Freedom from Alaska!

Month: June 2011 Page 5 of 8

[real history] The Bombing of Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives to bring US into WWII — By the time that Japan finally attacked, all eight steps in the intelligence memo had occurred. Prior to the invasion, most Americans were isolationists.

Available at Amazon:

Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor [Paperback]
Robert Stinnett (Author)


The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

On 7 December 1941 the greatest disaster in United States history occurred. Truly this was and is, “’A date which will live in infamy.’”(Costello 1), but not for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, rather for the deception and the mis-guidance used by the Government and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In a purely artificial chess game Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives, thanks to his power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. By over-looking the obvious facts of an attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt was able to control both the political and economic systems of the United States. Most of American society before the Pearl Harbor bombing believed in the idea of isolationism.

Franklin D. Roosevelt knew this, and knew the only way in which United States countrymen would take arms and fight in Europe’s War was to be an overt action against the United States by a member of the Axis Power. Roosevelt also believed Hitler would not declare war on the United States unless he knew they were beatable. There are numerous accounts of actions by Roosevelt and his top armed forces advisors, which reveal they were not only aware of an attack by Japan, but also they were planning on it, and instigating that attack. On 7 October 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence, wrote the eight-action memo.

This memo outlined eight different steps the United States could do that he predicted would lead to an attack by Japan on the United States. The day after this memo was giving to Franklin D. Roosevelt, he began to implement these steps. By the time that Japan finally attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, all eight steps had occurred (Willy 1). The eight steps consisted of….

With the fleet located around Hawaii and particularly in Pearl Harbor a double-sided sword was created; it allowed for quicker deployment times into South Pacific Water, but more importantly it lacked many fundamental military needs, and was vulnerable due to its geographic location. To understand the true vulnerability of Pearl Harbor one must look at Oahu, the Hawaiian Island that the military base is located. The North part of the island is all mountains, these mountains hinder the vision of military look out points, making an attack from the North virtually a surprise until the sound of fighter planes are over head.

There were many key military needs that were missing from Pearl Harbor, and they were; a lack of training facilities, lack of large-scale ammunition and fuel supplies, lack of support craft such as tugs and repair ships, and a lack of overhaul facilities such as dry-docking and machine shops. Commander in Chief, United States Fleet – Admiral James O. Richardson, was outraged when he was told by President Roosevelt of his plans on keeping the fleet in Hawaiian Waters. Richardson knew of the problems and vulnerability of Pearl Harbor, the safety of his men and warships was paramount. In a luncheon with Roosevelt, Richardson confronted the President, and by doing so ended his military career. Four months later Richardson was removed as commander-in-chief, and replaced by Rear Admiral Husband Kimmel (Stinnett 11).

Entire Article Here


[real history] Robert Stinnet, author of “Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” takes on 3 NSA agents trying to discredit his important, groundbreaking work!

Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 12/7/12: Pearl Harbor Attack — The Japanese learned their codes had been cracked and they were sailing into a trap after one of their midget submarines had been sunk

Ralph Epperson: ROOSEVELT KNEW About Pearl Harbor Before It Happened! — HILO, HAWAII TRIBUNE HERALD – November 30, 1941 — Lying to get US into war…

10 False-Flag Operations that Shaped Our World — From Nero to 9/11

Pearl Harbor – Mother of All Conspiracies

[real history] Robert Stinnet, author of “Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” takes on 3 NSA agents trying to discredit his important, groundbreaking work!

Available at Amazon:

Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor [Paperback]
Robert Stinnett (Author)

From: antiwar

The Pearl Harbor Deception

by Robert Stinnett
Independent Institute
December 7, 2003

Day of Deceit was well received by media book reviews and the on-line booksellers, and Barnes &, earning a 70 percent public approval rating. Day of Deceit continues among the top ten bestsellers in the non-fiction Pearl Harbor book category, according to and Barnes &

About 30 percent of the reviews have discounted the book’s revelations. The leaders of the dispute include Stephen Budiansky, Edward Drea, and David Kahn, all of whom have authored books or articles on code breaking. To bolster their pre-Pearl Harbor theories, the trio violated journalistic ethics and distorted the U.S. Navy’s pre-Pearl Harbor paper trail. Their efforts cannot be ignored. The trio has close ties to the National Security Agency, the overseer of U.S. naval communications files. Kahn has appeared before NSA seminars. The NSA has not honored my FOIA requests to disclose honorariums paid the seminar participants but has released records that confirm Kahn has been a participant.

Immediately after Day of Deceit appeared in bookstores in 1999, NSA began withdrawing pre-Pearl Harbor documents from the Crane Files housed in Archives II. This means the government decided to continue 60 years of Pearl Harbor censorship. …

Concurrent with the NSA withdrawals, Budiansky, with the aid of Kahn and Drea, began a two-year media campaign to discredit the paper trail of the U.S. naval documents that form the backbone of Day of Deceit. One of the most egregious examples of ethical violations appeared in an article by Kahn published in the New York Review of Books on November 2, 2000. In that article, Kahn attempted to bolster his contention that Japanese admirals and warships observed radio silence while en route to attack American Pacific bases. Kahn broke basic journalism ethics and rewrote a U.S. Naval Communication Summary prepared by Commander Rochefort at his crypto center located in the Pearl Harbor Naval Yard. …

Yet in his NYRoB article Kahn deleted portions of the Rochefort summary in the middle of the first sentence, profoundly diminishing its significance. Kahn’s version: “Fourth Fleet is still holding extensive communications with the Commander Submarine Fleet.”

