Freedom from Alaska!

Month: August 2017

(video) Google Memo: Fired Employee Speaks Out! | James Damore w/ Stefan Molyneux — “When we’re just totally blind to new evidence, or anything that contradicts our ideology, then we’ll only drift further and further to the left into more authoritarian types of policies”

Mostly good, but I have to disagree with something stated here. It is not a fact that “evolution is science based.” Evolution is a belief taught as fact by the powers that be, who censor the scientific facts that disprove it.

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40:45 “When we’re just totally blind to new evidence, or anything that contradicts our ideology, then we’ll only drift further and further to the left into more authoritarian types of policies.” – James Damore

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Google Memo: Fired Employee Speaks Out! | James Damore and Stefan Molyneux

Published on Aug 8, 2017

James Damore Fundraiser:…
Read The Full Memo:…

Why would a successful Google engineer risk his career to make the case against Google’s current diversity initiatives? Former Google employee James Damore describes the intense media backlash to his Google diversity memo, intolerance shown towards political diversity in the company, the importance of discussing gender differences and why he wrote the memo in the first place.

Michael Hoffman: Ernst Zündel – A LOVER, not a hater (1939 – 2017) — “His lifelong campaign to counter anti-German hatred and Talmudic bigotry has been transformed through the alchemy of media falsification into itself an act of hate” • “The man who had never even had a speeding ticket and consistently preached non-violence was incarcerated for two years under abominable conditions of solitary confinement while fed wretched food, observed 24 hours a day with lights never turned off, denied proper writing and reading materials” • “Every day it seems there is something else we are not allowed to say or think, and this is what we should expect ever more of in a world of illusion that calls Ernst Zündel ‘a hater.’ He has been made a scapegoat by people who are themselves guilty of undying hatred” • “We have known few men who have loved our people and our civilization more than he did. It is not an exaggeration to say that he gave his life for love of them”

Outstanding article by Michael Hoffman about one of the greatest men of our time!

There was so much for me to bold, I decided to post the entire article. I hope Michael doesn’t mind. This is a masterpiece, rich with information!

Ernst chose Michael to write the story of his most well known trial in the book mentioned at the end.

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Ernst Zündel: A Lover, not a Hater

“Je suis le bouc.” L.-F. Céline

By Michael Hoffman

Ernst Zündel (above, right), with his attorney, Dr. Herbert Schaller, March 1, 2010, just moments after he emerged from Mannheim prison for the first time in five years.

Ernst Zündel died of heart failure on August 5 at his ancestral home in the Black Forest region of southwestern Germany, near Pforzheim, one day before the anniversary of the atomic holocaust in the city of Hiroshima, Japan. He was 78. He passed away seven years and five months after having served seven years in confinement in Canadian and German prisons for thought crimes committed as a publisher, broadcaster and protestor. To make the inquisition against this German human rights activist palatable to the public, his “crime” is monotonously described as “inciting hatred for years with anti-Semitic activities.”

In America the yahoos are stirred to outrage by the spectre of Islamic “Sharia law” coming to Mayberry, while they are oblivious to the Talmudic law and psychology which suffuses the U.S.A.. Talmudic halacha is a two-tiered legal system: one law for the Holy People and another for everyone else. Thus it is written in Sanhedrin 57a, “Regarding bloodshed, the following distinction applies: if a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew he is exempt from punishment.”

By the same logic, if a Judaic incites hatred of Germans it is not a crime, it is a well-deserved act of retribution. Zündel spent his life fighting this corrupt double-standard. He did so not for philosophical or ideological reasons. Rather, he believed that relentless anti-German hate propaganda was a kind of psychological warfare and mental genocide which internally colonized the souls of the German people, radically reducing their self-worth and causing them to engage in self-destructive and suicidal behavior.

His lifelong campaign to counter anti-German hatred and Talmudic bigotry has been transformed through the alchemy of media falsification into itself an act of hate, and it is at this omega point that Ernst’s persona has been frozen by the Establishment. “He was a hater!” That’s all we’re supposed to know, or need to know, about his life and work.

