Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Real Reason for U.S. Wars = NWO! Page 5 of 6

[video] Joel Skousen: Sandy, Romney, Globalists' Plan to Nuke America

This interview goes all over the place. What I found interesting is at one point, Joel surmises that one of the reasons for U.S. wars is to provoke China into war by cutting off their access to oil — what FDR did to Japan to provoke the Pearl Harbor attack.

Y2K was a legitimate threat at minute 33:45

Real inflation is between 7 and 9%.

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[youtube=]Globalists Plan to Nuke America Revealed

Published on Oct 20, 2012 by  …

[30-minute audio] Joel Skousen on Coast to Coast AM 10/31/12: Sandy & the NWO — U.S. WARS are not to free countries, but TO INSTALL GLOBALIST PUPPETS. In Iran, the U.S. WON'T JUST ATTACK the NUCLEAR. They're "going to rearrange the entire middle east and make the U.S. and Israel EVEN MORE HATED than they are in that area."

“They [PTB] did in fact, and have been using MEK in Iran to destabilize the government. …They don’t really want freedom in these countries. They want someone who will be a puppet to them. That’s like in Libya, they had their favorite al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood people fighting against others. But it’s a matter of favoritism: who you can control.

In Egypt, it was a matter of picking a controlled opposition. And when you look at the history of the United States, bringing Mao Tse Tung to power by cutting off the military aid to Chiang Kai Shek; bringing Castro to power by cutting off the aid to Batista; bringing the Sandinistas to power in Nicaragua by cutting off aid to Sermosa.

They build up communist governments, and then they take them down decades later, and replace them with what? Not freedom, but globalists, which they control.

But Iran is like Syria. It’s a tough nut to crack. It’s got a very heavy military. And they’re going to take it out militarily. And it’s not just attacking the nuclear. They’re going to try to devestate the entire military and civilian infrastructure, so they don’t have to go in and occupy.

It’s going to rearrange the entire middle east and make the U.S. and Israel even more hated than they are in that area.”

– Joel Skousen

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Sandy & the NWO

In the first hour, political scientist and expert in relocation for personal security, Joel Skousen, discussed Hurricane Sandy as well as the globalist agenda for a New World Order. Regarding Sandy, he observed that the majority of damage has been the result of flooding and suggested that it will take about 3 months for the area to fully recover from the disaster. He also noted that the hurricane exemplified a key area of concern for survival situations, because it struck “high density population centers” which created tremendous competition for supplies. On the subject of the New World Order, Skousen contended that an impending war with Iran will be used as an excuse for an economic meltdown in the United States and to also forward a globalist agenda to “create an image that the West is the bully of the world.”


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Joel is on from minutes 7-38 (after which is probably witchcraft disinfo)[youtube=]Coast 2 Coast AM: Ghost 2 Ghost 2012 ~ Oct 31 2012

Published on Nov 1, 2012 by bugsy5656

Please rate & subscribe!!!

Ghost to Ghost 2012
Wednesday October 31, 2012
George Noory hosted the annual “Ghost to Ghost AM” Halloween show, where callers and guests shared tales of ghostly encounters, and contact with the afterworld. In the first hour, political scientist and expert in relocation for…
Host: George Noory
Guest(s): Joel Skousen

['They' couldn't be that evil?] Henry Kissinger: “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy”


Did Henry Kissinger really say this about military men?

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
The sentence was reported in “The Final Days”, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

It was said by Kissinger in front of Alexander Haig, newly appointed White House chief of staff, in Haig new office in 1973

I quote to you the sentences related: as you may notice the quote between brackets is “dumb, stupid animals to be used” that was never denied by Kissinger

In Haig’s presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy. Kissinger often took up a post outside the doorway to Haig’s office and dressed him down in front of the secretaries for alleged acts of incompetence with which Haig was not even remotely involved. …


Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein
The Final Days
second Touchstone paperback edition (1994)
Chapter 14, pp. 194-195

Entire Article Here
Henry Kissinger Tells Luke Rudkowski to “Go to Hell” for Asking a Question
Kissinger: Obama’s ‘Task’ is to Help Create a ‘New World Order’ — Chaos is an ‘Opportunity’
Obama’s National Security Advisor Jones: “I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger”
Kissinger Sent to Russia to Cut New World Order Deal
Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs

[14-minute video] The Road to World War 3 — The history of THE DOLLAR, its relation to oil, and the REAL MOTIVES behind the WARS of the past two decades

Important video showing the US dollar’s role in our reverse-Christian wars, launched in the name of freedom. It’s my opinion that we’re not only taking out the countries that refuse to trade in dollars, but these countries also sovereignly resist the one-world government, which our military is actually helping to create.
Edward Griffin says:
“The US military has been funded by fiat money & stolen gold.
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[youtube=]The Road to World War 3

Published on Sep 11, 2012 by 

We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades.

Joel Skousen (with Paul Craig Roberts): Anniversary of a Government Terror — "The American public has proved itself to be so cowardly that it willingly, without a peep, sacrificed its civil liberty and the protections of law guaranteed by the Constitution in order to be ‘safe.’"

