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Pat Buchanan: 20 Years after 9/11, Are We Better Off? — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen & Lebanon all worse off

Patrick J. Buchanan: 20 Years after 9/11—Are We Better Off?


The triumphant Taliban of today are far stronger than were the Taliban of 2001 who fled at the approach of the Northern Alliance. Al-Qaida is now present in many more countries than it was when we first launched the Global War on Terror.

Nor is the America of 2021 the hubristic self-confident country of George W. Bush and the neocons who were going to convert the Middle East into something like our Middle West and advance from there “with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.”

Our country is a changed place from 2001. Gone are the unity, confidence and resolution. And how have all our interventions gone?

Call the roll.

America’s 20-year war on terror has killed up to 929,000 people and cost over $8 trillion: report



Dice: False Flag Lies Behind Most US Wars

James Perloff has studied all of our wars. False flags have been used to justify almost all of them.

Ron Paul: A Tragically ‘Stupid War’ Comes to a Tragic End — A failed & bloody US foreign policy – Afghanistan

More Americans died in our Afghanistan war than on 9/11! 1/2 million Afghanis killed from our retaliation!

2,996 Americans died from the 9/11 attacks, including from illnesses following.

4,096 Americans killed during the war in Afghanistan as of 2018.

As many as 534,000 Afghan people total killed from the war in Afghanistan.

Plus the millions maimed, injured and displaced, including many children!

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Skousen: Afghanistan Invasion Began and Ends in a Lie — “Bin Laden was never anything but a CIA controlled mercenary who had nothing to do with planning the attacks on 9/11”

World Affairs Brief, August 20, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Almost everything about American involvement in Afghanistan has been a lie, from the original excuse to invade after 9/11 to the notion that no one could have predicted how quickly Afghanistan security would collapse as the US withdrew. As Thomas DiLorenzo writes, after a close study of true history, “ realizes the breath-taking enormity of the lies and falsehoods about American history that have been concocted by generations of court historians in service of the state and statism – of the ruination of America.” The Biden administration and its servile generals were warned by military intelligence not to evacuate the Bagram military base until after all US and NATO personnel and their camp followers had been evacuated, but they did so anyway. As U.S. Army veteran and Pennsylvania Senate candidate Sean Parnell said“our generals are more concerned about fighting Tucker Carlson than they were the Taliban.” During the 20 years of occupation and conflict, military officials continually lied to Congress about both the claimed military successes and the continued need for a military presence in the country supposedly to keep “terrorism from descending upon America.” The phony war on terror has been the defining fib that has driven everything about US occupation of Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden was never anything but a CIA controlled mercenary who had nothing to do with planning the attacks on 9/11. The US claimed that Afghanistan was harboring bin Laden and al Qaeda to cover for other globalist agendas. It was a lie, and so was the raid in Pakistan that claimed to have killed him. But after 20+ years of useless intervention warfare, and failed nation building, even the globalists saw it was time to pull the plug on this hell hole of money and bloodshed—but only because they hope to achieve other evil agendas in the process. …

Ron Paul counters the can’t-withdraw ‘We can’t lose face’ excuse: “We lose tens of thousands of people and kill a million, and they say: ‘We can’t waste those lives in the past.’ Well, they’re already wasted”

“A lot of times they would say ‘We can’t leave; we can’t leave.’ The one that aggravated me the most: ‘We can’t lose face.’ We lose tens of thousands of people and kill a million, and they say: ‘We can’t waste those lives in the past.’ Well, they’re already wasted. There are lessons to be learned.” – Ron Paul

(2011 video) Ron Paul predicted 10 more years in Afghanistan, stating the war wasn’t even Constitutional to start with, and the Taliban are not al Qaeda!

Ron Paul predicted 10 more years in 2011, stating the war wasn’t even Constitutional to start with, and the Taliban are not al Qaeda.

Newsweek now admits it — now when it’s too late. They opposed and ignored Ron Paul when he was in Congress.

