Freedom from Alaska!

Month: August 2010 Page 4 of 5

Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama’s Political Dynasty Crashing and Burning

[youtube=]Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama’s Political Dynasty Crashes And Burns – Alex Jones Tv 3/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 09, 2010

Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama’s Political Dynasty Crashes And Burns

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 9, 2010

While Barry Soetoro’s family lavish themselves at a luxury Spanish resort amidst deepening economic turmoil, back home Obama’s political dynasty crashes and burns as his approval ratings plunge to a record low of 41 per cent with less than a few months to go before the October midterm elections.

Obama has come under widespread criticism for preaching austerity and financial discipline even as his wife Michelle suns herself at an opulent resort in the Costa del Sol region while parading around in expensive designer clothing.

As the economy worsens and top financial experts openly talk of American entering a second great depression, Obama’s approval ratings continue to head south in a hurry.

As we exposed in the Obama Deception, the manufactured populist euphoria behind the crowning of Soetoro was always likely to rapidly deflate once it became apparent that Obama was the ultimate puppet, a vacuous servant of the bankers and the elite to whom he owes his entire political dynasty.

Just 41 per cent approved of the way Obama was handling the job in a recent USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, the lowest figure since Soetoro took office in January 2009.

Similarly, questions over Soetoro’s dubious origins have not abated. According to a recent CNN poll, 43 per cent of Americans think Obama was definitely or probably not born in the United States.

For someone whose political career is so obviously sinking out of sight, Obama seems remarkably relaxed about it, an ominous portend that the people who pull his strings have lined up a helpful pre-election surprise as a means of rallying the American people back around their fallen commander in chief.

On one side of the scale, some are speculating that Obama could announce a gigantic bailout of Main Street in the form of debt relief for millions of Americans whose homes are now worth less than their mortgages. This promised giveaway would likely reinvigorate support for Obama from the millions of gullible idiots who voted for him in the first place while proclaiming that all their problems would be solved by a Christ-like Obama who would pay their mortgage and gas bills.

Of course, the rhetoric behind any such giveaway would be fantastic enough to buy votes in the short term, but the reality behind such a program would soon disintegrate in the aftermath of the midterms.

However, on the extreme end of the scale some are warning, or even advocating, that Obama will launch an attack on Iran and risk setting off world war three as a ploy through which to keep himself in power. Just as the 9/11 attack saw Bush’s approval ratings soar into the 90’s, rallying Americans around an external threat could be just the ticket for an administration that has completely polarized the country and whose actions have led to the creation of fierce political opposition groups like the Tea Party.

Fresh food that lasts from eFoods Direct

There can be little doubt that unless an artificially engineered “surprise event” helps Obama turn things around, the losses for the Democrats will be drastic.

As Bruce Drake points out today, “The party that controls the White House usually loses House seats in the off-year contests and the losses are bigger when the President’s job approval rating is below 50 percent.”

In 1994, when President Bill Clinton’s approval rating stood at 46 per cent, Republicans picked up 53 seats to recapture the House after it had been in Democratic hands for most of the previous 40 years.

The next three months will provide a clear answer as to whether Barry Soetoro’s teleprompter reading days are over, or if there is to be a dramatic sting in the tail that will preserve Obama’s political capital for just enough longer to give him a shot at staying in the White House for another term.

The News from Prison Planet


Dentist Recommended Viceroys

Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord

From: thenational

On a visit to a home in the settlement of Ofra in the West Bank to pay condolences to the family of a man killed in a Palestinian shooting attack, he [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – ed.] makes a series of unguarded admissions about his first period as prime minister, from 1996 to 1999.

Seated on a sofa in the house, he tells the family that he deceived the US president of the time, Bill Clinton, into believing he was helping implement the Oslo accords, the US-sponsored peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, by making minor withdrawals from the West Bank while actually entrenching the occupation. He boasts that he thereby destroyed the Oslo process.

He dismisses the US as “easily moved to the right direction” and calls high levels of popular American support for Israel “absurd”.

