Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Reverse-Logos Facilitators Page 13 of 22

Wayne Madsen: Israeli Mossad ran 9/11 Arab "hijacker" terrorist operation

(vid) 💲 Follow the Money / Chertoff & Adelson – Las Vegas Shooting

(vid) David Icke w/ Jeff Rense: The Talmudic Takeover of Western Civilization

(vid) 💲 Follow the Money / George Soros – Las Vegas Shooting

(vid) Ex Intel Agent Hollywood Insider Proclaims Hollywood Is Infested With Israeli Spies


(vid) Jake: The Saudi Purge and the Rothschild New World Order – Part 3/Part 4

The Israeli connection discussed, starting at 8-minutes into part 4.
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(vid) Kevin MacDonald: Weinstein's Hollywood – Talmudic debasing & degrading the shiksas |Clinton's Russia Scandal & Hypocritical Liberal Elites

The Talmudic, Synagogue of Satan that Jesus warned about:

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2:9

(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography
(video) Sick Evil Jewish Talmud — Source of sexual deviance, vile blasphemy of Christ, hatred of Christianity & Christians • “Only Jews are men” (human) • “Christians, as followers of the ‘false prophet’ Jesus, deserve death” • Through the Talmud, the Pharisees rejected God’s new covenant agenda and gave Jews an ethic that encouraged bigotry and isolation — and invited persecution
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(vid) The Harvey Weinstein Scandal Is Why We Need to End the Talmudic Patriarchy

Patriarchy: the Talmudic, Synagogue of Satan that Jesus warned about:

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2:9

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2% of the American population are Jews, but they're almost 100% of the STUDIO HEADS WHO DECIDE what's in our movies!

Talmudism destroying America!

(vid) IS ISIS REALLY OUR BIGGEST THREAT? — If the FBI could not bring those dancing Israeli Mossad agents to justice, even though they were caught in New York City on 9/11 and later admitted that they were "there to document the event", one wonders if the FBI is now covering up for other "events" which upon closer inspection might also reveal an Israeli finger print

(vid) Binsack: THE VEGAS MASSACRE MOTIVE EXPOSED – FOLLOW THE MONEY — PEOPLE & COMPANIES INVOLVED | Naked Body Scanners – 'When the American people are afraid they will accept anything'

(vid) Mark Dice: Hollywood is a Satanic Cesspool

(vid) The Horrifying Truth You're Not Being Told About The Vegas Event — WHO is behind almost all of these types of events?

Late Night Hosts So Disgusted By Harvey Weinstein Scandal They Refuse To Even Mention His Name — “Even though they lampooned people like Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly after similar allegations, what Weinstein has done is so grotesque and at odds with their values that they won’t so much as utter his name on their shows,” a source revealed

From: The Babylon Bee (satire)

Late Night Hosts So Disgusted By Harvey Weinstein Scandal They Refuse To Even Mention His Name

(vid) James Perloff on Hagmann & Hagmann: Israelis & 9/11 – New Ideas

2:29:22 Real-historian James Perloff’s outstanding attitude and dedication to being as careful as possible, by being open to being wrong — and in listening to others’ points of view!
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James Perloff starts at 1:03:30

Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death? — Under Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays’ PR spell, the popular image of fluoride (which at the time was being sold as bug and rat poison) became that of a beneficial provider of 'gleaming smiles,' 'absolutely safe,' and 'good for children' • Fluoride was given the “green light” by a scientist who was working for the largest producer of fluoride in the entire country • 500 peer-reviewed studies document the adverse effects of sodium fluoride ranging from cancer to brain damage

Fluoride—Drinking Ourselves to Death?

Talmud Pedophilia: The Jewish Religion Allows Sex with 3-Year-Old Baby Girls and Little Boys Under Nine — It was in BABYLON after the exile under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC that Judaism’s leading sages probably began to indulge in pedophilia • No synod of Judaism has repudiated their vile practice • The Talmud is that code of PHARISAIC UNBELIEF CHRIST DESCRIBED as “full of all uncleanness”


(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Sick Evil Jewish Talmud — Source of sexual deviance, vile blasphemy of Christ, hatred of Christianity & Christians • “Only Jews are men” (human) • “Christians, as followers of the ‘false prophet’ Jesus, deserve death” • Through the Talmud, the Pharisees rejected God’s new covenant agenda and gave Jews an ethic that encouraged bigotry and isolation — and invited persecution
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Talmud Pedophilia: The Jewish Religion Allows Sex with 3-Year-Old Baby Girls and Little Boys Under Nine

