Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why they hate US Page 16 of 25

[ Why-they-hate-US video ] Obama-Backed Rebels Carry Out Public Executions

Obama-Backed Rebels Carry Out Public Executions
May 16, 2013

WARNING: Graphic content. Viewer discretion advised. Aimed only at documenting crimes by FSA terrorists in Syria.

[youtube=!]The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Publicly Executes Three Alawites for Being Alawite (18+)

Eretz Zen WarVids

Published on May 15, 2013

Warning: Graphic content (not for shock, 18+, not for faint-hearted, viewer discretion advised, aimed only at documenting crimes by FSA terrorists in Syria)

Three men, one of them an elderly man, are filmed sitting while blindfolded on a curb in the middle of a large public square in the northern city of al-Raqqa in Syria surrounded by a large crowd of people and by al-Qaeda affiliated jihadists belonging to the the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (the Levant), an organization resulting from the merger of Islamic State of Iraq (aka al-Qaeda in Iraq or AQI) and Jabhat al-Nusra (aka Nusra Front).

A statement precedes the execution, in which the jihadist claims that this sectarian-driven execution is in response to the Alawites’ and secular Sunnis’ murder of their fellow Wahhabis, whom they refer to as Sunnis.

[ Why-they-hate-US video ] CIA Cannibal Eats Dead Syrian Soldier’s Heart — Amnesty International has documented a steep increase in war crimes committed by CIA supported mercenaries in Syria, including hostage taking, torture and summary executions

CIA Cannibal Eats Dead Syrian Soldier’s Heart

Kurt Nimmo
May 14, 2013

The CIA supported Free Syrian Army has produced a video showing Abu Sakkar eating the heart of a dead Syrian soldier.

[youtube=]FSA Insurgent Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier

Sakkar is the commander of the Farouq Brigades, one of the largest units of the Free Syrian Army. In 2012, the unit merged with the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front, a coalition of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist groups vowing to create an Islamic state in Syria. It is named after Farouq from Omar bin al-Khatab, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, and the second caliphate.

The video was described as authentic by several Abu Sakkar’s fighters and supporters, including his brother.

“I swear to God, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs – we will eat your heart and livers! Takbir! God is Great! Oh my heroes of Baba Amr, you slaughter the Alawites and take their hearts out to eat them!” Sakkar declares in the video.

The NGO Human Rights Watch claims the cannibal Sakkar also participated in the indiscriminate sheeling of Shia villages in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Geneva Convention prohibit mutilation of the dead. “Mutilation of the dead is actually a fairly rare occurrence in well-disciplined armies. This is probably as much the result of a general revulsion at such conduct as from a fear of criminal punishment,” notes H. Wayne Elliott.

The CIA’s Islamic mercenaries – supported and funded by the Gulf monarchies – have demonstrated on numerous occasions in Syria and Libya they are not beholden to international standards governing the conduct of war.

Amnesty International has documented a steep increase in war crimes committed by CIA supported mercenaries in Syria, including hostage taking, torture and summary executions.

In Libya, NATO’s mercenaries tortured and summarily executed thousands, including Muammar Gadhafi and his son, according to Human Rights Watch. Islamic militias are said to have killed U.S. ambassador Stevens and several other Americans in Benghazi.

[ Why-they-hate-US video ] US-backed Al Qaeda Insurgent Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier

U.S. and Israel are both financing and supporting these FSA (Free Syrian Army)/al Qaeda fighters to overthrow the Syrian government so they can overthrow the Iran government without resistance from Syria.

More reverse-Christian war crimes that God will judge US for. This isn’t about freedom at all.

The USA have overthrown dozens of countries over the years, covertly and overtly. And most Americans don’t want to hear about it.

Very sad. Our days are numbered.

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[youtube=]FSA Insurgent Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier

Published on May 12, 2013

Another brutal war crime by the Obama’s heroic insurgents the FSA,
eating the heart of the soldier they killed.

[ video ] Madeleine Albright on 60 Minutes: “We think the price is worth it” — One half million children dying in Iraq because of U.S. sanctions

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price—we think the price is worth it.

60 Minutes (5/12/96)

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[youtube=]Madeleine Albright – 60 Minutes

John Manslagt

Uploaded on Jun 28, 2008

Albright makes statement that ultimately led to 9/11.

[ video ] Alex Jones: Israel Strikes Syria – Real-History Overview! — “This war, ladies and gentlemen, corrupt war”

“This war, ladies and gentlemen, corrupt war.”

– Alex Jones

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[youtube=]Israel Strikes Syria: Special Report


Published on May 5, 2013

Alex covers the outrageous Israeli strike on Syria, and the total Twilight Zone-like bizarreness of Syria being unable to retaliate or defend itself due to the dilemma that any form of reprisal would likely give a green light for a full scale military assault by the US and Israel. Alex also breaks down how the West is committing war crimes by funding and arming the Al-Qaeda-led Syrian rebels, and examines the “It can’t happen here” mentality comforting naïve Americans. On today’s show, Alex will also analyze the persecution of Christians in the military and recently at a high school in Texas, and get into how the Boston bombing suspects being denied legal counsel is complete defiance of the Sixth Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

[Israel’s air strike on Syria targeted civilian infrastructure as well as a chicken farm]…

[Tel Aviv emboldens western-backed jihadists]…

[The IDF crossed into Lebanon following a second Israeli attack]…

[US-backed Israel Commits Egregious International Crime]…

[ Assad “to declare war” on Israel following fresh airstrikes]…

(video) Ron Paul on Regime-Changing Syria: “Going in is the worst thing to do / We don’t have the MORAL IMPERATIVE / These wars overseas are costing us a trillion dollars a year and we have nothing to show for it except MORE ENEMIES / It’s going to bring us down.”

The USA is getting ready to REVERSE-CHRISTIAN REGIME CHANGE yet one more country.

So why does the world hate US? Why are we going down?

God says: “What you sow you will reap.”


– –

“Going in is the worst thing to do.”

“We don’t have the MORAL IMPERATIVE.”

“These wars overseas are costing us a trillion dollars a year,
and we have nothing to show for it except MORE ENEMIES.”

