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Category: Police State Page 14 of 26

Joel Skousen: Messed Up LA Police Department — "These recording clearly show that the fire wasn’t just an accidental effect of the tear gas"

World Affairs Brief, February 15, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
State of the Union–the Art of Lying
Rubio Rebuttal–Political Grandstanding
Messed Up LA Police Department
Take Down of Edgar Steel
US Attorney General Argues Against Homeschooling
Military Exercises in Urban Areas
Rampant Inflation in Latin America
There’s more to this story than the standard media line about a police officer gone rogue: “Former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner, 33, was wanted in a killing spree targeting law enforcement officers that left four people dead. A man matching his description was surrounded in the San Bernardino National Forest on Tuesday.”
Reuters and other mainstream media omitted a lot when they mildly said, “Police provided security details to over 50 LAPD officers and their families who were believed to be threatened by Dorner, when he named specific enemies in his rambling manifesto.”
In fact, trigger happy police went berserk protecting their own. Officers protecting the houses of Torrance police officers, opened fired without provocation on two women delivering newspapers. The police had been given the wrong description of the vehicle and wounded the two women and riddled the truck with bullets. Another driver was injured when a police cruiser crashed into him and the officer jumped out and opened fire on the suspected truck.
“But the pickups were different makes and colors. And Perdue, the victim, looks nothing like Dorner: He’s several inches shorter and about a hundred pounds lighter. And Perdue is white; Dorner is black.”
“I don’t want to use the word buffoonery but it really is unbridled police lawlessness,” said Robert Sheahen, Perdue’s attorney. “These people need training and they need restraint.” But the courts almost always side with the police against citizens. The taxpayers will have to foot the bill again for over-aggressive cops, who will get off with barely a reprimand.
So what ticked off this cop to turn against the department and go on a rampage? Reuters provides some clues: “Dorner lost his job with the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008 after a police board of inquiry found he had lied in accusing a training officer of using excessive force against a homeless man.” The board of inquiry is internal to police and, like the courts, tends to protect their own against whistleblowers like Dorner.
The LAPD has a long history of thuggishness and abuse, which were highlighted in the Rodney King affair and the LA riots. Trigger-happy cops shooting unarmed vehicles during this affair proved that things are worse than ever.
This saga begins with the fact that Dorner felt he was unjustly fired for blowing the whistle on another officer. Dorner obviously had severe control problems himself to go on the rampage, but there was likely wrongdoing on both sides. The real issue (that should have appeared during his hearing) is the culture of excessive force and lack of restraint by officers in big metropolitan police departments and nowhere is this lack of restraint more obvious than in the LAPD and how they reacted to this threat.
“Last Wednesday, Dorner was named as the prime suspect in a double slaying that occurred the weekend before… Police say he killed a university security officer and his fiancée, the 28-year-old daughter of a retired LAPD captain who represented Dorner in disciplinary action that led to his termination.”
I don’t know if Dorner was telling the truth about the specific case brought against him but given the quantity of stories arising in the news about police abuse I’m inclined to think it’s true, but we’ll never know now. While chief Beck claims he will reopen the case on Dorner’s dismissal, you can bet it would only be to confirm the official story against Dorner.
What is particularly suspicious is the way in which Dorner was killed. Like the Waco fiasco where tear gas ignited a burning inferno ending a siege against the men, women and children of the Branch Davidians (and a massive cover-up of government intrigue and wrongdoing), Dorner too was burned up in a fire at a cabin in Big Bear, Ca where he had fled after a running gun battle with Fish and Wildlife police. His death ensured that he won’t ever be allowed to tell his side of this sordid tale.
Reuters’ headline said “Tear gas may have inflamed cabin where fugitive ex-LA cop believed dead.” and “Fugitive cop believed killed in fire after shootout.” Naturally, the Sheriff in charge of the operations denies any intent to burn him out. “We did not intentionally burn down that cabin to get Mr. Dorner out,” said San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon.
However, “Los Angeles-based CBS television affiliate, KCAL, and CNN, have broadcast an audio recording of what sounds like police radio chatter during the confrontation at the lodging. On the tape, voices purported to be officers shout, ‘get the gas, burn it down.’” At another point the recordings of the chatter over the police scanner includes police discussing “the plan with the burners.”
“Burners” is a term used to describe tear gas partly because they are known to cause fires, but these recording clearly show that the fire wasn’t just an accidental effect of the tear gas. Later over the scanner an officer says “The burners are deployed, and we have a fire.”
As reports, “Police also made no attempt to extinguish the fire once it started despite having fire trucks nearby, again indicating that they wanted to burn Dorner alive. Photos of the cabin taken after the incident show the building burned completely to the ground.” –just like Waco.
It’s also worth noting that the police departments shut down scanner communication after the fire started and ordered tweets and live updates from newscasters to stop—presumably to stop Dorner from getting updates from the newscasts. By this point, however, it was too late for that information to help Dorner, it appears only to help cover-up the actions of the police department. Expect these kinds of news blackouts to be called earlier and more often during standoffs.

[videos] Police Ludicrously Claim Dorner Cabin Fire Was Not Intentional

In reality, audio recorded from online police scanners, before they were disabled, contains innumerable examples of police discussing a plan to intentionally “burn down” the cabin before the CS gas was thrown in.

Shortly after the first shootout with Dorner, local news channel KCAL broadcast audio during which police are heard saying, “Fucking burn this motherfucker,” and “burn that fucking house down.”

In another audio clip broadcast by CBS Los Angeles, police are heard saying, “get the gas, burn it down,” clearly indicating cops knew use of CS gas would set the cabin on fire.

Separate audio includes police discussing “the plan with the burners.” “The burners are deployed, and we have a fire,” says one officer, clearly indicating that the incendiary CS gas was thrown into the cabin in order to set it on fire deliberately.

Article with Videos Here

[audio] Mark Dice: Portland City Buses Have Microphones Built-in and Record Your Conversations

[youtube=]New City Buses Have Microphones Built-in and Record Your Conversations

Mark Dice

Published on Feb 13, 2013

The first new fleet of city buses have microphones built into them to record passengers’ conversations.
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Jesse Jackson pushes new 'Occupy' plan: Have Homeland Security occupy Chicago with armed TSA agents — But how did the situation in Chicago get so bad in the first place? The city's leaders disarmed all law-abiding citizens by passing outrageous gun control laws!

From: Natural News

Jesse Jackson pushes new ‘Occupy’ plan: Have Homeland Security occupy Chicago with armed TSA agents

(NaturalNews) Don’t say we didn’t warn ya, but now the long-anticipated plan for armed TSA agents to patrol U.S. cities has been invoked by none other than Jesse Jackson. Today he called on President Obama to unleash “Homeland Security” on the streets of Chicago, a city racked by murders and violence even though it has the strictest gun laws in the country. The only group within DHS that has the manpower to “occupy” a U.S. city is the TSA, a widely-hated government agency which has already begun running roadside checkpoints across the country.

Jackson’s call is essentially a demand that DHS send in armed agents (TSA with guns) because the situation is so bad in Chicago that “something must be done.”

But how did the situation in Chicago get so bad in the first place? The city’s leaders disarmed all law-abiding citizens by passing outrageous gun control laws that gave criminals the upper hand. By definition, criminals don’t follow gun laws, so they remain armed and more confident than ever. Police are outgunned and citizens are outgunned, and the result is that Chicago has the highest murder rate of any city in the world. (This is called cause and effect.)

Entire Article Here

[video] 80 minutes with Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow: The Army's new "litmus test" for military leaders – 'Will You Fire on American Citizens?

Garrow mentions when the church in Acts held everything in common at 1 hour 14 minutes, and how this differs from socialism[youtube=]Obama Asks Top Brass: Will You Fire on American Citizens?


Published on Jan 30, 2013

On today’s show, Alex welcomes Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Jim Garrow to break down his information regarding the Army’s new “litmus test” for military leaders.

(audio) BOMBSHELL: Ex-CIA? Agent, Jim Garrow Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed
(video) Ex-CIA? Jim Garrow: Breitbart and Tom Clancy Killed with Poison
(video) Jim Garrow: Obama asked military leader ‘at the highest rank’ – Will you fire on American Citizens? | Why China wants Americans disarmed
(video) Shocking Interview Obama Does Not Want You to See: 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow told by top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens! | China’s agenda for U.S.
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens” — “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. Those who will not are being removed.”

[video] Brazen Military Drills to Tour America in 2013 — Residents not warned, think it's real — Conditioning for the Police State

[youtube=]Brazen Military Drills to Tour America in 2013


Published on Jan 31, 2013

Following brazen military drills in Miami and Houston, police in Illinois plan an active shooter scenario in a suburban Chicago school today.

Students will be in classrooms at the Cary-Grove High School when police fire blanks in the school hallway “in an effort to provide our teachers and students some familiarity with the sound of gunfire,” according to principal Jay Sargeant, CBS Chicago reported on Tuesday.

“From the school’s request, they want to let the students know what the sound of gunshot might be, should that occur in their school,” Cary Police Chief Steven Casstevens added.

According to the school, parents were informed of the drill via email. Parent Kassy Pinter told CBS Chicago she did not receive the email.

Many parents believe the “code red” drill is inappropriate and will frighten children. “If you need to run a drill, you run a drill,” parent Sharon Miller told a local radio station. “They run fire drills all the time, but they don’t run up and down the hallway with a flamethrower,” she said in response to the plan by police to fire blanks in the school hallway.…

[3-minute video] Unclassified Argus Drone Can Watch Entire City and Zoom in on Candy Wrapper from 3 Miles up

[youtube=]Unclassified Argus Drone Can Watch Entire City, and Zoom in on Candy Wrapper from 3 Miles up

Published on Jan 30, 2013

368 cameras, 1.8giga, flying over three miles high, the newly declassified Argus Drone can zoom in and see if you dropped a candy bar wrapper anywhere in it’s 15 square mile radios view, that is recorded and live streamed to the NSA offices.

[audio] Katherine Albrecht on Coast to Coast AM 1/24/13: Forced Smart Meter Installation

Starts at minute-8[youtube=]C2CAM Smart Meters, Consciousness & OBEs JAN 24 2013

Published on Jan 25, 2013

Date: 01-24-13
Host: George Noory
Guests: Katherine Albrecht, Jennifer Stahl, Sandie Gustus, Patricia Sousa

In the first half, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht discussed the invasive smart meter technology that power companies are increasingly switching to, Internet privacy concerns, as well as RFID and tracking issues. During the first hour, she was joined by Jennifer Stahl of Naperville Smart Meter Awareness to discuss Stahl’s arrest on Wednesday while authorities forcibly installed a new meter on her home. The city of Naperville, IL sent installers accompanied by police to her home, and they cut the lock she had placed on a fence that accessed her meter. She was arrested when she stood in front of her electric meter and refused to move. Stahl, who has a lawsuit pending against the city of Naperville, believes the smart meters will have adverse affects on privacy, health, security, as well as lead to higher bills. The city offered her a wireless meter instead, but she would have to pay an additional $25 per month for it. More on the case here.

This incident represents the kind of heavy-handed techniques that are about to come, Albrecht commented, as most residents have complied with the smart meter installation, authorities “feel entitled to take the remaining holdouts and force them at gunpoint,” to accept this surveillance infrastructure into their lives. If we’re not careful, within 20 years, she warned, we’re going to be watched by our “smart home,” and it’s going to be like how our cell phones, and the Internet are today, where you’re tracked everywhere unless you opt out. She also gave an update in the San Antonio RFID school case, in which a student was expelled for refusing to wear a tracking card. Further details at Katherine Albrecht was recently a featured guest on the GAIAM-TV show “Beyond Belief with George Noory.” Watch an excerpt here.

[youtube=]Beyond Belief – George Noory with Katherine Albrecht “Travel and Tracking”

Published on Jan 7, 2013

When you’re in the car by yourself, are you really alone? No, says privacy crusader Katherine Albrecht. In her revealing interview with George Noory, Albrecht discusses how every moment of our time on the road is monitored, tracked and filmed.

