Freedom from Alaska!

Month: December 2020 Page 5 of 6

Tucker: The Grave China Threat To America And The Eric Swalwell Honey Trap

Swalwell suggests Trump is behind blockbuster Axios report

Swalwell was previously outspoken with claims about the Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 election

Rep. Eric Swalwell suggested Tuesday that President Trump was behind Axios’ bombshell report revealing that he was one of several politicians who was entangled with someone suspected to be a Chinese spy.

Axios reported on Monday that a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang targeted up-and-coming local politicians, including Swalwell, D-Calif.

Fang reportedly took part in fundraising for Swalwell’s 2014 reelection campaign although she did not make donations nor was there evidence of illegal contributions.

According to Axios, investigators became so alarmed by Fang’s behavior and activities that they alerted Swalwell in 2015 to their concerns, and gave him a “defensive briefing.” Swalwell then cut off all ties with Fang and has not been accused of any wrongdoing, according to an official who spoke to the outlet.


Swalwell, who was one of the most outspoken lawmakers who pushed the Russia collusion narrative since Trump took office, is now hinting that the president was behind Axios’ explosive reporting during an interview with Politico.


Tucker: Experts finally admit they were wrong from the beginning — calls out Dr. Fauci and others for misleading the public on school closures

5 Spices That Elevate Bulletproof Coffee

1/4-1/2 tsp. cinnamon [blood sugar]

1/4-1/2 tsp. cayenne [metabolism, increases brown fat]

Himalayan salt to taste [curves sweet cravings, adrenal help]

1/4-1/2 tsp. turmeric [stimulates production of bile, converts ALA to DHA]

black pepper [helps liver process the above]

1/4 tsp. nutmeg / pumpkin pie spice

Top Pathologist Claims COVID-19 Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public” — “Utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians!”

He also mentioned Vitamin D!: “Give them all 3-5,000 IU of vitamin D every day, which has been shown to radically reduce the likelihood of infection.”

Top Pathologist Claims COVID-19 Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public”

Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.

Did Scientists In Israel Prove That Wearing A Mask Shortens Your Life??

The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

35,000 doctors declare lockdown harmful to public health – The Great Barrington Declaration

Dominion Executive: Trump is not going to win. I made f***ing sure of that.

Survey: Americans seem to have lost common sense, believing 9% of people die from covid. People would be dropping like flies! They believe the white coats without any analysis

People have lost touch with reality. Something is seriously wrong with the psyche of many Americans!

– –

John Hinderaker: A survey shows that the average person thinks 9% of people have died from covid. If that were to be true, we would all personally know many who have died from covid, which isn’t true. In reality, only a tiny fraction of 1% have died from covid:

“I mentioned there is this survey in which the average answer that Americans gave to ‘what percentage of our population has died from covid,’ the average answer is 9%. If 9% of the people in this country died from covid, your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, people who go to your church, they would all be dropping like flies.

How a person can simultaneously say ‘I don’t know anybody who’s died from Covid…,’ but then when asked that question, ‘I think 9% of the population has died,’ I don’t know how anybody could possibly believe that.

There used to be such a thing as common sense, based upon a person’s own experience. If somebody came along and tried to sell a line of B.S., the average person would test that proposition against his experience and his observation and he might say ‘I don’t think so. That’s not the way I see it. That hasn’t been my experience.’ It seems as if that’s just gone. Now it’s the guys in the white coats, headlines, something we heard on cable news. And there are many people who have seemed to obtain this ability to internalize those things without checking it against their own common sense, which I think if very dangerous.”

From minute-1:08:35: The Coronavirus and the Constitution | Constitution Day Celebration Panel

The Coronavirus and the Constitution | Constitution Day Celebration Panel

Disappointedly, the Constitution isn’t discussed much at all, but interesting points made, especially this quote!:

1:08:35 John Hinderaker: A survey shows that the average person thinks 9% of people have died from covid. If that were to be true, we would all personally know many who have died from covid, which isn’t true. In reality, only a tiny fraction of 1% have died from covid:

“I mentioned there is this survey in which the average answer that Americans gave to ‘what percentage of our population has died from covid,’ the average answer is 9%. If 9% of the people in this country died from covid, your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, people who go to your church, they would all be dropping like flies.

How a person can simultaneously say ‘I don’t know anybody who’s died from Covid…,’ but then when asked that question, ‘I think 9% of the population has died,’ I don’t know how anybody could possibly believe that.

