Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 8 of 26

(video) Skousen: Trump skipped Fox debate to avoid Muslim migrant set-up / Oregon one-way shootout!

Trump @ 10:20[youtube=]Trump A No Show At Fox Debate

The Alex Jones Channel

(video) ‘Had Hands in Air Above Head’: Eyewitness Account of LaVoy Finicum’s Murder by Federal Agents

UPDATE 1/29/16: (video) FBI releases video of Finicum being shot at Burns Oregon

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[youtube=]Eyewitness Account of LaVoy Finicum’s Murder by Federal Agents

End Times News Report 

(video) Kurt Haskell: Mini False Flags and Barry Wants Your Guns – Real Investigations Episode 14, Part 4 — False-flag PATSIES: often, their sentences in their prior crimes do not match their convictions because they’re offered a deal that they will help be involved in a future, propagandized, terrorist attack

“Often in these cases, we see patsies that have had prior criminal involvement, and their sentences in their prior crimes do not match their convictions… because they’re offered a deal. And that deal is that they will help be involved in a future, propagandized, terrorist attack.

“They cut deals to get out of prison time and to agree to be involved in a future, false-flag event.”

– Kurt Haskell

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Real Investigations Episode 14, Part 4: Mini False Flags and Barry Wants Your Guns

Kurt Haskell 

(video) HOW TO SPOT AN FBI INFORMANT – Pete Santilli Exposed by Vinny Eastwood

HOW TO SPOT AN FBI INFORMANT Glenn Canady, Stew Webb & Vinny Eastwood Expose Pete Santilli

Vinny Eastwood

Vinny Eastwood

Published on Jan 9, 2016

HOW TO SPOT AN FBI INFORMANT. Glenn Canady, Stew Webb & Vinny Eastwood Expose Pete Santilli…

Called up in the middle of breakfast, Vinny Eastwood lays out in detail the direct evidence linking internet Talk Radio Show host Peter Santilli to the FBI and his long track record of crimes he never seems to be punished for including carrying a concealed handgun in Ohio without a permit, under Ohio state law the offenses he was charged with came with a mandatory minimum sentence of up to 5 years, he was release the very next day, on $0 bail and all charges were dropped!
Now Pete Santilli is in Oregon and has been appointed the lead press agent for the protesters who’ve taken over a federal building, these people must be warned about this wolf in sheeps clothing in order to prevent any loss of life among veterans, militia and the American people at the hands of the government and the provocateurs in their employ.

Radio Version (Commercial free)…

Rivero: Microsoft's War to Force Windows 10 on Everyone!

Watch at 1:26:10[youtube=]What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Wednesday December 9 2015: (Commercial Free Video)

Ron Gibson

Ron Gibson

Published on Dec 9, 2015

— Check Out And Then Help Support Michael With A Donation And/Or A Store Purchase — Thanks
— Donate to Michael @ There is a PAYPAL DONATE BUTTON on the right hand side or Mail can be sent to:
PMB# 172
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Aiea, HI 96701

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Michael Rivero commented on the January 5, 2015 show
I have been asked why I never reply to comments in this channel. I am well aware of Ron Gibson’s diligence in preserving these radio programs and have thanked him on the air, but I do not listen to myself here and hence do not reply to questions. If you need to ask me something email me at

Thank you, Michael

— Date: 12/09/2015 —
Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Genesis Communications Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as “Star Trek”, “The Day After Tomorrow”, and has supervised visual effects on “Brainscan,” “LOST”, and “Hawaii Five-0.” Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

Watch Mike “LIVE” 3PM to 6PM CT Monday – Friday…
Genesis Communications Network –…
You can listen live at GCN –…
GCN iTunes App –…
GCN Android App –…

Thanks to Michael Rivero for producing a great show.
Ron Gibson (12-9-15)

NYPD Doesn’t Want to Talk About Its X-ray Vans — “People should be informed if military grade X-ray vans are damaging their health with radiation or peering inside their homes or cars"


NYPD Doesn’t Want to Talk About Its X-ray Vans

The NYPD hasn’t (yet) equipped its officers with X-Ray Spex, but it does have mysterious X-ray vans, which they don’t want to talk much about. …

“People should be informed if military grade X-ray vans are damaging their health with radiation or peering inside their homes or cars,” NYCLU executive director Donna Liberman said in a statement.

Entire Article Here

Microsoft Now Spying Through Windows 7 & 8 Too

From: PC World

Microsoft slips user-tracking tools into Windows 7, 8 amidst Windows 10 privacy storm

Windows 10 is a deliciously good operating system, all things considered, but its abundant user-tracking has prompted many privacy-minded individuals to stay pat with older versions of Windows. Now, Microsoft’s providing those concerned individuals a reason to upgrade.

No, the company’s not walking back its privacy-encroaching features. Instead, Microsoft’s quietly rolling out updates that bake new tracking tools into Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Yes, really.


If you don’t want these new tracking tools on your PC, the best thing to do seems to be simply uninstalling the offending updates, then blocking them from being reinstalled.

Entire Article Here

(video) Thought Police…Prison Without Bars

[youtube=]Thought Police…Prison Without Bars

Brother Nathanael

(video) Joe Biden Godfather Of American Tyranny — Police state architect

[youtube=]Joe Biden Godfather Of American Tyranny

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Aug 7, 2015

Joe Biden, our creepy vice president who manages to put his foot in his mouth over and over again is the choice left wing progressives are falling in line behind like lemming’s at the cliff’s edge.

Biden has enabled the disastrous Drug War and played a key role in militarizing law enforcement. He considers domestic crime to be a national security issue on par with terrorism and worked hard in the Senate to push through draconian legislation, including mandatory minimum sentences and the creation of a cabinet-level drug czar.

He has worked tirelessly to destroy the Bill of Rights, enable unconstitutional civil asset forfeiture and expand the prison-industrial complex comprised largely of non-violent drug offenders.