Gaiam TV Beyond Belief:

[video] Jim Garrow: Obama asked military leader 'at the highest rank' – Will you fire on American Citizens? | Why China wants Americans disarmed

The source is probably a former general: “who was … still in the military at the highest rank.”

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[youtube=!]Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?

Published on Jan 23, 2013 | The Obama administration is openly escalating its campaign against private gun ownership, and shaking up the top ranks of the military command structure — but is it also preparing to make war on the American population? According to a person identified as a former senior military official, the answer to that shocking question is yes.

World-renowned educator and human rights activist Jim Garrow says that the source, man regarded as “one of America’s foremost military heroes,” told him that President Obama is using a new litmus test for “determining who will stay and who must go” among top-ranked military leaders. That test is whether they will fire on US citizens or not. Garrow says that his source made the disclosure in order to “sound the alarm” over the administration’s plans.

While Garrow will not yet reveal the identity of the source, it’s important to note that Garrow himself is a man of considerable accomplishment. He is the founder of the Bethune Institute, which has established hundreds of schools throughout China. Three years ago, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work though a group called Pink Pagoda, which combat “gendercide” in China — that is, the practice of rescuing baby girls who had been abandoned or targeted for infanticide because of the government’s one-child policy. He was personally involved in helping to save the lives of more than 50,000 Chinese girls. He joins Gary Franchi on WHDT World News to discuss this new “Litmus Test.”

Shocking Interview Obama Does Not Want You to See: 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow told by top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens! | China’s agenda for U.S.
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens” — “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. Those who will not are being removed.”

[video] Shocking Interview Obama Does Not Want You to See: 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow told by top military veteran that the Obama administration's "litmus test" for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens! | China's agenda for U.S.

And China’s agenda for U.S. discussed at minute-24

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[youtube=]Shocking Interview Obama Does Not Want You to See

Published on Jan 23, 2013

2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens.

Garrow was nominated three years ago for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and is the founder of The Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from “gendercide” in China. Garrow has been personally involved in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death.” He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing.

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed,” Garrow wrote on his Facebook page, later following up the post by adding the man who told him is, “one of America’s foremost military heroes,” whose goal in divulging the information was to “sound the alarm.”…

Jim Garrow: Obama asked military leader ‘at the highest rank’ – Will you fire on American Citizens? | Why China wants Americans disarmed
[vision] Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens” — "The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. Those who will not are being removed."

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From: Jim Garrow’s Facebook page

I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed.

– Dr. Jim Garrow – January 21, 2013

From: Infowars

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens”

Shock claim purported to come from “one of America’s foremost military heroes”

Paul Joseph Watson
January 22, 2013

2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens.

Garrow was nominated three years ago for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and is the founder of The Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from “gendercide” in China. Garrow has been personally involved in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death.” He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing.

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed,” Garrow wrote on his Facebook page, later following up the post by adding the man who told him is, “one of America’s foremost military heroes,” whose goal in divulging the information was to “sound the alarm.”

Garrow’s claim is even more explosive given that the country is in the throes of a national debate about gun control, with gun rights advocates keen to insist that the founders put the second amendment in the Constitution primarily as a defense against government tyranny.

It also follows reports on Sunday that General James Mattis, head of the United States Central Command, “is being told to vacate his office several months earlier than planned.”

Concerns over US troops being given orders to fire on American citizens in the event of mass gun confiscation first arose in 1995 when hundreds of Marines at 29 Palms, California were given a survey as part of an academic project by Navy Lieutenant Commander Ernest Guy Cunningham which asked the Marines if they would, “Fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government.”

The survey was subsequently leaked because many of the Marines who took it were shocked by the tone of the question.

The US Military has clearly outlined innumerable civil emergency scenarios under which troops would be authorized to fire on U.S. citizens.

In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” (PDF) dating from 2006. Similar plans were also outlined in an updated manual released in 2010 entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.

The 2006 document outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.

On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”

Given that second amendment advocates are now being depicted as dangerous terrorists by the federal government and local law enforcement, Garrow’s claim is sure to stoke controversy given that Americans are seeing their gun rights eviscerated while the federal government itself stockpiles billions of bullets.

Last week, Gloversville Mayor Dayton King warned that any federal gun confiscation program could lead to a “Waco-style standoff” in rural areas of America.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

Jim Garrow: Obama asked military leader ‘at the highest rank’ – Will you fire on American Citizens? | Why China wants Americans disarmed
Shocking Interview Obama Does Not Want You to See: 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow told by top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens! | China’s agenda for U.S.

Captain Kirk’s Predecessor: Star Trek Was RAND Corporation Predictive Programming

Captain Kirk’s Predecessor: Star Trek Was RAND Corporation Predictive Programming

Jurriaan Maessen
January 21, 2013

In a rare and recently unearthed interview from 1965, the actor who preceded William Shatner as first captain of the Enterprise, stated that the series was based on the RAND Corporation’s “projection of things to come”.

Actor Jeffrey Hunter, who played captain Christopher Pike in the Star Trek pilot “The Cage” told a Hollywood columnist in January of ’65 that he hoped the pilot-episode would be picked up as a series because he was intrigued by the fact that the series was based on the RAND corporation’s “projection of things to come.” …

“The things that intrigues me the most”, Hunter said, “is that it is actually based on the Rand Corporation’s projection of things to come. Except for the fictional characters, it will be like getting a look into the future and some of the predictions will surely come true in our lifetime.”…


Harvey Lynn’s role as a “technical adviser” is only part of this story. Notions such as “world government”, and a “federation of planets” are of course embedded within the series, as Gene Roddenberry’s vision was oriented towards a global society striving for “peace”. Of course to get his project launched, Roddenberry had to tolerate certain alterations and adjustments on the insistence of his benefactors. In retrospect it’s perfectly understandable that intelligence agencies had a more than average interest in the series. What better way to gradually introduce people to the concept of world government as a natural step in the evolution of things than through science-fiction. After all, the genre provides screenwriters a key to imaginative Valhalla- at the same time allowing RAND’s social engineers the perfect format for weaving its desired world government patterns into.

As Daniel Brandt wrote in his article Philanthropists at War, the interlocking system of “foundations” and think tanks after WWII were part of the push by central banks to establish, by stealth, a one world government. And this global system of control, as Carroll Quigley brought to light in his Tragedy and Hope, would not be some idealized “let’s all come together in peace” sort of political utopia. Rather this thousand-headed creature was forced into being and controlled by the major central banks on the planet acting in concert. Quigley, by the way, described the RAND corporation as “a private research and development firm, under contract to the United States Air Force.” Brandt wrote:

“Covert foreign policy became the standard mode of operation after World War II, which was also when Ford Foundation became a major player for the first time. The institute most involved in classified research was Rand Corporation, set up by the Air Force in 1948. The interlocks between the trustees at Rand, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations were so numerous that the Reece Committee listed them in its report (two each for Carnegie and Rockefeller, and three for Ford). Ford gave one million dollars to Rand in 1952 alone, at a time when the chairman of Rand was simultaneously the president of Ford Foundation.”

The involvement of RAND in Star Trek is presumably far from an isolated experiment. In a July 26 2011 article by Daniel Taylor of Oldthinkernews, the author writes about a trailer for the video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, getting the people ready for a transhumanist future in which man merges with machine.Taylor points to a report prepared by RAND for the National Intelligence Council titled The Global Technology Revolution. In this 2001 report these themes are outlined as “possibilities”. These “possibilities” then magically find their way into fictional formats such as movies and video-games.

Entire Article Here

[3-minute video] Epic Win! TSA to Pull X-Ray Scanners by June

[youtube=]Epic Win! TSA Pulls X-Ray Scanners

Published on Jan 19, 2013

Good news for those who felt Transportation Security Administration officers were getting to know them a little too well. The TSA will soon remove all body scanners that show nearly nude images of people trying to board flights.

The TSA decided to end a $5 million contract with OSI’s Rapiscan Systems unit after it couldn’t meet Congressional demands to make the images less revealing. Rapiscan apparently couldn’t figure out how to make its software show less nakedness while still showing security threats.

“It became clear to TSA they would be unable to meet our timeline,” Karen Shelton Waters, the TSA’s assistant administrator for acquisitions, told Bloomberg. “As a result of that, we terminated the contract for the convenience of the government.”…


[audio] Katherine Albrecht on 'Coast to Coast AM' with John B. Wells 1/8/12: RFID and The Mark of the Beast — and Disneyland! — ~"The mark of the Beast might have great big mouse ears."

John starts with some interesting information about Piers Morgan’s role in getting guns banned in the United Kingdom.
After Kathryn, who is always EXCELLENT, the rest of the show is probably not worth listening to.
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RFID School Ruling
First hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht reported that a court decision had been announced in the San Antonio school chipping case. High school student Andrea Hernandez lost her bid challenging her suspension, which she received for refusing to wear an RFID card around her neck. She’d claimed that the RFID card was the “Mark of the Beast” and objected to wearing it on religious grounds. Albrecht commented that the RFID technology, which is used to track students’ whereabouts at all times, creates a police state mentality, and won’t eliminate the threat of gun violence when it comes from students themselves. She also suggested that wearing an RFID lanyard, which contains an active electronic transmitter, is a health risk, particularly to developing children and teens.

* * *

[youtube=]Jan 8 2013 – Liberation of the Planet

Published on Jan 9, 2013

Date: 01-08-13
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Cobra -, Robert Potter, Katherine Albrecht



Kids Visiting Disney World To Be Tracked By “Magical” RFID Wristbands

Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge

From: Natural News

Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge

Thursday, December 27, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles…)

(NaturalNews) The reports are absolutely true. Facebook suspended the Natural News account earlier today after we posted an historical quote from Mohandas Gandhi. The quote reads:

“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.” – Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.

This historical quote was apparently too much for Facebook’s censors to bear. They suspended our account and gave us a “final warning” that one more violation of their so-called “community guidelines” would result in our account being permanently deactivated.

They then demanded we send them a color copy of a “government issued identification” in order to reactivate our account.

Entire Article Here
Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 12/27/12: Facebook Purging — Mike’s Facebook account was suspended after he posted a quote from Gandhi, and then learned this was part of a massive political purge
Gandhi advocated the right to bear arms; use of ‘violence’ to defend innocents against bullying, oppression

Paul Craig Roberts: The government is going after guns, not because kids were killed in a Connecticut school, but because the US is becoming a police state, and a police state cannot tolerate an armed population. [Note how the reporter at Russia Today tries to goad him into advocating gun control]

Headline is Edward Griffin’s.
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[3-minute video] Ben Swann Reality Check: The Very Politically Incorrect Truth About The Second Amendment — ~”The 2nd Amendment is about making sure the population would not be controlled, dominated or oppressed by a government. It had nothing with the kind of weapon. It was simply about matching force.”
2nd Amendment Quotes — Whoever said that the founding fathers didn’t think that all citizens should have guns is living in their own little world
Joel Skousen: Newtown Shooting — Anatomy of a Planned Massacre / The Gun Control Agenda 

Stewart Rhodes: The Whole Point of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military capacity of the people to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is not about hunting, and is not really even about self-defense…
[5-minute video] Suzanne Gratia-Hupp on the 2nd Amendment — We need more women (and men) like this. Aren’t we supposed to be “the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE?”
[media bias exposed video] Reverse-Christian Piers Morgan Blows Up on Larry Pratt Over Gun Rights – 12/18/12
Larry Pratt responds to being personally attacked by CNN’s presstitute of the day, Piers Morgan
[9-minute video] Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Cover-Up
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media to eliminate eyewitness reports of a SECOND SHOOTER — Shouldn’t we all seek to get to the bottom of WHY these shootings all seem to fit a COMMON PATTERN of multiple mind-controlled shooters followed by an almost immediate media cover-up of the facts?
Sandy Hook Elementary: 3 Shooters (A CLOSE LOOK) — These aren’t just some ‘lone nut-men’
In China, school mass murderers use knives, not guns
[10-minute video] Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Mind Control — MK-Ultra Continues — Mass Shootings etc.
[10-minute video] Mike Adams (The Health Ranger): Do Guns Kill People?
An Inmate Claims that ‘Batman Shooter’ James Holmes Confessed that he was “Programmed to Kill” by an “Evil Therapist”
Congressman Ron Paul Introduced Legislation in 2011 to Protect School Children from Mass Murderers
Gandhi advocated the right to bear arms; use of ‘violence’ to defend innocents against bullying, oppression
Creepy Illuminati Message in Batman Movie Hints at Sandy Hook School — In this movie scene (1:58 into the movie) from Dark Knight Rises, “Sandy Hook” is about the only legible text on the whole map (look left of the walkie talkie in the screenshot above), and a guy puts his fingers on it
Fritz Springmeier: The Mass Shootings are Created Events — “The new Batman movie that came out BEFORE the shootings had in the background Aurora and Sandy Hook, the proof that the elite is creating these shootings”
Will Obama Cry For Children He Has Killed With Drones?
[6-minute video] Amish Grace — Bill Moyers showcases the book that describes the extraordinary grace of the families of the Amish school shooting victims. They forgave the shooter, comforted his family and attended his funeral because of their deep faith and the grace it gives them.

