Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Real History Page 40 of 48

[ audio ] David Icke on The Alex Jones Show: Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The NWO — Child ritual abuse and Satanism among the global elite — “People who are deeply, deeply insecure have to externalize their sense of success. By frightening and intimidating people, and watching the people being intimidated, they get their sense of power, their sense of how big they are.”

Disclaimer: This is mostly excellent; however, I do believe the Bible can be fully trusted:

Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on Mostly Real-Historian David Icke | [Don McLean ‘Vincent’ (Starry, Starry Night) music video] Tribute to Real Historian (still living) David Icke: Perhaps They’ll Listen — “…How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they’re not listening still. Perhaps they never will.”

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“People who are deeply, deeply insecure have to externalize their sense of success. … By frightening people and intimidating people, and watching the people being intimidated, they get their sense of power, their sense of how big they are.”

– David Icke

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The Nwo with David Icke 1/5

Uploaded by on Nov 11, 2011

On this Friday, November 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with English writer, public speaker and former BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, David Icke. He is the author of numerous books, including Human Race Get Off Your Knees, The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World, and Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion.

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

Now I know why I couldn’t stand psychology at the U of MN in the late ’70s. I tried it and didn’t like it, being a psych major for a time. It reeks with this stuff!


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Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. (source)

[youtube=]Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed 1/4

Uploaded by on Nov 4, 2011

Charlotte Iserbyt breaks down the history of this secret order
and reveals just how big this elite club at yale really is
and how much political power they have wield over the past 180 years!





[IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

[EXCELLENT 75-minute video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one world government system!

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

[ video ] Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (FULL VERSION) — The sick real-history and practice of this largely reverse-Christian ‘therapy’ that hides behind science with pseudo scientific lies, but is driven by the love of $$money$$ and something extremely sinister!

Sex Ed and the Downfall of American Morality — “Our goal is to be ready as educators and parents to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before marriage. By sanctioning sex before marriage, we will prevent fear and guilt.” The result has been rampant premarital sex among students!

Although, no doubt sex ed ranks right up there in the destruction of Biblically based moral values, I disagree that sex ed is the worst factor (Blumenfeld’s first sentence).

I think in the unconstitutional public school system, the main reverse-Christian factor is teaching the religion of evolution as fact without teaching the scientific evidence that disproves it. Here is just one slam-dunk way: The Universe is Young — Evidence from Space, Earth, Biology & History

When taught evolution as fact, many students then see Adam and Eve as just another fable like Santa Claus, in which their parents lied to them.

Which then leads to: “since we’re just animals, then ‘let’s just do it like they do it on The Discovery Channel.'”

Which then leads to the fall of America and the days we are in:

[100+ FREEdom Quotes] The Founding Fathers & Others: LIBERTY REQUIRES VIRTUE — “Without virtue there can be no liberty.” “Where licentiousness begins, liberty ends.” “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a progressive deterioration leading to ULTIMATE NATIONAL DISASTER.”

Jeff Fenske

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From: The New American

Sex Ed and the Downfall of American Morality

Written by Sam Blumenfeld

Ideas have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences. The ideas behind sex education have done more to destroy Biblically based moral values than any other secular force in America.

The first idea to become a battering ram against traditional sexual morality was Sigmund Freud’s dictum that sexual repression causes neurosis. If sexual repression creates dysfunction, then the remedy, of course, is free sexual expression. That was not the cure Freud recommended, but Freud’s ideas so strongly influenced American culture that clothes for women went from the trussed-up, sexually repressed fashions of 1900 to the loose, liberating flapper skirts of the Roaring Twenties — in only 20 years!

Greenwich Village bohemians and intellectuals took to Freud like ducks to water. It provided a scientific justification for their free-love promiscuity and disregard of middle-class Biblical morality.

The second major idea came from socialist Margaret Sanger, free-love advocate, who launched a campaign in 1916 to promote contraception and abortion in order to free women from the burdens of unwanted pregnancy.

Sanger later adopted the views of the eugenicists who promoted the idea that only “the fit” should be encouraged to have children and “the unfit” discouraged from doing so. Sex education became an indispensable part of Sanger’s birth-control movement. As a result, Planned Parenthood, which she founded, became the pioneer advocate of comprehensive sex education in the schools.

In 1953, Planned Parenthood staffer Lena Levine wrote, “[Our goal] is to be ready as educators and parents to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before marriage. By sanctioning sex before marriage, we will prevent fear and guilt … we must be ready to provide young boys and girls with the best contraception measures available so they will have the necessary means to achieve sexual satisfaction without having to risk possible pregnancy.”

The third evil idea came from sexologist Alfred C. Kinsey, head of the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Kinsey’s famous report, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, published in 1958, preached the idea that human beings are sexual from birth. The data on 317 infants and young boys supposedly provided the scientific source of that idea. This data was obtained from a pedophile who had actually masturbated infants and boys and kept records of his criminal experiments. All of this was exposed years later by Dr. Judith Reisman, who accused Kinsey of complicity in the sexual abuse of young children.

The fourth….

The fifth revolutionary idea came from the Humanist Manifesto II (1973) which challenged the views of traditional religion regarding sexual behavior and proclaimed total sexual freedom among consenting adults as the new moral standard for sexual behavior. …

In 1976, Dr. Kirkendall published A New Bill of Sexual Rights and Responsibilities, signed by 37 leading sexologists and authors. …

Out of this interlocking directorate of humanist sex education organizations came the curriculum of sex education for American schools. And the result has been rampant premarital sex among students….

Entire Article Here

Alex: YouTube Covers Up Murder of Children! — Our government won’t allow Americans to see the horrors we inflict on others in these wars — though in Vietnam it was aired

[youtube=]YouTube Covers Up Murder of Children!

