My Facebook page
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Sorry for so many post today, everyone.
Ron Paul just visited Alaska yesterday, and for those who don’t know, I’ve been following him for many years. I have almost 800 Ron Paul posts on my ToBeFree blog. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.
And tomorrow is a big day for those of us who will be voting. I do believe the chances of Ron winning the nomination are very small. But I also believe strongly in doing the right thing — to never ever again vote for evil — so our consciences will be clean, not having supported what some of these other candidates will surely do.
It’s better not to vote at all than to vote for someone will keep the international bankster system going, which is destroying our economy, along with these reverse-Christian wars. The US military is knocking off one by one the countries who would oppose the one-world government and the international banking system.
And all three of these other candidates will keep the police state accelerating, continuing all kinds of unconstitutional measures that is part of the globalist agenda. Only Ron Paul would obey the Constitution, which is the rule of law. These other guys are rogues. They’ll put their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution and then do the opposite, over and over.
Who would Jesus vote for? Warmongers? Police state implementers? International bankster facilitators?
Or someone who would stand up to this corrupt system even if it costs him his life?
His name is Ron Paul — the only man of integrity running — which is why he just got an endorsement from Joe Miller (via his wife) — who knows America is standing on her last leg, and these other three will just continue the collapse, big spending it into the ground.
Power to the peaceful.
Grace to the humble!
The main thing is to never vote for evil again — or we’re partly responsible for what they will do.
Category: Personal Page 4 of 5
A couple of months ago, I finally decided to get serious about Facebook. It really is a useful tool, and is quite fun!
I’m trying to keep my posts on the lighter side to keep it more friend oriented, but some of the discussions have gotten more serious.
I have my settings set as public as possible. And I have the subscribe tab activated.
God bless!
– Jeff : )
As you can see in the posts below, this morning, I found a number of David Dees’ illustrations that I had not yet posted. I try to catch them as they come out, but apparently I’ve missed some.
David’s ability to see and create combined with his perseverance to sound the alarm is impressive, and deserves recognition.
I know some of these are very heavy, especially since our mainstream media has hidden these things from our eyes on purpose — which is exactly why they need to be seen!
I hope these truth-illustrations will inspire us toward greatness and not turn anyone off. I normally don’t put out so many heavies all at once.
May we own up to what is really going on and be parts of the solution.
…so the world can see that we’re not all like this!
– Jeff : )
“The Senate is filled with trading traitors
(except for courageous Rand Paul and a few others).”
– Jeff Fenske
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In August, the Senate struck down a bill overwhelmingly passed by the House that would have protected the electrical grid from the very real threat of an EMP attack that would literally take out America:
Our senators traitors? Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage
And now this:
Senate Rejects Amendment to ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill
The bill is laid out here:
And all of this while they’re trading stocks:
60 Minutes reveals how Congressmen gets rich from having confidential information. Congress writes laws against insider trading but its own members are exempt. Politicians become wealthy from this corruption – and it’s all legal. (G. Edward Griffin’s title)
[youtube=]’60 Minutes’ Blows The Lid Off Congressional Insider Trading
Uploaded by NeedToAwaken on Nov 14, 2011
From: Business Insider
’60 Minutes’ Blows The Lid Off Congressional Insider Trading
Zeke Miller | Nov. 14, 2011, 7:52 AM
Members of Congress can legally make trades on non-public information they obtain during their official duties, CBS News’ ’60 Minutes’ reported on Sunday night.
Branded ‘honest graft,’ lawmakers can use market-moving information that they learn in congressional committees to trade on the stock market — actions that likely would carry stiff jail and civil penalties if they did not hold public office.
In one example, Steve Kroft reports that Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL), now the chair of the House Financial Services Committee, bet against the market in the days before the 2008 financial crisis hit — after getting ‘apocalyptic briefings’ from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson.
Kroft also raises questions about the trading patterns of Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — and the real estate purchases of other senators and representatives.
The report relies heavily on the work of Peter Schweizer, a fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution, whose work ’60 Minutes’ independently verified.
“This is a venture opportunity,” Schweizer told ’60 Minutes.’ “This is an opportunity to leverage your position in public service and use that position to enrich yourself, your friends, and your family.”
Read more:…
Pelosi fires back at report on ‘insider trading’
CBS raises questions of conflict of interest among Republicans and Democrats alike in Congress and NBC News
updated 41 minutes ago
A television report that questioned whether members of Congress are making investment decisions based on insider information drew a heated response from former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one of those highlighted.
A report on CBS’ “60 minutes” on Sunday said Pelosi was among several lawmakers — including Republicans such as House Speaker John Boehner — who had profited from transactions that raised the possibility of conflicts of interest.
November 13, 2011 7:06 PM
Congress: Trading stock on inside information?
(CBS News)
Washington, D.C. is a town that runs on inside information – but should our elected officials be able to use that information to pad their own pockets? As Steve Kroft reports, members of Congress and their aides have regular access to powerful political intelligence, and many have made well-timed stock market trades in the very industries they regulate. For now, the practice is perfectly legal, but some say it’s time for the law to change.
The following is a script of “Insiders” which aired on Nov. 13, 2011. Steve Kroft is correspondent, Ira Rosen and Gabrielle Schonder, producers.…
Constitution repealed by TRAITOROUS Senators: ‘REPUBLICAN PARTY now the Gestapo party’
I was reading a thread on Facebook, and realized I haven’t yet addressed this important topic.
The discussion is often about whether prayer should be allowed in schools, but to me the bigger issue is whether we should even have federally controlled schools, which is unconstitutional.
And I have long thought that whether public prayer is allowed or not is minor compared to teaching the religious belief in evolution as fact, which can actually be disproved with facts; though, these facts aren’t taught. Teaching evolution as fact teaches children that the book of Genesis is erroneous, and we’re just like animals — so ~“why not just do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel” — which sex education helps happen.
