[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8BTMK9c1XE]Why Liberals Should NOT Vote For Bernie Sanders
Category: People Page 48 of 62
[youtube=www.youtube.com/watch?v=YumrF9dv5vE]STAR TREK, GENE RODDENBERRY and the COUNCIL OF NINE
Published on Feb 26, 2015
Humanist / “Athiest” Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek concepts were deeply influenced by a paranormal group that channeled the evil spirits / devils who call themselves “The Council of Nine”.
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QhF-sMdJVg]Lucky Larry Silverstein
Published on Oct 18, 2014
link to ken o’keefe’s video
(video) “The Smoking Gun” of 9/11 – WTC Building 7
(video) 9/11, Israel & the Mossad – Christopher Bollyn with Sean Stone
Book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, by Christopher Bollyn (Who-did-9/11 book online — free download!) • Paperback at Amazon
(video) Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9/11 attacks and post-9/11 wars
(video) Have We Been Deceived About What Happened on 9/11? Christopher Bollyn
Facebook: Solving 9-11 Books by Christopher Bollyn
(video) Rebekah Roth: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad
(audio) Rebekah Roth: Methodical Illusion – Missing Pieces of 9-11 — Flight attendant applies her intimate knowledge of the airline industry’s protocols, procedures and technology, uncovering AMAZING details of what really happened on September 11, 2001!
Facebook: Rebekah Roth Methodical Illusion
Israeli Mossad Motto: “By deception thou shalt do war”
(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”
(video) POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!
(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, radically bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel
(video) Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
(audio) Airline Captain Philip Marshall with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/8/12: “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror” — Fasten your seatbelt — the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. The hijackers were trained at a CIA-operated airport in Arizona.
(video) Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower, Susan Lindauer, Charged Under Patriot Act
(audio) The Other 9/11 Suspects: Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. — Insider, Kevin Ryan on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with John B. Wells, 8/31/13 — WTC was designed to survive an impact of airliners and certified to withstand intense fires!
Joel Skousen: Best Evidence – 9/11 attacks a government black operation from beginning to end
A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess
(video) Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!
(video) Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”
David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”
(video) Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11
Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”
(video) 9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections
(video) 9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”
Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire
[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length
(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates
9/11 Pentagon: What the Physical Evidence Shows — 757 landing gear, wheel hub, fuselage part — severed lamp poles
(HD video) 9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain – Barbara Honegger — Massive amount of research shared!
(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates
All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)
From: TIME
“People ((in Hollywood)) are Jewish. And it’s a frightening thing for them to promote Christianity.”
— Dolly Parton, on why her proposed TV series about a country star turned gospel singer met with such little interest
From: ihr.org
When country singer Dolly Parton told Vogue magazine a couple of months ago that her idea for a TV series about a country singer who becomes a gospel singer was turned down by Hollywood, she said that “everyone’s afraid to touch anything that religious because most of the people out here are Jewish, and it’s a frightening thing for them to promote Christianity.”
But the ADL’s chief troublemaker, Abe Foxman, immediately flew into one of his by-now tiresome furies and fired off a letter (which he made available to the news media, of course) to Dolly, scolding her for her innocent, honest comment. Foxman charged that Ms. Parton was invoking “the old antisemitic stereotype of Jewish control of Hollywood and hostility toward Christianity.” He did not, however, directly contradict her or deny that Hollywood is controlled by his fellow Jews.
Being the nice person she is and knowing on which side her bread is buttered, Dolly dutifully and publicly apologized. She wrote to Foxman, “I regret that my words could have conjured up an impression of Jewish ‘control’ of Hollywood.” Ever the arrogant, whining bully, Foxman accepted Ms. Parton’s atonement, informing the media that is was a “refreshing capitulation.” And the Hollywood lie lives on [Denying that Jews Control the Film Business].
From: ToBeFree
“I remember when Dolly Partin came out and said that if you’re not willing to do what Israel wants you’re not going to have a career in Hollywood. And of course, that was the day her career in Hollywood absolutely ended.” – Mike Rivero
Jeff Rense is offering these informative and amazing interviews with the former high wizard, Zachary King for free.
Here, Zach discusses his encounter with Barack Obama at Bohemian Grove in the mid-’90s in the 10/8/15 show, hour 3 @minutes 29 & 45. He also mentions that Henry Kissinger is a regular attendee, including during other events held at the Grove.
Zach was told Obama would one day be President, way back in the mid-’90s!
Lots of important topics discussed in these five hours, including Zachary’s story within Satanism for 26 years, and as a high wizard for 12 years (only about 10 in the world at any given time). He was at Bohemian Grove 28 times.
From Rense.com:
Zachary King
Saved From A Life Of Satanic Evil FREE LISTEN MP3s Hour 2 – 10.8.15 Hour 3 – 10.8.15 Hour 1- 9.8.15 Hours 2&3 – 9.30.15 |
“Christian” Zionists have turned on Jesus’ words: “Blessed are the peacemakers” and “love your brother, love even your enemy as you love yourself.”
“Wars seed immorality.”
– Chuck Carlson
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
* * *
Chuck’s Godly, kind-hearted attitude: 14:00
The truth about Cyrus Scofield! at 27:20
Scofield Reference Bible’s role at 31:15
• God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
Praying for war instead of peace at 46:45
• Christian Zionists enable war
• Jesus’ words, “Blessed are the peacemakers” bothers them
* * *
Watch on YouTube
The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy
We Hold These Truths [Chuck Carlson]
Uploaded on Nov 18, 2011
Ever wonder why so many Christians support America’s many wars, especially in the Middle East? A new Christianity has emerged from the Twentieth Century called Christian Zionism or what could be called, “Angry Evangelicalism,” or “Dispensationalism on Steroids.” What motivates a nationally known, evangelical preacher like John Hagee to call for a preemptive strike against Iran when it is contrary to what Jesus taught and commanded his followers to do? This “Roots of Zionism” presentation may be the first of its kind with a factual explanation of how Christianity’s latest apostate epidemic was launched with the publishing of C. I. Scofield’s reference Bible in 1909, and the influence of the notes in it. While purposefully reaching and helping many under Christian Zionist influence by featuring its identification and cure, this 2nd edition offers hope to all people, regardless of faith, who may also wish to leave it’s grasp. Film clips include action inside Gaza Strip and a moving interview with Shareen, a young Palestinian woman living in Gaza. Check out our website: whtt.org for the latest news on Christian Zionism and the “Angry” evangelicals. Or listen to our free podcasts at whtt.podbean.com
(video) Ted Pike: ‘The Other Israel’ — The Talmudic system that seeks our ruin!
