Freedom from Alaska!

Category: People Page 42 of 62

(video) Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel — Body language reveals kingpin elitist mindset?

What’s Jacob Rothschild says doesn’t seem significant. But his body language seems to reveal the Rothschild kingpins’ occult, Talmudic, power-over-others, Illuminati behavior:
• Elitist, above-all-others British accent
• Homo lips @ 14:35
• Strange/sinister/Satanic smile @ 15:49
And I don’t know what to make of the head-forward-and-down posture. Any suggestions?
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Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel – Full Interview

(photos) The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem – Rothschilds-built Israeli Supreme Court Building — First thing you will notice is the PYRAMID with the ALL SEEING EYE, just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill • The larger circle at the bottom of the picture is an INVERTED CROSS DESIGNED TO WALK ON. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot • At the top of the picture is a MOSLEM GRAVESITE, and just out of view to the right is an EGYPTIAN OBELISK • Just out of sight is a god of the Far East • All through the building you will detect HINDU ALTARS • Keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the ANTI-CHRIST | Holy men of God will not be the ones to rebuild the Temple, it will be the Illuminati. For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. His Son’s blood was the perfect sacrifice…

(video) Charlie Sheen, Pedophilia & Hollywood

The video’s title is misleading. Charlie isn’t exposing anything. He’s apparently deeply into it.
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(video) WoW!!! Trump​ ignores requests for a handshake with Angela Merkel — At one point, Merkel turns to Trump and says, "they want to have a handshake," but gets no response from Trump

Good news about Trump’s personality! When he knows someone is evil, he has his limits as to how much he’ll act like everything is okay. Amazing!
She betrayed the German people, and is trying to get re-elected!
The main problem probably is that he’s getting bad advice from the neocons and traitors on his staff, and the warmongering, reverse-Christian, “Christian” Zionists whom he thinks he should please.
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Trump​ appears to ignore requests for a handshake with Angela Merkel​

Skousen Psychoanalyzes Trump: I’ve always maintained that Trump is NOT A PLANT within the movement. Like most populists, I think Trump wants too much to be liked and is TRYING TO PLEASE the very establishment he claims to oppose. Sadly, it is also almost IMPOSSIBLE for Donald Trump to ADMIT ERROR once he has signed on to a policy mistake and made it his own. He lacks the verbal control skills to watch his own tongue, let alone follow the script of others • How Trump fell into this NEOCON TRAP: Trump is told by numerous neocon advisors that Iran is the real problem, the “number one terrorist supporting nation,” even though it’s a lie. US and British intelligence, colluding with Israel, are the number one terror sponsors in the world. They created al Qaeda, ISIS and all the Syrian rebels • Because Trump has BOUGHT INTO the idea that Iran is the “bogey man,” anything can be sold to Trump in the Middle East if it can be viewed as hurting Iran, and it can be perceived as fighting the phony war on terror

Many leaders, political and spiritual, have failed by trying to save face — unwilling to admit error — fearing what people think more than what God thinks.
“Christian” Zionists have also given Donald bad advice.
– Editor
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Skousen Psychoanalyzes Trump:
I’ve always maintained that Trump is NOT A PLANT within the movement. Like most populists, I think Trump wants too much to be liked and is TRYING TO PLEASE the very establishment he claims to oppose. Sadly, it is also almost IMPOSSIBLE for Donald Trump to ADMIT ERROR once he has signed on to a policy mistake and made it his own. He lacks the verbal control skills to watch his own tongue, let alone follow the script of others.
How Trump fell into this NEOCON TRAP: Trump is told by numerous neocon advisors that Iran is the real problem, the “number one terrorist supporting nation,” even though it’s a lie. US and British intelligence, colluding with Israel, are the number one terror sponsors in the world. They created al Qaeda, ISIS and all the Syrian rebels.
• Because Trump has BOUGHT INTO the idea that Iran is the “bogey man,” anything can be sold to Trump in the Middle East if it can be viewed as hurting Iran, and it can be perceived as fighting the phony war on terror.

