Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Real History Page 41 of 48

[Willfully ignorant] Chuck Baldwin: Jackie Onasis a “conspiracy nut” too??? — “Anyone who thinks that there are no conspiracies that many times involve people and agencies at the highest levels of government and business is downright simple minded, willingly ignorant, incredibly naïve, or has a personal, vested reason to remain clueless.”

“…anyone who thinks that there are no conspiracies that many times involve people and agencies at the highest levels of government and business is downright simple minded, willingly ignorant, incredibly naïve, or has a personal, vested reason to remain clueless.

From: Chuck Baldwin Live

Jackie O., A “Conspiracy Nut”?

Tapes that were recorded within months of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and that have been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston are soon to be released. In the tapes, former First Lady Jackie Kennedy reveals that she believed Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson and other influential individuals orchestrated the Dallas shooting that killed her husband.

Jackie went on to marry Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis, of course. Mrs. Kennedy had ordered that the tapes should not be released until 50 years after her death. She died 17 years ago from cancer at the age of 64. Now, her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, has agreed to release the recordings early. According to press reports, the tapes will be aired by ABC and by British broadcasters as well. The tapes are also said to reveal illicit affairs by both President Kennedy and Jackie.

According to DailyMail, “Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B. Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F. Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal.

“The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband’s successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him.

“She became convinced that the then vice president, along with businessmen in the South, had orchestrated the Dallas shooting, with gunman Lee Harvey Oswald–long claimed to have been a lone assassin–merely part of a much larger conspiracy.”

See the DailyMail report at:

So, now I suppose we can add Jackie-Kennedy-Onassis to the list of “conspiracy nuts.” Right? Isn’t that what anyone is called who believes that the federal government hides the truth about what happens and conjures up a convenient “official” story to sell to the American people? Isn’t that what the media calls anyone who dares to question any “official” report? Isn’t that what Glenn Beck calls them? Isn’t that what Joe Scarborough calls them? Isn’t that what Bill O’Reilly calls them? Isn’t that what Rush Limbaugh calls them? They are “conspiracy nuts.” Right? I wonder if we will now hear any of these talking heads call Jackie Onassis a “conspiracy nut”?

And since we are talking about conspiracies, I want to go ahead and just say up front: I believe that anyone who thinks that there are no conspiracies that many times involve people and agencies at the highest levels of government and business is downright simple minded, willingly ignorant, incredibly naïve, or has a personal, vested reason to remain clueless.

Entire Article Here


[Willfully ignorant] Dr. Doug Rokke: People won’t acknowledge what the US has really done because the foundation for everything they’ve believed and what they’ve trusted literally collapses…

Almost 2 hours with Gerald Celente: “People don’t want to believe that their country is going under. They don’t want to admit that they’ve been had.” “You’re going to start seeing a thinning of the herd. And the people that are going to move forward and make it will be that 20%.”

From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth and Truth-tellers


[In HD – Alex steps it up about 5 notches!] Infowars Special Report: Al Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar — We’re giving Libya to al Qaeda | Building 7 an Inside Job — Silverstein grilled but ducks ‘Pull it’ questions; Presstitutes stand down

Interview starts at 6 minutes, following the news[youtube=]Infowars Special Report 1/3: Al Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar

Uploaded by on Aug 30, 2011
In an Infowars Special Report, Alex Jones speaks with Asia Times reporter Pepe Escobar on the rule of al Qaeda in Tripoli and the emerging civil war in Libya. Later, We Are founder Luke Rudkowski discusses his most recent confrontation with World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein as the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 approaches. Alex Jones also covers the latest statements from Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz on the raid of his company by green police and more.

IN JUST TWO DAYS, the entire platform expands with the launch of the all-new Infowars Nightly News five times per week, plus special reports several times per week, exclusive interviews and news packages and much more. From Alex Jones’ LIVE 3 hour daily radio broadcast to countless films, video & audio reports, there has never been a better time to join– all for only $5.95/month. To all our activist supporters: thank you for your continued efforts; our success in the Infowar is fueled by your memberships, purchases and your spreading the word! Together, we can fight back, and with tireless persistence, win.

Escobar interview continues | WTC owner, Silverstein grilled at 11 minute mark[youtube=]

[youtube=]Infowars Special Report 3/3: Building 7 an Inside Job

Real historian Tom Woods: American Spectator Dead Wrong on Ron Paul — “Non-intervensionists were the conservatives.” Today’s neoconservatives are like the liberals of yesteryear on foreign interventionism.

[youtube=]American Spectator Dead Wrong on Ron Paul

Uploaded by on Aug 25, 2011

Tom Woods dismantles Jeffrey Lord’s August 23, 2011 American Spectator article “Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign.”

[real-history video] Alex breaks down the real reason the globalists are getting US to takeover Libya — We’re replacing independent governments that oppose one-world government with Muslim regimes where women will wear burkas – Iraq, Egypt, Libya…

Libya real-history overview starts at 2 minutes[youtube=] Preview of Today’s Alex Jones Show:
Webster Tarpley, Harley Schlanger & Qaddafi’s Last Stand

[youtube=]Western Run Al-Qaeda Groups Engaging in Mass Murder, Looting & Humanitarian Atrocities

Uploaded by on Aug 23, 2011

Alex covers the latest developments in Libya as Gaddafi forces attempt to counter-attack NATO’s Al-Qaeda-led rebel army in Tripoli. He also takes your calls and covers the rest of the breaking news.