[3-minute video] Ben Swann Reality Check: The Very Politically Incorrect Truth About The Second Amendment — ~"The 2nd Amendment is about making sure the population would not be controlled, dominated or oppressed by a government. It had nothing with the kind of weapon. It was simply about matching force."

The 2nd Amendment:

“A well regulated* militia,
being necessary to the security of a free State,

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed.”

* * *

“The 2nd Amendment was not about guaranteeing the right to a musket. It was about citizens of a sovereign state matching force with military.”

“The 2nd Amendment was put in place to guarantee the rights of the individual to be equally armed as military, both foreign, and domestic, in the event that the citizenry might actually at some point have to fight their own government.”

“The 2nd Amendment is about making sure the population would not be controlled, dominated or oppressed by a government. … The principle of what [the founders] put in place had nothing with the kind of weapon they were guaranteeing. It was simply about matching force.”

– Ben Swann

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* [The entire point of guaranteeing the freedom to bear arms and be “well regulated” is that the federal government can’t limit or prevent the organization, training, and equipping of a militia. (source)]

* * *

From:… (Fox 19 is independent from Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, which is disinformation central)

The discussion over gun control is something making headlines all over the country.

Throughout this week Reality Check has looked at the numbers behind gun control and crime rates.

Tonight, we are looking at the second amendment, the intention behind it and what the founders might think about the gun debate today.

This is a reality check you won’t see anywhere else.

* * *

[youtube=]The Very Politically Incorrect Truth About The Second Amendment


Published on Dec 21, 2012


Joel Skousen: Newtown Shooting — Anatomy of a Planned Massacre / The Gun Control Agenda
2nd Amendment Quotes — Whoever said that the founding fathers didn’t think that all citizens should have guns is living in their own little world
Stewart Rhodes: The Whole Point of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military capacity of the people to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is not about hunting, and is not really even about self-defense…
[5-minute video] Suzanne Gratia-Hupp on the 2nd Amendment — We need more women (and men) like this. Aren’t we supposed to be “the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE?”
[media bias exposed video] Reverse-Christian Piers Morgan Blows Up on Larry Pratt Over Gun Rights – 12/18/12
Larry Pratt responds to being personally attacked by CNN’s presstitute of the day, Piers Morgan
[9-minute video] Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Cover-Up
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media to eliminate eyewitness reports of a SECOND SHOOTER — Shouldn’t we all seek to get to the bottom of WHY these shootings all seem to fit a COMMON PATTERN of multiple mind-controlled shooters followed by an almost immediate media cover-up of the facts?
Sandy Hook Elementary: 3 Shooters (A CLOSE LOOK) — These aren’t just some ‘lone nut-men’
In China, school mass murderers use knives, not guns
[10-minute video] Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Mind Control — MK-Ultra Continues — Mass Shootings etc.
[10-minute video] Mike Adams (The Health Ranger): Do Guns Kill People?
An Inmate Claims that ‘Batman Shooter’ James Holmes Confessed that he was “Programmed to Kill” by an “Evil Therapist”
Congressman Ron Paul Introduced Legislation in 2011 to Protect School Children from Mass Murderers
Gandhi advocated the right to bear arms; use of ‘violence’ to defend innocents against bullying, oppression
Creepy Illuminati Message in Batman Movie Hints at Sandy Hook School — In this movie scene (1:58 into the movie) from Dark Knight Rises, “Sandy Hook” is about the only legible text on the whole map (look left of the walkie talkie in the screenshot above), and a guy puts his fingers on it
Fritz Springmeier: The Mass Shootings are Created Events — “The new Batman movie that came out BEFORE the shootings had in the background Aurora and Sandy Hook, the proof that the elite is creating these shootings”
Will Obama Cry For Children He Has Killed With Drones?
[6-minute video] Amish Grace — Bill Moyers showcases the book that describes the extraordinary grace of the families of the Amish school shooting victims. They forgave the shooter, comforted his family and attended his funeral because of their deep faith and the grace it gives them.

[audio] Mark Dice on 'Coast to Coast AM' with host John B. Wells 12/22/12: Big Brother is Watching You

GREAT show!
– –

 Starts at minute-39:

[youtube=] Coast to Coast AM – Dec 22 2012 – Big Brother is Watching You C2CAM

Published on Dec 23, 2012
Date: 12-22-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Mark Dice

Troublemaker out to expose the abuses of the New World Order, Mark Dice discussed how these sinister forces are using evasive technologies to monitor our every move.

In the second half hour, Dan Johnson, founder of PANDA (People Against the National Defense Act), appeared briefly to comment on the controversial NDAA and its threat to liberty.

News segment guest: Brian Engelman


Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media plays in shaping our lives. He frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world, usually where they just attack him or try to pollute his message hoping to prevent his enlightening truth from getting out.

Several of Mark’s YouTube videos have gone viral, earning him a mention on ABC’s The View, Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor,, and other mainstream media outlets. Mark has also been featured in (or attacked in) the New York Post’s Page Six, Rolling Stone Magazine, USA Today, The New York Daily News, and in major papers in Pakistan and Iran. He appears in several groundbreaking documentary films including Invisible Empire, and The 9/11 Chronicles, and was featured on the History Channel’s Decoded.

[audio & text] Joel Skousen: Newtown Shooting — Anatomy of a Planned Massacre / The Gun Control Agenda

Joel and Dr. Stanley Monteith discuss this here (Joel arrives late, but Dr. Stan is excellent without him at the start, anyway):

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty archives

Date: 12-20-12
Hour: 1
3:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief

* * *

World Affairs Brief, December 21, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Newtown Shooting: Anatomy of a Planned Massacre
The Gun Control Agenda
House Tries to Kick the Fiscal Cliff Can Down the Road
Libertarian Solution to Foreign Workers
11 States Where Takers Outnumber Productive Payers
EU Banks Accept Central Administrator
There’s a much darker story to this shooting that goes way beyond the wanton killing of innocent children. It’s the story of dark side operations targeting young, unstable males with mood altering drugs and mind control techniques—and then directing them to kill increasingly younger victims until Congress can be driven to legislate away the uniquely American right to self-defense with guns. This week I’ll cover the contradictions in the multiple versions put out by media and police, and the way mind control operates in combination with dark spiritual forces. Lastly I’ll discuss how there is no solution nor protection against these provoked massacres in gun free zones without removing the restrictions on the right of personal self-defense both inside and outside of school. More gun bans are the last thing we need.
Only a few of the facts in this tragedy are reported consistently—Adam Lanza presumably killed his mother Nancy and then broke into the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT somehow bypassing the new locked-door policy. When it was over 20 young children are dead, ages 10 and under (primarily in two classrooms), plus 6 adults not counting Adam. The mother was erroneously reported as a teacher at the school.
The rest of the story and reported evidence emerging among the news stories varies widely. The facts are complex to piece together because so many news stories contradict themselves. This all paints a clear picture, however, of a systematic cover-up by police spokespersons and media and the real facts point to a larger conspiracy to drum up more gun control laws.
In reality, some of the more innocent reporters in the media often get it right initially, filming and posting interviews of victims, police and bystanders who are too honest and candid, and who haven’t yet been shut down or pressured into denying or changing their story. This happened in Oklahoma City, in the TWA 800 shootdown and during 9/11. When the evidence or statements don’t match the desired outcome the facts start changing or disappearing from the news. Contradictory reports even get taken down from news websites. Here are some glaring examples in this case:
1. The single perpetrator claim. Except for a few honest reports at the beginning, this Newtown incident has been focused on a lone gunman, and yet witness interviews, police radio recordings and videos show 2 to 3 other persons involved and at least two vehicles besides the Lanza car were driven to the school.
A. Police helicopter video shows the pursuit and capture of someone fleeing the scene with a rifle into the woods, who comes out in handcuffs saying “I didn’t do it.” Do what? How did he know kids that were being shot? If you only heard shots, it could have been just teachers or administration? The purpose of armed handlers surrounding the incident is to either increase the body count or just make sure the drugged-up and mind controlled patsy can be eliminated if the suicide programming doesn’t work. They don’t want to take a chance on the shooter being captured. When the drugs wear off, chances are high he would talk about the others who put him up to the crime. That’s the rationale for suicide programming, multiple backup killers, and the subsequent cover-up to get those handlers released.
This is the same thing that happened in the Dunblane, Scotland killing of children in a school: “Like Newtown there were two shooters, Hamilton and a hit-man who shot Hamilton and made it look like Hamilton committed suicide after shooting 16 children, so that he couldn’t be questioned. Hamilton was found in the school gymnasium slumped against a wall and still gurgling, when an off-duty policeman PC Grant McCutcheon entered the gym and saw two semi-automatic pistols, one on either side of Hamilton’s body. [However,] The autopsy revealed that Hamilton was killed with a .38 revolver. These people always slip-up with their crimes. There was no .38 revolver for him to have shot himself with. Thus, there was a second shooter who killed Hamilton.”
B. Police voice recordings at a different time talk about stopping a van and apprehending another person outside the school who is handcuffed and laying prone on the asphalt. The policeman says, “I have the party proned out.”
C. One of the children being interviewed as he comes out of the school says he saw the police with a guy handcuffed on the floor inside the school. That can only mean a couple of things: either Lanza didn’t kill himself; was subsequently taken down, and handcuffed, or there was another shooter inside to make sure Lanza got suicided, and he was taken down. If the person seen handcuffed on the floor was Lanza, that means he was killed afterwards by someone else who had custody of him.
D. SGT covered the other van and pair of suspects that were detained. This was from a raw audio exchange between police as the shooting was happening. “This is the first responder police radio recording first posted by the Houston Chronicle, then by the NY Post. At 44 seconds, the police relay a teacher’s report that she saw ‘two shadows running past the gym.’ (Now keep in mind that according to the ‘official’ story the ‘lone’ shooter has killed himself.) At 55 seconds, the police officer reports a van coming toward him with two occupants, he then says at 1 minute 30 seconds he has them ‘proned out’ (lying on the ground face down). At approximately 2 minutes, they report the New Jersey plates of the van, and the rental car company registration. These two men are in addition to the ONE man dressed in camo pants who the police arrested in the woods near the school. That makes THREE men in addition to the Adam Lanza.”
2. Weapons used claim: Initial reports by police said that the shooter was found dead with two 9mm semi-auto pistols (a Glock and a Sig Sauer) and that the floor was “littered with 9mm shell casings.” The police told media that besides the two guns, they found an AR-15 .223 Bushmaster assault rifle in his car that was registered with his mother. Then after the first day, the story changes to the assault rifle being used in the school and the floor being “littered with .223 shell casings.”
How convenient when the easiest thing to get out of this tragedy is an assault weapon ban. In order to do that, the guilty weapon has to be a semi-auto rifle. When you have this kind of dramatic change in story, it’s almost impossible to get police to retract the current and latest version, which fits the agenda.
To muddy the water further, Huffington Post now claim that “the rifle was found next to Adam Lanza’s body” — AND that “three other guns have also been recovered, but it was not clear where they were found, an official told AP. They were a Henry repeating rifle, an Enfield rifle and a shotgun”. These were not mentioned before in what police found inside Lanza’s vehicle and it’s doubtful he could carry all these long rifles with him as he broke through the glass to the side of the locked door. That’s a very cumbersome entry with an armful of long rifles!
3. Coroner’s remarks: Dr. H. Wayne Carver said, “All the victims of the Connecticut elementary school shooting were killed up close by multiple rifle shots.” This may or may not be true depending on the conflicting reports about the weapons used inside the school. Coroner’s have a notorious reputation around the nation for being subject to political pressures to falsify conditions of death in cover-ups. It happened in the JFK assassination. It happened in Los Angeles in the Breitbart “heart attack” case – and in that case, the coroner himself ends up being suicided afterward.
The problem with the coroner’s statement is that with small children, high powered bullets tend to pass right through the body and not stick around for examination, as he claims. If they were rifle rounds, there wouldn’t be hardly any rounds left in the bodies to examine. But, depending on where a person is shot, high velocity rounds they do great damage and the exit hole is much larger than the entrance. This is important because if the shooter was using 9mm pistols, then the Coroner’s report has to match. It does not. It only matches the assault rifle later claims, which may be an indication of collusion to pin the blame on assault rifles, which in this case fire the .223 caliber.
He could have deduced the rifle bullet theory by the damage. The .223 round, about 55-65 grains in weight, does horrendous damage due to its velocity in excess of 3,000 feet per second (fps). The bullet will often tumble and fragment after penetrating about 2.5 inches of flesh. Here’s a military medical description of how velocity matters, especially for a small weight bullet:
“In the surgical world, the accepted threshold for separating high power from low power projectile injuries has been set at 2000 feet per second. That velocity has been chosen because more than that, the hydraulic shock wave creates a temporary stretch cavity [TSC] severe enough to disrupt surrounding tissues significantly [and even break bones by the shock wave] . Below that, and the TSC is not a factor to contend with, surgically speaking… It will not only disrupt the surrounding tissues but this temporary cavitation when it struck elastic tissue such as the lungs and intestines it simply pushes these organs aside causing minimal immediate damage but when solid organs are struck this causes the organs to tear apart or explode such as the liver, spleen heart and kidney.”
4. Missing Evidence: The public is being denied access to the school’s security cameras which would shed light on whether or not Lanza was the only shooter or participant. Deliberate denial of video footage is typical of every other cover-up managed by the federal government—OKC and 9/11 in particular.
While I have already commented on various aspects of this conspiracy, let me describe in a more systematic way this disturbing pattern of using drugged up patsies to commit these acts of horrifying terror.
1) They search out young, unstable males who already have established a pattern of anti-social behavior and put them on psychotropic drugs to alter their mood or mental state.
2) At some point they are assigned one or more handlers who in a variety of ways plant the idea of a dark plot in the target’s mind to kill innocent people with guns. There is no other motive other than to kill a large number of people, which is very strange—and doesn’t happen in any other normal criminal settings. It doesn’t even happen with the mentally ill, unless also programmed to kill.
3) It almost always wear a mask or hoody and end up committing suicide. Why care about who sees you if you are intending to kill yourself? The Batman movie shooter, James Holmes was an exception to this—he didn’t commit suicide—but strangely, he’s not being allowed to come out of his drugged state. He is being kept incommunicado by the government who has a doctor visiting the jail to keep him on mood altering drugs–perhaps to ensure he maintains his programming. Early on, however, he apparently had a moment of coherency when he admitted things to his cellmate. According to an interview with Alex Jones, “An alleged inmate of ‘Batman’ massacre culprit James Holmes claims the shooter told him that he was ‘programmed’ to carry out the massacre by an ‘evil’ therapist [working for the dark side of government].”
4) Lastly, there is always the inevitable cover-up of the presence of multiple participants,by police and media, converting the story to a “lone gunman” tale.
That’s the pattern and it almost never varies. The three keys to this pattern that are particularly unique are 1) no motive other than to kill —which only occurs in these terror massacres; 2) the use of mood altering drugs; and 3) suicide to end it all. These are not present in attacks with criminal motives but 1 and 3 do show up in anti-US jihadist suicide bombers but these are always motivated by a larger cause or agenda. In our domestic cases, the larger motive is being provided by the black ops handlers (gun control), and the patsy probably is never told what that is.
These tactics worked surprisingly fast to strip the British of their gun rights. It only took one such incident in the aforementioned Dunblane, Scotland school to do it. A pedophile active in scouting and boys clubs murdered 16 children and their teacher in a local school. In America, where gun rights are enshrined in the Constitution, it is taking many more such incidents to drive the agenda, and they won’t stop until all guns are banned.
As one British blogger lamented, “Newtown is the U.S.A.’s Dunblane, which was orchestrated in
Scotland in 1996 by the British establishment, to whip up hysteria in order to ban all handguns from the U.K. It was preceded by the Hungerford Massacre in England in 1987, which was carried out by mind-controlled Michael Ryan, who then shot himself so he could not be questioned, and it was used to ban semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.”
There are several other elements to this pattern that are worthy of note:
1. The frequency of attack on innocent people is increasing, showing increased desperation by the dark side of government to drive the gun ban agenda.
2. The targeted areas are always relatively gun free zones: schools, shopping malls and movie theaters.
3. While shopping malls and schools have always been the target of choice, to get the necessary shock effect on people, the age of the target victims has now been going down to the incomprehensible age of early elementary children.
The horrific results are always followed up by a coverup of the facts surrounding the presence of the target’s handlers. That’s part of the reason why this has to be a black operation —only government agents have the persuasive power to threaten honest police officers with their jobs or lives in order to suppress the evidence which would suggest a conspiracy. Only government has the power to uniformly stop the media from reporting, or worse, by burying the reports even after reported, as happens in every recent case.
The Newtown massacre has overshadowed the events of the previous week at the Clackamas town Center Mall near Portland Oregon. While there is no evidence of more than one shooter, it is highly likely that other handlers were around in the crowds observing, ready to act. Interestingly enough, at the Town Center Mall, there was a concealed weapons holder present, 22 year old Nick Meli, who could have engaged Roberts, but he hesitated until too late. Too bad. It would have been a great story about how concealed weapons can stop this kind of thing.
Jacob Roberts, the Oregon shooter, had stolen the AR-15 rifle from a friend, and had indicated that he “needed a gun” and was planning on leaving for Hawaii. He was identified by a relative by a tattoo on his body. Roberts was clearly calculating in his moves, not freaking out–which belies claims that all these guys are just “mentally ill.”
Notice another pattern here. All of these attackers in recent events have had typical signs of weird behavior—special tattoos, male earrings, or orange dyed hair, and mood altering drugs.
Mental Illness being blamed: There are a lot of pundits trying to blame this action on various forms of mental illness. Several articles claim Lanza had a rare form of autism called Asperger’s syndrome. The mother’s sister recounts how Lanza’s mother had despaired about the deteriorating behavior of her son. But these are grey areas that also describe a lot of modern day teens who get tattoos, have multiple piercings and who get involved in dark, morbid activities like video games. Yes, I do think violent video games make youth more calloused to killing, but the real link comes when youth start drifting into evil worship and skirt the edges of the occult.
Articles have appeared pushing for more forced incarceration to protect the public. That’s also bad for liberty.
Dr. Richard Friedman, writing in the NY Times discounted the mental illness violence claims: “There is overwhelming epidemiological evidence that the vast majority of people with psychiatric disorders do not commit violent acts. Only about 4 percent of violence in the United States can be attributed to people with mental illness [and that can be cut in half because of the high incidence of criminals claiming to be mentally ill when they are not]. This does not mean that mental illness is not a risk factor for violence. It is, but the risk is actually small. Only certain serious psychiatric illnesses are linked to an increased risk of violence.
“One of the largest studies, the National Institute of Mental Health’s Epidemiologic Catchment Area study, which followed nearly 18,000 subjects, found that the lifetime prevalence of violence among people with serious mental illness — like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder — was 16 percent, compared with 7 percent among people without any mental disorder. Anxiety disorders, in contrast, do not seem to increase the risk at all [unless being manipulated under the effects of mood altering drugs]. Alcohol and drug abuse are far more likely to result in violent behavior than mental illness by itself.” True.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza, founder of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute makes the case that psychotropic drugs are far more dangerous than guns: “12 years ago, I asked a very pointed question in a press release sent to the National Wire Service immediately following the killings at Columbine High School. A few days after the Virginia Tech Massacre, I again asked the same very direct question. And today, after the Newton Connecticut massacre, I am once again asking the very same pointed question…
“I am asking, ‘How many times must we experience another Littleton, Colorado or Virginia Tech or Newtown Connecticut before we wake up, study the research and adopt policies which actually reduce crime and begin saving our children instead of leaving them helpless victims when the next psych drug user snaps?’
“After Columbine, while most journalists and lawmakers focused on whether or not my answer to protecting children by arming teachers was the right solution, it seems everyone missed my understanding of the root cause that drove these kids to commit such atrocities! The root cause was and continues to be the psych drugs that are being pushed on our children! In some cases children as young as kindergarten age!”
Mood altering drugs are also the number one cause of suicide today. More accurately, the suicidal tendencies of patients rises dramatically during the time they are weaning themselves off mood altering drugs.
As much as I am against the use of these drugs, I don’t believe there is a direct causal relationship between drugs and killing or suicide. That’s why it only happens to a few who take the drugs. Let me explain what I have discovered after dealing with several youth who have been put on these drugs.
I once had the opportunity to counsel a friend’s teenage daughter who was having real problems in school—drugs, morals and a bad attitude at home. As many of my readers know, I’m a big believer in listening to conscience as the key to teaching kids to be self-controlled rather than parent controlled and to teach them to make good decisions based on the input from conscience.
