Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why they hate US Page 21 of 25

[real-history video] Alex breaks down the real reason the globalists are getting US to takeover Libya — We’re replacing independent governments that oppose one-world government with Muslim regimes where women will wear burkas – Iraq, Egypt, Libya…

Libya real-history overview starts at 2 minutes[youtube=] Preview of Today’s Alex Jones Show:
Webster Tarpley, Harley Schlanger & Qaddafi’s Last Stand

[youtube=]Western Run Al-Qaeda Groups Engaging in Mass Murder, Looting & Humanitarian Atrocities

Uploaded by on Aug 23, 2011

Alex covers the latest developments in Libya as Gaddafi forces attempt to counter-attack NATO’s Al-Qaeda-led rebel army in Tripoli. He also takes your calls and covers the rest of the breaking news.

Our Troops Over There are NOT Protecting Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So — There is no honor in volunteering to go anywhere in the world and kill anybody you are told to, without question, without historical background and without verifying the stated reasons for doing so.

From: Infowars

Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So

Jesse Richard
August 8, 2011

There is no honor in volunteering to go anywhere in the world and kill anybody you are told to, without question, without historical background and without verifying the stated reasons for doing so. In this modern age of information we now know that time and time again our military have been deployed into battle, to kill and be killed, for reasons that in no way shape or form resemble the reasons for which they, or we were told at the time. This is no secret, although many Americans refuse to take off the flag that is wrapped around their eyes and see American history as it really happened.  They blindly believe what was told to them by the people who have a vested interest in maintaining myths and misconceptions.

The US military, not once but twice, committed the single largest mass murders in history by dropping nuclear weapons on civilian populations, including of course, on women and children.  Say what you want about how it helped end the war….the bottom line is the US could have exploded these devices over uninhabited territory with the same effect of scaring the heck out of the Japanese. But they followed orders that were lies and murdered almost 300,000 people, without question. As a human being I find it hard to honor such “patriotism.”

From the Gulf of Tonkin to the first and second invasions of Iraq, history now teaches us that lies have led our troops to military intervention more often than not. As a matter of fact, it is hard to find an American military intervention in modern history in which the cover story ends up matching the actual events. A little research will show you this. It will also show you how the same people are usually behind funding both sides of military conflict and those doing the funding and instigating have almost always been, how should I say this, the ‘good guys.’ Yep, westerners on the popular side of conflict are the onese funding the ‘bad guys’ before they ever are labeled the bad guys.

Prescott Bush, the father and grandfather of George H.W. and George W. respectively, made his fortune by funding the Nazis and Hitler’s rise to power. This is the same clan who went after Saddam Hussein in Iraq after they put him in power and armed him in the first place. But why pay attention to details if it interferes with our troop worship and flag waving?

Time and time again we see that the people who make decisions to send troops to war are the very people who profit financially from such wars. Today’s troops can see this. It is part of the public record,  yet they still do not question their missions. They join the military with a promise never to question orders. Taking history into account, I see no pride in this kind of service.

Recent history provides a very clear lesson for our troops and those who cheer their missions. You have never seen a more clear and egregious example of questionable motivations for military intervention than during the Bush/Cheney administration. A virtual ‘who’s who’ of defense contractors comprised not only the Defense Policy Board, but the office of Vice President. Not to mention that a significant portion of these men signed a document noting that that a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ would be useful in getting public support for their agenda (to increase military spending and activity), and then – just such an attack –  the first Pearl Harbor in 60 years took place on 9/11…what a nice coincidence.

Gee, what are the odds of the only ‘Pearl Harbor’ in 60 years taking place while the men responsible for preventing one (and in positions to create/allow one) were the same men who wrote about benefiting from one. But according to most Americans, it is crazy to suspect them of anything…simply because they are Americans. If  Dick Cheney had been a Muslim he would have been hanged 9 years ago.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have neither the intellectual curiosity to actually learn about historical events nor the intelligence to actually think about claims made by their leaders or pop-journalism-gate keeping-icons.

For example: Americans have swallowed whole the concept of our troops “protecting our freedom” without ever once asking “how, how does killing foreigners in Iraq or Afghanistan protect our freedom?” Maybe if they asked that question just once and really waited for an answer, a real answer that actually really made sense to them, they would realize there is no answer  – because troops killing foreigners have no impact on the freedoms of the American people, and they never will.

Here is another question Americans have not asked, “How can an Iraqi, Pakistani, Afghan or Islamic fundamentalist in other nations take away our freedom?” The answer to this question is of course…by becoming a member of the US Congress.

It is sad that I will be lambasted for speaking the truth about this sensitive subject, but someone has to. The saddest truth however, is that the members of the US military serve today with no honor. They are dangerous and a threat to all free people, here and abroad. In plain terms –  they volunteer to kill at the behest of people who have lied to them for generations about why they are being sent to kill. Generations of lies be dammed, they still follow orders, and kill, without question. I repeat – as a human being I see no honor in this.

While it is true that the existence of our military acts to deter nations from invading our shores, credit really should go more to our nuclear arsenal and military technology than to National Guardsman who find themselves shooting at Iraqis in their own homeland. I don’t think that it is a deterrent to have private American “security firms” torture, for fun, the “enemies” who are in their own country, in their own neighborhoods, near their own families, and who dare to fight the American military personnel who obliterated their homes, killed their brothers, sisters, children, mothers and fathers, and occupy their soil. The nerve of them!

In the meantime, your freedoms and protections are being systematically eliminated while government protected rights for corporations are expanding beyond your wildest dreams. If this nation had a legitimate mainstream news media you would know this and you would probably take to the streets and revolt because you would realize what some of us already know, your rights, health and wealth have been under assault while you are distracted by bogey men in foreign nations who are supposedly going to take your freedom away!!!

Entire Article Here

[video] Howard Storm: The Future of the United States — It’s not God’s fault…

This is beautiful
from an atheist professor turned pastor
after a NDE.

We need to understand that God is for us.
He fully wanted us to overcome.

It’s not His fault….
His heart is grieved.

He has tried to get through to us,
and we have disappointed Him
because we have refused to listen.”

* * *

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske:

“God has tried to get through to us…. We have been a big disappointment to God because we have just consistently refused to listen to God.”