Uploaded by on Oct 27, 2011

Look it up see the truth,choose a side!

[video] David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester — “If we’re not very, very careful, many of the Occupy protestors are going to be manipulated into accepting, even demanding a solution to a problem that is going to make the problem even worse, and the enslavement of humanity even more extreme.” “They [the globalists] want a world single electronic currency. “What about when there’s no cash, and that computer says ‘no’ to your credit card or your microchip, as it’s designed to be?”

Let’s look at the BIG PICTURE

It’s about globalism —

“a world, single, electronic currency
that would replace all other currencies.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske at ToBeFree

“The whole money system has been designed from its creation to be a system of human enslavement and human control and human suppression.”

“They want a world, single, electronic currency that would replace all other currencies.”

“What about when there’s no cash, and that computer says ‘no’ to your credit card or your microchip, as it’s designed to be eventually?”

“People say ‘Oh, the Euro’s not working, look!’ No, it’s not. You know why? It’s not supposed to work. It’s just a stepping stone.”

“It’s centralization of power in this world that has got us into this mess.”

“If we’re not very, very careful, many of the Occupy protestors are going to be manipulated — unless they get streetwise about the game and how it’s played. They are going to get manipulated into accepting, even demanding a solution to a problem that is going to make the problem even worse, and the enslavement of humanity even more extreme.”


“Read ‘1984….”

The climate change agenda

– David Icke

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[youtube=]David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester

Uploaded by on Oct 21, 2011

David Icke – Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester. Recorded & Filmed by Chris Williamson & Lucius Borich at K e y s o u n d s t u d i o s Sydney Australia 20/10/2011.


Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on Real-Historian David Icke | [Don McLean ‘Vincent’ (Starry, Starry Night) music video] Tribute to Real Historian (still living) David Icke: Perhaps They’ll Listen — “…How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they’re not listening still. Perhaps they never will.”

[video] PNAC member, Ambassador John Bolton admits U.S. wars were to protect U.S. oil interests

See my other posts in my Real Reason for U.S. Wars = NWO! category to see the evidence that it’s even worse than what Ambassador Bolton here admits to. I believe the U.S. military is being used to take out governments who would oppose the One-World antiChrist Government.

These wars are about slavery — not ‘freedom.’

– –

” The critical oil and natural gas producing region that we fought so many wars to try and protect our economy from the adverse impact of losing that supply or having it available only at very high prices “

– John Bolton

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John Robert Bolton (born November 20, 1948) is an American lawyer and diplomat who has served in several Republican presidential administrations. He served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations from August 2005 until December 2006 on a recess appointment.[1] He resigned in December 2006 when his recess appointment would have ended[2][3] because he was unable to gain confirmation from the Senate.[4][5]

Bolton is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Fox News Channel commentator, and of counsel to the law firm Kirkland & Ellis, in their Washington D.C. office.[6] He is also involved with a broad assortment of other conservative think tanks and policy institutes, including the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), Project for the New American Century (PNAC), Institute of East-West Dynamics, National Rifle Association, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and the Council for National Policy (CNP). Known for his strong views on foreign policy, Bolton is often described as a neoconservative,[7][8][9] though he personally rejects the term.[10] (Wikipedia)

[youtube=]Did John Bolton Just Admit All These Wars Are For Oil?

Uploaded by on Oct 22, 2011

Airing Date Oct.22, 2011

” The critical oil and natural gas producing region that we fought so many wars to try and protect our economy from the adverse impact of losing that supply or having it available at very high prices “

Sounds like it !

Nice work Herman !


A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess

All of my Real Reason for U.S. Wars = NWO! posts (latest appear first)

[video] All 8 of DemocracyNow’s interviews with key whistleblower, former economic hit man John Perkins — “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption / How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions / Hoodwinked: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded — and How to Remake Them / etc.

These are probably my favorite John Perkins interviews. They helped open my eyes to see specifically how the USA has been seriously jacking other countries. And if their Presidents don’t go along with the US agenda:

1) The leader is threatened

2) His or her family member is killed, or similar

3) He or she is assassinated

4) The American military invades the country for regime change

Much of the world knows this, but it’s been hidden from the American public by the globalist controlled media.

This is essential viewing to understand more fully why much of the world hates us. It’s not just because of the wars and the torture.

Most of my other John Perkins posts are also linked below.

I also have read and recommend Perkins book: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

– –

November 09, 2004

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions


We speak with John Perkins, a former respected member of the international banking community. In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man he describes how as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies. [includes rush transcript]

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December 31, 2004

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions

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May 17, 2005

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions

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January 03, 2006

Former “Economic Hit Man” John Perkins on “The First Truly Global Empire” and its Impact on Latin America

We speak with the author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” about his former work going into various countries to create a secret empire through economics after being recruited by the National Security Agency. Perkins discusses the policy in the context of the recent WTO meetings, the NYC transit strikes, and U.S. economic interventions in Latin America. [includes rush transcript]

* * *

February 15, 2006

Self-Described Economic Hit Man John Perkins: “We Have Created the World’s First Truly Global Empire”

John Perkins, author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” joins us in our firehouse studio to talk about his former work going into various countries to try to strongarm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S government and corporations. Perkins describes himself as an economic hit man. [includes rush transcript]

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June 05, 2007

John Perkins on “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption”

Today, we spend the hour with a man who claims to have worked deep inside the forces driving corporate globalization. In his first book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, John Perkins told the story of his work as a highly paid consultant hired to strong-arm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S. government and corporations — what he calls the “corporatocracy.” John Perkins has just come out with a new book. It’s called “The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption.” [includes rush transcript]

