Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Real History Page 34 of 48

Jews for Justice: The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict — The root cause is clear. During the 1948 war, 750,000 Palestinians fled in terror or were actively expelled from their ancestral homeland and turned into refugees. The state of Israel then refused to allow them to return and either destroyed their villages entirely or expropriated their land, orchards, houses, businesses and personal possessions for the use of the Jewish population. This was the birth of the state of Israel.


The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

By Jews for Justice in the Middle East

Published in Berkeley, CA, 2001
Jews for Justice has made this excellent resource available to people around the world. We have converted their booklet to a more easily copied format. Download it!

As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes — on both sides — inevitably follow from this original injustice.

This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region’s problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record.


The standard Zionist position is that they showed up in Palestine in the late 19th century to reclaim their ancestral homeland. Jews bought land and started building up the Jewish community there. They were met with increasingly violent opposition from the Palestinian Arabs, presumably stemming from the Arabs’ inherent anti-Semitism. The Zionists were then forced to defend themselves and, in one form or another, this same situation continues up to today.

The problem with this explanation is that it is simply not true, as the documentary evidence in this booklet will show.


Conclusion I
For Jewish Readers

As we have seen, the root cause of the Palestine-Israel conflict is clear. During the 1948 war, 750,000 Palestinians fled in terror or were actively expelled from their ancestral homeland and turned into refugees. The state of Israel then refused to allow them to return and either destroyed their villages entirely or expropriated their land, orchards, houses, businesses and personal possessions for the use of the Jewish population. This was the birth of the state of Israel.

We know it is hard to accept emotionally, but in this case the Jewish people are in the wrong. We took most of Palestine by force from the Arabs and blamed the victims for resisting their dispossession. If you run into someone’s car, for whatever reason, simple justice demands that you repair it. Our moral obligation to the Palestinian people is no less clear. It is time for all Jewish people of good conscience to make whatever amends are possible to the Palestinians in order to live up to the best part of the Jewish tradition — its ethical and moral basis.

Any criticism of Israel is traditionally seen by American Jews as harmful to the Jewish people, even if the criticism is true. But “my people, right or wrong, my people” is no different than “my country, right or wrong, my country”. Once we start down the slippery slope where the ends justify the means we have left behind any claim to morality. Along with millions of other American Jews unaffiliated with the major U.S. Jewish organizations, we are outraged at the Israeli government’s ongoing oppression of the Palestinians and feel that it has been the ruination of the high moral standing of the Jewish people.

The Israeli government could solve the Palestine/Israel crisis tomorrow. It actually would be in the best interests of its citizens to do so because random acts of terrorism against Israelis would cease if Palestinian demands for a viable, independent state were accepted and compensation for Arab losses made.

Entire Article Here


(video – real history) Miko Peled: The General’s Son & Return of the General’s Son — Israel’s war crimes & dehumanization must stop. There is a better solution.

(video) “Life In Occupied Palestine,” Anna Baltzer: A wonderfully moving introduction to the plight of the Palestinians, in simple, everyday terms — Checkpoints, settlements, Israeli activism, 1948 War refugees, censorship, the Wall, ongoing annexation of Palestinian land — “It is five times more likely for an ISRAELI SOLDIER to commit SUICIDE than to be killed in a terrorist attack. So when people talk about this occupation as helping the Jewish people, they don’t realize how many Israelis are actually against it, and how IMPORTANT it is FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE AS WELL AS the PALESTINIAN people to end this”


Israelis Who Cheered On Missile Strikes Threatened to Destroy CNN Reporter’s Car

(video) Jews’ Racial Hate Rally: “A JEW IS a darling. AN ARAB IS a son of a b—” “May the Israel army win and f— up the Arabs. … Death to the Arabs!”

(video) ABC Manipulates Truth to Fit Pro-Israel Bias | Weapons of Mass Distraction

(video!) Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media

(video) Israel Targeting Civilian with Banned Weapons

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

(video) 5 Reasons Why Israel is an Apartheid State

Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”

Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft

Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer

[Photos] Rocket Comparison: Aftermath of Hamas rocket attack on Israel vs AFTERMATH of ISRAELI ROCKET ATTACK ON GAZA!

Micael Grenholm: Blessing Israel = Ignoring Gaza? — WWJD! “What would Jesus do? Would He be silent when people with the “wrong” nationality were dying? Would He bomb Gaza and say “whoops” when an 11-month baby was killed? NO!!He would proclaim peace for the nations, heal the sick, help the poor and bring salvation to the terrorists!”

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.


[5-minute video] “Israel started this not Hamas” — Actually both sides are responsible, which the MSM carefully covers up

[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!

Ray McGovern: Willing to risk his life to help Israel be humane to the Palestinians

Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?

Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)

Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their atrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?

Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent

Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out

The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty

‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House

Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!

Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”

Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.

[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads

Is it illegal for Christians to evangelize in Israel? — Billy Graham has held rallies in over 185 different countries, including Communist, but has never been allowed to hold a Christian evangelistic rally in Israel

Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…

Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011

Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”

Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists

Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister

US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias

[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack

CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel

Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy

Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel

Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture

Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent

Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”

Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”

One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children

Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!

One Very Brave Palestinian Woman

Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.

How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?

Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”

Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel

Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?

Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord

[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!

Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers

[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran

Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”

Peace activist Kenneth O’Keefe defends his Gaza aid flotilla actions to the attack-dog BBC journalist: “If you wanted peace, and you carried out the policies of Israel…. It’s like America saying it wants peace, yet conducting State sponsored terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a lie. Israel is lying. They don’t want peace…”

Hero US Marine Disarms Israeli Commandos — Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe was later beaten by the Israelis — Look at his face!

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre

Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv

Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!

[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?

[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy

Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees

Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.

Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

(video) “Life In Occupied Palestine,” Anna Baltzer: A wonderfully moving introduction to the plight of the Palestinians, in simple, everyday terms — Checkpoints, settlements, Israeli activism, 1948 War refugees, censorship, the Wall, ongoing annexation of Palestinian land — “It is five times more likely for an ISRAELI SOLDIER to commit SUICIDE than to be killed in a terrorist attack. So when people talk about this occupation as helping the Jewish people, they don’t realize how many Israelis are actually against it, and how IMPORTANT it is FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE AS WELL AS the PALESTINIAN people to end this”

EXCELLENT presentation!!!

