Freedom from Alaska!

Category: $Money$ ToBeFree Page 6 of 21

[video] Michael Rivero: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

The Banksters are also the globalists, the world’s kingpins who are manipulating the world into the one-world government.
It’s not just about the $money$. They’re fulfilling their master’s bidding.
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[youtube=]All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars

Published on Feb 4, 2013

Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. The written version is here:…

40 Ways That China Is Beating America — Will our children some day wake up in a world where the Chinese are telling them what to do?

From: The American Dream

40 Ways That China Is Beating America

40 Ways That China Is Beating America

China is wiping the floor with the United States on the global economic stage, and most Americans are so clueless that they have absolutely no idea what is happening.  The number one global economic superpower is in an advanced state of decline, and the number two global economic superpower is becoming stronger with each passing day.  Unless something truly dramatic happens, it is only a matter of time before China overtakes America and become the dominant economic force on the planet.  In fact, China is already exercising economic superiority over the United States in a whole host of ways.  China produces more goods than we do, China does more total trade in goods with the rest of the world than we do, China produces more cars than we do, China produces more gold than we do, China consumes more energy than we do, China produces more coal than we do and China produces more steel than we do.  Every single year, we buy far more from them than they buy from us, and this has made them exceedingly wealthy.  Our politicians regularly make trips over to China to beg them to lend us back some of the money that they have taken from us.  Today, we owe China more than a trillion dollars and the Chinese are sitting on the biggest pile of foreign currency reserves that the world has ever seen.  All of this wealth has fundamentally transformed the nation of China over the past couple of decades.  Just check out the startling photographs of China from space in this article that show how China dramatically changed between 1992 and 2010.  As China continues to become stronger and as America continues to become weaker, will our children some day wake up in a world where the Chinese are telling them what to do?

Entire Article with All 40 Ways Here

Show This To Anyone That Believes That “Things Are Getting Better” In America — The truth is that there are never going to be enough jobs in America ever again, because millions of our jobs are being sent overseas and millions of our jobs are being lost to technology

The entire article is excellent, and easy to read.
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From: Infowars

Show This To Anyone That Believes That “Things Are Getting Better” In America

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
Feb 11, 2013

How can anyone not see that the U.S. economy is collapsing all around us?  It just astounds me when people try to tell me that “everything is just fine” and that “things are getting better” in America.  Are there people out there that are really that blind?  If you want to see the economic collapse, just open up your eyes and look around you.  By almost every economic and financial measure, the U.S. economy has been steadily declining for many years.  But most Americans are so tied into “the matrix” that they can only understand the cheerful propaganda that is endlessly being spoon-fed to them by the mainstream media.  As I have said so many times, the economic collapse is not a single event.  The economic collapse has been happening, it is is happening right now, and it will continue to happen.  Yes, there will be times when our decline will be punctuated by moments of great crisis, but that will be the exception rather than the rule.  A lot of people that write about “the economic collapse” hype it up as if it will be some huge “event” that will happen very rapidly and then once it is all over we will rebuild.  Unfortunately, that is not how the real world works.  We are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world, and once it completely bursts there will be no going back to how things were before.  Right now, we are living in a “credit card economy”.  As long as we can keep borrowing more money, most people think that things are just fine.  But anyone that has lived on credit cards knows that eventually there comes a point when the game is over, and we are rapidly approaching that point as a nation.

Have you ever been there?  Have you ever desperately hoped that you could just get one more credit card or one more loan so that you could keep things going?

At first, living on credit can be a lot of fun.  You can live a much higher standard of living than you otherwise would be able to.

But inevitably a day of reckoning comes.

If the federal government and the American people were forced at this moment to live within their means, the U.S. economy would immediately plunge into a depression.

That is a 100% rock solid guarantee.

But our politicians and the mainstream media continue to perpetuate the fiction that we can live in this credit card economic fantasy land indefinitely.

And most Americans could not care less about the future.  As long as “things are good” today, they don’t really think much about what the future will hold.

As a result of our very foolish short-term thinking, we have now run up a national debt of 16.4 trillion dollars.  It is the largest debt in the history of the world, and it has gotten more than 23 times larger since Jimmy Carter first entered the White House.

The chart that you see below is a recipe for national financial suicide…

U.S. National Debt

Entire Article Here with Charts

[audio] James Paris on Coast to Coast AM 1/28/13: Prayer & Finances — He started asking God what He wanted him to do. "When I realized prayer was a two-way conversation," he recounted, "I would find myself on the beach with a yellow pad and a pen…and I would come back from these two and three hour prayer sessions with pages and pages of ideas, information, and direction…

Really important concept and only 27 minutes long. Not much is added once callers called in.
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Wisdom For Solving Financial Problems

James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.”


A challenge in wisdom; find a quiet place and provide yourself with a minimum of two hours. During these two hours, bring only a pen and a notepad. Ask your family not to disturb you during this exercise. Begin by asking God for wisdom. Next, make a list of your financial problems. Go ahead, keep listing them even if it takes several pages to do so. Lastly, look over your list of “problems” and prioritize them. You might do this by making a new list and numbering them from most important to least important. An alternative would be to give each problem a rating such as “L” for low, “M” for medium, and “H” for high.

You should have at least sixty to ninety minutes left to “brainstorm.” Start by placing each one of your high priority problems at the top of a separate sheet of paper. Now, sit quietly and truly seek answers from God.

As solutions come to mind, write them down on the sheet of paper corresponding to that problem. Don’t question, don’t think of all of the reasons that a given idea won’t work, just write them down.

