Freedom from Alaska!

Category: False Flags? Page 3 of 7

Ben-Nun: “Israeli intelligence told me they want to cause civil unrest inside this nation” • “Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment” • “If impeachment doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy”

Steven Ben-Nun quotes transcribed by me:

4:08 “When Obama was president, one of his secret service agents shared with me then that they had been looking for a way to get civil unrest in the nation in order to disarm the nation, to have a reason to disarm the nation.

Israeli intelligence shared with me that they want to be able to cause a civil unrest inside this nation so that we can run out of bullets on each other.”

Ben-Nun @ 5:25

“Face it, Prime Minister Netanyahu has broken practically every commandment there is, even within the 10 commandments. He certainly doesn’t love his neighbor as himself, doesn’t keep the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ when it comes to homosexuality, he’s certainly breaking that as well; though, that’s not one of the 10 commandments, but it is an abomination before God, openly does that; kills all the babies. They allow up to a 9 month gestation period, third trimester abortions there. That sounds more like to me… King Herod in power in the middle east than a true Bible believing Jewish man.”

Ben-Nun @ 16:45

“I think what we’re seeing is going to come to our nation very, very soon. After all, that’s what they’re trying to do. In all this impeachment stuff…, if that doesn’t work, maybe they’ll collapse the economy, and maybe that will make people go berserk.”

Skousen: Saudi Refinery Attack – Likely a false flag (probably by Israel) meant to coincide with a Houthi UAV attack • Only one hole in all of the 14 gas storage tanks and none of them exploded • US naval forces would have seen the entire attack path on radar and didn’t stop it had it come from Iran

World Affairs Brief, September 20, 2019 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Even though the Houthis of Yemen took credit for last Saturday’s attack on a major Saudi oil refinery, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and every major US media outlet were eager to blame Iran, with the pompous Pompeo calling it an “act of war.” But so far the evidence looks thin at best and suspiciously planted at worst. As a former military pilot, my problem with the pictures of the damage is that there is only a single hole in every one of the 14 spherical gas storage tanks in the refinery and none of them exploded. I know of no explosive munitions capable of putting a uniform sized hole, in the exact same location on each the numerous tank without exploding the contents and destroying the tanks themselves—and yet that’s what the pictures purportedly show. President Trump always seems to go along with US intelligence when it cooks up evidence like this against either Syria or Iran. He naively said, “It’s ‘looking like’ Iran was responsible for Saudi oil attacks,” and bragged that the US was “locked and loaded.” Iran disavowed the attack, calling it “maximum lies” and said they were ready to repel any attack. Saudi Arabia compared this attack to its own 9/11, possibly setting the stage to attack Iran. Perhaps the comparison with 9/11 is not so far off. The WTC attacks were a US Deep State false flag event used to start phony wars against Middle Eastern nations.

The problem of small holes in the tanks and no resulting explosions isn’t just a minor anomaly—it is a major contradiction in US claims about Iran being responsible and cries out for an explanation. See for yourself in these US satellite photos first obtained from the government by the Associate Press.

Skousen: US Lied About the Downed Drone — US wanted Iran to kill the 35 Americans in the P-8, which the drone would record. Iran turned the tables by taking out the drone and leaving the P-8 alone • Iranians gave multiple radio and telephone warnings that two US aircraft were violating their airspace • The recovered drone was 4 miles inside Iranian airspace

Joel Skousen stated on the Jeff Rense Show, 6/26/19, transcribed by me:

2:28 “This was a P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine warfare and general all-around surveillance aircraft. It has dozens of computer stations where people monitor various different sensors on the aircraft. What some people in-the-know really think is that the Poseidon was actually leading the charge, not following. The Global Hawk was there to record the destruction of American servicemen. They were going to use the American servicemen as bait to get into a war with Iran. And Iran turned the tables on them by taking out the Global Hawk and leaving the Poseidon alone.”

(video) 4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack and Blame it on Iran

4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack and Blame it on Iran

Published on Jun 18, 2019

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES:… The US has threatened to stage an attack and blame it on Iran over and over in the last few years. Don’t let a war based on false pretenses happen again. Please share this video.

