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Skousen: Will Economic Collapse Predictions Finally Come True This Fall? — Most analysts are not wrong about the root problems of debt, speculation and fiat money, but they do not address the massive manipulation of the markets by government and the powers of the FED, who can keep things going and postpone collapse until war comes, when they will claim it is not their fault

World Affairs Brief, June 26, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Each year about this time there are several internet analysts predicting a massive economic collapse in October. This year it is a tsunami of hype that may or may not come true. Even Ron Paul’s comments about the un-sustainability of the dollar and the collapse of the entire US financial system added fuel to the fire. But my biggest issue is with the predictions of imminent collapse. In the past four or five years that I have been tracking these collapse predictions, they always come up empty. Sadly, rather than admit error, the collapse crowd peddles the same theme next year with even more scary scenarios. Most analysts are not wrong about the root problems of debt, speculation and fiat money, but they do not understand or address the massive manipulation of the markets by government and the powers of the FED—who can keep things going and postpone collapse until war comes when they will claim it is not their fault. This week, I will explain why any collapse prediction is invalid without coming to grips with the power of manipulation and the fact that there are no signs that globalists are maneuvering to let it fall.

October seems to be the favored month to trigger market crashes considering the manipulated stock market crashes of 1929 and 1987, but September is also historically a bad month. This time the shaky European bond market is providing fodder for the “sky is falling” crowd, where big liquidity problems threaten to create panic. The irrational US stock market, on the other hand, continues to rise, driven by new money from the FED and the same bandwagon effect that got people in trouble in 1929. The big difference between now and then, as I just mentioned, is the degree of control the FED has over money creation, interest rates, and secret relationships with “Too Big to Fail” banks and Wall Street investment houses that are used as conduits for liquidity injections into the markets in order to cause, halt, or take advantage of panic buying or selling.

Let’s begin with a piece by Michael Snyder, of the Economic Collapse Blog, who persistently makes the case for collapse.

Not since the financial crash of 2008 have so many prominent people issued such urgent warnings about a specific time period. Almost daily now, really big names are coming out with chilling predictions about what they believe is going to happen during the second half of 2015. But it isn’t just that these people have a “bad feeling” about things. The truth is that we are witnessing a confluence of circumstances and events in the second half of this year that is unprecedented.

This is something that I covered in a previous article that went mega-viral all over the Internet entitled “7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September.” [None of which are real indicators of economic collapse. Unfortunately, many of the seven are based on the flawed hype of Jonathan Cahn, author of books about Blood Moons and Shemitah prophecies focusing on Jewish calendars that I don’t believe are definitive or reliable.] Personally, I have never been more concerned about any period of time than I am about the second half of 2015.

Just a few days ago, I received an email that contained a chilling message from Lindsey Williams. You can view the same message that came to my email right here. According to Lindsey Williams, the elite insider that he is in contact with told him that there will be a global financial collapse between September and December of this year…

“WARNING! From Lindsey Williams… My elite friend indicated that they have a World Wide Financial Collapse scheduled between September and the end of December 2015. You may have just THREE (3) months to prepare!

I think the notion that the PTB have it calendared for this fall is disinformation. The real insiders would know a more precise time frame (so these few can make money off the collapse rather than go down with it). This “insider tip” about getting prepared implies that the PTB intend to create more than just economic chaos. Many pundits on the conservative side keep saying (based on other bogus insiders like the “DHS informant”) that the globalist-engineered collapse will cause social unrest which, in turn, will justify martial law.

This is very bad analysis because the government would clearly get the blame. The only way to trigger a full collapse is to cut the money supply drastically and fail to provide liquidity when thousands of speculators are in trouble. There are hundreds of FED watchers who would know to the day when the FED cut the money supply and caused a collapse.

But if they wait until the coming world war then they can blame all these horrific changes on the enemy—which is why the globalists are so eager to provoke the war. It has worked before and it will work again, diverting the blame from them to the war. These globalists aren’t stupid and always seek to use deception and crises to cover for their evil agenda.

Snyder continues: I have a ton of respect for Lindsey Williams, and I would listen to what he has to say very carefully. Back in 2008, an elite insider told him that the price of oil would drop from $140 a barrel to $40 a barrel, and it happened. This time around, Williams has been telling us throughout 2013 and 2014 that a global financial collapse was not going to happen during those years, and he was right about that. But now he is sounding the alarm that one is going to come by the end of this calendar year.

Snyder’s praise is a very selective recitation of Williams’ track record focusing only on the few times he has been right. What Snyder fails to tell his readers is that Williams was predicting collapse, based on his insider’s tips from 2010 through 2012. And he predicted collapse on and off during 2013 and 2014 until he retracted them for a brief time knowing that his track record was so dismal.

I’m absolutely certain that Williams is being played for a fool by his contacts. As I’ve written before in the WAB, nobody who is an insider is going to get away with leaking the globalist’s intentions to someone like Pastor Williams (who may be sincere) who will parade those tips to the whole world—at least not without getting caught. The NSA tracks all communications, especially those of insiders to make sure no one “talks out of school.” If this source keeps talking to Williams it is only because it is planned and he is spreading disinformation to make Williams look like a fool—which he is for believing him.

Many years ago Pastor Williams did get some good info from semi-insider Ken Fromm, CEO of ARCO, about the US capping huge oil finds in Alaska to keep US oil off the market and drive prices up. But I don’t believe Fromm was a full insider, who are all evil. Fromm just happened to be on the receiving end of threats by government to shut down a major oil find. Fromm complied but was not on board with the agenda. He used his access to those who directed him to get a glimpse of the secret control system that was running our government. He passed these concerns on to Williams, who sold them to the public as info from an insider—which wasn’t technically true.

There’s a difference between having dealings with government controllers, as Fromm did, and being one of them, which Fromm was not. After Fromm died, Williams began to get tips from one or two others claiming to be insider friends of Fromm and authorized to leak information to Williams. Williams had set himself up as someone who had “insider sources” and I believe the government set this follow-on trap for him, knowing that Williams would become an innocent accomplice in spreading disinformation.

It is true that his new sources gave him one dramatic and true tip in 2008, about the timing of the end of the rise in gasoline prices. As any oil insider at the time knew, there was a conspiracy to drive the price of oil upward by keeping supplies off the market. Controlled oil companies were filling every available land based oil storage tank with oil and every idle oil tanker offshore in order to keep supplies off the market. These sources happened to know that all the storage capacity was full in the fall of 2008, and therefore could predict almost to the week when oil would start flowing again to the refineries, dropping prices.

This grand tip made Williams a star—and also a sucker for the future bad tips he would get from his “insiders.” Although Williams has a way of continually spinning his tips in a positive way, he has never owned up to the failures. I tried to warn subscribers clear back in 2011 and 2012 about Williams and the collapse crowd (excerpt from the WAB June 29, 2012):

I field more questions from subscribers and preppers each week on the subject of economic collapse than any other topic, despite having covered in the WAB numerous reasons why neither hyperinflation nor a complete and sudden collapse of the dollar can happen this year or in the next couple of years. In fact, a total collapse could never be sudden just because of the sheer size of the dollar pool internationally.

Yet there is an unending flow of predictions of complete and imminent collapse coming from both the uninformed and the informed financial newsletter writers on the conservative/libertarian side. The latter should know better, but simply haven’t thought this out very well and are using the hype to generate sales of newsletters, financial products or the need to redeem themselves from their long litany of failed collapse predictions already posted.

Pastor Lindsey Williams is continuing to push the banking holiday/collapse scenario based upon his bogus insider sources. My late friend Bob Chapman [The International Forecaster] also got fooled into believing the various scenarios supposedly touted by law enforcement people claiming that the banks were going to close down due to an imminent collapse. That was in August of 2010. But even though that failed, Bob continued to push the collapse scenario.

There is absolutely no reason why the FED would call a banking holiday which would cut off people’s access to money. The economy would collapse within weeks, and they would get the blame. As long as they’ve got the means to keep creating money, there simply is no rationale for this. People who continue to make these claims simply don’t understand either the power of the Fed or the plans of the PTB.

The list of those calling for imminent collapse is growing longer by the week, but it doesn’t mean it is any more true. R.G. Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Gonzalo Lira, Mike Maloney, Mike Dillard (who’s been pushing the collapse of the EURO for years now and still won’t stop despite the failure of his predictions), and more recently the National Inflation Association, Porter Stansberry and Sandy Leeds are all pushing imminent collapse. While economic fundamentals are crying out for a collapse, these good people don’t understand the powerful nature of the conspiracy we are dealing with and their ability to manipulate the economic numbers.

Even Peter Schiff is predicting collapse by 2014, as reported by Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul of Beacon Equity Research—and she’s a believer too.

As you can see, all of these were wrong on timing. But they’ll be right eventually—in a way. It’s true that fiat money always ends badly, but the financial PTB know this and don’t want to be left holding the bag. That’s why they will continue to keep up the illusion of recovery until there is a sufficient external crisis (probably war) that will justify a new world fiat currency—and it won’t be a gold-backed currency despite the wishful thinking of those hyping China’s accumulation of gold reserves. The Michael Snyder piece continues:

Martin Armstrong is someone else that has been sounding the alarm about the second half of this year. In fact, Armstrong says that he has “warned that the Big Bang was coming since 1985.” [Yes, those were the old “hard money” conference days of Howard Ruff and Jim Blanchard—all of whom thought the collapse would come in the 80’s and then the 90’s. There were stock market corrections like 1987, but NONE even came close to collapse.]

In the past, I have written entire articles about economic cycle theories and what they indicate is coming in our future. [People who build models based on historical cycles can be pretty convincing, but conspiracies and manipulation of markets can’t be tracked by cycle theories.] Armstrong has developed one of his own, and he calls it the Economic Confidence Model. According to the ECM, the “sovereign debt Big Bang” is scheduled to happen by the end of 2015.

There are many aspects that are lining up with the turn in Armstrong’s ECM from the Blood Moon and the Jewish Year for forgiving the debts, to France imposing restrictions on cash in September… [I don’t view these as valid indicators of government changing the way they manage the markets.]

