Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Satanism Page 12 of 13

[ audio – real history ] Douglas Dietrich: Satanism in the US military — Michael Aquino; The Presidio sex scandal; thousands of fragged officers in Vietnam; document destruction to what we have now, where Satanism is no longer fringe

Related: [ audio ] Real-historian Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with host John B. Wells 11/13/11: Satanism and pedophilia in the Presidio military base; what we don’t know about WWII and so much more!

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UPDATE 11/14/11

This audio file has now rotated out of Dr. Stan’s audio archives list, so the below-listed MP3 link won’t work, but I’m sure you can order it from this link at Radio Liberty for not very much money.

I had forgotten about this interview when I listened to the ‘Coast’ interview last night, which was fascinating. And it seems like John B. Wells only scratched the surface in unleashing what Douglas knows that we don’t.

God bless!

Jeff Fenske

– –

“A lot of men were fragging their own platoon leaders.
And so, in Vietnam, being an officer meant you were in incredible danger.

And so the officer corp, which was primarily Christian, was wiped out in Vietnam,
and it was replaced by a lot of officers who cleaved to the new Satanic fringe,
which in the military is no longer fringe.”

– Douglas Dietrich

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Aquino Speaks: The Presidio Sex Scandal

* * *

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty audio archives

Date: 05-12-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Dennis Detrich – Satanism
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: John Williams – Shadow Statistics
Hour: 4
9:00: Stephen Frank – CA Politics
Date: 05-11-11

[video] The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary*

Meggido Films Presents:

[youtube=]The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary*

Uploaded by on Mar 27, 2011

Greetings brethrens and sisters in Yahushua,

Another very good documentary about the New age and the false messiah.

May Yahuwah protect ye all

Written and Directed By Paul Flynn

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s candid discussion with Alex Jones: America is a hijacked country, intentionally being dismantled by globalists — “Hope for the best; prepare for the worst” — The Satanic element that no one wants to talk about

Dr. Stan’s Radio Liberty audio archives

Date: 03-08-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Dr. Felicia Trujillo – Smart Meters & Your Health
Hour: 2
4:00: Dr. Julian Whitaker – Chronic Fatigue
Hour: 3
8:00: Alex Jones – Current Events
Hour: 4
9:00: Stephen Frank – CA Politics
Date: 03-07-11

Linda Stone – Satanic Rituals in America, in Churches — “In our instance, there were mostly pastors, church members, elders … psychiatrists”

[youtube=]Rense & Linda Stone – Satanic Rituals in America

JRense | February 13, 2011 | 24 likes, 0 dislikes

Jeff speaks to Linda Stone who, after having regained custody of her children, relates the existence of a sordid world that they went through.
And she discovers how historically institutionalized abuse is.


The Family Tree: A True Account of Multi-Generational Satanism

Richard Wurmbrand: Karl Marx — From Christian to satanist

From: WND

Karl Marx: From Christian to satanist

Book reveals little-known spiritual sojourn of communism’s architect

Posted: November 28, 2010
6:41 pm Eastern

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Did you know Karl Marx was once a professing Christian?

Did you know the architect of communism later joined a satanic cult?

Those are among the shocking revelations of a classic book, by a heroic pastor and evangelist repeatedly imprisoned and tortured by a Communist regime, that is back in print and available through the WND Superstore after decades of collecting dust.

“‘Marx and Satan,’ written by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, is a book that changed my life and my worldview,” says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. “Along with Whittaker Chambers’ ‘Witness,’ it is a classic 20th century title that should be read by everyone who truly wants to understand the intellectual underpinnings of Marxism.”

Here’s an excerpt Wurmbrand found in Marx’s first book, amazingly titled, “The Union of the Faithful with Christ”: “Through love of Christ we turn our hearts at the same time toward our brethren who are inwardly bound to us and for whom He gave Himself as sacrifice. …”

Are these sincere words from an honest Christian man? They certainly seem to be. Marx’s comrade, Friedrich Engels, was also a believer, and became a conservative theologian. He wrote against the liberal theologians of his time who criticized the Bible as the absolute word of God, and he also wrote a number of very sound Christian poems and hymns.

Richard Wurmbrand

Why did Marx became a God hater who invented not only one of the worst tools of oppression to Christianity, but also to all of humanity? Why did Engels become his accomplice? The turning point in both of their lives occurred at the universities they attended when they learned of a new “Christian doctrine” called “liberal theology.” Engels was aware of the danger of this theology and even wrote against it, yet in the end was not able to conquer the error. He wrote: “I pray every day, indeed almost all day, for truth, and I have done so ever since I began to doubt, but still I cannot go back. My tears are welling as I write.”

Wurmbrand exposes how Marx, a former Christian, went on to become a hater of God and the Christian. Marx eventually joined the satanic cult of his closest comrades, and this book explains in detail the evidence of that decision.

The reader learns that Marx was initially opposed to the ideas of socialism and Communism until Moses Hess persuaded him of the usefulness they had in being agents of the destruction of mankind, which was Marx’s ultimate satanic goal. Why was Marx so bent on the destruction of mankind? We will never know for sure, but we do know what he wrote in this poem: “… I wander godlike and victorious Through the ruins of the world And, giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to my Creator.”

Karl Marx

The parallel to Scripture is obvious.

Isaiah 14:13-14: “But you [Satan] said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;'”

Wurmbrand was the leader of the underground church of Romania who spent 14 years in the Communist prison under the palace of Nicolae Ceauşescu, the late dictator of Romania. He also spent three years in the prison hospital ward from which no one else ever left alive.

In May 1966, Wurmbrand testified in Washington before the Senate’s Internal Security Subcommittee and stripped to the waist and showed 18 deep torture wounds covering his body. His story was carried across the world newspapers in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

“This is a book that deserves to be in the library of every truly informed and freedom-loving person in the world,” said Farah. “But, more importantly, it needs to be read.”


Mark Dice on the History Channel — Illuminati Monuments

[youtube=]Mark Dice on the History Channel — Illuminati Monuments

MarkDice | December 19, 2010 | 139 likes, 14 dislikes

Buy The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction from Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media plays in shaping our lives.

Mark frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world.

Several of Mark’s YouTube videos have went viral, earning him a mention on ABC’s The View, Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor,, and other mainstream media outlets. Mark has also been featured in (or attacked in) the New York Post’s Page Six, Rolling Stone Magazine, USA Today, The New York Daily News, and in major papers in Pakistan and Iran.

Mark Dice appears in several documentary films including Invisible Empire, and The 9/11 Chronicles, and was featured on the History Channel’s Decoded. He enjoys enlightening zombies, as he calls them, (ignorant people) about the mass media’s effect on our culture, pointing out Big Brother’s prying eyes, and exposing elite secret societies along with scumbag politicians and their corrupt political agendas.

He also habitually calls into several top-rated talk shows, including the Sean Hannity Show, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage, and verbally battles with the hosts on various issues since he has never been asked to be a guest on them as of yet. Audio of some of these calls are then posted online.

The term “fighting the New World Order” is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others’ resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues.

Dice and his supporters sometimes refer to being “awake” or “enlightened” and see their knowledge of these topics as part of their own personal Resistance to the corrupt New World Order. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.

Mark Dice is the author of several books on current events, secret societies and conspiracies, including his newest book, The New World Order: Facts & Fiction. He lives in San Diego, California.


All of Mark’s books are in stock on and are also available on the Kindle reader. You may be able to order the books into a store where it can be sent in a few days. If not, then is your best bet.


What is the New World Order? Proponents say that it’s an anticipated new era of global cooperation between diverse nations and cultures aimed at ushering in a utopia providing all the earth’s citizens with everything they need.

Detractors claim it’s the systematic take-over by secret societies, quasi-government entities and corporations who are covertly organizing a global socialist all-powerful government which aims to regulate every aspect of people’s lives, rendering them a perpetual working-class while the elite leadership lives in luxury.

