Freedom from Alaska!

Month: January 2016 Page 3 of 4

(video) Joel Skousen: Zbigniew Brzezinski now a key globalist, Kissinger still actively in charge too, and other topics

Joel only gets to speak part of the time (big intro, long commercial), and Alex keeps interrupting him, but Joel’s segments still worthwhile.

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[youtube=]Leaders Of The Dark Government Revealed

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jan 7, 2016

Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch to Drill for Oil in Syria, Violating International Law

From: activist post

Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch to Drill for Oil in Syria, Violating International Law

By Justin Gardner

While Syria is torn apart by the warring of U.S. imperialists and Islamic fundamentalists—leaving its children to die of starvation—another country plans to take advantage of the chaos by stealing resources from Syria’s southern region. The theft will be carried out by the most notorious pushers of military hegemony, and they don’t care that it violates international law.

Genie Energy is an American-based oil and gas company with major investors and advisors comprising a who’s who list of war profiteers—Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Lord Jacob Rothschild, and James Woolsey. The president of their Israeli subsidiary is Efraim “Effi” Eitam, an Israeli military commander who called for expelling the “cancer” of Arabs from Israel.

Together, these warmongers and would-be ethnic cleansers will soon be drilling into a vast oil and gas reserve located in the Syrian territory occupied by Israel since 1967, known as Golan Heights. The move would be in clear violation of international law, specifically the Annex to the Fourth Geneva Convention. …

Israel has benefited from its illegal occupation of Syria’s Golan Heights for decades, drawing one-third of its entire water supply from the region and providing a tourist and skiing destination at the Mount Hermon Ski Resort. …

While they make plans to steal energy resources from illegally occupied Syria, Genie Energy engages in publicity stunts to preempt the criticism that will undoubtedly follow. Last Christmas they donated coats and toys to needy families in Newark, New Jersey.

Drilling in Golan Heights is also drawing concerns about its impact to drinking water supplies. Since the reserves are locked up as shale oil, hydraulic fracturing (fracking) would likely be used to extract the fossil fuels.

Entire Article Here

US to Sell $60 Billion of Arms to Saudi Arabia – Biggest arms deal in US history — The US is the world’s largest arms supplier

Saudi Arabia has been a US puppet for decades. They help carry out Israel’s world domination plans, and were the fall guy for 9/11.

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From: The Guardian

Barack Obama to authorise record $60bn Saudi arms sale

Barack Obama is to go ahead with plans to sell Saudi Arabia advanced aircraft and other weapons worth up to $60bn (£39bn), the biggest arms deal in US history, in a strategy of shoring up Gulf Arab allies to face any military threat from Iran.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the administration is also in talks with the Saudis about possible naval and missile-defence upgrades that could be worth tens of billions of dollars more over five to 10 years. …

In its notification to Congress, the administration will authorise the Saudis to buy as many as 84 new F-15 fighters, upgrade 70 more, and purchase three different types of helicopters – 70 Apaches, 72 Black Hawks and 36 Little Birds, the Wall Street Journal reported. The package would be subject to a review by Congress. …

The US is the world’s largest arms supplier….

Entire Article Here

(video) Nathanael: Obama Rebrands Gun Control — Bypassing the 2nd Amendment, calling it a health issue. Complete, unconstitutional deception!

Bypassing the 2nd Amendment, calling it a health issue. Complete, unconstitutional deception!

Talmudic Zionists want to disarm US, so they can bring in the Satanic, one-world government, launched from Jerusalem.

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[youtube=]Obama Rebrands Gun Control

Brother Nathanael

(video) Irving: Hiroshima bombing was not justified – Japanese had been desperately trying to surrender


David Irving states Hiroshima bombing was not justified – Sept 2009


Real History: Hiroshima Didn’t Have to Happen. Japan was Ready to Surrender. We Slaughtered Them and Should Repent!

Dr. Stanley Monteith On President Trumans’ Globalist Agenda: Bombing Japan When They Were Trying To Surrender, Turning China Over to the Communists & How Our Media Was Taken Over 100 Years Ago

Irving: The Zionist Control Over Winston Churchill

[youtube=]The Zionist Influence Over Winston Churchill


Uploaded on Oct 15, 2011

Q & A session with WWII researcher David Irving commenting on Winston Churchill’s Jewish ancestry and about how the Zionist Network was able to drag America into World War One and Two.

This segment is an excerpt from David Irving’s speech ‘The Holocaust Lie’ delivered in the summer of 1995 in Cincinnati Ohio

Irving: Did Hitler Want War? — Expected a local, short war, unaware Churchill would become PM

[youtube=]David Irving – Did Hitler Want War?