“It’s a sacred cow that you can’t cut a nickel out of the military.”

“It’s going to bring us down.”

– Ron Paul

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Ron Paul: We’re Already Very Much Involved in Syria – Cavuto 4/29/2013

[ video ] Ron Paul on Regime-Changing Syria: “Going in is the worst thing to do / We don’t have the MORAL IMPERATIVE / These wars overseas are costing us a trillion dollars a year and we have nothing to show for it except MORE ENEMIES / It’s going to bring us down.”

The USA is getting ready to REVERSE-CHRISTIAN REGIME CHANGE yet one more country.

So why does the world hate US? Why are we going down?

God says: “What you sow you will reap.”


– –

“Going in is the worst thing to do.”

“We don’t have the MORAL IMPERATIVE.”

“These wars overseas are costing us a trillion dollars a year,
and we have nothing to show for it except MORE ENEMIES.”

“It’s a sacred cow that you can’t cut a nickel out of the military.”

“It’s going to bring us down.”

– Ron Paul

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

Ron Paul: We’re Already Very Much Involved in Syria – Cavuto 4/29/2013

[ video ] Sibel Edmonds: CIA Controlled Tsarnaev Brothers — THE BIG PICTURE – Boston bombing is not blowback, but a deal with Russia!

Sibel always greatly impresses me: guts, poise, conviction…! Alex has no choice but to give her the floor! LOL!

Incredible intel here! Why the CIA used the Tsarnaev brothers to demonize Chechnya. If I’m getting this correctly:

1) Russia can now be publicly justified to militarily take out Russian opposition in Chechnya

2) Russia will now stand down and let us invade and regime-change Syria

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[youtube=]Sibel Edmonds: CIA Controlled Tsarnaev Brothers


Published on Apr 26, 2013

Alex welcomes former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds to explain the US roots of “Chechen” terrorism.


[ video ] Sibel Edmonds: Terror by Design – CIA’s “Gladio B” and The Boston Bombings

Sibel’s Site: Boiling Frogs

[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Marathon Bombing Update 4/26/13 — Answers Lead to More Questions

[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Boston Marathon Bombing Cries Out for Answers — The backpacks don’t match

[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/22/13: Tsarnaev Brothers Were Set Up

[ video ] Joel Skousen 4/15/13: Boston Bombing – Hallmarks of A False Flag

[ audio ] Underwear Bomber Eyewitness Kurt Haskell talks about the 2013 Boston Bombings — Dzhokhar almost certainly INNOCENT. The brown bag lady – the post-detonation pic of where her bag was…

POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Airline Captain Philip Marshall with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/8/12: “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror” — Fasten your seatbelt — the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. The hijackers weretrained at a CIA-operated airport in Arizona.

[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”

God is a 9-11 Truther — “It is past time for Christian leaders and pastors and churches get on the side of TRUTH regarding the 9/11 attacks because God is there. God is on the side of the TRUTH, and deception was the intent of the US 9/11 Commission Report.”

Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”

9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections

9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH

Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire

[10-minute video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Don’t be the last to know

[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length

All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)

Jeremy Scahill on how OBAMA GETS A FREE PASS for pursuing policies that infuriated President Bush’s critics: “Unfortunately, a lot of LIBERALS have CHECKED IN THEIR CONSCIENCES at the door. That is not very healthy for our democratic process.”

From: US debates between civil liberties and war on terror

James Cartwright, a retired general who was until two years ago deputy chair of the joint chiefs of staff, said on Tuesday that “I am worried that we have lost the moral high ground” as a result of excessive use of drone strikes. “We risk being in a position where we are generating more problems than we have solved,” he said. … “The drone strikes are the face of America to many,” he said.

Critics of Mr Obama say while he has toned down some of the rhetoric about the “war on terror”, he has continued its policies.

Jeremy Scahill, the author of a new book and film, Dirty Wars, on America’s use of covert methods to track down and kill alleged terrorists, says Mr Obama largely gets a free pass for pursuing policies that infuriated Mr Bush’s critics. “Unfortunately, a lot of liberals have checked in their consciences at the door – that is not very healthy for our democratic process,” he said.

[video] Syrian Girl: Fatwa Permitting RAPE of Syrian Women by US-BACKED rebels — Girls as young as 14 transported into the country to service the needs of anti-Assad militants

[youtube=]Syrian Girl: Fatwa Permitting Rape of Syrian Women


Published on Apr 4, 2013

Another Islamic cleric has gone public to announce a fatwa that permits US-backed FSA rebels to rape non-Sunni women in Syria as part of a “sexual jihad” that has seen girls as young as 14 transported into the country to service the needs of anti-Assad militants.

“Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni, a Jordanian of origin who lived in Damascus, Syria for 17 years, posted a YouTube video last week where he said he was preparing to issue a “legitimate fatwa” making it legal (in the eyes of Islam) for those Muslims fighting to topple secular president Bashar Assad and install Sharia law to “capture and have sex with” all non-Sunni women, specifically naming Assad’s own sect, the Alawites, as well as the Druze and several others, basically, all non-Sunnis and non-Muslims,” reports Human Events.……

New report shows that at least 116,000 Iraqi civilians were killed during the war. [Some estimates are as high as 655,000. The war cost US taxpayers $810 billion, and ultimately could cost $3 trillion. Terrorism is a greater threat now than when the war began. Something is wrong with this picture.]

Headline is Edward Griffin’s.
– –

Iraq war killed 120,000 and cost $800 billion, study estimates

By Agence France-Presse
Friday, March 15, 2013 7:39 EDT

At least 116,000 Iraqi civilians and more than 4,800 coalition troops died in Iraq between the outbreak of war in 2003 and the US withdrawal in 2011, researchers estimate.

Its involvement in Iraq has so far cost the United States $810 billion (625 billion euros) and could eventually reach $3 trillion, they added.

The estimates come from two US professors of public health, reporting on Friday in the British peer-reviewed journal The Lancet.

They base the figures on published studies in journals and on reports by government agencies, international organisations and the news media.