There used to be such a thing as common sense, based upon a person’s own experience. If somebody came along and tried to sell a line of B.S., the average person would test that proposition against his experience and his observation and he might say ‘I don’t think so. That’s not the way I see it. That hasn’t been my experience.’ It seems as if that’s just gone. Now it’s the guys in the white coats, headlines, something we heard on cable news. And there are many people who have seemed to obtain this ability to internalize those things without checking it against their own common sense, which I think if very dangerous.”

Panel: “The Coronavirus and the Constitution”
Chairman: Ronald J. Pestritto

“Is Freedom of Assembly Dead?”
Robert Barnes | Barnes Law, LLP

“The Failure of Expertise”
Alex Berenson | Author and Journalist

“The Politics of the Coronavirus”
John Hinderaker | Powerline

New Study Claims Vaccinated Children Appear to be “Significantly Less Healthy” than Unvaccinated

A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health has, according to the authors, discovered that vaccinated children require far more healthcare than unvaccinated children.


FDA announces 2 deaths of Pfizer vaccine trial participants from “serious adverse events”


COVID-19: US FDA Lists 27 Expected Adverse Reactions to New Vaccines, Including Death


All-Remote Learning Is Failing Many Students All Across The Country: These Children Are Struggling


Study: Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread Covid-19!

This study finds that asymptomatic (tests positive but feels no symptoms) spread is *Not* a Significant Source of the Coronavirus19 Pandemic.

Published: 20 November 2020

Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China

All close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatic positive cases detected in this study were unlikely to be infectious.


Palmer, Alaska mask mandate defeated after overwhelming public outcry

Palmer mask mandate defeated after overwhelming public outcry

Covid Truth Satire from JP: Proof That Lockdowns Are Working!

Jupiter and Saturn Will Align to Create the First “Christmas Star” in Nearly 800 Years


Mask Exemption Legal Notice Printable Form


In Bizarre Interview, Biden Jokes He Would ‘Fake Illness And Resign’ Over Disagreement


What good do the masks do, really? By Ted Noel, MD

What good do the masks do, really?

We are seeing jurisdictions everywhere imposing mask bans at a rate that approaches the number of bars being threatened with liquor license revocation for failing to enforce social distancing.  If that sentence seems complicated, then you are beginning to appreciate just how confusing all the arguments are about face coverings.  After all, we have N95s, surgical masks, homemade cloth masks (enjoy the video), and the classic train robber bandana.  Just for good measure, as I wore my cup-style dust mask on my last pass through Costco, I saw staff members wearing required face coverings that came from lathe section at Woodcraft.

Why Masks Don’t Work – “Careful Consideration Of Our Common Concerns” – Dr. Ted Noel

Notice how surgical masks, especially, shoot aerosols out the sides, directly at passengers on airplanes, seated beside the wearer.

Dr. Chris Martinson Oct. 2020: Vitamin D Reduces Mortality Risk by 89% — Big Pharma nefariously silent!

“There’s no good explanation why we don’t have a comprehensive, international vitamin D campaign going on right now.”


After a week’s break, we’re back!  This time with a truly puzzling bit of information.

Vitamin D has now been shown in study after study to cut Covid mortality in the elderly by a massive amount – up to an 89% reduction in deaths.

This data has been steadily accumulating for months.  Vitamin D has been known to be a powerful immunomodulator for decades.  It’s also known to be extremely safe…almost ridiculously safe.

Yet the UK, US and France (among other nations) neither advocate for Vitamin D supplementation in their general populations as a guard against Covid-19, nor do their current treatment protocols include it.

I have to ask:  WTF?  Seriously, what’s going on here?  Whatever it is, it’s not based on science, nor is it concerned with patient health or survival.

So if you are a doctor there’s absolutely no reason not to be administering a large Vitamin D bolus to every patient upon check-in at the hospital.  To every person out there, as a preventative for both Covid and other viral illnesses, you really should be taking Vitamin D.

Dr. Chris Martinson: Best Covid Treatment To Date By Far – $20 Ivermectin!


Censored! Most Recent Covid Video Banned By YouTube

– –

Ivermectin is off-patent generic, available since 1981, so it’s only $20, compared to $3,000 Remdesivir that doesn’t work, but Big Pharma has pushed hard (because it’s $3,000, and they’re “love of money” driven). King Fauci won’t even mention Ivermectin.

23:30 Recommended treatment protocol


The data is 100% in agreement:  All studies show a clinical benefit for use of Ivermectin.  It works as a pre-exposure prophylaxis, post exposure prophylaxis, and when given to both early and late hospitalized patients.