Having emigrated to Canada as a young man of 19, he became a sought-after graphic artist, working for national magazines. That he was a public relations genius is indisputable. In the 1960s he began placing advertisements in comic books, urging freedom for imprisoned Nazi leader Rudolf Hess, and for a volume about “Nazi UFOs,” the latter a publicity stunt intended to build the revisionist history mailing list he was gradually compiling. By the late 1970s, when the Newspeak distortion of the word “holocaust” began to be appropriated by the Zionist lobby and applied exclusively to the sufferings (both real and imagined) of Judaic people in World War II, Ernst began his counter-offensive, making contact with the academics and historians in the burgeoning revisionist history movement that was questioning the “Holocaust” liturgy.

By 1983 his mass mailings had become so extensive that the powerful Zionist lobby in Canada persuaded the government to ban Zündel from using the mail. He was forced to publish from a Buffalo, New York-area post office, hundreds of miles from his base in Toronto. For publishing doubts about the existence of execution gassing facilities in concentration camps, he was indicted for distributing “false news.” He went to court in Toronto in January, 1985, in what would become known as “The Great Holocaust Trial,” having assembled a stellar legal and history research team led by Doug Christie, who was at that time an obscure, upstart attorney from British Columbia, and Dr. Robert Faurisson, a French academic with a vast command of World War II revisionist history.

(video) Eulogy for Ernst Zundel by Paul Fromm w/ Brian Ruhe — Ernst fought a tremendous fight, paid a huge price, an inspiration to many people, a good friend to many, and it’s a real loss

“Ernst fought a tremendous fight; he paid a huge price; he was an inspiration to many people; he was a good friend to many, and it’s a real loss.” – Paul Fromm

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Many know that Ernst was banned from the USA, where his wife, Ingrid lived in Tennessee. So he has been living in Germany since being wrongfully banned. I haven’t known until now why Ingrid couldn’t live with Ernst in Germany. Paul explains at 51:30 that she was afraid of being arrested in Germany for her real-history activism in the USA, so they would sometimes meet in neutral countries.

Ernst was 78 — an awesomely amazing human being whom I believe God is proud of — which we can’t say about many anymore, sadly. Ernst really did fight the good fight! And it’s so sad that so few truthers helped him and Ingrid by telling the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ so we can be free!

“BLESSED are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.”

— Jesus in Mt. 5:9

Eulogy for Ernst Zundel

Published on Aug 8, 2017

Ernst Zundel did more for the truth about the Holocaust than anyone else in the world. He died of a heart attack at his home in Germany with his sister there, on August 5th, 2017. The next day Brian Ruhe and Paul Fromm made this video. Paul Fromm from the Canadian Association for Free Expression first met Ernst Zundel around 1973 and he shares his many memories of Ernst in this eulogy.

Ernst’s trusted aid, Michael Hoffman wrote, “To make the inquisition against this German human rights activist palatable to the public, his “crime” is monotonously described as “inciting hatred for years with anti-Semitic activities.”

In America the yahoos are stirred to outrage by the spectre of Islamic “Sharia law” coming to Mayberry, while they are oblivious to the Talmudic law and psychology which suffuses the U.S.A. Talmudic halacha is a two-tiered legal system: one law for the Holy People and another for everyone else. Thus it is written in Sanhedrin 57a, “Regarding bloodshed, the following distinction applies: if a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew he is exempt from punishment.”

By the same logic, if a Judaic incites hatred of Germans it is not a crime, it is a well-deserved act of retribution. Zündel spent his life fighting this corrupt double-standard. He did so not for philosophical or ideological reasons. Rather, he believed that relentless anti-German hate propaganda was a kind of psychological warfare and mental genocide which internally colonized the souls of the German people, radically reducing their self-worth and causing them to engage in self-destructive and suicidal behavior.

His lifelong campaign to counter anti-German hatred and Talmudic bigotry has been transformed through the alchemy of media falsification into itself an act of hate, and it is at this omega point that Ernst’s persona has been frozen by the Establishment. “He was a hater!” That’s all we’re supposed to know, or need to know, about his life and work.”