He also suggests that, far from being defensive, Israel’s harsh military repression of the Palestinian uprising was designed chiefly to crush the Palestinian Authority…

Entire Article Here

Empty Store Shelves Coming to America — When Hyperinflation Arrives

[youtube=]Empty Store Shelves Coming to America

InflationUS | July 13, 2010

Become a member of NIA for free at

Al Gore’s faky smile is fake, just like we thought — as is his sing-song voice

[youtube=]Al Gore’s little 2006 Sexcapade in Portland, Oregon May Cost Him Everything! – Alex Jones Tv

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 28, 2010

Alex looks at the once and mighty global warming fearmongering “kind,” Al Gore, and how far he’s falling in the latest “crazed sex poodle” scandal.

From: thesmokinggun…

Al Gore A “Crazed Sex Poodle?”

JUNE 24…

The woman’s statement–which could be mistaken for R-rated Vice Presidential fan fiction–describes Gore as a man with a violent temper as well as extremely dictatorial commanding attitude besides his Mr. Smiley Global Warming concern persona.” After fleeing Gore’s suite…

CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the Portland Police Bureau’s file on the Gore allegation (it includes the 67-page transcript of the woman’s January 2009 interview with cops).


Al Gore sex scandal accusers multiplying

Police in the U.S. and Japan are investigating charges from two additional masseuses that former Vice President Al Gore sexually molested them, according to the New York Daily News.

From: CNN

Al Gore won’t face prosecution in sexual assault allegation

Hillary Clinton ADMITS That the US and Pakistan Created the Mujahaddin (aka Al CIA DUH)


I happened to be flipping through the channels last night, when I stumbled onto this interview. I chose to watch, as I was curious as to what the justification for the recent decision to give Pakistan billions of dollars, was going to be.

Needless to say, my jaw dropped when Hillary admitted with a straight face, that the US and Pakistan created the supposed enemies we now face. This is obviously something that most of us knew, but to watch them admit it, and use it as a reason to stay there and or expand, is beyond insanity. The hits just keep on comin’


WikiLeaks Reveals the Enemy … and It’s Us

I posted this mainly because I liked the title, but the article is here.

HeartQuotes: Gratitude

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”

– Henry Ward Beecher

Rainbow Version Here

Houston TV on Ron & Rand: After 22 Years in Congress, Ron Paul Still Sticking to his Guns — “I see politicians as pretty weak people because they just follow prevailing attitudes”

[youtube=]Rand Paul Ron Paul Interview

randpaul | August 04, 2010

Rand Paul and Ron Paul interviewed by KHOU Houston August 3rd

From: KHOU

Ron Paul, a mild-mannered grandfather from Lake Jackson, has been in Congress for 22 years—but he doesn’t have any kind words for politicians.

“I see politicians as pretty weak people, because they just follow prevailing attitudes,” Paul, a Republican, said.

Paul has always followed his convictions. He believes in less government, so he opposed the stimulus plan, the bank bailout at the war in Iraq.

It’s a message now embraced by the growing Tea Party movement, making Paul en vogue. Time magazine called him the godfather of the Tea Party.

“I guess what they are implying is that we did get this thing started. We might not have control of it. We might not own it, but maybe we helped start it,” Paul said. “What I say to Washington is, watch out – here we come.”

Now, Paul’s son has become a darling of the Tea Party.

Entire Article Here

Ron Paul: We Must Break the Vicious Circle of Violence!

[youtube=]Ron Paul: We Must Break the Vicious Circle of Violence!

RonPaul2008dotcom | August 08, 2010

08/09/2010 –

by Ron Paul

Last week the National Bureau of Economic Research published a report on the effect of civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq that confirmed what critics of our foreign policy had been saying for years. The killing of civilians, although unintentional, angers other civilians and prompts them to seek revenge. This should be self-evident. The Central Intelligence Agency has long acknowledged and analyzed the concept blowback in our foreign policy.

It still amazes me that so many think that attacks against our soldiers occupying hostile foreign lands are motivated by hatred toward our system of government at home, or by the religion of the attackers. In fact, most of the anger toward us is rooted in reactions towards seeing their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and other loved ones, being killed by a foreign army. No matter our intention, the violence of our militarism in foreign lands causes those residents to seek revenge if innocents are killed. One does not have to be a Muslim to react this way – just human.