Rev. Ted Pike
March 2, 2014

For nearly a century, the Jewish-dominated Hollywood film industry and big media have conspicuously influenced Christian America away from Biblical morals and values. (See, “Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish“)

Yet, with the hippie rebellion of the early sixties, the Jewish media found exponential opportunities to hasten America’s moral decline. Encouraging drugs and pornography it persuaded America that “free love” and living together outside of marriage were socially acceptable. With astonishing rapidity the movie, TV, and print media helped produce a generation of sexual libertines. By the end of the sixties, it hastened the sexual revolution to its next stage, homosexuality.
Now, more than 40 years later, even homosexuality has lost its attraction to many children and grandchildren of the hippie generation. Pedophilia (sex with little boys and girls along with child pornography) is the latest underground obsession sweeping America and the world.
Last fall, I alerted the nation to the power of the pedophile lobby in Congress; Sen. Edward Kennedy, long backed by homosexuals in support of the federal anti-hate bill, betrayed them to favor the evidently more powerful and rewarding pedophiles. (See “How Kennedy and His Pedophiles Weakened the Child Safety Bill“)

Rotten Roots

What kind of moral foundations do Jews of the media rest upon, that they could consciously ignite and fan the flames of a sexual inferno that continues to ravage our once Christian society?
Virtually all the media moguls who founded Hollywood and the big three TV networks were immigrants, or their children, from predominantly orthodox Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.
In the late 19th century, most European Jews were a people of the book. But their book wasn’t the Bible. It was the Babylonian Talmud. To this day, the Talmud remains Judaism’s highest moral, ethical and legal authority.
Does the Talmud share Christianity’s foundation of wholesome moral values? Hardly. Instead, the Talmud is the sleazy substrata of a religious system gone terribly astray; it is that code of Pharisaic unbelief Christ described as “full of all uncleanness” (Matt. 23:27). Shockingly, Judaism’s most revered authority actually endorses such sins as lying, oath-breaking, and indirect murder. And it even sanctions one of the greatest sins of all: child molestation.

Three Year Old Brides

When Christ accused the Pharisees of His day of being Satan’s spiritual children, He fully realized what they were capable of. Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism’s very greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned pedophilia—permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than three! He proclaimed, “A proselyte who is under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.” 1 Subsequent rabbis refer to ben Yohai’s endorsement of pedophilia as “halakah,” or binding Jewish law. 2 Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been disowned by modern Jews? Hardly. Today, in ben Yohai’s hometown of Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in his memory.
References to pedophilia abound in the Talmud. They occupy considerable sections of Treatises Kethuboth and Yebamoth and are enthusiastically endorsed by the Talmud’s definitive legal work, Treatise Sanhedrin.

(video) The Real Deal: Ole Dammegard predicts the next "false flag" attack – w/ Jim Fetzer

“The Talmud designates that you must anticipate or signal where you’re going to attack next.”

– Jim Fetzer asks Ole

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The Real Deal: Ole Dammegard predicts the next “false flag” attack

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East – The Yinon Plan — The USA has been conned into fighting reverse-Christian wars (covert and overt) to regime-change and destabilize countries near Talmudic, anti-Christ, unrepentant, hostile and deceptive Israel • The anti-Christ Talmud gives the Judaics the marching orders to bring about the NWO, where they will bring their racial supremacy to fruition • The "Christian" Zionists are helping them carry out Satan's plan

The USA has been conned into fighting reverse-Christian wars (covert and overt) to regime-change and destabilize countries near Talmudic, anti-Christ, unrepentant, hostile and deceptive Israel.
Furthermore, the anti-Christ Talmud gives the Judaics the marching orders to bring about the NWO, where they will bring their racial supremacy to fruition.
The “Christian” Zionists are helping them carry out Satan’s plan, and need to repent now!
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Christopher Bollyn posted on Facebook:

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East – The Yinon Plan

“This document is the most explicit, detailed and unambiguous statement to date of the Zionist strategy in the Middle East. Furthermore, it stands as an accurate representation of the “vision” for the entire Middle East of the presently ruling Zionist regime of Begin, Sharon and Eitan. Its importance, hence, lies not in its historical value but in the nightmare which it presents.”
– Khalil Nakhleh, July 1982

The “nightmare which is presents” is our reality today. To understand the Zionist Master Plan for the Middle East one simply must read the Yinon Plan. Thankfully, it is neither long nor complicated, but it is essential reading for those who want to make sense of the on-going War on Terror.

