Freedom from Alaska!

Month: July 2016

(video) Dallas Sniper Attack diversion from Hillary Emails

It’s true. Minute-7: the girlfriend was too calm.

“It didn’t feel real.”

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Dallas Sniper Attack diversion from Hillary Emails

Dallas Shootout: Gunman shooting down police officer caught on camera (GRAPHIC FULL VIDEO)

Kurt Haskell writes about this video on Facebook:

“Here is the video of the cop being shot on the ground. So how was this “Lone Perpetrator” also able to shoot so many other cops sniper style from high up in a building?”

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Dallas Shootout: Gunman shooting down police officer caught on camera (GRAPHIC FULL VIDEO)

UNITE! – The Only POWER that Scares the Establishment


Kurt Haskell: For anyone who doesn’t believe in false flag terror, all you have to do is look at yesterday’s decision by FBI head Comey not to prosecute Hitlery

Kurt Richard Haskell writes on Facebook today:

For anyone that doesn’t believe in false flag terror, all you have to do is look at yesterday’s decision by FBI head Comey not to prosecute Hitlery. The elites KNOW that they are above the law. They know that if they commit crimes of any nature, they will not be prosecuted. So why would anyone believe the elites would not commit false flags? It doesn’t make sense.

The elites commit false flags to sway public opinion to make Americans support the taking away of their own rights. They also do it to make Americans support one illegal war after another so that the elites can steal oil and gold from the invaded country. Do you ever benefit from any war? Nope, but the elites get rich off of them and you support it because of false flag terror.

No Muslim has ever attacked the US without substantial help from the FBI or CIA. Yet, the false flags work to demonize Muslims so that the US can run all over the Middle East.

See how that works? Without the false flags, would Americans support any war in the Middle East? Nope, but you would have to go back and think about the American mentality before the 9-11 false flag To realize that.

Now we are seeing an entire new wave of false flag terror to make Americans want to take their own guns away, give up their freedom of speech, give up their freedom to be free of unreasonable searches, etc. We are also seeing one false flag after another to make various groups hate each other (gay vs straight, white vs black, Christian vs Muslim, etc.) so that they are distracted and don’t come after the elites.

I just don’t understand why anyone would believe that the elites wouldn’t commit false flags. Heck, they even legalized it a couple years ago.

If you ever doubt that false flags do happen, remind yourself of yesterday’s decision by FBI head Comey. If you ever thought that the elites followed the law and worked in your best interests then since yesterday, you can no longer believe that.

So why wouldn’t the elites stage events to sway public opinion? The answer is they would and they do and everyone needs to realize that and not be swayed by their bs false flags anymore.

1998 Bill Clinton Ordered Air Attack on Iraq to DIVERT ATTENTION from Monica Lewinsky impeachment proceedings — Just THE DAY BEFORE, the House of Representatives had issued a report accusing Clinton of committing “high crimes and misdemeanors”…


Dec 16 1998

Clinton orders air attack on Iraq

On this day in 1998, President Bill Clinton announces he has ordered air strikes against Iraq because it refused to cooperate with United Nations (U.N.) weapons inspectors. Clinton’s decision did not have the support of key members of Congress, who accused Clinton of using the air strikes to direct attention away from ongoing impeachment proceedings against him. Just the day before, the House of Representatives had issued a report accusing Clinton of committing “high crimes and misdemeanors” related to the Monica Lewinsky scandal, in which Clinton had–and then lied about–an illicit sexual liaison with an intern in the Oval Office. …

Many in Congress agreed with Republican majority leader Trent Lott that the timing of the air strikes was “suspect” and “cursory.” In their opinion, the air strikes were simply a ploy to direct the public’s attention away from the impeachment proceedings, and would ultimately prove futile in persuading Hussein to comply with the U.N.’s demands.

Entire Article

CHEMICAL LAWN TREATMENTS Found to give Pets CANCER — Raised the risk of canine malignant lymphoma by as much as 70%


Lawn Chemicals Linked to 2 Types of Cancer in Dogs

Often the most lush lawns and gardens in the neighborhood have been liberally treated with pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and other chemicals that neither you nor your pet should be exposed to.

