Freedom from Alaska!

Month: August 2011 Page 4 of 6

12 Studies: Why the rich ‘are such a selfish, less empathetic and less altruistic lot’ — Wealth, education and prestige and a higher station in life gave them the freedom to only worry about themselves

From: Daily Mail

Why the rich ‘are such a selfish, less empathetic and less altruistic lot’

Few people have much sympathy for the rich who have lost millions in the latest share price crash.

But then a new study has revealed the wealthy are unlikely to be to bothered about those who are struggling to make ends meet.

According to psychologist and social scientist Dacher Keltner the rich are usually self-obsessed and only worried about their own well being.

Keltner said they were ‘less empathetic, less altruistic and generally more selfish’ as a result of having so much money.

He said they have an ‘ideology of self interest’ and more likely to think about themselves whereas those less well off were more likely to help others.

‘We have now done 12 separate studies measuring empathy in every way imaginable, social behaviour in every way, and some work on compassion and it’s the same story,’ he said.

‘Lower class people just show more empathy, more prosocial behavior, more compassion, no matter how you look at it.’

Entire Article Here

Study: Narcissists rise to the top because people mistake their confidence and authority for leadership qualities — Leaders with the largest egos had the most negative effect on their group’s overall performance. They were too self-centered to listen to their colleagues. Those who love themselves are too focused on themselves to allow others to shine…

From: Daily Mail

Narcissists rise to the top because people mistake their confidence and authority for leadership qualities

They may be charming, confident and climb the job ladder with ease, but when they reach the top, narcissists are actually not very good at their roles.

Such people are often too self-obsessed to do their jobs properly, according to a study.

Those who love themselves and have vast self-confidence often impress others with their self-belief, dominance and authority, leading them to climb the career ladder effortlessly.

However, scientists have discovered that while narcissists are convincing leaders, they are so consumed by their own brilliance that it actually cripples their creativity and often causes them to make bad decisions.

They like to squirrel away information from their colleagues and are too focused on themselves to allow others to shine in the workplace, researchers said.

It also prevents proper interaction with colleagues who often vastly overestimate the ability of their overconfident bosses.

Scientists at the University of Amsterdam proved their theory by conducting an experiment involving 150 people, split into groups of three.

Entire Article Here

“Ha, ha, ha”

The News from Prison Planet: Rick Perry Is The Bankers Answer To Ron Paul: Rick Perry Hurt Little Girls!: Establishment Running Scared of Ron Paul; Ron Paul Gives Rick Santorum a History Lesson on Iran; and more…


Media already not even mentioning Ron Paul’s close 2nd place finish — This is how they do it — They only mentioned that Ron Paul was there

I just saw it happen on our local (Anchorage, Alaska) NBC affiliate, Channel 2 News, in what was supposed to be a report of the important Iowa straw poll. But they’ll be doing this all around this nation.

All of the other front-runners and even some of the tailgaiters were highlighted, including saying that Michelle Bachmann won.

But they only mentioned that Ron Paul was there — even though he almost tied for 1st!

And then they showed him from a distance, while showing the others up close.

They didn’t mention who came in 2nd or 3rd, but they did highlight Tim Pawlenty, the 3rd place finisher and a number of the others.

This is how they do it.

They’re making sure our economy will not recover, and that America will turn into a police state — what their globalist bosses dictate.

And the people will still watch these garbage ‘news’ broadcasts, thinking they are hearing the truth.

The Devil is a liar.

– Jeff Fenske

Iowa Straw Poll: Ron Paul within 1% of 1st!


Iowa Straw Poll: Ron Paul within 1% of 1st!

Submitted by Michael Nystromon Sat, 08/13/2011 – 13:55

C-SPAN will provide extensive live coverage of the Iowa Straw Poll: Live stream at C-SPAN

* * *

Video of Ron Paul’s speech at 1:15pm CT

  1. 28.56% (4823 votes) – Michele Bachmann
  2. 27.65% (4671 votes) – Ron Paul
  3. 13.57% (2293 votes) – Tim Pawlenty
  4. 9.81% (1657 votes) – Rick Santorum
  5. 8.62% (1456 votes) – Herman Cain
  6. 4.25% (718 votes) – Rick Perry (write-in)
  7. 3.36% (567 votes) – Mitt Romney
  8. 2.28% (385 votes) – Newt Gingrich
  9. 0.41% (69 votes) – Jon Huntsman
  10. 0.21% (35 votes) – Thaddeus McCotter

Justin TV Stream

* * *

Share your information, insights & news below.

[video] Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

No one can say God didn’t give us a way out of this mess

[youtube=]Ron Paul Speech at the Iowa Straw Poll – 2011 (08/13/11)

Uploaded by on Aug 13, 2011

Ron Paul Speaking at the Iowa Straw Poll 2011 on – Captured Live on Ustream at

[History Maker – Ron Paul] Top Story on Drudge 8/13/11 am: “WILL IT BE HIM?”

