Freedom from Alaska!

Category: False Christians Trashing America Page 13 of 15

[video] Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords discussed Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs on TV 3/25/10

[youtube=]Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs

newstodayvideo | January 08, 2011 | 686 likes, 40 dislikes…

Jared Lee Loughner Identified As Gabrielle Giffords Shooter (INFO, VIDEOS)

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs map

We suggest follwing for the real time updates of this terrible situation.


What Would Jesus Do, Sarah? Palin Uses Crosshairs To Identify Dems Who Voted For Health Care Reform

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

Steve Quayle on ‘Coast’ 1/6/11 recap and quotes: Christians are supposed to be the salt of the earth. Salt preserves. “The reason the Illuminati are taking over is the pulpits are powerless and the people have no teaching.” | It’s frustrating to be ahead of time…

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“For the Christians who are to be the salt of the earth, salt preserves….

I submit to you that the reason the Illuminati are taking over is, number one: … the pulpits are powerless and the people have no teaching, and the people don’t understand.

It’s like if I put the most powerful weapon in someone’s hands and they don’t know how to use it it won’t do them any good. …

Why does evil triumph over good? Because the good fails to exert the power that God’s given it. …

There was a time when we were the salt of the earth and good held back evil.”

* * *

No word of God spoken by any word of God to the people of God in all the history of God’s people is ever received by the people of God by the man of God who speaks it at any time. …

God’s people never believe him at the time he speaks it. Only in retrospect do all men see clearly.”

* * *

“It’s tough to be ahead of time, and then wait for everyone to catch up, and then be frustrated during that time.”

[Related: My notes: R. T Kendall’s 4th message at Muldoon A of G: On being tomorrow’s man or woman | Being thankful for everything! | The most neglected teaching on the Holy Spirit: The dove is a very shy, sensitive bird. You can be in a car and someone is driving so slow in front of you and the Dove just flies away. Or “I’m just telling the truth,” but the Dove flies away. Let’s learn to get the Dove to come down and maybe the FIRE will fall!]

– Steve Quayle

Steve quoted Hosea 4:

1 Hear the word of Yahweh, you children of Israel; for Yahweh has a charge against the inhabitants of the land: “Indeed there is no truth, nor goodness, nor knowledge of God in the land.

2 There is cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; they break boundaries, and bloodshed causes bloodshed.

3 Therefore the land will mourn, and everyone who dwells therein will waste away. all living things in her, even the animals of the field and the birds of the sky; yes, the fish of the sea also die.


Precarious World

Date: 01-06-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Steve Quayle, Mitch Battros

Author and researcher Steve Quayle riffed on a variety of topics such as giants, weather modification, secret aircraft, biblical prophecy, genetic engineering, the Illuminati agenda, and Planet X. The machinery to affect weather has gotten smaller and cheaper over the years, and there are currently 72 ionospheric heaters, in addition climate-controlling technology like Project HAARP, he outlined. Sightings of silent triangular-shaped craft are on the rise, and a battle in outer space is imminent, said Quayle, naming “extra-dimensionals” and black-ops as some of the participants.

The “super-soldier” program, Stargate technology, and CERN are involved in efforts to re-animate ancient giants, who were some 12-18 ft. height, he declared. “We are experiencing now the full implementation, in my opinion, of the Luciferian war on humanity. We talk about the New World Order, the Illuminati, the International League, but what is the prime directive of all those entities? It’s the destruction of a five and half billion people,” he cautioned.

Quayle reported his recent conversation with a “high ranking Goldman Sachs official” who’d visited one of the elite’s underground cities that was being prepared. The official warned him that a “global flu” had already been determined, and a mandatory vaccination will be required, with those who refuse to take it being sent to FEMA camps. On the subject of Planet X, Quayle suggested that we’re already seeing its effects throughout the solar system, and eventually, it will lead to a massive number of simultaneous active volcanoes on Earth.

Chuck Baldwin: A Nation of Truth Rejectors — “Truth also demands courage and honesty, because sometimes it can be very painful to look at! … In reality, people who reject truth lose a whole lot more than whatever they had hoped to gain. Eventually, they lose, not only their own lives, but also the life of their country.”

This, my friends, is a masterpiece!!!

Chuck hits another one out of the park!


Posted on Jan 6, 2011


A bedrock principle of Natural Law (the Law upon which Western Civilization rests) is the primacy of truth. Without a desire for, and appreciation of, truth, society cannot sustain itself. Lies, deceit, duplicity, etc., are more than moral evils; they are the bane of freedom and liberty. Take away truth, and one is left without honor, justice, or decency. Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.

Truth also demands courage and honesty, because sometimes it can be very painful to look at! It takes an honest man to desire truth, as truth will often reveal the character flaws in his own soul. It also takes courage to appreciate truth, as truth will often demand that one change his own opinion or conduct. Unfortunately, it does appear that the desire for truth has been replaced with a desire for deceit.

Years ago, a great, old preacher-warrior told my former church congregation, “People today love being lied to.” How right he was! For the most part, even professing Christian people today love being lied to. It would seem that many people find deceit easier to digest than truth. Maybe it’s because these people lack the aforementioned virtues of honesty and courage.

Truth demands the virtue of honesty, because honesty requires that information be objectively analyzed and studied; it requires that personal prejudices and proclivities be set aside; it requires that humility replace pride, which allows one’s opinions and conduct to change in the face of truth.

Truth also demands courage, as courage is the active response to honesty. To know what is right to do is great (many people do not even know this much), but to act upon what one knows to be right is even greater–and also harder! Courage gives men the fortitude and conviction to suffer personal loss in order to be faithful to their own honesty. Courage places more value on honesty and truth than on personal prosperity or aggrandizement [The act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one’s own importance, power, or reputation – editor]. Courage propelled Daniel into the lion’s den; it drove Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the burning fiery furnace; it placed a youthful David onto the battlefield alone against a fierce and ferocious adversary; it gathered Pastor Jonas Clark’s congregants (mostly farmers and merchants) onto Lexington Green to face Britain’s highly trained, professional soldiers.

So, where are the virtues of honesty and courage in the desire for truth today? Threaten the average pastor and church leader with some obscure IRS tax code and they will quickly turn their backs upon virtually every principle of truth and honor that they once professed to believe. The mere threat of potential financial loss sends men (excuse me, males) scurrying for cover.

In this regard, when then-Senator Lyndon Johnson created the heinous 501(c)3 IRS tax-exempt status for churches, he very cleverly (with assistance from Hades, I might add) planted the seeds that would grow up to intimidate the vast majority of America’s pastors and church leaders into becoming silent slaves of the state. In fact, if one has an opportunity to ever bore deeply into the matter, he or she will discover that most pastors and church leaders today do not even regard the Church as the institution of the living God, bound only to the laws and principles of God’s Holy Word; they perceive it as a creature of the state, bound to the subjective machinations of IRS bureaucrats and their toadies in the law profession. And should a choice ever have to be made between the two, God, His Word, and His Church will be thrown under the bus in preference to the state-owned corporation. So much for truth–or honesty, or courage, for that matter.

The rejection of truth seems ubiquitous in America today. When did it start? Maybe when Abraham Lincoln turned the Constitution on its head and–at bayonet point–turned republicanism into nationalism; maybe when Woodrow Wilson rejected thousands of years of human history and turned America’s sound money system over to the corrupt and illegitimate Federal Reserve; maybe when Wilson created the monstrous Internal Revenue Service; maybe when the 17th Amendment was adopted; maybe when the American media convinced people that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; maybe when the American people (including the vast majority of pastors and Christians) turned their backs (and their hearts) to the Branch Davidians, who were murdered by federal agents outside Waco, Texas; maybe when so-called “conservative” Senate Republicans deliberately chose to cover up President Bill Clinton’s criminal conduct; maybe when the powers that be began demonizing anyone who dared to question the “official” story regarding the events on 9/11/01; maybe when a vast majority of Christians and conservatives blindly followed and actively supported the unconstitutional, un-American policies of President George W. Bush. They supported Bush when he threw off Western Civilization’s time-tested Just War doctrine (and replaced it with an unconscionable Preemptive War policy), and, again, when he officially began turning America into a police state by creating the Department of Homeland Security, implementing the Military Commissions Act, introducing the Patriot Act, and dismantling Habeus Corpus and Posse Comitatus. Whenever it started, the sad reality is, America has largely become a nation of truth-rejecters.

There is a passage of Scripture that I simply must interject here: “Because they received not the love of the truth . . . God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” (II Thess. 2:10,11 KJV)

This is one of God’s universal principles: when people deliberately reject truth, God will allow them to believe lies, which always leads to ultimate destruction. I submit that is exactly where America is today. As a nation, we have rejected truth, and God is giving us over to deceit and falsehood. And what is interesting to me is the way in which many unbelievers seem to have a thirst for truth that far surpasses that of many professing Christians. This leads to an amazing paradox.

Think of it: when God is moving within a nation with His plan of truth and justice (which He is always doing), then it stands to reason that the evil one is, likewise, resisting and countering God’s plan through deceit and falsehood. This means that those unbelievers who seek truth are allying themselves with God (maybe even unwittingly), while those professing Christians who have rejected truth are allying themselves against God (again, maybe even unwittingly). Remember, God called the heathen king, Cyrus, “my shepherd.” (Isa. 44:28) But one thing is constant: truth is like a magnet: one is always being pulled toward it or away from it, depending upon the polarity of one’s heart and mind. People who embrace truth tend to embrace it further, while people who reject truth tend to be continually hardened against it.

