Freedom from Alaska!

Category: The End of America? Page 11 of 14

[audio] Financial Advisor Porter Stansberry on The Alex Jones Show 4/27/11

Listen Here

Starts at 34 minutes

(From  GCN Live Listen)


Stansberry’s Investment Advisory: The End of America — “I reference our success and experience with Wall Street’s latest crisis because we believe there is an even bigger crisis lurking – something that will shake the very foundation of America”

Financial Advisor Porter Stansberry: The Economic Implosion of America is Here! — How to protect your assets. “If you’re gonna make a move, I think you’ve got 12 or 18 months to make it, tops!”

The Alex Jones Show 2/23/11: Mancow Muller, Porter Stansberry, Lindsey Williams, James Corbett

Karl Denninger: The Budget — Just requires 3rd grade math to know that Obama and Bernanke are driving a bus filled with the American people at 120 mph into a granite wall!

[youtube=]2011-04-10 Budget.mp4

Uploaded by on Apr 10, 2011

Lindsey Williams: Arab Monarchies To Be Overthrown! The Dollar, 2012 and Watch China!

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams Exclusive: Arab Monarchies To Be Overthrown!! – Alex Jones Tv 1/4

Uploaded by on Apr 6, 2011

Alex talks with the former Alaskan pipeline pastor and author Lindsey Williams about rising oil prices and the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. In December, Williams told Alex that he’d learned from two retired top executives of major oil producers that the price of crude oil would rise to $150-200 per barrel. Williams warns that the global elite plan to kill the dollar and bring the once great United States to its knees and reduce it to third world status. Alex also covers the latest news from Libya to Japan and takes your calls.

A Day In The Park — “The Answer to 1984 is 1776 Contest” 2nd Place Finalist!

[youtube=]A Day In The Park

Uploaded by on Feb 9, 2011

Everybody — THANK YOU!! Thank You, Alex Jones! Thank You, InfoWarriors!

“The Answer to 1984 is 1776 Contest” — 2nd Place Finalist!

To help counter government media propaganda assaulting the American people on all levels. It is designed to keep the Web free and resist Big Brother and Big Sis. It is a delivery vehicle for the message of liberty.

Drawn & voiced by Rob Foster. Assembled and animated in iMovie, with no specialized animation software used. This is my first attempt at animation on this level, so please be kind. Whether you agree or not, I hope this will entice you to ponder the future of our great country, and just how much can be lost if we let go of the due diligence our freedom requires.

[video] Joel Skousen: Strategic Relocation – North American Guide to Safe Places

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Strategic Relocation – North American Guide to Safe Places 1/5

Uploaded by on Mar 24, 2011

Alex welcomes back to the show Joel Skousen, political commentator non-fiction Survivalist author, and retreat consultant who specializes in preparedness topics, particularly survival retreat and fallout shelter design and construction, as well as in what he calls “strategic relocation.” Skousen’s book, Strategic Relocation–North American Guide to Safe Places, is now available at the Infowars Store. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places provides the information you need to plan ahead and select the safest areas for you and your loved ones to live. The 3rd Edition added a complete section on foreign relocation possibilities and added over 200 pages to make room for an individual analysis of every state and province North America. The new color maps show military and other threats, population density in cities, satellite images of terrain features, private vs public land availability, and much much more.

In today’s mainstream bookstores, it’s easy to find information about the “best places” to live. Such literature undoubtedly will concentrate on the positive aspects of life, such as numbers and ratings of golf courses, the quality of healthcare, warm sunny climates, availability of cultural activities, status of educational institutions, and the growth potential of the local economy.

But while these highly-rated metropolitan areas may offer ample opportunities to enhance your lifestyle, what happens when a major crisis strikes? What if:

A labor crisis halts the inflow of food and business goods? Will these communities provide the basic necessities of life?
an economic crisis that threatens your pensions, investments and other so-called “guaranteed” income?
a major earthquake or other natural disaster suddenly upset the natural social order for months at a time? Could you get out of harm’s way if massive social unrest erupts in the wake of a crisis?

The area’s freeways are clogged during an emergency? Do you have contingency plans to exit the area?
if the “unthinkable” happens: nuclear war? Or have you thought about the potential of a major terrorist attack on a U.S. city with chemical or biological weapons?

It’s easy to dismiss these threats during times of peace and prosperity, but they are real. Not only that, but the probably of such events coming to pass increases every year. Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places is an in-depth analysis of North America’s safest places to live. This book will help you look ahead for potential threats that most other people fail to see or choose to ignore. It contains a complete discussion of the strategies and relocation contingencies that will help you avoid or mitigate each of the major modern threats, from national disasters to economic collapse to nuclear war.

About the Authors:
Joel Skousen has served as a relocation consultant for over 30 years designing high security residences and retreats. He is the chief designer at the Secure Home Design Group and author of The Secure Home. He has traveled widely and speaks multiple foreign languages and also publishes the World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service.

Andrew Skousen, co-author, is a practicing structural engineer who regularly consults and designs for The Secure Home Design Group. Andrew contributed most of the new research, graphics, tables and much of the content.

Buy Your Copy Today at……





Drastic Weather Change and Earthquakes (The Vision by David Wilkerson-published in 1974) Earthquakes coming to United States — “Another earthquake, possibly in Japan may precede the one that I see coming here”


From The Vision by David Wilkerson (Earth Quakes)

Chapter 2 Drastic Weather Change and Earthquakes ( The Vision by David Wilkerson-published in  1974)

Earthquakes coming to United States

The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distant future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history.

It will cause widespread panic and fear, Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquake ever. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all day coverage.

Another earthquake , possibly in Japan  may precede the one that I see coming here. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind about this forthcoming massive earthquake in our continent.

I am not at all convinced that this earthquake will take place in California. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it is least expected. This terrible earthquake may happen in an area that is not known as an earthquake belt. It will be so high on the Richter scale that it will trigger two other major earthquakes.

Famine is coming

Snowless winters will bring dismal crop production and famine conditions in central and western Russia, India, Pakistan , all of southeast Asia and Africa will especially hard hit.

The forty-month drought in Africa and the prolonged dry spell in Brazil will both end temporarily. There will be some relief but conditions will worsen. In Africa, millions will face starvation.

American food reserves will dwindle partially due to drought and flood in this country. Wheat, rice and soybean reserves will be completely exhausted. The demand for corn, rice and wheat will not be met.
(More details in book)

The Beginning of Sorrows
Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and hailstorms will occur more frequently. More than one-third of the United States will be designated a disaster area within the next few years.
(more details in the book)

Nature will go Wild
Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will destroy crops, animals and much wildlife driving prices even higher and causing some experts to suggest that nature is losing its balance.

Weather will become increasing difficult to forecast. Sudden storms will appear without warning. Southernmost regions will be gripped by record cold waves and northern areas will experience record heat waves.
(more details in book)

Short Periods of Relief

Many men will appear to be repentant during the times of violent chastisement by natue but the short period of relief will make it appear that nature has settled down and men will be comforted by warmed, sunshine and normal seasonal weather. But more violence, far worse will soon follow.

Airline pilots will be reporting the worst flying conditions in aviation history. The most intense hurricanes is coming. Many parts of the world face the most violent winters of all times. Europe faces the worst winter lashings ever.

Depletion of Relief funds
Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face huge losses.

Unlimited funds are not available and the people of each nations will soon learn there will be no one left to turn to but God.
(More details in book)

Outbreaks of Epidemics

Mankind faces the threat of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India and Pakistan face threat of untold thousands dying from epidemics and starvation.
(more details in book)


Large chunks of ice will fall from the sky and cause much damage. These storms will not only destroy crops and smash automobiles but they will also cause the death of many people.
Watch out for reports of intense ice storms and hailstorms in the future.Also prepare for the most severe winter of all time and record snowfalls in the United States and Canada.

