Freedom from Alaska!

Category: The Soul of America Page 8 of 34

(vid) “Forest Gump” (1994) Blackpilled — “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know…” Nothing matters; life is meaningless; not responsible — feathers floating in the wind

INCREDIBLY INSIGHTFUL analysis of TalmudVision’s “Forest Gump.” I didn’t like the movie then, but didn’t know exactly why.

5:05 “This film… actively sought to promote this idea that we have no free will, and takes away any sense of responsibility people might have for how their lives or how the world has turned out. They didn’t have any control over any of it. They were simply like feathers that were floating around in the wind while the world just happened to them. ‘Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.'”

Life is meaningless.

14:05 “By listening to the female force in his life he has broken free from the chains literally placed on him by the patriarchs.”

20:05 “They’re accessing the trauma, and then patting it on the head, and saying ‘don’t worry, we’re all just feathers in the wind. We have no free will. Nothing matters….”

27:30 Lieut. Dan defies and defeats God! Horrible scene!

34:55 “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you expertly undermine a society.”

A friend, Andrew Kelley commented on Facebook:

Finally got his women after he was a millionaire. She a single mother with a sexual decadence consequence disease. She slept with him one time and yes it was his child. Whatever. He then raised the child without a mother as she gave herself to everyone else. Yes, she was abused by her father, and addicted to soul numbing drugs but the child was conceived out of a sense of obligation. The movie did depict the order out of chaos theme and Forrest being blessed for being obedient to his government. It was awkward.

10 Reasons Why Watching Pro Football is For Losers

10 Reasons Why Watching Pro Football is for Losers!
Paying to watch it or betting on it is even more [ridiculous]!

  1. Whether or not your team wins is of no importance. It has no impact on your life, your people, your society, your government, your freedom, your education, your career, your family, your health your present and future, all of which are of overwhelming importance.
  2. In fact, chronically watching sports has a negative impact on all healthy things in a variety of ways.
  3. It’s a media and commercially promoted addiction that steals your precious time and attention away from things vitally more important to both your personal life and in society at large.
  4. It promotes sedentary slothfulness that leads to laziness, obesity and consumption of unhealthy junk food and drinks while watching other people engage in physical activity. Chronically watching sports promotes the opposite of healthy behavior in addicted TV spectators.
  5. It promotes massive consumption of alcoholic beverages leading to behavioral and physical issues that last far longer than the games watched. Over time, it can lead to a lifetime of negative consequences, not least of contributing to destructive sickness of alcoholism and all the attendant damage associated with it.
  6. Chronically watching your team is a sum losing game for you. There are 32 pro football teams and only one can be the champion, the other 31 teams and spectators are destined to lose every year. It has a psychologically damaging and depressing impact on millions of people by engaging them in an emotional process that often leads them to depression and negativity that in turn results in destructive self behaviors.
  7. It makes the billionaire owners and the mass media, and junk food and drink companies richer and you poorer. If you spend thousands on season tickets its even worse for you. It’s big money you can much better spend on the fundamental well-being of yourself and your family. If you gamble on games, you are even dumber. It is the worst bet possible, with a 10 percent house take on every single game.
  8. It is presented as a way to bring the family together, but in reality, it is far better to spend time with your family actually doing something together and truly communicating with each other than watching other people do things. Take walk with your family in the forest or the desert or the mountains or the parks or the beach, go to a museum, or any of thousands of positive activities!
  9. Spending time and money on pro football is nothing more than supporting the very establishment and values that are destroying our nation. The kneeling disrespect to our flag, destruction of our 2nd amendment rights and our values is like supporting a foreign invader taking over your country.

I grew up in New Orleans as a Saints fan, the clearest breaking point was when the multimillion dollar paid (with fans money) coach, Sean Peyton, used his money and fame to become a spokesman for saying we had no right to have guns.  It is crazy to think that 85 percent of the fans in the Superdome want to keep their gun rights, but are patronizing those who want to take them away.

  1. It is the biggest promoter of gambling in the United States and around the world. Gambling addiction has destroyed millions of lives and families!

(vid) Liz Wheeler: Super Bowl Halftime Show: Cultural Decay, Not “Women’s Empowerment”

Liz Wheeler on “applause for literal pole dancing during the Super Bowl halftime show” — 3 minute video and my transcription:

“Degrading women has tragic cultural consequences. … What message is that supposed to send to little girls? … ‘Hey, little ladies, if you exploit your sexuality you’ll be successful.’

