Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 18 of 39

Doctor: “Decades of RCT studies show *masks do nothing* for respiratory viruses”

“We have *decades of* medical science, *randomized controlled studies* that show for respiratory viruses *masks do nothing*.” – Dr. Ramin Oskoui on The Laura Ingraham Show

Starts at: 1:10

UNBELIEVABLE: How Much Each State Receives per Out-Break Patient – Alaska $306,000 per patient!

On April 14, 2020, published a report on the state-by-state breakdown of federal aid hospitals received for each out-break patient.

$158,000 per COVID-19 case





Fauci admits he takes vitamins D and C! Recommends these two only because specifically asked. Laughs at other nutrients. Ignores zinc

Secretly, Fauci has been taking vitamins D and C throughout covid, while never recommending them to the public, which could have saved tens of thousands of lives and $trillions of dollars! He’s recommended $3,000 Remdesivir instead, which only sometimes helps.

Fauci only recommends D and C here after being specifically asked if people should take vitamin C in this interview. He’s never made a public statement saying take vitamin D and C to help the immune system beat covid. He doesn’t even talk about the immune system, ordinarily.

Fauci is like Bill Gates: do what I say but not what I do, whose doctor says Gates’ children don’t take vaccines. Fauci has been pushing everything Big Pharma while never mentioning vitamins and minerals. He still doesn’t recommend even zinc here, which keeps covid from replicating, and those severely ill with covid are deficient in, since they lose their sense of smell and taste, a well known zinc deficiency. Fauci, in this interview recommends rejecting anything natural other than vitamins D and C.

MY NOTES – Fauci in his own words:

5:35 Fauci has changed his tune, now claims that masks protect the wearer too, unlike face shields which can allow particles to get under and in. Masks are “semi-sealed.”

Fauci wears his mask outside, but pulls it down when he doesn’t see any people. If he approaches someone on a trail he pulls it up.

12:30 “About 40-45% of all of the people infected don’t have any symptoms at all [based on the faulty, false-positive producing PCR test – editor]. …About 50% of all the transmissions occur from an asymptomatic person [WHO expert said it’s “rare, based on their data” – editor]. ..which is the reason why we make the recommendation of universal wearing of masks.”

16:15 A Korean study shows that children transmit it to adults as easily as adults do.

Vaccines won’t be available to everyone until the second half of 2021.

“Everybody six months of age or older should get a flu shot.”

31:30 Jennifer Garner specifically asks: “Should moms be doing something to boost our children’s immune system? Do they need more vitamin C; do they need more spinach… elderberry?”

Fauci heartily laughs, then says: “The answer is to the dismay of many, no [laughs again]. If your child is deficient, there are two vitamins among the many. Herbs, forget about…. There are two vitamins that you should consider. For example, if you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection. So I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplement. The other vitamin that people take is vitamin C because it’s a good antioxidant, so if people want to take a gram or two at the most of vitamin C, that would be fine.”

So vitamin C and vitamin D, okay. Any of the other concoctions and herbs I would not do.”

Fauci trusts the untrustable PCR RNA test to see if a person is actively infected.

Fauci hopes the vaccine will be at least 70% effective; even though, flu vaccines are only 10-35% effective, according to the CDC. Then people can go to theatres again.

Jennifer Garner then praises Fauci for his honesty and how he’s parenting everyone through this, and how women are just wild about him: “You just couldn’t have more crushes happening on you….”

The 37-minute interview:

Dr. Ron Paul: “I don’t think masks are helpful at all,” except in some medical situations • “Gov’t should be out of the practice of medicine”

“This whole idea about masks, I don’t think they’re helpful at all. Yet masks, used in a medical sense under certain conditions, there’s nothing wrong with that.” – Dr. Ron Paul @ 18:55

“When bureaucrats run medicine, it’s not very scientific. That’s why I argue government should be out of the practice of medicine.” – Dr. Ron Paul @ 23:00

JP Sears satire vid: New Revelations on the COVID Death Count

JP Sears COMPLETELY fearless about being censored by Google’s YouTube in this video — after his London Real interview!!!

Unfortunately, JP didn’t tell the full truth about this 6% figure, like Ron Paul did, but this is a MAJOR STEP FORWARD for Mr. Sears.


Dr. Ron Paul: CDC Bombshell – Only Six Percent Of “Covid Deaths” From *Only Covid*!