“We conclude that at least 116,903 Iraqi non-combatants and more than 4,800 coalition military personnel died over the eight-year course” of the war from 2003 to 2011, they said.

“Many Iraqi civilians were injured or became ill because of damage to the health-supporting infrastructure of the country, and about five million were displaced.

Entire Article Here

[video] Ben Swann Full Disclosure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard? — Ben interviews a man who lives in Damascus who says that the Western media has been lying about the conflict in Syria. He says it is not a revolution. The US-backed "Syrian rebels" are really foreign professional terrorists that travel in gangs and incite violence throughout the country. Most Syrians support the current Assad regime.

My headline includes part of Edward Griffin’s excellent description.
The U.S./Israeli goal is regime change, so they can bomb Iran without Syrian opposition.
It’s all very Devlish — and U.S. media is fully complicit.
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[youtube=]Full Disclosure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven’t Heard?

Ben SwannBen Swann

Published on Mar 19, 2013

Ben Swann Full Disclosure talks with Emilio Ibrahim, a Syrian man living in Damascus about the U.S. and Saudi funding of Al Qaeda fighters who are leading the so called Syrian revolution.

(video – full unedited) Former Marine Colonel’s Wife: Sleeping With The Enemy — Kay Griggs Talks About Sexual Perversion Deep Within the Highest Levels of U.S. Military and Government, Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, and Illegal Weapon Deals — "Why are Good People Silent?"

This is a gem — spitfire, super, awesome, smart lady!!!

Tons of great info here — very important to be able to know what really is going on at the ‘top’ in the U.S. military.

P.S.: This is a good video to watch at 1.5x speed. 7.5 hours then become only 5:
[Timesaver Tip!] How To Speed Up Online Videos — Offline Too!

– –

“Why are good people silent?”

“They’re [our military leaders] not looking at anything but sex.”

– Kay Griggs

* * *


Kay Griggs – Sleeping With The Enemy

Kay Griggs, Former Marine Colonel’s Wife, Talks Again About Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, Illegal Weapon Deals And Sexual Perversion Deep Within The Highest Levels Of U.S. Military And Government

By Greg Szymanski |

For 11 long years, Kay Griggs heard all the messy details from her military husband, usually while he was drinking before going into one of his drunken stupors. First going public in 1998 in an eight hour video interview with a truth-seeking Michigan pastor and FM radio broadcaster, she now is back after 9/11 to warn Americans to beware of the evil lurking within the highest levels of government, bound and determined to destroy America. July 25, 2005

Katharine ‘Kay’ Griggs knows what it’s like to have a gun pointed in her face. She knows what it’s like to have her face slapped, her bones broken and her nose bloodied by her former bully of a husband, an active Marine Colonel and a man who she claims is “above the law and literally gets away with murder.”

Virginia court documents and photos of her battered arms and legs tell the sad and brutal physical story of her failed marriage, a tumultuous 11 year roller coaster ride ending in 1999.

But the real story for public consumption isn’t the private divorce court details. It is the secret military information about drug running, weapon sales, sexual perversion and assassination squads she learned firsthand from her husband, U.S. Marine Corps Col. George Raymond Griggs, now remarried and living in Mirror Lake, NH.

This isn’t the first time Griggs is going public with her story about government mob-like hit squads and the sexually perverted secret “cap and gown and skull and bone society” her husband belonged to along with other high-ranking Marine officers and pubic officials [like George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush – editor]. […]

Pastor Strawcutter’s 1998 Taped Interview
Besides running a ministry in Adrian, MI., Strawcutter’s main passion is truth-telling, his philosophy turning out to be a perfect match for Griggs when she finally contacted him one morning in 1998 as he broadcasted live during drive-time on his pirate FM radio station.

“I remember one morning getting this call during a commercial break and then we put Kay on live for about 45 minutes. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” said Strawcutter this week by telephone from his Michigan church. “After the show, I arranged for Kay to come to Michigan with her documentation and photos of the story.”

When Griggs arrived with her husband’s diary and photos providing credible documentation for some of what she claimed, Strawcutter taped her story for over eight hours.

After the taping session, he recalls out of all the controversial stories he worked on, the Griggs story was one of the most troubling and difficult to deal due to the sensitive nature of the allegations and the number of high-ranking names involved.

Finally, after sitting on the story for a year, Strawcutter decided to release it in two forms, the first being a 2 hour edited video version of the interview which he distributed under the title of “Sleeping With The Enemy” and the other being simply the longer unedited eight hour version.

And like Griggs recounted this week from her Virginia home, the Strawcutter tapes are even more detailed about how members of The Brotherhood operate in a world of treachery, deceit, lies, murder, drug running, sex slavery and illegal weapon sales, all in the name of forming a new world order.

Read Entire Story at:… or…

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Interviewed by Pastor Rick Strawcutter

Part 1 of 4 – The Kay Griggs Interviews


Uploaded on Feb 9, 2011

Part 2 of 4 – The Kay Griggs Interviews

Life has been hard — cries at minute-39 & 1hr 14min

Part 3 of 4 – The Kay Griggs Interviews

Talks right into the camera at minute-51:30! Very heavy at 1hr 20min. He allegedly battered to death his first wife, and was doing it to Kay!

Part 4 of 4 – The Kay Griggs Interviews


[ audio ] Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Kay Griggs in 2005-06 (I don’t agree with the host’s extreme bias to mainly blame one ethnic group here. Kay is more balanced)

U.S. GENERAL charged with FORCIBLE SODOMY, other sex crimes — Served five combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan

5200 PENTAGON Employees PURCHASED CHILD Pornography! — Investigation was dropped!

[ audio | text ] Joel Skousen: Sexual Abuse in the Military – 26,000 assaults a year, but only about 3,000 are even reported, and only a handful go to trial — “Having been a military officer in the Marines I can tell you that the problem is the culture of sexual promiscuity that is fully imbued in military service. There is no morality in the armed services except ‘don’t get caught’ and ‘don’t embarrass us.’ Military officers have fully acquiesced to the long-held and flawed psychological garbage that military men at war can’t be expected to control themselves sexually…”

‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160′s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Iraq veteran, Jon Michael Turner throws his medals and stars!!! and tells his story with photos and video — “I AM SORRY for the hate and destruction that I have inflicted on innocent people, and I’m sorry for the hate and destruction that others have inflicted…. Everyone sitting up here has these stories, and there’s been a million trips….”