That is not ‘women’s empowerment.'” That is exploitation of women, demeaning women to mere objects, degrading the beauty of female sexuality.

And what message was this performance supposed to send to young men? How are we supposed to expect men to respect women when we teach them to applaud for women portrayed as sex objects. Might as well take the kids and all the young preteen boys who watch the Super Bowl to the strip club at halftime. ‘Female empowerment!’

Her lack of respect for her own body doesn’t justify your lack of respect for her. …

This is…a cultural crisis when even 70% of ‘Christian’ men watch pornography. …

If you are so desensitized to what’s degrading to women that you’re defending this halftime show as being totally fine and appropriate, then maybe it’s time for a heart check, because you might be part of the cultural problem.

By the way, where is the outcry from feminists who claim they fight against the sexual exploitation of women?”

Previous not-family-friendly halftime shows that Liz mentions: Beyonce, Madonna, Janet Jackson, and Adam Levine.

31% of Adults Ages 25-64 Take Psych Drugs – 25% of All Ages Use! (2017 Stats – USA)

I finally found the percentages of Americans on psych drugs. This means there is almost a one-in-three chance that an adult age-25-64 is on psych drugs. So it’s not surprising that people often don’t emotionally act the way we would expect, given that many have what experts say is like a chemical lobotomy, which many of these drugs produce.

I did the math, using the grand total figure below for all ages and the 2017 population, and got 24.68% — one in four people!

Total number of people age 25-64 is 180,747,125. With 55,252,763 using comes to 30.57%, or 31% — one in three!

The percentage for the age group 45-65 is higher yet.

Ron Paul: “What would we call them if they did this to us?” – More Bombs Than Ever! Trump Escalates War In Afghanistan

5:05 “What would we call them if they did this to us? Of course, we would be outraged, and rightfully so.” – Ron Paul

When evangelicals booed Ron Paul:
(‘America is done’ video) Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate 2012

Ron Paul: “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9

John Piper: 6 Reasons to Skip Tattoos – Do not make you prettier or more handsome • You and culture will change • Focus on external adornment …

From a Christian perspective that bucks our currently self-centered, hedonistic culture:

“It’s sad that we are in a place where standing for peace requires courage” – Tulsi Gabbard

(vid) Chuck Baldwin: Trump assassinated Soleimani, the man most responsible for defeating ISIS (CIA/Mossad creation) — “Mr. Trump, you’ve given a new generation of Arabs a reason to hate the USA!”

Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Jan. 12, 2020

1:15:10 Trump abandoning the 2nd Amendment

Trump planned and assassinated the man most responsible for defeating ISIS, whom the CIA and Mossad created. ISIS has even thanked Trump. “And now,  Mr. Trump, you’ve given a new generation of Arabs a reason to hate the United States.”


[America’s Dark Soul] Trump’s Approval Rating Skyrockets After Soleimani Assassination

What does this say about the soul of America?

Douglas MacArthur warned:

“History fails to record a single precedent in which NATIONS SUBJECT TO MORAL DECAY have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION leading to ultimate national disaster.”


The Chains you Choose – E. Michael Jones on Porn, Addiction and Slavery

9:50 Interview begins — thus only 25 minutes long.

24:35 “Libido Dominandi” is Jones’ book: Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control, linked below.

26:30 “Pornography leads to isolation.”

30:30 “All of these forms of sexual liberation, they’re all forms of control.”

32:15 Solution is aligning with Logos.


Begins at 9:50

Coca-Cola popularized Santa Claus 1931-64 – After ‘Puck’ magazine used sex to push the jolly Jesus displacer

From 1931 to 1964, Coca-Cola ads had Santa delivering toys (and playing with them!), pausing to read a letter and enjoy a Coke, visiting the children who stayed up to greet him and raiding people’s refrigerators. …

Due to its enormous advertising budget and worldwide appearance, Coca-Cola placed Santa in every home; from America to Africa and Australia. …we are pretty confident that if it wasn’t for Coca-Cola, the look of Santa we all know and love wouldn’t be so popular….

25 Ways Santa Claus Counterfeits Jesus — Children being spiritually led astray

From: Cutting Edge

Jesus Christ vs Santa Claus: Santa truly has been created to be a counterfeit Jesus to the Secular World!

When we carefully compare the myth of Santa Claus versus the real Biblical story of Jesus Christ, we are presented with the shocking truth that Santa has been thoroughly created to replace Jesus Christ in too many people’s lives.

Santa equals Satan.

Who Invented Santa?