Mark Dice looks at the evidence, claims, and conspiracy theories as he takes you down the rabbit hole to The New World Order. This is a companion for Mark’s previous book, The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction.


Secret societies have both fascinated and frightened people for hundreds of years. Often the infamous Illuminati is mentioned as the core of conspiracies which span the globe. The Illuminati is actually a historical secret society which had goals of revolutions and world domination dating back to the 1770s.

Since then, rumors and conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati continue to spread, sometimes finding their way into popular novels like Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons and Hollywood movies like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.

Some men have even come forward claiming to be former members, offering details of what they allege are the inner workings of the organization. When you sift through all of the information available on the subject, you may be surprised that the truth is stranger than fiction. In The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, author and occult expert Mark Dice separates history from Hollywood and shows why tales of the secret society won’t die.


The Resistance Manifesto by Mark Dice contains 450 pages of extensively researched and documented information drawing from declassified documents, mainstream news articles, religious texts, and personal interviews. A dark web of evil is exposed like never before, making Bible Prophecy and the New World Order crystal clear.

Learn the most powerful information about the Illuminati, plans for the rise of the Antichrist, the institutions, people, and powers involved, and how you can fight them.

David Icke: “They are Getting so Desperate” – Alex Jones Tv. “Why does this ludicrous man seek to connect me and others exposing the global conspiracy with the outrageous shooting of a Congresswoman and multiple murders in Arizona?”

“They all say they are human rights organizations
when they are taking away human rights.”

– David Icke

[youtube=]David Icke: “They are Getting so Desperate” – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | January 11, 2011 | 247 likes, 11 dislikes

Alex welcomes back to the show writer and public speaker David Icke. The Southern Poverty Law Center has attempted to link Icke to the shooting of Rep. Giffords in Arizona. Icke is the author of Human Race Get Off Your Knees — The Lion Sleeps No More, Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion, and Children of the Matrix. He has also produced DVDs, including: Speaking Out: Who Really Controls the World and What We Can Do About It and David Icke Live at the Oxford Union Debating Society. Alex also covers the latest on the Giffords shooting, the latest news and takes your calls.

Why does this ludicrous man seek to connect me (whose name he doesn’t even know how to pronounce) and others exposing the global conspiracy with the outrageous shooting of a Congresswoman and multiple murders in Arizona?

Why does he try to dub me a ‘right-winger’ when I believe that all extremes, ‘wings’ and label-thinking have lost the plot and also try to connect me with violence when the very foundation of everything I say is to emphasise non-violence?

Why? Because I am getting too close to the truth and because my major article repeated below went out across the Internet on New Year’s Day exposing the Rothschild Zionist secret society that has used and abused Jewish people for well over a century and more, and has its place-people in key areas of government leadership and administration.

This silly man’s organisation, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is part of the Rothschild Zionist ‘hate-crime’, ‘hate laws’, ‘dub-them-racists’ network that includes the Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith etc., etc, and seeks to label ‘racist’ and ‘far-right’ anyone who gets close to exposing the architects of human enslavement and control. Thank-you, Mr ‘Botox’, I take it as a compliment.

I am glad I have rattled their cage so much that they try so desperately to discredit me, but how disgraceful and shameful it is to seek to do so by exploiting such a terrible tragedy. Outrageous.…


Reverse-Christian, ‘Pope’ Benedict minimizes the evilness of pedophilia, saying it’s not an “absolute evil,” and child porn is “considered more and more *normal* by society,” whereas the Catholic ‘Church’ set this evil societal standard!

From: Belfast Telegraph

Pope’s child porn ‘normal’ claim sparks outrage among victims

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Victims of clerical sex abuse have reacted furiously to Pope Benedict’s claim yesterday that paedophilia wasn’t considered an “absolute evil” as recently as the 1970s.

In his traditional Christmas address yesterday to cardinals and officials working in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI also claimed that child pornography was increasingly considered “normal” by society.

“In the 1970s, paedophilia was theorised as something fully in conformity with man and even with children,” the Pope said.

“It was maintained — even within the realm of Catholic theology — that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a ‘better than’ and a ‘worse than‘. Nothing is good or bad in itself.”

The Pope said abuse revelations in 2010 reached “an unimaginable dimension” which brought “humiliation” on the Church.

Asking how abuse exploded within the Church, the Pontiff called on senior clerics “to repair as much as possible the injustices that occurred” and to help victims heal through a better presentation of the Christian message.

“We cannot remain silent about the context of these times in which these events have come to light,” he said, citing the growth of child pornography “that seems in some way to be considered more and more normal by society” he said.

But outraged Dublin victim Andrew Madden last night insisted that child abuse was not considered normal in the company he kept.

Entire Article Here


The Smoke of Satan in the Vatican? Vatican’s chief exorcist speaks out

Malachi Martin — Satan Enthroned in Vatican?

The Bad Popes

All of my The Catholic Deception posts at ONEcanhappen

America’s Media-Driven Descent Into Depravity, Illustrated By “My Name Is Earl” — America is in the grip of a satanic sex cult that “corrupts in order to govern.”

From: savethemales

America’s Media-Driven Descent Into Depravity

October 21, 2006

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

“…We aspire to corrupt in order to govern… We have taken from the people all the gods of heaven and earth, which had their homage. We have torn from them their religious faith, their faith in monarchy, their honesty and their family virtues…” (Giuseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872, Revolutionary, Founder of Italian Freemasonry and the Mafia)

Many prime time TV programmes today would have been considered obscene just 20 years ago. They present outrageous and shocking behavior as if it were  normal and this creates cognitive dissonance. Thus they condition us to accept depravity as the new societal norm.

Thursday at 8p.m. I sat down with my wife to watch one of her favorite shows, NBC’s “My Name is Earl” starring Jason Lee.

My wife likes this show because it deals with morality or “karma.” The premise is that Earl has a list of people he has wronged and believes he will be rewarded if he makes it right with each one.

Thursday’s episode may have been a departure but what a jaw-dropping one! It was a sneak attack in what Senator Jesse Helms called the “systematic psychological warfare” the Eastern Establishment is waging against the American people.

Wrongdoing: Earl had sexual intercourse with the mother of his good friend Ralph.

Flashback: He and Ralph have a band. One night after a gig they were partying at Ralph’s house with some female groupies. Ralph’s mother served rice crispy squares. Everyone else wore nothing but their underwear.

Eventually the group paired off to have sex. (The new party norm?) However Earl’s partner had passed out. Not to worry. Ralph’s mother, a woman in her fifties, came on to Earl and he was too drunk to resist.

Monkey see; monkey do. Call me old fashioned but this portrayal degrades our image of motherhood and family, something the Illuminati-owned mass media want to happen. (The Illuminati is the top rung of  Freemasonry. ) When motherhood is degraded, we are all degraded.

Readers inform me that often recurring themes on prime time TV are incest, intergenerational and gay-lesbian sex and even bestiality.

Ralph  resolves to kill Earl and gives his friend 12 hours to settle his affairs.

Earl appeals to Ralph’s mother. Sure she’ll speak to her son; Ralph will do anything for her but, in return, Earl will have to provide regular stud service.

Please do not mistake this for a porn flick. This is prime-time TV watched by children and their parents.

Resigned to his fate ….

As Luciferians, the Illuminati wish to break all natural and spiritual taboos in the name of “freedom” and “rebellion,” no matter how destructive and dysfunctional this is. “Do what thou wilt,” is their motto.

Last week, President Bush apparently was granted power to suspend Habeas Corpus and throw anyone he disliked into jail. There is evidence he was complicit in 9-11. Now you know why Americans are paralysed to act. Like Earl, we are so morally compromised we cannot defend Mother Liberty.

America is in the grip of a satanic sex cult that “corrupts in order to govern.” Unconsciously we have been inducted into this cult.


See also my “Sexual Liberation is Illuminati Subversion”
and “Rejection of the Feminine is Rooted in the Occult”

and an article on bringing back motherhood.

