Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 18 of 26

Raw Milk Freedom Riders Challenge FDA: Liz Reitzig Reports

[youtube=]Raw Milk Freedom Riders Challenge FDA: Liz Reitzig Reports 1/2

Uploaded by on Oct 25, 2011

Mike talks with raw milk activist Liz Reitzig who along with the Raw Milk Freedom Riders is challenging the FDA to arrest her in November.


[refreshing audio!] Alex Jones interviews John B. Wells, my favorite ‘Coast to Coast AM’ host: “We’re out of time. It’s just about Game-Time … Now is the time to stand for something or just cower like little mice and let the cat take you over.”

Now I know for sure why I liked John B. Wells so much when he has hosted ‘Coast to Coast AM’!

These are my transcriptions

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John B. Wells:

“With the Greeks [Greek theater], at least they had the sense that all sex and violence…was only suggested. They also had enough sense to put masks on everyone so…. We’re continually being desensitized. I mean what next on TV? The last episode of ’24’ with Kiefer, I think he actually disemboweled a body…”

* * *

“I think there is a concerted effort to take this country down, and every time we allow some part of the Constitution, anything in the Bill of Rights to be sacrificed for what the government now calls ‘the greater good,’ well if nobody does anything about it, then it’s like ‘on to step two.'”

* * *

“I used to think invisibility was the key, and then just run away from it. … So I just reversed myself on that. It’s like visibility, high visibility is the key. … Now is the time to stand for something or just cower like little mice and let the cat take you over.”

 “We’re out of time. It’s just about Game-Time. So decide what side you are on and go there.”

* * *

“Separation of church and state refers only to the establishment by our government of a national religion. That’s all.”

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“For God’s sake, hold onto the foundation. And that foundation is the United States Constitution. That is what has enabled us to do what no other nation or combination of nations have been able to do in 235 years.”

* * *

Wells takes the time to quote this incredible lets-live-fully-in-reality Patrick Henry quote:

“It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope and pride. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”

– Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Convention, March 23, 1775

Alex Jones responds:

“People call it a revolution. I’m involved in an information revolution against lies. But I’ve always said, ‘I’m not a revolutionary. I’m a restorationist.’ Our Bill of Rights, our Constitution — though not fully lived up to in our country’s history — was the greatest flower of renaissance and awakening and enlightenment. … I want to go forward to the past.”

* * *

Wells also openly admits his belief in Jesus Christ. Yay!!!

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[youtube=]The Coming Cashless Society with Writer John B. Wells 1/3

Uploaded by on Oct 20, 2011

Alex welcomes to the show John B. Wells, an accomplished composer, musician, writer, actor, martial arts instructor, and aviator best know for his work as a voice artist.
(Official Infowars 2011 Moneybomb Website)




[ audio ] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast’ with Excellent Interviewer John B. Wells: What’s Really Going On?!!

[ audio ] Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with John B. Wells, 7/10/11: Angel Wars — War in the Heavens for our Souls

John B. Wells: “This is as obvious as Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey”

[video] Alex Jones: Herman Cain’s 30-30-30 Plan — “…the global government’s main taxing system — that, of course, is the carbon tax, allied with a VAT and sales tax. Anyone proposing that, you know works for the private central banks, like Herman Cain with the 9-9-9, which is going to be the 20-20-20, then the 30-30-30,” which will bring in “full Federal surveillance over every transaction.” — BIG BROTHER!

“…the global government’s main taxing system — that, of course, is the carbon tax, allied with a VAT and sales tax. Anyone proposing that, you know works for the private central banks, like Herman Cain with the 9-9-9, which is going to be the 20-20-20, then the 30-30-30.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]Holder & Cain: The 2 Biggest Jokers of 2011

Uploaded by on Oct 12, 2011

Fed Insider Cain Caught In Brazen Debate Lie

Establishment favorite claims he never opposed audit of Fed

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Establishment favorite and former Federal Reserve insider Herman Cain brazenly lied during last night’s Republican debate when he denied that he had opposed an audit of the Fed, a claim that was proven false within hours by Ron Paul’s campaign team.

Pointing out that the majority of Americans want to see a full audit of the Federal Reserve, Congressman Ron Paul asked Cain if he stood by his position that it would be frivolous to audit the Fed on a regular basis, as well as his characterization of those who are calling for such measures as ignorant.

Cain responded by claiming he never dismissed Ron Paul or his supporters as “ignorant” for asking about the Federal Reserve, and that the error was down to Paul believing what he read on the Internet. Technically Cain is correct, because he didn’t call Ron Paul supporters “ignorant,” worse still, in his own book Cain dismissed them as “stupid” and ludicrously suggested that the Paul campaign was deliberately sending out supporters to harass Cain with questions about the Federal Reserve.

Cain brazenly lied in the next breath when he claimed, “I do not object to the Federal Reserve being audited, I simply said if someone wants to initiate that action go right ahead, it doesn’t bother me,” adding that he had been “misrepresented” and didn’t have a problem with the Fed being audited, before robotically repeating his “9,9,9″ tax hike agenda.

Within hours, the Paul campaign responded by pointing out precisely where Cain had expressed his opposition to auditing the Fed, with the aid of the very same Internet that Cain derided as an inaccurate source of information.

Unfortunately for the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO, the world wide web turned out to be very accurate in documenting Cain’s deception.

On December 29, 2010, Cain, former director and chairman at the Kansas City Federal Reserve, said the following.

