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Category: Why they hate US Page 13 of 25

Skousen: US and Israeli Involvement with ISIS — The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS — The main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat

World Affairs Brief, June 5, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


The UN has now published a report that claims that Israeli Defense forces have regular contact with ISIS. Nathaniel Downes has the story:

Traditionally such groups as ISIS have relied upon Saudi Arabia for support. [Actually, the Saudis are only acting as a surrogate for the US, who, in turn, give the corrupt Saudi royal family protection against any Arab Spring uprisings.]

In a new report from the UN, it is revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were maintaining regular contact with members of the so-called Islamic State since May of 2013. Initial reports from the IDF stated that this was only for medical care for civilians, but that story fell apart when the UN observers identified direct contact between IDF forces and ISIS soldiers, including giving medical care to ISIS fighters. Observations even included the transfer of two crates from the IDF to ISIS forces, the contents of which have not been confirmed at this time. Further the UN report identified what the Syrians label a crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS, a point of concern brought before the UN Security Council. This report from the UN strengthens the claims by the Syrian regime that Israel is heavily involved in operations within the nation.

I’ve long maintained that the only way the US and Britain can run false flag terror operations like ISIS and al-Qaeda is by using highly trained Israeli-Arab infiltrators and spies.

This is part of a continuing pattern of Israeli support for the Islamic State. It was only two months ago that Israel attacked Syrian forces in opposition to ISIS forces. Israeli attacks even killed an Iranian military adviser for the Syrian military just two weeks ago. The U.S.’s financing of ISIS, part of the effort against Syrian president Assad, is well documented, as well. That the efforts to undermine the Assad regime were in turn strengthening the same terrorist group which recently set a Jordanian pilot on fire to set an example is conveniently ignored by the higher up military command.

He’s right; the main motive behind the US funding of and creation of ISIS is to take down Assad. Israel is refusing to bomb Iran until Syria is eliminated as a retaliation threat. Brandon Turbeville at Activist Post writes about the recent Pentagon admission that the US has been supporting ISIS since before the Benghazi scandal broke:

On May 18, Judicial Watch published a selection of recently declassified documents that were obtained from the US Department of Defense and the US State Department as a result of a lawsuit filed against the US government. The lawsuit and most of the documents contained within the release revolved around the Benghazi scandal but a deeper look into the documents dating back to 2012 reveal an even bigger story – that the US and NATO have admitted in their own documents to supporting al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

The documents demolish the “official story” of Western governments promoted from the beginning of the Syrian crisis until the present day – that the “rebellion” was organic, grassroots, and made up of moderates and freedom-loving democracy proponents. The document states unequivocally that “The Salafist [sic] the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.” It points out that “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition; while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime.” Tellingly, the report then states that “AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning, both ideologically and through the media . . .”

Indeed, the documents clearly admit that the crisis unfolding in Syria was never a moderate rebellion fighting for democracy, it was made up of fighters from the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda (al-Qaeda In Iraq/Al-Nusra Front) from the very beginning.

The document continues in its revelations by stating that:

“Opposition forces are trying to control the eastern areas (Hasaka and Der Zor), adjacent to the western Iraqi provinces (Mosul and Anbar), in addition to neighboring Turkish borders. Western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey are supporting these efforts. This hypothesis is most likely in accordance with the data from recent events, which will help prepare safe havens under international sheltering, similar to what transpired in Libya when Benghazi was chosen as the command center of the temporary government.”

“Opposition forces,” of course, are al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front, and ISIS, as mentioned and defined earlier by the DIA document. Thus, any questions of whether or not the US and its NATO/GCC allies have been supporting jihadists and terrorists, should be answered with the admissions made within these pages.

What is also well-known but now finally admitted to by the US government itself is the plan to establish “buffer zones” and “safe zones” on the Libyan model inside Syria. Such a plan has been covered extensively by myself and Tony Cartalucci (as well as many others in the alternative media) when the concept was considered a “conspiracy theory.”

In regards to geopolitical concerns and the breakup and destruction of the Syrian government as well as the Iraqi leadership, the document states:

If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria, (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).

This “Salafist principality” is obviously the Islamic State, particularly when one visualizes the maps of territory claimed by the jihadist organization. As the DIA document admits, the expansion of the ISIS principality is taking place with the support and assistance of Western powers. This much is evidenced by the fact that the ISIS fighters running rampant across Iraq and especially Syria could never have been able to do so were it not for the support given to them by the GCC and NATO. These fighters certainly could never have held such territory if Western military assistance, Saudi money, and Turkish/Israeli logistics and intelligence had not been provided to them.

According to Brad Hoff, [managing editor of Levant Report] a former US Marine who served during the early years of the Iraq War and as a 9/11 first responder at the Marine Corps Headquarters in Battalion Quantico from 2000 to 2004, the just released Pentagon report for the first time provides stunning affirmation that:

“US intelligence predicted the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as an enemy, the report envisions the terror group as a US strategic asset.”

Critics of the US-led strategy in the region have repeatedly raised questions about the role of coalition allies in intentionally providing extensive support to Islamist terrorist groups in the drive to destabilize the Assad regime in Syria.

The conventional wisdom is that the US government did not retain sufficient oversight on the funding to anti-Assad rebel groups, which was supposed to be monitored and vetted to ensure that only ‘moderate’ groups were supported.

However, the newly declassified Pentagon report proves unambiguously that years before ISIS launched its concerted offensive against Iraq, the US intelligence community was fully aware that Islamist militants constituted the core of Syria’s sectarian insurgency.

Steve Chovanec of Global Research, provides specific evidence of how the US is going easy on ISIS to make sure it isn’t defeated in Iraq:

The fall of Mosul in June of 2014… was simply given away to by a battle-hardened army of 350,000 men to a lightly armed brigade of roughly 1,300 Islamists(3), the commanding military officers specifically ordering their subordinates to leave their weapons for the jihadi’s and to flee. One Iraqi army soldier described that, “on the morning of June 10 his commanding officer told the men to stop shooting, hand over their rifles to the insurgents, take off their uniforms, and get out of the city.”

Had this “remarkable” fall been desired by the US-coalition in order to “isolate” the “strategic depth of Shia expansion” in Iraq? Or rather “Had the senior Iraqi commanders been instructed by their Western military advisers to hand over the city to the ISIS terrorists? Were they co-opted?” as Professor Michel Chossudovsky had asked when this occurred?

Similarly, the more recent fall of Ramadi is equally as dubious. The US-led coalition, which had promised to defend Iraq against the Islamic State, basically allowed Ramadi to fall, conducting only 7 airstrikes during the battle, which is such a low number as to be completely irrelevant. The remarkably weak excuse was that a great sandstorm had prevented them from conducting regular attacks. This despite the fact that the next day ISIS was holding victory parades among perfectly clear skies, the militants assembling in massive rows down the wide open street. With no “sandstorm” excuse, airstrikes could have easily wiped out entire factions of the extremists the US is supposedly fighting, yet none occurred. Why? Had this too been desired by the US-coalition in order to “isolate” the “strategic depth of Shia expansion” in Iraq?

Wahda Al-Jumaili, an advisor to Iraq’s parliamentary speaker, speaking of the city’s fall the day after stated “Whether this was the result of treason, neglect, or conspiracy, or a regional or international plot… Even the international coalition has played a bad role. People saw the international coalition dropping weapons for ISIS. They dropped heavy weaponry to the forces of terrorism in Ramadi. This is an act of treason by the international coalition forces.”