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
Book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, by Christopher Bollyn (Who-did-9/11 book online — free download!) • Paperback at Amazon
Israeli Mossad Motto: “By deception thou shalt do war”
(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…
Poll: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims
(video) Miko Peled: Myths of 1967 (Israel’s Six Day War)
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???
Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel
Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
Israel: Tel Aviv Shuts Down Entire City For Annual Gay Pride Parade — Benjamin Netanyahu “Proud” and Congratulates!
Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees
Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election
Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]
When Billy Graham laughed to minimize Bill Clinton’s adultery
illy Graham (a Freemason?) Praises the DeMolays – Masonic Youth Group
Why Does Christian Persecution Get Worse In Every Country The U.S. “Liberates?”
Mark points out similarities with the Skull and Bones coffin initiation ritual, of which the Bush family are famous members.
This is no joke.
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIYNxUWH8qo]Illuminati Pig Sex Initiation Ritual – David Cameron – Prime Minister of UK – Accused
Published on Sep 21, 2015
David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is being accused of engaging in a sex act with a dead pig as part of an initiation ritual into an exclusive secret society while he was a student at Oxford University. The allegations are being made by Lord Ashcroft who was once the Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, not just some random “conspiracy theorist.”
I’ve been listening to Mark a lot lately. Here is a little about him.
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxfDuXBvggQ]Mark Dankof, Minister & Commentator
Published on Oct 27, 2013
A Lutheran pastor by profession, Mark has won widespread international recognition in recent years for his no-nonsense political commentary (both written and broadcast) on many of the tough issues of the day.
Armed with facts, a devotion to America and its culture and tradition—not to mention an impressive platform style—Mark once ran for the U.S. Senate on the ticket of the Constitution Party.
John B. refers to this discussion with Jakari at Infowars:
Apparently, this is the report that John B. believes was stolen from “DJ”:
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QItm4Z6aDOQ]Caravan To Midnight – Episode 314 John B Wells Calls Out Alex Jones, Michael Savage & The Captain
Published on Jun 22, 2015
Ep. 314 – Joining us for this edition is the author of The Autistic Holocaust, Jon E. Mica, to discuss why our children keep getting sick. But first, a quick visit with software engineer “DJ.” John calls out Alex Jones of Info Wars, Michael Savage on GMOs & Captain Cangaroo.
Buy This Caravan To Midnight Episode for 2.99
Please Subscribe At
Former Host of Coast To Coast AM John B Wells is now in control on Caravan To Midnight
I miss Dave no longer being on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. I still tune in a lot, but not as much as when Dave was on.
Dave is a creative genius, demonstrated here.
Enjoy and be “edumacated”!
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From: 911underground.com/radio
2008-02-06 Dave vonKleist Hosts Architect Richard Gage:
(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”
(video) POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!
(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, radically bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel
(video) Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
(audio) Airline Captain Philip Marshall with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/8/12: “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror” — Fasten your seatbelt — the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. The hijackers were trained at a CIA-operated airport in Arizona.
(video) Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower, Susan Lindauer, Charged Under Patriot Act
(audio) The Other 9/11 Suspects: Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. — Insider, Kevin Ryan on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with John B. Wells, 8/31/13 — WTC was designed to survive an impact of airliners and certified to withstand intense fires!
Joel Skousen: Best Evidence – 9/11 attacks a government black operation from beginning to end
A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess
(video) Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!
(video) Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”
David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”
(video) Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11
Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”
(video) 9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections
(video) 9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”
Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire
[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length
(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates
9/11 Pentagon: What the Physical Evidence Shows — 757 landing gear, wheel hub, fuselage part — severed lamp poles
(HD video) 9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain – Barbara Honegger — Massive amount of research shared!
(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates
All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)
A globalist owns our newspaper to push their agenda here in Alaska.
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Related: President Obama visits the home of Alaska Dispatch News publisher Alice Rogoff
* * *
Alice Nicole Rubenstein (née Alice Nicole Rogoff, born November 10, 1951), is an American publisher, business executive, philanthropist, and arts patron. (source)
* * *
David Mark Rubenstein (born August 11, 1949) is an American financier and philanthropist best known as co-founder and co-chief executive officer of The Carlyle Group,[3] a global private equity investment firm based in Washington D.C. He is also currently serving as chairman of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and chairman of the board of trustees at Duke University, his alma mater.[3] According to the Forbes ranking of the wealthiest people in America, Rubenstein has a net worth of $3.1 billion. …
- Brookings Institution – Vice Chairman[29]
- Carlyle Group – Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer[3]
- Council on Foreign Relations – Vice Chairman[30]
- …
- World Economic Forum – International Business Council[39] (source)
* * *
Committee of 300″ membership list for 2010
by John Coleman
The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.
David Rubenstein (source)
* * *
From: Washington Post
What’s this Washington insider and billionaire’s wife doing in Alaska?
..for someone who has generated so much news, there has been remarkably little published about her. …
Rogoff’s husband was casting about for a post-White House career. In 1987, he co-founded the Carlyle Group….
As the firm grew, it recruited senior statesmen as partners or advisers — including former defense secretary Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker and former president George H.W. Bush — and set about investing in defense contractors. These moves would attract charges that it helped former pols cash in on their connections and conspiracy theories that it profited from the 2003 Iraq war. The firm eventually broadened its portfolio beyond military contractors and now manages almost $200 billion in global assets across a dizzying array of sectors, including agriculture, transportation, natural resources, mining, aerospace, automotive, energy, health care, information technology, real estate and retail.
