Freedom from Alaska!

Month: June 2011 Page 7 of 8

Shawn Phillips: Performing A Whistling Song, “Steel Eyes”

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Performing A Whisling Song

Uploaded by on Apr 3, 2007

This was my iso camera and remains an unedited concert.
By request from Shawns many fans worldwide.
I present it now- joelsamuelpresents welcomes

[Great ending!] Shawn Phillips (at age-up-there): Ballad of Casey Deiss

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Ballad of Casey Deiss

Uploaded by on Jun 26, 2008

Shawn Phillips performs his classic ‘Ballad of Casey Deiss’ live at the Bassline club in South Africa. Excerpted from the DVD ‘Texas Days, African Nights’ available at


All of my Shawn Phillips posts

Shawn Phillips: Lady Of The Blue Rose

Excellent demonstration of Shawn’s delicate sensitivity!

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Lady Of The Blue Rose

Uploaded by on Nov 21, 2009

An amazing folk singer & songwriting talent from the late 60’s to today. This haunting track is from his 1973 lp, “Bright White.”


All of my Shawn Phillips posts

Shawn Phillips: ‘Moonshine’ Live

Yellow flowers
Bought today
I bought ’em from the man who lives in the other way
Wilting flowers
Couldn’t stay
Not enough water gotta fill ’em to the brink today

Another moonshine
Oh, moonshine
Moonlight halo gonna tell about a coming …

I don’t believe it can be verified
I don’t believe it can be put right
It’s too confused in all of its facets
It’s too complex in all of its ways
They just continuing to tell me their trouble
They just continuing to tell me their lies
They don’t believe in helping their brother
They’re standing still and hearing his cries
If you believe that you got the power
If you believe it deep in your heart
You’re on the run in front of a gunner
You’re on the run and no one said start

Red moon rising, dogs are howling
Throwing stones at Willy on the other side
Octogenarians intermarrying
What you gonna do when the light goes out?
Madly scrambling in the brambling
Up the mountain like a frightened trout
Killing relieves the hunting imperative
Maiming relieves the sadist’s delight
They don’t believe in what they are doing
I do believe that they are uptight
Safe and secure in maudlin commodities
Smug and pedantic into their lives
Stupidity can never make answers
Pathos is there in all of its might

Talk about after, there’s gonna be laughter
Talk about after, there’s gonna be laughter someday

Another sunshine
Oh, sunshine
Sunshine comin’ gonna be another brand new day, yeh
Sunshine comin’ gonna be another brand new day, ah
Sunshine comin’ gonna be another brand new day
Sunshine comin’ gonna be another brand new

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Moonshine live

Uploaded by on Feb 17, 2008

Shawn Phillips from the DVD ‘Texas Days, African Nights’. Features Mauritz Lotz. This is a rough cut originally made to test the sync between the two cameras.


All of my Shawn Phillips posts

Shawn Phillips: My favorite Things

This version is a tad dark, but still interesting

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips — My favorite Things

Uploaded by on Oct 5, 2010

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into Springs
These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad.


All of my Shawn Phillips posts

Shawn Phillips: Blunt & Frank

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Blunt & Frank

Uploaded by on Feb 18, 2008

Shawn Phillips rehearsing at home. Excerpted from the DVD ‘Texas Days, African Nights’ from


All of my Shawn Phillips posts

Shawn Phillips: Song for Northern Ireland

WARNING: Song ends abruptly, leaving you hanging in the middle of this awesomeness!


Uploaded by on Apr 10, 2008

song about the bloodshed of Britins presence in Ireland

Shawn Phillips: Burning Fingers — “Our fate is in our hands. Can the demons gain the sway?”

Our fate is in our hands
Can the demons gain the sway

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Burning Fingers

Uploaded by on Mar 10, 2008

From Shawn Phillips April 2007 performance at Kirstenbosch Gardens in Cape Town, South Africa.

