Freedom from Alaska!

Category: The End of America? Page 3 of 14

KRH:’s depopulation chart — deaths from vaccines targeting North American countries and Israel?

KRH writes on Facebook:

Putin Launches Killer Sub – 2 football fields long and 49 feet wide! Russia getting ready to EMP and nuke US!

Putin’s ‘City-Killer’: Russia Launches World’s Largest Nuclear-Armed Submarine

It’s being popularly dubbed “Putin’s city-killer” – and is also being widely acknowledged as the largest submarine in the world to be built for 30 years: Russian Navy’s ‘Special Mission’ K-329 Belgorod has been put to see for the first time within the past days, undergoing sea trials.

Estimated at 178 meters (584 feet) long and about 15 meters (49 feet) across, it’s twice the size of the UK Royal Navy’s largest submarines, but more impressively is equipped with AI-guided nuclear tipped underwater drones which according to one prominent Western source are capable of hitting coastal targets lying 6,000 miles away.


Skousen: WWIII estimate latter half this decade – Russia/China EMP & Nuke USA — China says 2027 they’ll be military ready – Jeff Rense 6-9-21

Hour 2 – Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
The Jeff Rense Show (subscription only)


6:10 “China is very active in space. They’re putting up a lot of killer satellites. They’re going to wage war in space. So it’s going to be a real Donnybrooke when WWIII rolls around towards the end of this decade. China even says that they’re going to be complete in their military deployments in 2027. So that puts it right in the middle of my estimate of somewhere in the last half of this decade; we’re going to see WWIII.”

14 A Constitutional convention will not work because the existing government legislatures will select those who go to the convention, and they’re not going to pick libertarians or real conservatives.

16 If there would be an EMP burst:
It takes 8, 9 or 10 EMP weapons to blanket, take down the entire grid. Only Russia and China have the capacity to do this, not Iran or North Korea.

17:10 “It’s Russia and Chinese military doctrine to precede a blinding strike with an EMP, which takes down all of your early warning signals, your television and radios, so people are really unprepared. Black darkness and no news, no electricity. And things start to get really ugly in three days when all the stores are pillaged.”

19 The ethnospecific bioweapons aren’t working the way the Asians had hoped, only targeting westerners, for example, so they had to go back to relying on nuclear weapons. Israelis have been unsuccessful too.

PBS Airs Children’s Show Where “Drag Queens In Training” Learn To Swish Their Hips and Stomp, Stomp, Stomp!


Skousen: Packing the Supreme Court once the filibuster is removed

World Affairs Brief, April 16, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Packing the Supreme Court: The Democrats are serious about packing the Supreme Court with four new justices. They will introduce a bill soon, as only Congress can determine the number of justices on the court. The Constitution is silent on this issue. This will erase the nominal “conservative majority” on the court, which in reality doesn’t exist. Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh are Deep State, and Amy Conan Barrett is a yes-girl to the establishment. I suspect that Roberts and Kavanaugh are tired of having their cover blown by constantly having to vote with the authoritarian minority in order to further the Deep State agenda. Once the Dems install 4 more authoritarian lackies, these two turncoats can go back to playing conservative. They will probably have to do away with the filibuster before this bill gets to the Senate in order to pass.

Skousen: US Counter to China is Too Little, Too Late

World Affairs Brief, March 12, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


I’ve long said in my briefings that the globalist conspiracy would always play down the Chinese threat until it was too late to stop. True to form, a Navy Admiral in command of the US Indo-Pacific region is sounding the warning that “the US losing military edge in Asia as China looks like it is planning for war.” He naively told lawmakers this week:

‘I cannot for the life of me understand some of the capabilities that they’re putting in the field, unless it is an aggressive posture’

Of course it is aggressive. The reason he is surprised is that like General Flynn, another non-Deep State former military leader, all top Generals and Admirals have long been propagandized at National War College courses that China and Russia will never attempt a nuclear first strike on America because we could “launch on warning” and hit back before their missiles destroyed ours.

Obviously, no one is alerting our general officers to the still secret PDD-60, Presidential Decision Directive prohibiting our missile forces from launching on warning—but instead instructing them to absorb a first strike and “retaliate later.” I’m sure they never told Pres. Trump about it either.