According to a study conducted over a 6 year period at the Foster Hospital for Small Animals at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, exposure to lawn pesticides,  specifically those applied by professional lawn care companies, raised the risk of canine malignant lymphoma (CML) by as much as 70%

Dogs at highest risk for acquiring CML were over 50 pounds and living in homes where pesticides and herbicides were professionally applied, as well as homes where owners used lawn care products containing insect growth regulators, aka chemical killing agents.

Another study performed at the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Purdue University concluded certain garden and lawn chemicals are linked to canine bladder cancer, including common herbicides containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxypropionic acid (MCPP) and/or dicamba.

Entire Article

Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says Blair adviser — “When the majority of people in a predominantly Christian society cease to worship God the result is fascism”

From: The Telegraph

Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says No 10 adviser

Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the influence of a “sinister” group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed.

Ahmad Thomson, from the Association of Muslim Lawyers, said Mr Blair was the latest in a long line of politicians to have been influenced by the group which saw the attack on Saddam Hussein as a way to control the Middle East. …

Mr Thomson said: “Pressure was put on Tony Blair before the invasion. The way it works is that pressure is put on people to arrive at certain decisions. It is part of the Zionist plan and it is shaping events.”

Mr Thomson wrote a book in 1994 in which he said Freemasons and Jews controlled the governments of Europe and America and described the claim that six million Jews died in the Holocaust as a “big lie”. In The Next World Order, Mr Thomson, a Muslim convert who was born Martin Thomson in Rhodesia, wrote: “When the majority of people in a predominantly Christian society cease to worship God, the result is fascism. …

He also wrote that the Jews have no right to live in “the Holy Land” because they are not a pure race and therefore not the true biblical Israelites….

Entire Article

Madsen: Israel Pressured FBI to Clear Hillary — Israel’s friends in high places often walk away from prison time • “Wherever I investigate I find Jews and Freemasons in the highest circles. I’ve hit upon secrets in the attempt to unmask the society of the enlightened” – Romanian hacker Marcel Lazar Lehel

From: Infowars


If Israel was spying via Hillary’s servers, it would explain why FBI is backing off

Wayne Madsen | – JULY 6, 2016

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received a “get out of jail free” pass from the FBI because the case of her opening up unsecured email servers to foreign hackers involved the bugbear that always scares off the FBI — Israel.

Almost every time there has been a national security case involving the actual or alleged compromise of national security information to the Israelis, the offending party or parties walk free.

Although the espionage case of Jonathan Pollard was pursued vigorously by the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joseph diGenova, and Pollard, a civilian employee of the Naval Investigative Service’s Anti-Terrorist Alert Center in Suitland, Maryland was convicted and sentenced to life in prison, the Pollard case resulted in powerful American Zionists, as well as successive Israeli prime ministers, calling for his release. Pollard was released last November.

Since the Pollard conviction, a series of cases involving actual or suspected spies for Israel have resulted in virtual slaps on the wrist or no prosecution.

WATCH: Trey Gowdy Grills James Comey On Hillary’s Repeated Lies

And “intent” doesn’t matter anyway. Doing what Hillary did is a felony whether intent is proven or not.

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UN Unleashes LGBT Czar to Promote Homosexuality, Transgenderism

From: The New American

Wednesday, 06 July 2016

UN Unleashes LGBT Czar to Promote Homosexuality, Transgenderism

The United Nations “Human Rights Council,” which counts some of the world’s most ruthless dictatorships as members, sparked global outrage last week by voting to appoint a UN czar to oversee the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism around the world. In the crosshairs are religious and moral views that reject homosexual behavior as sinful, as well as objective reality and biological facts that until recent years were taken for granted. The deeply controversial scheme was pushed through by communist and socialist rulers with fervent support from the Obama administration, which for years has been lawlessly using American tax dollars and diplomatic resources to bribe and bully foreign governments into compliance with the radical agenda. But there was a great deal of opposition, and criticism of the UN extremism is growing.

Officially, the UN LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) “expert” will work to combat “violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.” In reality, though, forces on both sides of the issue know full well that the UN czar will serve as another weapon in the global war against religion, traditional values, morality, and truth. Indeed, top UN bureaucrats involved in the effort have already announced that the plot includes preventing homosexuals and transgenders from being “stigmatized.” That means they hope to change people’s views and morals — and even their religion.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon (shown above), who last year celebrated a notorious child rapist for launching the “gay rights revolution,” cited schools as one of the many targets for the new UN homosexuality czar to focus on. Obama’s secretary of state, John Kerry, meanwhile, admitted that the LGBT czar would be a “focal point” for “combatting [sic] challenges faced by LGBT persons.” That means the agenda goes way beyond merely protecting homosexuals from violence. And remember, Obama boasted about having lied to the American people all along about his views on homosexual “marriage,” meaning that, what they admit to plotting is likely just the start.