Taken from the DVD “Shawn Phillips – Living Contribution: Live At Kirstenbosch”

Shawn Phillips: Lookin’ Up Lookin’ Down

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Looking Up

Uploaded by on Mar 10, 2008

From Shawn Phillips April 2007 performance at Kirstenbosch Gardens in Cape Town, South Africa.

Taken from the DVD “Shawn Phillips – Living Contribution: Live At Kirstenbosch”

Shawn Phillips: Early Morning Hours (Age-65 at the Minnesota Zoo, 7/19/08)

[youtube=]Shawn Phillips – Early Morning Hours

Uploaded by on Apr 28, 2009

Shawn Phillips, Paul Buckmaster and J Peter Robinson perform in this excerpt from the new LIVING COLLABORATION DVD. Details at


All of my Shawn Phillips posts

Shawn Phillips: Living Collaboration Teaser (Age-65 at the Minnesota Zoo, 7/19/08)

[youtube=]Living Collaboration Teaser

Uploaded by on Aug 21, 2008

Shawn Phillips, J. Peter Robinson and Paul Buckmaster perform at the Minnesota Zoo, July 2008. A few random clips from the forthcoming DVD/CD set: Living Collaboration – The Reunion. Details at


All of my Shawn Phillips posts

Jeff Rense Japan Nuclear Disaster Headlines


Japan Nuclear Disaster

Yoichi Shimatsu
Japan Update 5.30.11
Free MP3 – Listen
Tom Burnett
Fukushina Report
Free MP3 – Listen

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor 

Fukushima Live Cam 24/7

TEPCO Live Fukushima Cam – With 30 Sec Delay!

4,000 Millisieverts An Hour Inside #1 Reactor Building

Staggering Reading – #1 Drywell Now Showing 250 SIEVERTS An Hour

‘Another Level 7’ Just In The 100,000 Tons Of Fukushima Water

Shizouka Governor Caves – Order Radiation Tests For Tea

Gunderson – Fukushima Worse Than We Think – Tokyo In Danger

Busby – #3 Explosion Appeared To Be A Nuclear Blast – Vid

Superb Analysis Showing #3 Fuel Pool (?) Exploding – Vid

PA Reactor Scrams For Second Time In 36 Hours

Japan Govt In Slight Radiation ‘Calculation Error’ (like DOUBLE)

100,000 TONS Deadly Radioactive Water May Leak By June 15

EU Official Slams Secrecy Over Fukushima Radiation

Radioactive Water Overflow Would Be Worse Than Airborne

Japan To Expand Already Loose Acceptable Radiation Levels

IAEA – Japan Govt Response To Disaster Is ‘Exemplary’ (NOT)

Tokyo Radiation Levels Revealed In Japan Communist Party Report

Japan – Some Green Tea Banned Over Radiation 

6.3 Quake Hits Near Fukushima

Cesium 137 In DE Drinking Water Over Max Levels

Japan PM Kan Survives No Confidence, Stays On

IAEA Admits – ‘There Is NO Safe Level Of Radiation’

Internal Radiation Exposure In 40% Of Fukushima Refugees

Radioactive Waters Rise In 2, 3 And 4 – Overflow Possible

S&P Chops TEPCO To Junk Status, Shares At Record Low

4.7 Quake Hits Nigata – No Damages Reported

Kaku – We Came Close To Losing Northern Japan – Vid

French Find 60x Annual Limit 40 km From Plant

Two Drugs To Help Expel Plutonium Due In July

500,000 Becquerels Per Kg Found In Some Rainwater Drains

Japanese Retirees Offer Help At Fukushima

Russian Nuclear Expert Blasts TEPCO For Lying

Japan Vastly Underestimate Fukushima Disaster Costs

School Kids Near Fukushima Told ‘Wear Long Sleeve Shirts’

Strontium 90 Found 10 km From Fukushima Plant


Japan Radiation Coming To The USFREE LISTEN MP3
Janet Starr Hull ..File Click Here
US Chart Showing Precipitation
Radiation Types & Amounts
Live National Radiation Network MapWest LA – Santa Monica Live ReadingsRadiation And Jet Stream Forecast Monitoring Sites

