Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Torture Page 4 of 5

Colonel Prouty: CIA Torture Techniques used in Honduras

[youtube=]Torture Techniques used in Honduras

Colonel Prouty discusses CIA Torture Techniques used in Honduras


America’s School of Death, Fort Benning, Georgia: torture and execution training center

Col. Fletcher Prouty: US surveillance is so precise and comprehensive that we could have stopped the DRUG TRADE instantly anytime

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, the real Mr. X in Oliver Stone’s JFK: COVER STORIES are WRITTEN BEFORE the crises even happen. War HISTORY BOOKS aren’t accurate.

Daniel Ellsberg: The importance and ethics of whistleblowing when a country has gone rogue — even torturing and assassinating our own!

[youtube=]Daniel Ellsberg fears a US hit on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

• • •

Democracy Now also has this excellent interview with Daniel Ellsberg
(Ellsberg starts at minute-26):

With Rumored Manhunt for Wikileaks Founder
and Arrest of Alleged Leaker of Video Showing Iraq Killings,
Obama Admin Escalates Crackdown on Whistleblowers
of Classified Information

US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias

From: Rense

US Media’s Pro-Israeli Bias
Response to the Freedom Flotilla Slaughter

By Stephen Lendman

In promoting his 2008 book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” Jimmy Carter said one reason for writing it was “to provoke (unbiased) discussion, which is very rarely heard in this country” on the question of Israel. In America, “any sort of debate back and forth, any sort of incisive editorial comment in the major newspapers, is almost completely absent….There are no significant countervailing voices” to deter Israel from getting away with murder, an illegal blockade, aggressive wars, and the most extreme crimes against humanity; its latest, of course, the massacre of peace activists taking aid to besieged Gazans.

Besides coming from officials and their spokespersons, Israel’s propaganda arm, Israel Politik, said “Israel had no choice but to stop the flotilla from breaking the blockade….While Israel was forced to take action in international waters, its actions are supported by international maritime law.”

False. Under international law, interdictions in international waters constitute piracy in the broadest sense of the term, and blockades are acts of war….

Sadly, this is what passes for journalism in America, especially on television and talk radio – disinformation, distortion and suppression of the truth that can’t pass the smell test – why Project Censored alerts about a “truth emergency,” glaringly in reporting about Israel.

What Passes for TV News in America – All Propaganda All the Time

Especially in reports about Israel, a nation that can do no wrong on cable or broadcast news and talk shows, leaving viewers hopelessly misinformed.

Never are guests like Noam Chomsky invited on or are comments like his aired in response to the Flotilla massacre, saying:

“It is worth bearing in mind that the crime is nothing new. For decades, Israel has been hijacking boats in international waters between Cyprus and Lebanon, killing or kidnapping passengers, sometimes bringing them to prisons in Israel including secret prison/torture chambers, sometimes holding them as hostages for many years.”

Israel has been out-of-control for decades, now more than ever….

Entire Article Here

Steve Quayle: Postal Service Building Torture Rooms — “Every single thing is converging…” “Shame on America…for not speaking out against torture.” “What we are is a nation under seige. And we are a nation soon to be embroiled in the worst case scenario and nightmare ever imagined on our shores.”

Quotes in title transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Steve Quayle & Alex Report of ‘Postal Service’ Building Torture Rooms on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

Alex & Steve report on how America is heading for lockdown!

For those who want to put the full blame on Obama, unwilling to admit how President George W. Bush trashed the Constitution over and over again — how he surrounded himself with cronies…

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“What emerged through the two terms [of the Bush administration – editor] was that people who seemed to be accused of violating the law had a rapid ascent in this administration. And one has to wonder whether this is suddenly a criteria, that the President likes people who are willing to go the edge of the law and beyond it to achieve what he believes is a worthy purpose.”

“Frankly, I’m not too sure what he thought he was swearing to when he took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution and our laws.”

– Jonathan Turley

[youtube=]“The Constitution is just a piece of paper” – G.W. Bush

Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Olbermann interviews Jonathan Turley a constitutional law expert who rips Bush a new [___], pointing out how many of his cronies are former criminals who have no respect for the law or the Constitution of the United States.