– –

“The U.S. government gives Israel between three and five billion American tax dollars every year [2007]…. That is going towards upholding these illegal practices. … We are the ones paying for this. We have a right. We have a responsibility to know where our tax dollars are going, and to insure that they are not being used to violate human rights, international law….”

In Israel, there is a much higher tolerance for debate and dissent on this issue than you find in the United States. … It is five times more likely for an Israeli soldier to commit suicide than to be killed in a terrorist attack. So when people talk about this occupation as helping the Jewish people, they don’t realize how many Israelis are actually against it, and how important it is for the Jewish people as well as the Palestinian people to end this.”

– Anna Baltzer

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

Media bias: International Newsweek verses U.S.’ Newsweek at minute-36

Life In Occupied Palestine

21st Century Awakening

Published on Nov 24, 2012

Anna Baltzer, a Jewish American with the IWPS, documents the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Israelis.

A wonderfully moving introduction to the plight of the Palestinians, in simple, everyday terms, with a captivating narration by eyewitness Anna Baltzer. Anna Baltzer, a Jewish-American Columbia graduate and Fulbright scholar, presents her discoveries as a volunteer with the International Women’s Peace Service in the West Bank, documenting human rights abuses and supporting Palestinian-led nonviolent resistance to the Occupation. Baltzer’s presentation provides those interested in the Israel/ Palestine conflict with critical information and documentation that can be difficult to obtain through mainstream Western media sources, and to encourage dialog towards taking action on the issue. Topics discussed include checkpoints, settlements, Israeli activism, Zionism, 1948 War & refugees, censorship, the Wall, the ongoing annexation of Palestinian land, and the almost unbearable living conditions under the occupation. The grand-daughter of Holocaust refugees, Baltzer works to address the injustices of today in light of those of the past. She is the author of the book Witness in Palestine.


(video) Alison Weir: History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict — “Come to Palestine, Americans, and see your tax dollars at work, millions and millions of them, every day, and weep with me for our victims…”

(video – Israel’s Real History) Miko Peled: The General’s Son & Return of the General’s Son — Israel’s war crimes & dehumanization must stop. There is a better solution.

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

(video) Ted Pike: ‘The Other Israel’ — The Talmudic system that seeks our ruin!

(audio) Ted Pike Discusses “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret” — Balanced, LOVING presentation how Talmudic Jewish thought, the LEAVEN Jesus warned about, is hijacking Christian thought through Hollywood and the MSM

Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?

(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography

(video) Refuting Jews For Judaism — The rabbis threw out the Old Testament, and replaced it with the Talmud, whose messiah is NOT the Divine Messiah if the Bible. The rabbi’s ‘real thing’ will be the “anti-Christ”

(History Channel Video) Talmudic Jews’ plan to launch the Antichrist from rebuilt temple in Jerusalem – ‘Brad Meltzer’s Decoded’ “Spear of Destiny”

“WE WILL KILL JESUS; THEN WE WILL RULE THE WORLD” — “The Pharisees have had the SAME GOAL before Jesus was crucified on the cross, and they are still trying to accomplish this task with a New World Order!”

(video) Miko Peled: Israeli General’s Son – Geneva 5/14/14 — “Israeli historians have been validating what Palestinians have said all along. It was not the Palestinians that began an assault. The Zionist militia began a massive campaign against an unarmed civilian population that lasted for twelve months with the CLEAR INTENTION of completing the ETHNIC CLEANSING of Palestine.”

(video) “Life In Occupied Palestine,” Anna Baltzer: A wonderfully moving introduction to the plight of the Palestinians, in simple, everyday terms — Checkpoints, settlements, Israeli activism, 1948 War refugees, censorship, the Wall, ongoing annexation of Palestinian land — “It is five times more likely for an ISRAELI SOLDIER to commit SUICIDE than to be killed in a terrorist attack. So when people talk about this occupation as helping the Jewish people, they don’t realize how many Israelis are actually against it, and how IMPORTANT it is FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE AS WELL AS the PALESTINIAN people to end this”

(video) Israeli settlers uproot Palestinians’ OLIVE TREES in occupied West Bank — 8,000 trees, some HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD!

(video) Prof. Tony Martin: Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade — Hamitic myth/’curse of Ham’ originated in the Jewish Talmud, not the Bible!

(video) Does Genesis say to ‘Bless’ modern-day Israel? — Is America being blessed by supporting evil? WWJD? Jesus warned about the Talmudic, antiChrist leaven of the Pharisees, saying they were serving their father, the Devil, and his works they will do

(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…

Poll: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims

(video) Miko Peled: Myths of 1967 (Israel’s Six Day War)

(video) The Dirty Truth About Israel — Real history that mainstream & ‘Christian’ media won’t tell US

CLAIM: “There has never been an actual country called Palestine” | FACT: The Arab state, which included Christians, was betrayed by Britain and hijacked by the Jewish Nakba

(video) Israeli School Books’ Racist Representation of Palestinians: Israeli General’s Daughter, Nurit Peled-Elhanan — Priming Israeli children for military service


(video) Inside Israel’s Pro-War Nationalist Camp — WE’RE HUMANS; THEY’RE ANIMALS” — Israeli soldier • “The most moral thing to do is to FLATTEN GAZA into a parking lot” — fmr. ISRAELI *PARLIAMENT* MEMBER • “A Jew is a soul; an Arab is a…”

40% of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel Are Sexually Abused; Virtually All Are Torture

Israelis Who Cheered On Missile Strikes Threatened to Destroy CNN Reporter’s Car

(video) Jews’ Racial Hate Rally: “A JEW IS a darling. AN ARAB IS a son of a b—” “May the Israel army win and f— up the Arabs. … Death to the Arabs!”

Bombing Gaza Like ‘Mowing the Lawn’: Israeli hardliners JOKE about the periodic need to decimate each new generation of Palestinians

Jews for Justice: The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict — The root cause is clear. During the 1948 war, 750,000 Palestinians fled in terror or were actively expelled from their ancestral homeland and turned into refugees. The state of Israel then refused to allow them to return and either destroyed their villages entirely or expropriated their land, orchards, houses, businesses and personal possessions for the use of the Jewish population. This was the birth of the state of Israel.