Our battle in Afghanistan resembles the battle against the many-headed Hydra monster in Greek mythology. According to former General Stanley McChrystal’s so-called insurgent math, for every insurgent killed, ten more insurgents are created by the collateral damage to civilians. Every coalition attack leads to six retaliatory attacks against our troops within the following six weeks, according to the NBER report. These retaliatory attacks must then be acted on by our troops, leading to still more attacks, and so it goes. Violence begets more violence. Eventually more and more Afghanis will view American troops with hostility and seek revenge for the deaths of a loved one. Meanwhile we are bleeding ourselves dry militarily and economically.

Some say if we leave, the Taliban will be strengthened. However, those who make that claim ignore the numerous ways our interventionist foreign policy has strengthened groups like the Taliban over the years. I have already pointed out how we serve as excellent recruiters for them by killing civilians. Last week I pointed out how our foreign aid to Pakistan specifically makes it into the Taliban’s coffers. And of course we provided the Taliban with aid and resources in the 1980s when they were our strategic allies against the Soviet Union.

For example, our CIA supplied them with stinger missiles to use against the Soviets, which are strikingly similar to the ones now allegedly used against us on the same battlefield according to the Wikileaks documents. As usual, our friends have a funny way of turning against us. Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein are also prime examples. Yet Congress never seems to acknowledge the blowback that results from our interventionism of the past.

Our war against the Taliban is going about as well as our War on Drugs or our War on Poverty, or any of our government’s wars. They all tend to create more of the thing they purport to eradicate, thereby dodging any excuse to draw down and come to an end. It is hard to image even winning anything this way. We have done enough damage in Afghanistan, both to the Afghan people and to ourselves. It’s time to reevaluate the situation. It’s time to come home.

Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

For more information visit the following sites:

Judge Andrew Napolitano: The Plain Truth – The Government Lies to You!! Freedom Watch 7/31/2010

[youtube=]Judge Andrew Napolitano: The Plain Truth – The Government Lies to You!! Freedom Watch 7/31/2010

futureinmindd | August 04, 2010

“The government needs to be exposed because it cannot be trusted to expose itself, the light of day and the light of truth are the best disinfectants for the government”

Read his latest book “Lies the government told you”. He holds nothing back calling out Republicans and Democrats from Lincoln, FDR, Bush, and even George Washington. This book will open your eyes to the truth.…

Also, I see alot of comments of people being amazed that he is on FOX. The Judge is not a republican, he is a libertarian. He was one of the most outspoken opponents to the Patriot act, deficit spending, and the Iraq War during the Bush administration. Just search his name to find his heroic speeches or read his other books which are classic.

Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch discussing wikileaks and it’s importance.

Meet Clint Didier, running for Senate in Washington state

[youtube=]SA@TAC – Meet Clint Didier

southernavenger | August 05, 2010

Much like Ron Paul in 2008 or son Rand in 2010, some of tomorrow’s potential conservative leaders are candidates you’ve never heard of.

Romney: “The Federal Reserve is Audited”

[youtube=]Romney: Federal Reserve is audited (Manchester, New Hampshire)

Gerald Celente: Wall Street Boys Run The Show Only Ron Paul Has Firm Grasp

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Wall Street Boys Run The Show Only Ron Paul Has Firm Grasp

RussiaToday | July 22, 2010

U.S. President Barack Obama has signed into law the biggest financial overhaul since the Great Depression. The main goal is to prevent another economic crisis. Meanwhile, Gerald Celente, the director of the Trends Research Institute, argued that the banks and Wall Street approve of this bill because it is a white wash. “It does nothing to prevent the coming crash of 2010. The bigs only got bigger,” he told RT.

Project Camelot interviews Bill Deagle: We need to be ready — “Speak out now because you’re going to be silenced shortly”

Disclaimer: Many of Dr. Deagle’s statements are clearly right on. Others (especially regarding the UFO phenomenon; though, this interview covers many topics) are way out there, which I don’t necessarily accept or reject. I think it’s wise to put these ideas in our “seed boxes” to see if they’ll grow later. There is definitely something going on based upon what I’ve learned just through prayer.