In case you are tempted to dismiss this as nonsense, Armstrong has pointed out that his ECM has been accurate “to the day” in the past. Of course the 1987 crash bottomed to the day with the ECM confirming that was the low. The same took place in 1994 where the U.S. share market bottomed right to the day, once again confirming this was an important low.

In fact Martin did not “call” any of these crashes way back when. My brother Mark (Forecasts and Strategies) was one of the few who actually made an open warning about the stock crash of 1987 by pointing to all the signs that were there. And Peter Schiff did call the crash of mortgage backed securities in 2008. But he hasn’t been as prescient since.

Armstrong has reconstructed his model to conform to the economic patterns of the past. But over time these economic indicators have ceased to become a reliable predictor of market action because of manipulation. Government intervention under the table is the most powerful factor today, not fundamentals. Economic instability abounds all the time and yet markets continue to be propped up by easy money (at near zero interest rates) flowing to insider big banks that keep investing in the huge speculative markets.

The government even has a “plunge protection team” of Wall Street insiders that have access to nearly unlimited FED funds in order to counter any trends that might cause runaway computer selling. Only a minority of individual investors make up the markets today. It’s the big banks, investment houses, hedge funds funds, and speculators that drive the markets.

So will the ECM be right again this time? Only time will tell, but it should be noted that the global bond market is already starting to crash. If Armstrong ultimately turns out to be correct, we could be on the verge of a major turning point.

Snyder is partly right about bonds being in trouble. But the big problem is mostly in European bonds due to the threat of a Greek default spreading to other heavily indebted EU nations. Spain, Italy and Portugal are not far behind Greece. As Yahoo Finance reported,

On Greece, the IMF made some concessions to Greek negotiators on the crucial subjects of value-added tax and pensions. These have been sticking points this week, and the IMF has been the most uncompromising of Greece’s official creditors. The IMF’s willingness to bargain suggests that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras can save face and keep Greece on the euro, as most of his citizens would prefer (according to polls).

This tends to confirm my prediction that the EU globalist powers will do everything to keep the lower southern tier of nations in the EU at whatever cost. The trouble with the Greek people is that they want both—to maintain their bankrupt welfare state and stay in the EU.

Overall, bonds are in trouble in large part because of the threat of a Greek sovereign debt default. For traders, bond liquidity and predictable interest payments are the attraction (in normal times, it is easy to always find buyers among conservative investors, pension funds, and bond funds) but pensioners themselves tend to buy and hold bonds to maturity, collecting the regular interest payments. To them the threat of a sovereign default is even more serious. Right now, because of the instability over a potential Greek default, liquidity in the trading of bonds has been badly hurt and that is why bonds are in decline. As Bloomberg noted,

There are three things that matter in the bond market these days: liquidity, liquidity and liquidity. How — or whether — investors can trade without having prices move against them has become a major worry as bonds globally tanked in the past few months. As a result, liquidity, or the lack of it, is skewing markets in new and surprising ways.

Spain, for instance, must pay more to borrow money than Italy for 30 years, even though Spain is considered safer by credit raters. Why? The Italian bond market is twice as big as the Spanish one — and, therefore, more liquid.

The same thing is happening around the world. Bonds in smaller, less-traded markets like Finland, Singapore and Canada are starting to fall out of favor. And with the Federal Reserve preparing to raise U.S. interest rates, investors want to know they can sell in a hurry if debt markets turn volatile.

But to put things in perspective global bond prices have only fallen between 8 and 12% and much of this is in anticipation of a rise in interest rates—which the FED continues to postpone and postpone. The investment world doesn’t really expect a wholesale collapse of the entire financial system anymore—even though it is ultimately inevitable as Ron Paul keeps saying.

Ron Paul rightly believes that continual deficits and money creation cannot continue indefinitely. But he clearly doesn’t understand that the FED can keep things afloat a lot longer by keeping overall inflation of the money supply below 10%-15%. He also doesn’t have much understanding of the coming war agenda, which is the globalist’s escape manuever to avoid blame. Ron doesn’t even see the Russian threat. Like most libertarians, he kind of assumes that all the enemies of the globalists must be our friends. Not true.

Not seeing the crisis creation path of war, it’s easy for Ron to get caught up in the collapse predictions based upon the economy’s shaky fundamentals. That’s why he’s been hired on to imminent collapse predictors including Stansberry Research who pays him for his commentary. Stansberry is a perennial collapse prediction firm that sells alternative investment plans and buys time on alternative news web sites to promote their interviews with Paul. That’s why Ron Paul’s collapse predictions are everywhere on the web.

I’ve listened to his video presentations and I’m disappointed at their lack of detailed economic analysis as well as the utter lack of discussion over the role of the FED’s manipulation of markets. Without discussing how, why or what the FED is doing, (beyond creating money) one can’t make a credible case for imminent collapse.

As for the claims by the collapse crowd that the dollar is about to implode let me reiterate some very clear arguments I made in that 2012 WAB about what has to happen for a currency to collapse to occur. None of these are happening yet and my arguments have not been addressed by the collapse crowd:

Let me quickly review, once again, the reasons why a collapse or devaluation of the dollar, hyperinflation, or the dollar quickly losing its reserve currency status is not imminent and can’t happen quickly any time in the next few years:

1) Collapse: Collapse of a currency can only happen if it becomes relatively worthless in a short period of time. Inflation of the currency at high rates is the only thing that can cause this, ending either in devaluation and/or hyperinflation. Neither of these are real threats to the dollar currently despite the huge debt crisis.

2) Devaluation: Devaluation happens when a currency value is pegged to another at a fixed exchange rate, and the smaller currency inflates at a more rapid rate than the pegged currency causing an imbalance in demand which eventually causes the peg to be broken and a new fixed rate set. The dollar isn’t pegged to anything—it’s the standard. In a non-pegged system an informal devaluation can only occur if the dollar is being inflated at a much higher rate than other currencies. That isn’t happening because every other currency is inflating about the same rate proportional to their base as is the dollar. In fact, other currencies approve of US inflation, because it allows them to inflate their currency while maintaining the same relative exchange rate with the dollar.

3) Hyperinflation: Two things must be present for hyperinflation to happen. First, you must start with a relatively small money supply that can be expanded multiple times. The dollar base is so large, after having been inflated and spread around the world for so long that it literally can’t be inflated rapidly as compared to smaller currencies. The quantity of dollars in circulation is estimated at $300 trillion (not counting the huge non-monetized economy of derivatives, contracts and hedges perhaps as big as $500T). The FED could create $30T a year and it wouldn’t exceed 10% inflation rate. Even that huge amount isn’t hyperinflation, which results in panic spending due to rapidly rising prices. Second, a nation has to have an automatic injection mechanism to put increasing quantities of money into the pockets of consumers so they can keep up with rising prices, otherwise the inflation kills stops economic growth. We don’t have that, and what we do have (food stamps, unemployment compensation, Soc. Sec., etc,) isn’t effectively indexed to inflation. Without the public’s ability to get more money each month as in Germany in 1936, the economy retracts as people can’t keep up, and spending decreases—again stopping hyperinflation and causing stagflation.

4) Loss of Reserve Status. This also can’t happen anytime soon since the dollar base is so much larger than any other currency. You’d have to print up probably 5 times the existing quantities of Euros to supplant the dollar and that would have devastating inflationary effects on the Eurozone. The same with the British Pound. No one would trust the Chinese Yen because there’s no transparency there either. What about a basket of currencies? —The same problem exists there as in the EU—even their strict rules about one nation expanding their Euros over another, the southern tier of nations found ways of cheating. No one can trust any of these voluntary agreements anymore.

If there is a real threat right now, it’s the huge derivatives and hedge fund bubble—trillions of dollars committed in contracts but almost without actual asset backing. No big paper investment happens today with CDS derivative insurance or hedging, and little of that can actually be paid to the beneficiary if a sufficient crisis develops. However, this mainly affects the huge speculative economy—and these have the most power to get a bailout from their fellows at the FED.

Rather than see a collapse coming this year or even by 2014, I think we are going to see another mild inflationary recovery (not a true recovery), but one where inflation finally starts to overpower deflationary forces and people start to spend again, and hire. It won’t be big, but it will help the PTB extend this debt spiral until the end of the decade where even bigger world conflicts will help them escape final blame. Don’t underestimate the power of the PTB to keep inflating enough to stave off default and yet keep inflation below 10%.

That said, we are dealing with conspiracies here—and the PTB could simply decide to pull the plug on the economy. All they would have to do is stop intervening in the huge derivative market to keep those contracts from defaulting, as they have been recently in Europe. The derivatives bubble is by far the largest ponzi scheme ever—trillions in promises to pay without any means to make good on all those promises, even after the hedges balance out the excess exposure.

In fact, the derivative mess has been threatening to collapse ever since AIG in 2008, and yet the financial PTB continue to stop the derivative contracts from being collected on. In Europe, for example, they kept insisting that no default had occurred when investors in Greek bonds had to take a 50% haircut (loss on their bond investments). Hence no one could make good on those CDS default swap insurance policies (which are sold as guarantees on all these big risky investments). They change the rules all the time, and control the higher powers that might rule those changes illegal. I think they can keep this up for several more years.

Armstrong makes the prediction that people will start to disbelieve government and its power to stabilize and that this will bring down the system:

This next turning point should be the peak in the concentration of capital and confidence in government. From there on out, 2015.75 [September 2015] should mark the change in trend where people will start to disbelieve government on a grand scale. The debt markets that peak precisely with the target are going to get the worst of it.

Investment legend Jim Rogers agreed:

I suspect in the next year or two we will see some kind of major, major problems in the world financial markets. I would suspect when we have this correction, it’s going to cause central banks to panic. There’s going to come a time when there is not much the central banks can do when they have lost all credibility. When governments have lost all credibility. They will print and spend and borrow, but there comes a time when people are just going to say We don’t want to play this game anymore. And at that point, the world has serious, serious problems because there’s nothing to rescue us.

But these two opinions have one major flaw—people have no other place to go. Government will always have a “solution” controlled by them for any crisis, especially the ones they create. They don’t care if people “don’t want to play this game anymore.” What other choice is there? They put people in prison for trying to establish a competing gold backed currency.

