Freedom from Alaska!

Month: October 2010 Page 3 of 4

MONUMENTAL Anchorage radio broadcast on 10/11! Download it while you can. KFQD talk show host, Dan Fagan puts his job on the line standing up for the unborn and Joe Miller against “publicly fund abortions” Lisa Murkowski. Dan calls men to be real men!

This podcast will probably only be available till today’s takes its place, probably late afternoon. Amazing show! Where is your line in the sand?

It really gets rocking about 18 minutes into hour 2 of the podcast — “I’m asking you to man up… what kind of man doesn’t stand up for the innocent murdering of kids… and have tax payers fund it” — and just keeps on rolling. Amazing!!!

This is a call to repentance.

“One day we’re going to stand before God and answer for our sins…,” says Fagan. I’m just shocked! I was so disappointed in Dan being so pro war, but he just bats this one right out of the park, and he’s probably going to continue to do so until the election.

Dan is totally putting his job on the line. He recently broadcast this WOW! Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen speaks before Aussie Parliament: “My whole intent in living here is just to make God smile”, which he said is the most important thing he’s ever done.

This is probably only the beginning in what could be a tremendous about face for Anchorage citizens!

Very moving broadcast!


Jeff : )

Stunning Images Of God and Man’s Microscopic World

The tip of a hummingbird’s tongue (left) is one of many photos taken by 30 ‘microscopists’
and compiled in new book Microcosmos by science author Brandon Broll

Richard Fine: His Darkest Moment in the LA County Jail and How He Overcame!

Believed that even solitary confinement would turn out for good.

“The way that you do it is that you become very spiritual.

By being a spiritual person, you basically end up believing
that no matter what happens it’s all going to turn out right.

It may not turn out the way that you may think should be right,
but in the totality of events, it will turn out right.”

– Richard Fine
transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Richard Fine: His Darkest Moment in the LA County Jail

FullDisclosureNetwrk | September 23, 2010

Two days following his unexpected release from L A Central Men’s Jail On Friday September 17, 2010 Richard I.Fine described the conditions in “coercive confinement’ and his eighteen month ordeal waging a legal battle for freedom from his solitary jail cell without an attorney. Full Disclosure Network® presents a ten minute video preview from a three hour exclusive interview featured on the Internet Website .

YouTube viewers comments are here

Vitamin K: This Could Be Even BIGGER than the Vitamin D Discovery…”

From: Dr. Mercola

Vitamin K may very well be “the next vitamin D” as research continues to illuminate a growing number of benefits to your health.

It is probably where vitamin D was ten years ago with respect to its appreciation as a vital nutrient that has far more benefits than was originally recognized.

And, according to Dr. Cees Vermeer, one of the world’s top researchers in the field of vitamin K, nearly everyone is deficient in vitamin K – just like most are deficient in D.

Vitamin K measurements in blood plasma can be done accurately, but the results are not necessarily helpful because they mainly reflect what you ate yesterday. Because of this, we will have to trust Dr. Vermeer on his assessment that most are too deficient to reap all of its health benefits. Vitamin K researchers across the world will acknowledge him as a leader in this field.

Most people get enough K from their diets to maintain adequate blood clotting, but NOT enough to offer protection against the following health problems—and the list is growing:

  • Arterial calcification, cardiovascular disease and varicose veins
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prostate cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and leukemia
  • Brain health problems, including dementia, the specifics of which are still being studied

Vitamin K comes in two forms, and it is important to understand the differences between them before devising your nutritional plan of attack.

Entire Article Here

Jenny McCarthy on manipulating men (the silent treatment) and ‘faking it’


Jenny McCarthy’s Love Lessons

The Oprah Winfrey Show | September 28, 2010

Jenny’s joining Oprah to talk about their breakup for the very first time—and revealing why she’s documenting her love lessons in a racy new book, Love, Lust and Faking It.

Jenny says she also had to confront some unflattering sides of herself after the breakup. “I went to a therapist once, and she said, ‘You know you’re a master manipulator?'” she says. “[I said]: ‘What are you talking about? I am the nicest girlfriend a guy could ever have.”’

Jenny started studying manipulation and says some women take two approaches to getting what they want—the silent treatment and guilt. “Then I became awake to it, and that’s when everything changed.”

Jenny says she also learned she to stop faking it—and she doesn’t mean in the bedroom. “Everyone talks about that two-year honeymoon period. … [The guy asks], ‘You like football season?’ You’re like, ‘I love football season!'” she says. “Then [you’re annoyed when you’re in the relationship] and you’re like, ‘Turn on Dancing with the Stars!”

Going forward, Jenny says she’s entering relationships as her authentic self. “All you have to do is just wake yourself up to when you’re doing it,” she says. “When he says, ‘Do you like football season?’ I go, ‘No, I don’t.'”

