Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 28 of 39

(vid) Sheriff Richard Mack Testifies before the FDA – SSRI Antidepressants

(vid) ANTIDEPRESSANTS: WHY I TOOK A GUN TO SCHOOL – 16-year-old Corey Baadsgaard took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage

FDA War on Homeopathics: Trump's appointee unveils policy to declare homeopathic medicine as “drugs,” and declare them a danger to health. This is patently false, especially compared to approved pharmaceutical drugs authorized by the FDA—many of which have lethal side effects

World Affairs Brief, February 9, 2018 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


FDA War on Homeopathics: Not only has Trump NOT drained the swamp, but he has placed people in power that are actually making many things worse. He appointed Scott Gottlieb to be the Commissioner of the FDA. Gottlieb is deep into the medical establishment through his career and government service, consulting with and serving on many boards of Pharmaceutical companies. He’s a big promoter of an increased federal role in the opioid addiction and overdose problem, while not restricting access.
Thus it is little wonder that he unveiled a policy recently to declare homeopathic medicine as “drugs,” and declare them a danger to health. This is patently false, especially compared to approved pharmaceutical drugs authorized by the FDA—many of which have lethal side effects for some people. Joe Jarvis of the Daily Bell had an excellent essay on Homeopathics vs. drugs and the FDA.

Study: Ibuprofen linked to male infertility and lots of deaths!



(vid) Ron Paul: Mr. President, 'FIRE JEFF SESSIONS!'

(vid) Mike Adams FURIOUS! Jeff Sessions just re-criminalized all CANNABIS nationwide!


Strong, important, caring, truth teller, Jeanice Barcelo was my Facebook friend twice.
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(vid) Dr. Mercola and Dr. Gundry on Plant Lectins — Cutting Edge Health Tips!!!

Also see Mercola’s related article: How to Reduce Lectins in Your Diet

My Notes:

Dr. Gundry intermittent fasts for 22 hours a day from January through June, eating 2 meals a day during weekends.
Overload with carbohydrates once a week.
Caseine A 1 milk bad. Caseine A 2 milk okay. Dairy Association fighting awareness.
Wheat germ bad in whole wheat flour. White flour may be better?
Glyphosate – Roundup screws up people big-time! People visiting Europe do better because Roundup banned there.
People with the highest omega-3 index have the largest brains with the largest areas of memory. So vegetarians can be shrinking their brains by avoiding animal fats.

Omega-3 from plant sources do not provide the same benefits as that from marine animals, as the omega-3 found in plants can’t be converted by your body into the omega-3 you find in marine oils

Eating fruit year-round a good idea??
Fruits are picked unripe having a high lectin content, then are ethylene oxide gassed to appear ripe. Fruits allowed to ripen on the vine eliminate the lectins.
Antibiotics taken directly or via the animals we eat are destroying us.
Anti-inflammatories like Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen, etc. denude the gut wall and radically increases risk of heart attack and stroke! “Like eating a hand grenade.”
Helped Tony Robbins.

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(audio) Jeff & Ted Broer – Sabbatean Kabbalist goal to destroy Christianity for world control!

The Ted Broer Show Audio Archives
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BOMBSHELL: Flu shots scientifically proven to weaken immune response in subsequent years…

(Natural News) A medical study conducted at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years.

Lisa Christian, PhD, the lead researcher on the study, concluded, “Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody responses in the current year.”

The study proves yet again that the official narrative of the flu shot industry — and its complicit corporate-run media — is false and deliberately deceptive. Far from offering bulletproof protection, flu shots actually make people more vulnerable to influenza infections, which of course contributes to more people catching the flu and then falsely thinking they need more flu shots for “more protection.”

Yet it is the flu shots themselves that are leading to an increase in influenza infections. The flu vaccine, in other words, perpetuates the myth that flu vaccines are needed by ensuring influenza spreads more rapidly than would otherwise occur. In effect, flu vaccines spread the very infections that generate more demand for flu vaccines. The structure is a “perfect” self-perpetuating medical hoax rooted in fake science and relentless media propaganda.


Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death? — Under Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays’ PR spell, the popular image of fluoride (which at the time was being sold as bug and rat poison) became that of a beneficial provider of 'gleaming smiles,' 'absolutely safe,' and 'good for children' • Fluoride was given the “green light” by a scientist who was working for the largest producer of fluoride in the entire country • 500 peer-reviewed studies document the adverse effects of sodium fluoride ranging from cancer to brain damage

Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death?

Oncologists Don’t Like Baking Soda Cancer Treatment Because It’s Too Effective and Too Cheap

even the most aggressive cancers– even those which have metastasized- can be reversed by using the baking soda cancer treatment. While chemotherapy is toxic to all cells, it represents the only measure that oncologists employ (because doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it– not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates) in their practice to almost all cancer patients. But sadly, chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates and oncologists know it.


