Freedom from Alaska!

Category: 'THEY' couldn't be that EVIL?? Page 5 of 44

9/11 Gatekeeper Noam Chomsky Knew Jeffrey Epstein: “I knew him and we met occasionally”

New York Post

New Jeffrey Epstein docs reveal pedophile met with CIA chief, former White House counsel — after his child sex crime conviction

April 30, 2023

Epstein also met with a variety of other people, such as Ariane de Rothschild, chief executive of the Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild Group; Joshua Cooper Ramo, former co-chief executive of Henry Kissinger’s corporate consulting firm; and Chomsky, the linguistics professor who taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Dalai Lama, Gandhi and Why ALL The Gurus Fall

The Dalai Lama apologizes for asking a young boy to suck his tongue? We take a look at a number of gurus like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Gandhi, the founder of Bikram Yoga, and show how depraved people can be when fighting against sin without the Holy Spirit.

I don’t believe in morality… and I am bent on destroying it…. I believe in consciousness, not conscience.

– Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, “I Am the Messiah Here and Now,” in Sannyas, Sept. Oct. 1978, p. 34.

My ashram [spiritual community] makes no difference between the Devil and the Divine…. I use all sorts of energies. And if the devilish energy can be used in a divine way, it becomes tremendously fruitful.

– Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Swami Anand Yarti, The Sound of Running Water: A Photobiography of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and His Work 1975-1978 (Poona, India: Poona Rajneesh Foundation, 1980), p. 382.

Should the Dalai Lama Be Cancelled for This?

Pope Francis’ Tango Mass

Dalai Lama asks a boy to suck his tongue; the boy does on video — media ignores child abuse story

“..the Dalai Lama asked the boy to come up to the platform where he was seated. Touching his cheek, he said, “first here”, after which the child kissed him and gave him a hug. The Tibetan leader held him lovingly in his arms and said, “I think here also” — and he planted a kiss on his lips. And then he asked the boy to “suck my tongue”, sticking out his tongue. Forehead to forehead with the Dalai Lama, the boy quickly stuck out his tongue.” (source)

James Corbett: Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell

It is hardly surprising that the first thing Bayer did after completing their takeover of Monsanto earlier this month was to announce that they were dropping the Monsanto name, merging the two companies’ agrichemical divisions under the Bayer Crop Science name. After all, as everyone knows, Monsanto is one of the most hated corporations in the world. But Bayer itself has an equally atrocious history of death and destruction. Together they are a match made in hell.


Jeffrey Smith: Shocking Stories of Corruption, Cover-Up and Hidden Epidemics by Monsanto and Friends

Why Juries Were So Angry During The Monsanto Trials – Jeffrey Smith – Interview

Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen. Twelve Products that Monsanto has Brought to Market


Jane Fonda Just Said Pro-life Politicians Need To Be “Murdered”

EMP author William Forstchen: Sen. Lisa Murkowski killed the bill to protect US power grid because it didn’t have the perks she wanted — more interested in building her political base than in what was good for the country

Related: Lisa Murkowski Blocked Effort to Protect US Power Grid [the bill already passed in the House] — Within 12 months of an EMP attack or massive solar flare, 90% of Americans would perish!

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William Forstchen on Coast to Coast AM, 9/22/22, angry that Peter Pry wasn’t able in his lifetime to get legislation passed to protect the US power grid, thanks especially to Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. “Up to 90%” of Americans will die from a massive solar flare or EMP nuke attack!


“I’m a bit angry about it as well that this man [Peter Pry] labored in the trenches for so da** many years. He would get the ball moved forward almost to the point that we were going to see legal action, and some blankety blank — you almost have to hit the delete button with me — senator from Alaska [Lisa Murkowski], for example, kills it at the last minute because it didn’t have the perks she wanted. To get that close on several occasions…. She was more interested in building her political base than in what was good for the country. And this should be obvious to anybody this is a fundamental thing this country should be doing.”

Murkowski betrayal was in 2010, but Peter Pry persisted. Forstchen explained in this broadcast and in the 6/20/2022 ‘Coast’ show that Trump put together an EMP study group in the last six months of his term, which was moving forward to getting funding to harden our power grid, but Biden becoming president halted that.

Forstchen also stated on 6/20 that Israel has its power grid hardened.

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Coast to Coast AM

09-22-2022 HOUR 1

Part 1 – Author William Forstchen pays tribute to the late Dr. Peter Pry, and his efforts to protect the grid from an EMP attack

Disney Knows Exactly What They Are Doing

The Godfathers of Sex Abuse with Deana Pollard Sacks | The Nick Bryant Podcast

Deana Pollard Sacks is an author and former law professor.

The Godfathers of Sex Abuse, Volume 1: Jeffrey Epstein:

The Godfathers of Sex Abuse, Volume 2: Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein:

Tucker Carlson interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra on the corruption of medicine by Big Pharma

Vegetable Oils: $100 Billion Dollar Ingredient making your Food Toxic

DISASTROUS! “The single greatest change in nutrition in all of history,” created by a massive marketing campaign 100 years ago to replace animal fats with Crisco and vegetable oils.