Kahn violated basic journalism rules by deleting crucial words and not using ellipsis to indicate a deletion. When I cited these ethical violations to the editors of the NYRoB, Kahn offered an excuse and implied that Rochefort’s summary was too long. “I had to condense my review,” he wrote.

Entire Article Here


Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 12/7/12: Pearl Harbor Attack — The Japanese learned their codes had been cracked and they were sailing into a trap after one of their midget submarines had been sunk

[real history] The Bombing of Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives to bring US into WWII — By the time that Japan finally attacked all eight steps in the intelligence memo had occurred. Prior to the invasion, most Americans were isolationists.

Ralph Epperson: ROOSEVELT KNEW About Pearl Harbor Before It Happened! — HILO, HAWAII TRIBUNE HERALD – November 30, 1941 — Lying to get US into war…

10 False-Flag Operations that Shaped Our World — From Nero to 9/11

Pearl Harbor – Mother of All Conspiracies

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines

The pesticide atrocity of Nicaragua: Nemagon survivors seek justice after being poisoned

By Kaitlyn Moore
June 12 – Dow, BASF, Bayer, Syngenta, DuPont, and Monsanto form an agrichemical conglomerate that manufacture some of the most dangerous chemicals in the world. (…

EPA gave over a million dollars in grant money to China

By J. D. Heyes
June 12 – In an age when the U.S. government is spending the nation into oblivion, it never ceases to amaze us to learn of the new and inventive ways Washington can dispose of your tax dollars. In a report published…

Connecticut lessens penalties for marijuana possession

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
June 12 – The federal government’s phony “war on drugs” is slowly being deconstructed by individual states that are deciding to lessen penalties for, or flat-out decriminalize, the possession of marijuana. This week,…

Let’s Round Up the RoundUp (Opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein
June 12 – We all know that RoundUp is Monsanto’s cash crop. What all of us may not know is that ALL GMOs are designed to withstand enormous quantities of RoundUp. Why? So Monsanto can spray the heck out of all GMOs, killing…

Fukushima already ten times worse than Chernobyl in ocean waters, suggests data

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 11 – Recent readings taken roughly 19 miles out to sea from the Fukushima nuclear power facility in Japan have revealed radioisotope levels ten times higher than those measured in the Baltic and Black Seas after…

Want to prevent diabetes? Take more omega-3, says new research

By Tara Green
June 11 – Consuming omega-3 fatty acids may help lower your risk of diabetes, according to two recent studies. The studies, one based in the US, the other in Singapore, found adults with higher levels of omega-3 fats…

Click here for more articles »    

Tonight on ‘Coast’: Vatican Secrets — what happens to the money dropped in the collection basket on Sunday mornings?


Vatican Secrets

Date: 06-11-11
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Jason Berry

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest organization in the world, yet the Vatican has never revealed its net worth. The value of its works of art, great churches, properties, and stocks runs into tens of billions of dollars. Author Jason Berry tells Ian Punnett what happens to the money dropped in the collection basket on Sunday mornings.

London Guardian reports on Bilderberg 2011 — though blackout almost 100% in U.S. mainstream media

Bilderberg 2011: Swiss Family Rockefeller

David Icke: To program society, “all you have to do is get programmed people to program others without realizing that’s what they’re doing. And by that, you control the norms in society”

To program society:

“All you have to do
is get programmed people to program others
without realizing that’s what they’re doing.

And by that, you control the norms in society.”

“Anyone that said the Earth wasn’t flat and was a sphere
was marginalized….”

– David Icke

[youtube=]David Icke – Truth Seeker with Margi Clarke. Extract.

Uploaded by on Jun 7, 2011

David Icke – Truth Seeker with Margi Clarke. Extract. A new documentary coming soon from

[video] Alex Jones talks about his Spidey Sense — “I got a spidey sense, I don’t talk about it”

Some will scoff at this,
but watch into the first two minutes of the second video.

This isn’t a game like football,
where showing emotion is still a-okay

This is about the future of our planet!

How upside down our society has now become.

– Jeff Fenske

Spidey sense at 9:30[youtube=]Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: Chinese Officials at Bilderberg, “Let’s Make A Deal” 1/2

Uploaded by on Jun 10, 2011

Regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster newsletter joins Alex to provide his insight on the globalists and matters economic. Alex covers other breaking news and takes your calls.


The coming segment Alex was talking about
WAR GROWL at 8:30![youtube=]Swiss Politician Lukas Reimann Talks About Attack on Mario Borghezio

Uploaded by on Jun 10, 2011

Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament

Kurt Nimmo
June 10, 2011

Italian politician, member of the Northern League, and member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Mario Borghezio, was beaten and arrested by Bilderberg Security yesterday as he attempted to enter the meeting and protest its secretive globalist agenda. He was reportedly accompanied by other EU members.