This, however, is not the first time an Iraqi politician has accused the US-coalition of dropping weapons and aid to ISIS, this is instead a phenomenon that has been going on for some time now, in one incident two British planes were even shot down by the Iraqi’s under charges that they were dropping weapons to ISIS. Photographic evidence was taken of the downed planes. Iraqi parliamentarian Jome Divan stated that “The international coalition is only an excuse for protecting the ISIL and helping the terrorist group with equipment and weapons. The coalition has not targeted ISIL’s main positions in Iraq.” This being only one of a plethora of Iraqi politicians who have consistently been making these claims for some time now.

In any event the spillover to Iraq and the fall of Mosul and Ramadi were predictable consequences of the Wests’ Syria policy, and in some instances it appears as though the West aided in their fall, so at the very least they were an accepted consequence in the strategy against Syria and Iran, and at the worst they were an intended partition of Iraq.


(video) Skousen: Israeli Mossad Directs ISIS – with CIA to take down Assad, so Israel can bomb Iran

(video) ISIS In Greater Israel's Scheme

True story. And Brother Nathaniel is an ethnic Jew.
Israel and the US’ goal is to overthrow Assad, so Israel (with or without the US) can attack Iran without opposition.
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[youtube=]ISIS In Greater Israel’s Scheme

Brother Nathanael

Memorial Day Requires a Rethink — If central bankers start wars for profit and to advance world government tyranny, are veterans heroes or have they been deceived? — Ultimately, the NWO is about replacing the rule of God with the rule of Lucifer. That’s why “God” has become a dirty word. War is the principal means by which Lucifer’s disciples, the Cabalist (satanist) central bankers, “change the world”

Please also see:

Three Questions for Memorial Day: (1) Can we remember without attributing reasons for war that aren’t in fact the real reasons? (2) Can we remember the innocent victims of war even as we remember those who died while fighting? (3) Can we remember without the “us versus them” factor? — Perhaps if all who died were commemorated

(video) Remember: A more Christian perspective of Memorial Day

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From: Henry Makow

Memorial Day Requires a Rethink

May 24, 2015

If central bankers start wars
for profit and to advance world

government tyranny,
re veterans heroes
or have they been deceived? 

My annual Memorial Day piece —

Wars are the closest thing to hell on earth. What do you expect? They are devised by Satanists. Why do we accept them as natural and inevitable? Why do we perpetuate the myth that veterans were “defending our freedom” when in fact wars deprive us of freedom? 

In the Red Symphony, Illuminati Jewish insider Christian Rakovski stated “Wars are revolutionary” :

“Revolution” really means, “overturning” Western civilization. Replacing God with Lucifer. 

“Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences,” Rakovsky, says.

Peace is “counter-revolutionary” since it is war that paves the way for revolution.

Revolution really means, overturning Western civilization. Thus, war is a self-destructive enterprise contrived by folks who want to degrade and enslave us.

By Henry Makow Ph.D.


Marine General Smedley Butler (1881-1940) confirmed that he was “a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.”

In War is a Racket (1935) he wrote: “I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.”

Flash forward to 2011 when NATO fomented and led a “revolution” in Libya, one of only four countries that didn’t have a Rothschild central bank. Now Libya does.



All wars are organized by the Illuminati bankers to collect or incur debt, plunder or profit, and to advance their program for “world government” tyranny. They appeal to our patriotism to sucker us in. We are told we are fighting to “preserve freedom” when the opposite is actually the case.



On May 25, we are mostly commemorating World War Two. While we were losing fathers and sons, Allied and Nazi central bankers were huddled together in Basel at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) mainly financing the Nazis.

The BIS handed gave the Nazis the national treasure of Czechoslovakia, Holland and Belgium to ensure the war could go on. This gold, worth $378 million at the time, was the basis of loans to the Nazis and was never returned.


Ford, General Motors, Standard Oil and ITT provided the Nazis with essential trucks, airplane engines, materiel and technology, often giving the Nazis preference during shortages.  In a telling example, the Allies bombed a ball bearing plant in Germany only to have the stock replaced by a factory in Pennsylvania (via Sweden.)

Higham refers to these bankers as “the fraternity.” They are the Illuminati.

An earlier set of bankers masterminded World War One and kept it going. But you get the picture. All wars are really waged by the Luciferian central bankers against humanity, i.e “the goyim.”


The military is catching on too. A recent poll found that only 34 percent of U.S. veterans of the post-9/11 military believed that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were worth fighting. US soldiers now generally say they are fighting “for their buddies” not for their country.

(left.  Henry Kissinger said, “Military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used.”)


We cannot honor veterans without recognizing that, like us, they have been duped. Otherwise, we perpetuate the sinister power which holds us prisoner.

Ultimately, the New World Order is about replacing the rule of God with the rule of Lucifer. That’s why “God” has become a dirty word. War is the principal means by which Lucifer’s disciples, the Cabalist (satanist) central bankers, “change the world.”

They have erected a police state behind the facade of freedom. We don’t know this because our leaders in government, education and media are witting or unwitting participants. Treason to God and country is a prerequisite for success in many fields.

If honoring veterans means perpetuating a cycle of endless war, we must stop. Better to honor the dead by abolishing wars. We can do this by nationalizing private central banks, and making the bankers answer for their crimes.

Entire Article Here
Three Questions for Memorial Day: (1) Can we remember without attributing reasons for war that aren’t in fact the real reasons? (2) Can we remember the innocent victims of war even as we remember those who died while fighting? (3) Can we remember without the “us versus them” factor? — Perhaps if all who died were commemorated
(video) Remember: A more Christian perspective of Memorial Day
Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
(video) Ron Paul Booed by Reverse-Christian Debate Audience for Endorsing the Golden Rule

(audio/video) Was Jesus Booed In SC? Debate Reaction On The Robert Scott Bell Show 1/17/12 | Ron Paul Booed by ‘Christian’ Conservatives for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith
‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America — U.S. Foreign Policy Now Reverse-Christian
Just War and the Iran Crisis
Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion
Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want? — “These WARMONGERING EVANGELICALS beat the war drums; they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these ‘holy’ wars; they WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELECT PRO-WAR POLITICIANS…. Then, the politicians … send the US military to invade, bomb, and KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, the vast majority of whom are innocent people. … ANIMOSITY against the United States is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY; in an effort to keep our country at war, our ECONOMY is being overburdened and overtaxed TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN; in the name of the “War on Terror,” America is on the verge of becoming a giant POLICE STATE; we are INCITING CHINA AND RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WAR; and America’s military VETERANS are KILLING THEMSELVES more frequently than are enemy bullets”
Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”
The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”
Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???
Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time
Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”
Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation
Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.
Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!
Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus
[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus
[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!
[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’
My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!
Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.
EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.
Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?
[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture
President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List
Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”
Michael Franti: Bomb the World (”Power to the Peaceful!”)

8 Facts That Prove John McCain is an Unhinged Warmonger


8 Facts That Prove John McCain is an Unhinged Warmonger

Ben Cohen on June 03, 2013

1. McCain is trying to up American involvement in the civil war raging in Syria. One of the most vocal critics of the Obama administration’s Syria policy, McCain secretly made a trip across the Turkey-Syria border with Gen. Salem Idris, the leader of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). He stayed in the country for several hours before returning to Turkey. According to The Daily Beast, “Both in Syria and Turkey, McCain and Idris met with assembled leaders of Free Syrian Army units that traveled from around the country to see the U.S. senator. Inside those meetings, rebel leaders called on the United States to step up its support to the Syrian armed opposition and provide them with heavy weapons, a no-fly zone, and airstrikes on the Syrian regime….

2. He helped the Bush Administration build a case for war in Iraq, despite any evidence of WMDs or Saddam’s links to Al-Qaeda. McCain was one of the most vocal supporters of the war in Iraq and helped Bush and Cheney build a fictitious case against Saddam that led to one of the greatest strategic disaster in US military history. McCain is the only veteran in the Senate who has not turned against the war and still maintains it was a great idea.