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May 08, 2008

“Economic Hit Man” John Perkins Recounts US Efforts to Block Nationalization of Panama Canal

Panamanian President Martin Torrijos was in Washington earlier this week to discuss a pending free trade agreement with the United States, where he drew praise from President Bush on winning national approval for the $5.2 billion expansion plan for the Panama Canal. But three decades ago the moves to nationalize the Panama Canal by President Torrijos’s father, General Omar Torrijos, met with enormous resistance in this country. [includes rush transcript]

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November 10, 2009

Hoodwinked: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded — and How to Remake Them

John Perkins calls himself a former economic hit man. He has seen the signs of today’s financial meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiasco, the collapse of the banking industry, the rising unemployment rate — these are all familiar to him. Perkins was on the front lines of monitoring and helping create these very events that were once just confined to the Third World. From 1971 to 1981, he worked for the international consulting firm of Chas T. Main, where he was a self-described “economic hit man.” He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Confessions of An Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of the American Empire. [includes rush transcript]


Economic Hit Man, John Perkins: Paid Professionals who Cheat Countries Out of Trillions

Economic Hit Man, John Perkins: The Secret History of the American Empire — Why They Hate US

Author John Perkins on Alex Jones Tv: The CIA & Chiquita Inc Engineered Coup in Honduras?

John Perkins on Alex Jones: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Inside Story of How America Turned From a Respected Republic into a Feared Empire

Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins: The Global Elite’s Crime Syndicate

Sinister Sites – St. John The Divine Cathedral

From: The Vigilant Citizen

Sinister Sites – St. John The Divine Cathedral


The destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers) sculpted right on the building… Strange occult symbols on the floor… Weird rituals being performed in the sanctuary… Home of the Temple of Understanding which admittedly seeks to instate a new world religion… This cathedral is definitively “different”, as some people might say. But the “difference” lies in the fact that the cathedral is in fact a temple of Neo-Pagan-Bordeline-Satanic-the-Environment-is-more-important-than-human-life beliefs. I personally couldn’t care less about each individual’s beliefs, but to trick unsuspecting church goers into an occult house of worship is nothing less than Evil.

“The pagan intellectuals reclothed their original ideas in a garment of christian phraseology but bestowed the keys of the symbolism only upon those duly initiated and bound to secrecy”
– Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Background and History of the Cathedral

This unfinished building has been claimed as being the world’s largest cathedral. It is realistic to maintain such high aspirations when your sources of funding include tycoons like JP Morgan and prominent figures like the Grand Master of the Masons of the state of New York. The completion of the cathedral was such a prized accomplishment for the Freemasons that it was featured on the front page of “Masonic World” of March 1925.

Entire Article Here

[video] Ben Livingston: The Father Of Weaponized Weather Tells What He Can Say — For decades the US government has had the power to both lessen and increase the severity of adverse weather for their own purposes.

[youtube=]Ben Livingston: The Father Of Weaponized Weather

Uploaded by on Feb 13, 2011

Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960’s during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time.

In this exclusive interview for Prison subscribers, Livingston explains how for decades the US government has had the power to both lessen and increase the severity of adverse weather for their own purposes.

Dr. Livingston was assigned in 1966 from the Naval weapons research Laboratory to a marine fighter squadron in Vietnam. Instead of guns, the aircraft under Livingston’s control were fitted with cloud seeding equipment. “My mission was to find clouds and seed them for maximum precipitation value” he stated.

Dr. Livingston presents evidence from the Stanford research Institute, who were brought into Project Storm Fury (a weather control program) in the late sixties as a third party, which stated conclusively that knowledge of how to stop hurricanes had been uncovered and that they would be directly liable should a hurricane hit and cause extensive damage and loss of life. Four decades later and Livingston exposes how the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina could have been greatly minimized but was allowed to fully impact Gulf states for political reasons.

Having personally flown on 265 missions into the eyes of hurricanes, Livingston remarks that he was “disgusted” by the failure to lessen the impact of Katrina. Livingston’s revelations that weather control has been a decades long program in which the US government has been deeply involved are particularly alarming given the abundant modern-day evidence of how chemtrails are being used to warp our environment in a secret geoengineering plot that threatens a myriad of unknown human health and ecological consequences.

[video] Real historian G. Edward Griffin: Universal Serfdom, Part 2 — How the power elite have been using PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION, playing the WAR card especially to bring us all into UNIVERSAL SERFDOM! — The tax exempt Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations…

For PART 1 of this interview:

Real historian G. Edward Griffin: Universal Serfdom — “This marriage between corporations and government, that’s not CAPITALISM.” The people say ‘let’s occupy Wall Street,’ but then what are they going to do? “We need to GO FORWARD TO WHERE WE WERE 80 years ago.” TRUE CAPITALISM has been gone since WWII. ‘Capitalism’ today isn’t capitalism, no matter what mainstream media says.

[youtube=]Conclusion of Universal Serfdom with G. Edward Griffin

Uploaded by on Oct 8, 2011

G. Edward Griffin Stops by to give his take on the occupy wall street protest, and offers up some interesting insight into who is really trying to hijack this event. Mr. Griffin also gives his take on alex’s occupy the federal reserve in Dallas this coming friday, and offers some real solutions to the banker takeover of america since 1913.


Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

[IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

Who Owns the Federal Reserve? — This chart shows the ROTHSCHILDS at the top, whom many consider the wealthiest family in the world. But the ROCKEFELLERS…. | The owners try to hide their identities by holding their ownership in the names of their lawyers or via ‘street’ names.

(video) 9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections


Many Dots Connected Here!