Remarkably, Borghezio’s maltreatment went unreported in the United States. This would be analogous to the beating of a member of Congress going unreported by the media.

The Italian media reported last night that Borghezio attempted to enter the Bilderberg meeting now underway at the Hotel Sourvette in St. Moritz and his treatment by security resulted in a bloody nose. The Italian politician told JulieNews he plans to press charges against Bilderberg security.

“I have been assisted by the Swiss police, but the treatment suffered by the security of the meeting was brutal,” he said.

Borghezio said he opposes Bilderberg because it makes important decisions without popular control. “It is clear that the Bildergberg Club is a secret society,” had added.


Alex Jones: You Can’t Make A Deal with Evil! – and – Alex talks about his warning ‘chills’ from deep within that are increasing and have been right before. It’s time to get ready!

[video] RARE & AMAZING! Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters Outside Security Perimeter

[youtube=]Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters Outside Security Perimeter

Uploaded by on Jun 11, 2011…

Video credit Stefan Hans Bauer

Astounding footage has emerged of top Bilderberg members being confronted by protesters as they walked on foot down the mountain road towards the Suvretta Hotel. Bilderberg attendees rarely ever venture outside of hotel grounds which is why this represents such a shocking development.

Bilderbergers seen in the video clip include Peter Mandelson, Google founder Eric Schmidt, Peer Steinbrück, Franco Bernabe, Jacob Wallenberg, and Thomas Enders.

In one of the scenes, a protester explains how he had a conversation with a Bilderberg member who arrogantly told him that Bilderberg were busy “setting their agenda” and that demonstrators shouldn’t bother them.

Bilderberger Thomas Enders tells one protester, “don’t worry about it,” when he complains about Bilderberg’s undemocratic foundation.

Steve Quayle’s Alerts and Hot Headlines

Disclaimer: This is cutting edge info which cannot all be trusted. It’s good to put it in your seed box to see what will sprout.


Listener in the Netherlands Reports on Bio-Warfare

Well Steve, I live in the Netherlands on the border of Germany in a small village, after hearing you on coast to coast I thought you might like to know how it is here. No one and I mean no one in our village will buy produce after the e-coli scare. Since I do not know where it is coming from, my family just wash it very well…and now that it is all very cheap we buy to can it. But just to let you know many people here are afraid. —Deb


China Ratings House Says US Defaulting: A Chinese ratings house has accused the United States of defaulting on its massive debt, state media said Friday, a day after Beijing urged Washington to put its fiscal house in order. “In our opinion, the United States has already been defaulting,” Guan Jianzhong, president of Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. Ltd., the only Chinese agency that gives sovereign ratings, was quoted by the Global Times saying. more

Hathaway Confirms Gold To Trade In The Five Digits: With a continuation of gold and silver volatility, today King World News interviewed one of the great ones, 40 year veteran John Hathaway of the Tocqueville Gold Fund. When asked about the volatility in both gold and silver Hathaway had this to say, “We’re in a shakeout now and frankly it isn’t as scary as the one in 2008, but I think there’s no foundation whatsoever for solid, robust economic growth and that’s the realization the markets are coming to. I think we’re past the point of no return.” more

The 3 Coming False Flags: Historically, false flags are military in nature, but I feel going forward, they will morph into something worse. Every system built on debt needs constant debt to be created, or the system implodes. If the Elite can expand the system through asset bubbles, then all is well. What happens if they can’t get more debt created? They need to either steal other assets to provide capital to the system or they need a reason to create massive debts that the masses will sacrifice for. Wars do both. With war, the Elite can confiscate natural resources of other nations and provide the context to create massive amounts of new debt. more

Germany’s Superbug Is Weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA: Food Freedom has deliberately refrained from posting any suggestion that Germany’s superbug is related to biowarfare, until further evidence emerged. Various sources now corroborate this story, including The Atlantic: “On Tuesday [May 31], the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that [leading German E. coli researcher Helge] Karch had discovered that the O104:H4 bacteria responsible for the current outbreak is a so-called chimera that contains genetic materia from various E. coli bacteria. It also contains DNA sequences from plague bacteria, which makes it particularly pathogenic.” morego to archives


June 10
Obama and the End of Western Civilization
Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda
U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes
Germany’s Superbug Is Weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA
Napolitano: No “Logic” In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35
China Ratings House Says US Defaulting: Report
Hathaway Confirms Gold To Trade In The Five Digits
Is the End Near?
QE2 – The Bernanke Chronicles
Pimco’s Bill Gross Says Get Out of Treasuries
30% Of People With A 401(k) Have Taken Out A Loan Against It: New All Time Record
The 3 Coming False Flags
Janet Napolitano Visits NYU Law School to Discuss Need For Citizen Spies
Panetta: Escalate Shadow Wars, Expand Black Ops
China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho
The Ulsterman Report: Is Obama’s Watergate Moment Coming?
Dr. David Mandy: Special Needs Son Harassed by TSA
The Terrors in Our Times: Do They Mean the End is Near?
Deadly Fungus Strikes Joplin Tornado Survivors, Volunteers
The Day After Iran’s First Nuclear Test Is A Normal Day
Killing Fields: The True Cost Of Europes Cheap Meat
Has Outpost Alpha From The Ahriman Gate Been Discovered?
Is Your Food Still Safe to Eat?
NHS Indignity: Peter Thompson’s Body Ignored For Hours In Corridor Of Edale House Unit
Human, More Human

