Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 5 of 26

(vid) Coronavirus: The Police State Perfect Storm – Whitney Webb w/ Adam Green

(vid) ReallyGraceful: While We Were PANICKING, the Government Did THIS… — EARN IT bill allows gov’t to scan any and all messages online

Chuck Baldwin: Why don’t they tell us this? — 60,000 Americans just died of the flu and no panic • Medical martial law – The coronavirus does NOT cancel the Constitution and Bill of Rights

Chuck Baldwin writes on Facebook, 3/19/20:

Why don’t they tell us this?

Tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year, and no one panics. Over 60,000 Americans died of the flu in the 2019 flu season and over 80,000 Americans died of the flu during the 2018 flu season. That computes to more people dying from the flu—just in America in one month alone—than have died from corona in the entire world to date.

Think of it another way: Every year, as many or more Americans die of the flu than were killed in all of the Vietnam War. And no panic! No closed restaurants. No empty shelves in stores. No presidential plea to stay home. No closed churches. No businesses shutting down. No panic!

Why don’t the media tell us that the coronavirus has been around since the 1960’s? Why don’t they tell us that 30% of common colds stem from this virus?

Why don’t they tell us that 80% of people who contract corona show only “mild” symptoms? Tom Hanks and his wife were diagnosed with corona, and they left the hospital smiling and happy just 5 days later.

Why don’t they tell us that the global mortality rate of corona is just 1% and that the mortality rate of corona in the U.S. is only 0.65%?

Why don’t they tell us that the unusually high mortality rate of the virus in Italy is due to the way that country is rationing medical care–even denying medical care to those over 80? Why don’t they tell us that even for people over the age of 80, the COVID-19 survival rate is over 80%?

The mortality rate of the coronavirus is only 2.9% in Hubei province, China, where Wuhan is located. In the rest of China, the mortality rate is 0.4%. Remember the Diamond Princess cruise ship off Japan that was supposedly thoroughly infected with the coronavirus? The mortality rate of the virus on the ship was 0.85%. Why don’t they report those facts?

You know why they don’t report those facts. They are deliberately creating fear and panic.

The coronavirus or any other “emergency”—real or imagined—does NOT cancel or negate the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

That’s why I’m saying, what we are witnessing is Medical Martial Law. It is unadulterated, unabashed government tyranny.

Know this: The Big Government, Police State policies that are starting to take root in our country right now will be with us a long time after the coronavirus is gone.

We have far more to fear from Big Government tyranny than we do from any virus.

(vid) Chuck Baldwin: A Contagion Of Fear — Beneficiaries of COVID-19 = BANKERS • POLICE STATE • WELFARE STATE — “Americans surrendering their freedoms without a whimper. …what fear does to people”

Bailout for bankers

Exploding the welfare state

Killing small businesses

Medical martial law possible

Not all of those sick have COVID-19

“Fear not, stand up, and trust God!”

“Americans are surrendering their freedoms without a whimper.”

Sings a hymn: “God will take care of you”

Top 15 #Coronavirus Pics/Vids You Won’t See in Legacy Media

If you haven’t seen these videos of China’s ruthless police in action, you need to. The commies are out-of-control and the People aren’t liking it.


(photo) Guillotine at Virginia 2nd Amendment Gun-rights Rally

At the Virginia gun-rights rally on Jan. 20th, a truth activist placed a stark reminder of what to expect when the antichrist is allowed to come to power, prophesied by the Bible and substantiated by sightings of guillotines in gov’t facilities in states.

The mock guillotine reads: “The Penalty for Treason is Death.”

Chilling video of Chinese police interrogation shows how China is a ‘criminal state’


LA Cops at Wrong House Shoot Boy’s Service Dog During No-Knock Raid

Corbett & Bermas: Snowden Misled US – NSA stores all phone *conversations*, not just metadata

Was Snowden used to pacify US?

Snowden may have either wittingly or unwittingly deceived us by reporting that NSA only records and stores the metadata, but they record and store everything!

Many are  reluctant about posting on social media, but don’t realize that all of their phone conversations are being recorded and stored indefinitely.

2013 CNN: All Telephone calls are recorded by the gov’t, not just the metadata!

From: The Guardian

Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government?

Sat 4 May 2013 08.22 EDT

..Over the past couple days, cable news tabloid shows such as CNN’s Out Front with Erin Burnett have been excitingly focused on the possible involvement in the Boston Marathon attack of Katherine Russell, the 24-year-old American widow of the deceased suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev. As part of their relentless stream of leaks uncritically disseminated by our Adversarial Press Corps, anonymous government officials are claiming that they are now focused on telephone calls between Russell and Tsarnaev that took place both before and after the attack to determine if she had prior knowledge of the plot or participated in any way.