CDC-funded study confirms flu shots linked to spontaneous abortions

(vid) Obamacare Repeal Debate: Kimmel vs Graham vs Rand Paul! — Jimmy Kimmel wants to keep Obamacare. Lindsay Graham wants to move it to the state level with federal tax dollars. Rand Paul wants to repeal it

(video) Cobalt in hip replacement parts found to cause Alzheimer’s via heavy metals poisoning

Cobalt in hip replacement parts found to cause Alzheimer’s via heavy metals poisoning

Published on Aug 16, 2017

Hip replacement parts are often made with cobalt, a toxic heavy metal. Doctors are now concerned that cobalt poisoning is causing Alzheimer’s among hip replacement recipients.

As reported by the UK Daily Mail:

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency announced last month that patients would be called in for x-rays and blood tests to check for adverse reactions.

Dr Neil McGuire, clinical director of medical devices at the MHRA, said he wanted to establish whether cobalt leached from the implants was causing adverse effects.

It’s the latest evidence that medical interventions that involve heavy metals may be having profound negative disease effects on patients.

(video) GEICO Takes on BIG PHARMA – WoW! – Boyz II Men: ‘Side Effects’

GEICO standing up to BIG PHARMA? WoW!

TalmudVision (TV) in the USA — one of the few countries that allows Big Pharma drug ads, which I’ve heard may no longer be required to include the crucial, side-effects disclaimers — beautifully amplified here 🙂

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Boyz II Men: Side Effects – GEICO


New Study: Chemotherapy could cause cancer to SPREAD and grow back even more aggressively

They FINALLY admit it!

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(1 MIN VIDEO) The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth


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The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth

Cancer treatment hype gives false hope to many patients — “We’re starting to believe our own bullshit” – Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society

Dr. Robert Rowan, ND introduces this on Facebook:

“…a very conventional journal on oncology told us years ago that chemotherapy only adds about 2.1% to the overall 5 year survival rate of cancer in the USA and Australia. Yet even with this “science”, patients, like you, are shuttled into highly toxic therapy costing tens of thousands, maiming you, and for what, a 2.1% advantage”.

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From: USA Today

Cancer treatment hype gives false hope to many patients

“I’m starting to hear more and more that we are better than I think we really are,” said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society. “We’re starting to believe our own bullshit.”

The consequences are real — and they can be deadly. Patients and their families have bought into treatments that either don’t work, cost a fortune or cause life-threatening side effects.

“We have a lot of patients who spend their families into bankruptcy getting a hyped therapy that (many) know is worthless,” Brawley said.

Entire Article

(video) ROBERT KENNEDY JR VS TUCKER CARLSON 4/20/17 — “This is the second show in 10 years that’s allowed me to talk about this. The other one being ‘Bill Maher,’ which doesn’t take advertising”

“This is the second show in 10 years that’s allowed me to talk about this. The other one being ‘Bill Maher,’ which doesn’t take advertising.”

– Robert Kennedy, Jr.

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(audio) Mike Adams: Breast Cancer Mastectomies a CON JOB!

Breast Cancer Mastectomies a CON JOB!


Here is the guy @ 27:10


Doctors WRONG 88% of the time! — Good at memorization & protecting establishment though • Dogs 100% RIGHT at detecting cancer

Your doctor is WRONG 88% of the time!

(video) PINK RIBBONS ARE A PSYOP: How the disease industry scams society year after year

PINK RIBBONS ARE A PSYOP: How the disease industry scams society year after year

Doctor: ‘NO VACCINES, NO AUTISM’: “40 years ago when I started my practice, only 1 in 10,000 children had autism. Today it’s 1 in 100. What is the only difference we have seen? The inordinate number of vaccines that are being given to children today. My partners and I have over 35,000 patients who have never been vaccinated. You know how many cases of autism we have seen? Zero, Zero. I have made this statement for over 40 years. ‘No vaccines, no autism'” – Dr. Mayer Eisentein, MD.

“40 years ago when I started my practice, only 1 in 10,000 children had autism. Today it’s 1 in 100. What is the only difference we have seen? The inordinate number of vaccines that are being given to children today. My partners and I have over 35,000 patients who have never been vaccinated. You know how many cases of autism we have seen? Zero, Zero. I have made this statement for over 40 years. ‘No vaccines, no autism.'”

– Dr. Mayer Eisentein, MD.