June 9
Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills
Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole
The Elite, The ‘Great Game’ And World War III
Must See Tom Woods Speech
U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms
Food Safety Chief Defends Raw Milk Raids
Government Recruits Doctors To Become Thought Police, Pinpoint Potential Terrorists Among Their Patients
Why We Chose The Flathead Valley Of Montana
Death By Debt
U.S. Hurtles Toward System Failure
Get Ready for the Next Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers
Exclusive: Bullard Sees Debt Default As Big Global Risk
Jim Rogers: “Bernanke Is A Disaster” Who Will “Bring QE Back”
Hedge Funds ‘Grabbing Land’ in Africa
New Evacuations As Ariz. Fire Tops 600 Square Miles
Shakes, Disruption Taking Mental Toll
‘Doomsday Plane’ Would Save President and Joint Chiefs in Apocalypse Scenario
Citi Says Hackers Access Bank Card Data
Carville: 2012 Could Be ‘Very Rough’ For Obama, Says Civil Unrest ‘Imminently Possible’
Novel Electromagnetic Disease Induction and Its Weaponization – flashback
Listener in the Netherlands Reports on Bio-Warfare
New Study Finds Arsenic In Chicken
An Apple A Day Keeps Your Body Toned And Slender
Quote of the Day
China, Russia Could Make U.S. Stealth Tech Obsolete

The News from Prison Planet: More Bilderberg 2011, etc.



[Reverse-Christian Media] MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: Weiner in Trouble Because His Behavior Offends ‘Culturally Backward’ Christian Conservatives


The following excerpt was aired on the June 9 edition of Hardball:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: If you’re a Blue Dog Democrat from a conservative culturally part of the country, where you’re fighting out every election with two or three points to spare, if you’re a — if you’re are [Jim] Matheson from Utah or you’re from Oklahoma and you’re a [Dan] Boren — and he’s leaving Congress – your life’s getting difficult enough defending the East Coast and the left coast Democratic Party. They’re too far left. Look at what happened in Arkansas last year. It’s getting very, very hard to defend the behavior, politically, of the party. Now you throw on top of that immoral behavior, indiscrete behavior, embarrassing behavior, gross behavior like this, and you still have him in your midst. And that’s my question to you. If you’re Steny Hoyer, who does speak for the Blue Dogs, if you’re Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker, who has to deal with them, don’t you have to deal with the fact – you’re losing any chance of getting back a 218 majority?

I want you to pick this up, Ben. This is, to me, the stakes here. If he stays, they never get the leadership back. They never get the Speakership back because the people in the rural areas of this country who are Christian conservative culturally – you can say backward if you want – but they don’t like this kind of stuff at all. They’re not part of that 56 percent in Brooklyn and Queens who say, “okay, we can live with this guy.” Your thoughts, Ben? Isn’t that the cutting edge of this?

Video and Entire Article Here

Alex Jones: Bilderberg 2011 Update

[youtube=]Revolution Against Bilderberg Accelerating

Uploaded by on Jun 10, 2011

6-11-11 St. Moritz, Switzerland, High NOON. Peaceful Protest to the let the global power brokers know that the world is aware of their crimes against humanity.

The current patriarch of the Rockefeller family is a co-director of the Bilderberg Group along with the notorious war criminal Henry Kissinger and J.P. Morgan bank director Paul Arthur Allaire.

Tucker said the NATO action against Libya heads the Bilderberg agenda. The globalists want to create a “big bloody war” in the region, Tucker explained. High oil prices and exorbitant prices reflected at the pump will be used to gain the support of the commoners for continued military action in the Middle East.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines

Dental surgery causes American woman to speak with British accent

By Neev M. Arnell
June 10 – “When I talk now people ask me where I got my accent from. Well, I got it from a dentist in Toledo.” jokes Karen Butler. Butler believes she has foreign accent syndrome, a condition so rare that there are…

UK hospital staff heartlessly left man to die in hallway, ten hours later dragged his corpse away

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 10 – In a shocking display of utter disregard for their fellow man, staff at Edale House in Manchester, England, which is part of the Manchester Health and Social Care Trust (MHSCT), denied entry to drunk and intoxicated…

Marijuana and Radiation Protection

By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
June 10 – Marijuana offers strong protective qualities against radiation exposure. Since fewer and fewer people have the financial resources to continually purchase all the helpful things they will need perhaps growing…

Chimpanzees found to give birth in much the same way as humans

By Nicole Parsons
June 10 – Members of the Hominidae family chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to human beings and like us, they have been found to experience emotions and retain memories. With that in mind, a team from the Hayashibara…

Officials declare ‘unusual event’ at Nebraska nuclear plant as record floods ravage Midwest

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
June 10 – Flood waters continue to rise in many areas of the US Midwest, which has prompted officials at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant near Omaha, Neb., to declare an unidentified “Notification of Unusual Event.” According…