It’s interesting that Bill says the senior commander of US space command told him: “If you’re not in the loop you’re going to freak out.”

• • • • •

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Bill Deagle on Bill Maher’s atheistic reaction to ‘Christians’ supporting reverse-Christian wars:

“It doesn’t mean you throw the baby out with the bathwater, like Bill Maher in his movie that’s coming out this week, called Religulous, where he says anybody who is religious is a fool. ‘They’re an idiot’ — because of all the foolishness that religions are doing.

Like, I call them the Armageddonites, that are supposedly Christians, who believe they have to bathe the world in blood and fire.”

Bill’s profound reality check on our heartless warmongering:

“It’s like the words of Yeshua Hamashia, Jesus,
Though you’ve done it to the least of my brethren
you’ve done it to me.

If you actually felt the pain
of allowing your government to attack
and blow up little girls in Baghdad,
you wouldn’t do it….”

– Dr. Bill Deagle

We’re going down because we haven’t changed our hearts:

“Unless your hearts are changed your world will die.”

“It’s literally a spiritual abortion that’s being done on the planet.”

“If we don’t get back in touch with Spirit instead of religion,
we’re going to all die killing each other for religion….”

“Speak out now because you’re going to be silenced shortly.”

“And you’re not just going to die a physical death.
You’re going to die a spiritual death.”

“The greatest sins are the sins of silence in the face of evil.”

[youtube=]Project Camelot interviews Bill Deagle – Part 1 of 3

jagbodhi | October 29, 2008

Project Camelot interviews Dr Bill Deagle

Vista, California, September 2008…

—The greatest sins are the sins of silence in the face of evil.

—The action of a prophet is not to prophesy an event that cant be changed. Its to prophesy pathways and timelines that you can then decide because you are co-creators of your own future.

—Darkness is not the opposite of light, but the absence of it. And by bringing these things to light is not to bring terror to the people, but to bring comfort, to bring control, to bring a sense of empowerment to everyone who hears this.

Dr Bill Deagle




Clay and Iron Ministries

Coast To Coast AM Censored Dr. Bill Deagle at Last Minute—Feb 26th

Stephen Wiltshire: The Human Camera

Watch in Higher Quality

[youtube=]Stephen Wiltshire: The Human Camera

erg0n | May 05, 2006

Stephen Wiltshire has been called the “Human Camera.” In this short excerpt from the film Beautiful Minds: A Voyage into the Brain, Wiltshire takes a helicopter journey over Rome and then draws a panoramic view of what he saw, entirely from memory.

Charlie: Summer of False Hope

[youtube=]Summer of False Hope

crabbydogtrix | August 06, 2010


[8/6/2010] Meanwhile, the fluoride media blackout continues in Anchorage, Alaska.

I’ve posted many articles on the detriments of dumping fertilizer manufacturing scrubbing liquid into our drinking water. Here is the latest: Fluoride Truth on Australian TV: Fluoride Retards the Brain!

A few years ago, I compared the number of articles on the fluoridation issue in Juneau, Alaska’s newspaper and Anchorage’s.

The McClatchy owned Anchorage Daily News (keeping Anchorage in the dark) hardly had any discussing the issue. I recall about 30 in total, but most of them weren’t discussing its legitimacy. During the same period, the Juneau Emperor Builder had about 500 articles on the pros and cons of water fluoridation, which actually pacifies the population and reduces IQ.

And Anchorage’s local talk radio is no better. It’s as if there is a ban on discussing this serious issue. We need our health and all of our mental faculties, you all!

Juneau, Alaska has now banned fluoride. Kodiak has banned it.

And here is a cool site on the fight regarding the fight to ban fluoride in Fairbanks: I don’t know if it has been decided at this time or not.

What’s up, Anchorage? Do you like being poisoned?

Is everybody asleep, by design?

“Why fight when we’re out on the next flight?”

Jeff Fenske

Fluoride Truth on Australian TV: Fluoride Retards the Brain!

“Forced medication for the masses.”