This involves implementing two core rules of conduct which every successful persons uses, even if not conscious of it:
1. Never do anything you feel nervous about, as to the correctness. (These are the warning signals that what you are about to do is wrong, or not quite right. It forces you to reevaluate and change course).
2. Always force yourself to do what you know you should do, especially when you don’t feel like it. (This is the key to overcoming apathy and depression. This is the key to listening to the prompting we all get to move forward in a positive direction, and these promptings are a direct counter to the Satanic depression that plagues so many who get into lazy habits).
The girl tried this for a while and told me she hated the voice of conscience. My talk with her had awakened her ability to hear it, but she didn’t want to do what was right, so she hated the voice. That’s a dangerous thing, because it is an open invitation to listen to the evil voice of Satan who is constantly looking for opportunities to influence us and take us down the wrong path. Clearly she now disliked me as the source of that uncomfortable counsel, so I discontinued trying to help.
About a year later, I was over at my friend’s house and she came home while I was there. She seemed fairly normal, and no longer bothered by things. I asked her what made the change, and she proudly said, “My meds.” She had left home in her rebellious state and had eventually gone to a counselor who put her on mood altering drugs. Success? Not really.
She further explained that she hadn’t really changed her ways, but that while on the meds, she could no longer hear that “awful” voice of conscience nagging at her—thus her “improved” state of mind. This was extremely significant to me. What she was revealing was evidence that these drugs, quite unknowingly, suppress that portion of the brain that receives spiritual signals.
Apparently both God and Satan whisper ideas to that center of the mind, but those ideas appear in our own vocabulary and grammar, so it appears as if we are talking to ourselves, or thinking on our own. Neither voice controls us, but we decide on what to listen to and act upon.
With a little attention to detail, we learn to distinguish the good from the bad and recognize when ideas suddenly pop into our mind out of nowhere to help or hinder us. Everyone has felt those little reminders to remember something we forgot to do, or have been tempted with small rationalizations which are the sign that Satan is whispering and countering the good promptings.
If these drugs suppress this receptor, this would explain why people don’t get suicidal while on the meds, but only as they are withdrawing. Most likely Satan is the first to swarm the mind with depressive thoughts. I’ve never met anyone who is about to commit suicide that doesn’t have Satanic depression controlling his or her mind—constantly driving him to kill himself.
One of Adam Lanza’s former friends admitted that Lanza was involved in devil worship. An earlier facebook page also listed his political affiliation as “anarchist, communism.” Lanza was clearly going done a dark path and setting himself up for becoming controlled.
As an aside, this is one of the reasons why I’ve always felt nervous about hypnosis. You are requested to “let go” and allow yourself to drift mentally. In such a passive state, it is easy for partial possession by darker spiritual forces to take place and implant ideas that affect you later.
Let me summarize the government’s attempt at mind control technology. We don’t claim to know everything about it, because it is still a closely guarded secret. In the MK Ultra tests, the government experimented on a lot of subjects (without permission of the subjects) to see what it would take to do mind control. They used a lot of experiment drugs like LSD.
By and large, it had only limited success, and then only with subjects who were fairly weak in personality and character. Nerdy type people were particularly susceptible, especially when subjected to hypnosis, drug therapy and physical or sexual abuse to break them down and make them dependent on their handlers for “safety.”
Both the CIA and the Russians developed a lot of mind control drugs that were amazingly powerful on certain types of people—nothing that could directly control thoughts, but they could induce power emotions of fear, guilt, sexual drive, or anger. Some types could never be successfully controlled, so the government would concentrate on selecting susceptible types.
Those types corresponded to people who have weak resistance to social peer pressure—and being socially backward like Adam Lanza was doesn’t mean he wasn’t still longing to be accepted. Typically, these types all have non standard hair cuts, do drugs, and have multiple tattoos or piercings because the are seeking for the approval of those that also do these things. All of the recent school or mall shooters show these kinds of signs. It’s not an absolute determinant, but rather a common precursor that indicates susceptibility to Satanic influence and mind control if they get noticed and are targeted by black operations.
In addition, the government has spent millions on researching the dark spiritual spectrum, and actively solicited knowledge through diviners, devil worshipers and witches. They gave this research a fancy name: Remote viewing, which Major Rich Dames became famous for—but it was nothing more than the old séance and necromancy of old. Don’t be fooled because some of these Remote Viewings come true. Satan has access to future events too, but putting out a few predictions that come true doesn’t mean the source is true. The selective truth part is the hook to get people dependent on the evil source, which will eventually lead them astray.
My personal belief is that Satan is as real as God, and he has an active part in the mind control being performed by the dark side of government—at least the part that goes beyond normal science. So, while all of these shooters have dark side government handlers, they also have Satan talking to their minds, driving them on to kill and then to commit suicide.
God permits all this because of His testing purposes on earth. That’s also why justice and judgement is temporarily denied or delayed. Someday there will be a cleansing of this kind of evil, but before that time comes, we need to be alert and defend ourselves and teach our children to recognize how systematic evil works in the world. I hope this discussion has been helpful to you.
As you have all seen, the media and liberal politicians are capitalizing on this massacre to push the gun ban agenda for all it’s worth. Every day, the news is flooded with those decrying guns as the source of this tragedy. Obama has now vowed to enact some form of gun ban, even if by executive order that would make all assault weapons fall under Class III weapons restrictions – weapons requiring an ATF permit and fee, like automatic weapons. The government has no obligation to respond favorably to any application for a Class III license.
The AP showcased an “Opinionline” entitled, “Is Sandy Hook the tipping point?” Note the joy in savoring the prospect that “we’ve finally got an issue that will turn the tide against guns.” They’ve been waiting for years since Columbine (one of the biggest of the false flag attempts) to launch another campaign against guns and it’s worse than anything I’ve seen before.
Weak kneed citizens are anxious to avoid being tainted by the new guns-as-evil mantra. “Moderate” newspapers and online Want Ad companies have suddenly stopped allowing guns to be advertized or sold online. Insipid people are voluntarily turning in their weapons in a show of solidarity with the victims—as if that was going to help. How stupid can people be? Very stupid as we are finding out.
After airing the liberals out for gun control, the AP, to their credit, did allow a few sane voices: Nick Gillespie, Reason Magazine: “Few good policies come from rapid responses to deeply felt injuries. Many of the same people who are now calling for immediate action with regard to gun control recognize that The Patriot Act, rushed through Congress in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, was a terrible piece of legislation that ultimately did nothing to protect Americans even as it vastly expanded the state’s ability to surveil law abiding citizens. There’s no reason to think that federal, state, or local gun control laws promulgated now would result in anything different.”
The government machine is working on who they can turn. Reuters reviewed a few: “A pro-gun Democratic senator who is a lifetime member of the firearms lobby has backed the introduction of new controls on guns and ammunition in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting. Joe Manchin, from West Virginia, who has an ‘A’ rating from the National Rifle Association, marking him out as a strong defender in Congress of gun rights, told MSNBC that it was time to move ‘beyond the rhetoric’ on the issue of guns.”
Although Republicans are strong supporters of the NRA, many Democrats have also opposed the introduction of firearms restrictions. Former pro-gun Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough of Florida has now turned on the movement and become a champion of gun control. He has his sights set on the White House.
Senator Diane Feinstein, the author of the ‘assault weapon ban’ (AWB) which went into effect in 1994 and expired in 2004, announced that her office has been writing the new AWB for a year, and she would be introducing it the first day of the new session of Congress [somebody knew the dark side of government would be providing the crisis which would open the door for this legislation]. I guess she was waiting until there was enough blood for her to stand in before making her announcement.”
Even the Chinese are relishing the thought of US citizens being disarmed. Here’s Joseph Paul Watson of “The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands ‘no delay for U.S. gun control.’”
The best debate on television occurred between Leftist Piers Morgan and Larry Pratt of my favorite gun lobby, Gun Owners of America. Morgan kept trying to say America has the most guns per capita and the highest murder rate in the world—therefore guns must be the problem. Pratt countered with the fact that this is only because the crime rate is so high in large urban areas where guns are not allowed—proof that gun control doesn’t stop criminals from getting guns—it only stops citizens from defending themselves.
While Pratt didn’t bring this up, it is estimated that guns are used to defend people hundreds of times per day. In areas where concealed carry is easy to obtain, the murder rates are much lower than in Europe. Morgan got angry and flustered and could only resort to name calling. He kept interrupting Pratt so that he couldn’t answer, and then accused him of not answering his arguments, or laughing too much. In fact, Pratt pointed out the Morgan had no arguments, but was just presenting opinion without basis. The interview is worth seeing:
Larry correctly posits that we will never be able to prevent all attacks on schools, so we must do as the Israelis do and make sure some teachers are trained and armed with concealed weapons. They have proven that this works against the most dedicated terrorists in the world.
This is much more effective than putting a guard in a school. A dedicated attacker would simply await the opportunity to ambush the guard, and once out of the way, he could attack with impunity. In contrast, with multiple concealed weapons holders in the school, the attacker would never know where the threat is. That’s a much better deterrent.
One Bogus Conspiracy Claim: According to his LinkedIn page, Adam’s father, Peter Lanza is the tax director and vice president of taxes for GE Energy Financial Services in the New York City area. The father of James Holmes, the Batman movie killer was Robert Holmes who worked for FICO—a credit rating agency. So far, so good—all this is true.
Ever since the Batman shooting someone started a rumor on the internet that Robert Holmes was scheduled to testify before the Senate investigating committee on the Libor scandal. Supposedly, setting up the son for a fall deterred his father from testifying and blowing the scandal wide open.
Now the same source claims that Peter Lanza was also scheduled to testify before the Senate on the Libor scandal, but now he can’t because his son’s actions have discredited him. This is bogus. I can find absolutely zero confirmation that these two were either considered for testifying or were scheduled to testify. Someone just made that part up. Neither father has any connection to or knowledge of the Libor insider fixing of the rates.
Besides, plenty of information is already available about the Libor scandal. The only thing being covered up in the Libor scandal is the how high the control went. Only a couple of mid level guys got scapegoated over this. The big boys always have immunity. It’s doubtful that even if the two fathers were to testify that it would have changed anything.
A Prepper Conspiracy? I’m surprised that the media didn’t make more of this once it came out that Adam’s mother was preparing for economic collapse: CBS Senior Correspondent John Miller sets us up for the punch line: “It’s about the process. She had to go to an awful lot of trouble to get these guns. CT has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. That meant going down to the state police, filling out the forms, getting finger printed, and then waiting to hear back that she was approved for a handgun permit. Then it meant going down to the store and getting an FBI background check, waiting for another period and picking those weapons up. So it’s not one of those things where you just show up with your driver’s license and make a purchase. She made an affirmative effort to get these weapons and as we learned from the landscaper, enjoyed shooting.” Ready? Here is John Miller’s punch line: “We spoke to another relative who also said she was worried about the defense of her home if there was a collapse of the economy.”
While I’m a leader in the preparedness movement, I don’t subscribe to the hype about imminent collapse of the economy. Sure, without being propped up by the FED, it would collapse, but people who make these claims don’t understand about the power behind this conspiracy—and how the FED can keep inflating at around the 10% level without collapsing the economy or creating hyperinflation. In other words, they can keep this charade going a lot longer—until war comes and gives them cover for the unraveling of the world monetary ponzi scheme. Yes, do prepare, but remember you still have time to do it without panicking.
Some other interesting coincidences or possible conspiracies: In the rather disgusting book, The Hunger Games, the author plots the ritual sacrifice of 23 children. There are twelve districts, two children from each district and they fight in pairs and kill each other until one winner is left. 23 children are killed. Author Suzanne Collins resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, with her husband and their two children. Coincidence. Probably, but authors who deal in the dark side of Luciferian thought are getting a lot of evil inspiration from the other side. writes that “Director Christopher Nolan’s latest Batman release The Dark Knight Rises, bizarrely featured a mention of the words ‘Sandy Hook’ [on his target map] (at approximately 1:58)… We looked at different maps of Batman’s fictional home town Gotham City and compared them with each of the films. In the latest film, the southern section of Gotham is without a doubt called ‘Sandy Hook,’ however, according to our research, this section was renamed somewhere between the first film and the last. Take a look at the map in this still frame found in the first Batman movie, ‘Batman Begins,’ taken around 14:41: Although blurry, the colors match up with the map below, in which the southern section in question is called, ‘South Hinkley,’ not ‘Sandy Hook’… John W. Hinckley was the gunman that attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981”
Coincidence? Probably, but what follows might be worth watching: One of my subscribers pointed out that the next target on Batman’s map is Fort Clinton, which just happens to be next to West Point. What better way to charge up a renewed military fervor in favor of neocon wars of occupation than to have an enemy target the US Army Military Academy at West Point?
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[3-minute video] Ben Swann Reality Check: The Very Politically Incorrect Truth About The Second Amendment — ~”The 2nd Amendment is about making sure the population would not be controlled, dominated or oppressed by a government. It had nothing with the kind of weapon. It was simply about matching force.”
2nd Amendment Quotes — Whoever said that the founding fathers didn’t think that all citizens should have guns is living in their own little world
Stewart Rhodes: The Whole Point of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military capacity of the people to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is not about hunting, and is not really even about self-defense…
Larry Pratt responds to being personally attacked by CNN’s presstitute of the day, Piers Morgan
[9-minute video] Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Cover-Up
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media to eliminate eyewitness reports of a SECOND SHOOTER — Shouldn’t we all seek to get to the bottom of WHY these shootings all seem to fit a COMMON PATTERN of multiple mind-controlled shooters followed by an almost immediate media cover-up of the facts?
Sandy Hook Elementary: 3 Shooters (A CLOSE LOOK) — These aren’t just some ‘lone nut-men’
[5-minute video] Suzanne Gratia-Hupp on the 2nd Amendment — We need more women (and men) like this. Aren’t we supposed to be “the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE?”
[media bias exposed video] Reverse-Christian Piers Morgan Blows Up on Larry Pratt Over Gun Rights – 12/18/12
In China, school mass murderers use knives, not guns
[10-minute video] Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Mind Control — MK-Ultra Continues — Mass Shootings etc.
[10-minute video] Mike Adams (The Health Ranger): Do Guns Kill People?
An Inmate Claims that ‘Batman Shooter’ James Holmes Confessed that he was “Programmed to Kill” by an “Evil Therapist”
Congressman Ron Paul Introduced Legislation in 2011 to Protect School Children from Mass Murderers
Gandhi advocated the right to bear arms; use of ‘violence’ to defend innocents against bullying, oppression
Creepy Illuminati Message in Batman Movie Hints at Sandy Hook School — In this movie scene (1:58 into the movie) from Dark Knight Rises, “Sandy Hook” is about the only legible text on the whole map (look left of the walkie talkie in the screenshot above), and a guy puts his fingers on it
Fritz Springmeier: The Mass Shootings are Created Events — “The new Batman movie that came out BEFORE the shootings had in the background Aurora and Sandy Hook, the proof that the elite is creating these shootings”
Will Obama Cry For Children He Has Killed With Drones?
[6-minute video] Amish Grace — Bill Moyers showcases the book that describes the extraordinary grace of the families of the Amish school shooting victims. They forgave the shooter, comforted his family and attended his funeral because of their deep faith and the grace it gives them.