Understanding Karma (Opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein
June 10 – It is not that God arbitrarily chooses to make you poor and another person rich. It is not God who’s doing it but you. Many religious sects, atheists and people in general have always posed the question,…

New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 10 – Recent data released by Dimitar Ouzounov and colleagues from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland highlights some strange atmospheric anomalies over Japan just days before the massive earthquake…

Is lithium the next fluoride? Medication may be added to the water supply

By Neev M. Arnell
June 10 – Lithium, the psychiatric drug prescribed for depression, mania and bipolar disorder, is now being viewed as the new fluoride by some experts. These experts are calling for the addition of lithium to the water…

Feds to start directly targeting drug company execs in health care fraud schemes

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 10 – The days of drug companies simply settling out of court every time they break the law may soon be coming to an end. In a move that represents a significant shift toward punishing individuals for crimes rather…

US government to set up internet Ministry of Truth as communist-style government-run media

By J. D. Heyes
June 10 – It sounds like such an innocent idea, one rooted in “fairness” and wrapped in good intentions. An internet “ministry of truth,” run either by the federal government or the United Nations, to protect against…

Disgruntled neighbor spurs New Jersey town to cite backyard organic farmer for growing vegetables, demands crops be left unattended to die

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 10 – Hostility towards individuals who grow food in their suburban or semi-rural backyards appears to be on the rise, this time in the New Jersey township of Chatham. Officials there have twice cited Mike Bucuk,…

Organic Trade Association “Modified” By GMO Interests

By Ronnie Cummins
June 10 – Organic Spies made news by releasing information on the financial interests and campaign contributions of the companies that are represented on the OTA board, but the underlying story of Food Inc.’s efforts…

Anti-obesity housing unveiled in New York

By Neev M. Arnell
June 10 – Its most notable features being two flights of stairs with lime-green railings, small silhouettes of dancing women and jazz playing through speakers, the Melody is a new apartment building in the Longwood section…

New York may bar food stamps from being used on soda

By J. D. Heyes
June 10 – The state of New York is looking to ban the use of food stamps for the purchase of soda. We think it’s about time. In the same vein as a new Florida law that requires those receiving state taxpayer benefits…

FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic (but keep eating it, yo!)

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 9 – After years of sweeping the issue under the rug and hoping no one would notice, the FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical that’s fatal…

To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 9 – Coca leaves have been chewed and consumed as tea for thousands of years in the high Andes. They are rich in many essential nutrients; they ease respiratory and digestive distress and are a natural stimulant…

Click here for more articles »    

[video] Media mum as Bilderberg seal world’s fate in Swiss secrecy

This video currently linked at Drudge

[youtube=]Media mum as Bilderberg seal world’s fate in Swiss secrecy

Uploaded by on Jun 10, 2011

An invite-only meeting of the world’s political elite and financial magnates, the Bilderberg group, is underway in Switzerland. The annual event has long been shrouded in secrecy, something that’s given rise to a strong protest movement

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[video] Mark Dice: We did it! Mainstream coverage of Bilderberg 2011

[youtube=]We did it! Mainstream coverage of Bilderberg 2011

Uploaded by on Jun 9, 2011

As a result of The Resistance flooding the newsrooms of CNN, Fox News Channel, and other mainstream media outlets wih phone calls demanding they cover the Bilderberg meeting this year, they had no choice but to lift the decades long blackout policy and publish reports on the group.

Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media plays in shaping our lives.

Mark frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world.

Several of Mark’s YouTube videos have went viral, earning him a mention on ABC’s The View, Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor,, and other mainstream media outlets. Mark has also been featured in (or attacked in) the New York Post’s Page Six, Rolling Stone Magazine, USA Today, The New York Daily News, and in major papers in Pakistan and Iran.

Mark Dice appears in several documentary films including Invisible Empire, and The 9/11 Chronicles, and was featured on the History Channel’s Decoded. He enjoys enlightening zombies, as he calls them, (ignorant people) about the mass media’s effect on our culture, pointing out Big Brother’s prying eyes, and exposing elite secret societies along with scumbag politicians and their corrupt political agendas.

He also habitually calls into several top-rated talk shows, including the Sean Hannity Show, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage, and verbally battles with the hosts on various issues since he has never been asked to be a guest on them as of yet. Audio of some of these calls are then posted online.

The term “fighting the New World Order” is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others’ resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues.

Dice and his supporters sometimes refer to being “awake” or “enlightened” and see their knowledge of these topics as part of their own personal Resistance to the corrupt New World Order. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.

Mark Dice is the author of several books on current events, secret societies and conspiracies, including his newest book, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True. He lives in San Diego, California.

