Freedom from Alaska!

Category: “The love of money…” Page 1 of 9

Laura-Lynn & Ray Curry: Daystar, Joni Lamb’s new ‘husband’ Doug Weiss goes ballistic defending his unbiblical divorce!

Ray Curry from The Unction channel on YouTube, weighs in on Marcus Rogers and who is Doug Weis.

1:16:56 Doug Weiss goes ballistic in this discussion

Lots of truth here.

Jonathan and Suzy Lamb BOMBSHELL! 🤯🚨 #shorts

BREAKING: Daystar Dynasty DONE!!! Joni & Marcus Lamb Accused of Covering Up Allegations of CSA!

Wake Up and Win Podcast

Dr. Berg: Think Twice before Getting a Hysterectomy — Mostly unnecessary; serious side effects. Vitamin D solution, etc.

Big Pharma LYING about hysterectomies too!!

“The great majority of hysterectomies are unnecessary, and you should really know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“There’s an interesting correlation between vitamin D deficiency in fibroids and endometriosis. So I would just recommend getting enough vitamin D if you have fibroids endometriosis or even heavy periods….”

Potential side effects of a hysterectomy:
1. Negative changes to your figure
2. Low back pain
3. A leaky bladder
4. Loss of libido
5. Fluctuating emotions
6. Fatigue
7. Increased risk of fractures
8. Increased risk of all-cause mortality, including coronary heart disease
9. Increased weight gain

What Really Happened To Michael Jackson? | ADL Targeting Candace Owens

BOMBSHELL! Most Skin Cancer Deaths Are From LACK Of Sunlight — Vitamin D!!

Did you know that dermatology is pulling a huge scam on the American public? It’s true! Since the 1980s when dermatologists hired a big money advertising agency, the dermatologic profession has been aggressively “raising awareness” about the danger of skin cancer and the threat represented by the sun. Except that the vast majority of skin cancers are benign, and the more dangerous variety is actually caused by not getting enough sun.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the dermatological profession has become a huge money maker while offering no tangible health benefits.

Dr. Pierre Kory w/ Tucker: “BIG PHARMA is TERRIFIED of VITAMIN D — it threatens the disease model. We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide [for Covid]; would have been very easy to do. … What they’re doing to Ivermectin they’ve been doing to vitamin D for decades”

Related: Dr. Pierre Kory: A national VITAMIN D campaign to get levels above 50 would have changed the face of Covid!

Dr. Pierre Kory @ Sen. Johnson’s forum: A national VITAMIN D campaign could have protected us from Covid mortality. The only thing they recommended was Tylenol

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Dr. Kory tells Tucker @ 28:32

We should have had a vitamin D supplementation campaign nationwide. It would have been very easy to do. 

As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D. …

I got an email from a guy, William F. Grant, a professor out in California. … My life was going totally sideways because our protocols focused on Ivermectin. I was using a lot in my practice, as were tens of thousands around the world to really good benefits. I was getting attacked; there were hit jobs in the media. And he wrote me this email that said: What they’re doing to Ivermectin they’ve been doing to vitamin D for decades,’ and he included a link to an article called ‘The Disinformation Playbook,’ and its got five tactics. And these are the five tactics that all industries employ when science emerges that’s inconvenient to their interest.”

Dr. Pierre Kory w/ Tucker: COVID Vax Killed More Americans Than Vietnam

Tucker wrote on X: They’re still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory treats hundreds of patients who’ve been badly injured by it. Why is no one in the public health establishment paying attention?

(30 seconds) Why Is Big Pharma Terrified of Vitamin D? – Tucker Carlson w/ Dr. Pierre Kory

• High enough levels would have sailed us through Covid!
• Cuts breast cancer by 70% if levels above 60 ng/ml!
• Improves sleep and well being, cuts depression!
• Helps with 100 illnesses!
• Would cut hospital visits drastically!


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“As an aside, Vitamin D has been one of the most attacked substances over the last three or four decades by the pharmaceutical industry. Tucker: ‘why?’ It threatens the disease model. We could do an hour on vitamin D, Tucker…. They’re terrified of vitamin D.” – Dr. Pierre Kory

Also on Facebook


Vitamin D deficiency pandemic – Dr. John Campbell w/ Dr. David Anderson

“There’s hardly a disease that you can name that isn’t made worse by D deficiency and isn’t improved by D repletion. And it costs nothing….” – Dr. David Anderson

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Detailed conversation with Professor David Anderson, one of the seminal research doctors on vitamin D

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Dr. John Campbell

State GOP Chair CAUGHT ON TAPE Trying To Bribe Senate Candidate, Kari Lake! (Live from Two Roads Theater)

Jimmy Dore is waking up the left with comedy!