Senator Jay Rockefeller Calls for Gun Control and More Psychoactive Drugs

From: The Intel Hub

Senator Jay Rockefeller Calls for Gun Control and More Psychoactive Drugs

By JG Vibes
December 19, 2012

The Rockefeller family have been strict supporters of gun control for many years because they are one of the handful of families who fund and influence the politicians through their manipulation of monetary systems and control of natural resources like land, oil, gold, and diamonds.

They belong to the aristocratic club that wants to further enslave humanity using the political system, as that is what political systems are designed to do, they create mental cages.

This should be no surprise to people who are familiar with the history of this family and the nature of gun control, but recently a Rockefeller in the Senate has issued a statement using the recent shooting as an excuse to push for gun control.

According to the State Journal, Jay Rockefeller recently issued the following statement:

“I voted for the assault weapons ban in 1994, which also included a ban of high capacity clips, and it’s unacceptable that it hasn’t been reauthorized.

West Virginia has a proud hunting tradition and respect for the Second Amendment.

But most hunters I talk with know that prohibiting the use of military-grade weapons or clips that can fire dozens of rounds in a matter of seconds will not impact those traditions, nor do they have a place on our streets.  We need to pass a bill that will again prohibit such weapons.”

In addition, Rockefeller discussed the need to funnel more people into a state sanctioned and tax funded mental health system, which would undoubtedly include the distribution of harmful psychoactive drugs that have been known to play a role in many violent crimes.

In the statement he also said that:

“Preventing gun violence is a clear issue here, but this horrible tragedy also brings to the forefront the need for a renewed national dialogue on mental health.

Today, Medicaid is the largest payer of mental health services in the U.S.  Unfortunately, as both state and federal budget cuts have mounted nationwide, both inpatient and community services for children and adults living with serious mental illness have been downsized or eliminated.

We must fix that.  Despite the federal mental health parity law passed in 2008, which is in place to end insurance company discrimination against those seeking treatment for mental health, there is an incredible shortage of mental health providers across the country – including West Virginia.

This is yet another area where action is necessary.”

Wrapping up his statement, Rockefeller promised that he would be pushing for gun control legislation, joining the lynch mobs that have already assembled in Congress and the mainstream media.

He concluded by saying that:

“This horrific tragedy shook communities across West Virginia and the country.  But sadly, incidents with guns kill Americans throughout this country every day.  And I’ve heard from families in West Virginia who have lost loved ones, including their own children.

It would be a travesty if we only looked at Friday’s attack – as well as the many other senseless tragedies we’ve seen – in silence and refuse to act.  I’m pushing for that action now before we have to mourn more innocent lives lost.”

Entire Article Here

Stewart Rhodes: The Whole Point of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military capacity of the people to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is not about hunting, and is not really even about self-defense…

This is exactly what needs to be said and known across the land — especially these days, when our government is so corrupt, pushing the globalist agenda.
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From: BeforeItsNews

Stewart Rhodes Hit His 2nd Amendment “Line in the Sand”

The whole point of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military capacity of the American people – to preserve the ability of the people, who are the militia, to provide for their own security as individuals, as neighborhoods, towns, counties, and states, during any emergency, man-made or natural; to preserve the military capacity of the American people to resist tyranny and violations of their rights by oath breakers within government; and to preserve the military capacity of the people to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, including those oath breaking domestic enemies within government.  It is not about hunting, and at its core, the Second Amendment is not really even about self-defense against private criminals.   It is about self-defense against public criminals – against tyrants, usurpers, and foreign invaders. …

Protecting the keeping and bearing of such arms of military utility is the heart and soul of the Second Amendment.  Thus, any attempt to ban their possession, sale, purchase, or transfer, is an attempt to disarm the American people.

Entire Article Here
[5-minute video] Suzanne Gratia-Hupp on the 2nd Amendment — We need more women (and men) like this. Aren’t we supposed to be “the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE?”

Steve Quayle: Ethnic Warfare & UN Gun Confiscation Coming

I still think this is at least a few years away. Steve almost always is premature on his timing. But this is probably coming, nonetheless. Good to know.
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[youtube=]Steve Quayle: Ethnic Warfare & UN Gun Confiscation Coming

Published on Nov 9, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Time Warner Kills TV Show Critical of TSA — Episode exposed how body scanners were a major cancer threat

Time Warner Kills TV Show Critical of TSA
Episode exposed how body scanners were a major cancer threat
Paul Joseph Watson
October 30, 2012
Former Governor Jesse Ventura exclusively revealed to Infowars that a show set to air as part of Ventura’s popularConspiracy Theory series that exposed how TSA body scanners were a major cancer threat was canceled by Time Warner-owned TruTV.

Skip forward to 49:30 to hear Ventura’s comments about the TSA show being canceled.[youtube=]

“This year we did eight of them but they’re only going to air seven, they won’t do the one we did on the TSA – that one apparently ain’t gonna make show time,” said Ventura, speaking to the Alex Jones Show.
The former Governor of Minnesota refused to be drawn on who exactly was responsible for killing the show.
“I don’t know who killed it, I can only say that TruTV killed it,” said Ventura.
Pointing out how radiation-firing body scanners had recently been removed from larger airports, Ventura explained how the censored show was an investigation of the safety and money motivation behind the body scanners.
“They’re still not admitting that they’re not safe, well then why are they replacing them?” asked Ventura.
“We exposed that these things are not safe, we exposed that the radiation levels are at an unsafe level, we exposed the fact that TSA employees aren’t allowed to wear radiation badges for the own protection,” added Ventura, explaining that the government was trying to avoid lawsuits by avoiding having any system in place that monitor radiation levels.
Alex Jones, who acted as a consultant for the show, confirmed that the program was a serious investigation of the financial motive behind the body scanners and how they posed a significant cancer risk.
Numerous prestigious health bodies have warned that the radiation-firing body scanners will cause cancer.
Was the show axed because it could reflect badly on the Obama administration, which has overseen an expansion of the TSA to the point where its employees now litter highways, political events, music concerts and even high school prom nights?
TruTV is owned by Turner Broadcasting, which is a subsidiary of Time Warner. Time Warner has contributed $191,834 to Barack Obama in the 2012 election cycle.
CNN, another Time Warner-owned company, has proven adept at hushing up stories deemed embarrassing to the Obama administration, notably by censoring its own reporter Amber Lyon when she attempted to report on atrocities being committed by the US-backed regime in Bahrain.
Is this another example of Time Warner playing the role of state media?
Other TV networks have also recently thrown their weight behind the administration by vowing to push pro-Obamacare propaganda in plots of shows like Modern Family and Grey’s Anatomy.
This is by no means the first time Ventura’s show has been targeted for censorship.
An episode from the previous series of the show entitled “Police State” was pulled from being re-aired after pressure from the Department of Homeland Security. The episode exposed the continuity of government agenda including plans for the mass internment of American citizens in prison camps.
The show caused so much consternation amongst high circles that it was even remotely erased from viewer’s private TiVO recording boxes.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

[video and transcript] Journalist Chris Hedges Sues Obama Admin over Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens Approved in NDAA — Mitt Romney defended Obama’s approval of the bill, saying he would have done the same!

Last night, Republican front-runner Mitt Romney defended Obama’s approval of the bill, saying he would have done the same.

KELLY EVANS: Governor Romney, as president, would you have signed the National Defense Act, as written?

MITT ROMNEY: Yes, I would have. …

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Entire Article and Video Here

From: Democracy Now!


Journalist Chris Hedges Sues Obama Admin over Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens Approved in NDAA

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges has filed suit against President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to challenge the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes controversial provisions authorizing the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world, without charge or trial. Sections of the bill are written so broadly that critics say they could encompass journalists who report on terror-related issues, such as Hedges, for supporting enemy forces. “It’s clearly unconstitutional,” Hedges says of the bill. “It is a huge and egregious assault against our democracy. It overturns over 200 years of law, which has kept the military out of domestic policing.” We speak with Hedges, now a senior fellow at the Nation Institute and former New York Times foreign correspondent who was part of a team of reporters that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for the paper’s coverage of global terrorism. We are also joined by Hedges’ attorney Carl Mayer, who filed the litigation on his behalf in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. [includes rush transcript] …


AMY GOODMAN: During Monday night’s debate in South Carolina, Republican candidates sharply disagreed over a new policy to indefinitely detain American citizens. President Obama approved the measure as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, which includes controversial provisions authorizing the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world without charge or trial. President Obama added a signing statement when he signed the NDAA, stating, quote, “I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens.”

Well, last night, Republican front-runner Mitt Romney defended Obama’s approval of the bill, saying he would have done the same.

KELLY EVANS: Governor Romney, as president, would you have signed the National Defense Act, as written?

MITT ROMNEY: Yes, I would have. And I do believe that it’s appropriate to have in our nation the capacity to detain people who are threats to this country, who are members of al-Qaeda. Look, you have every right in this country to protest and to express your views on a wide range of issues, but you don’t have a right to join a group that has challenged America and has threatened killing Americans, has killed Americans and has declared war against America. That’s treason. And in this country, we have a right to take those people and put them in jail.

AMY GOODMAN: That was Republican presidential front-runner Romney, talking about the controversial indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA.

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum said a U.S. citizen who’s detained as an enemy combatant should have the right to a lawyer and to appeal his case before a federal court. And Ron Paul said holding American citizens indefinitely is a breach of the U.S. judicial system.

When President Barack Obama signed the NDAA, sections of the bill were opposed by key members of his administration, including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Many civil liberties activists believe the law is unconstitutional.

Well, today, an announcement is being made in New York, filing a complaint in the Southern U.S. District Court against Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to challenge the legality of the NDAA. Their plaintiff is none other than veteran war correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges.

For more, we’re joined by Chris Hedges himself, senior fellow at the Nation Institute, who recently wrote a piece for TruthDig called “Why I’m Suing Barack Obama.” Chris Hedges is a former foreign correspondent for the New York Times, was part of a team of reporters who won the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for the paper’s coverage of global terror. He is author of a number of books, including Death of the Liberal Class and The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress.

And we’re joined by Chris Hedges’ attorney Carl Mayer, who filed the litigation on his behalf.

Chris Hedges and Carl Mayer, welcome to Democracy Now!

CHRIS HEDGES: Thank you.

AMY GOODMAN: Chris, why are you suing President Obama?

CHRIS HEDGES: Because it’s clearly unconstitutional, for starters. But secondly, it is a huge and egregious assault against our democracy. It overturns over 200 years of law, which has kept the military out of domestic policing. And even that passage that you read from the White House, I think, is deeply disingenuous, because Dianne Feinstein had a resolution by which, within that bill, Americans would be exempted from this, and the Democratic Party and Barack Obama rejected it. All of the debate with Carl Levin, who, with McCain, sponsored the bill, was a struggle between the White House so that they would assume—they would have the right to assume which Americans would be detained by the military without due process and held indefinitely until the end of hostilities, this kind of endless war on terror. It’s an extremely frightening step backwards for American democracy. And as someone who’s spent 20 years overseas and has lived in countries where the military has that kind of power, I have friends who have disappeared into these military gulags. We have unleashed something that I think is truly terrifying.

And as discontent grows, of course, the criteria by which people can be investigated in this country are so amorphous, even bizarre—I mean, somebody who is missing fingers on a hand or somebody who has more than seven days’ worth of food. It’s a very seamless step to include in that list some of the obstructionist tactics of the Occupy movement. And I think that for those of us who care about civil liberties, the right of dissent and freedom, we have to stand up. And that’s why Carl and I have decided to do this.

