Freedom from Alaska!

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National Prayer Network


17 December, 2019 By Rev. Ted Pike

President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently denied US Senate Committee consideration. See the Senate Bill here:, and See the Executive Order here:   S852 can make a “hate criminal” of any student, teacher, administrator or even employee of U.S. Public Education who strongly criticizes Israel. It says they can be arrested for the crime of “anti-Semitism” and “intimidation” of Jewish students on campus. They then can be punished under the harsh “anti- discrimination” rules of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Porn Debate: E. Michael Jones vs. Styxhexenhammer666 #Killstream

Styx is evil!

E. Michael Jones’ opening statement is excellent! Most of the rest isn’t worth watching.

1:02:55 Moderators point out that Styx’s book sells for $6.66 at Amazon. He says his authorship name is his real name: Tarl Warwick.

The discussion with Vince James of Red Elephants on this topic that one moderator mentioned: #Killstream: Nick Rekieta vs Vince James

I commented: Magazines with nude women aren’t allowed to be openly displayed in stores. Does anyone know what rules prohibit that? Adult stores are regulated: Chapter 9.38 REGULATIONS FOR SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES

Video Link

Adam Green Banned by PayPal & News | KMN LIVE

And at minute-33, a Talmudist admits the secret to Jewish business success is mass delusion.

(5 min vid) Chuck Baldwin Exposes Donald Trump’s Tyrannical “Antisemitism” Executive Order

“Donald Trump’s so-called “antisemitism” Executive Order Is abominable, reprehensible & downright tyrannical. It is a blatant attack against the First Amendment protection of free speech and for all intents and purposes elevates all things Jewish to royalty status in America–being granted official government protection against any kind of criticism.”

(vid) E. Michael Jones: ‘Holocaust Porn’ was used to break decency laws 3 times, 3 ways!

Holocaust porn films used to break decency laws to destroy Christian culture — anti-Logos:

‘The Pawnbroker’ (1964): sexual nudity — broke the decency production code that had stood for 30 years

‘Schindler’s List’ (1993): sexual nudity on network TV and in public schools

‘The Reader’ (2008): Child porn — Kate Winslet naked romance with 15-year-old boy

(vid) Jake: The Truth About Trump’s Executive Order on Antisemitism


“The Bible Is Banned” – China Shuts Down Churches, Threatens Christians

‘The Bible Is Banned’ – China Shuts Down Churches, Threatens Christians

December 12, 2019

China’s crackdown on the booming house church movement continued this fall, with government officials raiding worship services and even telling Christians they could no longer read the Bible.

Chilling video of Chinese police interrogation shows how China is a ‘criminal state’


(6 min vid) EMJ: The Truth About The ADL – Talmudic group regulates speech in America

Jesus warned about the “leaven of the Pharisees,” their Talmudic, anti-Logos thought!


E. Michael Jones: A search on ‘abortion’ yields no pro-life results — “You can take over the country this way without firing a shot!”

“If you go to YouTube and type in ‘abortion,’ you will not find one single aspect of anti-abortion in anything you see. If you can control the flow of information this way, you can control the country, you can take over the country without firing a shot. And that’s exactly what happened in Ireland.”

– E. Michael Jones at 12:35 here


YouTube Deletes OwenBenjaminComedy & OwenBenjaminLive – #YouTubePurge

Adam Green Commentates: E. MICHAEL JONES with ALEX JONES on ‘Infowars’ 11/29/19

1:11:40 Adam gives possible reasons why Alex was willing to have EMJ on.

(vid) E. Michael Jones Full Interview With Alex Jones

Wonderful, important discussion showing it’s the Talmudists who are banning speech and pushing sexual liberation, which is used as a weapon to destroy Christian culture! Alex needs to stop defending this group that deplatformed him.

Alex accuses Hitler of pushing porn on the Germans, when it was the Talmudists. Michael correctly points out that Hitler burned some of this in the book burning. And Hitler was also not a saint, as Michael points out. Hitler threw many Catholic priests into Dachau, where many died, because they stood up to Hitler’s tyrannical rule that got Germany destroyed. The Lutherans mostly supported everything Hitler did, including all of the reverse-Christian, offensive wars that ended up getting Germany destroyed.