The Bush and Rubenstein families traveled together….
Rogoff told me, she began reading the “brilliant” work of Scott Borgerson, a former U.S. Coast Guard lieutenant commander and Council on Foreign Relations fellow….
In several articles for Foreign Affairs magazine, Borgerson noted that the Russians, Canadians, Danish and Norwegians are establishing deepwater ports along their Arctic shorelines, funding new Arctic naval patrol vessels and staking territorial claims on the Arctic Ocean floor. …
Former Daily News executive editor Pat Dougherty…said: “The sale of the Daily News to the Dispatch is not the story of the feisty little Web site that persevered and toppled the old media giant. This is the story of an heiress, married to a billionaire, who was willing to pay whatever it took to buy the state’s most influential newspaper and most successful Web site.” …
This is a sad day and hopefully a wake-up call for Alex. I hope he reconsiders and apologizes to David for his behavior in this debate and afterward. Alex was mean, and did to others what he would not want done to himself. I wonder why Alex is covering for this conspiracy against Christ and His people.
Very important topic and debate event. Well written response, David!
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From: davidduke.com
Dr. David Duke: Official Statement on The Duke-Jones Great Debate
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPa1wLvCovE]
Dr. David Duke: Official Statement on The Duke-Jones Great Debate
As I have said, I am not in any way an enemy of Alex Jones.
He has caused a lot of people to distrust the media, the government, banks and the great powers that are leading America, The West and the World to catastrophe. He is right in opposing the Global elite, but I believe we cannot defeat this elite if we don’t identify exactly who this elite is.
We must identify the elite that is in a war with European mankind and all humanity.
Even though Mr. Jones made snide attacks on me in his 30 minute challenge for the debate and in the debate made snide comments about whether I was a goblin or cyclops, etc. and using the completely false “white supremacist” attack in diatribes and caricatures of me before the debate as well as doing so a few times in the debate, I engaged in no name calling or ridicule of him. I could have cited a number of outrageous things he has said and done. I did not respond in kind. I was there to educate.
No. I came on his show at his own invitation to have an intellectual discussion on the world’s greatest problem, the globalist war on humanity, a war being waged on behalf of a small tyrannical tribal elite. Yes. I said it, the driving force behind The New World Order and Globalism is the Jewish Tribal Elite!
If you watch this debate I believe you will see that I made my points with facts and heartfelt concern for true human rights and justice. What I did on the show was prove the identity of the real tribal racist supremacists who sit at the pinnacle of power. I used their own leaders words to prove it. For instance in the banking sector, I did so by identifying every FED Chairman and FED Vice-Chairman for the last three decades: Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Cohn and Fischer. The elite of the most powerful financial consortium on earth. I showed that every one of them are Zionist, Jewish supremacists.
I proved that these Jewish tribal supremacists are not simply the part of the globalist elite, but the real rulers over it. I also showed clearly that there are plenty of non-Jewish collaborators, but the Jewish elite are the real force behind globalism.
I proved how these ethnic ultra-supremacists and haters of the rest of mankind are the ones who are literally wiping out European mankind and how they have taken over the elite of every Western nation in mass media, International Banking and now are real power in the politics of our countries.
It is my belief that these racist, supremacist hypocrites can be defeated, will be defeated — that indeed they do have enormous, unbridled power, but still they can be unseated by changing the consensus. The first task in our struggle for survival and freedom and beauty is to identify those who the driving force behind the greatest evils on Earth, who are behind the endless wars for Israel and who are the real kingpins of the predator banks such as Goldman Sachs and the FED. For instance the Zio supremacists are behind the destruction of every higher human value and ideal with their domination of toxic, degenerate, sick and hate-filled media that poisons and defiles all mankind.
For European mankind, the crisis is even more acute than for other peoples, because the power of the Jewish elite in finance, media and politics has been the overwhelming driving force behind massive immigration into European populated nations which is ethnically cleansing and destroying the European people in each and every Western nation.
I did and still hope that Alex will become part of this rising consensus that is growing exponentially.
I don’t want to go on the warpath with Alex Jones.
But, I am shocked that this great debate that he promoted on his show, has suddenly disappeared from his website and channel.
Thousands of people have posted and emailed that they believe this program could be a great turning point because finally the elite, the insiders, are finally clearly identified.
I hope he puts this debate he so promoted before it occurred on his main Alex Jones Youtube Channel.
If he doesn’t, thousands of copies of “The Alex Jones show he desperately doesn’t want you to see” will be posted the length breadth of the Internet. And that’s a shame, because he should proud of the fact he arranged this debate. He should not trying to send it down the memory hole and hide from his listeners.
One way or the other our debate will be seen by millions, perhaps even billions. I don’t want him to be seen as man who wants to censor the truth from his own trusting and loyal audience.
Let’s hope he won’t try to keep his own supporters from seeing the debate he himself promoted, a debate that he technically controlled by his own studio — while my only arsenal was my mind and my heart — and av35 dollar video cam.
I didn’t mind that he said he doesn’t agree with me. I didn’t mind that he tried to argue and refute my facts or ideas.
The Zio forces I expose are powerful. I don’t mind if he defends himself by saying “Why should I not be able to interview David Duke on my show when he has been on Meet the Press 3 times. (a perfect and bulletproof defense)
All I care is that America and the world awakens to reality of the one great enemy of our people and every people.
The world must awaken to the true power behind the globalist elite tribal tyrants who hate Europeans and who are wiping out this part of humanity who has brought so much beauty and progress to the world, ane ultimately to all mankind. I also want the whole world to realize that the Zio takeover and destruction of the European people in our own lands has caused enormous harm to their own nations.
This Great David Duke-Alex Jones Debate will not and cannot be suppressed.
As one Jones supporter said, “The Genie is out of the bottle!”
There is no putting it back.
This video, this Great Debate can be one of the best tools to wake people up. It summarizes everything perfectly with facts and heartfelt honesty. It can be an historic turning point if all us promote and share it enough.