Ron and Dan explain what’s going on, how the true number of deaths caused by Covid are much likely in the 50,000 number range, which would probably include those killed by being put on a ventilator instead of given the treatments that work, like vitamin D and C plus zinc, hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, intravenous C, etc..

They mention what Alex Berenson says about the number being about 50,000, quoted in this article: ‘Enron-level scandal’: CDC reports just 6% of COVID-19 deaths occurred in people without comorbidities

Dr. Carrie Madej: “Human 2.0”? A Wake-Up Call To The World – modeRNA’s Covid Vaccine!

Dr. Carrie Madej: ‘Luciferase’ and more of what we need to know about Big Pharma’s modeRNA planned vaccine:


‘New England Journal of Medicine’: Masks are symbolic and can increase Covid-19 transmission

“..the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”

Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era

May 21, 2020

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.

A mask alone will not prevent health care workers with early Covid-19 from contaminating their hands and spreading the virus to patients and colleagues. Focusing on universal masking alone may, paradoxically, lead to more transmission of Covid-19 if it diverts attention from implementing more fundamental infection-control measures [like taking vitamins D and C plus zinc – editor].

It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals.

So instead of recommending what actually does protect people from Covid (vitamins D and C plus zinc), Big Pharma pushes masks, giving people a false sense of protection, which Big Pharma admits can “lead to more transmission,” spreading covid by contaminating their hands each time they touch their masks and don’t wash them.

A 25-years nurse said in her experience, doctors and nurses do not wash their hands after touching their masks. And certainly, the public being mandated to wear masks will also mostly not. And the public rarely change out their masks, wearing the same moist, bacteria laden device over and over, or for entire 8-hour shifts, making them even more bacterial and virus laden than the masks discussed in this journal.

NEJM Article


RFK Jr: A pharmaceutical driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race

RFK Jr’s excellent 18-min. speech about vaccines, covid, masks, 5G, and how their mandates are not based on science, but an appeal to authority.


8:00 “We are being lied to. The entire political structure today is being saturated in pharmaceutical propaganda.”

8:30 How fear of the pandemic is used to engineer absolute compliance, enforced by new technology, of which “100% guarantee they will be abused.”

15:15 “We know that we’re not being dealt with honestly. We’re being told ‘this is the science,’ but it’s not. It’s an appeal to authority. It’s “science” because Tony Fauci and Bill Gates tell us it’s science.”

15:55 “My father told me when I was a child: ‘people in authority lie.’ People in authority lie. People in authority will abuse every power we relinquish to them. And right now, we are giving them the power to micromanage every bit of our lives 24 hours a day.”

17:15 “People are walking around in masks when the science has not been explained to them. They’re doing what they are told. … These government agencies are orchestrating obedience…. It’s the product of a pharmaceutical driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race, and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives, and ruining our children, and destroying all the dreams and dignity that we hope to give to our children.”

David Icke’s Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally, Trafalgar Sq, London, Aug 29, taken down by the terrified facilitators of fascism at YouTube (Susan Wojcicki) – here’s another version on Bitchute which will not be censored (Please share)

David Icke cries “FREEeeeeee—-DOM” at the London rally today! They say there were 35,000 people attending.

Del Bigtree spoke via audio only, but something happened to the audio during his talk, after which they hit the streets. Dr./Sen. Scott Jensen was supposed to speak too, but it doesn’t look like it happened.


Full event:

SCIENCE Vs PSEUDOSCIENCE — How Big Pharma lies with data

Big Pharma is “love of money” driven, not truth driven.

How they do it:

You are protected by PATIENTS BILL OF RIGHTS – Peggy Hall

It is unlawful for you to be forced into any medical intervention.

Have them read your rights to you.

A Christian alternative to health insurance, health sharing: Samaritan Ministries

“Undercover Epicenter Nurse”- Erin Marie Olszewski w/ Dr. Mercola

Dr. Ron Paul w/ RFK Jr: ‘Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!’ — Sirhan did NOT hit RFK with even one bullet!

Sirhan Sirhan did not hit RFK with one bullet. RFK was shot from behind at point blank range from a CIA assassin.

Vaccines are horribly dangerous!

‘Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!’ With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Jason Bermas Reads “Has Sweden Shown the World the Truth?”

Jason Bermas reads an entire article — an opinion piece out of the UK. Outstanding!



Tulsa residents sue city leaders over mandatory mask mandate

“A lot of doctors will be testifying.”

