‘Mass delusional psychosis’: ~”The entire American population all at the same time losing their rational faculties, being unable to think, acting as a herd.”
“The fuel is fear. … The fear has been the driver behind this pandemic from the very beginning. Without fear, it all falls apart.”
“Fear has been driven by government, corporations and by media… because it benefits them. … Once people are dependent on government they don’t depend on their families, their churches or their communities. They look up, but they don’t look to God, but to government. That, in my view is the end game.”
“Because the mainstream media chooses to black them out [mass protests worldwide against mandates], I refuse to acknowledge that they’re happening, because doing so would invalidate my whole commitment to not changing my mind since this whole thing began.”
Nearly one-third of U.S. millennials identify as gay or transgender and almost half the demographic group prefers socialism over capitalism, according to a recent study.
Millennials are comprised by about 78 million people between the ages of 18 and 37 — the most populous generation in American society, according to an Arizona Christian University study.
“In previous eras, in order to get sexually explicit material, you had to go to a pornographic theater, or you had to go to a bookstore. Now, you can access pornography sitting at home at no cost, over the internet.”
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Raised on Porn exposes the ways pornography has become the new sex education for children and unpacks the dangerous lifelong implications of this global phenomenon.
Through riveting firsthand accounts, cinematic re-enactments, 3D animation, and interviews with the world’s leading neurologists, sociologists, psychologists, and therapists, Raised on Porn is filled to the brim with raw, compelling insight on how pornography is poisoning us and our relationships. This film shatters cultural myths about the “harmless” nature of pornography and provides a sobering framework to understand how this graphic genre of media has shaped our world, eliciting a desperately-needed call for change.
CONTENT WARNING: While the film doesn’t contain any nudity, it features discussions and images of a sexual nature that some viewers will find disturbing. Our editors have worked hard to create something that is watchable for most viewers while still conveying the essence of the problem. We recommend the film for mature teens and above.
45:50 “When you wake up every morning, and whether you do it consciously or subconsciously, your objective is to make people think you’re compassionate and virtuous. You’re on the wrong track, because it’s about you, about your ego.
What you should do is get up every morning and say ‘today I’m going to try to find out what’s right and what’s true and pursue that.’ That’s the difference between a leftist and a non-leftist. The leftist says I will do something today to make people think you’re virtuous.”
2:05 “This song is the same thing over and over and over. … It doesn’t really go anywhere.”
27:10 “We’re in the era of limited dynamic range. Everything is compressed to the max. …the same velocity. Vocals are all autotune, so they’re all in the grid… computerized. Everything is in the exact tempo. It never moves, has no humanity. … It’s not people playing together.”
The truth the vaccine industry hides from you. Watch as this woman (Elizabeth Johnston – Activist Mommy) blows the cover off this bloody industry!
And what she doesn’t cover is how post-birth abortion was legalized for #Adrenochrome and #OrganHarvesting from children.
I don’t know how any parent today, with the knowledge of how vaccines are manufactured, can play Russian Roulette with their child’s DNA by injecting them with vaccines not only containing aborted fetal tissue, but also:
Human DNA from aborted babies differing in gender, race, and health histories
Monkey kidney cancer cells
Chicken cancer cells
Bat cells
Dog cells
Pig cells
Carcinogens and Heavy Metals
and God knows what else.
Mass psychosis is defined as an epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions
The witch hunts that occurred in the Americas and Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries, when tens of thousands of people, mostly women, were burned at the stake is a classic example of mass psychosis. The rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century is another
When a society descends into madness, the results are always devastating. Individuals who make up the affected society become morally and spiritually inferior, unreasonable, irresponsible, emotional, erratic and unreliable. Worst of all, a psychotic mob will engage in atrocities that any solitary individual within the group would normally never consider
The psychogenic steps that lead to madness includes a panic phase, where the individual is frightened and confused by events they cannot explain, and a phase of psychotic insight, where the individual explains their abnormal experience of the world by inventing an illogical but magical way of seeing reality that eases the panic and gives meaning to the experience
Menticide is a term that means “killing of the mind.” It’s a way of controlling the masses by systematically killing the human spirit and free thought. It’s a system through which the ruling elite imprints their own delusional worldview onto society. A society is primed for menticide by the intentional sowing of fear and social isolation
“Every single woman I know that took birth control got depressed from birth control. … Every woman is on birth control. And if you’re going to try to get one of those women to be sane if they’re experiencing side effects from birth control, then good luck. That’s half of your population done already.” – Mikhaila Peterson (Jordan Peterson’s daughter), 8/10/21 @ minute-8:15
Abortion fueled our descent into a state where the rule of law no longer applies. The convenience of the powerful is more important than the life of the weak.
University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating
Aug 5, 2021
The University of Pittsburgh may have inadvertently provided more evidence this week that aborted babies may be being born alive and left to die so that their organs may be used for scientific research, according to the Center for Medical Progress.
It’s sad to now hear Michael Nesmith’s shallow rational, but is not surprising now, 53 years later. As a teen, I was a huge fan; though, I never could understand their goofiness, which is somewhat explained here.
I’m pretty sure the first record album that I bought was their first album, “The Monkees” (1966) at age-9. I remember trying to decide if I would pay the extra 50 cents to buy it in stereo, or just get mono. I think I got mono. Someday, I’ll have to check.