Think of the conflicts of world and American history where brothers fought against brothers. Many of these brethren died at the hands of brethren fighting for truth, while other brethren died fighting against truth. And though men may be unable to discern the difference, God suffers from no such malady. He knows those who enable truth and those who disable it. And many of those today that are resisting and disabling truth call themselves Christians. There is another appropriate Scripture: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7:20 KJV)

Again, the desire for truth is a bedrock principle of a free and independent society. We must desire truth, first, in our own hearts [heart’s color added by editor — because we’re literally talking about the heart here!]. We must be willing to objectively analyze our motives and actions based upon this fundamental principle. How can so many people (including professing Christians) behave so dishonestly? How can they act so cowardly? How is it that truth is only precious when it doesn’t cost us anything? How can people be so unconcerned about truth and so spiteful toward those who seek it [James-3 cursing them – editor]? How can those who claim as their Savior the One is “the way, the truth, and the life” be so calloused against truth? How can those who claim to read the word of truth (the Bible) be so ignorant of truth?

Look around you: our society is breaking apart due to a lack of appreciation for truth. Small businesses are being put out of business due to a lack of truth. Families are being torn apart due to a lack of truth. Churches are filled with bitterness, carnality, envy, deceit, duplicity, false accusation, greed, and cowardice due to a lack of truth. Our political institutions mock the principles of decency and honor due to a lack of truth. The national media loves to distort truth; the federal judiciary loves to twist truth; and there is no such thing as truth to Big Business–only bottom line profits [the love of money is… – editor].

As we enter a new year in search of Heaven’s blessing and protection, let us remind ourselves that God always judges people who reject truth. Always! If we truly want Heaven’s blessing and protection upon our land, we will start–each of us–by being willing to seek and embrace truth, even if doing so costs us something; because, in reality, people who reject truth lose a whole lot more than whatever they had hoped to gain. Eventually, they lose, not only their own lives, but also the life of their country.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

© Chuck Baldwin

Reverse-Christian, ‘Pope’ Benedict minimizes the evilness of pedophilia, saying it’s not an “absolute evil,” and child porn is “considered more and more *normal* by society,” whereas the Catholic ‘Church’ set this evil societal standard!

From: Belfast Telegraph

Pope’s child porn ‘normal’ claim sparks outrage among victims

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Victims of clerical sex abuse have reacted furiously to Pope Benedict’s claim yesterday that paedophilia wasn’t considered an “absolute evil” as recently as the 1970s.

In his traditional Christmas address yesterday to cardinals and officials working in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI also claimed that child pornography was increasingly considered “normal” by society.

“In the 1970s, paedophilia was theorised as something fully in conformity with man and even with children,” the Pope said.

“It was maintained — even within the realm of Catholic theology — that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a ‘better than’ and a ‘worse than‘. Nothing is good or bad in itself.”

The Pope said abuse revelations in 2010 reached “an unimaginable dimension” which brought “humiliation” on the Church.

Asking how abuse exploded within the Church, the Pontiff called on senior clerics “to repair as much as possible the injustices that occurred” and to help victims heal through a better presentation of the Christian message.

“We cannot remain silent about the context of these times in which these events have come to light,” he said, citing the growth of child pornography “that seems in some way to be considered more and more normal by society” he said.

But outraged Dublin victim Andrew Madden last night insisted that child abuse was not considered normal in the company he kept.

Entire Article Here


The Smoke of Satan in the Vatican? Vatican’s chief exorcist speaks out

Malachi Martin — Satan Enthroned in Vatican?

The Bad Popes

All of my The Catholic Deception posts at ONEcanhappen

Paul Craig Roberts on ‘Pastor’ Mike Huckabee calling for Assange’s execution: “So here we have a ‘man of God’ calling for the US government to murder an Australian citizen. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates their guts.”

Mike Huckabee, the redneck baptist preacher who was governor of Arkansas and, to America’s already overwhelming shame, was third runner up to the Republican presidential nomination, has called for Assange’s execution. So here we have a “man of God” calling for the US government to murder an Australian citizen.  And Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates their guts.

From: Antiwar

A Government Caught Up in Mendacity and Lies

by Paul Craig Roberts, December 02, 2010

The reaction to WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, tells us all we need to know about the total corruption of our “modern” world, which in fact is a throwback to the Dark Ages.

Some member of the United States government released to WikiLeaks the documents that are now controversial. The documents are controversial, because they are official US documents and show all too clearly that the US government is a duplicitous entity whose raison d’etre is to control every other government.

The media, not merely in the US but also throughout the English-speaking world and Europe, has shown its hostility to WikiLeaks.  The reason is obvious. WikiLeaks reveals truth, while the media covers up for the US government and its puppet states.

Why would anyone with a lick of sense read the media when they can read original material from WikiLeaks?  The average American reporter and editor must be very angry that his/her own cowardice is so clearly exposed by Julian Assange. The American media is a whore, whereas the courageous blood of warriors runs through WikiLeaks’ veins.

Just as American politicians want Bradley Manning executed because he revealed crimes of the US government, they want Julian Assange executed. In the past few days the more notorious of the dumb__ that sit in the US Congress have denounced Assange as a “traitor to America.” What total ignorance. Assange is an Australian, not an American citizen. To be a traitor to America, one has to be of the nationality. An Australian cannot be a traitor to America any more than an American can be a traitor to Australia. But don’t expect the morons who represent the lobbyists to know this much.

Mike Huckabee, the redneck baptist preacher who was governor of Arkansas and, to America’s already overwhelming shame, was third runner up to the Republican presidential nomination, has called for Assange’s execution. So here we have a “man of God” calling for the US government to murder an Australian citizen.  And Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates their guts.

The material leaked from the US government to WikiLeaks shows that the US government is an extremely disreputable gang of gangsters. The US government was able to get British prime minister Brown to “fix” the official Chilcot Investigation into how former prime minister Tony Blair manipulated and lied the British government into being mercenaries for the US invasion of Iraq. One of the “diplomatic” cables released has UK Defense Ministry official Jon Day promising the United States government that prime minister Brown’s government has “put measures in place to protect your interests.”

Other cables show the US government threatening Spanish prime minister Zapatero, ordering him to stop his criticisms of the Iraq war or else. I mean, really, how dare these foreign governments to think that they are sovereign.

Entire Article Here


“Christians?” Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin on Wikileaks: KILL the Messenger!

“Christians?” Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin on Wikileaks: KILL the Messenger!

From: The Guardian

US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee

The Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has called for whoever leaked the 250,000 US diplomatic cables to be executed.

Huckabee, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination at the last election but is one of the favourites for 2012, joined a growing number of people demanding the severest punishment possible for those behind the leak, which has prompted a global diplomatic crisis.

His fellow potential Republican nominee Sarah Palin had already called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be “hunted down”, and an adviser to the Canadian prime minister has echoed her comments.

Huckabee said: “Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty.”

Tom Flanagan, a senior adviser to the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, issued what has been described as a fatwa against Assange, on the Canadian TV station CBC.

“I think Assange should be assassinated, actually,” he said. “I think Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something.” Flanagan chuckled as he made the comment but did not retract it when questioned, adding: “I wouldn’t feel unhappy if Assange does disappear.”

Entire Article Here


Paul Craig Roberts on ‘Pastor’ Mike Huckabee calling for Assange’s execution: “So here we have a ‘man of God’ calling for the US government to murder an Australian citizen. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates their guts.”

Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

All of my Sarah Palin posts

All of my Mike Huckabee posts

HAGEE: UNREPENTANT HERETIC — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.

A system of eschatological escapism and heresy begun in the mid-nineteenth century British Isles today feeds on Christian fundamentalist idealism and desire to please anti-Christ Jews. It has brought Christian evangelicalism to a shocking state. The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem—the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.


National Prayer Network


By Harmony Daws
23 Nov 10

A Christian recently wrote to me asking for more clarity about John Hagee, whom I have called a heretic. Hagee has tried to defend himself against this oft-made charge, even revising his book and carefully denying belief in a dual covenant where Jews can be saved apart from Christ. Yet in his Christians United for Israel conferences held in most major cities, he enforces a strict policy of not mentioning Jesus, forbidding attendees to attempt to convert them. Hagee zealously trumpets the cause of political Zionism, believing Jewish control of all Palestine will hasten the Rapture, and puts this priority far ahead of bringing Christ to the Jewish people.

Hagee is not alone in believing and teaching that Christians have a moral duty to support the physical, political dominance of Jews in Palestine regardless of their spiritual condition before God. This has not always been the case. Most Christians once prioritized evangelism to Jews and expansion of Christian civilization; they believed the Jews would return to the Holy Land only as a result of converting to obedient faith in Christ. Today, that truth has been lost. As it eroded, so did the American church’s sense of responsibility to evangelize the Jewish people. Today, all major Christian Zionist organizations actively discourage evangelism to Jews, preferring to expedite political cooperation for the conquest of the Promised Land. Inappropriate Zionist goals have also misshaped the American church’s view of the Arabs of the Mideast; siding with Israel has made Christians angry antagonists, not evangelists, to the one billion plus Muslims in the world today.

