Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 25 of 26

The Truth about the Flu Shot

From: Infowars, July 10, 2009

If the government mandates a series of flu shots this fall — so far they are only “recommending” the shots — you can expect to get a dose of thimerosal (mercury), formaldehyde, detergent, MF-59 (an oil-based adjuvant), and other toxins.

Incidentally, if you believe the government will not kidnap you at gunpoint and lock you in a concentration camp and possibly force you to take these toxins, check out Executive Order 13295 of April 4, 2003. It states that the government has the authority to establish “regulations providing for the apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases,” including diseases at that time “not yet isolated or named.”

Of course, the government will decide if you have a deadly disease or not.

Paul Craig Roberts: Fear Rules in America

It is all very simple if you are an American. America is pure, but other countries, except for our allies, are barbaric. …

Americans are the salt of the earth. They never do any wrong. Only those other people do. …

Fear has made every American a suspect, eroded our rights, and compromised our humanity.

From: Infowars

The power of irrational fear in the US is extraordinary. It ranks up there with the Israel Lobby, the military/security complex, and the financial gangsters. Indeed, fear might be the most powerful force in America.

Americans are at ease with their country’s aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, which has resulted in a million dead Muslim civilians and several million refugees, because the US government has filled Americans with fear of terrorists. “We have to kill them over there before they come over here.”

Fearful of American citizens, the US government is building concentration camps apparently all over the country. According to news reports, a $385 million US government contract was given by the Bush/Cheney Regime to Cheney’s company, Halliburton, to build “detention centers” in the US. The corporate media never explained for whom the detention centers are intended.Most Americans dismiss such reports. “It can’t happen here.” However, In northeastern Florida not far from Tallahassee, I have seen what might be one of these camps. There is a building inside a huge open area fenced with razor wire. There is no one there and no signs. The facility appears new and unused and does not look like an abandoned prisoner work camp.

What is it for?

Who spent all that money for what?

There are Americans who are so terrified of their lives being taken by terrorists that they are hoping the US government will use nuclear weapons to destroy “the Muslim enemy.” The justifications concocted for the use of nuclear bombs against Japanese civilian populations have had their effect. There are millions of Americans who wish “their” government would kill everyone that “their” government has demonized.

When I tell these people that they will die of old age without ever seeing a terrorist, they think I am insane.

Martial Law Lockdown Exercise in Seward, Alaska?

From: Infowars

A caller into the Alex Jones Show today provided details about a possible Department of Homeland Security drill at the end of this month in Seward, Alaska, the seventh most lucrative fisheries port in the United States.

The caller, identifying herself as “Barbara,” said she had an encounter with a man from the Transportation Security Administration, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security. The man had black and white photographs of buildings in Seward and made unusual comments about terrorism. He also seemed confident he would see Barbara again.

Alex has received several emails from residents of Seward recently claiming the town will be locked down and a Homeland Security exercise conducted there.

Barbara and other residents of Seward believe the Department of Homeland Security is preparing a drill or exercise of some sort, based on the following events….

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Alan Keyes: “The things that are happening are OMINOUS TO THE LAST DEGREE. I’m not thinking about elections in 2012. I’m thinking about how we save elections at all”

Keyes said that because the majority of people are decent-minded, they believe others will play by the rules when this simply isn’t the case, warning that this attitude will allow evil to take over before we can do anything about it.

From: Prison Planet

Alan Keyes: Government Will Stage Terror, Declare Martial Law

Former Presidential candidate gives most dire warning yet about Obama agenda

Alan Keyes: Government Will Stage Terror, Declare Martial Law 210409top2

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes has given perhaps his most dire warning yet, saying that the Obama administration is preparing to stage terror attacks, declare martial law and cancel the 2012 elections, which is why they are demonizing their political enemies as criminals and terrorists.

Gov’t sending letters warning pastors not to speak out, citing Romans 13

“They [in the letters] even mention Romans 13,” Terry mentioned in the segment preceding these.


Gerald Celente April 2009: False Flag Recovery

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


“There’s no recovery in sight.”