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 JUNE 4 – JUNE 10

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

Russia: New ATM machines use biometric 3-D face and voice recognition. They also detect lies and emotional distress – to prevent credit fraud, of course.  DailyMail 2011 Jun 10 (Cached)

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates warns that NATO may fail due to lack of member support for the war in Libya. [The US is staggering under the load of funding wars and is trying to motivate other countries to bankrupt themselves also. The game may be coming to an end.] The Oval 2011 Jun 10 (Cached)

The US war in Libya has gone over budget ($60 million a month) and may be reaching a stalemate as Pentagon’s request for more money is being resisted. US and NATO partners still insist that Gaddafi’s days are numbered. DailyMail 2011 Jun 9 (Cached)

NSA Whistleblower, charged with espionage and facing 35 years in jail for exposing government waste in spending, was given an option to accept a misdemeanor charge. It is believed that the Feds plea bargained because they did not want to reveal information about their surveillance of citizens that likely would have been required otherwise.
2011 Jun 9 (Cached)

Japan: Worse than meltdown, government report says ‘melt-through’ has occurred at Fukushima. High official suggests Japan could become ‘uninhabitable’. NaturalNews 2011 Jun 9 (Cached)

Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves into the US, supposedly to obtain flavoring for its beverage, but one of the byproducts is cocaine! Lots of it. Read this fascinating report for details, including names of the companies that do the processing. Amazing! NaturalNews 2011 Jun 9 (Cached)

China’s central bank warns that US is “playing with fire” by considering defaulting on its debt as a means of pressuring Obama to cut spending. [China holds more than $1 trillion in US Treasury debt, and there is little doubt that it would retaliate for non-payment of interest. That retaliation would accelerate the fall of the Dollar.] Reuters 2011 Jun 8 (Cached)

Obama’s secret war in Yemen is intensifying. Air strikes with drones and fighter planes, although officially banned for the past year, are on the increase. Even Yemen’s president was injured by a bomb. Reuters 2011 Jun 8 (Cached)

California man has his door kicked in by a SWAT team on behalf of the Department of Education. The man says they were looking for his estranged wife to collect overdue student loans, but the DoE denies it. RawStory 2011 Jun 8 (Cached)

India: A famous yoga instructor, who has a TV show with 30 million viewers, began a hunger strike to oppose government corruption and was joined by tens of thousands. When he refused to back down, 600 policemen with tear gas and batons attacked his supporters. He has even more of them now. RadioAustralia 2011 Jun 8 (Cached)

Seattle residents are exposed to 10 radioactive “hot particles” per day from Japan’s nuclear reactor fallout. Washington’s Blog 2011 Jun 8 (Cached)

US Debt now is $61.6 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities to seniors, veterans and retirees That is over $500 thousand per household. [Obviously, that can never be repaid except by making dollars worth pennies through inflation.] USAToday 2011 Jun 7 (Cached)

Kansas producer of elderberry juice is raided by US Marshals on behalf of the FDA for claiming that the juice has health benefits and should be considered as a nutritional supplement. NaturalNews 2011 Jun 7 (Cached)

US: One in four computer hackers is an FBI informant. The FBI and Secret Service have used the threat of prison to create an army of informers and agents. Guardian 2011 Jun 6 (Cached)

US law allows testing of chemicals and biological agents on civilian population. [It doesn’t come right out and say that. Here is how it works: (1) Testing on civilians is prohibited; but of course, there are exceptions. (2) The exceptions are anything the government says is needed to protect the nation from disease, crime, or enemy attack. There is nothing that can’t be justified  for one of those purposes.]
posted 2011 Jun 6 (Cached)

US: Shareholders of Oil & gas companies have voted in surprising numbers to modify ‘fracking’ techniques that pollute the environment. Some companies refused to allow shareholders to present their resolutions. TriplePundit 2011 Jun 6 (Cached)

In 1959, an experimental nuclear reactor in Simi Valley, California, operated by Rocketdyne Corporation suffered the worst nuclear accident in US history. The Atomic Energy Commission lied to the public about the event. Radiation pollution remains to this day. YouTube posted 2011 Jun 6

Florida homeowners forecloses on a branch of Bank of America  after it refused to pay legal fees for wrongly foreclosing upon a homeowner. 2011 Jun 5 (Cached)

Ireland: Leaked records reveal that children put into state care have ended up as household slaves or sex slaves in brothels. Irish Central 2011 Jun 4 (Cached)

Former CFO at Lehman Brothers says that any investigation of Goldman Sachs is unlikely to result in criminal convictions because the company is ‘too big to jail.’ Why? Because that would upset the markets too much. Bloomberg Posted 2011 Jun 4


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

US: The EPA tries to grab control over all water in the US. “Is Your Governor for Sale?” is an excellent overview of the problems and focuses on the only solution: States have the authority to reject these regulations under the Tenth Amendment, and Governors have the final authority.
  2011 Jun 8 (Cached)

VIDEO: Jim Turk explains that gold is money, not an investment. Investments are used to create wealth by producing products or services. Money doesn’t create anything. Its role merely is to maintain purchasing power while waiting to spend it. When people hold national currencies as money and those currencies lose purchasing power, they lose their wealth. When they hold gold as money, they maintain their wealth. GoldMoney 2011 Jun 7

Tom Woods presents a powerful case for the right of states to nullify federal laws that they consider to be unconstitutional. [This may be the only solution to America’s present crisis, so it is essential to be informed on this topic.] YouTube Posted 2011 Jun 4

“Why is Silver so Volatile?” This is a concise analysis that will answer all your questions about why the prices of gold and silver are not in perfect lock step – and what to expect from silver prices in the future. GoldMoney Posted Jun 4 (Cached)

Analyst says Greece should do the ‘right thing’ and default now. He says banks lured the government into loans it could not afford by means of deceptive promises and other predator loan policies. Therefore, the banks committed a crime and should forfeit repayment. [We don’t think the government was all that naive and innocent, but the criminality of the loans is well worth considering.]
2011 June 1 (Cached)

“In the Grip of Mad Scientists” is a review of Monsanto’s history of alliance with the military to carry out secret experiments on US citizens. Monsanto is still working with the military and USDA through its agriculture business. It recently teamed up with Atlas Venture company, which specializes in what it calls “disruptive innovation,” a technique for completely and quickly changing the way things normally are done. FarmWars 2011 Jun 1 (Cached)

The News from Prison Planet: Bilderberg 2011, etc.