It will not go down the memory hole.
That I know.
Jones invited me. He said he believed in free speech that he was an enemy of political correctness.
How will it look if he censors his own show to his own supporters?
I am still hopeful that he will post the video of the debate on his own main Alex Jones Channel on his Youtube website, and that he has me on his show again as he promised.
I wish him well. It was a brave thing to invite me.
But it would be a terrible thing for him to back down now and cower the Jewish tribalist elite tyrants over our society, the masters of political correctness..
This debate can be a turning point in the struggle of European liberation and World Liberation.
When does our liberation happen? When we break through this Zio Dam of oppression of even our thoughts — the world then will change in an instant.
The Great Debate Jones and I did can help break that dam and when millions begin to speak out against Jewish tribalist supremacism, everyone will then will be able speak openly and identify the tyrants ruling over us. Then the world changes.
They have power over us only because we have not freed our own minds and unmuzzled our voices.
Alex Jones, perhaps is not willing to say what I say, but at least he can help usher in an age of defiance.
He can be defiant in defending and practicing real free thought and free speech. That means allowing discussion about even the ultimate taboo, the tribal supremacist elite who control the global media, global banking, global politics of the world.
I urge Alex Jones to take credit for the good thing he did in actually offering and having a free discussion in which obviously, millions of people finally learned of the ultimate elite in American and around the world.
The truth is obvious, its like when the little boy exposed the nakedness of . “Emperor’s New Clothes” You can see this by 90 percent support of my views by his own subscribers after the debate. You can see by tens of thousands of posts on the videos and audios of the debate across the blogosphere!.
Hopefully it was just some misguided staff member that is endeavoring to suppress this Great Debate, maybe one of the legion of Zionists who infiltrate so often and never miss an opportunity to suppress real debate on this critical subject.
Alex Jones should be thanked for proposing and going through with this debate. He arranged it, and he made possible for the world to hear it.
Mr. Jones, the world must hear it! No matter what, the world will hear it!
With best wishes and hopes that Alex Jones will stand by the principles with which he began his media career, and hopefully still holds dear!
And I send my love to each of you who have the courage to stand up honestly for your freedom and heritage wherever you live in the world. Download this debate and let the whole world see and hear it.
It’s up to you!
God Bless You All,
Dr. David Duke
(video) David Duke discusses Alex Jones’ debate on Mike Rivero’s ‘What Really Happened’ Show 8/25/15 — “We’ve been taken over by a racist supremacist group”
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!
(video) Ted Pike: ‘The Other Israel’ — The Talmudic system that seeks our ruin!
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…
Poll: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims
40% of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel Are Sexually Abused; Virtually All Are Tortured
Israelis Who Cheered On Missile Strikes Threatened to Destroy CNN Reporter’s Car
(video) 5 Reasons Why Israel is an Apartheid State
(video) Ray McGovern: Israel/Washington Dehumanize Palestinians — Like blades of grass that have to be mowed periodically — Israeli Children’s textbooks don’t even show pictures of Palestinians
The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty
‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House
Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!
(video) The Shocking Jewish Role in Slavery, I & II: What Jewish Historians Say | The Media Coverup — Unlike Hollywood’s portrayals, slave shipping was mainly a Jewish enterprise, and Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than whites!
Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?
Netanyahu: ‘America is easily moved’ (unaware camera) | Lies about Iran – history
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
Israel: Tel Aviv Shuts Down Entire City For Annual Gay Pride Parade — Benjamin Netanyahu “Proud” and Congratulates!
Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”
Very interesting, possibly landmark debate on who controls US.
As of right now, 8/20/15, Alex is actually being a jerk, sadly, losing massive credibility in how he’s responded post-debate. Hopefully, this will change very soon.
David Duke’s open letter to Alex explains:
Official Statement on The Duke-Jones Great Debate by David Duke – Final, Illustrated Version
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPa1wLvCovE]Alex Jones debates David Duke 2015 08 18 full interview
Published on Aug 20, 2015
Alex Jones: http://infowars.com
David Duke: http://daviduke.com
As Alex says: Do your own research and make up your mind. Please LIKE Share and Favorite. Thanks
Also shown here:
Watch at Minute-50[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mePTyHEWWCw]The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Tuesday August 18 2015: Michael Maloof, David Duke
(video) David Duke discusses Alex Jones’ debate on Mike Rivero’s ‘What Really Happened’ Show 8/25/15 — “We’ve been taken over by a racist supremacist group”
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!
(video) Ted Pike: ‘The Other Israel’ — The Talmudic system that seeks our ruin!
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…
Poll: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims
40% of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel Are Sexually Abused; Virtually All Are Tortured
Israelis Who Cheered On Missile Strikes Threatened to Destroy CNN Reporter’s Car
(video) 5 Reasons Why Israel is an Apartheid State
(video) Ray McGovern: Israel/Washington Dehumanize Palestinians — Like blades of grass that have to be mowed periodically — Israeli Children’s textbooks don’t even show pictures of Palestinians
The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty
‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House
Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!
(video) The Shocking Jewish Role in Slavery, I & II: What Jewish Historians Say | The Media Coverup — Unlike Hollywood’s portrayals, slave shipping was mainly a Jewish enterprise, and Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than whites!
Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?
Netanyahu: ‘America is easily moved’ (unaware camera) | Lies about Iran – history
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
Israel: Tel Aviv Shuts Down Entire City For Annual Gay Pride Parade — Benjamin Netanyahu “Proud” and Congratulates!
Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”
World Affairs Brief, July 31, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com).
This Week’s Analysis:
Backgrounder on Republican Candidates
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Rick Santorum
John Kasich
George Pataki
Lindsey Graham
Carly Fiorina
Ted Cruz
Rand Paul
Ben Carson
Donald Trump
Scott Walker
Jim Gilmore
Mike Huckabee
Rick Perry
Bobby Jindal
The junior senator from Kentucky is the son of Ron Paul, the most principled of the modern statesman. Sadly, however, the younger Paul seems to think he can get farther ahead than his father by playing up to the establishment and changing the Republican agenda to become more amenable to the growing benefit-corrupted majority. He unwisely endorsed Mitch McConnell over the much more conservative challenger Matt Bevin and got nothing in return.