When the WHO told the truth: Asymptomatic People are NOT Contagious!

No need for healthy people to wear masks, in other words.

Which is why they then said this is not true. But it is true “from the data we have.”

– –

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, W.H.O. Technical Lead Covid-19:

From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.”


Asymptomatic cases NOT infectious! Greg Kelly Newsmax TV’s Dr. David B. Samadi breaks it down

Duh! – WashU says boosting immune system could be ‘treatment strategy’ for COVID-19

AUGUST 5, 2020

Boosting immunity could be a potential treatment strategy for COVID-19

The Miserable Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing And Contact Tracing

Patrick Wood:

The American public is being spoon-fed a steady diet of pseudo-science in order to justify the wearing of face masks, social distancing and contact tracing. Yet, the actual science points in the polar opposite direction.

Furthermore, those who try to present the real science are shamed, ridiculed and bullied for having such narrow-minded views.  

All Hydroxychloroquine Studies – 72 HCQ Studies (42 peer reviewed)

72 studies (42 peer reviewed)

Global HCQ studies. PrEP, PEP, and early treatment studies show high effectiveness, while late treatment shows mixed results.

JAMA Study: Astounding Number of Medical Procedures Have No Benefit, Even Harm

Astounding Number of Medical Procedures Have No Benefit, Even Harm – JAMA Study

What if millions of medical diagnoses, procedures, and treatments were based on, at best, questionable scientific evidence, but still performed daily, the world over, in the name of saving patients lives or reducing their suffering? A new JAMA review indicates this may be exactly what is happening. 

Fraudulent Fauci Suppresses Hydroxychloroquine Short Film

Dr. Scott Atlas: WHO says no sound science for general population wearing masks — “You can’t just say it’s all about the science and then say things that are contrary to the science”

“When you look at an article that’s published, you’re not supposed to take the bottom line. You’re actually supposed to look at it critically as a medical scientist and try to understand if you can actually draw the legitimate conclusion that the authors themselves are drawing. Much of the stuff on masks really is not very good science at all, and in fact, the W.H.O. itself says there is no sound science for general population wearing masks.”

“You can’t just say it’s all about the science and then say things that are contrary to the science.”

Vaccine Sales Pitch Study: Testing the Most Effective Method to Manipulate Minds

From: Dr. Mercola

Study Underway to Identify Most Effective Messaging

The idea that the vaccine promotion might be more “overwhelming” than what we’re used to is further supported by a clinical study5 on, the aim of which is to identify the most “persuasive messages for COVID-19 vaccine uptake.”

The study, conducted by Yale University, will test “different messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available.”

Trustworthy ‘Marcus Welby MD’ tricked Americans to trust diabolical Fauci & Big Pharma

The man Big Pharma used then to convince everyone to trust Fauci now: Robert Young as Marcus Welby, M.D. — our father figure who would *never ever* do evil.

Ben Swann: Yale Study To Manipulate Americans Into Taking C0VlD Vaccine

“Their methods are nothing short of manipulation. We break them down in detail.”

JAIL FAUCI: Massive International Study Shows Countries with Early HCQ Use Had 79% Lower Mortality Rate — THIS IS HUGE! We Are Talking Over 100,000 American Lives!

Ben Swann Interview – Decades Of Mask Science Came To One Conclusion, So Why Can’t We Talk About It?

“The fact that we’re constantly adjusting and touching it means that we’re actually at risk of becoming infected at a greater rate than not wearing a mask at all. That’s what the science says.” – Ben Swann

“There are studies that show that wearing a mask when you have cancer is terrible for you because cancer thrives in a low oxygen setting, and does poorly when there is more oxygen in your system.” – Ben Swann

5 NIH studies from 2004-2020 all finding verifiable health effects from wearing a face mask, including scientifically verified reduction in blood oxygen level:
SOME of the mask studies on efficacy:

Dr. Mercola: Gates Tries to Justify Side Effects of Fast-Tracked Vaccine


Dr. Mercola: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

At present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID- 19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.

These Mistakes Undermine the Protection Masks May Provide

As detailed in WHO’s guidance memo, you need to make sure your medical mask is:11

  • Changed when wet, soiled or damaged
  • Untouched. Do not adjust or displace it from your face for any reason. “If this happens, the mask should be safely removed and replaced; and hand hygiene performed”
  • Discarded and changed after caring for any patient on contact/droplet precautions for other pathogens

WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

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