Since 2001, the Department of Homeland Security has given out more than $34 billion in grants to police departments across the country, allowing them to purchase military-grade weapons, including tanks, armor, and armored personnel carriers. This apparatus is less concerned with drugs and terror than it is controlling the American people and targeting political enemies.

The prospect of Joe Biden taking the Democrat nomination merely reaffirms the fact the oligarchy in control of America prefers deeply corrupt politicians who can be trusted to carry out the police state agenda.

Google-NSA Nexus: New Chromium Browser Installs Eavesdropping Tool on Your PC — Google was partly seed-funded by the NSA and CIA, and is now co-opted by US intelligence to retain what technocrats and spy chiefs in Washington DC refer to as ‘information superiority’

Google-NSA Nexus: New Chromium Browser Installs Eavesdropping Tool on Your PC
21st Century Wire 24 June 2015

Google is one giant data and intelligence giant data and intelligence gathering operation. This latest browser revelation (see full story below) only confirms what we already suspected. 

As a private tech start-up, Google was partly seed-funded by both the NSA and CIA, and has since been completely co-opted by US intelligence to retain what technocrats and spy chiefs in Washington DC refer to as ‘information superiority.’

Salon reported on just one of the Google-NSA covert joint ventures, “Turbine and Turmoil”:

It’s not clear what the NSA and Google built after the China hack. But a spokeswoman at the agency gave hints at the time the agreement was written. “As a general matter, as part of its information-assurance mission, NSA works with a broad range of commercial partners and research associates to ensure the availability of secure tailored solutions for Department of Defense and national security systems customers,” she said. 

According to officials who were privy to the details of Google’s arrangements with the NSA, the company agreed to provide information about traffic on its networks in exchange for intelligence from the NSA about what it knew of foreign hackers. It was a quid pro quo, information for information.

“For Turbine and Turmoil to work, the NSA needs information, particularly about the data flowing over a network. With its millions of customers around the world, Google is effectively a directory of people using the Internet. It has their e-mail addresses. It knows where they’re physically located when they log in. It knows what they search for on the web. The government could command the company to turn over that information, and it does as part of the NSA’s Prism program, which Google had been participating in for a year by the time it signed the cooperative agreement with the NSA. But that tool is used for investigating people whom the government suspects of terrorism or espionage.”

According to in an article entitled: Not OK, Google! Covert installations of ‘eavesdropping tool’ raise alarm,

Open source developers and privacy campaigners are raising concerns over the automatic installation of a shady “eavesdropping tool” designed to enable ‘OK Google’ functionality but potentially capable of snooping on any conversation near the computer.

When one installs an open source Chromium browser, as it turns out, it “downloads something” followed by a status report that says “Microphone: Yes” and “Audio Capture Allowed: Yes,” according to an article by Rick Falkvinge, Swedish Pirate Party founder, published on the website Privacy Online News.

While the Chromium, the open source basis for Google’s browser, at least shows the code and allows user to notice it and turn it off, the same installation is included by default in the most popular browser Chrome, used by over 300 million people.

Entire Article Here

(video) NSA Director Monologues About Being Above the Law — Bush, not the 'Patriot' Act, gave him phone record collection authority

‘215’ is a section within the ‘Patriot’ Act:

“All your talk today about 215 [dismissive hand signals begin]: 215 is such a safe haven. 215 is legislated by Congress. I was doing metadata collection under the President’s Raw Article 2 authorities from October 7th, 2001 forward.”

– Michael Hayden, Fmr. NSA director

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from this video

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[youtube=]Flashback: NSA Director Monologues Like a Super Villain About Being Above the Law

The Alex Jones Channel

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jun 2, 2015

As we watch the DoD & Military Industrial Complex fearmongers sell their conspiracy theories of doom, we flashback to former NSA Director, Michael Hayden, monologuing like a super villain about how he didn’t the Patriot Act or Section 215 to spy on Americans,

fired a very important shot across the bow of the surveillance state, removing at least temporarily the legal cover for much of the domestic spying. Paul can’t stop them from violating the law,however. They were violating the law before the Church Committee & Pike Committee hearings of the 1970s. That’s why FISA was created — as a check on unaccountable power. But they turned it into a rubber stamp.





Bilderberg 2015: Helicopters armed with machine guns, special low-altitude radar, 2100 extra police, 500-euro fine for getting anywhere near!

Notice, this article is from UK, sourced from Agence France-Presse. Very few articles in the U.S. press.
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Never mind the G7 or Davos, it’s Bilderberg time
By Simon Sturdee | AFP – Thu, Jun 11, 2015

It’s in the Alps and it involves powerful people hobnobbing. But this is not the G7 or Davos, it’s the highly exclusive Bilderberg meeting, an altogether more discreet affair starting Thursday.

Held in an Austrian luxury hotel cordoned off by armed police and with military choppers overhead, this four-day pow-wow brings together around 140 movers and shakers from politics, high finance, business and academia.

They include several prime ministers, a host of bankers, technology gurus, former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, the head of NATO and top executives like Eric Schmidt of Google (Xetra: A0B7FYnews) and Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary. …

Security around the venue in western Austria is ultra-tight, with police stopping anyone not invited getting anywhere near the venue — on pain of a 500-euro ($565) fine.

Some 2,100 extra police will be on duty over the coming days, with protesters planning to stage a demonstration on Saturday, and the only road leading to the hotel is blocked.

And for good measure, the Kronen-Zeitung tabloid cited the military as saying a “special low-altitude radar is in position and Kiowa helicopters armed with machine guns are carrying out patrols”.

Entire Article Here

Skousen: Patriot Act Expires, Spying Continues — The USA Freedom act is thus a masterful ploy to defuse growing public opposition to government domestic spying and make them think real reform is taking place. Let me walk you through the deception.

A federal court ruled that Section 215 of the Patriot Act did not authorize bulk data collection, whereas the Freedom Act contains provisions to actually give the government that authority. …

Note that the so-called USA Freedom Act only addresses phone data collection and leaves untouched all the email data collection which is total. It also doesn’t address the total tracking of internet activity.