[CNN Video] Arnie Gunderson: Americans Breathing, Eating Deadly, Cancer Causing, Fukushima Particles

Why is this hardly being reported?

Watch Video Here

[Fukushima Truth] Jeff Rense Japan Nuclear Disaster Headlines


Japan Nuclear Disaster

Yoichi Shimatsu
Japan Update 6.6.11
Free MP3 – Listen

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor 

Fukushima Live Cam 24/7

TEPCO Live Fukushima Cam – With 30 Sec Delay!

Radiation 90x High Than Chernobyl Evac Level At School

Secondary Radiation Spread In Tokyo Near Sludge Plant

Japan Cities, Towns May Force Closure Of All 55 Nuke Plants

TEPCO Shares Plunge Another 20% – No End In Sight

Will Fukushima Cause International Higher Death Rates?

Fukushima Now A Melt-Through – Into Last Containment

Strontium Found 62 km From Fukushima In April & May

Fukushima II 3000 Tons Of Water Has Cobalt 60, Cesium

Gunderson – Americans Breathing, Eating Deadly Particles – CNN Vid

TEPCO Loses Power At Fukushima Reactors 1 And 2

Highest Radiation Levels Yet Found In Tokyo Sewage

Japan Admits Fukushima Situation Worse Than A Meltdown

Radioactive Signs Tokyo May Be In Grave Trouble

Daini Plant To Dump 3,000 Tons Deadly Water Into Sea

Heartbreaking Evacuations As Fukushima Radiation Spreads

5.77 Microsieverts/hr On Street Pavement Near Tokyo – Vid

Japan Admits Possible Melt Through At 1, 2 And 3

Tellurium 132 Found At 4 Locations From Plant March 12

Vastly Underestimated Radiation Emissions Raise Questions

Fukishima – Japanese Feels Betrayed By West

Gunderson On NRC And WH ‘Safety Standards’ – Vid

Japan Finally Admits 3 Full Meltdowns At Fukushima

Japan May Expand Fukushima Evacuation Zone

Fukushima ‘Twice As Bad As Thought’ (no…far WORSE)

950 Millisieverts An Hr In Rubble Outside Reactor 3

Plutonium Found Outside Plant On April 22

AREVA’s Water Decontamination Process Revealed – Photos

Gunderson – Seattle Residents Breathed Ten ‘Hot’ Particles A Day

Cams Show New 5.6 Quake, Radiation Pours From 3 And 4 – Vid 

Four Sieverts An Hour Gushing Out Of Building 1 – Vid

Highest Radiation Ever Recorded At Fukushima

370 Water Tanks To Fukushima For Radioactive Water

TEPCO Plan To Hold Off Deadly Water Leak…For 3 Days – Vid

Tokyo Was Covered By A Radioactive Plume On March 15

Pressure In #1 Drops To Near Normal Outside Air

4,000 Millisieverts An Hour Inside #1 Reactor Building

Staggering Reading – #1 Drywell Now Showing 250 SIEVERTS An Hour


Japan Radiation Coming To The USFREE LISTEN MP3
Janet Starr Hull ..File Click Here
US Chart Showing Precipitation
Radiation Types & Amounts
Live National Radiation Network Map

West LA – Santa Monica Live Readings

Radiation And Jet Stream Forecast Monitoring Sites

Will Fukushima Cause International Higher Death Rates?

How Low Doses Of Radiation Can Cause Heart Disease, Stroke

Cesium 137 In DE Drinking Water Over Max Levels

Parts Of Melted Cores Have Broken Into Drywell

Understanding Millisieverts & Radiation Effects On Humans

An Assortment Of Typical Annual Millisievert Doses

EPA’s Failed Radiation Detection System

Things  You Can Do To Mitigate Radiation Poisoning

UC Berkeley – NoCal Kale, Strawberries Top Soil Cesium Rises

Pacific Ocean A Radioactive Garbage Dump


Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads

He looks a bit like Chuck Norris

Watch His Testimony Here

* * *

This site now added to my Freedom Links:

Breaking the Silence:
Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

Unlock Minds: “What are you doing in this great time of challenge? What are you doing to unlock minds?” – Alex Jones

“Ask yourself:

what are you doing in this great time of challenge?

What are you doing to unlock minds?”

– Alex Jones

[video] Deadly Fluoride: Hoax on the Run


YES!!!!!!! Fairbanks bans fluoride from city water, voting 5-1 — joins Juneau and Kodiak in Alaska. Come on Anchorage!!

