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Category: Why they hate US Page 4 of 24

TruNews: “Syria Tells UN America Has Genetically Modified Super-Soldiers Deployed In Country”

NOTE: True story; though, the originating country isn’t stated. We know that the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia support the terrorist opposition in Syria, and only the U.S. or Israel has the sophistication to create these. Both of the Syrian ambassador’s statements are filmed and are shown in this TruNews report.

TruNews also shows a clip of what looks like giant ISIS soldiers escorting Coptic Christians in Libya just prior to execution in 2/2005. Rick Wiles calls these out as the Nephilim of Genesis 6 and “after that.”

Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar Jaafari reported twice in statements at the UN on 2018 and 2016 that genetically modified soldiers were committing crimes in Syria:

“And I say to all those who exported to us armed, moderate, genetically modified opposition….” – Bashar Jaafari  speaking through an interpreter at the UN on 4/9/18

“Unfortunately, some member states and the Security Council and the mainstream media continue to defend and support the genetically modified, armed Syrian opposition, moderate by definition, while turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by them.” – Bashar Jaafari speaking in English on at the UN on 12/19/16

Watch TruNews report HERE at 22:28!

Jake: President Trump’s Oil Wars in the Middle East

(1 min. vid) Tulsi: ‘Hillary, Acknowledge the Damage You’ve Caused’ — “DEVASTED ENTIRE COUNTRIES. MILLIONS OF LIVES lost, REFUGEE CRISIS, alQaeda and ISIS strengthened…”

“Hillary Clinton, your foreign policy has been a disaster for our country and the world. It’s resulted in the deaths and injuries of so many of my brothers and sisters in uniform. It’s DEVASTED ENTIRE COUNTRIES. MILLIONS OF LIVES lost, REFUGEE CRISIS, alQaeda and ISIS strengthened. Yet, despite this damage…, you want to continue your failed policies directly or indirectly through the Democratic nominee. … It is long past time for you to step down from your throne….” – Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi’s boldness inspires Rand Paul: Both sides of Congress want ‘REGIME CHANGE’ • The MAJORITY are interventionists!

Tulsi’s forthrightness during Tuesday’s debate about our ‘regime-change’ goal in our post-9/11 wars seems to have emboldened Rand Paul to speak more straightforwardly as well — which frustrates Jake Tapper of CNN.

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Rand Paul:

3:55 “I would say that the majority of leadership on the Republican and the Democrat side are interventionists. … Republicans and Democrats are unified in being in support of war, support of intervention, and support of never going home.”

5:30 “The U.S. has been preventing any kind of discussion, because it’s been the policy of the war caucus to have Assad removed. This is the John Bolton; this is the Lindsey Graham move. They believe in regime change. They want to get rid of Assad. But also, the Hillary Clinton group wants this too. So it’s really left and right saying we have to have regime change.

Tulsi Stands Tall: Tells America the truth! USA uses terrorist groups to regime-change Syria!

I’m very impressed!

I cannot agree with Tulsi Gabbard on many of her policies, but she deserves a lot of credit for telling the truth about our reverse-Christian, regime-change wars, and how the USA tried to regime-change Syria by supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups. This would have worked, like it did in Libya, had not the Russians stepped in, thankfully!

So really, the only major factor she didn’t say was that Talmudic Israel works with the USA to guide and support these terrorist groups to regime-change all of these countries for the Greater Israel Project.

Tulsi knows she has no chance to win, because she’s exposing our military industrial complex. So she’s using the debates as a bully pulpit, which is wonderful!

Tulsi deserves our support in this quest!

Tulsi Stands Tall: Mentions “Regime-Change War” 11 Times in 5 Minutes! — 11 times more than the media has since 9/11! — Oct. 15, 2019 presidential debate

Our post-9/11 wars absolutely were and are regime-change wars: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, with Iran they’re hoping yet to come. These are all immoral and reverse-Christian. And U.S. troops have been illegally in Syria from the beginning.