(vid) Jim Fetzer – Could Trump Reveal 9/11?, WW III, JFK: Oswald in the Doorway, Johnson did it

Video also at BitChute.

(vid) The Soulless Shoes Of Death – with Special Guest Ole Dammegard

10 IRREFUTABLE, DEVASTATING 9/11 FACTS – U.S. authorities have failed to provide evidence that the crime of 9/11 was in any way connected to Afghanistan • Despite vilifying Osama bin Laden, judicial authorities in the United States have failed to charge him in connection with 9/11. He was not even wanted in connection with this crime


The U.S. has utterly failed to provide hard evidence to substantiate its version of events.

By Elias Davidsson and Craig McKee
Scholars who attempt to elucidate the crime perpetrated on 9/11 – who are commonly referred to as 9/11 truthers – are often criticized for relying on conjecture and speculation in support of their claims. Such criticism may at times be justified, though often made in bad faith. There is actually no need to resort to speculative arguments that the official account of 9/11 is a fraud since there are hard facts that support this conclusion. Here are 10 such undisputed facts:
1. U.S. authorities have failed to trace, arrest, try (prosecute), and punish anyone responsible for the crime against humanity committed on 9/11.
The mass murder committed on September 11, 2001 represents, under international law, a crime against humanity. The State where it was committed – in this case the United States of America – bears the obligation to the international community to trace, arrest, try, and punish individuals responsible for that crime.
Since 2002, U.S. authorities admit they have detained a handful of persons at Guantánamo Bay who are accused of helping to orchestrate 9/11. Their identities remain in doubt; their alleged confessions were made behind closed doors; and their trial by a military court does not fulfill minimal international norms of due process.
U.S. authorities claim to have sentenced Zacarias Moussaoui to life imprisonment for not having warned the FBI about the preparations for 9/11, an allegation he denied. No evidence was presented that he was involved in the preparations for 9/11 or knew anything about these preparations. No evidence was presented that he even knew the alleged hijackers. U.S. authorities also claim to hold, since 2003, a man by the name of Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (KSM) in Guantánamo who allegedly confessed to have masterminded 9/11 and more than 30 other terrorist operations. He also allegedly confessed to having planned an attack on a bank in Washington State that did not exist until after he was already in Guantánamo. The man, whose identity remains murky and whose connection to 9/11 is limited to what he said in his ludicrous confession, has not been prosecuted, let alone sentenced. No one seriously expects him to be ever brought to trial, let alone a trial fulfilling international norms.
2. When announcing to the United Nations their decision to attack Afghanistan, U.S. authorities failed to provide evidence that the crime of 9/11 was in any way connected to Afghanistan. In fact, such evidence has still not been produced.

See the letter from U.S. Representative John Negroponte to the President of the UN Security Council, October 7, 2001 (mirrored on
3. The United States government did not authorize an investigation of the events of 9/11 that could have fulfilled minimal international standards: The 9/11 Commission was neither independent nor impartial, and its investigation was neither thorough nor transparent.
Regarding minimal standards of investigation, see Elias Davidsson, “The Events of 11 September 2001 and the Right to the Truth.” ( or
4. Despite vilifying Osama bin Laden as a terrorist leader, judicial authorities in the United States have failed to charge him in connection with 9/11. He was not even wanted in connection with this crime.
The FBI admitted in June 2006 that it possesses no concrete evidence linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11. (See; Ed Haas, “FBI says, it has no ‘hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11,” Information Clearing House, June 18, 2006, mirrored on
5. Authorities in the United States have failed to produce clear and convincing evidence that the 19 persons named by the FBI as 9/11 hijackers even boarded aircraft that they are alleged to have subsequently hijacked. 
To be precise: U.S. authorities have failed to produce authenticated passenger lists that would include the names of the alleged hijackers; witnesses who saw these alleged hijackers in the airports or boarding the aircraft; authenticated security-camera videos proving their presence in the airports of departure; and DNA identification of these individuals’ bodily remains (see detailed analysis in Elias Davidsson, Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11[Algora Publishers, New York, 2013], Chapter 2).