Charlotte Iserbyt goes into detail how our children are being systematically brainwashed on purpose:
Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools
This following article addresses whether we should even have federally controlled schools?
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From: News With Views
Lynn M. Stuter
January 20, 2003
As the war over education reform — Goals 2000, school-to-work, and “outcome-based education” — rages on, the time is more than ripe to ask ourselves, “Are public schools constitutional?”
Looking at the United States Constitution, no provision is made for education, but the Constitution does instruct that … “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (Tenth Amendment) In other words, education is reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Why, then, do we have a cabinet level United States Department of Education (US DOE)? Does this not violate the U.S. Constitution? In a word, “yes.” The US DOE was established under the Carter Administration as a political payoff to the teacher unions for their support of Jimmy Carter for president.
For example, humanists (Darwinists) believe in evolution while Christians believe in creationism. Is evolution being taught in the public schools? Yes, it is and has been for many years. Is the religion of humanism being taught in the public schools? Humanism is the religious basis of education in the public schools of today.
This Austrian coaster reminds me of the Alpine Slide at Lutsen Ski Resort in northern Minnesota, on the north shore of Lake Superior, which I’ve run with no brakes (and fully on the wheels), when it first opened in 1977.
This Mieders coaster must be a total gas, being in a whole other speed category and much longer, but all you do is hold on (probably good to lean into the turns though too). Whereas, Lutsen’s Alpine Slide (more like a bobsled track with banks) was a real rush too, because it required anticipatory leaning into the turns by the correct amount, and especially at the right time in order to hit the banks just right and to avoid the danger of flying off of the sled, when running fully on the wheels, not using the brakes at all or the plastic sliders.
And as you can see in the video, Lutsen can only be run wide open when it’s not busy. You can see how fast slower riders are approached — when the fun is cut from maximum to “bummer.”
Though it’s been 34 years, it’s possible Lutsen’s Alpine Slide hasn’t been changed at all, as it was very solidly built.
I can remember parts of the ride like it was yesterday. We’ve been blessed!
jeff : )
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[youtube=]Mieders Alpine Coaster (with no brakes!!)
Uploaded by davidjellis on Nov 19, 2011
This is a single-pipe alpine coaster in Mieders, Austria. You reach the summit via a cablecar and then sit on a small car with a brake lever and off you go. Having ridden it once using a little braking, I decided to try it a second time without using the brakes. This is SCARY! Enjoy the ride!
Off-ride footage here
Note – for websites linking the video, please note that my name is David Ellis (the J is my middle initial).
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[youtube=]Lutsen Alpine Slide
Uploaded by tundratom on Aug 19, 2006
A run down the Alpine Slide at Lutsen Ski area, North Shore of Lake Superior, Minnesota
More memes here:
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Some of my favorite
‘Pepper Spray Cop’ Images!
Turning something bad into something good!!
About Pepper Spray —
Pepper spray can cause death and eye damage!!
Now I know why I couldn’t stand psychology at the U of MN in the late ’70s. I tried it and didn’t like it, being a psych major for a time. It reeks with this stuff!
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Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. (source)
[youtube=]Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed 1/4
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Nov 4, 2011
Charlotte Iserbyt breaks down the history of this secret order
and reveals just how big this elite club at yale really is
and how much political power they have wield over the past 180 years!
Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools
I just posted this on my Facebook page, which I’m finally getting going.
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I watched the movie “Secretariat” last night. WoW, am I encouraged!!!!!!!
This true story isn’t mainly about a great horse. It’s about a great, “stubborn” woman who wouldn’t give up despite all of the naysayers.
I wasn’t familiar with the lead actress, but Diane Lane is ABSOLUTELY INSPIRING in this nearly perfect movie that I could recommend to everyone in that it’s also clean — which is why Lane wouldn’t get the Oscar she deserved. It also has a disqualifying gospel song.
I had a feeling it would be good, because ‘Secretariat’ was directed by Randall *Wallace*, who wrote the screenplay for one of my all-time favorite movies, ‘Braveheart,’ the story of Scottish freedom-fighter, William *Wallace* (Randall believes they’re probably related).
If you need encouragement to pursue EXCELLENCE no matter the odds, and no matter what might now lie ahead …
These are probably my favorite John Perkins interviews. They helped open my eyes to see specifically how the USA has been seriously jacking other countries. And if their Presidents don’t go along with the US agenda:
1) The leader is threatened
2) His or her family member is killed, or similar
3) He or she is assassinated
4) The American military invades the country for regime change
Much of the world knows this, but it’s been hidden from the American public by the globalist controlled media.
This is essential viewing to understand more fully why much of the world hates us. It’s not just because of the wars and the torture.
Most of my other John Perkins posts are also linked below.