* * *

“As a pastor, people say ‘why does God allow this [evil]…. That question is predicated on a false assumption. God doesn’t want any of these things to happen. It’s all against God’s will. It’s our perverse nature, our sinful nature that allows these things to happen, that causes these things to happen. If we were following God’s will they wouldn’t be happening.

So we tend to ascribe to God all of the bad things that happen, and take responsibility for the good things that happen, when in reality it’s just the opposite.

God wants us to live in harmony with one another and in harmony with the creation. And the conflict and suffering we are experiencing in this world is of a human origin, not originated by God.

When Jesus came into the world it was a great opportunity for the whole world to find a new way of living and interacting with one another. And we all have failed.

And I would lay the greatest responsibility upon Christianity itself…. They were the ones that were given the clear transmission of what God’s desire was.

God is unhappy with humankind, unhappy with the way the world is going, unhappy with the way God’s beautiful creation is being treated. And God is intervening in a very direct way in the world today. And God and the angels are about trying to promote a spiritual awakening.”

“It was made clear to me this is it: ‘Wake up or the slate will be wiped clean.’ Now I’m not talking about the annihalation of the Earth. I’m talking about from a population of about whatever 260 million people the United States could go down to a population of a few tens of thousands.

We, the United States, who have been given the great blessing more than any other nation….”

* * *

“They also told me that there is no sitting on the fence. You are either working for God’s good or you are opposed to God’s good.

To be indifferent to God’s good is to be opposed to it. There’s no middle ground in this, if you will, battle between good and evil. There’s nothing in between.

I would say that most people say ‘You know, I’m good; I’m not doing anybody harm.’ That’s not good. That’s evil. You have to be out there loving God, loving your neighbor, and living that if you’re really part of God’s plan for this world.”

* * *

[youtube=]The Future of the United States (Please watch, comment, rate!)

Uploaded by on Feb 1, 2009

In 1985, Howard Storm had a near-death experience. As an avowed atheist, he found himself bewildered by the fact that his physical body was laying on the hospital bed, and yet could move around outside of his own body. He was tortured and beaten up by beings before being saved by a huge ball of light, which he believed to be Jesus. Beings of light gave him a life review, and he learned the true path that is meant for humanity: love. These beings of light showed him many things including but not limited to: revelations about religion, the bible, extraterrestrial life, the future of the world, and the future of the U.S. This is an interview segment about the future of the United States.

The most radical change is that before his NDE he was a cold hearted atheist professor, and afterwards changed to a warm hearted Christian minister. Feel free to upload this video to your own accounts, as to get this guy’s incredible story out. More information about Howard Storm can be found on Wikipedia and a more vivid account of his story on


“Let Us Be ONE” (A Prophecy — 2001-02, 2008)

Part 1: A Kindness that I Want to Flow From My Body

Part 2: Jesus’ Heart-Cry: “Let Us Be ONE”

Part 34: ‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/08/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On THE BOAT With YOU”

[movie documentary] BEYOND TREASON (full length) — U.S. Government’s Long History of Experimenting on Military Troops and Their Own Documents That Prove It — Gulf War Illness, Atomic Veterans, Agent Orange, Depleted Uranium, Chemical Exposures, Biological Experiments, Experimental Vaccines, Investigational Drugs, Mind Control Projects…


[youtube=]Beyond Treason (Depleted Uranium US-WMD Iraq War Veterans Dying 2005).divx.avi

Green Iguana

* * *

Uploaded by on Dec 18, 2010

What you don’t know about your government could kill you…

Department of Defense documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose the horrific underworld of the disposable army mentality and the government funded experimentation upon US citizens conducted without their knowledge or consent.

Is the United States knowingly using a dangerous battlefield weapon banned by the United Nations because of its long-term effects on the local inhabitants and the environment? Explore the illegal worldwide sale and use of one of the deadliest weapons ever invented. Beyond the disclosure of black-ops projects spanning the past 6 decades, Beyond Treason also addresses the complex subject of Gulf War Illness. It includes interviews with experts, both civilian and military, who say that the government is hiding the truth from the public and they can prove it. UNMASKING SECRET MILITARY PROJECTS: Chemical & Biological Exposures, Radioactive Poisoning, Mind Control Projects, Experimental Vaccines, Gulf War Illness and Depleted Uranium (DU).

To Order your copy of the Beyond Treason DVD call toll free 1-877-817-9829 or online at The Power Mall


Videos II

TITLE: Beyond Treason
Produced & Written by: Joyce Riley
Directed by: William Lewis

Dr. Doug Rokke, Leuren Moret, Dennis Kyne, Joyce Riley, Bob Jones, Mark Zeller, Dan Topolski,
John Marks, Bryan Vereschagin, Nima Nami, and Matt Gonzalez.

The U.S. Government’s Long History of Experimenting on Military Troops and Their Own Documents That Prove It.


Some believe these illnesses are caused by exposure to depleted uranium munitions used on the battlefield. Others believe chemical and biological exposures are the prime suspect. While yet an even larger group argue that experimental vaccines given to our troops, without their knowledge or consent, may have lead to the demise of many of these soldiers.

Is it a combination of overlapping exposures?
A growing number of scientists and respected experts in their fields have been coming forward to share their research and first-hand knowledge of official betrayal.

As ailing Gulf War Heroes from all 27 coalition countries slowly die of “unknown causes,” they wait for answers from their respective governments… but no satisfying or even credible answers have come forth from the military establishment. Records that span over a decade point to negligence and even culpability on the part of the U.S. Department of Defense and their “disposable army” mentality.

The VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 are ill and slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a “mystery disease.” How many more will have to die before action is taken?

This 90 minute film presents comprehensive and compelling documentation from United States Government archives of a massive cover-up lasting over two generations

Additional bonus CD-Rom contains thousands of pages of supporting documentation, which can be viewed from most any computer via an internet browser (Internet Explorer Recommended)

Hear the testimony of experts and of United States military veterans who demand answers to questions that the Department of Defense will not address


CAUTION: Some material may not be suitable for children.

LENGTH: 100 Minutes (Including Bonus Material)

List Price: 19.95 + 5.00 S&H

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[video MSNBC] Federal Reserve Causes Middle East Unrest

“We have to go back to some sort of standard,
where we don’t have a group of men in a committee meeting
deciding what the right interest rate should be
and how much money to print to get that.”

