Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Globalism—One-World Gov’t Page 3 of 21

AwakenWithJP: Advice for the Authoritarians – 9 Helpful Suggestions

The globalists have overplayed their hand, so it’s so obvious now that many frogs in the increasing temp water are jumping out. Big Pharma especially has lost so much face that the Frontline Doctors are now opening clinics which will actually heal people.

JP says the globalists need to come out with a more deadly version next time so they can really maximize fear. No doubt, they’re working on it.

And many of the judges in Alaska may be bought and paid for.

“Coming across like a rapist” verses subtle and smooth! Fauci actually is so smooth that he’s been able to deceive many, but the truth is coming out.

11:50 “President Brandon’s ‘Build Back Better Agenda’ list! “The more people notice you doing these things deliberately the less they’ll let you do them.”

AwakenWithJP: CDC – Why Critical Thinking Is Dangerous!

“Whenever you feel tempted to think critically, turn on the news and let one of our useful idiots that we pay place the correct thoughts in your head.”

“With a little help, we can together put an end to critical thinking once and for all, and say ‘hello’ to a beautiful new beginning of complete control and safety that Satan’s been wanting for us.”

Skousen: 80% of Top Level Gov’t Leaders Controlled by Deep State

Joel Skousen stated 75%  in July 20, 2012:

“The dirty tricks boys in the FBI have incriminating files on about 75% of Congress. Only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system.”

Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

October 13, 2021 update — 80%:

“The infiltration took place clear back in the Reagan administration when I was in Washington D.C.. They are firmly established now. Literally, they run the show now. We’re talking 80% of all the top level people in government are globalist or deep state lackeys. Especially in the Biden administration. It’s just swarming. There are no good people in the Biden administration. They’re all on the other side.” – Joel Skousen at 9:00 from:

The Jeff Rense Program, 10-13-21, Hour 2 – Joel Skousen – China Threatening Taiwan – All Talk?

“Those who are CAPABLE of TYRANNY are CAPABLE of PERJURY to sustain it” – Spooner

Having seared consciences, psychopaths lie to push tyrannical agendas, many even while smiling.

“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” – Lysander Spooner

‘perjury’ – The crime of *willfully* and *knowingly* making a false statement about a material fact while under oath.

Fackerell: “When will we realise that we need a revival of TRUTH?”

Michael Fackerell

Honestly, very powerful people are working to utterly destroy Australia in every way:

1. Destroy our coal industry and put energy prices through the roof.
2. Destroy our medical industry by turning hospitals into murder houses and doctors into Pharma slaves.
3. Destroy our education system by pushing rubbish political correctness and dumbing down children so they cannot compete.
4. Mass media is already destroyed and a pure propaganda operation.
5. Churches are turning into “influence factories”, “leading people” to anything but the cross.
6. Destroy the family and especially fatherhood through Family Law.
7. Entertainment is already 99% sin.
8. Destroy the unity of our government and turn us into serfs under despotic state leaders and their unelected medical advisors.

When will we realise that we need a revival of truth?

The Greatest Reset | Teaser | Conspiracy Fact

“Their fundamental belief system is that they are smart and you are stupid. Therefore, they should have all the power, and they should control you for the ‘greater good.'”

– –

“I think the arrival of a completely controlled media is much like the arrival of the New World Order.” -G Edward Griffin

*No longer a conspiracy. It’s here.*

The Greatest Reset

David Icke: “The few control the many by the many acquiescing to the few” – IMPOSITION > ACQUIESCENCE — “Break the circuit by not acquiescing”

“The few controlling the many by the many acquiescing to the few.”


Break the circuit by not acquiescing.


Steve Quayle: We’re Seeing the Redefinition of ‘Truth’ – Jesus has been displaced. Christian resistance restraining evil has diminished. Satan knows he has a short time to destroy. A lot of Christendom is cooperating

Minute-14 “The invisible will become visible. That which was hidden will be made manifest. … The Democrats made war on God. … You’re watching right now those who call evil ‘good’ and good ‘evil.’ – We’re seeing the redefinition of truth. … So where Jesus has been displaced, and where the Christian resistance restraining evil has been pretty much done away with, now Satan has moved into the power vacuum. The Bible teaches that Satan knows he has a short time to basically destroy as much of humanity as he can. And unfortunately, a lot of Christendom is cooperating.”