(video) Irving: Germans built the wrong airforce — Hitler did not plan for war with Britain

[youtube=]David Irving – Germans built the wrong airforce



Uploaded on Oct 10, 2009

Did the Germans build the wrong airforce? – David Irving’s reading of the documents relating to German military leaders shows Hitler did not plan for war with Britain.

(video) Living in Hitler’s Germany — “I don’t believe I’ll ever see again a people as happy and content” • Youth hostels were opened all over the Reich, enabling us to hike from one beautiful town to another” • “NOT ONE Christian church was closed” • “Nowhere did I ever read derogatory remarks about other races” • “Free enterprise flourished” • “Germany under Hitler was quite different from what the media would have you believe”

Living In Hitler’s Germany

A letter from Hans Schmidt of GANPAC
Published in the Hoskins Report, Dec. 1993
Richard Kelly Hoskins, publisher

Dear Dick: You asked for someone who had lived in Hitler’s Germany to tell what it was like. Permit me, someone who lived under the Swastika flag from 1935, when the Saar was reunited with Germany, to 1945, to give a short answer.

To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful. In the Hitler Youth the differences between Christian denominations or the different German states didn’t count. We all truly felt that we were members of one body of people – one nation. Youth hostels were opened all over the Reich, enabling us to hike from one beautiful town to another seeing our fatherland. Every effort was made to strengthen our minds and bodies. Contrary to what is said today, we were encouraged to become free in spirit, and not to succumb to peer (or authority) pressure. In peacetime, NO military training was allowed by the Hitler Youth leadership; scouting yes. Incidentally, to “snitch on our parents” was frowned upon.

At the very time when America’s allies, the Soviets, destroyed most of the Christian churches in Russia and Ukraine, about 2500 new churches were built in Germany. NOT ONE Christian church was closed. It was the law that school and church had priority over service in the Hitler Youth. As late as the fall of 1944, the Waffen SS barracks in Breslau supplied two buses to take youth to either the nearest Catholic or Protestant church every Sunday. To be a registered member of a Christian church did not prevent advancement in the National Socialist Party.

Germany was National Socialist, but free enterprise flourished during the entire Hitler years. No company was nationalized. No small businessman was stopped from opening up his own store. I myself worked during the war for a company that can only be called part of international capitalism. If you owned shares, nobody confiscated them, like the allies did in 1945.

The accomplishments of the ‘Nazis’ were incredible. Starting without money and with six million unemployed (a third of the workforce), they constructed the entire German Autobahn road network in a short span of 6 years – almost without corruption – while seeing to it that the new road system did not unnecessarily destroy either the German landscape, or wildlife habitats and forests. Two years after the NS were elected to power, conditions were so improved that workers had to be hired in nearby friendly countries to help alleviate the worker’s shortage in Germany. Germany was booming while Britain, France and the US were in the depths of depression. …

The German press during the Third Reich had fewer taboos than the American press today. The only taboo I can think of evolved around Hitler, and, during the war, there was a law that prohibited “defeatism”. This was because of the negative role the German press played in the German defeat of 1918. …

Germany always loved sports, and there was no lack of opportunities to partake in any sport one liked. The 1936 Berlin Olympics was merely a showcase of what transpired all over the Reich. In a book on these Olympics issued by the Hitler Youth that is still in my possession, Jesse Owens is shown several times and mentioned favorably. During the Schmeling boxing fights, we kids all knew of Joe Louis, the brown bomber. Nowhere did I ever read derogatory remarks about other races. Certainly the accomplishments of Germany and the Germans were given prominence, similar to ‘the ad nauseum’ statements of today that the U.S. is the land of the free, etc. In my ten years in the Hitler Youth (actually 8, since I obviously couldn’t attend while a soldier), the Jews were never mentioned. Other sports that gripped our attention were flying (there was Hitler Youth flying training with their own sail planes), car races (British and Italian drivers dominated) and riding.

Frequently I am asked about gun control during the Hitler era. Claims are made that Hitler could take power because he disarmed the German people. That is nonsense. …just as Hitler had forbidden so-called ‘punishment exercises’ in the army (the brutal methods still employed in the American army), so had he forbidden the use of clubs by the police. He considered it demeaning to the German people.

Finally this: I don’t believe I’ll ever see again a people as happy and content as were the great majority of Germans under Hitler, especially in peacetime. Certainly some minorities suffered: former parliamentary politicians – because they couldn’t play their political games; the Jews – because they lost their power over Germany; the gypsies – because during the war they were required to work; and crooked union bosses – because they lost their parasitical positions. …. That Hitler was loved by his people, there can be no question. Even a few week’s before the war’s end and his death, he was able to drive to the front and mingle among the combat soldiers with only minimum security. None of the soldiers had to unload their weapons before meeting with the Fuhrer (as was required when President Bush met with American soldiers during the Gulf War).