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(video) Dr. David Janda w/ John B. Wells: ObamaCare/RyanCare – No $Money$ in Prevention – “It’s all about the money and CONTROL” — “The globalists are totalitarian thugs. Their business model is CHAOS. They know if they can create chaos and can have everybody at everybody’s throats, they can strip more freedoms and liberties… to get to their creation of the NWO” • SOLUTIONS: healthcare costs could be cut by 80%! • PERSONAL STORY when 1-year-old daughter was dying — heard God’s voice say: “FOCUS ON PREVENTION. Establish an institute.” She was healed!

INSPIRING, OUTSTANDING interview! One commenter wrote: “I watched THIS ABOUT 30 TIMES !”

One man who does what’s right no matter what!!!!!!!

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36:00 “The globalists are totalitarian thugs. That’s the nicest way of putting it. And they use these federal agencies to inflict pain on those who have the courage to step forward.”

39:40 Solutions that would cut costs by 70-80% — or more when…!

43:00 Personal story when 1-year-old daughter was dying — heard God’s voice say: “focus on prevention. Establish an institute.”

Oprah had him on live, apparently so he couldn’t be censored.

On Trump: “They’re afraid he’s going to blow the system apart.”

ObamaCare and RyanCare is meant to control people. Ryan is controlled.

David gets a visit — a warning directly from the health insurance tycoons.

Ezekiel Emanuel is evil — ‘Dr. Kavorkian!’ [Fox News Hires Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel ‘Dr. Kavorkian’ Obamacare Architect as Contributor]

Story: makes bully congressmen shut up and listen to his speech, which they were talking through.

1:33:00 “It’s all about the money and control.”

1:35:30 “The globalists’ business model is chaos. Everything they touch they want chaos. And they know if they can create chaos and can have everybody at everybody’s throats, they can strip more freedoms and liberties from freedom loving people than if they have everybody’s tranquil, everything’s good, everything’s calm. … It’s their business model to get to their creation of the NWO.”

Soros is more of a mid-level manager under the Rockefellers and Rothschilds; though, David just died.

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Government & Healthcare – No Money in Prevention! – With Dr. David Janda

Americans consume vast majority of the world's opioids — 80%!


Trump and Congress Propose Cancelling of Funding For US Childhood Vaccine Program — “The vaccine issue is a microcosm of what is wrong with US health care. And US health care is a microcosm of what is wrong with America”


Trump and Congress Propose Cancelling of Funding For US Childhood Vaccine Program…

Liberal Democrats SHRIEK, and SHRIEK, and SHRIEK…

Of Course This Was Going To Happen…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

California leads the Nation in many things.  Everybody knows the old adage “California is the trend setter.  What starts there spreads across the nation…” …

And Donald Trump, on our behalf, listening to us (We, The People), Began To Address Issues…

There is no question that the 2017 Democratic Party has become the “The Party of HATE.”  They OPENLY march in the streets screaming epithets against heterosexuality, families, anybody-who-voted-for-Trump, Seniors, people-who-have-jobs, people-who-smile-at-each-other, anyone-who-believes-in-a-God, anyone-who-believes-in-a-Judeo/Christian-ethic.  Every move they make is to create hatred and dissention between races, sexes and ethnic groups.

And, none of it is working.  Those promoting these negative ideas, like mainstream media, have lost America’s positive attention.  It is only a matter of time before we, as a society, shut them down. Why?

Because Americans Like Each Other…

Because we brought Americans together on an issue.  I have said this before, and I will say it again, right now:The US “Anti-Vaxxer” movement won the election for Donald Trump.  Why do I say that?

“The vaccine issue is a microcosm of what is wrong with US health care. And US health care is a microcosm of what is wrong with America.”

And change for the better is happening by the minute.  We are finding simple, uncomplicated, solutions to major problems. …

What?  You didn’t know that “The View” is Demo-Thought Central? Haven’t you noticed, for instance, that EVERY liberal Democrat woman interviewed during the “demonstrations” LOOKED and SOUNDED exactly like Whoopi Goldberg no matter what their age, color, or make-up?  Pay attention. …

The article we are going to look at is called:

“The Republican health insurance plan slashes funding for vaccines and public health” – The ACA’s Prevention and Public Health Fund is poised to disappear by 2019.

Entire Article

11 Restaurant Chains Get 'F' Grade On Antibiotics In Meat!

11 Restaurant Chains Get ‘F’ Grade On Antibiotics In Meat – Newsy

(audio) Historian Deanna Spingola: Civil War • Andrew Jackson • The Fed • Big Pharma

Deanna is an expert on Germany real history, but here she discusses US history. A few of her statements seem questionable, but it’s still very interesting, especially being able to listen at 1.5x speed.
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15:00 Civil war: “It was not a war to free the slaves.”
18:00 Andrew Jackson was not a hero. He did not “kill the bank.”
33:30 The Fed is audited every year??? “It isn’t owned by private owners.” ???

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02 22 2017 Deanna Spingola

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