Cesium 137 In DE Drinking Water Over Max Levels

Parts Of Melted Cores Have Broken Into Drywell

Understanding Millisieverts & Radiation Effects On Humans

An Assortment Of Typical Annual Millisievert Doses

EPA’s Failed Radiation Detection System

Things  You Can Do To Mitigate Radiation Poisoning

UC Berkeley – NoCal Kale, Strawberries Top Soil Cesium Rises

Pacific Ocean A Radioactive Garbage Dump


I almost hate to add another post because…

I almost hate to add another post because ToBeFree never looked better than when America The Beautiful! was sitting as the first post: that beautiful red, white and blue — that really does mean so much to me!!!

My father used to drive Mom, me and our dog throughout mainly the western states, and I developed a great appreciation for this land.

It saddens my heart to think of what America is now becoming.

We used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now most line up even their daughters to be virtually strip searched by the TSAs, giving up their freedoms just like the Germans did in Nazi Germany.

We’re now the home of the whimps and the “not really very moral” either.

“Everybody goes to heaven.” “What feels good, do it.” The Scriptures have been so twisted.

And the globalists are launching their wars from the USA, taking out the countries that oppose Satan’s one-world government, which now may be just around the corner.

Most of the ‘Christians’ even now support torture and won’t give Ron Paul the time of day.

Anyway, if you want to see ToBeFree looking its best, you can still click here, anytime, while our flag is still flying.

Jeff Fenske

[video] America The Beautiful!

[youtube=]America The Beautiful

[Real History] Who Really Owns the Mainstream Media? — An elite handful of individuals define the agendas that are supported by the empire of establishment news.

NOTE: Bad language at the end. Otherwise EXCELLENT!

* * *

“If it is possible to control the input to the human mind,
then no matter how intelligent a person may be,
it’s entirely possible to program what he will think.

And yes,
it’s even possible to program people to laugh
at the mere mention of the word,

– G. Edward Griffin

[youtube=]Who Really Owns the Mainstream Media?


Brazilians Forced to Embrace Homosexuality

From: Henry Makow

Brazilians Forced to Embrace Homosexuality

May 16, 2011


This picture is from the government material for the junior high schools.

by Marcos

San Paolo Bureau


There is a shadow hanging over democracy and basic human rights in Brazil. Its name is Law PLC122.

If this law is approved, any kind of moral, religious, philosophical or medical opinion against the homosexual lifestyle will subject the author to prison and heavy fines. Not only in the commercial media, but also in blogs, religious programs and even private conversations. Since the days of the Nazi Party and the Maoist Cultural revolution, we havent’ seen such a blatant attack to human rights in this scale.

The radical movement is taking advantage of the momentum produced by the approval of gay civil unions by the Supreme Court last week, in an illegal usurpation of the function of the Congress. The law disrespects the Constitution, which could only be changed by the majority of Congressmen. Now the gay activists are planning a march for the bill in Brasilia, funded with money from NGOs, in order  to coincide with the Global Anti-Homophobic Day in May17th.

A heavy media campaign has been in course for several years, where only pro-gay news are shown in the newspapers. A huge campaign of desensitization has also been promoted by Globo TV, through their soap operas, watched by the majority of the population. Most soap opera authors are either openly gay or communists. They have introduced during the last years romantic gay couples, stories of gays under persecution and finally gay French kisses, in what can only be described as social engineering. This month, they had a scene where a daughter reprimands his father, saying he could be arrested by telling his boss is “fruity”, “because there is a new law coming”.