On Wednesday night, Burnett interviewed Tim Clemente, a former FBI counterterrorism agent, about whether the FBI would be able to discover the contents of past telephone conversations between the two. He quite clearly insisted that they could:

BURNETT: Tim, is there any way, obviously, there is a voice mail they can try to get the phone companies to give that up at this point. It’s not a voice mail. It’s just a conversation. There’s no way they actually can find out what happened, right, unless she tells them?

CLEMENTE: “No, there is a way. We certainly have ways in national security investigations to find out exactly what was said in that conversation. It’s not necessarily something that the FBI is going to want to present in court, but it may help lead the investigation and/or lead to questioning of her. We certainly can find that out.

BURNETT: “So they can actually get that? People are saying, look, that is incredible.

CLEMENTE: “No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not.”

“All of that stuff” – meaning every telephone conversation Americans have with one another on US soil, with or without a search warrant – “is being captured as we speak”.

On Thursday night, Clemente again appeared on CNN, this time with host Carol Costello, and she asked him about those remarks. He reiterated what he said the night before but added expressly that “all digital communications in the past” are recorded and stored:

Let’s repeat that last part: “no digital communication is secure”, by which he means not that any communication is susceptible to government interception as it happens (although that is true), but far beyond that: all digital communications – meaning telephone calls, emails, online chats and the like – are automatically recorded and stored and accessible to the government after the fact. To describe that is to define what a ubiquitous, limitless Surveillance State is.

Entire Article

(vid) New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete – Bosstown Dynamics says “You’ll see it in the army soon!” — Which army?

ALERT: Fake video released just two days ago that looks so real it has 2 million views already. The give-away is the robot not creating any dust, and too many live rounds are going off right next to these men. Another tip-off is the name Bosstown Dynamics, which I didn’t catch, and is a take off from:

Boston Dynamics is an American engineering and robotics design company founded in 1992 as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I posted this after seeing the short, lower def. clip on Facebook that seemed real before watching this entire longer, HD version.

It’s still worth watching, because the deep state certainly has something like these in the works, if not ready already. How would one defend oneself against these?

Joe Rogan #1368: Edward Snowden — “The world gets worse every day that we don’t do something about it” • “All you have to do is lay down one brick so others can lay their brick on top of that, or beside – and *together* we build the foundation of something better” • “If you’re trying to eliminate all risks from your life, what you lost is freedom. You’ve lost the ability to act because you’re afraid. And that’s what got us into this mess”

Edward Snowden Quoted
(transcribed by Jeff Fenske)

2:22:00 “The system, the world, the future gets worse every day that we don’t do something about it. Every day we stay silent about all the injustices we see the world gets worse, things get worse. And yeah, it’s risky; yeah, it’s uncomfortable, but that’s why we do it, because if we don’t no one else will. All of those years I was sitting hoping for someone else to come forward and no one did. …

You are never further than one decision away from making a difference. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big difference, if it’s a small difference, because you don’t have to save the world by yourself. In fact, you can’t. All you have to do is lay down one brick. All you have to do is make things a little bit better in a small way so other people can lay their brick on top of that, or beside — and *together*, step by step, day by day, year by year we build the foundation of something better. … I don’t care if you’re the biggest doomsday prepper with cans full of beans. If the world ends it’s going to affect you. We make things better; we become safe together. …

If you’re trying to eliminate all risks from your life, what you’re actually doing is eliminating all possibility from your life. You’re trying to collapse the universe of outcomes such that what you lost is freedom. You’ve lost the ability to act because you’re afraid. And that’s what got us into this mess.”

2:48:10 “You can’t awaken someone who’s pretending to be asleep.” – an old native American saying

• • •

2:05:10 What life is like for Snowden now.

Starting in Los Angeles, Naked Body Scanners Come to Subways and Buses – Can scan people from 30 feet away

L.A.’s rail system will be first in the U.S. to use scanners that detect explosives
Los Angeles County’s rail system will be the first in the United States to deploy body scanners that can detect suicide vests and other improvised explosives, transportation officials said Tuesday.
Later this year, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority will deploy several portable scanners that can be moved to any of the system’s 93 subway and light-rail stations. The devices will be used in response to terrorism threats, or to scan large crowds at a station near a protest or a sporting event, officials said.
The scanners resemble a small trunk on wheels. They can be pointed toward an escalator or a station entrance, and can scan people from 30 feet away without requiring people to line up or slow down. …
The scanners use radio waves to identify objects, including guns and nonmetallic explosives, concealed under a jacket or in a pocket. …
“One thing we have to be sensitive to is the 4th Amendment, unreasonable search and seizure,” Wiggins said. “We will make it very, very clear that individuals are entering an area where they’re subject to search.”
Riders who “want to opt out, can opt out,” Wiggins said, but could be barred from entering the station if they refuse to be screened. He added: “That means not taking transit that day.”
Entire Article