16:30 High heat in processing makes vegetable oils oxidizes the fats, and makes them rancid. The end product would taste awful, which is why there is an intensive deodorization process, which requires the highest high heat in the process — 500°F!

Vegetable oils cause Alzheimer’s, obesity, heart disease, fatigue (poor mitochondria function), diabetes, and etc.

0:00 – The Switcheroo
1:52 – History of Vegetable Oils
3:50 – Enter the American Heart Association
5:27 – The Massive Increase in Vegetable Oil Consumption
6:06 – Is Vegetable Oil Bad or Benign?
6:55 – Why do some animals live longer than others?
7:51 – Vegetable Oil is stays in your body for years
9:11 – Hidden Data
12:08 – Vegetable Oils are in EVERYTHING
13:07 – Why Vegetable Oils are bad for Health
15:04 – The Toxic Oxidation Products
16:28 – How Vegetable Oils are made
18:33 – Are Vegetable Oils linked to Alzheimer’s?
20:06 – Mitochondria, The Powerhouse of the Cell
24:35 – Most Studies on Vegetable Oils aren’t long enough
26:04 – Why aren’t more people talking about this?

Family of Secrets with Russ Baker | The Nick Bryant Podcast

Russ Baker is the CEO and Editor in Chief of

He is also the author of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years

Elton John Has His Secrets

Jason Bermas

Something HUGE is happening in China… and it’s either really good, or REALLY BAD

What the communists are putting the Chinese people through right now.



The record companies have been using rap music to destroy Christian culture on purpose for decades, fueling the hate and division as one of the many ways the globalists are using to bring about the one-world government.

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Robby Starbuck, a successful former music video producer, is concerned over the high death rate of black rappers. He says that record executives push rap music stars to write songs about death, violence, drugs, sex and money, to encourage these themes in the black community, which are used as tools for control. The false culture is used to make black communities more dependent on the government. Starbuck challenged rappers to unite and stand up to create a new culture by making life-affirming music about family, faith, freedom and doing the right things. Rap videos cost more money to make because it is dangerous compared to other types of music. It also costs more to insure rap videos due to potential violence. He added that rap videos are used to launder money. – GEG


Could McConnell have saved Blake Masters’ campaign in Arizona with funds he wasted battling Tshibaka in Alaska?

In Alaska, McConnell spent those millions not attacking Democrats, but smearing the name of Republican Kelly Tshibaka, to the point that several districts of the Republican Party issued resolutions of censure and condemnation of McConnell and told him to butt out of Alaska, if he was not going to support the Alaska Republican Party’s endorsed candidate, Tshibaka.


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Evil McConnell:

“The dirty tricks boys in the FBI have incriminating files on about 75% of Congress. Only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system.”

Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

Dr. Mercola: How the FDA and CDC Are Hiding COVID Jab Dangers


Former CIA Director John Brennan Confronted on Torture, Drone Bombings, Surveillance

On Wednesday November 9, 2022, former CIA director John Brennan spoke in Houston, Texas. Following Brennan’s talk journalist Derrick Broze confronted him on his support of torture, drone bombings, and mass surveillance of Americans.

Kate’s Story: Surviving Ritualistic Sexual Abuse as a Child in Utah

21:20 The abuser died 1 month after the person abused said “I hope you die.”

They openly prayed to Satan during the rituals

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Join us as Derrick Broze interviews ritual abuse survivor Kate Talley for the second time. Kate shares her story of surviving ritual abuse as a child in Utah.

Read her story: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.c…

Trafficking Children: Is THIS Why The Dems Want Open Borders? — Becky Rasmussen Interview

Eye opening — human traficking in South Dakota! Everyone should watch this excellent interview with this Christian lady doing her part by God’s grace!

Evangelical churches are even being used to baptize, then traffic….


Dr. Campbell: Boston U created chimeric virus that killed 80% of humanized mice!

Please share this video, this research must STOP. Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research

Professor Shmuel Shapira, lead scientist, Israeli Government…

This should be totally forbidden, it’s playing with fire


Boston University CREATES Covid strain that has an 80% kill rate

EXCLUSIVE: ‘This is playing with fire – it could spark a lab-generated pandemic’: Experts slam Boston lab where scientists have created a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate

Hot mic: Biden tells Fort Myers mayor ‘No one f–ks with a Biden’ during brief chat in devastated community


What the Media Won’t Tell You About King Charles (Part 3)

With Charles being crowned the woke king of the NWO, his reign affects us all.

What the Media Won’t Tell You About KING CHARLES III

They couldn’t be that evil.

Remember Lady Diana’s death? Jerry Saville?


Jason Burmas w/ Derek Broze: Mormon Church Sexual Abuse at Highest Level – Gordon B. Hinckley, etc.


(video) Resurfaced Documentary Uncovers Accusations Of Child Abuse Against Former Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley

Daughters Of Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Accuse Father Of Rape

Sexual Abuse By Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Confirmed By Daughters

Mormon Horrors Revealed By A Conscious Resistance?


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