Entire Article Here

The Hidden Message in Pixar’s Films: Non-humans that display characteristics of a person (via computer generated imagery) deserve the rights of a person

From: Vigilant Citizen

Now, this is not your standard “Disney movies hide double-entendres and sex imagery in every film” hidden message. “So,” you ask, incredulous, “What could one of the most beloved and respected teams of filmmakers in our generation possibly be hiding from us?” Before you dismiss my claim, consider what is at stake. Hundreds of millions of people have watched Pixar films. Many of those watchers are children who are forming their understanding of the world. The way in which an entire generation sees life and reality is being shaped, in part, by Pixar.

What if I told you they were preparing us for the future? What if I told you Pixar’s films will affect how we define the rights of millions, perhaps billions, in the coming century? Only by analyzing the collection as a whole can we see the subliminal concept being drilled into our collective mind. I have uncovered the skeleton key deciphering the hidden message contained within the Pixar canon. Let’s unlock it.

Entire Article Here

Pepsi Uses Aborted Fetal Cells to Develop Flavor Enhancers

From: lifesitenews

Scores of prolife groups are calling for a public boycott of food giant, PepsiCo, due to its partnership with Senomyx, a biotech company that uses aborted fetal cells in the research and development of artificial flavor enhancers. …

Pepsi is funding the research and development, and paying royalties to Senomyx, which uses HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney cells) to produce flavor enhancers for Pepsi beverages.

“Using isolated human taste receptors we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor,” says the Senomyx website.

“What they do not tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors,” stated Debi Vinnedge, President for CGL, the watch dog group that has been monitoring the use of aborted fetal material in medical products and cosmetics for years.

The aborted fetal cells are not in the product itself. However, “there are many options PepsiCo could be using instead of aborted fetal cells,” noted Vinnedge.

The revelation about Senomyx’s research techniques motivated Campbell Soup to sever all relations with Senomyx. …

The pro-life organizations are asking the public to boycott all Pepsi drink products and encourage consumers to contact Pepsi management requesting that they sever all ties with Senomyx.

For a list of Pepsi Beverages included in the boycott:

Entire Article Here

Lady Gaga’s “Judas” and the Age of Horus — “Jesus is my virtue, Judas is the demon I cling to”

From: Vigilant Citizen

Gaga, playing  Mary Magdalene, is attracted to Judas’ ways. She not only “converts” to his side but also effectively brings Jesus down. This attraction to the “dark side” is summed up in these simple words:

I wanna love you,
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to

Entire Article with Screenshots Here

[video] Seymour Hersh: Despite Intelligence Rejecting Iran as Nuclear Threat, U.S. Could Be Headed for Iraq Redux — “It’s 2003 all over again”

SEYMOUR HERSH: Well, very simply, it’s—you know, you could argue it’s 2003 all over again. Remember WMD, mushroom clouds. There’s just no serious evidence inside that Iran is actually doing anything to make a nuclear weapon. You know, making a weapon is a big deal. You have to have fabrication facilities. You have to convert a very toxic gas into a metal and then mold it into a core. It’s big stuff, and there’s no sign of any of it.

Entire ‘Democracy Now!’ Article and Video Here

Snopes deciphers “Elephant Road Rage” photo story

See photos and article here

‘Federal’ Reserve

Skousen predicts: 5-10 years before the collapse — “By then they’ll have a world war to cover for the collapse.”

Joel Skousen in the video:
How the World Works —

A primer on how even well meaning people
are coopted by globalists to do their bidding

* * *

Excerpt from World Affairs Brief

World Affairs Brief, June 3, 2011 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Frequent CNBC guest Peter Yastrow told the CNBC audience that, “We’re on the verge of a great, great depression. The Federal Reserve knows it.” It was also widely reported that a billion dollar fund managers agrees, “The government never fixed the underlying economic problems, so we’ll have another crash.” Another pundit claimed the “housing slump is worse than the Great Depression.”

Part of this is true (the economy not being fixed), but I’m not buying the greatest depression ever claim. There is so much surplus wealth in this country, and even inside everyone’s home that the hardships of today simply don’t compare to the great depression. Where are the long bread lines? Even our unemployed are living comparatively well between unemployment compensation and reliance on relatives. 44 million are on food stamps and living much better than most during the Great Depression. Restaurants and movie houses are still packed on weekends.