Entire Article Here

Ex-Illuminati Interviewed by Henry Makow

From: Henry Makow

Children Sacrificed by Illuminati –Defector “Mary Anne”

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

The Illuminati sacrifice children in rituals eight times a year, “Mary Anne,” an Illuminati defector who had been groomed for high political office, told me Sept 21, 2008 .

I spoke to Mary Anne again last week. She said new and disturbing memories had surfaced. I will present her incredible new information tomorrow evening in “Part Two.”

In preparation, I am summarizing my 2008 interview here for people who don’t have 45 min to listen to it. Much of what she says in both interviews is simply outrageous. I can’t vouch for any of it. But it is consistent with the testimony of other defectors, Svali, Sue Ford and Cathy O’Brien.

The Illuminati count on people to be incredulous. That’s their protection. The more egregious their crimes, the safer they are.

Mary Anne sounds convincing to me. Why would anyone defy the most powerful people in the world? The first interview is available here so you can decide for yourself. Also, both interviews, although 14 months apart, are consistent. People who invent stories rarely can keep track of them.

Entire Article Here

[youtube=]Ex-Illuminati Interviewed by Henry Makow-1 of 5

thefifthseal | September 22, 2008 | 182 likes, 23 dislikes

On September 21, 2008, Henry Makow, on the Republic Broadcasting Network, interviewed an ex-Illuminati member named ‘Mary Ann.’

On Oprah: Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor


Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

On May 1, 1989, a “nice Jewish girl”, age 29,  appeared on the Oprah Show and said her family was part of a Satanic cult that dates back to the 1700’s.

Although they appear to be upstanding citizens –lawyers, doctors, police officers etc. — they engage in Satanic ritual human sacrifice, incest and cannibalism, often in synagogues. They drink blood and eat babies.

She is describing the Illuminati which originated in the Frankist Movement in the Eighteenth century. Jacob Frank, born Jacob Leibowitz (1726-1791) led a major Satanic heresy that shook the Jewish world. They believed that the Messiah would return if the world went over to evil completely, so they encouraged all sexual licence and Satanic Evil as the ultimate Good. Financed by the Frankist Rothschild banking syndicate, they subverted all religions and national elites by assuming every religious and political hue. They took over Freemasonry and are now in the final stage of establishing their world government a.k.a “globalization.”

The abuse Polin suffered is a textbook example of how Illuminati families –Jews and non-Jews– treat their children. George W. Bush and Barack Obama may have suffered simllar trauma and, (like Polin,) have multiple personality disorder. Vicki is from Chicago and there is no telling how many Chicagoans surrounding Barack Obama are part of this Satanic cult.


Polin told Oprah that she witnessed babies sacrificed and consumed for the “power” this gave.

Entire Article Here

[youtube=]Vicki Polin-Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor

thefifthseal | May 21, 2007

Vicki Polin talks about her jewish satanic ritual abuse upbringing. This was filmed in 1989. This is more evidence that there is such a thing as satanic ritual abuse used to create DID, something the CIA has been doing for decades.

Vicki is currently the Executive Director of The Awareness Center, a Baltimore area sexual abuse help center.


The book Vicki mentioned is: “Lilith’s Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural” by Howard Schwartz

How the Illuminati Manipulates Jews

From: Henry Makow (A Jew)

How the Illuminati Manipulates Jews

November 4, 2010

Jews constitute an important base for the Illuminati. They draw upon this population for recruits to manage their system. In their war against Christian culture, it is invaluable to have people who are both highly capable but also highly alienated.”

by Rollin Stearns

… I’ve had a lot of Jewish friends, and my wife’s background is Jewish in part. This has helped me see how many Jews feel about themselves, and about America and the Holocaust.

They are afraid. You wouldn’t think so at first, as Jews are not notoriously shy. But there is a deep insecurity; they don’t trust non-Jews. This has deep historical roots. But many feel that even in America, the “other” could turn against them. Even as “insiders” they have the psychology of the outsider.

Some of my Jewish friends would say things that showed they thought most people were anti-Semitic, at least “latent.” No doubt this is sometimes true, but it often occurred in a context where it seemed a little crazy.

This became dramatically clear once when my wife took part in a lay counseling group. In this group, people get together in pairs, and each  helps the other discharge patterns of distress, using certain guidelines.

My wife counseled with a young Jewish woman named Nicki. She was attractive, intelligent, and successful. From all appearances you would never guess how she really felt about life and about the future.

In the counseling sessions Nicki would reveal a state that could virtually be called terror. She had nightmares, waking nightmares, centered on the Holocaust. She felt very deeply that “they” could come for her one day, that she could be a “burnt offering.”

This is an important part of the way the Illuminati exploits the Holocaust. Every politician knows it’s important to have a political base, and to make sure his base remains solid.

Jews constitute an important base for the Illuminati. They draw upon this population for recruits to manage their system. In their war against Christian culture, it is invaluable to have people who are both highly capable but also highly alienated.

Such people will feel like nonconformists even as they conform to the new world order; they will feel like outsiders even as they assume positions of control; they will feel threatened even as they engage in systematic oppression.

Thus both Jews and Gentiles are victims of the Illuminati Holocaust propaganda. Mobilized and controlled by fear, as well as by rewards, Jews are being exploited as surely as Gentiles are.

What about the Illuminati? Aren’t they Jews too? No, they’re not. Many of them are called “Jewish,” but they are “those who say they are Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Their God is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their God is the Masonic god, Lucifer.

They are Sabbateans. They sacrificed their alleged “lesser brethren” in the Holocaust. If need be they will scapegoat and sacrifice the Jews again.

Entire Article Here

Satanists used “sexual liberation,” to undermine humanity: “we corrupt in order to conquer” — For a woman, sex is an act of self-sacrifice and surrender. By definition, it requires trust, i.e. love and devotion to one man. When she has casual sex, inevitably she is disappointed and feels used. She starts to hate men and falls victim to feminism and lesbianism

From: Henry Makow

Promiscuity & The Death of Love

Why women today are losing the ability to love, and how men must adjust.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

If a young woman today said she was saving her virginity for her husband, she’d be considered hopelessly old fashioned. She’d be treated with disdain, as polite society treated a whore 100 years ago.

This is a measure of the triumph of Satanism, the “religion” of the modern world, which lurks behind secularism. Not coincidentally, virgins also had to hide their purity in Bolshevik Russia.

The defining characteristic of civilization is the consecration of sex to marriage, or at the very least, love and courtship. Marriage and family are the red blood cells of a healthy society and the basis for procreation.

Satanists understand this very well. That’s why they used “sexual liberation,” to undermine humanity. As Giuseppe Mazzini said,  “we corrupt in order to conquer.”

They are like the devil. Corruption is a form of conquest. Enslavement can take the form of addiction, to sex or drugs or alcohol.

Any animal can have anonymous sex. It is human to form a permanent loving bond and raise children properly. This is why Satanists use free love to attack attack marriage.


The more sexual partners a young woman has, the less she is able to love a man. A woman’s love must be exclusive. It must be focused on her husband, the father of her children. She must preserve her soul for him. That’s what her body represents. By becoming a sexual free agent, she loses the ability to love.

For a woman, sex is an act of self-sacrifice and surrender. By definition, it requires trust, i.e. love and devotion to one man. When she has casual sex, inevitably she is disappointed and feels used. She starts to hate men and falls victim to feminism and lesbianism.

When men were required to get married in order to have sex, women were courted and loved. Later, they were honored for their contribution as wife and mother. Far from protecting “women’s rights,” feminism has left them twisting in the wind.

The separation of sex from marriage, i.e. “sexual liberation,” is one of the principle ways satanism has killed love.

Wanton sex has become a substitute for love. Young women now market themselves as sex partners, not wives and mothers.  Men are also trained to seek sex.

Entire Article Here


(video) Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and Set Up the NWO – Aaron Russo

How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women — The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young

Scientists: WOMEN better at MULTI-TASKING, MEN better at CONCENTRATING on SINGLE Complex TASKS; Women have better connections between the LEFT & RIGHT sides of the brain • Men have better connections between the FRONT & BACK — ‘COMPLEMENTARY’ PROVEN!