3. Unwilling to accept that America’s role in Iraq was increasingly pointless and counterproductive, McCain was a huge supporter of the ‘Surge’ in 2007. …

4. McCain believes in America’s divine right to occupy a country for as long as it likes in order to achieve its objectives. During a at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire in 2008, McCain was asked about the Bush administration’s willingness to keep troops in Iraq for 50 years. McCain cut the questionner off and said “Make it a hundred.”

5. McCain has long been a proponent of attacking Iran. Despite Iran not threatening anyone, not having nuclear weapons and not building any, …

An example: During a campaign appearance in South Carolina in 2007,  McCain was asked by an audience member about potential U.S. military action in Iran. “How many times do we have to prove that these people are blowing up people now, never mind if they get a nuclear weapon. When do we send them an airmail message to Tehran?” a man asked. McCain replied, “That old, eh, that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran — “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah ….”.


6. Regardless of its illegality, McCain has advocated bombing the infrastructure of enemy countries. Under Article 54 of Protocol I of the 1977 Geneva Conventions, it states that:

It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies, and irrigation works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse Party, whatever the motive, whether in order to starve out civilians, to cause them to move away, or for any other motive

And here was McCain on the bombing of  Serbia during the Balklans crisis in 1999:

No infrastructure targets should have been off limits. And while we all grieve over civilian casualties as well as our own losses, they are unavoidable.

7. McCain was vehemently anti the use of torture as an interrogation method by the military, then suddenly announced that the CIA shouldn’t be held to the same standards. …

8. There is good evidence that John McCain’s thirst for war is almost entirely down to political ambition.

Entire Article Here
John McCain: War Hero or Something Less? — ‘Songbird’ McCain’s cover up of Vietnam era POW sightings could have been driven by fear that some released prisoners might have unpleasant things to say about his activities while at Hoa Lo prison
McCain and the POW Cover-up: The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam

Video Report: McCain Suppressed Info on Fellow Vietnam POWs Left Behind

(video) Paul Craig Roberts: Government abandoned Vietnam POWs now COMPLETELY CONFIRMED! John McCain and others exposed!

(video) McCain Laughs, Sings “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran”
(video) McCain Laughing About Killing Iranians Again
Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
(video) Ron Paul Booed by Reverse-Christian Debate Audience for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Obama-Netanyahu “Fallout” is Theater – Planned in 2009 — Diminishing Syria's strength a necessary prerequisite before waging war on Iran, according to Brookings Institute

From: Infowars

US and Israel attempting to establish feigned “diplomatic row” to justify “unilateral” Israeli attack on Iran


In a 2009 US policy paper published by the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution, it was made clear that the US was determined to provoke Iran into a conflict and effect regime change at any cost – up to and including an outright military invasion and occupation of Iran with US troops.

However, before it came to that, the Brookings Institution’s policymakers explored other options including fomenting US-backed political unrest coupled with covert, violent force, the use of US State Department listed foreign terrorist organizations to carry out assassinations and attacks within Iran, and limited airstrikes carried out by either the US or Israel, or both.

In retrospect, 6 years on, all of these tricks have not only been attempted to one degree or another in Iran, but have been demonstrably employed in neighboring Syria to diminish its strength – which according to Brookings – is a necessary prerequisite before waging war on Iran.

And of particular interest – considering what appears to be a growing diplomatic row between the United States and Israel – is just how precisely the US planned to covertly back what would be made to appear as a “unilateral” Israeli first strike on Iran – an attack that appears to be in the process of being justified through a carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign now unfolding.

From the Mouths of US Policymakers Themselves 

The Brookings Institution’s 2009 policy paper titled, “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran,” makes clear that negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program is merely theater, and that it will be used to give the world the impression that the United States explored all possible “peaceful” options before resorting to violent regime change.  The report states specifically that:

any military operation against Iran will likely be very unpopular around the world and require the proper international context— both to ensure the logistical support the operation would require and to minimize the blowback from it. The best way to minimize international opprobrium and maximize support (however, grudging or covert) is to strike only when there is a widespread conviction that the Iranians were given but then rejected a superb offer—one so good that only a regime determined to acquire nuclear weapons and acquire them for the wrong reasons would turn it down. Under those circumstances, the United States (or Israel) could portray its operations as taken in sorrow, not anger, and at least some in the international community would conclude that the Iranians “brought it on themselves” by refusing a very good deal.

Entire Article Here
(video) Skousen: Boehner Makes Back Door Deal With Liberals To Pass Amnesty | Netanyahu/Obama Schism is Political Theater so US appears justified to retaliate against Iran after Israel invades

(video) Skousen: US covertly funding overthrow of Syria so Israel can attack Iran without Syrian opposition

 [youtube=]Israel, U.S. Triple Cross Coming



Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

Skousen: ISIS as the New Flagship Terror Threat | Background on the Creation of Terror — “The phony war on terror is morphing into something even more unstable for the US, as years of occupation have increased the ranks of jihadists far in excess of the few hundred the US used to control directly in the lead up to 9/11″

(video) Skousen: Boehner Makes Back Door Deal With Liberals To Pass Amnesty | Netanyahu/Obama Schism is Political Theater so US appears justified to retaliate against Iran after Israel invades

Skousen: Beheading of James Foley as a New Provocation for War — “Remember that the US has a long history of creating horrific stories to justify going to war. Remember the supposed ripping of premature babies out of incubators in Iraq? It didn’t happen. The supposed chemical weapons attack on civilians by Assad in Syria? Also not true”

Washington Post: Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein— “The actors were drawn from some of us darker-skinned employees” (‘bin Laden’)
Joel Skousen: More on Death of SEAL Team Six in Afghanistan — The evidence of direct witnesses to the raid on the claimed bin Laden compound say only one chopper landed and it crashed and burned when leaving, killing all aboard. I concluded that the raid was a set up to fake bin Laden’s death (having died years before) to boost Obama’s popularity. Seal Team Six members on the raid died there, so another helicopter crash was planned in Afghanistan which the military could claim had these same members were on board—thus allowing them to explain to parents why their sons wouldn’t be coming home…

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

U.S.-Backed ISIS Beheads American Journalist — U.S. government provided weapons and training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq!
NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader is U.S., BRITISH and ISRAELI Intelligence Asset | Israel’s Hornet Nest Strategy
“(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?
[Why-they-hate-US video] Webster Tarpley: Syria & Iran, the Colorado Shooting — We are murdering Syrians, falsely blaming it on Assad in order to justify invasion so Syria can’t strike us when we/Israel strike Iran. The German people are being told while our presstitutes go along with the deception.
Joe Biden (2012 Hypocrisy): If Romney Wins, We’ll Go To War With Syria | CNN (2012): ROMNEY has accused Obama and his administration of being weak in dealing with President Bashar al-Assad, and has called for the United States and allies to ARM SYRIAN REBELS

(video) All Wars Are Bankers' Wars! — "Since the end of WW2, the US has covertly tried to overthrow the governments of 56 nations, succeeding 25 times" "So off to war your children must go, to spill their blood for the money-junkies' gold" – Michael Rivero

The USA has been systematically regime-changing countries who refuse to go along with the Rothschild NWO banking system.
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Quotes from Michael Rivero’s article of the same name: ALL WARS ARE BANKERS’ WARS!

“Since the end of WW2, the US has covertly tried to overthrow the governments of 56 nations, succeeding 25 times.”

“So off to war your children must go, to spill their blood for the money-junkies’ gold.”

– –

[youtube=]All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars


Published on Feb 4, 2013

Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. The written version is here:…

Video by Zane Henry.