Entire Article Here

Jesse Ventura Interview: American Conspiracies — “The real only common denominator to the whole thing is the CIA”

[youtube=]Jesse Ventura Interview – American Conspiracies

TYTInterviews | March 08, 2010

Full Transcript:…


“Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura — All 7 Episodes

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2010 OCTOBER 2 – 8

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

Global hurricane activity is now at a 33-year low. This flies in the face of the claims by global-warming mythmakers who have said the Earth is threatened by an increase in hurricanes and other forms of “climate disruption.” [Don’t worry. They simply will revise their story and say that the drop in hurricane activity is proof of global warming. You can count on that.] WattsUpWithThat 2010 Oct 8 (Cached)

US: Federal judge rules that Obama’s health-care provision that makes it mandatory for individuals to buy health insurance is Constitutional. This ruling will be appealed. [Do not expect federal courts to stop the expanding power of the federal government. The only realistic way to do that now is for the states to exercise their 10th Amendment power of Nullification.] Cardiovascular News 2010 Oct 8 (Cached)

Chinese dissident who now is in prison for criticizing China’s government wins the Nobel Peace Prize, despite warnings from the Chinese government to the Nobel jury that this would undermine peace. [The Nobel jury awarded the Peace Prize to Obama last year, so it is difficult to understand the criteria used in making its selection.] Guardian 2010 Oct 8 (Cached)

Children are encouraged to spy, photograph, and report on people while patrolling their neighborhoods in a so-called “crime prevention” game. Here is the Internet message: “Want to earn tons of cool badges and prizes while competing with you friends to see who can be the best American? Download the SnapScouts app for your Android phone and get started patrolling your neighborhood.” SnapScouts posted 2010 Oct 7 (Cached)

California Air Resources Board admits it overestimated diesel pollution by a whopping 340%. That calculation was the basis for a 2007 law that eliminated the use of 150,000 diesel-powered heavy-duty vehicles used in construction and commerce – adding greatly to the economic handicap that pushed California into an epic depression. [The people  responsible for this mistake (Surely, they wouldn’t do that on purpose, would they?) have not been called to task and continue employment with the state.] CO2 Insanity 2010 Oct 7 (Cached)

US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is brought to court for refusing to release evidence that would show if data from US satellites was altered to support the theory of global warming. [Would the agency refuse to show its data if it had nothing to hide? We’ll go out on a limb and predict that it will claim the data is classified for national security reasons.] CFP 2010 Oct 6 (Cached)

Gulf resident and reporter Kindra Arneson discusses her medical condition related to the oil spill and subsequent chemical treatment. She says they still are spraying chemicals in the Gulf. [This may not be news, but her personal story gives us a front-row seat for what is happening there yet not reported in the major media.] Examiner 2010 Oct 6 (Cached)

US: DC election officials invited hackers to test their electronic vote machines. Within 36 hours, the hackers were able to change votes, read secret ballots, discover passwords, and put in a back door to control the machines in the future. [The only safe voting system is the hand-counted paper ballot.]
The Brad Blog
2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

UK: Health Chief says smoking should be banned in
homes and cars to protect children. [How about banning GMO foods, chemtrails, or fluoridated water, all of which are more toxic than cigarette smoke? Collectivists are not interested in banning these because that would not justify intrusion into our private lives.] Daily Mail 2010 Oct 6 (Cached)

US: Pentagon and Homeland Security ramp up cyber security that will give government total control over water systems, power grids and financial networks, and the Internet – to protect us against terrorist attacks, of course. The “Stuxnet” computer worm is cited as the excuse. More than 40 cyber security bills are pending in Congress. International “cooperation” and dependence is suggested in addition to more presidential power.
2010 Oct. 5 (Cached)

IMF says that banks across Europe and the US are facing a $4 trillion deficit, and this shortfall will prevent an economic recovery. The solution, it says, is to expand the money supply and force taxpayers to bail out the banks once again. [The expansion of the money supply caused by the creation of money from nothing is what caused the problem in the first place, so their so-called cure will merely drive the economy deeper into the pit.] Telegraph 2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

US:  Super-size salaries and benefits for government workers is not limited to Bell, California. Here are many additional examples – proof of how wide and deep the corruption really is. MSNBC 2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

What in the World Are They Spraying!
Documentary on chemtrails aka Geoengineering
Saturday, Oct. 23, Atlanta, Georgia

Producers G. Edward Griffin, Mike Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger will be present. Limited seating.
Information and reservations here)

US: Government now is the main employer of college grads. [America’s future leaders will be reluctant to bite the hand that feeds them.]
Innovation & Growth
2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

October 10 is “No-GMO Day” across the US. Organic food producers have formed a coalition to label foods that are GMO-free, because the FDA refuses to label foods that are GMOs. [Be aware, for example, that half of the candy for Halloween this year is made with GMO sugar. Without labeling, you will not know which is which.] Food Freedom 2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

Bank of Japan announces it will expand the money supply by creating money out of nothing to buy a broad range of financial instruments, including corporate bonds, ETFs, and real estate investment trusts. Savvy investors understood the inflationary consequences of this, dumped their holdings denominated in government currency, and bought gold, causing a sharp escalation in gold price. [Expect to see this scenario repeated all over the world, including the US.] Business Insider 2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

Swiss study finds that using a laptop on your lap for extended periods can cause skin burns, affects sperm production in men, and even cause skin cancer. NaturalNews 2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