I also have read and recommend Perkins book: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
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November 09, 2004
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions
We speak with John Perkins, a former respected member of the international banking community. In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man he describes how as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies. [includes rush transcript]
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December 31, 2004
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions
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May 17, 2005
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions
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January 03, 2006
Former “Economic Hit Man” John Perkins on “The First Truly Global Empire” and its Impact on Latin America
We speak with the author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” about his former work going into various countries to create a secret empire through economics after being recruited by the National Security Agency. Perkins discusses the policy in the context of the recent WTO meetings, the NYC transit strikes, and U.S. economic interventions in Latin America. [includes rush transcript]
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February 15, 2006
Self-Described Economic Hit Man John Perkins: “We Have Created the World’s First Truly Global Empire”
John Perkins, author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” joins us in our firehouse studio to talk about his former work going into various countries to try to strongarm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S government and corporations. Perkins describes himself as an economic hit man. [includes rush transcript]
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June 05, 2007
John Perkins on “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption”
Today, we spend the hour with a man who claims to have worked deep inside the forces driving corporate globalization. In his first book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, John Perkins told the story of his work as a highly paid consultant hired to strong-arm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S. government and corporations — what he calls the “corporatocracy.” John Perkins has just come out with a new book. It’s called “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption.” [includes rush transcript]
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May 08, 2008
“Economic Hit Man” John Perkins Recounts US Efforts to Block Nationalization of Panama Canal
Panamanian President Martin Torrijos was in Washington earlier this week to discuss a pending free trade agreement with the United States, where he drew praise from President Bush on winning national approval for the $5.2 billion expansion plan for the Panama Canal. But three decades ago the moves to nationalize the Panama Canal by President Torrijos’s father, General Omar Torrijos, met with enormous resistance in this country. [includes rush transcript]
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November 10, 2009
Hoodwinked: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded — and How to Remake Them
John Perkins calls himself a former economic hit man. He has seen the signs of today’s financial meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiasco, the collapse of the banking industry, the rising unemployment rate — these are all familiar to him. Perkins was on the front lines of monitoring and helping create these very events that were once just confined to the Third World. From 1971 to 1981, he worked for the international consulting firm of Chas T. Main, where he was a self-described “economic hit man.” He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Confessions of An Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of the American Empire. [includes rush transcript]
Economic Hit Man, John Perkins: Paid Professionals who Cheat Countries Out of Trillions
Economic Hit Man, John Perkins: The Secret History of the American Empire — Why They Hate US
Author John Perkins on Alex Jones Tv: The CIA & Chiquita Inc Engineered Coup in Honduras?
Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins: The Global Elite’s Crime Syndicate
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Steve Jobs just died. I know that almost everyone is celebrating his life. I have been a big fan, myself, having used Macs since 1987. I’ve watched many of Steve’s Keynote Addresses with great anticipation.
But I started hearing things that bothered me, words like Darwin, but even before Darwin came out. I knew something was wrong. And then I heard Katherine Albrecht talk about the Macintosh logo, the apple with a bite out of it — what Adam and Eve did when they rebelled against God. And I thought of how myself and probably millions of others proudly display that symbol in public not thinking….
I covered mine up with this sticker:
Paul said:”Our warfare isn’t against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers in the heavenly realms….” People are not our enemy. The powers of darkness are, and they took down our friend, Steve Jobs. And this makes me sad.
The Bible also says the deception in the last days will be great. And I think this is a good example, sadly.
God bless!
There is a real war out there, and it’s really subtle. May we see through the Matrix and all overcome — ONE with each other in Christ. Then the world will know (John 17)!
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Evolutionism Propaganda
Article by Dr. Richard Paley
… However, these propagandists aren’t just targeting the young. Take for example Apple Computers, makers of the popular Macintosh line of computers. The real operating system hiding under the newest version of the Macintosh operating system (MacOS X) is called… Darwin! That’s right, new Macs are based on Darwinism! While they currently don’t advertise this fact to consumers, it is well known among the computer elite, who are mostly Atheists and Pagans. Furthermore, the Darwin OS is released under an “Open Source” license, which is just another name for Communism. They try to hide all of this under a facade of shiny, “lickable” buttons, but the truth has finally come out: Apple Computers promote Godless Darwinism and Communism.
But is this really such a shock? Lets look for a moment at Apple Computers. Founded by long haired hippies, this company has consistently supported 60’s counter-cultural “values” 2. But there are even darker undertones to this company than most are aware of. Consider the name of the company and its logo: an apple with a bite taken out of it. This is clearly a reference to the Fall, when Adam and Eve were tempted with an apple 3 by the serpent [the Bible just calls it ‘fruit,’ but this has become commonly known as an apple — what Adam and Eve were banned from the Garden of Eden for eating because they had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – editor]. It is now Apple Computers offering us temptation, thereby aligning themselves with the forces of darkness 4.
This company is well known for its cult-like following. It isn’t much of a stretch to say that it is a cult. Consider co-founder and leader Steve Jobs’ constant exhortation through advertising (i.e. mind control) that its followers should “think different”. We have to ask ourselves: “think different from whom or what?” The disturbing answer is that they want us to think different than our Christian upbringing, to reject all the values that we have been taught and to heed not the message of the Lord Jesus Christ! …
ADDENDUM: It has been brought to my attention that the Darwin OS mentioned above now has a cartoon mascot (no doubt to influence children) named Hexley (pictured above) — a platypus dressed as a devil who performs occult magic, i.e. hexes. They’re not doing a very good job keeping their ties to the forces of darkness a secret, are they? …
ADDENDUM III (4/20/2002): Another reader (it has been busy today!) has informed me of another link between Apple and the forces of darkness that my initial research missed. Apparently the Darwin OS is not the original creation of Apple Computers but is instead based off of an older, obsolete OS called “BSD Unix”. The child-indoctrinatingly-cute cartoon mascot of this OS is a devil holding a pitchfork (pictured right). This OS — and its Darwin offspring — extensively use what are called “daemons” (which is how Pagans write “demon” — they are notoriously poor spellers: magick, vampyre, etc.) which is a program that hides in the background, doing things without the user’s notice.
ADDENDUM IV (4/21/2002): … According to one of our readers, the new MacOS X contains another Satanic holdover from the “BSD Unix” OS mentioned above; to open up certain locked files one has to run a program much like the DOS prompt in Microsoft Windows and type in a secret code: “chmod 666”. What other horrors lurk in this thing?
The 11 Biggest Apple Conspiracies
By Delores Quinn
Deal With the Devil
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak sold the first Macintosh computer [the Apple 1 – editor] they famously built in a garage for $666.66. Apple lore has it that Wozniak liked triple digits and Jobs tagged on an extra two sixes for marketing purposes. But some commenters have other ideas. They believe the devilish digits prove the duo made a pact with the man downstairs in exchange for earthly success. Capping off their evidence: the Apple logo. Is that a big juicy bite taken out of the forbidden fruit? Conspiracy theorists will always wonder.