“It’s economics for dummies.”

“There are no games left to play
other than…’print all the money that you can.'”

Monsanto’s Dream Bill: H.R. 875

For Further Info: Monsanto’s Dream Bill — HR 875


Michael Savage: Expect a Staged Reichstag-like Attack to Bring in Dictatorship


Glenn Beck’s Lame Attempt to “Debunk” FEMA Camps

From: Infowars

Disinfo operative Glenn Beck’s shabby and comical attempt to “debunk” FEMA camps was theater of the absurd at its most revealing. Recall Beck a few weeks ago trying to bait us with a promise to investigate the camps. He came off as alarmed over the prospect of internment camps and this set the hook. Stay tuned, folks, he teased, we’ll get to the bottom of this.

Glenn Beck, the seasoned operative, never intended a serious exposé. He planned to make those of us who know FEMA camps exist look like fools and churls. In order to do this he enlisted the retread James Meigs, editor-in-chief of the washed-up Hearst publication, Popular Mechanics. Back in 2005, Meigs spearheaded an effort to debunk the 9/11 truth movement with a Popular Mechanic cover story. Meigs and his crew of supposed debunkers approached the science of 9/11 very selectively and were more interested in ad hominem attacks leveled against researchers. Meigs concluded his diatribe by stating that “those who peddle fantasies that this country encouraged, permitted or actually carried out the attacks are libeling the truth — and disgracing the memories of the thousands who died that day.”

Meigs turned his “fact checking” (through omission) into a book — Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can’t Stand Up to the Facts. It was published by Hearst, the media corporation famous for its association with the expression “yellow journalism.” Hearst told the illustrationist Frederic Remington during the Spanish-American War: “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” Nothing much as changed since 1895.

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Alex Jones: The Reality of FEMA Camps in the U.S. [4/6/09 video]

Skousen: Glenn Beck Fails to Deliver on FEMA Camps

Got 10-Minutes? Alex Jones Sums Up NWO: U.S. is a Puppet of the Private Bankers — A Corrupted, Hijacked Nation


Alex Jones Predicts 9/11 on 7/25 (2001)

[googlevideo=]Alex Jones Predicts 9/11-like Terrorist attack in U.S.
on his July 25, 2001 Show

“The point is, if any terrorism comes, it’s from this government, and if there was an outside threat like a “bin Laden” – who was a known CIA asset in the 80’s running the Mujahideen war, and whose family builds all the military bases over in Saudi Arabia right now,  and sits on the board of Iridium Satellite. He’s the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.”

“I want the White House numbers up there now. A big part of this solution after you research government sponsored terrorism and check out what I’m saying is true, call the White House and tell them ‘we know that the government is planning terrorism, we know Oklahoma City and World Trade Center was [government sponsored domestic] terrorism. We know the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to blow up airliners, Baltimore Sun; if you do it, were gonna blame you, because we know who’s up to it. Or if you let some terrorist group do it, like the World Trade Center, we know who to blame.”

– Alex Jones

Sen. Rockefeller Introduces Bills to Give Obama Control of Internet

From: World Net Daily

A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared “cyber emergency.”

Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., are both part of what’s being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, reportable directly to the president and charged with defending the country from cyber attack.

A working draft of the legislation obtained by an Internet privacy group also spells out plans to grant the Secretary of Commerce access to all privately owned information networks deemed to be critical to the nation’s infrastructure “without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access.”

Who might be watching you without you knowing it? Get “Spychips” and see how major corporations and government are planning to track your every move!

Privacy advocates and Internet experts have been quick to sound the alarm over the act’s broadly drawn government powers.

“The cybersecurity threat is real,” says Leslie Harris, president of the Center for Democracy and Technology, which obtained the draft of S.773, “but such a drastic federal intervention in private communications technology and networks could harm both security and privacy.”

“The whole thing smells bad to me,” writes Larry Seltzer in eWeek, an Internet and print news source on technology issues. “I don’t like the chances of the government improving this situation by taking it over generally, and I definitely don’t like the idea of politicizing this authority by putting it in the direct control of the president.”