10/17/06: Bush Dissolves The U.S. Constitution Today

[youtube=]Countdown: Bush Dissolves The U.S. Constitution Today

Today 10-17-06, President (King) Bush signed a bill that officially dissolved the United States Constitution. This law takes away The Writ of Habeas Corpus that allows for the right to have an attorney and the knowledge of crimes a person being charged with. Also unlawful detention. They hide this within the Detainee Combatant Bill. It allows the President to declare ANYONE, ANYWHERE AN ENEMY COMBATANT, THIS INCLUDES U.S. CITIZENS, FOR ANY REASON ANYTIME. People. WAKE UP!!!! We have LOST OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!! TODAY 10-17-06, The Day The U.S. Bill Of Rights Died. RIP.

Brice Taylor: A Mind-Control Victim Speaks Out

[youtube=]Brice Taylor on Mind Control

This is part of a speech given by Brice Taylor regarding her victimization by the U.S. government in the CIA program known as MK ULTR


Mind-Control on ‘Coast’ Tonight, 11/9/08 | My Theory | Recap — Where I met Brice Taylor

All of my Mind-Control posts at ToBeFree

Cathy O’Brien: A freed Presidential mind-control slave gives specifics on how America is getting jacked!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“I name these names so that you can understand who these people are because they’re the same ones over and over and over, again.”

“I’ve known Dick Cheney through Gerald Ford since 1975. He is the most brutal person I’ve ever encountered, personally, by far. But it’s his attitude and his agenda that is so frightening.”

“We need to learn to expand our thinking and realize what is going on. Because when you go outside this country, it’s accepted knowledge that our President [George W. Bush] is under mind-control. It’s accepted knowledge that Dick Cheney is very much in control — and that George Bush, Sr., his closest friend and comrade, has been for a long time.”

“It’s essential that we all gain our strength of spirit in order to be able to grasp the truth. … With that strength of spirit becomes an ability to have inner peace….”

“It is truth that makes us free.”

Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and it empowers people to have the strength of spirit to stand and make a positive difference for all of us….”

– Cathy O’Brien

[youtube=]Cathy O’Brien: America en trance 1/7

CIA chief approved destruction of terrorist waterboarding tapes

From: The Times

The former CIA chief, Porter Goss, approved a 2005 decision to destroy 92 tapes showing US agents waterboarding two terrorism suspects, according to newly released internal emails.

FBI investigators are still examining who knew what about the destruction of the videos, which showed officers using the simulated drowning technique that is widely considered to be torture, on Abu Zubaydah and another terrorism suspect.

The emails were released by the Justice Department under a Freedom of Information Act request by the American Civil Liberties Union.

“These documents provide further evidence that senior CIA officials were willing to risk being prosecuted for obstruction of justice in order to avoid being prosecuted for torture,” said Ben Wizner, a lawyer with the ACLU. “If the Department of Justice fails to hold these officials accountable, they will have succeeded in their cover-up.”

Entire Article Here

Bush’s top political adviser, Karl Rove, PROUD of using waterboarding!

From: Daily Mail

George W Bush’s top political adviser has said he was ‘proud’ of controversial techniques such as waterboarding, which he claimed broke the will of terrorist.

Karl Rove – known as the former president’s ‘brain’  – said he did not believe that the interrogation method amounted to torture.
In an interview with the BBC, he claimed that waterboarding – which simulates drowning – had helped prevent terrorist attacks.

‘I’m proud that we used techniques that broke the will of these terrorists and gave us valuable information that allowed us to foil plots,’ he said.

‘I am proud that we kept the world safer than it was by the use of these techniques. They are appropriate, they are in conformity with our international requirements and with US law.’

Asked if he believed waterboarding was torture, he said: ‘No, it’s not. People need to read the memos …

Entire Article Here


CIA Ludicrously Claims Torture Prevented Debunked L.A. Terror Plot — KSM waterboarded six times a day for a month!

U.S. intelligence officers waterboarded the claimed 9/11 mastermind 160 times, says ex-MI5 boss | ‘One of the sad things is Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush all watched [Rupert Murdoch’s (Fox)] “24.”

U.S. intelligence officers waterboarded the claimed 9/11 mastermind 160 times, says ex-MI5 boss | ‘One of the sad things is Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush all watched [Rupert Murdoch’s (Fox)] “24.”