Israeli General’s Daughter: How Israeli School Textbooks Teach Kids to Hate

(video) ABC Manipulates Truth to Fit Pro-Israel Bias | Weapons of Mass Distraction

(video!) Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media

(video) Israel Targeting Civilian with Banned Weapons

Henry Makow (an ethnic Jew): “I think the Jewish people have been hoodwinked, just like we’re all being hoodwinked. … Christians are being hoodwinked into pushing the Zionist line, which is really part of the New World Order. … History is being manipulated in order to grind us down and eventually enslave us”

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

(video) 5 Reasons Why Israel is an Apartheid State

Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”

Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft

Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.


[5-minute video] “Israel started this not Hamas” — Actually both sides are responsible, which the MSM carefully covers up

[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!

(video) Ray McGovern: Israel/Washington Dehumanize Palestinians — Like blades of grass that have to be mowed periodically — Israeli Children’s textbooks don’t even show pictures of Palestinians

Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?

Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)

Netanyahu’s 7 Nuclear Deceptions — 1992: IRAN nuclear “within three to five years” • 1995: “three to five years” • 1996: “time is running out” • 2009: “probably one or two years away” / “has the capability now” • 2012: “within a year” || 2002: IRAQ now operating “centrifuges the size of washing machines”

Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their atrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?

Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent

Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out

The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty

‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House

Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!

Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”

Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel

Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.

(video) The Shocking Jewish Role in Slavery, I & II: What Jewish Historians Say | The Media Coverup — Unlike Hollywood’s portrayals, slave shipping was mainly a Jewish enterprise, and Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than whites!

(HEAVY VIDEO!) Who is Rupert Murdoch – FOX News? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads

Is it illegal for Christians to evangelize in Israel? — Billy Graham has held rallies in over 185 different countries, including Communist, but has never been allowed to hold a Christian evangelistic rally in Israel

Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…

Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011

Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”

Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists

Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister

US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias

[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack

CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel

Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy

Jack Valenti: Point Man who Debased American Morality Through Talmud-driven Hollywood

Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel

Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture

Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent

Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”

Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”

One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children

Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!

One Very Brave Palestinian Woman

Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.

How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?

Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”

Netanyahu: ‘America is easily moved’ (unaware camera) | Lies about Iran – history

Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord

Israel: Tel Aviv Shuts Down Entire City For Annual Gay Pride Parade — Benjamin Netanyahu “Proud” and Congratulates!

(video) Tel Aviv Gay Tourism: Israeli city tries to sell itself to same-sex couples and gay tourists

Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre

Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv

[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?

Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees

Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.

Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

When Billy Graham laughed to minimize Bill Clinton’s adultery

Billy Graham (a Freemason?) Praises the DeMolays – Masonic Youth Group

Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”

(video) Big Pharma, Suppressed Cancer Truth with Ty Bollinger — Medical education curriculum was co-opted by the Rockefellers and the Carnegies in 1910 (Caravan To Midnight – Episode 62)

Ty Bollinger in-studio with John B. Wells. EXCELLENT!!!

– –

“The education curriculum was co-opted by the Rockefellers and the Carnegies back in 1910.”

– Ty Bollinger

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[youtube=]Caravan To Midnight – Episode 62 Cancer Special with Ty Bollinger

John B. Wells 

John B. Wells

Published on May 21, 2014

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Episode 62 — Ty Bollinger The Truth about Cancer Special. Come along as John B. Wells welcome CTM’s first in-studio guest, Ty Bollinger, for an eye opening journey to the truth about cancer.


[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”

(video) Top Medical Conspiracy Facts — America’s Getting Jacked!!

Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

Cancer Truth – Author Ty Bollinger — Chemotherapy has a success rate of only 2.1%!

The Power Hour with Massimo Mazzucco: Beating Cancer Naturally!

Doctors kill 2,450% more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined! — Your doctor is FAR more likely to kill you than an armed criminal | While Sandy Hook was mass murder, the U.S. health care system is practically a holocaust, killing far more people than Adolf Hitler!

Statistics prove prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists — 783,936 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes. That’s the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes a day for an entire year!

[ video ] Why doctors are more dangerous than guns — Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reveals why you are 6200% more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a homicidal shooter!

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: Turmeric spice could have cured pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs, suggests oncologist; Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults (not 60% as you’ve been told); Breast cancer prevention that really works; Eliminate and reverse BPA toxicity; and more…

Dr. Mercola: The Mineral That Helps Fight Fatigue, Stress, Pain, Cancer, and Wrinkles, Too — “With age, the flexible tissues in your body tend to lose their elasticity, leading to sagging and wrinkling of skin, stiff muscles and painful joints. A shortage of sulfur…”

(video) Shock Admission: Babies Only Vaccinated to ‘Train Parents’

Mike Adams: How Angelina Jolie was duped by cancer doctors into self mutilation for breast cancer she never had — “You don’t hear cancer doctors telling women to ‘eat more cabbage’ because that doesn’t make the cancer industry any money”

[The love of money…] The $93,000 a Year Cancer Drug: Big Pharma’s Grotesque Profits From Human Suffering

Burkas Cause Major Vitamin D Deficiency & Hence Breast Cancer?

World Health Organization: Cell phones may cause cancer

Budwig Cancer Fighting Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese Recipe

Rainforest Pharmacy Graviola Liquid Extract 2 fl oz Immune System (search: <graviola cancer>)

Herb Pharm Turmeric Extract (search: <turmeric cancer>)

[FASCINATING audio] Dr. Ann Blake Tracy with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 1/19/13: ANTIDEPRESSANTS & VIOLENCE — The “HITLER SYNDROME” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity). Antidepressants cause distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and LOSS OF MORALITY to spread like a contagion.

Do anti depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — various opinions …

A warning to all psychiatric drug users — Antipsychotic drugs disturb frontal lobe activity – causing a chemical lobotomy – making emotionally distressed people more submissive and less able to feel!

Art Mathias on It’s Supernatural: Spiritual Roots of Disease — Healed Through Forgiving (If there is pain in a memory there is unforgiveness)

(video) George Washington Warned about the Illuminati in 1798 Letter, Preserved in the Library of Congress

Freemasonry used even back then.

