Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Reverse-Logos Facilitators Page 10 of 22

(vid) Mark Collett: The Talmudic Jewish Role in the Porn Industry — Their motivation is not simply financial

(vid) Mark Collett: The Holocaust – An Instrument of White Guilt — The holocaust has been elevated above all other historical occurrences and is treated as an unquestionable truth – movies, books and documentaries are churned out on an industrial basis and the holocaust even has a dedicated international day of remembrance. Yet communist mass killings and genocides are largely ignored or even unheard of in the West despite the fact that communism has killed over a 100 million people. I examine the political and social reasons for this and lay bare the hypocrisy and double standards employed by the establishment when it comes to genocide

Talmudism: Jews and Jewish organizations lead the gun control campaign

Jews and Jewish organizations lead the gun control campaign

Kevin MacDonald on February 17, 2018

… According to Abrams, because of this vision, Jews have taken the lead in secularizing America.  In fact, the key role of Jewish organizations in shaping the Constitutional law on Church/State relations is well known. And it’s not much of a mystery who’s behind the war on Christmas.
And by successfully changing immigration policy, Jews have reduced the political power of the rural White subculture of America to the point that even though roughly 7 in 10 White males voted Republican (and ~60% of White females), Obama and the Democrats won the recent election. Even if the current push for gun control fails, we can expect that Jewish organizations will continue the push to disarm White males.
Jewish organizations are not at all against guns when they are in the hands of the police and other authorities. The ADL (see the ADL’s Law Enforcement Agency  Resource Network) and the SPLC (Law Enforcement Training and Law Enforcement Resources) have made strong alliances with law enforcement in America.
Further, it has often been observed that Jewish organizations have historically favored a strong central government rather than states’ rights.
Entire Article

How Shanghai Became A Refuge For Jews During Hitler’s Reign — Jews controlled the money

From: The Forward (a Jewish publication)

… At the top of the Shanghai social pyramid were the Baghdadi / Sephardic Jews who had established businesses in Shanghai since the 1840’s. They played an active role in financing various programs for the refugees. Entire educational and cultural activities, theaters, arts, music, sports and schools were supported by the Sephardic Jews. Numerically they were in the minority, only about 700 members, but they were the largest benefactors to the refugee community. They also constituted one-third of the 99 members of the Shanghai stock exchange.

In their footsteps came the White Russians, including many Ashkenazi Jews who had fled the Communist Revolution in 1917. They were the “lucky” ones as the League of Nations issued them “Nansen Passports” recognized by most nations, granting the holders certain rights within the members of the League of Nations. In addition, the French Concession issued travel cards to the Russian emigres. No such passport or travel cards were issued to European refugees. The Russian expats capitalized on their status by opening pawn shops side by side with “Chinese moneylenders” and preyed on the refugees who had few belongings and no money. …

Below this social hierarchy were the native Chinese who did all the menial work. In the eyes of the white men, the Chinese were inferior and were there to serve and do the manual labor. …

WAR CRIMES! Video Proof That Israel Is Murdering Unarmed Palestinians

(vid) Prof. Israel Shahak's The Laws Against Non Jews – Narration by Snordster

(vid) Israelis MASSACRE Unarmed *IN* GAZA – 17 Killed, 1400 Wounded!

Caution: highly disturbing footage

Trump Meets with Delegation of Rabbis from Chabad-Lubavitch


Israeli Soldiers Attack Palestinian Christians during Palm Sunday Procession (VIDEOS)


The 'Holocaust': Do the Math — 2.4 million Jews before the war • 3.8 million "survivors" get pensions after • '6 million' were lost?

Do the math:

In all of German-occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million Jews before the war, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia.

After the war, 3.8 million Jewish “Holocaust Survivors” were receiving pensions from the German government.

Tragically, the remaining ‘6 million’ were lost.

– Edgar J. Steele

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(vid) Mark Dice: Mark Zuckerberg is Scum of the Earth

"Dumb F–ks": Julian Assange Reminds Us What Mark Zuckerberg Thinks Of Facebook Users

Julian Assange fired off a tweet Friday afternoon reminding people of the time Mark Zuckerberg called his users “Dumb fucks” because they trusted him with their private information.

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask.
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend’s Name]: What? How’d you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don’t know why.
Zuck: They “trust me”
Zuck: Dumb fucks.