Ron Paul and the Iowa Caucus

[13-minute video – excellent overview!] Ron Paul’s soapbox speech at The Des Moines Register — The REAL problems and the REAL solutions. “By next summer you’re going to have a lot more price inflation, because…”

Ron is a lot more relaxed than at the 7-against-1 GOP debate

[youtube=]Ron Paul at The Des Moines Register soapbox

Uploaded by on Aug 12, 2011

Ron Paul at The Des Moines Register soapbox

Ron Paul talks money on The Willis Report — “To tell you the truth,” the Fed’s “real goal” is to depreciate the dollar

[youtube=]Ron Paul on The Willis Report 08/12/11

Uploaded by on Aug 12, 2011

Ron Paul Video Playlist

Rand Paul Video Playlist

Peter Schiff Video Playlist

Jesse Ventura Video Playlist

Freedom Watch Video Playlist

Gerald Celente Friends

Max Keiser Video Player

Alex Jones Video Player

Alex Jones: Ron Paul Wins Key Victory — Paul wins [online] Iowa straw but globalist media covers it up!

[youtube=]Ron Paul Wins Key Victory!

Uploaded by on Aug 12, 2011

Paul wins Iowa straw but globalist media covers it up!

Alex Jones: It’s Time for HollyWood to Speak Out About The Nwo & 9/11 — Bob Dylan Knows!

Bob Dylan,
if you ever see this,

I LOVE your Slow Train Coming album!

– Jeff Fenske
Anchorage, Alaska

[youtube=]It’s Time for HollyWood to Speak Out About The Nwo & 9/11! – Alex Jones Tv

Uploaded by on Aug 12, 2011

Tom Woods: Ron Paul and the Debate: Some Friendly Suggestions — Gang, you know I would crawl over broken glass for this guy, and that I consider him a giant in terms of his intelligence, his courage, his honesty, and his integrity…


Ron Paul and the Debate: Some Friendly Suggestions

Gang, you know I would crawl over broken glass for this guy, and that I consider him a giant in terms of his intelligence, his courage, his honesty, and his integrity.  Here’s my post-debate commentary, saying just that.  And standing on a debate stage alongside creeps and liars, getting 30 seconds to discuss complicated matters, must be unspeakable.  It’s easy to be a Monday-morning quarterback, for sure.

Having said that, I want to share a few thoughts on what I would recommend if I were a debate coach:

(1) Remember the level of economic knowledge most Americans have: pretty much zero.  They have never even heard the term “business cycle.”  One must be less ambitious in a debate, in terms of what he can expect to get across, as opposed to a more leisurely magazine or television interview.

At the same time, the candidate has to differentiate himself, and can’t simply repeat that he favors low taxes, reduced spending, and a balanced budget.  That’s what they all say.

I would say something like this: “By my count, we have tried at least sixteen forms of economic stimulus.  And most of them were tried under Republicans, so be skeptical of the pretty speeches you’re suddenly hearing from the other candidates tonight.  None of it gives us real prosperity. Just a sugar high that we’re now crashing from — and all the president can suggest is more sugar.

“My supporters are always on me to boast more.  After all, they say, I predicted long ago that this system of unpayable debt and money created out of thin air would come to grief. Now I do hate boasting. But the current crisis is too important for me not to level with you. No one on this stage saw the economic crisis of 2008 coming.  I’m flattered that they’re at least trying to sound like me, but I actually have the track record to show that I warned about this long ago and have fought a lonely battle, without much help from people on this stage, ever since.”

(2) If the Federal Reserve comes up, I would keep it very simple.  Two major points:
(a) “If you were given the power to create all the money you wanted to out of thin air, I bet you’d use that power.  Now think about it: what group in society would we least trust with that power?  If you said politicians, go to the head of the class.  But no one, and I mean no one, will talk about the Federal Reserve.  The less they talk about it, the more important you know it must be.  And that’s why I want to talk to Americans about it, whether or not the focus groups say I should.”
(b) “The Fed benefits the economic elite at the expense of the general public, as I’ve explained in my books.  And it encourages what we call moral hazard — which means these big firms take excessive risks in the expectation of a bailout in the future.  Well, why shouldn’t they expect a bailout under the current system — it’s so easy to print the money!  Enough is enough.  If you’re going to cry and whine about bailouts on this stage but not utter a peep against the institution that makes the bailouts possible, you are a fraud.”

(3) It is necessary to call out the other candidates. I know this goes against Dr. Paul’s style. But here is where his humility comes in: this movement is not, in the final analysis, about Ron Paul.  It is about his ideas.  And those ideas have to be allowed to penetrate the fog of a presidential debate. Whatever Dr. Paul’s personal debating preferences, they have to be secondary. The ideas, and the welfare of our country, simply demand it.

He doesn’t have to pick on any person in particular. But it would be an extraordinary moment, and one that would intrigue countless Americans into making that fateful first Google search of Ron Paul, if he said: “May I have a show of hands, please, of all the people on this stage who predicted the crash of 2008, and who were critics of the Federal Reserve and its destructive effects on our economy before I made it fashionable to be? Economic convulsions are being felt all over the world. The system is coming unglued. My colleagues on this stage have been taken by surprise.  I wasn’t — not because I’m a clairvoyant, or because I have some exclusive insight.  I knew it because I actually read the great free-market economists, and because I have written and spoken on these issues for over 35 years.


I cannot emphasize enough that Ron Paul is a far more courageous person than I am, and that we deeply admire his vast knowledge, his personal integrity and his extraordinary, unheard-of record from twelve congressional terms.  All we want is for more people to become aware of this great man, and I hope some of these suggestions can help make that possible.