– Bill Fleckenstein
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=] Federal Reserve Causes Middle East Unrest

Uploaded by on Feb 23, 2011

It’s being reported that the main reason people are rioting in the Middle East is high food costs. So what caused the high food costs? I’ll give you a trillion guesses.

[video] Jeremy Scahill uncovers secret CIA prison and rendition sites in Somalia (Morning Joe, MSNBC, July 18, 2011) — War resistance on the left is nowhere to be seen even though Obama has increased drone attack carnage, etc., shutting down nothing!

[youtube=]Jeremy scahil on morning joe-The CIA’s Secret Sites in Somalia

Uploaded by on Jul 19, 2011

The CIA’s Secret Sites in Somalia

Nestled in a back corner of Mogadishu’s Aden Adde International Airport is a sprawling walled compound run by the Central Intelligence Agency. Set on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the facility looks like a small gated community, with more than a dozen buildings behind large protective walls and secured by guard towers at each of its four corners. Adjacent to the compound are eight large metal hangars, and the CIA has its own aircraft at the airport. The site, which airport officials and Somali intelligence sources say was completed four months ago, is guarded by Somali soldiers, but the Americans control access. At the facility, the CIA runs a counterterrorism training program for Somali intelligence agents and operatives aimed at building an indigenous strike force capable of snatch operations and targeted “combat” operations against members of Al Shabab, an Islamic militant group with close ties to Al Qaeda.

As part of its expanding counterterrorism program in Somalia, the CIA also uses a secret prison buried in the basement of Somalia’s National Security Agency (NSA) headquarters, where prisoners suspected of being Shabab members or of having links to the group are held. Some of the prisoners have been snatched off the streets of Kenya and rendered by plane to Mogadishu. While the underground prison is officially run by the Somali NSA, US intelligence personnel pay the salaries of intelligence agents and also directly interrogate prisoners. The existence of both facilities and the CIA role was uncovered by The Nation during an extensive on-the-ground investigation in Mogadishu. Among the sources who provided information for this story are senior Somali intelligence officials; senior members of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG); former prisoners held at the underground prison; and several well-connected Somali analysts and militia leaders, some of whom have worked with US agents, including those from the CIA. A US official, who confirmed the existence of both sites, told The Nation, “It makes complete sense to have a strong counterterrorism partnership” with the Somali government.

The CIA presence in Mogadishu is part of Washington’s intensifying counterterrorism focus on Somalia, which includes targeted strikes by US Special Operations forces, drone attacks and expanded surveillance operations. The US agents “are here full time,” a senior Somali intelligence official told me. At times, he said, there are as many as thirty of them in Mogadishu, but he stressed that those working with the Somali NSA do not conduct operations; rather, they advise and train Somali agents. “In this environment, it’s very tricky. They want to help us, but the situation is not allowing them to do [it] however they want. They are not in control of the politics, they are not in control of the security,” he adds. “They are not controlling the environment like Afghanistan and Iraq. In Somalia, the situation is fluid, the situation is changing, personalities changing.”

Continue reading:

[video] Ron Paul + Actual Footage of Why They Hate US — Reverse-peacemakers in action. We are guilty!

Why-they-hate-US footage starts at minute 5

what we sow we will reap.

[youtube=]Ron Paul – This is why the US troops support Ron Paul (MUST SEE) 2012

Uploaded by on Jul 17, 2011


Looks like Ron Paul’s military donations are at least double all other Republicans combined!

[REAL History Video] Mike Ruppert (1997): CIA and Drug Running, Names Names — We are So Dirty!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“A lot has been overlooked about the role of the U.S. military in drug dealing,
as ordered by the CIA.”

“These people are not as smart as we give them credit for.
They use fear as a tool.”

“There are many Menas in this country.”
[famous for drug smuggling because Clinton related]

“Ross Perot cost Bush the 1992 election.”

Quoting Ross Perot:
“Mike, even with all of my resources, I don’t know why I pursue it;
I can’t get anywhere.”

My job is to do the right thing
and to leave the results to a power greater than myself.”

“The way this country works,
is that unless it shows up in the Washington Post,
the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times,
TIME or Newsweek,
officially, it doesn’t exist.”

– Michael Ruppert

* * *

[googlevideo=]Mike Ruppert – CIA and Drug Running (1997)

Mike Ruppert – CIA and Drug Running (1997)
1:45:44 – 4 years ago

Former narcotics investigator Mike Ruppert, and author of “The Truth and Lies of 911”, was forced out of the LAPD in 1977 when he exposed evidence of drug trafficking by the CIA. This is one of his first appearances caught on Video in 1997 at the Granada Forum in Tarzana, CA. Topic is “CIA Drug Running


‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160′s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles

David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”

[Why they hate US!] What you don’t know about Gaddafi — And why don’t we know?

[youtube=]What you don’t know about Gaddafi

Uploaded by on Jun 19, 2011

Wayne Madsen Special Report: Goldman Sachs Stole 1.3 Billion from Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund

[youtube=]Wayne Madsen Special Report: Goldman Sachs Stole 1.3 Billion from Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund 1/2

Uploaded by on Jun 27, 2011

Alex Jones: The real reasons for current U.S. wars

[youtube=]World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East

Uploaded by on Jun 23, 2011…
It’s time to identify the unfolding Middle East crisis for what it is– a wider world war. Alex Jones analyzes the more than nine years of expanding middle east conflict since 9/11, with the U.S. now engaging in 5 simultaneous proxy wars including Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and Yemen.

Tensions with Syria, Russia, China and other players may further fan the flames in the region, as top globalists, including Bilderberg attendees, have announced their intention to put ground troops in Libya and kick-off a “big war” encompassing much of Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Despite opposition to the wars in U.S. Congress and throughout the NATO alliance, the Nobel Peace President will continue to try and save face as he escalates deadly conflict on behalf of his masters under a “humanitarian” pretext. The elites have craftily planted the seeds of chaos under the guise of the “Arab Spring” they helped fund and organize, which is now blossoming into an all-out war that could draw in major powers and proxy regimes alike.