Study: The hardwired ‘stark’ difference between male and female brains explains why women are more intuitive — “It’s quite striking how COMPLEMENTARY the brains of women and men really are.” | God knew what He was doing : )

Adrian Rogers on MEN and WOMEN: Celebrate the Difference — “God made us different that He might make us ONE.” It’s time to stop trying to be the be the same or resenting each other because of our differences

(video) David Pawson: “Leadership is Male” (in the home and in the church) — “The demand for IDENTITY between the sexes has caused so many problems. …  I’ve found that every woman, deep down in their heart, want to see their men-folk taking responsible leadership”

All of my The Purpose of Feminism articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

Dr. Stanley Monteith explains in 30 minutes what’s really going on. This is a spiritual battle.

[youtube=]Dr. Stan Monteith: Secret Beginnings of The Freemasons – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 16, 2010


Lady Gaga’s dark side. It’s not just all about sex…

Related: Did Lady Gaga Have Rival Murdered?

From: Natural News

Lady Gaga, superstar to teens, wears dress made of animal flesh (opinion)

If you’ve ever wondered about the true mental sickness of the entertainment industry, look no further than Lady Gaga. She rose to fame and has become a teen favorite by pumping out tunes like “Love Game” where she belts out lines such as “Let’s have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.”

Seriously. This is the stuff your teenage kids are piping into their brains through their iPods, by the way.

And that’s just the beginning: Lady Gaga is also largely responsible for the new craze of wearing “dilated pupil contact lenses” which make young girls appear to be either sexually aroused or stoned. These contact lenses are potentially dangerous, and they are being brought into the U.S. illegally, bypassing FDA approval. But thanks to Lady Gaga, young girls are increasingly interested in wearing them so they, too, can look “aroused and stoned” in order to arouse potential sex partners.

But there’s more to this sick story: Lady Gaga was recently honored at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, where she received a whopping eight “moonman” awards as well as Video of the Year honors.

To accept these awards, Lady Gaga actually appeared on stage wearing a dress made out of animal flesh. Yes, she was literally draped in animal flesh. This has been reported as her “red meat dress.”

“Meat is the decomposing flesh of a tormented animal who didn’t want to die, and after a few hours under the TV lights, it would smell like the rotting flesh it is and likely be crawling in maggots — not too attractive, really.” says PETA on its website (…).

Is Lady Gaga a worshipper of death?

But it goes far deeper than that. Anyone who would wear a dress made out of red meat is, for starters, mentally ill. But Lady Gaga goes far beyond just mentally ill, reaching to depths of necro-worship that make her appear almost Satanic.

In an upcoming live event, she promises to be surrounded by on-stage corpses. It is being widely reported across the ‘net that she plans to put dead human bodies on stage as part of her “act.”

Now, for those who really know what goes on behind the scenes of the entertainment industry, this probably comes as no surprise. There has always been a bizarre element of dark energy at work at the fringes of this industry, but Lady Gaga may be taking it to a whole new depth of darkness. Here’s why:

Entire Article Here

The Kinsey Syndrome: Ph.D. pedophiles designed the sex education programs in America. Does an addiction to porn create a kind of shadow person, someone who ends up leading a double life?

Transcriptions by Jeff Fenske

“It’s said that the greatest myth about pornography is that nobody gets hurt.

…does an addiction to porn create a kind of shadow person, someone who ends up leading a double life…?”


This documentary shows how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education — training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence? And what was Kinsey’s research really based upon?

Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America’s original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine – the “soft” approach to porn – which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation & Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: “The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet.”

Perhaps most disturbing, Alfred Kinsey has been accused of training pedophiles to work with stopwatches and record the responses of children being raped – all in the name of “science.” Among his workers was a Nazi pedophile whose relationship to Kinsey was exposed in a German court. The information from these crimes was then recorded in “Table 34” of Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. How can lawmakers use such a document to define the moral parameters of our society?

Why has the truth about Kinsey been suppressed for so long? And what can Americans do to make a difference?

[youtube=]The Kinsey Syndrome 1/17

RefuseResistProd | February 25, 2010

The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be “the father of the sexual revolution.” But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society?

American History Films Presents, A Jude 3 Production
Written & Directed by: Christian J. Pinto
Associate Producers: Clark Aliano, Steve Aguilar
Executive Producers: Joseph M. Schimmel, Christian J. Pinto
Package Design: Robbie Destocki, Creative Image Design Group
Running Time: Approx 3 hours
(c) 2008. All rights reserved.
Consumer Release Date: December 2008





“The experts were the rapists.”

“This is the torture of children!”

– Judith Reisman, author:
Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences




The children of table 34

Many of the children abused by Kinsey’s pedophiles
probably had no idea that they were a part of
a government sponsored study

• • • •

“Children aren’t sexual from birth.”

– victim


Nazi/Kinsey tie


Aleister Crowley/Kinsey tie

“Do what thou wilt….”




J. Gator Henry, former Penthouse producer:

“What delivered me, what took me out of that was plain and simple:
nothing but the power of Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit
through the fear of God.”


That fear might be summed up in the Gospel of Luke.
When speaking about children,

Jesus said:

‘It were better for a man that a millstone
were hanged about his neck,
and he cast into the sea,
than that he should offend one of these little ones

• • • •

A sexual predator in the act,
focusing lust spirits, “celestial warmth” on his boy victim,
a form of James-3 cursing, says:

“I as a human being am bathing him
in a certain kind of celestial warmth.”



“There is a whole issue of denial. …
Pastors need to address it from the pulpit.”

I’m grieved at the lack of moral outrage
that there is lacking today in our culture,
and particularly in the church
in the whole area of sexual perversion.
I believe it is the Mount Whitney.

I think addiction, and particular, sexual addiction is
the Mount Whitney of sin in the church today

If I could use a more effective metaphor,
I really think it’s like an iceberg.
We just barely see the tip of it,
but underneath the surface
there is such deep denial

– Jeff Reinke,
pastor of North Coast Calvary Chapel


“Many of the Ph.D.s who teach in our universities
have not only been associated with The Journal of Paedophilia,
but have also served as the board members for pornographic magazines
like Penthouse Forum.

These are the people who have designed
the programs for sex education in America

“When you consider that the Ph.Ds. who have designed these programs
openly support the pedophile philosophy
we can only wonder:
is sex education really intended to protect America’s children
or to condition them

The Kinsey institute continues to lead the way in sex education,
and continues to be funded by the American taxpayer.”



All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ToBeFree

All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ONEcanhappen

The solution is the fear of the Lord. Willfully lusting is a salvation issue — no ifs, ands or buts:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God

Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Schwarzenegger, Murdoch Give Keynote Speeches At The Bohemian Grove

From: Infowars…

Schwarzenegger, Murdoch Give Keynote Speeches At The Bohemian Grove

Media mogul lectures on “the future of news”

Steve Watson
Friday, Jul 30th, 2010

Schwarzenegger, Murdoch Give Keynote Speeches At The Bohemian Grove 300710groveCalifornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is to make a keynote address this evening before the Annual Bohemian Club secret gathering – a lifetime achievement for a man who has long been groomed for power by the globalist elite.

Schwarzenegger will speak in front of hundreds of movers and shakers at the 2,700-acre wooded encampment along the Russian River in Monte Rio.

The plutocrats will no doubt be eager to hear from the man that they hand picked to become California Governor in 2003, a fact that was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle at the time.

Schwarzenegger has since been a regular attendee at the Grove, but this will be the first time he has delivered a main event address at the elite hideout.

The news was reported as part of a puff piece on the grove in the Santa Rosa based Newspaper, The Press Democrat.

The article paints the Grove as some kind of fund-raising arts variety festival, when in reality it is the setting for top powerbrokers to knock their heads together on issues directly affecting world events, in between frolicking naked, urinating on giant Redwood trees and engaging in bizarre rituals.

The Manhattan Project was conceived at the Grove in the early 1940s, and Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan met there in 1967 and agreed who would seek the presidency first.