Thoughtful Christians need to take a much harder look at this incredible development. Today, churchgoers stand hand in hand with a Jewish people who would crucify Christ again if He walked their streets. Judaism and Israel does crucify Him by forbidding His missionaries, banning His Bible, and reviling Him in Jewish sacred writings. The alliance between evangelicals and Jews is both strange and unholy, yet only half the alliance—the Jewish activists who tentatively partner with believers—seem aware of its forced, unnatural and temporary status. Christians, with a naïve and self-betraying ardor, embrace and fund the Jewish people, seeking the benediction of its rabbis and the partnership of its activists. Let’s again look closely at the state of spirituality in Christian Zionist organizations, comparing their activities to what is mandated by the Bible. We have to ask, “Can any sincere Christian know these facts and still take part?”

No Christ in Christians United for Israel


Away from Spiritual Roots

The 2009 Jews for Jesus study is titled, How Christian is Christian Zionism?” It retells the shift from religious Christian Zionism to political Christian Zionism, from a church focused on sharing Christ with Jews to a church focused on getting the Jews into political power in Israel. Stephen Sizer, author of Christian Zionism: Roadmap to Armageddon, points out that most Christians used to believe the Jews would inherit Palestine as a result of converting to Christ. Although some Christians had always believed the Jews would rule Palestine before finding Jesus, the idea began to gather real steam about the time that Theodore Herzl was pioneering political Zionism in the late nineteenth century.

In 1909, C. I. Scofield forever changed the landscape of American Christianity with his annotated Bible. Scofield taught that certain events must occur before Jesus can return and rapture the faithful to heaven. Perhaps most importantly, the Jews must be reinstated in Palestine. Scofield’s work carried on the legacy of late-nineteenth century eschatologist John Nelson Darby, who is considered the father of modern Dispensationalist theology and was a respected explainer of End Times theology.

Darby believed the church will be raptured before any tribulation occurs, as did Scofield—and as do Hagee, Tim LaHaye and other contemporary hasteners of Armageddon. Since believers will enjoy a quick stage-left exit, according to these pastors, the church should do everything it can to hasten the end of the age—including getting the Jews into dominion in the Holy Land. Darby and modern dispensationalists teach that the Jews are still under God’s unconditional blessing, even in rebellion; their vision of the ongoing Abrahamic covenant means that despite rejection—even persecution—of Christ and His followers, the right of all Jews to consider themselves God’s chosen people and occupy Palestine as a nation remains unaltered. These theologians laid the groundwork for a Christian Zionism intent on reinstating Jews in rebellious conquest of the Promised Land and thus signaling the church’s elevator ride to heaven.

According to the Jews for Jesus report, this uncharitable emphasis truly began to cut off Christian evangelism to Jews around 1970. “ It was only after the establishment of the State of Israel and indeed after the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967 that we began to see the rise of a non-biblical or rather a political Christian Zionism that divorced itself from Jewish evangelism.” Scofield’s seeds were in full bloom at this point. A church intensely focusing on the rapture has less and less interest in saving Jewish souls in the here and now.

A system of eschatological escapism and heresy begun in the mid-nineteenth century British Isles today feeds on Christian fundamentalist idealism and desire to please anti-Christ Jews. It has brought Christian evangelicalism to a shocking state. The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem—the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.

Is there any worse description of heresy?

Harmony Grant is a writer for National Prayer Network. To greater understand the illogic behind hate laws, read her article “Top Eleven Reasons You Should Fight Hate Laws.”

Entire Article Here


John Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law

(video) John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying For War in the Name of Jesus — No wonder so many people dislike and loathe ‘Christians’

Preemptive-Striker John Hagee Endorses 100-Years-in-Iraq John McCain

John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want? — “These WARMONGERING EVANGELICALS beat the war drums; they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these ‘holy’ wars; they WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELECT PRO-WAR POLITICIANS…. Then, the politicians … send the US military to invade, bomb, and KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, the vast majority of whom are innocent people. … ANIMOSITY against the United States is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY; in an effort to keep our country at war, our ECONOMY is being overburdened and overtaxed TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN; in the name of the “War on Terror,” America is on the verge of becoming a giant POLICE STATE; we are INCITING CHINA AND RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WAR; and America’s military VETERANS are KILLING THEMSELVES more frequently than are enemy bullets”

Bush Waterboarding


Reverse-Christian George W. Bush:
‘Damn right’ I personally ordered waterboarding

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

– Jesus

Sermon of the Mount (Matthew 5)

From: Raw Story

President George W. Bush admits for the first time in his new memoir that he personally approved the use of waterboarding, a technique in which an interrogator simulates drowning on a suspect. The method, which most describe as torture, has since been banned by the Justice Department.

In his book, “Decision Points,” Bush asserts that he was asked by the Central Intelligence Agency whether he would support the agency’s waterboarding of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged 9/11 mastermind.

“Damn right,” Bush says that he said.

The Washington Post’s R. Jeffrey Smith avers that a source close to Bush says he would have done the same thing again “to save lives,” though there’s been no proof produced that the torture technique has.

Entire Article Here


[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Why did Joe Miller lose to Lisa? The ROOT PROBLEM in America!

The Dan Fagan Show discusses why Joe Miller apparently lost the Senate race to Lisa
during much of the show, today.

Listen to the podcast here
(Will be replaced with tomorrows show in late afternoon, tomorrow)

My take is the root problem is the once-saved-always-saved doctrine
that Joe Miller’s church openly professes

In this doctrine, ‘Christians’ can break rules and lie about it, whatever
and still be assured of going to heaven.

I’m convinced that this is the doctrine that is destroying America.
Christians are supposed to be salt and light,
not a mixture of light and darkness.

I discuss this in depth at my spiritual site:,
if you’re interested.

And this is a very interesting vision of how
willfully disobeying ‘Christians’ are the root cause for why America is falling.

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit?

It’s not the homosexuals.
It’s not Hollywood.
It’s not corrupt politicians.
It’s not the twisting and deceiving mainstream media.
It’s not the globalist kingpins pulling the strings.

The main group that is destroying America are the willfully sinning ‘Christians’
who believe without question the deceptive once-saved-always-saved doctrine.

We need real revival — a Third Great Awakening.
We need real Christianity now,
which is what ONEcanhappen is all about!

We must be right with God and people or we’re not real Christians.

It’s very clear. See my article that no one can refute:
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Jeff Fenske


All of my Who Goes To Heaven posts at ONEcanhappen

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

John Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law


Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law
By Rev. Ted Pike
7 Oct 10

Pastor John Hagee is a fanatically “Israel-first” evangelical who leads his troops in unconditional moral and financial support of the Jewish state. Today he is “supporting” Israel by endorsing laws that were created to destroy people just like him – Christians.

Hagee is calling for a United Nations indictment of Iranian President Ahmadinejad for the “thought crime” of inciting genocide. His petition has gathered 133,000 signatures. Along with Jewish activists Elie Wiesel and Sen. Joe Lieberman, Hagee says the Iranian leader’s attempts to “dehumanize Israelis and demonize Jews” are illegal under the UN’s 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Most Americans know nothing of this UN Convention or its latent threat to empower international persecution of free thinkers! If they knew the truth, one certainly hopes they wouldn’t sign Hagee’s petition.

The Convention is primarily the invention of Polish-Jewish international law expert Rafael Lemkin. It was promoted by Marxist globalists and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League as an early attempt at an internationally enforced thought crimes law. It was ratified by the UN decades before ADL/B’nai B’rith introduced national and state hate laws to most of the western world. TheConvention has been accepted by virtually all nations. Although the 1945 Connally Reservation restricts prosecution of Americans by it in a world court, it was foolishly passed by Congress and signed into law as a treaty by President Reagan in 1988.

Entire Article Here


John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

Shocking video! Lutheran college runs with Luther’s “sin boldly” statement — Gustavus Adolphus teaches sex-in-dorm etiquette

“And we’re the sex pistols.
Welcome Class of 2014.”


Martin Luther: Sin Boldly — “No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day”

From: WND

Church college teaches sex-in-dorm etiquette

Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn., proclaims on its website that it is “a church-related, residential liberal arts college firmly rooted in its Swedish and Lutheran heritage” and its core values are excellence, community, justice, service and faith.

But one senior is wondering just where in those values he can fit a presentation to incoming freshmen that introduces them to the etiquette of having sex in dorm rooms without being interrupted by roommates and a “lesbian” who proclaims, “I like sex. No, I love sex” and tells students, “I am normal.”

The issue has been raised by student Phil Cleary on his website, where he has posted several videos captured at the 2010 orientation for freshman in the class of 2014.

But one senior is wondering just where in those values he can fit a presentation to incoming freshmen that introduces them to the etiquette of having sex in dorm rooms without being interrupted by roommates and a “lesbian” who proclaims, “I like sex. No, I love sex” and tells students, “I am normal.”

The issue has been raised by student Phil Cleary on his website, where he has posted several videos captured at the 2010 orientation for freshman in the class of 2014.

The videos reveal promotions for the homosexual lifestyle: “Follow along and listen quite clear to learn of the wonderful world of the queer.”

“Freefall of the American University”: How our colleges are corrupting the minds and morals of the next generation

The presentation, performed as a series of skits on a stage in a darkened auditorium, explains that “sex” and “gender” are not the same. It includes another character who proclaims, “My atheism is my most important characteristic.”

Gustavus, the website states, is “a community where a mature understanding of the Christian faith and lives of service are nurtured and students are encouraged to work toward a just and peaceful world.” …

Cleary said he was “traumatized” by the sexually explicit presentation in his freshman year.