Brilliant — both Skousen and Roberts!
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World Affairs Brief, September 14, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Anniversary of a Government Terror
German Supreme Court Upholds EU Bailout Fund
Fed Supporting Obama’s Reelection
Netanyahu Losing it over Iran
Nowhere to Hide from Satellite Surveillance
Collusion Between NY Times and CIA confirmed
Obama Administration Protects CIA Torturers
It isn’t just a coincidence that a major wave of anti-US backlash has been unleashed in Libya, Egypt and Yemen, three nations in which the US is continuing to intervene in their civil wars and aftermath. This is the kind of blowback Ron Paul warned about and its NOT about the so-called anti-Islamic film, and it’s not necessarily al Qaeda—that convenient label the US pins on anyone they want to target in the Middle East. The film may have given Muslim fanatics the excuse, but it’s the continued presence of US drones in these countries and the civilian casualties they cause that fuels this hatred.
As Spencer Ackerman wrote, “The drones never left Libya. The skies over Libya were clogged with U.S. Predator drones during last year’s war. But just because the war officially ended in October didn’t mean the drones went home. A Defense Department official tells [] Danger Room that the U.S. has kept drone flights flying over Libya, despite the conflict that initially brought them to Libyan airspace ending nearly a year ago.”
Michael Snyder of put it thus: “Radical Islamic militants stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt and replaced the American flag with the al-Qaeda flag. In Benghazi, Libya the U.S. consulate was attacked by a crowd equipped with guns, homemade bombs and rocket-propelled grenades. They torched the consulate, looted it, and killed the U.S. ambassador and three other U.S. officials. [And, Wednesday, anti-US protestors attacked the Embassy in Yemen] Apparently they are not as grateful for our help in ‘liberating’ their homelands as the Obama administration thought they would be. Unfortunately, our politicians fundamentally misunderstand what is going on in the Middle East, and this is going to continue to lead to more policy errors.
“For years, our politicians told us that ‘al-Qaeda’ was the big enemy in the ‘War on Terror’. But then during the ‘Arab Spring’ the U.S. government was openly working with ‘al-Qaeda’ and a bunch of other similar organizations all over the Middle East to overthrow established governments. To say that our approach to the Middle East has been ‘inconsistent’ would be a massive understatement.”
My take is a little different, and perhaps more complete. After studying how the US government pulled off the attack on the World Trade Center my frank opinion is that official al-Qaeda is an outright false flag terrorist outfit run by the CIA for the purposes of creating conflict at home and abroad. These terror events, falsely blamed on Muslim extremists (though they do exist, the ones who attacked the WTC were not religious extremists) provide the impetus for military intervention and the diminution of civil rights at home—both of which are intermediate goals in driving nations toward a New World Order.
According to various defectors, and disaffected intelligence agents over the years, it appears that the dark side of the US government uses both the Saudis and the Pakistani ISI to provide funding and mission direction to al Qaeda, which was a US creation during the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. The US would have us believe that they simply lost control of al Qaeda prior to 9/11, but this is simply false.
ABC News reported that “at least 12 Saudi businessmen were financing al Qaeda through accounts in Cyprus, Switzerland and Malaysia, among other countries. U.S. officials told ABC News that a full investigation into the allegations was under way and that there may be criminal charges filed before the end of the year.” Guess what year that was? –2007. The Saudis do the arms length funding for the US, and the US provides protection against prosecution. Immunity is one of the key components to understanding how the world works.
Bin Laden always was the US and Saudi’s man right up until he died several years ago. As I pointed out in a recent WAB, The killing of bin Laden in Abbattabad was a charade, killing instead one of the CIA’s two Osama look-a-likes. They were using these clones to make threatening videos for the decade after 9/11 in order to continue fomenting the phony war on terror.
Paul Craig Roberts agrees: “Osama bin Laden was too useful a bogeyman, and Washington and the presstitute media kept him alive for another decade until Obama needed to kill the dead man in order to boost his sinking standings in the polls so that Democrats would not back a challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination. Numerous bin Laden videos, every one pronounced a fake by experts, were released whenever it was convenient for Washington. No one in the Western media or in the US Congress or European or UK parliaments was sufficiently intelligent to recognize that a bin Laden video always showed up on cue when Washington needed it. ‘Why would the ‘mastermind’ be so accommodating for Washington?’ was the question that went through my mind every time one of the fake videos was released.”
Because of US drone strikes in Pakistan, the US has become an increasingly unwelcome ally in Pakistan, and the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence) has come under increasing pressure within Pakistani military and political circles to end its covert support of US al Qaeda terrorism. For this reason, the US is probably shifting control of their al Qaeda operations to Saudi Arabia. It is even possible that both the Saudis and Pakistanis have their own al-Qaeda operations to run, and they are not connected now, as they were in prior decades.
There are indications that there exist several different al Qaeda cells around the world, and they probably are not funded by the CIA’s usually bagmen, the Saudis or the Pakistanis, at least not directly. The Saudis have long been the deep pockets for US covert support of radical movements. The US probably has found willing front men in other countries to run terror cells, but on a smaller scale than what the Saudis are capable of funding.
What do the Saudis get in return from the US? Protection from internal overthrow and external attack. The US media also covers for the Saudis to keep out of the newspapers the egregious sexual escapades of various members of the Saudi Royal family, including the kidnapping of sex slaves.
Of course, there are plenty of disgruntled Muslim fanatics to do the suicide bombing and fighting as long as someone pays and trains them. Probably none of the actual terrorists on the ground (except those involved in 9/11) know who is calling the shots at the top. So, there is real terror in the world and real terrorists, but most of those organizations, at the top, are run by the CIA or one of its many subordinate or allied spook entities.
Just as the US has spawned and protected its own drug cartels around the world—and reaped the whirlwind of violence from competing cartels—so there are plenty of smaller terror groups emerging all the time competing with US sponsored al Qaeda variety. All of that is backlash against US involvement in their own countries.
I do not think this week’s attacks on the consulate and embassies in Libya, Cairo and Yemen were done by US sponsored terror, but the anti-Muslim film produced crudely in America may well be a black operation to incite these attacks.
The AP reported on Thursday, “A federal law enforcement official said Thursday that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was the man behind ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that sparked protests earlier in the week in Egypt and Libya and now in Yemen. The official… said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a figure who initially claimed to be the writer and director of the film. But Bacile quickly turned out to a false identity and the Associated Press traced a cellphone number used by Bacile to a southern California house where Nakoula was found.”
Nakoula denied he was Bacile, but investigators discovered he has a scam background and has used variations on that last name before. It looks to me that the feds caught him and gave him a choice of going to jail or helping the government produce a second rate amateur video of provocation. Some of the actors have reported that the director dubbed in different words than they spoke on camera. This was a hatchet job, once again to build up the war on terror.
The 11th Anniversary of 9/11 is always used by the media to promote the establishment version of events that day even as they are coming under increasing scrutiny. For the first time ever, Colorado Public Radio hosted a showing of a video produced by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth (see it at Their video presentation on the evidence for explosive demolition in the towers is one of the best, and a credible way of introducing friends to the powerful evidence the towers were taken down by internal explosives—which no ring of terrorists could have accomplished. It had to be an inside job.
Paul Craig Roberts had probably one of the best overviews of the anniversary and the contradictions in the official version. Here are excerpts [with my comments in brackets]: “In order to understand the improbability of the government’s explanation of 9/11, it is not necessary to know anything about what force or forces brought down the three World Trade Center buildings, what hit the Pentagon or caused the explosion, the flying skills or lack thereof of the alleged hijackers, whether the airliner crashed in Pennsylvania or was shot down, whether cell phone calls made at the altitudes could be received, or any other debated aspect of the controversy [although those are important anomalies and contradictions to the official story].
“You only have to know two things [extreme anomalies]: One is that according to the official story, a handful of Arabs, mainly Saudi Arabians, operating independently of any government and competent intelligence service, men without James Bond and V for Vendetta capabilities, outwitted not only the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency, but all 16 US intelligence agencies, along with all security agencies of America’s NATO allies and Israel’s Mossad. Not only did the entire intelligence forces of the Western world fail, but on the morning of the attack the entire apparatus of the National Security State simultaneously failed. Airport security failed four times in one hour.
“NORAD failed. Air Traffic Control failed. The US Air Force failed. The National Security Council failed. Dick Cheney failed [actually, he didn’t fail. He sat in the White House situation room and made sure a young Air Force officer DID NOT make the call to intercept the aircraft as it headed for the Pentagon]. Absolutely nothing worked [because they forced it into standown]. The world’s only superpower was helpless at the humiliating mercy of a few undistinguished Arabs.
“It is hard to image a more far-fetched story–except for the second thing you need to know: The humiliating failure of US National Security did not result in immediate demands from the President of the United States, from Congress, from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and from the media for an investigation of how such improbable total failure could have occurred. No one was held accountable for the greatest failure of national security in world history. Instead, the White House dragged its feet for a year resisting any investigation until the persistent demands from 9/11 families for accountability forced President George W. Bush to appoint a political commission, devoid of any experts, to hold a pretend investigation.
“On 9/11 Doubts Were Immediate: The towers—the three-fourths or four-fifths of the buildings beneath the plane strikes–were standing, apparently largely undamaged. There were no signs of fire except in the vicinity of where the airliners had hit. Suddenly, one of the towers blew up, disintegrated, and disappeared in fine dust. Before one could make any sense of this, the same thing happened to the second tower, and it too disappeared into fine dust.
“The TV news anchors compared the disintegration of the towers to controlled demolition. There were numerous reports of explosions throughout the towers from the base or sub-basements to the top [and the ones in the basement happened BEFORE the aircraft struck. That’s what blew out all the windows in the lobby]. (Once the government put out the story of terrorist attack, references to controlled demolition and explosions disappeared from the print and TV media.) This made sense to me. Someone had blown up the buildings. It was completely obvious that the towers had not fallen down from asymmetrical structural damage. They had [been] blown up [that means there are probably 25-50 explosives riggers involved that were sworn to secrecy or had their lives threatened to silence them].
“I don’t remember the time line, but it wasn’t long before the story was in place that Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda gang had attacked the US. A passport had been found in the rubble… When I heard these reports, I wondered. How could a tiny undamaged passport be found in the rubble of two skyscrapers, each more than 100 stories tall, when bodies, office furniture and computers could not be found [it was planted]? How could airport security fail so totally that four airliners could be hijacked within the same hour? How could authorities know so conclusively and almost immediately the names of the perpetrators who pulled off such a successful attack on the world’s only superpower, when the authorities had no idea that such an attack was planned or even possible [and why did supposed trained terrorists leave behind such an easy to find trail of evidence: credit card use, flight manuals, tape records]?
“The more the story of 9/11 was presented in the media, the more wondrous it became. It is not credible that not only the CIA and FBI failed to detect the plot, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency, which spies on everyone on the planet, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, Israel’s Mossad, and the intelligence agencies of Washington’s NATO allies. There are simply too many watchmen and too much infiltration of terrorist groups for such a complex attack to be prepared undetected and carried out undeterred. Washington’s explanation of the attack implied a security failure too massive to be credible.
“NORAD failed. The US Air Force could not get jet fighters in the air. Air Traffic Control lost sight of the hijacked airliners [One controller at McGuire AFB told me that he had been told to stand down and not let any of the fighters take off]. Yet, instead of launching an investigation, the White House resisted for one year the demands of the 9/11 families for an investigation. Neither the public, the media, nor Congress seemed to think an investigation was necessary.
“The focus was on revenge [because attacking Afghanistan and Iraq were part of the reason for this false flag attack], which the Bush neocon regime said meant invading Afghanistan which was alleged to be sheltering the perpetrator, Osama bin Laden.”
Why did no one brag about pulling off 9/11? “Normally, terrorists are proud of their success and announce their responsibility. It is a way to build a movement… It makes no sense that the ‘mastermind’ of the most humiliating blow in world history ever to have been delivered against a superpower would not claim credit for his accomplishment. By September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden knew that he was deathly ill. According to news reports he underwent kidney dialysis the following month [at the American hospital in Dubai, and was visited by the CIA station chief]. The most reliable reports that we have are that he died in December 2001. It is simply not credible that bin Laden denied responsibility because he feared Washington.
“The 9/11 ‘investigation’ that finally took place was a political one run from the White House. One member of the commission resigned, declaring the investigation to be a farce, and both co-chairman and the legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission distanced themselves from their report with statements that the 9/11 Commission was ‘set up to fail,’ that resources were withheld from the commission, that representatives of the US military lied to the commission and that the commission considered referring the false testimony for criminal prosecution. One would think that these revelations would cause a sensation, but the news media, Congress, the White House, and the public were silent.
“All of this bothered me a great deal. The US had invaded two Muslim countries based on unsubstantiated allegations linking the two countries to 9/11, which itself remained uninvestigated. The neoconservatives who staffed the George W. Bush regime were advocating more invasions of more Muslim countries. Paul O’Neill, President Bush’s first Treasury Secretary, stated publicly that the Bush regime was planning to invade Iraq prior to 9/11. O’Neill said that no one at a National Security Council meeting even asked the question, why invade Iraq? ‘It was all about finding a way to do it.’
“The leaked top secret Downing Street Memo written by the head of British intelligence (MI6) confirms Paul O’Neill’s testimony. The memo, known as the ‘smoking gun memo’ whose authenticity has been confirmed, states that ‘President George W. Bush wants to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.’ In other words, the US invasion of Iraq was based on nothing but a made up lie.
“As an engineering student I had witnessed a controlled demolition. When films of the collapse of WTC building 7 emerged, it was obvious that building 7 had been brought down by controlled demolition. When physics instructor David Chandler measured the descent of the building and established that it took place at free fall acceleration, the case was closed. Buildings cannot enter free fall unless controlled demolition has removed all resistance to the collapsing floors. If airliners brought down two skyscrapers, why was controlled demolition used to bring down a third building?
“I assumed that structural architects, structural engineers, and physicists would blow the whistle on the obviously false story [yes, but principled people weren’t hired by NIST to do the report. There are whores in any profession that will do anything for money—especially if they are told it’s a matter of National Security]. If I could see that something was amiss, certainly more highly trained people would.
“The first physicist to make an effective and compelling argument was Steven Jones at BYU. Jones said that explosives brought down the twin towers. He made a good case. For his efforts, he was pressured to resign his tenured position. I wondered whether the federal government had threatened BYU’s research grants or whether patriotic trustees and alumni were the driving force behind Jones’ expulsion. Regardless, the message was clear to other university based experts: ‘Shut up or we’ll get you [Jones is a personal friend of mine. There were no direct threats from government. There may have been some pressure on the church university’s leaders intimating that Jones’ conclusion that only government could have done this was embarrassing the LDS Church. I happen to know that many leaders of the LDS church share that mainstream bias against conspiracy in government, even though many of the Mormon faithful believe in conspiracy].
Steven Jones was vindicated when chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen In Denmark reported unequivocally that the scientific team in which he participated found nano-thermite in the residue of the twin towers. This sensational finding was not mentioned in the US print and TV media to my knowledge.
“Several years after 9/11 architect Richard Gage formed Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, an organization that has grown to include 1,700 experts. The plans of the towers have been studied. They were formidable structures. They were constructed to withstand airliner hits and fires. There is no credible explanation of their failure except intentional demolition.
“I also found disturbing the gullibility of the public, media, and Congress in the unquestioning acceptance of the official stories of the shoe-bomber, shampoo and bottled water bomber, and underwear bomber plots to blow up airliners in transit. These schemes are farcical. How can we believe that al Qaeda, capable of pulling off the most fantastic terrorist attack in history and capable of devising improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that kill and maim US troops and destroy US military vehicles would rely on something that had to be lighted with a match [Roberts apparently is aware that you cannot initiate an explosion of plastic explosives with a match. It is precisely that fact that proves this was a plot not intended to cause anything but an excuse to give TSA more power to inspect liquids and install body scanners. Any trained terrorist would have known that you must have a blasting cap—not a match to set this off]. And, the liquid bomb would not have required extended time in a lavatory to be mixed (all to no effect, according to experts).
“The circumstantial evidence is that these were orchestrated events designed to keep fear alive, to create new intrusive powers for a new over-arching federal policy agency, to accustom US citizens to intrusive searches and a police force to conducting them, and to sell expensive porno-scanners and now more advanced devices to the Transportation Safety Administration. Apparently, this expensive collection of high-tech gadgetry is insufficient to protect us from terrorists, and in August 2012 the Department of Homeland Security put in an order for 750 million rounds of ammunition, enough to shoot every person in the US 2.5 times.
“Naive and gullible Americans claim that if some part of the US government had been involved in 9/11, “someone would have talked by now.” A comforting thought, perhaps, but nothing more [Eventually, someone might (on their death bed), as the additional shooters did in the JFK assassination]. Consider, for example, the cover-up by the US government of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed or wounded most of the crew but failed to sink the ship. As the survivors have testified, they were ordered in a threatening way not to speak about the event. It was twelve years later before one of the USS Liberty’s officers, James Ennes, told the story of the attack in his book, Assault on the Liberty. I continue to wonder how the professionals at the National Institute of Standards and Technology feel about being maneuvered by the federal government into the unscientific position NIST took concerning the destruction of the WTC towers [Or how long the explosives workers who set the charges can live with themselves].
“What will be the outcome of the doubts about the official story raised by experts? I worry that most Americans are too mentally and emotionally weak to be able to come to grips with the truth [a very good point]. They are far more comfortable with the story that enemies attacked America successfully despite the massive national security state in place [that old knee-jerk patriotism at work that infects a lot of conservatives. The longer it persists, the harder it is for Americans to believe the truth when it comes to them—which includes the searing truth that they were part of the majority that was deceived]. The American public has proved itself to be so cowardly that it willingly, without a peep, sacrificed its civil liberty and the protections of law guaranteed by the Constitution in order to be ‘safe.’
“Congress is not about to expose itself for having squandered trillions of dollars on pointless wars based on an orchestrated ‘new Pearl Harbor.’ When the neoconservatives said that a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ was a requirement for their wars for American/Israeli hegemony, they set the stage for the 21st century wars that Washington has launched. If Syria falls, there is only Iran, and then Washington stands in direct confrontation with Russia and China.
“Unless Russia and China can be overthrown with ‘color revolutions,’ [won’t happen] these two nuclear powers are unlikely to submit to Washington’s hegemony. The world as we know it might be drawing to a close [I think Roberts is finally getting the big picture. What he doesn’t know is that the dark side of government is trying to cover for that future war. He only sees them as antagonizing Russia or China, but may not understand this is part of the next and biggest “New Pearl Harbor.].”
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[Landmark Video!] POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary on Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!