Entire Article Here

[friendly post-debate video] Ron Paul Trying To Break 100 Years Of Brainwashing

[youtube=]Ron Paul Trying To Break 100 Years Of Brainwashing

Uploaded by libertywriters on Aug 12, 2011

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 AUGUST 6 – 12

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

US: Members of the new Congressional Super Committee (created by the debt-limit agreement last week) have received $3million from corporations and unions that want to keep their government funding from being cut from the budget. The White House says it is silly to criticize this conflict-of-interest because the representatives have taken an oath to the Constitution. [Really! The Super Committee itself is unconstitutional, and its members have a unbroken record of violating the Constitution. So does the White House.] Yahoo 2011 Aug 12 (Cached)

US: A new Jobs Super Committee is proposed to solve unemployment. This is inspired by the new Super Congress created last week to solve the debt crisis. [The same people who ruined the economy with too much debt now will solve the problem with more debt; and the same ones that created unemployment by too many taxes and too much government control now want to solve the crisis with more taxes and more control. That should work!]
2011 Aug 12 (Cached)

Ron Paul at Iowa Debate – Part 1:
He says Congress doesn’t understand monetary policy and can’t fix a problem they don’t understand. He wants to cut welfare to illegal aliens. He challenges the claim that Iran is a nuclear threat. He wants to stop trying to solve problems of other countries.
YouTube 2011 Aug 11

Part 2: He advocates abolishing the Federal Reserve and returning to sound money. He says that the debt debaters used scare tactics and explains how $1.6 trillion can be wiped off the books immediately. YouTube 2011 Aug 11

Colorado: The FBI wants military surplus stores to spy on their customers. They are asked to get ID from anyone who buys firearms or preparedness items, such as ready-to-eat meals, because they may be terrorists. OathKeepers 2011 Aug 11 (Cached)

UK: stopped selling items such as batons and metal baseball bats when it was discovered that hundreds were being purchased for possible use in the London riots.
2011 Aug 11 (Cached)

China stops lending money to the US until it cures its “debt addiction.” Last week, China downgraded US credit rating from A+ to A. GoldSeek 2011 Aug 10 (Cached)

US: Standard & Poor’s downgrades ratings on thousands of municipal bonds (a $2.9 trillion market). The reason is that their credit worthiness depends on bailouts from the federal government which, itself, now has been downgraded.
Economic Policy Journal 2011 Aug 10 (Cached)

UK: Scotland Yard confirms that police were ordered to stand down and let rioters wreak havock in order to frighten the population into wanting martial law. It worked. The majority of citizens now want the police to use bullets and tasers. [This will continue long after the riots are over.]
Prison Planet 2011 Aug 10 (Cached)

Kansas Governor joins Oklahoma in rejecting federal funds to implement Obamacare; hands back $32 million grant. [This does not mean that Obamacare is blocked in those states, only that they will not participate in setting it up. The feds will have to do it on their own, which will make little difference in the outcome. Still, this is an encouraging sign of resistance.] DailyMail 2011 Aug 10 (Cached)

Gold has hit $1800, but George Soros and others in the “smart-money” class are said to be selling gold to buy farmland. [The implications are sobering. They anticipate that global food shortages will make food more valuable than gold. They could be right. We may not be able to buy and cultivate farmland, but we can stock up on food for our families. Also, you can be sure that Soros did not get rid of all his gold.] MarketWatch 2011 Aug 10 (Cached)

Wisconsin Republicans are still the majority after recall elections despite millions spent by special-interest groups supporting government unions demanding so-called collective bargaining ‘rights’. Yahoo 2011 Aug 10 (Cached)

Two Americans who were investigating corruption in Iraq involving military and contractors were arrested and tortured there in 2006 by US troops. A district court now rules that these men may sue Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense, because he approved the use of torture.
2011 Aug 9 (Cached)

US: The EPA, reacting to a scathing review by the Government Accountability Office, is considering setting tougher standards for toxic chemicals in drinking water. [Do not expect meaningful action, because the EPA is heavily influenced by the corporations that are responsible for these toxic chemicals in the first place. This article explains how to remove the chemicals while you’re waiting for the EPA.] Forbes 2011 Aug 9 (Cached)

San Francisco buses to be outfitted with real-time spy cameras that recognize faces, track eye movement, and can photograph underneath clothes – to protect against terrorism, of course.
2011 Aug 9 (Cached)

Libya reports that NATO killed 85 civilians in bomb and missile attacks, and reporters are shown the debris and the bodies. NATO says it bombed the houses because they were used for military purposes. Those killed included 32 women and 33 children. CNN  2011 Aug 9 (Cached)

Japan: Fish caught 30 miles offshore of Fukushima contain radioactive cesium above allowable limits. Mainichi News 2011 Aug 9 (Cached)

The US debt ceiling was raised by $400 billion and, overnight, the Treasury debt increased by $20 billion. Some observers think the big spenders will hit the new ceiling before October.
2011 Aug 8 (Cached)

Google admits handing over European user data to US intelligence agencies, probably in violation of  European privacy laws. Softpedia 2011 Aug 8 (Cached)

US: Twenty percent of Congressmen are taking vacations in Israel this summer paid by the American Israeli Political Action Committee, the largest lobbying group in the US.
2011 Aug 8 (Cached)

Homeless boy steals talent show. Click & enjoy.