“I decided to come back as a senior to get it on tape,” he told WND.

Entire Article with Videos Here

All of my Luther Didn’t Get It posts at ONEcanhappen

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Pope Benedict and the Catholic ‘Church’ Pedophile Cover-up

From: David Icke Headlines

Pope Benedict XVI has been widely criticised for his handling, or lack of it, of the child abuse revelations all over the world. Every move and response has been motivated by damage limitation to his church rather than compassion and justice for the victims.

A BBC documentary, Sex Crimes And The Vatican, revealed how, when the Pope was known as Cardinal Thomas Ratzinger, he sent out an updated version of the notorious 1962 Vatican document Crimen Sollicitationis (Latin for The Crime of Solicitation) which imposed the Vatican’s strict instructions on how to cover up sexual scandal.

It even talked about slush funds, or ‘hush’ funds, being used to silence the victims.

The document was so secret that it included instructions that bishops had to keep it locked away in a safe at all times. So much for the compassion of the church. Never mind the unimaginable life-long impact on the children – keep the lid down to protect the perpetrators.

Pope Benedict, as Cardinal Ratzinger, was head for 24 years of the powerful Congregation of the Doctrine of The Faith, the department of the Roman Catholic Church charged with promoting Catholic teachings on ‘morals and matters of faith’. How ironic.

He was also known as the ‘enforcer’ for, and controller of, the puppet Pope, John Paul II, and took charge of blocking any challenges to the status quo of ‘traditional Catholic teachings’.

Benedict has been forced to accept the unfolding scale of what has happened – and is still happening – only by that scale becoming ever more obvious, not least with the revelations of the hundreds of abused children in Belgium, at least 13 of whom committed suicide.

The ‘head of morals’. I can think of better.



Thursday, 16 September 2010 10:16

Skousen: The Battle For The Republican Party — “Fortunately, there are some politicians who simply cannot be bought, and the Ron Paul family is one of them. Sarah Palin is not – co-opted by the money issue in her quest for political power.”

Fortunately, there are some politicians who simply cannot be bought, and the Ron Paul family is one of them. Sarah Palin is not. I want to comment on what I believe is the crucial way in which Sara Palin has been co-opted by the money issue in her quest for political power. An interesting piece came out in Vanity Fair this week entitled, “Palin in Private” by Michael Joseph Gross. It was clearly a hatchet job on Palin by a Leftist, but I have to admit, it was based mostly on truths that the Palin team does not want aired. Gross fails to balance his embarrassing revelations with any of Palin’s redeeming qualities.

During her vice presidential candidacy with John McCain, Palin underwent a painful transition from principled libertarian to controlled Republican show girl. She’s being used now and doesn’t see that all the attention the media is lavishing upon her is not intended to promote her, but to set her up for a fall. During the 2008 campaign she started out bucking the establishment advisors that were clearly attempting to control her. But despite initial resistance to the fame, fancy hotels and celebrity treatment, she eventually succumbed to the new lifestyle and learned to like it.


The Battle For The Republican Party

By Joel Skousen
Editor – World Affairs Brief

Begin Excerpt

Actually, there is no doubt who controls the Republican Party, and it is not K-Street lobbyists, as Examiner columnist Timothy Carney claims. These big lobbying machines work, indirectly, for the Powers That Be (PTB) – the real forces that control both Republicans and Democrats. The powerful and wealthy lobbyists that have historically had big offices on K-street in Washington DC only provide a level of insurance to keep things running smoothly. The real battle for control of the GOP is over the conservative base that is increasingly joining the Tea Party rebellion in opposition to mainstream control of the Republican party and its role in growing big government. Establishment Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich and Michael Steele continue to promote false conservative candidates with big money backing, hoping to convince Tea Party supporters that only moderate Republicans can win in November. Sadly, uncompromising and hardline candidates have won only a few races in the primary season, while main-stream candidates have generally succeeded in snookering conservatives into supporting re-branded liberals as conservatives.

Big wins by the Tea Party hardliners were Rand Paul’s victory over Tim Greyson in Kentucky, Joe Miller’s slim defeat of Republican Senator Lisa Murkowsky in Alaska, and the ouster of Utah mainstream Senator Robert Bennett in the Utah primary. The nomination of anti-global warming scientist Art Robinson in Oregon to challenge Democrat Peter DeFazio was also a big win for constitutional conservatives.

Big wins by the establishment, on the other hand, were the renomination of Senator John McCain in Arizona, the Texas defeat of Debra Medina by Gov. Rick Perry and the wins of Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina over their respective conservative challengers for the Republican primary in California. In most of the smaller races, mainstream (but fairly conservative) Republican candidates won as well. There were a few outright conservative frauds that won–Ben Quayle in Phoenix, the lackluster son of former VP Dan Quayle, was the prime example. He was funded by former Pres. George H. W. Bush and his entire entourage of establishment hacks from Washington.

Despite the fact that most Tea Party candidates failed to win in Republican primaries, the movement is still a huge force to be reckoned with because of its size and uncompromising demeanor. Nothing was more exemplary of this than the huge rally organized by Fox News commentator Glenn Beck in Washington DC this past week, which drew an estimated 800,000 people. The media played its usually role as truth saboteur by grossly underestimating the crowds in attendance and by giving excessive play to the objections of black civil rights leaders who were incensed that Beck grabbed “their spot” on the Washington mall before they could.

The media was successful in taunting Beck so badly over the “politicization of the rally” issue that Beck was forced to downplay his rhetoric, discourage banners, and bill the event as a moral and religious rally honoring our troops(everyone’s favorite ploy) instead. It lost some of its fire in doing so, but it made up for it by appealing to an ecumenical spirit of cooperation among the various conservative religious factions–which is badly needed.

The establishment is in the middle of a powerful campaign to co-opt the Tea Party movement, so we must understand how they intend to do this. Primarily, they intend to use the power of money to make sure that real conservatives are denied funding and that controlled conservatives are so richly funded that they won’t dare to risk losing that funding.

First, I will comment on Tim Carney’s piece in the Examiner for its interesting analysis on the role of well healed lobbyists in the Republican party. [my comments in brackets]

“Bob Dole, once the standard-bearer of the Republican Party, parlayed his political clout into personal wealth [only happens to lawmakers who play along with the PTB during their tenure], and now he’s putting that wealth to work against a conservative Republican Senate candidate in a general election. Dole, now a lobbyist at Alston Bird, contributed $1,000 on Aug. 11 to the independent Senate campaign of Charlie Crist, who left the GOP in April. Dole’s may be an extreme case– because he’s actually backing a non-Republican [this is actually a reflection of the fact that Dole is on the globalist team and they’ll support fellow liberals like Crist even after they have been forced out of the party, when their masquerade fails]– but it epitomizes the fundamental split within the Republican Party.

“The current GOP fault line is not exactly conservatives vs. moderates or new guard vs. old guard. For 2010, the rivalry is the Tea Party wing against the K Street wing [what I call the mainstream wing, because it is not just a matter of catering to lobbyists and big money]. To tell which kind of Republican a candidate is, see how the Democrats attack him: If he’s branded a shill for Wall Street, he’s from the K Street wing. If he’s labeled an extremist outside the mainstream, he’s a Tea Partier.

“More tellingly, study their campaign contributions [yes]. K Street Republicans’ coffers are filled by the political action committees of defense contractors, drug companies, lobbying firms, and Wall Street banks. A Tea Party Republican is funded by the Club for Growth or the Senate Conservatives Fund, which is run by the Republican leadership’s least-favorite colleague, Jim DeMint [not so. True Tea Party candidates are supported almost exclusively from small contributions from individuals].

“In Colorado’s Senate primary last week, the Tea Party trumped K Street as Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck upset former Lt. Gov. Jane Norton. Norton, herself a former lobbyist who tried to run from that background, raised $293,000 from PACs. Buck got only $2,500 in PAC cash. Buck got zero support from Republican lawmakers’ PACs while 15 GOP incumbents funded Norton, including leaders Mitch McConnell, Lamar Alexander, John Thune and Kay Bailey Hutchison. Two senators who have cashed out to K Street — Mel Martinez and Trent Lott — also put their money behind Norton [all mainstream insiders].

“Kentucky shows an even starker contrast. Before the May 18 Senate primary, secretary of state and McConnell acolyte Trey Grayson had raised a half million dollars from PACs –20 times the PAC haul of upstart Rand Paul. Paul got a check from outgoing curmudgeon Sen. Jim Bunning, but 18 Republican senators bankrolled Grayson’s campaign, plus the Republican Mainstreet Partnership and three top House Republicans. Grayson pocketed political action committee cash from businesses that have sided more with Obama than with Republicans, such as $10,000 from drug maker Pfizer — a key champion of Obamacare. Other Grayson funders are a rogues’ gallery of subsidy sucklers and regulatory robber barons: bailout bandits like the American Bankers Association and the Managed Funds Association; Obamacare backers like the American Hospital Association and a dozen drug companies; ethanol baron Archer Daniels Midland; cap-and-trade profiteers like Duke Energy; and government contractors like the Chubb Corp. and Northrop Grumman. A K Street lobbyist who had represented AIG during the bailouts hosted a fundraiser for Grayson, and at least a dozen lobbying firms and industry groups backed him with cash.