Right after Ernst’s death I posted this on the website:

Ernst Zundel was the Paul Revere of Holocaust revisionism and I shed a tear when I got the news this morning. To me, he was part of the foundation under my feet in what I work for and strive for today. He accomplished so much of the results that we build upon. Without his great success at telling the world the truth about WW II and Germany, I could not be going as far as I have gone with my message in my YouTube vidoes. I will miss him but I also celebrate his great life, lived to age 78. I hope he has a happy rebirth amongst the National Socialist devas (angels) in Nuremberg heaven. Bless you Ernst Zundel!!

Rebels of Google: ‘Senior Leaders Focus on Diversity First and Technology Second’ — Purging Employees Who Disagree




(4 min video) Ernst Zündel’s Life in Photos – in memoriam (March 1st, 1939 – August 5th, 2017)

Ernst Zündel – in memoriam (March 1st, 1939 – August 5th, 2017)

Published on Aug 6, 2017

Ernst Zündel died aged 78 on saturday, August 5th, 2017, at his parental home in Calmbach/Bad Wildbad/Black Forest/Germany.

In memory to this extraordinary German man a short video with pictures from his life. The original video was made for his 70th birthday.

Unbowed – that was Ernst, until the end.

See also the article on CBC:…
Even on and after his death they continue lying:
1. He died on saturday, 5th August, not sunday.
2. He didn’t (!) receive credit in Mannheim for his time served in Canadian solitary confinement.
3. He brought good news to the Jewish people not terrible anguish. But their leaders turned his good news into the perceived anguish.

(video) Ernst Zundel at University of Alabama, Huntsville 1994 – Nuremberg Show Trials a ‘Travesty of Injustice’

EZ at University of Alabama, Huntsville 1994

Published on Jul 22, 2017

(video) 5 Ways Smart Phones Are Dumbing People Down – Junkies looking for the next hit of dopamine

Really interesting summary of the epidemic problem, and some companies actually now offer Digital Detox vacations.

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5 Ways Smart Phones Are Dumbing People Down

Published on Jul 7, 2017

Truthstream Can Be Found Here:
Twitter: @TruthstreamNews

(video) YouTube’s New Censorship Will Creep You Out

YouTube’s New Censorship Will Creep You Out

Published on Aug 2, 2017

YouTube’s new censorship policies are right out of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, and are designed to shut down the growing independent media outlets and critics like myself.

(video) Molyneux: MY BIGGEST RED PILL — Watching WJC get away with everything as long as liberals got what they wanted


Published on Aug 4, 2017


Stefan Molyneux describes his biggest red pill moment.

(video) Molyneux: The Death of  Both Masculinity and Women’s Happiness — “Women’s happiness has gone down every decade feminism has been implemented”

24:00 “The fact that women’s happiness has gone down every decade feminism has been implemented…, they don’t care. That’s kind of the point.”

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The Death of Masculinity: Why Men Will Rise Again

Published on Jul 25, 2017


Question: “My parents were divorced 2 years ago, and in the process I witnessed my father become a shadow of his former self. Now, all around me I see what appear to be broken men and emasculated young boys. Anyone listening to your show should know the causes of this ‘Fall of Man’, the consequences of which are deep, personal, and far-reaching. In this era, what can a youth like myself do to be a ‘real man’ amid such hostility towards masculinity and animosity towards the traditional concept of manliness?”

Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio including books, podcasts and other info at:

(4K video) Bohemian Grove 2017 Full – Greg Fernandez Jr.

Bohemian Grove 2017 (Full 4K)

Published on Aug 4, 2017

All four videos in one. Highest quality.
Read the article:…
We’re not protesters. We’re not part of any group. We are just regular people asking some regular questions about Bohemian Grove. Liberals and Conservatives attend the Bohemian Grove festivities, according to one Bohemian Club member. Some of the guards were expecting protesters, and were preparing for some trouble from ANTIFA. Some information was obtained off-camera and will be included the article about Bohemian Grove 2017. Keep Care Alive!