* * *

World Affairs Brief, June 5, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


The media dutifully parroted the government claim this week that the NSA was dismantling whole spy buildings in compliance with the expiration of the PATRIOT Act, but there is no evidence of this whatsoever. Stopping domestic spying has never been an option for the NSA, and it will never stop. In fact, domestic spying is not about finding terrorists but about tracking dissidents and anti-government activists and their followers in the USA. The USA Freedom Act, which supposedly limits government spying, is a ploy to make it appear as if the NSA is being severely limited. Public outrage will now subside thinking that domestic spying is now restricted. It is not and that is why this “reform” bill was allowed to pass and why Obama will quickly sign it into law.

The NY Times gave an interesting commentary on the behind-the-scenes acrimony and maneuvers between government shills like Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) and his fellow Kentucky Senator, Rand Paul who is sincerely trying to stop government spying. The Times has subsequently published several pieces taking potshots at Paul—who is clearly the one they must not allow to be the GOP nominee for president:

The expiration of three key provisions of the Patriot Act means that, for now, the N.S.A. will no longer collect newly created logs of Americans’ phone calls in bulk. It also means that the F.B.I. cannot invoke the Patriot Act to obtain, for new investigations, wiretap orders that follow a suspect who changes phones, wiretap orders for a “lone wolf” terrorism suspect not linked to a group, or court orders to obtain business records relevant to an investigation.

However, the Justice Department may invoke a so-called grandfather clause to keep using those powers for investigations that had started before June 1, and there are additional workarounds investigators may use to overcome the lapse in the authorizations. [The government will always find some loophole or procedure to keep justifying what they want to do.]

Mr. McConnell and other national security hawks who failed to continue the program badly underestimated the shift in the national mood, [first time the Times has admitted that] which has found its voice with Democrats and the libertarian wing of the Republican Party. The moment also put him at odds with Mr. Paul, whom he has endorsed for president. [Only because Paul endorsed McConnell for re-election with an expectation for a quid pro quo. 

Mr. Paul’s effort [to block the PATRIOT Act extension] clearly angered many of his Republican colleagues, who met without him an hour before the Senate began to vote Sunday night. Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona [a neocon warmonger], who sparred with Mr. Paul on the floor over procedure, said later that Mr. Paul was not fit for the White House job he seeks. “I’ve said on many occasions that I believe he would be the worst candidate we could put forward,” he said.

Even as senators were trickling into the Capitol from the airport, Mr. McConnell attempted to extend some aspects of the law. He asked senators to consider a two-week continuation of the federal authority to track a “lone wolf” terrorism suspect not connected to a state sponsor and to conduct “roving” surveillance of a suspect, rather than of a phone number alone, to combat terrorists who frequently discard cellphones [the phony justifications go on and on].

But Mr. Paul objected, and Mr. McConnell denounced from the Senate floor what he called “a campaign of demagoguery and disinformation” about the program.

Many are celebrating the demise of the PATRIOT Act and its replacement with the USA Freedom Act, thinking that the establishment was defeated and only reluctantly accepted the Freedom Act. This comment by Philippe Gastonne is typical:

Almost everything the president says about the USA Freedom Act is false. He does not at all “welcome” the law’s passage. If Obama had his way, Congress would have never even considered this law because the National Security Agency’s illegal activities would still be secret.

He’s wrong about Obama not welcoming the passage of the Freedom Act. Obama will sign it because it actually authorizes spying in a more direct way than the PATRIOT Act ever did. And its requirements that the NSA access the now privately collected data via FISA court warrants are simply a fig leaf of token compliance. For years the secret FISA court has gone through the motions of authorizing a few thousand warrants for the NSA each year, all the while knowing that the NSA was spying on everything and everyone. The warrants are there to give lip service to the constitution’s fourth amendment, while covering for massive violations in secret.

The USA Freedom act is thus a masterful ploy to defuse growing public opposition to government domestic spying and make them think real reform is taking place. Let me walk you through the deception.

The government had long contended that Section 215 of the PATRIOT ACT authorized domestic telephone data collection. It did not and that is why they also maintained that their interpretation of the section was secret, and that the public wasn’t entitled to know. The Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) explains how this came unraveled.

EFF sued the Department of Justice (DOJ) on the 10th anniversary of the signing of the USA PATRIOT Act in October 2011 for answers about “secret interpretations” of a controversial section of the law. In June 2013, a leaked FISA court order publicly revealed that “secret interpretation”: the government was using Section 215 of the Patriot Act to collect the phone records of virtually every person in the United States.

Prior to the revelations, several senators warned that the DOJ was using Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act to support what government attorneys called a “sensitive collection program,” targeting large numbers of Americans. The language of Section 215 allows for secret court orders to collect “tangible things” that could be relevant to a government investigation – a far lower threshold and more expansive reach than a warrant based on probable cause. The list of possible “tangible things” the government can obtain is seemingly limitless, and could include everything from driver’s license records to Internet browsing patterns.

In response to a court order in our lawsuit, in September 2013, the government released hundreds of pages of previously secret FISA documents detailing the court’s interpretation of Section 215, including an opinion excoriating the NSA for misusing its mass surveillance database for years. In October 2013, the government released a second batch of documents related to Section 215, which showed, among other things, that the NSA had collected cell site location without notifying its oversight committees in Congress or the FISA court.

Now that their legal standing was undermined, the PTB had to concoct a strategy to change it that was a similar to the ploy used to establish the Federal Reserve. The original FED legislation was designed by powerful banking forces, who then pretended to oppose it so that the public with their anti-banking sentiment would be fooled into backing what the banks opposed.

In like manner Obama and the government falsely pretended that they were adamant that the PATRIOT Act provisions needed to be extended past last Monday’s sunset clause deadline. Rand Paul’s filibuster of the Patriot Act extension was sincere but he unknowingly played into their hands. It seemed strange to me that Paul’s filibuster ended because he didn’t have the votes to sustain it and yet the establishment then failed to find the votes to extend the PATRIOT Act.