Alex says he’s a Christian, but doesn’t follow Christ, and protects the Talmudists who were behind him being deplatformed.

(vid) Facebook Banned Red Ice

(vid) E. Michael Jones w/ Vince James: “antisemitism,” free speech, Michael Brown, porn free!

Michael Brown cannot refute this quote by Paul, who clearly says in Rom. 11:28 that the Jews as a people (not just the leaders) are “enemies” of Christians because of Jesus’ gospel: “As concerning the gospel, *they are enemies* for your sakes….” Their Talmud is anti-Logos, against Christ — the “leaven of the Pharisees” Jesus warned us about.


4:55 “An antisemite used to be someone who didn’t like Jews, and now it’s someone the Jews don’t like.”

7:45 “I don’t hate anyone. I’m taught to love anyone, including enemies, and pray for many people.” – Vince James

14:50 It’s about the rejection of Logos, not DNA.

28:40 The Michael Brown situation

35:15 A film about the Holodomor, which Hollywood completely ignores, because the Jews did this proven atrocity. A film called “The Chekist,” a Russian film.

42:05 The “Jew coup” that TruNews reported. “The tragedy of Donald Trump is that he gave them everything they wanted, and they still turned on him.” [Trump won’t regime-change Iran though.]

51:10 EMJ on the leaders or the leaders and the people?

5620 Pornography used as a weapon. Many are getting free!

Facebook Bans All Content On Vaccine Awareness, Including Facts About Vaccine Ingredients

Just as we warned would happen, the tech giants are now moving aggressively to ban all speech that contradicts whatever “official” position is decided to be “the truth” by the corrupt establishment. This week, Facebook announced it would block all content on Facebook that questions the official dogma on vaccines, which falsely insists that vaccines have never harmed anyone (a hilarious lie), that vaccines contain only safe ingredients (a blatant deception) and that vaccines always work on everyone (another laughable lie).


German TV video: “The bizarre World of Holocaust Deniers” | Alfred Schaefer prison update from Monika

Monika Schaefer posted an article telling the latest about her brother, Alfred’s situation in German prison for questioning the accuracy of a historical event. I don’t understand German, but still found the video interesting to see what German media shows and does not show to the German people on rare occasions like this.

(vid) Monika Schaffer Speaks Out 10/31/19: “I felt very free even when I was in jail”

This is an important subject that we need to know the truth about. See my links below.

Alfred Schaffer, Monika’s brother recently was sentenced with 18 months more prison time, in addition to the 38 month sentence that he has already been serving in a German prison, because he spoke forbidden truth *during* his trial.

Google Actively Blacklists, Interferes To Control Search Outcomes – Contrary to their public claims

Google got everyone to use their search engine by giving the best results. Now that almost everyone uses Google, they secretly manipulate results, which they’ve been doing for years.

I’ve seen firsthand how Google used to link to all of my posts, which changed a few years ago, keeping people from finding some of my most important posts.

I mostly use DuckDuckGo, which also doesn’t track users.

– –

WSJ: Google Actively Blacklists, Interferes To Control Search Outcomes

Aha, readers will say, we were right! And we were right about Google’s interference in its search results, according to a blockbuster investigative report from the Wall Street Journal this morning. Contrary to their public claims, Google actively blacklists sites, interferes with its algorithms to cook search results, and boosts big ad buyers at the expense of smaller companies. Guilty as charged. …

Over time, Google has increasingly re-engineered and interfered with search results to a far greater degree than the company and its executives have acknowledged, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found. …

More than 100 interviews and the Journal’s own testing of Google’s search results reveal:

• Google made algorithmic changes to its search results that favor big businesses over smaller ones, and in at least one case made changes on behalf of a major advertiser, eBay Inc., contrary to its public position that it never takes that type of action. The company also boosts some major websites, such as Inc. and Facebook Inc., according to people familiar with the matter. …

Despite publicly denying doing so, Google keeps blacklists to remove certain sites or prevent others from surfacing in certain types of results. These moves are separate from those that block sites as required by U.S. or foreign law, such as those featuring child abuse or with copyright infringement, and from changes designed to demote spam sites, which attempt to game the system to appear higher in results.