“Some people say that we ought to audit the Fed. Here’s what I do know. The Federal Reserve already has so many internal audits it’s ridiculous. I don’t know why people think we’re gonna learn this great amount of information by auditing the Federal Reserve. I think a lot of people are calling for this audit of the Federal Reserve because they don’t know enough about it. There’s no hidden secrets going on in the Federal Reserve to my knowledge.”

* * *

[youtube=]Verisign, Cain’s 6-6-6 Tax Plan & More: Nightly News Report

Uploaded by on Oct 12, 2011

Alex breaks down the top stories of the day and details how they will effect you and your family today on Infowars Nightly News Broadcast.


Michelle Bachmann on Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan: “When you take the 9-9-9 plan and you turn it upside down, I think the devil’s in the details” — 6-6-6

[Just another lying pastor] Video: HERMAN CAIN LIES TO RON PAUL’S FACE About the Federal Reserve at GOP Debate (and the people laugh!)

Fed Insider Herman Cain Caught In Brazen Debate Lie: Alex Jones Report

Former ‘Fed’ chairman, pro-war-and-torture Herman Cain calls peacemaker and ‘audit the Fed’ Ron Paul “A grumpy old man” on Leno!

Tom Woods: The Trouble with Herman Cain

Alex Jones on HERMAN CAIN: pro-PATRIOT ACT; formerly worked for the FEDERAL RESERVE; pro-TORTURE; pro-national SALES TAX, and by the way, now he’s announced they’re going to keep the INCOME TAX as well — & — more reasons why people who support RICK PERRY don’t have a clue! RON PAUL is the only FREEDOM FIGHTER!

Denver Airport NWO Art: Nightly News on The Street Report

[youtube=]Denver Airport Nwo Art: Nightly News on The Street Report

Uploaded by on Oct 12, 2011

A look at the sinister and morbid death cult murals on display at the Denver International Airport.


[MANY PHOTOS] Sinister Sites – The Denver International Airport – Literally an Occult New Age Cathedral

God of Death Joins Blucifer and the Apocalyptic Murals at Denver International Airport

The Denver International Airport of the New World Order

Devil Pyramid Rotting in Memphis — Alex Jones reports on the failing tourist attraction admittedly set up by occultists John & Isaac Tigrett. Long after the crystal skulls and other sacraments hidden inside were exposed, the ‘cursed’ pyramid is once again revamping, now as a Bass Pro Shop.

[ audio ] Michael Savage Agrees with Ron Paul on al-Awlaki Killing, Obama Abusing his Power (10/03/11)

[youtube=]Michael Savage Agrees with Ron Paul on al-Awlaki Killing, Obama Abusing his Power – (10/03/11)

Uploaded by on Oct 4, 2011

Obama: A disaster for civil liberties

From: Los Angeles

Obama: A disaster for civil liberties

He may prove the most disastrous president in our history in terms of civil liberties.

By Jonathan Turley
September 29, 2011

With the 2012 presidential election before us, the country is again caught up in debating national security issues, our ongoing wars and the threat of terrorism. There is one related subject, however, that is rarely mentioned: civil liberties. …

Many were questioning the extreme measures taken by the Bush administration, especially after the disclosure of abuses and illegalities. Candidate Obama capitalized on this swing and portrayed himself as the champion of civil liberties.

However, President Obama not only retained the controversial Bush policies, he expanded on them. The earliest, and most startling, move came quickly. Soon after his election, various military and political figures reported that Obama reportedly promised Bush officials in private that no one would be investigated or prosecuted for torture. …

Obama failed to close Guantanamo Bay as promised. He continued warrantless surveillance and military tribunals that denied defendants basic rights. He asserted the right to kill U.S. citizens he views as terrorists. His administration has fought to block dozens of public-interest lawsuits challenging privacy violations and presidential abuses.

But perhaps the biggest blow to civil liberties is what he has done to the movement itself. It has quieted to a whisper, muted by the power of Obama’s personality and his symbolic importance as the first black president as well as the liberal who replaced Bush. Indeed, only a few days after he took office, the Nobel committee awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize without his having a single accomplishment to his credit beyond being elected. Many Democrats were, and remain, enraptured.

It’s almost a classic case of the Stockholm syndrome, in which a hostage bonds with his captor despite the obvious threat to his existence.

Entire Article Here

Police ban Bible in Christian café, Salt & Light Coffee House (Blackpool, England) — A customer complained

[youtube=]Police ban Bible in Christian café (Blackpool, England)

Uploaded by on Sep 23, 2011

Lancashire Police have told the owner of a Christian café in Blackpool, England, that he is not allowed to display Bible verses because they breach public order laws. The owner, Jamie Murray, is being defended by The Christian Institute.

Obama’s press secretary Jay Carney vs. reporter Jake Tapper on President killing U.S. citizens: That’s really all I can say about this… — What Carney carefully doesn’t say is we don’t have to give you any proof Awlaki did anything in order to assassinate him. That’s how my boss rolls … right over the Constitution and the rights of American citizens, now that most of you are so fearful you’ll even put your own daughters through the naked body scanners. Bye, bye America!

[youtube=]Jake Tapper vs. Jay Carney on President Killing U.S. Citizens.