The exchange, originally published by Business Insider‘s editor-in-chief Nicholas Carlson in 2010, was an early instant messenger conversation then 19-year-old Zuckerberg had with a college friend shortly after he launched “The Facebook” in his dorm room.
Entire Article

(audio) Alison Chabloz on The Richie Allen Show Tuesday March 20th 2018

Alison will have a verdict to her free speech case in May in England.
I wrote this comment to Richie:

(vid) EXPOSED: Lauren Southern Is (((Lauren Simonsen)))

(vid) Alexandr Dugin (aka Putin's Brain) — The idea that "Putin is the new savior of the white Christian race" must be buried where it belongs

A comment by Divine Voice:

This idea in our circles, especially among “American nationalists” that “Putin is the new savior of the white Christian race” must be buried where it belongs.

Again, I will remind you that Putin and his regime hunted down, killed and imprisoned just about every member of the NSO, Russian Nationalist Party and anyone else who spoke out against mass immigration or those who were opposed to Putin’s oligarch-funded police state.

Putin has banned Russian nationalist movements who held a positive view of European nationalism (while still being Russian nationalists themselves).

The only Russian nationalist movements that are left are controlled opposition, and all of them are coincidently pro-Putin. f.x. Aleksandr Dugin and his “national Bolshevism” & “Eurasianism” movement.

And regarding the conflict in Ukraine, for those who support the anti-European, communist and Russian-backed proxy-state “Novorossiya”;
It is Russia, not Ukraine, where hundreds of people per year for, like, a decade or so, were getting charged with thought crimes, many going to its hellish prison system, for “xenophobia”, “anti-semitism”, “neo-nazism”, and other “hate crimes”. All of this as a direct result, personally and directly mandated by Putin himself.

I know of a number of high profile cases like this in Putin’s Russia against “anti-semites”.

In Russia, Holocau$t scepticism is officially banned since 2014 (not an old post-war law like in Europe), and it is punishable by up to 5 years in horrible prisons of Russian Federation.

Many books, such as Jurgen Graf’s “Truth about Holocaust”, were already banned even before that law, as Putin has of course set up laws against “hate speech”, “pro-nazism” and “extremism”.

In Ukraine as of 2015, they banned communism and they, on the country level, do a lot of work in condemning it on the official level, publicizing crimes of communism to the whole world and popularizing the understanding of communism as criminal, worldwide.

Meanwhile, in Putin’s Russia: Record number of Russians ‘positive’ about Joseph Stalin & communism (52%).

In Ukraine, what was once called “anti-semitic university of hate” by ADL — MAUP, the Ukraine’s largest non-state higher education institution teaching, tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Ukrainian youth over the years and some of Ukrainian elite as well — is still functioning as of 2015. It’s the same institution of higher learning that gave David Duke the degree.

It would be unthinkable in Putin’s Russian Federation for an institute like MAUP to exist.

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Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’ — says it's a quote from the Talmud

The Talmudists are trying to get blacks to see whites as racists, to divide us, while they’re the racial supremacists whom Jesus warned us of — “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.”
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From: The Times of Israel

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef uses pejorative term ‘kushi’ for African Americans in weekly sermon


His office told Ynet that the comparison was a quote from the Talmud.

Entire Article

Powerful Interview with Anti-War Author Christopher Bollyn (2018)

Christopher Bollyn writes on Facebook:

“Powerful Interview with Anti-War Author Christopher Bollyn (2018)” is a video made by Adam Green in which we discuss the dual deception of 9/11 and the War on Terror – and what we need to do to end the nightmare that began on 9/11.

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(vid) Corsi: Alex Jones Deemed Kosher by "Top Israeli Intelligence" — Did Alex cut a deal with the Talmudists?

This is the strongest evidence I’ve seen indicating Alex Jones may be working with Israel.

First, Corsi starts by misrepresenting Genesis 12:3, regarding the common misnomer: “bless Israel to get blessed.” God is referring specifically to Abram, not modern day, Talmudic, still anti-Christ Israel.

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel

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Then Jerome Corsi reveals at minute-2:
“Yes, even while we’re talking, Israel, I just got another text message. I said we’re going to break the news on Alex Jones’ Infowars broadcast. They said one word. They said ‘great.’ They’re thrilled we’re going to break the news on Alex Jones’ Infowars.
And that comes directly from a source who is really above Mossad in the intelligence structure in Israel.”
Alex then holds up both hands, smiling, embarrassed, saying “folks, we’re really getting things raw here on air now.”
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Screenshot from 02:32:


(vid) Paul, Apostle of Christ: Official Trailer — God changed a hateful Jew

New movie starring Jim Caviezel as Luke, James Faulkner as Saul/Paul.
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(4 min vid) Israeli Soldiers Shoot Child, Force False Confession To Cover

US Politicians Who Hold Dual US/Israeli Citizenship

Timeline: History of Judaic's Persecution AD – Expelled from countries almost 100 times since Christ!