Entire Article with Video Here

(NY Times Video) NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All – Op-Docs: The Program — NSA’s Utah facility can store 100 years worth of THE WORLD’S communications!

Related: NSA Whistleblower Details How The NSA Has Spied On US Citizens Since 9/11

After 9/11, they took one of the programs I had done, or the back-end part of it, and started to use it to spy on everybody in this country. So that was a program they created called “Stellar Wind.”William Binney, 32-years-NSA Whistle-blower

The 8-minute video, adapted from an ongoing project by Poitras that is to be released in 2013, has footage of the construction of the NSA’s $2 billion data storage facility in Bluffdale, Utah, which Binney says “has the capacity to store 100 years worth of the world’s electronic communications.”

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Transcript excerpts:

[Narrator] Following 9/11, the National Security Agency began a top-secret surveillance program to spy on U.S. citizens without warrants. Code-named Stellar Wind, or “The Program” to insiders, the full scope of the surveillance has not been made public. …

Binney worked at the NSA for 32 years. He is regarded as one of the best mathematicians and code breakers in the NSA’s history.

[William Binney, NSA Whistle-blower] After 9/11, they took one of the programs I had done, or the back-end part of it, and started to use it to spy on everybody in this country. So that was a program they created called “Stellar Wind.”

Here’s the real grand design. Every domain, think of a domain as an activity, a specific type of activity: phone calls; or banking is another domain. So, if you think of graphing each domain, and then each graph, then turning it into a third dimension, the trick now is to map through all the domains in that third dimension, pulling together all the attributes that any individual has in every domain. So that now I can pull your entire life together from all those domains and map it out, and show your entire life over time. …

The purpose is to be able to monitor what people are doing. You build social networks for everybody. That then turns into the graph, and then you index all that data to that graph, which means you can pull out a community. That gives you the outline of the life of everybody in the community, and if you carry it over time from 2001 up, you have that ten years worth of their life that you could lay it out in a timeline that involves anybody in the country. Even Senators, and House of Representatives, all of them. The dangers here are that we fall into something like a totalitarian state like East Germany.

• • •

NY Times:

The Program

The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data.

NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All – Op-Docs: The Program

          Published on Aug 29, 2012 by

Entire Article

[video] TSA to install molecular body scanners — Because of the device’s portability and ease of use, it may even begin to show up at athletic events, movie theaters, traffic lights, and bus and train stations … a blatant breach of the Fourth Amendment!

“It’s never going to end.”

– God

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[youtube=]TSA to install molecular body scanners

Published on Oct 2, 2012 by 

TSA is introducing the new full body scanner system to the American airports. The scanners will be capable of detecting every tiny trace of any substance of your body to find gunpowder or any bomb making materials. However the devices can also trace the level of adrenaline in the body. RT’s Kristine Frazao has more on the subject.

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From: Natural Society

TSA to Implement Body Scanners that Instantly Know Everything About your Body

Because of the device’s portability and ease of use, it may even begin to show up at athletic events, movie theaters, traffic lights, and bus and train stations. While this may, for whatever reason, seem like a welcome sense of security to some, it’s a blatant breach of the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution which protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Entire Article Here

[Video & Transript] From Guantánamo to NDAA: Obama Admin Bids to Preserve Indefinite Detention at Home and Abroad — "America, what has happened to you?"

From: DemocracyNow!

Earlier this month, a Yemeni man named Adnan Latif became the ninth foreign prisoner to die at Guantánamo since the military prison opened in 2002. Latif spent nearly 4,000 days at Guantánamo, despite being cleared for release on three separate occasions. In one ruling, a U.S. district court judge called the accusations against Latif, quote, “unconvincing” and said his detention was “not lawful.” Nevertheless, the Department of Justice appealed the district court’s decision and won. In a letter released in 2009, Latif wrote, quote, “I have seen death so many times. Everything is over. Life is going to hell in my situation. America, what has happened to you?”

Entire Article and Video Here

Joel Skousen (with Paul Craig Roberts): Anniversary of a Government Terror — "The American public has proved itself to be so cowardly that it willingly, without a peep, sacrificed its civil liberty and the protections of law guaranteed by the Constitution in order to be ‘safe.’"