US: Lawyers who represent BOTH 9/11 first responders (firemen, police, and clean-up crews) and also the NY & NJ Port Authority (the owners of the World Trade Center) stand to profit by $400 million from settlements while victims receive paltry amounts. DailyMail 2011 Aug 8 (Cached)

US: AIG (owned primarily by the federal government) is suing Bank of America for $10 billion for fraudulent mortgage-backed securities, and private investors also are expected to sue. [This news obscures the fact that the government itself allowed the fraud in the first place and it creates the impression that the big, bad bankers finally will be punished. In truth, penalties will be reimbursed by government bailouts and passed on to taxpayers. This is merely more legalized plunder of the common man.]
Business Insider 2011 Aug 8 (Cached)

Cargo arriving in Egypt from Japan is found with above allowable levels of radiation. Some countries (not the US) have banned Japanese imports. Almasryalyoum 2011 Aug 8 (Cached)

Al Gore loses his cool and launches into a cussing rant over growing opposition to the myth of man-made global warming. ClimateDepot 2011 Aug 7 (Cached)

US: TSA agents confiscate pregnant woman’s insulin and ice packs because they were an explosive risk. DailyMail 2011 Aug 7 (Cached)

The future of warfare is based on robotic drones. Hobbyists are producing high-tech robots that some day may allow private armies to rival national military forces. MSNBC 2011 Aug 7 (Cached)

China, the largest holder of US government debt, blasts the US for debt ‘addiction’. China’s state-run news agency advocates a new global reserve currency and also wants international supervision over the US dollar. Huffington Post 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)

US: The miss-named Department of Justice drops its investigation of bank mortgage fraud because it claims there is no proof of wrong-doing. [The phrase ‘Too big to jail’ comes to mind.] Yahoo 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)

Facial recognition from a webcam can be matched against Facebook photos and produce positive identification in three seconds. DailyMail 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)

TSA employees’ union is upset over TSA and Homeland Security because they disregarded safety concerns over x-ray body scanners. There has been an increase in cancer, strokes & heart disease among TSA workers. RealitySandwich Posted 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)

Wells Fargo may have to buy back $1.8 billion in near-worthless mortgages because of improper representations at the time they were issued. If so, it is feared that the bank will not have sufficient funds to do so. [Never fear. The federal government will come to the rescue and fleece the taxpayers again to provide the necessary funds.] Yahoo Posted 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)

McAffee, a leading producer of anti-virus software, says hacking US & UN computers has been happening over the past 5 years on a massive scale.  China is main suspect, but it has been speculated that the U.S. government also is involved, because this provides an excuse for more control over the Internet. DailyMail Posted 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)

Ireland considers withholding welfare benefits for people with children if they refuse vaccinations. This already is being done in Brazil and Mexico. Posted 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

People fill their garbage cans and the countryside with used, plastic, milk jugs but you will approve of what this company is doing with them.
posted 2011 Aug 11

US: Gross Domestic Product figures are manipulated to deceive people into thinking that the economy is better than it really is. This is done by skewing data for production and consumption and especially by including government spending as a domestic product. Here are the details.
Posted 2011 Aug 6 (Cached)

Fiat currency (without gold or silver backing) has an average life expectancy of 27 years. The world’s dominant monetary system fails every 30 to 40 years – at devastating cost to the average citizen. [The U.S. is overdue.] Washington’s Blog 2011 Aug 2 (Cached)

The Smart-Meter Grid has been funded by tax dollars and is expected to generate $170 billion in revenue in 2014 for corporations that produce and maintain the equipment. [The goal is not conservation of energy but monitoring and control of people plus profit for corporations that financially support legislators. The scheme can be thwarted if Smart Meters are rejected.] MorphCity 2011 Aug 5 (Cached)

Dirty electricity (high frequency energy that rides on top of normal 60-cycle current) can lead to cancer, heart disease, and suicide. The causes of dirty electricity are explained here and how it relates too Smart Meters. YouTube posted 2011 Aug 5

The News from Prison Planet: Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll; Ron Paul Vs GOP Warmongers: …Iowa Debate; Rick Perry is the Neocon Warmonger Choice for President; and more…


Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by federal appeals court

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 12 – The 11th circuit appeals court ruled today that Obama’s health care mandate — which forced Americans to purchase an insurance product that many did not want or need — was unconstitutional and that Congress…

Raw Milk Rover animation depicts raw milk victory against FDA

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 12 – A new animation created by Mike Adams and released by NaturalNews depicts a happy dog achieving a unique victory over FDA tyrants who conduct armed raids on raw milk farmers and merchants. Scripted and voiced…

Monsanto preys on popularity of omega-3s by developing GMO soybean that produces fake fish oil

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
August 12 – Leave it to Monsanto to take a good thing and corrupt it for financial gain. According to a recent report in Forbes, the multinational biotechnology-slash-agriculture-manipulating monolith has developed a new…

Pharma now pushing for 20 new vaccines in next decade

By PF Louis
August 12 – The mainstream media is extremely one sided with its vaccine reporting. It is a PR outlet for the pharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry’s sacred cow – vaccines. A…

Study: Grape compound may provide natural protection against skin cancer

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 12 – If you spend a lot of time in the sun, and are looking for a way to help naturally protect your skin from potential damage caused by sun exposure, new research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food…

Patient advocates appeal federal decision to deny medical cannabis to millions of Americans

By Kris Hermes
August 12 – Last month, after patient advocates had filed a lawsuit to compel the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to answer a 9-year-old petition to reclassify cannabis (medical marijuana), it begrudgingly…