Uploaded by on Oct 1, 2011

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality



When The President Can Kill Whoever He Wants

[Democracy Now video] Glenn Greenwald (good guy/peacemaker!): With Death of Anwar al-Awlaki, Has U.S. Launched New Era of Killing U.S. Citizens Without Charge? — The problem is that American political culture is such that evidence doesn’t make a difference. Trials and due process are very pre-9/11 — Only the citizenry can ensure that those rights are not trampled on; and the question is whether citizens actually believe in those.

CIA Target Their Own Asset: Nightly News Report

[video] When The President Can Kill Whoever He Wants

[youtube=]When The President Can Kill Whoever He Wants

Uploaded by on Sep 30, 2011

Ron Paul Video Playlist

Rand Paul Video Playlist

Peter Schiff Video Playlist

Jesse Ventura Video Playlist

Freedom Watch Video Playlist

Gerald Celente Friends

Max Keiser Video Player

Alex Jones Video Player


[Democracy Now video] Glenn Greenwald (good guy/peacemaker!): With Death of Anwar al-Awlaki, Has U.S. Launched New Era of Killing U.S. Citizens Without Charge? — The problem is that American political culture is such that evidence doesn’t make a difference. Trials and due process are very pre-9/11 — Only the citizenry can ensure that those rights are not trampled on; and the question is whether citizens actually believe in those.

Obama’s press secretary Jay Carney vs. reporter Jake Tapper on President killing U.S. citizens: That’s really all I can say about this… — What Carney carefully doesn’t say is we don’t have to give you any proof Awlaki did anything in order to assassinate him. That’s how my boss rolls … right over the Constitution and the rights of American citizens, now that most of you are so fearful you’ll even put your own daughters through the naked body scanners. Bye, bye America!

CIA Target Their Own Asset: Nightly News Report

[Democracy Now video] Glenn Greenwald (good guy/peacemaker!): With Death of Anwar al-Awlaki, Has U.S. Launched New Era of Killing U.S. Citizens Without Charge? — The problem is that American political culture is such that evidence doesn’t make a difference. Trials and due process are very pre-9/11 — Only the citizenry can ensure that those rights are not trampled on; and the question is whether citizens actually believe in those.

Video and Full Transcript Here

* * *

Key Points:

GLENN GREENWALD: Let’s begin with the fact Anwar al-Awlaki is a U.S. citizen. He was ordered assassinated by the President of the United States without presenting any evidence of any kind as to his guilt, without attempting to indict him in any way or comply with any of the requirements of the Constitution that say that you can’t deprive someone of life without due process of law. The president ordered him killed wherever he was found, including far away from a battle field, no matter what it was he was doing at the time. And if you’re somebody who believes that the president of the United States has the power to order your fellow citizens murdered, assassinated, killed without even a shred of due process, without having to have charged him with a crimes or indict him and prove in a court he’s actually guilty, then you’re really declaring yourself to be as pure of an authoritarian as it gets. Remember that there was great controversy that George Bush asserted the power simply to detain American citizens without due process or simply to eavesdrop on their conversations without warrants. Here you have something much more severe. Not eavesdropping on American citizens, not detaining them without due process, but killing them without due process, and yet many Democrats and progressives, because it’s President Obama doing it, have no problem with it and are even in favor of it. To say that the President has the right to kill citizens without due process is really to take the constitution and to tear it up into as many little pieces as you can and then burn it and step on it.

* * *

The government began claiming that it wasn’t just his messages and his ideas that were bothering them and making them want to kill him, but the fact he started to have an operational role in various plots, such as the attempt by Abdulmutallab to detonate a bomb in a jet over Detroit over Christmas. They claim that he was involved in the attack by Nidal Hasan on the Fort Hood base that killed 14 American service members. The problem with that is that, there’s been no evidence presented that he’s actually been involved in any of those plots. He is not been indicted or charged. If he has been involved in those plots, then the solution is to charge him with those crimes, bring him before a court of justice, and prove his guilt; not simply to order him killed as though the President is judge, jury, and executioner.

* * *

Right,well, one of the bizarre aspects of this is that media and government reports have tried to sell Awlaki is some kind of grand terrorist mastermind. There’s even lots of articles you can find online and major publications describing him as the new Bin Laden. The United States government needs a terrorist mastermind to replace Bin Laden to justify this type of endless war that President Obama, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, is insisting on not just continuing, but escalating. And for a while, Awlaki was the person to going to serve that function. But, the problem is, if you the read experts in Yemen, like Gregory Johnson and others, they mock the idea Awlaki was some kind of a leader of Al Qaeda and even question whether he had any operational role at all in any of these plots. He was clearly a cleric who developed some audience and was popular, particularly among English-speaking Muslim youth because of his ability to communicate with them. But, the idea that he was some high up in Al Qaeda or this is a blow to the operational capability of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is absolutely ludicrous. And if you read Yemen experts, you’ll see that that’s true. The problem is that American political culture is such that evidence doesn’t make a difference. Trials and due process are very pre-9/11. What we believe is that if the president stands up and says, someone is a terrorist, that’s all we need to know; they are therefore there are guilty because the leader has accused him of being that, and as long as the Aides then go and leak to the media, which they have done, that he played a significant operational role and was a big Al Qaeda leader, we won’t need to see evidence. We’ll just stand up and blindly click our heels and accept it’s true, and then cheered the fact he’s been murdered based on as unproven claims.