Something was wrong with this picture. The establishment could have rounded up the votes to extend the act, but allowed it to expire instead. Then the press went to work promoting this new reform bill that would supposedly bow to public pressure and restrict the NSA. It sounded too good to be true, and it was. The US has billions of dollars in equipment all around the world tapping into every cable, fiber, microwave and satellite transmission network around the world. Those that believe these tentacles are being dismantled are woefully naive. The Washington Post wrote,

On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced a bill aimed at blocking the National Security Agency from collecting the phone records of millions of Americans. The effort was described by its sponsors as a balanced approach that would ensure the NSA maintains an ability to obtain the data it needs to detect terrorist plots without infringing on Americans’ right to privacy.

Congress failed to advance similar legislation last year, and some officials say the agency should not face new constraints at a time of deep concern over the threat from terrorist groups such as the Islamic State

Actually, the reason “similar” legislation did not advance last year is that the original bill outright prohibited spying directly or via the phone companies. The Freedom Act’s supposed “balanced” approach leaves the door wide open to spying. It pretends to limit NSA spying, but really authorizes it openly—which had never been done before. Ron Paul agrees

Passing the Freedom Act did not reform government snooping, so much as it made it legitimate, according to three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul. He asserts that Democrats and Republicans alike seek to reduce liberty for a promise of security.

“One thing in Washington, when they have the ‘reform’ of something, you cannot trust them, because reform usually means they’re making things a lot worse,” Ron Paul told Larry King on Politicking, Tuesday evening. “I think the reform act is a very, very dangerous thing. It’s not a slight improvement, as some people argue.”

The Freedom Act, adopted by the Senate on Tuesday and quickly signed by President Obama, actually makes the situation worse, Paul argued. A federal court ruled that Section 215 of the Patriot Act did not authorize bulk data collection, whereas the Freedom Act contains provisions to actually give the government that authority.

“That’s why a lot of people are voting for the reform act,” Paul said. “But actually it’s making things worse. Because the first thing is, it’s making government a partner with Big Business, so Verizon and AT&T are doing the government’s work. I don’t like that, I don’t like the mixture.”

Ever since WWII, Bell Telephone was allowing warrantless phone tapping by the government, though this pales in comparison with today’s total surveillance. Actually the big phone companies have always been in bed with government—this just makes it official. Electronic Frontier Foundation Executive Director Cindy Cohn said that the major American telecommunications companies will continue to cooperate eagerly with the US government and carry out its wishes just as during the past 14 years. “[Verizon and AT&T] have demonstrated that they are willing to cooperate with the US government

The US phone and Internet providing corporations “do not have an obligation… to serve as an intelligence arm of the government,” the EFF Director said. “Most of these companies keep this information for at least 18 months,” she added. Cohn also said that the American public is kept in the dark about their rights to privacy and protection from surveillance because the US government refuses to inform them.

Only Qwest Telephone Company objected to NSA spying on its equipment in the beginning and the government made an example of its CEO, Joseph P. Nacchio, for his refusal to give customer data to the National Security Agency. He was convicted of trumped up charges of insider trading in Qwest stock on April 19, 2007. Since then there has been little opposition by telecommunication executives.

Note that the so-called USA Freedom Act only addresses phone data collection and leaves untouched all the email data collection which is total. It also doesn’t address the total tracking of internet activity. Documents leaked by Edward Snowden in response to the passage of the phony reform bill show that the US government has been doing warrantless surveillance of Americans’ Internet traffic for years.

But one of the most important issues here has hardly been addressed—the fact that Congress cannot authorize that which is unconstitutional. All warrantless spying is a violation of the 4th Amendment. Law professor Orin Kerr explains:

Don’t overlook one key feature of surveillance reform and the passage of the USA Freedom Act: It came from legislation, not the Fourth Amendment. A court had wrongly allowed the bulk surveillance program that Congress had not actually authorized. When the public became aware of the program, Congress restricted the program by passing a new law. 

Note what wasn’t a significant influence on the reform: the Fourth Amendment. All but one of the judges who ruled on the issue concluded that the Fourth Amendment wasn’t implicated by the bulk telephony metadata law. In the one case where a judge ruled that the prior program violated the Fourth Amendment, that court stayed the ruling on appeal and the court of appeals on review seemed pretty skeptical about the ruling at oral argument.

The USA Freedom Act is a legislative reform. Given how surveillance debates so often focus on the role of the Fourth Amendment and the courts, it’s worth flagging that the reforms here came from Congress.

That speaks volumes about how little Congress thinks about the restrictions of the Constitution. The courts, which have a duty to enforce the constitution, are also controlled by powerful forces beyond government and refuse to do so.

(video) "Of Dogs and Men" – Official Documentary Trailer — Justice Department estimates police officers shoot and kill 10,000 dogs each year!

The Justice Department estimates that police officers shoot and kill about 10,000 dogs each year. “Of Dogs and Men” is a documentary about the phenomenon.

* * *

[youtube=]Of Dogs and Men – Official Documentary Trailer


Published on May 7, 2015

OF DOGS AND MEN explores a disturbing trend in American law enforcement: the shooting of pet dogs. From SWAT raids to simple calls and even visits to wrong addresses, we are seeing more and more incidents of officers using lethal force against a family pet they deem a threat. Are these rash reactions by officers in a system with little regard for our four-legged family members, or are they true peace officers doing their best in a dangerous job? OF DOGS AND MEN investigates the issue from all angles, interviewing law enforcement officers and experts, and taking a journey with pet owners through the tragedy of loss and pursuit of change in a legal system in which the very officers they challenge are an integral part.


(video) Documentary Exposes Dog Murders By The Police — Justice Department estimates police officers shoot and kill 10,000 dogs each year

(video) Documentary Exposes Dog Murders By The Police — Justice Department estimates police officers shoot and kill 10,000 dogs each year!

The Justice Department estimates that police officers shoot and kill about 10,000 dogs each year. “Of Dogs and Men” is a documentary about the phenomenon.