This video is in the public domain. The producers have waived their copyright to this video.
Listen to a post production conversation between the producers by clicking on this mp3:…

(audio) Jesse Ventura on Chris Kyle 'a Hero': ‘The Nazis Have Heroes’ Too — "We invaded a country, overthrew its government, and then we killed people that lived there." "A hero should have honor. A hero is not how many people you’ve killed"

Bill O’Reilly on FOX News just played some of this interview, and attempted to crucify Jesse for having the guts to actually tell the truth — unlike O’Reilly, who is presstitute paid $millions to continue to spin a reverse-Christian, immoral war into something honorable.
O’Reilly tries to mock Jesse for being a ‘9/11 truther,’ which Jesse is. O’Reilly, on the other hand is a ‘9/11 liar’ — a man without honor.
America is becoming a reverse-Christian nation, with many of the ‘Christians’ being led by FOX News, instead of the HOLY Spirit.
Many links related to Bill O’Reilly, FOX News, Chris Kyle and 9/11 prove these points, below.
– –

VENTURA: A hero should have honor. A hero is not how many people you’ve killed. You know he’s obviously a great sniper. He’s obviously a great shot. He obviously did his job correctly. Alan let me fire this one at you: Do you think the Nazis have heroes?
COLMES: Well, obviously the Nazis were fighting for a cause we can’t condone.
VENTURA: Wait Wait Wait. When they invaded a country, when they invaded Poland, when they invaded France, and if a Nazi soldier killed a hundred people that had lived there, would he be classified a hero in Germany?
COLMES: But are you comparing what the Nazi mission was versus what our mission is in war as a country?
VENTURA: Well what I’m stating is we invaded Iraq, we were not asked in. We invaded a country, we overthrew its government, and then we killed people that lived there.
COLMES: Are we analogous to the Nazis?
VENTURA: Well, and the Communists, yeah. (source)

* * *

[youtube=]Jesse Ventura on People Calling Chris Kyle a Hero: ‘The Nazis Have Heroes’ Too


Published on Feb 3, 2015

Jesse Ventura, the former Minnesota governor and Navy SEAL, continued going after Chris Kyle by saying it’s not much to call him a hero because the Nazis had heroes too. Ventura successfully sued Kyle’s estate last year for defamation over Kyle claiming in his book that Ventura badmouthed the military and he punched him as a result.

Ventura said last week Kyle is a liar and shouldn’t be considered a “hero.”

Tonight, in a conversation with Alan Colmes on his radio show, Ventura doubled down. Colmes asked him about the controversy Michael Moore started about whether Kyle and other snipers are heroes.

Ventura asked, “Do you think the Nazis have heroes?”

Colmes said, “Well, obviously the Nazis were fighting for a cause we can’t condone.”

Ventura continued his argument and said that Nazi soldiers who killed hundreds would be considered heroes in Germany. Colmes pressed Ventura on whether this means he actually thinks America is “analogous to the Nazis” and you can hear Ventura’s answer to that in the audio segment

Posts Exposing Bill O’Reilly:
Meet the real Bill O’Reilly: ‘Fair’ly un’Balanced’ and Fairly Disgusting: O’Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit — Female coworker details lewd behavior of Fox News star
[Fox news unfair & unbalanced] Warmongerer, Reverse-Peacemaker Bill O’Reilly Slams Ron Paul; Host Responds
Bill O’Reilly Flips Out — Truly ‘Fair and Balanced’ People Don’t Do This
Bill O’Reilly to Judge Napolitano: “I don’t care about the Constitution … Don’t be a pinhead”
Analyzing O’Reilly’s body language—Anger, Personal Space
O’Reilly Lies About FOX Being “Fair & Balanced”
“Bill, show the world you have some courage.” Jesse Ventura challenges Bill O’Reilly to an interview. “Our media, today, is into creating the news rather than reporting it.”
7 Big Lies ‘American Sniper’ Is Telling America — The film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn’t see fit to clear up
One of these men risked their life to help protect your freedoms — the other is Chris Kyle
(video) ‘AMERICAN SNIPER’ EXPOSED AS GIANT HOAX – Movie brainwashes the public into accepting war

(video) Jesse Ventura Says American Sniper “Falls Short in Honor Department”

(video) ‘American Sniper’ Demonizes Iraqis — Our ‘hero,’ Chris Kyle hated them, writing in his book: “I hate the d— savages.” “I couldn’t give a flying f— about the Iraqis”

Michael Moore is Right About ‘American Sniper’: The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with patriotism or heroism

(video) Fox News Spin: “Everything Is Awesome” as America Tortures — “This cultlike mentality that if you just say ‘everything’s awesome’ and live in denial you’ll be okay. Almost everybody I know who’s had horrible stuff happen in their lives live in denial and say ‘everything is awesome’”
(video) Reporters Expose FOX News’ Collusion with Monsanto to Lie About BGH/Cancer Link — “The news is what we say it is”
(video) FOX News Rupert Murdoch is a Pornographer — “This is where he got his initial funding to create the FOX News channel”
Fox News Rupert Murdoch key pornographer selling women’s body parts!
Rupert Murdoch’s Growing Porn Empire
[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.
FOX News Won RIGHT TO LIE in Court 2003
(video) OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism — How FOX spins the war and so much more! Many examples; includes testimonials of former employees
VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it
[real history video] David Icke: The Rothschild Zionist MainFrame — Truth about the USS Liberty; the other side of the “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” story — Israel is being jacked just like the USA is!
[updated] FOX News Illustrated: “We Spin, We Decide” — Because Sometimes You Can’t Handle the Truth
Fox News: Take Ron Paul Out Of The Debates!
[Priceless!] Geraldo driven out of Occupy Wall Street yelling “FOX News Lies!” — The entire Fox News crew left!
(video) Megyn Kelly Pimps Vaccines — Alex Jones calls out Fox News anchors Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly for lying to the American public

Is Barack Obama Actually Trying To Help ISIS Take Over Syria?


Is Barack Obama Actually Trying To Help ISIS Take Over Syria?

By Michael Snyder, on January 20th, 2015

As you will read about below, the Obama administration has used al-Qaeda fighters and other radical Islamic groups in the past to topple governments.  And without a doubt, Barack Obama is absolutely determined to oust Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.  In fact, he came dangerously close to taking us to war with Syria earlier in his presidency before backing down in the face of overwhelming public pressure.  But what Obama wants to do in Syria has not changed, and he is using the same playbook that he used in Libya and elsewhere to get it done.

Entire Article Here
Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.
Skousen: Beheading of James Foley as a New Provocation for War — “Remember that the US has a long history of creating horrific stories to justify going to war. Remember the supposed ripping of premature babies out of incubators in Iraq? It didn’t happen. The supposed chemical weapons attack on civilians by Assad in Syria? Also not true”
U.S.-Backed ISIS Beheads American Journalist — U.S. government provided weapons and training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq!

OBAMA PLANS TO ‘FIGHT ISIS’ BY ARMING ISIS — ISIS the excuse to get done what the PTB have so far failed to accomplish – the overthrow of the Assad government

NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader is U.S., BRITISH and ISRAELI Intelligence Asset | Israel’s Hornet Nest Strategy
“(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?
[Why-they-hate-US video] Webster Tarpley: Syria & Iran, the Colorado Shooting — We are murdering Syrians, falsely blaming it on Assad in order to justify invasion so Syria can’t strike us when we/Israel strike Iran. The German people are being told while our presstitutes go along with the deception.
Joe Biden (2012 Hypocrisy): If Romney Wins, We’ll Go To War With Syria | CNN (2012): ROMNEY has accused Obama and his administration of being weak in dealing with President Bashar al-Assad, and has called for the United States and allies to ARM SYRIAN REBELS

1 Million Dead in Iraq? 6 Reasons the Media Hide the True Human Toll of War – And Why We Let Them — Most Americans turn a blind eye to the violent acts being carried out in their name

1 million dead and 5 million refugees (2011)
– –
From: alternet

1 Million Dead in Iraq? 6 Reasons the Media Hide the True Human Toll of War — And Why We Let Them

Most Americans turn a blind eye to the violent acts being carried out in their name.