Other members include George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller, Colin Powell, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and former secretaries of state George Shultz and James Baker.

In the past former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has attended the gathering, while in 2008 just months before the election, it was rumoured that both Barack Obama and John McCain attended.

In 2000 Alex Jones infiltrated the encampment and caught exclusive video footage of a bizarre mock human sacrifice ritual, known as “the cremation of care”, under a 40 foot stone owl that the members refer to as Molech.

Attendees dress up like Klan members in hooded robes and perform druidic pagan ceremonies to mark the spectacular finale of the event.

Nixon is on record discussing homosexual activity at the Grove, whilst it is also documented that male and female porn stars and prostitutes are shipped in for the annual retreat.

A reader who got a summer job working at the Grove in 2005, Chris Jones, reported that he was regularly propositioned for sex by the old men attending the encampment and asked if he “slept around” and wanted to have some fun.

Jones was later sentenced to three years in jail by California authorities for simply showing a tape of his visit to minors.

The New York Times is the only mainstream news source to have covered the Grove this year, with the usual sardonic whitewash piece that ridicules anyone who has reservations or questions regarding the weird rituals that the robed attendees engage in:

“…the requisite summer-camp assembly of robed men, a 40-foot concrete owl, and a body burned in effigy (conspiracy theorists note: it is not a real body)… no, conspiracy theorists, the owl does not represent a demonic idol or any potato-chip concern.”

Oh I see, it’s not a real body, that’s perfectly normal then – after all, who doesn’t sneak out into the woods in a black robe and burn human effigies with their friends. every once in a while?

The piece also notes that some reporters have managed to sneak into the Grove in the past, and refers to Alex Jones’ infiltration in 2000:

“some returned with reports of drunken, gray-haired sophomores, while at least one saw evidence of the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati and Beelzebub himself.”

It also revels in a lack of protesters outside this year’s gathering:

“For most of the last 30 years, protesters by the dozens and hundreds have agitated outside this dark-wooded lair… Yet the ritual on this day includes only one protester, bearded, lanky Brian Romanoff, 28, who has been working mostly alone since the two-week encampment began on July 16. He says he has adopted a nonconfrontational approach, better to spread the truth about the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings.”

The writer, Dan Barry, gives away his intentions when he refers to the fact that The Bohemian Club has appointed a public relations consultant, Sam Singer, who is clearly the source of the piece.

Another key note speaker at the Grove this year was Newscorp CEO Rupert Murdoch, who reportedly discussed “the future of news” earlier in the week, following revelations that his new paywall at the London Times has thus far resulted in dismal failure.

No doubt Murdoch had much to say about the rise of the alternative media and the blogosphere, and the threat to the elite monopoly on information that its exponential success constitutes.

Watch Alex Jones discuss the shocking footage he obtained during his 2000 infiltration of the Grove:


The footage was compiled as part of the films Order of Death & Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, which can by order on high quality Combo DVD at the Infowars store.

Exposing The Satanic Empire (Final Edition)

“Many people who attend the Bohemian Grove are on the news every day,
leading double-lives.

Some of these people include
George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush.
Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were also members.
Eisenhower attended.
Master Harry S. Truman attended.
Jimmy Carter attended.
Newt Gingrich attends.
Henry Kissinger attends.
National security advisor Colin Powell….”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Exposing The Satanic Empire 01/08

IlluminatiSatanists | February 25, 2010

For ‘more info’, see web-links below.

A Keith Thompson film (in 8 parts) on the ruling mob’s involvement with Satanic activity.

This film dives into the formation of the Illuminati, how it infiltrated Freemasonry, and the Satanic nature of its aims. It then goes into the Vatican’s involvement with the Bohemian Grove, New World Order elite, And Freemasonry, while exposing how the Vatican is now anti-Christian.

The last segment debunks Zeitgeist-type claims of a Christ conspiracy and exposes the plan to destroy Christianity, making a Luciferian, new-age, one-world religion.


“We are heading for total mind control.”

“My life became insignificant compared to the suffering of millions of victims.”

“All these people have taken holy communion out of a human skull,
and have sworn to work for the destruction of Law, Religion and Government.”

“The initiates are told that they are now superior beings,
part of an elite who control Earth’s human population with war,
terror and famine.”

“They intend to turn the World into their conception of a Luciferian,
totalitarian, socialist state.
They will eliminate all Christians, Jews and Atheists.”

“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge
to worship Lucifer.
No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”

“As Satanists, we were told that the Illuminati were very powerful Satanic spiritual beings,
which is not entirely false because the Illuminati are possessed by these (demonic) beings.”

“Lucifer is very much alive. He is our god, and we are his chosen people.”
– Rothschild (banker, Mason, Illuminatus).

“It’s a Christian’s duty to reveal the works of Satan.”

“Evil is done under the cover of darkness, whereas good works are done in the sunshine.”



Illuminati, and how they use Mind Control… .

The Light Behind Masonry and the NWO… .

Exposing the Illuminati from Within (part 1)… .

Exposing the Illuminati from Within (part 2)… .








Paedophilia and Satanism: Governments around the world are being controlled by the bloodline cabal via paedophile and Satanist politicians

“The mention of Father Bush is especially significant
because I have been naming him in my books and on radio for years….”




By David Icke

I have had countless surprises and many shocks as I have lifted the stone and seen what horrors lie beneath, but few more than the scale of child abuse and Satanism.

And that’s the  word – scale. The fact that it is happening is one thing, but to realise how widespread and fundamental it is to establishment power all over the world was truly shocking.

I have talked with people in the best part of 50 countries in my research of this subject, the abused, the insiders who know the abusers, and those who have dedicated their lives to exposing this evil.

Put it all together and the situation is as clear as can be: paedophilia and Satanism are the cement that hold the establishment control structure together in every country, and these ‘national’ networks connect together to form a global network of paedophiles and Satanists all watching each others’ backs – while they continue to serve the Control System.

If anyone wants to get out or refuses to take orders they know the consequences – ‘suicide’ or exposure.

Governments around the world are being controlled by the bloodline cabal via paedophile and Satanist politicians and ‘leaders’ who dare not resist the demands of the Shadow People who have the evidence that would destroy them.

A few weeks ago a document came to light in Australia purporting to be a ‘death bed confession’ by a leading Satanist from the ‘top’ coven/lodge in Sydney. It certainly rang true because what it said is supported by my 15 years research into these matters. It said:

‘Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set of criteria and situations that enable them to accept that their victims will be, “Our little secret”. Young children sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices. In Australia the bodies are hardly ever discovered, for Australia is still a wilderness.’

In more crowded locations the Satanists and paedophiles (the two networks are fundamentally connected) have crematoria to ‘lose’ the evidence of child sacrifice and murder.

People don’t realise how organised it all is. Satanists and paedophiles (and those doing their bidding in pursuit of power, money and sheer survival) are placed in the key public offices to hide their activities. I am talking presidents and prime ministers, too.

Entire Article Here

All of my Republicans Blackmailable posts

David Icke: Humanity’s Last Chance To Stand Up — “Human Race Get Off Your Knees!”

Unite and be a roar!

“One little cricket isn’t very loud,
but you get a field of those
it is a deafening roar.”

– Alex Jones

• • • •

Also, in part 5,
Icke quotes an amazing Albert Pike 1871-statement
about what we’re getting set up for —
the Third World War.


1871 — Satanist and Freemason commander,
Albert Pike predicted World War I – III.
“The Third World War is to be played out by…”

[youtube=]David Icke: Humanity’s Last Chance – Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 08, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show writer, public speaker, and former well-known BBC television sports presenter David Icke. David has authored several books, including: Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More and Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion.


1871 — Satanist and Freemason commander, Albert Pike predicted World War I – III. “The Third World War is to be played out by…”

From: iamthewitness, The Synagogue of Satan 1821-1875.