* * *

[youtube=]9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections

Uploaded by on Oct 6, 2011

Most of the material for this video was adapted from Kevin Ryan’s landmark article on who had “Demolition access to the WTC Towers”:
Clean Up:

For blueprints of the WTCs with a list of all the suspicious tenants and connections check out:

Links and sources for things mentioned in the video:

Kevin R. Ryan, et al, Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials, The Environmentalist, Volume 29, Number 1 / March, 2009,

Niels H. Harrit, et al, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol 2, 2009, doi: 10.2174/1874412500902010007,

Kevin R. Ryan, The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nanothermites, Journal of 9/11 Studies, July 2008,

Website for In-Q-Tel,

Wikipedia page for Jerome Hauer,

Peter Jennings interview with Jerome Hauer, ABC, on 9/11, 14:53, available on You Tube,

Akzo’s International Paint is the maker of Interchar

Taku Murakami, US Patent 5532449 – Using plasma ARC and thermite to demolish concrete,

Steven E. Jones et al, Extremely High Temperatures During the World Trade Center Destruction, Journal of 9/11 Studies, January 2008

Albert Gibson et al, Integral low-energy thermite igniter, US Patent number: 4464989,

Skull and Bones is a secret society at Yale University, founded in 1832. Members have included George H.W. Bush, his father Prescott Bush, his son George W. Bush, his brother Jonathan J. Bush, and many other powerful people. For LMI’s mission, see its website –

Michael C. Ruppert, Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA’s Highest Ranks, October 9, 2001,

Kevin R. Ryan, Mahmud Ahmed’s itinerary from his Washington DC visit the week of 9/11,, 11/27/2009,

The agreement between LLNL and Savannah River can be found here –

Savannah’s reference to developing sol-gels can be found here –

SEC document for Washington pre-payments –

The Ties That Bind, Descended from family business empires, six huge business groups dominate the Japanese economy, Multinational Monitor, October 1983 –

Securacomm Consulting Inc. v. Securacom Incorporated, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, January 20, 1999, 49 U.S.P.Q.2d 1444; 166 F.3d 182,

Wikipedia page for Stratesec,

SEC filing for Stratesec, May 2, 1997,

Kroll Inc website,

Wikipedia page for the Quill and Dagger Society,

The History Commons, “Wolfowitz Doctrine”, Aaron Dykes, Wolfowitz Warns of ‘Surprise like Pearl Harbor’ Months Before 9/11 Attacks, Jones Report, February 9, 2007 Wolfowitz’s meeting with Mahmud Ahmed was documented in a FOIA response obtained by the 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington –

Plaintiffs” Opposition to Defendant Terrence R. McAuliffe’s Motion to Dismiss, Case No: 1:98CV02859 (RCL), W.L. Meng et al vs. Bernard L. Schwartz and Loral Space et al, US District Court for the District of Columbia,

[video] Real historian G. Edward Griffin: Universal Serfdom — “This marriage between corporations and government, that’s not CAPITALISM.” The people say ‘let’s occupy Wall Street,’ but then what are they going to do? “We need to GO FORWARD TO WHERE WE WERE 80 years ago.” TRUE CAPITALISM has been gone since WWII. ‘Capitalism’ today isn’t capitalism, no matter what mainstream media says.

For PART 2 of this interview:

Real historian G. Edward Griffin: Universal Serfdom, Part 2 — How the power elite have been using PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION, playing the WAR card especially to bring us all into UNIVERSAL SERFDOM! — The tax exempt Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations…

* * *

[youtube=]Universal Serfdom with G. Edward Griffin 1/2

Uploaded by on Oct 6, 2011

G. Edward Griffin Stops by to give his take on the occupy wall street protest, and offers up some interesting insight into who is really trying to hijack this event. Mr. Griffin also gives his take on alex’s occupy the federal reserve in Dallas this coming friday, and offers some real solutions to the banker takeover of america since 1913.

[youtube=]Universal Serfdom with G. Edward Griffin 2/2


Peter Schiff on Michael Moore’s ‘End Capitalism Not The Fed’ Comment

[video] Alex Jones Bullhorns Federal Reserve branch in Dallas — “The ‘Federal’ Reserve is a parasitic criminal organization!”

[youtube=]Alex Jones Bullhorns Federal Reserve branch in Dallas 1-2a

Uploaded by on Nov 22, 2008

The grassroots organization lead a coordinated effort to protest all 38 branches of the Federal Reserve on 11.22.2008. The protests focused on the role the Federal Reserve has played during the current world-wide economic crisis. At the Federal Reserve branch in Dallas, Texas; Alex Jones and others joined the effort by bullhorning the Federal Reserve building.


[CNN video] Jesse Ventura discusses 9/11 and JFK, along with his book, “63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read”

[youtube=]Jesse Ventura discusses 9-11 on CNN

Uploaded by on Apr 5, 2011


Jesse Ventura on CNN.

Jesse discusses 9/11 and JFK, along with his new book, “63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read”.

Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins: The Global Elite’s Crime Syndicate


Economic Hit Man, John Perkins:
The Secret History of the American Empire —
Why They Hate US

[youtube=]The Global Elite’s Crime Syndicate with Economist John Perkins 1/2

Uploaded by on Sep 27, 2011

On the Monday, September 26, edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews economist and author John Perkins about the bankster elite and their globalist crime syndicate. Perkins is the author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of the American Empire.


Peter Dale Scott interviewed by James Corbett: History of CIA Drug Running

Not much on the Bushes’ involvement here, unlike what the cover indicates; though, the Bushes have been very deeply involved. Which is probably why Sonny Bono was killed. Sonny was going to launch an investigation into the drug running, having subpena power to bring in President George H.W. Bush, etc..