“And of course, Trent Lott was a Grayson donor. Lott is the captain of the K Street team. He told a reporter last month his thoughts on the Tea Partiers: ‘We don’ t need [or want] a lot of Jim DeMint disciples. As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them [very telling].’ Lott’s proposed co-opting is not primarily ideological — Norton and Grayson, and their inside-the-Beltway patrons are all fairly conservative [as only the mainstream would define it]. The main distinction between Team Lott and Team DeMint might have less to do with policy platforms and more to do with a politician’s attitude toward the Washington nexus of power and money.”

This last part is absolutely true. That is the key issue whether or not a candidate is owned by the establishment. If he is, Tea Party supporters don’t trust them, no matter how conservative they claim to be. One only need to view John McCain’s complete reversal of position on illegal immigration to see how essential it is not to believe what they say, but watch who’s behind them.

“Nevada’s Sharron Angle [battling Senate majority leader Read] is anti-bailout and anti-subsidy [and the establishment is pulling out all the stops to discredit her]. Paul could try to shrink defense spending and ethanol subsidies. In Florida, Republican Marco Rubio isn’t a game player like Dole’s buddy Crist is.

“You can see today, by their improved personal financial situations, what Lott and Dole were trying to accomplish in Washington. You can also guess which current Republicans will join them on K Street in a few years — andplay ball with them in the meantime. But Tea Partiers and DeMint disciples will come to Washington with an aversion to K Street. Now that Lott and Dole have sided so clearly against them, maybe K Street will have a harder time trying to co-opt them.”

In a more recent article Carney finds another gem about Republican manipulation–trying to help re-elect Democratic Senator Reid: “Why would the former chairman of the Republican National Committee — he ran the GOP for six years during Reagan’s presidency — endorse Democrat Harry Reid in a dead-heat election? Because that GOP bigwig is from the K Street Wing of the Republican Party [wrong–because he is part of the PTB working to control both parties]. Frank Fahrenkopf is now head of the American Gaming Association, the gambling industry’s lobby. This cycle, like last cycle, Fahrenkopf has funded Reid’s reelection [Why is a supposedly conservative Republican running the gambling lobby? It is just more evidence of their true colors – they are and were only playing roles to fool conservatives].”

Fortunately, there are some politicians who simply cannot be bought, and the Ron Paul family is one of them. Sarah Palin is not. I want to comment on what I believe is the crucial way in which Sara Palin has been co-opted by the money issue in her quest for political power. An interesting piece came out in Vanity Fair this week entitled, “Palin in Private” by Michael Joseph Gross. It was clearly a hatchet job on Palin by a Leftist, but I have to admit, it was based mostly on truths that the Palin team does not want aired. Gross fails to balance his embarrassing revelations with any of Palin’s redeeming qualities.

During her vice presidential candidacy with John McCain, Palin underwent a painful transition from principled libertarian to controlled Republican show girl. She’s being used now and doesn’t see that all the attention the media is lavishing upon her is not intended to promote her, but to set her up for a fall. During the 2008 campaign she started out bucking the establishment advisors that were clearly attempting to control her. But despite initial resistance to the fame, fancy hotels and celebrity treatment, she eventually succumbed to the new lifestyle and learned to like it.

When Palin returned to Alaska, vowing to rise again and break loose from the coercion of the establishment, the PTB sicced their media dogs on her to set her up for failure and to bring her back into their arena. Legal and media pressure were applied almost constantly while she was governor of Alaska and nearly drove her to bankruptcy with various ethics charges and the resulting legal challenges. As I indicated, I’m convinced it wasn’t their purpose to destroy her, but rather to drive her into the arms of the monied Republican king-makers who could offer to be her “saviors” (a book deal worth at least $10M was a good start) and then set traps to control her once she had become used to the lavish lifestyle of a political celebrity. Look at what she has become, according to interviews conducted by Michael Gross:

Warm and effusive in public, indifferent or angry in private: this is the ‘pattern of Palin’s behavior toward the people who make her life possible.’ A onetime gubernatorial aide to Palin says, ‘The people who have worked for her–they’re broken, used, stepped on, down in the dust.’ On the 2008 campaign trail, one close aide recalls, it was practically impossible to persuade Palin to take a moment to thank the kitchen workers at fund-raising dinners. During the campaign, Palin lashed out at the ‘slightest provocation, sometimes screaming at staff members and throwing objects. Witnessing such behavior, one aide asked Todd Palin if it was ‘typical of his wife.’ He answered, ‘You just got to let her go through it… Half the stuff that comes out of her mouth she doesn’t even mean.’ When a ‘campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication’ to control her moods, Todd responded that she ‘just needed to run and work out more.’

Her anger kept boiling over, however, ‘and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, ‘her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer.’ ‘Within hours, she would be screaming again.’ At the end of one long day, ‘when Palin was mid-tirade,’ a campaign aide remembers thinking, ‘You were an angel all night. Now you’re a devil. Where did this come from?’ The intensity of Palin’s temper was first described to me in such extreme terms that I couldn’t help but wonder if it might be exaggerated, until I heard corroborating tales of outbursts dating back to her days as mayor of Wasilla and before. One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: ‘They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun.’ This friend adds, ‘She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.’

“When Palin was mayor, she made life for one low-level municipal employee so miserable that the woman quit her job, sought psychiatric counseling, and then left the state altogether to escape Palin’s sphere of influence–this according to one person with firsthand knowledge of the situation. Palin’s former personal assistants all refused to comment on the record for this story, some citing a fear of ‘reprisal.’ Others who have worked with Palin recall that, when she feels ‘threatened, she does not hesitate to wield some version of a signature threat: ‘I have the power to ruin you.’

William Kristol [a neocon globalist], editor of The Weekly Standard, and Fred Malek, aide to Presidents Richard Nixon and George H. W. Bush are advisors. Lawyer Robert Barnett, the most successful literary agent in Washington–his clients range from Hillary Clinton to Dick Cheney to Tony Blair–negotiated Palin’s reported $7 million advance for Going Rogue, and he helps oversee her ‘speaking schedule, which is arranged by the Washington Speakers Bureau.

The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank ‘Project for the New American Century,’ [which provided the theoretical “New Pearl Harbor” impetus for the government’s false flag attack on the WTC] who advises Palin on foreign affairs [which explains her neocon positions supporting more wars of intervention]. Palin’s speechwriter is Lindsay Hayes [from the McCain camp]. Doug McMarlin and Jason Recher, both of whom did advance work for George W. Bush, serve as ‘bodyguards and confidants. Both Hayes and Recher were on Palin’s 2008-campaign road team, and both were known for indulging her whims, according to their colleagues.”

In short, her life is very different now than before. When initially presented with a fancy and expensive new outfit during the McCain campaign, she expressed horror that the campaign would spend huge sums on designer clothes. Now she only buys expensive clothes, demands first class airfare when her private jet isn’t available, and drives a new Cadillac Escalade with tinted windows. FOX pays her over a million dollars a year for her pat, unoriginal commentary (broadcast from her own studio at her home), and she still commands huge 6 figure fees for speaking engagements which guarantees that the most principled Tea Partiers (who are poor) can rarely afford to attend. A new 6,000-square-foot stone-clad château style home is being built for her, complete with an airplane hangar for Todd Palin’s Piper Cub.

End Excerpt

World Affairs Brief – Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted.

Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief ( )

World Affairs Brief, 290 West 580 South, Orem, Ut 84058, USA


Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

Dr. Stanley Monteith on Sarah Palin: “She’s saying all the things we believe; and she well may believe them, but she’s totally under their control. When you take 10, 12 million dollars in nine months from these people why you’ve sold your soul. She will do their bidding.”

Palin Goes Rogue Against Tea Party Candidates, by Valerie Richardson

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Chuck Baldwin: A Warning To The Tea Party Nation — “Be careful about Sarah Palin…playing both sides.” “The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck.”

Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs

Joel Skousen: “One of my greatest disappointments is to see that the conservatives are being completely snookered by Sarah Palin”

Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’

Chuck Baldwin: Sarah Palin’s Answers—Very Troubling

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

All of my Sarah Palin posts

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

– Jesus
(Matthew 5)


Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. … 13 For if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.

– Paul


Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian? The answer is totally clear when you compare the following with what the Bible really says about who goes to heaven and who are the children of God: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the globalists are using Sarah Palin to keep the real patriots, like Ron Paul and others from gaining public support. See the links, below.

It’s very sad to me, an Alaskan and a Christian, that Sarah must not have learned enough about the globalists’ agenda and about what real Christianity is in the ‘churches’ she has attended in Wasilla.

I’m convinced the main reason for the fall of America is the false doctrine in the ‘churches’ today, which I cover in depth at my other main site:

We can do better.