By John Tirman / AlterNet July 19, 2011

The “tens of thousands” mantra is peculiar because even the most conservative calculation—that provided by Iraq Body Count, a British NGO—is now more than 100,000, and IBC acknowledges that their number is probably about half correct. They count only civilians killed by violence who are named in English-language news and some morgue counts. Their method is incomplete for a number of reasons—news media coverage is far from comprehensive, most obviously—and many Iraqis who are killed are not labeled by authorities as civilians. The death toll from nonviolent deaths (women dying in childbirth, for example, because the health care system has been devastated by the war) is also very high and is not included in IBC’s tally.

The more accurate figures come from household surveys and other methods, and these have much higher figures.


A half-dozen reasons explain their indifference to accurate reporting.

First, many of these news outlets had endorsed the war and never quite recanted. Even if a newspaper did admit to a mistake in judgment about the war, acknowledging that you’ve been hoodwinked by the Bush administration and then seeing that error magnified by 5 million refugees and perhaps a million dead is a hard pill to swallow.

Second, the Bush White House worked overtime to decry any of the high estimates, and the Murdoch media machine did its part in attempting to discredit the household surveys in particular.


Fourth, the political establishment, including the Democratic leadership, would not touch this issue, and the news media was left without an opposition voice.


The sixth and last explanation for indifference—and perhaps the most powerful—is a psychological one. We tend to avert our eyes from gruesome spectacle; it disrupts our sense of an orderly, just world. We want to believe that the mayhem is not happening, that in the end everything will be all right, or that the victims are to blame.

Entire Article Here

(video) American Sniper EXPOSED – American LIAR – Bradley Cooper's War Propaganda Film Debunked

[youtube=]American Sniper EXPOSED – American LIAR – Bradley Cooper’s War Propaganda Film Debunked

Mark Dice

Published on Jan 24, 2015

7 Big Lies ‘American Sniper’ Is Telling America — The film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn’t see fit to clear up
(video) ‘AMERICAN SNIPER’ EXPOSED AS GIANT HOAX – Movie brainwashes the public into accepting war
(video) ‘American Sniper’ Demonizes Iraqis — Our ‘hero,’ Chris Kyle hated them, writing in his book: “I hate the d— savages.” “I couldn’t give a flying f— about the Iraqis”
One of these men risked their life to help protect your freedoms — the other is Chris Kyle

Michael Moore is Right About ‘American Sniper’: The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with patriotism or heroism

(video) Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘CHRISTIANS’ have TWO SETS OF BOOKS: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs

Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’
Devvy Kidd: Palin is in full lock step with warmonger, McCain, cheering on the clever marketing slogan (“surge”). But in reality, Bush invaded a non-threatening country and destroyed it!
Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”
(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel

One of these men risked their life to help protect your freedoms — the other is Chris Kyle

Hubris, reverse-Christian (“love your neighbor as yourself – Jesus), truth reversing, warmongering FOX News demonizes Edward Snowden as a ‘traitor,’ while praising Chris Kyle as a ‘hero.’
Many related links below.
– –
7 Big Lies ‘American Sniper’ Is Telling America — The film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn’t see fit to clear up
(video) ‘AMERICAN SNIPER’ EXPOSED AS GIANT HOAX – Movie brainwashes the public into accepting war

(audio) Jesse Ventura on Chris Kyle ‘a Hero’: ‘The Nazis Have Heroes’ Too — “We invaded a country, overthrew its government, and then we killed people that lived there.” “A hero should have honor. A hero is not how many people you’ve killed”

(video) Jesse Ventura Says American Sniper “Falls Short in Honor Department”

(video) ‘American Sniper’ Demonizes Iraqis — Our ‘hero,’ Chris Kyle hated them, writing in his book: “I hate the d— savages.” “I couldn’t give a flying f— about the Iraqis”

Michael Moore is Right About ‘American Sniper’: The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with patriotism or heroism

(video) Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘CHRISTIANS’ have TWO SETS OF BOOKS: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs

Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’
Devvy Kidd: Palin is in full lock step with warmonger, McCain, cheering on the clever marketing slogan (“surge”). But in reality, Bush invaded a non-threatening country and destroyed it!
Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”
(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel

Inside the U.S. Torture Chambers: Prisoner’s Guantánamo Diary Details 12 Years of Abuse, Terror

From: DemocracyNow!

Inside the U.S. Torture Chambers: Prisoner’s Guantánamo Diary Details 12 Years of Abuse, Terror

“MOHAMEDOU OULD SLAHI: [read by Dominic West] The cell—better, the box—was cooled down to the point that I was shaking most of the time. For the next 70 days, I wouldn’t know the sweetness of sleeping: interrogation 24 hours a day. I was living literally in terror.

NANCY HOLLANDER: There is no reason for Mohamedou to be in Guantánamo. Mohamedou has never been charged with a crime. He’s been in Guantánamo now 14 years. It’s not that they haven’t found the evidence against him; there isn’t any evidence against him. …

They dragged him out on a boat. First they came into his cell with a dog, terrified him, put a hood over him, put goggles on, put ear muffs on, dragged him. We were able to learn from his medical records that he complained that his ribs were broken, and in fact they were broken, on that, when they beat him. And they took him out, and he was, as he says in the book, afraid that they were going to dump him in the ocean or take him to some other place. For a long, long time, they did not tell him he was back in Guantánamo. They beat him. They terrified him. They put ice down his clothes. They kept him in cold rooms, then they kept him in hot rooms. They knew that he had a back issue from a previous injury and that the doctor in Guantánamo had ordered that he not have to stay in certain positions, and they used that. And those were the positions they put him in, precisely what they knew he was not supposed to be in. The litany goes on and on of what they did to him.

Video and Entire Article Here

7 Big Lies 'American Sniper' Is Telling America — The film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn't see fit to clear up

From: alternet

7 Big Lies ‘American Sniper’ Is Telling America

There is a backlash against the film’s misleading take on sniper Chris Kyle’s character.

By Zaid Jilani / AlterNet
January 21, 2015

The film American Sniper, based on the story of the late Navy Seal Chris Kyle, is a box office hit, setting records for an R-rated film released in January. Yet the film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn’t see fit to clear up.

Here are seven lies about Chris Kyle and the story that director Clint Eastwood is telling:

1. The Film Suggests the Iraq War Was In Response To 9/11: One way to get audiences to unambiguously support Kyle’s actions in the film is to believe he’s there to avenge the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


3. The Film Portrays Chris Kyle as Tormented By His Actions: Multiple scenes in the movie portray Kyle as haunted by his service. One of the film’s earliest reviews praised it for showing the “emotional torment of so many military men and women.” But that torment is completely absent from the book the film is based on. In the book, Kyle refers to everyone he fought as “savage, despicable” evil. He writes, “I only wish I had killed more.” He also writes, “I loved what I did. I still do. If circumstances were different – if my family didn’t need me – I’d be back in a heartbeat. I’m not lying or exaggerating to say it was fun. I had the time of my life being a SEAL.” On an appearance on Conan O’Brien’s show he laughs about accidentally shooting an Iraqi insurgent.