– jeff

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[youtube=]Peter Dale Scott interviewed by James Corbett

Uploaded by on Jul 22, 2011

more info:

This is another great interview done by James Corbett of the Corbett Report

[video] Real-Historian Tom Woods: Is Ron Paul Wrong on Money and the Constitution?

[youtube=]Is Ron Paul Wrong on Money and the Constitution?

Uploaded by on Sep 21, 2011

Tom Woods defends Ron Paul against critics who say he has misread the Constitution in holding that the federal government may make nothing other than gold and silver legal tender.

[ audio ] Andrew Gavin Marshall: THE BILDERBERG GROUP, THE PRESS & 9/11

[youtube=]THE BILDERBERG GROUP, THE PRESS & 9/11 : Part One

Uploaded by SGTbull07 on Sep 9, 2011

A in-depth interview with Andrew Gavin Marshall, researcher and contributor to We discuss Golbalization, the Bilderberg Group, the Controlled Media and 9/11. Part One.

Andrew’s interview with Jim Puplava:…

[video] Henry Makow: The New World Order — They use sex to systematically degrade us, to make us their cattle. They are destroying civilization. Let it not be said we slept and didn’t even notice.



Uploaded by on Sep 19, 2011



Uploaded by on Sep 13, 2011

…Genetic hybrids…insane lunatics..ruling our lives.…


Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on Real-Historian David Icke | [Don McLean ‘Vincent’ (Starry, Starry Night) music video] Tribute to Real Historian (still living) David Icke: Perhaps They’ll Listen — “…How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they’re not listening still. Perhaps they never will.”

Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on MOSTLY Real-Historian David Icke | [Don McLean ‘Vincent’ (Starry, Starry Night) music video] Tribute to Real Historian (still living) David Icke: Perhaps They’ll Listen — “…How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they’re not listening still. Perhaps they never will.”

My Perspective on David Icke

I don’t think I’ve ever shared this. Though I don’t agree at all with his outright rejection of Christianity, which I imagine is mostly because he hasn’t seen the real thing yet, I really admire David Icke, and have learned a lot from his real-history teachings, which I’ve followed for about 15 years. And I somewhat regularly visit his News Headlines, which I link to at this site.

David definitely isn’t as grounded as is, for example, Dr. Stanley Monteith, but his perspective is very helpful to understand what is happening around us. And he covers a lot of material Dr. Stan does not.

I personally like to learn from multiple sources in order to see the big picture, and it’s typical that most researchers don’t get everything right. So we have to be careful…. But we also have to be careful to realize that what we learned in history classes in school is really only a small part of the story in order for us to really understand history. In the western society school system (including parochial schools), and through the media, we’ve been brainwashed — no doubt about it. There are huge pieces of the picture that we need to know in order to understand real history and what is really happening around us.

Shape Shifting? David also takes a lot of flack for his theory that the Illuminati rulers are aliens who have been seen shape shifting into someone else, whom he considers their real selves during Satanic rituals. I think their real selves are whom we regularly see, and that shape shifting is a totally real phenomenon that occurs through demonic power among those deeply into the occult, including even some native Americans, etc.. For example, David Hogan, Christian missionary to natives from the Aztec heritage in Mexico and central America experienced some of this firsthand.

Where Dr. Stan and David Icke totally agree is that the Illuminati are deeply into the occult, and therefore are absolutely very evil. And most people are extremely naive about this fact. They can’t believe anyone could be this evil. So the common people are open prey to being manipulated by the global elite through the many ways they control us. They can’t see through the Matrix, which is a metaphor David Icke often skillfully uses. Real historian, G. Edward Griffin also sees the parallel, by the way. The Matrix is a worthwhile (and clean) movie to see.

And speaking of skillful, David Icke is one of the most gifted speakers I know of. He actually packs out auditoriums worldwide for a significant fee. It’s just him speaking along with visuals. I would love to post more of his material, but he often gets off on the idea that Christianity is part of the way the people are manipulated. Perhaps I should post these videos anyway, and just point out that yes, ‘Christianity’ is being used to manipulate the masses, but that isn’t real Christianity — which I believe is THE MAIN REASON why we’re being jacked.

And Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are being used by Satan to deceive many evangelical ‘Christians’ into falling in step with the globalist, New World Order plans. Evangelical ‘Christians’ are particularly vulnerable to manipulation because they know we are supposed to support Israel. I agree, as does Dr. Stan and Joel Skousen, but David Icke does not. But in what way should we support Israel? A blank check and total support for their numerous inhumane atrocities that they commit along with the CIA? No way. We’re just aiding and abetting bullies who often have evil and revenge in their hearts, and who refuse to get right with God and treat their neighbors with respect. They go WAY BEYOND what is legitimate self defense, which is sadly A-OK for most evangelicals, who also can’t wait for US or Israel to nuke Iran — which is why they refuse to support Ron Paul, the real Christian candidate who believes in war only when it’s just. This isn’t what Jesus has in mind in how we are to pray for and support Israel in positive ways that could bring about real change. This isn’t what Jesus is leading people to do, which gets into the definition of what is a Christian — which I discuss in depth at my other main site, ONEcanhappen. Christians and pastors are supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit. Then they could not be manipulated by the Satanically controlled media.

And this is the key issue that David Icke doesn’t understand. He is excellent in researching who are the globalist masters and how they manipulate us, but he is probably willfully ignorant regarding real Christian history and real Christianity, having seen so much abuse in the name of Jesus, I imagine.

Icke reminds me of Kent Hovind, who has done excellent and totally thorough research on science and creationism, but has done very shallow and narrow-minded research on the subject of who goes to heaven, biblically, which he unfortunately also teaches. And people think that Hovind can be trusted in regards to his theology because they know his research into science is so exhaustively right on.