US: While government officials and media pundits are saying that the economy is recovering and that the stock market is about to rally, Wall Street insider investors are selling their stocks at a ratio of 2,341 for every 1 share they are buying. [Any questions?] ZeroHedge 2010 Oct 5 (Cached)

Scientists loose their jobs after reporting that genetically modified food purchased in supermarkets causes illness and death in lab animals.
2010 Oct 4 (Cached)

Brazil elects a real clown, who is illiterate, to Congress by a landslide. His only campaign promise was to report to the people how politicians spend their time. [We are tempted to approve of this almost humorous event, but the sad fact is that this candidate was funded by the Worker’s Party in anticipation of using his popularity to bring hard-core left-wingers into office. It’s another example of the futility of voting against the establishment without paying attention to what will replace it.] Yahoo 2010 Oct 4 (Cached)

US: Soldiers are exposed to Depleted Uranium from exploded artillery shells. When inhaled, tiny particles travel to the brain and kill brain cells, leading to bizarre mental conditions, cancer, and death. Veterans Today 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

US: Massive inflation is now unavoidable as commodity prices are surging at double-digit rates. These inevitably must be passed to the consumer. In 2011, expect to spend lots more for basic needs like food and fuel. The Economic Collapse 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

US: The nation’s credit-union system is “rescued” by the federal government with $30 billion in government-guaranteed bonds. [But don’t worry. The media tells us the majority of credit unions are sound, and officials assure us that this rescue will not cost anything to taxpayers.] WSJ Posted 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

US: Who says Communism is dead? This video of a huge demonstration in Washington, DC, shows that it is alive and strong. YouTube 2010 Oct 2

US: Arizona State University researcher has developed a remote-controlled helmet that modulates pain. His projected market is the military which could use it to discipline soldiers and others required to wear it.
PoorRichard’s Blog
Posted 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

Iceland: Politicians forced to flee from 2000 protestors angry over failing economy and austerity measures imposed by IMF. [When welfare recipients become angry over loss of “benefits,” welfare states become police states to contain the violence that always follows.] Guardian Posted 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

US: Prison population has quadrupled since 1980, and one in 28 American children has a parent behind bars. Raw Story Posted 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

Global warming alarmists make a 10-minute movie intended to get people to cut carbon emissions, but it backfires because it is so violent and gruesome. It reveals the ugly mindset of those who cannot tolerate dissent on this issue. YouTube Posted 2010 Oct 2

US: Meat tainted with deadly MRSA bacteria is being sold to consumers. It is coming from factory farms that feed antibiotics to livestock. MRSA is antibiotic resistant. Wallet Pop Posted 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

US: November elections will unseat many members of Congress, but as they complete their terms into January, they have radical bills stacked up for passage that include laws that will confiscate private property, federalize water resources, and control food products. Canada Free Press Posted 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

This inspiring article compares being in the Liberty movement with the character played by Gary Cooper’s in “High Noon”. The parallels to today are powerful. 2010 Oct 6 (Cached)

IMF Director says that the G-20 now is the center of power in the world and is the foundation for The New World Order. [The international banking cartel is the real power base beneath the UN, which is merely its political front.] Speigel 2010 Oct 4 (Cached)

Tom Woods’ book Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century is analyzed. An audio interview with the author is included. Pelican Institute Posted 2010 Oct 2 (Cached)

“Silver Shines!” G. Edward Griffin discusses the monetary system with Idaho State Representative Phil Hart who has written legislation to introduce silver into the free market as a medium of exchange. 2010 Sep 28

Richard Fine (who many consider a political prisoner because he was imprisoned for 18 months in solitary confinement for claiming that LA County judges are being paid off) was released last week. In this video, he describes his darkest moments in prison and his views on judicial corruption.
2010 Sep 23

Good advice for packing a Bug-Out Bag in case of emergency – and much more.
2010 Sep 22 (Cached)

US: 9/11 remains shrouded with unanswered questions. Here is newly obtained evidence that there were explosions and deaths in WTC Building 7 before either of the Twin Towers collapsed. [That means the damage that brought down Building 7 was not from the collapse of the twins, which is the official version.] IntelHub 2010 Sep 14 (Cached)

Ron Paul: “Fear is The Tool of The Thugs in Government”

“I always keep a door open for the left.”

– Ron Paul
‘The gold standard’

[youtube=]Ron Paul: Fear is The Tool of The Thugs in Government – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 08, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show physician, Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas, and former presidential candidate, Ron Paul. He is the founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty and his ideas have been expressed in numerous published articles and books, including End The Fed (2009), and The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008). Paul serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Joint Economic Committee, and the Committee on Financial Services. Mr. Paul was honorary chair of, and is a current member of, the Republican Liberty Caucus.


I asked Senatorial candidate Joe Miller what he thought about preemptive war

Last night, I met senatorial candidate Joe Miller at Wellspring church.