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Mainstream Media Rediscovers Decade Old Ron Paul Afghanistan Speech: “He Was Right”

MONDAY, AUG 16, 2021

There’s always a clip… the great Ron Paul predicted everything. While horrific scenes from Kabul airport drove headlines in the West, former Congressman Paul’s words are trending once again. Newsweek of all outlets is on Monday running a simple headline: ‘Ron Paul Was Right’.

In 2011, two years before he retired from Congress, he stepped to the House floor to take up the question of ‘should we leave Afghanistan’. He said exactly ten years ago: “If we don’t get out now, we’ll be there for another ten years.”

…he began the prescient and prophetic floor speech.

“If we don’t we’ll be there for another decade – will be my prediction. The American people are with us.”

He went on at the time to once again warn of the perils of nation-building and of foreign intervention, and “democracy building”. He predictions were so right on that on Monday even the mainstream media is “rediscovering” the remarks.


“We can’t change Afghanistan,” he said. “Even if you could, you’re not supposed to. You don’t have the moral authority, you don’t have the constitutional authority.” …

Dr. Paul proven right once again… watch the full speech below:

“The CIA helped kill DEA agent Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena” — Tortured to Death!

“The CIA helped kill DEA agent Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena,” say witnesses

Former US law enforcement officials admit that the drug agent’s 1985 murder wasn’t just the work of Rafael Caro Quintero

15 OCT 2013

Two former US law enforcement agents and an ex-CIA contractor have told an American television network that Enrique “Kiki” Camarena – the undercover DEA agent whose 1985 torture and murder in Mexico rocked Washington and opened the largest federal homicide inquiries ever – was actually killed by CIA operatives. Camarena’s murder is considered the most heinous crime ever committed against the DEA in Latin America, and it took place at the height of the US drug war of the 1980s. …

Rafael Caro Quintero, one of the founders of the so-called Guadalajara cartel, was given a 40-year-sentence for Camarena’s murder, but on August 9 he was freed….

Before his death, Camarena, 37, had broken a gigantic marijuana ring operating from a ranch called Rancho El Búfalo, where Mexican soldiers destroyed some 1,000 hectares of cannabis in 1984.

In retaliation, the drug cartel ordered his capture and murder. He was kidnapped at gunpoint in Guadalajara, blind-folded and taken to a ranch house outside the city where he was tortured over a three-day period; his skull, jaw, nose and cheekbones were crushed with a tire iron. As he lay dying, a cartel doctor was ordered to keep him alert by administering drugs.

Biden is Arming AlQaeda in Syria (New Evidence)


Biden Illegally Bombs Middle East Again – Syria and Iraq – Biden declined to comment

Syrian Comedian Explains Syria From His Perspective vs. What Media Says!

The truth about Syria. How our media has lied!

An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop

The Racket Thanks you for Your Service — Worshiping Instead of Questioning

The greatest peace activist of all time, General Smedley Butler, produced the timeless little 1935 book War is a RacketAs Butler described it, “I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.”

As Butler noted, “Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket. 1. We must take the profit out of war. 2. We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war. 3. We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes.”

The ‘24’ Effect: How Talmudic Hollywood Carried Water For Torture

The ‘24’ Effect: How ‘Liberal Hollywood’ Carried Water For Torture

Since one of the more discussed enhanced interrogation techniques involved waterboarding, Hollywood was at least one of the constituencies that, wittingly or not, helped carry the CIA’s water. …

..conservatives — could hardly have had a better ally than the images of torture in TV and movies, particularly in the face of “ticking-bomb scenarios.” …

Not only has torture become more frequent since the Sept. 11 terror attacks, but the acceptance of those depictions in entertainment has been cited as a point of reference – and even an endorsement of the tactics.

A lengthy 2007 New Yorker piece by Jane Mayer about the politics of “24” emphasized a declaration by conservative talkradio host Laura Ingraham that its hero’s popularity was “as close to a national referendum that it’s O.K. to use tough tactics against high-level Al Qaeda operatives as we’re going to get.”