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Skousen: Analysis of Trump’s Latest Compromises — He seems tired of vetting nominees and has rubber stamped a dangerous percentage of neocons and globalists for positions in the highest levels of his administration • Opposition is clearly building against Trumpcare, from all sides. In trying to please everyone, he ends up pleasing no one • Despite campaign promises to stop globalist interventions around the world, the Trump administration is ramping up US military involvement in both Yemen and Syria • How Trump fell into this neocon trap: Trump is told by numerous neocon advisors that Iran is the real problem, the “number one terrorist supporting nation,” even though it’s a lie. US and British intelligence, colluding with Israel, are the number one terror sponsors in the world. They created al Qaeda, ISIS and all the Syrian rebels • Because Trump has bought into the idea that Iran is the “bogey man,” anything can be sold to Trump in the Middle East if it can be viewed as hurting Iran, and it can be perceived as fighting the phony war on terror • Trump has authorized more Special Forces in both Yemen and Syria, which the Syrian government rightly opposes. No nation has the right to invade the territory of another unless threatened directly by that nation

(photos) Arthur Topham: Publisher/Editor of Radical Press

Arthur just now has been forced to shut down Radical Press because he told too much truth — and Talmudists control the system — while not enough good people stand up. Ughhh!
Anyway, some great photographs of Arthur here:
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Nice image! At Begg’s Gulch, along the road to the Matthew River, near Wells, B.C.

Arthur loves falls: Ghost Lake – Cariboo Mts. Matthew River Falls here & here

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Knight Arthur

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Rugged Canadian

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(2 hr audio) Author Mike King with John B Wells: “I Don’t Like Ike!” – CTM 3/8/17 Ep. 701

Posted with permission from CTM
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From: Caravan to Midnight

Episode 701 – Derek Gilbert & Mike King

Tuesday March 7th 2017

… Mike King returns for a look into his newly released book, “I Don’t Like Ike!” John and Mike talk in detail about the state of the country back in that era of time, how we are seeing some of the same mistakes being made today, and much more.

For video and access to other episodes, subscribe here.

Is John Oliver a shill? Yes, and much more — Mind-control laugh track: "You laugh when we tell you to laugh!"

Few commentators mention the important mind-control, laugh machines, that tell viewers when to laugh. They have always bothered me, but the new ones are harder to spot.
Live audiences work similarly. They can use marketing techniques to bring in people who agree with their agenda and who will laugh when they want. I imagine they probably have paid people in the audience who laugh at the right time too: lead laughers.
And slowly over time they’ve corrupted America, TalmudVision by TalmudVision (TV).
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Is John Oliver a shill? Yes, and much more.

John Oliver is a comedian, television host and political commentator. Born and raised in England, Oliver is now a permanent resident of the United States and has his own HBO program titled, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He honed his comedic skills and earned a reputation working with John Leibovitz and Stephen Colbert on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (Leibovitz). Oliver even guest-hosted The Daily Show for eight weeks. While Oliver can occasionally be mildly funny when he pokes fun  at establishment figures, he is clearly a paid shill and an establishment tool. Like all the other shills who have recently been uncovered, Oliver has removed his mask and is now blatantly showing Americans, and the world, what he is.

It always surprises me when Americans aren’t suspicious of English nationals coming to America and getting high-profile positions in the media. Don’t we know our history? The British have been invading us and meddling in our affairs for well over 200 years, and yet we give them the benefit of the doubt.


The first conspiracy Oliver tried to mock was the Denver Airport/Illuminati connection. He yelled and laughed as if the very idea was so silly it wasn’t worth discussing. Hmm, really? Actually, the Denver Airport is, without a doubt, the creepiest airport in the United States, and possibly the world. It is stuffed to the gills with illuminst symbology and anyone who takes five minutes to research this can verify it. Yet, Oliver thinks this is all made up by wacko ‘conspiracy researchers.’  You can tell he is just reading from a script, but it’s a sad and pathetic sight.

Naturally, his show uses a laugh track. It has to. As I stated, Oliver is not funny in the least. I watched a full 30 minutes of his routines while researching this article, and I never chuckled. Not even once. Yet, the laugh track produced huge belly laughs for every single line he uttered. This is Monarch mind control, brought to you by the CIA. You laugh when we tell you to laugh!

