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(vid) Texe Marrs (1944-2019) Full Interview for ‘Babylon USA!’

In memory


Texe Marrs

JULY 15, 1944 – NOVEMBER 23, 2019

It’s likely this interview was filmed in 2016 or early 2017 for Framing the World’s ‘Babylon USA’ film, which came out in 2017. Apparently filmed in Texe and Wanda Marrs’ home.

Part 1 – interview with Steven Anderson

Various subjects including the occult origins of the USA

111:10 Catholicism: praying to Mary and the saints

121:00 Modern Judaism: who they worship

Part 2 – Texe’s speech for ‘Babylon USA’ film

35:00 “Take out your $1 bill.”

(vid) Holocaust Debate ‘Phil Donahue Show’ 1994 — “The door opens in!” – David Cole

The first half is definitely worth watching!


6:40 “This is the only issue in the history of the west that is taboo to discuss in our universities.” – Bradley Smith

7:10 Donahue: “I believe the truth will make us free. I believe that what you’ve done here can no longer be ignored by mainstream media.”

7:25 Best part begins here! David Cole is introduced, and gives compelling information and rebuttals.

7:50 Cole’s film: Zyclon B residue shown saturating the de-lousing chamber’s walls (to protect inmates from Typhus); though, no residue at all in the so-called murderous “gas chamber.”

9:10 “The door doesn’t lock, and this door opens into the chamber. … You cannot lock somebody into this room.” Donahue responds: “You’re a real Columbo, David.”

13:30 Cole: “History books are not about making crass generalizations. If you’re going to claim there was a gas chamber program you have to be able to offer evidence for it.”

13:42 Why the “6 million” number is already dead. The Auschwitz number was officially decreased by 3 million, but “6 million” remains the official number.

18:10 Donahue shows a clip of the Dachau “gas chamber” that Cole points out has been completely discredited!

20:15 Shermer admits the human soap story has been proven false.

21:20 Donahue announces after the break, showing an empty chair: “We lost David Cole,” and the audience cheers. We’re not told why Cole left. [I was in the audience of a Phil Donahue show filmed in Anchorage. Out of the cameras’ view, the producer gave the audience and panel cues of what to do, so this was likely prompted.]

Jim Rizoli interviews Ernst Zundel’s videographer Jurgen Neumann – Has 500 Bitchute videos posted!

Part 2: (vid) Ernst Zundel’s videographer Jurgen Neumann, Pt. 2 – In Auschwitz with Fred Leuchter, In Zundel’s house during the fire

Jurgen Neumann currently has 470 videos on Germany real-history truth on his Bitchute site: JohnRobinson101

Additional videos on his site:

Setting the Record Straight

I also upload videos and audio files at


German TV video: “The bizarre World of Holocaust Deniers” | Alfred Schaefer prison update from Monika

Monika Schaefer posted an article telling the latest about her brother, Alfred’s situation in German prison for questioning the accuracy of a historical event. I don’t understand German, but still found the video interesting to see what German media shows and does not show to the German people on rare occasions like this.

Michael Hoffman’s New Book Revises the Revisionists – ‘Hitler: Enemy of the People’ — Hitler’s magical thinking got Germany destroyed

I’m concerned that Hoffman’s strong title will unnecessarily turn some revisionists off, who should read this book to find out what really happened.

I’ve seen first hand how today’s popular revisionism does not present Hitler in a truthful, balanced way, but paints him as a saint — a knee-jerk overreaction to TalmudVision’s completely unfair demonization of Hitler and the German people. Revisionism should be focused on whatever the truth is, instead of veneration of a man. See Hoffman’s statement on true revisionism below.

Hoffman presents a more realistic picture of what actually motivated Hitler to launch the unnecessary offensive wars which led to Germany’s destruction.

Hoffman’s new book is available at Amazon in both Kindle and paperback, and I found this interesting bookstore, which also has Hoffman’s scholarly book on modern Judaism, Judaism’s Strange Gods [Revised and Expanded], which Amazon has banned. Hoffman shows that modern Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees (which Michael Brown agrees), based on the Babylonian Talmud, the “leaven” that Jesus warned about.

(vid) USS Liberty Survivor Bryce Lockwood!

(vid) USS Liberty Survivor Larry Bowen

Flashback (1984): Johnny Carson makes a joke about Prince Andrew being a pedophile

Evidence Adolf Hitler Survived The Bunker – Theodorus In Switzerland Talks With Brian Ruhe

(vid) Monika Schaffer Speaks Out 10/31/19: “I felt very free even when I was in jail”

This is an important subject that we need to know the truth about. See my links below.

Alfred Schaffer, Monika’s brother recently was sentenced with 18 months more prison time, in addition to the 38 month sentence that he has already been serving in a German prison, because he spoke forbidden truth *during* his trial.