Skousen: No Evidence of Chemical Attack in Syria – None — Deliberate falsification of intelligence in order to fool Trump into backing out of his desire to pull out of Syria and get him to attack Assad’s forces

Jihadist 'White Helmets' caught faking a false-flag gas attack

(vid) Syria: Jihadi 'White Helmets' Caught Staging False-Flag Attacks

(vid) Syria Chemical Attack Hoax Exposed – Peter Ford with Tucker Carlson on Fox News — The 'White Helmets,' "Jihadi medical auxiliaries who pick up the pieces after beheadings" put out this hoax. "We have been suckered; the President's advisers have served him extremely badly. Did the President's advisers tell him that the sites [just bombed] had been inspected extremely recently?"

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(vid) SYRIA – the Terrifying Truth of What is Really Happening – Real History by Jake

(vid) Syrian Girl: What really happened – Chemical Attack that lead to missile Strikes on #Syria

(vid) Ron Paul: Another False Flag – Will Trump Escalate In Syria? — Israel attacks base used to defeat ISIS

(vid) False Flag: Chlorine Gas Attack in Syria Leaves 70 Dead

Skousen: "How do you protect schools against government black operations?"

“So how do you protect schools against government black operations? You see, there is no defense against that. Taking the guns away from innocent civilians isn’t going to help that. And of course, this is the incremental approach.”
“This is a fools paradise to think that gun control [will solve] this issue.”
– Joel Skousen
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Jeff Rense Show 3/14/18

Two Miramar SWAT officers SUSPENDED for heading to Parkland massacre – instead of being given praise and portrayed as heroes

Kurt Haskell introduces this on Facebook, saying:

Oops. Does this sound logical to anyone? Members of the Parkland area SWAT rushed to the school shooting. Instead of being given praise and portrayed as heroes, they were suspended. Other cops who were at Stoneman Douglas were told to stand down and not enter. This is not normal. This is evidence that a government operation was in progress, which was not to be interrupted under any circumstances. In other words, a drill.


Kurt Haskell Updates His 'False Flag Indicators' List

Kurt writes on Facebook:
I just updated my false flag indicator list for the first time since Trump took office.
False Flag Indicators:
1. The perpetrators have had recent arrests and have gotten very lenient sentences for what they were charged with.
2. The government has been warned of the attack and done nothing to stop it.
3. Eyewitness accounts differ on key details from the official version.
4. The perpetrators don’t go to trial (dead, escape or take a plea).
5. A victim from the crime that should have been killed miraculously lives to give out details of the event.
6. Key video is hidden. Still pictures, which are often grainy or unclear are repleased to support the official story.
7. The perpetrators are tied to ISIS or Syria or racially divisive groups.
8. The perpetrators are identified in record time.
9. Dropped identification of the perpetrators is found.
10. DNA from the perpetrators is found in too many places and is run through lab tests in record time to make an identification.
11. The attack was on or in public transportation or a building where many people gather (school, mall, concert, etc.).
12. The amount of dead shrinks as the event plays out.
13. New laws or military action take place as a result of the event.
14. The event receives an abnormal amount of press coverage.
15. The country where the event took place has recently irritated Israel in some way.
16. The event and perpetrators are set up to cause conflict between several different religious, ethnic or sexual orientation groups.
17. The term “assault rifle” is widely used to describe the perpetrators weapon by eyewitnesses.
18. The friends and family of the victims do interviews that are not believable.
19. Suicide vests are used and at least one doesn’t detonate.
20. One or more bombs do not detonate.
21. A gun jams, thereby saving someone from death.
22. An unbelievable hero story is released by the press on day two, usually accompanied by a gofundme account.
23. A manifesto is released by the perpetrators.
24. A drill is taking place at or near the event at the same time.
25. The US Government gives an incredible amount of money to the victims families or to the area where the event happened.
26. The victims in hospitals miraculously heal and disappear in record time. The hospitals provide no update or ‘one’ large press conference is given to discuss the progress of their imaginary patients.
27. Little to no amateur cell phone video footage of the event is released.
28. The perpetrators have recently disappeared for at least two months.
29. An online video is found of the perpetrator acting crazy.
30. The details of the event make it impossible to not be reminded of other recent false flag events.
31. Friends and family members suddenly change careers to become professional anti-gun lobbyists.
32. The perpetrators wore body armor or it is found at the scene.
33. Former military members play key roles in the event in some way.
34. There is little to no proof that anybody died or was injured.
35. Federal agencies are on the scene in record time and numbers that would not normally be possible In a short time period without prior knowledge.
36. Federal agencies take over the scene even though it is an event not normally under their jurisdiction.
37. Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. immediately “find” evidence that ties the perpetrators to radical Islam.
38. No tears are shed by family members in the immediate aftermath of the event.
39. Footage from other events is passed off as actual video from this event.
40. Unverifiable social media posts pop up immediately after the event to point the finger at the perpetrators.
41. Uber is involved in some way.
42. An ar15 with excessive ammunition is involved.
43. It’s reported that the event should have been much worse.
44. A cell phone, iPad or book miraculously deflects a bullet to save somebody.
45. The families of the victims immediately forgive the killer or place no blame on the killer from the start.