Skousen: Forecasts Depopulation of US and Western Europe

World Affairs Brief, September 25, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief ( Forecasts Depopulation of US and Western Europe. is a global military intelligence site. All of these, like Stratfor, have ties to the Deep State. They have had an online presence since 2003 and are only recently reporting massive depopulation of the US (by 2/3rd) and by half in most western EU countries—totally without explanation. You know it is Deep State because they hide their ownership. The site name is registered in France, and all online information about them is redacted for privacy. The site hosting company is located in Old Tappan, New Jersey.

China General: PLA Must Kill All Americans With Biological Weapons



Today on TruNews, we discuss the marxist manifesto for Sino-supremacy of the globe authored by China’s former defense minister Chi Haotian, the architect of Beijing’s military crackdown in Tiananmen Square. We detail how a Satanic ideology of “yellow” supremacy inspired by the genocide of the Third Reich, has guided the long term planning of the CCP, and inspired the Communists to out-kill the population control czars of the Western New World Order.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 01/26/2021

Biden’s EO: Giving China Access to Power Grid Can Kill the US?

Biden suspends Trump executive order, EO 13920 that Trump signed to protect the US power grid from foreign components that can be hacked to take down our power grid.

Facebook Shuts Down Page For GOP Senate Campaigns Just Before Georgia Runoffs

Facebook just helped the end of America, our republic, which the Dems will implement as they now control the White House, House and Senate!

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JAN 02, 2021

“This is unacceptable with only four days to Election Day.”


Russia’s New “Unstoppable” Sarmat Missile in Testing

World Affairs Brief, January 8, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Russia’s New Sarmat Missile in Testing:

Russia is set to test its “unstoppable” 15,000 mph nuke missile that can “beat any missile defense and destroy Texas.” If successful, and it will be, the RS-28 Sarmat doomsday rocket is now primed to replace the much-feared R-36 – once dubbed the “Satan” nuke by NATO.

Skousen: 2020 the year when most Americans gave up their liberty without a fight, dawning worthless masks, begging for bailouts. We’ve crossed the point of no return where conservatives will never win another national election. Remember this is a Satanic conspiracy

World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


This is my annual Big Picture Brief focusing not only on the significant happenings of the past year but also the persistent long-term threats that are still looming, which we tend to lose sight of, especially when buried by all the media hype promoting this never-ending false pandemic. This constant diversion of our attention is purposeful and meant to ensure we are unprepared for what is coming, and totally dependent on the more ruthless forms of martial law and emergency orders that will sweep aside what is left our liberties by the time WWIII descends upon this nation. We are now being totally conditioned to allow our personal liberty to be overridden by petty medical tyrants, someday to be replaced by wartime military and then civilian dictators. The year 2020 will go down as the year in which the vast majority of Americans gave up their liberty without a fight, having been tricked into thinking they were “all in this together,” dawning worthless masks, begging for bailouts, and acting more like lemmings going over the cliff that than sovereign individuals with fundamental rights worth fighting for. In short, we have now crossed the point of no return where conservatives will never win another national election again. Election fraud has now put us in a permanent minority position, which in a winner-take all system of democracy doesn’t bode well for restoring the Republic.

(Film) ‘Babylon USA’ – Steven Anderson

WARNING: False salvation teaching at the end.

The US is not the most powerful nation in the world.

“What if Christianity actually teaches peace, and not ‘preventive’ wars of aggression?” – Ron Paul
51:47 “We talk about the demon that ran Persia. There is a demon running the United States.” Steven Anderson
59:40 Public obelisks: “the obelisk is a phallic symbol … the phallic of the great sun god. It’s his architecture that reigns.” – Texe Marrs
100:57 The obelisk in Las Vegas overseeing the massacre
1:16:27 The attitude of the United States…
1:22:50 Babylon destroyed in one hour
1:23:13 “Over and over again in Revelation 18, the Bible repeats the fact that Babylon will be destroyed in one hour. And it will be destroyed with fire…. A nuclear attack fits this description perfectly, and it would happen immediately…, within one hour’s time.” – Anderson

1:37:55 “The Bible Way To Heaven” — False salvation teaching from Steven Anderson, who believes all we have to do is say a prayer. We don’t actually have to abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” to be real Christians.