Dull Care by Greg Fernandez Jr. (…)
(…) (

Why “His Holiness” Patriarch Kyrill was called “Tobacco Metropolitan” – Head of Russian Orthodox Church a billionaire and former KGB operative, made his fortune in tobacco, alcohol, and oil sales

Why Patriarch Kyrill was called “Tobacco Metropolitan”

Many Westerners know little about the new Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Father Kirill. Many Russians know him as a great orator and a host of a weekly TV show “Pastor’s Word.” However, very few know that Kirill (Vladimir Gundyaev by passport), a billionaire and a former KGB operative, made his fortune in tobacco, alcohol, and oil sales. His activities were among the main reasons why not-for-profits in Russia lost tax-deductible status. The new Orthodox leader is fond of playing with stocks, car racing, downhill skiing, and breeding exclusive kinds of dogs. He owns villas in Switzerland and a penthouse with a view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Kirill graduated with honors from Leningrad Spiritual Academy in 1969. In 1970, he earned his master’s degree, and after several minor positions was appointed a personal secretary to Mitropolit Nikodim, chief of the external church relations. Since that moment, Kirill became the face of the Orthodox Church in all foreign trips to Western Europe. According to website, Kirill’s colleagues and competitors linked all his travels to his work for the Soviet KGB where he was known by nickname “Mikhailov.” Starting in 1972, Kirill/Gundyaev/Mikhailov became more involved with the countries of the Middle East. In 1975, at a forum in Nairobi, he defended the Soviet Union and downplayed dissidents’ letters by making historic claims that people of faith were not persecuted and there were no human rights abuses based on religion in the Soviet Union.

Kirill is progressive, speaks foreign languages, worked on the issues of unarming the USSR and the US, and advocated usage of the modern Russian language (instead of old Slavic) during the services. In 1991, the year the Soviet Union fell apart, he earned the title of Mitropolit. The new era of capitalism brought new achievements to Mitropolit Kirill’s life. In 1996, Kirill became a board member of bank “Peresvet” that is responsible for servicing the financial interests of the Russian Orthodox Church. The 1996 September issue (#34) of the Moscow News reports that Kirill, now for two years, had been organizing imports of highly taxable products, mostly tobacco, under the tax-exempt non-profit banner of the Orthodox Church. The claims were supported by other respectable news sources, including the Moskovsky Komsomolets.

The soon-to-be Patriarch confirmed the import of the highly unchristian products. By 1997, Kirill admitted the import of alcohol and tobacco, but claimed that the Russian Orthodox Church could not refuse the “humanitarian help.” The Russian Orthodox Church and Kirill’s private foundation “Nika” were not-for-profit organizations, and in 1996 alone they imported eight billion cigarettes to Russia. Kirill’s “church” business took off like a snowball, as the legal competitors could not compete with his low prices for tobacco and alcohol. The importers were naturally pushed off the market as they could not match Kirill’s prices after paying the necessary government dues.


(video) The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis — Talmudic goal to destroy western culture and protect their own

The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis

Published on Aug 3, 2017

A frank discussion on the role of leading Jewish organisations in the refugee crisis. Whilst not all Jews are involved in encouraging and supporting immigration into the West, many powerful Jewish organisations support immigration into Europe and North America whilst at the same time rejecting calls for Israel to take refugees or allow migration. This hypocrisy is laid bare and the reasoning behind it is discussed.


How the British Welfare System Favours Muslims

My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.

The Official Website:

FREE eBook download:…

Hardback Edition…

Paperback Edition:

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.

(video) The Tall Israeli That Runs The Rap Industry – Illuminati Satanic Music Industry Exposed

Really heavy and important! I’ve long been trying to figure out rap music, and how it’s being used to destroy black culture, on purpose! I now believe it’s part of the Talmudic, anti-Christ plan to destroy cultures so the one-world government can take over.

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The Tall Israeli That Runs The Rap Industry – Illuminati Satanic Music Industry Exposed

Published on Oct 27, 2016

Lyor Cohen has been actively involved in hip-hop at various top labels for more than 30 years. But how much power does he have in the music industry.

Follow me on Twitter @

(video) Scott Bennett: US troops could be individually charged with war crimes for our illegal fighting in Syria

I hadn’t before heard before that participating US military personal could be charged for war crimes in Syria. That’s huge — the personal responsibility factor! Servicemen aren’t off the hook because they’re “only following orders.”