(More details in book)

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s candid discussion with Alex Jones: America is a hijacked country, intentionally being dismantled by globalists — “Hope for the best; prepare for the worst” — The Satanic element that no one wants to talk about

Dr. Stan’s Radio Liberty audio archives

Date: 03-08-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Dr. Felicia Trujillo – Smart Meters & Your Health
Hour: 2
4:00: Dr. Julian Whitaker – Chronic Fatigue
Hour: 3
8:00: Alex Jones – Current Events
Hour: 4
9:00: Stephen Frank – CA Politics
Date: 03-07-11


From: World Affairs Brief, March 11, 2011 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

* * *

US INTEL: RUSSIA AND CHINA GREATEST THREATS Finally, someone had the courage to tell the truth to an unbelieving Congress—though he downplayed the threat by saying he didn’t think there was any intent. Wishful thinking!

From Luis Martinez of ABC News: The nation’s top intelligence officer has created another stir with comments today that Russia and China pose the greatest mortal threat to the United States. Controversy is nothing new to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who has drawn past criticism for the lack of awareness of terror arrests in Britain and his characterization of the Muslim Brotherhood as a secular organization.

“During an appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on worldwide threats, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., asked Clapper which country posed the greatest threat to the United States.

“’Certainly, the Russians still have a very formidable nuclear arsenal, which does pose potentially a mortal threat to us,’ Clapper said. ‘I don’t think they have the intent to do that.’ He added that China ‘is growing in its military capabilities. It has a full array of, whether conventional or strategic forces, that they are building. So they too do pose, potentially from a capabilities standpoint, a threat to us as a mortal threat.’

“Committee chairman Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., told Clapper he was surprised by his answer that Russia and China posed the greatest mortal threat and gave him an opportunity to clarify whether Iran or North Korea might be more of a threat. Clapper said he based his assessment strictly on the strategic nuclear capabilities of nation-states that have the potential to be mortal dangers to the U.S. and, ‘the two that come to mind because of their capabilities are Russia and China.’ Though Iran and North Korea were ‘of great concern,’ he said, they do not pose a threat to the continental United States.” True.

[HD video] Paul Craig Roberts: How The Law Was Lost

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: How The Law Was Lost HD

Uploaded by on Feb 26, 2011

Father of Reaganomics Paul Craig Roberts discusses how the American middle class is being systematically dismantled by means of destroying the ladders of upward mobility and offshoring US manufacturing as well as skilled jobs to China and India. He also explains how the rule of law has been eviscerated, greasing the skids for the evisceration of the Constitution and the undue monopoly of power in the executive branch of government, which has created a dictatorial system that threatens political stability.

Lindsey Williams: China Rising and The Way of Life Here in America Will End!! – Alex Jones Tv

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams: China Rising and The Way of Life Here in America Will End!! – Alex Jones Tv 1/4

TheAlexJonesChannel | Feb 23, 2011 | 215 likes, 15 dislikes

Pastor Lindsey Williams returns to follow up on information he revealed about the price of oil and Middle East turmoil on the Alex Jones Show yesterday.

[video] The Alex Jones Show 2/23/11: Mancow Muller, Porter Stansberry, Lindsey Williams, James Corbett

[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show 2/23/11: Mancow, Porter Stansberry, Lindsey Williams, James Corbett

THElNFOWARRlOR | Feb 24, 2011 | 37 likes, 2 dislikes

Alex welcomes back to the show Porter Stansberry, founder of Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland. His monthly newsletter, Stansberry’s Investment Advisory, deals with safe value investments and helps investors avoid the big disasters associated with Wall Street’s collapse. Pastor Lindsey Williams returns to follow up on information he revealed about the price of oil and Middle East turmoil on the Alex Jones Show yesterday. Alex also talks with independent journalist James Corbett, editor and webmaster of The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007. His forthcoming book, Reportage: Essays on the New World Order, will be available this year. Talk radio host Mancow Muller also makes an appearance on today’s show. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.


Stansberry’s Investment Advisory: The End of America — “I reference our success and experience with Wall Street’s latest crisis because we believe there is an even bigger crisis lurking – something that will shake the very foundation of America”

[audio] Seasoned globalism watcher Gary Kah: “A trap has been laid for us” — MAJOR TESTING in 2012-2013! • People don’t want to hear the word ‘repent’ anymore — the only way we can slow this thing down. • ONE WORLD religion — “We can’t just assume that everyone who calls themself a ‘Christian’ is” — the source of America’s collapse.

If you’re interested in spiritual things, please check out my spiritual site: ONEcanhappen, which is about real unity happening — a place where we will all be safe no matter what!

POWER to the Peaceful!

Jeff : )

• • •

“God is looking for people to step up to the plate and be overcomers in these last days, and be sold out completely to Him, and be willing to do what He calls them to do without being embarrassed or bashful or unwilling.”

– Gary Kah

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

Dr. Stan’s Radio Liberty audio archives

Date: 02-17-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Frederick Sheehan – Greenspan’s Bubble
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Pastor Billy Crone – Prophetic Events
Hour: 4
9:00: Barbara Peterson – GMO Foods
Date: 02-16-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Barry Chamish – Israel
Hour: 2
4:00: Dr. Shiv Chopra – H1N1 Epidemic
Hour: 3
8:00: Gary Kah – America’s Decline
Hour: 4
9:00: Avi Lipkin – Crisis in Israel
Date: 02-15-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Devvy Kidd – Creating Unemployment
Hour: 2
4:00: Dr. Gene Conti – Evolution
Hour: 3
8:00: Dr. Jerome Corsi – Disastrous Policies
Hour: 4
9:00: Dr. Brad Case – Thugs, Drugs, & Bugs
Date: 02-14-11


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Not-Very-Super Bowl XLV: Christina Aguilara sings wrong lyrics to “Star Spangled Banner;” crowd doesn’t mind as long as they can cheer to their favorite ‘rockets’ and ‘bombs’ line | Black Eyed Peas sex it up and then ask for help from Above??


Christina Aguilara sings wrong lyrics to “Star Spangled Banner.”
Most of the crowd doesn’t seem to notice,
waiting to cheer loudly to their favorite line:

And the rockets‘ red glare,
the bombs bursting in air

Patriotism now means
killing men, women and children
on their soil.

Ra, Ra, Ra!

While what goes around
comes around.

* * *

The Black Eyed Peas openly sexed it up
at the start of the half-time show —
millions of Americans lusting
and then have the gall to ask for help
from Above in another song

* * *

This is America,
the home of the ‘brave’ (should be ‘decieved‘),
as the sheeple line up to get naked body scanned,
and we bomb the ‘terrorists’ in Afghanistan
by remote control from Las Vegas.

Though, God is not mocked.
What we sow we will also reap.

* * *

At least Simon Cowell played part of the Rhydian song:
“Oh Fortuna.”

I hardly watched any of the game,
by the way.

* * *

I just heard:



Super Bowl XLV in Perspective — ENDGAME

Mark Dice: “Karl Marx said that religion is THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES — when really it’s FOOTBALL”

[2010 Flashback] The Who ended their Super-Bowl-Half-time set with these words (after Roger Daltrey screamed “Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”): “Don’t you get fooled … again”

Super Bowl XLV in Perspective — ENDGAME

When something almost meaningless


When what should matter
hardly does.





Mark Dice: “Karl Marx said that religion is THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES — when really it’s FOOTBALL”

[2010 Flashback] The Who ended their Super-Bowl-Half-time set with these words (after Roger Daltrey screamed “Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”): “Don’t you get fooled … again”

Lindsey Williams Returns: China is the BIG ONE! Watch China and Russia. “They’re interested in the technology. And once they get it they’ll turn around and throw it right back in our face, just like the Japanese did [before WWII].”

“China is the big one. Watch China and Russia.”

“‘Give us all of your technology or we won’t let you build a plant.
… It’s not the trade with America that they’re interested in.
They’re interested in the technology.
And once they get it they’ll turn around
and throw it right back in our face,
just like the Japanese did [before WWII].”

“George Bush [senior] started every bit of this.”

~”China is buying up the gold and gold mines.”

The U.S. Mint is selling record amounts of silver.

“The dollar will be dead by the end of 2012
if the elite have their way.”