Still, he does stand up and fight for the right causes on most occasions. Like Ted Cruz, Paul does not shy away from directly challenging the establishment when necessary. Both have filibustered to keep gun restrictions at bay and Paul has done a lot to try and stop the renewal of the Patriot act and block NSA domestic spying.
But of all the true conservative/libertarian candidates on the Right, Paul has some formidable obstacles to a successful campaign. In fact, there is significant evidence that his campaign is in disarray due to staff differences and lack of money. As Politico.com noted,
Senator Paul has raised significantly less than most major candidates, pulling in $6.9 million, including a $1.6 million transfer from his Senate committee. Affiliated super PACs have raised only $5 million. Meanwhile, Jeb Bush’s super PAC has raised $103 million, and Ted Cruz’s got over $37 million. By comparison, in the last two quarters of 2007, Ron Paul, who had literally zero percent name ID in early internal analyses, raised $25.2 million,
Ron Paul achieved that by a grass roots appeal to small donors. Rand could do that too if he’d take a more principled approach and stop compromising. That’s why his father’s followers are so loyal.
Dr. Paul also has some serious distractions with family problems. His wife reportedly is not supportive of his run for the president and much of that is due to a single problem son. As the Wonkette.com wrote,
Rand Paul’s son, Young Master William Hilton Heir of Rand And Ron Paul, has a bit of a problem. He just can’t stop getting drunk when he is not supposed to. Like, when he is underage. Or driving a vehicle… According to the citation, Lexington police found Paul at 11:24 a.m. sitting in the driver’s seat of a maroon 2006 Honda Ridgeline that had collided with a parked vehicle. The report said Paul was “belligerent” and had “a strong odor of alcohol,” bloodshot eyes and slurred speech… Paul was charged at the hospital with DUI and failure to maintain required auto insurance. Why are we being so mean to Rand Paul’s dumb 22-year-old kid? It’s not just because he is majoring in “communications.” No, it’s because this is his THIRD TIME getting in trouble for unlawful boozing — before noon! — and being a jerk.
Inexcusably, Rand Paul failed to respond to an invitation to speak at my brother’s huge Freedom Fest convention in Las Vegas last week. Marco Rubio showed and so did Donald Trump to a packed audience of 2800 people. Every network camera was rolling to film more outlandish statements by Trump so they can have ammunition to bash the conservative position.
These kinds of campaign failures are hurting Sen. Paul in the polls—and the establishment would love to see Paul ousted from the debates. In the latest NBC News/Marist poll, Paul’s support in New Hampshire has declined from 14% to 4%. If that trend continues, he’ll be out of the running soon.
Despite some compromises disappointing to hard line conservatives, Rand Paul is still very much a future force to be reckoned with now that the PTB are pushing liberals like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are the ones the establishment is out to beat.
Abortion [Solid]
Life begins at conception. (Jul 2010)
Opposes federal abortion funding. (Aug 2010)
Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (May 2011)
Budget and Economy [Solid]
Reform the tax code; address the national debt. (Apr 2015)
Federal Reserve is insolvent, by private bank standards. (Feb 2015)
Audit the Fed: currently no jurisdiction to do so. (Feb 2015)
Roll back federal spending to 2008 levels. (Jan 2012)
Bank bailout was bad policy & helped no banks in KY. (Oct 2010)
Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)
Civil Rights (and false rights) [Solid]
Marriage for heterosexuals; contracts for same-sex couples. (Apr 2015)
I don’t believe in rights based on your behavior. (Mar 2015)
Opposes affirmative action. (Aug 2010)
Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Aug 2010)
Crime and Police [Solid]
Stop transferring military equipment to local police forces. (May 2015)
Restore federal right to vote to non-violent felons. (Apr 2015)
Defend the whole Bill of Rights, including speedy trials. (Feb 2015)
Defend the 4th & 5th Amendments against Big Government. (Feb 2015)
Death penalty is a state issue. (Jul 2014)
Many criminal statutes lack requirement of criminal intent. (Sep 2012)
Eliminate the Lacey Act (s a conservation law in the United States that prohibits trade in wildlife, fish, and plants)
Drugs [Good libertarian position, but needs to increase penalties for crimes under the influence of drugs]
Jailing people for 10 years for marijuana is ridiculous. (Nov 2014)
Whites & blacks use drugs, but prisons are full of blacks. (Jul 2014)
War on drugs has unintentionally had a racial outcome. (Jun 2014)
Don’t promote marijuana but don’t jail non-violent criminals. (Mar 2013)
Favors legalizing medical marijuana. (May 2010)
Exclude industrial hemp (Marijuana plant) from definition of marijuana. (Aug 2012)
Education [Good]
Federal student loans are ok, if within spending limits. (Apr 2013)
Allow school choice for everyone, white, brown, or black. (Feb 2013)
No Child Left Behind is federal takeover of schools. (Feb 2012)
Support homeschooling and parental responsibility. (Jul 2010)
Energy [Good, except for Keystone pipeline]
Cut red tape to allow energy freedom & traditional energy. (Apr 2015)
Compete on the free market, including nuclear plants. (Jan 2015)
Develop mineral & energy resources on public lands. (Jan 2015)
Supports Keystone XL, plus domestic oil & gas exploration. (Jan 2015)
Test older gas pipelines for explosion safety. (Sep 2012)
End subsidies to solar companies; they’re donation kickbacks. (Mar 2012)
Unelected EPA should not regulate greenhouse emissions. (Oct 2010)
EPA regulations cost $15 trillion in 2012. (Sep 2012)
EPA enforcement nullifies due process and judicial review. (Sep 2012)
Land rules made by delusional government interventionists. (Sep 2012)
Navigable waters should mean permanently flowing. (Sep 2012)
Voted NO on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems. (May 2013)