What happens is that researches like Icke and Hovind spend most of their thinking time considering all of the ins and outs of the subjects they are interested in (David Icke has said this), but then they only superficially study another topic and unwisely teach that too, and many will blindly follow them down that rabbit trail of disinformation because they have learned to respect their careful research into their main topic of study, which is so obvious.

So even David Ike and Kent Hovind are deceived, thinking they know it all, when they really only know what they really have carefully researched. So we must be careful. And this is a main reason I also don’t present a lot of Kent Hovind’s material too. I consider once-saved-always-saved (which I discuss a lot at ONEcanhappen) to be at the core of what is deceiving the evangelicals today — a key root cause as to why the church is getting jacked and our countries. And this is what is leaving such a bad taste in David Icke’s mouth when he looks at ‘Christians’ today, who are leading the charge into globalism and police state by supporting the Illuminati’s agenda more than probably any other large group.

And this is why David has pursued other means to enlightenment, which I should also bring up, which includes Shaminism and mind altering drugs. He mentions this one experience, which isn’t that long ago, which I absolutely don’t recommend. I do believe in pursuing God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength though: to learn from and be taught directly by the Holy Spirit, Who really is infinite love. This is what David is looking for. And God is the ultimate source of truth.

So I really like David Icke, and appreciate his research and teaching, his honesty. He is a great example of boldness too. He’ll say what he believes even though he knows he’ll be scoffed at by many. Part of the backlash is because he doesn’t understand Satanism and Christianity as good as he should, but David Icke is clearly an amazing man whom I respect and appreciate a lot! And once real Christianity happens (the Third Great Awakening), which is the main theme of my ONEcanhappen site, I expect to see a big smile on David Icke’s face. And he’ll jump in too into Real Love, Who isn’t behind these grossly immoral wars that hurts His heart so.

What a day that will be. I will be so happy!!!

– Jeff Fenske


My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!! — This helps us understand the Illuminati, why Christianity has been hijacked, and also why God really is a good God, worthy of being totally trusted and adored!

– –

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they’re not listening still.
Perhaps they never will

* * *


Uploaded by on Aug 6, 2011

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win…

[Democracy Now! video] Noam Chomsky on Ron Paul’s 9/11 Theories: “What He Said Is Completely Uncontroversial”

[youtube=]Noam Chomsky on Ron Paul’s 9/11 Theories: “What He Said Is Completely Uncontroversial”

Uploaded by on Sep 13, 2011 – During the most recent Republican presidential debate on Monday, September 12th, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas drew boos and jeers from the crowd and his fellow debaters for his views on the roots of 9/11 attacks. Dr. Paul criticized U.S. foreign policy as the catalyst stating, “we’re under great threat because we occupy so many countries… We have to be honest with ourselves. What would we do if another country, say China, did to us what we do to all those countries over there?” For more, Democracy Now! spoke with Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Noam Chomsky. Dr. Chomsky responded to Dr. Paul’s comments by reciting the history of antagonism to US policy, concluding: “I think what he said is completely uncontroversial. You can read it in government documents.”


AARON MATÉ (DN! Co-Host): Well, Noam, you mentioned the changes in discourse between 10 years ago and today. And actually, this issue of the reasons behind 9/11 came up last night at the Republican presidential debate. Congress Member Ron Paul of Texas drew boos from the crowd and a rebuke from other candidates on the podium when he criticized U.S. foreign policy in discussing the roots of 9/11.

REP. RON PAUL: We’re under great threat because we occupy so many countries. We’re in 130 countries. We have 900 bases around the world. We’re going broke. The purpose of al-Qaeda was to attack us, invite us over there, where they can target us. And they have been doing it. They have more attacks against us and the American interests per month than occurred in all the years before 9/11. But we’re there, occupying their land. And if we think that we can do that and not have retaliation, we’re kidding ourselves. We have to be honest with ourselves. What would we do if another country, say China, did to us what we do to all those countries over there?

So, this whole idea that the whole Muslim world is responsible for this and they’re attacking us because we’re free and prosperous, that is just not true. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda have been explicit. They have been explicit, and they wrote and said that we attacked—we attacked America because you had bases on our holy land in Saudi Arabia, you do not give Palestinians a fair treatment, and you have been bombing—I didn’t say that, I’m trying to get you to understand what the motive was behind the bombing. At the same time, we had been bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis for 10 years. Would you be annoyed? If you’re not annoyed, then there’s some problem.

AARON MATÉ: That was Republican Congress Member Ron Paul of Texas speaking last night at the Republican presidential debate. Noam Chomsky, your response?

NOAM CHOMSKY: I think what he said is completely uncontroversial. You can read it in government documents. You can find it in polls. Maybe people don’t like to hear it, but, as I mentioned before, it goes back to the 1950s. Actually, right after 9/11, the Wall Street Journal, to its credit, did a study of privileged Muslims, sometimes called “monied Muslims,” people in the Muslim world who are deeply embedded in the U.S. global project—lawyers, directors of multinational corporations and so on, not the general population. And it was very much like what Eisenhower had—was concerned about, and the National Security Council, in the 1950s. There was a lot of antagonism to—a lot of antagonism to U.S. policy in the region, partly support of dictators blocking democracy and development, just as the National Security Council concluded in 1958.

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[Excellent Radio Liberty audio broadcasts!] William H. Kennedy with Dr. Stanley Monteith: Sex Scandal & Satanic Crime and Those Who Rule — “This is not isolated. This is pervasive in Washington D.C. It is pervasive in the capitals of Europe.” “We all need improvement in understanding our own history”

~”We’ve all been partially brainwashed.”

“We all need improvement in understanding our own history.”