* * *

Well, one thing that is obvious, is that voting for Democrats as opposed to Republicans doesn’t help. In fact, if you read The New York Times article from 2010 confirming that Awlaki is on the hit list, it makes clear that there’s been no instances where George Bush ordered American citizens targeted for assassination, that this is extraordinary and perhaps an unprecedented step under the Democratic president. What people in the Arab world did, when their leaders did things like imprison them, let alone kill them, and their fellow citizens without trials, is they went out into the streets and protested and demanded that it stop. It’s hard to see how voting for one of these two parties is going to end these extraordinary excesses in violations of the constitution; it clearly doesn’t. Something outside of that system is necessary to address it. That’s been proven. So, I think if Americans cared about the constitutional rights the[y] pretended to care about under George Bush, Democrats in particular, they would be very vocally protesting and objecting to this. But, the problem is that, the opportunity to use these issues as a means to undermine Republican politicians is now gone, and so, many people who, three years ago, were pretending to care about these things, no longer do. So, the question that American citizens have to ask themselves, is whether they believe in the principles of liberty and rights that they have learned were protected by the Constitution? That’s just a piece of paper—-the Constitution—-it cannot protect those rights, only the citizenry can ensure that those rights are not trampled on; and the question is whether citizens actually believe in those.


Glenn Greenwald: The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot — Wouldn’t the FBI’s resources be better spent on detecting and breaking up actual Terrorist plots, if there are any, rather than manufacturing ones?

CIA Target Their Own Asset: Nightly News Report

[youtube=]CIA Target Their Own Asset: Nightly News Report

Uploaded by on Oct 1, 2011

During the news blitz, Infowars Nightly News discusses top al Qaeda operative and CIA double-agent Anwar al-Awlaki, who was reportedly killed by a predator drone in Libya. Documents now famously prove that he dined at the Pentagon with top brass just months after 9/11, despite being connected to at least three hijackers and being interviewed by the FBI multiple times. Awlaki has since emerged as a key link between dozens of alleged terror plots inside the U.S. and abroad, including the Ft. Hood shootings, the Underwear Bomber, shoebomber Richard Reid and more.

INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS – Anwar Al-Awlaki, CIA lackeyMeanwhile, one Rezwan Ferdous has been arrested after an alleged plot to attack the Capitol and Pentagon buildings with a remote controlled model airplane carrying explosives that were ADMITTEDLY supplied by the FBI in a sting operation. Like literally dozens of other foiled terror plots, the FBI provocateured the suspects into action, including supplying them with bomb making materials or explosives, as the case may be. Even Fox News host Geraldo Rivera called out these repeated sting actions used to scare the public into believing the al Qaeda-terrorism threat is on-going as ‘bogus.’ This latest case appears to be little different, though no one was killed, unlike the 1993 World Trade Center bombing which leaked recording prove was also set-up and goaded-on using FBI informants.
(Subscribe to Infowars Nightly News today!)

Glenn Greenwald: The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot — Wouldn’t the FBI’s resources be better spent on detecting and breaking up actual Terrorist plots, if there are any, rather than manufacturing ones?

From: Salon

The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot

The FBI has received substantial criticism over the past decade — much of it valid — but nobody can deny its record of excellence in thwarting its own Terrorist plots.  Time and again, the FBI concocts a Terrorist attack, infiltrates Muslim communities in order to find recruits, persuades them to perpetrate the attack, supplies them with the money, weapons and know-how they need to carry it out — only to heroically jump in at the last moment, arrest the would-be perpetrators whom the FBI converted, and save a grateful nation from the plot manufactured by the FBI.

Last year, the FBI subjected 19-year-old Somali-American Mohamed Osman Mohamud to months of encouragement, support and money and convinced him to detonate a bomb at a crowded Christmas event in Portland, Oregon, only to arrest him at the last moment and then issue a Press Release boasting of its success.  In late 2009, the FBI persuaded and enabled Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a 19-year old Jordanian citizen, to place a fake bomb at a Dallas skyscraper and separately convinced Farooque Ahmed, a 34-year-old naturalized American citizen born in Pakistan, to bomb the Washington Metro.  And now, the FBI has yet again saved us all from its own Terrorist plot by arresting 26-year-old American citizen Rezwan Ferdaus after having spent months providing him with the plans and materials to attack the Pentagon, American troops in Iraq, and possibly the Capitol Building using “remote-controlled” model airplanes carrying explosives.

Entire Article Here


Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

[Democracy Now video] Glenn Greenwald (good guy/peacemaker!): With Death of Anwar al-Awlaki, Has U.S. Launched New Era of Killing U.S. Citizens Without Charge? — The problem is that American political culture is such that evidence doesn’t make a difference. Trials and due process are very pre-9/11 — Only the citizenry can ensure that those rights are not trampled on; and the question is whether citizens actually believe in those.

Power-Over, Reverse-Christianity Illustrated

[video] Terror Drill Terrorizes Children

[youtube=]Terror Drill Terrorizes Children

Uploaded by on Sep 26, 2011

A drill involving a SWAT team at a Denver area elementary school subjected children as young as first grade to a traumatic and frighteningly realistic school shooter scenario involving simulated gunshots, explosions and loud alarms. Part of the Homeland Security-led Operation Mountain Guardian, it was only one part of a drill that took place at more than 10 locations, including Sports Authority Field @ Mile High Stadium, where local, state and federal agencies practiced relocating children and other potential victims, a contingency planned for real events, including terrorism or other emergencies.