Albert  Pike
Albert Pike

An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the, “Illuminati,” by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

  1. The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.
  2. The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds’ created) and increase the power of political Zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
  3. The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,” in which he candidly states the following,

“The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God…For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will…

LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls?

Doubt it not!”

Interestingly, in the same book, Pike emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.

Entire Article Here

[video] Roger Morneau’s SECRET SOCIETY occult experience: How the SPIRITS SEDUCE AND EMPOWER the ‘elite’ to control society and make big MONEY — SUPERNATURAL GAMBLING* insight — MUSICIANS are spirit energized — TEACHERS OF EVOLUTION receive great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness so students reject the Creator

* Today, “SUPERNATURAL GAMBLING insight” would include special STOCK TRADING revelations. Morneau’s experiences were in the mid-40s (1945?).


(edited and drastically shortened by Bryan Bissell from Roger Morneau’s book and an interview)

That was the beginning of it. When you get into a secret society of spirit worshippers and especially when you are invited there by the direction of the higher ups in the spirit world, you never get out of there alive. And that’s exactly what my friend and I were involved in; But, we didn’t know anything about that.

First Meeting with “Elite” Spirit Worshippers

…when Wednesday night rolled around, and he arrived outside with his big Lincoln. So we obligingly stepped inside and were taken to one of the most beautiful areas of Montreal, the place that we entered was a mansion. It was a most beautiful place. This was really a big surprise for me, as I had already made up my mind they were going to be rough looking characters. However, as we entered the place I was amazed to see that they were all superbly dressed, well mannered and that a lot of the people that we were being introduced to were the great and highly successful people of the city. They included prominent professionals, doctors, attorneys, and a lot of high placed business people. …

These people spent about two hours telling of the fantastic accomplishments and successes that they had attained through the workings of the spirits. They spoke mostly about major business transactions in which they had successfully used clairvoyance and mental telepathy to influence the outcomes. This all resulted in great profits to them. I recall a one lumber dealer….

Typewriters That Typed By Themselves!

Seeing my hesitancy, the high priest said, “Look, I’m not going to pressure you into anything, OK? But I want to show you what the spirits can do for a devoted servant.” We then went downstairs, not through the impressive staircase that I talked about that leads to the worship room of the gods, but down a stairs located at the other end of the building. A number of times I had gone there to the men’s room and I was mystified, as I always heard typewriters clicking like the dickens, in an adjoining room. I thought to myself, they must have a lot of people typing in that particular room. That evening when the high priest knocked on the door, someone responded, “come on in”. There were all of these typewriters rapidly typing all by themselves and typing at a speed that I’d never seen before. And not only that, the high priest then said to us, “I want to show you something clever, follow me.” So we went around the table, there were two long tables, on which there were about ten typewriters operating, and he said, “Now notice that the typewriter types to the right and then doesn’t go back, it types back to the left. Isn’t that something?” I had never heard of or seen anything like this before. He then said, “The spirits are doing all of the work. They type backward to show off their extraordinary intelligence”

He then introduced us to the man in this room, who it turned out was a prominent criminal lawyer. The high priest then asked him, “How much money did you make last year?” “Oh, he said, it’s up in the six figures.” All this person did was to put paper in each machine and different briefs for court cases came out, typed by the fallen spirits. He provided this service for the legal profession, and he would sell these briefs at a very high price to other criminal lawyers in both the United States and Canada. It was also explained to me that it was in the master’s best strategic interests to keep certain criminals free from incarceration. …


…in setting up the principles of his theories of evolution, Darwin was tutored by Satan himself, the master fallen angel. And at that time it was well understood, by this mastermind and his spirit counselors that if a person were led to believe in the theory of evolution, it would in his mind and heart destroy completely any confidence in the Biblical record of creation week, as detailed in the book of Genesis. This would also effectively destroy all belief in the fall of human kind, and in God’s plan of redemption. Thus in one master stroke they could do away with all of the foundational historical realities which point to the reality of man’s rebellion against his Maker and his desperate need for salvation.

Now the high priest made a unique statement, he said that according to the spirit intelligences, anyone who teaches other persons the theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of a great religious system. You see they actually understood it to be a religious system, this theory of evolution. This is because it was ingeniously devised by the master himself, as a system of schooling people to disqualify themselves – by making a spiritual choice – to reject the reality of the Creator and of Christ’s future eternal kingdom.

And the priest explained to us that every teacher of this theory is recognized in the spirit world, as a person of great value to the master’s kingdom, and such teachers receive a very special unction from Lucifer himself who gives them great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness, to totally convince and convert the mind.

A Trip Into the Supernatural Part 1 Roger Morneau Spiritualism The Occult Rothschild Family Satanism

Satanism in Music: “HOW DO YOU THINK I BECAME FAMOUS the way that I am? … People like to dance to our music. In reality, THE SPIRITS take control of us – or in other words, possess us, ENERGIZE US – and in turn we pass the influence on to the people”


One night at a séance we met a very famous big band jazz band leader and his wife. He played a lot in Montreal, Canada; Vancouver the big cities. The spirits had told him to talk to us and he invited us to an expensive restaurant. We had our favorite alcoholic beverages and as we talked the band leader said, “How long have you fellows been involved with sorcery?” It shocked us a little bit; and I said, “exactly what do you mean?” “Well”, he said, “You know, what you people are doing, talking to the supposed spirits of the dead”. He said, “This is silly. You see, my wife, goes to the séances because she gets comfort and she gets something good out of it; a good feeling out of it and she lives for what the spirits are going to say that the future’s going to be like. Me, I can’t bother with this stuff.” He said, “I want power, I go right to the source of power. How do you think I became famous the way that I am?”

I said, “You must have had some good luck.” Well he said, “There’s no such thing as ‘good luck’, there’s either some power working for you somewhere, or you don’t get ahead in this world, not in my type of occupation. You see for years I was a failure in maintaining my own jazz band. But then I was fortunate enough to be introduced to spirit worship. And by that great power I have obtained everything I had always wanted. From that day on, it was instant success my band. The news media got excited about us, and we became the talk of the town. In no time we reached the top. {Now}, our fees are the highest in the industry. People like to dance to our music. In reality, the spirits take control of us – or in other words, possess us, energize us – and in turn we pass the influence on to the people. They like what they get and keep returning for more of the same. One time I had an interview on the radio with six of the top people in the radio world from Montreal and Toronto interviewing me. Everything I said seemed to fascinate them. In fact, I was amazed at my instant responses. Never had I been so witty in my life. And I enjoyed the attention they gave me. It almost reached a state of worship. This success of mine is easy to figure out once a person understands the mighty power of the spirits, and how to get that power working for you.”

Satanism in Music an Account by Roger Morneau Secret Societies Witchcraft Freemosonry Illuminati

Satanism in Music by Roger Morneau Illuminati…Exposed

It was through Roger Morneau’s experiences in spirit worship that he realized God was very real, because spirit worshipers spoke of God as an adversary to their God Lucifer (Satan), and the very real battle between the two that is manifesting itself on Earth through Christians and followers of Satan. Roger Morneau said the spirits would confess that the battle is still ongoing, and that Satanists were convinced that Jesus (God) would forsake the Earth, and leave it to Satan and his followers. This is NOT true, but it’s what keep Satan’s followers empowered and believing.

Roger Morneau went on to write a handful of books about his experiences with the occult, and also about the power of prayer, which he used to rid himself of the demons that would hound him. This video is from his interview “A Trip Into the Supernatural”. Watch the whole video at (source)


Roger Morneau’s SECRET SOCIETY occult experience: How the SPIRITS SEDUCE AND EMPOWER the ‘elite’ to control society and make big MONEY — MUSICIANS are spirit energized — TEACHERS OF EVOLUTION receive great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness so students reject the Creator

[MANY PHOTOS] Sinister Sites – The Denver International Airport – Literally an Occult New Age Cathedral

From: vigilantcitizen

An apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes welcoming visitors? Check.

Nightmarish murals? Check.

Strange words and symbols embedded in the floor? Check.

Gargoyles sitting in suitcases? Check.