New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocities: On the Dark Side in Al Doura – A Soldier in the Shadows | Dick Cheney: this nation’s efforts “must go to the dark side” – including ignoring the Geneva Conventions

Winter Soldier on the Hill: War Vets Testify Before Congress About the Horrors of War — Dehumanization = “What makes the green grass grow? Blood, blood, blood” | Policy = looking good over doing right

Suicide Rate Among Vets and Active Duty Military Now 22 A Day — Almost one a day among active duty personnel – more than combat deaths!

The Homosexual Guild in D.C.: “They’re outing their white, male straights.”

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians — Almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

“Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo” – Entire Film – Aaron explains how the elite created the women’s liberation movement to break up the family and tax working women

Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network

[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House

Retired FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: SATANISM & THE CIA — “The CIA is the most evil organization in the history of the world. They’re involved in kidnapping kids, international drug trafficking. They’re assassinating people….” | 50-60,000 human sacrifices per year in America!

Age of consent should be lowered to 13 to stop persecution of old men, says top barrister

[ video ] “Conspiracy of Silence”: The program that many compromised (and now blackmailable) Republicans don’t want you to see. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!

John DeCamp discusses the Franklin Cover-up: “The biggest monster I’ve ever encountered!”

Ted Gunderson: Many of our congressmen and senators have been blackmailed through children, sex and drugs…”and we don’t have enough people like Kucinich and Ron Paul to stand up.”
Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #4 — Call Boy Rings Exposed. “Many of us believe that our leaders are in fact Christian conservatives with our best interest at heart…” | But WE must have INTEGRITY no matter what.
[Video] Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?
Pedophilia in the White House — Interview with John DeCamp (Nebraska State Senator)
[ video ] David Icke with Alex Jones In-studio First Time!: The Royal Families Illuminati, Pedophilia, Murdering Past
Madonna Fully Aware She’s Promoting Homosexuality
General Motors Psy-Op Ad Castrates Men By Using Feminism
Top Navy Officials Arrested in Bribery Scandal Involving Prostitutes, Cash, and Lady Gaga Tickets

(video) General Wesley Clark Asked About 7 COUNTRY WAR PLAN by Luke Rudkowski

Gruesome Video Shows Syrian Rebel Beheading Civilian — The USA is supporting savage, al Qaeda members in Syria to overthrow Assad, only so Israel/USA can "bomb, bomb, bomb" Iran without Syrian opposition. What goes around, comes around! The way we treat others is despicable!!


Gruesome Video Shows Syrian Rebel Beheading Civilian

Paul Joseph Watson
March 21, 2013

A gruesome YouTube video shows a member of the US-backed Free Syrian Army beheading a civilian in yet another example of how the west is supporting an uprising led by violent jihadist extremists.

WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC VIDEO. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. We expect this video to be removed from YouTube shortly.


The clip, which should not be watched by those of a nervous disposition, shows a masked man hacking away at a prisoner’s head with a machete before holding the severed head up in the air as those around him shout in celebration.

This is by no means the first time FSA militants have been caught on camera beheading civilians. Back in December we featured a video showing Syrian rebels forcing a child to behead a bound prisoner.

Later that same month, the Australian reported how rebels beheaded a young Christian man by the name of Andrei Arbashe because he complained about how the rebels were acting like bandits. After cutting him up into pieces, FSA fighters fed Arbashe to the dogs. The report noted that the incident underscored how, “rebels are committing atrocities against innocent civilians.”

Another video which emerged last month shows Syrian rebels chanting “Allahu Akbar” before cutting off the head of a civilian and dumping him in a hole in the ground.

These same insurgents have openly espoused their hatred for America as they ransack Christian churchesburn US flags, chant anti-American slogans and sing the praises of Osama Bin Laden while glorifying the 9/11 attacks.

Multiple reports now confirm that the individuals responsible for these beheadings, many of them part of the Al-Qaeda group Jabhat al-Nusra which killed US troops in Iraq, are leading western-backed rebel forces in Syria. After the organization was declared a terrorist group by the US State Department, 29 different US-backed Syrian opposition groups pledged their allegiance to al-Nusra.

Given the series of bloodthirsty acts of terror committed by Syrian rebels, it’s little surprise that the evidence clearly suggests this week’s chemical weapons attack in Aleppo was launched by FSA militants.

The Obama administration’s transparently disingenuous attempt to initially deny the attack even took place and then spin a yarn that it was likely to have been carried out by the Syrian Army (when 16 of the victims were Syrian soldiers according to the impartial Syrian Observatory for Human Rights), again emphasizes how a fake narrative is being manufactured in an effort to hide the fact that western powers – just as they did in Libya – are supporting and empowering terrorists who have brazenly stated their goal to be the imposition of arcane Sharia law across the region.

The Obama administration has now sent almost half a billion dollars to Syrian rebels (many of whom aren’t even Syrian) – $500 million dollars to militants who have publicly embraced the group responsible for the kind of gruesome beheadings depicted in the video above.

Given the fact that the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was carried out by some of the very same terrorists the administration armed in the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi, for how much longer can Obama hide the fact that the US is once again throwing its weight behind bloodthirsty jihadists who hate the United States, hate the ideals of justice and freedom, and who are willing to commit the most savage acts of barbarity in pursuit of their extremist doctrine?

[video] Abby Martin with Co-founder of Code Pink: Rand Paul's Anti-Drone Theatre – The Balance — What about the horrendous reverse-Christian drone assassinations overseas?

I’m proud of what Rand did. But here is the balance.
– –

[youtube=]Rand Paul’s Anti-Drone Theatre | Think Tank


Published on Mar 8, 2013

Abby Martin talks to political activist and co-founder of Code Pink, Medea Benjamin, about Rand Paul’s epic filibuster against Jon Brennan’s nomination as director of the CIA, and the impact of US done policies moving forward.