Louis Farrakhan: Obama Is A ‘Murderer,’ An ‘Assassin’

From: Huffington Post

Louis Farrakhan, speaking at the American Clergy Leadership Conference on May 28, lambasted President Barack Obama over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. military intervention in Libya, calling him an “assassin” and a “murderer.”

“We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart,” Farrakhan said, in a video making the rounds on the internet. But he has turned into someone else, Farrakhan told the crowd. “Now he’s an assassin.”

America “puts her trust in her weapons of war,” he continued. “She threatens the nations of the earth and has my brother calling for the assassination of brother Muammar Gaddafi. What has he done? I can defend that man. You don’t know that man.”

“My poor brother. They said they were only going over there for humanitarian reasons — and we believed that. You’ve been deceived.”

Entire Article with Video Here

[great guy!] Update from Paul Craig Roberts — “Who is the real butcher? We’ve murdered more people…”

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? 1/2

Uploaded by on Jun 22, 2011

Paul Craig Roberts
June 18, 2011

What is Washington’s solution for the rising power of China?

The answer might be to involve China in a nuclear war with India.

The staging of the fake death of bin Laden in a commando raid that violated Pakistan’s sovereignty was sold to President Obama by the military/security complex as a way to boost Obama’s standing in the polls.

The raid succeeded in raising Obama’s approval ratings. But its real purpose was to target Pakistan and to show Pakistan that the US was contemplating invading Pakistan in order to make Pakistan pay for allegedly hiding bin Laden next door to Pakistan’s military academy. The neocon, and increasingly the US military position, is that the Taliban can’t be conquered unless NATO widens the war theater to Pakistan, where the Taliban allegedly has sanctuaries protected by the Pakistan government, which takes American money but doesn’t do Washington’s bidding.

Pakistan got the threat message and ran to China. On May 17 Pakistan’s prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, as he departed for China declared China to be Pakistan’s “best and most trusted friend.” China has built a port for Pakistan at Gwadar, which is close to the entrance of the Strait of Hormuz. The port might become a Chinese naval base on the Arabian Sea.


Webster Tarpley: The real reason behind U.S. wars — To destroy all nation states that resist the one world government

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“It is of course this decadent, degenerate, U.S. ruling class which is doing all of this. The initiative at least is coming from them. It’s a desperate attempt to reorganize the world by destroying most of the existing nation states, and really destroying any possible focus of resistance against the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization.”

“Any independent nation state with any degree of autonomy is going to try to get out of the U.S. empire. So therefore their goal is to destroy all existing nation states.”

— Webster Tarpley

[youtube=]Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: NATO Running Out of Bombs in Libya, Overstretch with Five Wars 1/3

Uploaded by on Jun 15, 2011

Author and journalist Webster Tarpley joins Alex to talk about breaking developments in the Middle East and dire news on the economic front. Tarpley is the author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup – Making of a Manchurian Candidate and other important titles.

[interview] G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power Elite — “QUANTITIVE EASING is merely a more sophisticated phrase for creating money out of nothing and pumping it into the economic sectors, wherever they have friends” — “Every election PEOPLE FALL FOR THE SAME TRICK” — “The PENTAGON is winning or ACHIEVING ITS GOAL in Middle East…TO BE THERE FOREVER.” — “All 600 rebellions and REGIME CHANGES could be the result of the CIA”

From: The Daily Bell

G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power Elite

Sunday, June 19, 2011 – with Anthony Wile

G. Edward Griffin

The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with G. Edward Griffin (left).

Introduction: G Edward Griffin is a film producer, author and political lecturer. He is the founder of Freedom Force International, a libertarian-oriented activist network focused on advancing individual freedom. First released in 1994, Mr. Griffin’s best-selling financial book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, is a no-holds-barred look into the inner workings of the Federal Reserve banking system, or cartel if you will. Mr. Griffin’s literary contributions are especially noteworthy given the validity of his vision and the exciting and troublesome nature of the times in which we live.

Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us again. It’s been a while. We’ll ask some follow-ups to previous questions. Where do we stand with the US stimulus? Will we see QE3? Will it work any better than the last ones?

G. Edward Griffin: Well, it’s always a little dangerous to make predictions about what’s going to happen, but I think in this case the risk factor is pretty low, because that’s all these fellows know how to do … what is called QE1, QE2. Quantitative easing is merely a more sophisticated phrase for creating money out of nothing and pumping it into the economic sectors, wherever they have friends, wherever they have places they need to re-enforce, to their own economic benefit.

They always make it sound like it is for the purpose of improving the economy, but make no mistake about it, we are dealing with a pretty corrupt system and there are a lot of people in that system that need to be taken care of. The larger banks, the larger financial institutions are always at the top of the list. If you follow the money, you will find that the lion’s share of it always goes to the banks. And if it doesn’t go to directly to banks, the next share goes directly to those corporations and institutions that owe money to the banks and are having trouble making their payments.

So, by sending money to these corporations and institutions, like General Motors for example, then they are always able to continue sending money to the banks. So, it always ends up at the banks. And that should be no surprise because the engine for all this is the Federal Reserve System, and if people don’t know it by now, they should know very quickly that the Federal Reserve System is a banking cartel. It’s no different than a banana cartel or oil cartel, shipping cartel, and it happens to be a banking cartel and like all cartels the purpose of its existence is not to help the public, not to benefit the economy, not to help America, it’s to benefit the members of the cartel, period.

That’s what’s going on in the process. Its all they know how to do; that’s what they are created to do as long as they are able to exist and given the power, that is what they will continue to do. And the second part of the question is, will it work any better than it did previously, the answer is that it worked very well but the problem is most people thought it was supposed to help the economy but that was never it’s purpose, it was to help the banks.

Remember this is a cartel and so the purpose of all this easing and stimulus is to help the banks and the political structures support the banks; that was its purpose. It was a very great success. So, it will work just as well next time around, aiding those hidden agendas. In terms of the economy and the people, it was never designed to help them.

Daily Bell: Are we seeing significant price inflation now?


Daily Bell: Max Keiser estimated there are some 600 rebellions and regime changes going on in the world. These can’t all be CIA sponsored can they? Or perhaps they are the result of food insecurity. Do the elites intend to plunge the world into utter chaos? Why?

G. Edward Griffin: Well, I guess this is my day to say whatever just comes to my mind. (Laughing.) Yes, all 600 rebellions and regime changes could be the result of the CIA. I don’t think people realize how powerful and all invasive the CIA is in this world.