Jeff Fenske
Anchorage, Alaska

– –

From: Vanity Fair

“Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury”

Michael Joseph Gross

September 1, 2010

Erratic behavior and a pattern of lying matter little: “Such falsehoods never damage Palin’s credibility with her admirers, because information and ideology are incidental to this relationship.” …

Warm and effusive in public, indifferent or angry in private: this is the pattern of Palin’s behavior toward the people who make her life possible. A onetime gubernatorial aide to Palin says, “The people who have worked for her—they’re broken, used, stepped on, down in the dust.” On the 2008 campaign trail, one close aide recalls, it was practically impossible to persuade Palin to take a moment to thank the kitchen workers at fund-raising dinners. During the campaign, Palin lashed out at the slightest provocation, sometimes screaming at staff members and throwing objects. Witnessing such behavior, one aide asked Todd Palin if it was typical of his wife [Todd’s statement is typical of one who enables the abuser in a dysfunctional family – ed.]. He answered, “You just got to let her go through it… Half the stuff that comes out of her mouth she doesn’t even mean.” When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again. …

The intensity of Palin’s temper…. One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: “They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun. Todd said, ‘I don’t know why I even waste my time trying to get nice things for you if you’re just going to ruin them.’ ” … She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.” (The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”) …

A campaign aide remembers that one of the Palin children found her mother’s public displays of piety especially grating. Though Palin prayed and read the Bible every night [a former staffer who shared a hotel room with Sarah told me that when Sarah went to bed, she opened her Bible and almost immediately closed it, apparently so she could say she read her Bible daily – ed.], aides never saw the family join her for devotionals. “You’re just putting on a show. You’re so fake,” one of the children said when Palin made a point of praying in front of other people. “This is not who you are. Why are you pretending to be something you’re not?”

Entire Article Here


Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian, part 2? — Encouraging Bristol’s tango on DWTS: “Is it like lap dancing scandalous (giggling, darting out her tongue)? … Just dominate. Just take over.”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

(video) Why Sarah Palin Stopped Her 2012 Presidential Bid – On the “same day” evidence of Todd Palin’s sexual encounters was released – Ed Opperman 20Aug2013

Palin insider, Frank Bailey: Love thy neighbor? Turn the other cheek? Forgiveness? These New Testament concepts were not part of Sarah Palin’s temperament. Both eyes for an eye was the rule, and vanquishing enemies became a goal.

Dr. Stanley Monteith on Sarah Palin: “She’s saying all the things we believe; and she well may believe them, but she’s totally under their control. When you take 10, 12 million dollars in nine months from these people why you’ve sold your soul. She will do their bidding.”

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

What Would Jesus Do, Sarah? Palin Uses Crosshairs To Identify Dems Who Voted For Health Care Reform

Palin Goes Rogue Against Tea Party Candidates, by Valerie Richardson

Chuck Baldwin: A Warning To The Tea Party Nation — “Be careful about Sarah Palin…playing both sides.” “The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck.”

Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs

Joel Skousen: “One of my greatest disappointments is to see that the conservatives are being completely snookered by Sarah Palin”

Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’

Chuck Baldwin: Sarah Palin’s Answers—Very Troubling

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

All of my Sarah Palin posts

As Sarah Palin’s star rises, critics expose her dark side

From: The Independent

As Sarah Palin’s star rises, critics expose her dark side

In public she is the family woman in touch with ordinary Americans. But two new accounts allege that in private she’s a two faced, mean-spirited bully

She tells lies. She’s a lousy tipper. She billed the Republican Party more than $3,000 for the underwear she bought during the last Presidential election, including dozens of Spanx girdles. Oh, and for all the cutesy charm that Sarah Palin projects in public, she’s got a nasty habit of bullying staff, losing her temper with friends and family, and, when particularly upset, throwing tin cans at her husband, Todd.

Fresh from a week that seemed to cement her status as the most valuable brand in American conservatism, and saw her both receive top billing at a vast “tea party” rally in Washington, and almost single-handedly alter the direction of a Senate race in her native Alaska, Palin is on the receiving end of a brace of vintage journalistic hatchet jobs from the left and right sides of the political spectrum.

The first, a vast profile of the self-proclaimed “Mamma Grizzly,” which covers 18 pages of next month’s Vanity Fair, devotes more than 10,000 words to a mixture of revelation, allegation and innuendo regarding both her public and private persona, detailing what it calls her “erratic behaviour,” her “pattern of lying,” and what the magazine’s reporter Michael Gross describes as the “sad, mouldering strangeness” of her everyday existence.

The second comes courtesy of Meghan McCain, the daughter of Palin’s former running mate John, whose new book Dirty, Sexy Politics, describes the former Governor of Alaska as a “a time bomb” who is addicted to attention….

Entire Article Here


Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

All of my Sarah Palin posts

Vanity Fair: “Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury” — the reverse-Christianity

From: Vanity Fair

Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury

Michael Joseph Gross

September 1, 2010

Erratic behavior and a pattern of lying matter little: “Such falsehoods never damage Palin’s credibility with her admirers, because information and ideology are incidental to this relationship.” … the year since she abruptly resigned the governorship of Alaska, in order to market herself full-time—earning an estimated $13 million….

Warm and effusive in public, indifferent or angry in private: this is the pattern of Palin’s behavior toward the people who make her life possible. A onetime gubernatorial aide to Palin says, “The people who have worked for her—they’re broken, used, stepped on, down in the dust.” On the 2008 campaign trail, one close aide recalls, it was practically impossible to persuade Palin to take a moment to thank the kitchen workers at fund-raising dinners. During the campaign, Palin lashed out at the slightest provocation, sometimes screaming at staff members and throwing objects. Witnessing such behavior, one aide asked Todd Palin if it was typical of his wife [Todd’s statement here is typical of one who enables the abuser in a dysfunctional family – ed.]. He answered, “You just got to let her go through it….” When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again. …

The intensity of Palin’s temper…. One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: “They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun. Todd said, ‘I don’t know why I even waste my time trying to get nice things for you if you’re just going to ruin them.’ ” … She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.” (The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”) … Others who have worked with Palin recall that, when she feels threatened, she does not hesitate to wield some version of a signature threat: “I have the power to ruin you.”

The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century [their relationship with 9/11 – ed.], who advises Palin on foreign affairs….

A campaign aide remembers that one of the Palin children found her mother’s public displays of piety especially grating. Though Palin prayed and read the Bible every night [a former staffer who shared a hotel room with Sarah told me that when Sarah went to bed, she opened her Bible and almost immediately closed it, apparently so she could say she read her Bible daily – ed.], aides never saw the family join her for devotionals. “You’re just putting on a show. You’re so fake,” one of the children said when Palin made a point of praying in front of other people. “This is not who you are. Why are you pretending to be something you’re not?”

Entire Article Here


Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

As Sarah Palin’s star rises, critics expose her dark side

All of my Sarah Palin posts

Eric Rush on Radio Liberty: What happened to the black community? Their clergy was subverted. Their religious leaders were essentially their foundation. “They listen to these black leaders; they get angry; they stay angry…”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Black Americans had been shepherded away from their social conservatism by the far left. …their clergy was subverted as well by the hard left.”

Their religious leaders were essentially their foundation, their rock for their communities. … Their communities were really solid. The family was really solid. And what happened is they were shepherded away from that belief, that social conservatism, by the hard left. Some of their pastors, actually a lot of them, particularly very high profile ones succumbed to the promises of fortune and glory and a seat at the table of white progressives, and they started telling them a different message.

They started accepting different kinds of gospels: social justice gospels, black liberation theology. And consequently, they started supporting political factions, hard left political factions in the Democratic party that got them into a state of dependency. A sense of entitlement was fostered. They essentially started paying women to have children, and made the black father essentially obsolete.”

They listen to these black leaders; they get angry; they stay angry; they don’t see the opportunities that are out there for them. They watch rap; they act that way; they wonder why they get kicked out of school or they drop out and they can’t get jobs.

And it’s validated by the people around them, and consequently, you have the society that we have now. And if you or I complain about it, or if Bill Cosby complains about it, you’re either a ‘racist’ or a ‘race traitor.'”

“We sink or swim, together.”

– Eric Rush, author
Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal – America’s Racial Obsession

on Radio Liberty, 7/27/10

Listen to MP3 Here

More Great Programs At:

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Archives

The Kinsey Syndrome: Ph.D. pedophiles designed the sex education programs in America. Does an addiction to porn create a kind of shadow person, someone who ends up leading a double life?

Transcriptions by Jeff Fenske

“It’s said that the greatest myth about pornography is that nobody gets hurt.

…does an addiction to porn create a kind of shadow person, someone who ends up leading a double life…?”


This documentary shows how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education — training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence? And what was Kinsey’s research really based upon?

Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America’s original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine – the “soft” approach to porn – which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation & Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: “The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet.”

Perhaps most disturbing, Alfred Kinsey has been accused of training pedophiles to work with stopwatches and record the responses of children being raped – all in the name of “science.” Among his workers was a Nazi pedophile whose relationship to Kinsey was exposed in a German court. The information from these crimes was then recorded in “Table 34” of Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. How can lawmakers use such a document to define the moral parameters of our society?

Why has the truth about Kinsey been suppressed for so long? And what can Americans do to make a difference?

[youtube=]The Kinsey Syndrome 1/17

RefuseResistProd | February 25, 2010

The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be “the father of the sexual revolution.” But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society?

American History Films Presents, A Jude 3 Production
Written & Directed by: Christian J. Pinto
Associate Producers: Clark Aliano, Steve Aguilar
Executive Producers: Joseph M. Schimmel, Christian J. Pinto
Package Design: Robbie Destocki, Creative Image Design Group
Running Time: Approx 3 hours
(c) 2008. All rights reserved.
Consumer Release Date: December 2008





“The experts were the rapists.”

“This is the torture of children!”

– Judith Reisman, author:
Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences




The children of table 34

Many of the children abused by Kinsey’s pedophiles
probably had no idea that they were a part of
a government sponsored study

• • • •

“Children aren’t sexual from birth.”

– victim


Nazi/Kinsey tie


Aleister Crowley/Kinsey tie

“Do what thou wilt….”