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[youtube=]George Washington Warned about the Illuminati in 1798 Letter, Preserved in the Library of Congress

Mark Dice



(video) Real-Historian, Dr. Stanley Monteith Fighting Lymphoma: Western Powers Fund Both Sides in Iraq Conflict

“Icon of the awakening liberty movement,” Dr. Stanley Monteith, my friend…

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[youtube=]Western Powers Fund Both Sides in Iraq Conflict


Published on Jun 16, 2014

Author and retired orthopedic surgeon Stan Monteith about the situation in Iraq. Mr. Monteith is the author of Iraq: The Untold Story.……


Dr. Stanley Monteith: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and His justice is not going to sleep forever” — “There are people working behind the scenes who are setting us up for this terrible, terrible conflict that’s coming. Behind that there are powerful, spiritual forces”

[100+ FREEdom Quotes] The Founding Fathers & Others: LIBERTY REQUIRES VIRTUE — “Without virtue there can be no liberty.” “Where licentiousness begins, liberty ends.” “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a progressive deterioration leading to ULTIMATE NATIONAL DISASTER.”

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

What Ever Happened To Illuminati Founder Adam Weishaupt After the Illuminati Was Discovered?

[youtube=]What Ever Happened To Illuminati Founder Adam Weishaupt After the Illuminati Was Discovered?

Mark Dice 

(video) Mia Marie Pope: Barry Soetoro (Obama) The Hustler 1977-79 12, 2013 · Aroostook Watchmen · Mia Pope on Barry Soetoro

Abel Danger

Published on Nov 13, 2013

Please join AROOSTOOK WATCHMEN on TalkShoe Radio…

Mia Pope delves deeper into Barack Obama’s past at Punahou High School and his deceptions.

Discussions on Constitutional gov’t, Local (Maine) gov’t., and Keeping Globalism Out of America. This program is live on the air on WXME am-780, Monticello

Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report…


(videos) Mia Pope: Barry Soetoro (Obama) The Pathological Liar – Gay, Druggie In Hawaii High School — “Keep an eye out for the darkening of the lips…. Cocaine is a vasoconstricter. … He should be on Jerry Springer’s Show, not in the White House”

(video) Mia Marie Pope w/ Rev. Manning: Barry Soetoro’s (Obama) True Teen History

Mia Marie Pope: Barack Obama a ‘walking fictional character’

(video) Michelle Obama a Man ~ No Hoax

(video) Barack Calls His Wife Michael ~ Proof No Hoax

Alex’s 3rd interview with director Joel Gilbert: “Dreams From My Real Father” presents the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis

[Shocking, Disturbing, Worse-than-born-in-Kenya BOMBSHELL?!! – video] Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!

The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert

[DVD] “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception” — Is this why President Obama is the way he is? The pieces seem to fit. Yikes!!!

(video) Mia Marie Pope w/ Rev. Manning: Barry Soetoro’s (Obama) True Teen History Marie Pope Oust Obama

ATLAHWorldwide | Published on Nov 4, 2013 The Manning Report

Mia Marie Pope Oust Obama on The Manning Report. Recorded 31 October 2013


(videos) Mia Pope: Barry Soetoro (Obama) The Pathological Liar – Gay, Druggie In Hawaii High School — “Keep an eye out for the darkening of the lips…. Cocaine is a vasoconstricter. … He should be on Jerry Springer’s Show, not in the White House”

(video) Mia Marie Pope: Barry Soetoro (Obama) The Hustler 1977-79

Mia Marie Pope: Barack Obama a ‘walking fictional character’

“IT TAKES INTEGRITY TO SPEAK THE TRUTH. And it takes A LOVE AND A PASSION TO SEE PEOPLE FREE. We don’t have leaders who love the people enough to tell them the truth, and then sacrifice their own lives for telling the truth. Because when you speak the truth, people want to come at you and shut you up” – James D. Manning

Alex’s 3rd interview with director Joel Gilbert: “Dreams From My Real Father” presents the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis

[Shocking, Disturbing, Worse-than-born-in-Kenya BOMBSHELL?!! – video] Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!

The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert

[DVD] “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception” — Is this why President Obama is the way he is? The pieces seem to fit. Yikes!!!



Next president owned by the same banks and corporations as Obama and Bush


Unfortunately, it takes the media mouthpiece of the Russian government to tell the truth about Hillary Clinton and the War Party.

You’ll never get the truth from the U.S. government’s media mouthpiece who self-righteously and disingenuously claim they are independent and “fair and balanced” (cue laugh track).

Clinton, of course, is no different than your garden variety Republican, including the any number of neocons. All of them are propped up by the military-industrial-intelligence complex and the banksters who run the show and who laughingly pretend we all live in a pluralistic democracy. Of course, anybody who has more than two brain cells to rub together and is not in serious denial knows we live in an authoritarian plutocracy run for the sake of a small clique of mega-rich and powerful global internationalists.

Abby Martin presents:

Clinton will be the Democrat contender for the position of teleprompter reader. Jeb Bush will probably be the Republican choice to play the political equivalent of musical chairs. The ruling elite has decided it wants to stick with the Bush-Clinton dynasty for the foreseeable future.

Hillary is preferable because the elite are keen on making sure all criticism and political activism is either marginalized or written off as hatred and thus not only dismissible, but worthy of a violent response by government. Criticism of Hillary will be deemed sexist the same way serious criticism of Obama is now considered racist.

In addition, Hillary’s confrontational and ugly personality will be described as an admirable attribute indicative of a strong leader the same way the psychopathic personalities of her male counterparts are described as the attribute of masters of statecraft (the word is synonymous with bombing small helpless nations and bailing out transnational banks).

It really is too bad RT had to run this piece. The Russian government, of course, is as authoritarian and violent, and in some instance more so, than the government ruling the United States. Anti-Russian propaganda disseminated by alphabet networks owned and operated by an interlocking directorship dominated banks and transnational corporations point out Russia’s flaws on a daily basis.

Everything we see on television, an increasingly on the internet, “often surpasses expectations of media subservience to government propaganda,” as Edward S. Herman noted nearly two decades ago. Only the alternative media, which naturally suffers from its own flaws, is free to tell the truth.

As an arm of the state, RT has its own propaganda agenda. Part of that agenda is pointing out the indisputable fact the U.S. government is owned and operated by banks and large corporations. For pointing out what the corporate media in this country is forbidden to mention, we can be thankful. On the other hand, we should be wary and mistrustful of RT and any other propaganda organ of the state.