(vid) General Wesley Clark was told “about 10 days after 9/11” the US will ‘take down’ 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran

About a month after 9/11 in the Pentagon, the general gave General Wesley Clark this memo from Rumsfeld — full text below video:

And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”

[5-minute video] Ben Swann Reality Check: The U.S. Government Created Al Qaeda — "It's not a conspiracy. It's history, and it's history that's being repeated…. Why are we giving al Qaeda fighters money and weapons to overthrow yet another government in the middle east?"

Once again, Ben Swann of Cincinnati’s local Fox station goes where the MSM would neither dare nor understand. In this ‘Reality Check’ segment he takes a look at how the US government created Al Qaeda. Indeed, in today’s Middle East turmoil it’s fighting Al Qaeda in some countries while supporting them in others. Take note of Hillary’s confirmation and explanation of how that all started. (4:43) […]

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“Fact #1: There is no question that al Qaeda fighters are part of the opposition forces attempting to overthrow Syria’s government. …

Fact #2: The creation of al Qaeda wasn’t Islamic fundamentalism. It was the CIA. The Mujahideen was created by the CIA to cause problems for the Soviets.

[After Hillary’s statement] Ah, It’s not a conspiracy. It’s history, and it’s history that’s being repeated….

This is not propaganda, rather, it is a question that every American should be demanding answers on…. Why are we giving al Qaeda fighters money and weapons to overthrow yet another government in the middle east?”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Reality Check: The U.S. Government Created Al Qaeda?

Published on Aug 8, 2012 by BenSwannRealityCheck

Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at how the United States government created Al Qaeda and yet in some countries is still fighting them while in others is supporting them.

[video] EXCELLENT! Full Spectrum Evil: Secrets of Global Domination — Alex Jones uses Chess, Risk and Monopoly board games to illustrate the real reason for US wars!

“But what happens if a country won’t sell? What happens if an African nation won’t play the Monopoly game? Or what happens if a middle eastern country doesn’t want to be part of the bankster system, based in London or New York?

That’s where Risk comes in. Because they want to be able to take you over through economic espionage, as John Perkins has written in his best seller, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” but if they can’t….”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Full Spectrum Evil: Secrets of Global Domination

Published on Aug 8, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

From time immemorial, royalty, priest classes and other self-appointed elites have used any means necessary to dominate the population and keep it divided amongst itself. Alex Jones uses the games of chess, risk and monopoly to explain the classic modes of control used by rulers, representing classic warfare between two factions, world warfare with a complex conflict, and, of course, economic warfare.

Now those techniques have advanced with sophistication into an era of full spectrum dominance– where gaming the people means an attempt to control all facets of life. Under the modern scientific dictatorship, nations, individuals, economies, cultures and environments have all become pawns at the hands of hardened, evil offshore globalists bent on manipulating our world in attempt to complete their break away civilization and destroying the remains, including the great masses of humanity. They have willingly distorted our information, food, water, political systems, financial interactions and beyond with precision. Only a public aware of the scope of their designs can begin to fight against it.
[support infowars and spread the news]

[ audio ] Joel Skousen on 'Coast to Coast AM' with John B. Wells 4/29/12: Globalism & Gov't Control

I was going to transcribe some quotes from this excellent interview. Perhaps I will, but for now, I’ll just post it without.