Mayer also noted that an advisory panel to the U.S. intelligence community studied the issue and concluded “most observers, even those within professional circles, have unfortunately been influenced by the media’s colorful (and artificial) view of interrogation as almost always involving hostility.”


Sen. Paul Questions Nominee Samantha Power – March 23, 2021

Rand is trying to get her to admit that our post-9/11 wars were/are a gigantic mistake (not including Afghanistan, which I would include also)!

She’s been nominated to lead the U.S. Agency for International Development.


Tucker: Washington framed Assad – OPCW whistleblowers call out fake chemical weapons scam in Syria

I’m a bit disappointed in Rand Paul for not pursuing this more; though, I’m a big fan, and know he’s juggling a lot. He and Tulsi visited Syria together. He knows.

Great to see Tulsi still speaking out! So sad that most Americans, especially ‘Christian’ Zionists don’t care about the truth, being deceived into being reverse-Christian warmongers.

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Tucker Carlson hosts Aaron Mate and Tulsi Gabbard, March 2021

Ron ‘Peacemaker’ Paul: Will Biden’s Syria Attack Help ISIS? — USA acting like ISIS’ Air Force

USA acting like ISIS’ Air Force. Details laid out, starting at minute-5.

Nobel Peace prize winner, Obama started this immoral and illegal conflict in 2014.

9:45 Biden’s and his current spokesperson’s tweets criticizing Trump bombing Syria in 2017!

“…what is the legal authority? … Syria is a sovereign country.” – Jen Psaki

“No president should order a military strike without fully understanding the consequences. We don’t need another war in the Middle East, but Trump’s actions toward Iran only make that more likely.” – Joe Biden

The Covid Karens — people turning on each other: “We have to have more people understand the basic concept of liberty.”

Chuck Carlson: American Christians, Israel and Zionism — Supporting Israel to get blessed is destroying real Christianity – like 16th century indulgences


(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — God’s covenants require OBEDIENCE • “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘ANGRY’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

Filmed in 2004. Chuck tells about his visit to Palestine in 2002.

25:10 “Nobody knows what happens to them [arrested Palestinian terrorists that are never seen again]…, because torture is legal in Israel.”

26:00 MURDER BY PROXY — The ‘Christian’ Zionist mindset: “They must love their brother [Jesus’ command], so they can’t kill them themselves, so they appoint leaders like George W. Bush to kill them for them.”

30:10 The truth about Cyrus Scofield, criminal and supposed author of the Scofield Reference Bible, also called the Scofield Study Bible. Recommended reading: The Incredible Scofield and His Book He stole material from John Nelson Darby.

36:00 The truth about Genesis 12:3 and modern day Israel

39:40 In 1962, Oxford University Press added ‘antisemitism’ to the Scofield Bible [Scofield died in 1921] in a footnote: “For a nation to commit the sin of antisemitism brings inevitable judgment.”

41:00 “It’s destroying Christianity. … It’s the most destructive thing that’s happened since Martin Luther’s time. … The Catholic church had essentially destroyed Christianity by selling in terms of the little promises you can buy from them, eternal salvation through a scroll [indulgences].” — the idea that people, get blessed, are right with God for blessing modern, Talmudic Israel — which amounts to supporting war and whatever they do overtly and covertly.

48:15 Strong evidence that Cyrus Scofield was financed by Samuel Untermeyer, the Lotus Club.

49:50 “If you want to take over a country…, the thing to do is start a movement within the church.”

Skousen: Trump Given Go-Ahead to Attack Iran — Only Muslim nation independent of both East and West in arms production

I believe this is a key part of the Talmudic Greater Israel Program that Netanyahu has been pushing for for decades. Also, the one-world government globalists see Iran as a formidable power that would oppose the one-world government.

This is NOT God’s will, and will be more blood on the USA’s hands, that we’ve had no business shedding.

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World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

2020 In Review: the Big Picture



But Trump has given the go-ahead, I believe, for an attack on Iran. His head has been filled with false propaganda about Iran from both the Deep State and Israel, and has sent two aircraft carrier task forces to Iranian waters as well as a cruise missile submarine and multiple flyovers by B-52 bombers indicates intent of military intervention.