Entire Article

(audio) SOULutions with MKUltra Survivor Cathy O'Brien — "It's up to those of us who have gained our free thought to be able to wake up others"

Good to see that Cathy is still alive and doing well, considering how evil and brutal they are!
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Cathy @21:00 “It’s up to those of us who have gained our free thought to be able to wake up others.”
Cathy’s website:
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SOULutions with Cathy O’Brien

(video) Mark Cuban vs. Mark Dice – Debate Over Fake News — Mark and Mark argue over Fake News, and wild accusations fly from the billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner, only to have him later retreat to his safe space after stepping up to YouTube's 'most popular conservative news analyst'

WoW! Dice smoked him! Mark Cuban is a big fish!
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Mark Cuban vs. Mark Dice – Debate Over Fake News

Skousen: Trump’s Poor Replacement Choices — "McMaster is a closet globalist who will steer Trump into following the neocon agenda in Syria and Iran. It’s likely that he’ll sabotage Trump’s plan to join forces with the Russians to eliminate ISIS. That’s part of the reason for all this anti-Russian propaganda about Russia influencing the election—to make sure Trump can’t join with them to oust ISIS"

World Affairs Brief, February 24, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
This Week’s Analysis:
Trump’s Poor Replacement Choices
Why the Acosta Nomination is Bad
A Few Things Trump Has Done Right
Trump Wrong on Sweden Comment but Right About Refugee Crime
Drug War Revelation Points to CIA
Radiation Scare in Europe Mostly Hype
In the aftermath of Mike Flynn’s resignation and the withdrawal of Andrew Puzder as Labor Secretary, Trump has succumbed to nominating mainstream replacements that will not follow through with Trump’s change agenda. This sends a signal to the opposition that if they can block the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, they might just get a more liberal alternative. This week, I’ll detail why H. R. McMasters shows signs of being a globalist insider, and why Alex Acosta has a long history of accommodating the Left in questions of labor policy.
As a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Herbert McMasters is being portrayed as somewhat of an outsider due to his early criticism of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Vietnam War. That was perhaps true as he was starting out and trying to set himself up to be an alternative view, but in his later career his outlooks followed the military mainstream, with a decided blindness toward the influence of globalism on the military and foreign policy.
His book Derelection of Duty criticizes high ranking officers of the Joint Chiefs for not standing up enough to Robert McNamara and his globalist cronies sabotaging the war effort. McMasters sees a lot of bad decision making going on, but he didn’t understand how McNamara and the others were following an agenda to tarnish US involvement in Vietnam and give future wars of liberation a bad name. He starts out focusing on Kennedy’s mistrust of the military, saying that JFK blamed the Joint Chiefs for the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. That simply wasn’t true. JFK knew very well that the air support was authorized by him before he went to bed. He also found out that it was McGeorge Bundy who cancelled the air support during the night while JFK slept and blamed it on the CIA. That turned Kennedy against CIA black operations, which eventually got him killed by the dark side of the US government.
But Bundy and his globalist cohorts in Kennedy’s “Brain Trust” were the real problems and Kennedy failed to see it. Bundy was the National Security Advisor of both Kennedy and Johnson and kept pushing the escalation of the Vietnam war, while engineering the military restrictions that made it impossible to win the war. McMasters fails in his book to adequately address why the military was continually restricted by these rules and who was behind them.
While McMasters gained a reputation as a critic of military higher-ups, he continued to climb the ladder of advancement due to excellent combat leadership during the Gulf war and in Afghanistan. He broke with traditional military doctrine in Afghanistan by billeting his troops in the cities rather than in bases outside, which helped gain the confidence of locals who began to turn on insurgents.
McMasters got his introduction to globalist doctrine in 2003 at the neocon-oriented Hoover Institution at Stanford, and later at the pro-globalist British International Institute for Strategic Studies in London in 2006.
Despite the globalist indoctrination, he was passed over for Brigadier General in 2006 and 2007, which is typical of how the military selection board penalizes mavericks who embarrass them. Being passed over for advancement usually spells the end of one’s career, but someone in the globalist ranks recognized McMaster’s positive reaction to globalist indoctrination in London, and reversed that move.
Why else would a dedicated globalist like John McCain praise McMasters and condemn Flynn, who was influenced by neocon and anti-Russian doctrine, but was a known outsider. As CNN reported,