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“Joining John B. Wells, political scientist Joel Skousen provided his insights on globalism and a future nuclear war with Russia and China, economic issues and the flight of American businesses overseas, as well as domestic politics, loss of liberty, and the U.S. government’s agenda of control.

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[youtube=]28.4.2012 – 2/4 – Megacatastrophes

Published on Apr 29, 2012 by 



[audio/video] Economic Hit Man, John Perkins: Paid Professionals who Cheat Countries Out of Trillions

John Perkins is one of the guys who helped me see what the US is really doing to others. Very interesting, first-hand info!
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[youtube=]Economic Hit Men: Paid Professionals who Cheat Countries Out of Trillions

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Apr 5, 2012

On the Thursday, April 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with John Perkins, author of the New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Perkins spent the 1970s working as an economic planner for an international consulting firm. In his book he describes how the globalists force the economic hegemony of the banksters, the IMF and World Bank on victim nations in the third world. “Economic hit men are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars,” Perkins writes. He is also the author of The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World and Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded — and What We Need to Do to Remake Them.!/RealAlexJones

All 8 of DemocracyNow’s interviews with key whistleblower, former economic hit man John Perkins — “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption / How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions / Hoodwinked: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded — and How to Remake Them / etc.

[video] Going Deep with Sean Stone (Oliver Stone's son): Satanism Drives the Global Elite — Their agenda is to destroy nation states for total control

I don’t agree with what Sean did regarding Islam; though, I appreciate his heart in why he did it.
Otherwise, this is fascinating. Very informative. Eyes wide open!
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“They’re trying to guide this to destroy nation states.”

– Sean Stone

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[youtube=]Satanism and Pedophilia Crimes of The Global Elite with Director Sean Stone 1/3

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Mar 12, 2012

Alex talks with director, screenwriter, actor and son of famous father, Oliver Stone about the occult symbolism and satanic beliefs of the Global Elite.!/RealAlexJones


[video | audio] David Icke: The globalists who control Israel, America, Britain, & etc. are Satanists — War for them is a feeding frenzy!

[youtube=]The Illuminati are Panicking: David Icke Reports 1/4

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Mar 6, 2012

On the Tuesday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former BBC television sports presenter, spokesman for the Green Party, author and speaker David Icke. He is the author of Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion and is featured in a number of videos, including Speaking Out: Who Really Controls the World and What We Can Do About It and Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose.!/RealAlexJones


ROTHSCHILDS WANT IRAN’S BANKS — Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran…

From: American Free Press


By Pete Papaherakles

Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to its U.S., British and Israeli counterparts.

Some researchers are pointing out that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war.

Islam forbids the charging of interest, a major problem for the Rothschild banking system. Until a few hundred years ago, charging interest was also forbidden in the Christian world and was even punishable by death. It was considered exploitation and enslavement.

Since the Rothschilds took over the Bank of England around 1815, they have been expanding their banking control over all the countries of the world. Their method has been to get a country’s corrupt politicians to accept massive loans, which they can never repay, and thus go into debt to the Rothschild banking powers. If a leader refuses to accept the loan, he is oftentimes either ousted or assassinated. And if that fails, invasions can follow, and a Rothschild usury-based bank is established.

The Rothschilds exert powerful influence over the world’s major news agencies. By repetition, the masses are duped into believing horror stories about evil villains. The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Also they own most of the gold in the world as well as the London Gold Exchange, which sets the price of gold every day. It is said the family owns over half the wealth of the planet.

Entire Article Here
The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…

[ audio ] Dr. Stanley Monteith: The Devil's Game – Spiritual forces behind these globalist wars – British MI6 founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928

[youtube=]The Devil’s Game: MI6, CIA Run The Muslim Brotherhood – Dr. Stan Monteith Reports 1/2

Uploaded by  on Feb 7, 2012

On the Tuesday, February 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex announces a key terror alert with specific threats. He also talks with retired orthopedic surgeon, author, and radio talk show host Stan Monteith. Alex and Mr. Monteith talk about the impending attack on Iran and the distinct possibility the conflict will turn into World War III. Stan Monteith is the author of several books, including AIDS: the Unnecessary Epidemic, Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception and Iraq: the Untold Story.


[EXCELLENT video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one-world government system!

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they’re told.

[youtube=]Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America

Uploaded by on Dec 14, 2011


[ audio ] Charlotte Iserbyt, author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”: How public education was deliberately programmed to destroy America’s conscience — The ‘Christian’ community stopped helping Charlotte fight behavioral operant conditioning of our children’s minds. “You cannot give up!”

Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

[IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: MIND CONTROL in PUBLIC SCHOOLS — CHARTER schools even worse than regular public schools • School CHOICE? If PRIVATE schools take just one penny they’re done • “OUTCOME-BASED education is the Soviet system” • FED-programmed COMPUTERS override independent, local teachers • MINORITIES targeted first • ‘HERITAGE’ Foundation isn’t doing God’s work

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Patrick Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America — “Is our children learning?” George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning…

[ video ] Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (FULL VERSION) — The sick real-history and practice of this largely reverse-Christian ‘therapy’ that hides behind science with pseudo scientific lies, but is driven by the love of $$money$$ and something extremely sinister!

[video] CHINESE GENERAL Threatens “Third World War” To Protect IRAN \ / Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To PAKISTAN Is Threat To CHINA’ \ / Alex: “This is really THE BANKSTERS GOING FOR THE WORLD, while they suck America dry and destroy our name in the process of HAVING US DO THEIR DIRTY WORK. Then you find out the very same ELITE that are doing this are HEAVILY INVESTED IN CHINA, and are playing some weird double game. And maybe they do want to destroy the U.S.. Maybe we’re not meant to come out of this.”

Some of the globalists are moving to China.

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Hot! Related:

Chinese General Threatens “Third World War” To Protect Iran: US dispatches three more warships to Middle East

Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’— Chinese military stages massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to build-up of U.S. troops

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[youtube=]Chinese Gov. Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’ Paul Watson Reports

Uploaded by on Dec 1, 2011

Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’

Chinese military stages massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to build-up of U.S. troops

Paul Joseph Watson & Yi Han
Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Chinese military has staged a massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to a build-up of U.S. troops in the region as a top Chinese government official warned that any threat to Pakistan would be taken as a direct threat to China.

Citing a report by China’s Central Television, Junshijia reports that an unnamed government official warned, “Any threat to Pakistan is a threat to China,” in response to increasing hostility directed towards Pakistan by both the US and NATO in the aftermath of a NATO bombing that killed 26 Pakistani soldiers last week.

Pakistan responded to the airstrike by sealing its border with Afghanistan, preventing supplies from reaching the US-occupied country.

According to the report, the United States is massing troops on Pakistan’s border in an act of aggression that China sees as a direct threat to its close alliance with the country. In response, China recently sent large numbers of Second Artillery PLA troops armed with sophisticated DF-21C and short-range DF-11A tactical missiles to China’s northwestern plateau near Pakistan for a huge military exercise designed to reflect China’s “attitude towards the US threat to Pakistan.”

The drill ran from the 14-27 of November and included Pakistani troops. It was also reported by numerous other Chinese news sources (1,2,3).

The report strongly emphasizes the Chinese position that its alliance with Pakistan represents a “brotherhood,” and that “China will never be in peace if Pakistan is lost.”
“Militarily, China will be conducting massive and heavy equipment desert warfare in Pakistan on the 16th,” states the translated report. “America has always desired Pakistan, especially in recent years. As the U.S. war in Afghanistan deepens, and military actions against Iran’s determination become stronger, (the threat of ) confrontation with China increases, Pakistan is the place for America to gain military advantage strategically and geographically.”

As we reported earlier, while China’s official rhetoric in English language media regarding hostilities towards the likes of Pakistan and Iran has taken on a concerned tone, discussions taking place inside China itself are a great deal more bellicose.

In response to increased western hostility towards Iran, Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong remarked that “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” comments that have provoked much debate in China.

The subject of Iran is also discussed in the Chinese media report. A western-led military assault on Iran is strongly discouraged, a point China also hoped to stress by way of a show of force in its recent wargames. China’s ambassador to the UN has warned IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano not to create “unfounded” evidence to justify a military attack on Iran in the name of halting its controversial nuclear program.

**Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.…

War on drugs revealed as total hoax – US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan


War on drugs revealed as total hoax – US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Afghanistan is, by far, the largest grower and exporter of opium in the world today, cultivating a 92 percent market share of the global opium trade. But what may shock many is the fact that the US military has been specifically tasked with guarding Afghan poppy fields, from which opium is derived, in order to protect this multibillion dollar industry that enriches Wall Street, the CIA, MI6, and various other groups that profit big time from this illicit drug trade scheme.

Prior to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Afghanistan was hardly even a world player in growing poppy, which is used to produce both illegal heroin and pharmaceutical-grade morphine. In fact, the Taliban had been actively destroying poppy fields as part of an effort to rid the country of this harmful plant, as was reported by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on February 16, 2001, in a piece entitled Nation’s opium production virtually wiped out (…).