‘One of the sad things is Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush all watched “24”,’ Lady Manningham-Buller said, referring to the popular TV show about a counter-terrorist agent, starring Kiefer Sutherland.

From: dailymail

U.S intelligence agencies deliberately concealed their mistreatment of terror suspects, a former head of MI5 claimed last night.
Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller also said she had only learnt that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had been waterboarded – a total of 160 times – after retiring from the Security Service in 2007.

In a speech to the Mile End Group at the House of Lords, Lady Manningham-Buller also revealed that Britain protested against the treatment of terror suspects.

‘The Americans were very keen that people like us did not discover what they were doing,’ said the former head of the domestic spy agency.

Entire Article Here

Lose your empathy and you’ve lost your soul: “Republicans still support Bush’s torture and murder of about two million innocents, and Democrats overlook Obama’s expanded war and torture.” “Once a combat soldier kills a defenseless non-combatant…”

From: Rense

If You Want To Lose Your Soul
Blindly Support Your Government
– Right Or Wrong

By J. Speer-Williams

A soul-less being has no empathy for others. Lose your empathy, and you’ve lost your soul.

There is a “great divide” forming amongst mankind, and it’s often war that most often triggers that divide.

Once a combat soldier kills a defenseless non-combatant, he either likes it or feels remorse. If he likes it, he kills more non-combatants, many more. If he feels remorse, he’s likely to kill more non-combatants to anesthetized or deaden his feelings of moral anguish for having initially killed an innocent human being. In either case, such wanton killing is encouraged by “command intention,” from above, for a variety of reasons; but mainly, it’s done to spread the contagion of universal madness: a people without empathy.

In such a mad society, Israeli citizens justify burning alive Palestinian children, while American republicans still support Bush’s torture and murder of about two million innocents, and democrats overlook Obama’s expanded war and torture in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan.

Soon our madness – absence of empathy – spreads throughout the Middle East, and then around the world in the form of justifying or overlooking all governmental crimes as we are now emotionally invested in them, with our lack of empathy.

A lack of empathy blinds human beings to justice, liberty, and personal discernment, rendering them soulless – a major reason for all wars.

J. Speer-Williams


The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Boot camp kills the conscience so soldiers can do evil without being convicted in their hearts

Ron Paul Floor Statement on Assassinations 2/24/10: “What have we allowed ourselves to become?”

Congressman Paul speaks on the floor about
assassinations of Americans by their own government


Ron Paul: “We are on the brink of a financial cataclysmic event!” “The next step is a currency crisis, because there will be a rejection of the dollar.”


[youtube=]Ron Paul At CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference]

February 19, 2010 C-SPAN

[video] Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Episode 6 – ‘Manchurian Candidate’: Sanctioned murder by the U.S. government through trauma-based mind-control victims!

The show that cable TV subscribers in Alaska were not allowed to see!

[youtube=]Manchurian Candidate – Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura

This episode attempts to uncover a government mind control program, which can ultimately turn any individual into a lethal and controllable assassin.







Duncan O’Finioan, The “Ultimate Warrior”: A Real Life Jason Bourne, CIA Programmed Mind-Control Assassin

People Cursing Animals (and People?): “Men Who Stare At Goats” — The True Story Behind The Film

Mind-Control on ‘Coast’ Tonight, 11/9/08 | My Theory | Recap

Amazing coincidence or conspiracy? Alaska’s TV cable monopoly GCI drops TruTV before the landmark 7-part “Conspiracy Theory” series completely airs!

“Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura — All 7 Episodes

Alex Jones: What Happened to Us?

[youtube=]Alex Jones Tv: What Happened to Us?

Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture


December 11, 2009

In May of this year, the United Nations Committee Against Torture bought up the issue of Facility 1391, a clandestine Israeli prison where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture. The committee called upon Israel to grant the International Committee of the Red Cross access to this prison and demanded to know if there were other secret prisons in Israel.

Entire Article Here

Music also used as torture at Guantanamo — 72 hours in a row at volumes just below that to shatter the eardrums — Bands outraged!