24 The global elite: “the kingdom of the vampires” — their Satanic rituals.

“We’re seeing the entire world go mad.”

45:00 Bill Gates paid for the Georgia Guidestones, not Ted Turner

46:20 “You must Godly defy the New World Order, instead of Satanically comply.” Satan, the father of lies, won’t come through; will mock those who follow him into destruction.


“New World Order” Announced By Aussie Health Overlords

Aussie NSW Chief Medical Officer Dr. Kerry Chant: “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.”

Australian Health Minister Brad Hazzard: “We’ve got to accept that this is the New World Order.”

John McAfee on the deep state

Man Behind the Georgia Guidestones Speaks Out

Skousen: High Inflation Is Here, and It Won’t Be Short Lived — A nasty agenda afoot! …allows Dems to decry the not-so-free markets; blame them, and induce people to demand *price controls*

“..contrary to history, the Fed is refusing to raise rates to stem inflation—falsely claiming it is only a “temporary” blip. They have always let rates rise before with high demand, but not now. Something different is going on, which tells me there is a nasty agenda afoot.”

• • •

World Affairs Brief, May 14, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell had to acknowledge signs of higher inflation but said he won’t be raising interest rates because this bout with inflation will be “short lived.” This week I will tell you why it won’t be short lived and why the Powers that Be (PTB) actually want a damaging period of inflation as part of their drive to undermine the private economy, discredit free markets and further induce people to demand more socialist controls and higher taxes on “the rich.” Ironically, the middle class could soon find themselves in the higher tax bracket as inflation drives incomes higher. By artificially keeping interest rates low, the FED and member banks are systematically denying people’s savings an honest return on their money, and inducing many to seek higher returns elsewhere, in either stocks or cryptocurrencies. Gold and silver, the traditional hedges against inflation are under continued and constant manipulation in order to keep their prices stagnant, which is also driving even more money into the bubble of stocks and cryptos.

James Perloff w/ Deanna Spingola 8/17/19: Truth About the Declaration of Independence & Revolutionary War — “If the founding fathers were truly Christian…”

“If the founding fathers were truly Christian they would have rendered unto Caesar that minimal 3 cent custom duty on tea, instead of going to war and causing bloodshed and the death of tens of thousands of people.” – James Perloff

• • •

Spingola Speaks w/ Deanna Spingola – August 17, 2019


I was Deanna Spingola’s guest live on her RBN radio show. Main topic: Who really wrote the Declaration of Independence? We looked at some of the darker aspects of America’s origins and history. Archived as Hour 1 and Hour 2.

Hour 2, minute-4:30 Truth about the Revolutionary War. Britain was not enslaving American colonists with taxation.

Tucker: Canada sending COVID positive travelers to ‘internment’ facilities | Trudeau & Kerry: Opportunity to reset society

Based on the up-to-90% false positive (NY Times) PCR tests. Sexual assault and inadequate nutrition happening in the facilities.

At 7:45, Justin Trudeau and John Kerry publicly admit this is their exciting opportunity to change western civilization, in other words: the New World Order.

Sadly, Tucker sees vaccines as the answer instead of adequate vitamin D levels.

Shatner And Musk Two Actors For Transhumanism



October 17th, 2020


We’re taking you back into history, all the way to the origins of the Cabal. Let’s start in Sumer (modern-day Iraq), where the oldest civilization on earth started. By following two major migrations (to the West and to the North), we’ll meet the Khazars and the Ashkenazi, and we’ll discover the roots of the Rothschild family. This episode takes you to the turbulent era of the Crusades, the Knights Templar, their hunger for world dominance and their link to Secret Societies, the Jesuit Order and the Freemasons. Were these really separate groups? Let’s find out in this very first episode!

By Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter

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THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL – PART 4, The Protocols of Zion — “By want, envy and hatred we shall move the mobs”

I can’t find online the text the video uses. It seems to add and remove some words for readability. A few quotes from the text commonly found online:

III – 7. … We are interested in just the opposite—in the diminution, the killing out of the Goyim. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will….

8. By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way.

III – 20. The word “freedom” brings out the communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority even against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we come into our kingdom, [we] shall have to erase this word [‘freedom’] from the lexicon of life as implying a principle of brute force which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts.


Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with Globalists Ted Turner, George Soros, Bill Gates Sr. & David Rockefeller

Fauci is part of the globalist cabal!

Source says this is from 2001.

Large Image

BREAKING: Shocking Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More

BREAKING: Shocking Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More


Skousen: Even I don’t know who the leaders of the deep state are — the best kept secret in the world

They said nothing about the real Deep State hierarchy which talks to and controls the heads of all mainstream news outlets. Even I don’t know their names, and no one in the mainstream media is ever going to tell who the leaders of the deep state and globalist conspiracies are—that is the best kept secret in the world.

AwakenWithJP: You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? – The Great Reset

3:55 “This just in: we think you’re dumb enough to let a guy who’s never smiled in his whole life [Klaus Schwab] tell you what will make you happier.”

– –

By 2030 you’ll owe nothing and be happy about it! These are the words of Klaus Schwab, head of the world economic forum. It’s part of his plan for the great reset. In this video you’ll learn why you’ll be so happy only nothing. And also why they’ll be even happier because they own everything.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

“They could not have stopped a Trump landslide without Covid-19.”

“You have to go with the cult, or you have to go with truth. The middle of the road is going away.”

“The invisible virus allows you to do enormous control mechanisms. … If you can get them to do all their work and education online you can literally listen to everything they’re saying.”


James Perloff w/ Spiro: Covid-1984 and the Agendas to Come

James Perloff is my favorite real-historian — dedicated to telling the truth!

As we approach the final days of 2020, Spiro is joined by author, journalist and recently retired registered nurse, James Perloff, to reflect on what is widely considered to be the wildest and worst year perhaps in our lifetimes.

The media and the governments around the world would like us to believe this is all by chance and we must blindly follow their mandates and restrictions in order to mitigate this crisis.

Spiro and Perloff delve beyond the surface of this crisis to explore potential motives behind what appears to be a pre planned agenda attached to the current crisis in order to facilitate the most significant transition in human history.

James Perloff shares information from his new book titled ‘COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled’ which reveals what the social engineers have in store for the future of humanity.

James Peloff Website

James Perloff’s new book

Original WHO Herd Immunity Definition

New WHO Herd Immunity Definition

(Film) ‘Babylon USA’ – Steven Anderson

WARNING: False salvation teaching at the end.

The US is not the most powerful nation in the world.

“What if Christianity actually teaches peace, and not ‘preventive’ wars of aggression?” – Ron Paul
51:47 “We talk about the demon that ran Persia. There is a demon running the United States.” Steven Anderson
59:40 Public obelisks: “the obelisk is a phallic symbol … the phallic of the great sun god. It’s his architecture that reigns.” – Texe Marrs
100:57 The obelisk in Las Vegas overseeing the massacre
1:16:27 The attitude of the United States…
1:22:50 Babylon destroyed in one hour
1:23:13 “Over and over again in Revelation 18, the Bible repeats the fact that Babylon will be destroyed in one hour. And it will be destroyed with fire…. A nuclear attack fits this description perfectly, and it would happen immediately…, within one hour’s time.” – Anderson

1:37:55 “The Bible Way To Heaven” — False salvation teaching from Steven Anderson, who believes all we have to do is say a prayer. We don’t actually have to abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” to be real Christians.

• • •

Babylon USA | Documentary on Mystery Babylon in Revelation | KJV Bible

(vid) JP: The Elitists Who Control You — “Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there?” “…it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people” “We also tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise”

JP is spot on — comedic satire at its best!

Two comments:

When a comedian’s jokes are so true that laughing is almost impossible.