Last Hour of Rand Paul’s Historic 13-Hour Drone-Strike Filibuster!!!
Hour 1 of Rand Paul’s Historic 13-Hour Drone-Strike Filibuster!!!

[video & text] Adrian Salbuchi: The US is the Don Corleone of international politics — “Make it look like a democratic election.”

[youtube=]Chains of a Global Debt System


Published on Mar 4, 2013

Katherine talks with Adrian Salbuchi, an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio television commentator.

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From: Infowars

The US is the Don Corleone of international politics

Adrian Salbuchi
March 4, 2013

South America – Venezuela in particular – has been the target of a coordinated campaign by the US government and private industry over the past few years. But those of us who have been paying attention know this is nothing new.

WikiLeaks recently published new documents showing that US global intelligence corporations like Stratfor and its foreign offshoot CANVAS worked hard over the past decade (aided and abetted by US Government agencies) in a failed attempt to overthrow Venezuela’s democratically elected president Hugo Chavez.

Meddling in the ‘Backyard’

The US corporate over-world has always worked closely with the CIA, the State Department and the Pentagon promoting the overthrow – known as “regime change in rogue states” – of governments that do not automatically align to US interests; or, better said, of governments that do not automatically align with the interests of the supra-national global power elite that is deeply embedded inside private and public power structures in the US.

This has been especially true throughout Latin America, traditionally America’s geopolitical and economic backyard, from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego.

For example, September 11th of this year (of all dates!) marks the 40th anniversary of the CIA-backed, financed and orchestrated overthrow and assassination of Chile’s democratically elected president, Salvador Allende.

Allende was replaced by a pro-US and pro-UK military junta headed by General Augusto Pinochet.  At the time, private corporations like ITT worked hand in hand with CIA operatives promoting strikes, social turmoil and waging psychological warfare through the local media.  Then it was Chile; now it’s Venezuela.

In fact, the 1970s and 1980s saw the Kissinger-designed and executed ‘Condor Plan’ finance and diplomatically support various military coups and regimes not only in Chile but in Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and other countries in the region.

Such US-UK support for authoritarian and criminal regimes would only stop when some Latin American general like Argentina’s General Leopoldo Galtieri went too far by doing something really stupid, like Argentina’s 1982 invasion of the Falkland Islands.

Barring that, all those US-backed coups used local military strongmen trained in the US Military’s School of the Americas in Panama to do as they pleased in their local countries, as long as: (a) they kept those countries aligned to US geopolitical imperatives which during the Cold War meant being staunchly anti-Communist; (b) accepted Chicago-Boys-style financial dependency and artificially created public debts; (c) kept local populations in permanent fear and thus ‘disciplined and orderly.

Entire Article Here

Former Obama Press Secretary Was Ordered To Act As If Drone Program Did Not Exist

From: Infowars

Former Obama Press Secretary Was Ordered To Act As If Drone Program Did Not Exist

The first rule of the drone program is that you do not talk about the drone program

Steve Watson
Feb 25, 2013

In a rare admission, Robert Gibbs, the former White House Press Secretary under Obama, told reporters Sunday that he was ordered to act as if there was no such thing as an active US drone program.

“When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the first things they told me was, you’re not even to acknowledge the drone program,” Gibbs said on MSNBC’s “Up With Chris Hayes” this past weekend.

Gibbs said that he was told “You’re not even to discuss that it exists.”

Noting that the notion was “inherently crazy”, Gibbs said “You’re being asked a question based on reporting of a program that exists.”

“So you’re the official government spokesperson acting as if the entire program—pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Gibbs, who was Press Secretary between 2009 and 2011, said.

Entire Article Here

Report: 54 countries helped CIA to kidnap, detain and torture — “detainees report incidents of torture involving a chair frame used to stretch the spine (the ‘German chair’) and beatings”

“Reverse-Christianity responsible!”
– –
From: RT

54 countries helped CIA to kidnap, detain and torture – report

At least 54 countries including Syria, Iran, Sweden, Iceland, and UK offered CIA “covert support” to detain, transport, interrogate and torture suspects in the years following the 9/11 attacks, according to a new report.

The 213-page report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), a New York-based human rights organization, documents wide-ranging international involvement in the American campaign against Al-Qaeda.

The report, titled Globalizing Torture, provides a detailed account of other countries covertly helping the US to run secret prisons, also known as ‘black sites’ on their territory and allowing the CIA to use national airports for refueling while transporting prisoners.

Countries listed in the report include many from the Middle East and Europe.

The OSJI identifies Syria and Iran as two participants of the CIA’s rendition program.

Syria detained, interrogated, and tortured extraordinarily-rendered individuals. It was one of the ‘most common destinations for rendered suspects’,” states the report. “The CIA rendered at least nine individuals to Syria between December 2001 and October 2002.”

Syria also had detention facilities that were used by the CIA, where “detainees report incidents of torture involving a chair frame used to stretch the spine (the ‘German chair’) and beatings.” …

There are grave reports of torture documented in Morocco. Detainees described torture over several months. One individual, Binyam Mohamed, was transferred by the CIA to Morocco in July 2002, “where his interrogators broke his bones while beating him, sliced his genitals, poured hot liquid onto his penis while cutting it, and threatened him with rape, electrocution and death.”

Entire Article Here

Israel, US & Saudi Arabia sponsor Al Qaeda to overthrow Syria and Iran

Israel, along with the US & Saudi Arabia, are Al Qaeda’s chief sponsors.

It must be remembered that as far back as 2007, it was admitted by US, Saudi and Lebanese officials that the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia were intentionally arming, funding, and organizing these “global jihadists” with direct ties to Al Qaeda for the explicit purpose of overthrowing the governments of Syria and Iran.

From: Israeli Attack: Desperate Bid to Save Failed Syrian Campaign

Photos of US soldiers guarding the poppy fields: WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE DYING FOR IN AFGHANISTAN

Photos of US soldiers guarding the poppy (heroin) fields. Many think this is was a main reason for the Afghanistan invasion. And they needed 9/11 as the excuse. The George Bushes are Skull and Bonesmen. Google <Skull and Bones drugs> and get 3 million hits.
“The Taliban had all but eradicated the opium growers before the US invasion. So why is cheap Afghani heroin flooding into the United States?