From: Raw Story

Bands ‘rage against the machine’ for torture info

At least two rock stars whose songs have been reportedly used to torture Guantanamo Bay detainees are demanding the federal government release details of the use of music by the U.S. government during interrogations of prisoners.

The National Campaign to Close Guantanamo is working with musicians in their latest effort to drum up public support for Congress to close U.S. detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay. Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails and Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine are both putting their names to Freedom of Information Act requests to be submitted Thursday that demand the government come clean about how music was used to potentially torture suspected terrorists. The music of both Reznor’s and Morello’s bands have been linked to alleged detainee torture in the past, and both musicians are now hoping their effort to declassify the information will push Congress to close U.S. detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay.

“Guantanamo is known around the world as one of the places where human beings have been tortured — from water boarding, to stripping, hooding and forcing detainees into humiliating sexual acts — playing music for 72 hours in a row at volumes just below that to shatter the eardrums,” said Morello. “Guantanamo may be Dick Cheney’s idea of America, but it’s not mine. The fact that music I helped create was used in crimes against humanity sickens me….

Entire Article Here

Details of secret CIA torture prisons released

From: Telegraph

Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, a senior CIA officer who is currently in jail for corruption has told The New York Times how he oversaw the construction of three identical prisons from his base in Frankfurt where he ran the spy agency’s main European supply base. …

The prisons were designed to facilitate harsh interrogation and torture and sometimes held as few as four detainees. …

There were non slip floors and wooden walls which detainees were slammed against. They also used the waterboarding torture technique.

Entire Article Here

Col. Bob Bowman on National SECURITY: We trusted in the wrong thing. “By accepting the evil we are destroying this country and its security”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 7/8/09

“For the last 30 years, I’ve been quoting scripture. Psalm 33:

‘A king is not saved by his mighty army. A warrior is not saved by his great strength. The warhorse is a vain hope for victory, and in its might it cannot save.’

Psalm 37 gives the prescription for national security. It says:

Trust in the Lord and do good that you may dwell in the land and have security.’

By accepting the evil we are destroying this country and its security.”


Alex welcomes in-studio Robert M. Bowman, former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions, and Presidential candidate for the Reform Party in 2000.

Reverse Christianity: Chuck Colson Supports Torture!

From: CNN, Torture prompts soul-searching among some Christians

A survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that white evangelical Christians are more likely to support torture than people who rarely or never attend religious services.

The survey said that 62 percent of white evangelical Protestants say that the use of torture against suspected terrorists can be often or sometimes justified in order to gain important information. …

Chuck Colson, the evangelical pastor who once served as an aide to President Nixon, answered the same question in an online discussion conducted by the Washington Post “On Faith” Web site.

Colson said that Christians are supposed to obey the law, but there may be times when there is a higher obligation [WWJD? Who Would Jesus Torture? Shouldn’t this rather be refusing to torture if the government commands it – editor], such as ignoring a “no trespassing” sign to rescue a drowning man.

“So it is with torture,” Colson wrote. “If a competent authority honestly believes [but what are the real facts? Peter said: “We must obey God rather than man.” “Those who are led by the Spirit are the children of God” – editor] that this was the only way to get information that might save the lives of thousands, I believe he would be justified.”

Entire Article Here

Related: Paul Craig Roberts: Torture and the American Conscience — Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

Why the h*** should I feel sorry, says girl soldier who abused Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison

From: Mail Online

In this deeply disturbing interview, the trailer trash torturer who appalled the world by appearing in shocking ‘souvenir’ photographs remains utterly unrepentant and says she has 800 MORE torture photos that could rock the White House

. . . . .

‘sorry’, it becomes clear, is not in Lynndie England’s vocabulary.

When we speak, three things strike me: her breathtaking lack of contrition; her unsuitability to have been a serving soldier and her utter indifference towards the horrifically abused prisoners at Abu Ghraib, 90 per cent of whom were later released without charge.

Since no established biographer would touch her life story (it was even dropped by the literary agent who handled O.J. Simpson’s widely reviled book, If I Did It) her biography has been penned by a greenhorn local author, Gary Winkler. …

‘I just don’t think she’s a very deep person,’ Winkler, a white-bearded former musician in his late 50s, concludes miserably.

‘Lynndie only has two moods: bored and p****d off.’

During our first meeting, when she yawns through my questions, I see what he means.