Entire Article

Trump: Hillary Blackmailable — “Our enemies may have a blackmail file on crooked Hillary, and this alone means that she should not be allowed to serve as President of the United States”

“Our enemies may have a blackmail file on crooked Hillary, and this alone means that she should not be allowed to serve as President of the United States.”

– Donald Trump during speech in Raleigh NC, July 6th

Fox News Anchor Gretchen Carlson Sues Roger Ailes For Sexual Harassment — Could be just the beginning – others may testify! • CEO Ailes told her he “slept” with three former Miss America winners • Said he liked to stay seated at events so women had to “bend over” to greet him

From: WND

Fox News star also accuses Steve Doocy of ‘pervasive’ treatment

Fox News star Gretchen Carlson, 50, filed a sexual harassment suit against her now-former boss, network CEO Roger Ailes, accusing him of sexual harassment – and saying in the same court filing her former morning co-host Steve Doocy was guilty of the same.

The full complaint is available here, but Carlson posted on Facebook on Wednesday morning: “As you may have heard, I am no longer with Fox News. I value your support and friendship, especially now, so please stay in touch with me.”

The Daily Mail reported Carlson said she was let go on June 23 for refusing to have sex with Ailes. …

Carlson further alleged Ailes told her how he liked to stay seated at events so women had to “bend over” to greet him; that Ailes called her “sexy” but “too much hard work,” and that he told her he had “slept” with three former Miss America winners. Carlson was Miss America in 1989. …

Meanwhile, Smith [her attorney] suggested Carlson’s suit could be just the beginning.

Referencing the 2014 book about Fox News and Ailes, “The Loudest Voice in the Room,” by Gariel Sherman, Smith pointed to the other women who’ve accused the CEO of similarly inappropriate behavior.

“The law is very clear that other victims’ testimony is relevant in a sexual harassment case,” she said, CNN Money reported. “We may be asking these other women to testify.”

Entire Article


6 More Women Allege Roger Ailes Sexually Harassed Them (CEO FOX News)! — DIANE: “He said, ‘Well, you know NO GIRLS GET A JOB HERE UNLESS they’re cooperative’ • PAT: “His message was: If you want to make it in the TV business YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO F— ME, and you’re going to do that WITH ANYONE I TELL YOU TO” • KELLIE: “So we get in the car and that’s when he said, ‘If you want TO PLAY with the big boys YOU HAVE TO LAY with the big boys’ … He said that’s HOW ALL THESE MEN IN MEDIA AND POLITICS WORK

(HEAVY VIDEO!) Who is Rupert Murdoch – FOX News? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

Fox News Rupert Murdoch key pornographer selling women’s body parts!

(video) OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism — How FOX spins the war and so much more! Many examples; includes testimonials of former employees

VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it

(video) FOX News Rupert Murdoch is a Pornographer — “This is where he got his initial funding to create the FOX News channel”

(TalmudVision/TV) FOX News is dividing our nation between Christian and Muslim. It’s the Jews that are doing it. Every network is owned by a Jewish family – Rebekah Roth

FOX News Won RIGHT TO LIE in Court 2003

(video) Murdoch of Fox News Admits Manipulating the News for Agenda — Pushing the Bush Wars

(video) Fox News Spin: “Everything Is Awesome” as America Tortures — “This cultlike mentality that if you just say ‘everything’s awesome’ and live in denial you’ll be okay. Almost everybody I know who’s had horrible stuff happen in their lives live in denial and say ‘everything is awesome’”

[real history video] David Icke: The Rothschild Zionist MainFrame — Truth about the USS Liberty; the other side of the “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” story — Israel is being jacked just like the USA is!

