Freedom from Alaska!

Month: December 2020 Page 3 of 6

Dr. John Campbell: Vitamin D deficiency in the UK — “This is huge, yet they’re saying ‘insufficient evidence!'” • US blacks dying 3 times more than whites! • Study used too-low baseline

Related: Study links Vitamin D deficiency to 54% higher SARS-CoV-2 positivity rate

The study used too low of a baseline. Deficiency percentages should be 1/3 – 1/2 times higher, he estimates.

12:45 “In America, it’s almost 3:1.” Three times more blacks die than whites!

“This is huge! Yet they’re saying ‘insufficient evidence!'”

We haven’t done everything we could have, ignoring D3.

Dr. Paul Thomas Targeted By Medical Board & Media After Landmark Vaccine Study — “‘Safe and Effective’ is a marketing slogan, not science”

“‘Safe and Effective’ is a marketing slogan, not science.”

“They usually choose a placebo that’s toxic, so that way when the massive symptoms in the vaccine group appear….”

30:00 Covid vaccine games and deceptions

His parents were missionaries.

“…another reason why they’re going to try to crucify me: I’m speaking out against something that is very, very precious to the people about to make TRILLIONS of dollars.”

Those who take the vaccine may get extremely sick in winter of 21-22. They skipped the animal trials, which has never been done before.

34:00 They’re going to give the control group the vaccine before we have any data of any use, because they say it’s unethical to leave them unvaccinated! “So we’ll never know. … It should be criminal.”

Number of office visits indicate the severity of the damage.

37:40 What he’s up against. Help fund his defense:

Freedom To Choose

40:40 Don’t take Tylenol. It’s horrible for your immune system.


Dr. Paul Thomas Targeted By Medical Board & Media After Landmark Vaccine Study – Interview


Recently a landmark study was conducted by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Paul Thomas. The study compared vaccinated children and unvaccinated children and was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health on November 22, 2020 after being peer reviewed.

Dr. Weiler, a research scientist and co-author of the study, was recently interviewed by Activist Post Contributor Spiro Skouras. In the interview, Weiler breaks down the data from the study which indicates children who were vaccinated showed a higher rate of medical office visits and experienced an elevated rate of medical symptoms ranging from Asthma and behavioral issues, to ADHD and Anemia.

In this report, Spiro interviews Dr. Paul Thomas, a prominent pediatrician in Portland Oregon who also co-authored the study and used 10+ years of data from his medical practice to conduct the study.

Shortly after the vaccinated versus unvaccinated study was published, five days in fact. The Oregon State Medical Board held an emergency meeting declaring that Dr. Paul was an immediate threat to his patients and the public and suspended his medical license.

In this must see interview, Dr. Paul addresses the accusations leveled against himself and his practice, in addition to breaking down in detail, the studies findings. Dr. Paul also weighs in on the CDC recommended vaccine schedule and the experimental Covid vaccine.

Show Notes:

Lin Wood: “Chief Justice John Roberts Is Corrupt and Should Resign Immediately” – Jeffrey Epstein private jet flight logs

“Chief Justice John Roberts Is Corrupt and Should Resign Immediately” – Attorney Lin Wood GOES SCORCHED EARTH on SCOTUS Chief Justice

This may be most important tweet of my life. Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately. Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately. They are “anti-Trumpers” dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of @realDonaldTrump re-election.
I have long had questions about “the John Roberts” on Jeffrey Epstein private jet flight logs. I suspected it was our Chief Justice. MSM has shown no interest in investigating issue to find TRUTH. America is now entitled to know the answer. Every lie will be revealed. Pray.


US Money Supply Was Up 37 Percent in November

The central bank continues to engage in a wide variety of unprecedented efforts to “stimulate” the economy and provide income to…

by Ryan McMaken of Mises Institute


JP Sears: My Apology To Facebook

Here’s my apology video to Facebook after they threatened to ban me for violating their community guidelines. With censorship, fact checkers, and the threat to be deplatformed, I now realize that speaking truth and empowering people is a direct violation of their community guidelines. I couldn’t be more sorry.”

Common Drugs that Deplete Vitamin D: Antidepressants, Antibiotics, Cholesterol Blockers, etc.! — “The reason you would need these medications in the first place is you’re vitamin D deficient”

“I just found it interesting is that the reason you would need these medications in the first place is you’re vitamin D deficient. The problem is that when you take them you create a vitamin D deficiency. So it’s TOTALLY LOGICAL.”

. . DATA:…

Are you taking one of these common drugs that deplete vitamin D? Check this out.

Drugs that deplete vitamin D:

1. Corticosteroids

These are typically used as an anti-inflammatory. But, vitamin D is actually one of the best anti-inflammatories.