[EXCELLENT!] “I’m trying to change the course of history” Ron Paul on FOX News’ America Newsroom 8/16/11 — “Our Foreign Policy Has Led To The Death Of A Million Iraqis!” — The Real History of US/CIA Involvement in Iran | Compare to Huckabee’s Pro-preemptive War Stance

[youtube=]Ron Paul “Our Foreign Policy Has Led To The Death Of A Million Iraqis!”

Uploaded by on Aug 16, 2011

August 16, 2011 News Corp

* * *

Compare what Ron Paul says above
to ‘Pastor’ Mike Huckabee’s consistently pro-preemptive war stance,
while Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

And pastors cannot be strikers,
according to the apostle Paul’s elders’ qualifications.

* * *

[youtube=]Mike Huckabee Bashes Ron Paul And Avoids Iran Question

Uploaded by on Aug 15, 2011

This past Saturday at the GOP straw poll in Ames, IA several members of Minnesota We Are Change took to the Iowa State University to cover this critical event in this years election process. Along the way we ran into former presidential hopeful and Fox News host Mike Huckabee. He quickly turned our question about Ron Paul’s second place finish in the poll, to an opportunity to smear Ron Paul and discredit his non-interventionist foreign policy. Then When I asked Mr. Huckabee about the 1953 coup that led to our Iran hostility , as mentioned in the Iowa Debate by Ron Paul, he ignored it and continued ranting about Paul’s foreign policy stances and small chances of being taken seriously by america. In closing we attempted to ask Mike about the CFR and got no response.

Robert Wanek


All 40 of my Mike Huckabee posts in reverse-chronological order — learn the truth about this man

Our Troops Over There are NOT Protecting Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So — There is no honor in volunteering to go anywhere in the world and kill anybody you are told to, without question, without historical background and without verifying the stated reasons for doing so.

From: Infowars

Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So

Jesse Richard
August 8, 2011

There is no honor in volunteering to go anywhere in the world and kill anybody you are told to, without question, without historical background and without verifying the stated reasons for doing so. In this modern age of information we now know that time and time again our military have been deployed into battle, to kill and be killed, for reasons that in no way shape or form resemble the reasons for which they, or we were told at the time. This is no secret, although many Americans refuse to take off the flag that is wrapped around their eyes and see American history as it really happened.  They blindly believe what was told to them by the people who have a vested interest in maintaining myths and misconceptions.

The US military, not once but twice, committed the single largest mass murders in history by dropping nuclear weapons on civilian populations, including of course, on women and children.  Say what you want about how it helped end the war….the bottom line is the US could have exploded these devices over uninhabited territory with the same effect of scaring the heck out of the Japanese. But they followed orders that were lies and murdered almost 300,000 people, without question. As a human being I find it hard to honor such “patriotism.”

From the Gulf of Tonkin to the first and second invasions of Iraq, history now teaches us that lies have led our troops to military intervention more often than not. As a matter of fact, it is hard to find an American military intervention in modern history in which the cover story ends up matching the actual events. A little research will show you this. It will also show you how the same people are usually behind funding both sides of military conflict and those doing the funding and instigating have almost always been, how should I say this, the ‘good guys.’ Yep, westerners on the popular side of conflict are the onese funding the ‘bad guys’ before they ever are labeled the bad guys.

Prescott Bush, the father and grandfather of George H.W. and George W. respectively, made his fortune by funding the Nazis and Hitler’s rise to power. This is the same clan who went after Saddam Hussein in Iraq after they put him in power and armed him in the first place. But why pay attention to details if it interferes with our troop worship and flag waving?

Time and time again we see that the people who make decisions to send troops to war are the very people who profit financially from such wars. Today’s troops can see this. It is part of the public record,  yet they still do not question their missions. They join the military with a promise never to question orders. Taking history into account, I see no pride in this kind of service.

Recent history provides a very clear lesson for our troops and those who cheer their missions. You have never seen a more clear and egregious example of questionable motivations for military intervention than during the Bush/Cheney administration. A virtual ‘who’s who’ of defense contractors comprised not only the Defense Policy Board, but the office of Vice President. Not to mention that a significant portion of these men signed a document noting that that a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ would be useful in getting public support for their agenda (to increase military spending and activity), and then – just such an attack –  the first Pearl Harbor in 60 years took place on 9/11…what a nice coincidence.

Gee, what are the odds of the only ‘Pearl Harbor’ in 60 years taking place while the men responsible for preventing one (and in positions to create/allow one) were the same men who wrote about benefiting from one. But according to most Americans, it is crazy to suspect them of anything…simply because they are Americans. If  Dick Cheney had been a Muslim he would have been hanged 9 years ago.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have neither the intellectual curiosity to actually learn about historical events nor the intelligence to actually think about claims made by their leaders or pop-journalism-gate keeping-icons.

For example: Americans have swallowed whole the concept of our troops “protecting our freedom” without ever once asking “how, how does killing foreigners in Iraq or Afghanistan protect our freedom?” Maybe if they asked that question just once and really waited for an answer, a real answer that actually really made sense to them, they would realize there is no answer  – because troops killing foreigners have no impact on the freedoms of the American people, and they never will.

Here is another question Americans have not asked, “How can an Iraqi, Pakistani, Afghan or Islamic fundamentalist in other nations take away our freedom?” The answer to this question is of course…by becoming a member of the US Congress.