• In auto-complete, the feature that predicts search terms as the user types a query, Google’s engineers have created algorithms and blacklists to weed out more-incendiary suggestions for controversial subjects, such as abortion or immigration, in effect filtering out inflammatory results on high-profile topics.

Some of this has no excuse except for Google’s own commercial and political purposes. There’s no good reason for Google’s searches to favor its advertisers in results that are displayed outside of their labeled ads. Doing that without disclosures, and especially by corrupting the algorithms they claim are impervious to bias, exposes them as unreliable and undermines their credibility on other claims of beneficent oversight.

Tim Pool: Youtube’s New Terms Will Ban Channels For No Reason Or For Not Being “Commercially Viable”

ZOA Demands Nick Fuentes Be BANNED from Twitter – ‘Holocaust’ only historical event not allowed to question

‘Holocaust’ discussed at 4:15

Deep State’s “Quiet War” on Wikileaks, Assange, Manning and Hammond (Truth In Media w/Ben Swann)

More Than Half Of Americans Want The Government To Censor Speech – They also want what is essentially, state-owned media

More Than Half Of Americans Want The Government To Censor Speech


The First Amendment, which guarantees Americans freedom of speech, should be overhauled to reflect current cultural norms, according to 51 percent of the respondents to a survey published on Wednesday by the Campaign for Free Speech. The campaign is hoping to call attention to the dire state of Americans’ preeminent civil rights with the poll, which breaks down opposition along gender, race, class, and educational lines.

History will continue to repeat until humans learn the lessons of the past.  Censorship is always necessary for tyranny to thrive.

(vid) Adam Green w/ Henrik: Red Ice Banned! – ADL, SPLC, & MMFA Mission Accomplished

30:00 Michael Brown’s mirrored video of his debate with Adam Green was banned for hate speech.

Pink Floyd Co-Founder Roger Waters: The US and UK are Trying to KILL Julian Assange!

Australian Media Stages Front-Page ‘Blackout’ to Protest Against Govt Clampdown On Press Freedom

Channels that Have Been Recently CENSORED By Youtube, and How to Find Them

Vincent James of The Red Elephants said in today’s video that he’s keeping this list updated, to some degree anyway, saying he just added Red Ice.

James originally posted this on June 13, 2019.

YouTube Bans Red Ice TV!

Red Ice’s Deleted Channel:

YouTube Deleted Us

Questioning the ‘Holocaust’ not a human right, European court rules

[NOTE] There were prison camps filled by an *immoral* roundup of people, and many did die, but there is no documented evidence of an extermination program or gas chambers, other than small chambers used to sanitize clothing of lice, which spread Typhus, what many prisoners died from, along with starvation, largely caused by Allied bombing of supply lines to the camps. Zyclon B was used to save lives, not kill them. This is what happens when someone questions the official story in Germany.

The ‘Holocaust’ is the only historical event that is illegal to question in almost 20 countries, and carries a penalty of imprisonment. If the “established facts” were true, such laws would be completely unnecessary — as well as the purging of scholarly Holocaust truth books by Amazon and thousands of videos and essays on the internet.

This article shows free speech isn’t allowed merely because the evidence presented runs contrary to the established dogma accepted by the established body, which they claim is based on established facts, which can’t be questioned to see if they are facts or not:

Such statements “could not attract the protection for freedom of speech” offered by the European Convention on Human Rights “as they ran counter to the values of the Convention itself,” it said.

(trailer & teaser) ‘No Safe Spaces’ – New movie confronts the alarming trend of suppressing free speech at colleges and beyond

Sadly, the group that made this movie is also against free speech on campuses and beyond when it’s speech that tells the truth about the Talmudic NWO agenda, the “leaven of the Pharisees” Jesus warned about.

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