Entire Article Here
7 Big Lies ‘American Sniper’ Is Telling America — The film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn’t see fit to clear up
(video) ‘AMERICAN SNIPER’ EXPOSED AS GIANT HOAX – Movie brainwashes the public into accepting war

(audio) Jesse Ventura on Chris Kyle ‘a Hero’: ‘The Nazis Have Heroes’ Too — “We invaded a country, overthrew its government, and then we killed people that lived there.” “A hero should have honor. A hero is not how many people you’ve killed”

(video) Jesse Ventura Says American Sniper “Falls Short in Honor Department”

One of these men risked their life to help protect your freedoms — the other is Chris Kyle

(video) ‘American Sniper’ Demonizes Iraqis — Our ‘hero,’ Chris Kyle hated them, writing in his book: “I hate the d— savages.” “I couldn’t give a flying f— about the Iraqis”

Michael Moore is Right About ‘American Sniper’: The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with patriotism or heroism

(video) Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘CHRISTIANS’ have TWO SETS OF BOOKS: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
Globalist Kingpin, Henry Kissinger to teach Sarah Palin about foreign affairs

Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’
Devvy Kidd: Palin is in full lock step with warmonger, McCain, cheering on the clever marketing slogan (“surge”). But in reality, Bush invaded a non-threatening country and destroyed it!
Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!
(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”
(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel

(video) 'American Sniper' Demonizes Iraqis — Our 'hero,' Chris Kyle hated them, writing in his book: “I hate the d— savages.” “I couldn’t give a flying f— about the Iraqis”

Starts after the first caller:

[youtube=]American Sniper Demonizes Iraqis


Published on Jan 19, 2015

Callers call in and talk about the movie, american sniper and how the film demonizes the Iraqi people.

(video) 'AMERICAN SNIPER' EXPOSED AS GIANT HOAX – Movie brainwashes the public into accepting war

Excellent analysis by Alex!
FOX News is pushing this movie as hard as they pushed the Iraq war.
– –
Movie brainwashes the public into accepting war
American Sniper is the number one movie in America, which proves we love a good story over the truth.
Alex Jones covers the instances in which the U.S. government used its soldiers as propaganda pieces only to discard them when they cease to be useful. The official story surrounding Chris Kyle, the American Sniper, is another hoax used to brainwash the American people that war is good for our society.
7 Big Lies ‘American Sniper’ Is Telling America — The film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn’t see fit to clear up
(video) ‘American Sniper’ Demonizes Iraqis — Our ‘hero,’ Chris Kyle hated them, writing in his book: “I hate the d— savages.” “I couldn’t give a flying f— about the Iraqis”

Michael Moore is Right About ‘American Sniper’: The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with patriotism or heroism

Michael Moore is Right About 'American Sniper': The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with patriotism or heroism

From: Infowars

The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with patriotism or heroism

Michael Moore might be a big government socialist, but he’s right about the propaganda film American Sniper.

Moore said Chris Kyle was a coward. Sniping is not cowardice: it’s a technique of war that must be put in proper context.

In a follow-up to his original remark, Moore got it right, at least in the first half of the tweet:


The argument should not be about the war technique, but about the war overall. Moore is correct — the invasion of Iraq was based on calculated lies designed to produce consensus for a war that was illegal and immoral.

Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction. He did not shelter and encourage al-Qaeda (that was done by the CIA). Iraq was in shambles after more than a decade of sanctions that left the country on the verge of becoming a failed state. Saddam Hussein was not a threat to the United States. He was not a threat to anybody expect the Iraqi people.

Chris Kyle and the movie his wife insists is an accurate portrayal of her late husband is war propaganda.

The folks who brought us the invasion of Iraq have an agenda. That agenda is endless war in the name of globalist empire. Hollywood works closely with the Pentagon and the CIA to produce slick war propaganda.

Moore says the “hate speech” — liberals invariably characterize criticism as hate speech — directed against him is a result of guilt and shame.

No, it is the result of ignorance and mass brainwashing.

Americans are not guilt ridden over the invasion of Iraq. They are ignorant of the real reason Iraq was invaded and destroyed.

Entire Article Here

(video) Opium Production in Afghanistan Sets Record – American Soldiers Helping Heroin Sales

[youtube=]Opium Production in Afghanistan Sets Record – American Soldiers Helping Heroin Sales

<a href="/channel/UCzUV5283-l5c0oKRtyenj6Q" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-name="" data-ytid="UCzUV5283-l5c0oKRtyenj6Q" data-sessionlink="ei=9nCwVN7WK4G7-QOPw4GADw">Mark Dice</a>

(video) Ray McGovern Confronts Congressman on Torture — Hoekstra: "These programs were briefed to us … We knew 90-95% … I'M NOT ASHAMED" • McGovern: "My God!"

From: Clashing Face-to-Face on Torture, Dec. 14, 2014, by Ray McGovern

Hoekstra: “I’m admitting that these programs were briefed to us. I’ve talked to my staff going back and said after this ‘revelation’ came out …how much of what is in this Dianne Feinstein report, this partisan report, this Democrat report, how much did we know? Ninety to 95 percent.”

McGovern: “Oh, my God! What a terrible admission! Aren’t you ashamed?”

Hoekstra: “No, I’m not ashamed.”

McGovern: “My God!”

* * *

[youtube=]Ray McGovern confronts Hoekstra on torture

Raymond L McGovern

THE ‘24’ EFFECT: How ‘Liberal Hollywood’ Carried Water For Torture — Study: “MOST OBSERVERS, even those within professional circles, have unfortunately been INFLUENCED by the media’s colorful (and artificial) view of interrogation as almost always involving hostility”

TalmudVision (TV) is turning America to the dark side!
From: Variety

The ‘24’ Effect: How ‘Liberal Hollywood’ Carried Water For Torture

those seeking to defend the Bush administration in light of the recent Torture Report — and that’s mostly conservatives — could hardly have had a better ally than the images of torture in TV and movies, particularly in the face of “ticking-bomb scenarios.”

Fox’s “24,” naturally comes to mind, and the movie “Zero Dark Thirty,” which was criticized for its depiction of torture….

The practice has been employed in other series as well – such as “Sons of Anarchy,” “Scandal” and “Homeland” – and countless movies, with the bad guys using it (see various Quentin Tarantino films) as well as the ostensible good guys. …

Mayer also noted that an advisory panel to the U.S. intelligence community studied the issue and concluded “most observers, even those within professional circles, have unfortunately been influenced by the media’s colorful (and artificial) view of interrogation as almost always involving hostility.”

Entire Article Here

Rand Paul: Some 'Christians' are "Too Eager for War" — "Jesus stood up in a different sort of way … 'Blessed are the peacemakers' not 'blessed are the war-makers'"


Rand Paul: Republicans Are “Too Eager for War”

—By David Corn | Fri Jun. 27, 2014

It was only a year ago that Paul described the Republican Party as overly enthusiastic for war. During a little-noticed interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, Paul remarked, “Part of Republicans’ problems—and frankly, to tell you the truth, some in the evangelical Christian movement—I think [they] have appeared too eager for war.” This was a stark assessment of his own party.

Paul went further, noting that these Republicans and evangelicals were not in sync with Jesus:

When people come to me and they’re lobbying for ratcheting up some sort of bellicose policy towards one country, even if it’s a bad country, I tell them that and when I read the New Testament, that when I read about Jesus, I don’t see him involved, he wasn’t really involved with the wars of his days.  And, in fact, people rebuked him for not being [what] they wanted. They wanted somebody to stand up to the Romans. He stood up in a different sort of way, but he didn’t organize coalitions and guerrilla bands and arm them. Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have people who want to defend against evil, bad forces around the world, but I think you need to remember that he was the prince of peace, you know, we’re talking about “blessed are the peacemakers,” not “blessed are the war-makers.”