– William H. Kennedy

* * *

Rick Perry

Silvio Berlusconi


Pope John Paul I was about to expose
the Satanic cabal within the Catholic church,
and was murdered by….



Trilateral Commission

Cathy O’Brien

Bohemian Grove

JonBenét Ramsey

child sex abuse

Dick Cheney

The George Bush family


George Clooney

Merv Griffin

Ronald Reagan

Richard Nixon

“This is not isolated….
This is pervasive in Washington D.C.
It is pervasive in the capitals of Europe.”

– Dr. Stanley Monteith

Real-historian Dr. Stanley Monteith
“A national treasure!”

* * *

Audio from Dr. Stanley Monteith’s
Radio Liberty archives

Date: 09-09-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Michael Peroutka – The American View
Hour: 2
4:00: Dr. Dennis Cuddy – Betrayed
Hour: 3
8:00: William H. Kennedy – Sex Scandal & Satanic Crime
Hour: 4
9:00: William Grigg – Current Events
Date: 09-08-11
Hour: 1
3:00: William H. Kennedy – Sex Scandal & Satanic Crime
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Dr. Michael Brown – A Queer Thing Happened To America
Hour: 4
9:00: Danielle Lindler – Forestry in CA Excessively Regulated
Date: 09-07-11

[video] 60% of “Loose Change 911 – An American Coup” (parts 5,7,9 & 10 blocked…)

[youtube=]Loose Change 911 – An American Coup Part 1

Uploaded by on Oct 22, 2010




Part 5 blocked on copyright grounds


Part 7 blocked on copyright grounds


Parts 9 & 10 blocked on copyright grounds


[youtube=]CIA Whistleblower talks about Heart Attack gun

Uploaded by on Dec 27, 2008

CIA whistleblower talks about a gun that shoots a frozen dart of poison that mimicks a heart attack in the unfortunate victim.

Go find out for yourself how many witnesses died of heart attacks in cases involving the US government. Start off with the JFK assassination.

[Important!] Alex Jones: How they compromised President Ronald Reagan — He was leading justly until they had him shot. They they actually mind-controlled our President when he was in the hospital…

I had heard how Reagan gave in to the globalists’ control after they had him shot, but I didn’t know about the mind-control.

– –

Gets good at 4:30. What happened to Ronald Reagan is at the 14 minute mark[youtube=]Union Thugs, Mafia Kingpins & Rick Perry – Alex Jones

Uploaded by on Sep 9, 2011

[VERY IMPORTANT – 33-minute audio] Real Historian G. Edward Griffin on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/7/11: Exactly why our economy will never recover — Globalist bankster cartel will not give up control. Their ’15-20-year’ transitional plan towards their final one-world-currency goal.

The international banking cartel controls the media,
the politicians,
and they lie through their teeth,
acting like they’re our good friend.

“They have to go through this act…:
‘we’re doing this for America.'”

* * *

The inflation process will be institutionalized at an international level,
and there will be no escape.

* * *

“They do know how to fix it,
but they don’t want to fix it.”

* * *

They’re lending the money, printed from nothing.

“They know in their hearts
they’re never going to pay that back.”

“That’s a scam that they’re not going to let go of.”

– G. Edward Griffin

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

From: Coast to Coast AM

Currency & Fed. Reserve

First hour guest, writer and documentary film producer G. Edward Griffin talked about the Federal Reserve, banking cartels, and the economy. The central banks plan to get rid of national currencies like the dollar and replace them with an international currency, and will probably introduce a regional currency like the “amero” (for North America) as an interim step, he detailed. Griffin was critical of the way the US govt. continues to lend money based on debt that it has no plans to pay back. He also proposed that we abolish the Federal Reserve, and instead just use government regulation to ensure that banks are operating honestly.

* * *

Starts at minute 7[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 7.9.2011 – 1/4 – Secret Agendas

Uploaded by on Sep 7, 2011

Guests: Jeffrey Grupp, G. Edward Griffin

[Want to get deprogrammed? Watch this video]Why The Rothschilds Are Destroying Libya — “If we sit by & watch these crimes against humanity & do nothing then we are complicit, & one day it will be our turn.”

WARNING & DISCLAIMER: I wasn’t going to post this because of the choice of language and “don’t pay taxes” recommendation at the end [it’s not worth it unless done legally]; though, I transcribed the good part.

I’ve heard from good sources that it is true that Kadafi is not responsible for PanAm 103. That was a false flag op designed to demonize Kadafi.

In saying that posting this video that shows the other side of the story, I’m not saying Kadafi hasn’t been bad in some ways. But even if he was mostly bad, even if most of what is said in this video is not true, what right do we have to take out leaders who oppose the one-world government?

We can’t say we have the right because Illuminati controlled Britain says it’s a-okay.

We’re digging our own grave by supporting our reverse-Christian foreign policy, which I believe is far worse than abortion. Aborted babies go to heaven. Where do you think we’re sending most of these human beings to — and the millions of others throughout the years, overtly and covertly? …especially because our BIG, power-over, REVERSE-GOSPEL message must be the biggest God turn-off imaginable — God repellent Made in the USA!

We have blood on our hands, big-time!

Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate that would stop these abominations around the globe.

“It’s time to repent NOW!” We’re all going to see our Maker and we MUST be clean!

Power OVER or power under?:

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…


– –

“I cannot just sit by any longer & watch how individuals, groups, and countries are demonised & destroyed by our criminal governments — & then watch the media protect those responsible for crimes against humanity.”

“If we sit by & watch these crimes against humanity & do nothing, then we are complicit, & one day it will be our turn.”

* * *

[youtube=]This video MUST go viral NOW.flv

Uploaded by on Aug 28, 2011

I believe LIBYA has given us an opportunity to see what our leaders are doing.