After you have completed this exercise, you will have dozens if not hundreds of solutions to your most urgent problems. Repeat this exercise often, taking time to deal with your medium and low level issues before they move up in the ranking. This approach also works well for any problem, financial or otherwise.

What is wonderful about this method is that we are literally giving God our problems, asking for His wisdom, and then offering a blank pad of paper for His solutions. Why don’t we just stop our busy lives and ask God for His wisdom and guidance? God is waiting right now for you to ask.

Entire Article Here

Prayer & Finances

First hour guest, author James Paris discussed how to use prayer to improve finances. A millionaire by the age of 30, he was bankrupted by his fortieth birthday, after his accountant/brother embezzled his fortune. This turn of fate led him to discover a different approach to prayer– instead of asking God for what he wanted to happen (which proved ineffective), he started asking God what he wanted him to do. “When I realized prayer was a two-way conversation,” he recounted, “I would find myself on the beach with a yellow pad and a pen…and I would come back from these two and three hour prayer sessions with pages and pages of ideas, information, and direction that I would never come up with on my own.”

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Starts at minute-10:30[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 01-28-2013 – Paranormal Forms – C2CAM

How To Pray For A Financial Miracle: Enlisting God’s Help In Solving Everyday Financial Problems [Paperback]

[real-history video] The House of ROTHSCHILD " Full Documentary" — International Bankster Kingpins, WEALTHIEST Family in the World!

“By the end of the 19th century, one expert estimated that the the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world. Despite this overwhelming wealth, the family has generally cultivated an aura of invisibility. Although the family controls scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, only a handful bear the Rothschild name.”

– Bill Still

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Original post:

The house of Rothschild – the Money’s prophets – full 56min

Uploaded on Jan 24, 2011

Secret History of the International Bond Market.
A commentary on Niall Ferguson’s The House of Rothschild by youtube user Realpolitikdocs:

The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…
ROTHSCHILDS WANT IRAN’S BANKS — Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran…
Who Owns the Federal Reserve? — This chart shows the ROTHSCHILDS at the top, whom many consider the wealthiest family in the world. But the ROCKEFELLERS…. | The owners try to hide their identities by holding their ownership in the names of their lawyers or via ‘street’ names.

[video] Porter Stansberry on The Alex Jones Show 11/15/12: Obama riding coattails of the shale oil boom that he opposed — Third term possible

Porter Stansberry starts at 1.32:30[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show 2012-11-15 Thursday – Edwin Vieira – Porter Stansberry – Lew Rockwell

Published on Nov 15, 2012

Alex Jones will break down what the exploding secessionist movement really means and the federal government’s plan to crush the states and sideline their rights guaranteed under the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment. Constitution lawyer Edwin Vieira, Jr. will examine the different angles on the burgeoning movement and Alex will give you the key to true secession and how it can lead to true restoration of the Republic. We will also cover the historic farewell speech by Rep. Ron Paul on this Thursday, November 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Porter Stansberry pops in by phone, to discuss the future of America and why he believes Obama will maneuver to have a third term as President. And in the final part of the show, Lew Rockwell pops in, via Skype, to discuss Ron Paul’s farewell speech on the House floor yesterday.

Stansberry’s Investment Advisory: The End of America — “I reference our success and experience with Wall Street’s latest crisis because we believe there is an even bigger crisis lurking – something that will shake the very foundation of America”

[video] Paul Craig Roberts: The Republicans want to blame Obama for becoming Caesar, but it began with Bush — Bush violated the FISA Act, Habeas Corpus, U.S. law against torture and the Geneva Convention, and he lied about the wars. And he was not held accountable for any of this.

Paul also thinks that Russia and China will successfully attack America in the future. (minute-17:45)
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“The President is being transformed into Caesar, and he’s not accountable.

Look at what Bush did:

• He violated U.S. law against torture.

• He violated the FISA act, against spying on Americans without warrants.

• He violated the due process requirement of the Constitution, Habeas Corpus. And he was not held accountable for any of this.

• He went to war on fabrications and lies. He knew he was lying.

And this is a crime. And they’ve committed war crimes. And these are crimes under the Geneva Convention to which we are the main creator of. And there was no accountability.

And so Obama comes in, and what did he do? He didn’t hold them accountable either. He said: ‘I like all these powers. We’ll make them legal.'”

– Paul Craig Roberts

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: The Game is Rigged!

Published on Nov 7, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex presents special live coverage of the election and offers a roster of dynamic guests, including: Trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former trader and television host Max Keiser, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, economist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration Paul Craig Roberts, former congressional chief of staff for Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, author and former director at Goldman Sachs, Nomi Prins, and historian and author Webster Tarpley. Alex and his guests will offer concise analysis and commentary until midnight.

Bush: The Bible isn’t Literally True; Evolution is Scientifically Proven; Jesus isn’t the Only Way
President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?
Nader: President George W. Bush is guilty of at least 5 impeachable offenses that go on day after day
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘Damn right’ I personally ordered waterboarding
Ron Paul Enters Evidence of Bush War Crimes in Congressional Record —
Bush Sr. gave Saddam the green light to attack Kuwait; then we attacked Saddam. Bush Jr. finished the job. Over 2 million slaughtered!