(video) Mark Dice: The Secret Doctrine of The Illuminati

[youtube=]The Secret Doctrine of The Illuminati

Joel Skousen: First Jesuit Pope

NOTE: Joel wrote this more than a year ago.

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World Affairs Brief, March 15, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Eastern Europe—Closet Communists or NATO Puppets?

Evading the Truth on Domestic Surveillance

First Jesuit Pope

BLM Settles with Environmentalists—Tying up Energy Again

Impugning the Right Wing and all Survivalists

Beware of Survival Communities

Tucson Gives Air Force Carte Blanche Powers

Job Numbers Aren’t Real

My Scrape with Death this Week



Jorge Mario Bergoglio a Jesuit Cardinal from Buenos Aires, Argentina has been selected as the new Pope of the Catholic Church. While the choice is celebrated with great joy in Latin America—the largest body of Catholics in the world, who have long felt slighted about the papal post until now—conservative Catholics are worried about the Jesuit’s Leftist political orientation. As Wikipedia said, “Bergoglio is the first Jesuit chosen to be pope. He is also the first pope from South America, the Americas, the New World, and the Southern Hemisphere. He is the first pope from outside Europe in 1,272 years.” This is a big thing to those who feel they have been under-represented for so long.

Having lived in Latin America several years, I’ve had the opportunity to observe and contend with Jesuit priests. The order is Leftist out of it’s “concern for the poor,” but their outreach is more revolutionary than charitable in action. Jesuit theologians concentrate on the “unequal distribution of wealth in the world” and overtly promote socialism and government redistribution in order to achieve “social justice.”

Because of its socialist orientation, many Jesuit priests have become Marxists and communists and have actively worked toward the violent overthrow of existing governments to achieve those ends. During the violent years of guerrilla activity when I was in Latin America, I experienced the Tupamaros in Uruguay and Argentina, and the Marxist guerrillas of El Salvador and Guatemala.

It seems that Jesuits and Maryknoll nuns in those days were always involved in both direct and indirect support of the revolutionaries. A couple of MaryKnoll nuns were killed supporting the communists, which engendered a huge outcry in the international press. No one would print facts about them hiding behind religious immunity in order to supply Marxist guerrillas.

This relates to the new Pope because he did not support the revolutionary arm of the Jesuits and colluded with the military juntas in Argentina during the “desaparecidos” years (the Disappeared Ones) of 1973-1986 and allowed two of the more militant priests under his supervision to be arrested. They were eventually tortured for information.

What this means to me is that Bergoglio is more of the idealogical Left than the radical and revolutionary Left, and that he opposed revolutionary overthrows of existing regimes. While this distinction is nowhere to be found in the English press, his selection generated some negative press in the Spanish and Latin American countries because of support of the “dictadura” which is considered a betrayal by the Left in Europe and Latin America.

Let me note parenthetically, that there was a reason for the regimes in Argentina and Uruguay to kidnap and kill revolutionaries during the Desaparecido years, while not convicted by the courts. The courts were filled with Marxist judges who would never convict their own in the years prior to the rise of “death squads.”

The death squads and other forms of vigilante justice came about as the only way to eliminate the Communists who were responsible for the constant street demonstrations (many violent), bombings and kidnappings for ransom in those countries. In Latin America, universities cannot be invaded by police without permission, so the revolutionaries would retreat to the universities after an attack and use them to cover for the making of bombs and stockpiling weapons.

When a country allows these kinds of safe havens for enemies of liberty, the military is forced to take independent action outside the law and fight a war in the shadows. That’s what happened in Latin America. I’m not saying that death squads were not overzealous or didn’t make mistakes, but it is the Leftists and Marxists in government and the courts protecting the enemy that drove them to it, as a matter of national preservation. Now, all those people have been replaced by yesmen and socialists, so there is little resistance to what’s coming again in Latin America.

Conservative Catholics are also reassured by the new pope’s support of long-held Catholic doctrines of opposition to gay marriage, the teaching that homosexuality is a sin, and the opposition to abortion, euthanasia and contraceptive use.

My concern is that as an ideological Leftist, he will not provide resistance to or change of the current Vatican direction in supporting globalism, as exemplified by remarks of the past two Popes. Ironically, were he more aligned with the revolutionary elements of the Jesuits, he probably would oppose globalism. The hard-core Left is just as opposed to globalist control as on the constitutional Right are—but not for the same reasons. They think it is mere “greedy capitalist” control, not the overarching conspiracy for power and control it really is.

I think Pope Frances will go along with the globalist trend because that matches his history of compromise with past regimes in Argentina. The Vatican needs a good house cleaning to purge it of the Leftist, globalist (money laundering and banking scandals), and homosexual influences, and sadly I don’t think Francis is going to do it. There are powerful partisan factions among the Cardinal selectors representing all these factions and he’s a compromise choice—not a changer.


New Pope Tied to Argentina’s Dirty War

(video) Why Are Domestic Terror Suspects Federal Informants?

[youtube=]Why Are Domestic Terror Suspects Federal Informants?


Published on Apr 30, 2014

Many domestic terror suspects had ties with federal authorities before their alleged attacks took place. Here we highlight a few examples from the 1993 World Trade Center bomber to the recent killings of Jewish in Kansas.

(video) Globalist Tool Glenn Beck Sells Out Humanity

[youtube=]Globalist Tool Glenn Beck Sells Out Humanity


Published on Apr 26, 2014

On his mission to bring down Alex Jones, Glenn Beck refers to himself as the only source for truth news. That is, if you like getting your news straight from the White House, CIA and Council on Foreign Relations…

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(video) Alex Jones Reveals More Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove — Wearing an official Bohemian Grove Security outfit sent by the lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan

[youtube=]More Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Revealed


Published on May 2, 2014

Alex discusses how he was sent an official Bohemian Grove Security outfit by the lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan, and then discusses how he is the only person to ever successfully sneak into Bohemian Grove and film their Cremation of Care ritual/ceremony. Alex also reveals more dark secrets from his infiltration into the elites perverted two week long getaway.