It is sad that I will be lambasted for speaking the truth about this sensitive subject, but someone has to. The saddest truth however, is that the members of the US military serve today with no honor. They are dangerous and a threat to all free people, here and abroad. In plain terms –  they volunteer to kill at the behest of people who have lied to them for generations about why they are being sent to kill. Generations of lies be dammed, they still follow orders, and kill, without question. I repeat – as a human being I see no honor in this.

While it is true that the existence of our military acts to deter nations from invading our shores, credit really should go more to our nuclear arsenal and military technology than to National Guardsman who find themselves shooting at Iraqis in their own homeland. I don’t think that it is a deterrent to have private American “security firms” torture, for fun, the “enemies” who are in their own country, in their own neighborhoods, near their own families, and who dare to fight the American military personnel who obliterated their homes, killed their brothers, sisters, children, mothers and fathers, and occupy their soil. The nerve of them!

In the meantime, your freedoms and protections are being systematically eliminated while government protected rights for corporations are expanding beyond your wildest dreams. If this nation had a legitimate mainstream news media you would know this and you would probably take to the streets and revolt because you would realize what some of us already know, your rights, health and wealth have been under assault while you are distracted by bogey men in foreign nations who are supposedly going to take your freedom away!!!

Entire Article Here

Alan Watt & Alex Jones: What’s Going On?

[youtube=]Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Oslo Gunman’s Massacre, A Design Ritual of Mind Control Using Fear!

Uploaded by on Jul 26, 2011

Alex also talks with author, researcher and radio talk show host Alan Watt. Alex brings you the latest on the Norway shooting and talks about the mind control and Knights of Templar angles on the bombing/shooting incident.



Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite

“The Prozac-type drugs destroy your inhibition.”

– Alex Jones

[youtube=]Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite 1/2

Uploaded by on Jul 26, 2011

Alex welcomes back to the show former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs. Jim is the author of The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America and The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America.



Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain

[REAL History Video] ‘The Clinton Chronicles’ — An investigation into the alleged criminal activities of Bill & Hillary Clinton and their circle of power

[youtube=]Bill & Hillary Clinton TOTALLY EXPOSED – The New Clinton Chronicles – FULL Extended Version

American Mysteries & Conspiracies

Published on Aug 13, 2015

This is the extended version that has about 30 minutes of extra footage. What state and local police in Arkansas say about Bill Clinton when he was governor of that state is just jaw dropping, from cocaine trafficking to underage prostitution rings. Hillary is NO better and she is just as corrupted as her husband ever was.

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Published on Aug 27, 2012

Daily News @ — Why does the media cover-up all of President/Governor Clinton’s crimes?

Most people think that the biggest felony made by Bill Clinton might be that he swore falsely under oath in the Lewinsky affair. But this is peanuts compared to the real crimes, yet undetected by most American people.


It was in Oxford as a student Clinton came to hear about the One World Government for the first time, and what was required to be a member of this New World Order. In an interview in 1994 Clinton said that he’d known about the “Shadow-government” already in his youth, and had been very enthusiastic to get an entrance into the “Inner Circle” and from there have the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding the future of the world.

He succeeded! The “President-maker” David Rockefeller met Clinton in the mid 80’s in Arkansas to prepare him for what was to come. The State of Arkansas, by the way, is a major seat for the Brotherhood elite. The south branch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has its center here, and from this area Albert Pike (33 degree Freemason) created the Ku Klux Klan.


Clinton worked himself up rapidly and became a governor of Arkansas. As a governor Bill Clinton committed a series of high crimes, related to his Illuminati connection. He became the leader of a gigantic network which dealt with drug-smuggling, laundering of drug-money and corruption in general.

A good friend of Clinton from Arkansas, Larry Nichols, was interviewed in a film. Clinton thought that Nichols would keep his mouth shut, but he didn’t. He was hired by Clinton and had found out that Clinton’s firm, “Arkansas Development Finance Authority” (ADFA), laundered drug-money. Cocaine to a value of $10.000.000 (ten million dollars!) a week was flown in from Mena Airport in Arkansas. The money was laundered via ADFA to a bank in Florida, to a bank in Georgia, to Citycorp in New York, and from there it was transferred out of the country. All this regarding to Larry Nichols.

Clinton’s best friend, Dan Lasater, led the operations. Lasater and Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger Clinton, later spent time in jail due to drug related crimes.

The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter, said he had gathered information from many persons in Lasater’s surroundings, how he smuggled drugs and abused young girls sexually. During those investigations Doc was harassed by persons from his own police department, paid by Clinton.

Bill Clinton created new laws that helped “Tyson Foods” to be the biggest company in Arkansas. The owner, Don Tyson, received a loan from the Clinton-owned ADFA, but never had to pay back. Doc says he has evidence enough against Tyson to start an investigation regarding illegal drug-trade. Nichols says in the film:

The first loan ADFA approved was to “Park-O-Meter” … When I investigated the company, I found that the Directive Secretary and cashier was Webb Hubbell … Guess who wrote the law proposition … which made ADFA possible. Webb Hubbell. Guess who drove the law proposition which looked into- and admitted (Park-O-Meter’s) request. “Rose Law Firm” (owned by Hillary Clinton). Who signed the admittance? Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton.

Nichols said that when journalists started investigating the loans to “Park-O-Meter”, they discovered that the company did not make parking meters, but removable airplane nose-cones, delivered to the air-field in Mena. The equipment was used to smuggle narcotics into the country, and with this Clinton and his companions participated heavily to the pushing of street-drugs in the USA.