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Babylon USA | Documentary on Mystery Babylon in Revelation | KJV Bible

Timcast IRL: Chinese SUPER SOLDIERS Are Under Development, The Chinese Are SERIOUS About Controlling The World


Steven Ben-Nun w/ Adam Green: The ‘peace’ accord is a war accord • Israel using Russia and China to bring US down • Israel used US to destroy their neighbors

MY NOTES – Steven Ben-Nun said:

22:40 “Through violence, the Jewish state is trying to make it look like these prophecies (which many have been fulfilled…), they’re trying to make it look as if they are coming to pass, but in fact they are not.”

23:30 “This is really not a ‘peace accord.’ It’s a war accord. They’re using this ‘peace initiative, or this Abrahamic accord in order to prepare their coalition to go against Iran.”

33:30 “The sad thing is that when it comes to the United States, they [Israel] is done with America. I was told that straight up by people I know in Israel. China will be the next superpower, and they [Israel] will work with China. And they will use Russia to bring down this nation down, along with China.”

54 Truth about Syria: Turkey brought in the Sarin gas to falsely blame Assad for gassing his own people.

Christians and Jews say Damascus must be destroyed according to Bible prophecy, but Isaiah 17 actually says God holds Christians and Jews responsible for the destruction of Damascus, because they armed a faction to destroy Syria.

59:00 GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: “They [Israel] had to go a long way to instigate all America’s wars on the Middle East to create this scenario. As we know, General Wesley Clark said seven nations would be taken down in five years. Of course, the timeline is off, but not the nations. The United States has played a heavy role in bringing down these nations.”

Gets interesting, starting at 17:45

Skousen: China’s Superpower Status – Unstoppable Invasion Capability

Joel said on The Jeff Rense Show, 9/2/20 that China’s weaponry is in 3,000 miles of  underground tunnels.

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World Affairs Brief, September 4, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

I have long told my subscribers after years of complaining about the Pentagon downplaying the Chinese threat: “When the Pentagon starts to warn about China being a real threat, you will know it is too late to stop it, or do anything about it.” Sadly, that time has come.

In the latest annual Pentagon report on China, they now admit that China has reached superpower status and is a global threat. All these years they have been downplaying the threat posed by China even as it built a ring of military bases in the South China Sea as a means of both defense and projecting power outward in a war—just as Japan did prior to WWII.

EMP: ‘The Black Sky Event’ – Documentary Trailer — China/Russia’s Mass Extinction Plan Targeting US!

China and Russia are preparing this mass extinction event on America. Our government is doing almost nothing, while the media says *nothing*.

“Please take a moment to check out this awesome documentary trailer on US vulnerability to EMP attack/super solar storms and how Congress is continuing in their dereliction of duty to do nothing to defend us against this existential threat which could kill 273 million Americans within a year.

The Black Sky Event – Documentary Trailer



Skousen: WWIII with Russia and China: Preparing to take US out latter half of this decade

World Affairs Brief, December 27, 2019 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

2019 Big Picture Brief

J.R. Nyquist: General Chi’s Nasty Wuhan Soup: A Recipe for BioWar?

Posted on January 30, 2020

In a secret speech given to high-level Party cadres nearly two decades ago, Chinese Defense Minister, Gen. Chi Haotian, explained a long- range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance.

According to Gen. Chi, China’s overpopulation problem and environmental degradation will eventually result in social collapse and civil war. General Chi estimated that “more than 800 million” Chinese would die in such a collapse. Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party has no policy alternative. Either America is “cleaned up” by biological attacks, or China suffers national catastrophe.


(vid) Jeff Nyquist: Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?

Timing is probably years off, according to Joel Skousen, but Skousen has a lot of respect for Nyquist. I haven’t heard Nyquist for many years, except for Skousen citing his articles occasionally. Very interesting.

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Russia will invade Alaska and Canada; China wants the lower-48, because they need more land for their people. A virus would weaken the US, making invasion easier.

16:50 Nyquist believes Putin did assassinate Alexander Litvinenko


Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?


Jeff Nyquist joins The Alex Jones Show to discuss the strategy for invasion by releasing a bioweapon like coronavirus.