How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet


How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet

How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet

Students at the Israeli military’s Computing and Cyber Defense Academy. Israel is also “scouring Jewish communities abroad for young computer prodigies willing to join its ranks.”
Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

By Alison Weir
Recently, YouTube suddenly shut down the If Americans Knew YouTube channel. This contained 70 videos providing facts-based information about Israel-Palestine.
People going to the channel saw a message telling them that the site had been terminated for “violating YouTube guidelines”—implying to the public that we were guilty of wrongdoing. And ensuring they didn’t learn about the information we were trying to disseminate.
When we tried to access our channel, we found a message saying our account had been “permanently disabled.” We had received no warning and got no explanation.
After five days, we received a generic message saying YouTube had reviewed our content and determined it didn’t violate any guidelines. Our channel became live once more.
So why was it shut down in the first place? What happened and why?
As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.
Perhaps like our videos of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces.

What happened

A few days before the termination of our channel, we received a form email from YouTube, telling us we had gotten “one strike” for a short video about a Palestinian man killed by Israeli soldiers. The video was part of our series of videos to make Palestinian victims, usually ignored by US media, visible to Americans.

(vid) Satanism in the 2018 Oscars

TalmudVision's Oscar's Best Picture Award: Creature (demon) has Sex with a White Woman in 'The Shape of Water'

TalmudVision’s Oscar’s Best Picture award goes to a film in which a creature (demon) has sex with a white woman.
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(vid) Mark Dice: Oscars 2018 – You Won’t Believe It

(vid) U.S. Congress gives Israeli PM Netanyahu over 25 standing ovations

(vid) Talmudic YouTube Censorship Campaign EXPOSED | Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL Trusted Flagger Technology

Google Secretly Using Talmudic SPLC To Police YouTube Videos — The overwhelming majority of the content policing on Google and YouTube is carried out by algorithms. The algorithms make for an easy rebuttal against charges of political bias: it’s not us, it’s the algorithm. But actual people with actual biases write, test and monitor the algorithms

Amnesty International: Israel Carried out Extrajudicial Executions, Tortured Children – “Israeli soldiers and police subjected Palestinian detainees, including children, to torture and other ill-treatment with impunity, particularly during arrest and interrogation”

Amnesty International: Israel Carried out Extrajudicial Executions, Tortured Children

Amnesty International also accused Israeli authorities of using “a range of measures, both in Israel and the OPT, to target human rights defenders who criticised Israel’s continuing occupation.”
by Middle East Monitor
February 26th, 2018

Israeli authorities and armed forces carried out extrajudicial executions, tortured Palestinian prisoners and targeted human rights defenders, Amnesty International’s new annual report says. …

Meanwhile, Amnesty also slammed “Israel’s air, land and sea blockade of the Gaza Strip”, which it says is “collectively punishing Gaza’s entire population of approximately 2 million inhabitants”.

Addressing the use of lethal violence, Amnesty International noted that Israeli forces killed 76 Palestinians and one foreign national in 2017, adding that “many, including children, were shot and unlawfully killed while posing no immediate threat to life”.

Some killings, Amnesty continued, “appeared to have been extrajudicial executions”.

Across the occupied territories, “Israeli forces, including undercover units, used excessive and sometimes lethal force when they used rubber-coated metal bullets and live ammunition against Palestinian protesters”, killing “at least 20, and injuring thousands”. …

The new report also commented on Israel’s use of mass incarceration as a tool of political repression, documenting how “Israel detained or continued to imprison thousands of Palestinians from the OPT, mostly in prisons in Israel, in violation of international law”.

Israeli authorities also “continued to substitute administrative detention for criminal prosecution”, says Amnesty, “holding hundreds of Palestinians, including children, civil society leaders and NGO workers, without charge or trial under renewable orders, based on information withheld from detainees and their lawyers.”

Furthermore, “Israeli soldiers and police and Israel Security Agency [Shin Bet] officers subjected Palestinian detainees, including children, to torture and other ill-treatment with impunity, particularly during arrest and interrogation.”

Amnesty International also accused Israeli authorities of using “a range of measures, both in Israel and the OPT, to target human rights defenders who criticised Israel’s continuing occupation.”

Other topics covered by the report, in relation to Israel’s ongoing rights violations, included the lack of accountability, “more than three years” later, for “evidently unlawful attacks including war crimes” committed by the Israeli military in its 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip.

Entire Article

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