Runways shaped like a Nazi swastika? Check.

OK, this place is evil.

But seriously, there are so many irregularities surrounding the DIA, that a voluminous book could be written on the subject.  The facilities and the art displayed lead many observers to believe that the DIA is much more than an airport: it is literally a New-Age cathedral, full of occult symbolism and references to secret societies. The art at the DIA is NOT an aggregation of odd choices made by people with poor taste, like many people think. It is a cohesive collection of symbolic pieces that reflect the philosphy, the beliefs and the goals of the global elite. The DIA is the largest airport in America and it has cost over 4.8 billion dollars. Everything regarding this airport has been meticulously planned and everything is there for a reason.

Entire Article with MANY PHOTOS HERE


God of Death Joins Blucifer and the Apocalyptic Murals at Denver International Airport

Denver Airport NWO Art: Nightly News on The Street Report

The Denver International Airport of the New World Order

Sinister Sites – Temple Square, Utah – Occult symbols all over the place!

From: vigilantcitizen

Situated at the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah, Temple Square is the spiritual, cultural and administrative center of the Mormon faith.  This ten acres plot of land includes a Temple, a domed tabernacle and numerous buildings,  monuments and memorials. While this place may seem holy and wholesome, a closer look at the structures reveal the presence of occult, pagan and masonic symbols. A deeper study of those grounds only adds to the controversy regarding Mormonism and reveals the disturbing truth about its real god.

This article’s intent is not to condemn Mormonism as a faith, but rather  to analyze the symbols in Temple Square in an objective matter. A visitor of this religious area finds himself surrounded with symbols esoterically associated with Black Magic, evil or ancient paganism. Why are these symbols visible on supposedly Christian buildings, of all places? Many ex-Mormons have claimed that the LDS secretly leads followers to the worship of Lucifer. Are they right?

Entire Article With Photos Here


(audio) Fmr. Mormon Professor Takes Us Inside Mormonism: “They taught me to use FEELING, instead of my reasoning brain” — “We taught our college students to use their REASONING brains in biology, and in education and sociology. But when it came to faith, you follow the Mormon prophet BLINDLY, and you rely on your FEELINGS. … I didn’t know that DEMONIC forces could also make you feel those kind of feelings”

[Mormonism?] Utah: Online Porn Capital of America?

[Mormonism?] Salt Lake City Leads Nation in Breast Implant Popularity

[Mormonism?] Studies Find Utah Leads Nation in Antidepressant Use — To be a good mother and wife, women have to put on this mask of perfection. They are to be constantly smiling…

BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon — The Book of Mormon is 19th century fiction based on the complete lack of historical evidence. Mormonism is based solely on a feeling, the “burning in the bosom” — which makes it a doctrine of demons!

Sinister Sites – Temple Square, Utah – Occult symbols all over the place!

DNA Science Challenges LDS History

Romney Exposed — How did Mitt Romney earn Dick Cheney’s respect and full support? “You have to demonstrate your capacity for evil if you want Dick Cheney’s vote.”

Bill Schoebelen: The Occult Origins of Halloween & Mitt Romney’s Mormon Occultic Agenda

[video] Lindsey Williams EXPOSES BP’s GULF OIL SPILL DISASTER from INSIDERS & MR. X (87-year-old, former oil company CEO) …

Transcribed and summarized by Jeff Fenske

Lindsey Williams EXPOSES BP’s GULF OIL SPILL DISASTER from INSIDERS & MR. X (87-year-old, former oil company CEO): “They drilled between 25 and 30 thousand feet deep in 5 thousand foot water. … THEY HIT SOMETHING SO CATASTROPHIC and unexpected that they could not contain it.” “The oil is not the greatest danger.” IT’S WHAT COMES UP WITH THE OIL is that is deadly to humans! “They are going to use this as one of the major methods of getting THEIR 2012 TIMELINE done.” A NUKE the only solution?

BP drilled about 30,000 feet into a strata that has never been drilled into before, already starting 5,000 feet down. So we’re talking as far as 7 miles into the earth. The Russians have drilled this deep, but they had the sense to do it on land.

“They drilled between 25 and 30 thousand feet deep in 5 thousand foot water. … They hit something so catastrophic and unexpected that they could not contain it.”

“They hit a wellhead pressure of somewhere between 20, 000 and 70,000 pounds per square inch (psi).” Compare this to Prudhoe Bay oil pressure at 1,5000 psi.

Having been told that the fail-safe valve was warped, the foreman proceeded anyway.

The flow is much larger than BP is letting on. It’s actually gushing at about 4 million gallons of oil per day!

The pipe is fractured in many places. Some plumes are coming up as far as 20 miles away.

“The oil is not the greatest danger. … What comes up with the oil is what is deadly [to humans]” — toxic gasses that could be blown across the eastern United States during the next hurricane.

It may take a nuke to stop it. But this could take about 2 more months to angle drill the hole, and its super risky. The nuke could damage the strata further! “You are not going to see this well capped anytime soon.”

This could double or triple the price of gasoline.

“They have told me that they’re going to use this gulf scenario as a method of accomplishing their timeline for 2010 and 2012, exactly as they told me they were going to do it.” “They are going to use this as one of the major methods…of getting their 2012 timeline done.” See links at bottom of page.

This could bankrupt the airlines, which would then be nationalized.

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams Exposes BP’s Gulf Oil Spill Disaster from Insiders & Mr. X on Alex Jones Tv 1/9

TheAlexJonesChannel — June 11, 2010 — Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, author of The Energy Non-Crisis, who talks about Big Oil and the Gulf spill. Bilderberg hound and journalist for the American Free Press, Jim Tucker, gives a Bilderberg round-up following the latest elite confab in Spain. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls.

“The oil is not the greatest danger. … What comes up with the oil is what is deadly [to humans].”

BP drilled about 30,000 feet into a strata that has never been drilled into before, already starting 5,000 feet down. So we’re talking as far as 7 miles into the earth.

The Russians have drilled this deep, but they had the sense to do it on land.

“They drilled between 25 and 30 thousand feet deep in 5 thousand foot water. … They hit something so catastrophic and unexpected that they could not contain it.”

“They hit a wellhead pressure of somewhere between 20, 000 and 70,000 pounds per square inch (psi).” Compare this to Prudhoe Bay oil pressure at 1,5000 psi.

Having been told that the fail-safe valve was warped, the foreman proceeded anyway.

The flow is much larger than BP is letting on. It’s actually gushing at about 4 million gallons of oil per day!

The pipe is fractured in many places. Some plumes are coming up as far as 20 miles away.

It may take a nuke to stop it. But this could take about 2 more months to angle drill the hole, and its super risky. The nuke could damage the strata further!

This could double or triple the price of gasoline.

“They have told me that they’re going to use this gulf scenario as a method of accomplishing their timeline for 2010 and 2012, exactly as they told me they were going to do it.” “They are going to use this as one of the major methods…of getting their 2012 timeline done.” See links at bottom of page.

“You are not going to see this well capped anytime soon.”

This could bankrupt the airlines, so they’ll be nationalized.



The goals of the Illuminati include: To engineer and bring about the destruction of true Christianity

From: Rense





1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a “church” body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.

3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.

4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski’s Red Terror look like children at play.

5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call “the post-industrial zero-growth society”. Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA. Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the “excess population” process we know of today as Global 2000.

6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an “art-form, which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.

7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot’s genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome’s research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.

8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati’s conception of “limited natural resources” right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.

9. To cause. by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call “useless eaters”. The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title “Global 2000 Report” and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.

10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the “Aquarian Conspiracy”.

11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then “managing” such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.

12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.

13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company’s servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of “God’s chosen people”, and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.

[I’m adding this brief video exposé of John Nelson Darby. However, I do support the right of Israel to exist, but I do not support their atrocities — just as I don’t support the many, dark side originated, US atrocities – editor.]