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“Another 21 civilians killed in US-led strikes in Iraq, Syria”

Published on Aug 4, 2017

The civilian death toll from US-led coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria has increased as the coalition acknowledges casualties in its previous operations.

(6 min video) Why the US may have faked the moon landings: Russia — Official wants an investigation

I’ve seen proof that at least two missions used fakery.

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Russians to Investigate Whether America Really Landed on the Moon

Published on Aug 4, 2017

(video) Smartphone snooping hidden tracking system — How to disable

Most people would be shocked to discover this, but THEY SHOW HOW it can be turned off, unlike NSA’s snooping, which tracks and stores everything also, but that can’t be shut off.

Study: Suicide Rates Doubling for Older Teen Girls, Up 31% in Young Males!

Suicide rate hit 40-year peak among older teen girls in 2015

(CNN) The suicide rate among girls between the ages of 15 and 19 reached a 40-year high in 2015, according to new data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

In the shorter term, the suicide rate for those girls doubled between 2007 and 2015, the research indicates.
By comparison, the 2015 suicide rate for boys in this age group was lower than in the peak years of the mid-1980s through the mid-1990s. The researchers derived suicide rates from official data from death certificates.
“These data show that between 2007 and 2015, there’s substantial increases in suicide rates for both young males and young females,” said Tom Simon, an author of the report and associate director for science in the division of violence protection at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which published the new data Thursday.
For young males, there was a 31% increase in suicide rates, and for young females, the suicide rate doubled,” Simon said. …
“We know that overall in the US, we’re seeing increases in suicide rates across all age groups,” Simon said, putting the new report in perspective. …
Tishler noted that previous studies from the CDC have indicated that males take their own lives at nearly four times the rate of females and thus represent 77.9% of all suicides. Yet females are more likely than males to have suicidal thoughts.
“If you look at suicide attempts by girls, it’s typically that girls attempt suicide about four to one or three to one over boys, yet boys complete suicide in the reverse,” Tishler said. …
Simon noted that in this older teen age group, the primary method chosen by boys is firearms, yet for girls, the most common method is suffocation. Still, a significant number of females may choose to poison themselves with an overdose, which can be remediated in an ER in some cases, Tishler said.
He theorized that girls now have access to pills that may be more lethal…
“Physicians need to be careful” when increasing, starting or stopping psychotropic medications, because this may “give someone energy to die by suicide,” Tishler said.

Entire Article

YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, and Work with ADL

YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, and Work with ADL

YouTube censored

Content creators on YouTube who follow all of the site’s rules may still face censorship by the platform, under new plans announced by Google.

According to a post on YouTube’s official blog, videos will now be subject to the rule of the mob. If enough users flag a video as “hate speech” or “violent extremism,” YouTube may impose restrictions on the content even if it breaks none of the platform’s rules.

We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes.

YouTube has also rolled out a “trusted flagger” program, in which 15 “expert NGOs and institutions” to help them identify hate speech and extremism on their platform.

Among these organizations are the No Hate Speech Movement, a left-wing project pushed by the Council of Europe, as well as the Anti-Defamation League, an organization whose president has been accused of “manufacturing outrage” by the World Jewish Congress.

YouTube is also planning to artificially alter its search results so that searches for “sensitive” topics on YouTube no longer return the most popular videos, but a “playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages.”

The platform also plans to artificially promote videos created via its “Creators for Change” program,  which, in YouTube’s words, features creators who are “using their voices and creativity to speak out against hate speech, xenophobia and extremism.”

Entire Article

(video) Jeff Sessions Blocks Joe Biden From Touching His Granddaughter

Forgiveness is: taking the knife out of your own back and not using it to hurt anyone else no matter how they hurt you

Forgiveness is:

taking the knife out of your own back
and not using it
to hurt anyone else
no matter how
they hurt you.

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(video) Chester’s Broken Wrist | Linkin Park — Sings for another hour to finish the show!

Chester’s Broken Wrist | LPTV #16 | Linkin Park

Published on Oct 17, 2007

(video) Chelsea Clinton Caught Spreading Fake News!

Good example of how quick the liberals are to mock Trump without fact checking; though, Dice’s mocking tone is also disgusting, since he openly says he’s a Christian.