One of the most dramatic warnings about collapse came from Alex Jones in his special video alert relaying how he had “two different calls” from “extremely prominent wealthy people” warning him about what is coming by the end of this year and asking him why he isn’t leaving the United States “before October.” He concludes that “the elite” are leaving the country and you should too.

I think that’s an incorrect deduction about the elite. The real insider elite aren’t leaving the country, even though some do have offshore residences and most have offshore bank accounts. The elite are even building sheltering structures under their resort homes because they know a nuclear war is coming.

Yes, there is a wave of wealthy people, like the ones calling Alex, hell bent on getting out of the country to what they think are safe havens like Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. As the most noted author in the country on Strategy Relocation, I get tons of calls about off-shore retreat strategies, but I can’t recommend them. It’s not a smart strategy at all.

These people labor under the very mistaken impression that somehow the rest of the world is not going to be affected by the eventual collapse of the US dollar and the US economy, which isn’t true. All of these foreign destinations are heavily reliant on world trade, tourism and the stability of the dollar. All of their budgets are in deficit—some worse than others—but none are going to be able to provide American ex-patriots the current cheap, peaceful expat lifestyle they all read about on the net.

Worse yet for the Pacific island retreats is the threat of conquest in the next world war. China is planning to conquer their part of the world—exactly like Japan did in WWII—to seize all of the island territory on the Pacific ring. This will include Australia (where China has already bought up all the mineral rights), New Zealand and the Pacific islands. Try factoring in a Chinese occupation into your retreat plans (and the need to blend in or hide in order to survive) and the US begins to look pretty good.

A lot of people think they are going to be able to avoid the affects of the coming nuclear war by being in South America or in the Pacific. Yes, it’s true, there probably won’t be many nuclear targets in those areas, but that’s only a small part of the threats you face in war. Almost half the nations in South America presently have outright communist or former communist leaders who are actively promoting ties with Russia and China. Every nation will have to choose sides in a world war and with the growing reputation of the US as the bully of the world I wouldn’t count on a favorable long-term reception for Americans in foreign countries.

When these nation’s socialist welfare budgets become even more bankrupt than they are (look at Venezuela) the rapacious Left goes after foreign property owners and bank accounts first. Mexico has confiscated dollar accounts twice already.

Some summary comments:

While I have spoken out vigorously against the imminent collapse of the dollar and the entire fiat money system short of war (which is still a few years away), I do believe it is likely that there will be a significant correction in both the bond and stock markets—as much as 20%. If that happens this fall, the collapse crowd will say it’s a collapse, but it won’t be. The FED will intervene and it has a lot more room to expand the money supply before reaching high levels of inflation.

Remember, that economies NEVER completely collapse except under conditions of war where there is a major destruction and dislocation of structures and people—or hyperinflation, which is unlikely without any formal indexing system to allow people to keep paying higher and higher prices.

Even the “Great Depression” was not a true collapse of the economy. 75% were still employed. Yes, some were devastated financially by excessive speculation and lost everything, and many people lost their jobs because consumption nearly stopped. The big problem in the depression was that the poor had very little to fall back on, either in terms of housing, supplies, or family to lean on.Today, in contrast, even the poor are rich by comparison to the depression, with multiple cars, entertainment sets, clothes, and welfare payments. Only a war of partial destruction and the taking down of the electric grid could obliterate those accumulated assets that currently allow people to escape much of the current economic consequences.

I’m not a fan of the FED or its power to keep bailing things out, but I do know that they have even more manipulation ability than we know about and will use it to avoid losing control, and energize people against them. They have a major war agenda they are building for, which will trounce the growing opposition to globalist structures they keep trying to shove down our throats. Maintaining the appearance that they have the solutions is crucial. I think the PTB are fully aware of the risks in the current speculative economy and are working overtime to keep thing afloat—not for benevolent reasons, but to maintain power.

(audio) Joel Skousen Bilderberg 2015 — Jeb Bush likely there • Globalists rotate in key people to steer in their NWO direction

I’m thinking the super tight security may be to hide from the public Jeb Bush and the others who are not on the official list that must keep their attendance secret.

Bilderberg 2015: Helicopters armed with machine guns, special low-altitude radar, 2100 extra police, 500-euro fine for getting anywhere near!

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Joel says here that the official list contains only about half of who really attend:

Skousen: Bilderberg Group, What are They Really Up To? — “An international convention of globalists where a few of the very top leaders meet with both old regular members as well as new up and coming globalists who are being vetted as to their receptivity to the globalist agenda”

This photo is from a few years ago:
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[youtube=]Joel Skousen Bilderberg Austria 2015

David Patrick Carter

Published on Jun 12, 2015

My good friend Joel Skousen gave me some more of his valuable time to discuss the reality of what may or may not be taking place in Austria over the next week. He highlights some of the major players and the topics that may be covered, Kissinger, Rothchild, Rockefellar the people who pull the strings for the major corporation. It is a another fascinating interview with one of the leading global geo political minds on the globe right now. this man is always in demand so please feel free to download this audio from sound cloud and keep it for prosperity, as when the Internet comes down you will need to have your own copies of what really is happening on planet earth as those who win the war write the history.

(video) The Real Reason For Removing Andrew Jackson From $20 Bill

Why did the banksters specifically target the $20 bill to put a woman’s face on, instead?


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[youtube=]The Real Reason For Removing Andrew Jackson From $20 Bill

Junius Maltby

Published on Mar 24, 2015

PLEASE OPEN AND READ: Welcome back to the Junius Maltby Channel. Today we look at the coming removal of Andrew Jackson from the US $20 bill. The decision to remove this President, this great man and champion against central banks was not a random one.…

…”I can perceive none of those modifications of the Bank charter which are necessary, in my opinion, to make it compatible with justice, with sound policy, or with the Constitution of our country.”…

…”To acknowledge its force is to admit that the Bank ought to be perpetual; and, as a consequence, the present stockholders, and those inheriting their rights as successors, be established a privileged order, clothed both with great political power and enjoying immense pecuniary advantages from their connection with the Government.”…

…”Their power would be great whenever they might choose to exert it; but if this monopoly were regularly renewed every fifteen or twenty years, on terms proposed by themselves, they might seldom in peace put forth their strength to influence elections or control the affairs of the nation. “…

…”Mere precedent is a dangerous source of authority,”…

…”The Congress, the Executive, and the Court, must each for itself be guided by its own opinion of the Constitution.”…

There is a reason for there being MULTIPLE assassination attempts made on this President. He was despised by the power hungry and money thirsty vipers he called out! He was an enemy of the bankers and a threat to their desired monopoly.


"People don't like to admit they've been snookered" – Steve Quayle

But we must live in reality to be free!
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“People don’t like to admit they’ve been snookered.”

— Steve Quayle
1/10/15 on Coast to Coast AM

How the price of gold is being manipulated at 1:12:30 —

Coast To Coast AM – January 10, 2015 Steve Quayle: Gold & Currency

(photos) Rodney Howard-Browne visits 'Federal Reserve room' on Jekyll Island, where the banksters plotted the PRIVATE central banking system in 1910!

I don’t understand. Why aren’t more pastors truth loving like Rodney? This is awesome! Rodney Howard-Browne writes on his Facebook page (includes 4 photos):

On Saturday coming home from our hunting trip @danielmcgeehee Bobby Williams and I stopped in Jekyll Island Georgia and ate lunch at the Jekyll Island hotel (shrimp & grits)

We walked into the “Federal Reserve” room where the “system” of the Private Central Bank was formulated at a secret meeting of the Banksters of the day in 1910 – that would result in President Woodrow Wilson signing the FED into existence 23 Dec1913 – This Private Central Bank is the primary source of all Americas problems for over 100 years as they own both sides of the Isle – May God deliver us from this wickedness

The Last real President (American) we had was JFK – He was killed because He was about to shut the “system” down

I have spend hundreds of hours researching and have all the facts! Books to read to name a few are

1. The Creature from Jekyll Island – Edward Griffen

2. The tower of Basel – the secret bank that runs the world – Adam Lebor

(video) Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne on Alex Jones Show 12/10/14!
(audio) Revivalist Rodney Howard-Browne also an INFOWARRIOR!!! — “We funded al-Qaeda. Now we’re funding ISIS” • “Republican Democrat are the same. They work for the same people” • “It started with the Rothschilds, and it’s passed down father to son…. At the height they worship Lucifer” • ~”When I talk like this, people don’t want to listen, but ALL HELL IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE! Repent and get right with God. Then ASK THE LORD: ‘WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?’”
When we heard angels literally sing in Anchorage, Alaska

(video) CNBC Host: "The Illuminati is Not All Bad" — Loud and obnoxious Jim Cramer, host of Mad Money, propagandist for the establishment!

“The loud and obnoxious Jim Cramer…
a propagandist for the establishment….”

– Mark Dice

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[youtube=]CNBC Host: “The Illuminati is Not All Bad” – Jim Cramer Host of Mad Money

Mark Dice

Skousen: "The PTB are NOT trying to collapse the system, as some disinformation artists keep leaking to naive conservative pundits … It’s not good policy but it does effectively keep kicking the can down the road until war comes"

Instead, watch for the coming Russia/China invasion as soon as 2020 (third link below).
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From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, 9/5/14

The Eurozone is following all the FED’s moves, once again defying the internet hype about imminent economic collapse. As I keep saying, the monetary powers seem to be doing everything to keep the system bailed out. It’s not good policy but it does effectively keep kicking the can down the road until war comes to give cover for a major collapse and global restructuring of the world currency and economy. I repeat, the PTB are NOT trying to collapse the system, as some disinformation artists keep leaking to naive conservative pundits. […]

Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”
Joel Skousen: Collapse Prediction Reaching a Crescendo
(audio) Joel Skousen: Timing of the Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. — Full readiness in 6-8 years!

(video) President Woodrow Wilson Admits Illuminati Plan — "I am a most unhappy man. I HAVE UNWITTINGLY RUINED MY COUNTRY … We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a SMALL GROUP OF DOMINANT MEN"

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

-Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

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[youtube=]President Woodrow Wilson Admits Illuminati Plan

Mark Dice

Government Plan Would Transform ISRAEL Into The World’s First Cashless Society

Israel is run by the globalists too. They’re leading the way for this aspect of the Mark of the Beast.