You know, the CIA is actively involved in all of those countries and are very influential in picking opposition candidates. Most of the leaders of the third world countries are there because the CIA supported them at one time, and those that go into office in that way can also be deposed that way. You don’t have to dig too deep to know that. They are involved in regime changes all over the world.

Daily Bell: You make an issue of being optimistic or pessimistic in your answers. But what is your overall sentiment?

G. Edward Griffin: I want to emphasize that I am probably the most optimistic person you will ever meet regarding the future of freedom. But I have a longer view of history than most and because I take a long view, it may seem as if I am pessimistic in the short term because real change takes time. Many people don’t look much further into the future, than the next election.

The forces that must be overcome have taken many years to grow to the present state of strength that they have. In the United States for example, the forces of collectivism have been growing and coalescing for decades. It took a hundred years, in fact, to capture the influence of the universities, the government, the media, the major corporations, the think tanks, etc. It took a long time.

It also resulted in conditioning the minds of the American people to accept certain presets – to accept the principles of collectivism. Americans have bought into collectivism. They think social security is a good thing. They think that governments should provide health care benefits; they think that government should provide everything as a matter of fact. They’ve been brainwashed into believing that.

In fact, it took a hundred years to bring that about. And you can’t reverse that by November. You CAN reverse it if you take a long view of history. That’s why we created an organization called Freedom Force International, because we have a longer view of history than next November. We have a view that encompasses a generation, possibly two generations and we know if we lay down the corner stones now, for certain principles and strategies, that there is no stopping them, even if the world turned to another “dark age” in the meantime.

We are laying the seeds for something that will grow and overcome the forces of tyranny in the next generation or two. And even though I may not live to see that, it’s a very comforting and optimistic thought that I am doing something that in the long run will bring the world back to the principles of freedom once again.

Daily Bell: What about Ron Paul and his freedom message?

G. Edward Griffin: I think Ron Paul is doing an excellent job given the constraints under which he must operate. Ron is not able to say anything and everything that comes to his mind, like I am here, and possibly say the things that people don’t want to hear … but fortunately I am not running for office.

Ron, poor chap, he has to worry about not saying too much for fear he may go beyond the understanding or educational level of the people he wants to vote for him. So, that’s a terrible constraint to live under. He is doing the most amazing job I have ever seen and I can’t imagine anyone doing any better under that constraint.

Daily Bell: We discussed the way the conservative movement is desperate to co-opt the libertarian message and that it has launched a number of artificial candidates to do so – including notably Sarah Palin. What do you think?

G. Edward Griffin: It’s becoming more and more obvious. I guess if people don’t fall for it any more, then I guess you could say it’s failing. With each turn of the wheel, with each election, people should learn that they fell for the same old trick, one more time. Every election people fall for the same trick. And that trick is, they believe the campaign speeches of the candidates. They don’t realize that the candidates, for the most part, spend a lot of time and money either conducting polls or studying polls very carefully. They do it to find out what people want to hear. And then they hire campaign managers and speechwriters to enable them to deliver to the population what they want to hear.

In many cases, politicians are just little recording devices. They have no feelings for what they are saying, they have no connections, they have only one goal and that is to get elected. And it is hard to find a person who you can say does not fit into that category. The only way that you can tell if a candidate is a real genuine person is by looking at their career. See what they have done in the past. Voters, unfortunately, are not too good at that. They just seem to want to hear what the candidate says, does he or she sound sincere and so on. The candidates are basically performers, like actors. But when you take what you call, the conservative movement, and that’s a good word, because that’s exactly what they call themselves, many of these people have been in office for a long time and all you have to do is look at their voting record and you can see what they believe, or at least what they vote for. And then when they come along and say they are going to restore the constitution and restore this country to constitutional principals and you see their voting records, you find out that 99% of the time when they voted, they violated the constitution. That ought to be a clue of what they are really all about.

So as each election goes by, and this trick is played on the voters again and again and again, I think there are a few more people that wake up to that trick. Eventually, and I don’t know how long it will take, I think more people will wake up. Let’s hope we have enough time.

Daily Bell: We think Ron Paul has a reasonable chance to become president. Optimistic? Loony?

G. Edward Griffin: As one man, he is kind of limited. He could say all the truths in the world and nobody would ever hear him because the mainstream media would block him. They would never alow him to make those statements – or the people to hear them. If they did, his statements would be twisted and accompanied by commentary, which would make him seem like he was some kind of ogre.

I don’t think Ron Paul, as one man, can overcome that. However, an army of supporters, millions of supporters, can. So then you come to the next question, well what if he did get elected? Does anybody really think that one man in the White House even with his high principles can change anything? When he is surrounded by a congress, senate, media and educational system that are all working against him, including the military, it can’t be done. We are back to one of my favorite themes, which is that in order to bring about real positive change in America, our movement has to be broader than just winning the election in November. We could put a man in the White House in November but lose everything.

Daily Bell: Your sentiments remind us of something former presidential candidate and a departed friend of ours, Harry Browne, once said when asked what would be the first thing he would do should he be elected president. His reply – “I’d quit.” I guess that summarized how he felt about the constraints. Anyway, back to Ron Paul … Dr. paul is anti-war, overseas anyway. We think the Pentagon is beginning to lose badly in Afghanistan. Your thoughts?

G. Edward Griffin: I think he is anti-aggressive-war. Is the Pentagon loosing badly in Afghanistan? What is the military presence in Afghanistan? Is it really to root out all the insurgents or is it to encourage the insurgents and keep them active, so we have an excuse to be there? I think the Pentagon is winning or achieving its goal in Middle East. Its goal is to be there and to have a reason to be there forever.

Daily Bell: We think Osama bin Laden died ten years ago and that the SEALS “tapping” of bin Laden was phony. Your thoughts?

G. Edward Griffin: I agree.

Daily Bell: How about 9/11. We’ve asked this before. Will the American establishment media ever get to the bottom of 9/11? Are you more hopeful? Last time you were not.

G. Edward Griffin: Well, I don’t think the major media will ever get to the bottom of it because they are not motivated to. They are controlled by the investment and political powers-that-be that don’t want the media to get to the bottom of 9/11. Like we were saying, it has to be a grass roots movement. Millions of people are acting in addition – or around major media – and I see that movement growing all the time.