Some crude language.

Excellent breakdown!

The Jimmy Dore Show

Landmark Interview! Brother Nathanael Kapner on the Alex Jones Show 1/3/24 — “Judaism today is not Judaism of the Old Testament.” “Whosoever denies that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God has come in the flesh incarnate is of the spirit of antichrist”

Significant, about-time interview! Though, Alex is playing stupid here as the antagonist — why the interview is so draining and frustrating for him. “It’s so exhausting,” Alex says. It’s hard to lie. He’s blamed everyone but the Talmudists for 20 years now, but told the truth before that. Alex compromised to be famous and make a lot of money.

Alex’s is playing dumb with his title too. Full title: “Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered the Root of All Evil,” because he knows the Talmud is the main source of the NWO evil plan, which is “love of money” related, what the Bible calls the root of all kinds of evil. Nathanael points out how the Talmudists use their massive amounts of money to destroy humanity through the media, BlackRock, Big Pharma, etc..

I agree with most of what Nathanael says, but Putin is controlled too, and Hitler ended up getting Germany destroyed by getting people to follow him instead of Christ.

Having Nathanael on, finally is laudable, but Alex needs to stop lying, and start telling the truth no matter what. God says “all liars” will go to the lake of fire when they die (Revelation 21).

Nathanael makes a key point: “Judaism today is not Judaism of the Old Testament.”

24:30 Nathanael’s conversion to Christianity! His rabbi spit on the floor when Nathanael asked him about Jesus!

47:40 Alex says Larry David is “super likable.” Nathanael points out that Larry David peed on a picture of Jesus Christ, and says there is “no such thing as a good [denying Christ] Jew.” “You [they] identify that Christ is not the Messiah. That’s the spirit of antichrist. Saint John said it twice: ‘whosoever denies that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God has come in the flesh incarnate is of the spirit of antichrist.'”

“..every spirit who doesn’t confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God; and this is the spirit of the Antichrist….” – 1 John 4:3

Nathanael’s website

Video is also on Bitchute

Guess What The Israel-Palestine War Is REALLY About!

Reason #1 for the false flag war: Gaza’s $453 billion in oil and gas!

AND the Ben Gurion canal project (reason #2 to take out Gaza) is explained at 6:45


FDA panel says common over-the-counter decongestant doesn’t work

The love of money drives Big Pharma! Fake studies and salesmanship made them dozens of $billions over two decades, while the “remedies” did nothing to help sick people (“no more effective than a placebo”), and caused side effects. High enough vitamin D levels would have worked for most with no side effects. But they can’t patent vitamin D.

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A key ingredient in many over-the-counter cold and allergy medications called phenylephrine doesn’t work to get rid of nasal congestion, a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel concluded Tuesday. …

Phenylephrine — found in drugs including Sudafed PE, Vicks Nyquil Sinex Nighttime Sinus Relief and Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion — is the most popular oral decongestant in the United States, generating almost $1.8 billion in sales last year, according to data presented Monday by FDA officials.

Tucker: Genital mutilation — follow the money!

(1:11) Transgenderism: not a fad
(2:49) Sex changes: a big money maker
(5:44) Puberty blockers
(15:22) Trans surgeries: the grisly details
(16:40) Injuries
(18:00) What happened to FGM?
(19:00) Muslims & Sex Changes
(20:15) Thanks, Obama
(23:19) Behold the neophallus
(27:23) Eunuchs
(29:30) The Trans Pritzker
(31:00) Trans Marxism
(36:30) Who’s profiting?
(38:10) ESG for trans
(39:47) Long-term effects


Flash of Genius Official Trailer #1 – (2008) HD

“There’s nothing to think about; tell them no” – Flash of Genius (2008)

Anthony Fauci and his wife netted $2 million during Covid pandemic, records show – and are now worth $11 million


Journalist Alex Berenson on the Real Cost of Pharmaceutical Incentives – Joe Rogan Experience

The “love of money” drives Big Pharma!

Body Language: ADL Response to Elon Musk’s Lawsuit — Money and Power through Victimhood

“Money and power — victimhood gives you apparently both.”

Body Language Ghost

“Into the abyss”: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now – Tucker Carlson ep. 18

“This war is a catastrophe.” Col. Macgregor explains why — in detail.