Nichols says further that Clinton most of the time was involved in drug trade and the people he surrounded himself with followed him all the way to the White House.


Full Article:…

“When there’s no one left to tell the people the truth, the people will believe what the media tells them they believe.”

—George Orwell

It’s time to Wake Up! You, too, can join the Global Political Awakening!



Hillary Clinton Admits that the CFR Runs the Government — “We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I wont have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think…”

(video) ‘Hillary Clinton Exposed’ – Movie She Banned From Theaters — Deny, threaten and neutralize • “I saw her vent on her husband many, many times … lit into her husband with every profane, four-letter word you’ve ever heard … when the elevator opened they were holding hands and smiling and waiving”

(video) Clinton Insider Reveals Hillary’s Lesbian Sexcapades — “Bill Clinton said time and time again that she had had more women than he had” – Larry Nichols

(video) Larry Nichols: Hillary Clinton a Satanist — While First Lady, she attended a church for witches and worshiped Satan — “She’s the male dominant”

[2-minute video] Head Of DEA, Federal Judge Bonner Says He Intercepted CIA Cocaine

All of my CIA Drug Running/Assassinations posts (latest appear first, 10 posts per page)

All of my Hillary Clinton posts (latest appear first, 10 posts per page)

[REAL History Video] Mike Ruppert (1997): CIA and Drug Running, Names Names — We are So Dirty!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“A lot has been overlooked about the role of the U.S. military in drug dealing,
as ordered by the CIA.”

“These people are not as smart as we give them credit for.
They use fear as a tool.”

“There are many Menas in this country.”
[famous for drug smuggling because Clinton related]

“Ross Perot cost Bush the 1992 election.”

Quoting Ross Perot:
“Mike, even with all of my resources, I don’t know why I pursue it;
I can’t get anywhere.”

My job is to do the right thing
and to leave the results to a power greater than myself.”

“The way this country works,
is that unless it shows up in the Washington Post,
the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times,
TIME or Newsweek,
officially, it doesn’t exist.”

– Michael Ruppert

* * *

[googlevideo=]Mike Ruppert – CIA and Drug Running (1997)

Mike Ruppert – CIA and Drug Running (1997)
1:45:44 – 4 years ago

Former narcotics investigator Mike Ruppert, and author of “The Truth and Lies of 911”, was forced out of the LAPD in 1977 when he exposed evidence of drug trafficking by the CIA. This is one of his first appearances caught on Video in 1997 at the Granada Forum in Tarzana, CA. Topic is “CIA Drug Running


‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160′s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles

David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”

Alex Jones TV: War on Drugs: The Globalists Biggest Ponzi Scheme of All Time!

[youtube=] War on Drugs: The Globalists Biggest Ponzi Scheme of All Time! – Alex Jones Sunday Edition 1/2

Uploaded by on Jul 10, 2011

Today on this live Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers a host of current topics and takes your calls. While the Obama Administration is under fire for lying about its knowledge of the ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious, where it smuggled firearms to Mexican Drug Gangs, Alex breaks down its relation to larger government drug dealing and an attempt to use the program as a false flag against the 2nd Amendment. Alex will also discuss the lavish lives led by the elite who continue to call for carbon taxes and other curbs in development in the name of saving the environment.


[real-history video] Alex Jones: A 300 Year History of Government Drug Dealing Exposed! | The Shadow GOV deals the drugs | Cartoon analogy: Daffy Duck manipulates the left and the right


[1988] Feisty Ron Paul Castigated for Opposing CIA Drug Running,
Shouting for State’s Rights!

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[youtube=] A 300 Year History of Government Drug Dealing Exposed!

Uploaded by on Jul 9, 2011

The Opium Wars are the model of what is happening to day.

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[youtube=]The Shadow GOV deals the drugs

Uploaded by on Jul 9, 2011

They ship it in then put the users in prison for use as slave labor.

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[youtube=]Foghorn Leghorn – (1956) – The High And The Flighty

Uploaded by on Feb 9, 2010

This is an odd Looney Toons cartoon because it pairs Daffy Duck with Foghorn Leghorn and his enemy, the dog. Daffy is in the film because he is a greedy and opportunistic novelty salesman who sells BOTH the rooster and the dog a variety of nasty gags to play on each other. Again and again, both do horrible things to each other using items from the Ace Novelty Company–and in the process Daffy becomes rich. It’s just great watching all the terribly violent and terribly funny items he sells them–until eventually they realize that they “have been film-flammed” (using Foghorn’s words). Then they turn the tables on the duck and give him a wonderful taste of his own medicine.

Catholic Investigative Agency: The Rockefellers’ Manipulation of the Catholic Church

[youtube=]Catholic Investigative Agency : The Rockefeller Foundation

Uploaded by on Jun 22, 2011

We are used to thinking of the Rockefellers as simply a byword for wealth, power and financial success. Perhaps we might think of them as determined businessmen or see them as great philanthropists. But the truth is far different; the Rockefeller Foundation is actively undermining the Catholic Church, and in the process, attempting to erase man’s natural orientation to the eternal.


David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself

David Rockefeller’s Eyes: “You feel a lot of EVIL. … I could see COLDNESS in his eyes. It was like DEAD EYES”

Alex Jones Tv: FBI Drove Ernest Hemingway to Suicide!