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Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World’s First Cashless Society

By Michael Snyder, on May 26th, 2014

Will Israel be the first cashless society on the entire planet?  A committee chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief of staff has come up with a three phase plan to “all but do away with cash transactions in Israel”.  Individuals and businesses would still be permitted to conduct cash transactions in small amounts (at least initially), but the eventual goal is to force Israeli citizens to conduct as much business as possible using electronic forms of payment.  In fact, it has been reported that Israeli officials believe that “cash is bad” because it fuels the underground economy and allows people to avoid paying taxes.

Entire Article Here

SKOUSEN: Economy – Celente will be Wrong Again — “Unless you can see, as Peter Schiff did in 2007, that a specific type of manipulation has run its course, then you can’t predict a collapse. I’m predicting the collapse won’t come until war hits America.”

World Affairs Brief, May 9, 2014 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Russian Interim Strategy Against Ukraine 

Chinese Staking Out Oil Claims in Disputed Waters

US Military Pivot to Asia a Paper Tiger

Economy: Celente will be Wrong Again

Political and Legal Moves around FATCA

Three Major Court Rulings Against Liberty



Famous trends forecaster Gerald Celente is still claiming that the economy will collapse in the second quarter of this year (we are in it already). He predicted another collapse last year and it didn’t happen. He says that currently, the financial system is still being pumped with cheap money, such as $45 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities, and interest rates remain at record lows [true]—but once those interest rates go back up, the economy will tumble. –Not necessarily.

While the US continues its behind-closed-doors propping up of the economy, “I still believe we’re going to see something like a panic level by the end of the second quarter,” Celente remarked. I too decry the inflationary tactics of the FED, but I think he’ll be wrong just like last year. Even if the high flying stock market is due for a 20% correction, the economy still won’t collapse.

I’ve never challenged the phony basis of US economic strength—fiat money. It constitutes theft of all existing values and cannot be sustained forever. But Celente doesn’t understand that the financial Powers That Be aren’t nearly out of ammunition, nor does he understand the globalist agenda whereby the PTB are going to subject us to a nuclear war, not only to drive us all into a militarized global government for “protection” but to give them the excuse to switch to a new world currency and control system—and escape the blame. “The war forced this upon us” they will say.

Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen confirmed as much this week when she said the “US Economy still needs stimulus…. a ‘High Degree’ of Accommodation is still needed.” But, contrary to what Peter Schiff claims, this does not necessarily mean hyperinflation. The Fed is perfectly capable of keeping the bailouts going while still keeping real inflation below 10%. They’ve been doing it now for 20 years, and most people keep pace, even though it is painful.

Yellen refused to be pinned down on any specifics, but did hint that “The Fed is steadily cutting its monthly purchases of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities, now at $45 billion a month, and Ms. Yellen affirmed that it planned to end those purchases in the fall. The bank must then decide when to start raising short-term interest rates, which it has held near zero since December 2008.

But I guarantee you, she is perfectly capable of reneging on that interest rate change if they think it would cause the housing market to tumble, as Celente predicts. That’s the trouble with predicting anything in today’s manipulated economy—it’s manipulated by a conspiracy of power.

So, unless you can see, as Peter Schiff did in 2007, that a specific type of manipulation has run its course (the mortgage backed securities expanded as far is they could because they ran out of buyers who could qualify under even zero down conditions) then you can’t predict a collapse. Besides, economies never totally collapse anyway—except in a complete war of devastation. I’m predicting the collapse won’t come until war hits America.


(audio/text) Joel Skousen: ANALYZING the PROMOTERS OF DOLLAR COLLAPSE — The number of voices calling for a collapse of the dollar is reaching a crescendo and I’m compelled to do a detailed analysis to keep my readers from panicking. The Powers That Be show every sign of trying to keep things afloat with continual BAILOUTS, WITHOUT CAUSING HYPERINFLATION. I’ll cover three of the most prominent purveyors of the dollar collapse scenarios.

Why Jesus Was REALLY Killed: Challenging the Money Changers — “The LOVE of money is the ROOT of all evil” | The Bible mentions JUSTICE over 200 times | Bankers are often the driving force behind WAR vs. “Blessed are the peacemakers” | The Bible condemns oppression of the poor for the benefit of the affluent

John B. Wells read this on his 4/21/14 CTM show, an article which I found fascinating; though, this is not the main reason Jesus was killed.

We, also, must be free from “the love of money”, “the ROOT of all evil” — which I believe is a powerful demon driving even many ‘Christians’ to do evil and to not think of people.

“The love of money,” in more ways than one is a primary cause of the destruction of America.

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Why Jesus Was REALLY Killed: Challenging the Money Changers

Washington’s Blog
April 21, 2014

Modern interpretation of Christ driving the money changers from the temple by Anthony Freda/Daniel Zollinger

Why Jesus Was Killed

Preface: If you are an atheist and believe that religion is crazy, please remember that some 85% of the American population identifies itself as Christian and millions more identify themselves as Jewish. Very few Americans are atheists … and the majority don’t trust atheists. Therefore, knowing a few bible verses might be helpful for atheists speaking to people of faith.

Reverend Howard Bess notes:

Jesus did not go to the temple to cleanse [not entirely true – editor]. He came to the temple to announce the destruction of a whole way of life. Those who operated the temple had no power to silence Jesus and put him to death. Those powers were held by the Roman retainers.

The charges that were leveled against him can be summed up as insurrection. There were three specific charges: encouraging non-payment of taxes, threatening to destroy property (the temple), and claiming to be a king. It was the temple incident that took Jesus from being an irritating, but harmless country rebel from the rural north to a nuisance in a city that controlled the great tradition. Rome’s retainers killed him on a cross.

In other words, Jesus wasn’t sentenced to death until he challenged the money changers.

What Does it Mean to Do God’s Work?

The head of Goldman Sachs said he’s doing “God’s work” with his banking activities.

The head of Barclays also told his congregation that banking as practiced by his company was not antithetical to Christian principles.

Are they right? Is big banking as practiced by the giant banks in harmony with Christian principles?

Do Justice

Initially, the Bible does not counsel us to ignore the breaking of laws by the the powerful.

In fact, the Bible mentions justice over 200 times — more than just about any other topic. The Bible asks us to do justice and to stand up to ANYONE — including the rich or powerful — who do injustice or oppress the people.

Indeed, one of the first things God asks of us is to do justice:

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

While many churches and synagogues have become obsessed with other issues, many have arguably ignored this most important of God’s demands of us. As pointed out by a leading Christian ministry, which rescues underage girls trapped as sex slaves in third world countries:

In Scripture there is a constant call to seek justice. Jesus got upset at the Pharisees because they neglected the weightier matters of the law, which He defined as justice and the love of God . . . Isaiah 58 complains about the fact that while the people of God are praying and praying and praying, they are not doing anything about the injustice.

Should Christians just pray for justice and leave the rest to God?

That’s not what the Bible asks us to do. Instead, Hebrews 11:33 tells us that we are God’s hands for dispensing justice, and God uses us to “administer justice.”

We have to “walk our talk” and put our prayers into action.

God demands that we do everything in our power to act as “God’s hands” in bringing justice. And as Saint Augustine reminds us, “Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.”


The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, He was appalled that there was no one to intervene. (Isaiah 59:15-16)

This is the only place in the Bible where the word “appalled” is used for the way God feels — in other words, the only thing which we know God is appalled by is if people are not doing justice.

There are hundreds of other references to justice in the Bible, including:

  • Blessed are they who maintain justice . . . . (Psalm 106:3)
  • This is what the LORD says: Maintain justice and do what is right . . . . (Isiah 56:1)
  • This is what the LORD says: Do what is just and right. (Jeremiah 22:3,13-17)
  • Follow justice and justice alone. (Deuteronomy 16:19, 20)
  • For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice . . . . (Job 11:5,7)
  • Learn to do right! Seek justice . . . . (Isaiah 1:17)

So if the powerful players in the giant banks broke the laws, they must be held to account.

Fraud and Manipulation of Money

The big banks have engaged in systemic, continuous ongoing criminal fraud.

Allowing the banks to commit crime with impunity is not what Jesus would do. What would Jesus do? Turn over the tables of the money-changers. (economists agree.)

Moreover, the giant banks manipulate currency through the use of schemes such as manipulating interest rates (gaming interest rates in different regions – Libor, Eurobor, etc. – can in turn drive their currencies up or down), high frequency trading and artificially suppressing gold prices (which artificially inflates the value of fiat money) .

As Ron Paul notes, the Bible forbids altering the quality of money (which, at the time and place, was entirely in the form of coins):

Even the Bible is clear that altering the quality of money is an immoral act. We are instructed to follow the rules of “just weights and measures.” “You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume. You shall have just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin” (Leviticus 19:35-36). “Diverse weights are an abomination to the LORD, and a false balance is not good” (Proverbs 20:23). The general principle can be summed as “You shall not steal.”

Proverbs 11:1 also provides:

Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.

So to the extent that the giant banks have engaged in any dishonest acts or the manipulation of currencies, they are violating scripture.

Oppression of the Poor

The Bible condemns oppression of the poor for the benefit of the affluent:

He that oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he that gives to the rich, shall surely come to want. (Proverbs 22:16)

To the extent that the giant banks have oppressed the poor to increase their riches, they are violating scripture.

Due to their looting, inequality is now worse in American than in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, most Latin American banana republics … and ancient Rome.

Waging War

Bankers are often the driving force behind war. “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9), and Jesus would not have taken kindly to waging wars for profit based upon false pretenses.

Resurrection: Christ’s Ministry

Christ – and his ministry – lives to the extent that we act as God’s hands to confront the big banks which are warping our economy and our world.

Postscript: Not all bankers are bad people. For example, many bankers at smaller banks and credit unions are good people who are trying to help their communities. Each must be judged by his own acts.

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(video) Whistleblower Nomi Prinz Exposes The Nefarious Deeds Of The Global Banking Elite — Private Banks Rigging Economic Systems Worldwide

Very interesting overview at minute-6.