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Paris: What Would You Do? (New World Order rap)


Dr. Scott Whitaker Says ‘No’ to Barack Obama, New World Order & Universal Health Care


Finger scanner — I just went along with it; I didn’t protest


Gerald Celente FEMA Camps are for US Citizens (Coast to Coast AM with George Noory)


Gerald Celente, Trend Expert,Believes FEMA Camps for US Citizens 14 dec 2008

Related: Skousen: Glenn Beck Fails to Deliver on FEMA Camps

Chuck Baldwin: Missouri State Police Think You And I Are Terrorists

“Neal, who has a Ron Paul bumper sticker on his car, said the next time he is pulled over by a police officer, he won’t know whether it’s because he was speeding or because of his political views.”


From: News with Views

Thanks to a concerned Missouri state policeman, a nationally syndicated radio talk show host stated that he was alerted last week to a secret Missouri state police report that categorized supporters of Congressman Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and myself as “‘militia’ influenced terrorists.” The report, he said, “instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.”

Ignoring the threat of Muslim terrorists, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report focuses on the so-called “militia movement” and “conflates it with supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, the so-called patriot movement and other political activist organizations opposed to the North American Union and the New World Order.”

This report is not original, of course. During the Clinton administration, a Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation and Joint Terrorism Task Force explicitly designated “defenders” of the Constitution as “right-wing extremists.” However, the MIAC report significantly expands on earlier documents and is the first known document to actually name names.

Hersh: Cheney Ran SS-Style Political Assassination Unit

From: Prison Planet

Vice-President had his own military hit squad that carried out executions abroad

Award-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh dropped another bombshell this week when he revealed that former Vice-President Dick Cheney had his own SS-style political assassination unit that reported directly to him.

Hersh told a University of Minnesota audience on Tuesday, “After 9/11, I haven’t written about this yet, but the Central Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it. They haven’t been called on it yet.”

Hersh then went on to describe how the Joint Special Operations Command was an executive assassination unit that carried out political`assassinations abroad. “It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently,” he explained. “They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. … Congress has no oversight of it.”

The revelation that Cheney had his own private assassination unit is not too far removed from Hitler’s notorious SA (Sturmabteilung), the much feared para-military wing of the Nazi party who were used to beat, torture and kill political opponents of the Nazi party in 1930’s Germany and the Waffen SS, who were later used in the war to carry out executions and war crimes.

The SA were later targeted by Hitler during the Night of the Long Knives, a brutal purge to eliminate political adversaries both inside and outside of the Nazi party. Hundreds of people were executed in cold blood by the Gestapo and the SS.

Tellingly, German courts and cabinet quickly swept aside centuries of legal prohibition against extra-judicial killings to demonstrate their loyalty to Hitler. The Waffen SS was deemed beyond prosecution despite it blatantly being involved in egregious and ongoing war crimes, as well as domestic assassinations.

The Joint Special Operations Command, Cheney’s assassination unit, is also described as an area of ‘extra-legal’ operations.

“It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on,” Hersh stated. “Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us.”

And it’s still going on. None of Obama’s reversals of Bush executive orders say anything about abolishing the Joint Special Operations Command. Indeed, the specialist unit is an integral part of Obama’s vastly expanded bombing raids and other incursions in Pakistan.

Cheney “Assassination Unit” Still Active Under Obama, Including Domestically

From: Prison Planet

Joint Special Operations Command comprises Delta Force personnel that have killed U.S. citizens and acted in support of Obama’s expanded war in Pakistan

Revelations that a political assassination unit which reported solely to Dick Cheney was in operation during the Bush administration are absent the fact that the unit in question, the Joint Special Operations Command, has been active for decades, has been deployed domestically in the U.S., has killed U.S. citizens, and is an integral part of Barack Obama’s expanded wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Seymour Hersh dropped a bombshell when he told a University of Minnesota audience on Tuesday that the Joint Special Operations Command is, “An executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on,” Hersh stated. “Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us.”