[youtube=]Dispensationalism started by John Nelson Darby who is…

Darby is noted in the theological world as the father of “dispensationalism,” later made popular in the United States by Cyrus Scofield’s Scofield Reference Bible. Charles Henry Mackintosh, 1820-1896, with his popular style spread Darby’s teachings to humbler elements in society and may be regarded as the journalist of the Brethren Movement. CHM popularised Darby more than any other Brethren author. Darby is sometimes credited with originating, the “secret rapture” theory wherein Christ will suddenly remove His bride, the Church, from this world before the judgments of the tribulation. …

14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and “Son of Sam” type. It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.

15. To export “religious liberation” ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the “Jesuit Liberation Theology“, that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a “civil war”. Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll’s so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Moçambique, Angola and South Africa.

16. To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.

17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.

18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.

19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.

20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be mad “a horrible example of”, in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.

21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach “Outcome Based Education” (OBE).


Dr John Coleman Committee of 300 by John Coleman

To order any of Dr. Coleman’s books, including the enhanced and updated 4th edition of Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, his news magazine World in Review (a 40page bi-monthly publication) or any of his monographs, or to receive a copy of his catalogue, please telephone or write to the following: 1 (800) 942-0821 W.I.R. 2533 North Carson St. Suite J-118 Carson City, NV 89706

The Hidden Agenda Behind Pornography: The Enslavement of Mankind. Sexual degradation is the primary instrument used by the Illuminati to induct people into Satanism. “Sexual liberation” is the crucial first step.

From: HenryMakow

The Hidden Agenda Behind Pornography

June 10, 2010

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Porn is so freely available on the Internet, I can’t believe anyone pays for it.

Yet, supposedly porn is a $12 billion a year industry in the US, of which the Internet represents $2.5 billion.

I suspect porn receives a hidden subsidy from the Illuminati so it can be free. This subsidy may take the form of money laundering.

Porn serves a vital function for the Illuminati. We know they want to enslave us using debt, mind control and false flag terrorism. But we are not aware they have a deliberate program to enslave us spiritually using sex.

Put another way, the Illuminati is a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabala. The course of “modern” history and culture has been designed to induct the human race into this pagan sex cult.

Its cosmology imagines that sexual intercourse somehow restores cosmic harmony. We have imbibed its idea that the mere act of intercourse is an edifying mystical-religious experience. This has resulted in the deification of sex and  young beautiful women. Of course, anonymous sex is actually an incredibly degrading experience for both men and women.

Sexual degradation is the primary instrument used by the Illuminati to induct people into Satanism.

Thus, they promote everything that is unnatural and perverse: anonymous sex, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality (which usually involves  anonymous sex and more.) This is how they enslave mankind.


We don’t like to admit it but I’m afraid “sexual liberation” was a ruse.

Monogamy and family are wholesome and life affirming. Sex is consecrated for marriage. Its purpose is to bond husband and wife and to provide a wholesome environment for children.

“Sexual liberation” is the crucial first step to Satanism. It reduces all relationships to the lowest sexual common denominator. Men, and increasingly women, now think in terms of “hot or not,” of “hitting” this and “doing” that, no matter how inappropriate.  Sex has become a tiresome cultural obsession and fetish. Homosexuality is normalized and promoted.

Anonymous sex is the antithesis of monogamy and family.
Yet anonymous sex is now the norm. We have been conditioned to think of anonymous sex as “self expression” and “liberation.”

In fact, it is the unfolding of their satanic methodology. It is how they dehumanize and destroy their members, how they win them for their evil deity.

Entire Article Here

Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust — Do the Moral Arithmetic

From: Henry Makow (A Jew, himself)

Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust

May 31, 2010


by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Israel is the primary source of anti-Semitism in the world today, and jeopardizes the security of all Jews. Proclaiming itself the “Jewish State” but acting as a rogue state, Israel exposes all Jews to revulsion and retribution.

The murder of Gaza peace activists provides more evidence that the actual goal of Zionism is not to protect Jews from anti-Semitism but in fact, is to create anti-Semitism.

The purpose is to make Jews a pariah unto the nations with no choice but to follow Zionist dictates.

Eventually, they will be sacrificed for Zionist goals, as they were in the holocaust. This is because Zionism is a Masonic (Illuminati, cabalist, satanic) secret society intent on building a totalitarian New World Order. The majority of Jews have no part in this, except to be sacrificed again for a cause of which they have no inkling.

Zionists are stripping Israelis and Jews of moral legitimacy so they can be liquidated again without any compunction. And most Israelis and Jews  cooperate by supporting Israeli outrages with feeble excuses, blithely indifferent to the possible consequences.

Do the moral arithmetic: In 2006, Israel kills 1400 Lebanese and inflicts $10 billion in damage because 2 soldiers are captured. In 2009-10, Israel kills 1300 Gaza civilians and levels countless buildings because of a few popgun rockets. Now this- killing unarmed international peace activists bringing aid to the beleaguered Gazans.

Israel jeopardizes the security of Jews everywhere by its actions. Similarly, in 1933, Samuel Untermeyer, representing organized Jewry, “declared war” on Nazi Germany. This while a half a million Jews still lived in Germany and were subject to Nazi reprisal and persecution! Jews today are hostages to Israel’s shameless behavior.

Entire Article Here

(video) John DeCamp discusses the Franklin Cover-up: “The biggest monster I’ve ever encountered!”

Quote transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“So I started working on this case [the Franklin Cover-up — ed.], and it turned into the biggest monster I’ve ever encountered, into a world I did not believe existed, could not believe existed.

And even to this day, strange as this is going to sound, terrible as this may sound, I’ll say it: I wish I knew nothing about it. I wish I were still kind of sweet and innocent and didn’t know anything about this.”

– John DeCamp, former Nebraska state Senator


PART 1: surgery, how DeCamp became involved with the Franklin Coverup, Paul Bonacci.

Nebraska Senator John DeCamp provides updates on Franklin Coverup Scandal, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine High School Shootings and Henry Kissinger’s confirmation of Watergate’s REAL Deep Throat!


PART 2: Pope Ratzinger; Oklahoma City Bombing; Paul Bonacci.


PART 3: Johnny & Noreen Gosch; Col. Michael Aquino; Columbine High School and drugs.


PART 4: Paris Talks; Henry Kissinger & Wm Colby AGREE who Deep Throat REALLY WAS!


PART 5: DeCamp’s background in Iran; Al Quaeda.


“Conspiracy of Silence”: The program that many compromised (and now blackmailable) Republicans don’t want you to see. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!

Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?

Ted Gunderson: Many of our congressmen and senators have been blackmailed through children, sex and drugs…”and we don’t have enough people like Kucinich and Ron Paul to stand up.”

(audio) Opperman Report : Nick Bryant, ‘Confessions of A DC Madam,’ ‘Franklin Scandal’ — Republican leaders prefer boys, Democrats prefer girls — Went “all the way to the top”

[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House

Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #4 — Call Boy Rings Exposed. “Many of us believe that our leaders are in fact Christian conservatives with our best interest at heart…” | But WE must have INTEGRITY no matter what.

(video) Eyewitness to Murder at Bohemian Grove – America’s Satanic Hellfire Club

Mark Dice: Hunter S. Thompson produced child porn & snuff films?

[The Prophecy Club] The Ted Gunderson Chronicles

Pedophile Ring Whistleblower Fmr. FBI Chief Ted Gunderson — Considerable effort has been made to discredit him and John DeCamp. Their stories lead to the Bush family and beyond • When we turn on our televisions, we see the men, often Bible in hand, who spend much more time crouching before naked little boys

Dr. Stan & Ted Gunderson on How “They’re” Able to Do It: “Once you understand the things that actually go on at Bohemian Grove…” — “This Satanic element has infiltrated all levels of our government”

‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160’s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Dr. Stan interviews Nick Bryant: The Franklin Scandal — A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal

Pedophilia in the White House — Interview with John DeCamp (Nebraska State Senator)

The Homosexual Guild in D.C.: “They’re outing their white, male straights.”

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians — Almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

All of my Republicans Blackmailable posts

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