“From the time the Euro crashes
you’ve got three weeks…to get out of paper.”

“Set your spiritual house in order.”

– Lindsey Williams

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams Returns: China Owns The United States – Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | January 19, 2011 | 12 likes, 3 dislikes

Transition to tyranny: America has been swallowed up by the globalists and will now be run from Beijing

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The flags along Constitution Avenue tell you everything you need to know — America has been sold out and our new Chinese slavemasters are now leading the sheep to slaughter. Even as Barack Obama bows and fawns to President Hu Jintao, the globalists for whom he fronts are sharpening the knives and preparing to unleash the bloodletting as the dying carcass of America is dragged into line to facilitate the global management of the planet.

Not satisfied with a hemorrhaging trade deficit with China that continues to bleed American jobs at a rate of millions, a crumbling manufacturing base being replaced by the endless import of cheap slave goods from the Communist state, and a stunted economy being rapidly outpaced by the Red Dragon, the Obama administration wanted to further drill it in to Americans who the new boss is yesterday, by placing Chinese flags throughout Washington DC before Obama’s fawning meeting with unelected President Hu Jintao.

Everyone is painfully aware of the fact that China now owns the United States economically, with the Chinese central bank being the largest debt holder at approaching $1 trillion dollars. The average American family with two children collectively owes around $12,000 dollars to China. The Communist state’s ownership of long term U.S. Treasury Securities means the United States pays upwards of $100 million dollars a day to China in terms of interest alone.

China’s huge accumulation of US dollars gives it the sway to lead the United States by the nose like a sheep to slaughter, holding in its hands the power to decide the economic destiny of the now collapsing American empire. The culmination of this process moved a step closer this week when Hu Jintao made it clear that China was preparing to sharpen the knife for the bloodletting to begin, by deriding the dollar as a “product of the past” and signaling its replacement with a new global monetary system based around the Chinese yuan.

This transition is only becoming more obvious with the continuing fire sale of crucial infrastructure to the Red Dragon. Alex Jones’ first documentary film America: Destroyed By Design, made in 1997, warned Americans that the sell-out to the Chinese was the first step on the road to the sacking of the American economy and pulling the plug on key US infrastructure in the move towards global management of the planet.

The figures don’t lie — after a 20 year process of gradual sellout overseen by Clinton, Bush and now Obama — China owns America.…






Lindsey Williams Returns: Get Ready for $5 a Gallon Gasoline and Major Food Price Increases! – Alex Jones Tv

Lindsey Williams: The Elite Speak — Dollar to devalue by 30-50% in the next 12 months

Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty: Lindsey predicts…

Lindsey Williams Returns: Confessions of an Elitist Who Has Now Passed. When the Euro dies we just have 2 to 3 weeks until it happens to US!

Lindsey Williams Returns: Get Ready for $150 Barrel of Oil and Mr. X Revealed!

Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist “Spills Gut” On Plan to Destroy America

Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv: Lindsey talked with elite insider again (2/24/10) about the future of America and monetary system, the globalist plans for the rest of the world — “The dollar will be dead by 2012.”

Lindsey Williams on the Two Year Globalist Timetable: “They have some definite plans. Now whether they will succeed and accomplish it or not is another story. I hope they don’t, but on the other hand, that is their timeline”

[10/23/09] Lindsey Williams: We Have Just 2 Years to Get Our Act Together?

[10/20/09] Lindsey Williams Back on Alex Jones Tv: Total Economic Collapse of America in 2 Years? / “The Devil’s Messiah”

[10/19/09] Globalist Insider Tells Lindsey Williams: “Within TWO YEARS you will not recognize America. … You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel”

Lindsey Williams’ Book Now Online: “The Energy Non-Crisis”

Lindsey Williams’ Life Threatened by Tycoon for Speaking Out About the Non-Energy Crisis

Skousen: Gas Price Manipulation—Public Needs to Demand Opening of the Gull Island Oil Field (Alaska)

Lindsey Williams: The Energy *Non*-Crisis—Alaska’s ‘Classified’ Oil Reserve Largest on Earth?

China Plants Flag on Constitution Avenue

From: Infowars

China Plants Flag on Constitution Avenue

Kurt Nimmo
January 18, 2011

On Tuesday night, Obama followed the script closely.

Symbolism? The red flag on Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C.

He sat down to what the corporate media describes as “an unusual and intimate dinner” with Hu Jintao, the CEO of the sprawling slave labor gulag and globalist dream come true in China.

After dinner, Hu Jinato and Obama attended a “pomp-filled gala” designed to celebrate with sickening pageantry what is in essence a planting of the Chinese flag on American soil.

The Associated Press admits the lavish affair with its over-the-top entreaties is designed to “soften the American public’s suspicions about China,” a nation that detains and tortures individuals for exercising their rights to freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

Entire Article with Video Here

National Debt from 1940 to Present — Starting the Gallop, Bush II Passes the Baton to Obama


Partial Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts — $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and FOREIGN banks everywhere from France to Scotland. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion.

Steve Quayle on ‘Coast’ 1/6/11 recap and quotes: Christians are supposed to be the salt of the earth. Salt preserves. “The reason the Illuminati are taking over is the pulpits are powerless and the people have no teaching.” | It’s frustrating to be ahead of time…

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“For the Christians who are to be the salt of the earth, salt preserves….

I submit to you that the reason the Illuminati are taking over is, number one: … the pulpits are powerless and the people have no teaching, and the people don’t understand.

It’s like if I put the most powerful weapon in someone’s hands and they don’t know how to use it it won’t do them any good. …

Why does evil triumph over good? Because the good fails to exert the power that God’s given it. …

There was a time when we were the salt of the earth and good held back evil.”

* * *

No word of God spoken by any word of God to the people of God in all the history of God’s people is ever received by the people of God by the man of God who speaks it at any time. …

God’s people never believe him at the time he speaks it. Only in retrospect do all men see clearly.”

* * *

“It’s tough to be ahead of time, and then wait for everyone to catch up, and then be frustrated during that time.”

[Related: My notes: R. T Kendall’s 4th message at Muldoon A of G: On being tomorrow’s man or woman | Being thankful for everything! | The most neglected teaching on the Holy Spirit: The dove is a very shy, sensitive bird. You can be in a car and someone is driving so slow in front of you and the Dove just flies away. Or “I’m just telling the truth,” but the Dove flies away. Let’s learn to get the Dove to come down and maybe the FIRE will fall!]

– Steve Quayle

Steve quoted Hosea 4:

1 Hear the word of Yahweh, you children of Israel; for Yahweh has a charge against the inhabitants of the land: “Indeed there is no truth, nor goodness, nor knowledge of God in the land.

2 There is cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; they break boundaries, and bloodshed causes bloodshed.

3 Therefore the land will mourn, and everyone who dwells therein will waste away. all living things in her, even the animals of the field and the birds of the sky; yes, the fish of the sea also die.


Precarious World

Date: 01-06-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Steve Quayle, Mitch Battros

Author and researcher Steve Quayle riffed on a variety of topics such as giants, weather modification, secret aircraft, biblical prophecy, genetic engineering, the Illuminati agenda, and Planet X. The machinery to affect weather has gotten smaller and cheaper over the years, and there are currently 72 ionospheric heaters, in addition climate-controlling technology like Project HAARP, he outlined. Sightings of silent triangular-shaped craft are on the rise, and a battle in outer space is imminent, said Quayle, naming “extra-dimensionals” and black-ops as some of the participants.

The “super-soldier” program, Stargate technology, and CERN are involved in efforts to re-animate ancient giants, who were some 12-18 ft. height, he declared. “We are experiencing now the full implementation, in my opinion, of the Luciferian war on humanity. We talk about the New World Order, the Illuminati, the International League, but what is the prime directive of all those entities? It’s the destruction of a five and half billion people,” he cautioned.

