Freedom from Alaska!

Category: The Soul of America Page 4 of 34

Exhaustive Study Debunks Link Between “Chemical Imbalance” and Depression — The serotonin hypothesis

[In] a major new review of the research University College London Psychiatry Professor Joanna Moncrieff and a team of five other top European researchers found “there is no evidence of a connection between reduced serotonin levels or activity and depression.” The primary research indicates there is “no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations.”

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World Affairs Brief, July 29, 2022 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Why is America Crumbling? Today’s “Christianity” is Not Biblical Christianity — GREATEST Awakening Coming!

Today’s “Christianity” is not Biblical Christianity. Being born-again is just the start of us abiding in Christ, walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. These are the sons of God, Paul says in Romans 8:1-17. Then we have “no condemnation,” because we’re actually in Christ Jesus, having clear consciences before God and men, like Paul always practiced (Acts 24:16).

Gallup: Culture, Not Churches, Influencing Americans Views of the Bible — ‘Christians’ not salt & light

“History fails to record a single precedent in which NATIONS SUBJECT TO MORAL DECAY have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION leading to ultimate national disaster.” – Douglas MacArthur

Gallup: Culture, Not Churches, Influencing Americans Views of the Bible

It’s clear in recent decades, poll after poll shows the extent of the biblical ignorance and moral decline in America which has lead to tragic consequences. A new Gallup survey supports recent Barna and Pew Research, and the takeaways are consistent: it’s not the church or Christians who are impacting people’s worldview and perceptions of the Bible, it’s modern culture.

The fact God’s Word has rapidly been eradicated from our society is stunning.

Tozer: “Awful Spiritual Mess Today (Died 1963)” — Real Christianity even rare then; 10 times rarer today?!

According to A.W. Tozer, real Christianity was even rare in the mid-20th century!

It’s probably 10 times worse today — at least 60 years later!

(podcast) Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Minister w/ Andrew Gray — Parts of Christianity, Buddhism, Paganism & Eastern religions — ‘The Truth with a capitol T’ doesn’t exist

A LGBTQ and even pagans inclusive fellowship in Anchorage that mixes parts of Christianity, Buddhism, Paganism & Eastern religions.

‘The Truth with a capitol T’ doesn’t exist, they say; though, there can’t be conflicting truths. There is only the way it really is — the truth.

For example, there either are angels or there are not. God is either one, three-in-1, or thousands (as in Hinduism). The Devil and demons either exist or do not. Demons either affect people, or do not. There is absolute truth, and truth matters.

“We’re more about asking questions than finding the answers.” – Rev. Sherry

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Lise Adams Sherry, minister of Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

East Anchorage Book Club with Andrew Gray

(video) Epstein “Client List” Cover-Up With Nick Bryant

#Les Wexner #Donald Trump #Bill Clinton #Maria Farmer #Katie Johnson #Jean-Luc Brunel #Peter Nygard #Dennis Hastert #Larry Craig #Bruce King (Gov. New Mexico) #Bill Richardson #Bill Barr #Jamal Khashoggi #Prince Andrew #Alan Dershowitz #Virginia Giuffre #Sarah Ransome


The Jeffrey Epstein Cover Up: Pedophilia, Lies, and Ghislaine Maxwell, by Nick Bryant [Lots of names!]

Nick Bryant’s new podcast — also on Apple

2:20 “This was a complete cover-up. What troubles me about this: I wrote a book about a very similar child traficking network that was covered up in the late ’80s and early ‘9os [The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal], and I thought to myself if a network receives enough mainstream media attention we will eventually out it. I’ve felt really forlorn throughout the last couple of years because our government has covered this up in broad daylight, and Americans seem to be cool with it. … Not only Ghislaine Maxwell should have gone to prison, but all of them should have gone to prison.” – Nick Bryant

10:45 “If we allow these affluent perverts to molest our children with impunity, what does that say about us as a society? It says we’re approaching spiritual death, or maybe we’re already there.” – Nick Bryant

Same old story: Bears raid garbage, mayor protects people, news media bites on story

GREAT TITLE: Same old story: Bears raid garbage, mayor protects people, news media bites on story

The left love to criticize our conservative, common sense Mayor Dave Bronson — all negative all the time.

Paul warned about these “ungrateful,” “not lovers of good” people:

“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” – 2 Tim. 3:1-4.

Same old story: Bears raid garbage, mayor protects people, news media bites on story

They Don’t Want You To Know This! This Will Change Everything You Know About ‘Pride’

“Haughty pride is the opposite of the spirit of humility that God seeks.”

“Pride has been called the cancer of the soul, the beginning of all sin, and sin in its final form.”

“Pride is viewed as a great sin and rebellion against God because it presumes to possess excellence and glory that belong to God alone.”

“Prideful people treat others with contempt and cruelty.”

“Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

“Pride is taking the glory that belongs to God alone and keeping it for ourselves.”

“Pride is essentially self-worship.”

“Work out your salvation; pride has to go.”

“Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

We are not to boast about ourselves. If we want to boast, then we are to proclaim the glories of God. … It is what God says about us that makes the difference.”

“Do not be caught in this trap, pride. Fight and get delivered by the Spirit of God.”

Global Report: 45% of People Have Not Felt True Happiness for More Than Two Years

It has been more than two years since many people last felt true happiness and they are searching for ways to be happy again, no matter the cost.

  • 45 percent of people have not felt true happiness for more than two years and 25 percent don’t know, or have forgotten, what it means to feel truly happy.
  • 88 percent are looking for new experiences to make them smile and laugh. People are prioritizing health (80 percent), personal connections (79 percent), and experiences (53 percent) to gain happiness.
  • More than half (53 percent) wish money could buy happiness, with 78 percent willing to pay a premium for true happiness.
  • 89 percent attempted to find happiness in online shopping during the pandemic…


Bill Maher: “According to a recent Gallup poll we will all be gay in 2054” [because demons drive all lusts – Jeff]

Because it’s a demon-driven lust addiction, like heterosexual lust that we also need to be COMPLETELY FREE from.

“According to a recent Gallup poll, less than 1% of Americans born before 1946, that’s Joe Biden’s generation, identify that way, 2.6% of Boomers do, 4.2% of Gen X, 10.5% of Millennials and 20.8% of Gen Z, which means if we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054.” – Bill Maher


My article, which has changed minds on this key subject:

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

We MUST overcome — my article that no one can refute:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

How to be free:

LUST ‘the poison that kills the soul’ FREEDOM! My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — When we realize demons drive lust we can be free!

PLANDEMIC 3 – MASS FORMATION — Why your relatives are acting this way

Why your relatives are acting this way

Only 7 minutes:


Mom fights woke school district and the spirit of the age. Where are the dads?

Deace: Mom fights woke school district and the spirit of the age. Where are the dads?

Mama Bear is still fighting, while too many around her simply stand by and watch the train wreck pass them by as it steals the very souls of their children. How did it come to such a pass, when a single woman must stand alone against such darkness and chaos? Where are the dads of this district?

The answer to that question will be our everlasting shame, if not our complete undoing as a nation.

Abortion: ~1 Million Babies Were Killed in 2020

Abortions Increase as More Blue States Promote Abortion, 930,000 Babies Were Killed in 2020


Woke’s New Words to the Song ‘The Impossible Dream’ — to remove all semblance of morality and religion from this world

World Affairs Brief, May 13, 2022 (

New Words to the song The Impossible Dream:

The woke crowd has demanded new words to one of the most powerful songs ever written: The Impossible Dream from Man of La Mancha.

Two of its most memorable lines were changed:

1) “To love pure and chaste from afar” is now “To be better far than you are.”

2) “To march into Hell for a Heavenly cause” is now “to die so that honor and justice will live.”

As my sister said, “they have to remove all semblance of morality and religion from this world.”

Elizabeth Warren melts down over Roe

“Ladies, if you get pregnant, run on down to the abortion clinic…” [LOUD CHEER!]

Barna Survey: Less than 6% of Americans are actual Christians — Yet 69% self-identify as ‘Christian’

It’s almost as if we’re now living in Sodom or Gomorrah. The results of this Barna survey are eye-opening: Of the only “6% who possess a biblical worldview and demonstrate a consistent understanding and application of biblical principles,” 25% say there is no absolute moral truth and 20% voted for Biden.

So not even 6% of Americans are real Christians.

AwakenWithJP: If Body Positivity Logic Was Used Everywhere — Backwards-Speak | Reverse-Truth


Dr. Berg: 7 Home DIY Tests for Adrenal Fatigue and STRESS — Many people have poor focus and insomnia

2:00 “You may have poor focus, because with the adrenals you’re kind of scattered; you’re all over the place. You’re solving problems 24/7, so it’s very difficult to keep your attention on one thing over a period of time without shifting to another topic. That relates to completing things. …”

8:12 “How well do you sleep? Do you get up specifically around 2AM, then we know cortisol may be involved. Or can you go to sleep, maintain a comfortable sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed? That’s a real good indication to tell you if you have healthy adrenals or not.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue:
• Insomnia
• Dizziness when standing up too fast
• Brain fog
• Low tolerance to stress
• Low libido
• Allergies
• A poor immune system
• Inflammation
• Poor focus

The best home tests for adrenal fatigue (check out the video to learn how to do each test):
1. Ragland’s test
2. Iris test
3. Hold your breath
4. Recovery after exercise
5. Ability to tolerate stress
6. Ability to go up inclines
7. Ability to sleep all night

EMJ: “National Organization of Women (NOW) runs on guilt from abortions”

“National Organization of Women runs on guilt, guilt from abortions.”

– E. Michael Jones, minute-1:00:45

Joe Schimmel: They Sold Their Souls For The Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is the most watched television event in America while also containing the biggest opportunity for popular artists to showcase their music in front of millions of people during the halftime show. But what message is being spread to countless families across the world? The 2022 Super Bowl halftime show amassed possibly the biggest lineup in history with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Mary J. Blige and a surprise appearance by 50 Cent. We take a look at some of these artists and what’s truly behind their music.