In short, this is no depression even though the financial system is still not fixed and can’t be. The only question is how bad will the long slow decline be and how soon will high inflation come upon us. Inflation is the only game in town left that the FED has to play. But only the FED knows for sure how much they are going to inject and where its impact will be felt. As an experienced watcher of these conspiring men, my gut feeling is that they intend to keep collapse at bay for at least 5-10 more years. By then they’ll have a world war to cover for the collapse.


Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 MAY 28 – JUNE 3

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

US: Obama continues to ignore the requirement to obtain authorization from Congress for military action in Libya. Rep. Kucinich introduced a resolution for complete withdrawal from Libya, but the vote was delayed because it had substantial support. Speaker-of-the-House Boehner then introduced a watered-down resolution asking only that Obama provide more information. [This likely will be the resolution that will be allowed for a vote. Congress is corrupt.] TPM 2011 Jun 3 (Cached)

China accuses US of launching an ‘Internet war’ to destabilize foreign governments, like those in Arab countries. While there is strong evidence to support this, China also has been accused of hacking into foreign databases. This comes on the heels of the US proclaiming that computer ‘cyber attacks’ may now be considered an act of war. [All collectivist governments privately do what they publicly condemn.]  GlobalPost 2011 Jun 3 (Cached)

US: Obama’s nominee to head the Commerce Department, says that cap-and-trade is a good way to hide carbon taxes from the people.
2011 Jun 1 (Cached)

Pakistan: 78% of children with polio had previously been given polio vaccine by UNICEF and US sponsors. Citizens suspect foul play and are refusing further treatment. NaturalNews 2011 Jun 2 (Cached)

China: A 17-year-old boy sold his kidney to buy an Apple iPad2 and cell phone. DailyMail 2011 Jun 2 (Cached)

Japan: UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) criticizes TEPCO for underestimating tsunami threat. It is silent about health and environmental dangers. CSM 2011 Jun 1 (Cached)

Florida Governor signs law requiring welfare recipients to pass drug tests to receive aid. He also is requiring drug tests for new state hires, and spot checks for existing employees. For this, he is being sued by the ACLU. DailyMail 2011 June 1 (Cached)

British Geological Survey says that fracking (hydraulic chemical fracturing of rock while drilling for gas or oil) may have caused low level earthquakes, so drilling has been suspended during investigation. Globe and Mail 2011 June 1 (Cached)

New York Attorney General sues federal government over fracking because it failed to do environmental studies on the effects of chemicals that have been linked to groundwater pollution and human illness. Gothamist 2011 June 1 (Cached)

US: Home prices keep falling in 19 cities but they are rising in Washington DC. [Could that be because trillions of dollars are being pulled into the federal government, resulting in expanding government employment and pressure for houses in DC?] 
Business Insider
2011 Jun 1 (Cached)

Obama’s birth certificate is an obvious forgery, says a scanner expert who filed a criminal complaint with the FBI demanding an investigation. [Regardless of your prior opinion on this issue,you will be impressed by his evidence.] WND 2011 May 31 (Cached)

New Mexico Supreme Court rules that police can confiscate legally owned guns from citizens cars during traffic stops without any reason other than that the guns are there. [This nullifies the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms.] The Newspaper 2011 May 31 (Cached)

Former CIA head of the Bin Laden unit says that the US aggressive war in the Middle East is the primary motivator for Al-Qaeda recruitment, and that ‘foreign intervention’ is the cause of blowback in the Muslim world. Telegraph 2011 May 31 (Cached)

Computer ‘Cyber attacks’ now are considered an act of war by the Pentagon, and military retaliation may be used. [The danger is that a president who is looking for an excuse to invade a country now only has to claim that the country had launched a cyber attack against the US. A president wouldn’t say that if it weren’t true would he?] DailyMail 2011 May 31 (Cached)