More evidence and my thoughts, Feb. 2014:
“The first Apple logo was designed in 1976 by Ronald Wayne, sometimes referred to as the third co-founder of Apple. The logo depicts Isaac Newton sitting under a tree, an apple dangling precipitously above his head.” (source)
Apple’s first and the current logo are both related to obtaining knowledge. When the apple dropped on Isaac Newton’s head, the story goes that he then understood, obtained the KNOWLEDGE of how gravity worked. When Eve took a bite out of the forbidden-by-God—to-eat fruit, she gained KNOWLEDGE of good AND EVIL. Apple knew exactly what they were doing.
Now millions of Christians openly display this rebellious symbol, origin-of-sin theme everywhere they use their laptops.
Someone is laughing. We’ve been had. We should do a rethink, and make sure we really do “think different.” There are many great stickers out there that have Godly messages we could proclaim on our laptops instead.
Alex Jones: Steve Jobs Is DEAD! — A non-humanistic, pro-humankind reality check
Alex Jones: Steve Jobs Is Nearing The End
LOTFI: Apple’s newest executive advocating rape and murder of women- a radical homophobic racist
In the day when most people are in The Matrix (walking backwards, thinking they’re actually walking forwards), this may be our reality once we break out of the trance — shining as bright lights in this ever darkening world.
I often think of it as swimming upstream, which I had a dream about once. The people were in the river flowing by me as I was cruising upstream, no problem. In the dream it was easy, practically effortless. But I think effortlessness can only happen when we are 100.00% determined walk fully in Love, abiding 100.00% in the Vine (John 15) — no ifs ands or buts all in Jesus — His ways all my days.
May we be ONE in Him (John 17). Then it will really be a piece of cake.
And many will do 180s to join us in walking forward, together with us, grounded in Love.
– Jeff : )
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From: PetaPixel
Here’s a fun and creative idea that requires brains rather than a big budget: using an ordinary video-capable camera and some basic editing software, you can show a person walking forward through a world that’s traveling backward. For even crazier examples of this same technique, check out the music videos for The Scientist by Coldplay, Typical by Mutemath, and Drop by The Pharcyde.
My Perspective on David Icke
I don’t think I’ve ever shared this. Though I don’t agree at all with his outright rejection of Christianity, which I imagine is mostly because he hasn’t seen the real thing yet, I really admire David Icke, and have learned a lot from his real-history teachings, which I’ve followed for about 15 years. And I somewhat regularly visit his News Headlines, which I link to at this site.
David definitely isn’t as grounded as is, for example, Dr. Stanley Monteith, but his perspective is very helpful to understand what is happening around us. And he covers a lot of material Dr. Stan does not.
I personally like to learn from multiple sources in order to see the big picture, and it’s typical that most researchers don’t get everything right. So we have to be careful…. But we also have to be careful to realize that what we learned in history classes in school is really only a small part of the story in order for us to really understand history. In the western society school system (including parochial schools), and through the media, we’ve been brainwashed — no doubt about it. There are huge pieces of the picture that we need to know in order to understand real history and what is really happening around us.
Shape Shifting? David also takes a lot of flack for his theory that the Illuminati rulers are aliens who have been seen shape shifting into someone else, whom he considers their real selves during Satanic rituals. I think their real selves are whom we regularly see, and that shape shifting is a totally real phenomenon that occurs through demonic power among those deeply into the occult, including even some native Americans, etc.. For example, David Hogan, Christian missionary to natives from the Aztec heritage in Mexico and central America experienced some of this firsthand.
Where Dr. Stan and David Icke totally agree is that the Illuminati are deeply into the occult, and therefore are absolutely very evil. And most people are extremely naive about this fact. They can’t believe anyone could be this evil. So the common people are open prey to being manipulated by the global elite through the many ways they control us. They can’t see through the Matrix, which is a metaphor David Icke often skillfully uses. Real historian, G. Edward Griffin also sees the parallel, by the way. The Matrix is a worthwhile (and clean) movie to see.
And speaking of skillful, David Icke is one of the most gifted speakers I know of. He actually packs out auditoriums worldwide for a significant fee. It’s just him speaking along with visuals. I would love to post more of his material, but he often gets off on the idea that Christianity is part of the way the people are manipulated. Perhaps I should post these videos anyway, and just point out that yes, ‘Christianity’ is being used to manipulate the masses, but that isn’t real Christianity — which I believe is THE MAIN REASON why we’re being jacked.
And Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are being used by Satan to deceive many evangelical ‘Christians’ into falling in step with the globalist, New World Order plans. Evangelical ‘Christians’ are particularly vulnerable to manipulation because they know we are supposed to support Israel. I agree, as does Dr. Stan and Joel Skousen, but David Icke does not. But in what way should we support Israel? A blank check and total support for their numerous inhumane atrocities that they commit along with the CIA? No way. We’re just aiding and abetting bullies who often have evil and revenge in their hearts, and who refuse to get right with God and treat their neighbors with respect. They go WAY BEYOND what is legitimate self defense, which is sadly A-OK for most evangelicals, who also can’t wait for US or Israel to nuke Iran — which is why they refuse to support Ron Paul, the real Christian candidate who believes in war only when it’s just. This isn’t what Jesus has in mind in how we are to pray for and support Israel in positive ways that could bring about real change. This isn’t what Jesus is leading people to do, which gets into the definition of what is a Christian — which I discuss in depth at my other main site, ONEcanhappen. Christians and pastors are supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit. Then they could not be manipulated by the Satanically controlled media.
And this is the key issue that David Icke doesn’t understand. He is excellent in researching who are the globalist masters and how they manipulate us, but he is probably willfully ignorant regarding real Christian history and real Christianity, having seen so much abuse in the name of Jesus, I imagine.