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes
More Proof: Skull and Bonesman President George W. Bush is a Reverse-Christian
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 5 “JFK Assassination”: Includes Deathbed Confession. 3 Presidents Involved Including George H.W. Bush?
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding
Judge Napolitano: Bush should have been indicted for “torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrant”
David Icke: Why it’s important for child abuse victims to speak out
George W. Bush: ‘Starting Wars In Middle East Good For The Economy’
Theologian David Ray Griffin: Did the U.S. Have the Moral Right to Invade Afghanistan? — “Is the war in Afghanistan justified by the 9/11 attacks?”
Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?
Cathy O’Brien: A freed Presidential mind-control slave gives specifics on how America is getting jacked!
Cathy O’Brien on Mind Control: Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton answered to George Bush, Sr. — Guess who else did
Terry Reed: Clinton, Bush Sr., Oliver North and CIA Drug Running
George W. Bush ‘Knew Guantánamo Prisoners Were Innocent’
9-11 Was An Inside Job
Chuck Baldwin: The Truth About Abortion — The so-called “pro-life” Republican Party is mostly to blame. They dominated US Supreme Court appointments for the 37 years since Roe. And they controlled the entire federal government from 2000 – 2006. Each year, Ron Paul would introduce the Sanctity of Life bill. Where were the “pro-life” pastors and Christians?
Republican hypocrisy: Sen. Hatch admits GOP ’standard practice’ was to run up deficit
Chuck Baldwin: THE BUSH-OBAMA WAR. “Perpetual war is a tool of globalists to enslave us!”
Bush signed the martial law Presidential Directive that now makes it possible for the President to declare a national emergency without the consent of Congress. Suspension of the Constitution is now legally possible with the stroke of a pen
How America Will End? Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama Opened US to Russian/Chinese Nuclear Takeout
Assembly of God ‘Christian’ and President Bush’s Attorney General: John Ashcroft’s ‘Christian Mafia,’ power-OVER, cult membership. “By their fruits you will know them”
Jason Bermas’ Bohemian Grove Special — Who are Our Leaders?
[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles
‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160′s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations
Seymour Hersh: Secret US Forces Carried Out Assassinations in at Least a Dozen Countries, Including in Latin America
Russ Baker, Award Winning Author of “Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America” on Alex Jones, 3/25/09
Bush: The Bible isn’t Literally True; Evolution is Scientifically Proven; Jesus isn’t the Only Way
Bush: I Was Right To Use Non-Existent Link Between Saddam-9/11 To Push For War
Nader: President George W. Bush is guilty of at least 5 impeachable offenses that go on day after day
A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess
Bush quietly seeks to make war powers permanent by declaring indefinite state of war
Chuck Baldwin: The Three Amigos
Tim Russert Asks George W. & John Kerry About Their Skull & Bones’ Membership During 2004 Election
George W. Bush Appointed at Least 11, Fellow, Skull & Bones Members to Government Positions
Fleshing Out Skull & Bones — Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society
Bush Signed Executive Order Authorizing Torture—FBI Email
Vicente Fox Admits Amero & North American Union on Larry King – 10/8/07
Bush to veto CIA waterboarding ban bill
Bush: “I’m a War President…with War on My Mind”
All of my George Bush Family posts at ToBeFree in reverse-chronological order See how deep the rabbit hole goes

Why QE Won't Create Inflation Quite as Expected

The unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve banking cartel’s money policy is disgusting, sinister, and is destroying the U.S. economy and country. But these international banksters have ways of enriching themselves and their friends without causing massive inflation, making our currency worthless all at once — like many would expect when $Trillions are created from nothing.
According to Joel Skousen, the dollar will experience a slow death. Otherwise, too many would wake up….
We’re in the slow cooker.
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From: Charles Hugh Smith

Why QE Won’t Create Inflation Quite as Expected   (September 27, 2012)

The Fed can create money but if it doesn’t end up as household income it is “dead money.”

In the consensus view, the Federal Reserve’s unlimited quantitative easing (QE3) programs will do two things: 1) boost stocks and other “risk on” assets and 2) generate inflation. The two follow-on effects are related, of course; gold and other hard assets are rising in anticipation of higher inflation.

But all is not quite as it seems when it comes to the inflationary effect of creating money. I’m going to cover a lot of ground here so buckle up and grab your favorite stimulating beverage.

Let’s use some examples to illustrate key features of the relationship between money creation and inflation. Let’s say a central bank prints $1 trillion in cash currency, digs a big hole and buries it. Does that $1 trillion in new money cause inflation? No, because it never got into the hands of people who might trade it for goods and services in the real world.

Recall that the premise of monetary inflation is straightforward supply and demand: when money is abundant and goods are scarce, the price of goods rises as abundant demand (everybody has lots of cash or credit) meets limited supply (limited oil, gold, grain, etc.) in an open marketplace.

Let’s say the Fed electronically creates $1 trillion and metaphorically buries it in some account where it sits as “dead money.” It cannot trigger inflation because it isn’t reaching the hands of people who might use it to buy scarce goods and services.

Let’s also recall that money is destroyed, not just created, when assets fall in value and bad debt is written down. Consider a house purchased for $350,000 at the top of the real estate bubble with a $50,000 cash down payment and a $300,000 mortgage. The owner defaults and the house is sold for $150,000. The $50,000 down payment was cash; it was not “on paper.” It has not been transferred to someone else; it has vanished.

The same can be said of the $150,000 the bank lost on the mortgage. The bank’s cash reserves (capital) take a $150,000 hit. That was real money, too, and it wasn’t transferred to someone else; it disappeared. Thus $200,000 of real money has been destroyed.

To the degree that immense overhangs of bad debt are slowly being written off, money is being destroyed. If the Fed “prints” $500 billion a year, and write-downs erase $500 billion, the money supply hasn’t expanded at all.