Meet the real Bill O’Reilly: ‘Fair’ly un’Balanced’ and Fairly Disgusting: O’Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit — Female coworker details lewd behavior of Fox News star

[Fox news unfair & unbalanced] Warmongerer, Reverse-Peacemaker Bill O’Reilly Slams Ron Paul; Host Responds

Bill O’Reilly Flips Out — Truly ‘Fair and Balanced’ People Don’t Do This

Bill O’Reilly to Judge Napolitano: “I don’t care about the Constitution … Don’t be a pinhead”

Analyzing O’Reilly’s body language—Anger, Personal Space

O’Reilly Lies About FOX Being “Fair & Balanced”

“Bill, show the world you have some courage.” Jesse Ventura challenges Bill O’Reilly to an interview. “Our media, today, is into creating the news rather than reporting it.”

[updated] FOX News Illustrated: “We Spin, We Decide” — Because Sometimes You Can’t Handle the Truth

Fox News: Take Ron Paul Out Of The Debates!

[Priceless!] Geraldo driven out of Occupy Wall Street yelling “FOX News Lies!” — The entire Fox News crew left!

(video) Nine Eleven is the Litmus Test — “It all comes down to 9/11. Everything that has happened has happened based on a lie. Everyone in government; in the media, in entertainment, in organized religion, in the public eye and in the public who accepts and promotes the official story is either a traitor or a tool. Everyone who does not stand forth and speak truth to power is a coward, a liar and complicit in mass murder. Everyone- everywhere can be measured according to this litmus test”(same narrator)

(video) Megyn Kelly Pimps Vaccines — Alex Jones calls out Fox News anchors Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly for lying to the American public

FOX News’ Fake Infobabes: Megyn Kelly’s Plastic Surgery — The NOSE she originally had was much larger and rounded at the tip • Botox • Implants • Teeth veneers

(video) Fox News Mocks Seahawks Coach For Being A 9/11 Truther

Fox News Murdoch’s Deeply Hidden Jewish Roots by Christopher Bollyn

(video) Cheney, Murdoch (Fox News), Rothschild unlawfully dig for oil in Syria — Many “Christians” have been deceived by Murdoch’s Fox News to violate Christ’s principles and hate the Muslims after 9/11 to support all of Israel’s reverse-Christian wars, including “Assad must go” in Syria

Related at ONEcanhappen (my spiritual freedom site):

Murdoch Buys Biggest Online Faith Network

Is Murdoch’s NIV the ‘N’ew ‘I’lluminati ‘V’ersion? Has the Word of God Been Corrupted to Bring US Into the New World Order?

‘Chemtrails’ No Longer Conspiracy Theory: CIA Director Admits Plans of Aerosol Spraying for Geoengineering

The globalists often admit later to what they’ve been doing for years, in this case about 20.

$10 billion yearly, Brennan says. For just $2 billion we could have protected our power grid from an EMP attack that could take out almost every man, woman and child after a year without electricity.

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From: The Daily Sheeple


Last week, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John O. Brennan addressed instability and transnational threats to global security at a meeting with the Council on Foreign Relations. During his long-winded talk of threats to US interests and how the largely CIA-created ISIL threat is impacting the world, Brennan brought up the topic of geoengineering.

Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

Brennan went on to echo the calls from some scientists who have called for aerial spraying.

An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. The process is also relatively inexpensive—the National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.

Entire Article

Lies Eli Wiesel Told Us — Christians became corrupted through support of Jewish power against others

From: Veterans Today

Lies Eli Wiesel Told Us
By Jonas E. Alexis on July 5, 2016

Wiesel constantly talked about peace, but he wrote an entire article in the Washington Post perversely arguing that the Western world needed to remove a democratically elected president in Syria.

Science historian Nicholas Kollestrom, whom we will be interviewing this week, writes that Elie Wiesel should properly be called a “Messiah of the Holocaust” industry.[1] Our esteemed colleague Gilad Atzmon calls him one of the priests of the Holocaust.[2] These titles are certainly apt descriptions of Wiesel’s entire politicalweltanschauung, for he was able to fool many people—from Oprah Winfrey to the deluded Christian Zionists. “Through Wiesel,” Jewish theologian and scholar Marc H. Ellis writes,

Christians became heavily involved in the meaning of Holocaust suffering and support for the state of Israel without regard for the plight of Palestinians. Christians averted their eyes. Christians became corrupted through support of Jewish power against others.” …

Obviously the media put Wiesel on the throne, not because he was able to produce scholarship and true stories but because he was able to propound one fantasy after another, which eventually became “truth” by the anointed elite and clowns like Obama, Merkel, and Bush. But what was Wiesel’s central message to his devoted followers?