We need more love. There is a better way to do this.

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Chelsea Clinton Caught Spreading Fake News!

Published on Jul 31, 2017

Chelsea Clinton just got busted spreading fake news, and then issues a pathetic apology which was almost just as bad as the nonsense she was spreading on social media.

(video) 10 Secret Submarine Bases Hidden in Plain Sight, Including Yalong Bay, Hainon Island, China

@5:35 Yalong Bay, Hainon Island, China

I’ve heard that China has a submarine base in which the entrance is about 1,000 feet below sea level. We don’t know how many nuclear subs they have, because apparently, everything they do is underground and top secret.

Joel Skousen and others predict that both Russia and China are preparing to take US out with an EMP and nuke strikes of our military bases, which could be as soon as 5 years from now.

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10 Secret Submarine Bases Hidden in Plain Sight

Published on Aug 1, 2017

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(video) LINKIN PARK tribute to CHRIS CORNELL – ‘One More Light’ – Jimmy Kimmel Live

Chester’s bandmate, Mike Shinoda:

“We were booked to play the show [Jimmy Kimmel Live] so that we could promote our new single ‘Heavy’ and then we heard the news about Chris Cornell and had had a little pow-wow in the dressing room before we went on and we said, ya know, the thing that’s good for the band to do is play ‘Heavy,’ but the right thing to do is play ‘One More Light’ because it’s about the loss of a friend.”

“When we were doing a sound check Chester couldn’t even make it through the song, he was getting halfway through and getting choked up. And even when we did play the whole song, and it was live on TV, or taped for film for TV, he kind of just stopped like towards the end like he missed the last couple lines, just couldn’t finish the song. Fans were crying in the audience, and I think it was cathartic, I think it was good.”

“The message of the song is when you are dealing with something so deep as losing a friend, or in this case somebody you just admire, somebody you look up to when we’re talking about some of these fans in the audience… one of the things I think you can do is reach out to people and offer them community, let them know we’re a family, we’re community, we care about each other. Whether a friend who lost somebody, a family member or whatever, to reach out and let them know even that you’re thinking about them, sometimes that’s enough.” (source)

Linkin Park Performs “One More Light”

Published on May 19, 2017

Linkin Park Performs “One More Light” on Jimmy Kimmel Live

(video) Chester Bennington’s Bandmate: Linkin Park Singer Was Hit Hard by Chris Cornell’s Suicide

Related: (video) LINKIN PARK tribute to CHRIS CORNELL – ‘One More Light’ – Jimmy Kimmel Live

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“We were booked to play the show [Jimmy Kimmel Live] so that we could promote our new single ‘Heavy’ and then we heard the news about Chris Cornell and had had a little pow-wow in the dressing room before we went on and we said, ya know, the thing that’s good for the band to do is play ‘Heavy,’ but the right thing to do is play ‘One More Light’ because it’s about the loss of a friend.”

“When we were doing a sound check Chester couldn’t even make it through the song, he was getting halfway through and getting choked up. And even when we did play the whole song, and it was live on TV, or taped for film for TV, he kind of just stopped like towards the end like he missed the last couple lines, just couldn’t finish the song. Fans were crying in the audience, and I think it was cathartic, I think it was good.”

“The message of the song is when you are dealing with something so deep as losing a friend, or in this case somebody you just admire, somebody you look up to when we’re talking about some of these fans in the audience… one of the things I think you can do is reach out to people and offer them community, let them know we’re a family, we’re community, we care about each other. Whether a friend who lost somebody, a family member or whatever, to reach out and let them know even that you’re thinking about them, sometimes that’s enough.” – Mike Shinoda

Chester Bennington’s Bandmate: Linkin Park Singer Was Hit Hard by Chris Cornell’s Suicide

Published on Jul 20, 2017

Weeks before Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington was found dead, his bandmate, Mike Shinoda, detailed Bennington’s emotional reaction to the suicide of Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell. Bennington and Cornell were close friends, so Linkin Park decided to perform “One More Light” in his honor. But Bennington kept getting choked up and had a hard time making it through the song, written about “the loss of a friend.” If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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