Click here to order your copy of Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove + The Order of Death.…

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(video) Ron Paul Warned about an Armed BLM in 1997 — Unconstitutional overreach

[youtube=]Ron Paul Warned about an Armed BLM in 1997

 Tim Brown

Published on Apr 27, 2014

“Since groups demanding special favors from the federal government must abuse the rights and property of those who produce wealth and cherish liberty, real resentment is directed at the agents who come to eat out our substance; he natural consequences for the intruders to arm themselves to protect against angry victims of government intrusion” Paul said.
He then cited an article by Joseph Farah, then director of the Western Journalism Center of Sacramento, CA, which appeared in the Houston Chronicle.
“The surge in the number of armed Federal bureaucrats has been brought to our attention,” Paul paraphrased. “Farah points out that in 1996 alone, at least 2,439 new Federal cops were authorized to carry firearms. That takes the total up to nearly 60,000. Farah points out that these cops were not only in agencies like the FBI, but include the EPA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and the Army Corps of Engineers. Even Bruce Babbitt, according to Farah, wants to arm the Bureau of Land Management.”

Read more at…


(photo) ‘Power to the Peaceful’ Cows Come Home!!! – Bundy Ranch 4/12/14!

Clyde Bundy’s Daughter Explains BLM Feud — “My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887…”

Federal Judge: BLM Engaged In A Criminal Conspiracy Against Ranchers

(FOX News Video) Cliven Bundy’s Daughter, Bailey & Wife, Carol Tell Their Story — Touching!

(photos) Report: Bundy Family Unearths BLM Mass Cattle Grave!

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege — Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Did BLM Bury Bundy Cattle In Mass Grave? WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGES

(video) William Jasper: Bundy Ranch – An Ominous Portent Of More To Come | Feds Regulating Private Industry Out Of Business | False Flags, Govt Intimidation And Private Agendas

War on the West: Why More Bundy Standoffs Are Coming — Our founding fathers did not intend for politicians of the Eastern states and federal bureaucrats to enjoy a stranglehold on the lifeblood of the people of the Western states

Truth in Media: Cliven Bundy’s “Racist” Remarks Were Also Promoting Hispanic Culture? What MSM Isn’t Telling You — “He’s lamenting the plight of people”

(video) Unedited Footage of Peaceful Resistance to Tyranny — Glenn Beck Deception Illustrated

(video) Historic! Feds Forced to Surrender to American Citizens – Cowboys and cowgals cheered at minute-4!!!

(photo) The People vs BLM: Right vs Might, Good vs Evil?, White Hats vs White Cars!

(videos) Update: Clark Co. Sheriff Announces BLM ‘Will Cease Operation,’ Cattle Released

Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch — BLM attempted cover-up of Sen. Reid/Chinese gov’t takeover of ranch for solar farm

(videos) Infowars On The Ground at Federal Standoff — Includes interviews with ranchers Cliven and Ammon Bundy

(video) The Secret Meaning of Number 322 Skull and Bones Illuminati Code Revealed — Truth about Genesis 3:22 (the fall of man), Skull and Bones, the Bush family (including G.W. Bush’s cabinet)

EXCELLENT! Truth about Genesis 3:22 (the fall of man), Skull and Bones, the Bush family (including G.W. Bush’s cabinet).

The evangelicals voted for them because they said they were pro-life, but…

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[youtube=]The Secret Meaning of Number 322 Skull and Bones Illuminati Code Revealed

(video) Former Black Panther on Al Sharpton: Mob Rat for the FBI — “He’s an opportunist, a misleader. Look how he’s rewarded.”

Al’s use of the name ‘Reverend’ has bothered me for decades.

‘Reverend’ Jesse Jackson too.

They’re both ‘opportunists,’ fomenting hate. They keep racial tension and hate and anger going, instead of being Christlike leaders, teaching the people to reconcile, forgive, and become one with each other in love.

Now, we finally see Al Sharpton’s real history. He’s even been given his own show on MSNBC! The globalists love to use guys like these to keep us divided and conquered.


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“He’s an opportunist … Look how he’s rewarded … He’s a misleader.”

—Larry Pinkney, former Black Panther

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Al Sharpton: Mob Rat For The FBI


Published on Apr 18, 2014

Darren McBreen speaks with former veteran Black Panther Larry Pinkney about how the race baiting Rev Al Sharpton was an FBI informant and former cocaine dealer.

(video) Whistleblower Nomi Prinz Exposes The Nefarious Deeds Of The Global Banking Elite — Private Banks Rigging Economic Systems Worldwide

Very interesting overview at minute-6.

Regarding collapse, I’m inclined to believe Joel Skousen, who predicts the globalist banksters will do whatever they have to in order to keep total collapse from happening, so the people won’t rise up and really demand change until the Russia/China invasion of the US occurs.

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Minute-6![youtube=]Whistleblower Nomi Prinz Exposes The Nefarious Deeds Of The Global Banking Elite


Published on Apr 17, 2014

In this interview Nomi Prinz, Whistleblower and Author discuses recent global events with Alex and gives her perspective on the current machinations of the global elite bankers.

Her new book All The Presidents Bankers can be found here:…

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(video) Fake Feminists Attack Kirsten Dunst For Pro-Woman Beliefs

[youtube=]Fake Feminists Attack Kirsten Dunst For Pro-Woman Beliefs


Published on Apr 18, 2014

At a time when femininity has lost its value and motherhood has become a dirty word, exposing the feminist movement as nothing more than a top-down exploitation of the female vote is vital to reclaiming true female empowerment.


(video) William Jasper: Bundy Ranch – An Ominous Portent Of More To Come | Feds Regulating Private Industry Out Of Business | False Flags, Govt Intimidation And Private Agendas

Published on Apr 16, 2014

Alex is joined by author and Senior Editor of the influential The New American, William F. Jasper, to discuss the escalating tensions in eastern Ukraine, the continued efforts by the west to intervene in Syria, and why the government’s actions against the Bundy ranch is merely “an ominous portent of more to come.”


War on the West: Why More Bundy Standoffs Are Coming — Our founding fathers did not intend for politicians of the Eastern states and federal bureaucrats to enjoy a stranglehold on the lifeblood of the people of the Western states

Clyde Bundy’s Daughter Explains BLM Feud — “My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887…”

Clyde Bundy’s Daughter Explains BLM Feud — “My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887…”


Hundreds of Armed Feds and Snipers Surround Nevada Cattle Ranchers Property: Is This the Next Ruby Ridge?