Read Entire Article with Charts Here

[video] Gerald Celente: More Thinking Outside the Cage

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Criminal Banksters Launching New World War

Published on Sep 15, 2012 by 

[audio] John B. Wells with Robert Mazur: Coast To Coast Am – Banking Fraud Special – 08-25-2012 — THE BANKING SPANKING! — $$$Trillions are laundered and no one goes to jail

I recommend listening mainly to the first 40 minutes with Robert Mazur. The last of the four guests, John Truman Wolfe is good too.
I listened to Robert twice. Amazing!
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‘Deferred prosecution’ = no one goes to jail

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From: Coast to Coast AM

In the first hour, Robert Mazur shared his insights into the shadowy world of international money laundering, which he learned via a two year undercover investigation for US customs. In recounting his story, Mazur noted that he worked with a Panamanian bank where techniques of money laundering were brazenly discussed and served as a veritable “crossroads of drug traffickers, politicians, and the intelligence community as well.” Mazur explained that many American banks which are caught laundering money, often via the massive illegal drug trade, are offered “deferred prosecution” where the US government monitors their transactions for a year and simply fines the organization. He cited a recent such case where Wachovia was caught soliciting “400 billion dollars in US dollar deposits from account holders in Mexico” between 2004 and 2007. …

In the final hour, John Truman Wolfe contended that the financial crisis has been orchestrated in order to collapse the US dollar and replace it with a “global monetary authority, which is essentially a global financial dictator for the planet.” While he conceded that this sounds extreme, Wolfe revealed that just such an entity, known as the Bank for International Settlements, was created in 2009 at the G20 Summit. The BIS, he said, serves as central bank for all the centrals banks of the G20 nations. Wolfe warned that the “fiscal autonomy of the United States, whatever there was of it,” was usurped by the BIS when President Obama signed on to the agreement. …

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First 40 minutes are AMAZING![youtube=]Coast To Coast Am – Banking Fraud Special – 08-25-2012 – C2CAM

Published on Aug 26, 2012 by Boomdaddy02

Coast To Coast AM – The Largest Up-to-date coast to coast AM Archive here. Coast to coast late night talk show with “George Noory”. “Coast to coast AM” The best conspiracy radio show. George Noory, Ian Punnett, George Knapp, Rob Simone and John B. Wells are the coast to coast am hosts and will keep you informed late into the night.

Subscribe To Get Notified Of The Latest Releases As They Come Out


Date: 08-25-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Mazur, Barry James Dyke, William K. Black, John Truman Wolfe

Corrupt bankers and businessmen quietly shape power across the globe. These men and women manipulate complex international financial systems to serve drug lords, politicians, tax cheats, and terrorists. Four banking experts (Robert Mazur, Barry James Dyke, William K. Black and John Truman Wolfe) joined John B. Wells, in separate hours, and exposed the terrifying truth about the financial fraud industry.

Joel Skousen: Rash of Dire Economic Collapse Predictions — Hyperinflation or a complete and sudden collapse of the dollar won't happen this year or in the next couple of years.

World Affairs Brief, June 29, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


I field more questions from subscribers and preppers each week on the subject of economic collapse than any other topic, despite having covered in the WAB numerous reasons why neither hyperinflation nor a complete and sudden collapse of the dollar can happen this year or in the next couple of years. In fact, a total collapse could never be sudden just because of the sheer size of the dollar pool internationally.

Yet there is an unending flow of predictions of complete and imminent collapse coming from both the uninformed and the informed financial newsletter writers on the conservative/libertarian side. The latter should know better, but simply haven’t thought this out very well and are using the hype to generate sales of newsletters, financial products or the need to redeem themselves from their long litany of failed collapse predictions already posted.

Pastor Lindsey Williams is continuing to push the banking holiday/collapse scenario based upon his bogus insider sources. My late friend Bob Chapman also got fooled into believing the various scenarios supposedly touted by law enforcement people claiming that the banks were going to close down due to an imminent collapse. That was in August of 2010. But even though that failed, Bob continued to push the collapse scenario.

There is absolutely no reason why the FED would call a banking holiday which would cut off people’s access to money. The economy would collapse within weeks, and they would get the blame. As long as they’ve got the means to keep creating money, there simply is no rationale for this. People who continue to make these claims simply don’t understand either the power of the Fed or the plans of the PTB.

The list of those calling for imminent collapse is growing longer by the week, but it doesn’t mean it is any more true. R.G. Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Gonzalo Lira, Mike Maloney, Mike Dillard (who’s been pushing the collapse of the EURO for years now and still won’t stop despite the failure of his predictions), and more recently the National Inflation Association, Porter Stansberry and Sandy Leeds are all pushing imminent collapse. While economic fundamentals are crying out for a collapse, these good people don’t understand the powerful nature of the conspiracy we are dealing with and their ability to manipulate the economic numbers.

Even Peter Schiff is predicting collapse by 2014, as reported by Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul of Beacon Equity Research—and she’s a believer too. “Gold and silver investors watching metals prices move back down near to the Dec. 29 lows of $1,523.90 and $26.15, respectively, should seriously consider accumulating the metals now. The ‘Big Reset’ of the global financial, slated for no later than 2014, will reward precious metals holders as the big winners among investors [that part is true, if you take possession], according to Peter Schiff.