Early, late, pre and post!  100% of the time it works every time! [play on Anchorman quote there]

As importantly, one study shows a profound improvement in the symptoms for the “long haul” Covid sufferers, for which no other treatments seem to have worked.

If you think you’ve been exposed, or have been exposed, or work in a high risk situation, or you have Covid symptoms, or you are a long haul sufferers, the data is clear: take Ivermectin immediately.

The sooner the better.  As is always true of an antiviral.  Or antibiotic.  That should be crystal clear to everyone except the designers of the tragic RECOVERY trial in the UK, and various W.H.O. study designers.  They seem to be a bit dense on the topic for *cough$$$*cough some unknown reason$.

If your health provider won’t provide Ivermectin, then go elsewhere.  You have a quack, or a slow learner on your hands, not an up-to-date doc.


Jim Rogers: Legendary Investor Warns Of Great Depression 2.0

Seeing that the world is buried under an unprecedented mountain of debt that is requiring more and more central planner intervention to keep from imploding on itself, Jim says history is clear on what happens next.

A clearing of the debt either via massive default, or destruction of the currency it’s denominated in.

He looks into the future and sees a terrible reckoning ahead; one he predicts will be “the worst economic crisis of my lifetime” — and Jim is 78 years old.

So where should investors look to preserve the purchasing power of their wealth against what’s coming?

Jim highly recommends precious metals and other commodities as an important part of the solution. As an overall index, commodities are the cheapest they’ve ever been vs the general stock market in over half a century.

Like many of the previous guest experts on our program, Jim maintains the near-term environment will be one of the most challenging times to invest in our lives.

Which is why he’s emphatic that now, more than ever, is the time to partner with a financial advisor who understands the risks in play, can craft an appropriate portfolio strategy for you given your needs, and apply sound risk management protection where appropriate.

Tested ‘Positive’ For COVID-19? Be Sure To Ask This Question — Governments are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high, too high

Basically, they’re lying with the tests by using way too many cycles, and they’re using their bogus “case” numbers for lockdowns and mask mandates. God says all liars will end up in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur (Rev. 21:5-8).

Good video in the article! “The W.H.O.’s test standard with a CT of 45 is beyond garbage.”

Dr. Chris Martinson:

Positive Covid Test? Ask This Question!!

Dec 1, 2020

Peak Prosperity

The lockdowns are based on surging “cases” which are based on positive PCR test results.

However, what exactly is a positive PCR test result?  What does it mean?

I’ll answer that and give you the answer to the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result.  “What’s the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?”

Sounds wonky but it’s actually really important to understand.  A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus.  A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load.  Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever.

The problem?  Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high.  Too high. 

(vid) JP: The Elitists Who Control You — “Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there?” “…it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people” “We also tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise”

JP is spot on — comedic satire at its best!

Two comments:

When a comedian’s jokes are so true that laughing is almost impossible.

I’m going to miss JP when Google finds out that he’s not actually kidding.

I transcribed key quotes:

“Whoever controls the media controls the population. And that’s us. We’re the elite. We control the media, and therefore, we control you.”

“That’s why we make up rules to ‘protect people.’ They clearly don’t, because they’re not designed to protect people. They’re engineered to give us control over people.”

“Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there, but they’re doing it anyway? That’s how much control we have over them. It’s intoxicating!”

“Some say it’s kind of like playing God…. It is playing God. In fact, it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people….”

“Are the masses of people scared of the virus or what the virus has done? No, even though they think they are. They’re scared of what we’ve told them the virus is, what it has done, and what it will do. Essentially, we want to keep you scared 24/7, even while you sleep. So again, why do we want you scared? So we can control you, because we love control, not you.”

“Getting people to get injected with something is controlling. … But getting people to get injected with something that they don’t want to get injected with is so much more controlling. And that’s what we’re kind of doing here.”

“We also strengthen the venom of control circulating in people by getting them to do what they know is harmful to them. Like we tell people ‘sunlight kills the virus, so stay inside.’ And when they submit to that, even though they know what they’re submitting to doesn’t make any sense and is harmful to them, they’re betraying themselves and becoming more loyal to us, which means we have more control over them than they do. And that’s a win. And in the same vein, we also like to tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise.”

“Another strategy that helps volumize the amount of control we have over people is that we prey on the most scared people to get them to police the unscared people. Ever see someone yelling at someone else for not wearing a mask. … We’re controlling them to control you. It’s control squared.

I think it was Einstein who had the breakthrough equation E = MC2. The ‘C’ stands for control. The ‘M’ is for masses, and the ‘E’ is for elite. Elite = Masses Controlled squared, simple math.”