[Real History] Gun Control at Wounded Knee (1890): 297 men, women and children slaughtered to confiscate 38 guns!


‘Bury Your Guns at Wounded Knee’

December 29, 2012 marked the 122nd Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. These 297 people, in their winter camp, were murdered by federal agents and members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms “for their own safety and protection.” The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children. About 40 members of the 7th Cavalry were killed, but over half of them were victims of fratricide from the Hotchkiss guns of their overzealous comrades-in-arms. Twenty members of the 7th Cavalry’s death squad, were deemed “National Heroes” and were awarded the Medal of Honor for their acts of [cowardice] heroism.

We hear very little of Wounded Knee today. It is usually not mentioned in our history classes or books. What little that does exist about Wounded Knee is normally a sanitized “Official Government Explanation.” And there are several historically inaccurate depictions of the events leading up to the massacre, which appear in movie scripts and are not the least bit representative of the actual events that took place that day.

Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.

Before you jump on the emotionally charged bandwagon for gun control, take a moment to reflect on the real purpose of the Second Amendment, the right of the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government.

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Gun control at Wounded Knee


On the morning of Dec. 29, 1890, members of the Lakota Sioux Tribe in South Dakota found out the hard way how successful a nearly disarmed citizenry can repel a more heavily armed government force.

Approx-imately 500 men of the U.S. Army’s 7th Cavalry Regiment surrounded the Lakota encampment, and troops soon entered to disarm the Native Americans. A search resulted in the confiscation of only 38 rifles. Some tribe members didn’t want to surrender their weapons and one, Black Coyote, refused. An ensuing scuffle resulted and Black Coyote’s rifle discharged. Almost immediately, the Army opened fire from all sides, shooting indiscriminately in every direction.

Artillerymen tending four Hotchkiss guns (a light field cannon) also began firing point-blank into the melee. No distinction between Indian and soldier was given during the bombardment. “Friendly fire” was responsible for most of the Army casualties.

The butchery was mind numbing. Within a few moments, 297 men, women and children of the tribe as well as 25 soldiers were slaughtered. A few tribe members began shooting back but were quickly killed. Several surviving unarmed Sioux attempted to flee the killing field, but they, too, were pursued and shot by the cavalrymen.

[HOT! Video!] Jerome Corsi in studio with Alex Jones 1/25/13: Globalists' Soviet Style Plan to Destroy America Revealed — "This is the big move towards globalism. It's the one chance where they think if they can just bankrupt the United States, eliminate the military, step by step, China will move in. We become a colony to communist China. We become the globalists."

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske:

“The bank of China has had meetings with the United States government. The plan is set for China to transfer its debt into equity — own parts of the United States, manage…. It’s official. … And China wants to disarm the United States before this plan is implemented. China wants us to have no weapons.”

“It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a conscious plan to bankrupt the United States, a conscious plan to take away our freedoms. You get the Patriot Act coming in after 9/11. You get: now terrorism is expanding, so we’ve gotta be able to take guns away. School killings. All these fear elements end up in taking fundamental rights away from the American people — while we’re being indebted to China. And China wants the assets.”

“The Cloward–Piven theory drives this: two sociologists who had a plan they’d bankrupt New York in the ’70s with this idea — overloading welfare so capitalism crashes. You blame capitalism; you reconstruct socialism; let the Chinese come in and show us how to do it.”

“We are the drug cartels. … We are the gun runners of the world. … The federal government wants a monopoly on the weapons, so that they can put the weapons where they want them.”

“We have a criminal government. Our government is running drugs, permitting it to happen, and running guns — and running al Qaeda. We are the drug cartel. We are al Qaeda. … We’re arming al Qaeda. We’re arming the drug cartels. … “The money laundering…. HSBC.”

“Trans-Texas corridor … The plan to remove God … We’re celebrating abortions. The next plan will be the killing of the old.”

“All the groups that are supporting Obama, all the leftist oriented groups, the minorities are being used as dupes. Nothing is returned to them.”

“The Republican party and the Democratic party are essentially one party.”

“The 2nd Amendment was designed for this very situation. … The 2nd Amendment was created for times when tyranny is on the rise.”

“You’re not going to be safe by being ignorant. … This is the big move towards globalism. It’s the one chance where they think if they can just bankrupt the United States, eliminate the military, step by step, China will move in. We become a colony to communist China. We become the globalists.”

“Alex, you’re doing God’s work. Keep it up.”

– Jerome Corsi

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[youtube=]Obama’s Soviet Style Plan to Destroy America Revealed


Published on Jan 25, 2013

On today’s worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with author and journalist Jerome Corsi in-studio. Alex and Mr. Corsi will talk about Obama’s second term agenda and Dr. Jim Garrow’s claim that Obama is using a “litmus test” to determine who in the military will fire on U.S. citizens. Corsi is the author of numerous books including, America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty and Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.

The Obama administration is quietly allowing China to acquire major ownership interests in oil and natural gas resources across the U.S.

The decision to allow China to compete for U.S. oil and natural gas resources appears to stem from a need to keep Beijing economically interested in lending to the U.S. The Obama administration has run $1-trillion-plus annual federal budget deficits since taking office that likely will continue in the second term.
Ads by Google Oil Industry ItConquer Energy Project Management Challenges w/ EMC. Free Reports Dinar RevaluationNew World Currency Order Imminent. Three Ways To Take Advantage!

Allowing China to have equity interests in U.S. energy production is a reversal of the Bush administration’s policy. In 2005, the Bush administration blocked China on grounds of national security from an $18.4 billion deal to purchase California-based Unocal Corp.