Mother almost fined $535, threatened with year in prison after daughter rescued baby woodpecker

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 12 – When 11-year-old Skylar Capo from Fredericksburg, Va., recently rescued a baby woodpecker from being eaten by her family’s cat, she had no idea that the compassionate deed would nearly land her mother in jail…

Whole Paycheck and Organic Food Deserts: The Challenge

By Ronnie Cummins
August 12 – After decades of grassroots public education, battles to safeguard standards, and hard work, organic food and farming has become the fastest growing sector of U.S. agriculture. Organics have surged in popularity…

Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo found in neglect for refusing to medicate daughter with psychiatric drugs

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 11 – Detroit mom Maryanne Godboldo, who was subjected to an armed SWAT team assault on her home during an attempted kidnapping by Child Protective Services, has been found in neglect today by a Wayne County juvenile…

Truth advocates push for GMO labeling initiative to be placed on 2012 California ballot

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
August 11 – Advocates for truth in food labeling will be working diligently this fall to gather enough signatures to get an initiative placed on the 2012 California electoral ballot that, if passed, will mandate that genetically…

Many medical journals have no policies regarding conflicts of interest in published research studies

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 11 – The clinical trial analysis and research studies published in some medical journals — and that are used directly by doctors to diagnose and treat patients — could be posited in biased language due to secret…

Pediatricians trying to obliterate parent’s right to refuse vaccinations for children

By PF Louis
August 11 – Just when you think some progress is being made for allowing exemptions from required vaccination schedules, along comes a threatening policy statement from a group that does most of those vaccinations. The…

You can keep your money: Kansas joins Oklahoma in rejecting federal healthcare exchange grant

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 11 – The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has dispensed more than $240 million in taxpayer-funded grants to six states and a multi-state consortium to facilitate the creation of “Obamacare” health…

Survival Medicine and Food

By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
August 11 – Things are going to come at us fast and furious now so it’s time to prepare for the worst. The world is on the edge of panic so I am telling people in this essay what to stock up on in terms of emergency medical…

Food safety false flag? USDA waited for people to die before recalling ground turkey it knew was contaminated

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 10 – Adding yet more evidence to the proof that the U.S. government maliciously promotes dangerous food borne illness outbreaks rather than trying to prevent them, evidence has emerged today that the U.S. Department…

How to turn your own back yard into an incredible food producing machine (NaturalNews.TV premium program)

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 10 – This is a time of great change in our world. Many people are now, for the first time, realizing that the debt situation in the USA is entirely unsustainable and headed for likely collapse. There’s a lot of…

Click here for more articles »    

[video] All Of Ron Paul’s Questions & Answers at Iowa GOP Debate 8/11/11 — “It’s time we quit this. It’s trillions of dollars we’re spending on these wars!”

[youtube=]All Of Ron Paul’s Iowa Fox GOP Debate Question & Answers

Uploaded by on Aug 11, 2011

Airing Date Aug.11, 2011


Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

For the record, I invite anyone out there who still labors under the delusion that George W. Bush presided over some kind of “born again” Christian administration to check out the vast amounts of information I have compiled on my web site that exposes Bush as being just another big government elitist, who did as much (or more) to strip America of its God-given liberties as any other President in history. See the record at:

Furthermore, even cursory research will uncover the fact that the Bush and Clinton families have long collaborated together in criminal activity on a massive scale–activity that, in all likelihood, continues to this very day. …

Of course, G.W. Bush was never held accountable by evangelical Christian voters for his unconstitutional conduct. All they cared about was Bush’s Christian rhetoric. And it does appear that is all they care about today.

Instead of being excited about a candidate claiming to be a Christian, or claiming to pray and read his or her Bible, we need to get excited about a candidate who is serious about preserving the liberties of the American people, and who makes a commitment to protect and preserve the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution!

The sad truth is, our illustrious evangelical leaders on the right are just as culpable in the dismantling and deterioration of the American republic as are those on the political or religious left! Both sides are willing to give their favored politicos a pass on constitutional governance. …

Besides, if James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul.


Posted on Aug 11, 2011

We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush

Last Saturday, Texas Governor Rick Perry unofficially launched his 2012 Presidential candidacy in Houston (in my opinion). Speculation is he will officially announce his intentions this weekend in South Carolina. If he does declare his candidacy, many election-watchers say Perry will become the GOP frontrunner, due to an extremely weak field of declared candidates. If Perry does declare his candidacy, everyone will know that the Houston event was staged for the purpose of launching his Presidential bid, rhetoric to the contrary notwithstanding.

If Perry declares his candidacy (and I’m confident he will), people should also realize that the Houston event was a precursor to the type of campaign that Perry will use throughout the Republican primary season. As a fellow Texan, it was not lost on Rick Perry how George W. Bush obtained the Republican nomination–and eventually the White House. In short, Rick Perry is going to use the G.W. Bush model to win a Presidential election.

Think about it: G.W. Bush won the White House after an extremely unpopular liberal Democrat had been President. Barack Obama’s popularity is even lower than Bill Clinton’s was–and Clinton was only the second President in US history to ever be impeached! Bush’s campaign boss, Karl Rove, brilliantly painted G.W. Bush as being a wholesome “born again Christian,” which played very well with a Christian electorate that was tired of being embarrassed by a lying, philandering reprobate living in the White House.