I mainly wanted to see his stand on preemptive war. I decided not to ask the question publicly during the Q & A, because I thought if he did agree with me [he said in his talk that he was a member of the Friends church] many of the ‘Christians’ there would decide not to vote for him, because they want to bomb-bomb-bomb Iran whether Iran is really developing nukes or not, and many haven’t yet repented from supporting the immoral Bush Wars I & II.

Didn’t Jesus say: “Do unto others…” and “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God?” How did we get so far off? Didn’t we learn anything from Iraq? Why do we think we can trust our government’s Iran-with-WMDs analysis when now we find they actually fabricated the Iraq version: Newly declassified: Bush team wanted Iraq war from start and White House claims of Iraq pursuing a nuclear weapons program based on confiscated aluminum tubes were fabricated

I thought I’d post a photo of Joe looking good,
because the corporatocracy owned Anchorage Daily News
probably will intentionally do the opposite.

Joe Miller

[20% crop of photo shot from across the room with the tiny LX5]

I was the last person to talk with Joe with I think only his campaign manager listening. I asked him what he thought of preemptive war, mentioning that I heard him say that he was a Friends church [Quakers] member.

He said he should have explained that [which a reader finally explained to me in a comment which I verified]. He then gave a response that I imagine is pretty close to Rand Paul, who is more willing to bomb Iran than his father, Ron. Ron Paul believes in self-defense when it really is, but preemptive war is most often reverse-Christian:

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Joe said something like we shouldn’t be nation building with wars, but on the other hand, if just one nuke hits us, that’s the end of our republic. So he’s for bombing Iran, but not to take them over for regime change.

I responded, “But we can’t trust the CIA’s intel.” Right then, the man whom I think is Joe’s campaign manager scurried him off to go to another meeting — so Joe couldn’t answer.

Overall, I was impressed with Joe Miller’s willingness to answer everyone’s questions, and then to answer them directly. He seems like a real, no-nonsense kind of guy, totally unlike Lisa Murkowski, whom I’ve always not voted for.

So I didn’t get a Joe Miller bumper sticker. I can’t 100%-support a candidate who isn’t more careful about preemptive war, but I do think he’s quite amazing, and I hope he wins. He is light years ahead of Lisa, who is so liberal people wonder how she can still be a Republican. She has actually said something like: “I don’t think people care how much we spend.”

Lisa is in many ways the opposite of the Christlike leader, Congressman Ron Paul, whom the evangelicals in Alaska (and elsewhere) mostly dissed in 2008. And it really does seem that Joe Miller is very much like Ron’s son, who could soon join Joe Miller in the U.S. Senate, which would be a great improvement.

I didn’t think that Lisa had a chance, having lost in the primary to Joe, but in this ‘me’ generation, it seems that a large percentage of Alaskans are more concerned with getting federal money than in doing the right thing for the future of this nation, which includes no longer aborting babies.

God bless!

Jeff Fenske
Anchorage, Alaska


Paul Craig Roberts: The Collapse Of Western Morality — “Americans will be the first people sent straight to Hell while thinking that they are the salt of the earth”

Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease

From: Alliance for Natural Health

How worried should drug companies be about supplements eating into their monopoly profits? A lot—as this story will show. Please share it with anyone you know who is suffering from Alzheimer’s or is worried about it.

Of course, just about everyone worries about Alzheimer’s. It currently afflicts 5.2 million people in the US and is the seventh leading cause of death. The cost of treating it is estimated at $148 billion.

Mary Newport, MD, has been medical director of the neonatal intensive care unit at Spring Hill Regional Hospital in Florida since it opened in 2003. About the same time the unit opened, her husband Steve, then 53, began showing signs of progressive dementia, later diagnosed as Alzheimer’s Disease. “Many days, often for several days in a row, he was in a fog; couldn’t find a spoon or remember how to get water out of the refrigerator,” she said.

They started him on Alzheimer’s drugs—Aricept, Namenda, Exelon—but his disease worsened steadily. (It should be noted that the latest research shows that the various Alzheimer’s drugs, like Aricept, have proven disappointing, with little real benefit and often distressing side effects.) When Dr. Newport couldn’t get her husband into a drug trial for a new Alzheimer’s medication, she started researching the mechanism behind Alzheimer’s.

She discovered that with Alzheimer’s disease, certain brain cells may have difficulty utilizing glucose

Entire Article Here

John Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law


Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law
By Rev. Ted Pike
7 Oct 10

Pastor John Hagee is a fanatically “Israel-first” evangelical who leads his troops in unconditional moral and financial support of the Jewish state. Today he is “supporting” Israel by endorsing laws that were created to destroy people just like him – Christians.

Hagee is calling for a United Nations indictment of Iranian President Ahmadinejad for the “thought crime” of inciting genocide. His petition has gathered 133,000 signatures. Along with Jewish activists Elie Wiesel and Sen. Joe Lieberman, Hagee says the Iranian leader’s attempts to “dehumanize Israelis and demonize Jews” are illegal under the UN’s 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Most Americans know nothing of this UN Convention or its latent threat to empower international persecution of free thinkers! If they knew the truth, one certainly hopes they wouldn’t sign Hagee’s petition.