I haven’t seen figures lately, but I remember maybe 6 or 7 months ago, that about 48% of the people thought that the official government story of 9/11 was not true. They didn’t know what it was but they had a strong feeling it was not true, that there was something being covered up. Well that progressed quite rapidly. A few years prior to that only 5% of the people believed that was true. Now, I don’t know what it would be, but I bet it’s closer to 60%.

That is not because of the major media. That is simply because people like us have been out there talking about this and presenting evidence. We are circulating CD’s and independent productions that bypass the major media. I think that is where our hope lies.

Entire Interview Here

The Handoff — “Change” — Passing the Baton

Disclaimer: In that the Israeli flag is larger than the American, I don’t fully agree with the artist, David Dees, who really is quite amazing!

The Illuminati symbols, on the other hand, no doubt….


I’ve often said how
Republican President Bush was running full speed,
destroying America,
making enemies around the world,
bringing in the one-world government/police state —
and then passed off the baton to Democrat President Obama
who is running full speed …

– Jeff

By the way,
These represent the Afghan poppies
that after our invasion are back to full production,
as I’ve shown in this blog.

The CIA and the Skull and Bones (both President Bushes are members)
have long been involved in the illegal drug running.

America is getting jacked.

When will we stand up?


James Dobson: GOP misled me on Rand Paul. But Mr. Dobson, why did you let Ron Paul sit all alone in 2008?

Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief: Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI

“The CIA makes the Mafia look like a Sunday school class.”

“What they’ve done to us in unbelievable.”

– Ted Gunderson

* * *

[youtube=]Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief – Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI

Uploaded by on Sep 28, 2009

Former FBI Chief, Ted Gunderson, discusses terror attacks and who is behind them. Check out my video blog at


All of my Ted Gunderson posts (Google Search)

[real history] The Bombing of Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives to bring US into WWII — By the time that Japan finally attacked, all eight steps in the intelligence memo had occurred. Prior to the invasion, most Americans were isolationists.

Available at Amazon:

Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor [Paperback]
Robert Stinnett (Author)


The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

On 7 December 1941 the greatest disaster in United States history occurred. Truly this was and is, “’A date which will live in infamy.’”(Costello 1), but not for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, rather for the deception and the mis-guidance used by the Government and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In a purely artificial chess game Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives, thanks to his power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. By over-looking the obvious facts of an attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt was able to control both the political and economic systems of the United States. Most of American society before the Pearl Harbor bombing believed in the idea of isolationism.

Franklin D. Roosevelt knew this, and knew the only way in which United States countrymen would take arms and fight in Europe’s War was to be an overt action against the United States by a member of the Axis Power. Roosevelt also believed Hitler would not declare war on the United States unless he knew they were beatable. There are numerous accounts of actions by Roosevelt and his top armed forces advisors, which reveal they were not only aware of an attack by Japan, but also they were planning on it, and instigating that attack. On 7 October 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence, wrote the eight-action memo.

This memo outlined eight different steps the United States could do that he predicted would lead to an attack by Japan on the United States. The day after this memo was giving to Franklin D. Roosevelt, he began to implement these steps. By the time that Japan finally attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, all eight steps had occurred (Willy 1). The eight steps consisted of….

With the fleet located around Hawaii and particularly in Pearl Harbor a double-sided sword was created; it allowed for quicker deployment times into South Pacific Water, but more importantly it lacked many fundamental military needs, and was vulnerable due to its geographic location. To understand the true vulnerability of Pearl Harbor one must look at Oahu, the Hawaiian Island that the military base is located. The North part of the island is all mountains, these mountains hinder the vision of military look out points, making an attack from the North virtually a surprise until the sound of fighter planes are over head.

There were many key military needs that were missing from Pearl Harbor, and they were; a lack of training facilities, lack of large-scale ammunition and fuel supplies, lack of support craft such as tugs and repair ships, and a lack of overhaul facilities such as dry-docking and machine shops. Commander in Chief, United States Fleet – Admiral James O. Richardson, was outraged when he was told by President Roosevelt of his plans on keeping the fleet in Hawaiian Waters. Richardson knew of the problems and vulnerability of Pearl Harbor, the safety of his men and warships was paramount. In a luncheon with Roosevelt, Richardson confronted the President, and by doing so ended his military career. Four months later Richardson was removed as commander-in-chief, and replaced by Rear Admiral Husband Kimmel (Stinnett 11).

Entire Article Here


[real history] Robert Stinnet, author of “Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” takes on 3 NSA agents trying to discredit his important, groundbreaking work!

Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 12/7/12: Pearl Harbor Attack — The Japanese learned their codes had been cracked and they were sailing into a trap after one of their midget submarines had been sunk

Ralph Epperson: ROOSEVELT KNEW About Pearl Harbor Before It Happened! — HILO, HAWAII TRIBUNE HERALD – November 30, 1941 — Lying to get US into war…

10 False-Flag Operations that Shaped Our World — From Nero to 9/11

Pearl Harbor – Mother of All Conspiracies

[real history] Robert Stinnet, author of “Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” takes on 3 NSA agents trying to discredit his important, groundbreaking work!

Available at Amazon:

Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor [Paperback]
Robert Stinnett (Author)

From: antiwar

The Pearl Harbor Deception

by Robert Stinnett
Independent Institute
December 7, 2003

Day of Deceit was well received by media book reviews and the on-line booksellers, and Barnes &, earning a 70 percent public approval rating. Day of Deceit continues among the top ten bestsellers in the non-fiction Pearl Harbor book category, according to and Barnes &

About 30 percent of the reviews have discounted the book’s revelations. The leaders of the dispute include Stephen Budiansky, Edward Drea, and David Kahn, all of whom have authored books or articles on code breaking. To bolster their pre-Pearl Harbor theories, the trio violated journalistic ethics and distorted the U.S. Navy’s pre-Pearl Harbor paper trail. Their efforts cannot be ignored. The trio has close ties to the National Security Agency, the overseer of U.S. naval communications files. Kahn has appeared before NSA seminars. The NSA has not honored my FOIA requests to disclose honorariums paid the seminar participants but has released records that confirm Kahn has been a participant.