It’s the toxic scrubbing liquid from fertilizer production.

[youtube=]Fluoride Truth on Australian TV – Fluoride Retards the Brain!

NotForSale2NWO | August 04, 2010

TV NEWS show exposes Fluoride for what it is – poison!

Original Video…

The Intel Hub

Michael Medved, Gay Porn Stars and Bohemian Grove

“This is who your leadership is.”

– Alex Jones

[youtube=]Michael Medved, Gay Porn Stars and Bohemian Grove – Alex Jones Tv

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 06, 2010

Caller talks with Alex about his call into, The Michael Medved Show and how Michael didn’t believe the whole gay porn stars at bohemian grove. Alex once again explains what he saw while him and Mike Hanson were walking around with hidden cameras.

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2010 JULY 31 – AUGUST 6

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

Dakota: Genetically Modified canola has escaped into the wild and now are spreading out of control. Two GM strains have bred to produce a third. Monsanto, the creator of the plants, says there is nothing to worry about.

[Frankenstein has been released.  The USDA has jurisdiction over plant contamination, but they will continue to ignore or downplay this danger because – are you ready for this? – USDA shares ownership of GM patents!]
Digital Journal
2010 Aug 6 (Cached)

UN once again calls for a global currency, called the “Bancor,” the name proposed by Keynes over half-century ago. [Whatever it is called, it would be fiat money similar to what is currently produced by nations. That means there would be no limit to the amount that could be created, and massive inflation would continue. The difference is that nations no longer could return to a sound money even if they wanted to.]
Raw Story
2010 Aug 5 (Cached)

UN wants $100 billion a year (!) to fight climate change. (They are embarrassed to call it global warming any longer.) The announced purpose is to subsidize industries that emit low levels of greenhouse gas and to move third-world countries away from fossil fuels. [The real purpose is to channel tax dollars into politically favored corporations, purchase the loyalty of third-world leaders, and further weaken the economic independence of formerly prosperous nations. The climate will not be changed.]
2010 Aug 5 (Cached)

Australian news report exposes the dangerous toxicity of fluoride in drinking water, tooth paste, and other sources. YouTube 2010 Aug 4

Former Chinese prison guard now in Switzerland wants to testify at the UN about his observation of organ harvesting from Chinese prisoners. The Swiss government, however, intends to deport him. At present, no European countries are willing to grant him asylum, and he may be returned to China for certain torture and death. Epoch Times 2010 Aug 4 (Cached)

US: Actor Drew Carey cures his diabetes through healthy diet and exercise, no longer needing medicine of any kind. NaturalNews 2010 Aug 4 (Cached)

Israeli science students discovers that boiled potatoes are excellent batteries. A single potato can generate energy equal to half an AA battery at a cost 5 to 50 times cheaper. Because potatoes are inexpensive and widely available, the impact of this discovery on developing nations could be significant.
Posted 2010 Aug 4

Former CIA covert operations agents post an open letter to Obama warning against an Israel attack on Iran. They say the motive is not to prevent nuclear weapons but to cause regime change. They tell Obama he can stop Israel from attacking if he publicly condemns that action before it happens. Truthout 2010 Aug 3 (Cached)

Studies prove that common, over-the-counter painkillers cause brain damage. Mercola 2010 Aug 3 (Cached)

Little North Korean girl plays the classical guitar like … well, you won’t believe it.
Posted 2010 Aug 3

Missouri voters reject by referendum the provision of ObamaCare that requires people to have health insurance or suffer penalties. [Although only a referendum to sample voter opinion, five other states have passed laws to this effect, and this sends a strong message to Washington 100 days before the November elections.] Yahoo 2010 Aug 3 (Cached)

United Arab Emirates bans Blackberry messaging and web service because their encryption level makes it difficult for the government to eavesdrop on users. Why do they want to eavesdrop? To prevent crime and terrorism, of course. Yahoo 2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

US: EPA wants to regulate how much dust you can create, which would put many enterprises and most farms out of business. EPA says it will not target farms and ranches, but its documents and assessments already include rural areas. One Senator calls the EPA “wacky” and “out of control.” KHASTV 2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