Germany under Hitler was quite different from what the media would have you believe. (source)

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[youtube=]Learn the Truth about WW2 – Living in Hitler’s Germany

Dennis Wise

(video) NICK BEGICH: Technological Control Grid Prevents People From Thinking — WHEN THE POWER GOES OUT, it’s like YOUR WHOLE BODY JUST EXHALED. Just think how relaxed your body felt as it no longer had to compensate for the external field surrounding you, constantly trying to find equilibrium • Anxiety, insecurity and fear SUPPRESSES the population’s natural capacity to reach HIGHER STATES OF AWARENESS, the kind that lend themselves to higher ordered thinking, to the CREATIVE WORK THAT ARTISTS DO • HERE’S WHAT HAPPENS IN CONGRESS: congressmen go into these closed hearings, briefed by Pentagon experts. They’re FED FERTILIZER, but they can’t take notes, can’t take their staff in, and they CAN’T TALK to anybody about anything they heard • ONE STEP AT A TIME, the one you know YOU CAN BE THE VICTOR of, take that step, and the next one reveals itself. That’s the way the world changes

Sweet, refreshing interview — from Anchorage, Alaska!

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“All you have to do is create a general sense of anxiety and fear, and you cannot reach your higher states of consciousness. If you look at an EEG monitoring brain activity, when you’re experiencing what we would call negative emotions…, you cannot get to these states where these anomalous capabilities can actually occur.”

“It’s all about anxiety, insecurity and fear, and the net result is you suppress the population’s natural capacity to reach higher states of awareness, the kind that lend themselves to higher ordered thinking, to the creative work that artists do, and beyond….”

“When I think of the agenda of mind-control, it’s about suppressing our birthright, about limiting our ability to reach our higher potentials….”

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“When the power goes out in an urban area…, it’s like your whole body just exhaled…. When you recall power outages, just think how relaxed your body felt as it no longer had to compensate for the external field surrounding you every second of the day. … Your body is constantly trying to find equilibrium, and sort of builds a shell around itself, which translates into low level stress.”

[“Health is under attack because a healthy population can think.” – Vinny Eastwood]

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“Here’s what happens in the Congress, for those who don’t know: congressmen and congresswomen go into these closed hearings. They’re briefed by Pentagon experts. But they can’t take notes. They can’t take their staff in. And they can’t talk to anybody about anything they heard. … So essentially, these guys go into these closed hearings. They’re fed fertilizer, to be nice about it, and they walk out and have no ability to even discuss what they’ve heard with anyone without risking charges of treason and violations of national security. How can our politicians regulate these institutions when they’re not even in a position to ask the right questions? 46:40

• • •

“A lot of people take things on and they go ‘I don’t really know that I can do this. I really don’t think I can do this.’ Then don’t. Do what you absolutely know you can. Take that step. And you’ll achieve it. And the next one will show itself. And the next one will show itself. And after a number of years, or weeks or months, you’ll look back and go ‘wow! I never would have envisioned this for myself.’ Right! One step at a time, the one you know you can be the victor of, take that step, and the next one reveals itself. The only sin is not trying. So take the step in the direction that you know you can succeed on the issues that are important to you. And that’s the way the world changes.” 49:50

– Nick Begich

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Technological Control Grid Prevents People From Thinking, Dr Nick Begich

Vinny Eastwood

Vinny Eastwood

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Elite’s Reign Of Terror Ends When People Have Had Enough, Benjamin Fulford. Technological Control Grid Prevents People From Thinking, Dr Nick Begich…

Hour 2 Dr. Nick Begich
​ The world is saturated with technologies that are constantly sending out signals, this general atmosphere of ours is now flooded with negative energy that performs many functions, like dumbing people down, causing anxiety, sleep deprivation and making us more suggestible and easier to control.

HAARP and Weather Modification was just the beginning as we leap headfirst into the technotronic era, where technology will control the people and not the other way round.

Radio Version…

Youtube Audio Version (No Ads Or Music)…

Watch Benjamin Fulford On Youtube: Elite’s Reign Of Terror Ends When People Have Had Enough, Benjamin Fulford. ​…

Watch Dr Nick Begich On Youtube (With Webcam): Technological Control Grid Prevents People From Thinking, Dr Nick Begich ​…

(video) HOW TO SPOT AN FBI INFORMANT – Pete Santilli Exposed by Vinny Eastwood

HOW TO SPOT AN FBI INFORMANT Glenn Canady, Stew Webb & Vinny Eastwood Expose Pete Santilli

Vinny Eastwood

Vinny Eastwood

Published on Jan 9, 2016

HOW TO SPOT AN FBI INFORMANT. Glenn Canady, Stew Webb & Vinny Eastwood Expose Pete Santilli…

Called up in the middle of breakfast, Vinny Eastwood lays out in detail the direct evidence linking internet Talk Radio Show host Peter Santilli to the FBI and his long track record of crimes he never seems to be punished for including carrying a concealed handgun in Ohio without a permit, under Ohio state law the offenses he was charged with came with a mandatory minimum sentence of up to 5 years, he was release the very next day, on $0 bail and all charges were dropped!
Now Pete Santilli is in Oregon and has been appointed the lead press agent for the protesters who’ve taken over a federal building, these people must be warned about this wolf in sheeps clothing in order to prevent any loss of life among veterans, militia and the American people at the hands of the government and the provocateurs in their employ.