Clark County, Nev., April 9, 2014- Over the past two decades there has been an ongoing standoff between the U.S. federal government and a 67-year-old local Nevada cattle rancher named Cliven Bundy. … Mr. Bundy, a lifelong rancher, compares the government escalation to actions that the government has taken in Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX. He contends that the Gold Butte area has been used by his family since the late 1800’s and that he has preemptive rights to the land. Bundy claims that the Bureau of Land Management has clearly “overstepped its boundaries by not letting me access my rights, not recognizing state sovereignty, and having over 200 armed officers watching our every move and stealing our cattle.”

Mr. Bundy’s daughter Shiree Bundy Cox in a letter explains the feud from the family’s perspective:

“I have had people ask me to explain my dad’s stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell. My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. The rights to the land use are called preemptive rights. Some where down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the Bureau of Land Management. They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be use to pay the BLM wages and to help with repairs and improvements of the ranches. My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these monies against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they’re own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a penance he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren’t doing their job. He quit paying the BLM and tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down. So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes. In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn’t work, they used the endangered species card. You’ve already heard about the desert tortoise. Well that didn’t work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now they’re desperate. It’s come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything they’re doing at this point is illegal and totally against the Constitution of the United States of America. Then there’s the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn’t paid them, those cattle belong to him, regardless of where they are they are my father’s property. His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even existed. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad’s signature on it. They think they can take them over two borders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfield Auction and sell them. All this with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. See how slick they are? Well, this is it in a nut shell. Thanks”

Entire Article Here


Federal Judge: BLM Engaged In A Criminal Conspiracy Against Ranchers

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege — Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Did BLM Bury Bundy Cattle In Mass Grave? WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGES

(video) William Jasper: Bundy Ranch – An Ominous Portent Of More To Come | Feds Regulating Private Industry Out Of Business | False Flags, Govt Intimidation And Private Agendas

(FOX News Video) Cliven Bundy’s Daughter, Bailey & Wife, Carol Tell Their Story — Touching!

(photo) ‘Power to the Peaceful’ Cows Come Home!!! – Bundy Ranch 4/12/14!

(video) Historic! Feds Forced to Surrender to American Citizens

The People vs BLM: Right vs Might, Good vs Evil?, White Hats vs White Cars!

(videos) Update: Clark Co. Sheriff Announces BLM ‘Will Cease Operation,’ Cattle Released

Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch — BLM attempted cover-up of Sen. Reid/Chinese gov’t takeover of ranch for solar farm

(videos) Infowars On The Ground at Federal Standoff — Includes interviews with ranchers Cliven and Ammon Bundy

(video) You Are The Enemy: The Anatomy of The Fed — The private, 70% foreign owned debt machine that has enslaved America for almost 100 years

Josh Owens is the reporter/photographer with David Knight, right now, on the ground with the Ranchers vs BLM in Nevada. Apparently, this was his contest submission which got him a job at INFOwars. Nice!

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[youtube=](Infowars Reporter Contest) You Are The Enemy: The Anatomy of The Fed

Joshua Owens Joshua Owens

Published on Apr 26, 2012

We live in a world where so much of what we are told, and therefore what we believe, is a lie. Not only that, but many of us believe so strongly in these lies that we are willing to fight and sometimes die for something that we don’t even understand. With technology now placing a world of information at our fingertips you would assume we would be more informed and less confused. This however is not the case. There is so much conflicting information on complex issues that it has forced us to become apathetic and complacent. Instead of researching and taking the time to find the truth, an overwhelming majority of us have given up. We are experiencing an information overload. What this means is that we stubbornly choose to believe something without factual backing, half-truths are distorted and embellished in the interest of those conveying them, or we just simply don’t care because we do not have the time to wade through the mass amount of propaganda and indoctrination to see the truth. This is why I have decided to take an extremely important topic, go back to its inception and clearly illustrate what it is they do, how they do it, and why it is so important to eliminate it. Infowars posts articles everyday that are in someway, if not directly, related to the Federal Reserve and those who control it. If we fully understand this debt machine that has enslaved America for almost 100 years, we cannot deny its dangers and we can begin expanding our minds to new ways of defeating these disgusting technocratic scumbags.

(audio) The Unbelievable History of Clear Channel by Sean David Morton – The subversion of the political right

I don’t know what to make of Sean David Morton. I’m not a fan, and I’m kind of disappointed with John B. Wells in this interview, but what Sean says about Clear Channel here is very interesting, and wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true: Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Sr., the May family, the Trilateral Commission Trust in the Cayman Islands, the subversion of the political right, buying up ‘Rush Limbaugh’ and 49% of the radio market.

Their radio monopoly is disgusting, and certainly is part of what’s responsible for the fall of America.

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Sean discusses ‘Coast to Coast’ ratings and the history of Clear Channel at minute-40:50[youtube=]Sean David Morton / John B Wells – 30 Jan 2014

(video) NSA Spy System DCS 3000 Uses Illuminati Owl of Minerva as its Logo, Same as Bohemian Grove

Excellent, real-history, reality overview!

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[youtube=]NSA Spy System DCS 3000 Uses Illuminati Owl of Minerva as its Logo, Same as Bohemian Grove

Published on Mar 7, 2014

WHAT IF I TOLD YOU that the version of HISTORY you were taught in school, was heavily REVISED to favor your own nations’ agenda while HIDING ITS CRIMES and in doing so fostered an unrealistic sense of false patriotism used to MANUFACTURE YOUR ALLEGIANCE to a corporate entity masquerading as your government?

Very well said!

Church history in most Christian schools and seminaries has been altered too.


“What if I told you that the version of History you were taught in school, was heavily revised to favor your own nations’ agenda while hiding its crimes and in doing so fostered an unrealistic sense of false patriotism used to manufacture your allegiance to a corporate entity masquerading as your government?”


(video) Creation Seminar 3 – Kent Hovind – Dinosaurs (FULL)

When it comes to science, Kent is AMAZING — so much so that evolutionists refuse to debate him. He would have smoked Bill Nye with FACT AFTER FACT in the recent Nye/Ham debate.

I wish Kent would be MORE CAREFUL in some of his jokes, though. And I totally disagree with him on once-saved-always-saved. My article.

Otherwise, Kent’s teachings are AWESOME and highly recommended!!!