* * *

[youtube=]Documentary Exposes Dog Murders By The Police


Published on May 28, 2015

Michael Ozias an independent film maker talks to infowars about his new film “Of Dogs And Men” which explores a disturbing trend in American law enforcement: the killing of pet dogs. From SWAT raids to simple calls and even visits to wrong addresses, we are seeing more and more incidents of officers using lethal force against a family pet they deem a threat. Are these callous acts by officers in a system without regard for our four-legged family members, or are they true peace officers doing their best in a dangerous job? OF DOGS AND MEN investigates the issue from all angles, interviewing law enforcement officers and experts, and taking a journey with pet owners through the tragedy of loss and pursuit of change in a legal system in which the very officers they challenge are an integral part.


(video) “Of Dogs and Men” – Official Documentary Trailer — Justice Department estimates police officers shoot and kill 10,000 dogs each year!

(video) Rand Paul: NSA Can Collect CONTENT, Not Just Metadata – Executive Order 12333 — Filibuster Hour 2

Rand Paul on Senate Floor, May 20th, 2015:

“John Napier Tye goes on to warn us. He says… Executive Order 12333 [signed by Ronald Reagan in 1981] authorizes collection of the content of communications, not just metadata. Even for U.S. Citizens. …we were told for years don’t worry, they’re not collecting your data, they’re just collecting the data of foreigners. Turns out that wasn’t true.”

From: Breitbart


by BREITBART NEWS20 May 20153

Sen. Paul’s team has provided Breitbart News with the entire second hour transcript from Sen. Paul’s remarks, and video of them. He’s now been speaking for more than four hours.


Hour 2: Sen. Rand Paul’s Filibuster on PATRIOT Act Extension – May 20, 2015
Senator Rand Paul

“John Napier Tye goes on to warn us. He says unlike section 215 [of the Patriot Act], Executive Order 12333 [signed by Ronald Reagan in 1981] authorizes collection of the content of communications, not just metadata. Even for U.S. Citizens. So quite often we’re told that — we were told for years don’t worry, they’re not collecting your data, they’re just collecting the data of foreigners. Turns out that wasn’t true.

Now the big thing they tell us is, well, we’re not collecting the content, we’re just collecting the numbers. But when you read John Napier Tye, the Executive Order authorizes the content of the communications as well, not just metadata and also for U.S. persons. So the question is, if we get rid of pulling collection will the executive continue to do it anyway? The other question is, why doesn’t the Executive stop this? It was started by Executive Action, it could be ended by Executive Action at any time.”

Entire Article Here


(video) NSA Whistleblower Reveals U.S. Slide into Totalitarianism – William Binney in-studio with Alex — “They’ve been collecting ‘content’ all along, since 2002″

(video/article) Top NSA Whistleblower: Federal Government Has Gone Rogue — LYING to judges • BLACKMAIL gov’t officials • Population CONTROL — “That’s the whole point of why they had to build Bluffdale with all that storage… for content of communications like ALL OF YOUR EMAILS and PHONE CONVERSATIONS…. If you wanted to put together all of the relationships of everybody in the world on metadata relations… then you could do that and store it in a room 20 foot by 40 foot”

(video) NSA Whistleblower William Binney: How NSA Lies to US — “They keep saying they don’t build profiles of people. No they don’t. The software does. They have the profile on everybody. They play all kinds of word games with people” • They have the keys to hack encryption software • Uploading to iCloud? Assume the NSA collects everything
NSA Whistleblower Binney: NSA Recording 80% of U.S. Phone Calls — “The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control”

(video) Whistleblower William Binney: NSA Records All Emails!
NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All – Op-Docs: The Program — The NSA’s new facility in Utah can store 100 years worth of EVERYONE’S communications!

Fmr NSA Agent Russ Tice: NSA has been BLACKMAILING Supreme Court judges, Congressmen and PRESIDENT OBAMA! — We must now assume the NSA is in charge, not elected representatives

Joel Skousen: Is there a path to winning back America? No, I think we’ve past the point of no return — “Religion is not leading to righteousness … this callous disregard for the ‘still small voice’ leads to bigger problems and worse decisions”

Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address: “WELFARE-ISM and WARFARE-ISM FOREVER” — Agrees with Skousen: Only 6-12 Good Congressmen…

Rand Paul's FILIBUSTER on NSA Police State 'Patriot' Act – CSPAN 2, right now!

I’ve actually watched most of this over 10 hour filibuster, so far (who knows how long it will last). Rand has been amazingly staying on topic all this time, and about a dozen other senators have chimed in too, more Democrats than Republicans, surprisingly. Ted Cruz is currently speaking, while Rand can’t sit down or go to the bathroom.
I doubt if they’ll get the NSA to stop bulk collecting everyone’s data, but they must try. This is a huge blackmail tool, that is destroying America, illegally.
Praise God for the men of integrity we still do have!

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington speech

Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

Skousen: Jade Helm – More Bogus Claims — Jade Helm 15 military exercise is real and it is practicing to capture and extract dissidents, but martial law is not imminent and the Wal-Mart closings are not involved

World Affairs Brief, May 8, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:
The Garland Attack and ISIS’ Bogus Claims
Miriam Carey was Murdered by Capitol Police
More on the Baltimore Prosecution of Police
The Government’s Surveillance Database on Dissidents
Jade Helm: More Bogus Claims
Avoid “Welcoming Cities”
Greeks Tax Cash Withdrawals to Stem Flow
NK Threatens US with Nukes
New Russian Super Tank—Armata
Appeals Court Ruling Against NSA Spying Gutless
Huckabee Running for President, Again?
World News Daily Disinformation Site
Correction from NORAD on Cheyenne Mountain
Preparedness Tip: EMP Scenarios


The Jade Helm 15 military exercise is real and it is practicing to capture and extract dissidents, but martial law is not imminent and the Wal-Mart closings are not involved. You can find an excellent review of the truth and hype by the New American. What is of particular interest is how the media is using conservative’s belief in all the false hype to discredit what is true about conspiracy. I’ve always maintained that this is one of the main purposes of the government putting out false stories about DHS buying 2 billion rounds of ammo etc. Using NSA spying techniques they are tracking who believes it and who passes the rumor on.