“McMaster might be the 21st century Army’s pre-eminent warrior-thinker,” Ret. Lt. Gen. David Barno wrote of McMaster in an accompanying profile. He went on to call him “the rarest of soldiers — one who repeatedly bucked the system and survived to join its senior ranks… I watched senior Army generals argue over ways to end his career,” Barno added. “But he dodged those bullets.”

Actually, they did try to end his career but he was resurrected by other leaders who saw him as a globalist ally. Specifically, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren requested General David Petraeus, a known globalist, to return from Iraq to take charge of the promotion board and that’s when McMasters was promoted. You also don’t get named to Time Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in 2014 unless you are accepted by the insiders.
Sen. John McCain, the Republican chairman of the Armed Services Committee, a known neocon and virulent critic of Trump and Flynn, enthusiastically endorsed McMasters, calling him “an outstanding choice for national security adviser.” That’s telling, and not a good sign.
Sadly, Trump thinks this is someone who will shake things up, but the insiders know he will do so without damaging the globalist hold on institutional power. Let me give you an example of how McMasters thinks. He is revered for revising military doctrine to deal with long-term counterinsurgency warfare. But his ideas are nothing new. They were growing as a result of the Vietnam war, while I was in the Marine Corps.
You have to “win the hearts and minds” of the people in an insurgency and not simply go in and kill people. Granted, that’s what McMaster did in the city of Tal Afar in Afghanistan with success, but he mistakenly thinks you can transfer this kind of strategy to defeat ISIS. As Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst wrote about the pacification of Tal Afar,

In 2005 then-Col. McMaster led the first successful full-scale battle against al Qaeda in the western Iraqi city of Tal Afar, a city of a half-million people. In his National Geographic interview, McMaster recalled that al Qaeda had turned Tal Afar into a living hell: “All the schools were closed because of violence, all the marketplaces were closed. There was no power. There was no water. The city was lifeless. People lived in abject fear.”

McMaster established 29 small outposts in the city. His regiment lived among the Tal Afar population and partnered with tribal elders to offer protection against al Qaeda. The citizens began to trust the Americans and provided them with intelligence on al Qaeda’s movements. Within a few months al Qaeda had retreated from Tal Afar.

McMaster’s approach was the exact opposite of the US strategy of the time, which was to hand over ever more control to the Iraqi army and withdraw the bulk of American soldiers to massive bases.

However, he errs when he thinks that the rise of ISIS is a symptom of Sunni unrest in Syria and Iraq. As Bergan reflects on McMaster’s ideas,

The Sunni militants that make up ISIS are not the underlying problem in Syria and Iraq, but rather they are a symptom of other deeper problems. McMaster knows that there surely will be a “son of ISIS” and a “grandson of ISIS” if there is not some kind of political solution to the wars in Syria and Iraq that produced ISIS in the first place.

These ideas are standard counter-insurgency thinking and completely untrue when it comes to ISIS. ISIS never was an indigenous rebellion but a manufactured foreign terrorist faction created by US and British intelligence with the help of the Israelis. These are mercenary’s from Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Libya, combined with local radical jihadists. Nobody who is defending local and ideological values goes around antagonizing the entire world, blowing up, beheading and raping Muslims and Christians alike. You don’t solve this kind of battle by “winning the hearts and minds” of terrorists, because they aren’t fighting for religion, country or family.
The bottom line is that McMaster is a closet globalist who will steer Trump into following the neocon agenda in Syria and Iran. I don’t think Trump has what it takes to resist the advice McMaster will give him. It’s likely that he’ll sabotage Trump’s plan to join forces with the Russians to eliminate ISIS. That’s part of the reason for all this anti-Russian propaganda about Russia influencing the election—to make sure Trump can’t join with them to oust ISIS.
I’m anti-Putin as far as their long term objectives to go to war with the West, but that’s not why the establishment has suddenly turned on Russia. They want this war in order to drive the West into a militarized global government, but they have to paint Russia early as the bad guy to stop the Russians from blocking the globalist agenda in Syria. McMaster recently gave a speech where he articulated his anti-Russian stance, as retold by Will Grigg of Liberty News Daily:

