by me:

“Alex Jones is not a CIA asset as far as I knew when I knew him. I don’t know what’s been going on in the last nine years. … He’s somebody who likes money and power. …

He associates himself with people that he thinks can elevate him, and sometimes viewpoints. … He called for regime change in Venezuela. He’s trying to talk about them putting a different regime in Iran. He’s almost gone full neocon.

Let’s be honest. Let’s not lie to ourselves. When you can’t commentate on Syria, when you can’t commentate on Julian Assange and the torture that’s taking place against that gentleman, how good are you, how solo are you, how independent are you?”

Something Very Strange Going On In Drudge Land – Drudge Report Bleeds Traffic As Conservatives Wonder If The Reclusive Owner Has Been Compromised


Speculation is running rampant as shown by one article on this issue over at NOQ Report:

But even as Romney is getting lampooned, Drudge is still promoting the anti-Trump narrative. I’ve started asking around to see the validity of a conspiracy theory I heard that he was never really a Trump fan, but because he thought Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton, he pumped up Trump through the primaries and continued supporting him until he won. One even mentioned that the Clintons or someone else (multiple people mentioned George Soros) may now have dirt on Drudge and are turning him to the dark side.

Others think that “Drudge has taken his LGBTQ sensibilities and crossed the aisle to dance with the Democrats,” while yet others think Drudge is simply following the clicks, meaning willing to take any side as long as his site receives the traffic, but if that were the case, the drop of tens of millions of visitors over the course of a two month period, would have resulted in some fast changes.

Adam Green: The Judaic Practice of Telling the Truth – Talmudic permission to lie to promote the agenda

Pornhub, GirlsDoPorn & Sex Trafficking

Tim Pool: Youtube’s New Terms Will Ban Channels For No Reason Or For Not Being “Commercially Viable”


17 states have already passed this unconstitutional law!

Greta Thunberg’s Mother Quote on the Cover of Vi Magazine: “We All Sell Our Souls to the Devil”

David Anders: How people justify immoral behavior by finding those who support their feelings — “Pure subjectivity is not an adequate guide to moral life”

Transcribed by me from from: CALLED TO COMMUNION – Dr. David Anders – November 13 , 2019 [I attended evangelical seminary with Dave. I never finished. He did, and became a Catholic, and now has his own show on TV.]

Screenshot: TruNews on YouTube – 95% like/dislike ratio – Telling the Truth!

I’m posting this before this wonderful exposé video will also be taken down, according to what Rick Wiles announced yesterday — in hopes that TruNews will stay on YouTube until Google takes this vital ministry down.

This was a powerful broadcast that I posted on my blog. It’s just a shame to see this and the many wonderful, eye opening shows taken down. I hope Rick changes his mind and stays the course, setting his face like a flint!

Rick says at minute-17:10 in his RICK RESPONDS TO CRITICS: NO MORE SLOPPIN’ HOGS video that he’s not wanted by those who watch TruNews on YouTube:

“I’m saying to the YouTube crowd, I’m shaking the dust off of my feet, and I’m saying goodbye to you. … Why would I stay someplace where I’m not wanted?”

But Rick is wanted by the majority of the YouTube crowd! The 95% like/dislike ratio is frozen in time here: 1,000 vs 43 — 16,000 views!

Final Day: Rick Wiles Introduces his New Book

16,228 views • Streamed live on Nov 8, 2019

188K subscribers

Today on TruNews, host Rick Wiles shares the first official preview of his book “Final Day: 10 Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.” We also publish never before seen footage from the upcoming Flowing Streams documentary-series, “Sacrificing Liberty: The True Story of the USS Liberty.” Lastly, we show a sneak peak of Prazor artist Mike Rathke’s new single “The Dawning Fire,” being released on December 6th, 2019. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Air date: 11/8/2019.

Jake Morphonios’ Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Conclusions 11/12/19

Jake posted this video for a few hours on 11/12/19, which I report on below.

🔴 The Myth of the Lone Las Vegas Gunman Debunked – Jake Morphonios Red Pill Expo

Jake was asked to speak at G. Edward Griffin’s most recent Red Pill Expo in Nevada, but couldn’t make it. So he put together a video about the Vegas shootings instead, which was played at the event.

In this presentation tonight, which he says will only be up for a few hours because of YouTube’s censorship, Jake played the video he made for Red Pill, and then gave some of his conclusions at the end, thankfully!

Bombshell Assad Interview MEDIA IGNORES! Why Are We In Syria?

It’s horrible what the US and Israel have done to Syria covertly through ISIS, and then openly push the propaganda created by the “White Helmets,” who staged the fake chemical attacks. Assad is a wonderful, gentle leader who had brought Syria into near first world status with religious freedom. And TalmudVision, including Fox News mocks him, and won’t air this interview.

And why don’t most “Christians” in America care, when Jesus said: “Blessed are the *peacemakers*, for they shall be called the *children of God*.”

Most “Christians” in America aren’t real Christians. Real Christians must be peacemakers according to what Jesus said in Matthew 5, quoted above.

Vincent James: “The left has replaced religion with diversity and climate change”

The religion of the left consists of Yoga, vegetarianism, extreme animal rights, socialism, open-door immigration, LGBT, climate change, and bashing Trump.

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“The left wing has replaced religiosity and religion with diversity and climate change.” – Vincent James @ 13:25

They joke about the truth so you don’t see it – Johnny Carson pedo joke?

This is heavy considering what we now know….