[youtube=]FBI Drove Ernest Hemingway to Suicide! – Alex Jones Tv

Uploaded by on Jul 5, 2011

Jon Swaine
The Telegraph
July 5, 2011

AE Hotchner said he believed the FBI’s monitoring of the Nobel Prize-winning author, over suspicions of his links to Cuba, “substantially contributed to his anguish and his suicide” 50 years ago.

Hotchner wrote in The New York Times that he had “regretfully misjudged” his friend’s fears of federal investigators, which were dismissed as paranoid delusions for years after his death.

In 1983 the FBI released a 127-page file it had kept on Hemingway since the 1940s, confirming he was watched by agents working for J. Edgar Hoover, who took a personal interest in his case…

Max Keiser & Alex Jones: The History of What Happened to Greece — A tragic story of a country being destroyed by outside bankers

[youtube=] Max Keiser & Alex Jones: The History of What Happened to Greece 1/2

Uploaded by on Jun 24, 2011

Max joins Alex to discuss how all this madness started in Greece and who is to blame for it.

David Icke: The Murder of Princess Diana (The Truth About The Royal Family) — “The whole thing is occult!”


My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!!

– –

[youtube=]David Icke – The Murder of Princess Diana (The Truth About The Royal Family)

Uploaded by on Apr 23, 2011

Click the link below to find out the cold blooded truth on the Royals.

Webster Tarpley: The real reason behind U.S. wars — To destroy all nation states that resist the one world government

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“It is of course this decadent, degenerate, U.S. ruling class which is doing all of this. The initiative at least is coming from them. It’s a desperate attempt to reorganize the world by destroying most of the existing nation states, and really destroying any possible focus of resistance against the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization.”

“Any independent nation state with any degree of autonomy is going to try to get out of the U.S. empire. So therefore their goal is to destroy all existing nation states.”

— Webster Tarpley

[youtube=]Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: NATO Running Out of Bombs in Libya, Overstretch with Five Wars 1/3

Uploaded by on Jun 15, 2011

Author and journalist Webster Tarpley joins Alex to talk about breaking developments in the Middle East and dire news on the economic front. Tarpley is the author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup – Making of a Manchurian Candidate and other important titles.

[video] Webster Tarpley: The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination

[youtube=]The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley 1/4

Uploaded by on Jun 18, 2011

In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current White House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes scientific elite’s true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a global government to rule.

Historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes how White House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century.

Holdren calls himself a “neo-Malthusian” in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth. Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a “Science Court,” where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don’t conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren’s “planetary regime”. He also seeks to institute “de-development” worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back to “pre-industrial civilization” where average life spans would not be much more than 30 years.

Holdren’s co-author, Paul Ehrlich, is a discredited crank who wrote books in the 70’s claiming that England would not exist as a land mass by the year 2000 because of climate change. As Tarpley explains, Ehrlich’s warning of a “population bomb” has proven incorrect, with population in Europe, Japan and the United States falling when immigration is removed from the equation.




[IMPORTANT! video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

This is how they did it!

UPDATE 11/11: Transcript is now available HERE as a pdf.

– –

Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. (source)

* * *

“It’s total brainwashing!”

“It all happened under Ronald Reagan.”

– Charlotte Iserbyt

* * *

The Reece Committee learned that the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, were, with tax-exempt dollars, funding leftist propaganda operations, aimed at changing America through the brain, not the battlefield. Patriotism, national sovereignty, individual responsibility, and Christian beliefs were belittled while the concepts of a one world government, socialism, collectivism and humanism were deemed essential for peace in the modern age.

* * *

[youtube=] The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds – Charlotte Iserbyt 1/5

Uploaded by on Jun 16, 2011

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they’re told.

Part one of our exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control.

This 74 minute exposé is a must see for anyone who wants to truly know why the education system is deliberately crafted to produce human drones with no critical thinking whose only skills are to be subservient, trust authority and follow orders.

Visit Iserbyt’s website at

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Charlotte Iserbyt, author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”: How public education was deliberately programmed to destroy America’s conscience — The ‘Christian’ community stopped helping Charlotte fight behavioral operant conditioning of our children’s minds. “You cannot give up!”

Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

[EXCELLENT 75-minute video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one world government system!

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: MIND CONTROL in PUBLIC SCHOOLS — CHARTER schools even worse than regular public schools • School CHOICE? If PRIVATE schools take just one penny they’re done • “OUTCOME-BASED education is the Soviet system” • FED-programmed COMPUTERS override independent, local teachers • MINORITIES targeted first • ‘HERITAGE’ Foundation isn’t doing God’s work

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Patrick Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America — “Is our children learning?” George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning…

[Real History] EXCELLENT! Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

[youtube=]Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Uploaded by on Jun 5, 2011


For more news and information, please visit The Centre for Research on Globalization:

[real history] The Bombing of Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives to bring US into WWII — By the time that Japan finally attacked, all eight steps in the intelligence memo had occurred. Prior to the invasion, most Americans were isolationists.

Available at Amazon:

Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor [Paperback]
Robert Stinnett (Author)


The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

On 7 December 1941 the greatest disaster in United States history occurred. Truly this was and is, “’A date which will live in infamy.’”(Costello 1), but not for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, rather for the deception and the mis-guidance used by the Government and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In a purely artificial chess game Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives, thanks to his power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. By over-looking the obvious facts of an attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt was able to control both the political and economic systems of the United States. Most of American society before the Pearl Harbor bombing believed in the idea of isolationism.