US: Supreme Court throws out damage claim against former Attorney General John Ashcroft primarily because it is nearly impossible to sue a high-ranking government official so long as his crime is committed while serving office.
2011 May 31 (Cached)

World Health Organization says cell phones may cause cancer. Thirty-one scientists reviewed prior studies that link 30 minutes of daily cell-phone use to a 40% rise in brain cancer and another study that shows cell phones change brain chemistry.
2011 May 31 (Cached)

Australia: New law outlaws swearing in public. Police can write tickets for $257, on the spot, for using obnoxious words and phrases. [Many people approve, not realizing that this sets the stage for outlawing politically incorrect or ‘hateful’ words and phrases. Definitions of what those are will be entirely up to the government.] SMH 2011 May 31 (Cached)

US: Government is pursuing prosecution of health-care executives for fraud estimated at $60 billion a year. This is a welcome shift in policy. Usually, corporations are fined for criminal actions, the cost is passed on to their stock holders, and the executives are spared. [It’s almost too good to be true inasmuch as government and large corporations are known to have a cozy relationship. The execs still may get off with minor fines, easily paid out of special bonuses. We shall see how this plays out.]
2011 May 31 (Cached)

Libya: News video captures western troops on the ground (possibly British) apparently providing assistance to rebel forces. It is anticipated that NATO attack helicopters and jets soon may support rebel positions. Guardian 2011 May 30 (Cached)

Texas prepares for new oil boom. 3000 wells to be drilled in next 12 months using a process called ‘fracking’. This fractures underground rock formations to allow oil and gas deposits to flow into areas previously not accessable. [This also causes oil, gas, and toxic chemicals used in the process to seep into ground water used for irrigation and water wells. The pollution can be deadly to humans and livestock.] DailyMail 2011 May 30 (Cached)

Obama is searching for a way to implement gun control by way of Executive Order, which would bypass Congress. He says he is working on this issue ‘under the radar’. DailyMail 2011 May 29 (Cached)

Pima County (Arizona) SWAT Team kills former Marine in botched pot raid. They pumped 60 bullets into him because they say he fired a gun at them when they arrived. It was later shown that the Marine’s gun was on safety mode, so he could not have fired. No drugs were found.
2011 May 29 (Cached)

UN Is being sued by for $150 million for an unpaid contract, but the UN claims it does not have to pay because it has legal immunity in the U.S. It is said that, if the contractor is allowed to sue, it could open the floodgates for others and put the UN out of business as it owes hundreds of millions in unpaid contracts. Posted YouTube 2011 May 28

French President Sarkozy, on behalf of the G8, says that the Internet should be controlled by government because governments are the only legitimate representatives of the will of the people. [Pure collectivism, of course. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao would totally agree.] HuffPost Posted 2011 May 28 (Cached)

Tom Woods discusses Ron Paul’s campaign platform that the mainstream media calls ‘extremist’. [We think you will like all 15 points.] YouTube Posted 2011 May 28

A toxin, known as Bt, which is in many genetically modified crops, has been found in human blood. GMO producers say there is nothing to worry about, because Bt breaks down in the gut. However, a recent Canadian study shows that Bt, not only passes into the blood, but can be passed to children. India Today Posted 2011 May 28 (Cached)

US: Fifteen states are challenging the EPA’s greenhouse gas ruling, which says greenhouse gases endanger human welfare. [That a step in the right direction, but it would be more efficient and effective for these states to assert the 10th Amendment and simply ignore bad EPA regulations.]
Posted 2011 May 28  (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Analyst says Greece should do the ‘right thing’ and default now. He says banks lured the government into loans it could not afford by means of deceptive promises and other predator loan policies. Therefore, the banks committed a crime and should forfeit repayment. [We don’t think the government was all that naive and innocent, but the criminality of the loans is well worth considering.]
2011 June 1 (Cached)