Here’s another bad rumor that is put out by government disinformation experts—that hundreds of boxcars are being readied with shackles inside for prisoners. The false rumor even names the company in Portland, Oregon that makes them—Gunderson Steel.

Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication, where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better part of 30 years, and he was kind of a quiet type. He came in to see me one day excited, and he told me ‘they’re building prisoner cars.’ He was nervous. Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government to build 107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles.

Notice how they always provide details to bolster confidence in the supposed-leaker—he’s the “quiet type” or a “good Christian” (who wouldn’t lie), etc…. Fortunately the rumor was debunked by a real employee:

This article gave me a good laugh. But it is sad to see such balderdash on Portland indymedia. This nonsense appeared a while ago saying the same thing. I’ve worked at Gunderson Inc for many years, so let’s get a few facts straight. One we haven’t built boxcars for a few years now in Portland. They are made down in Mexico; we only build container cars these days. The ‘shackles’ are dimples which are with a small piece of metal going across which is used for tying goods down.

Think about it, why would you bother putting prisoners in shackles anyway [good point]. The Nazis in Germany just herded people onto a box car at the point of a gun, and then shut the door. It’s hard to cut through steel with your finger nails. And they could just use the containers if they wanted to transport prisoners, like they have used in Afghanistan and Iraq. And who the hell is Brent Gunderson? Gunderson has been owned by Greenbrier since around 1985. There is no ‘Brent’ or any other Gunderson on the board at Greenbrier.

(video) Filmmaker Exposes Cops Killing Family Pets For Sport

[youtube=]Filmmaker Exposes Cops Killing Family Pets For Sport


(video) NSA & CIA Spied On Supreme Court Judge!! — Justice Roberts was blackmailed on Obamacare

This is the only reason that made sense to me from the get-go as to why Justice Roberts sold US out, ruling unconstitutionally on Obamacare.
Roberts was blackmailed.
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Roberts discussed at minute-4[youtube=]NSA & CIA Spied On Supreme Court Judge!!


Published on May 1, 2015

A witness is prepared to say that Chief Justice Roberts was being spied upon by the NSA. Was he being blackmailed when he reversed his position on the crucial ObamaCare decision?


(video) NSA Whistleblower Reveals U.S. Slide into Totalitarianism – William Binney in-studio with Alex — “They’ve been collecting ‘content’ all along, since 2002″

(video/article) Top NSA Whistleblower: Federal Government Has Gone Rogue — LYING to judges • BLACKMAIL gov’t officials • Population CONTROL — “That’s the whole point of why they had to build Bluffdale with all that storage… for content of communications like ALL OF YOUR EMAILS and PHONE CONVERSATIONS…. If you wanted to put together all of the relationships of everybody in the world on metadata relations… then you could do that and store it in a room 20 foot by 40 foot”
(video) NSA Whistleblower William Binney: How NSA Lies to US — “They keep saying they don’t build profiles of people. No they don’t. The software does. They have the profile on everybody. They play all kinds of word games with people” • They have the keys to hack encryption software • Uploading to iCloud? Assume the NSA collects everything
NSA Whistleblower Binney: NSA Recording 80% of U.S. Phone Calls — “The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control”
(video) Whistleblower William Binney: NSA Records All Emails!
NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All – Op-Docs: The Program — The NSA’s new facility in Utah can store 100 years worth of EVERYONE’S communications!
Fmr NSA Agent Russ Tice: NSA has been BLACKMAILING Supreme Court judges, Congressmen and PRESIDENT OBAMA! — We must now assume the NSA is in charge, not elected representatives
Joel Skousen: Is there a path to winning back America? No, I think we’ve past the point of no return — “Religion is not leading to righteousness … this callous disregard for the ‘still small voice’ leads to bigger problems and worse decisions”
Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system
Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address: “WELFARE-ISM and WARFARE-ISM FOREVER” — Agrees with Skousen: Only 6-12 Good Congressmen…

(video) Massive UK Pedophile Ring Exposed by Richie Allen

(video) Exposed: A World Run By Powerful Pedophiles

“Conspiracy of Silence”: The program that many compromised (and now blackmailable) Republicans don’t want you to see. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!

John DeCamp discusses the Franklin Cover-up: “The biggest monster I’ve ever encountered!”

Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?

Pedophilia in the White House — Interview with John DeCamp (Nebraska State Senator)

[ audio ] Nick Bryant, author of ‘The Franklin Scandal’ on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley: How REPUBLICAN politicians were BLACKMAILED — The audio-visual blackmail house in Washington D.C. — Rick Santorum?
Ted Gunderson: Many of our congressmen and senators have been blackmailed through children, sex and drugs…”and we don’t have enough people like Kucinich and Ron Paul to stand up.”
[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House
Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #4 — Call Boy Rings Exposed. “Many of us believe that our leaders are in fact Christian conservatives with our best interest at heart…” | But WE must have INTEGRITY no matter what.
(video) Eyewitness to Murder at Bohemian Grove – America’s Satanic Hellfire Club
Mark Dice: Hunter S. Thompson produced child porn & snuff films?
[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles
Dr. Stan & Ted Gunderson on How “They’re” Able to Do It: “Once you understand the things that actually go on at Bohemian Grove…” — “This Satanic element has infiltrated all levels of our government”
‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160’s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Dr. Stan interviews Nick Bryant: The Franklin Scandal — A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal

The Homosexual Guild in D.C.: “They’re outing their white, male straights.”

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians — Almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

Brian Gerrish: Powerful Paedophile Ring Linked to Parliament Exposed

(video) Children’s Revelations Prove Satanists Control UK

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
All 50+ of my Republicans Blackmailable posts (latest appear first, 10 posts per page)


Cop: “I had to look away”

Graphic footage has emerged of cops in Utah entering a man’s home without a warrant and setting a K9 dog on him, despite the fact he was surrendering with his hands in the air.