Franklin D. Roosevelt knew this, and knew the only way in which United States countrymen would take arms and fight in Europe’s War was to be an overt action against the United States by a member of the Axis Power. Roosevelt also believed Hitler would not declare war on the United States unless he knew they were beatable. There are numerous accounts of actions by Roosevelt and his top armed forces advisors, which reveal they were not only aware of an attack by Japan, but also they were planning on it, and instigating that attack. On 7 October 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence, wrote the eight-action memo.

This memo outlined eight different steps the United States could do that he predicted would lead to an attack by Japan on the United States. The day after this memo was giving to Franklin D. Roosevelt, he began to implement these steps. By the time that Japan finally attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, all eight steps had occurred (Willy 1). The eight steps consisted of….

With the fleet located around Hawaii and particularly in Pearl Harbor a double-sided sword was created; it allowed for quicker deployment times into South Pacific Water, but more importantly it lacked many fundamental military needs, and was vulnerable due to its geographic location. To understand the true vulnerability of Pearl Harbor one must look at Oahu, the Hawaiian Island that the military base is located. The North part of the island is all mountains, these mountains hinder the vision of military look out points, making an attack from the North virtually a surprise until the sound of fighter planes are over head.

There were many key military needs that were missing from Pearl Harbor, and they were; a lack of training facilities, lack of large-scale ammunition and fuel supplies, lack of support craft such as tugs and repair ships, and a lack of overhaul facilities such as dry-docking and machine shops. Commander in Chief, United States Fleet – Admiral James O. Richardson, was outraged when he was told by President Roosevelt of his plans on keeping the fleet in Hawaiian Waters. Richardson knew of the problems and vulnerability of Pearl Harbor, the safety of his men and warships was paramount. In a luncheon with Roosevelt, Richardson confronted the President, and by doing so ended his military career. Four months later Richardson was removed as commander-in-chief, and replaced by Rear Admiral Husband Kimmel (Stinnett 11).

Entire Article Here


[real history] Robert Stinnet, author of “Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” takes on 3 NSA agents trying to discredit his important, groundbreaking work!

Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 12/7/12: Pearl Harbor Attack — The Japanese learned their codes had been cracked and they were sailing into a trap after one of their midget submarines had been sunk

Ralph Epperson: ROOSEVELT KNEW About Pearl Harbor Before It Happened! — HILO, HAWAII TRIBUNE HERALD – November 30, 1941 — Lying to get US into war…

10 False-Flag Operations that Shaped Our World — From Nero to 9/11

Pearl Harbor – Mother of All Conspiracies

[real history] Robert Stinnet, author of “Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” takes on 3 NSA agents trying to discredit his important, groundbreaking work!

Available at Amazon:

Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor [Paperback]
Robert Stinnett (Author)

From: antiwar

The Pearl Harbor Deception

by Robert Stinnett
Independent Institute
December 7, 2003

Day of Deceit was well received by media book reviews and the on-line booksellers, and Barnes &, earning a 70 percent public approval rating. Day of Deceit continues among the top ten bestsellers in the non-fiction Pearl Harbor book category, according to and Barnes &

About 30 percent of the reviews have discounted the book’s revelations. The leaders of the dispute include Stephen Budiansky, Edward Drea, and David Kahn, all of whom have authored books or articles on code breaking. To bolster their pre-Pearl Harbor theories, the trio violated journalistic ethics and distorted the U.S. Navy’s pre-Pearl Harbor paper trail. Their efforts cannot be ignored. The trio has close ties to the National Security Agency, the overseer of U.S. naval communications files. Kahn has appeared before NSA seminars. The NSA has not honored my FOIA requests to disclose honorariums paid the seminar participants but has released records that confirm Kahn has been a participant.

Immediately after Day of Deceit appeared in bookstores in 1999, NSA began withdrawing pre-Pearl Harbor documents from the Crane Files housed in Archives II. This means the government decided to continue 60 years of Pearl Harbor censorship. …

Concurrent with the NSA withdrawals, Budiansky, with the aid of Kahn and Drea, began a two-year media campaign to discredit the paper trail of the U.S. naval documents that form the backbone of Day of Deceit. One of the most egregious examples of ethical violations appeared in an article by Kahn published in the New York Review of Books on November 2, 2000. In that article, Kahn attempted to bolster his contention that Japanese admirals and warships observed radio silence while en route to attack American Pacific bases. Kahn broke basic journalism ethics and rewrote a U.S. Naval Communication Summary prepared by Commander Rochefort at his crypto center located in the Pearl Harbor Naval Yard. …

Yet in his NYRoB article Kahn deleted portions of the Rochefort summary in the middle of the first sentence, profoundly diminishing its significance. Kahn’s version: “Fourth Fleet is still holding extensive communications with the Commander Submarine Fleet.”

Kahn violated basic journalism rules by deleting crucial words and not using ellipsis to indicate a deletion. When I cited these ethical violations to the editors of the NYRoB, Kahn offered an excuse and implied that Rochefort’s summary was too long. “I had to condense my review,” he wrote.

Entire Article Here


Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 12/7/12: Pearl Harbor Attack — The Japanese learned their codes had been cracked and they were sailing into a trap after one of their midget submarines had been sunk

[real history] The Bombing of Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives to bring US into WWII — By the time that Japan finally attacked all eight steps in the intelligence memo had occurred. Prior to the invasion, most Americans were isolationists.