“In the Grip of Mad Scientists” is a review of Monsanto’s history of alliance with the military to carry out secret experiments on US citizens. Monsanto is still working with the military and USDA through its agriculture business. It recently teamed up with Atlas Venture company, which specializes in what it calls “disruptive innovation,” a technique for completely and quickly changing the way things normally are done. FarmWars 2011 Jun 1 (Cached)

‘NutriSmart’ is a system in development that uses edible RFID chips to track your food intake, nutritional consumption, origin and age of the food you eat, and much more that you may not want it to do. They say it’s the future.
2011 May 31 (Cached)

Real-Historian Alan Watt with Alex Jones: NWO Shaping Our Culture to Their Design — “The gullibility of good people has allowed this to happen. … They cannot believe there are human beings completely different from themselves who run the world. … ‘Oh, they’d never give us that if it harmed us.'”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“The gullibility of good people has allowed this to happen.”

– Alex Jones

* * *

“They cannot believe because they watch TV and their comedy shows, and the familiar faces, their favorite newscasters.

They cannot believe there are human beings completely different from themselves who run the world. They cannot believe that monsters could do this. …

They’re domesticated. They believe what they’re told, because they believe that there are superior, intelligent beings living above them who take care of the big problems. That’s what socialism really is. And they’ve all been socialized into this system.

So they cannot believe that experts would do anything deliberately to harm them. So they’ll eat anything that comes on the shelves, any kind of candy. They never read it. ‘Oh, they’d never give us that if it harmed us.’

It’s the same of the cell phones: ‘They’d never give that to us if it harmed us.’

And that’s how domesticated the public generally are. They can’t think for themselves.”

– Alan Watt

[youtube=]Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Nwo Shaping Our Culture to Their Design 1/4

Uploaded by on Jun 2, 2011

Alex talks with NWO researcher, author, and radio talk show host, Alan Watt. Alex covers the latest breaking news and takes your calls.





Excellent! Real-Historian Alan Watt: The Neo-Eugenics War On Humanity

Excellent! Alan Watt: Shock And Awe: The Manipulation Of The Human Psyche — Sports a substitute to keep men distracted from their own enslavement. Women were given ‘high’ fashion at accessible prices. Music is regulated and authorized by the top. The ultimate goal is to demolish the family unit. The role of abortion, TV! The abuser will initially take care of the abused…

My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!!

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 1 of 4: The Morgans, The Rockefellers)

From: infowars

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

Dean Henderson
Global Research
June 1, 2011

(Part one of a four-part series)

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths.  But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.

According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.[1]

So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?

This information is guarded much more closely.  My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds.  This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.

One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America.  A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild.  Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. [2]

J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.  They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.  He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.  Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. [3]  The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb.  The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.

Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others. [4]

The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy.  Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as “conspiracy theory”.  Yet the facts remain.

The House of Morgan

The Federal Reserve Bank was born in 1913, the same year US banking scion J. Pierpont Morgan died and the Rockefeller Foundation was formed.

Entire Article Here


Who Owns the Federal Reserve? — Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

Bob Chapman: Who Owns the Fed? “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, etc.”

Who owns the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks? – Eustace Mullins

G. Edward Griffin: The “Federal” Reserve is a Privately Owned Cartel

Starring Ron Paul & Ed Griffin: “Fiat Empire—Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution”

Pastor Baldwin: Moneychangers Destroying America—And Christians Don’t See It

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The News from Prison Planet


HeartQuotes: Nature

“The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly.”

– Henry David Thoreau

Click for Zion Canyon Version

World Health Organization: Cell phones may cause cancer

[youtube=]WHO-Cell Phones Cause Cancer ?

Uploaded by on Jun 1, 2011

I studied some 4 years ago now, the effects of mobile (cell) phones and the link to cancer, and I have not owned one since. I tried to warn people, and asked them to do their own research and they just laughed at me; (usual fear invoked response) and although the WHO dare not say it out loud and clear, you can rest assured that there is a link, and this is their way of “showing you”….Now it is up to you.

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