(vid) Body Language: Prince Andrew Interview – “People don’t become liars like this overnight” • “Habitual liars get better at it, not worse” • “He’s so used to lying and getting away with it”

19:20 “He’s so used to lying and getting away with it. Now he’s fooled everyone around him, obviously his family members. And because he’s been able to fool them it’s just continued into adulthood. And why wouldn’t you go on TV? You’ve fooled everyone else. Because people don’t become liars like this overnight. Usually, when your lies are confronted constantly as a child and into adulthood, and you’re one of those habitual liars, you get better at it, not worse.”

Jason Bermas on Joel Osteen: Smiling that much is a persona to sell you something you probably don’t need

Some pastors in Anchorage also smile that much, just like used car salesmen. It’s a persona used to sell an unsanctified version of Christianity.

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Jason Bermas, a not-yet Christian’s view about Joel Osteen — while walking with his dog ‘Karma’:

8:20 “Nobody smiles that much. … That’s a persona. Even really happy people that I do know, people that are into church and God, they don’t smile that much. It’s an impossibility. Whenever somebody’s smiling that much, they’re selling you something you probably don’t need….”

The Greatest Artist God Has Ever Created!

Corbett & Bermas: Snowden Misled US – NSA stores all phone *conversations*, not just metadata

Was Snowden used to pacify US?

Snowden may have either wittingly or unwittingly deceived us by reporting that NSA only records and stores the metadata, but they record and store everything!

Many are  reluctant about posting on social media, but don’t realize that all of their phone conversations are being recorded and stored indefinitely.

(vid) Owen Benjamin: Bono is Evil

This is the first Owen Benjamin video I saw when it was on Owen’s channel. Most of this makes sense. It’s sad to see such a gifted singer fall from grace. I found much of U2’s early music amazing. But then he put on the Devil horns in 1991, and it spiraled down after that.

Bono’s psychopathy likely started earlier, and what he’s done could be very serious – minute-57:25.

Bono, Edge and Larry were once Christians who attended a Bible school. What happened?

(vid) Owen Benjamin & E. Michael Jones meet in Hobart, Indiana

Jason Bermas: “Alex Jones is not a CIA asset as far as I knew when I knew him … He likes money and power … He’s almost gone full neocon”

Jason Burmas @ 1:23:14, transcribed by me:

“Alex Jones is not a CIA asset as far as I knew when I knew him. I don’t know what’s been going on in the last nine years. … He’s somebody who likes money and power. …

He associates himself with people that he thinks can elevate him, and sometimes viewpoints. … He called for regime change in Venezuela. He’s trying to talk about them putting a different regime in Iran. He’s almost gone full neocon.

Let’s be honest. Let’s not lie to ourselves. When you can’t commentate on Syria, when you can’t commentate on Julian Assange and the torture that’s taking place against that gentleman, how good are you, how solo are you, how independent are you?”

Something Very Strange Going On In Drudge Land – Drudge Report Bleeds Traffic As Conservatives Wonder If The Reclusive Owner Has Been Compromised


Speculation is running rampant as shown by one article on this issue over at NOQ Report:

But even as Romney is getting lampooned, Drudge is still promoting the anti-Trump narrative. I’ve started asking around to see the validity of a conspiracy theory I heard that he was never really a Trump fan, but because he thought Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton, he pumped up Trump through the primaries and continued supporting him until he won. One even mentioned that the Clintons or someone else (multiple people mentioned George Soros) may now have dirt on Drudge and are turning him to the dark side.

Others think that “Drudge has taken his LGBTQ sensibilities and crossed the aisle to dance with the Democrats,” while yet others think Drudge is simply following the clicks, meaning willing to take any side as long as his site receives the traffic, but if that were the case, the drop of tens of millions of visitors over the course of a two month period, would have resulted in some fast changes.

Screenshot: TruNews on YouTube – 95% like/dislike ratio – Telling the Truth!

I’m posting this before this wonderful exposé video will also be taken down, according to what Rick Wiles announced yesterday — in hopes that TruNews will stay on YouTube until Google takes this vital ministry down.

This was a powerful broadcast that I posted on my blog. It’s just a shame to see this and the many wonderful, eye opening shows taken down. I hope Rick changes his mind and stays the course, setting his face like a flint!

Rick says at minute-17:10 in his RICK RESPONDS TO CRITICS: NO MORE SLOPPIN’ HOGS video that he’s not wanted by those who watch TruNews on YouTube:

“I’m saying to the YouTube crowd, I’m shaking the dust off of my feet, and I’m saying goodbye to you. … Why would I stay someplace where I’m not wanted?”

But Rick is wanted by the majority of the YouTube crowd! The 95% like/dislike ratio is frozen in time here: 1,000 vs 43 — 16,000 views!