While the SuperDome in New Orleans became a symbol of the nightmare of federal emergency control– blocking organic local relief efforts while ‘mismanaging’ its own actions– it is seen as a place of refuge for authorities in Denver under a scenario is planned with more than 100 agencies over more than 18 months. The plan to use sports stadiums is in keeping with H.R. 645, the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act and other related martial law plans. reporters traveled there Friday to cover the drill.

Chuck Baldwin: War On Terror Or War On Freedom?


Posted on Sep 22, 2011

War On Terror Or War On Freedom?

A recent major investigative report by the Los Angeles Times sheds light on what all this “war on terror” is actually costing–and actually accomplishing. According to the report, “A decade after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, federal and state governments are spending about $75 billion a year on domestic security, setting up sophisticated radio networks, upgrading emergency medical response equipment, installing surveillance cameras and bombproof walls, and outfitting airport screeners to detect an ever-evolving list of mobile explosives.

“But how effective has that 10-year spending spree been?

“‘The number of people worldwide who are killed by Muslim-type terrorists, Al Qaeda wannabes, is maybe a few hundred outside of war zones. It’s basically the same number of people who die drowning in the bathtub each year,’ said John Mueller, an Ohio State University professor who has written extensively about the balance between threat and expenditures in fighting terrorism.”

The LA Times report goes on to say, “Like the military-industrial complex that became a permanent and powerful part of the American landscape during the Cold War, the vast network of Homeland Security spyware, concrete barricades and high-tech identity screening is here to stay. The Department of Homeland Security, a collection of agencies ranging from border control to airport security sewn quickly together after Sept. 11, is the third-largest Cabinet department and–with almost no lawmaker willing to render the U.S. less prepared for a terrorist attack–one of those least to fall victim to budget cuts.

“The expensive and time-consuming screening now routine for passengers at airport boarding gates has detected plenty of knives, loaded guns and other contraband, but it has never identified a terrorist who was about to board a plane. Only 14 Americans have died in about three dozen instances of Islamic extremist terrorist plots targeted at the U.S. outside war zones since 2001–most of them involving one or two home-grown plotters.”

The report also notes, “Large sums of Homeland Security money, critics complain, have been propelled by pork barrel politics into the backyards of the congressionally connected.”

See the LA Times report at:

Add to the LA Times report a report by Madison Ruppert. In the report, Ruppert notes that it is clearly the Bill of Rights–especially the First Amendment’s freedom of speech and the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms–that are suffering the most egregious attacks from the federal government’s “war on terror.”

Ruppert concludes his report saying, “In short, despite the fact that all the statistics and data in the world directly contradict the report’s findings and the claims made by clearly biased ‘experts’ on the threat of terrorism, especially of the homegrown variety, the HSPI [Homeland Security Policy Institute] and other bodies continue to fearmonger and lie to the American people to keep us scared while they empty our pockets and continue their imperialistic adventures in the Middle East and now North Africa.”

See Ruppert’s column at:

Back to the Times report, not only do we Americans have about an equal chance of dying at the hands of a terrorist as we do dying in our own bathtubs, we have a much greater risk of dying at the hands of prescription drugs–something lawfully encouraged and tightly controlled by the US government. According to a recent report, more people now die each year from prescription drugs than from automobile accidents. That’s some 37,000 deaths via prescription drugs annually! (Come to think of it, how many people do you know who have died from marijuana?) And as hard as it will be for some people to accept, this number is gigantically greater than those who die from hard drugs such as heroin or crack cocaine. In fact, the prescription drug Vicodin, by itself, has killed more people than cocaine and heroin combined.

See the report on prescription drug deaths at:

So, what has this trillion-dollar “war on terror” accomplished? If it’s not making us more secure, what is it doing? Well, for one thing, it has created a stupendous surveillance society. Virtually every piece of public communication is now captured and stored by the federal government. Surveillance cameras are now ubiquitous throughout the United States. We have a gargantuan federal police department (which is anathema to the US Constitution): the Department of Homeland Security. We have thousands of Orwellian laws, most of which were spawned by the Patriot Act. And more and more often, law enforcement agencies are demonizing US citizens for their religious and political beliefs and statements–even categorizing them as potential domestic terrorists based simply on those religious and political beliefs.

To refresh reader’s minds regarding how Americans have been labeled, profiled, and denigrated as “terrorists” because of their religious or political beliefs, please peruse the material on this web page:

Fortunately, it does appear that the combination of an emerging police state and a declining economy that has resulted from this “war on terror” is finally starting to catch the attention of the American people. According to a Brooking Institution report, “Six in ten Americans believe that that the United States weakened its economy by overspending in its responses to the 9/11 attacks. In particular, respondents felt this was especially true of the U.S. mission in Iraq. Two out of three Americans perceive that over the decade since 9/11, U.S. power and influence in the world has declined.”

A Rasmussen report further revealed, “As with the recent turmoil in Egypt, most Americans (67%) say the United States should leave the situation in the Arab countries alone.”

Beyond that, “A Zogby poll conducted in August 2007 found that 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding the 9/11 attacks, two-thirds (67%) of Americans say the 9/11 Commission should have investigated the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.”

See the report containing the above survey results and more at:

The LA Times is right to question what Americans are getting for their $75 billion a year contribution to the “war on terror.” Some could even argue–with convincing data–that the “war on terror” is in reality a “war on freedom.”