Foreign Policy [Good at non-intervention, doesn’t see the phony war on terror]
Keep on mind on Iran nukes but don’t trust the ayatollahs. (Apr 2015)
Oppose bombing Assad in Syria because it strengthens ISIS. (Apr 2015)
Create & arm a Kurdish state as support against ISIL. (Apr 2015)
War only when all other measures are exhausted. (Apr 2015)
U.S. intervention in Libya strengthened Islamic State. (Apr 2015)
Stand with Israel Act: no US funds to Palestinian Authority. (Apr 2015)
2011: eliminate all foreign aid & rebuild America instead. (Apr 2015)
50-year embargo with Cuba hasn’t worked; lift it. (Dec 2014)
End US aid to countries that burn our flag. (Mar 2013)
Exit the UN; maintain US sovereignty. (Nov 2010)
Free Trade [Solid]
Participated with Raw Milk Freedom Riders civil disobedience. (Sep 2012)
Health Care [Solid, except for vaccine support]
Health system was over-regulated before ObamaCare. (Apr 2015)
Encourage vaccines, with religious exceptions. (Feb 2015)
Parents own their children, and can choose to not vaccinate. (Feb 2015)
Compassion cannot be delivered in the form of coercion. (Jan 2015)
Supports tort reform & free-market principles. (Jan 2015)
ObamaCare cuts hundreds of choices down to just four. (Nov 2013)
Protect vitamin manufacturers from unreasonable regulations. (Sep 2012)
ObamaCare is still unconstitutional, despite Supreme Court. (Aug 2012)
No mandatory mental health screening in schools. (Nov 2011)
Opposes government-run healthcare. (Aug 2010)
Defund, repeal, & replace federal care with free market. (Jul 2010)
Military and Homeland Security [Good]
Need NSA reform, but not the USA Freedom Act. (Nov 2014)
The Patriot Act is intrusive; it’s what the Founders feared. (Feb 2011)
Allow challenges to NSA in open court, not FISA court. (Nov 2013)
13-hour filibuster against drone strikes targeting Americans. (Mar 2013)
Immigration [Compromising]
Legal status for 11 million illegals after we secure border. (Apr 2015)
National ID card for all citizens protects national security. (Apr 2015)
Status quo is untenable; we must do some sort of reform. (Jun 2014)
Move beyond amnesty, but eventually to path to citizenship. (Jun 2014)
Illegals are not bad people, but we have to control border. (Apr 2014)
Latinos support GOP stances of faith and family values. (Jun 2013)
Legal status, but not citizenship, for illegal immigrants. (Mar 2013)
Taxes and jobs [Solid]
Help the unemployed by lowering taxes dramatically. (Mar 2014)
Unemployment insurance ok if fully paid for & short-term. (Jan 2014)
Extending unemployment benefits does disservice to workers. (Dec 2013)
National Right-to-Work Act: no forced unionization. (Feb 2013)
Welfare [OK except for SS changes—answer is to stop robbing the fund, and to limit benefits to total contributions adjusted for inflation]
Raise retirement age to save program for younger generation. (Apr 2015)
Supports private retirement accounts. (Aug 2010)
Taxes [Mixed—flat tax doesn’t eliminate IRS and distorts the economy, punishing high prices products with reduction in sales]
EZ Tax: $700B tax cut via 17% flat tax. (Apr 2015)
Balanced budget and a simple, fair tax system. (Feb 2015)
Economic growth comes when we lower taxes for everyone. (Jan 2014)
Stand firm and say NO to any MORE tax hikes!. (Feb 2013)
Opposed to increasing taxes during recession. (Feb 2011)
Sadly, there are no uncompromising Ron Paul’s in the lineup this election season. While even the uncontrolled Republican candidates have their weak points (all except Rand Paul indirectly support the globalist policies of intervention), the establishment is sufficiently concerned about Cruz and Paul to pull out all the stops to see they don’t achieve the nomination. Still, it isn’t enough for me to support any of them. I don’t have confidence in any significant change unless a president-elect understands the globalist conspiracy we are up against.
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Steve Quayle: “There are no political solutions to spiritual problems”
(POWERFUL Video) How Ron Paul Was Cheated Out Of Presidency
All of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)
Excellent interview!
TRC 75 Plant Derived Minerals Dietary Supplement, 32 Ounce at Amazon
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np_CwE-XYfo]Ben Fuchs Interviews Dr Joel Wallach
Published on Jan 13, 2015
For more interviews and health advice from Ben Fuchs and Dr. Wallach,
Ghost on the Canvas is the 61st album by Glen Campbell, which was intended to be Campbell’s farewell studio recording following him being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.[2] The production of the album was announced in March 2010.[3]
Campbell and his wife delayed informing the public about his illness until shortly before he embarked on the “Glen Campbell Goodbye Tour”. The Campbells decided to announce his diagnosis so that his audience would understand[4] why the performer might mistake the lyrics to songs or behave erratically.[5] They also wished to combat the social stigma of Alzheimer’s,[6] for the benefit of others suffering from the disease.[7] (source)
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMh78jF-fMQ]Glen Campbell “A Better Place” (Official Video)
Published on Jun 14, 2012
“A Better Place” is the second video from Glen Campbell’s critically acclaimed album “Ghost On The Canvas.” The video features a special guest appearance from Josh Homme (Queens Of The Stone Age, Kyuss, Them Crooked Vultures), and is directed by Kii Arens and Jason Trucco.
The legendary singer, guitarist, and television star, Glen Campbell was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease last year. Following more than 20 Top 40 hits and selling 50 million records worldwide, Campbell this year received a Lifetime Achievement GRAMMY Award (his 8th GRAMMY to date). He is currently midway through his “The Goodbye Tour” to say a fond thank you to his legions of loyal fans. Campbell’s final studio album “Ghost On The Canvas” is out now on Surfdog Records. The album represents a poignant look back at his life and career with contributions by the artists he continues to inspire.