J. Gator Henry, former Penthouse producer:

“What delivered me, what took me out of that was plain and simple:
nothing but the power of Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit
through the fear of God.”


That fear might be summed up in the Gospel of Luke.
When speaking about children,

Jesus said:

‘It were better for a man that a millstone
were hanged about his neck,
and he cast into the sea,
than that he should offend one of these little ones

• • • •

A sexual predator in the act,
focusing lust spirits, “celestial warmth” on his boy victim,
a form of James-3 cursing, says:

“I as a human being am bathing him
in a certain kind of celestial warmth.”



“There is a whole issue of denial. …
Pastors need to address it from the pulpit.”

I’m grieved at the lack of moral outrage
that there is lacking today in our culture,
and particularly in the church
in the whole area of sexual perversion.
I believe it is the Mount Whitney.

I think addiction, and particular, sexual addiction is
the Mount Whitney of sin in the church today

If I could use a more effective metaphor,
I really think it’s like an iceberg.
We just barely see the tip of it,
but underneath the surface
there is such deep denial

– Jeff Reinke,
pastor of North Coast Calvary Chapel


“Many of the Ph.D.s who teach in our universities
have not only been associated with The Journal of Paedophilia,
but have also served as the board members for pornographic magazines
like Penthouse Forum.

These are the people who have designed
the programs for sex education in America

“When you consider that the Ph.Ds. who have designed these programs
openly support the pedophile philosophy
we can only wonder:
is sex education really intended to protect America’s children
or to condition them

The Kinsey institute continues to lead the way in sex education,
and continues to be funded by the American taxpayer.”



All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ToBeFree

All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ONEcanhappen

The solution is the fear of the Lord. Willfully lusting is a salvation issue — no ifs, ands or buts:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God

Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

This is an oldie but goody, written by Chuck before I started this blog.

My opinion follows Chuck’s article.

From: News with Views


By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
February 27, 2007

Evangelical Christians are already beginning the process of selecting the Republican presidential candidate whom they can anoint as their successor to George W. Bush. Somehow, evangelicals have this deluded idea that President Bush is one of them. How they came to this delusion both fascinates and escapes me. Bush is anything but one of them. However, most evangelicals believe he is, and today it seems that illusion is greater than reality, anyway. Bush proves that more than anyone I have ever known. But enough about Bush.

The question burning in the minds of evangelicals today is: Which Republican candidate for president will we anoint? There are several possibilities, but apparently Congressman Ron Paul is not one of them.

For example, Jerry Falwell’s widely distributed National Liberty Journal, in its March 2007 edition, had a major section entitled “Campaign 2008-Identifying the Republican Presidential Candidates.” A total of ten Republicans made the Journal’s list. The ten listed were Sen. Sam Brownback, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Chuck Hagel, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. John McCain, Gov. George Pataki, Gov. Mitt Romney, and Rep. Tom Tancredo.

However, even though Rep. Ron Paul has also formed a presidential exploratory committee (something Gingrich has not even done yet), his name was conspicuously absent from Falwell’s list. Why is this? Why do evangelicals ignore Ron Paul?

Ron Paul received his Bachelor’s degree from Gettysburg College. He received his MD from Duke University. He began his OB/GYN career in 1968. He was also an Air Force Captain and a member of the Air National Guard.

Ron Paul has served as a conservative congressman from Texas for over 16 years. He currently has a 100% rating from The Conservative Index, which is probably the most relevant and accurate reflection of a congressman’s true conservative record out there.

Furthermore, unlike most Republicans, Paul’s commitment to the life issue is more than rhetoric. For example, during the 2005 congressional session, Rep. Paul introduced H.R. 776, entitled the “Sanctity of Life Act of 2005.”

Had it passed, H.R. 776 would have recognized the personhood of all unborn babies by declaring, “human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.” The bill also recognized the authority of each State to protect the lives of unborn children. In addition, H.R. 776 would have removed abortion from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, thereby nullifying the Roe v Wade decision, and would have denied funding for abortion providers. In plain language, H.R. 776 would have ended abortion on demand. (It is more than interesting to me that none of the evangelicals’ pet politicians, including George W. Bush, even bothered to support Paul’s pro-life bill.)

In addition, Ron Paul has been the most outspoken defender of constitutional government in the entire congress-bar none. He has often stood virtually alone against federal abuse of power, corruption, and big government.

Currently, Ron Paul is one of only a handful of congressmen that dares speak out against the emerging North American Union, NAFTA superhighway, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement, all of which are being promoted by the White House in concert with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Speaking of the CFR, two of the U.S. senators listed as presidential candidates in Jerry Falwell’s Liberty Journal, Chuck Hagel and John McCain, are current members of the CFR.

For his entire political career, Ron Paul has served foursquare upon the principles of constitutional (limited) government, less taxation, right to life, and personal liberty. Ron Paul is a conservative’s conservative, a principled constitutionalist of the finest order. How is it, then, that Jerry Falwell and other evangelicals ignore him?

The answer to the above question is not easy to determine. Maybe today’s evangelicals are more concerned about being accepted by the GOP establishment than they are supporting principled, conservative candidates. After all, Paul’s willingness to openly oppose his own party has caused him to be blacklisted by party loyalists and apologists. Therefore, it might be that our illustrious evangelical leaders are unwilling to be identified with Paul lest they share the same ostracism.

Another reason might be that today’s evangelicals are extremely shallow in their discernment. They seem to love Republican candidates who wear religion on their sleeve. Whether the candidate walks the walk does not seem to matter near as much as whether he talks the talk.

Hence, evangelicals are already warming up to John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and even to Rudy Giuliani. Falwell’s National Liberty Journal (NLJ) calls Gingrich “a true American statesman.” McCain is called “pro-life.” Already, McCain has spoken for Dr. Falwell at his Liberty University. (Don’t be surprised if Falwell becomes one of McCain’s strongest proponents.) The NLJ quotes Evangelicals for Mitt as saying, “Gov. Romney . . . shares our values.” Of Giuliani, NLJ states, “On issues such as national security, battling terrorism and combating crime, Mr. Giuliani is very popular with conservatives.”

However, the truth is, neither Gingrich, Giuliani, Romney, nor McCain deserves the support of principled conservatives. Each of these men has numerous examples of failure and compromise of essential conservative values.

Another trap evangelicals seem to fall into is the puerile desire to “pick a winner.” Wanting to be sure that they are seen dancing with the last man on the floor, evangelicals are trying to figure out who that man will be so as to be ready to receive their invitation to the dance. And since they don’t expect to see Ron Paul issuing dance invitations, they have already written him off.

However, rather than letting themselves be used as dupes by the GOP machine, if America’s evangelicals would determine to stand on principle by supporting only those candidates who most courageously champion our principles (regardless of their popularity, or lack thereof, with the Republican hierarchy), they might actually be able to bring real change to American politics.

As it is, evangelicals continue to call George W. Bush “one of us,” they continue to drink Kool Aid from the faucet of Republican propaganda, and they continue to ignore Ron Paul.

My opinion:

I agree with what Chuck says above, but would add this.

[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy

Note: I don’t necessarily agree with this author’s entire theory, for I think most evangelical ‘Christians’ do love Israel. The problem is when evangelicals don’t love others as much as they love themselves and IsraelJesus’ Second Greatest Commandment. That’s where we’re falling short.

See: Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

But what I bolded in his article is certainly something to consider. For example:

Why are evangelical ‘Christians’ in such a rush to possibly start WWIII based on sketchy evidence. Didn’t we learn anything from Iraq?

Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.”

Can warmongering ‘Christians’ really be Christians, based upon what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount? Who would Jesus bomb? WWJB?

And who is being led by the Holy Spirit to bomb more human beings?

Paul said: “Those who are led by the Spirit are the children of God.”

So can warmongering ‘Christians’ (who still won’t repent for supporting the Bush/PNAC wars) really be Christians, based upon what Paul said in Romans 8?

Real Christians follow Christ, are led by the HOLY Spirit (Jesus’ Greatest Commandment), and therefore are a good example to others.

Then there is the rapture factor. “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” Christians who are counting on the rapture to get them out of Dodge before the US gets it should consider that if there is a pre-trib rapture (which is suspect, biblically), only those who are right with God and their neighbors (like the Iranians, the Iraqis) would go anyway.

See: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? to make sure.

Jeff Fenske


From: Information Clearing House

Repubs Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy

Jamal Abdi at HuffPo explains that almost a third of Republicans in the House have signed on to a resolution urging Israel to attack Iran.

The National Iranian American Council has a petition you can sign calling on minority leader John Boehner to repudiate this measure.

By Juan Cole

July 24, 2010Information Clearing House–The move is reminiscent of the 1998 letter the Project for a New American Century signatories sent to President Clinton, putting pressure on him to initiate war on Iraq. They did maneuver him into pulling out UN weapons inspectors and bombing Iraq. The US removal of the inspectors made the West blind as to the lack of Iraqi weapons programs, since their absence could no longer be certified. In turn, Iraq’s opaqueness as a result of the Clinton actions allowed the Bill Kristol crowd and the rest of the Israel, war industry and oil lobbies to propagandize America into the fruitless and ruinous Iraq War. Now they are repeating this pattern with regard to Iran.