Quayle reported his recent conversation with a “high ranking Goldman Sachs official” who’d visited one of the elite’s underground cities that was being prepared. The official warned him that a “global flu” had already been determined, and a mandatory vaccination will be required, with those who refuse to take it being sent to FEMA camps. On the subject of Planet X, Quayle suggested that we’re already seeing its effects throughout the solar system, and eventually, it will lead to a massive number of simultaneous active volcanoes on Earth.

Chuck Baldwin: A Nation of Truth Rejectors — “Truth also demands courage and honesty, because sometimes it can be very painful to look at! … In reality, people who reject truth lose a whole lot more than whatever they had hoped to gain. Eventually, they lose, not only their own lives, but also the life of their country.”

This, my friends, is a masterpiece!!!

Chuck hits another one out of the park!


Posted on Jan 6, 2011


A bedrock principle of Natural Law (the Law upon which Western Civilization rests) is the primacy of truth. Without a desire for, and appreciation of, truth, society cannot sustain itself. Lies, deceit, duplicity, etc., are more than moral evils; they are the bane of freedom and liberty. Take away truth, and one is left without honor, justice, or decency. Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.

Truth also demands courage and honesty, because sometimes it can be very painful to look at! It takes an honest man to desire truth, as truth will often reveal the character flaws in his own soul. It also takes courage to appreciate truth, as truth will often demand that one change his own opinion or conduct. Unfortunately, it does appear that the desire for truth has been replaced with a desire for deceit.

Years ago, a great, old preacher-warrior told my former church congregation, “People today love being lied to.” How right he was! For the most part, even professing Christian people today love being lied to. It would seem that many people find deceit easier to digest than truth. Maybe it’s because these people lack the aforementioned virtues of honesty and courage.

Truth demands the virtue of honesty, because honesty requires that information be objectively analyzed and studied; it requires that personal prejudices and proclivities be set aside; it requires that humility replace pride, which allows one’s opinions and conduct to change in the face of truth.

Truth also demands courage, as courage is the active response to honesty. To know what is right to do is great (many people do not even know this much), but to act upon what one knows to be right is even greater–and also harder! Courage gives men the fortitude and conviction to suffer personal loss in order to be faithful to their own honesty. Courage places more value on honesty and truth than on personal prosperity or aggrandizement [The act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one’s own importance, power, or reputation – editor]. Courage propelled Daniel into the lion’s den; it drove Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the burning fiery furnace; it placed a youthful David onto the battlefield alone against a fierce and ferocious adversary; it gathered Pastor Jonas Clark’s congregants (mostly farmers and merchants) onto Lexington Green to face Britain’s highly trained, professional soldiers.

So, where are the virtues of honesty and courage in the desire for truth today? Threaten the average pastor and church leader with some obscure IRS tax code and they will quickly turn their backs upon virtually every principle of truth and honor that they once professed to believe. The mere threat of potential financial loss sends men (excuse me, males) scurrying for cover.

In this regard, when then-Senator Lyndon Johnson created the heinous 501(c)3 IRS tax-exempt status for churches, he very cleverly (with assistance from Hades, I might add) planted the seeds that would grow up to intimidate the vast majority of America’s pastors and church leaders into becoming silent slaves of the state. In fact, if one has an opportunity to ever bore deeply into the matter, he or she will discover that most pastors and church leaders today do not even regard the Church as the institution of the living God, bound only to the laws and principles of God’s Holy Word; they perceive it as a creature of the state, bound to the subjective machinations of IRS bureaucrats and their toadies in the law profession. And should a choice ever have to be made between the two, God, His Word, and His Church will be thrown under the bus in preference to the state-owned corporation. So much for truth–or honesty, or courage, for that matter.

The rejection of truth seems ubiquitous in America today. When did it start? Maybe when Abraham Lincoln turned the Constitution on its head and–at bayonet point–turned republicanism into nationalism; maybe when Woodrow Wilson rejected thousands of years of human history and turned America’s sound money system over to the corrupt and illegitimate Federal Reserve; maybe when Wilson created the monstrous Internal Revenue Service; maybe when the 17th Amendment was adopted; maybe when the American media convinced people that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; maybe when the American people (including the vast majority of pastors and Christians) turned their backs (and their hearts) to the Branch Davidians, who were murdered by federal agents outside Waco, Texas; maybe when so-called “conservative” Senate Republicans deliberately chose to cover up President Bill Clinton’s criminal conduct; maybe when the powers that be began demonizing anyone who dared to question the “official” story regarding the events on 9/11/01; maybe when a vast majority of Christians and conservatives blindly followed and actively supported the unconstitutional, un-American policies of President George W. Bush. They supported Bush when he threw off Western Civilization’s time-tested Just War doctrine (and replaced it with an unconscionable Preemptive War policy), and, again, when he officially began turning America into a police state by creating the Department of Homeland Security, implementing the Military Commissions Act, introducing the Patriot Act, and dismantling Habeus Corpus and Posse Comitatus. Whenever it started, the sad reality is, America has largely become a nation of truth-rejecters.

There is a passage of Scripture that I simply must interject here: “Because they received not the love of the truth . . . God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” (II Thess. 2:10,11 KJV)

This is one of God’s universal principles: when people deliberately reject truth, God will allow them to believe lies, which always leads to ultimate destruction. I submit that is exactly where America is today. As a nation, we have rejected truth, and God is giving us over to deceit and falsehood. And what is interesting to me is the way in which many unbelievers seem to have a thirst for truth that far surpasses that of many professing Christians. This leads to an amazing paradox.

Think of it: when God is moving within a nation with His plan of truth and justice (which He is always doing), then it stands to reason that the evil one is, likewise, resisting and countering God’s plan through deceit and falsehood. This means that those unbelievers who seek truth are allying themselves with God (maybe even unwittingly), while those professing Christians who have rejected truth are allying themselves against God (again, maybe even unwittingly). Remember, God called the heathen king, Cyrus, “my shepherd.” (Isa. 44:28) But one thing is constant: truth is like a magnet: one is always being pulled toward it or away from it, depending upon the polarity of one’s heart and mind. People who embrace truth tend to embrace it further, while people who reject truth tend to be continually hardened against it.

Think of the conflicts of world and American history where brothers fought against brothers. Many of these brethren died at the hands of brethren fighting for truth, while other brethren died fighting against truth. And though men may be unable to discern the difference, God suffers from no such malady. He knows those who enable truth and those who disable it. And many of those today that are resisting and disabling truth call themselves Christians. There is another appropriate Scripture: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7:20 KJV)

Again, the desire for truth is a bedrock principle of a free and independent society. We must desire truth, first, in our own hearts [heart’s color added by editor — because we’re literally talking about the heart here!]. We must be willing to objectively analyze our motives and actions based upon this fundamental principle. How can so many people (including professing Christians) behave so dishonestly? How can they act so cowardly? How is it that truth is only precious when it doesn’t cost us anything? How can people be so unconcerned about truth and so spiteful toward those who seek it [James-3 cursing them – editor]? How can those who claim as their Savior the One is “the way, the truth, and the life” be so calloused against truth? How can those who claim to read the word of truth (the Bible) be so ignorant of truth?

Look around you: our society is breaking apart due to a lack of appreciation for truth. Small businesses are being put out of business due to a lack of truth. Families are being torn apart due to a lack of truth. Churches are filled with bitterness, carnality, envy, deceit, duplicity, false accusation, greed, and cowardice due to a lack of truth. Our political institutions mock the principles of decency and honor due to a lack of truth. The national media loves to distort truth; the federal judiciary loves to twist truth; and there is no such thing as truth to Big Business–only bottom line profits [the love of money is… – editor].

As we enter a new year in search of Heaven’s blessing and protection, let us remind ourselves that God always judges people who reject truth. Always! If we truly want Heaven’s blessing and protection upon our land, we will start–each of us–by being willing to seek and embrace truth, even if doing so costs us something; because, in reality, people who reject truth lose a whole lot more than whatever they had hoped to gain. Eventually, they lose, not only their own lives, but also the life of their country.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

© Chuck Baldwin

[video] ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement – An Alex Jones Film

[youtube=]ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement – An Alex Jones Film

THElNFOWARRlOR | January 05, 2011 | 149 likes, 4 dislikes

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world’s population, while enabling the “elites” to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity’s extermination: Operation ENDGAME.