Tulsi is the only one telling the truth, but gets no applause. At least she wasn’t booed, like Ron Paul was in 2008:

[America is done – video] Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate

This is the way to educate Americans who live in a vacuum of truth, standing tall, boldly proclaiming! All 11 times shown in red.

Official Statement: Tulsi Gabbard on Regime-Change War — America’s interventionist wars of regime change have cost our nation trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, simultaneously creating more devastation, human suffering and refugees…

Tulsi is the only one saying that are post-9/11 wars are regime-change wars!


Declassified Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency

KiAfriqa • Mar 28

Declassified Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency.

One of the over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on 2016 New Year’s Eve, contain damning evidence of Western nations using NATO as a tool to topple Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi. The NATO overthrow was not for the protection of the people, but instead it was to thwart Gaddafi’s attempt to create a gold-backed African currency to compete with the Western central banking monopoly.

(vid) Pleasure Marriages A Sickening Pandemic Since We Invaded Iraq!

Sec. Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People — It is time for America to stop shooting first and asking questions later

We owe Syria a public apology for using false reports to demonize Assad and justify bombing Syria!

And I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again

– The Who

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Lost in the hyper-politicized hullabaloo surrounding the Nunes Memorandum and the Steele Dossier was the striking statement by Secretary of Defense James Mattis that the U.S. has “no evidence” that the Syrian government used the banned nerve agent Sarin against its own people.

This assertion flies in the face of the White House (NSC) Memorandum which was rapidly produced and declassified to justify an American Tomahawk missile strike against the Shayrat airbase in Syria.

Mattis offered no temporal qualifications, which means that both the 2017 event in Khan Sheikhoun and the 2013 tragedy in Ghouta are unsolved cases in the eyes of the Defense Department and Defense Intelligence Agency. …

Serious, experienced chemical weapons experts and investigators such as Hans Blix, Scott Ritter, Gareth Porter and Theodore Postol have all cast doubt on “official” American narratives regarding President Assad employing Sarin.

These analysts have all focused on the technical aspects of the two attacks and found them not to be consistent with the use of nation-state quality Sarin munitions.

The 2013 Ghouta event, for example, employed home-made rockets of the type favored by insurgents [rebels]. The White House Memorandum on Khan Sheikhoun seemed to rely heavily on testimony from the Syrian White Helmets who were filmed at the scene having contact with supposed Sarin-tainted casualties and not suffering any ill effects.

Likewise, these same actors were filmed wearing chemical weapons training suits around the supposed “point of impact” in Khan Sheikhoun, something which makes their testimony (and samples) highly suspect. A training suit offers no protection at all, and these people would all be dead if they had come into contact with real military-grade Sarin.

 …it is time for America to stop shooting first and asking questions later.

Entire Article

(video) 4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack and Blame it on Iran

4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack and Blame it on Iran

Published on Jun 18, 2019

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES:… The US has threatened to stage an attack and blame it on Iran over and over in the last few years. Don’t let a war based on false pretenses happen again. Please share this video.

Report: Marines Lead in Immorality and Binge Drinking in US Military

Report: One service leads all others in number of sex partners

A recently released report by the RAND Corporation shined a light on one service’s propensity for sexual promiscuity.

The Health Related Behaviors Survey, which collected data over parts of 2015 and 2016, found that Marines are significantly more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior than members of any other branch. Additional topics like binge drinking, tobacco use, physical well-being and mental health were also explored in the report.

Of the nearly 17,000 responses received from service members in the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard, Marines led nearly every category of sexual risk behaviors and outcomes over the past year.

More than 24 percent of Marines reported having sex with more than one partner over the course of the data collection process, compared to 16.6 percent in the Army, 18.8 percent in the Air Force and 22.1 percent in the Navy.