I’m going to miss JP when Google finds out that he’s not actually kidding.

I transcribed key quotes:

“Whoever controls the media controls the population. And that’s us. We’re the elite. We control the media, and therefore, we control you.”

“That’s why we make up rules to ‘protect people.’ They clearly don’t, because they’re not designed to protect people. They’re engineered to give us control over people.”

“Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there, but they’re doing it anyway? That’s how much control we have over them. It’s intoxicating!”

“Some say it’s kind of like playing God…. It is playing God. In fact, it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people….”

“Are the masses of people scared of the virus or what the virus has done? No, even though they think they are. They’re scared of what we’ve told them the virus is, what it has done, and what it will do. Essentially, we want to keep you scared 24/7, even while you sleep. So again, why do we want you scared? So we can control you, because we love control, not you.”

“Getting people to get injected with something is controlling. … But getting people to get injected with something that they don’t want to get injected with is so much more controlling. And that’s what we’re kind of doing here.”

“We also strengthen the venom of control circulating in people by getting them to do what they know is harmful to them. Like we tell people ‘sunlight kills the virus, so stay inside.’ And when they submit to that, even though they know what they’re submitting to doesn’t make any sense and is harmful to them, they’re betraying themselves and becoming more loyal to us, which means we have more control over them than they do. And that’s a win. And in the same vein, we also like to tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise.”

“Another strategy that helps volumize the amount of control we have over people is that we prey on the most scared people to get them to police the unscared people. Ever see someone yelling at someone else for not wearing a mask. … We’re controlling them to control you. It’s control squared.

I think it was Einstein who had the breakthrough equation E = MC2. The ‘C’ stands for control. The ‘M’ is for masses, and the ‘E’ is for elite. Elite = Masses Controlled squared, simple math.”

“Will a heroin addict ever feel like they have enough heroin? Probably not. Will we ever feel like we have enough control over you? Probably not. So we’ll gladly continue taking more control if you keep letting us.”

Parents told to sign they will not eavesdrop on what their children are learning through online learning

Parents told to sign they will not eavesdrop on what their children are learning through public education online learning, during the pandemic.

Watch at 25:00

Archbishop’s POWERFUL warning letter to President Trump: A global plan called the Great Reset is underway —”A health emergency is revealing itself as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny”

Scroll down to see entire letter.

Covid regulations, the ‘reset’ is to bring in the NWO

Excellent overview!

A priest can now be fined and/or imprisoned for saying mass in Ireland! @29:00

[Music video] ‘Mask People are Sheeple’: *California logic* isn’t good for your health

Now they’re locking down the city and they’re taking our rights
Artificial numbers amplifying the hype
Defunding the police and redistributing wealth
California logic isn’t good for your health

MediaBear’s Bitchute Channel

RFK Jr: A pharmaceutical driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race

RFK Jr’s excellent 18-min. speech about vaccines, covid, masks, 5G, and how their mandates are not based on science, but an appeal to authority.


8:00 “We are being lied to. The entire political structure today is being saturated in pharmaceutical propaganda.”

8:30 How fear of the pandemic is used to engineer absolute compliance, enforced by new technology, of which “100% guarantee they will be abused.”

15:15 “We know that we’re not being dealt with honestly. We’re being told ‘this is the science,’ but it’s not. It’s an appeal to authority. It’s “science” because Tony Fauci and Bill Gates tell us it’s science.”

15:55 “My father told me when I was a child: ‘people in authority lie.’ People in authority lie. People in authority will abuse every power we relinquish to them. And right now, we are giving them the power to micromanage every bit of our lives 24 hours a day.”

17:15 “People are walking around in masks when the science has not been explained to them. They’re doing what they are told. … These government agencies are orchestrating obedience…. It’s the product of a pharmaceutical driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race, and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives, and ruining our children, and destroying all the dreams and dignity that we hope to give to our children.”

Kissinger age-96: Adhere to “the principles of the liberal world order”

Adhere to “the principles of the liberal world order.”

– Henry Kissinger, globalist kingpin at age-96


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