Regarding collapse, I’m inclined to believe Joel Skousen, who predicts the globalist banksters will do whatever they have to in order to keep total collapse from happening, so the people won’t rise up and really demand change until the Russia/China invasion of the US occurs.

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Minute-6![youtube=]Whistleblower Nomi Prinz Exposes The Nefarious Deeds Of The Global Banking Elite


Published on Apr 17, 2014

In this interview Nomi Prinz, Whistleblower and Author discuses recent global events with Alex and gives her perspective on the current machinations of the global elite bankers.

Her new book All The Presidents Bankers can be found here:…

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:Subscribe for exclusive reports from the Infowars Nightly News:

(video) You Are The Enemy: The Anatomy of The Fed — The private, 70% foreign owned debt machine that has enslaved America for almost 100 years

Josh Owens is the reporter/photographer with David Knight, right now, on the ground with the Ranchers vs BLM in Nevada. Apparently, this was his contest submission which got him a job at INFOwars. Nice!

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[youtube=](Infowars Reporter Contest) You Are The Enemy: The Anatomy of The Fed

Joshua Owens Joshua Owens

Published on Apr 26, 2012

We live in a world where so much of what we are told, and therefore what we believe, is a lie. Not only that, but many of us believe so strongly in these lies that we are willing to fight and sometimes die for something that we don’t even understand. With technology now placing a world of information at our fingertips you would assume we would be more informed and less confused. This however is not the case. There is so much conflicting information on complex issues that it has forced us to become apathetic and complacent. Instead of researching and taking the time to find the truth, an overwhelming majority of us have given up. We are experiencing an information overload. What this means is that we stubbornly choose to believe something without factual backing, half-truths are distorted and embellished in the interest of those conveying them, or we just simply don’t care because we do not have the time to wade through the mass amount of propaganda and indoctrination to see the truth. This is why I have decided to take an extremely important topic, go back to its inception and clearly illustrate what it is they do, how they do it, and why it is so important to eliminate it. Infowars posts articles everyday that are in someway, if not directly, related to the Federal Reserve and those who control it. If we fully understand this debt machine that has enslaved America for almost 100 years, we cannot deny its dangers and we can begin expanding our minds to new ways of defeating these disgusting technocratic scumbags.

(audio/text) Joel Skousen: ANALYZING the PROMOTERS OF DOLLAR COLLAPSE — The number of voices calling for a collapse of the dollar is reaching a crescendo and I’m compelled to do a detailed analysis to keep my readers from panicking. The Powers That Be show every sign of trying to keep things afloat with continual BAILOUTS, WITHOUT CAUSING HYPERINFLATION. I’ll cover three of the most prominent purveyors of the dollar collapse scenarios.

From: Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Archives – minute 35:30


Date: 03-27-14
Hour: 1
3:00:Carl Gallups – Rabbi Who Met Messiah
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00:Gavin Sein – New Age Deception
Hour: 4
9:00:Andrew Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Date: 03-26-14


World Affairs Brief, March 28, 2014 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Prospects for a Two Region War

Is an Israeli Attack on Iran Imminent?

Analyzing the Promoters of Dollar Collapse

Internet Given Away? Not so Fast

Massive Fraud at EPA—Again

Scalia Waffles on NSA Spying—Among Other Things

Killing the Tomahawk Missile

Hospitals can be Dangerous to Your Health

Military Officers Fed Up with Political Correctness



The number of voices calling for a collapse of the dollar is reaching a crescendo and I’m compelled to do a detailed analysis to keep my readers from panicking. No, I’m not saying everything is fine. It isn’t, but you have to understand both the power and the intent of the Powers That Be to see why they aren’t intentionally trying to pull the plug on the economy. In fact they show every sign of trying to keep things afloat with continual bailouts, but without causing hyperinflation. I’ll cover three of the most prominent purveyors of the dollar collapse scenarios:

Porter Stansbury: Stansbury runs an investment advisory company and he’s flooding the internet with the claim that one particular bill signed by Congress is going to collapse the dollar. The bill is H.R. 2847, the Hire Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, which is a real bill that was signed into law in 2010. But it’s not the hiring incentives that are the threat, he says, but the evil provision that was tacked onto the bill called the “Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.”

This portion of the bill is a problem and is known as FATCA. It is an extension of the ongoing program of the feds to pressure offshore financial institutions to provide a 1099 form to the Internal Revenue Service for their American customers, hence revealing secret foreign bank accounts and dinging America tax evaders with huge tax bills. The gave this summary:

Under FATCA, banks will be forced to submit information on total assets, account balances, transactions, account numbers and other personal identifying information. This intrusion goes way beyond a 1099 and would not be accepted or tolerated by Americans living in United States… Noncompliance will result in huge financial penalties and sanctions to the foreign financial institutions.

Various experts can only guess how much extra revenue will be brought in by exposing undeclared foreign accounts, from between $210B to $800Billion over ten years.

Stansbury is claiming, among other things, that this will cause a run away from the dollar, because the new reporting requirements will cause everyone to pull out their dollars and dump them. Frankly, there aren’t but a small percentage of Americans that have illegal offshore accounts, so I think this is merely a sales gimmick aimed at driving people to his investment company to save them. As the Hill reported,

It is not really known what ramifications this law will have on U.S. residents with funds in foreign banks or if foreign banks will cooperate with the law… US demands on foreign banks to provide client information may violate their own country’s laws and constitutions.

The next is David Morgan, an investment expert in silver, which he promotes. These kinds of advisors do have a financial agenda that may partially skew their ability to see the broader picture, even though they are all more or less in the free-market camp. Morgan is following the lead of others in claiming some “black swan” event (once in a blue moon catastrophe) without providing any details of what would have to happen specifically for the dollar to collapse. Greg Hunter of comments favorably on Morgan’s claims:

Silver expert David Morgan is warning of coming financial changes that may be forced on the U.S. during the next G20 meeting. Morgan says, “The impetus here is the U.S. has had too much financial power backed by the military for far too long, and they (G20) are going to implement change one way or the other.

But Morgan has absolutely no evidence to back up this claim. How are the G20 going to be able to force economic changes upon the US or other member countries? In the 2012 letter to all G20 participants from the Financial Stability Board (FSB), there is clearly no implied force in the recommendations: Ultimately, implementation is the responsibility of your jurisdictions.

Here’s what the globalist Financial Stability Board is suggesting:

1) Ending Too-Big-To Fail (which may involve some shared pain by depositors, as in Cyprus).

2) Strengthening oversight and regulation of shadow banking (good luck shutting down secret banking).

3) Increased regulation of the derivatives markets (very important but difficult to get the big banks to even put up a fraction of the $500T they contract for in derivative contracts). That much money doesn’t even existing in current markets.

4) Increasing the capacity, resources and power of the FSB (more power to the international financial regulator scheme—a predecessor to a Global Government).

Realistically, all other nations have as many problems curtailing deficit spending and speculation as does the US, so this reform can’t be targeting only the US dollar. There simply isn’t the political will to do any of these reforms democratically, so this threat is bogus. However, these kinds of quasi-international reforms are a warm-up exercise for full globalism when it arrives.

The IMF is basically an extension of the United States. Even though it’s called the International Monetary Fund, it is really U.S. based. With what’s been proposed here, the IMF is not going to have the clout that it once did because the G-20 is going to be able to overrule the IMF vote… 19 out of the G20 are saying we are mad as hell and we are not going to take anymore. You get it together or we are going to get it together for you. [There’s absolutely no backing for that statement. Not a single country I know of is saying this because they are ALL in worse shape than the US, except for Switz.].

Even if it had the power to control the IMF, the IMF doesn’t ever vote on anything targeting the US. Rather, it is marching to a globalist agenda to control other countries via loans. Why should that change? The G20, the pro-communist BRICS countries are all in favor of giving more money to other countries.

Morgan goes on to say, “For years and years, decades, the United States has exported their inflation because it’s a reserve currency, and we have the ability to just print at will. [Not really. There are internal restraints on the FED to keep inflation within certain limits.] We have pushed the U.S. dollar overseas, into Japan, into China, into Europe, all over the world, and now these dollars could be repatriated. . . .

The reason we haven’t seen inflation is those dollars have not been spent. [Half right. Perhaps only 50% of the cash is being held out of circulation in mattresses or hiding places. The rest is being circulated.] This would portend ‘I need to get out of the dollar and buy tangible assets.’ [The fact that those dollars are “not being spent” as he claims is absolutely no justification for concluding, “I need to get out of the dollar.” People are hoarding dollars because their own currencies are unstable. The drive to get rid of dollars could only happen if the dollar was being inflated a lot faster than other currencies relative to its base which is currently not the case].

This would be an impetus for these countries that don’t need dollars anymore. [There are very few in this category. China is the main one because they have too many dollars, not because they don’t need some dollars] If I don’t need these dollars and I don’t settle oil in dollars, it’s not the supreme currency. [Yes, but those who have taken themselves out of the dollar markets constitute less than 15% of the international economy—not that big. The US alone is half the dollar economy and that’s not going to go away.]

I need to get out of it.’ If that mindset takes hold widespread, [Well, give me a rational reason for how all other countries that want dollars now would suddenly want to get rid of them?] you could see the dollar dive in value against other currencies… If that were to take place, you could see a huge change virtually overnight.”

IF, IF, IF… give me some substance. Only the FED pulling back the money supply in a major way or hyperinflation could do this and we see no sign of either. Morgan thinks the world knows the dollar is in trouble. He contends, “Everyone wants to pretend that everything is OK, but [once] people say I’m out, the dollar is toast. Once that mindset takes place, it could catch fire.. It’s unlikely, but you cannot rule it out [that’s a big change of wording from the previous paragraph where he was claiming it was imminent].. . Something is going to take place this year that will have such an impact. [What, pray tell? Be specific—even a guess would help us judge how you are thinking.]

On silver, Morgan says, “The rush into gold is basically nation states, true, but the rush into silver is basically ‘the people,’ [Not at all, it’s industry much more than people.]… Gold has always been nation state to nation state settlement. . . . What will happen in my view, and this happened in late 1979 and 1980, is that people will catch on quickly. They will see what’s happening in gold and they will say ‘I can’t afford gold at $2,500 an ounce or $3,000,’ and they’ll say ‘I’m going to buy silver.’ [Nothing new here. It’s been that way ever since gold went over $500, and it hasn’t appreciably changed the gold silver price ratio].