The video, taken from police body cam, was released as part of a lawsuit filed against the West Jordan Police Department by Lee Hoogveldt, who was viciously attacked by the dog.


The officers are seen entering the house and ordering Hoogveldt to raise his hands. He complies, but the cops sick the dog on him anyway, and it goes straight for his face.

In graphic footage that is difficult to watch, the dog chews on Hoogveldt’s face for several seconds as he groans in agony. The animal bites him in the mouth, causing Hoogveldt to bleed profusely.

Quite clearly in shock, Hoogveldt is then wrestled to the ground and yelled at by cops to cooperate. All the while, the dog, named “Pyro”, is allowed to continue biting Hoogveldt in the legs and buttocks.

An officer then drops a chair on to Hoogveldt’s head. It is unclear if this act was intentional or not. The cops then document his injuries by taking photos, before hauling him away.

Police had been called to Hoogveldt’s house because a neighbour reported that there was a fire in his back yard.

“To protect the neighborhood, they had to go in and secure Mr. Hoogveldt,” West Jordan Sgt. Dan Robertstold reporters. “The fire department could not respond to take care of the fires.”

However, in the video the cops are heard saying that the fire was nothing, just some stuff burning in a barrel.

Police say that the use of force was justified because Hoogveldt has a criminal record involving weapons.

Sgt. Roberts said that releasing the dog was justified as Hoogveldt “could have easily been hiding a weapon on him.”

In the footage, one officer is heard saying that he “had to look away” when the dog had Hoogveldt by the face. “When he had him on the mouth, I was like ‘oh my ******’” the cop says to his colleague.

Describing the incident, Hoogveldt said “I didn’t dare to move. I put my hands up and froze. If I would have blinked, I thought I was going to get shot.”

A civil rights case will now be heard in Federal Court.

“There’s a right to be free from unlawful entry, under the Fourth Amendment,” Hoogveldt’s attorney Robert Sykes said. “We have a police officer without a warrant, kicking down a door, and going in someone’s home.”

“At the time and place this force was used, there was no justification at all to sic a police dog on somebody.” the attorney added.


Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

(video) Baltimore Walmart Bans Ammo Sales


Walmart employee says Baltimore location ordered to pull all ammunition from shelves
Infowars reporters have confirmed that a Baltimore-area Walmart has ceased the sale of ammunition due to riots and protests throughout the city.

A sales associate also admitted that BB guns and knives were also pulled from shelves and locked up in the wake of the riots.
This proves the Second Amendment will be the first casualty during a civil disturbance.

G. Edward Griffin Predicted Media Fueled Police State in 1971: "If those who seek world dominion can stimulate leftist mobs into violent confrontation with local law enforcement, and also provide exhaustive news coverage so that the entire nation can see and tremble, then the peaceful and freedom loving majority can be programmed to accept a vast expansion of government powers and even a national police force offered supposedly to end the violence"

From The Capitalist Conspiracy, written in 1971 by G. Edward Griffin, p. 35:

“If those who seek world dominion can stimulate leftist mobs into violent confrontation with local law enforcement, and also provide exhaustive news coverage so that the entire nation can see and tremble, then the peaceful and freedom loving majority can be programmed to accept a vast expansion of government powers and even a national police force offered supposedly to end the violence.”

(video) Why Walmarts Are Closing

Interesting theory:

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[youtube=]Why Walmarts Are Closing

William Mount

Skousen: Walmart Store Closures – Rumors and Hype — Taking revenge on stores whose employees gave them the most labor trouble, forcing them to increase minimum wage labor costs

(video) Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined – Full Movie HD

[youtube=]Invisible Empire_ Full Movie_A New World Order Defined – HD

World Under Control

(7-minute video) Skousen: Elite Building Bunkers For Coming Nuclear Strike

The globalists are setting US up to be regime-changed. What we’ve heartlessly done to others will be done to US. What we have sown we will reap. The globalists own the media and largely control foreign policy, and they have dirt on most of the politicians whom they can then control. And they think they’re going to ride out the invasion in their bunkers, to then emerge to complete Satan’s one-world government plans, before the end comes.
Joel talks about how he first realized the Russian invasion plan in the ’80s, and then put it in writing in 1998, in his newsletter.
Entire discussion here:
(video) Joel Skousen: Satanic Globalists’ Plans to Regime-Change USA — Entire discussion with Alex 3/1/15
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[youtube=]Elite Building Bunkers For Coming Nuclear Strike

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Apr 3, 2015

Joel talks about his theory of strategic threats

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?
China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!
(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”
(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger
New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!
Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)
RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)

(vision) Woman Sees Russia Attack US In WWIII! — SOVIET UNION the threat, not ISIS • TIME is SHORT – she saw PUTIN “the way he looks now!” • No pre-trib rapture!

CORRIE TEN BOOM: PREPARED For The COMING TRIBULATION — “Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be STRONG ENOUGH TO BE A MARTYR for Jesus Christ.” My father said, “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS when you will need the strength…. HE WILL SUPPLY ALL YOU NEED – JUST IN TIME.“
12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture
In-studio with Infowarrior Alex Jones: Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception — “Before the year 1830, EVERY denomination, every type of Christianity taught that the rapture took place AFTER the tribulation, because that’s what the Bible explicitly says.”
[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”
Pastor Steven Anderson in Infowars studio: The Truth Left Behind — “The PRE-tribulation rapture is not based on ANY scripture.” The “Left Behind” series was fiction.
All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

(video) NSA Whistleblower Reveals U.S. Slide into Totalitarianism – William Binney in-studio with Alex — "They've been collecting 'content' all along, since 2002"

That’s what they’ve been trying to hide:
“They’ve been collecting ‘content’ all along, since 2002.”