As WND reported Monday, Beijing has been developing a proposal in which real estate on American soil owned by China would be set up as “development zones” to establish Chinese-owned businesses and bring in its citizens to the U.S. to work.
Read more at…

[2-minute video] Child Casualties As a Result of U.S. Drone Strikes

[youtube=]Child Casualties As a Result of U.S. Drone Strikes

Published on Dec 1, 2012

U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen have caused the death of 178 children. Accompanying report:…

Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties — 178 So Far

[Real History Video] Richard Cottrell: Operation Gladio – The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues

[youtube=]Operation Gladio: The Cold War ‘Black Op’ Continues

Published on Jan 12, 2013

“Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies”
The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the velvet glove of slogans like “human rights” and “international community.” This latest aggression, like the destruction of Yugoslavia and the rape of Afghanistan, proceeds under the cover of NATO. And what is NATO? Author Richard Cottrell tells the story of mayhem, murder and subversion behind the “alliance for peace.”….
Your Price: $16.95

[Richard Cottrell’s Official Website]

[video] 5200 PENTAGON Employees PURCHASED CHILD Pornography! — Investigation was dropped!

Our military is sick to the core. But what can we expect when we order and pay them to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including children?

In their guilt, they look for a high to try to feel good, even to the point of paying for illegal child porn. What else are they doing to try to feel good?

And the government is so corrupt they stopped the investigation.

The only way to appease a guilty conscience, to feel fully good is to truly repent — become right with God and all people. Jesus will forgive any sin, but only if we sincerely and fully repent, asking  forgiveness.


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[youtube=!]5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography! (Why Is This Not A Bigger Story)

Uploaded on Jun 30, 2011

Former Marine Colonel’s Wife: Sleeping With The Enemy — Kay Griggs Talks About Sexual Perversion Deep Within the Highest Levels of U.S. Military and Government, Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, and Illegal Weapon Deals — “Why are Good People Silent?”

[video] Obama Orders Children Murdered — All body-bags are equally tragic

[youtube=]Obama Orders Children Murdered

Published on Dec 19, 2012

As Obama grandstands and uses the Sandy Hook crisis to, in the words of Eric Holder “brainwash the public” that guns are bad and the cause of violent crime and misery, We decided to show just a few of the documented cases of drone attacks that he personally ordered where children were killed. Drone attack after drone attack you will see the real face of the Globalists. This man does not care about children he cares about disarming the American people to bring in a totalitarian government.

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

[audio] Oliver Stone & Kendall Carver on 'Coast to Coast AM' 12/16/12: Hidden History — AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM warps Americans' understanding of US history and role in the world — "it's unable to have a global empathy" | Kendall Carver: Cruise Ships — Numerous DISAPPEARANCES, RAPES and THEFTS on-board and how the industry stonewalls investigations

I don’t necessarily agree with everything Oliver and Kendall say.

The cruise ship interview is fascinating!

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[youtube=]Coast to Coast AM – Dec 16 2012 – Hidden History & Cruise Ships


Published on Dec 17, 2012

Date: 12-16-12
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick, Kendall Carver

In the first half, George Knapp was joined by film director, Oliver Stone and Professor of History, Peter Kuznick, for a discussion on how the notion of American exceptionalism still warps Americans’ understanding of their nation’s history and role in the world. Stone was critical of the country “only seeing history through American eyes” and, as a result, “it’s unable to have a global empathy.” Beyond merely this skewed perspective on the past, Kuznick noted that research shows “only 12% of high school seniors are proficient in U.S. history.” Over the course of his appearance in the first hour, Stone shared his thoughts on a number of historic topics which have served as subjects for his critically acclaimed films, such as the 1980’s economy, the JFK assassination, and Vietnam.

The idea that the United States had to drop the atomic bomb on Japan in order to avoid an invasion was one belief which Kuznick called “one of the great myths” of American history. He explained that Japan knew by July of 1944 that they could not win the war and their strategy became “how to get the best surrender terms” via working with the Russians diplomatically and inflicting American casualties in the event of a ground war. However, Kuznick said, this plan dissolved when the United States convinced the Soviets to invade Japan following the end of the European conflict. As such, Kuznick declared, “the thing that finally ends the war was not the atomic bombings, which most Americans believe, it’s the Russian invasion.” Since Japan had been trying to surrender, he said, the Soviets actually saw the atomic bombing as unnecessary and more of an indirect attack of the Russians.


In the latter half, chairman of International Cruise Victims, Kendall Carver, talked about odd and mysterious disappearances on-board cruise ships and how the industry stonewalls investigations of crimes on the high seas. He recalled how his daughter, Merrian, disappeared from a cruise in August of 2004, which led him on a quest to find out what happened to her. Carver detailed how the cruise ship company forbid its employees from discussing the case with his investigators and repeatedly lied about video tape evidence which would have shed light on Merrian’s fate. Based on his research, Carver revealed that Merrian’s story is not unique and that once every two weeks someone disappears from a cruise ship.

Carver also shared a number of other troubling details about the cruise ship industry, such as that they “take the legal position that they are under no obligation to investigate a crime,” whether it be a disappearance, sexual assault, or robbery. Additionally, the companies and their ships are registered in foreign countries, which makes criminal investigations the responsibility of those host nations and allows for the companies to avoid paying any U.S. taxes despite utilizing up to 21 different American government agencies. Furthermore, Carver lamented that many former high ranking FBI and Coast Guard officials later find employment with cruise ship companies and, thus, those agencies frequently work against efforts to hold the industry accountable for these crimes.

Coast to Coast AM is a North American (U.S. and Canada) late-night radio talk
show that deals with a variety of topics, but most frequently ones that relate to either the paranormal or conspiracy theories. The program currently airs seven nights a week 1:05 a.m. — 5:00 a.m. Eastern Time (10:05 p.m. — 2:00 a.m. Pacific Time).