“Schiff, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital said, ‘The United States is in a lot of trouble [true].’ After the Fed presumably embarks on QE3, and that stimulus wears off, ‘I think we’re going to have a crisis. I don’t think we’re going to have time for QE4 or QE5. I mean, ultimately, that’s where we’re headed, because that’s all QE does. Each QE sows the seeds of the next QE [also true, there’s no solution in the Fed monetizing the debt, but it does prolong things—a lot longer than these guys think].’

“And global money looking for a safe haven won’t stand for another repeated currency debasements through debt monetization by the U.S. central bank [but, in fact, do stand for it and they applaud it. All the big investors were hoping for the bailout in Europe, even those not directly involved, because it means the chances are better at keeping the whole system propped up. Few have any principles anymore]. Because Europe’s woes have forced politicians to make tough choices there, the spotlight has been taken off, temporarily, the even-more dire circumstances of debt loads and deficits of the U.S., according to Schiff [true, but understates the FEDs far greater ability to inflate and get away with it, without causing a collapse]. ‘Nationalism will emerge. Healthier countries will not see fit to spend their hard earned money to bail out their less responsible neighbors [Not true at all. While there is growing public sentiment for national interests before global interests, all the politicians in power are wedded to globalism and go along. Chancellor Merkel of Germany is a prime example—always bashing bailouts but going along and pushing for even more EU powers to deal with the crisis].’

“Schiff’s time line for the Armageddon scenario of a U.S. dollar crisis matches predictions made by commodities legend Jim Rogers and ShadowStat’s economist John Williams, with each man projecting 2014 as the year the U.S. dollar no longer maintains its former role as the world’s premiere reserve currency—implying a severe decline of its global purchasing power and much higher metals prices [The latter is mostly true, but not the destruction of the reserve status, as I will explain].

“In 2014, that’s the year the U.S. economy is expected to reach fresh new lows and the year politicians will finally be forced to face the tough choices regarding proposed cuts to federal, state and local government budgets, according to the three men [There will be no facing of the tough choices—no politician will survive if they cut spending to a balanced budget level]. It will also be the year that ushers in severe social unrest, similar to what is happening in Greece, in the case of Jim Rogers’ prediction for 2014 [maybe, if they really cut benefits and special interest spending, but that’s not going to happen].

Social unrest would only come if the government had the courage to really cut back in not only welfare and benefits, but all their other spending outlays that put millions into the hands of government connected companies and foundations.

Look at the political realities: There are huge constituencies for welfare, bailouts, foods stamps, school loans, foreign aid, military spending, loan guarantees, export-import banks, etc, etc. There are 45 million people on food stamps alone and 25 million government employees, 3 million total military, including civilian employees, and most of these people vote for a continuation of the status quo.

In addition there are millions of liberal, well healed Americans that vote for their favorite government spending programs: the arts, entertainment subsidies, education and foreign aid. After all, they aren’t getting a tax bill for it—it’s mostly deficit spending. None of these are going to tolerate the massive spending cuts necessary for national solvency.

Let me quickly review, once again, the reasons why a collapse or devaluation of the dollar, hyperinflation, or the dollar quickly losing its reserve currency status is not imminent and can’t happen quickly any time in the next few years:

1) Collapse: Collapse of a currency can only happen if it becomes relatively worthless in a short period of time. Inflation of the currency at high rates is the only thing that can cause this, ending either in devaluation and/or hyperinflation. Neither of these are real threats to the dollar currently despite the huge debt crisis.

2) Devaluation: Devaluation happens when a currency value is pegged to another at a fixed exchange rate, and the smaller currency inflates at a more rapid rate than the pegged currency causing an imbalance in demand which eventually causes the peg to be broken and a new fixed rate set. The dollar isn’t pegged to anything—it’s the standard. In a non-pegged system an informal devaluation can only occur if the dollar is being inflated at a much higher rate than other currencies. That isn’t happening because every other currency is inflating about the same rate proportional to their base as is the dollar. In fact, other currencies approve of US inflation, because it allows them to inflate their currency while maintaining the same relative exchange rate with the dollar.

3) Hyperinflation: Two things must be present for hyperinflation to happen. First, you must start with a relatively small money supply that can be expanded multiple times. The dollar base is so large, after having been inflated and spread around the world for so long that it literally can’t be inflated rapidly as compared to smaller currencies. The quantity of dollars in circulation is estimated at $300 trillion (not counting the huge non-monetized economy of derivatives, contracts and hedges perhaps as big as $500T). The FED could create $30T a year and it wouldn’t exceed 10% inflation rate. Even that huge amount isn’t hyperinflation, which results in panic spending due to rapidly rising prices. Second, a nation has to have an automatic injection mechanism to put increasing quantities of money into the pockets of consumers so they can keep up with rising prices, otherwise the inflation kills stops economic growth. We don’t have that, and what we do have (food stamps, unemployment compensation, Soc. Sec. etc) isn’t effectively indexed to inflation. Without the public’s ability to get more money each month as in Germany in 1936, the economy retracts as people can’t keep up, and spending decreases—again stopping hyperinflation and causing stagflation.

4) Loss of Reserve Status. This also can’t happen anytime soon since the dollar base is so much larger than any other currency. You’d have to print up probably 5 times the existing quantities of Euros to supplant the dollar and that would have devastating inflationary effects on the Eurozone. The same with the British Pound. No one would trust the Chinese Yen because there’s no transparency there either. What about a basket of currencies? —The same problem exists there as in the EU—even their strict rules about one nation expanding their Euros over another, the southern tier of nations found ways of cheating. No one can trust any of these voluntary agreements anymore.