“The Jew,” Wiesel declared, “has never been an executioner; he is almost always the victim.”[4] This messianic statement can never square well with the historical data at all. In fact, it is a bold lie which can only make sense in the minds of impostors like Wiesel.

Wiesel knew very well that the Bolshevik Revolution, a subversive ideology which ended up liquidating more than sixty million people,[5] was a largely Jewish movement.[6] Not even Winston Churchill, who was a thorough Zionist pawn, could deny this fact.[7] …

Moreover, Wiesel constantly talked about peace, but he wrote an entire article in the Washington Post arguing that the Western world needed to remove a democratically elected president in Syria.[36] He lied again by saying that the Assad government was killing its own people, when in fact Assad was and is still fighting ISIS and protecting whatever that is left in Syria. “Day after day,” he wrote, the Assad government and army “humiliate, frighten and kill scores of its citizens. Old and young, educated and ignorant, rich and poor: All have become targets.”[37]

There is one nagging problem here: Wiesel, because he was living in an imaginary universe, could not explain the fact that almost 90% of the population voted for Assad![38] So, the people knew that Assad was killing them, but they voted for him anyway?

Entire Article


‘Holocaust’ survivor who lectured to pupils about Auschwitz admits he was never there – after being caught by history teacher

“Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

(video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!

(video) Germar Rudolf exposes Auschwitz’s Curated Lies (PowerPoint) — Part 1: How the Auschwitz Museum dupes millions of visitors • Part 2: How the Auschwitz Museum lies about documents in its archives

All of my Holocaust Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

All of my Germany Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

“When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you – you know your nation is doomed” ~ Ayn Rand

“When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you – you know your nation is doomed.” ~ Ayn Rand

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Three Ultra-Orthodox Jews nabbed in Israel with 13,000 ecstasy pills

From: Times of Israel

Ultra-Orthodox man nabbed with 13,000 ecstasy pills

Three suspected dealers to be charged with international trafficking after busted with several kilograms of banned drug

Three ultra-Orthodox Israeli men will be charged Monday with attempting to smuggle thousands of ecstasy pills from Germany to Israel.

The three suspects were arrested last week for allegedly operating an international drug trafficking operation, after a police sting with help from the customs authority. …

One suspect, a 25-year-old man from Netanya, was nabbed upon landing at Ben Gurion Airport in possession of six kilograms — 13,000 pills — of ecstasy in his suitcase and another kilo of “raw drug material of great worth,” according to the ultra-Orthodox news site B’hadrei Haredim.

Entire Article

Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut

The strange diet designed to slow down aging — A diet that may provide the health benefits of fasting while still letting you eat something and letting you eat normally 25 days a month

From: Business Insider

Here’s the strange diet designed to slow down aging

The diet itself is remarkably simple.

For five consecutive days each month, participants drastically limit their caloric intake (hence, “fasting mimicking”) by up to two-thirds. The first day they’d consume 1,090 calories (10% protein, 56% fat, 34% carbohydrate), and for days two through five they’d consume just 725 calories (9% protein, 44% fat, 47% carbohydrate). Most of those carbohydrates came in the form of vegetables.

That’s not easy. Bowes writes that many participants experienced profound headaches and dehydration. Mentally, he says he alternated between exhaustion and an alert sense of clear-mindedness.

But for the remaining 25 days of the month, study participants ate whatever they normally would.

Researchers have long been fascinated by the health benefits associated with temporary fasting — the idea behind this diet is to get those benefits without having to do something quite so drastic.

Entire Article

Government Looking To Control “Content Of Sermons”

Looks like the day of “Government Permitted” Sermons are quickly approaching and it’s all connected to the “Transgender Movement” that has picked up pace around the nation regarding the choice of restrooms based on an individual’s personal gender identity. (source)

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From: WND

‘This is something that should be deeply troubling to every American’

At issue in the Iowa case are state mandates that protect “transgender rights.” Among them are allowing men to enter women’s shower rooms, dressing rooms and restrooms if they say they are women, and banning statements in meetings “open to the public” that “might cause individuals to believe that they are unwelcome because of their perceived gender identity.” …

“The speech ban could be used to gag churches from making any public comments – including from the pulpit – that could be viewed as unwelcome to persons who do not identify with their biological sex. This is because the commission says the law applies to churches during any activity that the commission deems to not have a ‘bona fide religious purpose.’”