Researchers at University of California report that fructose feeds cancer cells and encourages it to spread. [High fructose corn syrup is a primary ingredient in soda drinks and most sweet foods.]
2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

AT&T and Verizon are working to replace credit cards with an electronic payment method through RFID inside Smart Phones. Your personal banking records would be stored on the phones, and a tap on your screen would complete payment at the point of sale. PC World 2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

Stanford University scientists develop a vaccine to reduce stress and induce a feeling of “focused calm”. [Here’s another example of normal human behavior being treated as a disorder. Big Pharma want 100% of the population taking drugs for something. So, if you’re stressed over the loss of your rights, a collapsed economy, and servitude to global elitists, no problem. They’ll make you feel good about it after all].
Daily Mail
2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

Researchers find that 40% of store receipts are coated in BPA, a hormone-altering chemical that has been banned in baby bottles and food containers. The chemical rubs off paper easily and, from fingers, may find its way onto food. [Advice: If you have been shopping, wash your hands before eating a sandwich.] Toronto Star 2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

RFID Tags now can be read from over 200 feet away, and US military may be able to read them from 80 miles away. Register 2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

UN declares Hawaii Marine Monument a World Heritage site. Although mostly coral reefs, it is 100 times larger than Yosemite National Park. [Now it is off limits to visitors unless for scientific, educational, or cultural purposes. No one can visit just to appreciate its beauty or diversity.] Yahoo 2010 Aug 2 (Cached) Click here to see why many observers believe that UN Heritage sites on US soil compromise American sovereignty over those lands.

US: Delegates at an international climate conference announce that the U.S. will implement the Cap-and-Trade bill even though it has been withdrawn due to public opposition. This now will be done piecemeal and through administrative action rather than legislation. A UN climate official predicts rich countries will pay $30 billion to poor countries by December. [Clearly, government leaders are following an agenda of global collectivism even though American voters are strongly opposed to it. Representative government is dead.] Yahoo 2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

UN Experts says that people in Western nations should give up meat and eat insects, instead. [This is not a joke. The global elite live in large villas, drive Ferraris, and eat filet mignon, while the common masses are to live in “zero energy” homes, drive electric scooters, and eat insects. Welcome to the New World Order.] Guardian 2010 Aug 1 (Cached)

Congressman Pete Stark of California is questioned at a public meeting about the constitutionality of Obamacare. He responds by saying there are few constitutional limits that would prevent the government from doing anything it wants to do. [Unfortunately, his view represents the majority in Washington. It is time for REAL change.] YouTube 2010 Aug 1

Brazil: Multi-national detergent maker places tracking devices in products for a promotional stunt. Winners will receive surprise visits by the company which will track their every move without their knowledge. All in good fun, though, because they will be given a pocket camera. [Hmmm. Looks to us like a test of the technology.] CNET News 2010 Jul 31

China: Leaked memo accidentally posted to the Government’s web site boasts of how the government uses the Internet to control information and direct public opinion. It also says that China may soon be cut off from all Internet access to the outside world. Epoch Times Posted 2010 Jul 31 (Cached)

US: Ron Paul advocates repealing the failed ‘War on Drugs’ just as America repealed Prohibition. The ‘Fair Sentencing Act of 2010’ passed the House this week which would raise the quantity of possessed crack cocaine that triggers a 5-year sentence from 5 grams to 28 grams. YouTube Posted 2010 Aug 31

US: House fails to pass bill to compensate 9/11 Ground Zero workers for illness related to the toxic aftermath. Claimants are being urged to accept a settlement of $71,000 each. [The government wants to settle to avoid having to produce evidence in court that might discredit its official explanation of 9/11. Either way, taxpayers will pick up the bill. EPA officials who knew of the hazard but failed to warn the workers will not be punished.] Posted 2010 Jul 31 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Oil Leak Outrage. Here is an outstanding summary of the federal government’s disastrous involvement with the Gulf oil spill. The primary motivation in Washington has not been to fix the problem but to take advantage of the problem to further political agendas. New American Posted 2010 Aug 2 (Cached)