See the Yinon Plan:…/The%20Zionist%20…

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” • God’s words to ABRAHAM, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

Talmudic Gatekeeper Noam Chomsky: Trump May Stage False-Flag Terrorist Attack To 'Rally Support'


Christopher Bollyn: Why are we bombing Mosul? — THE YINON PLAN: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East


Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg favors decriminalizing pedophilia and child sex trafficking


(video) Despicable Noam Chomsky Says Trump might Stage False Flag Staged Attacks!

Despicable Noam Chomsky Says Trump might Stage False Flag Staged Attacks!

Texe Marrs: 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' — This Cunning Blueprint Lays Out a Secret Plan that Resulted in Over 300,000,000 Deaths and Unspeakable Horror Over the Past Century!

From: Texe Marrs

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Texe Marrs

This Cunning Blueprint Lays Out a Secret Plan that Resulted in Over 300,000,000 Deaths and Unspeakable Horror Over the Past Century. And now, Satan’s Chosen People Intend to Use it to Once again Set the World on Fire

Communist butcher Vladimir Lenin had them memorized by heart. A copy of them lay on his bedstand, and he read them with ferocious and apt attention. “What brilliance!,” Lenin must have thought. “What fierce intelligence…what bold audacity the devil inspires in my dark heart through his Protocols of Zion!”

Hitler, too, is said to have been aware of the Protocols. History shows, in fact, that he sought to warn the world of the satanic evil the Protocols of Zion presented to humanity. Germany at the time had one of the world’s most effective intelligence services. Thus, the Nazi leader well knew of these manifestly black magical Protocols and how masterfully Lenin, Stalin and others had used them.

By the time Hitler rose to become Chancellor of Germany, the Jewish Communists—Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, Yagoda and others—had already carried out the most diabolical and gruesome holocaust and series of death purges ever perpetrated on a suffering humanity.

Thousands of Gulag prison camps, mobile gas chambers, and blood-spattered police interrogation centers were in full operation throughout the Soviet Union. According to noted Russian researcher Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (author of The Gulag Archipelago), some sixty-six million men, women, and children were arrested, imprisoned, bludgeoned, tortured, and executed. Still, Lenin kept howling at associates: More…More blood…More terror. Do it! Now!

For over fifty years I have made it my life’s occupation to study the abomination that took place in Soviet Russia, followed by the lethal chaos and pain in Eastern Europe and Red China. The immensity of these brutal crimes cannot be overestimated. Any offenses committed by Hitler—and I do not paint over such offenses—were puny and minor compared to what took place in the Soviet Empire from 1917 to 1984.

How did these Communist spiritual predators and ancestors of Barack Obama, Lord Rothschild, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Ben Bernanke and today’s Wall Street bankers do it? How were they able to grip scores of nations by the throat and yank out the jugular vein of tens of millions of innocent people? I am convinced it was because Lenin, Stalin and the others were well-grounded in the Protocols of Zion.

The Protocols Were Their “Bible”—Pure Babylon

This was their “Bible,” their operating manual. Its prescriptions had emerged from centuries of meticulous research and experimentation. Its conclusions had been tested by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, by Marx and Hegel. Never had a manual of discourse so perfectly meshed with the labyrinth rules and laws set forth in the rabbis’ Talmud. The Protocols were Pure Babylon, authored by human devils inspired by Beelzebub, Azazel, and all the other demons from the bottomless pit of the Jews abyss of Abaddon.

The Protocols have been outlawed in nation after nation so that today, it is extremely difficult to obtain a copy. But necessity of survival and freedom of speech dictate that this book be made available to all who seek truth. That is why I have chosen to publish this latest edition, complete with my new Foreword.

Is This Not the Devil’s Doing?

Please, read the Protocols and decide for yourself. Is this not the Devil’s doing? More than that, ask yourself these momentous questions:

▲  Will the global conspirators use these same repugnantly wicked Protocols of Zion that so viciously devastated human hopes and brought such horrific tragedy in past decades to unleash the fury of an entirely new and even more bloody assault on human beings in this, our present-day era?

▲  Is America, in this year, 2011, destined to replay and repeat this sad, torturous history as Satan’s Zionist, Communist agents once again crank up their funeral engines of death and ignite with demonic passions their long pent-up, jack-booted Red Terror?

It is, indeed, wisely said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And so it is that the hoofbeats of the horsemen of the Apocalypse can already be heard not too far off in the distance. Prepare for their coming. Get ready. Study the profoundly revealing Holy Bible’s book of Revelation; then carefully, very carefully, read and become forewarned of the Devil’s stratagems and plan as revealed in the Protocols of Zion.