In a May 2016 speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, McMaster depicted an insurgent Moscow that was exploiting what he characterized as American complacency. [It’s actually not complacency, but decades-long permissiveness during and after the Cold War, allowing the Russians to build military might using Western trade.]

“Even though it may have been apparent, at least since 2008, that Russia was changing its geostrategic behavior [actually a resurgence of their old Soviet design that had been put on hold during the deception of the “fall.”] and engaging in … probing at the far reaches of American power, our strategic response was to accelerate our withdrawal” of combat forces from Europe, complained McMaster. “And what we’re seeing now is we’ve awakened to … this threat from Russia, who is waging limited war for limited objectives – annexing Crimea, invading Ukraine, at zero cost, and consolidating gains over that territory.” According to McMaster, “What is required is forward deterrence [and the ability] to be able to ratchet up the cost at the frontier.”

General McMaster’s perspective on Russia has earned the approval of Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, a frequent critic of President Trump who is also a passionate advocate of a more confrontational posture toward Moscow [reflecting that of another neocon, Sen. Cotton].

Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas is among the most hawkish members of Congress, particularly with respect to Iran. According to the Daily Caller, Cotton “spearheaded the effort for President Donald Trump to select Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster for the post of national security advisor” following the forced resignation of Michael Flynn. Cotton, an Army veteran who served in Iraq, reportedly considered resigning in 2007 when McMaster was passed over for a promotion.

McMaster’s hawkish posture toward Russia helps explain Sen. Cotton’s enthusiasm for his appointment. Cotton’s views toward Moscow are closer to those of his colleague from Arizona, John McCain, than those of President Trump. In January, Cotton complained to Fox News that the Obama administration had “consistently looked the other way from Russia’s provocations and aggressions” and insisted that Washington needs to impose “a sense of new boundaries” on Russian President Putin. “He needs to have a sense of boundaries and to know that costs are going to be imposed if he crosses those boundaries,” insisted Cotton.

Of course that will never happen because the globalists can’t actively confront Putin lest they be viewed as the ones starting the war. This is all talk aimed at Russian aggression in Ukraine, but it’s real aim, as I said, is to poison Trump’s ability to link up with Russia in Syria.
It is a shame that no one in the Trump administration is trying to debunk the fake intelligence about Russian interference in the election. At least they could point out the hypocrisy of the media complaining about Russian interference, when the US directly interfered in the Russian election of 1995-6.
Former Congressman Curt Weldon exposed the hypocrisy of the US claims against Russian interference by detailing this week on the Alex Jones show how the US directly went to work inside Russia to elect Boris Yeltsin. We hear all this talk about Trump talking to Alex Jones by phone but apparently no one in the administration is watching these broadcasts. If they are, why aren’t they using the information to counter the media?
Weldon related how Bill Clinton’s political advisors were sent over to Russia in 1995-6 to literally run Boris Yeltsin’s reelection campaign, and they stayed in the Presidential Hotel in Moscow. Putin has to be aware that US political advisors ran the reelections campaign of a candidate whose popularity had fallen to below 10% and had a known drinking problem. Putin was there when this was going on.
The Russians know how we reelected the guy we wanted to be president, but haven’t made an issue of that fact, in rebuttal. Why? To do so would expose to Putin’s own people that the US was complicit in helping to cover up for the phony fall of the Soviet Union.
Weldon was also on the Cox committee that investigated the theft of our technology by China. The People’s Republic of China funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into the Clinton campaigns of 1996. This article on Wikipedia will give you an idea of the massive scope of the charges and the subsequent coverups by the Clinton Justice Department. Why doesn’t the mainstream media bring up this massive interference in the US election by China, that is so well documented? They only make an issue of conspiracies that serve globalist purposes, and right now the only purpose is to keep Trump from joining with Russia to kill ISIS.

