“We have *decades of* medical science, *randomized controlled studies* that show for respiratory viruses *masks do nothing*.” – Dr. Ramin Oskoui on The Laura Ingraham Show
Starts at: 1:10
“We have *decades of* medical science, *randomized controlled studies* that show for respiratory viruses *masks do nothing*.” – Dr. Ramin Oskoui on The Laura Ingraham Show
Starts at: 1:10
On April 14, 2020, Beckerhospitalreview.com published a report on the state-by-state breakdown of federal aid hospitals received for each out-break patient.
$158,000 per COVID-19 case
“This whole idea about masks, I don’t think they’re helpful at all. Yet masks, used in a medical sense under certain conditions, there’s nothing wrong with that.” – Dr. Ron Paul @ 18:55
“When bureaucrats run medicine, it’s not very scientific. That’s why I argue government should be out of the practice of medicine.” – Dr. Ron Paul @ 23:00
JP Sears COMPLETELY fearless about being censored by Google’s YouTube in this video — after his London Real interview!!!
Unfortunately, JP didn’t tell the full truth about this 6% figure, like Ron Paul did, but this is a MAJOR STEP FORWARD for Mr. Sears.
Ron and Dan explain what’s going on, how the true number of deaths caused by Covid are much likely in the 50,000 number range, which would probably include those killed by being put on a ventilator instead of given the treatments that work, like vitamin D and C plus zinc, hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, intravenous C, etc..
They mention what Alex Berenson says about the number being about 50,000, quoted in this article: ‘Enron-level scandal’: CDC reports just 6% of COVID-19 deaths occurred in people without comorbidities
Dr. Carrie Madej: ‘Luciferase’ and more of what we need to know about Big Pharma’s modeRNA planned vaccine:
RFK Jr’s excellent 18-min. speech about vaccines, covid, masks, 5G, and how their mandates are not based on science, but an appeal to authority.
8:00 “We are being lied to. The entire political structure today is being saturated in pharmaceutical propaganda.”
8:30 How fear of the pandemic is used to engineer absolute compliance, enforced by new technology, of which “100% guarantee they will be abused.”
15:15 “We know that we’re not being dealt with honestly. We’re being told ‘this is the science,’ but it’s not. It’s an appeal to authority. It’s “science” because Tony Fauci and Bill Gates tell us it’s science.”
15:55 “My father told me when I was a child: ‘people in authority lie.’ People in authority lie. People in authority will abuse every power we relinquish to them. And right now, we are giving them the power to micromanage every bit of our lives 24 hours a day.”
17:15 “People are walking around in masks when the science has not been explained to them. They’re doing what they are told. … These government agencies are orchestrating obedience…. It’s the product of a pharmaceutical driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race, and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives, and ruining our children, and destroying all the dreams and dignity that we hope to give to our children.”
David Icke cries “FREEeeeeee—-DOM” at the London rally today! They say there were 35,000 people attending.
Del Bigtree spoke via audio only, but something happened to the audio during his talk, after which they hit the streets. Dr./Sen. Scott Jensen was supposed to speak too, but it doesn’t look like it happened.
Full event:
It is unlawful for you to be forced into any medical intervention.
Have them read your rights to you.
A Christian alternative to health insurance, health sharing: Samaritan Ministries
Sirhan Sirhan did not hit RFK with one bullet. RFK was shot from behind at point blank range from a CIA assassin.
Vaccines are horribly dangerous!
Jason Bermas reads an entire article — an opinion piece out of the UK. Outstanding!
“A lot of doctors will be testifying.”
Patrick Wood:
The American public is being spoon-fed a steady diet of pseudo-science in order to justify the wearing of face masks, social distancing and contact tracing. Yet, the actual science points in the polar opposite direction.
Furthermore, those who try to present the real science are shamed, ridiculed and bullied for having such narrow-minded views.
72 studies (42 peer reviewed)
Global HCQ studies. PrEP, PEP, and early treatment studies show high effectiveness, while late treatment shows mixed results.
“When you look at an article that’s published, you’re not supposed to take the bottom line. You’re actually supposed to look at it critically as a medical scientist and try to understand if you can actually draw the legitimate conclusion that the authors themselves are drawing. Much of the stuff on masks really is not very good science at all, and in fact, the W.H.O. itself says there is no sound science for general population wearing masks.”
“You can’t just say it’s all about the science and then say things that are contrary to the science.”
From: Dr. Mercola
The idea that the vaccine promotion might be more “overwhelming” than what we’re used to is further supported by a clinical study5 on ClinicalTrials.gov, the aim of which is to identify the most “persuasive messages for COVID-19 vaccine uptake.”
The study, conducted by Yale University, will test “different messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available.”
The man Big Pharma used then to convince everyone to trust Fauci now: Robert Young as Marcus Welby, M.D. — our father figure who would *never ever* do evil.
“Their methods are nothing short of manipulation. We break them down in detail.”
“The fact that we’re constantly adjusting and touching it means that we’re actually at risk of becoming infected at a greater rate than not wearing a mask at all. That’s what the science says.” – Ben Swann
“There are studies that show that wearing a mask when you have cancer is terrible for you because cancer thrives in a low oxygen setting, and does poorly when there is more oxygen in your system.” – Ben Swann
At present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID- 19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.
… As detailed in WHO’s guidance memo, you need to make sure your medical mask is:11
WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection
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