Icke reminds me of Kent Hovind, who has done excellent and totally thorough research on science and creationism, but has done very shallow and narrow-minded research on the subject of who goes to heaven, biblically, which he unfortunately also teaches. And people think that Hovind can be trusted in regards to his theology because they know his research into science is so exhaustively right on.
What happens is that researches like Icke and Hovind spend most of their thinking time considering all of the ins and outs of the subjects they are interested in (David Icke has said this), but then they only superficially study another topic and unwisely teach that too, and many will blindly follow them down that rabbit trail of disinformation because they have learned to respect their careful research into their main topic of study, which is so obvious.
So even David Ike and Kent Hovind are deceived, thinking they know it all, when they really only know what they really have carefully researched. So we must be careful. And this is a main reason I also don’t present a lot of Kent Hovind’s material too. I consider once-saved-always-saved (which I discuss a lot at ONEcanhappen) to be at the core of what is deceiving the evangelicals today — a key root cause as to why the church is getting jacked and our countries. And this is what is leaving such a bad taste in David Icke’s mouth when he looks at ‘Christians’ today, who are leading the charge into globalism and police state by supporting the Illuminati’s agenda more than probably any other large group.
And this is why David has pursued other means to enlightenment, which I should also bring up, which includes Shaminism and mind altering drugs. He mentions this one experience, which isn’t that long ago, which I absolutely don’t recommend. I do believe in pursuing God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength though: to learn from and be taught directly by the Holy Spirit, Who really is infinite love. This is what David is looking for. And God is the ultimate source of truth.
So I really like David Icke, and appreciate his research and teaching, his honesty. He is a great example of boldness too. He’ll say what he believes even though he knows he’ll be scoffed at by many. Part of the backlash is because he doesn’t understand Satanism and Christianity as good as he should, but David Icke is clearly an amazing man whom I respect and appreciate a lot! And once real Christianity happens (the Third Great Awakening), which is the main theme of my ONEcanhappen site, I expect to see a big smile on David Icke’s face. And he’ll jump in too into Real Love, Who isn’t behind these grossly immoral wars that hurts His heart so.
What a day that will be. I will be so happy!!!
– Jeff Fenske
My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!! — This helps us understand the Illuminati, why Christianity has been hijacked, and also why God really is a good God, worthy of being totally trusted and adored!
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Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they’re not listening still.
Perhaps they never will
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Uploaded by TheJay4louise on Aug 6, 2011
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win…
My ’95 Eagle Talon
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Love your neighbor
Ron Paul For President ’08
Jesus Wept
If we don’t change directions
we’ll end up where we’re going
I’m for the Separation of
Church & Hate
God Bless All Nations
Perfect Love Casteth Out All Fear – 1 Jn 4 18
Additionally (what can’t be seen in the photo)
(Some may consider this new age,
but the Devil’s kingdom doesn’t work this way.
George Lucas understands:
Luke Skywalker only kept his power
if he didn’t hate!)
Love One Another!
Bless Them That Curse You – Luke 6 28
On the roof:
Hate Free Zone
Ron Paul
On the hood:
[UPDATE] Post is up: [70-minute audio] Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/6/11: Global Turmoil
– –
Steve Quayle’s appearance on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ last night was excellent! He mentioned Henry Gruver, whom I’ve met and even did a little prayer walk with here in Anchorage. He’s a real Christian whose visions should be taken seriously.
I posted some more of Henry’s information, just now, and I’ll try to post the audio for last night’s show if it’s up on YouTube.
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
[4-minute video] Henry Gruver: Vision of American Cities Nuked with Map
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
Bob Dylan,
if you ever see this,
I LOVE your Slow Train Coming album!
– Jeff Fenske
Anchorage, Alaska
[youtube=]It’s Time for HollyWood to Speak Out About The Nwo & 9/11! – Alex Jones Tv
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Aug 12, 2011
I almost hate to add another post because ToBeFree never looked better than when America The Beautiful! was sitting as the first post: that beautiful red, white and blue — that really does mean so much to me!!!
My father used to drive Mom, me and our dog throughout mainly the western states, and I developed a great appreciation for this land.
It saddens my heart to think of what America is now becoming.
We used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now most line up even their daughters to be virtually strip searched by the TSAs, giving up their freedoms just like the Germans did in Nazi Germany.
We’re now the home of the whimps and the “not really very moral” either.
“Everybody goes to heaven.” “What feels good, do it.” The Scriptures have been so twisted.
And the globalists are launching their wars from the USA, taking out the countries that oppose Satan’s one-world government, which now may be just around the corner.
Most of the ‘Christians’ even now support torture and won’t give Ron Paul the time of day.
Anyway, if you want to see ToBeFree looking its best, you can still click here, anytime, while our flag is still flying.
Jeff Fenske
I updated Jeff’s Writings,
if you’re interested.
I threw out some of the chaff,
but many are still gems.
I changed some stuff up,
added my most recent faves —
as well as a few photos.
Big job —
but I hope you enjoy it.
I’ll try to again keep it updated.
God bless!
Jeff : )
As of right now,
ToBeFree has 1/2 million hits.
Thanks, everyone!
I wish I could be more excited.
I’ve tried really hard to show what is really going on
in over 3,500 posts, so far,
but America is still going down.
However, there is a bright side,
and this is my main mission.
I expect a major spiritual revival,
the Third Great Awakening
to happen probably next year.
This will be a really big deal,
and is what my other site,
is mostly about.
This is our only hope, right now —
other than slowing down Satan’s one-world government scheme
which is coming like a freight train.
But this is a huge hope!
When people are finally ONE with each other
and finally truly in Christ,
“then the world will know,”
Jesus said in John 17.
I can’t wait.
This will be a great day!
Then, whatever happens will be tough,
but it will be like water running off a duck’s back
for those who are truly in Christ –
even martyrdom
when we’re really filled with the Spirit.