P.S. Understanding the financial difficulties that many people are having due to the current recession, and wanting to help people who desire to download my video and audio messages, we have reduced the price of both of these downloads. Video downloads are now only $10 (down from $15) and audio downloads are only $5 (down from $10). To download these messages, go to:

P.S.S. Our printer has just cleared his warehouse of all remaining FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. We now have 50 copies of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS available. And with our move to Montana, it is not certain that we will be able to provide FREEDOM DOCUMENTS this Christmas as usual. So, if readers want to obtain this fabulous collection of America’s great historical documents in one volume, we have a total of only 50 copies that will be shipped while the supply lasts on a first-come, first-served basis. To order FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, go to:

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

© Chuck Baldwin

“BOYCOTT THE NFL!” Alex Jones calls for mass boycott against the NFL, Big Sis and her TSA thugs — “People say ‘well I just won’t fly.’ Well, they’re going to get you at the sports’ stadium, and the mall, and on the highway.” More people die from snake bites than from terrorism each year! C’mon people. Wake up and stand up!

“People say ‘well I just won’t fly.’

Well, they’re going to get you at the sports’ stadium,
and the mall, and on the highway.”

– Alex Jones

* * *

[youtube=]Alex Jones Calls for NFL Boycott!!: TSA Report

Uploaded by on Sep 16, 2011

Alex Jones Calls for NFL Boycott After Intrusive Pat-down Searches Announced

[youtube=]“BOYCOTT THE NFL!” Alex Jones calls for mass boycott against the NFL, Big Sis and her TSA thugs

Uploaded by on Sep 17, 2011

Alex Jones wants to launch a massive boycott against the NFL and their sponsors. Write a letter, send an email, make a phone call and vote with your dollars. We will not tolerate the TSA sticking their hands down our pants to engage in everyday life. In this video you will see that Alex is in the woods and there are no TSA/ government agents making sure that snakes wont bite him. And more people die from snake bites than from terrorism each year. This is the government looking for more excuses and places to get into your business. It is time to say no and resist this blitzing of the 4th amendment.


Mark Dice: “Karl Marx said that religion is THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES — when really it’s FOOTBALL”

[What’s-Going-On? AUDIO & TEXT] Joel Skousen on Radio Liberty 8/11/11: World Affairs Brief Weekly Update — 9/11 COMMEMORATION: MAKING THE OFFICIAL VERSION PERMANENT — Some of the latest and best evidence that the official story is not true. What we have allowed to happen to this nation is absolutely shameful. We have betrayed our founding fathers and we have cast aside many of our liberties and freedoms because we are so afraid…

Want to really know what is going on?

Listen to these two massively experienced gentlemen:

* * *

Analyst Joel Skousen
“Fair and balanced” — truly!

Real-historian Dr. Stan
“A national treasure!”

* * *

From Joel Skousen’s
World Affairs Brief

This week in the World Affairs Brief:
In this first half of September Americans are being subjected to the largest propaganda campaign in decades, seeking to make permanent in the American psyche the official version of 9/11 and specifically that the attack more infamous than Pearl Harbor was the work of a lone cadre of terrorists from the Middle East, with virtually no foreknowledge, direction, financing or coordination with dark side elements of the US government. The evidence has been building for years that demonstrates this simply wasn’t true. This week, I’ll present some of the latest and best evidence. You can request a one-time free sample of the briefs by sending an email to
Republican Debate: Manipulation Doesn’t Always Work
Wesley Clark Revealed Conspiracy to Go to War
Obama Justice Dept Enforcing Bad Law
Subscribe now to read the rest of this week’s brief and all archives!
The World Affairs Brief is a weekly news analysis service dedicated to providing an understanding of the hidden agendas behind the actions of world leaders and other powerful individuals who influence government from behind the scenes. Although the World Affairs Brief is provided to subscribers only, you can read samples of Mr. Skousen’s unique analysis in the archives section. The following daily news items are provided as a sampling of the crucial issues that Mr. Skousen may analyze in this week’s briefing.

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Audio from Dr. Stanley Monteith’s
Radio Liberty archives

Date: 09-08-11
Hour: 1
3:00: William H. Kennedy – Sex Scandal & Satanic Crime
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Dr. Michael Brown – A Queer Thing Happened To America
Hour: 4
9:00: Danielle Lindler – Forestry in CA Excessively Regulated
Date: 09-07-11

* * *

World Affairs Brief, September 9, 2011 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (



In this first half of September Americans are being subjected to the largest propaganda campaign in decades, seeking to make permanent in the American psyche the official version of 9/11 and specifically that the attack more infamous than Pearl Harbor was the work of a lone cadre of terrorists from the Middle East, with virtually no foreknowledge, direction, financing or coordination with dark side elements of the US government. The evidence has been building for years that demonstrates this simply wasn’t true. This week, I’ll present some of the latest and best evidence.

We are required to relive over and over again the superficial happenings of that day and be regaled with repetitive human interest stories of heroes, victims and their families or whether or not people “lost faith at ground zero.” The media show contains no references to the fact that almost a third of Americans distrust or disbelieve the official version.

That is why the mass of evidence linking government foreknowledge and planning to the placement of explosives in the buildings, and the massive subsequent cover-up must never be discussed. “9/11 Truthers” are to be evaded and never allowed to make their case in the mainstream news no matter that many of them are respected architects, engineers, scientists and pilots. Instead, the official version must be drummed into people so that future generations will react with extreme prejudice and disbelief at the mere hint of conspiracy facts or theory.