Two days later, however, perhaps enlivened by the anti-depressant tablets upon which she relies, England is more animated….

Full article here

Paul Craig Roberts: Torture and the American Conscience — Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

From: Lew Rockwell

Torture is a violation of US and international law. Yet, president George W. Bush and vice president Dick Cheney, on the basis of legally incompetent memos prepared by Justice Department officials, gave the OK to interrogators to violate US and international law.

The new Obama administration shows no inclination to uphold the rule of law by prosecuting those who abused their offices and broke the law.

Cheney claims, absurdly, that torture was necessary in order to save American cities from nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists. Many Americans have bought the argument that torture is morally justified in order to make terrorists reveal where ticking nuclear bombs are before they explode.

However, there were no hidden ticking nuclear bombs. Hypothetical scenarios were used to justify torture for other purposes.

We now know that the reason the Bush regime tortured its captives was to coerce false testimony that linked Iraq and Saddam Hussein to al Qaeda and September 11. Without this “evidence,” the US invasion of Iraq remains a war crime under the Nuremberg standard.

Torture, then, was a second Bush regime crime used to produce an alibi for the illegal and unprovoked US invasion of Iraq.

U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R, Tx) understands the danger to Americans of permitting government to violate the law. In “Torturing the Rule of Law,” he said that the US government’s use of torture to produce excuses for illegal actions is the most radicalizing force at work today. “The fact that our government engages in evil behavior under the auspices of the American people is what poses the greatest threat to the American people, and it must not be allowed to stand.”

One might think that the American public’s toleration of torture reflects the breakdown of the country’s Christian faith. Alas, a recent poll released by the Pew Forum reveals that most white Christian evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture. In contrast, only a minority of those who seldom or never attend church services condone torture.

It is a known fact that torture produces unreliable information. The only purpose of torture is to produce false confessions. The fact that a majority of American Christians condone torture enabled the Bush regime’s efforts to legalize torture.

George Hunsinger, professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, has stepped into the Christian void with a powerful book, Torture is a Moral Issue.

Read Entire Article


2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding

Bush Signed Executive Order Authorizing Torture—FBI Email

Judge Napolitano: Bush should have been indicted for “torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrant”

Horrific Torture Report Shows Why Much Of The World Considers America To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century

Bush and Cheney Blast CIA Torture Report — “Just a crock” – Cheney // CIA officers “are patriots, and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base” – Bush

Reverse Christianity: Chuck Colson Supports Torture!

Jesse Ventura on torture: “Never let the camel get its nose under the tent”

“There’s an old saying…. ‘You never let the camel get its nose under the tent.’ …

If a camel gets his nose under the tent, rest assured eventually the whole body is going to get in the tent. It’s inevitable. …

It’s not just Guantamo. We tortured them in Iraq.

And think of this for a moment: we’re the invaders.

We invaded Iraq, and then we torture people after we invade?”

– Jesse Ventura

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – June 1st With Jesse Ventura
Monday, June 1, 2009

Alex returns to the airwaves. Today’s guest is former Minnesota governor, retired professional wrestler, Navy UDT veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host Jesse Ventura. Alex also tackles the important news stories of the day and takes your calls.

Watch the video archive and access the high quality MP3 by logging in at Prison and clicking on the “LIVE” page.


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Pat Robertson Supports Torture? Who Would Jesus Torture?

Elders’ Qualifications from:

<< 1 Timothy 3 >>
World English Bible

2 The overseer therefore MUST be without reproach,* the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, modest, hospitable, good at teaching; 3 not a drinker, not violent [no striker – KJV], not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous …. 7 Moreover he must have good testimony from those who are outside, to avoid falling into reproach and the snare of the devil.

*Blameless – KJV. Certainly an overseer must be going to heaven, himself. See: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Christianliberal just made this comment in the preceding post, Conservative radio host, Mancow, gets waterboarded to prove the technique isn’t torture, and lasts six seconds before saying waterboarding is “ABSOLUTELY TORTURE”. Since Pat Robertson is such a key evangelical figure, I decided to make this a separate post.

It’s kinda SAD that the right has taken up the banner of torture.

I saw Pat Robertson on TV yesterday and he was defending Dick Cheney’s torture stance.