Jones chronicles the history of the global elite’s bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.

•Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world’s agenda and instigating World War III.

•Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.

•Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.

•View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.

Paul Craig Roberts: 2011 Is 1984 — “When they got away with 9/11 that sealed our fate”

“I think 2012 will mark the end of American democracy.”

The population, itself is not sufficiently clued in,
and time is vanishing.”

“The population will end up electing the Republican goons
who will complete the police state.”

“The Republicans have become a party of brown shirts.”

“You have people demanding revenge against people who tell us the truth.
And so many ordinary Americans agree.”

– Paul Craig Roberts

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: 2011 Is 1984 – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 31, 2010 | 69 likes, 1 dislikes

Alex welcomes back to the show economist and columnist Paul Craig Roberts. Mr. Roberts served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He has written or co-written eight books, contributed chapters to numerous books and has published many articles in journals of scholarship. He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy. His latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.



“2011″ By Paul Craig Roberts

[audio] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast’ with Excellent Interviewer John B. Wells, 12/29/10: What’s Really Going On?!!


Lots of wisdom here!

Great overview analysis!

The BIG picture!

Watch & See

“There’s never a report about Russia.”

“They’re setting us up.”

EMP Strike — without electricity for a year!

~ 2020: “Probably 8 years before this holocaust….”

* * *

[youtube=]Geopolitics, War, & the New World Order – Coast to Coast AM

Published on Aug 4, 2012 by Astraltravelex

Description from ‘Coast to Coast AM’:


On Wednesday night, guest host John B. Wells ( email) spoke with political scientist and personal security expert Joel Skousen about the growing government assault on privacy and liberty, as well as New World Order and war scenarios. The current security precautions such as at airports are not really to stop terrorists, but to ferret out potential dissidents and resistors who could pose a problem for the future police state, he suggested. We are already seeing the three aspects necessary to establish this police state, Skousen outlined– a false threat of terrorism, thug-like individuals in the police, and a judiciary that won’t prosecute the police.

He laid out a financial end game in which the US national debt will become untenable, with the rise of inflation, sometime between 2020-2025. People have been diverted with the false threat of terrorism in order to cover up “our real enemies,” Russia & China, with whom the US will battle in a World War, he continued. “In the aftermath of that, they’re going to have an excuse to walk away from the debt,” because the US financial centers and computers will be destroyed.

Skousen described a Russian surgical nuclear attack on 15 American cities with military facilities such as San Diego, Seattle, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Colorado Springs, and Washington DC. While 20% of Americans will die in such attacks, he argued that nuclear attacks are survivable and promoted the idea that people construct fall-out shelters in their basements, as well as increase their self-sufficiency, as an EMP attack will knock out electricity for up to a year. He also foresees that America will go to war against Iran, probably in 2011— the U.S. is just waiting for the right provocation.

Why Joel Skousen Preaches Against Hyperinflation

The Devil’s Christmas Letter: “This year I am in fine spirits, nay, let me even declare myself absolutely giddy, for the destruction of the United States of America draws ever nearer.”

“When the people cheer “We’re number One,” I cheer with them, for pride goeth before a fall. When they believe the half-truths, the illusions, the mispresentations, the misdirections and yes, the outright lies of the ruling class repeated by their toadies in the media, I can no longer restrain my delight, for lies and half-truths are my favored weapons of destruction.”

How can I not be pleased this season? At long last, the destruction of the United States by its own citizens is close at hand. Give me two years, minions, no more than four, and I shall insure they will finally begin reaping what they have sown.”

– Satan


The Devil’s Christmas Letter (December 17, 2010)

The Devil pens a Christmas letter.

Through means I am unable to disclose, I have obtained a copy of the Devil’s Christmas letter. Yes, Satan too sends a Yule letter, and no, I was not on his mailing list. I think Satan’s Holiday cheer should give us all pause.

To my fallen angels Beelzebub, Lucifer and Leviathan, princes of Hell’s demons, and to my minions, lackeys, toadies and sycophants on Earth:

As you know, this time of year usually finds me quite despondent, as the Prince of Peace’s influence waxes most atrociously around his birthday. But this year I am in fine spirits, nay, let me even declare myself absolutely giddy, for the destruction of the United States of America draws ever nearer.

Though my minions have long sown festering seeds of hate and disharmony in that now-benighted land, only recently have my favored weapons of destruction–leverage, debt, half-truths and endless, preening justifications for greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy, anger and gluttony–have been unleashed to worm their way into the stricken heart of that Republic.

My most treasured hopes of destitution and conflict in the U.S.A. are nearing fruition.

First, my minions in the Federal Reserve–such loyal servants!–and the Federal government have unleashed a veritable orgy of leverage and debt upon the land, spreading ruination under the false guise of prosperity. What a delicious irony, that the fools doomed to eternal damnation in my Empire believe themselves prosperous as they absorb the poison of exponentially rising leverage and debt.

They have made a mockery of the rule of law, openly flouting it by letting financial crimes go not just unpunished but rewarded. The blatant injustice that roams the land like a foul, slobbering beast–there are two sets of laws and two sets of books now, one for the financial Elites and their political toadies, and another one for the tax donkeys beneath them–this will eventually ignite the firestorm I seek.

American extravagance has surpassed even my highest expectations, as purveyors of luxury goods reap record profits, and the childish desire for instant gratification has become the unspoken ruler of the land. Convenience is now worshipped as a god, sitting triumphant beside entitlement, greed and willful ignorance.

Convenience is, as you all know, the name of a peculiarly slick slide into Hell.

One of my favorite sins, gluttony, is running amok, with half of the people groaning under their own weight, sickened and weakened. My loyal minions in the fast-food and packaged food industries have followed my plans to perfection, and my lackeys in the marketing and media have fueled the instant gratification and ignorance which insidiously undermine even the greatest empires.

Pride–oh, how the Americans excel at hubris and pride! The Federal Reserve chairman, bless his doomed soul, has declared himself 100% confident about an economy that is nothing but a confidence game. Oh, what joy to hear his lies spoken with such confidence!

The mere thought of the word greed cause me to chuckle delightedly, as the U.S. excels as a haven for greed without bounds, a greed so boundless that the entire universe would be insufficient to satisfy its bankers, hedge fund managers, high-frequency traders, Imperial factotums and politicians. How happy I am to see their greed grease their way into Hell.

I feel like dancing a jig when I hear the unbridled sense of entitlement which has poisoned the American spirit. Yes, let greed and avarice be cloaked with rationalizations–“I was promised,” “It’s my right,” “I deserve it,” “it’s in our contract”–it is wondrous indeed how my secret invention, “free money,” debilitates once-independent souls.

Anger is now overflowing everywhere, building my empire with every thoughtless word. Politicians rage against each other, the people rage against the politicians, and behind the scenes my servants in the political action committees feed the anger with billions of dollars in campaign donations. How amusing to see the politicos lay claim to noble ideals even as they scramble on their knees to collect the millions tossed at their feet to do my bidding.

Oh yes, my bidding, for their greed, pride and anger are my bidding. By all means, politicians, do my work: give tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy, let financial crimes go unpunished, allow the financial Elites’ looting to go unhindered, transfer the wealth earned by the citizens’ sweat to the financial Elites when their trillion-dollar bets go bad–fuel the anger which will tear you from power, and tear the country apart.

I laughed with glee when One Beholden To Me announced that he was doing “God’s work”–how I love twisting together irony and lies! He fooled no one, of course, for even the most deluded souls know he is doing My Work, not the Lord’s, but they are too distracted by games and ginned-up contests to care.

Not caring is doing my work, too, of course.