The Convention is primarily the invention of Polish-Jewish international law expert Rafael Lemkin. It was promoted by Marxist globalists and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League as an early attempt at an internationally enforced thought crimes law. It was ratified by the UN decades before ADL/B’nai B’rith introduced national and state hate laws to most of the western world. TheConvention has been accepted by virtually all nations. Although the 1945 Connally Reservation restricts prosecution of Americans by it in a world court, it was foolishly passed by Congress and signed into law as a treaty by President Reagan in 1988.

Entire Article Here


John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

The Video the US Military doesn’t want you to see! — “To most of the world, we are the terrorists.” Our hands are stained with their blood! When will we repent?

[youtube=]The Video the US Military doesn’t want you to see!

lfspaul | September 25, 2010

The real face of war is unknown to people, because the media is not showing the real facts. The war is nothing but a business, where young men are sent to die, for some to get richer and richer. These are the horrors of the war. Please share!


All of my “Why They Hate US” posts

Banksters’ Sleight of Hand At The Fony Reserve Private Bank

Shocking video! Lutheran college runs with Luther’s “sin boldly” statement — Gustavus Adolphus teaches sex-in-dorm etiquette

“And we’re the sex pistols.
Welcome Class of 2014.”


Martin Luther: Sin Boldly — “No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day”

From: WND

Church college teaches sex-in-dorm etiquette

Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn., proclaims on its website that it is “a church-related, residential liberal arts college firmly rooted in its Swedish and Lutheran heritage” and its core values are excellence, community, justice, service and faith.

But one senior is wondering just where in those values he can fit a presentation to incoming freshmen that introduces them to the etiquette of having sex in dorm rooms without being interrupted by roommates and a “lesbian” who proclaims, “I like sex. No, I love sex” and tells students, “I am normal.”

The issue has been raised by student Phil Cleary on his website, where he has posted several videos captured at the 2010 orientation for freshman in the class of 2014.

But one senior is wondering just where in those values he can fit a presentation to incoming freshmen that introduces them to the etiquette of having sex in dorm rooms without being interrupted by roommates and a “lesbian” who proclaims, “I like sex. No, I love sex” and tells students, “I am normal.”

The issue has been raised by student Phil Cleary on his website, where he has posted several videos captured at the 2010 orientation for freshman in the class of 2014.

The videos reveal promotions for the homosexual lifestyle: “Follow along and listen quite clear to learn of the wonderful world of the queer.”

“Freefall of the American University”: How our colleges are corrupting the minds and morals of the next generation

The presentation, performed as a series of skits on a stage in a darkened auditorium, explains that “sex” and “gender” are not the same. It includes another character who proclaims, “My atheism is my most important characteristic.”

Gustavus, the website states, is “a community where a mature understanding of the Christian faith and lives of service are nurtured and students are encouraged to work toward a just and peaceful world.” …

Cleary said he was “traumatized” by the sexually explicit presentation in his freshman year.

“I decided to come back as a senior to get it on tape,” he told WND.

Entire Article with Videos Here

All of my Luther Didn’t Get It posts at ONEcanhappen

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

[“The love of money…”] Glenn Beck Earned $32 Million In 2009 — “I could give a flying crap about the political process … We’re an entertainment company.”


All of my Glenn Beck Deception posts

From: Huffington Post

Glenn Beck Earned $32 Million In 2009

Just how handsomely does it pay to be one of the most controversial men in America? For Glenn Beck, $32 million.

Beck, who became a household name in 2009, pulled in the shocking sum through a revenue stream that includes books, radio, TV, digital media, and speaking fees.

Interestingly, Forbes reports that Beck’s Fox News contract is the least lucrative of all his ventures.

According to the Forbes analysis, Beck earned $12 million from book sales thanks to his “profit participation co-venture with Simon & Schuster typically reserved for authors like Stephen King.” He has a five-year, $50 million contract with Premiere Radio Networks that netted $10 million for the year. His website, supported by both ads and an “Insider” subscription service as well as retail merchandise sales, brought in another $4 million. Speaking fees and events like his “Bold Fresh Tour” with Bill O’Reilly earned him $3 million, and his Fox News contract brought in $2 million. Add in a final $1 million from his Fusion magazine, and Beck had a $32 million year.

Beck told Forbes that he is more interested in the business than the politics of what he does.

“I could give a flying crap about the political process,” he said. “We’re an entertainment company.”

From: Guardian

Glenn Beck under fire from Dana Milbank for gold-digging
Fox News’s Tea Party pundit-in-chief criticised for using his position in the public eye to promote Goldline

Glenn Beck, Fox News’s Tea Party pundit-in-chief, has made his name by pouring vitriol on progressives and liberals who he accuses of trying to destroy America. Now he’s being subjected to a taste of his own medicine.

Dana Milbank, a Washington Post columnist, publishes today a 261-page invective against Beck which is just as caustic and sharply-worded as his subject’s televised monologues, with the important distinction that Milbank’s account is factually accurate.

Chapter 7 of Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America, looks at how Beck, who likes to present himself to his viewers as a regular schmo, has amassed an empire with an annual turnover of $32 million.