– William Binney

* * *

[youtube=]NSA Whistleblower Reveals U.S. Slide into Totalitarianism


(video) Rand Paul: NSA Can Collect CONTENT, Not Just Metadata — Filibuster Hour 2
(video/article) Top NSA Whistleblower: Federal Government Has Gone Rogue — LYING to judges • BLACKMAIL gov’t officials • Population CONTROL — “That’s the whole point of why they had to build Bluffdale with all that storage… for content of communications like ALL OF YOUR EMAILS and PHONE CONVERSATIONS…. If you wanted to put together all of the relationships of everybody in the world on metadata relations… then you could do that and store it in a room 20 foot by 40 foot”
(video) NSA Whistleblower William Binney: How NSA Lies to US — “They keep saying they don’t build profiles of people. No they don’t. The software does. They have the profile on everybody. They play all kinds of word games with people” • They have the keys to hack encryption software • Uploading to iCloud? Assume the NSA collects everything
NSA Whistleblower Binney: NSA Recording 80% of U.S. Phone Calls — “The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control”
(video) Whistleblower William Binney: NSA Records All Emails!
NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All – Op-Docs: The Program — The NSA’s new facility in Utah can store 100 years worth of EVERYONE’S communications!
Fmr NSA Agent Russ Tice: NSA has been BLACKMAILING Supreme Court judges, Congressmen and PRESIDENT OBAMA! — We must now assume the NSA is in charge, not elected representatives
Joel Skousen: Is there a path to winning back America? No, I think we’ve past the point of no return — “Religion is not leading to righteousness … this callous disregard for the ‘still small voice’ leads to bigger problems and worse decisions”
Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system
Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address: “WELFARE-ISM and WARFARE-ISM FOREVER” — Agrees with Skousen: Only 6-12 Good Congressmen…

(video) Massive UK Pedophile Ring Exposed by Richie Allen

(video) Exposed: A World Run By Powerful Pedophiles

“Conspiracy of Silence”: The program that many compromised (and now blackmailable) Republicans don’t want you to see. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!

John DeCamp discusses the Franklin Cover-up: “The biggest monster I’ve ever encountered!”

Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?

Pedophilia in the White House — Interview with John DeCamp (Nebraska State Senator)

[ audio ] Nick Bryant, author of ‘The Franklin Scandal’ on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley: How REPUBLICAN politicians were BLACKMAILED — The audio-visual blackmail house in Washington D.C. — Rick Santorum?
Ted Gunderson: Many of our congressmen and senators have been blackmailed through children, sex and drugs…”and we don’t have enough people like Kucinich and Ron Paul to stand up.”
[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House
Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #4 — Call Boy Rings Exposed. “Many of us believe that our leaders are in fact Christian conservatives with our best interest at heart…” | But WE must have INTEGRITY no matter what.
(video) Eyewitness to Murder at Bohemian Grove – America’s Satanic Hellfire Club
Mark Dice: Hunter S. Thompson produced child porn & snuff films?
[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles
Dr. Stan & Ted Gunderson on How “They’re” Able to Do It: “Once you understand the things that actually go on at Bohemian Grove…” — “This Satanic element has infiltrated all levels of our government”
‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160’s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Dr. Stan interviews Nick Bryant: The Franklin Scandal — A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal

The Homosexual Guild in D.C.: “They’re outing their white, male straights.”

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians — Almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

Brian Gerrish: Powerful Paedophile Ring Linked to Parliament Exposed

(video) Children’s Revelations Prove Satanists Control UK

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
All 50+ of my Republicans Blackmailable posts (latest appear first, 10 posts per page)

Ron Paul: Internet, RIP? — A non-elected federal government agency now claims the power to regulate the Internet — which may open the door to de facto censorship of ideas perceived as threatening to the political class!


Internet, RIP?

written by ron paul
thursday february 26, 2015

Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a non-elected federal government agency, voted three-to-two to reclassify broadband Internet as a common carrier service under Title II of the Communications Act. This means that – without the vote of Congress, the peoples’ branch of government – a federal agency now claims the power to regulate the Internet. I am surprised that even among civil liberties groups, some claim the federal government increasing regulation of the Internet somehow increases our freedom and liberty.

The truth is very different. The adoption of these FCC rules on the Internet represents the largest regulatory power grab in recent history. The FCC’s newly adopted rule takes the most dynamic means of communication and imposes the regulatory structure designed for public utilities. Federal regulation could also open the door to de facto censorship of ideas perceived as threatening to the political class – ideas like the troops should be brought home, the PATRIOT Act should be repealed, military spending and corporate welfare should be cut, and the Federal Reserve should be audited and ended.

The one bright spot in this otherwise disastrous move is that federal regulations making it more difficult to use the Internet will cause more Americans to join our movement for liberty, peace, and prosperity. The federal government should keep its hands off of the Internet!

Goodbye Internet: “‘NET NEUTRALITY’ is Orwellian DOUBLESPEAK for ‘INTERNET CONTROL’” – Mark Dice

Goodbye Internet: "'NET NEUTRALITY' is Orwellian DOUBLESPEAK for 'INTERNET CONTROL'" – Mark Dice

“‘NET NEUTRALITY’ is an Orwellian DOUBLESPEAK term for ‘INTERNET CONTROL,’ now.”

– Mark Dice

* * *

[youtube=]Goodbye Internet, Hello ObamaNet – FCC Approves “Net Neutrality” Bill – Internet Takeover Begins

Mark Dice

(video) Chinese Activist Exposes Common Core's Communist Programming in USA Education

[youtube=]Chinese Activist Exposes Common Core’s Communist Programming


Published on Feb 21, 2015

Liberty Activist and Former Libertarian Candidate, Lily Tang Williams, has a dire warning for America; Common Core reminds her of the Communist Core she went through in China.

Hear her powerful testimony describing how parents had zero parental rights, children were forced to keep daily tattle-journals, Chinese children were taught to do well on tests and conform–no critical thinking allowed, and if you were a late bloomer or student with special education needs, forget it, you’d be relegated to a life of poverty. Students were also tracked throughout their school years so their file could be turned over to all government agencies and potential employers.

A big and powerful government always has reasons and excuses for using force to make people do what they want, but in the end, it is always the ruling class and their cronies that benefit from these mandates, not the people.

“Like” Lily on Facebook:…

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