Who could possibly have arranged a celebration that encourages your kids to direct their petitions to Santa instead of to God? Call the Santa hotline, write Santa a letter? Put out food and drink offerings for him?

(vid) E. Michael Jones: ‘Holocaust Porn’ was used to break decency laws 3 times, 3 ways!

Holocaust porn films used to break decency laws to destroy Christian culture — anti-Logos:

‘The Pawnbroker’ (1964): sexual nudity — broke the decency production code that had stood for 30 years

‘Schindler’s List’ (1993): sexual nudity on network TV and in public schools

‘The Reader’ (2008): Child porn — Kate Winslet naked romance with 15-year-old boy

Vince James: DOJ to CRACK DOWN on Pornography?

CNN is Upset that a Church Denied Communion to Sinful Judge

Great to see the Catholic church taking a stand!

Real Reasons Why The Camera Market Is Shrinking — Instead of photographing the world, it’s all about me, me, me…

Robin Wong at 10:35, transcribed by myself:

“The content of photography itself has changed. Instead of the photographer taking a photograph of something else, they direct attention back to themselves. … Look at what all your friends are posting. It’s photographs of themselves, selfies, the vacation that they are taking, the food that they are eating, their pet cat….

Everything is about me, me, me, me, me. Photography has become a selfish, self-centric adventure. Photography is no longer about documentation, story telling, or about creating art. It’s all about shooting yourself, shooting your daily life, and trying to show the world how amazing your life is.

The use of a camera has become irrelevant. All you need is your smartphone.”

Barry McGuire: ‘The Only Way’ – Stand-Up, 1975 — Why do people never curse Buddha or Krishna, but only…

TalmudVision especially loves to curse only Jesus Christ, while promoting everything anti-Christ. Barry called it in 1975!

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From the double, live album, “To the Bride” – Barry McGuire with the ‘2nd Chapter of Acts,’ 1975. Listen here.

Side 3, track 5:

(vid) California Has Gone Crazy!

California has gone crazy… video on Facebook has 3.3M views!

Chick Fil A Bends The Knee To The Leftist Outrage Mob, The Right Faces MASSIVE Cultural Disadvantage

“History fails to record a single precedent in which NATIONS SUBJECT TO MORAL DECAY have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION leading to ultimate national disaster.” – Douglas MacArthur

(vid) E. Michael Jones: Pornography is a weapon – Lust darkens the mind, keeps you docile and isolated • Those who control the media want people addicted • Paganism is rebellion against Logos, an excuse to indulge in what you know is wrong

Key points by E. Michael Jones transcribed by me:

3:10 “The crucial thing you have to understand here is something that St. Augustine said at the time of the fall of the Roman empire. He said ‘a man has as many masters as he has vices.’ If you want to avoid masters, you have to avoid vices. At the time of the revolution, a man by the name of Marquis de Sade turned that upside down. What he saw was if you want to control people promote vice.

9:30 “The people who control the media don’t want you to move away from it [porn and masturbation].”

10:05 The Psychology Today article claiming porn is beneficial because it makes people more docile and accepting of homosexuality, etc. “I agree with what they said. That’s absolutely the point of pornography and masturbation. It makes you docile. It makes you isolated. And people who want to keep you docile and isolated promote it. … If you want to wreck people lives, this is one way to do it. It’s probably the simplest way, if you’re a male to wreck your life, to get you addicted to this. The simplest way for a female is to have an abortion. It turns out, hey, there’s one group promoting both of these things.”

14:19 “A figure like St. Thomas Aquinas would say ‘lust darkens the mind.’This is exactly why pornography is a weapon. I brought this out at the beginning of Libido Dominandi, describing the Israeli troupes coming into Ramallah. They come in, take over the TV station, and start broadcasting pornography. This is a conquering army taking over your culture, and they’re broadcasting pornography. Are they doing this because they want to liberate you? No, they’re doing it because it’s a weapon against the indigenous population to keep them docile, divided, preoccupied by their passions, isolated, and so on.”

35:45 “I think people are pagans now not because they believe that Thor actually exists. I don’t think that’s possible anymore. I think that the main problem is your behavior. You call yourself a pagan because you’re in rebellion against the Logos. And the Logos for 2,000 years has been identified with Jesus Christ. So you’ve decided you want to live a law according to principles that you cannot reconcile with moral behavior, and that’s why you’ve adopted this identity.

37:00 “Paganism is an excuse to indulge in these things that you know are wrong.”