Entire Article Here

Glenn Beck repackages Alex Jones’ ideas

[youtube=]Glenn Beck repackages Alex Jones’ ideas

RTAmerica | October 04, 2010

Conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck kicked off his “Restoring America” tour in New Jersey to a modest crowd of around 700 people. And, it has now come to light that Glenn Beck and his staff listen to Alex Jones’s radio show for ideas. What does Jones think about a big star from the highest rated cable news network using his ideas? Well, he isn’t honored. Jones explained that Glenn Beck uses his ideas and repackages them in a way that pulls away from true libertarianism and the constitution. Beck uses his version of the ideas to argue that Republicans are the real change, Jones however believes they are not change at all.

Pessimism Porn and Solutions

[youtube=]Pessimism Porn and Solutions

crabbydogtrix | October 06, 2010

My thoughts on both


Charlie McGrath Videos

Pessimism, Porn And Solutions

One Nation Under Duress

Forget The March, Try Direct Action – Theory

Forget The March,Try Direct Action – Practice

Reality Manipulator

Race To Oblivion

Endless Horror Show

Banks Win, WE Lose


Never Quit



The News from Prison Planet


Alex Jones: “We’re entering into the end-game”

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s audio archives

9/29/10 – Hour: 2
4:00: Alex Jones – Current Events

Listen Here

David Icke: Human Race, Get Off Your Knees! — Heads out of the sand to face what’s coming

[youtube=]David Icke: Human Race, Get Off Your Knees! – Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 05, 2010

Alex also welcomes back to the show English writer, public speaker, and former media personality David Icke. Icke worked as a reporter with the weekly Leicester Advertiser, was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party. He has produced numerous DVDs and has authored several books, including The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, and Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion.




David rightly sees religion as a way to control the masses —
but hasn’t seen the real thing which sets people free from blackness![youtube=]

Nephilim — Some humans ain’t human?

The News from Prison Planet


Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel

[youtube=]Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel

RussiaToday | October 02, 2010

The appointment of an infamous Israeli interrogator to a high-ranking police post has sent shockwaves among human rights groups. Known among inmates as Captain George, he’s accused of numerous cases of torture and abuse of Arabs. Now that he’s in charge of Arab affairs, many Palestinians fear for their lives. RT’s Paula Slier reports from Israel.

Who Really Runs the New World Order Exposed: Part 2 of “Is Glenn Beck for Real?”

Beck blames everything on Obama — doesn’t go deep enough.

President Bush was chosen to destroy America too.

“We have no future if we don’t wake up and face this.”

“The system is in control because it knows how to control the opposition.”

[youtube=]Who Really Runs the New World Order Exposed: Part 2 of “Is Glenn Beck for Real?”

TheAlexJonesChannel | September 29, 2010

See Also: Part 1: Is Glenn Beck for real?…

Despite what figures like Beck have portrayed, this global system is not run by Marxist ideologues or Communist revolutionaries; those groups and others are controlled by a psychopathic, offshore, corporate elite cabal who have sophisticated control over most of the world’s resources, peoples and territories.

Alex Jones extends his remarks on Glenn Beck, the co-opting of the Tea Party movement and who really runs the New World Order in a follow-up video address to “Is Glenn Beck for Real?”


Alex Jones: Is Glenn Beck for Real?

Forgiving people … and nations


colehons | December 31, 2008

My submission to the Change of Heart video contest. I was supposed to tell a story (in 90 seconds or less) of “a change of heart” that “changes everything.” I chose to tell about forgiving my dad for abandoning me at the age of four.

The Dark Side of Wildlife Filmmaking

From: PetaPixel

Remember the controversy last year surrounding the use of a captive wolf in an award-winning wildlife photograph? Turns out this kind of deception might be common practice in the world of wildlife filmmaking.

Chris Palmer — the producer and director of quite a few notable wildlife films — has written a new book titled Shooting in the Wild in which he exposes many of the “dirty secrets” of nature documentaries.

The above video is an ABC Nightline segment in which Palmer discusses many of the tricks used in the business, including using trained animals, dragging dead animal carcasses to locations, digging fake dens, and even telling outright lies in the narration. One shocking example is found in the Academy Award winning documentary White Wilderness: a scene that seems to show lemming suicide was actually created by pushing lemmings off a cliff using a rotating platform. …

Rest of the Story and Video Here

‘Depleted’ Uranium

Mike Adams ‘The Health Ranger’ in-Studio: FDA, The Most Dangerous Agency in Government!


[youtube=]Mike Adams ‘The Health Ranger’ in-Studio: FDA, The Most Dangerous Agency in Government! 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 01, 2010

Alex talks with the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, in-studio. Adams, a former high-powered software executive, began his mission as the Health Ranger in response to his own failing health. He is the founder of, an online news source covering all areas of personal and planetary wellness from nutrition to renewable energy. Mike has written thousands of articles and built a following of over 800,000 people across the globe. Adams also founded a non-profit organization, The Consumer Wellness Center, an online retail center, Better Life Goods, and the popular publishing company, Truth Publishing. Mike speaks frequently at national and local gatherings like the Amazon Herb Summit and the Raw Foods Challenge in Los Angeles.