In 2012, the American electorate, especially the Christian electorate, is totally fed up with an incumbent President whom everyone knows to be extremely sympathetic to Muslim and Marxist ideologies. Plus, a sizeable percentage of the American people truly suspect that Obama was NOT born in the United States and is, therefore, not even qualified to be President. This is the stage upon which Rick Perry appears. It is a stage very similar to the one George W. Bush stepped onto in 2000. And just as Bush played the “born again Christian” card to the max in the 2000 Presidential campaign, so Rick Perry appears to be ready to do in 2012. That is what the Houston event was all about last Saturday.

Billed as “A Day of Prayer and Fasting,” the event solidified Perry’s preferred status among evangelical Christians. With the help of the American Family Association (which reportedly contributed up to a million dollars to the event), James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, and Cornerstone Church’s (San Antonio) Pastor John Hagee, Perry is all but assured of cornering the “born again” vote, just as G.W. Bush did in 2000.

One would like to think that America’s Christians learned something from the two GWB administrations, but it doesn’t appear that they have. I think it is safe to say that Dobson, Hagee, et al, would endorse ANYONE nominated by the Republican Party. They have already proven that, have they not? James Dobson went so far as to humiliate himself by endorsing big government John McCain in the 2008 general elections, even after vowing publicly that he would “NEVER” support McCain. During the primaries, however, the Republican candidate who can “talk the Bible” the best can expect the support of these clueless evangelical leaders. And this time around, it appears that Rick Perry is that man. You can rest assured if Perry doesn’t win the nomination, Dobson and Hagee will be right there for whoever does.

For the record, I invite anyone out there who still labors under the delusion that George W. Bush presided over some kind of “born again” Christian administration to check out the vast amounts of information I have compiled on my web site that exposes Bush as being just another big government elitist, who did as much (or more) to strip America of its God-given liberties as any other President in history. See the record at:

Furthermore, even cursory research will uncover the fact that the Bush and Clinton families have long collaborated together in criminal activity on a massive scale–activity that, in all likelihood, continues to this very day. (I still say, don’t be surprised if Obama dumps Joe Biden as his Vice President and puts Hillary Clinton on the ticket before next year’s elections.)

Of course, G.W. Bush was never held accountable by evangelical Christian voters for his unconstitutional conduct. All they cared about was Bush’s Christian rhetoric. And it does appear that is all they care about today. As a result, Rick Perry will prove to be a formidable candidate in the GOP primaries.

I have said over and over again that I would rather vote for an unbeliever who would preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, than vote for a believer who would NOT preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States! The pious rhetoric of political candidates means nothing!

If I hire a plumber to fix a drainage problem at my house, I am not interested so much in where he goes to church, or whether he teaches Sunday School, or what denomination he claims. I am hiring him to fix my plumbing! We sign a contract, he and I. I promise to pay him “X” amount of dollars, and he promises that when he’s finished, my toilets will flush. Christian or not, I expect him to honor the terms of his contract.

Ladies and gentlemen, when we elect a civil magistrate (at any level), we are entering into a contract with the one we elected. We gave them our support, which allowed them to obtain public office, and they promise (before Almighty God) to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. They do not promise to be “good Christians.” They do not promise to be “good Republicans.” They do not promise to be “good conservatives.” They take an oath before God (they sign a contract with the American people) to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. And it is our job as citizens to hold our civil magistrates to their oath! In fact, if any elected office holder were a TRUE Christian, he or she would take their oath even more seriously, would they not?

Instead of being excited about a candidate claiming to be a Christian, or claiming to pray and read his or her Bible, we need to get excited about a candidate who is serious about preserving the liberties of the American people, and who makes a commitment to protect and preserve the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution!

Before we talk about Rick Perry’s commitment to prayer and fasting, let’s find out if Rick Perry believes that there must be a Declaration of War before America begins invading, bombing, and occupying foreign countries. Let’s find out if he believes he has the authority as President to use US military forces against American citizens. Let’s find out if he believes he has the authority to give billions and trillions of dollars away to foreign countries. Let’s find out if he plans to commit US military forces to the whims of the United Nations Security Council. Let’s find out if he supports the Military Commissions Act. Let’s find out if he supports the Patriot Act. Let’s find out if he believes the US government has the authority to use super-computers and advanced technology to continue to turn the United States into a giant surveillance-society. Let’s find out how serious he is about closing that southern border: speaking of which, what did Rick Perry do as governor of the border State of Texas to stop illegal immigration? And while we are on the subject of Border States, what did Rick Perry do to stop the NAFTA superhighway? Before we get excited about Rick Perry being a “good Christian,” let’s find out if he supports the Council of Governors, or the North American Union, or the Continuity of Government, or Agenda 21. Let’s find out if Perry will launch a Justice Department investigation into the ATF’s (under Barack Obama and Eric Holder) clandestine operation of providing firearms to Mexican drug gangs. We could go on and on with these kinds of questions.

The sad truth is, our illustrious evangelical leaders on the right are just as culpable in the dismantling and deterioration of the American republic as are those on the political or religious left! Both sides are willing to give their favored politicos a pass on constitutional governance. And ladies and gentlemen, that is why it hasn’t mattered to a tinker’s dam whether a Democrat or Republican, “liberal” or “conservative” is in the White House! And that’s why it won’t matter in 2012.

Besides, if James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul. But, unfortunately, they wouldn’t do it in 2008, and they won’t do it in 2012. They lack both the courage and the sagacity.