David Anders: How people justify immoral behavior by finding those who support their feelings — “Pure subjectivity is not an adequate guide to moral life”

Transcribed by me from from: CALLED TO COMMUNION – Dr. David Anders – November 13 , 2019 [I attended evangelical seminary with Dave. I never finished. He did, and became a Catholic, and now has his own show on TV.]

Vincent James: “The left has replaced religion with diversity and climate change”

The religion of the left consists of Yoga, vegetarianism, extreme animal rights, socialism, open-door immigration, LGBT, climate change, and bashing Trump.

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“The left wing has replaced religiosity and religion with diversity and climate change.” – Vincent James @ 13:25

Skousen: “People don’t want to face the fact that we’re losing. All of Trump’s successes are just temporary. The deep state is so evil and powerful, a Satanic conspiracy…. You must prepare for the takedown.”

Pilger’s film, ‘The Coming War On China’ shows how American aggression is viewed in the Pacific

Americans should watch this film to understand why so many view Americans as non-Christlike aggressors who only care about Americans. This is part of the real history of what we’ve done to others.

The film’s goal is to help people see America’s aggressions, including having almost 1,000 military bases worldwide, which Ron Paul so often talked about. Many Okinawans are currently outraged by our base there, and are trying to get it removed. Many of their women have been raped by GIs, etc..

This film is definitely one-sided, whitewashing China, whom many believe does have a world domination plan, and are gearing up to EMP and nuke US. I pulled this quote, which is absolutely not true:

1:00:25 “China’s objectives are modest, compared with their weight. They’re not trying to run the world.”

The film spends a lot of time showing the devastating effects of our brazen nuclear testing on the people in the Marshall Islands, who we treated as Guinea Pigs. Many died from cancer.

The adulterous bikini that blew off modest restraints was named after US blowing up Bikini Island. John Pilger explains:

15:05 “In 1946, the bikini swimsuit was launched to celebrate the nuclear explosions that have destroyed life on Bikini Island. … The bodies of the people of Bikini and other islands are the most irradiated in the world. All these women [in the photo] have had thyroid cancer.

A Conversation with John Pilger: “The bikini swimsuit was actually named after the explosions that devastated that island of Bikini”

Pilger @ 3:30: “The bikini swimsuit was actually named after the explosions that devastated that island of Bikini in the Marshall Islands.”

Tulsi Gabbard RIPS Into CNN, NYT – Exposes Their Pure, Evil HATRED

Pew Survey: Christianity in steep decline – down 12% in 10 years. Young adults and Democrats least religious

Official Statement: Tulsi Gabbard on Regime-Change War — America’s interventionist wars of regime change have cost our nation trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, simultaneously creating more devastation, human suffering and refugees…

Tulsi is the only one saying that are post-9/11 wars are regime-change wars!


Sec. Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People — It is time for America to stop shooting first and asking questions later

We owe Syria a public apology for using false reports to demonize Assad and justify bombing Syria!

And I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again

– The Who

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Lost in the hyper-politicized hullabaloo surrounding the Nunes Memorandum and the Steele Dossier was the striking statement by Secretary of Defense James Mattis that the U.S. has “no evidence” that the Syrian government used the banned nerve agent Sarin against its own people.

This assertion flies in the face of the White House (NSC) Memorandum which was rapidly produced and declassified to justify an American Tomahawk missile strike against the Shayrat airbase in Syria.

Mattis offered no temporal qualifications, which means that both the 2017 event in Khan Sheikhoun and the 2013 tragedy in Ghouta are unsolved cases in the eyes of the Defense Department and Defense Intelligence Agency. …

Serious, experienced chemical weapons experts and investigators such as Hans Blix, Scott Ritter, Gareth Porter and Theodore Postol have all cast doubt on “official” American narratives regarding President Assad employing Sarin.

These analysts have all focused on the technical aspects of the two attacks and found them not to be consistent with the use of nation-state quality Sarin munitions.

The 2013 Ghouta event, for example, employed home-made rockets of the type favored by insurgents [rebels]. The White House Memorandum on Khan Sheikhoun seemed to rely heavily on testimony from the Syrian White Helmets who were filmed at the scene having contact with supposed Sarin-tainted casualties and not suffering any ill effects.

Likewise, these same actors were filmed wearing chemical weapons training suits around the supposed “point of impact” in Khan Sheikhoun, something which makes their testimony (and samples) highly suspect. A training suit offers no protection at all, and these people would all be dead if they had come into contact with real military-grade Sarin.

 …it is time for America to stop shooting first and asking questions later.

Entire Article

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