There will be a rush into gold and then silver like you have never seen before… You will either have it or you don’t.” What are Morgan’s price targets? Morgan says, “I am on the record that silver will hit $100 an ounce, and that may be conservative [It should go that high, but it won’t while the money powers are still manipulating the silver markets]. I don’t think we need to focus on the paper price but the value of silver relative to the market.

You do need to focus on the paper markets, since that is where the manipulation of the market is happening. No predictions about the upside potential for gold and silver have any validity unless he addresses the downward suppression of Gold and Silver by paper futures contracts that rarely demand delivery. He’s right about fundamental pressures to go up, but please tell us how anyone can predict when the money powers are going to stop manipulating the price through paper contracts. Without that key, his prediction means nothing. I fully expect the pressure on silver and gold to keep going in the upward direction, but the financial powers have still got a lot of monetary muscle to keep it from rising to the level it should.

Another financial author, James Rickards (Currency Wars) has come out with another book expanding on the same theme. It’s called “The Death of Money” and he too is shouting “collapse, collapse, collapse.” It’s too bad the book is marred by this hype about collapse. The book actually has some excellent analysis of the global economy, but he draws the wrong conclusions from true facts, as I will explain shortly.

James Rickards says that the “international monetary system is headed for a collapse…. The international monetary system actually has collapsed three times in the past 100 years. It collapsed in 1914. It collapsed in 1939, and it collapsed in 1971.”

He’s obviously overusing the word collapse. None of those three examples was a true collapse and his dates don’t really correspond to the big financial problems of the era, which do include some limited collapses.

His first two collapse dates (1914 and 1939) were war years and war did destabilize the financial world, but it didn’t cause a collapse. Besides, the entire world system was in a financial funk all during 1929-1940 due to the US stock market crash (caused by the FED), and the hyperinflation of Weimar Germany (where there was a true collapse of the German Mark) but it wasn’t an international collapse. Collapse is far too excessive of a word for what Rickards is describing and I object to it strongly.

In addition, there was no collapse in 1971—simply anger over the US reneging on its promise to redeem dollars in gold. The other nations with large dollar reserves did NOT dump dollars, any more than the Chinese are dumping US bonds today—lest the price drop dramatically before they can unload their stash. They are selling slowly, and the dollar still retains a great deal of value relative to other currencies because all nations have inflated currencies, and the choice between them is only relative—especially now that the absolute value of gold and silver has been somewhat disconnected from the markets through downward manipulation.

In point of fact, economies NEVER collapse to zero because people simply move into survival mode. They never completely give up and stop trying, except during the ravages of war when people get driven out of their homes and businesses. Government money in a few countries has collapsed from hyperinflation, but even that takes a special set of circumstances that is hard to come by in modern Western economies, as I have previously explained in the WAB.

Rickards contends, “What I do for the reader is explain why the collapse is coming and, secondly, describe what this new system might look like. That should be very helpful to investors in preparing to both survive the collapse and be well positioned in terms of wealth preservation under the new system that’s coming.

In his suggested fix, he talks about IMF special drawing rights with partial gold backing and redeemability in combination with a mix of fiat currencies. That’s not a good fix. Any formula which gives fiat currencies any place at the table with gold redeemable options will ensure that governments will take advantage of the money creation option and avoid gold payouts like the plague.

Rickards, in my opinion, has way too much confidence in government’s willingness to abide by the limits he suggests. He clearly lacks an understanding of corrosive effects of socialism which dominate every nation on earth and which drive political promises.

Neither will they do the right thing based upon sound economics or the “common good.” For this reason, he does recognize that his system of reform won’t satisfy the Austrian School (the true free market theory) of economic thinkers like Mises and Hayek:

Austrian School supporters of a traditional gold standard [100% backing with redeemability in a fixed amount of gold per bill] are unlikely to endorse this new [his] gold standard because it has fractional, even variable gold backing [and allows a mix of fiat currencies to be intermingled with gold backing]. The conspiracy-minded are also unlikely to support it because it is global and has the feel of a New World Order.

That distrust is merited, due to the conspiratorial nature and evil conduct of the globalists who promote the New World Order.

Even the milder critics will point out that this system depends completely on promises by governments, and such promises have consistently been broken in the past. Yet it has the virtue of practicality; it could actually get done.

If it was accepted it would be because those who would agree to it would see that it still contains the allowance for fiat expansion of the money supply without the constraints of 100% commodity backing. But, just because it “works” doesn’t mean it is honest or fair to all.

The reason the gold redeemability standard of the Bretton Woods agreement didn’t hold is that it didn’t really prohibit the FED from printing more currency than the redeemability of the gold clause could supply. It simply relied on the US promise to redeem at a fixed price, with the implied threat of default that would follow any indiscriminate money creation without a concomitant increase in the gold supply. The rest of the world failed to figure on US perfidy and the inevitable future default on their gold obligations which came in 1971.

The promise of gold redeemability is the real thing that promoted the dollar as a reserve currency, not some ethereal or general promise of gold backing by a central bank. Gold backing without redeemability is like loaning money to someone with a collateral guarantee but no provision for foreclosure upon default.

Interestingly enough, the US has only lost about 20% of its international reserve value since reneging on the gold contract in 1971 And that is because no other currency was offering redeemability in gold either. Relative to our current situation Rickards says,

Here we are, again, looking at another collapse… A paper money standard can work, but only if you maintain confidence in the money . . . and you do that by running a good economy and having a good business environment . . . we’re doing the opposite. We are printing a lot of money [so is everyone else]. We have a lousy business environment [so has everyone else]. Taxes are too high [ditto]. Growth is too low [ditto]. So, a lot of things are combining to undermine confidence in the dollar.

In his latest book, he documents similar problems with Russia, China, Brazil, India, Britain, and the EU, so why can’t he see that all these problems don’t point to a dollar collapse, but rather a downward spiral of all economies? Rickards goes on to say,

The last time the system collapsed in 2008, the Fed rescued it. [It didn’t collapse—only the mortgage-backed securities market collapsed and the housing market which dropped about 30%.] How did they do that? Well, we know the Fed printed over $3.5 trillion in new money in the last 5 years. The Fed’s balance sheet went from $800 billion to over $4 trillion [but that inflation of the money supply was less than 2% of US dollars outstanding—hardly hyperinflation].

He missed the biggest thing the FED did to bail out the economy—they bailed out AIG, the largest holder of derivative contracts (guaranteeing those mortgage-backed securities). This alone kept the derivatives bubble from collapsing, which would have taken down not only AIG but Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase. Here’s Rickard’s final warning:

When the next collapse comes, it is going to be bigger than the last one. It’s going to be exponentially bigger. The five biggest banks that were too big to fail in 2008, today they are bigger. They own a larger percentage of the total banking assets [including the FED itself, secretly]… the last crisis was barely enough for the Fed to contain. They have used up all their dry powder. They can’t take the balance sheet any higher. The Fed is insolvent… What are they going to do, take their balance sheet to $8 trillion and leverage 200 to 1? The game is up.

No, the game isn’t up and they haven’t used up all their powder. They can and show every sign of keeping real inflation below the 10% level, and if they do that it won’t turn into a hyperinflation scenario that he and others are touting:

Imagine gas at $20 a gallon and bread at $10. That’s what we’re talking about… When a collapse happens, it will happen quickly. You won’t see it coming. There won’t be time to run out and buy gold, and it probably will not even be available at that stage. You need to prepare now.”

–Not true at all. Inflation starts out slowly and then picks up speed. But before it becomes a rush, something very specific has to happen between government and consumers—income and salary raises have to become automatic and backed by government money.

Without these injection mechanisms from government you only get stagflation, not hyperinflation. If prices rose 50% suddenly as he claims, it would instantly stall the economy. As long as people don’t have a way to increase their income to match that level of inflation, they simply stop buying and the economy stops raising prices due to lack of demand. The only way hyperinflation can take hold is for government and business to start indexing people’s salaries to inflation so they can keep pace. Without it, there’s only stagflation.

In summary, Rickards is absolutely right that US debt is unsustainable and that it won’t ever be solved. But he is wrong about collapse being the only option. He fails to see they can prolong the time to a default for several more years until other events help them avoid the blame:

1) The US and the FED are NOT out of options and if they keep doing what they are doing (keeping inflation below 10%, manipulating the official inflation rate even lower, and artificially suppressing interest rates and the price of gold) they can prolong the inevitable default on US debt for a decade or more. They show every sign of doing just that, which he fails to recognize.

2) Rickards lists all the dire things that can bring down the dollar but he misses the biggest one of all. He fails to see the world war the globalists are preparing to bring down upon the world by inducing a nuclear strike on the US from Russia and China. This gives them not only an excuse to drive the West into a militarized global government and new world financial system, but helps them evade the blame for the inevitable debt collapse.

He writes as if the only threats are economic and I see that as his greatest failing, despite his otherwise erudite analysis—and he’s not alone. Most other “smart people” fail to see the world war that’s looming. But, with both Russia and China beginning to show their aggressive tendencies, you have to be willfully blind not to see this new threat emerging.

Federal Reserve Whistleblower Tells America The REAL Reason For Quantitative Easing — “I was responsible for executing the centerpiece program of the Fed’s first plunge into the bond-buying experiment known as quantitative easing. The central bank continues to spin QE as a tool for helping Main Street. But I’ve come to recognize the program for what it really is: the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time”


Federal Reserve Whistleblower Tells America The REAL Reason For Quantitative Easing

 By Michael Snyder, on November 12th, 2013

A banker named Andrew Huszar that helped manage the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program during 2009 and 2010 is publicly apologizing for what he has done.  He says that quantitative easing has accomplished next to nothing for the average person on the street.  Instead, he says that it has been “the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time.”  And of course the cold, hard economic numbers support what Huszar is saying.  The percentage of working age Americans with a job has not improved at all during the quantitative easing era, and median household income has actually steadily declined during that time frame.  Meanwhile, U.S. stock prices have doubled overall, and the stock prices of the big Wall Street banks have tripled.  So who benefits from quantitative easing?  It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, and now Andrew Huszar is blowing the whistle on the whole thing.