What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Friday 3/2/18 – David Hogg is 25 years-old. Wasn't even a student at Parkland High School

David Hogg is 25 years-old. Wasn’t even a student at Parkland High School.
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Only video of Florida shooter taken by Talmudic Chabad Center, miles away

The Mossad connection.


(audio) Kurt Haskell discusses Florida school shooting false flag on the Proof Negative Radio Show 2/19/18

From: Freedomizer Radio

Proof Negative Radio Show (3hrs) of REAL Patriot News – w/ guest Kurt Haskell, Witness to Underwear Bomber – 02/19/2018

Welcome to the Proof Negative Radio Show!

We have been on air since January 2010. We focus on alternative news, independent politics, & health and wellness.

Kurt Haskell is our guest. He is the main eyewitness to the Underwear Bomber (article, archive, screenshot, pdf). We will discuss the Florida school shooting.

We reserve the right to go off topic and have fun on air as well.

Freedomizer Radio does NOT embrace socialism, or pursue what the 1% global elites want us to do or think.

Kurt comes on at 2:01:30 — talks about the Florida school shooting starting at 2:08:30

Kurt Haskell’s Facebook page

Behold! 1991 Book Warned Us 'Secret Government' Would Use School Shootings To Disarm Americans! Was Florida School Shooter 'MK-Ultra-Cated'?

Behold! 1991 Book Warned Us ‘Secret Government’ Would Use School Shootings To Disarm Americans! Was Florida School Shooter ‘MK-Ultra-Cated’?
‘As The World Turns, This Is Bigger Than Anyone Can Imagine’
By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die
All the way back in 1991, former US Navy Intelligence Briefing Team member Milton William Cooper wrote a book titled “Behold A Pale Horse” within which he reveals a wealth of great information long hidden from the public eye, some dating all the way back to the 1940’s. Elaborating upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy, UFO’s and ‘the secret government’, on page 225 of his book, Cooper dropped the following bombshell paragraph that should be looked at much more deeply in light of what recently happened in Florida.:

The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

With the ‘secret government’ that Cooper warned of long ago now confirmed, it’s time to take another look at that shocking paragraph, particularly in light of new revelations coming out about the ‘event’ in Florida which ANP and other independent news websites have warned was likely coming as the globalists seek to continue their ‘take down of America’.