Radio Version (Commercial free)…

Hillary emails confirm US and NATO destroyed Libya over gold-backed currency — What was commonly assumed a simple “popular uprising,” external special operatives were already “overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels” • Gaddafi planned to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar to freely compete with European currency, and this had to be subverted through military aggression

Hillary emails confirm US and NATO destroyed Libya over gold-backed currency

The New Year’s Eve release of over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails….

Blumenthal relates that “an extremely sensitive source” confirmed that British, French, and Egyptian special operations units were training Libyan militants along the Egyptian-Libyan border, as well as in Benghazi suburbs. …

By March 27 of what was commonly assumed a simple “popular uprising” external special operatives were already “overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels” including “a seemingly endless supply of AK47 assault rifles and ammunition.” …

Though the French-proposed U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 claimed the no-fly zone implemented over Libya was to protect civilians, an April 2011 email sent to Hillary with the subject line “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold” tells of less noble ambitions.

The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes….

Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves…. In place of the noble sounding “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine fed to the public, there is this “confidential” explanation of what was really driving the war [emphasis mine]:

This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA). …

Instead, the great fear reported is that Libya might lead North Africa into a high degree of economic independence with a new pan-African currency.

French intelligence “discovered” a Libyan initiative to freely compete with European currency through a local alternative, and this had to be subverted through military aggression.

Entire Article Here

Did Hitler take away everyone’s guns? — Hitler was popular. He didn’t need to take away the guns. Using Hitler to defend your position on gun control is a bad idea

Ben Carson Is Wrong About Hitler and Guns


Did Hitler take away everyone’s guns? …. Here’s what they say:

  • In 1919, the Treaty of Versaille disarmed Germany. “Fearing inability to hold the state together during the depression, the German government adopted a sweeping series of gun confiscation legislation.” This was long before Hitler came to power.
  • In 1928 this legislation was relaxed. “Germans could possess firearms, but they were required to have permits…Furthermore, the law restricted ownership of firearms to ‘…persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a permit.'” Again, this was before Hitler came to power.
  • In 1938, Hitler relaxed the law further. Rifles and shotguns were completely deregulated, permits were extended to three years, and the age at which guns could be purchased was lowered to 18.

Now, Hitler did effectively ban Jews from owning guns in 1938. However, this is highly unlikely to have affected the fate of the Jews even slightly.…

The bottom line is familiar to anyone with even a passing knowledge of history: Hitler was popular. He didn’t need to take away anyone’s guns. Whatever you think about gun control, using Hitler to defend your position is a bad idea.

Entire Article Here


Hitler Did NOT Take the Guns — Alex Jones misled US in his famous CNN rant!

“Hitler did not have anti-gun legislation, like they try and say. The people were armed” – V.K. Clark

(video) KrisAnne Hall: Libery First, Tools In Defense Of Liberty

[youtube=]KrisAnne Hall, Libery First, Tools In Defense Of Liberty

KrisAnne Hall

(video) KrisAnne Hall: What’s Really Going on in Oregon! Taking Back the Narrative!


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[youtube=]What’s Really Going on in Oregon! Taking Back the Narrative ! KrisAnne Hall

KrisAnne Hall

KrisAnne Hall

Published on Jan 5, 2016

Important update.
Let’s talk about what’s going on in Malheur Oregon and take back the narrative.

What does the Constitution say about this?
What are the precedents?
Listen watch, subscribe, like, comment and share now. Make this go viral.

Subscribe to the KrisAnne Hall YouTube Channel…

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About Krisanne Hall
KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor, fired after teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups – she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today. She presents the “genealogy” of the Constitution – the 700 year history and five foundational documents that are the very roots of American Liberty. – See more at:


(audio) KrisAnne Hall w/ John B Wells: State Sovereignty, Land Rights and Federal Overreach 1/14/16 — Burns, Oregon – Bundys – Hammonds – Constitution

Chuck Baldwin: Burns, Oregon, Is Not Bundy Ranch — There is no justification for what Ammon Bundy and his followers have done in Burns • Ammon Bundy and the others are helping to reverse the pro-freedom, pro-Second Amendment momentum and to provide an excuse for gun-grabbers like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to justify more anti-gun legislation. In other words, Ammon and his followers are actually assisting the very people they claim to be resisting