From 2009 to 2010, Huszar was responsible for managing the Fed’s purchase of approximately $1.25 trillion worth of mortgage-backed securities.  At the time, he thought that it was a dream job, but now he is apologizing to the rest of the country for what happened…

I can only say: I’m sorry, America. As a former Federal Reserve official, I was responsible for executing the centerpiece program of the Fed’s first plunge into the bond-buying experiment known as quantitative easing. The central bank continues to spin QE as a tool for helping Main Street. But I’ve come to recognize the program for what it really is: the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time.

When the first round of quantitative easing ended, Huszar says that it was incredibly obvious that QE had done very little to benefit average Americans but that it had been “an absolute coup for Wall Street”…

Trading for the first round of QE ended on March 31, 2010. The final results confirmed that, while there had been only trivial relief for Main Street, the U.S. central bank’s bond purchases had been an absolute coup for Wall Street. The banks hadn’t just benefited from the lower cost of making loans. They’d also enjoyed huge capital gains on the rising values of their securities holdings and fat commissions from brokering most of the Fed’s QE transactions. Wall Street had experienced its most profitable year ever in 2009, and 2010 was starting off in much the same way.

You’d think the Fed would have finally stopped to question the wisdom of QE. Think again. Only a few months later—after a 14% drop in the U.S. stock market and renewed weakening in the banking sector—the Fed announced a new round of bond buying: QE2. Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, immediately called the decision “clueless.”

That was when I realized the Fed had lost any remaining ability to think independently from Wall Street.

Of course the fact that the Fed cannot think independently from Wall Street should not be a surprise to any of my regular readers.  As I have written about repeatedly, the Federal Reserve was created by the Wall Street bankers for the benefit of the Wall Street bankers.  When the Federal Reserve serves the interests of Wall Street, it is simply doing what it was designed to do.  And according to Huszar, quantitative easing has been one giant “subsidy” for Wall Street banks…

Having racked up hundreds of billions of dollars in opaque Fed subsidies, U.S. banks have seen their collective stock price triple since March 2009. The biggest ones have only become more of a cartel: 0.2% of them now control more than 70% of the U.S. bank assets.

But Huszar is certainly not the only one on Wall Street that acknowledges these things.  For example, just check out what billionaire hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller told CNBC about quantitative easing…

Entire Article Here

(video) G. Edward Griffin on The 100-Yr-Old Creature from Jekyll Island, The ‘Federal’ Reserve — “The cartel now is in total control. The government is its lapdog. Once you get that picture in your mind all of these mysterious things suddenly are answered. We think that the government is the regulator of the banks, but the banks are the masters of the regulators”

“In my view, I think that the financial sector, this financial industry, this international banking industry, if you want to call it, the cartel now is in total control. The government is its lapdog. Once you get that picture in your mind all of these mysterious things suddenly are answered. That’s why it’s happening, because these guys have literally captured our government.

We think that the government is the regulator of the banks, but the banks are the masters of the regulators.”

“I think we’re coming right down to the endgame.”

“A lot of … people … say we’ve got to have more regulation, not realizing it’s that very government regulation that allows monopolies and cartels to survive, because without it they’ll start to compete with each other….”

– G. Edward Griffin

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]G Edward Griffin on The 100 Yr Old Creature from Jekyll Island


Published on Nov 12, 2013

Filmmaker and author G Edward Griffin talks about the history of the secret cabal known as the ‘Federal Reserve’ — how it came about, what it’s done and what we can do about it. He also offers his opinion on Bitcoin and Carbon Credit schemes like those being offered by ‘Blood & Gore’.

Bill Still’s New Documentary, ‘Jekyll Island’ Reveals 100 Years of Federal Tyranny by Banking Cartel

New documentary on the “Federal” Reserve’s real history — as federal as Federal Express.

– –

[youtube=]Journalist Reveals 100 Years of Federal Tyranny by Banking Cartel


Published on Nov 7, 2013

Film producer and journalist Bill Still joins the show to discuss the upcoming 100-year anniversary of the banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve.

(video) Wall Street’s Mortgage Fraud Scandal with David Kreiger In-studio with Alex Jones

Lively discussion! Amazing how corrupt people have become — “the love of money.”

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[youtube=]Wall Street’s Mortgage Fraud Scandal with David Kreiger


Published on Aug 19, 2013…
Clouded Titles (new updated edition with case cites) exposes the mortgage scandal created by banker endorsed deregulation and MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems). The fraud is wide spread and millions of Americans have been affected. What is most frightening is that many of them don’t even know it yet.
On sale $39.95

[ audio ] Kris Millegan (Trine Day Publishing) on Coast to Coast AM 6/23/13: Suppressed Stories — Secret societies have used their massive drug $$$money$$$ to buy the corporatocracy and the press. They now call the shots!

“The secret societies own these media,
and they control what is being said through them.”

– Kris Millegan

* * *


Suppressed Stories

Date: 06-23-13
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Kris Millegan, Amy Waters Yarsinske

In the first half of the program, George Knapp was joined by, publisher of suppressed works, Kris Millegan, who talked about the secret forces controlling the planet and how they exercise their power while keeping their presence shrouded in secrecy. He contended that secret societies derive their power by exerting control over a three-tiered system with three parts contained in each level. The top tier of this power base, he said, consists of “mining, metal, and money” followed by “guns, drugs, and oil.” Comprising the final level, he claimed, is control over the media, using “magic” as a means “to make us think something else is going on,” and, finally, “mass trauma” in the form of psychological warfare on the populace. Ultimately, Millegan asserted that the agenda behind the power brokers is to slowly and secretly turn America into a corporate empire rather than a democratic republic.

Extrapolating on how this system of power consolidation works, Millegan alleged that controlling the illegal drug trade is a key factor in many military campaigns and is used to reap massive amounts of wealth for the elite. This money, he said, is then used to purchase media companies and, thus, they can manipulate the messages that are told to the general public. To that end, he expressed skepticism about media stories which are said to be revelatory about these power brokers and suggested that such reports are part of a psychological process to weaken the resolve of the citizenry. Additionally, he pointed to “meme warfare,” where alternative research groups, like the 9/11 Truth Movement, are hampered by false clues and incorrect evidence as a means of stifling investigation into the overarching conspiracy of global control.


In the second half, Amy Waters Yarsinske, a former naval intelligence officer, discussed the incredible story of denial, deceit, and deception that ultimately cost Navy pilot Captain Michael Scott Speicher his life after the government left him behind in Iraq during the first Gulf War. ..Yarsinske lamented that CIA and military officials made a “conscious decision” to not rescue him. She suggested that the decision was borne out of a desire to keep him from talking about being shot down by friendly fire as well as an effort to maintain the public perception that the early air missions had been a complete success. …



[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – June 23 2013 – Suppressed Stories – C2CAM, Radio, DisclosureRadio



‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160′s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Former Marine Colonel’s Wife: Sleeping With The Enemy — Kay Griggs Talks About Sexual Perversion Deep Within the Highest Levels of U.S. Military and Government, Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, and Illegal Weapon Deals — “Why are Good People Silent?”

[ video ] BEAUTIFUL! David Icke arrives at Bilderberg 2013 — Good synopsis of how the banksters in this meeting have and are looting the people!

[youtube=]David Icke arrives at Bilderberg 2013


Published on Jun 7, 2013

David Icke arrives at Bilderberg 2013 and is immediately mobbed.


[ video ] David Icke with Alex Jones In-studio First Time!: The Royal Families Illuminati, Pedaphilia, Murdering Past

[ video ] Gerald Celente ‘Trends in the News’ Reality Check: U.S. Wars Pave Way for Chinese Business

[youtube=]U.S. Wars Pave Way for Chinese Business


Published on Jun 3, 2013

Gerald Celente is a noted trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal.


[ video ] World Bank Whistleblower, Karen Hudes Attacked By DOJ — “They thought they would intimidate me, but I don’t work that way. I was captain of the NYU fencing team.” — “You have people in the country thinking that the United States is a beacon of light, and what you actually have is this terrible rot!”

The smile of integrity. We need more who can smile like this!

: )

– –

“They thought they would intimidate me, but I don’t work that way. I was captain of the NYU fencing team.”

“I later found out what the problem was, and that is our media is absolutely dominated by these crooks!”

“You have people in the country thinking that the United States is a beacon of light, and what you actually have is this terrible rot!”

– Karen Hudes

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]World Bank Whistleblower Attacked By DOJ


Published on May 28, 2013

Senior Counsel for the World Bank legal department reports corruption to US Congress, the World Bank’s other member countries, and the public.

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association. What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on? In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules.

[‘Love of Money’ Example] Unethical Money Guy on “Surviving The Obama Apocalypse” — We need to be men and women of INTEGRITY! The end doesn’t justify the means!

I can see why Alex hasn’t had Wayne Allyn Root on. Wayne points this fact out during the interview.

I agree with Mike Adams. We must keep our hands clean, and not support evil.

At minute-23 into this discussion, Root gives some investment advice, and recommends investing in Big Pharma, knowing how unethical they are, under the justification that he’ll make money so he can take care of his family. “The end justifies the means”“the morality of an action is based solely on the outcome of that action and not on the action itself.”

Beware of “the love of money,” which the Bible calls “the root of all evil.” I think it’s an actual demon that drives people to do immoral things.

This guy is part of the problem. We must be free! : )


– –

Mike rightly, morally challenges Root at minute-23[youtube=]Surviving The Obama Apocalypse


Published on May 1, 2013

Mike will also speak with Wayne Allyn Root, author of the book “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon.”


[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”

Cancer Truth – Author Ty Bollinger — Chemotherapy has a success rate of only 2.1%!

The Power Hour with Massimo Mazzucco: Beating Cancer Naturally!

Doctors kill 2,450% more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined! — Your doctor is FAR more likely to kill you than an armed criminal | While Sandy Hook was mass murder, the U.S. health care system is practically a holocaust, killing far more people than Adolf Hitler!

Statistics prove prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists — 783,936 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes. That’s the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes a day for an entire year!