Entire Article

(video) Jeff Rense & Devvy Kidd – Our Rulers Despise Us

Jeff Rense & Devvy Kidd – Our Rulers Despise Us

(video) Jim Fetzer w/ Jeff Rense: Brexit, Orlando & False Flag Events

(video) Hillary NOT Indicted: What Really Happened Show – Michael Rivero Tuesday 7/5/16 (Commercial Free Video)

What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday 7/5/16: (Commercial Free Video)

July 4th: “Hey Grandpa, what are we celebrating?”


(audio) Mike King: Yazidis, World War II Untangled & Degeneracy of the West – Red Ice Radio

I probably agree with Mike on everything, except I don’t trust Putin.

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Red Ice Radio – Mike King – Hour 1 – Yazidis, World War II Untangled & Degeneracy of the West

Red Ice Radio

Red Ice Radio

Published on Sep 20, 2014…
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Mike King is a private investigative journalist and researcher based in the New York City area. A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King’s subsequent 27 year career in Marketing & Advertising has equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding how “public opinion” is indeed scientifically manufactured. Madison Ave marketing acumen combines with ‘City Boy’ instincts to make Mike King one of the most tenacious detectors of “things that don’t add up” in the world today. We’ll start the discussion on the Yazidi minority of Iraq, who are of Aryan descent and who have retained much of their fair skin, reddish and blond hair, and blue eyes by marrying among themselves. The US-Israeli-Saudi controlled terror group known has ISIS vowed to impregnate the White hostages, to smash their bloodline. Then, we’ll discuss the Jewish supremacy’s utter hatred for Aryan people. Mike also speaks about other small minority tribes of White Indians around the world who have been hunted down for genocide in the past. We speak more on ISIS, the war against Putin and the west’s freefall into degeneracy. In the second hour, we’ll discuss the most demonized man in history, Hitler. Mike elaborates on Nazi Germany’s system of economy and Hitler’s war against the new world order system. He’ll talk about what happened when Judea declared war on Germany and he expounds on anti-Nazi propaganda that was used as a weapon. Also, we cover Nazi Germany’s view on art and entertainment. Later, we’ll talk about how globalists blame WWII on nationalists and not the global elite. At the end we discuss the Germany/Poland conflict and the Hitler/Stalin pact.

Chuck Norris’ son poisoned at Amerigeddon movie showing in Ohio — Movie reveals EMP threat!

Good guy! I’ve heard some of his interviews, and also some with this important film’s producer Gary Haevin.

The globalists don’t want US to know how vulnerable we are to an EMP that would totally take US out — no electricity for a year!

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TRUNEWS EXCLUSIVE: Chuck Norris’ son poisoned at Amerigeddon movie showing in Ohio

June 30, 2016

VERO BEACH, FL (TRUNEWS) Mike Norris, son of television celebrity and martial arts expert Chuck Norris, says he was poisoned by a mysterious man following the showing of his new film Amerigeddon.

In an exclusive interview with TRUNEWS, film director Mike Norris said he spoke to the audience that attended on Sunday a showing of Amerigeddon in Columbus, Ohio.

Amerigeddon’s plot involves a top secret plot by a U.S. government agency and the United Nations to attack the U.S. energy grid. The movie depicts the U.S.A. ruled under martial law in which citizens are stripped of their constitutional rights and firearms. The coup d’état is overthrown by patriots who fight back to rescue America from irreversible chaos. Billionaire Gary Haevin, founder of Curves fitness chain and CEO of Jenny Craig, provided much of the funding for the production of the movie.

As the film director, Mike Norris has been traveling to various cities across the nation to personally attend the opening showing in theaters. Following the movie, he speaks to the audience and answers questions.

He attended Sunday’s 1:50 PM showing of Amerigeddon at the AMC Theaters in Columbus’ Easton Town Center. The movie ended at 3:32 PM. Mr. Norris told TRUNEWS that a mysterious man wearing a dark grey suit approached Norris in the theater’s lobby. The unknown man brushed Norris’ back, touched his neck, leaned up close to the film director and said, “Interesting film.”