I seem to recall that when I bought their second album, “More of the Monkees” (1967) it was in stereo, having either having learned the advantage, or mono was no longer available.
It seems crazy now, looking back so many years ago, thinking this was such a big deal — falling into Hollywood’s trap. They weren’t even a real band.
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Michael Nesmith:
7:45 “And then, everything else, I just sort of showed up, and sat down, and kept my mouth shut. … I just felt like ‘roll with the flow, guys. This is good for you. It’s a good time. You’re a lucky sap. Be grateful, and take the money, and go home.'”
8:20 QUESTION: “The movie, ‘Head’ (1968) [goofy movie that made no sense to me as an 11-year-old]: what comes to mind?”
NESMITH: “It was a weed filled weekend…. We were all just high as a kite.”
19:00 “I just shut up and listened. That turns out to have been my best MO: ‘Shut up and listen. And sure enough, things come in and inspire.”
27:00 “The phrase is: ‘the Devil has no access to the singing man.'”
In a shocking experiment, random beachgoers in San Diego, California are asked if they’ll sign a petition supporting the arrest and detention of all unvaccinated adults until they agree to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
..Americans are saying: “What’s the point in competition, if it’s all about equity?”
It’s worse. Conservatives actually cheered last week when the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team lost to Sweden in the opening match. The memes on social media were brutal: “Get woke, go broke.” In fact, there is a wide swath of America that is now hoping the women’s soccer squad will go home empty handed, a well-deserved reward for their faux resistance, take-a-knee insistence.…
The men’s basketball team also spectacularly failed, suffering America’s first Olympic loss since 2004, and to France, of all countries, 83-76.
“Must be really difficult to win a game when 80% of the players hate the country they are playing for,” wrote another critic.
Cheering for your country’s team to lose on the international stage is new territory for America’s big socio-political divide. We have never seen Americans turn on their own Olympic team.…
Berry, American hammer thrower, has already shown what we can expect if she is on the medals stand in Tokyo. She says she’ll use the Olympics platform to point out racial inequality in the United States.
1:07:00 “The left has taken the position that God, our Creator made a calculated mistake by giving mankind free will. … Most leftists fancy themselves as better than…. They are superior, they hyper-intellectuals, and they will save you from yourselves. And that’s how they justify their tyrannical ways by convincing themselves that by being a tyrant they’re being noble, because you, left to your own means will make a mess of things. And they want to protect you and me from ourselves.
Obviously, they’re wrong. They’re not superior to us. They’re taking away the one corrective mechanism that each one of us need, which is the freedom to make mistakes. … ‘Just give us your freedom and we’ll save you from yourself.’ And that’s really the battle for America today. … We will have to fight them…in the battle of ideas. We cannot lay down, because they will accept nothing but full and complete surrender.”
1:14:10 “The only thing that involves freedom that the Democrats support is an abortionist’s right to slaughter a child while they’re still in their mother’s womb. … The freedom to kill.”
4:45 Will Witt: “So many of these people who make these horrible, leftist Tik Toks, they turn the comments off, because the left doesn’t debate. …so that conservatives and different ideas can [not] come on and correct them on these things. … I have all my comments on. … But the left, they don’t debate like that. They turn their comments off so that their ideas can spread, and no one has a chance to have any sort of rebuttal.”
Dan Fagan Show 7/20/2021 (audio below). ‘Woke’ analysis starts at 20:25:
Dan explains why ‘woke’ is popular among leftists because it’s how many people are now getting their self worth, through virtue signaling, believing they’re championing for the woke causes. Leftism gives people a sense of purpose, even if what they’re championing is often not virtuous.
“Most leftists appoint themselves savior of mankind, crusaders for the oppressed. Typically, people who are left don’t believe in the existence of God. So there’s an emptiness there in their lives, and they have to fill it, and that’s how they fill it, by appointing themselves savior. And they come up with these crazy policies to destroy the lives of those who make good decisions, and to enable the lives of those who make bad decisions.”
29:00 “Not all people want freedom. … People find it easier to be enslaved.” “I can plug myself into this. They can tell me exactly what to do, and I’m comfortable with that. … The idea of removing government and having to think for yourself is scary to a lot of people.”
53:45 “I don’t have the slave mentality. … I look at Covid-19, people that were like: ‘please, lock us down, please put us in our homes, please tell me when to see my mom and dad!’ Maybe people just want to be enslaved, and this model of slave and master, meaning government and people that it controls will never be broken.”
1:14:30 Almost hooked on Xanax:
Candace was emotionally distraught after a breakup with her boyfriend in college. A doctor prescribed Xanax, an antidepressant. Thankfully, a friend talked her out of taking them, and Candace threw the pills away.
The greatest peace activist of all time, General Smedley Butler, produced the timeless little 1935 book War is a Racket. As Butler described it, “I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.” …
As Butler noted, “Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket. 1. We must take the profit out of war. 2. We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war. 3. We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes.”
20:45 “It’s not enough that brave men die. They must die for truth. … I would venture to say that the vast, vast majority of the soldier who have died on the battlefields or world history have died defending a lie.”
But then Chuck justifies the American Revolution, which James Perloff exposes as another lie. I tried to share this with Chuck on his Facebook page, and he banned me.