This farewell video features Campbell looking back at his life and career. He also sends a personal message to his wife, Kimberley, a former Radio City Music Hall dancer that the Rhinestone Cowboy met on a blind date in 1981. “My love goes out to Kim, my amazing grace. You’ve been by my side through these changing times, and it means the world to me.”
Get “Ghost on the Canvas” on iTunes
Get “Ghost on the Canvas” on Amazon
For more information on Glen Campbell:
Website: http://www.glencampbellmusic.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/glencampbello…
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/glencampbell
Related video: Glen Campbell Live at Sioux Falls – DVD Bonus Features
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Track listing
- “Wichita Lineman” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:50
- “Gentle on My Mind” (John Hartford) – 2:46
- “Dreams of the Everyday Housewife” (Chris Gantry) – 2:27
- “Highwayman” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:01
- “By The Time I Get To Phoenix” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:06
- “Classical Gas“ (Mason Williams) – 3:04
- “It’s Only Make Believe” (Conway Twitty, Jack Nance) – 2:29
- “Little Green Apples” (Robert L. Russell) – 3:28 (duet with Debby Campbell)
- “Southern Nights” (Allen Toussaint) – 3:01
- “Rhinestone Cowboy” (Larry Weiss) – 3:05
- “Galveston” (Jimmy Webb) – 4:00
- “Since I Fell for You” (Woodrow Johnson) – 2:52
- “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:03
- “William Tell Overture“ (Gioachino Rossini, arr. by Glen Campbell, Dennis McCarthy) – 2:49
- “True Grit” (Don Black, Elmer Bernstein) – 2:58
- “Still Within the Sound of My Voice” (Jimmy Webb) – 4:00
- “Amazing Grace“ (John Newton) – 3:13
- “Try a Little Kindness” (Bobby Austin, Thomas Sapaugh) – 4:57
- “Don’t Pull Your Love/Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye” (Lambert, Brian Potter) – 3:18
- “Time in a Bottle” (Jim Croce) – 2:28
- “Let It Be Me” (Gilbert Bécaud, Manny Kurtz, Pierce Leroyer) – 2:16 (duet with Debby Campbell)
- “MacArthur Park“ (Jimmy Webb) – 7:34
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zqyQN6NnuY]Glen Campbell In Concert In Sioux Falls
Published on Nov 11, 2014
The incredible talent that is Glen Campbell, in Concert with the South Dakota Symphony in 2001. Recorded for the PBS special “Glen Campbell – In Concert”,
1.”Wichita Lineman” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:50
2.”Gentle On My Mind” (John Hartford) – 2:46
3.”Dreams of the Everyday Housewife” (Chris Gantry) – 2:27
4.”Highwayman” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:01
5.”By The Time I Get To Phoenix” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:06
6.”Classical Gas” (Mason Williams) – 3:04
7.”It’s Only Make Believe” (Conway Twitty, Jack Nance) – 2:29
8.”Little Green Apples” (Robert L. Russell) – 3:28 (duet with Debby Campbell)
9.”Southern Nights” (Allen Toussaint) – 3:01
10.”Rhinestone Cowboy” (Larry Weiss) – 3:05
11.”Galveston” (Jimmy Webb) – 4:00
12.”Since I Fell for You” (Woodrow Johnson) – 2:52
13.”The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” (Jimmy Webb) – 3:03
14.”William Tell Overture” (Gioachino Rossini, arr. by Glen Campbell, Dennis McCarthy) – 2:49
15.”True Grit” (Don Black, Elmer Bernstein) – 2:58
16.”Still Within The Sound of My Voice” (Jimmy Webb) – 4:00
17.”Amazing Grace” (John Newton) – 3:13
18.”Try A Little Kindness” (Bobby Austin, Thomas Sapaugh) – 4:57
19.”Don’t Pull Your Love/Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye” (Lambert, Brian Potter) – 3:18
20.”Time in a Bottle” (Jim Croce) – 2:28
21.”Let It Be Me” (Gilbert Bécaud, Manny Kurtz, Pierce Leroyer) – 2:16 (duet with Debby Campbell)
22.”MacArthur Park” (Jimmy Webb) – 7:34
Glen Campbell – vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Debby Campbell – vocals
Gary Bruzesse – vocals, drums
Jeff Dayton – vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Noel Kirkland – vocals, fiddle, banjo, acoustic guitar, keyboards
T.J. Kuenster – musical director, vocals, keyboards
Kenny Skaggs – vocals, acoustic guitar, steel guitar, dobro, mandolin
Russ Skaggs – vocals, bass guitar
The South Dakota Symphony
Executive producer – Glen Campbell, Martin Fischer
Producer – Tom David, T.J. Kuenster
Music director/conductor – T.J. Kuenster
Recorder- Tom David, Greg Lankford
Mixed by Steve Johnson, Tom Davis
Remote facilities provided by TNN
Productions in Nashville, TN
Recorded for the PBS special “Glen Campbell – In Concert” by High Five Television
This recording remains the property of Columbia River
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFw3bd6l4ng]Is Trump A Wolf In Populist Clothing?
Published on Aug 8, 2015
America, remember when a young upstart Illinois Senator Barack Obama promised everything under the sun. Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, well it was 10 trillion then, it’s over 18 trillion now. Obama promised shovel ready American jobs, but as Obama’s golf games increased and he spent millions of taxpayer dollars on his vacations, he ignored his jobs council, now we have an economy with more than 1/3 of the country on welfare. Not to mention an emboldened surveillance state, militarized constitution despising police, a middle class destroying healthcare program, steady unemployment, wide open borders, huge foreign policy failures in the Middle East, Europe,and South America, an impending corporate world government courtesy of the TPP and a nation increasingly divided on race. Basically, everything Obama promised was a big fat lie. HIs biggest achievement appears to be the ability to lead the American people along like lemmings.
Who is the globalist straw man this time around? Could it be Donald Trump? The Washington Post reported that “Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.
Four Trump allies and one Clinton associate familiar with the exchange said that Clinton encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party and offered his own views of the political landscape.”