If there is a real threat right now, it’s the huge derivatives and hedge fund bubble—trillions of dollars committed in contracts but almost without actual asset backing. No big paper investment happens today with CDS derivative insurance or hedging, and little of that can actually be paid to the beneficiary if a sufficient crisis develops. However, this mainly affects the huge speculative economy—and these have the most power to get a bailout from their fellows at the FED.

Rather than see a collapse coming this year or even by 2014, I think we are going to see another mild inflationary recovery (not a true recovery), but one where inflation finally starts to overpower deflationary forces and people start to spend again, and hire. It won’t be big, but it will help the PTB extend this debt spiral until the end of the decade where even bigger world conflicts will help them escape final blame. Don’t underestimate the power of the PTB to keep inflating enough to stave off default and yet keep inflation below 10%.

That said, we are dealing with conspiracies here—and the PTB could simply decide to pull the plug on the economy. All they would have to do is stop intervening in the huge derivative market to keep those contracts from defaulting, as they have been recently in Europe. The derivatives bubble is by far the largest ponzi scheme ever—trillions in promises to pay without any means to make good on all those promises, even after the hedges balance out the excess exposure.

In fact, the derivative mess has been threatening to collapse ever since AIG in 2008, and yet the financial PTB continue to stop the derivative contracts from being collected on. In Europe, for example, they kept insisting that no default had occurred when investors in Greek bonds had to take a 50% haircut (loss on their bond investments). Hence no one could make good on those CDS default swap insurance policies (which are sold as guarantees on all these big risky investments). They change the rules all the time, and control the higher powers that might rule those changes illegal. I think they can keep this up for several more years.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be preparing for a major disaster in the world, I just don’t think it’s imminent or that it is going to be financial in nature alone. I think war is the big thing that will drop all the world’s economies and that’s at least 10 years away. So, you’ve barely got time to prepare.

[video] Jim Rogers: "2013 is Going to Be a Mess"

“2013 is going to be a mess.”

– Jim Rogers

* * *

Watch Here

[real history video] Rothschilds: The Richest Family in the World — Worth 900+ Trillion!

[youtube=]The Richest Family in the world Rothschilds Exposed 1_3 HAARP OWNER

Uploaded by on Mar 18, 2011

Rothschilds were worth 700 million in 1850s.. worth about 900+ trillion at the least today.. Yes media is so Dumbed down they tell us Bill gates is the richest man on the planet or the earth… They are just working under them

[video/text] Are the wealthy less ethical? New research suggests that wealthy people think greed is good and are more inclined to run roughshod over others.

From: MSN

“Are the wealthy less ethical?

“New research suggests that wealthy people think greed is good and are more inclined to run roughshod over others.

Seven studies using experimental and naturalistic methods reveal that upper-class individuals behave more unethically than lower-class individuals. In studies 1 and 2, upper-class individuals were more likely to break the law while driving, relative to lower-class individuals. In follow-up laboratory studies, upper-class individuals were more likely to exhibit unethical decision-making tendencies (study 3), take valued goods from others (study 4), lie in a negotiation (study 5), cheat to increase their chances of winning a prize (study 6), and endorse unethical behavior at work (study 7) than were lower-class individuals.

Entire Article with Video Here

[video] BYE BYE DOLLAR IT WAS FUN! — BRICS Dropping US dollar?


Brazil • Russia • India • China • South Africa

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Uploaded by  on Mar 29, 2012

Brave New Bank BRICS moot dropping dollar, IMF !

[video – VERY SERIOUS!] Jerome Corsi: Obama's Ineligibility Shocker, His Enemies Hit List & More — "The New World Order is in the White House" — Media cover-up is complete — Greatest depression coming soon?

“The New World Order is in the White House.”

– Jerome Corsi

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[youtube=]Obama’s Ineligibility Shocker, His Enemies Hit List & More with Dr. Jerome Corsi 1/3

Uploaded by  on Mar 4, 2012

Today on this LIVE Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes author and leading birth certificate researcher Jerome Corsi to unveil the latest information on the shadow war for leading up to the 2012 elections. The investigation into the mysterious death of Andrew Breitbart continues, as reports show he had been meeting with Sheriff Joe Arpaio just days before his untimely demise. Breitbart had been poised to release bombshell footage of Obama on the day of his death which he hoped would sink Obama’s re-election chances, while Arpaio is pursuing ‘probable cause’ in a case questioning Obama’s birth certificate and eligibility. …!/RealAlexJones


[video] 'Pentagon knows China will be America's greatest enemy starting in 2017'

[youtube=]‘Pentagon knows China will be America’s greatest enemy starting in 2017’

Uploaded by  on Feb 28, 2012

…author and international consultant Adrian Salbucci, who joins RT from Buenos Aires in Argentina.

[video] $15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO FRAUD EXPOSED in UK House of Lords — $15 TRILLION is equivalent to the the federal debt of the U.S. Treasury!

[youtube=]$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO FRAUD EXPOSED in UK House of Lords

Uploaded by  on Feb 23, 2012

$15 TRILLION is equivalent to the the federal debt of the U.S. Treasury Department. Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation.

I think there are three possible conclusions that may come from it. I think there may have been a massive piece of money laundering committed by a major government which ought to know better and that it has effectively undermined the integrity of the British bank the Royal Bank of Scotland, in doing so. The second alternative is that a major American department has an agency that has gone rogue on it because it has been wound up and has created a structure out of which they are seeking to get at least 50 billion Euros as a payoff. And the third possibility is that this is an extraordinarily elaborate fraud which has not been carried out but which has been prepared in order to provide a threat to one government or more if they don’t pay them off. So there are three possibilities and this all needs a very urgent review.