(audio) Historian Deanna Spingola: Civil War • Andrew Jackson • The Fed • Big Pharma

Deanna is an expert on Germany real history, but here she discusses US history. A few of her statements seem questionable, but it’s still very interesting, especially being able to listen at 1.5x speed.
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15:00 Civil war: “It was not a war to free the slaves.”
18:00 Andrew Jackson was not a hero. He did not “kill the bank.”
33:30 The Fed is audited every year??? “It isn’t owned by private owners.” ???

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02 22 2017 Deanna Spingola

(video) Israel False Flags Muslims – 9/11 Revisited, Uncovered & Exposed — Bollyn • Gage • Barrett – 2/18/17


Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth 

Richard Gage, AIA, is an architect of 25 years and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, a 501(c)3 educational charity representing more than 2,700 degreed/licensed architects and engineers who have signed a petition calling for a new, independent investigation, with full subpoena power, into the destruction of the Twin Towers and the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11. The more than 17,000 non-A/E signatories include many scientists, attorneys, and other responsible, educated citizens in the US and abroad.

Mr. Christopher Bollyn

Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn began covering the attacks on the day it occurred. In his words: This deception only has power as long as a majority of the population is deceived. My purpose is to expose the deception and undeceive as many people as possible. When a critical mass of people are undeceived, it is “Game Over” for the evil masterminds behind the war agenda. How much is peace worth?

Link to his blog:

Dr. Kevin Barrett

Dr. Barrett is a Muslim and PhD Islamic Studies scholar. He is one of America’s best-known critics of the “War on Terror.” He has authored and edited several books, including ANOTHER French False Flag (2016) and We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo (2015), and appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets and been widely covered by print media. Dr. Barrett is a former teacher of French, Arabic, Islamic Studies, Humanities at colleges and universities in Paris, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Wisconsin. He currently works as a talk radio host, nonprofit organizer, editor at Veterans Today, and pundit at Press TV, Russia Today, al-Etejah and other international channels. He attended the NOI plenary with Richard Gage and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and also came to the 10.10.15 event in Washington.

His website is

The War on Islam 9/11 Revisited, Uncovered & Exposed


Bill O'Reilly the Poster Child for Fake News

SEAN HANNITY (mentioned in this video) has been pretty good on Trump. I watch him at times, but he’s pro Talmudist Israel to the max, and has been a warmonger neocon like the others. I remember very clearly how he and the others MADE SURE RON PAUL WOULD BE REJECTED, and pushed for John McCain instead. That’s pretty close to being a traitor.
On some issues, Sean is good, but on others…, yikes!! And that’s how they do it to US — Talmudist owned and operated controlled opposition.
If Fox really is ‘Fair and Balanced,’ they wouldn’t have to say it all the time.
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Bill Oreilly the Poster Child for Fake News

Petition to Arrest George Soros, 1490

Petition to Arrest George Soros, 1490

Published on Feb 9, 2017

Link to Petition:
A trusted old friend sent me a petition intended for the eyes of President Trump if 100,000 signatures can be gathered by Feb. 20th.
It asks the U.S. Government to issue an international arrest warrant for George Soros.
It caught my attention right away. How many negative stories over the past year have had George Soros funding attached to it? Plenty.
So it had crossed my mind, why hasn’t President Trump declared him public enemy #1 and do something about it?
On what charge would he be arrested? How about something along the lines of sedition? What’s that? According to Title 18 of the U.S. Code:
“If two or more persons in any State … conspire to destroy by force the Government of the United States … or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States …
“… they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”
That certainly fits Soros’ role in the funding of Black Lives Matter or other violence-prone groups.
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Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on
Petition to Arrest George Soros
Bill Still is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and has also produced the syndicated radio program, Health News. He has written 22 books and two documentary videos and is the host of his wildly popular daily YouTube Channel the “Still Report”, the quintessential report on the economy and Washington.
Connect with Bill Still:……

(video) Senile Nancy Pelosi Thinks George Bush is Still President

Senile Nancy Pelosi Thinks George Bush is Still President

Tom Selleck: "I wish the news media would was in the shedding light business a little more than the creating heat business" – Tom Selleck & Kevin Wade: "Blue Bloods" | Talks At Google

“I wish the news media would was in the shedding light business a little more than the creating heat business.”