Subsequent media coverage of Hersh’s comments, such as a special feature on last night’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, has framed the story in the inaccurate context that the JSOC was a personal hit team acting on behalf of Cheney alone, when in reality the unit was created in 1980 and continues to play a central role in Barack Obama’s continuation of the so-called war on terror.

As we learn from the Global Security website, the Joint Special Operations Command in fact comprises mostly of Delta Force soldiers and SEALs. The unit was established in 1980 and is located at Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina and at nearby Fort Bragg.

The assassination unit was not a creation of the Bush administration or Dick Cheney, it has in fact been “involved in a number of covert military operations over the last two decades,” including the covert U.S. invasions of Panama and Granada, as well as search and rescue missions in Somalia, and searching for alleged war criminals in Yugoslavia.

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John W. Whitehead: The Groundwork Has Already Been Laid for Martial Law

From: The Rutherford Institute

During his two terms in office, George W. Bush stepped outside the boundaries of the Constitution and assembled an amazing toolbox of powers that greatly increased the authority of the Executive branch and the reach of the federal government.

Bush expanded presidential power to, among other things, allow government agents to secretly open the private mail of American citizens; authorize government agents to secretly, and illegally, listen in on the phone calls of American citizens and read our e-mails; assume control of the federal government following a “catastrophic event”; and declare martial law.

Thus, the groundwork was laid for an imperial presidency and a potentially totalitarian government–a state of affairs that has not ended with Barack Obama’s ascension to the Oval Office…

All that is needed is another threat to national security–a so-called “catastrophic event.” Under the Bush administration, the danger was terrorism. Under the Obama administration, the economy is being posed as the greatest threat to national security.

This danger was made clear in a U.S. Army War College report issued last fall. As Hedges reports, “The military must be prepared, the document warned, for a ‘violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States,’ which could be provoked by ‘unforeseen economic collapse,’ ‘purposeful domestic resistance,’ ‘pervasive public health emergencies’ or ‘loss of functioning political and legal order.’ The ‘widespread civil violence,’ the document said, ‘would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.'”

What does all this mean for you and me, the average citizen? When and if martial law is declared, freedom, as we have known it, will be obsolete. And don’t expect much in the way of warning or help from the corporate media. As the war in Iraq showed, they are all too willing to be co-opted by the military for the sake of access and ratings. And there will be many Americans who won’t know what’s happening. They’ll be too busy watching the latest entertainment spectacle and trying to guess the next American Idol.

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Devvy Kidd: Will you let the federal government take possession of your medical records?

From: News with Views

The “great” crash of 1929. The “great” depression. Strange choice of words for such events. So much misery and suffering for all but the elite.

But, did it come about the way Americans have been led to believe?

The remedies and policies put into place by FDR only exacerbated the problem, but every move was carefully calculated by the shadow government. As Lawrence W. Reed, says in his essay, The Great Myths of the Great Depression, FDR’s “tinkering” prolonged the depression. The banking cartels ran our lives then and nothing will change until as Andy Jackson said, “The Bank is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.” It is our monetary and banking policy failures draining the life blood from this republic and until the central bank is killed, we will continue towards complete financial armageddon.

Please do take a few minutes to read these pages from Reed’s outstanding essay. This is critically important information to understand because tragically, America is about to walk down the same path again, courtesy of ignorant and corrupt members of Congress led by their cool party animal in the White House. By the way, have you noticed that not only does the Messiah never travel without his teleprompter, Obama aka Soetoro aka and so forth, seems to avoid the White House? Look at how many flights he has already taken on Air Force One for appearances! Insiders say his “conferences” are little more than form over substance and accomplish nothing. It sure gives the impression of the ‘Great One’ looking busy. Perhaps all his travel is so he won’t have to pretend he knows what he’s doing while in the Oval Office.