Sheriff Tony DeMeo of Nye County, Nevada, is a shining example of the Constitutional power of local government. He explains how he stopped the federal government from illegally seizing cattle from a local rancher because the Feds wanted his water rights. 2010 Jul 30 (Cached)

Oil spills, leaks, and disasters are increasing worldwide in a short time span. As with the Gulf, secrecy and deception by the oil companies are common themes. [The author of this report poses the question: Is this a coincidence or a strategy to damage the environment to promote geopolitical agendas, such as more government control in the name of saving the oceans.] 2010 Jul 29 (Cached)

Six-part series that shatters neoclassical economics and exposes the two-party system controlled by the CFR and the banking cartel. [We recommend watching this perceptive analysis but STRONGLY disagree with the proposal for what is called Sovereign Money. If that meant that nations issue their own money instead of borrowing it from banks, we would agree wholeheartedly, but the presenter intends that it means government issuance of fiat money with no backing and no limit except for political expediency. Too bad the proposed solution is so flawed, but the rest is excellent.] YouTube Posted 2010 Mar 24

Judge Napolitano gives a magnificent history lesson about the American Revolution, the Constitution, and what is necessary to restore freedom. Don’t miss this. The Right Scoop 2010 Jul 18

In Lies We Trust. This feature-length documentary is about medical madness, profiteering, and population reduction cloaked as bioterroism preparedness. Google Videos Posted 2010 Jul 17

Sheriff Mack Exposes John ‘McAmnesty’ McCain (now acting as hero; though, he was instrumental in causing the border problem in the first place)

[youtube=]Sheriff Mack Endorses [Exposes – ed.] John McAmnesty

WeAreChangeAZ | August 04, 2010

This Past weekend Sheriff Richard Mack shared his thoughts on Senator John McCain, Learn more about Mack at


All 71 of my John McCain posts

Duncan O’Finioan, The “Ultimate Warrior”: A Real Life Jason Bourne, CIA Programmed Mind-Control Assassin

Transcript is here

Half the people who hear what I have to say look at it and say what a lying stack of dung.  This is so much BS, there is no way any of this could happen, etc. etc. etc. Well, I’ll give a response that I gave to a guy on a radio show one night. I wish that were true, I’d love to be able take a pill everyday and have a nice life, but I can’t because it did happen and I don’t have the whole story myself and I may never get it.

What happened to me, and I talked about the split personality, that was just the tip of the iceberg, ok. I remembered the beatings, being thrown naked into a refrigerator, a refrigerator room, because I couldn’t get something right, but not just to me, but to all of us in this particular group and this type of stuff should not have happened. We consider ourselves to be a civilized free society. There’s nothing civilized about this, there’s nothing free about this.

There is strength in numbers. I would like to see, I mean come on, you have a million man march on Washington put together by somebody that the government laughed at. Why couldn’t we do the same thing? This stuff has got to stop. You know, people, like I said we’re supposed to live in a civilized free society. We don’t. When they can walk in and take you as a child, turn you into a killer and then use you abuse you and when they are done, throw you away and you asked earlier what is the one thing I would like to see come of this and any subsequent movies/videos or whatever.

I want to sit in a chair just like this in Washington, DC in front of the full senate and demand answers.

I’d do it in a heartbeat. I ain’t shy.

[youtube=]Project Camelot interviews Duncan O’Finioan

jagbodhi | December 15, 2006

Ultimate Warrior: Robert Duncan O’Finioan…

Duncan O’Finioan was the Ultimate Warrior… brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a highly classified MKULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT. From a thousand others trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, only one of 20 left alive to tell the story.