I have always respected Robertson as a religious leader, but he has lost his spiritual compass when he condones such treatment.

What happened to family values?

Who would Jesus torture?


(video) Pat Robertson Cheating Comments: ‘Well, He’s a Man. Males Have a Tendency to Wander’

Pat Robertson’s Deceptive Tithing Doctrine: ” an irreducible MINIMUM,” “ANTICIPATORY tithing”

Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election

Why is Pat Robertson Supporting Giuliani?

Pat Robertson lies about his Chavez comments; claims he “didn’t say ‘ASSASSINATION’”

Pat Robertson Hides Business Interests In War-Torn Liberia

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Best And Worst Of 2008 — The Religious Right has become nothing more than a gaggle of glorified hacks for the Republican Party

Conservative radio host, Mancow, gets waterboarded to prove the technique isn’t torture, and lasts six seconds before saying waterboarding is “ABSOLUTELY TORTURE”

From: Raw Story

Chicago radio host Erich “Mancow” Muller decided he’d get himself waterboarded to prove the technique wasn’t torture.

It didn’t turn out that way. “Mancow,” in fact, lasted just six or seven seconds before crying foul. …


“I wanted to prove it wasn’t torture,” Mancow said. “They cut off our heads, we put water on their face…I got voted to do this but I really thought ‘I’m going to laugh this off.’ “

The upshot? “It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that’s no joke,” Mancow told listeners. “It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back…It was instantaneous…and I don’t want to say this: absolutely torture.”

“Absolutely. I mean that’s drowning,” he added later. “It is the feeling of drowning.”

“If I knew it was gonna be this bad, I would not have done it,” he said.

Read Entire Article

Ron Paul’s AMAZING Speech: Current Conditions or Just a Bad Dream – 5/19/09


“Could it all be a bad dream, or a nightmare? Is it my imagination, or have we lost our minds?

It’s surreal; it’s just not believable. A grand absurdity; a great deception, a delusion of momentous proportions; based on preposterous notions; and on ideas whose time should never have come; simplicity grossly distorted and complicated; insanity passed off as logic; grandiose schemes built on falsehoods with the morality of Ponzi and Madoff; evil described as virtue; ignorance pawned off as wisdom; destruction and impoverishment in the name of humanitarianism; violence, the tool of change; preventive wars used as the road to peace; tolerance delivered by government guns; reactionary views in the guise of progress; an empire replacing the Republic; slavery sold as liberty; excellence and virtue traded for mediocracy; socialism to save capitalism; a government out of control, unrestrained by the Constitution, the rule of law, or morality; bickering over petty politics as we collapse into chaos; the philosophy that destroys us is not even defined.

We have broken from reality–a psychotic Nation. Ignorance with a pretense of knowledge replacing wisdom. Money does not grow on trees, nor does prosperity come from a government printing press or escalating deficits.

We’re now in the midst of unlimited spending of the people’s money, exorbitant taxation, deficits of trillions of dollars–spent on a failed welfare/warfare state; an epidemic of cronyism; unlimited supplies of paper money equated with wealth.

A central bank that deliberately destroys the value of the currency in secrecy, without restraint, without nary a whimper. Yet, cheered on by the pseudo-capitalists of Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and Detroit.

We police our world empire with troops on 700 bases and in 130 countries around the world. A dangerous war now spreads throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. Thousands of innocent people being killed, as we become known as the torturers of the 21st century.

We assume that by keeping the already-known torture pictures from the public’s eye, we will be remembered only as a generous and good people. If our enemies want to attack us only because we are free and rich, proof of torture would be irrelevant.

The sad part of all this is that we have forgotten what made America great, good, and prosperous. We need to quickly refresh our memories and once again reinvigorate our love, understanding, and confidence in liberty. The status quo cannot be maintained, considering the current conditions. Violence and lost liberty will result without some revolutionary thinking.

We must escape from the madness of crowds now gathering. The good news is the reversal is achievable through peaceful and intellectual means and, fortunately, the number of those who care are growing exponentially.

Of course, it could all be a bad dream, a nightmare, and that I’m seriously mistaken, overreacting, and that my worries are unfounded. I hope so. But just in case, we ought to prepare ourselves for revolutionary changes in the not-too-distant future.”