Iran’s radical Muslim government is no friend to liberty of its people, and would be no threat to Israel if Israel weren’t a puppet state of the US Deep State. But Iran knows the globalist intend to attack it because it is the only Muslim nation that is independent of both East and West in arms production. The globalists only want Muslim nations that are puppets to their agenda, like the corrupt Saudi Royal family.

If the attack on Iran doesn’t happen before Trump leaves the White House, it will surely be done by President Biden. But Iran is not Iraq. It has a much more formidable military with sophisticated weapons and lots of of them. I don’t think Iran can prevail in a war with the US, but it can do a lot of damage to the US and its puppet Arab allies. There are no good guys in the Middle East. Turkey is another wild card that the US cannot trust.

I don’t think Russia will join in the fight, not wanting to show its military tactics and advances in hardware until the big war, but both Russia and China will be lending support to Iran to give the US a bloody nose.

Child-raping UN “Peace” Troops (NWO Military) Exposed — 60,000 in last 10 years — Rapists protected

(Film) ‘Babylon USA’ – Steven Anderson

WARNING: False salvation teaching at the end.

The US is not the most powerful nation in the world.

“What if Christianity actually teaches peace, and not ‘preventive’ wars of aggression?” – Ron Paul
51:47 “We talk about the demon that ran Persia. There is a demon running the United States.” Steven Anderson
59:40 Public obelisks: “the obelisk is a phallic symbol … the phallic of the great sun god. It’s his architecture that reigns.” – Texe Marrs
100:57 The obelisk in Las Vegas overseeing the massacre
1:16:27 The attitude of the United States…
1:22:50 Babylon destroyed in one hour
1:23:13 “Over and over again in Revelation 18, the Bible repeats the fact that Babylon will be destroyed in one hour. And it will be destroyed with fire…. A nuclear attack fits this description perfectly, and it would happen immediately…, within one hour’s time.” – Anderson

1:37:55 “The Bible Way To Heaven” — False salvation teaching from Steven Anderson, who believes all we have to do is say a prayer. We don’t actually have to abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” to be real Christians.

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Babylon USA | Documentary on Mystery Babylon in Revelation | KJV Bible

Steven Ben-Nun w/ Adam Green: The ‘peace’ accord is a war accord • Israel using Russia and China to bring US down • Israel used US to destroy their neighbors

MY NOTES – Steven Ben-Nun said:

22:40 “Through violence, the Jewish state is trying to make it look like these prophecies (which many have been fulfilled…), they’re trying to make it look as if they are coming to pass, but in fact they are not.”

23:30 “This is really not a ‘peace accord.’ It’s a war accord. They’re using this ‘peace initiative, or this Abrahamic accord in order to prepare their coalition to go against Iran.”

33:30 “The sad thing is that when it comes to the United States, they [Israel] is done with America. I was told that straight up by people I know in Israel. China will be the next superpower, and they [Israel] will work with China. And they will use Russia to bring down this nation down, along with China.”

54 Truth about Syria: Turkey brought in the Sarin gas to falsely blame Assad for gassing his own people.

Christians and Jews say Damascus must be destroyed according to Bible prophecy, but Isaiah 17 actually says God holds Christians and Jews responsible for the destruction of Damascus, because they armed a faction to destroy Syria.

59:00 GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: “They [Israel] had to go a long way to instigate all America’s wars on the Middle East to create this scenario. As we know, General Wesley Clark said seven nations would be taken down in five years. Of course, the timeline is off, but not the nations. The United States has played a heavy role in bringing down these nations.”

Gets interesting, starting at 17:45

(vid) Israelis’ Talmudic Racism: What to do with a wounded body? You crush it to death with a loader!!

Steven Ben-Nun talks us through this extreme racist event! Non-Jews have “lesser souls” — are less human in Talmudic teaching.

[Video works. Just click on “I wish to proceed.”]