Think about how weird it is. Nearly half of Republicans in the House are from the South, which has relatively few Jewish Americans. So this resolution is likely emanating from the Christian Zionists like John Hagee (who once said that God sent Hitler to punish the Jews for being outside Israel). It is not impossible that the people behind this resolution are fervently hoping for the Judgment Day to come more quickly and look forward to a Middle East apocalypse as a step toward the Return of Christ and the end of that pesky but temporarily necessary Judaism. In other words, for these right wing Americans to call for Israel to go to war on behalf of America is just one more case of white Christians sacrificing Jews for their own interests and is a form of anti-Semitism.

The likely outcome of an Israeli military strike on Iran is as follows:

Entire Article Here

Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees

[youtube=]Protesters assaulted and spit on by Christians United for Israel Summit Attendees

codepinkaction | July 23, 2010

CODEPINK and other organizations peacefully rallied against Christians United for Israel for their support of colonization, occupation, and apartheid and in turn we were spit on, assaulted, and followed.

Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their atrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?


Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv

All of my Israel posts

Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

“We have lost our way.”

– Ron Paul

[youtube=]Ron Paul Discusses The Political Re-Alignment on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Alex talks with Ron Paul, a physician and Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas. Paul is the founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty and his ideas have been expressed in numerous published articles and books, including End The Fed and The Revolution: A Manifesto. Ron Paul has the most Constitution friendly voting record of any member of Congress since 1937.



Joe Biden: Brussels is now the capitol of the ‘free’ world. “You’ve taken on more powers … and we welcome it.”

Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

All 40 of my Stop CIA Drug Running posts

All 400 of my Ron Paul posts

All 60 of my ‘Christians’ Trashing America posts

For those who want to put the full blame on Obama, unwilling to admit how President George W. Bush trashed the Constitution over and over again — how he surrounded himself with cronies…

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“What emerged through the two terms [of the Bush administration – editor] was that people who seemed to be accused of violating the law had a rapid ascent in this administration. And one has to wonder whether this is suddenly a criteria, that the President likes people who are willing to go the edge of the law and beyond it to achieve what he believes is a worthy purpose.”

“Frankly, I’m not too sure what he thought he was swearing to when he took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution and our laws.”

– Jonathan Turley

[youtube=]“The Constitution is just a piece of paper” – G.W. Bush

Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Olbermann interviews Jonathan Turley a constitutional law expert who rips Bush a new [___], pointing out how many of his cronies are former criminals who have no respect for the law or the Constitution of the United States.

10/17/06: Bush Dissolves The U.S. Constitution Today

[youtube=]Countdown: Bush Dissolves The U.S. Constitution Today

Today 10-17-06, President (King) Bush signed a bill that officially dissolved the United States Constitution. This law takes away The Writ of Habeas Corpus that allows for the right to have an attorney and the knowledge of crimes a person being charged with. Also unlawful detention. They hide this within the Detainee Combatant Bill. It allows the President to declare ANYONE, ANYWHERE AN ENEMY COMBATANT, THIS INCLUDES U.S. CITIZENS, FOR ANY REASON ANYTIME. People. WAKE UP!!!! We have LOST OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!! TODAY 10-17-06, The Day The U.S. Bill Of Rights Died. RIP.

(video) Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘CHRISTIANS’ have TWO SETS OF BOOKS: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

Jesus commands us to love ALL people as much as we love ourselves:

One of the scribes came, and heard them questioning together. Knowing that he had answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the greatest of all?” Jesus answered, “The greatest is, ‘Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. The second is like this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:28-31

Christians must be peacemakers. Jesus said:

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called the CHILDREN OF GOD.” – Mt. 5:9

Jesus commands us to love our enemies, that we may be His children:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS THOSE WHO CURSE YOU, DO GOOD to those WHO HATE you, and PRAY FOR THOSE WHO MISTREAT YOU and persecute you, THAT YOU MAY BE CHILDREN of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? Therefore you shall BE PERFECT, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” – Mt. 5:43-48

Sarah Palin Says Only Americans Worthy of Rights?

Feb 21, 2010

The recent Republican talking point that US constitutional rights are only for Americans citizens was nowhere so jingoistically and hypocritically expressed as it was by Sarah Palin in her appearances this month on “Fox News Sunday” and at a national Tea Party Convention, as I show in this video.

The clip I use of Sarah Palin appearing on “Fox News Sunday” comes from the segment broadcast February 7, 2010, available online at…

The clips I use of Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) delivering the closing keynote address of the first-ever National Tea Party Convention, held in Nashville, TN comes from the program broadcast on CSPAN on February 6, 2010, available on CSPAN’s YouTube channel at…


Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Chuck Baldwin: Do Americans Cherish Freedom Anymore? — Where do our rights come from, and what is the government’s role? Why are born-again Christians among the first to gladly relinquish their freedom?

Ron Paul vs Sarah Palin

Devvy: Sarah Palin: Buying the Sizzle

Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs

Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’

Chuck Baldwin: Sarah Palin’s Answers—Very Troubling

Devvy Kidd: Palin is in full lock step with warmonger, McCain, cheering on the clever marketing slogan (“surge”). But in reality, Bush invaded a non-threatening country and destroyed it!

Palin: “This war against extreme Islamic terrorists is the RIGHT THING”

Palin: “In order to stop Islamic extremists…we must do whatever it takes and we must not blink

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

(video) Why Sarah Palin Stopped Her 2012 Presidential Bid – On the “same day” evidence of Todd Palin’s sexual encounters was released – Ed Opperman 20Aug2013

Report: Todd Palin, Sarah Palin’s hubby, alleged sex scandal with Shailey Tripp — “…the scandal could ruin Sarah’s bid for the presidency in 2012, along with threatening the couple’s marriage.”

Proof that Sarah Palin had fake Letters to the Editor written to sway public opinion

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian, part 2? — Encouraging Bristol’s tango on DWTS: “Is it like lap dancing scandalous (giggling, darting out her tongue)? … Just dominate. Just take over.”

Palin insider, Frank Bailey: Love thy neighbor? Turn the other cheek? Forgiveness? These New Testament concepts were not part of Sarah Palin’s temperament. Both eyes for an eye was the rule, and vanquishing enemies became a goal.

As Sarah Palin’s star rises, critics expose her dark side

Vanity Fair: “Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury” — the reverse-Christianity

Dr. Stanley Monteith on Sarah Palin: “She’s saying all the things we believe; and she well may believe them, but she’s totally under their control. When you take 10, 12 million dollars in nine months from these people why you’ve sold your soul. She will do their bidding.”

What Would Jesus Do, Sarah? Palin Uses Crosshairs To Identify Dems Who Voted For Health Care Reform

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? Are warmongerers real Christians?Can warmongerers go to heaven?

Jesus in Matthew 5

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. …

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? 47 If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Paul said in Romans 8:14

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God.

My favorite 9/11 truth post (there are over 100 more at ToBeFree)— in case you’d like to find out what really happened — who really were responsible. All of this hate and anger for what?? When are we going to be true Christians? They’ll know us by our love.

Dr. Stanley Monteith on Sarah Palin: “She’s saying all the things we believe; and she well may believe them, but she’s totally under their control. When you take 10, 12 million dollars in nine months from these people why you’ve sold your soul. She will do their bidding.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Radio Liberty Audio Archives, 4/27/10, hour 4

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The Tea Party Movement is a spontaneous movement all across America to try to take our country back.

Now, believe me, the brotherhood of darkness, the evil forces have infiltrated the tea party movement. And they’re trying to get Sarah Palin into key position. They’ve given her 12 million dollars; they bought her support. She’s saying all the things we believe; and she well may believe them, but she’s totally under their control.

When you take 10, 12 million dollars in nine months from these people why you’ve sold your soul. She will do their bidding.

She’s endorsed of all people, John McCain for his Senate seat against his conservative opponent.

Why would she do that? Cause she’s willing to compromise her principles for acceptance by the elite.

And unfortunately, though she’s a very nice person, she’s certainly playing in a league she really doesn’t understand.

So the tea party movement has been infiltrated. And there is every effort to utilize this not to save America, but to put in power somebody that they want in power. And they’re going to do with Sarah Palin just like they did with Ronald Reagan, who actually invited the members of the Trilateral Commission to come to the White House to have dinner with him. He knew very well who these people were, but of course they controlled him.

And of course, we have certain ideas about Ronald Reagan. Nobody ever mentions: certainly, he gave us the biggest tax cuts in history, and then he gave us the largest tax increases in history. Nobody will ever mention that. He always said what we believed, but look and see what he did.

In 1986….”

– Dr. Stanley Monteith


All 38 of my Sarah Palin posts

Chuck Colson concluded from his own White House experience: There was no group that was easier to control than ‘Christians,’ because ‘Christians’ are terribly seduced by power.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

David Kuo talking to Bill Maher:

“You know the name, Chuck Colson. He wrote about his experience in the Nixon White House, and he said exactly what you’re talking about.

There was no group that was easier to control than Christians. And he said – he reached the frightful conclusion that it’s because Christians are terribly seduced by power.”

In regards to David’s suggestion that Christians take a fast from politics, Pastor Chuck Baldwin says this in WERE EVANGELICALS PLAYED FOR SUCKERS?:

“It’s not a “fast” from politics that Christians need, it’s a re-dedication to constitutional government.”

[youtube=]Kuo on Maher

“Tempting Faith” author David Kuo appears on Maher.

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[youtube=]Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at

Jason Bermas presents Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined produced by Alex Jones. The film can be ordered here…

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