If They Knew the Truth, They’d Hate Us Even More

They do not hate us because we are good.  They hate us because we are a selfish and evil people consumed with our own comfort and drowning in the fetid smell of our own decay.  We are a depraved, unproductive, and brutal empire on the brink of collapse.  …if they knew the whole truth, they would hate us even more.

From: Insolent Media Center

We Americans like to think of ourselves as civilized people.  Historically, we have supported our government in war under the belief that our government and our soldiers are honorable and that we do not engage in unjust wars.  Ugly things like genocide, torture, naked aggression, raping, pillaging, and scorched earth policies are things that others do, not us.  Since we are so good and virginal in every sense, we reason that others hate us only because of our goodness and purity.  If they knew the truth about us, we think, they would love us.

Yet, if this is so, why is it that we need to hide from the world the activities of our soldiers and intelligence agents over seas?  Why cannot we, the “liberators” of Iraq, show the world the lovely photos of our soldiers at work Abu Ghraib?  Why must the CIA consider destroying the records of American conduct in the prisons at Guantanamo?  We are so pure, clean, honorable, and all, aren’t we?  What have we got to worry about?

Could it be that those baby faced soldiers we praise and pay tribute to are not as honorable as we would like to believe?  According to the latest body keeping the Oval Office seat warm, release of photos showing the activities of our soldiers, activities ordered by George Bush and Dick Cheney, would make the world hate us more than they already do and would, as a consequence, endanger the lives of our soldiers. Just how horrible are these images?

Read Entire Article

CIA Ludicrously Claims Torture Prevented Debunked L.A. Terror Plot — KSM waterboarded six times a day for a month!

From: Prison Planet

… by announcing that the torture of Khalid Sheik Mohammed led to his “confession” of being behind the non-existent L.A. attack plot, the CIA is only reaffirming the fact that the torture program was designed to elicit false confessions that could then be used as terror propaganda on the fearful and gullible American public.

As Senator Levin highlighted on the back of the release of the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinions, the techniques (known as SERE) authorized by officials to be used on detainees, “Are based on tactics used by Chinese Communists against American soldiers during the Korean War for the purpose of eliciting false confessions for propaganda purposes.”

In addition, the senior Army SERE psychologist warned in 2002 against using SERE training techniques during interrogations in an email to personnel at Guantanamo Bay, because, “It usually decreases the reliability of the information because the person will say whatever he believes will stop the pain… Bottom line: the likelihood that the use of physical pressures will increase the delivery of accurate information from a detainee is very low.”

Little wonder then that KSM confessed to everything under the sun, and only stopped short of admitting to being the real Santa Claus, assassinating JFK and creating AIDS. He even “confessed” to plotting to attack a bank that wasn’t even founded until after his arrest.

The idea that waterboarding KSM six times a day for a month, as well as torturing his children, would lead to anything other than false confessions is absurd on the face of it.

However, by regurgitating the confirmed hoax that KSM “confessed” to a plot that never even existed because of the “success” of waterboarding, the CIA has once again highlighted the fact that not only was the torture program an insult and a disgrace to everything America is supposed to stand for, but that it was also a complete waste of time and only put Americans in more danger because false confessions were taken as gospel so that they could be used not to protect the country from terrorists, but to propagandize to the American people and enlist their support for the thoroughly deceptive and insidious “war on terror”.

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Cheney admits authorizing detainee’s torture

From: The Raw Story

Monday, outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney made a startling statement on a nation-wide, televised broadcast.

When asked by ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl whether he approved of interrogation tactics used against a so-called “high value prisoner” at the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison, Mr. Cheney, in a break from his history of being press-shy, admitted to giving official sanctioning of torture.

“I supported it,” he said regarding the practice known as “water-boarding,” a form of simulated drowning. After World War II, Japanese soldiers were tried and convicted of war crimes in US courts for water-boarding, a practice which the outgoing Bush administration attempted to enshrine in policy.

“I was aware of the program, certainly, and involved in helping get the process cleared, as the agency in effect came in and wanted to know what they could and couldn’t do,” Cheney said. “And they talked to me, as well as others, to explain what they wanted to do. And I supported it.”

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