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Creation Seminar 3 – Kent Hovind – Dinosaurs (FULL)

Dinosaurs & The Bible – For many years, some thought the existence of dinosaurs discredited the Biblical account of creation. In part three of the seminar series, Dinosaurs and the Bible, Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs.

(audio) Hitler’s Escape to Argentina: Jerome Corsi on Coast to Coast AM 1/14/14 — ‘Hitler’s skull’ was a 40-year-old women’s — “So much of our history is disinformation planted by intelligence agencies”

“So much of this intelligence, CIA disinformation about Hitler being killed and that cover story. So much of our history is disinformation planted by intelligence agencies. …governments lie, and they to the people constantly to cover up…. And it’s a shame that we don’t have a more active media…. We should never take at face value what government says.”

“We helped Hitler escape is the point of the book.”

– Jerome Corsi

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Hitler’s Escape

Date: 01-14-14
Host: George Noory
Guests: Jerome Corsi, Michael E. Salla

Author Jerome Corsi talked about his new book, Hunting Hitler, which explores the historical possibility that Hitler escaped Nazi Germany at the end of World War II. FBI and CIA records indicate that the U.S. government took seriously reports that Hitler had escaped to Argentina. The traditional story is that Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker, along with his mistress Eva Braun in April, 1945. Later the Russian Army was said to discover them and photograph Hitler, making sure the bullet hole in his forehead was visible. But Corsi believes this was a Hitler “double” who, while he bore some similarities, was three inches shorter than the Fuhrer. Dental records also didn’t match, he added.

In 2009, archaeologist Nicholas Bellantoni, working with the History Channel for a MysteryQuest documentary, was allowed by the Russians to view Hitler’s alleged skull fragments. He concluded that the skull belonged to a person who was 40 or younger (Hitler was 56 at the time of his supposed death), and the fragments indicated they came from a woman rather than a man, Corsi recounted, adding that DNA results backed up Bellantoni’s assertions.

According to FDR’s Sec. of State, James F. Byrnes, during a meeting with Joseph Stalin in Ukraine, Stalin told him that he believed Hitler was still alive and was possibly living in either Spain or Argentina. In 1945, General Eisenhower also said he believed Hitler had escaped. Martin Bormann was said to create a special escape route into Argentina as their current regime was sympathetic to the Nazi cause. Various documents suggest that Hitler’s escape from Germany may have involved fleeing in a helicopter to Austria, then flying to Barcelona, and eventually arriving in Argentina via a German submarine. After he arrived, he lived in somewhat luxury for the next 20 years, until he died in 1965, Corsi detailed.

Starts at minute-39[youtube=]14 January 2014 – Nazi Space Aliens & Did Hitler Flee Germany?


Had Only America Known: U.S. & Russian Intelligence Assassinated General Patton, Who Wanted to Free Eastern Europe Before Coming Home

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book

President Eisenhower’s role in the CIA plot to assassinate the democratically elected leader of Congo, Patrice Lumumba, in 1960-61

(video) Stefan Molyneux: Our Current Place in Human History — “Most people go with whatever is most comfortable”

“Most people go with whatever is most comfortable.”

– Stefan Molyneux

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[youtube=]Stefan Molyneux Discusses Our Current Place in Human History


Published on Dec 13, 2013

Alex is joined by Stefan Molyneux to discuss the issues facing world society from complacency to political agendas.

[youtube=]Stefan Molyneux: The History of World Wide Slavery, Nelson Mandela and Race Baiting


Published on Dec 13, 2013

Alex and Stefan talk about the issues with mainstream media coercing the public into following their lead regarding racist topics.

(video) The Roots of Technocracy with Expert Patrick M. Wood — How the global elite within the Trilateral Commission are replacing capitalism with their own technocracy in order to create a New International Economic Order

[youtube=]The Roots of Technocracy with Expert Patrick M. Wood


Published on Nov 15, 2013

Alex welcomes to the broadcast The August Forecast & Review Editor Patrick M. Wood to discuss how the global elite within the Trilateral Commission are replacing capitalism with their own technocracy in order to create a New International Economic Order.

(video) The Video That Proves a Conspiracy to Kill JFK?

From: Infowars

The Video That Proves a Conspiracy to Kill JFK?

Were Secret Service agents told to stand down?

Paul Joseph Watson
November 22, 2013

While many are familiar with the Zapruder film, the footage below is less well known. It shows the Secret Service agent nearest to JFK apparently being told to stand down moments before Kennedy’s assassination in Dealey Plaza 50 years ago today.

As the narrator describes, the clip appears to show Secret Service agent Emory Roberts standing up and ordering Donald Lawton and Clint Hill, the two Secret Service bodyguards on either side of the presidential vehicle, to stand down, therefore preventing them from doing their job as human shields to the president.

The instruction appears to cause confusion inside the follow up car and most noticeably with Lawton himself, who seems perplexed that he has been called off the vehicle.

The narrator makes the point that the behavior seems slapdash and bizarre for an agency that sends an advance team a month prior to any location in order to iron out security procedures.

Analysis suggests that the absence of the bodyguards ensured that whoever was firing at Kennedy was not obstructed and had a clear shot. During a visit to Tampa four days earlier, Lawton was pictured riding on the right rear bumper of the limousine.

During an October 2013 C-Span interview (28:50), Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent seen on the left hand side of JFK’s car (and the one who subsequently ran after the car and reached out to Jackie Kennedy), claimed that Donald Lawton was actually just going off-duty to eat his lunch, and that he told the other agents, “OK you guys, I am going to lunch, have a good trip.”

This explanation hardly seems plausible given the nature of the situation in addition to Lawton’s body language. He clearly shrugs his shoulders and outstretches his arms three times as if baffled at something and asking for answers.

Secret Service agents claimed that it was Kennedy himself who had given an order four days earlier to call off the bodyguards because he wanted to be more accessible to the people, describing the Secret Service agents as “Ivy League Charlatans”. However, Congressman Sam Gibbons, who often rode alongside Kennedy, stated, “I rode with Kennedy every time he rode. I heard no such order.”

What do you think? Does this video represent proof that at least one Secret Service member was in on the plot to kill JFK and ordered a stand down?

For more analysis, see Gerald Blaine and the Kennedy Detail – Was the Secret Service ‘Stood Down’ in Dallas?

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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