New Tarantino Film Features Black-on-White Gay Rape — Tarantino has continually pushed the boundaries of acceptability, as part of a purposeful operation to undermine cultural standards • These films compose an anti-White trilogy, featuring allegedly oppressed persons engaged in outrageous sadistic abuse of Whites • This may even help to wake people up to the fact that the Jewish entertainment media is deliberately pushing the dehumanization of Whites, especially White men

New Tarantino Film Features Black-on-White Gay Rape (NSFW)

By Andrew Anglin (Dailystormer)

Quentin Tarantino’s latest anti-racist propaganda film, entitled The Hateful Eight, features an interracial gay rape scene, where a Black man forces a White man to perform oral sex on him as revenge for the civil war. …

Tarantino has been aggressively supporting Black Lives Matter as of late, and the film is consciously a piece of anti-racist propaganda, in the way that his previous two films have been. These films compose an anti-White trilogy, featuring allegedly oppressed persons engaged in outrageous sadistic abuse of Whites.

His 2009 film Inglorious Basterds featured Jews torturing and killing Nazis. Actor Eli Roth referred to the film as “Jewish torture porn.”

This is on some level merely shock material; Tarantino has continually pushed the boundaries of acceptability, as part of a purposeful operation to undermine cultural standards, and there was very little left to do to shock people other than forced gay interracial oral sex.

But the shock material Tarantino uses is focused on degrading the White man as much as possible in the name of his Jewish masters, the Weinstein Brothers, who have produced all three of his racial activist films. …

It will be interesting to see how the film – the gay interracial forced blowjob scene in particular, which is what people are going to walk out of the film thinking about – is received by the masses. My prediction is that even young people will view this as having gone too far. It may even help to wake people up to the fact that the Jewish entertainment media is deliberately pushing the dehumanization of Whites, especially White men.

Entire Article Here


(audio) Ted Pike Discusses “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret” — Balanced, LOVING presentation how Talmudic Jewish thought, the LEAVEN Jesus warned about, is hijacking Christian thought through Hollywood and the MSM

(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography

Meet the Jews Who Own Hollywood and the Media — “As a proud Jew,” says Joel Stein, “I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.” — Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American [and reverse-Christian], ever-growing Zionist World Empire

(video) Sex Slavery Of White Women In Israel — More than 4000 smuggled into Israel every year • 300 brothels in Tel Aviv alone • The religious Jews prefer foreign women because “these women (non-Jews) are not human beings”

Jewish Professor: Jews Push Porn to Destroy Christian Culture – ‘Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American porn industry’  — ~”Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews have become involved in porn? Jewish involvement in porn is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion”

(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…

(video) Why Jews Push Gay Marriage — To dismantle Christian culture

Chuck Baldwin: Burns, Oregon, Is Not Bundy Ranch — There is no justification for what Ammon Bundy and his followers have done in Burns • Ammon Bundy and the others are helping to reverse the pro-freedom, pro-Second Amendment momentum and to provide an excuse for gun-grabbers like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to justify more anti-gun legislation. In other words, Ammon and his followers are actually assisting the very people they claim to be resisting

From: News With Views

Burns, Oregon, Is Not Bundy Ranch

By Chuck Baldwin
January 7, 2016

Let me be clear: the situation in Oregon does not remotely compare to the events that took place at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. In Nevada, the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was the aggressor, which included a very real threat of violence against the Bundy family. The Bundy family appealed to their neighbors and friends for help. And help rightly arrived. The legal nuances of the Bundy situation notwithstanding, BLM gave the appearance of preparing another Waco incident that just could not be tolerated. Over 80 innocent Americans, including elderly men and women and small children, were murdered by our federal government during that unconscionable raid. There must NEVER be another Waco in this country.

The decision of Ammon Bundy (Cliven Bundy’s son)–and the men who are with him–to mount an armed takeover of the remote, empty Malheur National Wildlife Refuge building in Harney County outside Burns, Oregon, is unwise, careless, and downright foolish. There is no just cause for such action.

Previous to the move to take over the federal building, a peaceful protest in support of the Hammond family had taken place in Burns. This protest was commendable and well-conducted. Hundreds of local residents took part in that peaceful protest. The local community of Burns was very sympathetic to the plight of the Hammonds and rightly angered by the federal government’s treatment of them.


I personally believe that government agent provocateurs infiltrated and agitated these men into taking this action, thereby giving the federal government the excuse it needs to justify Obama’s Executive Order enacting stricter rules on gun purchases. In my opinion, both of these events happening during the exact same week is NOT a coincidence.