My Lords, it starts in April and May of 2009, with the alleged transfer to the United Kingdom, to HSBC of a sum of 5 trillion dollars and seven days later, in comes another 5 trillion dollars to HSBC, and then 3 weeks later another 5 trillion. 5 trillion in each case. Sorry. A total of 15 trillion dollars is alleged to have been passed into the hands of HSBC for onward transit to the Royal Bank of Scotland and we need to look at where this came from and what the history of this money is. And I have been trying to sort out the sequence by which this money has been created and from where it has come from for a long time.…

[ audio ] Benjamin Baruch on The Watchman's Cry, 2/6/12: The Coming War and The Greater Depression

This is more from a spiritual, prophetic perspective, but Benjamin is also very experienced in how money works.
I don’t think it’s all going to happen in 2012 like Benjamin is saying. But we’ll see. Benjamin says he does not have a word from God on the timing. But we do know that most of these things are coming.
I’m very much concerned about EMP also.
_ _

Listen Here

Watchman’s Cry:
News from the Wall Program #05
“Benjamin Baruch Joins Nathan to talk about
The Coming War and The Greater Depression! ” 

Show Topics:
America’s Sovereign Debt Crisis.
The Real State of the Union!
The Coming World Wide Depression!
The Coming Terrorists Attack on America!
Benjamin Explains the Dollar’s Coming Destruction!

[The site says 2/6/11, but it must be 2/6/12, because of the sequence]

[video] Nomi Prins: Mafia Banking Cartel Blackmails Greece into Antiquities Debt Pay-Off Deal

[youtube=]Mafia Banking Cartel Blackmail Greece into Antiquities Debt Pay Off Deal 1/3

Uploaded by  on Jan 30, 2012

On the Monday, January 30 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with author, journalist, and former Goldman-Sachs director Nomi Prins about the MF Global scandal and the decision by the strapped Greek government to rent out the country’s antiquities in order to pay off a debt owed to international bankers.

[Dees Illustrations] $Trillions Airlifted!

[Dees Illustrations] Bailout

[Bankster Bailouts 101] Journalist Nomi Prins: No Matter What, The Banksters Always Win — Specifically how the BANKSTERS are LOOTING America!

[youtube=]Journalist Nomi Prins: No Matter What, The Banksters Always Win 1/2

Uploaded by on Dec 2, 2011

On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with author and journalist Nomi Prins. She is a former managing director of Goldman Sachs and a Bears Stearns analyst. On December 1, she wrote for about the Federal Reserve’s continuation of bailout economics and protecting US mega-banks from losses incurred by European banks through derivatives. Prins is the author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street.


Michelle Bachmann on US debt and China: “A little of four years ago, we were just over $8 trillion in debt. We are now $15 trillion in debt in just over four years.” | “When we are sending interest money over to China, we’re sending our power. Our money will be used to grow China’s military at the expense of the United States military.”

I like some of what Michelle Bachmann says in the debates, of which I’ve watched every one — though, she’s a warmonger and a torturer, which should totally disqualify her in any real-human’s thinking.

But if you’ve followed my blogs, I like to give credit where credit is due. And she brings up important points that no one else is saying this clearly.

I’m actually a bit disappointed in Ron Paul not giving more of the obvious facts to show the American people that we are cooked if we don’t drastically change course soon — and with Mr. Smith (Jimmy Stewart) Goes To Washington (great movie!!!) enthusiasm!

Paul should lay it all on the line, so there is no doubt.


– –

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN, R-MINN., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Let me answer that in the context of the super committee, because I was involved in the middle of that fight as a member of Congress this summer. And my voice said this. I said it’s time for us to draw a line in the sand. We have sufficient revenues coming in to pay the interest on the debt.

But the real issue was, were we going to give Congress another $2.4 billion in borrowing authority?

In other words, another blank check to the president. Because, again, consider the context. A little of four years ago, we were just over $8 trillion in debt. We are now $15 trillion in debt in just over four years. Now we’re talking about — if the gentleman is correct — adding another $11 trillion in debt over 10 years, or potentially $8.5 trillion, according to the super committee.

All that they were asked to do is cut back on $1.2 trillion of that increase in debt. We aren’t even talking about the central issue, which is balancing the budget. We need to balance the budget and then chip away at the debt. This isn’t Monopoly money.

Because what we need to recognize is that when we are sending interest money over to China, with whom we are highly in hock, we’re not just sending our money. We’re sending our power.

What will happen is that our national security and our military will decrease and our money will increase China’s military. So think about that.

Our money will be used to grow China’s military at the expense of the United States military. That should give every American pause.

– Michelle Bachmann

In the CNN National Security Debate, 11/22/11


[America’s getting jacked video] Tom Woods: The Military Industrial Complex in Five Minutes — “It’s long past time Americans knew what is going on — how they’ve been lied to, and manipulated and looted.”

“It’s my view that it’s long past time Americans knew what is going on —
how they’ve been lied to, and manipulated and looted.”

– Tom Woods

* * *

[youtube=]The Military Industrial Complex in Five Minutes

Uploaded by on Apr 3, 2011

Tom Woods discusses the military-industrial complex, one of many topics covered in his new book, Rollback.

Partial Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts — $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and FOREIGN banks everywhere from France to Scotland. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion.


Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

The first ever GAO(Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year. Jim DeMint, a Republican Senator, and Bernie Sanders, an independent Senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered down the original language of the house bill(HR1207), so that a complete audit would not be carried out. Ben Bernanke(pictured to the left), Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander’s webpage earlier this morning:

What was revealed in the audit was startling: $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious — the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.

To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion. The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is “only” $3.5 trillion. Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.

In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion. …

The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places

Entire Article Here

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National Debt from 1940 to Present —
Starting the Gallop, Bush II Passes the Baton to Obama

[video] Gerald Celente: MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts (including Gerald’s) Via Internal Bank Run — “There’s no morality anymore. Everybody’s gaming the system!”

“There’s no morality anymore. …
Everybody’s gaming the system!”

“They’re not going to be able to save the day.”

“It all comes back down to morality.”

– Gerald Celente

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run 1/4

Uploaded by on Nov 16, 2011

Big players got warning ahead of time that financial broker was set to collapse

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Days before the doomed financial broker filed for bankruptcy, MF Global conducted “unexplained wire transfers” that led to a $900 million shortfall in client funds, leading customers like Gerald Celente to learn that their accounts had been looted and setting the precedent for internal bank runs as more big firms go bust.

According to Bloomberg, “Examiners from CME Group Inc., the world’s largest futures exchange, found unexplained wire transfers at MF Global Inc. and a $900 million shortfall in client funds during the weekend the failing broker was talking with possible buyers, a person briefed on the matter said.”

CME noticed the missing funds on October 30, but MF Global didn’t inform the Commodity Futures Trading Commission until the day after, suggesting that the transfers were made, “in a manner that may have been designed to avoid detection,” according to CME.

The suspicious cash movements are now being probed by the U.S. Justice Department.

MF Global trustee James Giddens said in a court filing yesterday that customers would get back 60 per cent of their account funds, prompting fury amongst clients, many of whom used their accounts for business collateral and living expenses.

Although individuals were burned by the broker’s downfall, larger clients were protected from the fallout because they had the miraculous fortune of withdrawing all their funds just weeks before the collapse.

“Both the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange were charged with overseeing MF Global, their clearing member. If we are to believe them, they had no idea of any difficulties within the firm before customer accounts went missing just a few days before the collapse. But someone clearly knew of the cratering positions and imminent collapse of MF Global, as billions of dollars of accounts were “coincidentally” withdrawn,” writes Huffington Post’s Daniel Dicker, noting how funds in accounts owned by the billionaire Koch brothers were withdrawn just in time, clearly suggesting that big players got a “heads up” that MF Global was going down.

Although the collapse of MF Global was assured when it came to light that the broker was heavily exposed to the European debt crisis, causing the broker’s stock price to plummet, Fox Business reports that numerous circumstances indicate the downfall was in the works weeks before, drawing attention to the fact that employees didn’t receive commissions for the third quarter and were fired two weeks before the firm filed for bankruptcy.…

[video] Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers (on his exercise bike) — More on why he moved his family to Asia. People aren’t waking up fast enough while America moves closer and closer to financial collapse, dictatorship and police state. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the only candidates who have the solutions, and they’re being ignored. Should we move to Asia?

Is it time to move to Asia?

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Why Jim Rogers Moved His Family Close to China (taped in 2008)

Jim Rogers 11/09/11: “100% Chance Of Crisis Worse Than 2008,” Italy Implodes

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“It just doesn’t work to prop up failure.”

“The cure for too much debt is not more debt.”

Rogers moved to Asia for his children’s benefit —
important to learn Mandarin Chinese.

Asia is the future.

“It’s clear they’re biased against Ron Paul. …
He’s one of the few who knows what needs to be done.”

Gary Johnson knows too.

Invest in commodities — real assets,
because they’re going to inflate the dollar.

“America is getting more and more dictatorial….”

– Jim Rogers

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers 1/3

Uploaded by on Nov 15, 2011

On the Monday, November 14 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with investor, author, and financial commentator Jim Rogers.



Jim Rogers 11/09/11: “100% Chance Of Crisis Worse Than 2008,” Italy Implodes

Entire Article with Video Here

From:Prison Planet

Veteran investor Jim Rogers warned this morning that there is a “100% chance” the world is facing a financial crisis worse than 2008, as Italy was plunged into chaos on the back of soaring bond yields which now make the country’s huge debt unsustainable, mandating yet another EU bailout.

“We’re certainly going to have more crises coming out of Europe and America; the world is in trouble. The world has been spending staggering amounts of money that it doesn’t have for a few decades now, and it’s all coming home to roost,” Rogers, CEO and chairman Rogers Holdings told CNBC.

Rogers said the only solution was to allow countries to go bankrupt and start again, arguing that the continuing cycle of debt would only exacerbate the problem in the long term.

[ audio ] BBC’s Greg Palast: “I think it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. … They are too big to fail and too big to jail.” | Pedophilia is rampant among the elitests: “They urge each other on to be more perverse than the next….” | Stock market corruption: “They don’t think it’s a crime.”

“I think it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. …
They are too big to fail and too big to jail.”

“They urge each other on to be more perverse than the next….”

Stealing and Wall Street:
“They don’t think it’s a crime.”

– Greg Pallast

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]BBC’s Greg Palast: Greece Crisis is A “Crime Scene” 1/3

Uploaded by on Nov 10, 2011

On the Thursday, November 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Greg Palast, the New York Times-bestselling author and a freelance journalist for the British Broadcasting Corporation as well as the British newspaper The Observer. Palast will talk about the Occupy Wall Street movement, the government’s addiction to GPS tracking, and other related issues.


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