Entire Article

(audio) Texe Marrs: 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' — Blueprint for Global Occupation

Buy The Protocols from Texe Marrs
Still at Amazon
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Texe Marrs – Protocols Of Zion: Genuine, Authentic, & Important Today!

(video) Amazon Book Ban: Media Blackout Exposed – Author Nick Kollerstrom

Amazon have banned hundreds of revisionist history books in an act of censorship which has been ignored by all mainstream media.
Related: (video) Breaking The Spell (of the ‘Holocaust’) with Dr Nick Kollerstrom — “The greatest lie ever told is disintegrating in our time”
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Amazon Book Ban: Media Blackout Exposed

Second Israeli Arrested for JCC Threats — Arrest of a second Jew for the wave of “anti-Jewish hate crimes” against Jewish Community Centers (JCC) in the U.S. has left Jewish supremacist organizations and individuals scrambling to explain why the single greatest spree of “anti-Semitic” incidents in recent history originated in Israel. — There is a long record of fake hate crimes being perpetrated by Jews


Second Israeli Arrested for JCC Threats

MARCH 24, 2017

The arrest of a second Jew for the wave of “anti-Jewish hate crimes” against Jewish Community Centers (JCC) in the U.S. has left Jewish supremacist organizations and individuals scrambling to explain why the single greatest spree of “anti-Semitic” incidents in recent history originated in Israel.

According to a report in the Jerusalem Post, the second arrest is that of the father of the 18-year-old Jew arrested earlier for over 100 bomb threats to JCCs in the U.S. and elsewhere.

The father’s detention was extended until March 30, on charges that he was “involved in most of the same crimes and many of the threatening telephone calls.”

The suspect’s mother was also questioned, as the unusually large antenna and other extraordinary hardware used by her husband and son in the conspiracy were so unusual that it is extremely unlikely that she would not have been aware of what was going on.

According to a report by the Religion News Service’s Lauren Markoe, as published in the Colorado Gazette, “Jews worldwide uttered a collective gasp” when they found out that the threats to “more than 135 Jewish institutions across North America is Jewish himself.”

The “collective gasp” turned out, however, to be just another outburst of anti-Gentile hatred, as summed up by the article’s quote from Deborah Lipstadt, “who studies anti-Semitism at Emory University,” who said that she didn’t “know if it would be better if we found out if it was a right-wing white Supremacist, Neo Nazi, or follower of ISIS.”

The Gazette report went on to say that “now many worry that the suspect’s identity will lend credence to anti-Semites’ common claim that Jews exaggerate threats and crimes against them.”

This is of course a very valid “worry”—especially because there is a long record of fake hate crimes being perpetrated by Jews.

Fake Jewish hate crimes go back decades: For example, as early as 1963, five Jews were arrested in New York City while painting swastikas on the front of the Israeli Consulate-General building, a building which also housed the Israeli mission to the United Nations.

U.S. President Donald Trump, perhaps having some insight into the nature of the latest investigation, drew fire from the media when he was quoted as saying that the new wave of “anti-Semitic threats” were faked and intended to besmirch him and his movement.

At the time, the Jewish Supremacists and the media went into overdrive in their hatred for Trump over these comments, with the Jewish Forward newspaper saying on March 6, 2017 that “Trump’s ‘false flag’ comment about Jews and anti-Semitism is dangerous.”

That newspaper—which summed up Jewish and controlled media reaction across the board—said that Trump’s suggestion was allowing “many [to] believe these anti-Semitic threats are in fact ‘false flags’ nefariously carried out by Jews in order to tear down Trump.

“Analysts call this Jewish ‘false flag’ allegation one of the oldest—and most effective—anti-Semitic ‘dog whistles’ out there: silent to most, but loud and clear to others,” the Forward continued.

Jewish organizations will doubtless attempt to explain the exposure of yet another fake hate crime by their co-religionists by claiming that the two arrested Jews have “mental health issues”—anything except admit the truth.


(video) Ahmed Huber : What did the Jews do to Germany in 1930? | David Icke: Today?

Ahmed Huber : What did the Jews do to Germany in 1930?


This video is by Ted Pike. I’ve posted many of his excellent videos and writings here and at ONEcanhappen.
Ted’s website:
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(video) AIPAC Announces It Will Take Over Student Government — "We’re going to make certain that pro-Israel students take over the student government and reverse the vote. THIS IS HOW AIPAC OPERATES IN OUR NATIONS CAPITOL. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses"

AIPAC announces it will take over student government

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