[ video ] Why doctors are more dangerous than guns — Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reveals why you are 6200% more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a homicidal shooter!

[FASCINATING audio] Dr. Ann Blake Tracy with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 1/19/13: ANTIDEPRESSANTS & VIOLENCE — The “HITLER SYNDROME” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity). Antidepressants cause distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and LOSS OF MORALITY to spread like a contagion.

Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

Do anti depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — various opinions …

A warning to all psychiatric drug users — Antipsychotic drugs disturb frontal lobe activity – causing a chemical lobotomy – making emotionally distressed people more submissive and less able to feel!

[video] Joel Skousen: MIRACULOUS Plane Crash Survival! | "Rothschilds are the biggest financial base of the New World Order"

Transcriptions by Jeff Fenske:

Rotchschilds discussed at minute-30:40

Alex: “How powerful are the Rothschilds?”

Joel: “I think they are the key base of money operations of the globalists, and there is a major U.S. component to that, now, which competes with them to a certain extent. But I think the Rothschilds are the biggest financial base of the New World Order that we’re dealing with.”

No pre-trib rapture at minute-38:45

Joel: “I’m of the belief that there has never any time in history that God has not put His own people through the fire of adversity in order to strengthen them, to make them stronger. This earth is a test life. It’s to test ourselves to see how we will respond to the promptings of the Spirit of the Lord as it guides us through difficult times. I personally think that we’re going to go through the tribulation….”

AMAZING plane crash discussion at minute-44:10

Alex: “You must have hit really hard to break a 2,000 pound seat belt.”

Joel: “Absolutely, and as I say, not to have any broken bones, and not even to hit the jagged portions of the fuselage that were just inches away from my head just had to be some divine intervention.”

* * *

Discussion with Joel starts at minute-6:45; MIRACULOUS plane crash survival story at minute-44:10[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Cyprus OKs EU Bank Heist

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Mar 25, 2013

On today’s show, Alex talks with author and the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, Joel Skousen, about the slow motion financial melt down. Alex also takes your calls on today’s worldwide broadcast.

The ongoing story about Cyprus’ intent to raid all savings accounts in this tiny republic is really about a heist mandated by the EU bailout commission—and that’s because the shady bank economy in this island tax haven is around eight times the size of the real economy there. The EU decided to force Cyprus to raid bank deposits, the only ready source of funds. The announcement came on a Saturday when banks were closed but news of the “tax” caused a firestorm of protest and thousands ran to the ATMs and tried to empty as much of their accounts as possible. This move by the EU has poisoned the trust in banks all over Europe creating instability for most Western economies. You can request a one-time free sample of the briefs by sending an email to

Pilot Joel Skousen feels ‘blessed’ after surviving plane crash: “I’m very blessed — no other way to describe coming out of that airplane without anything but a couple of scratches”
Joel Skousen Survives Plane Crash: My Scrape with Death this Week! — 75mph to zero in less than 2 seconds, and there I was sitting amidst the wreckage completely OK!
The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…

[video] Paul Craig Roberts: Triple Bubble Implosion Coming

Joel Skousen doesn’t believe it will happen this fast, but lots of insight here.
– –

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: Triple Bubble Implosion Coming


Published on Mar 22, 2013

On today’s show, Alex welcomes American economist and renowned columnist Paul Craig Roberts to examine the Cyprus bank crisis situation and America’s own crumbling economy.

The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West [Kindle Edition], by Paul Craig Roberts

[video] Nigel Farage: EU wants to steal money from Cypriots bank accounts

[youtube=]Farage: EU wants to steal money from Cypriots bank accounts

Published on Mar 19, 2013

Taking the bailout model to extremes – the EU has given Cyprus an ultimatum – either force savers to save banks, or go bankrupt. United Kingdom Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage gives his perspective on the deposit levy and Cypriot parliament vote.

[video] Gerald Celente: Cyprus Looting the People's Savings Accounts is Only The Beginning for Global Elite — "They're really taking this money from the bottom so they could pay off the big guys at the top."

“They’re really taking this money from the bottom so they could pay off the big guys at the top.”

– Gerald Celente

* * *

From: Infowars

The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account Is Safe

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
March 19, 2013

The global elite have now proven that when the chips are down they are going to go after any big pile of money that they think they can get their hands on.  That means that no bank account, no retirement fund and no stock portfolio on earth is safe.  Up until now, most people assumed that private bank accounts were untouchable and that deposit insurance actually meant something.  Now we see that there is no pile of money that is considered “off limits” by the global elite and deposit insurance means absolutely nothing.

Entire Article Here

* * *

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Cyprus Looting is Only The Beginning for Global Elite


Published on Mar 19, 2013

Alex invites economic trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente to discuss the looting of Cypriot bank accounts, and what the future holds for Italy, which may be the next nation to be similarly plundered. We’ll also cover other major headlines and take your calls.

Ron Paul: The Congressional Budget Debate Is Just A Sideshow


Ron Paul: The Congressional Budget Debate Is Just A Sideshow

Ron Paul
March 19, 2013

Federal spending once again dominated the debate in Washington last week, as House Republicans and Senate Democrats began work on their ten-year budget plans. Contrary to claims, neither party’s budget reduces spending. While the Republican plan increases spending a little less than the Democrat plan, it would still spend $5 trillion in 2023, an almost two trillion dollar increase over this year’s budget.

Of course, these projections of future budgets are meaningless, as a current Congress cannot bind a future one. Therefore, the projected spending for next year is the only part of the budget with any significance. So is there a great gulf between the two parties’ budgets for next year? No. For fiscal year 2014, the Democrat budget proposes spending $3.7 trillion, while the “radical” Republican budget spends $3.5 trillion!

While the two parties bicker over minor differences in spending, the stock market, which many in Washington predicted would crash unless the parties reached a “grand bargain” on taxes and spending, seems unaffected by the various manufactured budget crises. Unfortunately, the market’s indifference to Washington spending games is based on the fallacy that the deficit does not matter as long as the Federal Reserve is willing to monetize the federal debt.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is certainly doing all he can to facilitate deficit spending. The Federal Reserve’s desire to monetize the federal debt is a main reason for the aggressive program of buying federal debt via the continuous quantitative easing. Under Chairman Bernanke, the Federal Reserve is pumping as much as $85 billion a month into the American economy. This out-of-control monetary policy is largely conducted behind closed doors, yet it has much more effect on the do day-to-day lives of Americans than Congress’s phony budget debates. The Federal Reserve’s polices erode the value of the dollar, causing prices to rise, which in turn diminishes people’s standard of living. This inflation tax may be the most hideous tax of all because it is both hidden and regressive.

Of course, the Federal Reserve can only keep this up for so long before doing serious damage to the economy. The Austrian school of economics teaches that the Federal Reserve is responsible for the boom-and-bust cycles that plague modern economies. The Federal Reserve’s aggressive money pumping runs the risk of creating hyperinflation — especially once banks stop hoarding their reserves and began flooding the economy with Fed-created fiat currency.

Even though the economic crisis of 2008 proved the Austrians correct, there are still too many in D.C. and on Wall Street who believe the Keynesian fallacy that government and the Federal Reserve can spend-and-inflate our way to prosperity. But, as is the case with the narcotics addict, the longer the Federal Reserve enables Congress’s habit of deficit spending, the more painful will be the withdrawal when Congress is finally forced to kick the habit.

The role of the Federal Reserve in facilitating deficit spending by the US—and even foreign governments—means it is a mistake to segregate monetary and fiscal policy. Our nation will never get its fiscal house in order until we reform monetary policy. The first step is letting the American people know the real facts about the Federal Reserve’s actions.

The debate over the federal budget and even the battle over the Federal Reserve are ultimately arguments over symptoms rather than the cause. The root of the fiscal crisis is the belief that the federal government is qualified to manage the economy, provide for the people’s needs, and spread democracy throughout the world through either by foreign aid or by force of arms. Neither party in Washington questions the welfare-warfare state.

Until Congress begins debating questions such as whether or not we really need thousands of military facilities around the world, whether or not we should shut down the Education Department and return control to local communities and parents, and whether we should allow young people to completely op-out of the entitlement programs, the so-called debates in Washington, D.C. will continue to amount to nothing but sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Former Congressman Paul’s article first appeared at, the temporary home for his weekly column until his personal web page is up and running.

[Inflation reality check] Joel Skousen: Rampant Inflation in Latin America — "All of those predicting the collapse of the dollar need to understand that the dollar is going to look even stronger as this plays out—as others inflate, percentage wise, more than the FED. No currency is strong—it’s just a relative race to the bottom."

World Affairs Brief, February 15, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
State of the Union–the Art of Lying
Rubio Rebuttal–Political Grandstanding
Messed Up LA Police Department
Take Down of Edgar Steel
US Attorney General Argues Against Homeschooling
Military Exercises in Urban Areas
Rampant Inflation in Latin America
Argentina and Venezuela are running between 22 and 30% inflation as corruption feeds those who run the government. Deficits are used to finance the growing burden of social welfare schemes, and a devalued currency keeps exports alive. All governments manipulate their inflation rates. Japan has doubled its rate of inflation but is still claiming only 2%. Real inflation is almost 10%. Argentina claims 10.8% but it is at least 25% and rising rapidly. Brazil is up to an official 5% but real rates are at least double that. Uruguay is running an official rate of 9%.
I lived in South America when another such inflationary cycle was going on. Each nation is trying to boost exports by making their money cheaper (devaluation by printing). The others have to devalue their currency in order to keep pace in the MERCOSUR economic market. Eventually, they end up knocking off 3 or 6 zeros and starting over.
All of those predicting the collapse of the dollar need to understand that the dollar is going to look even stronger as this plays out—as others inflate, percentage wise, more than the FED. No currency is strong—it’s just a relative race to the bottom, but it won’t happen all that fast (at least in the US).

[video] Real-historian G. Edward Griffin with Adam Kokesh: We are the 3%! — Find the 3% who really do care… — Monetary system truth intentionally not taught in schools

[youtube=]G. Edward Griffin – We are the 3%!

Published on Feb 15, 2013

#193 The imperative of Voluntarism
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