Donald Trump is a longtime friend of the Clinton’s. So what would the strategy look like in order for Trump to buttress Hillary’s Presidential campaign as it struggles with the shackles of her latest debacle of an FBI email investigation, where at least 4 of the emails on her private server were found to be classified.
First, delay the democratic presidential debate. Done, we won’t see a Democratic Presidential debate for over two months. And the handful of candidates are already complaining that the schedule of six primary debates are designed to allow Hillary to shine.
Second, send in the Donald to stir up the Republican campaign. Test the waters, by using promises and observations about America that Hillary can utilize later in her campaign. And once Trump has dominated and weakend the Republican field with his faux populism, jump off the Republican bandwagon and run as a third party candidate. Which is something Trump has already hinted at.
Debate season, when the candidates actually talk about the criminal conspiracy that has devoured our government and transformed it into a corporation masquerading as a democracy. Not to be mentioned again, once they are in office, as the season of populism morphs into a reign of tyranny.
Many don’t want to consider the idea that occult, secret societies work behind the scenes, controlling almost everything. But the only way to understand what has and is currently going on is to consider their powerful role.
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From: The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K. G., and His Times 1881
“There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House, but without considering and understanding which we shall never rightly comprehend the position of Italy — I mean the secret societies. The secret societies do not care for constitutional government. They do not want existing society ameliorated, they want it changed.”
“It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe — the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries — are covered with a net-work of these secret societies.”
– Benjamin Disraeli, before Parliament in 1856 (source)
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFXspC-jjKM]Carly Fiorina’s Ties To The CIA!
Published on Aug 8, 2015
Besides massive layoffs and a 50% decline in Hewlett Packard’s stock during her brief tenure as CEO, what else has Carly Fiorina done? With legal barriers to Big Brother surveillance ignored, Carly has partnered with Michael Hayden to promote removal of any technological barriers to total surveillance of the American people.
Now we know why FOX news has relentlessly promoted Carly Fiorina’s “performance” at the debate.
The Wichita Lineman is currently my favorite song. So much heart in it! I’m planning on learning it, soon.
I’m also praying for the Third Great Awakening to happen, so the Glen Campbells can get healed and the world will know.
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0znHylp0xPU]Glen Campbell Talks With Sally Jessy Raphael
Published on Aug 21, 2015
From November 1989, Glen Campbell talks with Sally Jessy Raphael, mainly about his personal life, his marriages, his career in the beginning, working with Elvis, being on Shindig; his wife Kim joins him and together they talk about how they met and how God straightened out both of their lives. Glen also does a great imitation of his mom! He wraps the interview with a medley of his hits, just him and his guitar. Their kids, little Cal & Shannon & Ashley, are seen at the end.
‘Christians,’ are we going to get ‘ONE’ happening so the world will know — to be free from the Matrix??
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9TUJN-j50w]Why It’s Good That Jon Stewart Is Leaving
Published on Aug 6, 2015
In this video Luke Rudkowski breaks down the man that is Jon Stewart or Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz his real name. Lots of people are celebrating this pundit now but there’s a lot of information that should be known but is not.
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ093On3nFc]Farewell To A Great Patriot
Published on Aug 4, 2015
How we’re getting jacked!
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY-BPJXf-Vg]Illuminati Infiltration of Christianity – Fritz Springmeier & Timothy Alberino
Published on Nov 30, 2014
In this interview, Timothy Alberino and Fritz Springmeier discuss the insidious infiltration of the Illuminati into Christian churches, organizations and ministries.
Fritz Springmeier is a world renowned researcher and writer, and is widely considered to be the foremost expert on the Illuminati. His magnum opus, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, details the family lineages, hierarchy, and organizational nexus of the Illuminati, and provides incredible insight into their methods of infiltration and world domination.
Click on the link below to obtain a copy of Bloodlines of the Illuminati, and other books by author Fritz Springmeier.
When Billy Graham laughed to minimize Bill Clinton’s adultery
Pedophilia: How Justice Scalia really died | More on Billy Graham
Billy Graham (a Freemason?) Praises the DeMolays – Masonic Youth Group
Billy Graham Recommends Psych Meds for Depression — No mention of getting right with people and God; praying in the Spirit; proper nutrition, etc.
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
The meaning of “Grace” (χαρις) in the Bible: It’s not what you think?
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated
(video) Pat Robertson Cheating Comments: ‘Well, He’s a Man. Males Have a Tendency to Wander’
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“Tune in, turn on and drop out.”
– Timothy Leary, CIA
“These top families that had originally gained their wealth through opium shipping started the CIA in 1947, and made them directors of all of the other 14-plus intelligence agencies. In doing that, they then started these operations, in particular MKUltra….
And they had actually saved Nazi scientists [through Operation Paper Clip], who were already experimenting with psychedelics [with] concentration camp victims. … Through Operation Sunshine, they sent thousands of Nazis down to Central…America to help with cocaine trafficking.”
– John Potash
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STtaFO9ogNA]Why The CIA Kills Rock Stars
Published on Jul 24, 2015
Rob Dew talks with John Potash about the numerous celebrities that the government has assassinated because they were starting to see the truth.
Delightful to see Alex’s passion and intellect in his son, Rex!
I think the greatest threat to US is EMP — and nukes too. Rex is thinking more in the long term, it seems. He’s brilliant!
Both Alex and Rex remind me of the amazing, cool-under-pressure, 21-year-old Masters champion, Jordan Spieth, by the way:
Jordan Spieth
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCi0-wbqe4U]Rex Jones Live TV Premiere
Published on Jul 22, 2015
Alex Jones talks with his son Rex Jones about Rex’s latest report about what the greatest threat to humanity really is.
This was recommended by Ron in (audio) Hagmann Report: Hollywood is a Satanic, Kabbalist Death Cult, 6/24/15 — Filmed homosexual orgies required to get in
Heavy, be careful!
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_5qEvos69M]Satanic Hollywood: The Ritual Sacrifice
Published on Dec 5, 2013
Amazing work done by Black Child exposing what ALL mainstream artists have to go through in order to make the big time, all credits to the brother in Christ
if you dont know God please seek him before you die