Does the New Deal’s “National Industrial Recovery Act” which created a massive new bureaucracy called the National Recovery Administration have a familiar ring? It should. The impostor president, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro aka and so forth, has launched a newer version of that failed product. This one I call the gang rape bill is officially titled, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009. Of course, it is no such animal. But, like Roosevelt’s NIRA, Obamaination’s ARRTA will give birth to even more useless and costly government agencies.

Sec. 3001. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology sets up another useless bureaucracy. See here. The goal is to have everyone’s medical records entered into a massive, electronic government data base. Now, I don’t know about you, but I have a real problem with this because I know the real goal is to track medical care and treatment under a totalitarian government. This would mean an already incompetent government is allegedly going to manage some 300 MILLION medical records using technology that CAN be hacked, never mind some nosey busy body snooping into your medical records or “sharing” with some agency or foreign government down the road under world government.

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‘What you fight, you become.’ – David Icke


The global economic collapse is designed to trigger a stream of ‘benefits’ to the Illuminati agenda. One, as I have said from the start, is to use this as an excuse to impose a global economic dictatorship controlled by a world central bank. But there are many other ‘solutions’ and connected ‘benefits’ that are planned to be exploited and we need to be streetwise to them.

The one I want to emphasise here is the need to stay calm and react peacefully to what is happening. This is not easy when there is so much stress and fear around with regard to the economic present and ‘future’, but we need to do it all the same or we will walk straight into a massive trap that has been set for us.

Let’s get this straight: They want you to riot in response to the unfolding economic catastrophe and we are already seeing people falling for this.

Why would the authorities want people to riot? Readers of my books over the years will see the answer immediately. They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world and people who riot in their desperation (instigated invariably by agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are looking for.

Be very, very aware of anyone who starts rioting, or encourages others to do so, amid peaceful demonstrations. Who are they and why are they doing this when it is handing all the aces to the system to impose a Police State? They are either stupid or agents of that State.

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Skousen: Glenn Beck Fails to Deliver on FEMA Camps

World Affairs Brief, March 6, 2009 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


There are much more important and verifiable conspiracies in the world without having good conservatives diverted to such tripe. One important issue is the growing number of secret prison camps and holding facilities being built by our government. FEMA is the prime agency now directing this hidden agenda. I have previously reported in the WAB the significant travel and efforts I have made to substantiate prisons and camps that are valid. They do exist, though the major camps number less than a dozen, and they include a large camp clearly visible from I-15 just north of Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. Others are on decommissioned military installations. Interestingly enough, two years ago these large camps were removed from the official list of government prison facilities, even though the government still maintains them. They now join the growing list of FEMA camps of which there is no official government listing. Why the secrecy?

That said, it is important to note that there are many bogus camps being paraded as a threat. The lists and pictures circulating the internet of some 300 camps, claiming that nearly any fenced enclosure with barbed wire on top is a future concentration camp, is simply not credible. I’m convinced that agents of influence feed publicity-seeking radicals disinformation like this to discredit real threats.

TV and radio talk host Glenn Beck’s recent foray into the subject of FEMA camps is a study in how the establishment exercises subtle and not-so-subtle pressure to keep legitimate conspiracy evidence off the air. This week Beck announced on “Fox and Friends” that he was going to air his research about FEMA camps the next day, giving the distinct impression that he had found a credible threat of future tyranny. Here’s the link:


Beck declares he attempted to “debunk these FEMAS camps” because he is “tired of hearing about them,” but was unable to do so. “We now for several days have done research on them… I can’t debunk them.” This was something new for Beck to admit. As a perennial conspiracy basher on the issue of 9/11, Beck is the last one (other than government shill Rush Limbaugh) that I would have expected to expose the FEMA camps. To Beck’s credit, he was one of the few on Fox who would attack President Bush and unconstitutional government actions whenever he could. I think he is sincere, but a bit of a loose cannon in his rapid fire speaking style–which doesn’t lend toward careful analysis when he gets carried away.

The Truth About Facebook: Data Mining

Click here

Related: Facebook backs down, reverses on user information policy

New Legislation Would Authorize FEMA Camps In U.S.