Dr. Campbell: FDA approves Ivermectin AFTER making $BILLIONS from the vaccine, 2023

“For FDA to issue an EUA [Emergency Use Authorization], there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.” — including Vitamin D

Larry Fink & George Soros: Are They Destroying America? | PBD on Joe Rogan

Patrick Bet-David Deconstructs BlackRock’s Influence and ESG Ratings | Joe Rogan Experience

Patrick Bet-David:

88% of the companies on S&P 500, the largest shareholder is either State Street, BlackRock or Vanguard.”

“How big is BlackRock? $10 trillion. … Only two countries have a bigger GDP than BlackRock has assets under management, US and China.”

“They have the kind of control that can make companies fire boards, replace CEO’s, replace leaders they don’t like….”

“Larry Fink, the guy running BlackRock is really the president of the United States.”

Dr. John Campbell: Unethical drug and vaccine ads

Jay McDonald: The truth about Providence Hospital — “Don’t trust any nonprofit that has $10 billion in the bank that’s taking your money without telling you”


(video) Nick Begich II: ‘Greedy, Selfish, Corrupt’ Providence Hospital takes $millions out of Alaska as non-profit 501(c)3!

“Here in Anchorage, we have the good sisters of Providence, the Catholic charities of Providence Hospital, a national chain. I’m picking on them because they are a greedy, selfish organization that I resent on such deep levels for what they’ve done in my state.” … They’re taking up to $100 million a year in profits out of Alaska per year, and in Alaska, we have the highest medical insurance cost in the world. … This non-profit hospital and its chain, when Covid began had over $100 billion in their cash reserves. … Then they took $573 million of yours and my tax money to add to that reserve during Covid. … Is that right? They’re a non-profit 501(c)(3) doing charitable work, but they don’t pay a penny in taxes. … This is a corrupt operation.”

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“Don’t trust any nonprofit that has $10 billion in the bank that’s taking your money without telling you.” – Jay McDonald

• Providence Hospital’s lies during Covid

• They block competition

• Funny business with Providence and the MLP merger

Listen at 1 hr 37 min

The Mike Porcaro Show 7/31/23

Kevin Cross calls Austin Quinn Davidson “one of the most amazing, fantastic human beings I’ve ever met, and I’ve grown to love and respect you as much as you’re *my family*. I just want to thank you for everything you do”

Related: Assemblyman Cross on tape describing how to buy property with new zoning regs coming online & Meg Zaletel is a “fantastic person”

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[I’ve waited until today to post this, because I had hoped Kevin would do well, despite the warning signs.]

I realized something was seriously wrong with “conservative” Assemblyman Kevin Cross when he publicly praised radical left, married-to-her-wife Austin Quinn Davidson as “one of the most amazing, fantastic human beings I’ve ever met,” and how he considers her family. Then he commended her for “standing up” against the will of the people during Covid, locking us down and force masking us twice, which did more harm than good.

High enough vitamin D levels were the key to Covid, which I testified before the Assembly eight times, peer reviewed studies proven! The Assembly never mentioned vitamin D once; they just pushed lockdowns, vaxxes and masks, while the Mat valley had less deaths than Anchorage with no mandates and an older population.

Here, Kevin praises AQD for ignoring public testimony, and implementing tyranny.

“You put politics aside, you are just one of the most amazing, fantastic human beings I’ve ever met, and I’ve grown to love and respect you as much as you’re my family. I just want to thank you for everything you do. I’m going to tremendously miss having you on this board and sitting next to me. …

Nobody knows how hard it is to do what you did when you were mayor. Agree or disagree, you stood up in a time of need [rejecting the will of the people, locked us down, force masked us twice (the second time by usurping Mayor Bronson’s power after she was back on the Assembly) – ed.], and I just thank you. And I look forward to calling you a friend for the rest of my life.” – Assemblyman Kevin Cross, 4/11/23

Watch here, starting at 2:03:25

Amazon duped millions into enrolling in Prime, then made it difficult to cancel

The lawsuit follows another Amazon-related win by the FTC just a few weeks ago. Earlier this month, Amazon agreed to pay a $25m civil penalty to settle allegations it violated a child privacy law for storing kids’ voice and location data recorded by its popular Alexa voice assistant. It also agreed to pay $5.8m in customer refunds for alleged privacy violations involving its doorbell camera Ring.

Dr. Scott Jensen: Follow the Money to Big Pharma

They lied about Tamiflu too. Fake studies!

How Big Pharma is like the Wizard of Oz.

Pro Baseball Player Bows To Woke Mob, Vows To Undergo ‘Reeducation,’ We Are Living In 1984

The love of money — fake Christians

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