But after 9/11, the US military-industrial complex quickly invaded Afghanistan and began facilitating the reinstatement of the country’s poppy industry. According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 percent in 2002 after the US military invaded the country under the direction of then-President George W. Bush (…).

CIA responsible for reinstating opium industry in Afghanistan after 9/11

More recently, The New York Times (NYT) reported that the brother of current Afghan President Hamid Karzai had actually been on the payroll of the CIA for at least eight years prior to this information going public in 2009. Ahmed Wali Karzai was a crucial player in reinstating the country’s opium drug trade, known as Golden Crescent, and the CIA had been financing the endeavor behind the scenes (…).

The Golden Crescent drug trade, launched by the CIA in the early 1980s, continues to be protected by US intelligence, in liaison with NATO occupation forces and the British military,” wrote Prof. Michel Chossudovsky in a 2007 report, before it was revealed that Ahmed Wali Karzai was on the CIA payroll. “The proceeds of this lucrative multibillion dollar contraband are deposited in Western banks. Almost the totality of revenues accrue to corporate interests and criminal syndicates outside Afghanistan” (…).

But the mainstream media has been peddling a different story to the American public. FOX News, for instance, aired a propaganda piece back in 2010 claiming that military personnel are having to protect the Afghan poppy fields, rather than destroy them, in order to keep the locals happy and to avoid a potential “security risk” — and FOX News reporter Geraldo Rivera can be heard blatantly lying about poppy farmers being financially supported by the Taliban, rather than the CIA and other foreign interests.

You can watch that clip here:…

So while tens of thousands of Americans continue to be harmed or killed every year by overdoses from drugs originating from this illicit opium trade, and while cultivation of innocuous crops like marijuana and hemp remains illegal in the US, the American military is actively guarding the very poppy fields in Afghanistan that fuel the global drug trade. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

Sources for this article include:…

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

Videos and more articles on this important subject are linked at the bottom.

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From: World Affairs Brief

Analysis of Strategic Threats
In the Current Decade
Updated May 2010

By Joel M. Skousen

Editor, World Affairs Brief


Strategic threats are carefully planned threats by predator nations or groups that transcend their own normal sphere of influence and threaten the entire world with conquest and/or control.

In this analysis I will discuss three current strategic world powers, which constitute a premeditated threat to world liberty, and the complex tactical maneuvers between them as they position themselves for the coming, inevitable conflict. Two of these world powers are nations–Russia and China–and the third is a transnational conspiracy of power by a combination of individuals in the West attempting to maneuver the world into a New World Order (NWO) of global control, euphemistically masquerading as a “global democracy.” I will refer to the latter as Western globalists.

All less powerful nations in the world fall under the influence of one of these three powers, either as direct allies, client states for the purchase of arms, and/or diplomatic allies working in collusion to further strategic goals of global hegemony.

There is one further complicating factor, however. The Western globalists are divided into two main factions: a US/British faction firmly in control of the financial means of the NWO, and a European faction of hard-core leftists, secretly aligned with Moscow, which controls the majority of votes in the General Assembly of the UN. I will attempt to describe each of the three power centers, their allies, and what I believe their individual strategy involves.

Bob Chapman on Globalists’ Wars: “When they do something, they usually have three or more objectives.”

For example, there were multiple reasons to invade Afghanistan.

The invasion of Afghanistan brought opium production (having been suppressed by the Taliban) up to record levels. It opened the way for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. And Afghanistan has rare-earth minerals that we need. Afghanistan is a stepping stone to take out Iran — regime change being the goal (Iran is sandwiched in-between Iraq and Afghanistan). And I personally believe that the globalists are using the United States military to take out the countries that would oppose the one-world government, predicted in the Bible.

Also, often governments are taken down either covertly or overtly because they won’t participate in the globalists’ banking system too.

And former economic hit man, John Perkins tells from personal experience his job was to get heads of state to accept loans so U.S. contractors could build up their infrastructure, etc., and then when the countries couldn’t repay, we would have them over a barrel and could control them.

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“When they do something,
they usually have three or more objectives.”

– Bob Chapman

on Radio Liberty 11/21/11

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Listen Here:

[real history video] David Icke: The Rothschild Zionist MainFrame — Truth about the USS Liberty; the other side of the “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” story — Israel is being jacked just like the USA is!

DISCLAIMER: Some less than ideal language herein, and I am 100% pro-Israel. I love Israel, but don’t like much of what they are doing, which is also my heart regarding the U.S.. I personally believe Israel has a right to exist as a nation, and Iran should not have nuclear weapons. But the plan isn’t to remove nuclear weapons, of which there is no hard evidence, the plan is regime change, to take out another country that will oppose the one-world government.

We’re all adults, right? There is a lot of pressure to not look at what is really going on in Israel, but Israel is getting jacked too, just like we are! Can we look at what we’re not being told about Israel and who has hijacked them?

And can we look at the demonization of Iran, who we are now flanking on their left and right as occupiers of Iraq and Afghanistan? Hmmm, but we were told these wars were about 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction.

It’s all been lies!

Now we’re being told the war with Iran that we and Israel must begin is also about weapons of mass destruction, again for which we have no proof. Why should we believe our government when they’ve been caught lying over and over…? Hardly anything they say is true.

We’re adults here. We must look at this stuff at least a little bit.

And please don’t believe Fox News. Owner, Rupert Murdoch is clearly pushing this Rothschild Zionist globalist agenda through these wars. This is not Christian:

[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it

Power to the peaceful.

Grace to the peaceful.


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[youtube=]David Icke 2011 – The Zion MainFrame

Uploaded by on Nov 15, 2011

David Icke 2011 – The Zion MainFrame


The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…

‘Wiped off the Map’ – The Rumor of the Century

[One man’s perspective] Why Ron Paul is being hung out to dry: A not-really-pro-Israel-and-humankind form of Zionism? — With blood on thier hands…

Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on Mostly Real-Historian David Icke…

And Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are being used by Satan to deceive many evangelical ‘Christians’ into falling in step with the globalist, New World Order plans. Evangelical ‘Christians’ are particularly vulnerable to manipulation because they know we are supposed to support Israel. I agree, as does Dr. Stan and Joel Skousen, but David Icke does not. But in what way should we support Israel? A blank check and total support for their numerous inhumane atrocities that they commit along with the CIA? No way. We’re just aiding and abetting bullies who often have evil and revenge in their hearts, and who refuse to get right with God and treat their neighbors with respect. They go WAY BEYOND what is legitimate self defense, which is sadly A-OK for most evangelicals, who also can’t wait for US or Israel to nuke Iran — which is why they refuse to support Ron Paul, the real Christian candidate who believes in war only when it’s just. This isn’t what Jesus has in mind in how we are to pray for and support Israel in positive ways that could bring about real change. This isn’t what Jesus is leading people to do, which gets into the definition of what is a Christian — which I discuss in depth at my other main site, ONEcanhappen. Christians and pastors are supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit. Then they could not be manipulated by the Satanically controlled media.

[real reason for U.S. wars] Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

Our country has been hijacked. It appears yet again that the real reason for U.S. wars is now to take out governments who would dare to oppose the one-world government.

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From: The New American

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

It remains unclear exactly why or how the Gadhafi regime went from “a model” and an “important ally” to the next target for regime change in a period of just a few years. But after claims of “genocide” as the justification for NATO intervention were disputed by experts, several other theories have been floated.

Oil, of course, has been mentioned frequently — Libya is Africa‘s largest oil producer. But one possible reason in particular for Gadhafi’s fall from grace has gained significant traction among analysts and segments of the non-Western media: central banking and the global monetary system.

According to more than a few observers, Gadhafi’s plan to quit selling Libyan oil in U.S. dollars — demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” (a single African currency made from gold) — was the real cause. The regime, sitting on massive amounts of gold, estimated at close to 150 tons, was also pushing other African and Middle Eastern governments to follow suit.

And it literally had the potential to bring down the dollar and the world monetary system by extension, according to analysts. French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly went so far as to call Libya a “threat” to the financial security of the world. The “Insiders” were apparently panicking over Gadhafi’s plan.


Similar scenarios involving the global monetary system — based on the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency, backed by the fact that oil is traded in American money — have also been associated with other targets of the U.S. government. Some analysts even say a pattern is developing.

Iran, for example, is one of the few nations left in the world with a state-owned central bank. And Iraqi despot Saddam Hussein, once armed by the U.S. government to make war on Iran, was threatening to start selling oil in currencies other than the dollar just prior to the Bush administration’s “regime change” mission.

While most of the establishment press in America has been silent on the issue of Gadhafi’s gold dinar scheme, in Russia, China, and the global alternative media, the theory has exploded in popularity.

Related articles:

Libya: Now What?