Immediately after Day of Deceit appeared in bookstores in 1999, NSA began withdrawing pre-Pearl Harbor documents from the Crane Files housed in Archives II. This means the government decided to continue 60 years of Pearl Harbor censorship. …

Concurrent with the NSA withdrawals, Budiansky, with the aid of Kahn and Drea, began a two-year media campaign to discredit the paper trail of the U.S. naval documents that form the backbone of Day of Deceit. One of the most egregious examples of ethical violations appeared in an article by Kahn published in the New York Review of Books on November 2, 2000. In that article, Kahn attempted to bolster his contention that Japanese admirals and warships observed radio silence while en route to attack American Pacific bases. Kahn broke basic journalism ethics and rewrote a U.S. Naval Communication Summary prepared by Commander Rochefort at his crypto center located in the Pearl Harbor Naval Yard. …

Yet in his NYRoB article Kahn deleted portions of the Rochefort summary in the middle of the first sentence, profoundly diminishing its significance. Kahn’s version: “Fourth Fleet is still holding extensive communications with the Commander Submarine Fleet.”

Kahn violated basic journalism rules by deleting crucial words and not using ellipsis to indicate a deletion. When I cited these ethical violations to the editors of the NYRoB, Kahn offered an excuse and implied that Rochefort’s summary was too long. “I had to condense my review,” he wrote.

Entire Article Here


Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 12/7/12: Pearl Harbor Attack — The Japanese learned their codes had been cracked and they were sailing into a trap after one of their midget submarines had been sunk

[real history] The Bombing of Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives to bring US into WWII — By the time that Japan finally attacked all eight steps in the intelligence memo had occurred. Prior to the invasion, most Americans were isolationists.

Ralph Epperson: ROOSEVELT KNEW About Pearl Harbor Before It Happened! — HILO, HAWAII TRIBUNE HERALD – November 30, 1941 — Lying to get US into war…

10 False-Flag Operations that Shaped Our World — From Nero to 9/11

Pearl Harbor – Mother of All Conspiracies

Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads

He looks a bit like Chuck Norris

Watch His Testimony Here

* * *

This site now added to my Freedom Links:

Breaking the Silence:
Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

[video] Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’ — “Libya is experiencing what many people in America and around the world are experiencing: financial rape by bankers.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Libya is experiencing what many people in America and around the world are experiencing: financial rape by bankers.”

“What Wall Street is telling Washington and the American people: ‘either you raise the debt ceiling or we’re going to crash the stock market’ — because they use weapons of mass financial destruction.

So they use markets as a weapon. And this is what they’re telling the American people right now: ‘give us more debt so we can finance more speculative bets. We can go into more foreign countries. We can load up more countries in debt.’ And of course, that will force those countries to put their folks into austerity, like we’re seeing in Greece.

Again, Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs and John Paulson, hedge fund manager were in Greece two years before the recent austerity measures plotting the take down of Greece and the carve up of those assets.”

– Max Keiser

[youtube=]Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’

Uploaded by on Jun 3, 2011

International bankers have reportedly wasted billions of dollars invested by Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. The Financial Times says giants like Goldman Sachs were dealing with the dictator’s investments when it needed to plug a hole during the economic crisis. Most of the money has been lost, but with what’s going on in Libya any repayment seems unlikely.


Max Keiser: How banksters intentionally set up Greece for financial collapse so they could buy up Greece’s infrastructure for pennys on the dollar — just like they are doing to U.S.!

[video] Seymour Hersh: Despite Intelligence Rejecting Iran as Nuclear Threat, U.S. Could Be Headed for Iraq Redux — “It’s 2003 all over again”

SEYMOUR HERSH: Well, very simply, it’s—you know, you could argue it’s 2003 all over again. Remember WMD, mushroom clouds. There’s just no serious evidence inside that Iran is actually doing anything to make a nuclear weapon. You know, making a weapon is a big deal. You have to have fabrication facilities. You have to convert a very toxic gas into a metal and then mold it into a core. It’s big stuff, and there’s no sign of any of it.

Entire ‘Democracy Now!’ Article and Video Here

Real historian Tom Woods: “We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now” — What have reverse-Christian wars done to our soul?

[youtube=]We Who Dared to Say No to War | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.

Uploaded by on Sep 6, 2010

Jeffrey Tucker interviews Tom Woods on the topic of Tom’s anthology (edited with Murray Polner), ‘We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now.’

Recorded in Auburn, Alabama, at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 21 July 2010.


We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now [Paperback]

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

[youtube=–E]Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster 1/2

Uploaded by on May 25, 2011

Alex welcomes to the show former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who has criticized Obama for bombing Libya and killing civilians.



Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

Ron ‘Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers’ Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!

Webster Tarpley: CIA announces that next false-flag terror op will be blamed on Pakistan’s ISI

[youtube=]Webster Tarpley: CIA announces that next false-flag terror op will be blamed on Pakistan’s ISI

Uploaded by on May 4, 2011

CIA Announces that Next False Flag Terror Op will be Blamed on Pakistan’s ISI; China Backs Islamabad in Looming Confrontation; Collapse of the US Empire Brings Heightened Danger of General War

The OBL coverage on TX:

Gandhi?: “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

“I like your Christ;
I do not like your Christians.

Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

* * *

Since posting, I have found that some dispute that Gandhi said this. I found the following:

I can’t find any source for him stating the quote as such. I did find a book, The Knights Templar & the Protestant Reformation, which states that when Stanley Jones, a missionary met with Ghandi he asked him:

Mr. Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why is that you appear to so adamantly reject becoming his follower?

Gandhi replied:

Oh, I don’t reject Christ. I love Christ. It’s just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ.

The book seems to have a reference, although I can’t check what it is as the references page is not on Google Books.

The quote seems to be from the book Mr. Gandhi, the man by Millie Graham Polak although the book is not viewable online.

Searching the book for the first part of the passage quoted in the knights templar book, “Is Mr. Gandhi a Christian?” returns a hit, although searching for “stanley jones” or “reject christ” does not.

In The Christ of the Indian Road by E. Stanley Jones, Stanley Jones asked Gandhi how to naturalize Christianity into India. Gandhi replied in part:

I would suggest first of all that all of you Christians, missionaries and all begin to live more like Jesus Christ.