[video] Dr. Doug Rokke: Radiating our troops and their communities with ‘depleted’ uranium. “It’s like Satan runs our government,” – Alex Jones

“Depleted uranium” Google photos

* * *

It’s like Satan runs our government.

– Alex Jones

What my pastor has said…,
people won’t acknowledge it because
the foundation for everything they’ve believed
and what they’ve trusted literally collapses.
And then their life goes and shatters.

– Dr. Doug Rokke

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Dr. Doug Rokke: The Dangers of Using Depleted Uranium – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | September 30, 2010

Alex welcomes Dr. Doug Rokke back to the show to talk about the dangers of depleted uranium. Rokke served as a member of the 3rd U.S. Army Medical Command’s Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical response and special operations team and with the U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Assessment team during Gulf War 1. He was the U.S. Army’s Depleted Uranium Project director from 1994 – 1995 and developed congressionally mandated education and training materials and wrote U.S. Army Regulation 700-48, the U.S. Army PAM 700-48, and the U.S. Army’s common task for DU incidents. Major Rokke has been subjected to ongoing retaliation from Department of Defense officials who do not want information regarding actual adverse health and environmental effects of uranium weapons and their mandatory but ignored requirements to provide medical care to all casualties and to clean up all environmental contamination.

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s


Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.

Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

US: TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) $700 billion bailouts, signed into law in 2008, will expire October 3. Treasury Secretary Geithner boasts that it was a success because the money was paid back or soon will be. [Mainstream media plays this theme without questioning the details. However, it mostly is a bookkeeping trick to pacify taxpayers prior to elections. We predict that, when all facts are known, the government indirectly is providing the money to pay itself back.] Yahoo 2010 Oct 1 (Cached)

US government apologizes to Guatemala for intentionally infecting hundreds of people with syphilis and gonorrhea without their knowledge.

[These so-called scientific experiments occurred in the 1940’s, but there is abundant evidence that the government continues to use humans as guinea pigs in ongoing experiments for bacteriological warfare and depopulation.] MSNBC 2010 Oct 1 (Cached)

UN predicts that unemployment and reduction in government “benefits” will trigger expanding social unrest and riots. It recommends more government debt and more bailouts, the very things that have caused the economic crisis. [Therefore, expect these predictions to come to pass leading to global police-state measures to quell the violence.] Guardian 2010 Oct 1 (Cached)

Scientific study shows that the world’s most widely used herbicide (Roundup, made by Monsanto) is linked to birth defects. OneWorldScam 2010 Sep 30 (Cached)

AIG claims it will pay back its taxpayer-funded bailout totaling $182.3 billion. The money is expected to come from the sale of 1.66 billion shares of common stock sold by the government to private and institutional buyers. [Since AIG continues to lose money, who will buy this stock at prices high enough to cover the bailout cost? Answer: No one unless (1) they are fools or (2) they have a secret agreement from the Treasury and the Fed to provide the money and protect them against loss. We predict that, when all the facts are known, we will discover that the government is providing a hidden bailout to repay the visible bailout, an accounting trick to fool the American people.]
2010 Sep 30 (Cached)

B vitamins – especially folate (Folic Acid) – can significantly reduce the risk of age-related hearing loss. Natural News 2010 Sep 30 (Cached)

US: Feds are radiating Americans it traffic checkpoints, using Backscatter X-ray vans – to fight terrorism, of course. The government now is using hundreds of these vans to scan vehicles and homes, with no regard for radiation health consequences. InfoWars 2010 Sep 29 (Cached)

US: When Hillary Clinton was a presidential candidate, she said she would ban private mercenary firms. Now that she is Secretary of State, this month she will award government contracts worth over $2 billion to private mercenary firms.
Wired 2010 Sep 29 (Cached)

FBI raids homes of peace activists in Illinois and Minnesota. Obama continues Bush-era programs of unconstitutional and unjustified harassment of anyone who objects to government policies. [In this Orwellian nightmare, even peace activists are classified as terrorists.] OpEdNews 2010 Sep 29 (Cached)

Massive anti-austerity protests sweep across Europe. 100,000 march on EU headquarters in Brussels. Workers and doctors stage general strikes – to protest the banks and politicians who have bankrupted the welfare state. [No one wants to give up their piece of the plunder. Demonstrators have no concept of economic or political reality because they clamor for the impossible. When the mobs become violent, they will provide an excuse for martial law, which is the end game of all collectivist systems.]
2010 Sep 29 (Cached)

UK: Royal Society, under pressure from its members, backs away from its previous endorsement of the global-warming myth and now says it is uncertain about future climate change.
Daily Mail
2010 Sep 28 (Cached)

Insecticide proteins produced in GMO corn have leached into American waterways with unknown risks to the environment and humans.
The Independent
2010 Sep 28 (Cached)

US Navy is targeting coasts, oceans and inland areas for 5-year “war games”. Weapons to be be tested are expected to have seriously harmful effects on marine life. Public comments opposing the plan will be accepted through October. [We believe that whatever national security objectives may be met, they will be dwarfed by further destruction of sea ecosystems. The Gulf oil spill will seem inconsequential by comparison.] News With Views Posted 2010 Sep 28 (Cached)