(VID) Imprisoned Truthteller Ursula Haverbeck – Update

(VID) Former Alex Jones Employee, Melissa (Melton) Dykes: Meet the Strawman to Erase Our First Amendment Online

Shocking Video Shows Cop Try to Kill a Dog, Shoot 9yo Girl in the Face Instead


(vid) Aaron & Melissa Dykes: The Bilderberg Plan to Force Us on the Digital Grid

(vid) Life without a Microchip Implant (666) will be difficult

Out of the Matrix Illustration: Homeland Security

Caught in 7 minutes flat: China CCTV network displays its facial recognition surveillance capability – 170 million cameras and will see a three-fold increase over the next three years


Mark Collett: The Truth About London's Knife Crime Epidemic — Murder rate higher than New York’s!

The Personal Data Google Has on You Is Shocking and Dwarfs That of Facebook, Here’s How to Stop It

The Personal Data Google Has on You Is Shocking and Dwarfs That of Facebook, Here’s How to Stop It
April 3, 2018/by Matt Agorist
Google knows where you’ve been
Google stores your location (if you have location tracking turned on) every time you turn on your phone. You can see a timeline of where you’ve been from the very first day you started using Google on your phone.
Click on this link to see your own data:
Here is every place I have been in the last 12 months in Ireland. You can see the time of day that I was in the location and how long it took me to get to that location from my previous one.
Google knows everything you’ve ever searched – and deleted
Google stores search history across all your devices. That can mean that, even if you delete your search history and phone history on one device, it may still have data saved from other devices.
Click on this link to see your own data:
Google has an advertisement profile of you
Google creates an advertisement profile based on your information, including your location, gender, age, hobbies, career, interests, relationship status, possible weight (need to lose 10lb in one day?) and income.
Click on this link to see your own data:
Google knows all the apps you use
Google stores information on every app and extension you use. They know how often you use them, where you use them, and who you use them to interact with. That means they know who you talk to on Facebook, what countries are you speaking with, what time you go to sleep.
Click on this link to see your own data:…
Google has all of your YouTube history
Google stores all of your YouTube history, so they probably know whether you’re going to be a parent soon, if you’re a conservative, if you’re a progressive, if you’re Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, if you’re feeling depressed or suicidal, if you’re anorexic …
Click on this link to see your own data:…
The data Google has on you can fill millions of Word documents
Google offers an option to download all of the data it stores about you. I’ve requested to download it and the file is 5.5GB big, which is roughly 3m Word documents.
This link includes your bookmarks, emails, contacts, your Google Drive files, all of the above information, your YouTube videos, the photos you’ve taken on your phone, the businesses you’ve bought from, the products you’ve bought through Google …
They also have data from your calendar, your Google hangout sessions, your location history, the music you listen to, the Google books you’ve purchased, the Google groups you’re in, the websites you’ve created, the phones you’ve owned, the pages you’ve shared, how many steps you walk in a day …
Click on this link to see your own data:
Entire Article

(vid) Gun Control London Surpasses New York In Murder Rate – Despite only having 51 guns legally owned within city limits vs New York city which has around 4 million guns

(vid) Tucker: Facebook ap listens to users | Google stores everything, including Incognito history

Are you ready? This is all the data Facebook and Google have on you


(vid) Stossel: China's Freedom-Crushing 'Social Credit Score' — Coming to America?

China is starting a “social credit system.” The state will monitor social media and web use to make it “hard for the discredited to take a single step.” Will it come to America? Has it, already?

It Begins: Florida Police Now Confiscating Guns From People With No Due Process


Skousen: House Fails to Rein in NSA Surveillance of Phone Calls — They collect all the content along with the metadata, but primarily use the metadata to create profiles on every person in the world showing all their metadata connections to everyone they talk to and all their financial dealings. This massive data connection map on every person also links bank, tax and credit card records so that in an instant that metadata can point to any content the government wants to view • NSA surveillance was used against Trump, but he appears to have gone along with his advisors’ support of the bill for some unknown reason. This may well have been a case where Trump is so busy fighting media brush fires that he doesn’t spend the time to study what his administration is doing

World Affairs Brief, January 12, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
This Week’s Analysis:
Trump Disappoints Supporters Again on Immigration
North Korea’s Charm Offensive
Bundy Trial Dismissed with Prejudice
House Fails to Rein in NSA Surveillance of Phone Calls
News Shorts
Preparedness Tip: Maximize Your Fuel Economy

(vid) Jason Goodman interviews Cliven and Ryan Bundy

(vid) Ron Paul: Mr. President, 'FIRE JEFF SESSIONS!'

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