They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll

“Jesus… What Happened To Us?” by Five Times August at St. John’s Episcopal Church Washington, D.C.

Dominant superpowers don’t accumulate $30 trillion in debt

From: Zero Hedge

Dominant superpowers don’t accumulate $30 trillion in debt

FEB 07, 2022
by Simon Black via Sovereign Man

The government was extremely unstable, and notoriously corrupt. They rigged elections. They sent Praetorian guards to harass and intimidate their opponents. And they sewed social conflict so that Romans turned on one another.

In the meantime, the Roman economy was collapsing. Inflation became so rampant that Diocletian infamously had to implement extreme price controls, and then threaten to kill anyone who didn’t follow them.

They also lost control of their borders, as countless barbarian tribes poured into the empire and squatted on Roman lands.

The barbarian migration eventually turned into full-blown invasions and military conflict, and the Roman military lost a number of major battles.

girls mock abortion / University of Kentucky

Feb 3, 2022

Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Doggies

“America, you’ll never get your freedom… back until you give up porn.” – Rick Wiles

Porn took down America, starting in the ’60s.

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On today’s edition of TruNews, Rick talks about the latest revelations regarding the late Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy. A&E Television released the first segment of a 10-part documentary series on Monday titled Secrets of Playboy.

The A&E series contains shocking information from former Playboy bunnies about the real Hugh Hefner, including horror stories of abuse and bestiality. The information is disturbing.


“Widespread DELUSIONAL PSYCHOSIS” Dr. Mark McDonald on the Psychological State of America

“More often than not, it is the women who fall prey to this delusional psychosis, and much more strongly than the men.” Hyper-protective, emotionally driven, driven to maintain safety — “in a chronic PTSD state.”

70-80% of women are “so locked into this psychosis, this delusion that information doesn’t help.”

“Silent War” by Five Times August (Lyric Video) 2021

Somebody’s selling a new religion
Somebody’s selling a lie
Somebody wants all the strife and division
That’s driving us out of our minds

They’re telling the world not trust their own eyes
They’re telling the people they’re wrong
They’re keeping the truth for their power and gain
And taking whatever we’ve got

And some of you eat all the lies you’ve been fed
Some of you just go along
Training acceptance inside of your head
To give them whatever they want

You’re leaving your brothers and sisters behind
You’re told it’s the best thing to do
You’re shutting out friends ‘cause you’re told that’s what’s right
Now they win because all of us lose

And it’s so sad
Watching these times as they change
And it’s so bad
The battle’s been violent and strange
As they lock us indoors
In a prison of this silent war

Now someone is trying to sell you the cure
The same one who made the disease
And they’ll try to convince you and make you feel sure
But hey, there ain’t no guarantees

They covered your mouth and they’ve tied back your hands
They did it to all of the kids
And nobody knows all the damage that’s done
And won’t ask until the master permits

So take back your freedom
And fight for your life
Stand up before it’s all gone
Take back your freedom
And fight for your life
Stand up before it’s all gone

“God Help Us All” by Five Times August

“Jesus… What Happened To Us” by Five Times August

“Jesus… What Happened To Us?”
written by Bradley James Skistimas

Shut your mouth, get in line
Just behave or pay the fine
They’re pulling on your backbone
And taking out your spine

They want you weak, don’t speak
Don’t question, don’t think
Keep staring at your smart phone
Get dumber every week

Now give up your freedom and shush
Oh Jesus, what happened to us?

Leave the church, kill your faith
Judge the skin and learn to hate
Make yourself the enemy
But call yourself a saint

Learn the rules, be a fool
Remove your kid from school
And apologize for everything
Apologize for you

Now give the TV all of your trust
Oh Jesus, what happened to us?

Mark, Jack, Bill, Joe
They’ll tell you what you need to know
They give you your permissions
And tell you where to go

Lights, camera, action, edit
We’re so pathetic
You believe it ’cause you watched it
You believe it ’cause they said it

Now everybody stay home and rust
Oh Jesus, what happened to us?

We used to stand and fight
We had a voice alright
We had a life worth living
We had a damn worth giving
Now we’re watching it fall
That’s the truth of it all

So shut your mouth, get in line
Just behave or pay the fine
They’re pulling on your backbone
And taking out your spine

They want you weak, don’t speak
Don’t question, don’t think
Keep staring at your smart phone
Get dumber every week

Don’t nobody put up a fuss
Oh Jesus, what’s happened to us?

Oh Jesus
Jesus, what happened to us?

Poll: 45% of Dems Support Internment Camps for Unvaccinated, 59% Support Home Lockdowns

January 19, 2022

The data comes from Rasmussen and is worth examining since it exemplifies the current divide in America among people who want some kind of normalcy, and people willing to permanently imprison their neighbors if they don’t elect to receive a shot:

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