The nation bleeds itself with unwinnable wars, sacrificing its best youth on the altar of endless war–how can I not rejoice at this orgy of death, destruction and sowing of hate? The feeble liars at the nation’s helm print endless sums to fund war and to prop up vile tyrants, but offer nothing for libraries or literacy or the curing of malaria. How can I not rejoice at a nation which finds trillions for war and next to nothing to fight the diseases of the poor residents of former colonies, including that Prince of Disease, ignorance.

As for sloth–that millions are being paid to sit around watching television instead of being productive creates the perfect breeding ground for resentment, malice and envy. How perfect to pay people to sit at home and rot away, with only their discontent and despair for company.

As you know all too well, idle hands end up doing my piecework for free.

It was almost beyond my dreams to find the nation’s wealth and politics so dominated by a tiny handful of wealthy financial plutocrats–they are doing my bidding without hindrance, though I see by their troubled sleep that they know where their greed and rationalizations are taking them. To channel the nation’s wealth to a few hands–what better way to nurture envy and anger?

If ignorance were treasure, the American political class must be declared wealthier than Midas, for its ignorance has reached a pinnacle I can truly admire. Ensnared by their lust for power, blinded by their greed for fame and perquisites, they look no further than the next election cycle, dooming their nation to division, disharmony and the desolation of permanent conflict over the dwindling productive assets of this once-great nation.

The people cry out to be saved by the government, as if it was a Savior instead of a vast combine chewing through the wealth of the nation, “investing” it in corruption, parasitic financial Elites, military misadventures, Homeland “Security”–ha, isn’t that a jewel, as the nation withers from within–and the steady, unyielding oppression of the remaining productive members of society.

When the people cheer “We’re number One,” I cheer with them, for pride goeth before a fall. When they believe the half-truths, the illusions, the mispresentations, the misdirections and yes, the outright lies of the ruling class repeated by their toadies in the media, I can no longer restrain my delight, for lies and half-truths are my favored weapons of destruction. The leaders are themselves leaderless, blank, hollowed-out souls doing the bidding of their parasitic masters, focused only on keeping the corrupt and venal status quo together for a few more months, never looking out ten years.

I delight in that shortsightedness, that abject fear of change and transformation, that clinging to failure and pride, that refusal to face reality.

For the U.S.A. is now an Empire of Debt and Lies, its fraudulent financial system built on misrepresentations of risk and value, and its “economy of confidence” a con game based on illusory wealth, parasitic skimming, government gaming and tax donkeys paying for their Financial Masters’ idiotic mistakes.

This adolescent desire to believe the lies, because in believing the lies then nothing need change–this might be my most powerful destructive tool.

A hunger for fantasy and illusion, a fear of adaptation, a childish demand for instant gratification–these are forces I can rely on to lead the once-great country to absolute ruin.

And here is the beautifully evil part, my minions–no external enemy is required [though Russia and China are waiting in the wings – editor]. The Americans are destroying themselves with their reliance on leverage, debt, denial, half-truths and overflowing servings of the Seven Deadly Sins, all of which they have elevated to “assets” in their hopelessly twisted values. To be supremely unproductive, a churner of lies and financial trickery, is now the most rewarded and admired state in America.

The spiritual rot is now so deep and pervasive that the people no longer even recognize the decay –they have been lulled into a false belief that this culture of fraud, embezzlement, manipulations, propaganda and parasitic financial Elites has always held sway. This is precisely how a people act when they have lost their way, spiritually and morally: they elevate sins to virtues, and forget the lessons of their past.

And of course everyone claiming that there is no spiritual vacuum sucking the nation dry, that the status quo is simply “business as usual”–they are doing my work, too, for habituating to all that is corrupt and reprehensible, all that is lacking in integrity and honesty, this is doing my work most admirably.

Americans no longer hate me, they hate sacrifice, with a passion that enlivens my enthusiasm for their self-destruction.

How can I not be pleased this season? At long last, the destruction of the United States by its own citizens is close at hand. Give me two years, minions, no more than four, and I shall insure they will finally begin reaping what they have sown. Ignorance, my poor dear Americans, will not save you, nor will your endless parade of excuses, justifications and rationalizations. Indeed, they are my weapons which you drive deeper into your nation’s heart with every lie, every excuse, every frantic justification for your own entitlement.

I await 2011 with high expectations.

Most sincerely yours,


[video] Stansberry’s Investment Advisory: The End of America — “I reference our success and experience with Wall Street’s latest crisis because we believe there is an even bigger crisis lurking – something that will shake the very foundation of America”

[UPDATED: Originally posted 12/16]

“People believe that
since something has never happened before…

it never will.”

* * *

Video can be watched here;
though, it can’t be paused once it starts running

Thankfully, it’s now here via YouTube

* * *

[youtube=]Porter Stansberry Research – The End of America

* * *

Full Transcript


WARNING: What you are about to see is controversial, and may be offensive to some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.

Hello. My name is Porter Stansberry.

A little over ten years ago I founded Stansberry & Associates Investment Research. It has become one of the largest and most recognized investment research companies in the world, serving hundreds of thousands of subscribers in more than 120 countries.

You may know of our firm because of the work we did over the last several years – helping investors avoid the big disasters associated with Wall Street’s collapse.

We warned investors to avoid Fannie and Freddie, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and General Motors and dozens of other companies that have since collapsed. We even helped our subscribers find opportunities to profit from these moves by shorting stocks and buying put options. To my knowledge, no other research firm in the world can match our record of correctly predicting the catastrophe that occurred in 2008.

But that’s not why I created this letter.

I reference our success and experience with Wall Street’s latest crisis because we believe there is an even bigger crisis lurking – something that will shake the very foundation of America.

And that is why I’ve spent a significant amount of time and money in the past few months preparing this letter.

In short, I want to talk about a specific event that will take place in America’s very near future… which could actually bring our country and our way of life to a grinding halt.

This looming crisis is related to the financial crisis of 2008… but it is infinitely more dangerous, as I’ll explain in this letter.

As this problem comes to a head, I expect there to be riots in the streets… arrests on an unprecedented scale… and martial law, enforced by the U.S. military.

Believe me, I don’t make this prediction lightly and I have no interest in trying to scare you.

I’m simply following my research to its logical conclusion.

I did the same when I tracked Fannie and Freddie’s accounting. The same with General Motors. And Bear Stearns and the rest. And when I began giving this warning in 2006 no one took me very seriously… not at first. Back then, most mainstream commentators just ignored me.

And when I presented my case and exposed the facts at economic conferences, they got angry. They couldn’t refute my research… but they weren’t ready to accept the enormity of its conclusions either.

That’s why, before I go any further, I have to warn you…

What I am going to say is controversial. It will offend many people… Democrats, Republicans, and Tea Partiers, alike. In fact, I’ve already received dozens of pieces of hate mail.

And… the ideas and solutions I’m going to present might seem somewhat radical to you at first… perhaps even “un-American.”

My guess is that, as you read this letter… you’ll say: “There’s no way this could really happen… not here.”

But just remember:

No one believed me three years ago when I said the world’s largest mortgage bankers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would soon go bankrupt.

And no one believed me when I said GM would soon be bankrupt as well… or that the same would happen to General Growth Properties (the biggest owner of mall property in America).

But again, that’s exactly what happened.

And that brings us to today…

The same financial problems I’ve been tracking from bank to bank, from company to company for the last five years have now found their way into the U.S. Treasury. I’ll explain how this came to be. What it means is critically important to you and every American…

The next phase in this crisis will threaten our very way of life.

The savings of millions will be wiped out. This disaster will change your business and your work. It will dramatically affect your savings accounts, investments, and retirement.

It will change everything about your normal way of life: where you vacation… where you send you kids or grandkids to school… how and where you shop… the way you protect your family and home.

I’ll explain how I know these events are about to happen. You can decide for yourself if I’m full of hot air. As for me, I’m more certain about this looming crisis than I’ve been about anything else in my life.

* * *

Entire Transcript Here


Porter Stansberry on The Alex Jones Show 11/15/12: Obama riding coattails of the shale oil boom that he opposed — Third term possible

Stansberry Research: Obama Address to the Nation – December 4, 2012 — This speech details what we believe The President might say on the day America’s foreign creditors finally stop lending us money, and demand repayment for our country’s debts.