Ralph Epperson: ROOSEVELT KNEW About Pearl Harbor Before It Happened! — HILO, HAWAII TRIBUNE HERALD – November 30, 1941 — Lying to get US into war…

10 False-Flag Operations that Shaped Our World — From Nero to 9/11

Pearl Harbor – Mother of All Conspiracies

[Real History] Who Really Owns the Mainstream Media? — An elite handful of individuals define the agendas that are supported by the empire of establishment news.

NOTE: Bad language at the end. Otherwise EXCELLENT!

* * *

“If it is possible to control the input to the human mind,
then no matter how intelligent a person may be,
it’s entirely possible to program what he will think.

And yes,
it’s even possible to program people to laugh
at the mere mention of the word,

– G. Edward Griffin

[youtube=]Who Really Owns the Mainstream Media?


Real-Historian Alan Watt with Alex Jones: NWO Shaping Our Culture to Their Design — “The gullibility of good people has allowed this to happen. … They cannot believe there are human beings completely different from themselves who run the world. … ‘Oh, they’d never give us that if it harmed us.'”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“The gullibility of good people has allowed this to happen.”

– Alex Jones

* * *

“They cannot believe because they watch TV and their comedy shows, and the familiar faces, their favorite newscasters.

They cannot believe there are human beings completely different from themselves who run the world. They cannot believe that monsters could do this. …

They’re domesticated. They believe what they’re told, because they believe that there are superior, intelligent beings living above them who take care of the big problems. That’s what socialism really is. And they’ve all been socialized into this system.

So they cannot believe that experts would do anything deliberately to harm them. So they’ll eat anything that comes on the shelves, any kind of candy. They never read it. ‘Oh, they’d never give us that if it harmed us.’

It’s the same of the cell phones: ‘They’d never give that to us if it harmed us.’

And that’s how domesticated the public generally are. They can’t think for themselves.”

– Alan Watt

[youtube=]Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Nwo Shaping Our Culture to Their Design 1/4

Uploaded by on Jun 2, 2011

Alex talks with NWO researcher, author, and radio talk show host, Alan Watt. Alex covers the latest breaking news and takes your calls.





Excellent! Real-Historian Alan Watt: The Neo-Eugenics War On Humanity

Excellent! Alan Watt: Shock And Awe: The Manipulation Of The Human Psyche — Sports a substitute to keep men distracted from their own enslavement. Women were given ‘high’ fashion at accessible prices. Music is regulated and authorized by the top. The ultimate goal is to demolish the family unit. The role of abortion, TV! The abuser will initially take care of the abused…

My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!!

Real historian Tom Woods: “We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now” — What have reverse-Christian wars done to our soul?

[youtube=]We Who Dared to Say No to War | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.

Uploaded by on Sep 6, 2010

Jeffrey Tucker interviews Tom Woods on the topic of Tom’s anthology (edited with Murray Polner), ‘We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now.’

Recorded in Auburn, Alabama, at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 21 July 2010.


We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now [Paperback]

Thought Controllers Call Ron Paul “Extreme” — Real historian Tom Woods unspins Mother Jones magazine’s super-scary list of “Ron Paul’s 15 Most Extreme Positions”

[youtube=]Thought Controllers Call Ron Paul “Extreme”

Uploaded by on May 27, 2011

Tom Woods looks at Mother Jones magazine’s super-scary list of “Ron Paul’s 15 Most Extreme Positions.”


More on Ron Paul’s “Extreme” Positions

I designed this short resource page to accompany the video I made about a Mother Jones article called “Ron Paul’s 15 Most Extreme Positions.”

On the war on drugs, see my “Futility and the War on Drugs”:


On the Federal Reserve and the U.S. economy, see this article and this article, as well as the relevant portion of this resource page I prepared.  See also my “Learn Austrian Economics” resource page.

On antitrust, there is an embarrassment of riches.  To get a taste of the true history of antitrust, read “The Antitrust Economists’ Paradox.”  For more, consult Dominick Armentano’s books Antitrust and Monopoly: Anatomy of a Policy Failure and Antitrust: The Case for Repeal.  Or read any of these articles.

For a critique of the perfect competition model on which the logic of antitrust is based, see (among other sources) chapter XI of Milton Shapiro’s Foundations of the Market Price System (available online), chapter 10 of Murray N. Rothbard’s Man, Economy, and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles (available online), and George Reisman’s article “Platonic Competition.”

On Ron Paul’s views on the environment, see Murray N. Rothbard’s “Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution.”

On health care, see Vijay Boyapati’s “What’s Really Wrong with the Healthcare Industry.”

On civil rights, see Thomas Sowell’s extraordinary book Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality?

On the census, here is Ron Paul in his own words.

For more on these and other subjects, see this other refutation of the Mother Jones article.  See also my book Rollback, which refutes many of the myths on which the Mother Jones article is based.

To find out about future videos and my other activities, subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.


In Defense of Ron Paul

[real history] Dr. Stanley Monteith: Secrets of the Illuminati Revealed — Their goal to replace freedom and liberty under God with an all powerful government that regulates people from the cradle to the grave

I think this lecture is from the late ’90s. Look at how much further the Illuminati program has advanced today.

The globalists have been strongly manipulating America especially during our last century.

Dr. Stanley Monteith is an extremely careful researcher who reveals the history not taught in our school system.