(vid) Tulsi: Doomsday Clock: It’s time to wake up!

Tulsi gets it! Russia and China nuking and EMPing US is the threat, which only she is willing to try to at least postpone.

(vid) Brian of High Impact Flix encouraged after VA gun rally — “Behind every blade of grass” will not stop Russia/China’s nukes and EMP weapons though

Brian Young is in his hotel room encouraged the night after the Virginia 2nd Amendment gun rally, which is great to see! Apparently, over 20,000 attended, many were openly armed. Brian is enthusiastic that he felt so safe there, and what this means for America that so many are armed.

Brian mentioned the quote attributed to Japanese admiral Yamamoto as being comforting.

“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” – Admiral Yamamoto (unsubstantiated)

I commented that the “blade of grass” quote does now apply to citizens being able to stand up to the United States government if it become tyrannical (the real reason for the 2nd Amendment; though, that could even change as technology could give government a great edge someday), but a rifle behind every blade of grass is not going to stop Russia and China from nuking and EMPing us, when they’re ready around 2025, Joel Skousen estimates. 90% of the people would die during the months without electricity alone. Our power grid is completely vulnerable. And we can’t stop their nukes, but they can stop ours.

The 2nd Amendment is crucial domestically, but won’t save Americans from invading forces using EMPs and nukes.


Ben-Nun: “Israeli intelligence told me they want to cause civil unrest inside this nation” • “Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment” • “If impeachment doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy”

Steven Ben-Nun quotes transcribed by me:

4:08 “When Obama was president, one of his secret service agents shared with me then that they had been looking for a way to get civil unrest in the nation in order to disarm the nation, to have a reason to disarm the nation.

Israeli intelligence shared with me that they want to be able to cause a civil unrest inside this nation so that we can run out of bullets on each other.”

Ben-Nun @ 5:25

“Face it, Prime Minister Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment there is, even within the 10 commandments. He certainly doesn’t love his neighbor as himself, doesn’t keep the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ when it comes to homosexuality, he’s certainly breaking that as well; though, that’s not one of the 10 commandments, but it is an abomination before God, openly does that; kills all the babies. They allow up to a 9 month gestation period, third trimester abortions there. That sounds more like to me… King Herod in power in the middle east than a true Bible believing Jewish man.”

Ben-Nun @ 16:45

“I think what we’re seeing is going to come to our nation very, very soon. After all, that’s what they’re trying to do. In all this impeachment stuff…, if that doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy, and maybe that will make people go berserk.”

(vid) New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete – Bosstown Dynamics says “You’ll see it in the army soon!” — Which army?

ALERT: Fake video released just two days ago that looks so real it has 2 million views already. The give-away is the robot not creating any dust, and too many live rounds are going off right next to these men. Another tip-off is the name Bosstown Dynamics, which I didn’t catch, and is a take off from:

Boston Dynamics is an American engineering and robotics design company founded in 1992 as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I posted this after seeing the short, lower def. clip on Facebook that seemed real before watching this entire longer, HD version.

It’s still worth watching, because the deep state certainly has something like these in the works, if not ready already. How would one defend oneself against these?

(VID) Former Alex Jones Employee, Melissa (Melton) Dykes: Meet the Strawman to Erase Our First Amendment Online

(audio) James Perloff: Scofield Bible, Christian Zionism & Iran — 'Once Iran is destabilized, the Rothschilds and Netanyahu will have no further use for America…' [Antedote interview part 2]

The Antedote’s hosts are Jeremy Rothe Kushel and Greg McCarron.
33:30 “..Iran the final target…. Certainly, an objective of the Greater Israel Plan is to destabilize Iran. And once that happens, I feel that the Rothschilds and Benjamin Netanyahu would have no further use for America, and they would happily see the dollar collapse and America collapse.” – James Perloff

• • •

(vid) U.S. Christians could be Guillotined Under 7 Talmudic Noahide Laws – Geraldine Westfall

Video also available at BitChute.
Noahide laws are not biblical, but Talmudic, and are not from Noah.
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(vid) Florist found guilty for refusing to create art that violates her Christian beliefs – Barronelle Stutzman tells her heartwrenching story — Appealing to Supreme Court

(vid) Life without a Microchip Implant (666) will be difficult

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