While I don’t have the space go through all the evidence of government coverup and involvement in 9/11 again, the most dramatic evidence comes from the explosives demolition of WTC building 7. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have produced a couple of videos that will convince almost all but the most hardened skeptics. The first is a must see, the second gives an even wider spectrum of the experts who agree that only controlled demolition explains the uniform fall of this building.

The demolition of WTC buildings 1 and 2, hit by airplanes, was done by a more sophisticated form of controlled demolition using sequential timers set off by human beings who could observe where the aircraft struck. Both buildings showed the same crucial signs of demolition during the fall: no resistance from the floors below, sounds of explosions triggering the fall, and multiple explosions going off on the way down so as to make it appear as if the top were crushing each floor below.

This is done using explosives set every few floors, triggered sequentially to match the speed of the fall as it is descending–not hard to do, just more high-tech. In fact, the height of the Twin Towers required this kind of demolition. Had they done a normal demolition but using cutting charges only at the base columns the tall narrow tower would surely have tipped over during the fall and caused wider damage. One can even observe the antenna array on top of the north building descending slightly before the building itself begins to fall–a sign that the central core columns had been compromised–an area not capable of being damaged directly by the plane. In fact, they were compromised down in the basement. These columns at the base were too massive for conventional cutting charges. Someone with access to the building cut a hole into the hollow core and loaded it with thermite–capable of melting any metal with white hot heat once ignited. The collapse of the central core was probably the sign to the demolition crew to trigger the rest of the charges in the sequential collapse.

With any government coverup, there is always more evidence surfacing in later years, just as it did in the Kennedy Assassination. The media must then mobilize to explain it away or debunk the new evidence that points to government involvement. Here’s an excerpt from a recent NY Times article that contains a lot of disinformation, typical of the mainstream media when they pretend to reveal new light on an old coverup [my comments in brackets].

[video] Alex Jones: “States are supposed to have the National Guard for emergencies. The Feds take that away from us; give us FEMA back…”

“States are supposed to have the National Guard for emergencies.
The Feds take that away from us [sent overseas];
give us FEMA back [major element of the police state]…”

— Alex Jones

* * *

[youtube=]Alex Takes Calls on The Ron Paul Revolution 2012

Uploaded by on Sep 6, 2011

“First they came for the lemonade stands, and I didn’t say anything, because…” — Today is Gibson guitars, tomorrow is…

“First they came for the lemonade stands…”

Chris | InformationLiberation

I thought this was quite an apropos comment on the Gibson Guitar raid.

First they came for the lemonade stand, and I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t have a lemonade stand.
Then they came for the organic foods and raw milk, and I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t have organic foods and raw milk.
Then they came for the vitamins, and I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t have any vitamins.
Then they started shutting down old coal power plants and I didn’t say anything, because my electricity comes from wind turbines.
Then they came for the my neighbor’s house and claimed eminent domain, but I didn’t say anything, since my house is just fine.
Then they came for the gold, and I didn’t say anything, because I had no gold.
Then they came for the guns, and I didn’t say anything, because I had no guns.
In the end, they came for me and no one was left able to speak for me.

Wake up America, this government is not our government, it is a monster. Today is Gibson guitars, tomorrow is your business or you[r] job.

Entire Article Here

Fema Clergy Response Teams, Continuity of Government & Martial Law — Just like how Hitler pushed Romans 13 through pastors so the people would accept the tyranny

[youtube=]Fema Clergy Response Teams, COG & Martial Law – Part 1 of 3

Uploaded by on Jun 19, 2010

Part 2:

Part 3:

Church Document Encourages Congregation to Obey Government:…

Church Organization Refuses To Divulge If Pastors Are On FEMA Payroll:…

Rethinking Romans 13:

Some are saying this guy is Ziggy Eichhorst with News Watch Magazine: (The guy at end of Part 3)

A More Sensible Interpretation of Romans 13:

Indianapolis Baptist Temple Court Case: (Fmr Pastor is in the video)

9/11 – The Road to Tyranny:

Continuity of Government:

1942 Japanese – American Internment Camps On Our Soil – FDR:




Ron Paul responds to question about detention camps for civil unrest — “That’s their goal. They’re setting up the stage for violence in this country. No doubt about it.”

Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial Law

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Romans 13 Revisited

Pastor Baldwin: We Desperately Need Bonhoeffer’s Confessing Church

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

[video – Ron Paul knows, he can see] Ron Paul responds to question about detention camps for civil unrest — “That’s their goal. They’re setting up the stage for violence in this country. No doubt about it.”

Ron Paul knows. He can see:

“I’ve got one that can see!”

– Quote from They Live

* * *

“That’s their goal.

They’re setting up the stage
for violence in this country.

No doubt about it.”

– Ron Paul


Ron Paul: “They’re Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country”

Presidential candidate responds to question about detention camps for civil unrest

Paul Joseph Watson
Saturday, August 20, 2011

In a response to a question asked by Infowars correspondent Robert Wanek at Iowa State University during the recent Ames straw poll, Ron Paul said that the federal government was preparing for civil unrest and martial law in the United States.


Paul was asked for his opinion on whether H.R. 645 (The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act) could lead to Americans being incarcerated in detention camps during a time of martial law.

“Yeah, that’s their goal, they’re setting up the stage for violence in this country, no doubt about it,” responded Paul.

The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645, first introduced in January 2009, mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill.

The legislation also states that the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”.

Ominously, the bill also states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open ended mandate which many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse.