“Will a heroin addict ever feel like they have enough heroin? Probably not. Will we ever feel like we have enough control over you? Probably not. So we’ll gladly continue taking more control if you keep letting us.”

The Destruction of Jerusalem: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul

A friend of mine, Andrew Kelly posted this on Facebook saying:

This is the center piece of history which the contemporary church refuses to grasp let alone teach.


I believe I am telling the truth.

Ones world view must incorporate this defining event of which Jesus predicted. Once understood it changes history, our world view, exposes the lies we have been taught and reveals the obvious war of vengeance between cursed antichrist Jew and ‘Roman’.

Towards the end of this video you will hear stunning words describing other worldly events, heavenly phenomena of other dimensions which were recorded during this centerpiece of History which is the true template of which humanity should interpret, investigate, and intertwine all other events in order to recognize the ‘every single time’ characters and what should be obvious to a spiritually minded truther.

This will deeply encourage the Christian and cause others to think more deeply than they ever have. …

I commented:

Very interesting! I never thought of a second departure of God, for God left the Holy of Holies in the temple when Jesus died on the cross and the veil was rent. And then he sent the Holy Spirit.

I wonder what the end of America will look like, the stories that US citizens who survived will tell, after we get EMPd and nuked by Russia and China, as we’re focused on the coming extreme civil unrest. What goes around comes around.

Skousen: Trump has fallen into Israel’s trap to bomb Iran

World Affairs Brief, December 4, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Iran Strike Coming:

Israel assassinated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, Iran’s top nuclear scientist with remote controlled bombs and machine guns. The LA Times described the sophisticated operation. Iran has threatened to retaliate, knowing that this is just what Israel and the US neocons want. Trump has fallen into their trap by ordering the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier group to Iranian waters, making it the second task force in the area. That is a sure sign war is coming with Iran soon, and it is not going to be a walk in the park like other Middle East interventions. Iran has thousands of sophisticated missiles and armaments.


Netanyahu’s 7 Nuclear Deceptions — 1992: IRAN nuclear “within three to five years” • 1995: “three to five years” • 1996: “time is running out” • 2009: “probably one or two years away” / “has the capability now” • 2012: “within a year” || 2002: IRAQ now operating “centrifuges the size of washing machines”

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East — DISSOLUTION of all existing Arab states: Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan & Libya — USING US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO

Our post-9/11 were/are all immoral and reverse-Christian, planned by the globalists before 9/11 to regime-change Israel’s neighbors for The Greater Israel Project. Some have been carried out covertly through proxies. Russia stopped Syria’s regime change, Israel and the US using ISIS, but they’re greatly weakened by what we did there:

(vid) General Wesley Clark was told in 2001 the US will ‘take down’ 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran

NASDAQ To Require One Woman And One Minority Or LGBTQ On Company Boards

World Affairs Brief, December 4, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

NASDAQ To Require One Woman And One Minority Or LGBTQ On Company Boards: The illiberals are about to get very aggressive about pushing affirmative action, including gays and transgenders. documents the new mandates for all companies that want to be listed on the NASDAQ. Expect the DowJones to follow.

Skousen: Vaccine Mandate Coming Via Negative Incentives — Be prepared to resist

World Affairs Brief, December 4, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Vaccine Mandate Coming Via Negative Incentives

The Brits have been told that if they want their freedom back, they will have to take the vaccine! Here in American, except for a few hardcore states like Massachusetts, few states have declared that they are going to mandate that everyone take it—especially since it is now going to be in multiple doses.

The reason for that is to evade having so many people show up with dangerous side effects. By cutting the dose by one-half or a fourth, the vaccine makers win two ways: 1) There are fewer short term side effects to deter the public from rejecting it (the long-term dangers will still be there) and 2) they make more money by giving multiple doses.

But polls show that almost half of Americans are resistant to taking this rush-to-market vaccine, so schemers are working overtime to figure out ways to pressure you into taking it without an obvious mandate from the state. They are even planning on bribing people by making the next stimulus payment contingent upon taking the vaccine.

Rand Paul on Covid Restrictions: “Cloth masks don’t work; more theater than actual benefit”

“When mask mandates were instituted in many states and countries, the incidents of infection continued to rise, if not explode. ” “Cloth masks don’t work. … The cloth mask is more theater than actual benefit.”

Paul stood up to Fauci, who now finally admits children should be in schools.

“The death rate in New York is almost zero. … They have enough immunity.”

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