Final Day: Rick Wiles Introduces his New Book

16,228 views • Streamed live on Nov 8, 2019

188K subscribers

Today on TruNews, host Rick Wiles shares the first official preview of his book “Final Day: 10 Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.” We also publish never before seen footage from the upcoming Flowing Streams documentary-series, “Sacrificing Liberty: The True Story of the USS Liberty.” Lastly, we show a sneak peak of Prazor artist Mike Rathke’s new single “The Dawning Fire,” being released on December 6th, 2019. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Air date: 11/8/2019.

J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ – Film, Literature and the New World Order

“San Francisco Mayoral Race for November 5 2019 Got Ugly!” Ellen Lee Zhou Running for Mayor

Serious, glorious, spitfire lady with a vision — getting a lot of hate thrown at her!

“No more feces, no more drug needles [provided by the government].”

Joe Rogan #1368: Edward Snowden — “The world gets worse every day that we don’t do something about it” • “All you have to do is lay down one brick so others can lay their brick on top of that, or beside – and *together* we build the foundation of something better” • “If you’re trying to eliminate all risks from your life, what you lost is freedom. You’ve lost the ability to act because you’re afraid. And that’s what got us into this mess”

Edward Snowden Quoted
(transcribed by Jeff Fenske)

2:22:00 “The system, the world, the future gets worse every day that we don’t do something about it. Every day we stay silent about all the injustices we see the world gets worse, things get worse. And yeah, it’s risky; yeah, it’s uncomfortable, but that’s why we do it, because if we don’t no one else will. All of those years I was sitting hoping for someone else to come forward and no one did. …

You are never further than one decision away from making a difference. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big difference, if it’s a small difference, because you don’t have to save the world by yourself. In fact, you can’t. All you have to do is lay down one brick. All you have to do is make things a little bit better in a small way so other people can lay their brick on top of that, or beside — and *together*, step by step, day by day, year by year we build the foundation of something better. … I don’t care if you’re the biggest doomsday prepper with cans full of beans. If the world ends it’s going to affect you. We make things better; we become safe together. …

If you’re trying to eliminate all risks from your life, what you’re actually doing is eliminating all possibility from your life. You’re trying to collapse the universe of outcomes such that what you lost is freedom. You’ve lost the ability to act because you’re afraid. And that’s what got us into this mess.”

2:48:10 “You can’t awaken someone who’s pretending to be asleep.” – an old native American saying

• • •

2:05:10 What life is like for Snowden now.

Like David Rockefeller, Greta Thunberg has beetle named after her – Illuminati connection?

Why do globalists choose to be named after ugly bugs?

Related: Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself

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Scientists name new species of tiny, wingless beetle with long pigtail-like antennae after Greta Thunberg

(vid) E. Michael Jones on Red Ice: The Religion of Greta Thunberg

These movements calm atheists’ fears.

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(vid) Adam Green of ‘Know More News’ Basketball Highlights!

Truth freedom fighter, Adam Green was talking about the strong likelihood of losing his channel, since Red Ice was just taken down. I thought I’d at least copy the titles of his videos, and their view count, since this is such an important channel. While doing so, I spotted this:

(vid) Body Language: Hunter Biden

(vid) Ron with Rand Paul! – Does Socialism Lead To War?

Father and son!

Anthony Bourdain *publicly* mentioned suicide 19 times — All documented!

Apparently, Bourdain did take his own life. “19 Times He Publicly Referenced Suicide” — all listed in this article.

Anthony Bourdain helped expose Weinstein, then mysteriously dies?

[UPDATE] I’ve been wondering why Bourdain died. This Weinstein theory is interesting. But then learned:

Anthony Bourdain *publicly* mentioned suicide 19 times — All documented!

Project Veritas Video: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS – Part 1 — “I decided to wear the camera to protect the republic”

CNN employee Cary Poarch, featured in this video: “I Decided to Wear a Hidden Camera…to Expose the Bias.”

My Notes:

18:00 “I decided to wear the camera because I didn’t see any other option, because I noticed that I was in a very unique position in space and time to just do something to protect the republic — to basically put everything into the sunshine that I could; let the cards fall where they may, and hopefully again, just dovetail into letting us have at least one more fair and free election.” – Cary Poarch

16:00 “CNN  makes it appear that we have 24 hours of unbiased news. That’s not true.” – Nick Neville, media coordinator at CNN

16:50 “Our Democratic interviews are like softballs, compared to the Republicans.” – Christian Sierra, media coordinator at CNN

6:35 “There’s just nothing we can do if Zucker wants impeachment every single day to be the top story.” – Christian Sierra, media coordinator at CNN

14:05 “The fake conspiracy nonsense that Fox has spread for years is now deeply embedded in American society…, and frankly, that is beyond destructive for America, and I do not think we should be scared to say so.” – Jeff Zucker, president of CNN

Actually, Fox also pushes false ideas and suppresses what’s really going on regarding 9/11, our wars, the ‘Federal’ Reserve system, Talmudic Israel and etc..

(vid) Fred Leuchter w/ Jim Rizoli 8/25/19 – Auschwitz gas chamber analysis for Zundel’s trial

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