“For as the sufferings of Christ abound to us,
even so our comfort also abounds through Christ” (2 Cor. 1).
Incidentally and importantly, the concept,
“In Christ” is clearly described by Paul in Romans 8:1b,
but not in Rupert Murdoch’s NIV –
New Illuminati Version
or many of the other new perVersions
(I’m not exaggerating. Bad doctrine
from bad translations has destroyed America!).
I recommend the NKJV or the WEB (World English Bible),
a royalty free, Textus Receptus based translation.
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures —
Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?,
which has been online for 3 years;
it’s #1 if you type in “who goes to heaven” in Google;
and no one can refute it,
even though I’m offering $6,000 to anyone who can.
This truth is the biggest key to the revival happening really soon.
Let us be ONE in Christ!
Power to the peaceful!
Jeff Fenske
I watched this last night on Planet Green TV. I don’t buy the peak oil theory as happening anytime soon, unless they lie as to what’s really out there. They wouldn’t do that, right?
Michael Ruppert helped blow the whistle on CIA drug running from firsthand knowledge, and helped wake me up in the ’90s. He’s a very brave individual, and this is a riveting interview/movie — kind of sad when people sacrifice so much and are mostly ignored.
Michael actually said flat out that the love of money is the cause of our collapse. He also mentions the love of money here: Michael Ruppert: The love of money really is the root of all evil
[youtube=]Collapse – New Official Trailer – HD Americans generally like to hear good news. They like to believe that a new President will right old wrongs, that clean energy will replace dirty oil, and that fresh thinking will set the economy straight. American pundits tend to restrain their pessimism and to hope for the best. But is anyone prepared for the worst?
Michael Ruppert is a different kind of American. A former Los Angeles police officer turned independent reporter, he predicted the current financial crisis in his self-published newsletter From the Wilderness at a time when most Wall Street and Washington analysts were still in denial. Smith has always had a feeling for outsiders in films like American Movie and American Job. In Collapse, Smith stylistically departs from his past films by interviewing Ruppert in a format that recalls the work of Errol Morris and Spalding Gray. Sitting in a room that looks like a bunker, Ruppert recounts his career as a radical thinker and spells out the crises he sees ahead. He draws upon the same news reports and data available to any Internet user, but he applies a unique interpretation.
He is especially passionate over the issue of peak oil, the concern raised by scientists since the 1970s that the world will eventually run out of fossil fuel. While other experts debate this issue in measured tones, Ruppert doesn’t hold back at sounding an alarm. He portrays a future that resembles apocalyptic science fiction. Listening to his rapid flow of opinions, the viewer is likely to question some of the rhetoric as paranoid or deluded; and to sway back and forth on what to make of the extremism. Smith lets viewers form their own judgments.
Genre:Documentary, Horror
Director:Chris Smith
Below are some of the scenes and music (John Barry composed) from the movie version of The Dove.
I so greatly enjoyed reading about one of the greatest adventures of all time. And it’s so cool that Robin found God in the Indian Ocean, Who saved Robin through a miracle.
I do highly recommend the book and the movie; even though, the movie took way too much creative ‘license’ in the boat fire scene, which didn’t happen in real life. From an Amazon review:
While most people seem to dwell on this film’s purpose as a motion picture, it may help to think of it more as a illistrative documentary, albeit a highly fictionalized one. The drawbacks in this are that the true 1965-1970 story is too often obscured and altered, and for only cheap gains. Graham did NOT set fire to his boat; he (almost) abandoned it. He changed boats in the BVI (but that’s just too complicated for any movie). The first boat was not sold in Ecuador… and it goes on. We do see more of Patti Rattertree, such as her hitchhiking across the Outback which is not covered in the book, and how she kept herself in paying work along the way. But Graham DID shoot at the shark that ate his cat. I contend that no other movie even comes close to grasping the essence of a young man’s solo circumnavigation, a feat which is itself the stuff of legend, and of dreams.
It was cool to see more of Patti, who was delightful in the movie. Great love story — and clean! And you can see the real-life couple are still happy:…
From: Wikipedia
Robin Lee Graham (born March 5, 1949) is an American sailor. He set out to sail around the world alone as a teenager in the summer of 1965. National Geographic Magazine carried the story, and he co-wrote a book, title Dove, detailing his journey.
Graham was sixteen when he set out alone from Southern California and headed west in his 24-foot sloop. He was originally given two kittens for company, that he named Joliette and Suzette, and through his travels lost and gained several more, ultimately docking with Kili, Pooh and Piglet at the end of the journey. He married along the way and, after almost five years, sailed back into his home port in Los Angeles. He and his wife, Patti Ratterree, briefly attended Stanford University, then settled in Montana.
Graham’s book about his voyage, Dove, was published in 1972. His voyage was depicted in a film, The Dove (1974). A followup book, Home Is The Sailor, was published in 1983.
From: cruisersforum…
Robin owns a construction company and has been building custom homes in the Kalispell area for decades. He got “saved” at some point while living up there and does a lot of humanitarian related stuff as well. I think he might have become affiliated with a group called YWAM- Youth With a Mission, a christian youth mission. I think I remember reading somewhere that he DOES get out sailing once in awhile, doing yacht deliveries very occasionally.
His last book ” Home is the Sailor, Home from the Sea” gives some insight to his “life” after Dove. It was written many decades ago.
[youtube=]The Dove(1974) – Sail the Summer Winds
[youtube=]The Dove(1974) – Main Title
[youtube=]Dove Title Sequence
This is probably my favorite love story of all time. And the soundtrack…
[youtube=]Somewhere in Time (1980)
…one of my favorite movies w/ a beautiful theme song.