We don’t need another George W. Bush in the White House. For that matter, we don’t need another Jimmy Carter in the White House. What we need is a President (governor, mayor, sheriff, etc.) who will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States!

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

© Chuck Baldwin


President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?

More Proof: Skull and Bonesman President George W. Bush is a Reverse-Christian

Pastor Baldwin: The Religious Right is AWOL From the Real War

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: “I would rather vote for an UNBELIEVER WHO WOULD preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution, than vote for a BELIEVER WHO WOULD NOT…. If our public servants do not submit themselves to the Constitution to which they swore an oath before God and men, they are liars and frauds and should be treated as such!”

All of my George Bush Family posts in reverse chronological order

All of my Republicans Blackmailable posts in reverse chronological order

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: First they came for the raw milk, and I didn’t speak out because I drank no raw milk…


Food safety false flag? USDA waited for people to die before recalling ground turkey it knew was contaminated

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 10 – Adding yet more evidence to the proof that the U.S. government maliciously promotes dangerous food borne illness outbreaks rather than trying to prevent them, evidence has emerged today that the U.S. Department…

How to turn your own back yard into an incredible food producing machine (NaturalNews.TV premium program)

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 10 – This is a time of great change in our world. Many people are now, for the first time, realizing that the debt situation in the USA is entirely unsustainable and headed for likely collapse. There’s a lot of…

Large study confirms that omega 3s produce healthy babies

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 10 – Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for the development and maintenance of the brain and nervous system, especially in young children ( And a new study published…

Timeline of FDA raids on raw milk farmers, dietary supplement makers and natural medicine practitioners

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 10 – The US Food and Drug Administration has a long history of conducting armed, SWAT-style raids on farmers, cancer treatment pioneers and dietary supplement manufacturers. This list, compiled by the editors of…

First they came for the raw milk, and I didn’t speak out because I drank no raw milk…

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 10 – The FDA raids on raw milk farmers have outraged the U.S. public, and an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the overreaching regulatory tyranny of this rogue government agency. But not enough members…

Head of top China credit rating agency says dollar on its way out

By J. D. Heyes
August 10 – When the head of a credit ratings agency in the country that holds most of your debt says your currency is in danger of being “discarded” by the world, you should probably listen. Earlier this week, just…

New research shows dementia is preventable with natural means

By S. L. Baker, features writer
August 10 – To hear many people in the mainstream media as well as mainstream medicine describe it, dementia is something similar to a curse: you will get it or you won’t, so all you can do as you get older is just wait…

Record of $9,000 in cash stolen from James Stewart found in warrant paperwork mysteriously left at his house by government agents

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 10 – Two days ago, NaturalNews reported that a witness on the scene from the Rawesome Foods raid saw agents take $9,000 in cash from James Stewart. NaturalNews confirmed this $9,000 in cash was not recorded on the…

Unneeded hospital blood tests giving heart attack victims life-threatening anemia

By S. L. Baker, features writer
August 10 – It feels like a horrific tale about barbaric medical practices from ancient history: people with a life threatening heart condition are subjected to bloodletting until they become anemic. But this is no joke…

U.S. debt crisis worsens as borrowing tops 100 percent of GDP

By J. D. Heyes
August 10 – Nothing says “debt crisis” like borrowing more money than you take in over the course of a year, but that’s what the U.S. government has done. The ink from President Barack Obama’s signature was barely dry…

The death cry of a carrot – If carrots are not dead when you pick them out of the ground, when are they dead?

By Matthew Silverstone
August 10 – When do carrots die? Apparently not in the way most of us thought. Carrots don’t die when you pull them out of the ground, but in fact only die when ingested in the stomach, cooked to 60c in hot water or left…

Suppressed Health Technology Revealed on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

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August 10 – Would you like to learn about a scientifically-proven way to kill disease organisms without harmful side effects? This technology is here! But, government-run health agencies and the conventional medical community…

Old media refuses to cover Rawesome Foods raid, avoids printing raw milk phrase

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 8 – It is perhaps the biggest story of the year in terms of fundamental food rights, and yet with very few exceptions, old media (traditional newspapers and news outlets) has outright refused to even cover the story…

Government raids, terrorizes Christian health ministry for not complying with unlawful demands

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GMOs failing across America – Farmer to Farmer film reveals disastrous failure

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Federal judge dismisses Similac lawsuit, bug-contaminated baby formula assumed ‘wholesome’ and ‘nutritious’

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
August 8 – Last September, Abbott Laboratories recalled more than five million containers of its Similac baby formula because they may have been contaminated with beetles or beetle larvae (…

Click here for more articles »    

The News from Prison Planet




Uploaded by on Aug 10, 2011

Alex talks about the stock market tanking and other matters economic with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keiser. Max hosted Oracle with Max Keiser, On The Edge, and The Keiser Report.




[65-minute audio – EXCELLENT!] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

From: ToBeFree

The economic downturn will slowly continue until the coming nuclear attack by Russia, aided by China, perhaps 10 years out.

Our leaders are leaving us totally vulnerable. The only thing they are doing is building bomb shelters for themselves.

How can this be? There is a dark, spiritual dimension behind the plan to bring America to its knees. This is way bigger than one man, or even a group of men, as this has gone on for centuries.