Entire Article with Video Here
Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion
Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”
Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith
The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”
Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’
My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!
Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.
EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.
Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”
Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?
[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture
President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List
Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
Michael Franti: Bomb the World (”Power to the Peaceful!”)
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

(video) What the Torture Report Isn’t Telling You — Rampant RAPE, Over 100 MURDERED!

[youtube=]What the Torture Report Isn’t Telling You | Weapons of Mass Distraction

<a href="/channel/UC2Xd902w9u5_2oa7SHFSvZw" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-name="" data-ytid="UC2Xd902w9u5_2oa7SHFSvZw" data-sessionlink="ei=w2WLVMDWN87S-QPLl4GADg">breakingtheset</a>


Published on Dec 11, 2014

Why is the corporate media turning torture into a debate? Abby Martin discusses the media’s reaction to the Senate torture report and why torture has suddenly turned into a partisan debate.

Horrific Torture Report Shows Why Much Of The World Considers America To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century
Paul Craig Roberts: Torture and the American Conscience — Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture
2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding
Bush Signed Executive Order Authorizing Torture—FBI Email
Judge Napolitano: Bush should have been indicted for “torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrant”

Bush and Cheney Blast CIA Torture Report — “Just a crock” – Cheney // CIA officers “are patriots, and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base” – Bush

Reverse Christianity: Chuck Colson Supports Torture!
Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

Horrific Torture Report Shows Why Much Of The World Considers America To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century


Horrific Torture Report Shows Why Much Of The World Considers America To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century

By Michael Snyder, on December 9th, 2014

Good guys do not sadistically torture people.  Good guys do not threaten to sexually abuse the family members of their prisoners, and they certainly do not forcibly ram things up the rear ends of those in their custody.  One of the greatest dangers that our country is facing is the fact that we are not passing on what it means to be “American” to future generations.  Once upon a time, Americans were the good guys.  But now, instead of fighting the Nazis we are behaving just like them.  The details of the Senate torture report that was just released are almost too horrifying to talk about.  We must talk about them though, because we are losing our soul as a nation.  So please be warned – this article is going to be quite graphic.  The reason for this is so that we can all take a long, hard, honest look at what we have become.  After everything that has happened, top politicians from both political parties are still standing up and defending those that conducted and authorized this torture.  The rest of the world is watching this, and the number of people that are absolutely convinced that America is pure evil is growing by the day.  By not loudly condemning this torture and bringing the perpetrators to justice, we add fuel to the fire of those that hate this country, and we make it more likely that Americans will be targets of violence all over the planet. …

When I was growing up, I was taught that Americans never torture their prisoners.  That was something that the Russians, the Nazis, the Chinese and the North Koreans did.  We were the “good guys”, and so I was taught that we always treated our prisoners humanely.

Oh how things have changed.

The following is a summary of some of the details from the Senate torture report that just came out.  As a nation, we should be deeply, deeply ashamed of what our government has been doing….

-One detainee was chained to the ceiling….

Entire Article Here
Paul Craig Roberts: Torture and the American Conscience — Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture
2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

(video) What the Torture Report Isn’t Telling You — Rampant RAPE, Over 100 MURDERED!

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding
Bush Signed Executive Order Authorizing Torture—FBI Email
Judge Napolitano: Bush should have been indicted for “torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrant”

Bush and Cheney Blast CIA Torture Report — “Just a crock” – Cheney // CIA officers “are patriots, and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base” – Bush

Reverse Christianity: Chuck Colson Supports Torture!
Palin: ‘In MY WORLD,’ ‘it is OBVIOUS to me who the GOOD GUYS…and who the BAD GUYS are’
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

Bush and Cheney Blast CIA Torture Report — "Just a crock" – Cheney // CIA officers "are patriots, and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base" – Bush

From: Huffington Post

Bush Officials Step Up To Blast Torture Report Before It’s Out

The 500-page summary of the report, set to be released Tuesday, is understood to suggest that the CIA’s use of techniques like waterboarding did not produce significant intelligence and that CIA officers misled those responsible for the program’s oversight, including higher-level agency officials, the White House and Congress.

Speaking to The New York Times on Monday, former Vice President Dick Cheney, a fierce defender of the government’s use of torture, said that the idea that the CIA misled the White House “is just a crock.”

CIA officers “are patriots, and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base,” George W. Bush said Sunday in an interview on CNN.

Entire Article Here
Paul Craig Roberts: Torture and the American Conscience — Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture
2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding
Bush Signed Executive Order Authorizing Torture—FBI Email

Horrific Torture Report Shows Why Much Of The World Considers America To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century

Judge Napolitano: Bush should have been indicted for “torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrant”
Reverse Christianity: Chuck Colson Supports Torture!

(video) John McCain Caught With His Pants Down


Israel is also deeply involved: (video) Wayne Madsen Breaks Down The CIA’s Ebola Petri Dish History & Israel’s ’82 and ’96 plans to overthrow Middle East countries

Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

* * *

[youtube=]John McCain Caught With His Pants Down


Published on Oct 24, 2014

America’s Creation of ISIS. The US State Department through its global network of foreign subversion funded and directed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and a myriad of faux-NGOs, triggered a coordinated uprising across the Middle East. Protesters served as a smoke screen behind which heavily armed militants began campaigns of violence against the security forces of the respective nations targeted for destabilization. Violence in Egypt went largely unreported because of the speed of which the government collapsed and confrontations ceased. However in nations like Libya and Syria where governments remained resolute, the violence continued to escalate.






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(video) John Stockwell: CIA's War on Humans

[youtube=]John Stockwell – CIA’s War on Humans

Soliloquy Monologues

Uploaded on Feb 13, 2008

John R. Stockwell is a former CIA officer who became a critic of United States government policies after serving in the Agency for thirteen years serving seven tours of duty. After managing U.S. involvement in the Angolan Civil War as Chief of the Angola Task Force during its 1975 covert operations, he resigned and wrote In Search of Enemies, a book which remains the only detailed, insider’s account of a major CIA “covert action.”

War on Drugs/Terror, America, Third World.…

(video) John Stockwell: CIA Secret Wars: Agent Exposes Assassinations, Black Ops, Conspiracies, Torture (1989)

(video) John Stockwell: CIA Secret Wars: Agent Exposes Assassinations, Black Ops, Conspiracies, Torture (1989)

[youtube=]CIA Secret Wars: Agent Exposes Assassinations, Black Ops, Conspiracies, Torture (1989)

The Book Archive

Published on Apr 22, 2013

During the period of U.S. combat involvement in the Vietnam War, there was considerable argument about progress among the Department of Defense under Robert McNamara, the CIA, and, to some extent, the intelligence staff of Military Assistance Command Vietnam. In general, the military was consistently more optimistic than the CIA. Sam Adams, a junior CIA analyst with responsibilities for estimating the actual damage to the enemy, eventually resigned from the CIA, after expressing concern to Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms with estimates that were changed for interagency and White House political reasons. Adams afterward wrote the book War of Numbers.