Originally created and hosted by Art Bell, as of 2012 the program is hosted on most nights by George Noory. According to estimates by Talkers Magazine, Coast to Coast AM draws approximately 3 million listeners, making it the most listened-to program in its time slot

Format and subject matter

The Coast to Coast AM format consists of a combination of live callers and long format interviews. The subject matter covers unusual topics and is full of personal stories related to callers. While program content is often focused on paranormal and fringe subjects, sometimes world class scientists such as Michio Kaku and Brian Greene are featured in long format interviews. Topics discussed include the Near-death experience, climate change, cosmology, quantum physics, remote viewing, hauntings, contact with extraterrestrials, psychic reading, metaphysics, conspiracy theories, Area 51, crop circles, cryptozoology, Bigfoot, the Hollow Earth hypothesis, and science fiction literature, among others. Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the events of that day (as well as alternate theories surrounding them) and current U.S. counter-terrorism strategy have also become frequent themes. George Noory, the main host since Art Bell retired, also takes interest in the 2012 phenomenon and believes something will happen.

[video] Syrian Girl: Obama Directly Backing Al-Qaeda in Public Statement

[youtube=]Syrian Girl: Obama Directly Backing Al-Qaeda in Public Statement

Published on Dec 12, 2012

Alex talks with Syrian Girl about the latest developments in Syria and who stands to gain from this illegal proxy war, pre-invasion by design.

Syrian Girls Official Channel

Syrian Girl takes on Al-Qaeda on Live Tv

[video] Terrorism 101 with Little Jones — ALEX JONES' SON breaks down how the globalist use terrorism to get their way and control countries across the world

[youtube=]The Secrets Terrorists Don’t Want You To Know

Published on Dec 8, 2012

Little Jones lets you in a secret that terrorists will cringe if you find out.

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Alex explains : )[youtube=]Terrorism 101 with Little Jones

Published on Dec 7, 2012

Alex Jones son breaks down how the globalist use terrorism to get their way and control countries across the world.


Little Jones Exposes Obama — Alex Jones’ AMAZING 10-year-old son!!!

Joel Skousen: US/NATO Attack on Syrian Internet and Phones — "Syria knows all too well that the US is looking for an excuse to invade. They’re not going to give them the excuse, so it has to be manufactured. … This has nothing to do with peace or democracy."

We’re involved in yet another war crime. This is a manufactured crisis because Syria has to be taken out so Syria can’t retaliate when Iran is invaded.
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World Affairs Brief, December 7, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Fiscal Cliff: Media Onslaught Against Republicans
Watch Out for Fine Print in any Funding Bill
US/NATO Attack on Syrian Internet and Phones
DIA Taking a More Prominent Role Overseas
Inside the New NDAA
More Privacy Invasion in the Name of Terrorism
Semi-Auto Ban Through the Back Door
NK Missile Launch – Much Ado About Nothing
Mandated Flu-Shots becoming more Common
The Sleuth Journal had this interesting take on the recent takedown of Syria’s Internet and phone system. “It’s not that Syria’s government didn’t prepare for war. They perhaps, simply prepared for the wrong kind of war.
“This week when sweeping outages in Syria’s communication networks were reported, the Western media immediately accused the Syrian government of being behind the move. However, it should be noted that NATO-backed terrorists operating inside of Syria have been openly given advanced communication equipment (also here and here) by Western nations, including the United States, allowing militants to create their own, independent communication networks. This includes radio, satellite, and cell networks, as well as the under-reported existence of ‘suitcase Internet’ (also here and here).
“The reason a communications blackout in Syria would not affect NATO’s primary proxy forces is because any node or bottleneck in Syria controlled by the government has already long since been circumvented, either through independent networks, or satellite links.
“New York Times depicts what is called a ‘mesh network,’ or an independent Internet that uses computers and phones not only as interfaces, but as actual nodes to create the network. Such networks can be set up virtually anywhere, and the development of methods and software to do so have been the subject of US State Department funding and implementation.”
The New York Times in their article admitted that, “The Obama administration is leading a global effort to deploy ‘shadow’ Internet and mobile phone systems that dissidents can use to undermine repressive governments that seek to silence them by censoring or shutting down telecommunications networks.” This is a dangerous omen and proof of the internet’s power as a source of open information.
Meanwhile, Pentagon sources tell NBC News that the Syrian military is awaiting final orders to launch chemical weapons against its own people. It’s absolutely false. Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Maqdad correctly said, “Western powers are whipping up fears of a fateful move to the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s civil war as a pretext for intervention… Syria stresses again, for the tenth, the hundredth time, that if we had such weapons, they would not be used against its people. We would not commit suicide,” he said.
This is absolutely true. Syria knows all too well that the US is looking for an excuse to invade. They’re not going to give them the excuse, so it has to be manufactured. To confirm this bad intent Obama warned again yesterday that using chemical weapons would cross a red line and have consequences, which they have not specified—but everyone know they mean invasion.
This is the same pattern of globalist intervention we saw in other so-called Arab Spring provoked uprisings. Remember, this is a case of bad regimes being tolerated for years and now being overthrown by globalists for conflict creation reasons. It has nothing to do with peace or democracy.
The stationing of Patriot Missile batteries in Turkey is also a sign of imminent Western intervention. The Patriot batteries, coming out of Germany, will be accompanied by NATO troops, supposedly to protect the batteries. The batteries are there to enforce a no fly zone, soon to come. A US aircraft carrier, USS Eisenhower, has arrived off the coast of Syria. This is another signal that direct intervention may be near. The carrier would also be ideal for enforcing a no fly zone—which always ends up being a cover for direct aerial attacks on enemy forces on the ground.
The AP also reported that the war in Syria is spilling over into Lebanon between pro-Syrian and anti-Syrian forces. “Gunmen loyal to opposite sides in neighboring Syria’s civil war battled on Wednesday in the streets of a northern Lebanese city where two days of fighting killed at least five people and wounded 45, officials said. The Lebanese army fanned out in the city of Tripoli to calm the fighting, with soldiers patrolling the streets in armored personnel carriers and manning checkpoints. Authorities closed major roads because of sniper fire.”
As I also predicted long ago, Russia will not come to the aid of its long-time ally. A senior Russian lawmaker said Syria’s government is “incapable of doing its job properly” —a not so subtle hint that Russia is already be trying to distance itself from Assad. Keep in mind, that the Russians are all too eager to allow the West to enhance their reputation as bullies in the world—a necessary prelude to justifying Russia’s coming attack on the West. But even that is not yet imminent.

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