[youtube=]Theme From Somewhere In Time – Roger Williams (1980)
Theme from the motion picture Somewhere In Time by Roger Williams from Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini, Variation 18. Somewhere In Time was based on the 1975 science fiction novel, “Bid Time Return” written by author James Matheson. …
At about 7 minutes, this always reminds me of “The Dove” soundtrack
(also composed by John Barry),
also one of my favorite movies[youtube=]John Barry – Suite from the Motion Picture Score SOMEWHERE IN TIME (1980)
[youtube=]Somewhere In Time (1980) composer John Barry
A shocking, shiny little 1979 penny released in 1980. Unforgettable score by John Barry. Christopher Reeve worked on this little gem during the shooting hiatus of Superman I & II. His first project & appearance he chose after the first Superman release. Wise choice. Directed by Jeannot Szwarc.
It’s not often that an interview surprises me in a great way! So I thought I’d share it with all of you.
I’ve been enjoying listening to The Word of Promise audio Bible (Jim Caviezel plays Jesus), so I was curious to find out more about Richard Dreyfuss, who plays Moses. I had no idea how cool he is!
As I watched, my jaw dropped open. I’ve hardly known anything about this man.
God bless!
Jeff : )
• • •
Watch, Listen or Read Tavis’ Interview
Richard Dreyfuss
airdate May 7, 2010
Dreyfuss: … I lived a blessed life. I was able to do for 50 years something I adored doing and I was rewarded and praised for it. Then when it ceased to being as intense a love affair and, as the Bible says, for everything there’s a season, when I got older and I stopped being given the highest salaries and the best parts, I also was not allowed to have my opinions heard and that made me quit.
I said to myself what I had promised myself when I was 12. When I was 12, I said, “You’re gonna be an actor and a star. You’re gonna go into politics and then you’re gonna teach history.” So when I was 56, I quit being an actor, meaning I quit developing. I quit trying to raise projects up and all that.
I went to Oxford for four years and I knew Cassandra’s Curse. You know, she had the ability to see the future and no one would believe her. Well, I wrote a piece for the San Diego Tribune and I said, “I have not been able to find the words that you would make you feel the dread I feel about the future of this country.”
I would ask you, when you think about the future of America, do you have a sense of ease and comfort and relaxation or do you sense some unease and something wrong even if you can’t name it?
Tavis: I feel the same thing you feel. …
Dreyfuss: There are two things that’ll make me lose my sense of humor. When someone says, “You have no right to that flag” or when they say… “If you’re against the policy, you’re against the troops.” Those things get me really angry because I’m an American and I love America more than I can possibly tell you. …
Dreyfuss: …patriotism means that people can understand that this country uniquely has an inherent meaning and most countries are just accidents of history.
This country was intended for something and, if we had tried it in Europe, they would have killed us to the last man. It was only the Atlantic Ocean that protected us. But we have a meaning and what is it? It’s that we put the Bill of Rights up on a wall so that everyone could see every time we failed and every time we succeeded and we had the guts and the naivety and arrogance and cockiness to say this is our picture of our moral future.
That is an act unequaled in history, so that we said that’s our goal. We announce it now and every time we failed it, it’s headlines and every time we succeed at it, it’s commonplace. And it’s what makes America completely unique in the story of nations. …
You can’t deny that we are a picture of a country that is like after the Big Bang. Everything is going this way and, when you don’t hold people accountable and when you allow illegal wars and when you can’t define the party principles because the win is more important than the principles, then you know you’re in trouble. …
Tavis: …why are you hopeful?
Dreyfuss: Because I believe, first of all, that individuals make history. I don’t believe that it happens by itself. I believe that America is hard and it takes maintenance and you can’t forget that you’ve got to take your car into the shop every six months and lube it up.
You cannot take for granted the complexity and complement of Republican democracy. Republican democracy actually says that the citizenry is as important as any other sector in the government. So why do we not teach those kids how to run the country? We teach our kids what we want them to know and we don’t teach them what we don’t want them to know, so someone is saying that.
By the way, if all of the news information industry is owned, let’s say, 35 to 55 percent by one guy, that’s a subject for discussion and if his name happens to be Rupert Murdoch, he’s got five passports and one of them is Chinese. So when he was [unintelligible] to the president’s ear, who’s he talking for, and you have a right to ask that. You have an obligation. …
Tavis: Tell me about Lightkeepers. …
Dreyfuss: This is a movie about a guy who has made an oath to keep the light on and that means no matter what, the light never goes off because, if the light goes off, people will die and that’s the oath that all lightkeepers took. That is as clear a metaphor about this country as you can get because the darkness which is the overwhelming history of mankind has come back.
We live in a senseless, Alice in Wonderland world where nothing is logical, where no one is punished, where people who are rewarded are only rewarded because they were born to it and now the Supreme Court has actually, in a way, by saying the corporations are unfettered, giving political contributions, you know what that really is? That’s closing the circle.
We came here to get away from that and now our own Supreme Court has brought it back. A caste and class system that says money is the only counter and, if you don’t have it, you’re out. That is actually bringing history back to where it began at the birth of this country.
This is my official announcement that I’m taking back this blog [my personal blog:]. I kind of loaned it out to my friends at what was NWA Cargo, Anchorage. I’ll leave all of these nostalgic photos up. Everyone is always welcome to visit and copy the photos as long as they’re not used for profit.
I’m going to try to now continue with what I first intended this blog to be.
Continue Reading at
I’ve always loved this song: OVERCOME no matter what!! TOGETHER, we can do it — no matter what happens! They can’t take our soul if we stay together in the LIGHT, fighting darkness!
I saw the movie for maybe the first time a few days ago, as it came out just 3 years after I was born. Seven guys get together to free the poor farmers from the oppressors!
Alone, they couldn’t have done it, but together…!!!!!!!
Awesome! We need to ride again, this time without guns, standing up for what’s right, against the dark side — bringing in the LIGHT!
It’s not too late. ONE can happen, today!