Help Lybia and in doing so help yourselves. green book

[fascinating audio] Jim Marrs on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/30/11: Media Control & Mega Spin! — “The so-called ‘Axis of Evil’ was just about a laundry list of the countries who were balking at the plans of the globalists. And now, they’re one by one being taken over.” — “There’s no journalism anymore … Quit letting the television do your thinking for you.”

“The so-called ‘Axis of Evil’
was just about a laundry list of the countries
who were balking at the plans of the globalists.
And now, they’re one by one being taken over.”

“They won’t allow anybody into national office
if they aren’t guaranteed that they’re going to go along with the program.”

“There’s no journalism anymore.”

“Quit letting the television do your thinking for you.”

– Jim Marrs

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 30.8.2011 – 1/4 – Media Control/ Predictions

Uploaded by on Aug 31, 2011

Media Control & Conspiracies:

In the first half of Tuesday’s show, author Jim Marrs shared his concerns over corporate media control, and the decrease in journalistic standards. He cited how US News & World Report recently ran a straw poll for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination, and though they listed 10 candidates, they didn’t include Ron Paul. This is not journalism, it’s propaganda, he suggested. “We’re now under total corporate domination,” he continued, naming Time Warner, Universal, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. “Those five corporations control everything you see and hear,” and this goes beyond the news department to include films, television, cable, books, music, and magazines, he said.

Marrs touched on speculations and conspiracies regarding Comet Elenin, the East Coast earthquake, and 9-11. Regarding the quake, there was no seismic activity leading up to it, which was highly unusual and didn’t fit the pattern of a normal earthquake, he said, adding that a Russian intelligence agency claimed that the quake was caused by an underground nuclear blast. Addressing what he calls the “trillion dollar conspiracy,” he noted that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Fed, admitted that some $14 trillion of US tax money was sent overseas to prop up foreign banks and corporations. …

White Gold: Heroin & the Destabilization of Afghanistan — Chart shows Taliban almost completely eliminated opium production during the year prior to US invasion. Thanks to US, Heroin back to record highs now that we ADMITTEDLY guard the opium fields.

From: The Corbett Report

Numerous reasons have been suggested as to why the occupation of Afghanistan is important to the west, from its geostrategic importance to its mineral wealth, but one of the most compelling is the fact that the country now produces as much as 92% of the world supply of opium.

The Afghan poppy crop brings in about $1 billion for the opium farmers themselves, or about $5000 per family annually. $3 billion go to Afghan government officials, insurgents, warlords and traffickers. The street value of the drugs produced from the opium, however, is estimated to be as much as $200 billion a year, with the vast majority of that being laundered through the U.S. banking system.

The idea that the drug trade in Afghanistan is enabled and protected by western interests for their own benefit is by no means a new or controversial idea. Charts showing opium production in Afghanistan reveal that the opium crop was almost entirely eliminated by the Taliban during the year that they banned opium cultivation, with the chart spiking to record highs during the years of NATO occupation.

Late last month, I had the chance to talk to Professor Peter Dale Scott, the author of such works as Drugs, Oil & War: The United States in Afghanistan, Columbia, and Indochina, and American War Machine; Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection and the Road to Afghanistan.

I asked him about who is behind the refinement of Afghan opium into heroin and how they profit from the international drug trade.

Adding to the conclusion that the protection of the global drug trade is in fact a key aim of the NATO occupiers, this week it was announced that US Training Center Inc, a subsidiary of Blackwater International, has just been awarded a contract by the Pentagon for “counter-narcoterrorism activities in Afghanistan.”

How exactly a firm that is notorious for claims of its involvement in murder, weapons smuggling, money laundering, child prostitution, and schemes to deliberately overcharge the Pentagon for its services could possibly be of use in counter-narcoterrorism activities is not clear.

However, the fact that the U.S. Military’s officially acknowledged policy is now to help the Afghan farmers grow and cultivate their poppy crop makes the involvement of an arm’s-length military contractor of dubious integrity all the more understandable..

What these reports expose is that exactly contrary to government talking points about the poppy trade helping the Taliban, who in fact almost succeeded in eradicating opium production in the country during their rule, the crop is in fact being grown, cultivated and sold under the watchful eye of NATO troops.

This is not an incidental role for coalition troops in the region, but in fact a vital one, helping to prop up what has been estimated to be the third most lucrative commodity in the world behind oil and the arms trade. The total value of the global drug trade has been estimated at between 0.5 and 1.5 trillion dollars annually, with Professor Scott noting in his book American War Machine that about half of that total is funnelled through U.S. banks each year.

In 2001, a U.S. Senate investigation found that 10s of billions of dollars of drug money were being laundered through U.S. banks each year via a dimly-policed shadow financial system known as correspondent banking.

In 2006, a DC-9 carrying 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100 million, crashed near the Gulf of Mexico. An investigation found that the money had been purchased with funds laundered through Wachovia, and the US DEA, IRS and others unwound billions of dollars in drug money that had been laundered through the bank. Charges were brought against Wachovia, now a part of Wells Fargo, but the case was settled before coming to court. In the end, the bank was shown to have laundered over $378 billion in illicit funds, and ended up paying $160 million in fines and forfeitures.

In 2008, the Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crimes noted that US banks under pressure from the liquidity crisis of that year in fact used laundered drug money in order to stay solvent.

Given the central importance of the drug trade to the world economy, it should come as little surprise that US forces in Afghanistan are being ordered to guard the poppy fields, not eradicate them. And given that private contractors like Blackwater are now being hired to participate in Pentagon-funded counter-narcoterrorism activities, look for Afghan opium exports to hit record highs once again this year.

Entire Article Here

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