Whether my supposition is true or not, it doesn’t justify the individual decisions of Ammon Bundy and his followers to act in this manner. If I could talk to them, I would encourage them in the strongest terms possible to peacefully walk away from this situation. All this does is fuel the anti-gun hysteria of already hysterical anti-gun zealots in and out of Washington, D.C., and also serves to allow the anti-gun media to further demonize proponents of the Second Amendment and constitutionally-ordained militia.

By taking the action they did, Ammon Bundy and the others are helping to reverse the pro-freedom, pro-Second Amendment momentum and to provide an excuse for gun-grabbers like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to justify more anti-gun legislation. In other words, Ammon and his followers are actually assisting the very people they claim to be resisting.

Speaking of Obama’s gun grab, we can all thank House Speaker Paul Ryan and his fellow Republicans such as Montana congressman Ryan Zinke for Obama’s Executive Order further restricting the purchase of firearms. It was Ryan’s $1.1 trillion Omnibus bill that fully funded Obama’s executive decision.

See this report here.

Furthermore, while bemoaning the President’s decision, Republican House members have said absolutely NOTHING about defunding Obama’s Executive Order, which is in their power to do, and which would completely take away the means for the executive branch to enforce the order.

See this report here.

Entire Article Here


(video) KrisAnne Hall: What’s Really Going on in Oregon! Taking Back the Narrative!


(video) Churchill’s Policy of Deliberately Bombing German Civilians – A British War Crime — The British started the aerial bombing and targeting of civilians. Churchill made it British policy, knowing full well it was a war crime. The intent was to eventually force Hitler to retaliate in kind. Hitler had always opposed the targeting of civilian populations, even long before the war. This was a deliberate policy of subverting Hitler’s attempts to make peace by instigating hatred of the Germans in England. Hitler had always sought friendship with England, but the British warmongers had long been instigating for war

[youtube=]Churchill’s Policy of Deliberately Bombing German Civilians – A British War Crime

Justice Germans

Justice Germans

Video: Excerpts from a presentation by historian David Irving from the late 1980s / early 90s in Germany in which he explains how it was the British who started the aerial bombing and the targeting of civilians, and how it was Churchill, from the beginning, who made it British policy, knowing full well that it was a war crime. The intent was to eventually force Hitler to retaliate in kind. Hitler, himself, had always opposed the targeting of civilian populations, even long before the war. Moreover, this was a deliberate policy of subverting Hitler’s attempts to make peace by instigating hatred of the Germans in England. Irving provides some details of Hitler’s peace initiatives and terms. It is well documented that Hitler and had always sought friendship with England. It was the British war mongers in Parliament, however, who long before 1939 had been instigating for war. Statistics are also provided here which demonstrate how little damage was actually done to German industry and military production as compared to the monstrous destruction of German cities and towns, resulting in heavy civilian casualties.

RALPH EPPERSON TRUTH PIONEER: In His Own Words — “The CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW of history holds that events happen because they were PLANNED to happen” • “It’s very common for people who have heard this to reject it, because they have been taught the ACCIDENTAL VIEW all of their life” • “The FUTURE they’ve got planned for us is not going to be pleasant” • “We’re going to be taught we can harm our neighbor and his property, and I’m contending that’s not rational, not moral, and certainly not something that we wish to have for America”

Ralph Epperson, one of the pioneers in the truth movement, wrote The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History in 1985!

Ralph writes this on his Facebook page:

This is a 26 minute movie made in 2010 while I was at a seminar in Eager, Arizona. It will provide you with some information about me and how I got into the CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY research.

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“The conspiratorial view of history holds that events do happen, but they happen because they were planned to happen.”

“It’s very common for people who have heard this for the first time to reject it, because they have been taught the accidental view all of their life.”

“There is something going on in America, and the future they’ve got planned for us is not going to be pleasant.”

“We’re going to be taught we can harm our neighbor and his property, and I’m contending that’s not rational, not moral, and certainly not something that we wish to have for America.”

– Ralph Epperson

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Ralph Epperson In His Own Words…

Liberty Under Attack

(video) Nathanael: How Putin Celebrates Christmas VS Obama

We shouldn’t trust Putin either, though.

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[youtube=]How Putin Celebrates Christmas

Brother Nathanael

Published on Dec 20, 2015

(Nathanael: Hillary Slams Trump On Muslim Ban

[youtube=]Hillary Slams Trump On Muslim Ban

Brother Nathanael

(video) What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday 1/5/2016: (Commercial Free Video)

Mike covers the Hammond/Bundy situation and much more.

In Obama’s gun grabbing speech in which he fake-cried:

“Obama referred to himself 76 times in 33 minutes. Remember what I said about narcissistic personality disorder. This is an indication.” – Michael F Rivero @ Minute-57:15

At 1:09:00, Mike believes the sealed 28 pages that are rumored to show that Saudi Arabia did 9/11 is “another propaganda stunt.” “I think that’s a set-up to try to protect Israel one more time” — whom we know were the main architects.