Devil dogs were also tops when it came to having sex with a new partner without using a condom, with more than 40 percent of Marine respondents reporting having done so. …

Close to one-third of service members were found to have met binge-drinking criteria in the month before completing the survey. The 30 percent who reported engaging in such behavior was actually an improvement from previous reports.

Marines, however, engaged in binge drinking at a rate of 42.6 percent, a concerning contrast to the rest of the field.

Entire Article

(VID) TruNews: Why Are US Troops Still In Afghanistan?

(VID) Amb. Nikki Haley: Israel's [Talmudic] cause is our cause; Israel's [Talmudic] values are our values. Israel's [Talmudic] fight is our fight" — Receives "Defender of Israel" award from John Hagee

“We will stand with Israel because Israel’s cause is our cause. Israel’s values are our values. Israel’s fight is our fight.”

– U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley in a speech (minute-34:25) at Christians United for Israel (CUFI) where John Hagee presents to her the “Defender of Israel” award (minute-4:20)

Watch Video Here:

Israel’s 70th Anniversary Commemoration, Ambassador Haley

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley addressed the group Christians United for Israel (CUFI) first annual summit, which coincides with the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence. Ambassador Haley. was introduced and presented with an award by Pastor John Hagee, CUFI founder and national chair.

E. Michael Jones: "Three Rich Jews Control U.S. Foreign Policy, and we're in a situation where we can't even say the word 'Jew'" | Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus

“..Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus — it’s three rich Jews control the foreign policy of the United States of America, and we’re in a situation where we can’t even say the word ‘Jew.’ … We’re hoping to achieve something here when we can’t even name the people who are doing what we are objecting to” [without being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’].
– E. Michael Jones, transcribed by me from this interview

(VID) Jake: 🐕 WAG THE DOG – 👱🏼 Trump Threatens Iran 👳🏼 with TOTAL DESTRUCTION 💥 — Under heavy pressure from multiple scandals

My take:
War with Iran will be another, horribly immoral, reverse-Christian action that destroys Americans’ morality, and for which God will judge US for, because we refused to love our neighbors as ourselves, the evangelicals following Talmudic FOX News instead of the HOLY Spirit.
Many evangelicals haven’t yet repented for supporting the previous, clearly reverse-Christian, deceptive, regime-change wars in which millions have been killed, injured and displaced.
Many evangelicals are currently heartless in their devotion to Talmudic, anti-Christ Israel.
Jesus and the early Christians never would have supported evil. Jesus warned about the “leaven of the Pharisees,” their Talmudic, power-over-others, NWO thought.
Frighteningly, we will reap what we sow. God is not mocked (Galatians 6). “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

Netanyahu’s 7 Nuclear Deceptions — 1992: *IRAN* nuclear “within three to five years” • 1995: “three to five years” • 1996: “time is running out” • 2009: “probably one or two years away” / “has the capability now” • 2012: “within a year” || 2002: *IRAQ* now operating “centrifuges the size of washing machines”

(Caught On Video) Netanyahu: “America is Easy to Push Around” – Israeli Prime Minister brags how he deceived Bill Clinton and deliberately destroyed the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestinians

EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War

(image) "Troops in Afghanistan protecting our freedom here at home…"

How Israel Tricked the U.S. into Bombing Libya in 1986

How Israel Tricked the U.S. into Bombing Libya in 1986
The following is from Victor Ostrovsky’s book about the Mossad – The Other Side of Deception
Ostrovsky describes how in 1986 the Mossad planted a radio relay device – the “Trojan” – in a rented apartment in Tripoli, the capital of Libya in order to trick the US into thinking that Libya was involved in terrorism:
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP [LohAma Psicologit – psychological warfare], and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain….
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world … . As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What’s more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it….
Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels[,] dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad’s greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised…
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya.