From: Infowars


A new bill introduced in Congress authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to set up a network of FEMA camp facilities to be used to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency.

The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of to providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill.

The legislation also states that the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”.

Ominously, the bill also states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open ended mandate which many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse.

Many credible forecasters have predicted riots and rebellions in America that will dwarf those already witnessed in countries like Iceland and Greece.

With active duty military personnel already being stationed inside the U.S. under Northcom, partly for purposes of “crowd control,” fears that Americans could be incarcerated in detainment camps are all too real.

Lawmakers Seek New Gun Legislation: Ammo Control Laws

From: News with Views

“Gun control fanatics, frustrated in their attempts to impose severely restrictive regulations on the gun rights of law-abiding American citizens, apparently think that if they push severe restrictions on ammunition acquisition and possession, they’ll come closer to their objective of restricting if not eliminating the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms,” says John M. Snyder, named Washington’s senior gun rights activist.

With a liberal Democrat now sitting in the Oval Office and both houses of the US Congress boasting Democrat majorities, lawmakers in Washington, DC and around the country are displaying renewed interest in gun control legislation, according to sources within both law enforcement and gun owner rights communities.

“Ever since the so-called ‘Beltway Sniper’ case in 2001, there’s been talk about not just gun registration, but ammo registration. This will make it mandatory for manufacturers of firearms ammunition to number every cartridge they make and to keep records of those cartridges,” said Lt. Steven Rodgers, a cop in New Jersey.

“Can’t control guns? Well, they’ll control the ammunition,” he added during an interview with

While a federal law is being considered by proponents of such laws, gun owners in individual states are witnessing what’s referred to as Ammunition Accountability Acts being pushed through they’re state legislatures by impatient lawmakers.

Ammunition Accountability, a liberal gun control organization, has developed sample legislation to achieve its purposes and reports that versions of it have been introduced in the legislatures of Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Washington, according to John Snyder.

While state legislatures differ in the wording of their proposed laws, basically they all require that any and all ammunition be encoded by the manufacturer and they will maintain a mandatory data base of all ammunition sales.

“We of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms oppose this backdoor approach to gun control,” stated Snyder, an official with that gun rights group.

The sample legislation would stipulate that, “each year in the United States, more than 30 percent of all homicides that involve a gun go unsolved; handgun ammunition accounts for 80 percent of all ammunition sold in the United States; current technology for matching a bullet used in a crime to the gun that fired it has worked moderately well for years, but presupposes that the weapon was recovered by law enforcement;” and “bullet coding is a new and effective way for law enforcement to quickly identify persons of interest in gun crime investigations.”

It would provide that, after a specific date, all handgun and “assault weapon” ammunition manufactured or sold in the state shall be coded by the manufacturer, and would include a list of all calibers covered by the coding requirement. It would mandate the disposal by a certain date of all non-coded ammunition listed, whether owned by private citizens or retail outlets.

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Biden Tells Roberts: You Will Rule On Human Microchipping


During the the confirmation hearings for John Roberts Jr., George W. Bush’s nominee for Supreme Court chief justice, Roberts was questioned by Senator Joseph R. Biden on whether he would rule against a mandatory implantable microchip to track American citizens.

UK: Photographers criminalized as police abuse anti-terror laws — Fury as stop-and-search powers are used to block and confiscate legal pictures

From: The Independent

The artist Reuben Powell was arrested and imprisoned for photographing an old government building

Reuben Powell is an unlikely terrorist. A white, middle-aged, middle-class artist, he has been photographing and drawing life around the capital’s Elephant & Castle for 25 years.

With a studio near the 1960s shopping centre at the heart of this area in south London, he is a familiar figure and is regularly seen snapping and sketching the people and buildings around his home – currently the site of Europe’s largest regeneration project. But to the police officers who arrested him last week his photographing of the old HMSO print works close to the local police station posed an unacceptable security risk.

“The car skidded to a halt like something out of Starsky & Hutch and this officer jumped out very dramatically and said ‘what are you doing?’ I told him I was photographing the building and he said he was going to search me under the Anti-Terrorism Act,” he recalled.