This could be in part where the quote came from, if it was never said directly by Gandhi.

Given the amount of consistent references to the quote being said in reply to a question from Stanley Jones, I think it is likely something very similar to the oft quoted passage was said. I can’t find anything online that shows this for certain and don’t have access to the books where the quote may appear to check, so it’s hard to say for sure.

Dave A. responds in a comment to this post (below):

The information I have so far attributes the proximate statement in Stanley’s book to Bara Dada and not to Gandhi. I have a first edition copy of “Mr. Gandhi the Man” by Polak (1931) and I assure you that the Gandhi quote is NOT in that book. He speaks to his friend about his attraction to Christianity and the possibility of becoming Christian himself. His reasons for not doing so, he explains, have to do with his sense that he has found, in his “native” Hindu religion, all of the essential values that Christianity promotes. He is in a sense a universalist, believing that a path to God can be found in every major religion. There are no disparaging remarks about Christians in the book. Gandhi’s history is one of reconciliation and marshalling people from many faith communities to promote freedom and justice. That work began in earnest in South Africa, where he brought Christians together with other adherents for his social justice work.


Gandhi Used His Position To Sexually Exploit Young Women

As a teacher of nonviolence, Gandhi advocated the right to bear arms; use of ‘violence’ to defend innocents against bullying, oppression

Gandhi on Forgiving: “Nobody can hurt me without my permission”

[Reverse-Christian America] Barack Obama has emerged looking like a cold-blooded killer – and it turns America on

From: Telegraph

Barack Obama has emerged looking like a cold-blooded killer –
and it turns America on

Obama’s new tough-guy image has led to a surge in his popularity. Now that he’s shown his people what he’s capable of, his rivals – as Mike Allen notes today – will find it hard to make a competence case against him during the 2012 presidential race.

Entire Article Here


[‘Tavis Smiley’] Jeremy Scahill on cheering Obama getting Osama: Bloodthirstiness is the wrong vibe — jumping up and down, chanting “USA, USA!” — Upwards of a million people have been killed in Iraq alone!

[‘Tavis Smiley’] Jeremy Scahill on cheering Obama getting Osama: Bloodthirstiness is the wrong vibe — jumping up and down, chanting “USA, USA!” — Upwards of a million people have been killed in Iraq alone!

From: PBS

Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill
May 2, 2011


Tavis: For more on the death of Osama bin Laden tonight I’m joined in New York by Jeremy Scahill, national security correspondent for “The Nation” and author of the best-selling exposé on Blackwater. […]

Tavis: Does that mean that you had your stomach turned by all the cheering and jubilation outside the White House?

Scahill: Well, I think that quite frankly it’s idiotic to treat these kinds of international events like sporting events, like it’s the World Cup that we’re cheering for here. I think in a way it really is insulting to those who’ve lost loved ones in these wars and who lost loved ones on 9/11, to trivialize it by jumping up and down like that. […]

Well, I think that it sends a message that we are a culture that somehow is celebrating death and targeted execution, and haven’t even thought about all of the losses that have come with this, particularly in the case of Iraq, where upwards of a million people have been killed.

I also think it gives an impression of sort of bloodthirstiness that I think is the wrong vibe to be pushing right now in the world. I think that we need to do everything we can to try to reach out to the Muslim world, to try to say that we have a lot more in common than we have that divides us, and I think that this kind of jumping up and down, chanting “USA, USA,” sends a message of almost sort of blood lust. I think we need to be really careful about that.

Watch Video, Read Transcript Here

Col. Bob Bowman: Stop Securing The Empire for Multinational Corporations and Banks — We’re invading the countries not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel. We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. These are not humanitarian missions!

“Take a look at the countries we’ve invaded, like Iraq, like Libya. And what you find with all of these countries: they happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel. They are independent of them. They do not take money from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. They print their own money, like we’re supposed to do under our Constitution.”

We haven’t really been the good guys for a long time. And it’s about time the American people understood that — understood what the politicians and the banksters are doing to this country, and the immorality that they’re foisting on our country through its policies.

And it’s time that our brave young men and women in the armed forces understood that they are not on a humanitarian mission. They’re not being the good guys. They’re working for the bad guys. They’re part of empire.”

“We have to understand that the entire war on terror is phony…, not just because 9/11 was a lie…. But beyond that, the real reasons for Iraq and for Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. Those wars were planned way in advance before 9/11, planned in detail, pushed for by the PNAC crowd, Wolfowitz and Pearl, Zelikow and Cheney. All of the traitors.”

– Colonel Bob Bowman

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]Dr. Bob Bowman: Stop Securing The Empire for Multinational Corporations and Banks 1/2

Uploaded by on Apr 29, 2011

former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions, Bob Bowman.
Dr. Bowman campaigned nationwide for the nomination of the Reform Party of the United States of America for the presidency in 2000.


[The Evil We Support] Libya Rebels Execute, Behead, Mutilate Gaddafi Army who Surrender! — Hillary Clinton, Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama’s proxy neocolonial army at work. Not very “humanitarian.” Where is CNN now?

From: uruknet

Video: Libya Rebels Execute, Behead, Mutilate Gaddafi Army who Surrender! Where is CNN now?

Pro Gaddafi Soldiers who surrender have been Executed by Rebels in Cold Blood ! Blindfolded, hog-tied, beat, Executed, Hung, beheaded, put on fire, had their bodies mutiliated, and in one documented case a Soldier had his heart cut out of his chest when he proclaimed that his “heart is for Gaddafi” and the rebel took a bite out of the heart. In Misrata the Rebels burned some soldiers and then waved and danced around with the charred remains of their corpses.

This is incredible but true facts of the kind of people that comprise the bulk of the benghazi terror gangs, aka “Opposition” forces.

Yes, This is Hillary Clinton, Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama’s proxy neocolonial army at work.. Not very “humanitarian” – the favorite word of the day that the imperialists are employing to bomb and invade Libya.

So where is Anderson Cooper and PBS and Rachel Maddow and all the other phony liberal “born – again war-mongers” ? People are being tortured and killed in all sorts of horrible ways but since it is the opposition rebels who are the perpetrators and the Libya Army and Libya Police officers who are the victims, these stories are completely blacklisted….

Entire Article (WARNING! with gory videos) Here

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