(illustration) 'Start Wars' – Talmudic Darth Vader

Their Talmudic, world domination plan: 

Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

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Shane Bullis political art:

(vid) Jake: ✡️ Historic – US Embassy Opens in *East* Jerusalem as Talmudists Slaughter Unarmed Palestinians

Christopher Bollyn: Israel was NOT attacked; Israeli forces on Syrian Territory were Targeted • The Missile Attack on Israeli Forces in the Golan is Completely Legal • Israel's Attack on Syria is Neither Legal nor Moral

Christopher Bollyn writes on Facebook:

Israel was NOT attacked; Israeli forces on Syrian Territory were Targeted

The Missile Attack on Israeli Forces in the Golan is Completely Legal

Israel’s Attack on Syria is Neither Legal nor Moral

Israel was NOT attacked last night! The missiles allegedly fired from Syria landed on Israeli military targets in the occupied Golan Heights where Israel is an illegal occupying power on Syrian territory. Armed resistance to occupation is both legal and moral.

The White House has condemned Iran’s “provocative rocket attacks from Syria against Israeli citizens” and expressed strong support for “Israel’s right to act in self-defense.”

But Israel has no “right” to be occupying the Golan Heights. The Syrian government, on the other hand, and forces allied with it, have the legal and moral right to attack Israeli forces on occupied Syrian territory.

Will a Torturer Become CIA Director? — “No good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices;" however, torture can “work” like a charm when interrogators are told to coerce false “intelligence” that can be used, for example, to start a war

Story by Ray McGovern

(vid) Reality Check: Is the U.S. No Longer Funding the White Helmets?

(vid) Reality Check: Who's Funding the White Helmets?

U.S. Soldiers Secretly Fighting Saudi Arabia's War in Yemen,

Another completely reverse-Christian war the US is responsible for.
We also recently sold Saudis $110 billion of US weapons to kill and regime change people.


(vid) Jake Morphonios: "Q Anon is a Mossad psy-op" | Syria | Ron Paul booed by the 'Christian' Zionists for saying we should follow Jesus' golden rule

“Q Anon is a Mossad psy-op.” – Jake Morphonios
16:00 CIA transferred control of Syria’s oil fields from ISIS to the Kurds.
30:00 Ron Paul booed by the ‘Christian’ Zionists for saying we should follow Jesus’ golden rule, after they applaud Gingrich for saying “kill them”

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(2 min vid) Jeffrey Sachs on MSNBC: The Truth on 'Our Proxy War in Syria' in a Nutshell — "It's killed 500,000 people, displaced 10 million"

Mike Rivero: "We keep hearing that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, but you need to remember: prior to the founding of Israel, we didn't have any enemies in the Middle East" — What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 4/30/18

13:30 “We keep hearing that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, but you need to remember: prior to the founding of Israel, we didn’t have any enemies in the Middle East.”
43:30 Matt Drudge’s relationship with Alex Jones
47:50 Caller shares Germany real-history truth

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(vid) Jake: Netanyahu's Anti-Iranian Propaganda Exposed! – "Benjamin Netanyahu is a serial liar" — "Iran is opposing the New World Order. For the Greater Israel Project to succeed, Israel has to somehow eliminate Iran as its rival"

My Notes:
6:55 The Iranians are opposing the NWO:

“What happens is that Iran provides financial and military support to prevent those outside powers from coming in and taking over the territories. In a literal sense, the Iranians, no matter what you want to say of them, they are opposing the New World Order. So for the Greater Israel Project to succeed, Israel has to somehow eliminate Iran as its rival.”

22:50 Excellent con-artist analogy!
24:40 “Folks, Benjamin Netanyahu is a serial liar.”
27:00 Clip of Trump with O’Reilly talking on Fox News, the Talmudic, reverse-Christian war channel for ‘Christians,’ about how he wants to bomb Syria and then send in ground troops to take their oil!
28:30 Amazing personal story!

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(vid) OAN reporter Pearson Sharp: On the Ground in Aleppo Investigating City's Recovery Under Gov't Control

Praise God for one man on one MSM channel speaking out!
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