“Libyan Rebels” Create Central Bank, Oil Company

Brief History of Gadhafi & His Regime

U.S. Officials Celebrate Killing of Former Ally Gadhafi

Waking up to a World Currency

Al-Qaeda and NATO’s Islamic Extremists Taking Over Libya

Fed Manipulations in the Crosshairs

Entire Article Here


All of my Real Reason for U.S. wars = NWO! posts (latest articles first)

10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History


10 Reasons America Will Be Judged as the Most Brutal Empire in History

‘Liberty Groped’
Anthony Freda Art

Activist Post

Good and evil doesn’t have a grey zone.  Killing and stealing is bad.  Violence is never “good” or necessary unless it is used to defend against killers and thieves. Indeed, that is the morality behind the “just war” principle as defined by international laws and treaties.

Yet, this simple concept of right and wrong gets muddled by differing ideas about religion, patriotism, economics and many other divisions.  The “just war” rule has crumbled under the ambitions of empires throughout history.  The American-led Anglo Saxon empire is no different.

This empire has been brutally conquering and colonizing territory since the fall of Rome.  However, it has only gained an American face in the last century.  The United States quickly emerged as the world’s “superpower” primarily through its economic might.  For some time, many believed the U.S. to be a shining example of economic freedom for other nations to emulate.  Indeed, America was eager to promote “economic freedom” globally to open new markets for U.S.-based corporations.

When foreign leaders refused to allow these corporate interests into their country, those leaders were replaced through a variety of covert actions.  The form of government that would be installed did not matter to the empire makers so long as the corporate interests were served.  In most cases these nations simply surrendered to the seemingly unlimited power of the almighty dollar, thus camouflaging the traditional method of forceful empire building.

However, some nations, especially in the last two decades, remained stubborn and have refused to alter their banking systems while also shunning Western companies.  Despite the empire’s best efforts to diplomatically bribe or sanction them into submission, they ultimately required an iron military fist to force their compliance.  Until recently, military action remained the last resort.  But now, preemptive military action seems to have become the preferred, and perhaps necessary, method to conquer the last resource-rich nations out of their grasp.

The empire’s populations cheered this strategy out of fear of being attacked by these rogue nations who never attacked or even threatened to attack them.  In the fog of fear, killing and stealing became acceptable. In fact, detention without charges and even torture became acceptable in the former capital of freedom. America has determined that the means justifies the end — which is more power.

As with all empires, these “means” have become increasingly violent and destructive in the face of resistance.  Yet, only a few more dominoes are left to knock over for America to complete a plan set in motion well before they were one of the colonies.  That is unless, of course, other world powers break ranks and attempt to stop the conquerors, which could lead to a large scale conflict.

Regardless, when the dust settles and moral history is written, America and her Western cohorts will likely be viewed as the most brutal empire in history.  Here are ten reasons why this is already the case:

Rumsfeld with Saddam Hussein 1983

1. Support of Dictators: For all the happy talk of spreading Democracy and protecting human rights, the empire has repeatedly not only supported dictators, but in many cases overthrew popularly elected leaders and replaced them with puppet tyrants.  Examples range from secretly funding the Nazis, to installing the Shah in Iran, Pinochet in Chile, supporting Musharraf in Pakistan, and their everlasting love affair with the brutal Saudi royal family, to name a few.  Actions speak louder than words to those who can navigate the storm of propaganda with a moral compass set to recognize good from evil.  Dictators and freedom cannot coexist.

2. Preemptive Wars of Aggression:  It could be said that all wars are preemptive in nature because so many entities benefit from war.  Yet, even before America’s latest crusades, they covertly and surgically attacked countries that never threatened them.  This allowed them to maintain the moral high road in the public’s eye while constructing the foundation of their empire.  That was until the Bush Doctrine; the use of preemptive military action to confront possible threats was unofficially adopted to be the new foreign policy for combating terror.  Since then, America has become the violent aggressors, having officially invaded two countries — Afghanistan and Iraq — without legitimate provocation.  Violent aggressors have always been judged by history as evil. But it gets worse….

Dees Illustration

3. Torture: Torture has never been acceptable by those promoting a high moral standing in the global community.  Nazis and Japanese soldiers were convicted and executed for engaging in the exact same torture techniques that America has redefined as ‘enhanced interrogation’.  “I was just following orders,” was not a justifiable excuse for such inhumane behavior, much like it wasn’t a good enough defense for the low-ranking patsies who took the heat for the sinister Abu Ghraib torture scandal even though their actions were approved at the highest levels.  Can state-sanctioned torture of prisoners held without charges ever be viewed as anything less than brutal?

Dees Illustration

4. Suppression of Dissent:  All tyrannical regimes throughout history have suppressed homeland dissent.  As government oppression grows bolder at home and abroad, more citizens will naturally express outrage, resulting in even more oppressive controls.  This is happening in the United States through the all-seeing eye of the Department of Homeland Security with warrantless spying, arbitrary watch lists, citizen spy campaigns, and TSA molestation to travel anywhere.  Additionally, in an attempt to squash free speech, they arbitrarily seize websites and violently confront peaceful protesters.  Unfortunately, as awareness of the topics in this very article expands, the U.S. will likely become even bolder in their pursuit of stifling dissent.  In other words, the worst is yet to come, and history will judge the U.S. as not quite the beacon of freedom they have pretended to be.

5. Elimination of Habeas Corpus:  Say goodbye to the notion of being innocent until proven guilty, the right to face charges and your accuser, and the right to a free and fair trial.  Habeas corpus, considered the only humane path to “which a prisoner can be released from unlawful detention,” has been eliminated for those vaguely labeled ‘enemy combatants’ of the empire.  As Guantanamo prisoners rot under such pretenses, prominent lawmakers in the empire propose the exact same lack of rights for American citizens if they’re labeled an ‘enemy belligerent‘.  Similar to the Spanish Inquisition, now you’re guilty until you’re tortured to admit your guilt.  Can it get more evil? Why yes, it can. Read on.

Anthony Freda Art

6. Assassinating Citizens:  That’s right.  No judge, no jury, no conviction; just straight to execution. America has set another precedent in their tyrannical march toward empire when they openly assassinated an American citizen and government patsy, Anwar al-Awlaki, and his teenage son on the suspicion of terrorism.  Paul Craig Roberts laments “Now the US government not only can seize a US citizen and confine him in prison for the rest of his life without ever presenting evidence and obtaining a conviction, but also can have him shot down in the street or blown up by a drone.”  Isn’t this the reason America claims to be knocking off dictators around the world — the deliberate killing of their own citizens?

But Awlaki was a bad apple because the intelligence community said so. What’s most telling that America will continue this wickedness is that almost every US lawmaker turned a blind eye to the grotesque violation of Constitutional rights. Only Ron Paul said that assassinating an American citizen without charges is nothing less than an “impeachable offense”.  Too bad most of the country cheered the Awlaki killing as a “victory” in the war on terror, indicating that it is now an acceptable tactic.  Americans beware: you may be moved from a secret watch list to a secret kill list in this brutal empire.

Dees Illustration

7. Unauthorized Drone Wars: Unprovoked wars without authorization, accountability, or independent oversight only seem to be escalating; and with little resistance. The US Congress no longer votes to “declare war”.  They simply give the Commander in Chief broad “authorization” to use force against specific nations. However, even that is not broad enough in the rapid pursuit of empire.  Now, joystick warriors directed by the CIA and Pentagon have targeted at least three countries with “unauthorized” military strikes; Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.  Even worse, they waged a full-scale war for regime change and resource plundering in Libya without any authority inside the United States.  Under the NATO flag, which is 75% funded by the U.S., they flew over 9200 strike sorties in Libya to illegally topple Gaddafi.  Drunk with success, the bloodthirsty empire marches on to their next preemptive targets, Syria and Iran.  Quick morality check: unprovoked killing and stealing as a first resort is still wrong, right?

8. Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction: How ironic that the world’s policeman for weapons of mass destruction is the only one to use them on a mass scale.  The United States is on record using chemical, biological and even nuclear weapons.  From the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII, to Monsanto’s Agent Orange in Vietnam, to the depleted uranium used in Afghanistan and Iraq, America only condemns itself when speaking about the evils of WMDs. However, killers don’t appear to care how the killing is accomplished, so long as it achieves their goals.  The real firecrackers will likely be brought out in a confrontation with Iran, or if China and Russia are lured into the conflict.  It won’t really matter much what history says if the use of WMD escalates by either side, but the aggressors should rightly be blamed for the ensuing scorched earth, while the defenders against killers and thieves should be viewed as righteous.

9. World’s Largest Drug Dealer:  The American empire is the largest drug dealer in the world?  Say it isn’t so. Well, in addition to forcing legal drugs and genetically modified organisms on nations, usually under the cover of foreign aid, America also leads in the illegal drug trade.  In fact, many researchers reveal that the war on drugs is only utilized to control and monopolize the illicit drug trade.  The US government has been caught multiple times shipping in cocaine, colluding with certain cartels to control the industry, and now openly protects and transports opium from Afghanistan.  In fact, Global Research points out that in 2001, “according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically, regaining its historical levels.”  This month, the U.N. announced that Afghanistan now provides 93% of the world’s opium production; up 61% compared to 2010 to a whopping 5800 tonnes.  Although the empire tries to keep it secret, they can’t hide the hypocrisy forever.