FBI agents and supervisors engaged in significant cheating on exams. The exam dealt with rules for conducting surveillance on American citizens. [If agents don’t follow rules for exams, why would we think they would follow rules for surveillance – or any other rules?] Yahoo 2010 Sep 27 (Cached)

US: Government wants ALL wire transfers of money to be sent to a national database. The current law requires documentation of only those over $10,000. [It’s to catch terrorists, of course.]
Washington Post
2010 Sep 27 (Cached)

What in the World Are They Spraying!
Documentary on chemtrails aka Geoengineering
Saturday, Oct. 23, Atlanta, Georgia

Producers G. Edward Griffin, Mike Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger will be present. Limited seating.
Information and reservations here)

Obama Administration wants more power to tap into private Internet and e-mail communications because some systems are encrypted. [You guessed it. Once again, it’s to combat terrorism.]
2010 Sep 27 (Cached)

US: H1N1 flu vaccine has caused over 3500 miscarriages and stillbirths. The vaccine is not approved for children under 6 months; yet, pregnant women routinely are given these shots.
American Chronicle
2010 Sep 27 (Cached)

The agenda of the Bilderberg meeting in Spain a few months ago included a discussion on global cooling. That’s right, cooling. [Now that the myth of global warming is discredited, the elites will try to redefine their invented crisis with new terms like “climate change,” “climate disruption,” and “energy security.”]
2010 Sep 26 (Cached)

Iran: 60% of the country’s industrial plants have been infected by a sophisticated computer worm designed to shut down the systems. Experts say the nature of the attack suggests it was launched by a major government or a well-funded private party. Iran’s nuclear facility seems to be the target. Guardian 2010 Sep 26 (Cached)

In 2006, the California legislature passed a Cap-and-Trade law designed to be compliant with UN guidelines. If phased into action next year, it would vastly increase the cost of energy production and further damage California’s sick economy. In the November election, it is being challenged by ballot Proposition 23. A Yes vote will suspend Cap-and-Trade until unemployment falls below 5.5%.
Full Disclosure Network 2010 Sep 26

US: Coin dealers angered by new tax rule that was buried in the ObamaCare law. They must report all coin purchases over $600 to the IRS cumulatively over the year. Government expects $17 billion in additional taxes to fund ObamaCare.

ABC News
Posted 2010 Jul 25 (Cached)

Six states have introduced “Freedom-of-Choice in Health Care” legislation that many people believe nullifies ObamaCare – but that is not true. It merely nullifies the provision that requires every citizen to purchase insurance. Thousands of other provisions and 150 new federal agencies remain untouched. [What we need are statesmen at the state level to introduce true nullification bills that would stop the monster entirely.] JBS Posted 2010 Sep 25 (Cached)
Click here to see model legislation to achieve that.

Florida beaches are off-limits for digging (including building sandcastles). Even cleanup crews with heavy duty sifting and cleaning machines are prohibited from digging below 6″. [Why? Let’s see. Oh, yes. It might disturb archeological deposits! Yes, that’s it. More realistically, they don’t want the public to see the extent of the damage. Or worse; damage to the ecosystem may be what they want. Remember: crisis always is an excuse for expanding political power.] Raw Story Posted 2010 Sep 25 (Cached)

Nine private industries that monitor your your bank transactions, text messages, search engine visits, medical records, personal habits, even your location. Daily Finance Posted 2010 Sep 25 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

“Silver Shines!” G. Edward Griffin discusses the monetary system with Idaho State Representative Phil Hart who has written legislation to introduce silver into the free market as a medium of exchange. 2010 Sep 28

Richard Fine (who many consider a political prisoner because he was imprisoned for 18 months in solitary confinement for claiming that LA County judges are being paid off) was released last week. In this video, he describes his darkest moments in prison and his views on judicial corruption.
2010 Sep 23

Good advice for packing a Bug-Out Bag in case of emergency – and much more.
2010 Sep 22 (Cached)

US: 9/11 remains shrouded with unanswered questions. Here is newly obtained evidence that there were explosions and deaths in WTC Building 7 before either of the Twin Towers collapsed. [That means the damage that brought down Building 7 was not from the collapse of the twins, which is the official version.] IntelHub 2010 Sep 14 (Cached)

9/11 Ground-Zero Mosque and fanatic Koran-burning pastor hog headlines on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. [Questions are raised about the true character and motive of Hisham Elzanaty, an Egyptian-born businessman who says he provided financing for the buildings where the center would be built. The issue was given so much coverage in mainstream media that it deflected attention away from unanswered questions about 9/11 itself or lawsuits by First Responders.]
William Engdahl 2010 Sep 14 (Cached)

Global land grab is underway in which multinational corporations and billionaire investors are buying up huge tracts of land in 3rd-World countries that have value for food production. Future control over food is expected to be more valuable than oil.
2010 Sep 12
Ironically, the UN World Bank and IMF force many countries to sell their land to multinational corporations to pay off debts. YouTube

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