The legislation was referred to Committee and did not proceed any further, but it was not rejected in a vote and can be re-introduced at any time in a new session of Congress.

As we reported yesterday, in the aftermath of the UK riots, police departments in the United States are being trained to deal with rioting and civil unrest.

Back in 2008, U.S. troops returning from Iraq were earmarked for “homeland patrols” with one of their roles including helping with “civil unrest and crowd control”.

In December 2008, the Washington Post reported on plans to station 20,000 more U.S. troops inside America for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards, an expansion of Northcom’s militarization of the country in preparation for potential civil unrest following a total economic collapse or a mass terror attack.

The United States has continuity of government plans in place should martial law be declared by the President. However, the details of those plans have been so tightly guarded that even Congressman and Homeland Security Committee member Peter DeFazio (D – OR), who has the necessary security clearance, was denied access to view the material when he requested to do so back in July 2007.

“I just can’t believe they’re going to deny a member of Congress the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of the United States after a significant terrorist attack,” DeFazio told the Oregonian at the time, adding, “Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right.”

Congressman Paul has warned about preparations for martial law before, telling the Alex Jones Show, “They’re putting their back up against the wall and saying, if need be we’re going to have martial law.”

Watch Alex Jones’ special comment on this issue below.



Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

[video] Purity First: Human Augmentation Enslaves

[youtube=]Purity First

Uploaded by on Jul 21, 2011

Human Augmentation – Enslaving Us All

Stewart Rhodes: UK Should Allow Women to be Armed for Self-Defense — “England is where we’re going”

[youtube=]Stewart Rhodes: UK Should Allow Women to be Armed for Self-Defense 1/2

Uploaded by on Aug 9, 2011

Alex also talks with Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers about Quartzite, Arizona, Chief of Police Jeff Gilbert calling the Oath Keepers, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party, and the Sons of Liberty Riders “terrorists” during a public meeting.


From a Christian perspective — cutting edge researcher, excellent communicator Katherine Albrecht: The Globalist and Their Genetic Human Manipulation Agenda | Overcoming Breast Cancer!

[youtube=]GCN’s Katherine Albrecht: The Globalist and Their Genetic Human Manipulation Agenda 1/3

Uploaded by on Aug 4, 2011

Alex also talks with Katherine Albrecht, the founder of CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering), a national consumer organization created in 1999 to educate consumer-citizens about shopper surveillance. She is the host of “The Dr. Katherine Albrecht show” on the GCN Radio network. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls.…

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


Rawesome Foods founder to be prosecuted under special environmental crimes unit in LA

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
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In time of accelerating economic collapse, the police state targets health food buying clubs rather than real criminals

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 4 – One of the most astounding elements of yesterday’s SWAT-style armed raid on Rawesome Foods in Venice, California is the simple fact that both California and the U.S. government are completely and utterly bankrupt…

Post-raid video features interviews of Rawesome Foods members; sense of dismay over police state destruction of natural food

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 4 – Troy Casey is known as the “Certified Health Nut” (, and he’s been a long-time member of Rawesome Foods which was just hit with a SWAT-style armed raid (http://www…

Photos from Rawesome Foods raid prove government agents illegally stole entire inventory of buyer’s club

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 4 – NaturalNews is now publishing some of the very first photos taken in the aftermath of the Rawesome Food raids, which involved a multi-agency raid against Rawesome Foods for selling unpasteurized milk and raw…

NaturalNews publishes Rawesome Foods raid search warrant; reveals government agents violated search guidelines

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Massive public protest announced against government-sponsored terrorism of Rawesome Foods in California

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Trio of Los Angeles raw food advocates reportedly charged with raw milk conspiracy (update 1)

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Rawesome Food raid videos begin to emerge from the scene where federal terrorists vandalized raw milk business

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Breaking news: Multi-agency armed raid hits Rawesome Foods, Healthy Family Farms for selling raw milk and cheese

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Obama Attempting To Set Up Dictatorship!

[youtube=]Obama Attempting To Set Up Dictatorship!

Uploaded by on Jul 10, 2011

There can no longer be any doubt,the office of the President is being transformed in to a dictatorial command system.

Alex Jones TV: ~”The globalists are the enemies of capitalism. Once they use a fraudulent system to wreck it they then blame capitalism and say: ‘more globalism, more regulations. That is the solution to all of your problems.'”

“The globalists…are the enemies of capitalism.
Once they use a fraudulent system to wreck it,
they then blame capitalism and say:
‘more globalism, more serfdom, more regulations.
That will fix it; that will help you; that will take care of you.
That is the solution to all of your problems.'”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]A Lady in The Night – Alex Jones Tv

Uploaded by on Jul 5, 2011

Alex Jones TV: Lt. Col. Craig Roberts: America Under Siege — “We are ripe for the picking.”

[youtube=]Lt. Col. Craig Roberts: America Under Siege – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

Uploaded by on Jun 28, 2011

Alex talks with retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Craig Roberts, who served 12 years working as the Ground Liaison Officer in the Intelligence Section of the 138th Tactical Fighter Group.

[Alex Jones TV] George Lucas showed how globalists are manipulating us in Star Wars Episodes I-III

[youtube=]New Documents Prove TSA “Mischaracterized” Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 1/3

Uploaded by on Jun 27, 2011 …

Documents Reveal Canadian Cops Used Agents Provocateurs to Disrupt 2010 G20

Full Article with Videos Here

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