10. World Reserve Currency Prison: Although using Weapons of Mass Debt is a non-violent form of expanding the empire, it’s perhaps the most brutal and effective form of control.  Requiring foreign nations to purchase oil and other imported commodities with US dollars wields immense power.  Because all nations must acquire dollars to purchase critical resources, they quickly become indebted to the US Federal Reserve, their affiliate central banks, and the IMF.  Before long, the entire world is colonized by debt.  It seems that only the nations that don’t need or refuse credit from Western banking institutions are the ones in danger of facing the wrath of the imperial war machine. Incidentally, most oil-rich nations in the Middle East have outlawed usury (lending money with interest), making them impossible to conquer diplomatically through debt.  Controlling the world reserve currency means controlling the tap of life itself, which is a dangerous weapon in the hands of an aggressive empire.  Debt is the ultimate WMD the empire uses to enslave the world, which leaves dissidents with two clear choices: slavery or death.

Although this empire is infinitely more powerful than Rome was, it will likely suffer the same fate.  For every negative action the empire commits, there’s an equal and opposite good reaction. And the goodness of humanity will always defeat tyranny when it goes too far.  However, an empire with so much to lose will go down swinging and slinging every weapon in its arsenal, thus putting the final stamp on their status as most brutal empire in history.

[Why they hate US! video to take the blinders off] The Butcher of Libya, Barack Hussein Obama Calls Murder of Children in Libya a ‘Success’ — To me, Obama’s “recipe for success” looks and sounds like a Libyan child with the lower half of his face blown off (see video) — America has exercised a clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good — “All of these crimes are going to be brought back on America ten-fold.”


“All of these crimes are going to be brought back on America ten-fold.”

“They can show you American citizens jumping out of buildings that are burning,
but they will not show you stuff like that
[U.S. soldiers throwing a puppy off a cliff],
because they want you to romanticize these sickening wars.”

“We’re run by psychic vampires.”

“The liberals love it, cause it’s a black guy doing it.”

“This is evil. This is Hitler, but it doesn’t look like Hitler,
because people think a black guy can’t be Hitler.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=!]Obama Calls Murder of Children in Libya A “Success”

Uploaded by on Oct 27, 2011

The hypocrisy of Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama bombing Libya, a war crime resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and the maiming of countless others.

* * *

Please click the second time to watch the video on YouTube.
Alex explains this in the second video, below[youtube=]Obama to Leno – Libya is a Recipe for Success.wmv

Uploaded by on Oct 30, 2011

Obama, The Nobel Peace Prize recipient keeps good with his promise to spread peace.

* * *


Obama to Leno: Libya ‘A Recipe For Success’
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A recipe for success?

The grinning, shill, international terrorist President of the United States talks up the regime’s atrocities on a late night comedy show, with the host, audience and millions of people out in TV land going along with it…

To me, Obama’s “recipe for success” looks and sounds like a child with the lower half of his face blown off. The child’s horrifying screams emerge through a pulpy, gaping cavity where his mouth and jaw used to be. …it reminds me of the words of Harold Pinter:

It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.

This is why that … president can sit there and talk about saving civilians as their shredded bodies gurgle and shriek in terror.

Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening.

Via: AP / NPR:

President Obama defended the U.S. role in bringing down Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi, rejecting assessments that the international coalition he helped assemble amounted to “leading from behind.” “We lead from the front,” he told late-night television host Jay Leno on Tuesday.

Laying out an argument for his emerging foreign policy doctrine, Obama distinguished the U.S. steps in Libya from the invasion and nine-year war in Iraq. He argued that by building a broad international alliance of European and Arab nations against Gadhafi, the United States saved American lives and money and achieved its goal.

“Not a single U.S. troop was on the ground,” he said. “Not a single U.S. troop was killed or injured, and that, I think, is a recipe for success in the future.”


[Why they hate US! video] THIS IS WHAT WE’VE BECOME — Americans, please allow yourselves to see the gruesome results of our disgusting, reverse-Christian, inhumane actions — keeping in mind what goes around comes around

The Real Reason Why Gadaffi Was Killed & Why We’re In Libya — Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold — USA is taking out leaders who oppose the one-world dictatorship!

The Real Reason Why Gadaffi Was Killed & Why We’re In Libya — Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold — USA is taking out leaders who oppose the one-world dictatorship!

Link fixed, again. Sorry.

– –

[youtube=]The Real Reason Why Gaddafi Was Killed

Uploaded on Oct 21, 2011

This video was released back in May. Gadaffi proposed a Gold Dinar currency that could save Africa. Courtesy of RT.

[video] PNAC member, Ambassador John Bolton admits U.S. wars were to protect U.S. oil interests

See my other posts in my Real Reason for U.S. Wars = NWO! category to see the evidence that it’s even worse than what Ambassador Bolton here admits to. I believe the U.S. military is being used to take out governments who would oppose the One-World antiChrist Government.

These wars are about slavery — not ‘freedom.’

– –

” The critical oil and natural gas producing region that we fought so many wars to try and protect our economy from the adverse impact of losing that supply or having it available only at very high prices “

– John Bolton

* * *

John Robert Bolton (born November 20, 1948) is an American lawyer and diplomat who has served in several Republican presidential administrations. He served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations from August 2005 until December 2006 on a recess appointment.[1] He resigned in December 2006 when his recess appointment would have ended[2][3] because he was unable to gain confirmation from the Senate.[4][5]

Bolton is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Fox News Channel commentator, and of counsel to the law firm Kirkland & Ellis, in their Washington D.C. office.[6] He is also involved with a broad assortment of other conservative think tanks and policy institutes, including the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Institute of East-West Dynamics, National Rifle Association, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and the Council for National Policy (CNP). Known for his strong views on foreign policy, Bolton is often described as a neoconservative,[7][8][9] though he personally rejects the term.[10] (Wikipedia)

[youtube=]Did John Bolton Just Admit All These Wars Are For Oil?

Uploaded by on Oct 22, 2011

Airing Date Oct.22, 2011

” The critical oil and natural gas producing region that we fought so many wars to try and protect our economy from the adverse impact of losing that supply or having it available at very high prices “

Sounds like it !

Nice work Herman !


A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess

All of my Real Reason for U.S. Wars = NWO! posts (latest appear first)

[Want to get deprogrammed? Watch this video]Why The Rothschilds Are Destroying Libya — “If we sit by & watch these crimes against humanity & do nothing then we are complicit, & one day it will be our turn.”

WARNING & DISCLAIMER: I wasn’t going to post this because of the choice of language and “don’t pay taxes” recommendation at the end [it’s not worth it unless done legally]; though, I transcribed the good part.

I’ve heard from good sources that it is true that Kadafi is not responsible for PanAm 103. That was a false flag op designed to demonize Kadafi.

In saying that posting this video that shows the other side of the story, I’m not saying Kadafi hasn’t been bad in some ways. But even if he was mostly bad, even if most of what is said in this video is not true, what right do we have to take out leaders who oppose the one-world government?

We can’t say we have the right because Illuminati controlled Britain says it’s a-okay.

We’re digging our own grave by supporting our reverse-Christian foreign policy, which I believe is far worse than abortion. Aborted babies go to heaven. Where do you think we’re sending most of these human beings to — and the millions of others throughout the years, overtly and covertly? …especially because our BIG, power-over, REVERSE-GOSPEL message must be the biggest God turn-off imaginable — God repellent Made in the USA!

We have blood on our hands, big-time!

Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate that would stop these abominations around the globe.

“It’s time to repent NOW!” We’re all going to see our Maker and we MUST be clean!

Power OVER or power under?:

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…


– –

“I cannot just sit by any longer & watch how individuals, groups, and countries are demonised & destroyed by our criminal governments — & then watch the media protect those responsible for crimes against humanity.”

“If we sit by & watch these crimes against humanity & do nothing, then we are complicit, & one day it will be our turn.”

* * *

[youtube=]This video MUST go viral NOW.flv

Uploaded by on Aug 28, 2011

I believe LIBYA has given us an opportunity to see what our leaders are doing.

Help Lybia and in doing so help yourselves. green book

[fascinating audio] Jim Marrs on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/30/11: Media Control & Mega Spin! — “The so-called ‘Axis of Evil’ was just about a laundry list of the countries who were balking at the plans of the globalists. And now, they’re one by one being taken over.” — “There’s no journalism anymore … Quit letting the television do your thinking for you.”

“The so-called ‘Axis of Evil’
was just about a laundry list of the countries
who were balking at the plans of the globalists.
And now, they’re one by one being taken over.”

“They won’t allow anybody into national office
if they aren’t guaranteed that they’re going to go along with the program.”

“There’s no journalism anymore.”

“Quit letting the television do your thinking for you.”