Financial Advisor Porter Stansberry: The Economic Implosion of America is Here! — How to protect your assets. “If you’re gonna make a move, I think you’ve got 12 or 18 months to make it, tops!”

The Alex Jones Show 2/23/11: Mancow Muller, Porter Stansberry, Lindsey Williams, James Corbett

Financial Advisor Porter Stansberry on The Alex Jones Show 4/27/11

Globalist Insider Tells Lindsey Williams: “Within TWO YEARS you will not recognize America. … You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel”

2012 forecast: Food riots, ghost malls, mob rule, terror. Trends chief [Gerald Celente] says people should brace for ‘the greatest depression.’ “This is the decline of empire America”

Sid Roth Interviews John Paul Jackson On The Coming Perfect Storm. “The Woes of 2012! The Woes of 2012!” And Beyond-Asbury, ‘ONE’-Happens, All-Get-Healed REVIVAL!!!!!!!

For a balancing perspective:

Why Joel Skousen Preaches Against Hyperinflation

Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”

Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

Joel Skousen on ‘Coast’ with Excellent Interviewer John B. Wells: What’s Really Going On?!!

Alex Jones: “We’ve had it so good so long people can’t believe that it could actually happen here.”

“We’ve had it so good so long people can’t believe that it could actually happen here.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

Financial Advisor Porter Stansberry:
The Economic Implosion of America is Here! —
How to protect your assets.
“If you’re gonna make a move,
I think you’ve got 12 or 18 months to make it,

Financial Advisor Porter Stansberry: The Economic Implosion of America is Here! — How to protect your assets. “If you’re gonna make a move, I think you’ve got 12 or 18 months to make it, tops!”

This is the video Alex and Porter are discussing:

Stansberry’s Investment Advisory: The End of America — “I reference our success and experience with Wall Street’s latest crisis because we believe there is an even bigger crisis lurking – something that will shake the very foundation of America”

* * *

“The dominoes are already falling.
They’re falling in a way that’s designed for most people not to notice.”

“If you’re gonna make a move,
I think you’ve got 12 or 18 months to make it, tops!”

– Porter Stansbury

* * *

“We’ve had it so good so long people can’t believe that it could actually happen here.”

– Alex Jones

* * *

The Porter Stansberry interview begins at 1:17:30.

[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show 12/14/10: Gerald Celente, Porter Stansberry & The End of America

THElNFOWARRlOR | December 15, 2010 | 79 likes, 3 dislikes

Alex welcomes back to the show trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance, Gerald Celente. Alex also talks with Porter Stansberry, founder of Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1999. His monthly newsletter, Stansberry’s Investment Advisory, deals with safe value investments.

The videos that follow say they have been pulled by user,
who is Alex Jones.

I don’t know why this would be pulled.
They’re just shorter videos of the entire program,
now posted above also by Alex.

Alex Jones: “It’s so frustrating because the average adult male knows all about football, but they don’t know how to be free men: ‘I don’t care bout dat, there gonna be football game on tonight.’ … And when you lose everything you got, just remember that you were told! … You will be judged by your own cowardice!”

“It’s so frustrating
because the average adult male knows all about football,

all about how to act tough in public,
and stick their chest out and walk around acting powerful.
But they don’t know how to be free men.

It’s so frustrating
to watch our country go into hardcore bondage,
to watch incredible crime going on,
to watch these international banks take over country after country
and brag how they’re doing it here.
And we know exactly their formula for doing it.

But I want to tell a lot of you that stayed on the fence,
that decided to ‘be safe’ and stay out of all of this.
You are the ones that are going to allow them to win.

And when you lose everything you got,
just remember that.
Remember you were told who did it to you.

They want you poor.
They want you bankrupt.
They want you under their control.

This country has cancer.
It’s called the New World Order.
Wake up before it’s too late.”

* * *

“…all of you weak men out there who think this is funny:
you and your families will be judged!
Remember that!

You will be judged by your own cowardice
and letting this come in!”

“I don’t care bout dat,
there gonna be football game on tonight.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from
The Alex Jones Show 12/12/10:

[Why and How we’re getting jacked!] Did Anonymous Take Down Amazon? — The globalists play another card so naked-body-scanner-accepting Americans will lie down and accept the Cyber Security Act, the end of the free internet. Yet the average adult male knows all about football…

* * *

Related from my spiritual site, ONEcanhappen:

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

EMP Defense Council Inaugurated to Prepare the U.S. for a Nuclear EMP Strike or a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) “which have a high probability of occurring within the next 2-5 years” and would take out most of the electrical grid, medical devices, computer systems, the internet, all vehicles, consumer electronics, home appliances, satellites, airborne planes, etc.

This is a really big deal —

Just like that America could be gone!

“Are you ready?”


Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Defense Council(C) Founded in San Diego, California on Pearl Harbor Day
Tuesday, December 07, 2010 5:00 AM

EMP Defense Council(C) Inaugurated to Prepare the U.S. for a Nuclear EMP Strike or a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
Dec. 7, 2010 (Marketwire) —

SAN DIEGO, CA — (Marketwire) — 12/07/10 — The EMP Defense Council© began operations today, Pearl Harbor Day — “A day that will live in infamy” — to remind all Americans to prepare in advance for the “unexpected” expected.

The following is a statement issued by the Electro-Magnetic Pulse Defense Council:

Just as the September 11th, 2001, destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City should have been expected by most Americans, the bombing of Pearl Harbor should have been expected too, according to historians. So will a nuclear EMP attack by a rogue nation again catch Americans by “surprise”?

“Considering the large volume of information in the public domain regarding the threat of EMP and warnings by several prominent American military figures and politicians to prepare for it, the lack of public awareness and preparation for an EMP event of either type is roundly stunning,” noted David Palella, Founder of the EMP Defense Council©.

An Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) may be caused by either a high-altitude nuclear blast or a solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), both of which have a high probability of occurring within the next 2-5 years.

Nuclear-blast EMP events can extend over a radius of 1,000+ miles and will severely damage or impair most of the conveniences of modern life including the electrical grid, medical devices, computer systems, the internet, all vehicles, consumer electronics, home appliances and satellites.

Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) events during a sunspot-cycle maximum, such as will occur during 2011-2012, would affect the entire planet’s electrical and electronic infrastructure. Economic recovery from either type of EMP could take from 2 – 9 years, depending on the severity of the radiation pulse and damage to the electrical grid — the foundation of all modern commerce.

Moreover, all airborne planes, air-traffic control nationwide, nuclear power-plant control systems, acute-care medical equipment, implanted electronic medical devices, elevators, and heating & cooling systems would cease functioning immediately, leading to 100s of thousands of deaths nationwide in a few minutes or hours.

Back-up generators and emergency-response equipment, even those not in operation at the time of an EMP event, would also be severely damaged and become inoperable, thus causing more near-term casualties.

“Development of an EMP-resistant electrical grid, EMP-hardened capital and durable goods, land and airborne vehicles, medical equipment, and transportation systems offers industry and governments the opportunity to engage in tenable job creation and economic development programs that should include R&D tax credits and tax holidays, other investment incentives, and engineering training initiatives,” observed David Palella.

In particular, due to hosting the largest concentration of American military hardware in the world, San Diego is a prime target for a terrorist EMP attack, rivaled only by the easily-addressed combined target of New York City, Washington, DC, and Norfolk, Virginia. Thus, San Diego should be exceptionally proactive in preparing for EMP and setting an example for the rest of America.

Sadly, little is being done nationwide by governments, companies, schools and the non-profit sector to prepare for EMP. The EMP Defense Council©, a for-profit business unit of BioScience Ventures Inc., will act as a catalyst to mobilize companies, industry associations, standards-setting groups, product designers, engineering schools and government entities to prepare America for EMP.

For more information regarding the activities of the EMP Defense Council, please contact:
David A. Palella
[a business unit of BioScience Ventures Inc.]
San Diego, California
cell: 619-787-5767
email: Email Contact

EMP Defense Council — Preparing for Electro-Magnetic Pulse

Entire Article Here


My EMP Dream (10/23/08): All Cars Suddenly Stopped From Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon?