Parents Catch FBI In Plot To Force Mentally Ill Son To Be A Right-Wing Terrorist — "The FBI picked him up from our home, gave him a vehicle, a fake bomb and every means to make this happen"

The Parents Of A Severely Mentally Disabled Man Are Speaking Out On How The FBI Groomed Him As A Right-Wing Terrorist, Knowing He’s Paranoid Schizophrenic.
17 AUG 2017

(TFTP) It’s become a near-weekly occurrence. Somewhere in some state, the FBI will announce that they’ve foiled yet another terrorist plot and saved lives. However, as the data shows, the majority of these cases involve psychologically diminished patsies who’ve been entirely groomed, armed, and entrapped by FBI agents. Simply put, the FBI manufactures terror threats and then takes credit for stopping them.
Jerry Drake Varnell, the 23-year-old diagnosed schizophrenic, accused of attempting to bomb a bank, the FBI fomented terror from a right wing dialogue. …
According to federal documents, Varnell drove what he believed was a stolen van containing a 1,000-pound ammonium nitrate bomb on Saturday morning to blow up an Oklahoma City bank. Vile, indeed.
However, if we backtrack just a bit, to when the FBI began grooming their would-be right-wing militia terrorist, the vileness comes directly from the government.
“The FBI knew he was schizophrenic,” Varnell’s parents declared on Wednesday in an open letter bravely published by NewsOK.

Underneath his condition, he is a sweet-hearted person and we are extremely shocked that this event has happened. However, what truly has us flabbergasted is the fact that the FBI knew he was schizophrenic. The State of Oklahoma found him mentally incompetent and we, his parents have legal guardianship over him by the Court. These documents are sealed from the public, which is why no news media outlet has been able to obtain them. The FBI clearly knew that he was schizophrenic because they have gathered every ounce of information on him.”

Yet they knowingly continued to groom him, despite the clear immoral implications.
When they began grooming him, according to the family, the FBI knew that Varnell was declared mentally unfit to live by himself and that he was a paranoid schizophrenic. Without their criminal informant and the FBI tactics playing mind games with this vulnerable man, the idea of him committing an act of terror would have likely never materialized.

What the public should be looking at is the fact that the FBI gave our son the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license, due to the fact that he is schizophrenic and we; his parents do everything we can possible to keep him safe and functional….. He has suffered through countless serious full-blown schizophrenic delusional episodes and he has been put in numerous mental hospitals since he was 16 years old. The FBI came and picked him up from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen none of which he had access to on his own.”

The parents noted that during the setup, they suspected something was going on and Jerry’s father told the informant to stay away from their son. However, according to the parents, the informant “continued to sneak onto our residence. The FBI paid him to continue this operation and I believe they have cleared his criminal record.”

Florida: Students were studying 'Holocaust' history when shot — None of Germar Rudolf's writings were damaged, because true history is banned from school classrooms

One more reason why the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ needs to be known. Sadly, most truthers, especially those who have talk shows, won’t touch this crucial subject that the Talmudists hide behind.

Some students were studying about the Holocaust when the shooting began. …

Sidney Fischer, a junior who was in a Holocaust history class when the shooter aimed his gun at the window and shot into the room, went on Reddit on Friday to recount his harrowing experience and answer questions. Two students in his classroom died, and one of the slain students, Joaquin Oliver who went by the nickname ‘Guac,’ had just been transferred into his algebra class.

I can’t believe that when I go back to school, his seat will be empty and life will just go on,” Fischer wrote.

From two Times of Israel’s stories:

(vid) Florida School Shooting – FBI Knew About Nikolas Cruz – History of FBI Grooming 'Crazies'


Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”

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(vid) The Day Amazon Murdered History – On March 6, 2017, Amazon banned 155 ‘Holocaust’ truth books, mostly scholarly

Excellent video that tells the truth about Amazon banning scholarly, thoroughly researched and footnoted books that many now won’t know exist — so the truth stays hidden.
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(vid) Students At Florida School Shooting Report Crisis Drills and Multiple Shooters

Perloff: Spanish-American War: Trial Run for Interventionism — The War began after Spain was blamed for the sinking of the USS Maine. But the war was provoked by powerful U.S. newspapers and served the interests of big banks


(meme by Perloff) Mission Impossible!

“Your mission—should you choose to accept it, Jim—is to help Mossad
destroy the World Trade Center and blame it on Muslim patsies.”

(vid) Corbett Report: THIS IS NOT A DRILL!(?) – What Happened in Hawaii?

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