Entire Article

A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel — On the scholarly plane, the gas chamber myth is finished. What remains is to make this news known to the general public. However, for Elie Wiesel it is of the highest importance to conceal that news

From: IHR

A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel

By Robert Faurisson

Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. He is generally accepted as a witness to the Jewish “Holocaust,” and, more specifically, as a witness to the legendary Nazi extermination gas chambers. The Paris daily Le Monde emphasized at the time that Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Prize because: [1]

These last years have seen, in the name of so-called “historical revisionism,” the elaboration of theses, especially in France, questioning the existence of the Nazi gas chambers and, perhaps beyond that, of the genocide of the Jews itself.

But in what respect is Elie Wiesel a witness to the alleged gas chambers? By what right does he ask us to believe in that means of extermination? In an autobiographical book that supposedly describes his experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he nowhere mentions the gas chambers. [2] He does indeed say that the Germans executed Jews, but … by fire; by throwing them alive into flaming ditches, before the very eyes of the deportees! No less than that!

Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck. Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to defend the fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of the term Holocaust. Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only the gas remains.

The gassing lie was spread by the Americans. [3] The lie that Jews were killed by boiling water or steam (specifically at Treblinka) was spread by the Poles. [4] The electrocution lie was spread by the Soviets. [5]

The fire lie is of undetermined origin. It is in a sense as old as war propaganda or hate propaganda.


On the scholarly plane, the gas chamber myth is finished. To tell the truth, that myth breathed its last breath several years ago at the Sorbonne colloquium in Paris (June 29-July 2, 1982), at which Raymond Aron and François Furet presided. What remains is to make this news known to the general public. However, for Elie Wiesel it is of the highest importance to conceal that news. Thus all the fuss in the media, which is going to increase: the more the journalists talk, the more the historians keep quiet.


It is time, in the name of truth and out of respect for the genuine sufferings of the victims of the Second World War, that historians return to the proven methods of historical criticism, and that the testimony of the Holocaust “eyewitnesses” be subjected to rigorous scrutiny rather than unquestioning acceptance.

Entire Article

(3 min video) Adolf Hitler vs Rothschilds Banking Cartel — Germany was targeted and villainized because they removed the banking cartels in Germany and had tremendous success!

Adolf Hitler vs Rothschilds Banking Cartel

Ditch the Man Cave – Bring Back the Study — Make men wise and great once again!

“Ditch the man cave. Bring back the study. Make men wise and great once again!”

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(video) The Immediate Results of an EMP! – Vincent Pry on The Jim Bakker Show

Remember Jim Bakker? He’s doing well now, and is one of the few telling the truth on TalmudVision (TV). I’m recording all episodes.

VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Immediate Results of an EMP – Jim Bakker Show

Skousen: Russia Continues to Violate All Disarmament Treaties While US Says Nothing — We continue our unilateral disarmament in order to feign weakness and invite a future nuclear strike on US • The globalists who control this administration don’t want Russia disarmed • All Republican administrations have covered for Russia as well

World Affairs Brief, July 1, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Globalist War Against Brexit

Canada Warns About Russian Threat

Napolitano Wrong on Orlando Claim

Justice Thomas’s Dissent on Abortion Ruling

State’s Concern Over Flood of Refugees Rebuffed by Obama

Preparedness Tip: Shaving Options




Meanwhile, Russia continues to violate all of its disarmament treaties, while the US fails to call them on it. Furthermore, we continue our unilateral disarmament in order to feign weakness and invite a future nuclear strike on US military forces. Bill Gertz follows the Russian cheating problem regularly at the Washington Free Beacon.

U.S. nuclear arms inspectors recently discovered that Russia is violating the New START arms treaty by improperly eliminating SS-25 mobile missiles, American defense officials said.

During the recent visit to a Russian missile base, U.S. technicians found critical components of SS-25s—road-mobile, intercontinental ballistic missiles—had been unbolted instead of cut to permanently disable the components. Additionally, American inspectors were unable to verify missiles slated for elimination had been destroyed. Instead, only [empty] missile launch canisters were inspected.

This may not seem like a big thing, but this is typical of Russian cheating—going through the motions but keeping the missiles secretly in storage, rather than destroying them.

On-site inspectors also reported they were unable to verify that Russia had completed all New START treaty cuts to launchers declared eliminated by Russia between 2011 and 2015.

“Russia will meet their treaty elimination goals by using empty launchers from retired and retiring missile systems,” said one official. “They’re basically cutting up launchers that don’t carry missiles anyway.”