I never liked Ed McMahon’s laugh.

Skousen: “People don’t want to face the fact that we’re losing. All of Trump’s successes are just temporary. The deep state is so evil and powerful, a Satanic conspiracy…. You must prepare for the takedown.”

Skousen: “The deep state is in control of media, judges, about 75% of congress, and almost the entire White House”

“The deep state is in control of media, judges, about 75% of congress, and almost the entire White House, except Donal Trump and a few key advisors. That’s a pretty big stacked deck….” – Joel Skousen on The Alex Jones Show, 11/6/19

Joel Skousen uses DuckDuckGo instead of Google – and an ad blocker

Joel said on the Jeff Rense show, 11/6/19 that he uses DuckDuckGo now instead of Google, because it doesn’t censor.

I’ve also been using DuckDuckGo for most searches for about half a year. It also does not track what we search, very important!

DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information. 

Joel also uses an ad blocker, and for sites that don’t allow add blockers, he copies the entire page right after it opens, before they block it, and then reads it in a text program.

I’ve been using Adblock Plus, which helps greatly with ad intensive sites and YouTube.

Pilger’s film, ‘The Coming War On China’ shows how American aggression is viewed in the Pacific

Americans should watch this film to understand why so many view Americans as non-Christlike aggressors who only care about Americans. This is part of the real history of what we’ve done to others.

The film’s goal is to help people see America’s aggressions, including having almost 1,000 military bases worldwide, which Ron Paul so often talked about. Many Okinawans are currently outraged by our base there, and are trying to get it removed. Many of their women have been raped by GIs, etc..

This film is definitely one-sided, whitewashing China, whom many believe does have a world domination plan, and are gearing up to EMP and nuke US. I pulled this quote, which is absolutely not true:

1:00:25 “China’s objectives are modest, compared with their weight. They’re not trying to run the world.”

The film spends a lot of time showing the devastating effects of our brazen nuclear testing on the people in the Marshall Islands, who we treated as Guinea Pigs. Many died from cancer.

The adulterous bikini that blew off modest restraints was named after US blowing up Bikini Island. John Pilger explains:

15:05 “In 1946, the bikini swimsuit was launched to celebrate the nuclear explosions that have destroyed life on Bikini Island. … The bodies of the people of Bikini and other islands are the most irradiated in the world. All these women [in the photo] have had thyroid cancer.

A Conversation with John Pilger: “The bikini swimsuit was actually named after the explosions that devastated that island of Bikini”

Pilger @ 3:30: “The bikini swimsuit was actually named after the explosions that devastated that island of Bikini in the Marshall Islands.”

(vid) TalmudVision’s Fluzone High-Dose TV Commercial – Side Effects Admitted

Look at what Big Pharma has to openly admit in this ad, just a small sampling of the long list side effects in the product’s fact sheet!

And the visual manipulation:

Oh no…there’s a cougher on the elevator with Karen, hacking up a storm right over her shoulder. She looks into getting the Fluzone High-Dose Influenza Vaccine as soon as possible so all those little running noses don’t cause her stress anymore.

Watch here:

About Fluzone High-Dose TV Commercial, ‘Superior Protection’

Ron Paul: Bolivia Coup – Is Washington Pulling The Strings? – Bolivia has Lithium!

(vid) Mark Dice: ABC is Becoming ‘1984’! — Epstein, Robach, fake police line…

Another excellent ABC exposé! And I haven’t seen previously ABC’s fake footage shown at minute-6:30: a completely staged police line, taped-off area!

We really are approaching ‘1984.’

“The Myth of the Lone Vegas Gunman – Jake Morphonios at Red Pill Expo”

Related: Jake Morphonios’ Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Conclusions 11/12/19

After Jake took down his videos to save his YouTube channel, which is I think what happened, he hasn’t said anymore about Vegas, that I’ve seen, until last night. I was hoping he’d summarize what he thinks actually happened, but this presentation was mainly just an overview of what he already posted.

Megyn Kelly sits down with Ashley Bianco who was fired by CBS over Epstein

The real hero leaker is “still inside” ABC. Because of Project Veritas, MSM can’t trust their employees to hide their atrocities. Logos rising! 🙂

“Former ABC producer Ashley Bianco reveals the inside story to Megyn Kelly about the hot mic moment from anchor Amy Robach.”

Preview-Sacrificing Liberty: The True Story of the USS Liberty

In light of alleged conservative idols calling Israel’s massacre and attempted sinking of the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 a “conspiracy theory”, TruNews has decided to release an exclusive preview of the ground breaking documentary our producer Matt Skow has been working on for much of 2019. In this short teaser you will hear how America’s “closest ally” in the Middle East almost caused World War 3 and a “nuclear holocaust”, after torpedoing, machine-gunning, and napalming a clearly marked U.S. warship off the coast of Egypt. The full documentary-series is planned for release in Spring 2020.

TruNews’ U.S.S. Liberty film update w/ trailer: Matt Skow shot 25 interviews so far!

Today on TruNews… We…publish never before seen footage from the upcoming Flowing Streams documentary-series, “Sacrificing Liberty: The True Story of the USS Liberty.”  …

4:25 “It started with these four men [survivors] who came in. Then I just wanted to find out more and more. … I’ve been all over the world with this. I’ve shot 25 interviews. … I’ve travelled everywhere that has something that we want to uncover or a lead that’s brought us.” – Matt Skow

13:55 U.S.S. Liberty film trailer

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