2. Antibiotics

Certain antibiotics block your absorption of vitamin D. Without vitamin D you could end up with leaky gut, increasing the chances of autoimmune diseases, allergies, and more.

3. SSRIs

Antidepressants could block vitamin D. But, vitamin D could have therapeutic benefits for depression.

4. Phenobarbital

This is used as an anti-anxiety medication and is also used for seizures. Vitamin D could help reduce stress and anxiety and could even reduce the risk of seizures.

5. Dilantin

Dilantin is used for seizures, but it blocks vitamin D.

6. Cholestyramine

This is a medication that blocks bile and cholesterol. But, cholesterol is needed to make vitamin D.

7. Ulcer medications

A big cause of ulcers is the microbe H.pylori. There is some research that shows that vitamin D could help eradicate H.pylori.

AwakenWithJP: Tesla – Pretend to Save the Environment While Looking Rich

2 Million views! And JP includes the key facts at the end!

Dr. Larry Palevsky – The truth about vaccines – live statement CTN 02/09/2020


Dr. Larry Palevsky a pediatrician at North Wellness Centre states vaccines have not been properly tested and the evidence shows vaccines are causing inflammation in children, and those who are vaccinated are less healthy.

SHORT SEGMENT, explaining why aluminum in vaccines causes so much havock:

Song: F@uci the Con-Man

Masks Manufacturing Conformity: We Are Now The Subjects of a Giant Asch Experiment!!!


AMA Lied – How Many Died? – Approves Hydroxychloroquine Just Before Election

AMA Lied – How Many Died?

The American Medical Association has been adamantly against hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic for COVID for the past year. Just a few days before the presidential election they reversed course, reversing their opposition. Did they suddenly realize HCQ might have benefit in certain patient groups or were they lying for the past year? How many individuals died as a result of being denied potential lifesaving treatment?

The AMA is synonymous with organized medicine, despite myriad specialty societies that may better represent the needs of its member physicians. In fact, only 12 percent of practicing physicians belong to the AMA due to concerns that the AMA is more interested in its own finances and politics than the concerns of doctors.

When the AMA talks, media and the public listen, due to their perceived clout. Last spring, the AMA issued a statement critical of hydroxychloroquine as it was being used off-label in the treatment of COVID, not FDA-approved for this purpose with supposed “dangerous side effects.”

Quietly at the end of October, the AMA issued a new statement, conveniently overlooked by the media, giving the green light to doctors prescribing HCQ to their COVID patients.

RESOLVED, that our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in the disease course.

An updated statement clarifying our support for a physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA-approved medication for off label use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the earliest stage of COVID-19.

What changed since last spring? How many COVID deaths could have been prevented if doctors, using their professional and clinical judgement, could have prescribed HCQ without fear of ostracization or loss of their jobs?


Dr. Mercola: COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens


  • Experts are now coming forward in growing numbers denouncing mass PCR testing as foolhardy and nonsensical if not outright criminal
  • PCR tests cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive (noninfectious) viral particles and therefore cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. They also cannot confirm that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms as the test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens
  • The tests have exceptionally high false result rates. The higher the cycle threshold (CT) — i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles — the greater the chance of a false positive. Beyond 34 cycles, your chance of a positive PCR test being a true positive shrinks to zero
  • Florida recently became the first state to require all labs in the state to report the CT used for their PCR tests
  • The SARS-CoV-2 PCR test was developed based on a genetic sequence published by Chinese scientists, not the viral isolate. Missing genetic code was simply made up


Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church took $4.4M PPP *forgivable* loan

When someone smiles all the time, watch out!


Tennessee Nurse Manager Passes Out on Camera After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine


New Study Unintentionally Admits Masks Make it Significantly Harder to Breathe

Study: Wearing a used mask could be worse than no mask – “Significantly slows down” airflow

Note: Covid-19 particles are 0.1 microns (micrometers).

– –

Wearing a used mask could be worse than no mask amid COVID-19: study

December 16, 2020

A new three-layer surgical mask is 65 percent efficient in filtering particles in the air — but when used, that number drops to 25 percent, according to the study published Tuesday in the Physics of Fluids.

Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and California Baptist University say that masks slow down airflow, making people more susceptible to breathing in particles — and a dirty face mask can’t effectively filter out the tiniest of droplets.

“It is natural to think that wearing a mask, no matter new or old, should always be better than nothing,” said author Jinxiang Xi.

“Our results show that this belief is only true for particles larger than 5 micrometers, but not for fine particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers.”…

They found that wearing a mask “significantly slows down” airflow, reducing a mask’s efficacy and making a person more susceptible to inhaling aerosols into the nose — where SARS-CoV-2 likes to lurk.…

The pleats of a face mask also significantly affect airflow patterns and their efficacy changes with more use, the researchers found.