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Nathanael: What To Expect In 2016

[youtube=]What To Expect In 2016

Brother Nathanael

(audio) Dennis Wise producer of “The Greatest Story Never Told” on the Deanna Spingola Show 12/17/13 — “It was never about extermination, ever — never, never”

Dennis Wise spent 12 hours a day for 2 years putting “The Greatest Story Never Told” together.

YouTube keeps banning it. The best place to see it seems to be here, and then click on “Videos.”

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“It was never about extermination, ever — never, never about extermination — but that is what we’ve been told.”

– Deanna Spingola

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[youtube=]Dennis Wise on the Deanna Spingola Show – December 17th, 2013 (CC by Sf)



Published on Dec 22, 2013

Click below for a FREE download of a colorfully illustrated 132 page e-book on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of Western civilization. Click on the “DOWNLOAD (7.53 MB)” green banner link.

Booklet updated on Dec. 22nd, 2015. (Now with over 100,000 Downloads!)
PDF file:…
MS Word file:…

Watch the 10 hour video version of
“The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization” @…

Notepad Promotional YouTube Comment:…

2 minute promotional BOOKLET video @…
(and @… )

Are you interested in helping spread the booklet download link across the world? Then why not simply copy this text (& links) and paste it into the description box of your YouTube videos? Thank you in advance. 🙂

Download the YouTube “description box” info text file below (all the 1,042 internal hyperlinks are currently working) (thank you all for helping out) @…

Also watch the epic documentary “The Greatest Story Never Told” @ and @

9-11/Israel did it — Comprehensive evidence for the proposition that the Israeli state was the prime mover behind the events of 9-11

James Perloff recommends this site here.

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9-11/Israel did it

Evidence for the proposition that the Israeli state was the prime mover behind the events of 9-11

When an event occurs that that fundamentally changes the dynamics of global geopolitics, there is one question above all others whose answer will most assuredly point to its perpetrators. That question is “Cui bono?” If those so indicted are in addition found to have had both motive and means then, as they say in the US, it’s pretty much a “slam-dunk”.

And so it is with the events of 9/11.

Discounting the Official Narrative as the absurdity it so clearly is, there are just two organisations on the entire planet with the expertise, assets, access and political protection necessary to have both executed 9/11 and effected its cover-up to date (ie the means). Both are Intelligence Agencies – the CIA and the Israeli Mossad whose motives were arguably the most compelling. Those motives dovetailed perfectly with the Neocon PNAC agenda, with it’s explicitly stated need for “…a catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” [1] in order to mobilise US public opinion for already planned wars, the effects of which would be to destroy Israel’s enemies.

This article marshals evidence for the proposition that “Israel did it”.

Entire Article Here


(HD Video 2015) Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015 — Israeli hardline Zionists named • Powerful Powerpoint presentation!

(video) 9/11, Israel & the Mossad – Christopher Bollyn with Sean Stone

Book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, by Christopher Bollyn (Who-did-9/11 book online — free download!) • Paperback at Amazon

(video) ISRAEL & 9/11: John B. Wells with Christopher Bollyn (‘Solving 9-11’) & Rebekah Roth (‘Methodical Deception’) – Caravan to Midnight 9-11-15!

(video) Solving 911 Ends the War – Christopher Bollyn 2015 — Talmudic/Reformed Jews really did do 9-11!

(video) Israel & 9/11 – Christopher Bollyn 2.5hr Q&A in L.A. — 9-11 Truth Ends the War • “We are like today’s peace movement”

(video) Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9/11 attacks and post-9/11 wars

(video) Have We Been Deceived About What Happened on 9/11? Christopher Bollyn

(video) “Lucky” Larry Silverstein & His 9/11 Towers – Ken O’Keefe

Sen. Al Franken Admits Being Warned About 9-11 Beforehand: “One of the widely disseminated stories was that no Jews died in the collapse of the Trade Towers because they had received calls telling them not to go to work that day. To tell you the truth, I got the Jew call”

Israeli Mossad Motto: “By deception thou shalt do war”

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East — DISSOLUTION of all existing Arab states: Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan & Libya — USING US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO

“WE WILL KILL JESUS; THEN WE WILL RULE THE WORLD” — “The Pharisees have had the SAME GOAL before Jesus was crucified on the cross, and they are still trying to accomplish this task with a New World Order!”

All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)

“Hitler did not actually have anti-gun legislation, like they try and say. The people were armed” – V.K. Clark

Heads up about Veronica. After posting, I found this post, Veronica Clark Says Europeans Need to Mass Convert to Islam, which along with the comments, shows that Veronica shouldn’t be fully trusted.

On the other hand, the attack on Veronica could be a psy op too. I just now discovered her material.