A shot across the bow: Missile expert says southern California projectile was a foreign-made cruise or ICBM missile launched from a submarine

Wayne Madsen: China Fired Missile Seen In Southern California

China Builds Secret Nuclear Submarine Base in South China Sea

Coincidence “Missile” Fired Off California Coast On Same Day That Chinese Sub Surprised US Carrier Group

Our senators traitors? Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage

One EMP nuke could take down the entire U.S. power grid. Study estimates 90% of all Americans dead within a year

Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”


November 29, 2010

Fabricating Terror

By Paul Craig Roberts

Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots?

The latest one snared Osman Mohamud, a Somali-American teenager in Portland, Oregon. The Associated Press report by William Mall and Nedra Pickler (11-27-10) is headlined in Yahoo News: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Oregon.”

This is a misleading headline as the report makes it clear that it was a plot orchestrated by federal agents. Two sentences into the news report we have this: “The bomb was an elaborate fake supplied by the [FBI] agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.”

The teenager was supplied with a fake bomb and a fake detonator.

Three sentences later the reporters contradict the quoted authorities with a quote from Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon: “The threat was very real.”

The reporters then contradict Balizan: “White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said Saturday that president Barack Obama was aware of the FBI operation before Friday’s arrest. Shapiro said Obama was assured that the FBI was in full control of the operation and that the public was not in danger.”

Then Shapiro contradicts himself by declaring: “The events of the past 24 hours underscore the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism here and abroad.”

The story arrives at its Kafka highpoint when President Obama thanks the FBI for its diligence in saving us from the fake plot the FBI had fabricated.

After vacillating between whether they are reporting a real plot or a orchestrated one, the reporters finally  come down on the side of orchestration. Documents released by US Attorney Dwight Holton “show the sting operation began in June.” Obviously, the targeted Portland teenager was not hot to trot. The FBI had to work on him for six months. The reporters compare “the Portland sting” to the recent arrest in Virginia of Faroque Ahmed who was ensnared in a “bombing plot that was a ruse conducted over the past six months by federal officials.”

Think about this.  The FBI did a year’s work in order to convince two people to participate in fake plots.

If you are not too bright and some tough looking guys accost you and tell you that they are Al Qaeda and expect your help in a terrorist operation, you might be afraid to say no, or you might be thrilled to be part of a blowback against an American population that is indifferent to their government’s slaughter of people of your ethnicity in your country of origin. Whichever way it falls, it is unlikely the ensnared person would ever have done anything beyond talk had the FBI not organized them into action. In other cases the FBI

entices people with money to participate in its fake plots.

Since 9/11, the only domestic “terrorist plot” that I recall that was not obviously organized by the FBI is the “Times Square plot” to which Faisal Shahzad pleaded guilty to trying to set off a car bomb in Manhattan. This plot, too, is suspicious.  One would think that a real terrorist would have a real bomb, not a smoke bomb.

In the May 19, 2009, online site, (reprinted Nov. 27, 2010), Joe Quinn collects some of the fake plots, some of which were validated by torture confessions and others by ignorant and fearful juries. The-Tortured-and-Manipulated-Terrorist-Threat-Evidence The US government comes up with a plot, an accused, and tortures him until he confesses, or the government fabricates a case and takes it to jurors who know that they cannot face their neighbors if they let off a media-declared “terrorist.”

Perhaps the most obvious of these cases is “the Miami seven,” a hapless group of Christian-Zionist-Muslims that called themselves the “Sea of David” and were quietly living in a Florida warehouse awaiting biblical end times. Along came the FBI posing as Al Qaeda and offered them $50,000 and an Al Qaeda swearing in ceremony.

The FBI told them that they needed to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago and various government buildings. An honest reporter at Knight Ridder revealed: “The Justice (sic) Department unveiled the arrests with an orchestrated series of news conferences in two cities, but the severity of the charges compared with the seemingly amateurish nature of the group raised concerns among civil libertarians,” who noted that the group had “no weapons, no explosives.”

The Justice (sic) Department and tamed media made a big show out of the “militaristic boots” worn by the hapless “plotters,” but the FBI had bought the boots for them.

The biggest piece of evidence against the hapless group was that they had taken photos of “targets” in Florida, but the US government had equipped them with cameras.

The US government even rented cars for its dupes to drive to take the pictures.

It turns out that the group only wanted the $50,000, but an American jury convicted them anyhow.

When the US government has to go to such lengths to create “terrorists” out of hapless people, an undeclared agenda is being served. What could this agenda be?

The answer is many agendas. One agenda is to justify wars of aggression that are war crimes under the Nuremberg standard created by the US government itself. One way to avoid war crimes charges is to create acts of terrorism that justify the naked aggressions against “terrorist countries.”

Another agenda is to create a police state. A police state can control people who object to their impoverishment for the benefit of the superrich much more easily than can a democracy endowed with constitutional civil liberties.

Another agenda is to get rich. Terror plots, whether real or orchestrated, have created a market for security. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff, former head of US Homeland Security, is the lobbyist who represents Rapiscan, the company that manufactures the full body porno-scanners that, following the “underwear bomber” event, are now filling up US airports. Homeland Security has announced that they are going to purchase the porno-scanners for trains, buses, subways, court houses, and sports events. How can shopping malls and roads escape? Recently on Interstate 20 west of Atlanta, trucks had to drive through a similar device. Everyone has forgotten that the underwear bomber lacked required documents and was escorted aboard the airliner by an official.

The “war on terror” provides an opportunity for a few well-connected people to become very rich. If they leave Americans with a third world police state, they will be living it up in Gstaad.

This despite the fact that everyone on the planet knows that it is not lactating mothers, children, elderly people in walkers and wheelchairs, members of Congress, members of the military, nuns, and so on, who are members of Al Qaeda plotting to bring aboard a bomb in their underwear, their shoes, their shampoo and face creams.

Indeed, bombs aboard air liners are a rare event.

What is it really all about? Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?  On November 24, National Public Radio broadcast a report by Dina Temple-Raston: “Administration officials are looking at the possibility of codifying detention without trial and are awaiting legislation that is supposed to come out of Congress early next year.” Of course, the legislation will not come out of Congress. It will be written by Homeland Security and the Justice (sic) Department. The impotent Congress will merely rubber-stamp it.

The obliteration of habeas corpus, the most necessary and important protection of liberty ever institutionalized in law and governing constitution, has become necessary for the US government, because a jury might acquit an alleged or mock “terrorist” or framed person whom the US government has declared prior to the trial will be held forever in indefinite detention even if acquitted in a US court of law. The attorney general of the United States has declared that any “terrorist” that he puts on trial who is acquitted by a jury will remain in detention regardless of the verdict. Such an event would reveal the total lawlessness of American “justice.”

The United States of America, “the city upon the hill,” “the light unto the world,” has become Nazi Germany. It was the practice of the Gestapo to ignore court verdicts and to execute or hold indefinitely the cleared defendant in the camps. The Obama regime is in the process of completing Dick Cheney’s dream by legislating the legality of indefinite detention. American law has collapsed to the dungeons of the Dark Ages.

This Nazi Gestapo policy is now the declared policy of the US Department of Justice (sic).

Anyone who thinks the United States is a free society where people have liberty, “freedom and democracy” is uninformed.

Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term.  He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal.  He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider’s Account of Policymaking in Washington;  Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.


Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

Paul Craig Robers: The Latest Orchestrated Threat — Time for a new, more threatening, bogyman, the pursuit of which will keep the “war on terror” going — Haqqanis and Pakistan

The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot — Wouldn’t the FBI’s resources be better spent on detecting and breaking up actual Terrorist plots – if there are any – rather than manufacturing ones?

Charlie McGrath: GAMEOVER !!

[youtube=]G A M E O V E R !!

crabbydogtrix | November 27, 2010 | 414 likes, 4 dislikes……

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