Entire Article

Ben Swann: Mysterious Death of Vaccine Safety Advocate Brandy Vaughn, + C0VlD Censorship with Dr. Scott Jensen

Awaken With JP: How To Raise Weak Children During Lockdowns

Another home run from JP!

“Avoid exposing your children to you thinking for yourself. Instead, let them watch you watch the news, and then watch you repeat what you watched on the news as if it’s your own thinking. This will teach your children to not think for themselves, which will empower them to grow up unable to be themselves.”

“Teach your kids to run to the other side of the street when someone’s walking by without a mask. If you teach your kids to be too scared to walk by a person on the sidewalk then just imagine all the things they’ll be too scared to do when they grow up, because of you.”

Rand Paul: “This election really was stolen”

Two videos that Rand posted on 12/16/20.

Rand says the election was stolen in both videos.

Senator Paul on the Election and Hunter Biden – Dec. 16, 2020

NYC Covid Whistleblower Nurse Erin Olszewski w/ Alex Jones — “They’re refusing the alternative treatments. They’re killing them”

Nurses were being payed $10,000 per week, which Erin sees as hush money.

Gov. Cuomo banned Hydroxychloroquine, which her Florida hospital successfully used. They didn’t use high-dose vitamin C, vitamin D, and Quercetin. Government is interfering.

Almost every patient died on the ventilators, which the hospitals were paid $39,000 per.

“They’re refusing the alternative treatments. They’re killing them.”

“They’re creating the problem, and then they’re going to come around and act like we should thank them for finding the ‘solution.'”


Begins at 4:50

NYC Covid Whistleblower Nurse Erin Olszewski w/ David Knight — Ventilators were killing 99% of the patients!

Ventilators were “killing 99% of the patients.”


Starts at 22:30

NYC Covid Whistleblower Nurse Erin Olszewski w/ Owen Shroyer

“A liability-free product shouldn’t be mandated at all.”

“Nurses were getting paid $10,000 a week, and some doctors were getting paid $50,000 a week.”


Starts at 24:20

Liberals yell, cuss and protest; that’s fine. Conservatives have passion, and they get ARRESTED.

Anchorage Assembly Arresting Conservatives?

JP: Socialist Media – The New Rules — “Free speech is actually pretty dangerous. It can lead to things like freedom, fair elections and empowerment. So we’ve transformed how we run social media….”

“Free speech is actually pretty dangerous. It can lead to things like freedom, fair elections and empowerment. So we’ve transformed how we run social media….”

Doctor pleads for review of Ivermectin during Covid Senate hearing – “If you take it you will not get sick”

“If you take it, you will not get sick.”


Government trained OSHA mask experts Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan join Del in-studio to break down vital info on masks, PPE, and their role in #Covid19 prevention. Every adult on this planet wearing a mask needs to hear this riveting discussion.

The Highwire w/ Del Bigtree Video

Alaska Watchman: 2020 exposed a festering disease in America — Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – de Tocqueville

2020 exposed a festering disease in America

This past winter the world began to change before our very eyes as the specter of an unknown global pandemic struck fear into the hearts of men. Lockdowns and closures – unthinkable in modern America – reshaped our lives overnight.


The events of this past year exposed a festering disease which has long-been weakening our body politic to the point that we now struggle to summon the necessary strength to restore our health. Things were not going well before 2020, but much of the country was oblivious.

One hundred and ninety years ago, a French writer sailed across the Atlantic to try and understand this bold new experiment called America. Alexis de Tocqueville wanted to see what sort of people could found and sustain a nation which was unlike any other in the history of the world.

He was not primarily interested in saving souls or defending any one particular church or denomination. But he, like our founding fathers, noted one fundamental reality about this new form of representative democracy. It would collapse, he said, if the people abandoned their Christian faith.

Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – the common set of values that justified the equality of all mankind under God. It provided a moral framework that protected individual liberties, while instilling a sense of moral duty to our fellow man. Without this foundation, Tocqueville predicted that a secular representative democracy would create citizens who were hyper individualist, preoccupied with material gain and willing to trample the Natural moral laws of the universe if they could only secure a tyrannical majority. Might would become right in the absence of a higher authority.

America’s religious institutions have been weakening for several generations now. Church attendance is falling, and many younger Americans know next to nothing about Christianity. We can no longer afford to neglect our churches and our prayers. Our children must be forged in faith and a deep love for God whose commands transcend all state and earthly powers.

Without this we cannot possibly save our souls, let alone the heart of this great nation.


Joel Skousen – 2020 Election Myths

Joel Skousen – Alex Jones Privately Admits Steve Pieczenik Is a Fraud


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