Fight the GOOD fight!
To Be Free : )
Lets Ride
[youtube=]The Magnificent Seven – Elmer Bernstein
Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Elmer Bernstein wrote the theme songs or other music for more than 200 films and TV shows
[youtube=]Magnificent Seven Theme
U2 — ‘Magnificent’ Live on Letterman!!!!!!! “Till we die, you and I will magnify The Magnificent!”
The Gordon Lightfoot album that preceded Sundown, Don Quixote, was and probably always will be my favorite Lightfoot Album. I still listen to it regularly. Though it’s not perfect, it inspires me towards adventure, towards the mountains, towards life!!!
I always wondered what happened to Gordon, whose earlier music was such a big influence on my life. He never seemed to recover. Now I know. So many have gone down this road and lost their dreams.
But what is this road — what Gordon called on Sundown the artificially (even via substance abuse) induced, make-believe Carefree Highway — a substitute for the real thing?
What happens when one accepts the Carefree Highway mindset without really being on the carefree highway?
And what happens when an entire country accepts the Carefree Highway mindset without really being on it?
But there is a true carefree highway — which we can experience now, and will be able to more fully ride on when ONE happens — when people are truly ONE with each other and God — being truly in Christ (John 17). “Then the world will know,” Jesus said.
This is the Carefree Highway. And this is what my spiritual site is all about:
May we all ride together!!!
By the way, there are still some songs on Sundown that I’ll always like, like “Seven Island Suite.” And I’ve always loved the album cover, which was inspired me to title this set of photos of myself by this same name:
Click on photo for the full set of larger photos
Jeff Fenske : )
[youtube=]Gordon Lightfoot. A Q TV Exclusive
The man, the legend. Gordon Lightfoot is one of Canada’s and the world’s most gifted and influential songwriters- a songwriter’s songwriter. He sat down with CBC host Jian Ghomeshi for an exclusive interview looking back on his successful career.
NOTE: I post these predictions to put in our mental, data base ‘seed boxes,’ to see if the ideas presented actually do sprout and take root. Not all of these predictions come true, especially in the given time frame. But some do.
I post predictions that even disagree with each other, somewhat.
It’s hard to predict the future because there are so many wild cards, especially when the people find out what’s going on and get engaged, especially in prayer! Events often take longer to happen than it would seem.
If this prediction doesn’t take place as specified, we can still learn much by listening to the different factors involved. And for me (I don’t have his gift of metaphor), the way Gerald puts things verbally is just so interesting anyway.
Jeff Fenske
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Crash of 2010 inevitable
The Dow Jones industrial market is down and looks to continue to head that direction. This is not good news for the worlds economies that are trying to bounce back after this recession hit many different nations. Is this a direct reflection of the Greece financial crisis?
At ToBeFree, I’ve focused mainly on the Rockefellers, key kingpins in the US, which apparently are secretly worth more than $10 trillion. But the Rothschilds are far more wealthier, and are by many considered the greatest controlling factor worldwide — the kingpins of the world!
In the late ’90s, I attended an event in which Gaylon Ross was lecturing. He laid out the big picture for me that has continued to prove true. In addition to speaking about these two families, he laid out the elite’s plan to create unions within the continents, and then merge all 5 continents into the one-world government which they control.
Since I heard Gaylon speak and had great discussions with him after that, I’ve watched time and time again the globalists attempts to unite the Americas. From what I’ve seen, Skull and Bonesman, President Bush should be considered a traitor for how he handled just this issue alone, doing the bidding of his handlers.
Here is just one tiny aspect of the Rothschild family.
[youtube=]The Rothschilds Control of World Gold Market
Under the surface, the Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were powers in the old Bank of the United States [abolished by Andrew Jackson].
Rothschild quotes:
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”
“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, …The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.”
(video & photos) Rothschild Ball Exposes Elite’s Fascination with Occult
Joel Skousen: MIRACULOUS Plane Crash Survival! | “Rothschilds are the biggest financial base of the New World Order”
Bob Chapman: Who Owns the Fed? “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, etc.”
The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 1 of 4: The Morgans, The Rockefellers)
Who owns the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks? – Eustace Mullins
G. Edward Griffin: The “Federal” Reserve is a Privately Owned Cartel
Pastor Baldwin: Moneychangers Destroying America—And Christians Don’t See It
Wealthiest Americans NOT Gates or Buffet: Rockefellers Worth $11.48 TRILLION in 1998!
Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself
For the record, for whatever this is worth.
The snow in our yard in Anchorage, Alaska usually totally melts around April 15th. This year, it looks like today will be the day it melts, April 28th (except where the neighbors had plowed a big pile into our yard, which I won’t count).
So the end of spring break-up for us is about 2 weeks late this year, compared to what used to be our norm.
I had the great privilege of watching Fess Parker play Daniel Boone during my early years. I was age 7 – 13 while it was on the air. I was even a member of the Daniel Boone club, which really wasn’t much of anything — but it was a big deal for me! We just got a plastic brown whistle and a few other things like a code book or something. I read books on this kind of thing too.
What a contrast to what boys watch on TV now.
[Fess] Parker’s Daniel Boone television series portraying another historic figure of America’s frontier days began filming in 1964. Over its six years (1964 to 1970) as one of the highest rated shows of its time, Parker was not only the star of the series but also the co-producer and director of five of its most popular episodes. (source)
[youtube=]In Memory of Actor Fess Parker (August 16, 1924 – March 18, 2010)
Fess Parker died at age 85 of natural causes at his home in Santa Ynez, California
[youtube=]In Memory Of Fess Parker
Here is a video paying tribute to the frontier hero, Fess Parker. He’s known for his role as Davy Crockett and will be missed by many. We once remembered growing up with him in our lives, and now the coon-skinned hat wearing hero is resting in peace.
(August 16, 1924 March 18, 2010)