[googlevideo=]Secrets of the Illuminati Revealed – Stanley Monteith –
conspiracy new world order excellent

[Excellent 15-minute video] How They Fake Terrorism: Manufactured Fear I — A history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people! — PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION

[youtube=]How They Fake Terrorism — Manufactured Fear I – Final Draft

Uploaded by on Jan 11, 2011

A history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people!

IMF Chief’s Sexual Behavior Typical of Illuminati

NOTE: Author, Henry Makow is Jewish



IMF Chief’s Sexual Behavior Typical of Illuminati

Dominique Strauss-Khan, the Jewish Head of the IMF, has torpedoed his career by sexually assaulting a chambermaid at his NYC Hotel Saturday. As the article , “Our Leaders are Sex Addicts” (Feb 2008) below explains, this behavior is typical of the satanic Sabbatean-Frankist cult that spawned the Illuminati. The article relates how the prominent Jewish leader Rabbi Stephen Wise was also a Sabbatean sexual profligate. The Illuminati-controlled mass media have spread this decadent behavior to society as a whole.

by Henry Makow Ph.D

The world is set to drop into the central bankers’ outstretched hand like a ripe peach from a tree. Illuminati bankers are harvesting the fruit of their centuries-old plot to destroy Christian Civilization and place humanity on a treadmill of greed, sex, violence, trivia and political correctness.

They have succeeded because we have no leaders. They select obedient blackmailed perverts to execute their design.  I always marveled that Bill Clinton betrayed the dignity of his office and the trust of 300 million people for a blow job. But, in retrospect, a sex addict is the rule rather than the exception when it comes to our “leaders” (i.e. managers.)

“President Clinton has been very helpful to us,” a banker confided in 1998. “We knew of what character he was before we placed him as president. Exposing him was very helpful in adjusting the moral habits of the youth downward. This is to our advantage. Even more agreeable to us were the vain efforts of those who thought they could remove him against our will. He is useful to us and he will not be removed by anyone until we are ready to have him removed.”



According to the late Alan Stang’s courageous groundbreaking book, “Not Holier Than Thou: How Queer is Bush?” (2007) organized homosexuality, with its belief in sex-for-its-own-sake, is an important Illuminati control mechanism.

Stang speculates that Bush is a homosexual and demonstrates that, despite his Christian family pretensions, he has advanced the homo-sexualization of society and “given organized sodomy considerable control over the federal government.” (66)

Stang documents that a well-known male prostitute, Jeff Gannon, made dozens of visits to the Bush White House in 2003 and 2004 often staying over night. Apparently the President could be easily blackmailed. And this doesn’t even include Margie Schrodinger, the black Texan housewife whose name has disappeared down the memory hole. She formally charged the President with rape (about 2002) and then conveniently “committed suicide.”

Stang’s book is a thorough laundry list of homosexual activism within the Republican Party. It came out before Mark Foley and the Congressional Pages, Larry Craig and the ‘wide stance.” It tears the veil off the media’s feel-good, sugar-coated image of homosexuality. It is hard to stomach but must be read. Why? Because some homosexuals, by their own admission, hate society and have no morality. Thus these particular homosexuals are perfect agents of Illuminati subversion.

Alan Stang was one of the most important journalists in America and I highly recommend his book. By now, you should know that Barrack Obama has a homosexual past. Listen to this interview with Larry Sinclair by Jeff Rense. Sinclair who claims he had sex with Obama is being ignored by the mass media, but you can bet that if BO started to steer an independent course, Larry Sinclair would suddenly be in great demand. I could go on about Hillary’s threesomes but enough…


The media ritual of choosing a new President is in full swing. The masses choose which Illuminati sex addict or stooge they want and feel they are living in a democracy. The Illuminati banker just smiles:

“Excuse me if I seem to be mocking your system of beliefs, but they are rather outdated. Have you no eyes to see your vain liberties and your righteous pontifications are nothing before us? …We place our proposed leader before you and you vote for what we want. In that way we give you the vain voting exercise in the belief you had something to do with placing your president in office.”


Entire Article Here

[ audio – real history ] Douglas Dietrich: Satanism in the US military — Michael Aquino; The Presidio sex scandal; thousands of fragged officers in Vietnam; document destruction to what we have now, where Satanism is no longer fringe

Related: [ audio ] Real-historian Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with host John B. Wells 11/13/11: Satanism and pedophilia in the Presidio military base; what we don’t know about WWII and so much more!

* * *

UPDATE 11/14/11

This audio file has now rotated out of Dr. Stan’s audio archives list, so the below-listed MP3 link won’t work, but I’m sure you can order it from this link at Radio Liberty for not very much money.

I had forgotten about this interview when I listened to the ‘Coast’ interview last night, which was fascinating. And it seems like John B. Wells only scratched the surface in unleashing what Douglas knows that we don’t.

God bless!

Jeff Fenske

– –

“A lot of men were fragging their own platoon leaders.
And so, in Vietnam, being an officer meant you were in incredible danger.

And so the officer corp, which was primarily Christian, was wiped out in Vietnam,
and it was replaced by a lot of officers who cleaved to the new Satanic fringe,
which in the military is no longer fringe.”

– Douglas Dietrich

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *


Aquino Speaks: The Presidio Sex Scandal

* * *

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty audio archives

Date: 05-12-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Dennis Detrich – Satanism
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: John Williams – Shadow Statistics
Hour: 4
9:00: Stephen Frank – CA Politics
Date: 05-11-11

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