From: Coast to Coast Am

World Affairs / Conscious Evolution

Date: 08-02-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Joel Skousen, Barbara Marx Hubbard

In the first half of the show, political scientist and expert in relocation for personal security, Joel Skousen, gave a US & world affairs update. He argued that the US Congress shouldn’t have voted for the debt ceiling agreement– it would have forced the government to start to stay within their means. There was no real threat of a default, and the US govt. actually had enough income to make its payments, he said. “You can’t solve the debt problem by taking on more debt…there is no political will…to seriously cut benefits,” he added.

Skousen believes the Russians will eventually (10 years or more from now) attack the United States with a nuclear first strike, and the Chinese will back them. This war will allow US leaders to declare all debts gone, he predicted. But, “once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words,” he declared. The first strike would involve 3,000 warheads, hitting the major American military bases, yet the effects of nuclear winter wouldn’t be as bad as thought, with 80% of the population surviving– especially if they have some fallout protection, he noted. Skousen has a new edition out of his book Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places. …

Starts at minute 11[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 2.8.2011 – 1/4 – World Affairs / Conscious Evolution

Uploaded by on Aug 3, 2011

Guests: Joel Skousen, Barbara Marx Hubbard …



Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

All 100 of my Joel Skousen posts in reverse chronological order

[audio – delightful!] Katherine Albrecht on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/3/11: Overcoming breast cancer and continuing to speak out for consumer privacy

Starts at minute 14

[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 3.8.2011 – 1/4 – UFOs on the Record

Uploaded by on Aug 4, 2011

Guests: Leslie Kean, Katherine Albrecht


Albrecht Update:

First hour guest, consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht talked about her recovery from breast cancer– she is balancing chemotherapy with natural supplements. She spoke on behalf of– the privacy search engine, and noted that if she had been conducting searches on Google regarding her medical situation, they would have stored that information about her in their database. Startpage retrieves data from Google and the user remains anonymous.

[video] MSNBC host, Dylan Ratigan (rightfully) loses it on air

[youtube=]Dylan Ratigan (rightfully) loses it on air

Uploaded by on Aug 9, 2011

Share this with everyone you know.

In a conversation with a show panel about the country’s debt and credit downgrade, MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan passionately calls both the Democratic and Republican economic plans, “reckless, irresponsible and stupid.”

From Tuesday August 9th, 2011

[audio] Still Skeptical? Dr. Stanley Monteith lays it out straight — “They seem to be bringing all of these things to a climax at this time in history.” “It’s not going to collapse all at once … but it won’t take long before your money is worthless and you’ve been impoverished”

Listen here:
8/8/11 Hour 1

Real-historian Dr. Stanley Monteith
“A national treasure!”

Marc Morano & Alex Jones: Al Gore’s Green Nazi Movement Have Lost The Global Warming War! — Why modern clothes washing machines can’t…

[youtube=]Marc Morano & Alex Jones: Al Gore’s Green Nazi Movement Have Lost The Global Warming War! 1/2

Uploaded by on Aug 9, 2011

Marc Morano, who runs the climate website for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, talks with Alex about Al Gore losing it and cursing out skeptics of the climate scam at the globalist Aspen Institute in Colorado earlier this month. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

Chief Gore’ is not a happy man. He lost Tipper…he spent $300 million to convince us of a global warming Armageddon…But all he got was falling support’


Stewart Rhodes: UK Should Allow Women to be Armed for Self-Defense — “England is where we’re going”

[youtube=]Stewart Rhodes: UK Should Allow Women to be Armed for Self-Defense 1/2

Uploaded by on Aug 9, 2011

Alex also talks with Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers about Quartzite, Arizona, Chief of Police Jeff Gilbert calling the Oath Keepers, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party, and the Sons of Liberty Riders “terrorists” during a public meeting.


Yosemite at Night: Moonbows

Description from PetaPixel:

Moonbows” are rainbows that appear at night under moonlight, and are difficult to see with human eyes but beautiful when captured in long exposure photographs. There aren’t many places on Earth where this phenomenon can be regularly witnessed, but a few of them are found at the waterfalls in Yosemite.

Steven Bumgardner, the video producer for the national park, spent two years moonbow hunting and shot over 20,000 still photos with a Canon 5D Mark II to create the time-lapse sequences seen in the video above. After watching, you might want to add “moonbows” your list of things to see and photograph (along with the northern lights, perhaps).

[youtube=]Yosemite Nature Notes – Episode 15 – Moonbows

Uploaded by on Jul 1, 2011

From the Milky Way to the moon, the beauty of Yosemite is on display 24 hours a day. During the full moon of the the spring and early summer, lunar rainbows, also known as moonbows, can be seen on many park waterfalls

[amazing HD video] Eagle Owl Attacking Camera at 1000fps!

Watch full screen in HD!

Description from: PetaPixel

While we’re on the topic of high-speed cameras (and slow motion videos), here’s a beautiful slow-motion video of an eagle owl “attacking” a camera, shot at 1,000fps with a Photron FASTCAM SA2. The new Phantom v1610 camera announced today can record footage 1000 times slower than this.

[youtube=]Full HD High Speed Movie – Eagleowl – Photron SA2

Uploaded by on Jun 16, 2009

Full HD High Speed Movie — 1000 fps
Photron Full HD High Speed Camera SA2
for more High Speed Movies see


New Phantom v1610 Camera Can Shoot a Staggering 1,000,000fps

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