Brilliant — both Skousen and Roberts!
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World Affairs Brief, September 14, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Anniversary of a Government Terror
German Supreme Court Upholds EU Bailout Fund
Fed Supporting Obama’s Reelection
Netanyahu Losing it over Iran
Nowhere to Hide from Satellite Surveillance
Collusion Between NY Times and CIA confirmed
Obama Administration Protects CIA Torturers
It isn’t just a coincidence that a major wave of anti-US backlash has been unleashed in Libya, Egypt and Yemen, three nations in which the US is continuing to intervene in their civil wars and aftermath. This is the kind of blowback Ron Paul warned about and its NOT about the so-called anti-Islamic film, and it’s not necessarily al Qaeda—that convenient label the US pins on anyone they want to target in the Middle East. The film may have given Muslim fanatics the excuse, but it’s the continued presence of US drones in these countries and the civilian casualties they cause that fuels this hatred.
As Spencer Ackerman wrote, “The drones never left Libya. The skies over Libya were clogged with U.S. Predator drones during last year’s war. But just because the war officially ended in October didn’t mean the drones went home. A Defense Department official tells [] Danger Room that the U.S. has kept drone flights flying over Libya, despite the conflict that initially brought them to Libyan airspace ending nearly a year ago.”
Michael Snyder of put it thus: “Radical Islamic militants stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt and replaced the American flag with the al-Qaeda flag. In Benghazi, Libya the U.S. consulate was attacked by a crowd equipped with guns, homemade bombs and rocket-propelled grenades. They torched the consulate, looted it, and killed the U.S. ambassador and three other U.S. officials. [And, Wednesday, anti-US protestors attacked the Embassy in Yemen] Apparently they are not as grateful for our help in ‘liberating’ their homelands as the Obama administration thought they would be. Unfortunately, our politicians fundamentally misunderstand what is going on in the Middle East, and this is going to continue to lead to more policy errors.
“For years, our politicians told us that ‘al-Qaeda’ was the big enemy in the ‘War on Terror’. But then during the ‘Arab Spring’ the U.S. government was openly working with ‘al-Qaeda’ and a bunch of other similar organizations all over the Middle East to overthrow established governments. To say that our approach to the Middle East has been ‘inconsistent’ would be a massive understatement.”
My take is a little different, and perhaps more complete. After studying how the US government pulled off the attack on the World Trade Center my frank opinion is that official al-Qaeda is an outright false flag terrorist outfit run by the CIA for the purposes of creating conflict at home and abroad. These terror events, falsely blamed on Muslim extremists (though they do exist, the ones who attacked the WTC were not religious extremists) provide the impetus for military intervention and the diminution of civil rights at home—both of which are intermediate goals in driving nations toward a New World Order.
According to various defectors, and disaffected intelligence agents over the years, it appears that the dark side of the US government uses both the Saudis and the Pakistani ISI to provide funding and mission direction to al Qaeda, which was a US creation during the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. The US would have us believe that they simply lost control of al Qaeda prior to 9/11, but this is simply false.
ABC News reported that “at least 12 Saudi businessmen were financing al Qaeda through accounts in Cyprus, Switzerland and Malaysia, among other countries. U.S. officials told ABC News that a full investigation into the allegations was under way and that there may be criminal charges filed before the end of the year.” Guess what year that was? –2007. The Saudis do the arms length funding for the US, and the US provides protection against prosecution. Immunity is one of the key components to understanding how the world works.
Bin Laden always was the US and Saudi’s man right up until he died several years ago. As I pointed out in a recent WAB, The killing of bin Laden in Abbattabad was a charade, killing instead one of the CIA’s two Osama look-a-likes. They were using these clones to make threatening videos for the decade after 9/11 in order to continue fomenting the phony war on terror.
Paul Craig Roberts agrees: “Osama bin Laden was too useful a bogeyman, and Washington and the presstitute media kept him alive for another decade until Obama needed to kill the dead man in order to boost his sinking standings in the polls so that Democrats would not back a challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination. Numerous bin Laden videos, every one pronounced a fake by experts, were released whenever it was convenient for Washington. No one in the Western media or in the US Congress or European or UK parliaments was sufficiently intelligent to recognize that a bin Laden video always showed up on cue when Washington needed it. ‘Why would the ‘mastermind’ be so accommodating for Washington?’ was the question that went through my mind every time one of the fake videos was released.”
Because of US drone strikes in Pakistan, the US has become an increasingly unwelcome ally in Pakistan, and the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence) has come under increasing pressure within Pakistani military and political circles to end its covert support of US al Qaeda terrorism. For this reason, the US is probably shifting control of their al Qaeda operations to Saudi Arabia. It is even possible that both the Saudis and Pakistanis have their own al-Qaeda operations to run, and they are not connected now, as they were in prior decades.
There are indications that there exist several different al Qaeda cells around the world, and they probably are not funded by the CIA’s usually bagmen, the Saudis or the Pakistanis, at least not directly. The Saudis have long been the deep pockets for US covert support of radical movements. The US probably has found willing front men in other countries to run terror cells, but on a smaller scale than what the Saudis are capable of funding.
What do the Saudis get in return from the US? Protection from internal overthrow and external attack. The US media also covers for the Saudis to keep out of the newspapers the egregious sexual escapades of various members of the Saudi Royal family, including the kidnapping of sex slaves.
Of course, there are plenty of disgruntled Muslim fanatics to do the suicide bombing and fighting as long as someone pays and trains them. Probably none of the actual terrorists on the ground (except those involved in 9/11) know who is calling the shots at the top. So, there is real terror in the world and real terrorists, but most of those organizations, at the top, are run by the CIA or one of its many subordinate or allied spook entities.
Just as the US has spawned and protected its own drug cartels around the world—and reaped the whirlwind of violence from competing cartels—so there are plenty of smaller terror groups emerging all the time competing with US sponsored al Qaeda variety. All of that is backlash against US involvement in their own countries.
I do not think this week’s attacks on the consulate and embassies in Libya, Cairo and Yemen were done by US sponsored terror, but the anti-Muslim film produced crudely in America may well be a black operation to incite these attacks.
The AP reported on Thursday, “A federal law enforcement official said Thursday that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was the man behind ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that sparked protests earlier in the week in Egypt and Libya and now in Yemen. The official… said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a figure who initially claimed to be the writer and director of the film. But Bacile quickly turned out to a false identity and the Associated Press traced a cellphone number used by Bacile to a southern California house where Nakoula was found.”
Nakoula denied he was Bacile, but investigators discovered he has a scam background and has used variations on that last name before. It looks to me that the feds caught him and gave him a choice of going to jail or helping the government produce a second rate amateur video of provocation. Some of the actors have reported that the director dubbed in different words than they spoke on camera. This was a hatchet job, once again to build up the war on terror.
The 11th Anniversary of 9/11 is always used by the media to promote the establishment version of events that day even as they are coming under increasing scrutiny. For the first time ever, Colorado Public Radio hosted a showing of a video produced by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth (see it at Their video presentation on the evidence for explosive demolition in the towers is one of the best, and a credible way of introducing friends to the powerful evidence the towers were taken down by internal explosives—which no ring of terrorists could have accomplished. It had to be an inside job.
Paul Craig Roberts had probably one of the best overviews of the anniversary and the contradictions in the official version. Here are excerpts [with my comments in brackets]: “In order to understand the improbability of the government’s explanation of 9/11, it is not necessary to know anything about what force or forces brought down the three World Trade Center buildings, what hit the Pentagon or caused the explosion, the flying skills or lack thereof of the alleged hijackers, whether the airliner crashed in Pennsylvania or was shot down, whether cell phone calls made at the altitudes could be received, or any other debated aspect of the controversy [although those are important anomalies and contradictions to the official story].
“You only have to know two things [extreme anomalies]: One is that according to the official story, a handful of Arabs, mainly Saudi Arabians, operating independently of any government and competent intelligence service, men without James Bond and V for Vendetta capabilities, outwitted not only the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency, but all 16 US intelligence agencies, along with all security agencies of America’s NATO allies and Israel’s Mossad. Not only did the entire intelligence forces of the Western world fail, but on the morning of the attack the entire apparatus of the National Security State simultaneously failed. Airport security failed four times in one hour.
“NORAD failed. Air Traffic Control failed. The US Air Force failed. The National Security Council failed. Dick Cheney failed [actually, he didn’t fail. He sat in the White House situation room and made sure a young Air Force officer DID NOT make the call to intercept the aircraft as it headed for the Pentagon]. Absolutely nothing worked [because they forced it into standown]. The world’s only superpower was helpless at the humiliating mercy of a few undistinguished Arabs.
“It is hard to image a more far-fetched story–except for the second thing you need to know: The humiliating failure of US National Security did not result in immediate demands from the President of the United States, from Congress, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and from the media for an investigation of how such improbable total failure could have occurred. No one was held accountable for the greatest failure of national security in world history. Instead, the White House dragged its feet for a year resisting any investigation until the persistent demands from 9/11 families for accountability forced President George W. Bush to appoint a political commission, devoid of any experts, to hold a pretend investigation.
“On 9/11 Doubts Were Immediate: The towers—the three-fourths or four-fifths of the buildings beneath the plane strikes–were standing, apparently largely undamaged. There were no signs of fire except in the vicinity of where the airliners had hit. Suddenly, one of the towers blew up, disintegrated, and disappeared in fine dust. Before one could make any sense of this, the same thing happened to the second tower, and it too disappeared into fine dust.
“The TV news anchors compared the disintegration of the towers to controlled demolition. There were numerous reports of explosions throughout the towers from the base or sub-basements to the top [and the ones in the basement happened BEFORE the aircraft struck. That’s what blew out all the windows in the lobby]. (Once the government put out the story of terrorist attack, references to controlled demolition and explosions disappeared from the print and TV media.) This made sense to me. Someone had blown up the buildings. It was completely obvious that the towers had not fallen down from asymmetrical structural damage. They had [been] blown up [that means there are probably 25-50 explosives riggers involved that were sworn to secrecy or had their lives threatened to silence them].
“I don’t remember the time line, but it wasn’t long before the story was in place that Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda gang had attacked the US. A passport had been found in the rubble… When I heard these reports, I wondered. How could a tiny undamaged passport be found in the rubble of two skyscrapers, each more than 100 stories tall, when bodies, office furniture and computers could not be found [it was planted]? How could airport security fail so totally that four airliners could be hijacked within the same hour? How could authorities know so conclusively and almost immediately the names of the perpetrators who pulled off such a successful attack on the world’s only superpower, when the authorities had no idea that such an attack was planned or even possible [and why did supposed trained terrorists leave behind such an easy to find trail of evidence: credit card use, flight manuals, tape records]?
“The more the story of 9/11 was presented in the media, the more wondrous it became. It is not credible that not only the CIA and FBI failed to detect the plot, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency, which spies on everyone on the planet, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, Israel’s Mossad, and the intelligence agencies of Washington’s NATO allies. There are simply too many watchmen and too much infiltration of terrorist groups for such a complex attack to be prepared undetected and carried out undeterred. Washington’s explanation of the attack implied a security failure too massive to be credible.
“NORAD failed. The US Air Force could not get jet fighters in the air. Air Traffic Control lost sight of the hijacked airliners [One controller at McGuire AFB told me that he had been told to stand down and not let any of the fighters take off]. Yet, instead of launching an investigation, the White House resisted for one year the demands of the 9/11 families for an investigation. Neither the public, the media, nor Congress seemed to think an investigation was necessary.
“The focus was on revenge [because attacking Afghanistan and Iraq were part of the reason for this false flag attack], which the Bush neocon regime said meant invading Afghanistan which was alleged to be sheltering the perpetrator, Osama bin Laden.”
Why did no one brag about pulling off 9/11? “Normally, terrorists are proud of their success and announce their responsibility. It is a way to build a movement… It makes no sense that the ‘mastermind’ of the most humiliating blow in world history ever to have been delivered against a superpower would not claim credit for his accomplishment. By September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden knew that he was deathly ill. According to news reports he underwent kidney dialysis the following month [at the American hospital in Dubai, and was visited by the CIA station chief]. The most reliable reports that we have are that he died in December 2001. It is simply not credible that bin Laden denied responsibility because he feared Washington.
“The 9/11 ‘investigation’ that finally took place was a political one run from the White House. One member of the commission resigned, declaring the investigation to be a farce, and both co-chairman and the legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission distanced themselves from their report with statements that the 9/11 Commission was ‘set up to fail,’ that resources were withheld from the commission, that representatives of the US military lied to the commission and that the commission considered referring the false testimony for criminal prosecution. One would think that these revelations would cause a sensation, but the news media, Congress, the White House, and the public were silent.
“All of this bothered me a great deal. The US had invaded two Muslim countries based on unsubstantiated allegations linking the two countries to 9/11, which itself remained uninvestigated. The neoconservatives who staffed the George W. Bush regime were advocating more invasions of more Muslim countries. Paul O’Neill, President Bush’s first Treasury Secretary, stated publicly that the Bush regime was planning to invade Iraq prior to 9/11. O’Neill said that no one at a National Security Council meeting even asked the question, why invade Iraq? ‘It was all about finding a way to do it.’
“The leaked top secret Downing Street Memo written by the head of British intelligence (MI6) confirms Paul O’Neill’s testimony. The memo, known as the ‘smoking gun memo’ whose authenticity has been confirmed, states that ‘President George W. Bush wants to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.’ In other words, the US invasion of Iraq was based on nothing but a made up lie.
“As an engineering student I had witnessed a controlled demolition. When films of the collapse of WTC building 7 emerged, it was obvious that building 7 had been brought down by controlled demolition. When physics instructor David Chandler measured the descent of the building and established that it took place at free fall acceleration, the case was closed. Buildings cannot enter free fall unless controlled demolition has removed all resistance to the collapsing floors. If airliners brought down two skyscrapers, why was controlled demolition used to bring down a third building?
“I assumed that structural architects, structural engineers, and physicists would blow the whistle on the obviously false story [yes, but principled people weren’t hired by NIST to do the report. There are whores in any profession that will do anything for money—especially if they are told it’s a matter of National Security]. If I could see that something was amiss, certainly more highly trained people would.
“The first physicist to make an effective and compelling argument was Steven Jones at BYU. Jones said that explosives brought down the twin towers. He made a good case. For his efforts, he was pressured to resign his tenured position. I wondered whether the federal government had threatened BYU’s research grants or whether patriotic trustees and alumni were the driving force behind Jones’ expulsion. Regardless, the message was clear to other university based experts: ‘Shut up or we’ll get you [Jones is a personal friend of mine. There were no direct threats from government. There may have been some pressure on the church university’s leaders intimating that Jones’ conclusion that only government could have done this was embarrassing the LDS Church. I happen to know that many leaders of the LDS church share that mainstream bias against conspiracy in government, even though many of the Mormon faithful believe in conspiracy].
Steven Jones was vindicated when chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen In Denmark reported unequivocally that the scientific team in which he participated found nano-thermite in the residue of the twin towers. This sensational finding was not mentioned in the US print and TV media to my knowledge.
“Several years after 9/11 architect Richard Gage formed Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, an organization that has grown to include 1,700 experts. The plans of the towers have been studied. They were formidable structures. They were constructed to withstand airliner hits and fires. There is no credible explanation of their failure except intentional demolition.
“I also found disturbing the gullibility of the public, media, and Congress in the unquestioning acceptance of the official stories of the shoe-bomber, shampoo and bottled water bomber, and underwear bomber plots to blow up airliners in transit. These schemes are farcical. How can we believe that al Qaeda, capable of pulling off the most fantastic terrorist attack in history and capable of devising improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that kill and maim US troops and destroy US military vehicles would rely on something that had to be lighted with a match [Roberts apparently is aware that you cannot initiate an explosion of plastic explosives with a match. It is precisely that fact that proves this was a plot not intended to cause anything but an excuse to give TSA more power to inspect liquids and install body scanners. Any trained terrorist would have known that you must have a blasting cap—not a match to set this off]. And, the liquid bomb would not have required extended time in a lavatory to be mixed (all to no effect, according to experts).
“The circumstantial evidence is that these were orchestrated events designed to keep fear alive, to create new intrusive powers for a new over-arching federal policy agency, to accustom US citizens to intrusive searches and a police force to conducting them, and to sell expensive porno-scanners and now more advanced devices to the Transportation Safety Administration. Apparently, this expensive collection of high-tech gadgetry is insufficient to protect us from terrorists, and in August 2012 the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 750 million rounds of ammunition, enough to shoot every person in the US 2.5 times.
“Naive and gullible Americans claim that if some part of the US government had been involved in 9/11, “someone would have talked by now.” A comforting thought, perhaps, but nothing more [Eventually, someone might (on their death bed), as the additional shooters did in the JFK assassination]. Consider, for example, the cover-up by the US government of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed or wounded most of the crew but failed to sink the ship. As the survivors have testified, they were ordered in a threatening way not to speak about the event. It was twelve years later before one of the USS Liberty’s officers, James Ennes, told the story of the attack in his book, Assault on the Liberty. I continue to wonder how the professionals at the National Institute of Standards and Technology feel about being maneuvered by the federal government into the unscientific position NIST took concerning the destruction of the WTC towers [Or how long the explosives workers who set the charges can live with themselves].
“What will be the outcome of the doubts about the official story raised by experts? I worry that most Americans are too mentally and emotionally weak to be able to come to grips with the truth [a very good point]. They are far more comfortable with the story that enemies attacked America successfully despite the massive national security state in place [that old knee-jerk patriotism at work that infects a lot of conservatives. The longer it persists, the harder it is for Americans to believe the truth when it comes to them—which includes the searing truth that they were part of the majority that was deceived]. The American public has proved itself to be so cowardly that it willingly, without a peep, sacrificed its civil liberty and the protections of law guaranteed by the Constitution in order to be ‘safe.’
“Congress is not about to expose itself for having squandered trillions of dollars on pointless wars based on an orchestrated ‘new Pearl Harbor.’ When the neoconservatives said that a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ was a requirement for their wars for American/Israeli hegemony, they set the stage for the 21st century wars that Washington has launched. If Syria falls, there is only Iran, and then Washington stands in direct confrontation with Russia and China.
“Unless Russia and China can be overthrown with ‘color revolutions,’ [won’t happen] these two nuclear powers are unlikely to submit to Washington’s hegemony. The world as we know it might be drawing to a close [I think Roberts is finally getting the big picture. What he doesn’t know is that the dark side of government is trying to cover for that future war. He only sees them as antagonizing Russia or China, but may not understand this is part of the next and biggest “New Pearl Harbor.].”
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[Landmark Video!] POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary on Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!

[video] Chris Hedges Warns of Authoritarian Takeover — "The assault on civil liberties, which began under the Bush administration, has in fact been accelerated by the Obama administration."

Quotes transcribed by Jeff Fenske during day-4 of the Great Anchorage Alaska Power Outage of 2012 : )

• • •

“The assault on civil liberties, which began under the Bush administration,
has in fact been accelerated by the Obama administration.”

Obama is using the Espionage Act, which includes jail time, to silence journalists.

“When you reduce people to a level of desperation it become far easier to control them”

– Chris Hedges

* * *

[youtube=]Chris Hedges Warns of Authoritarian Takeover

Published on Sep 5, 2012 by

Alex talks with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and war correspondent Chris Hedges. “Revolt is all we have left. It is our only hope,” Hedges recently wrote.
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[video] Christian Family Refuses Mandatory RFID Chip at Texas School

Gets really good at minute-7

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[youtube=]Christian Family Refuses Mandatory RFID Chip at Texas School

Published on Sep 7, 2012 by

Steve and Andrea Hernandez of who talk with Alex in-studio about San Antonio area High School honor student who has refused to wear a school mandated RFID tracking beacon around her neck because doing so conflicts with her religious beliefs.…

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