For Powell, this brush with the law resulted in five hours in a cell after police seized the lock-blade knife he uses to sharpen his pencils. His release only came after the intervention of the local MP, Simon Hughes, but not before he was handcuffed and his genetic material stored permanently on the DNA database.

But Powell’s experience is far from uncommon. Every week photographers wielding their cameras in public find themselves on the receiving end of warnings either by police, who stop them under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000, or from over-eager officials who believe that photography in a public area is somehow against the law.

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Report: U.S. Army Readying In Case Economic Recession Gets Ugly

From: Newsmax, U.S. Military Preparing for Domestic Disturbances

A new report from the U.S. Army War College discusses the use of American troops to quell civil unrest brought about by a worsening economic crisis.

The report from the War College’s Strategic Studies Institute warns that the U.S. military must prepare for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States” that could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.”

Entitled “Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development,” the report was produced by Nathan Freier, a recently retired Army lieutenant colonel who is a professor at the college — the Army’s main training institute for prospective senior officers.

He writes: “To the extent events like this involve organized violence against local, state, and national authorities and exceed the capacity of the former two to restore public order and protect vulnerable populations, DoD [Department of Defense] would be required to fill the gap.”

Freier continues: “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities *in extremis to defend basic domestic order … An American government and defense establishment lulled into complacency by a long-secure domestic order would be forced to rapidly divest some or most external security commitments in order to address rapidly expanding human insecurity at home.”

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned last week of riots and unrest in global markets if the ongoing financial crisis is not addressed and lower-income households are beset with credit constraints and rising unemployment, the Phoenix Business Journal reported.

Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Rep. Brad Sherman of California disclosed that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson discussed a worst-case scenario as he pushed the Wall Street bailout in September, and said that scenario might even require a declaration of martial law.

* “In extremis is a Latin phrase meaning ‘in the furthest reaches’ or ‘at the point of death’, generally referring to grave or exceptional circumstances.”

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Ron Paul on Martial Law: “The stage is set for…a military dictatorship, and few seem to care”


Some of the least-noticed and least-discussed changes in the law were the changes made to the Insurrection Act of 1807 and to posse comitatus by the Defense Authorization Act of 2007. These changes pose a threat to the survival of our Republic by giving the President the power to declare martial law for as little reason as to restore public order. The 1807 act severely restricted the President in his use of the military within the United States borders, and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 strengthened these restrictions with strict oversight by Congress. The new law allows the President to circumvent the restrictions of both laws. The Insurrection Act has now become the “Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order Act.” This is hardly a title that suggests that the authors cared about or understood the nature of a constitutional Republic.

Now, martial law can be declared not just for insurrection, but also for natural disasters, public health reasons, terrorist attacks or incidents, or for the vague reason called “other conditions.” The President can call up the National Guard without congressional approval or the Governors’ approval, and even send these State Guard troops into other States.

The American Republic is in remnant status. The stage is set for our country eventually devolving into a military dictatorship, and few seem to care. These precedent-setting changes in the law are extremely dangerous and will change American jurisprudence forever if not revised. The beneficial results of our revolt against the King’s abuses are about to be eliminated, and few Members of Congress and few Americans are aware of the seriousness of the situation. Complacency and fear drive our legislation without any serious objection by our elected leaders. Sadly, though, those few who do object to this self-evident trend away from personal liberty and empire-building overseas are portrayed as unpatriotic and uncaring.

Though welfare and socialism always fails, opponents of them are said to lack compassion. Though opposition to totally unnecessary war should be the only moral position, the rhetoric is twisted to claim that patriots who oppose the war are not supporting the troops. The cliché “Support the Troops” is incessantly used as a substitute for the unacceptable notion of supporting the policy, no matter how flawed it may be.

Read/Watch Ron Paul’s Entire ‘Patriotism’ Speech, 5/22/07

Related: Washington Post: 20,000 More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed For “Domestic Security”

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