Asked about the April verification problems, State Department arms verification bureau spokesman Blake Narenda declined to discuss the matter, citing treaty secrecy rules. “The New START treaty forbids releasing to the public data and information obtained during implementation of the treaty,” Narenda said in a statement.

Nonsense. The language doesn’t prohibit the publication of complaints about non-compliance. These kinds of statements prove the US is covering for Russian cheating.

On Capitol Hill, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry said the potential New START verification problem highlights the larger issue of the Obama administration’s poor record in pressing Russia to abide by its treaty obligations.

“Whether it’s Russian violations of the Open Skies Treaty, the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions, or multiple violations of the INF treaty, this administration has proven singularly unconcerned with arms control compliance,” Thornberry told the Free Beacon.

And that’s because the globalists who control this administration don’t want Russia disarmed. And, it’s not just the Obama administration. All Republican administrations have covered for Russia as well. Of course, even if the US did demand Russian compliance, we have no agreement with China, Russia’s future partner in war, and their weapons systems are very lethal.

Schneider, former Pentagon director for strategic arms control policy, said Russia has avoided complying with its treaty commitments. “They have violated all of the major arms control treaties and will continue to do so because we impose no penalties,” he said.

And here’s more evidence of the coverup:

Last Saturday, Anita Friedt, principal deputy assistant secretary of state for arms control verification and compliance, gave a speech that gave no suggestion there are problems with New START verification.

“Buttressed by this robust verification architecture, New START treaty implementation is proceeding well and both the United States and Russia are expected to meet the treaty’s central limits when they take effect in February 2018,” she said.

That’s a bold faced lie and she knows it.

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Skousen: Russia Building New Warheads and Weapon Systems — While the US is doggedly working to implement nuclear disarmament, the Russians are backing out of those same one-sided treaties and rearming at an alarming pace • The US hasn’t produced a new missile for 20 years and has no intention of doing so • The Russians are deploying their latest rail-launched, mobile ICBM, the RS-26 that cannot be effectively targeted with a pre-emptive strike or counter strike by missiles • While the world is focused on ISIS due to all the false flag attacks on Europe, the real enemies are building weapons that can reach the US • Sadly, only Bill Gertz is sounding the warning, and none of the mainstream media is picking up his warning

Skousen: 2015 YEAR IN REVIEW – Foreign Affairs — More than any other year in history, the US has LOST a tremendous amount of GOODWILL in the world over its falsified war against terror, essential to allowing Russia and China to stake out the moral ground to justify an eventual attack on the West, increasingly viewed as the “BULLY OF THE WORLD” • WAR is not imminent. Russia and China won’t be ready until the EARLY to MIDDLE of the NEXT DECADE • The NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE will be PRECEDED BY AN EMP STRIKE which will take down the ENTIRE ELECTRICAL GRID from anywhere from 6 weeks to six months *or longer*. Cities will collapse… • Globalists want to flood the US and Europe with illegals to create conflict and destroy western culture and religion

(video) US aircraft carriers would last 2-3 days against Soviet navy at sea – Admiral Rickover in the ’70s — Russian subs that capable and difficult to locate!

Russia and China’s SS-N-22 Sunburn missile: U.S. aircraft carrier and Aegis-class cruiser killer! — SS-N-22 skims the surface of the water at 2.5x the speed of sound until just before impact, when it lifts up and then heads straight down into the target’s deck. Its 200 kiloton nuclear warhead has almost 20 times the explosive power of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima. The U.S. Navy has no defence against this missile system

345 MPH Supercavitating Torpedoes — US aircraft carriers now sitting ducks to Russia & China’s torpedoes

(video) Russia Electronically Disables U.S. Guided Missile Destroyer — Ultra-modern destroyer USS Donald Cook paralyzed by a single SU-24 in the Black Sea (2014)

[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Skousen: RUSSIA’S PREPARATIONS TO FIGHT AND WIN A NUCLEAR WAR • The US is actively inviting a first strike against our forces by disarming while Russia cheats—and we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese for them to cheat on, so it’s full steam ahead for all the major nuclear powers except the US • The US will do anything to coverup or downplay the Chinese threat • The Chinese have over 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide their mobile missiles

China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!

(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”

(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?

Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)

RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)

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