– Tom Selleck @ minute-37:00

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Tom Selleck & Kevin Wade: “Blue Bloods” | Talks At Google

(video) Nathanael: My Jewish Past

(video) Nathanael: Why I Left Judaism — “Why don’t Jews believe in Jesus Christ?” The rabbi spit on the floor and yelled: “Don’t you dare ever name that wicked name again!” • I decided: “I’ll find out for myself” • Conclusion: Christianity has been usurped by Talmudic Judaism in America, ‘a religion of death’
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My Jewish Past


Late night mind-control for the masses!
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(video) Trump's Jewish Elite MAFIA and the 5 Dancing Israelis (2017)

James Perloff suggested watching this in a recent interview. All of our recent presidents surrounded themselves by secret society members from the CFR, etc.. James points out that this doesn’t seem to be the case with Donald. Instead, his cabinet seems to be heavily Jewish.
At 9:30, the Talmudists said to be close to Donald are listed.
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TRUMP IS THE SWAMP: Trump’s Jewish Elite MAFIA and The 5 Dancing Israelis (2017)

(video) Watch ACTOR Randy Quaid Expose The Illuminati — David Carradine, Health Ledger, others whacked

Watch ACTOR Randy Quaid Expose The Illuminati (Illuminati Exposed) (2017)

(video) Ben Swann Disappears, Then Reappears With Cryptic Message

An excellent journalist who was exposing the very prevalent dark side…
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Ben Swann Disappears, Then Reappears With Cryptic Message

'Mary Tyler Moore Show' Knocked Down Moral Taboos in a Disarming Way

TalmudVision (TV) broke down Christian values in a disarming way.
Quote from the video: “The Mary Tyler Moore Show also begins knocking down taboos on television” 

Inside the Success of ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show’


'Mary Tyler Moore' set the standard for feminist television – Mary prioritized her career • Remained unmarried • She still had sex though • She even took birth control

6 reasons why ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show’ set the standard for feminist television


Madonna: I've made a career out of acting like a whore and telling women to act like whores. Now I'm outraged that Donald Trump made one vulgar comment 12 years ago.

Madonna is a Kabbalist convert.


(video) CIA Gloria Steinem At Women's March on Washington and the TRUTH about the Feminist Movement!

Gloria Steinem At Women’s March on Washington and the TRUTH about the Feminist Movement!

Kabbalist, Madonna Women's March Speech "Blowing Up The White House" on Washington Anti Trump FULL SPEECH

Madonna Womens March Speech “Blowing Up The White House” on Washington Anti Trump FULL SPEECH

(video) Alex Jones Dances With 5 Israeli Jews – You Can't Make This Up

Related — The Dancing Israelis involved with 9/11:
(video) 911 Missing Links – Israeli Mossad Involvement – Full Documentary
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Alex Jones Dances With 5 Israeli Jews – You Can’t Make This Up

Published on Jan 21, 2017
Alex Jones, right on cue.

(video) Ashley Judd Rants About Tampons and Her Period at Women’s March in D.C. — the fall of America

This is what TalmudVision does to women who sell their soul for fame & $$$, instead of digging deeper into her Christian roots.
Horrible, reality wake-up to how far our nation has fallen!
Ashley Judd’s nasty woman speech:

Ashley Judd Rants About Tampons and Her Period – Women’s March in D.C.

(video) Tucker Carlson – Tulsi Gabbard Interview – Stop Arming Terrorists

She’s a hero!
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Tucker Carlson – Tulsi Gabbard Interview – Arming Terrorists

(video) Former Black Panther DESTROYS John Lewis on Tucker Carlson Tonight, saying Lewis should apologize for enabling the abuser

Former Black Panther DESTROYS John Lewis on Tucker Carlson Tonight

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