In his powerful and compelling testimony for the camera — one of the most extraordinary we have ever heard — Duncan describes: — His mission to “terminate” the very drunk, future President of the United States… George W Bush;

— His dizzying enhanced physical and psychic abilities… including the abilities to hurl someone across the room with his mind, and walk through a solid wall;

— How he and 11 other children were flown to Cambodia to deliver a targeted death blow to all the surrounding Khmer Rouge troops… using only the combined power of their minds;

— How his right arm is “hardwired” and is capable of astonishing speed and strength;

— His struggle to regain his memory, aided by a car accident which led to the discovery of a cranial implant uncovered by an MRI machine… deactivating the implant and causing the MRI machine to catch fire;

His role as a programmed assassin, targeting Americans under the command of an undisclosed agency;

The selection, torture, and brutal training process that he endured… and which children are undergoing to this day;

— And more…

Twenty years later, Duncan (who is of mixed Cherokee and Irish blood) comes forward to tell the truth about the Ultimate Warrior project: how he was chosen, groomed and tortured into becoming the perfect fighting machine, combining physical superiority with the extraordinary mental abilities of a psychic spy.

Fearless, principled, and determined to regain control over his life, Duncan O’Finioan tells his story in detail. Do not miss this interview.

To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at


Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Episode 6 – ‘Manchurian Candidate’: Sanctioned murder by the U.S. government through trauma-based mind-control victims!

HeartQuote: Success

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”

– Edmund Hillary

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A Message from Homeland Security: The Draft is Coming Back

HR 5741 – The New Draft: Bringing Back Slavery to America

From: activistpost

The difference between a drafted soldier and a slave doesn’t amount to a frosty mug o’ spit. Congress, apparently longing for the good old days of Viet Nam, Korea, and WWII, is proposing to enslave not just healthy young men, but pretty much all of us.

Most of the crooks and liars who form the political class today aren’t old enough to remember them, but there must be some institutional nostalgia for the days when America fielded vast armies of conscripts in a global struggle against tyranny. Congress must feel like fighting terrorism with a mere handful of volunteers is for military pikers. Iraq isn’t the kind of war that molds politicians into “great men.” And naturally, all politicians view themselves as great men.

What you need for real war, for firebombing cities, human wave attacks, and concentration camps—is to enslave pretty much everyone. You just can’t find enough volunteers for that kind of work.

HR 5741. This law will require all Americans between 18 and 42 to provide the state with 2 years of their lives “in the furtherance of national defense or homeland security.”

Entire Article Here

Scientists find how relaxed minds remember better

From: Reuters

(Reuters) – Stronger and more lasting memories are likely to be formed when a person is relaxed and the memory-related neurons in the brain fire in sync with certain brain waves, scientists said on Wednesday.

Entire Article Here

‘Federal’ Reserve

Michael Coffman: Rescuing A Broken America

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

They’re deconstructing the American way
and putting something else in its place

– Michael Coffman

The Rousseau model basically means
the state is in control over, or sovereign over the individual.”

– Michael Coffman

“All of that stuff (Hitler’s religious beliefs, etc.)
is now sanitized out of our history books.”

– Michael Coffman

These people are evil.
They’re evil down to the very core.
I think your description of them as being Luciferian
is right on target.”

– Michael Coffman

“The globalists want to destroy the dominant culture of Christianity…
so they’ll use anything that’s from the outside to create divisions.”

– Alex Jones

“We need to train them not to fight against us,
we’ll give them sports as a way to be the new hero.”

– Alex Jones
recalling Plato‘s power-over strategy

[youtube=]Michael Coffman, PhD: Rescuing A Broken America – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 04, 2010

Today Alex welcomes Dr. Michael Coffman, author of “Rescuing a Broken America, why America is Deeply Divided and How to Heal it Constitutionally”.
Order his latest book here at the infowars shop……

Over the past 100 years global forces have actively worked to change the world view of Americans and create what they now call global governance. Unknowingly indoctrinated Americans have moved from a liberty and constitutionally focused world view based on the writings of Englishman John Locke, to that of government control of the individual based on the writings of Frenchman Jean Jacque Rousseau. After failing in the early 20th century, Rousseau’s progressive model of state control once again dominates government policy and America’s world view.

Progressive ideology permeates our education, judicial, media, and legislative institutions. It is non-partisan, infecting both the Democrat and Republican parties. It is destroying the free market system, individual civil liberties and protections guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

There is hope. Although seriously weakened, the Constitution still stands and its protections are still in most federal and state laws. Little known — even to attorneys — these provisions offer protection for local communities from the tyranny of laws passed by mislead progressives.

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