– Jim Marrs

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 30.8.2011 – 1/4 – Media Control/ Predictions

Uploaded by on Aug 31, 2011

Media Control & Conspiracies:

In the first half of Tuesday’s show, author Jim Marrs shared his concerns over corporate media control, and the decrease in journalistic standards. He cited how US News & World Report recently ran a straw poll for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination, and though they listed 10 candidates, they didn’t include Ron Paul. This is not journalism, it’s propaganda, he suggested. “We’re now under total corporate domination,” he continued, naming Time Warner, Universal, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. “Those five corporations control everything you see and hear,” and this goes beyond the news department to include films, television, cable, books, music, and magazines, he said.

Marrs touched on speculations and conspiracies regarding Comet Elenin, the East Coast earthquake, and 9-11. Regarding the quake, there was no seismic activity leading up to it, which was highly unusual and didn’t fit the pattern of a normal earthquake, he said, adding that a Russian intelligence agency claimed that the quake was caused by an underground nuclear blast. Addressing what he calls the “trillion dollar conspiracy,” he noted that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Fed, admitted that some $14 trillion of US tax money was sent overseas to prop up foreign banks and corporations. …

White Gold: Heroin & the Destabilization of Afghanistan — Chart shows Taliban almost completely eliminated opium production during the year prior to US invasion. Thanks to US, Heroin back to record highs now that we ADMITTEDLY guard the opium fields.

From: The Corbett Report

Numerous reasons have been suggested as to why the occupation of Afghanistan is important to the west, from its geostrategic importance to its mineral wealth, but one of the most compelling is the fact that the country now produces as much as 92% of the world supply of opium.

The Afghan poppy crop brings in about $1 billion for the opium farmers themselves, or about $5000 per family annually. $3 billion go to Afghan government officials, insurgents, warlords and traffickers. The street value of the drugs produced from the opium, however, is estimated to be as much as $200 billion a year, with the vast majority of that being laundered through the U.S. banking system.

The idea that the drug trade in Afghanistan is enabled and protected by western interests for their own benefit is by no means a new or controversial idea. Charts showing opium production in Afghanistan reveal that the opium crop was almost entirely eliminated by the Taliban during the year that they banned opium cultivation, with the chart spiking to record highs during the years of NATO occupation.

Late last month, I had the chance to talk to Professor Peter Dale Scott, the author of such works as Drugs, Oil & War: The United States in Afghanistan, Columbia, and Indochina, and American War Machine; Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection and the Road to Afghanistan.

I asked him about who is behind the refinement of Afghan opium into heroin and how they profit from the international drug trade.

Adding to the conclusion that the protection of the global drug trade is in fact a key aim of the NATO occupiers, this week it was announced that US Training Center Inc, a subsidiary of Blackwater International, has just been awarded a contract by the Pentagon for “counter-narcoterrorism activities in Afghanistan.”

How exactly a firm that is notorious for claims of its involvement in murder, weapons smuggling, money laundering, child prostitution, and schemes to deliberately overcharge the Pentagon for its services could possibly be of use in counter-narcoterrorism activities is not clear.

However, the fact that the U.S. Military’s officially acknowledged policy is now to help the Afghan farmers grow and cultivate their poppy crop makes the involvement of an arm’s-length military contractor of dubious integrity all the more understandable..

What these reports expose is that exactly contrary to government talking points about the poppy trade helping the Taliban, who in fact almost succeeded in eradicating opium production in the country during their rule, the crop is in fact being grown, cultivated and sold under the watchful eye of NATO troops.

This is not an incidental role for coalition troops in the region, but in fact a vital one, helping to prop up what has been estimated to be the third most lucrative commodity in the world behind oil and the arms trade. The total value of the global drug trade has been estimated at between 0.5 and 1.5 trillion dollars annually, with Professor Scott noting in his book American War Machine that about half of that total is funnelled through U.S. banks each year.

In 2001, a U.S. Senate investigation found that 10s of billions of dollars of drug money were being laundered through U.S. banks each year via a dimly-policed shadow financial system known as correspondent banking.

In 2006, a DC-9 carrying 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100 million, crashed near the Gulf of Mexico. An investigation found that the money had been purchased with funds laundered through Wachovia, and the US DEA, IRS and others unwound billions of dollars in drug money that had been laundered through the bank. Charges were brought against Wachovia, now a part of Wells Fargo, but the case was settled before coming to court. In the end, the bank was shown to have laundered over $378 billion in illicit funds, and ended up paying $160 million in fines and forfeitures.

In 2008, the Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crimes noted that US banks under pressure from the liquidity crisis of that year in fact used laundered drug money in order to stay solvent.

Given the central importance of the drug trade to the world economy, it should come as little surprise that US forces in Afghanistan are being ordered to guard the poppy fields, not eradicate them. And given that private contractors like Blackwater are now being hired to participate in Pentagon-funded counter-narcoterrorism activities, look for Afghan opium exports to hit record highs once again this year.

Entire Article Here

[In HD – Alex steps it up about 5 notches!] Infowars Special Report: Al Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar — We’re giving Libya to al Qaeda | Building 7 an Inside Job — Silverstein grilled but ducks ‘Pull it’ questions; Presstitutes stand down

Interview starts at 6 minutes, following the news[youtube=]Infowars Special Report 1/3: Al Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar

Uploaded by on Aug 30, 2011
In an Infowars Special Report, Alex Jones speaks with Asia Times reporter Pepe Escobar on the rule of al Qaeda in Tripoli and the emerging civil war in Libya. Later, We Are founder Luke Rudkowski discusses his most recent confrontation with World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein as the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 approaches. Alex Jones also covers the latest statements from Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz on the raid of his company by green police and more.

IN JUST TWO DAYS, the entire platform expands with the launch of the all-new Infowars Nightly News five times per week, plus special reports several times per week, exclusive interviews and news packages and much more. From Alex Jones’ LIVE 3 hour daily radio broadcast to countless films, video & audio reports, there has never been a better time to join– all for only $5.95/month. To all our activist supporters: thank you for your continued efforts; our success in the Infowar is fueled by your memberships, purchases and your spreading the word! Together, we can fight back, and with tireless persistence, win.

Escobar interview continues | WTC owner, Silverstein grilled at 11 minute mark[youtube=]

[youtube=]Infowars Special Report 3/3: Building 7 an Inside Job

[Real Reason for US Wars is Not Oil or Freedom] Kadafi’s Arab nationalism opposed the One World Government. And the success of Libya’s “rebels” – comprised largely of the CIA’s al-Qaeda – will now translate into misery for the Libya people.

We’re hanging the noose around our own necks!

_ _

From: infowars

Libya Destined to Become Failed State in Wake of Globalist Success

Kurt Nimmo
August 28, 2011

Now that NATO has bunker busted the Gaddafi regime into submission, it is time for Libya to enter the next phase – order out of chaos. Like Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya will be fashioned into a failed state […]

It is not “Islamofascism” – engineered and fostered by British intelligence, the CIA, and their junior partners – that threatens the financial elite. It is religious societies that swear allegiance to Allah and reject the bankster ethic of globalism and world government.

The “Arab Spring” has nothing to do with human rights or the will of the people as hypocritically proclaimed by the likes of Hillary Clinton at the State Department. It’s about establishing a new authoritarian order in the Middle East. The bloody opposition to Mubarak in Egypt led to a dictatorship ruled by an entrenched military.

Libya will soon have its own dictatorship – with the active involvement of al-Qaeda – and the status quo of want and misery will return to the north African country.

The overthrow of the regime in Syria will not result in democracy. It will produce the sort of chaos previously witnessed in Iraq and now unfolding in Libya.

Capturing Libya’s marginal oil reservoir takes a backseat to smashing Gaddafi’s version of pan-Arabism. Gaddafi’s Federation of Arab Republics and the Arab Islamic Republic failed, but he kept alive the ideal of Arab nationalism formulated by Gamal Abdel Nasser. Syria’s Ba’ath Party also espouses Arab nationalism and is therefore a threat to the globalists.

While Gaddafi’s socialism was authoritarian, it did provide health care and a modern civilian infrastructure. Prior to Gaddafi, Libya was a typical African basket case where typhoid and paratyphoid, infectious hepatitis, leishmaniasis, rabies, meningitis, schistosomiasis, venereal diseases, and the principal childhood ailments were epidemic. Like Iraq, it will now experience a return to its previous third world status where malnutrition and starvation are the norm.

Before Bush Senior tricked Saddam Hussein into invading his country’s former southern province, Iraq had 92-per-cent access to clean water, 93-per-cent access to high quality health care and with high educational and nutritional standards. After two invasions and more than a decade of sanctions, Iraq experienced an unprecedented rise in the mortality rate among young children comparable with those of sub-Saharan Africa.

Libya and Syria will also be reduced to failed states unable to meet the basic needs of their people and will thus become candidates for IMF and World Banksterism loan sharking.

Globalism cannot succeed when people are united and struggle for sovereignty and dignity. The success of Libya’s “rebels” – comprised largely of the CIA’s al-Qaeda – will now translate into misery for the Libya people.

In the months ahead, they will wish for the rule of the flamboyant and eccentric Gaddafi the same way many Iraqis wish for a return of Saddam Hussein.

Entire Article with Videos Here

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