(vid) Truth Comes Out: New Evidence Syria Gas Attack Report Falsified

US ‘shamelessly and impudently’ PILLAGES Syrian oilfields but forbids supply of hydrocarbons to Damascus

Why don’t “Christians” in the US care about what we (and what Trump brags about doing – “take the oil”) do to others, whom Jesus commanded us to love as much as ourselves?

Why won’t “Christians” admit we are wrong in our regime-change wars and share articles like this, so we stop our reverse-Christian behavior — and actually love people instead?

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February 18, 2020

“The oil fields… are controlled by the US. There’s shameless, impudent pillage of the wealth that belongs to Syria and the Syrian people taking place,” Shoigu said during a visit to the Italian capital Rome.

At the same time, the sanctions imposed by Washington against Damascus ban any oil shipments to Syria, putting the country in a tight spot.

“Most of the people, who are now suffering in Syria, are in need of heat, hot water and electricity, which — as we understand it — come from hydrocarbons that are forbidden to be supplied there,” the minister pointed out.

US has meddled in election of 80 nations since World War ll: Analyst

Ron Paul: “What would we call them if they did this to us?” – More Bombs Than Ever! Trump Escalates War In Afghanistan

5:05 “What would we call them if they did this to us? Of course, we would be outraged, and rightfully so.” – Ron Paul

When evangelicals booed Ron Paul:
(‘America is done’ video) Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate 2012

Ron Paul: “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9

(vid) Nathanael: Whose War Is It Anyways? – Trump recounts assassination details

Trump tells fundraisers how his murders went down at 5:22.

Trump’s assassination justification: Soleimani was ‘saying bad things’:

Trump tells GOP donors that Soleimani was ‘saying bad things’ before strike


(1 min vid) Sec. of State, Fmr. CIA Head ‘Pompous’ Mike Pompeo: “We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole”

Mike Pompeo discusses the CIA’s ethics during an April 2019 visit to Texas A&M University

Question: How do you balance condemnations with concessions and diplomacy with a controversial government such as Saudi Arabia?

Pompeo: So I always begin with a deep understanding that no Secretary of State gets through their first day without recognizing, it’s a tough world out there. We don’t appreciate how glorious it is to be here in the United States of America on a consistent-enough basis and with enough fervor. Maybe you do here at Texas A&M but I think too many Americans don’t understand how blessed we are. These are, are many many tough places out there.

Having said that, not all tough places are the same. They each present a different set of challenges. It reminds me, you would know this, but it’s a bit of an aside. But in terms of how you think about problem sets, when I was a cadet, what’s the cadet motto at West Point? ‘You will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do.’ I was the CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole. That’s, it was like, we had entire training courses.

It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment. And so when you deal with these countries, you have to just recognize they’re not all the same. Some of these difficult, nasty places want to partner with the United States and just haven’t gotten to the right place yet, just haven’t been able to move their own institutions.

Skousen: U.S. the biggest example of a country interfering in other’s internal affairs by a long shot! • Deep State busy infiltrating Iranian protestors and even killing some

World Affairs Brief, January 17, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Emphasis mostly mine



The downing of the Ukrainian airliner in Iran did provide fodder for renewed protests within that regime against religious rule in Iran. There are millions of Iranians who long for a return of the security government run by the Shah, even though he used ruthless tactics against the opposition. The current government wins elections because the majority of Iranians are poor Muslims who vote the way their clerics tell them to. That is why democracy is always a danger to liberty and thinking people. The largest sectors of any nation are uniformed and relatively non-thinking, easily swayed by a controlled media or leadership. They are always attracted to socialism and rabble rousing leaders, and will always outvote the minority that favors economic and religious freedom.

So it is natural that university students want out from under the heavy hand of the Ayatollahs, but the US Deep State is busy infiltrating protestors and even killing some in order to make things worse for the government. Remember this whenever US talking heads repeat their constant complaint about Russian interference in the US election. The US is the biggest example of a country interfering in other’s internal affairs, by a long shot. The Daily Mail reports the mainstream narrative, which always blames the killings on the Iranian government:

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