This Metapedia article is interesting.

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“Hitler did not actually have anti-gun legislation, like they try and say. So the people were armed. I suppose they could have had an armed insurrection.”

– Veronica Kuznier-Clark @ minute-32:50 on Spingola Speaks w/ Deanna Spingola on RBN

• • •

[youtube=]V.K. Clark Historian – Anti German Myths & Communist Subversion

Apollo Mastiff


Hitler Did NOT Take the Guns — Alex Jones misled US in his famous CNN rant!

(video) The Lies and Myths of Alex “Judas” Jones (GUN CONTROL) — Hitler did NOT take the guns as Alex yelled on ‘Piers Morgan Live’

Hitler Did NOT Take the Guns — Alex Jones misled US in his famous CNN rant!

From: Mother Jones

Was Hitler Really a Fan of Gun Control?

—By Gavin Aronsen Fri Jan. 11, 2013


Did Hitler take away everyone’s guns? — Hitler was popular. He didn’t need to take away the guns. Using Hitler to defend your position on gun control is a bad idea

(video) The Lies and Myths of Alex “Judas” Jones (GUN CONTROL) — Hitler did NOT take the guns as Alex yelled on ‘Piers Morgan Live’

(audio) William Pierce (1996): The Destructive Media – Ways in which the Jewish control of our news and entertainment media is damaging us as a people — "By the time Disney died, he was about the only major, non-Jewish filmmaker left in Hollywood. After his death, Jews took control. Michael Eisner immediately began making propaganda films designed to encourage degeneracy in viewers"

“By the time Disney died, he was about the only major, non-Jewish filmmaker left in Hollywood. After his death, Jews took control of the Disney company. And today, it is controlled by Michael Eisner. Eisner immediately began making propaganda films designed to encourage degeneracy in viewers.”

– William Pierce

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Dr William Pierce – The Destructive Media


(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography
Meet the Jews Who Own Hollywood and the Media — “As a proud Jew,” says Joel Stein, “I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.” — Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American [and reverse-Christian], ever-growing Zionist World Empire

(audio) William Pierce (1996): The Destructive Media – Ways in which the Jewish control of our news and entertainment media is damaging us as a people — “By the time Disney died, he was about the only major, non-Jewish filmmaker left in Hollywood. After his death, Jews took control. Michael Eisner immediately began making propaganda films designed to encourage degeneracy in viewers”

“By the time Disney died, he was about the only major, non-Jewish filmmaker left in Hollywood. After his death, Jews took control of the Disney company. And today, it is controlled by Michael Eisner. Eisner immediately began making propaganda films designed to encourage degeneracy in viewers.”

– William Pierce

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

[youtube=]Dr William Pierce – The Destructive Media



(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography

Meet the Jews Who Own Hollywood and the Media — “As a proud Jew,” says Joel Stein, “I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.” — Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American [and reverse-Christian], ever-growing Zionist World Empire

(video) Perloff: Evolution or Creation — "Mutations always delete information from the genetic code" • "Cells are far too complex to be originated by chance" • "The human immune system, human vision and other systems are irreducibly complex" • "The missing links are missing" • "On a molecular level, fish are not the close cousins of amphibians, as Darwin’s theory claims" …

“My congratulations to Mr. Perloff for an outstanding piece of work.” — ACTOR JACK LEMMON, WHO PLAYED CLARENCE DARROW IN THE 1999 FILM VERSION OF INHERIT THE WIND

Tornado in a Junkyard: The Relentless Myth of Darwinismby James Perloff

• • •

“Mutations always delete information from the genetic code.”

“Cells are far too complex to be originated by chance.”

“The human immune system, human vision and other systems are irreducibly complex.”

Billions of fossils, but no transitional forms — “the missing links are missing.”

“Why aren’t these creatures evolving into each other today?”

Fraudulent claims disproven but still in text books.

“On a molecular level, fish are not the close cousins of amphibians, as Darwin’s theory claims.”

“A lot of people don’t want to be accountable to God.”

Darwin did not recant his views on his deathbed.

– James Perloff

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Evolution or Creation

William McNally

Published on Mar 2, 2014

During the evolution of blood clotting or coagulation did evolution seek help from the creator? James Perloff explains it all in two of his books: “Tornado Through A Junkyard” and “The Case Against Darwin”. The former is highly technical and the later is an overview. Actor Jack Lemmon, who played Clarence Darrow in the 1999 film version of Inherit the Wind: “My congratulations to Mr. Perloff for an outstanding piece or work.” Perloff explains why “Monkeys Can’t Type Shakespeare” and why the fossil records fails to support Darwin’s theory. His books should be required reading for the Public Schools and Homeschoolers! Mr. Perloff also wrote “The Shadows of Power” and “Truth Is A Lonely Warrior”.

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