Things came to a head in the mid-1970s, around the time of Watergate. A dominant feature of political life during that period were the attempts of Congress to assert oversight of the U.S. Presidency and the executive branch of the U.S. government. Revelations about past CIA activities, such as assassinations and attempted assassinations of foreign leaders (most notably Fidel Castro and Rafael Trujillo) and illegal domestic spying on U.S. citizens, provided the opportunities to increase Congressional oversight of U.S. intelligence operations.[64]

Hastening the CIA’s fall from grace were the burglary of the Watergate headquarters of the Democratic Party by ex-CIA agents, and President Richard Nixon’s subsequent attempt to use the CIA to impede the FBI’s investigation of the burglary. In the famous “smoking gun” recording that led to President Nixon’s resignation, Nixon ordered his chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, to tell the CIA that further investigation of Watergate would “open the whole can of worms” about the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba.[65] In this way Nixon and Haldemann ensured that the CIA’s No. 1 and No. 2 ranking officials, Richard Helms and Vernon Walters, communicated to FBI Director L. Patrick Gray that the FBI should not follow the money trail from the burglars to the Committee to Re-elect the President, as it would uncover CIA informants in Mexico. The FBI initially agreed to this due to a long-standing agreement between the FBI and CIA not to uncover each other’s sources of information. Though within a couple of weeks the FBI demanded this request in writing, and when no such formal request came, the FBI resumed its investigation into the money trail. Nonetheless, when the smoking gun tapes were made public, damage to the public’s perception of CIA’s top officials, and thus to the CIA as a whole, could not be avoided.[66]

In 1973, then-Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) James R. Schlesinger commissioned reports — known as the “Family Jewels” — on illegal activities by the Agency. In December 1974, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh broke the news of the “Family Jewels” (after it was leaked to him by DCI William Colby) in a front-page article in The New York Times, claiming that the CIA had assassinated foreign leaders, and had illegally conducted surveillance on some 7,000 U.S. citizens involved in the antiwar movement (Operation CHAOS).[64] The CIA had also experimented on people, who unknowingly took LSD (among other things).[64]

Congress responded to the disturbing charges in 1975, investigating the CIA in the Senate via the Church Committee, chaired by Senator Frank Church (D-Idaho), and in the House of Representatives via the Pike Committee, chaired by Congressman Otis Pike (D-NY).[64] In addition, President Gerald Ford created the Rockefeller Commission,[64] and issued an executive order prohibiting the assassination of foreign leaders.

During the investigation, Schlesinger’s successor as DCI, William Colby, testified before Congress on 32 occasions in 1975, including about the “Family Jewels”.[67] Colby later stated that he believed that providing Congress with this information was the correct thing to do, and ultimately in the CIA’s own interests.[68] As the CIA fell out of favor with the public, Ford assured Americans that his administration was not involved: “There are no people presently employed in the White House who have a relationship with the CIA of which I am personally unaware.”[64]

Repercussions from the Iran-Contra affair arms smuggling scandal included the creation of the Intelligence Authorization Act in 1991. It defined covert operations as secret missions in geopolitical areas where the U.S. is neither openly nor apparently engaged. This also required an authorizing chain of command, including an official, presidential finding report and the informing of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which, in emergencies, requires only “timely notification.”

(video) John Stockwell: CIA’s War on Humans

His name is spelled "Barack O. Bomb-a" Bombing in Syria has begun

“His name is spelled “Barack O. Bomb-a” Bombing in Syria has begun.”

– Mark Dice


Iraq War Facts: Over 1,000,000 INNOCENT Iraqis PERISHED, $TRILLIONS in DAMAGE occurred at a cost of $5 TRILLION

From: Huffington Post

Dennis Kucinich

8 Reasons Why Congress Should Vote No on Training and Funding Syrian Rebels
Posted: 09/17/2014

Today Congress will vote on the McKeon Amendment, a piece of legislation most Americans haven’t heard of. But the consequences of the vote today are grave: funding Syrian “rebels” will precipitate a new and wider war in the Middle East. Here are eight reasons why Congress should vote NO on the McKeon Amendment:

1. It is a waste of money.

We’d be on the hook for a projected $21 billion price tag over three years. The Pentagon plans to train 5,000 rebels in the next year, which at $1 million for each soldier could cost up to $15 billion dollars over the three-year war. The nearly 2,000 U.S. troops in Iraq will cost $6 billion over three years.

The last Iraq War added at least $5 trillion to the long-term deficit.

2. There are no “moderates”

Historian Alastair Crooke, writing about the connection between Saudi Arabia and ISIS, recently described “moderate” insurgents in Syria as being “rarer than a mythical unicorn.” “Moderates” have a non-aggression pact with ISIS. […]

4. Those receiving U.S. money will turn on us.

Since the U.S. began its war on Iraq in March of 2003, over 1,000,000 innocent Iraqis (4 percent of the population) have perished and trillions of dollars in damage has occurred. Iraqis were stripped of their homes, their jobs, their social networks, humiliated beyond words, their country ruined. This is why America cannot expect to find any friends in Iraq. […]

8. Congress has it backwards.

Congress should not vote to fund a war it has not declared. The Congress must first vote for war before it votes to provide money for a war.

Entire Article Here
EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

Establishment Media: Attacking ISIS Will Turn Syria Into A Failed State — U.S. BRITAIN and ISRAEL have colluded for years … “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” a policy document prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu

From: Infowars

Does not recognize this was the plan all along


“The turmoil in Libya is a cautionary tale as the United States enlists the help of moderate Syrian rebels to defeat the radical Islamic State and oust Syrian President Bashar Assad,” writes Oren Dorell for the newspaper. “As occurred in Libya, U.S. intervention to remove an anti-U.S. regime could lead to another failed state and more instability in the Middle East.”

In fact, the United States, Britain and Israel have colluded for years to turn the Middle East into a collection of failed states unable to rise above ethnic and tribal conflict.

The West has used a divide and rule formula in the Middle East for nearly a century. “Great Britain and France transformed what had been relatively quiet provinces of the Ottoman Empire into some of the least stable and internationally explosive states in the world,” writes Ayse Tekdal Fildis.

“A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” a policy document prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, at the time the Prime Minister of Israel, has served as a master plan for destabilizing the Arab and Muslim Middle East.

The plan calls for Israel to work “closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back some of its most dangerous threats,” most notably Syria. “Most important, it is understandable that Israel has an interest supporting diplomatically, militarily and operationally Turkey’s and Jordan’s actions against Syria, such as securing tribal alliances with Arab tribes that cross into Syrian territory and are hostile to the Syrian ruling elite.”

This is precisely what is now happening in Syria as “Arab tribes,” that is to say “tribes” of Salafist mercenaries supported by the U.S. and its Persian Gulf emirate partners, attack the Shia Alawite regime in Damascus.

Israel, as a settler state established in Palestine by United Nations mandate, of course takes its cues from the global elite and would not, without their continued support, be able to maintain a hegemonic hold in the Middle East.

“To put it in a terminology that hearkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together,” writes Rockefeller operative and former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski.

For more in-depth detail on this, see our ISIS and the Plan to Balkanize the Middle East.

Exporting the Failed State Model

The State Department went before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs last week and said it is worried about Libyan Salafists tied to al-Qaeda expanding to neighboring countries and across the Middle East.

“We have concerns about the potential of Libyan militias Ansar al Shariah and others to continue to metastasize and spread to Algeria, Egypt… and spread to Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and other nations and become a serious security issue to the rest of the world,” said Gerald Feierstein, deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs.

USA Today reports “Sudan, which shares a border with Libya, and Qatar are sending weapons and money to Islamist militias against U.S. wishes,” a statement that is patently untrue. The United States has supported the arming of al-Qaeda linked and inspired jihadist mercenaries, particularly in Syria.

Libya served as a beta test for Syria and, ultimately, the rest of the Arab Middle East. “The fact that the CIA was actively working to help the Libyan rebels topple Gaddafi was no secret, nor were the airstrikes that Obama ordered against the Libyan government. However, little was said about the identity or the ideological leanings of these Libyan rebels. Not surprising, considering the fact that the leader of the Libyan rebels later admitted that his fighters included Al-Qaeda linked jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq,” notes SCGNews.

Little, or rather virtually nothing, is said about the U.S. supporting, through its Gulf Emirate partners, al-Qaeda and its spin-offs, most notably ISIS, in Syria and northern Iraq. Instead, we are expected to believe failed states are a tragic result of humanitarian intervention. In order to remedy this, the State Department and the Obama administration argue in favor of more military action, not less.

Entire Article Here

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