* * *

[youtube=]Deadly Fluoride: Hoax on the Run 1/2

Uploaded by on Jun 9, 2011

Following a successful anti-fluoride campaign in Canada, Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, visited the command center in Austin, Texas, to make appearance on the Alex Jones Show and tape “Deadly Fluoride: Hoax on the Run!”

Connett was in town to make an appearance before the Austin City Council and argue in favor of eliminating the dangerous neurotoxin for Austin’s water.

Dr. Connett, who is the Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, is largely responsible for raising awareness to the dangers of fluoride in Canada. Earlier this year, the Calgary city council voted 10-3 to remove the toxic substance from the city’s drinking water. Connett is attempting to repeat this success elsewhere in Canada as well as in Austin, Australia, and New Zealand.

During the interview with Alex Jones, Dr. Connett presented in concise fashion overwhelming evidence of the health risks posed by water and food fluoridation.

Subscribe to today



Fenske’s Rant! | Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children — In addition to this study, and the 23 other IQ studies, there have been over 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage

Dr. Paul Connett In-Studio: Calgary City Fluoridation Ending! – Alex Jones Tv — 24 IQ Studies!!

YES!!! Denver Water Board Fluoride Action #2 We Are Change Colorado

Support Infowars; help wake up Americans “THERE IS POISON IN THE TAP WATER”: Fluoride In The Tap Water – Blue Shirt

Mike Adams: “A doctor is an expert in disease but completely ignorant about health.”

“When you go to a doctor,
you are talking to a person who is an expert in disease
but completely ignorant about health.

So that’s not a person you want to go to to get healthy.”

– Mike Adams on The Kevin Trudeau Show, 6/9/11

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

The News from Prison Planet


Katherine Albrecht: Katherine’s Faith Pulls Her Through Breast Cancer Scare | Apple’s Macintosh logo with the bite out of it — Isn’t this what Adam and Eve were not supposed to do?

There is a whole bunch of research that actually says that prayer… is an extremely powerful healing mechanism; that when you send somebody prayer — and they compare people who get prayer versus those who don’t — that the ones who get prayer do better. If that’s any indication, it certainly worked in my case, because I’m actually feeling pretty good.

– Katherine Albrecht


Alex Reports Sad News of GCN’s Own Katherine Albrecht with ‘Stage 4′ [Actually Stage 3] Breast Cancer — One of the GREATEST SPOKESMEN FOR TRUTH ever!

Katherine Albrecht spends the hour quashing the erroneous rumor that she has stage 4 breast cancer. Stage 4 is the terminal point. She is stage 3 and undergoing aggressive and appropriate treatment | Going from a daily to a Saturday show while undergoing treatment

Prophecy: A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls)

[youtube=]Dr. Katherine Albrecht: Katherine’s Faith Pulls Her Through Breast Cancer Scare 1/2

Uploaded by on Jun 9, 2011

Finally, Alex talks with Katherine Albrecht, host of The Dr. Katherine Albrecht show on the GCN Radio network.

“There is a whole bunch of research that actually says that prayer, as we’ve talked about on the program in the past, that prayer is an extremely powerful healing mechanism; that when you send somebody prayer — and they compare people who get prayer versus those who don’t — that the ones who get prayer do better. If that’s any indication, it certainly worked in my case, because I’m actually feeling pretty good.”

Katherine’s producer, Ray Masters, has asked that her listeners of faith join in prayer with Psalm 91.

Psalms 91

[1] He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High,
who abides in the shadow of the Almighty,
[2] will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress;
my God, in whom I trust.”
[3] For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence;
[4] he will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
[5] You will not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
[6] nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.
[7] A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand;
but it will not come near you.
[8] You will only look with your eyes
and see the recompense of the wicked.
[9] Because you have made the LORD your refuge,
the Most High your habitation,
[10] no evil shall befall you,
no scourge come near your tent.
[11] For he will give his angels charge of you
to guard you in all your ways.
[12] On their hands they will bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone.
[13] You will tread on the lion and the adder,
the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.
[14] Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he knows my name.
[15] When he calls to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will rescue him and honor him.
[16] With long life I will satisfy him,
and show him my salvation.


Alex Jones on Bilderberg 2011: “Think about how incredibly disgusting this is!” “It’s us or them, It’s US or THEM!!”

Just like on US’ talk radio:

“If you mention ‘Bilderberg’ on talk radio in this country
you get dismissed as a lunatic.”

– Paul in Ireland

[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show: It’s Us or Them, It’s Us or Them! 1/3

Uploaded by on Jun 9, 2011

On today’s show, Alex continues his coverage of the Bilderberg globalist confab currently underway in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Alex talks to his on-the-ground intrepid reporters on site in Switzerland, Paul Joseph Watson of Prison and Aaron Dykes of He also gets the latest information on the Bilderberger agenda from veteran ace reporter and Bilderberg sleuth, Jim Tucker. Finally, Alex talks with Katherine Albrecht, host of The Dr. Katherine Albrecht show on the GCN Radio network. Alex takes your calls and reports the latest from Bilderberg 2011 as events unfold.



[video] China: GM Cows Produce Human Breast Milk — “We need to feed people first, BEFORE WE CONSIDER IDEALS AND CONVICTIONS”

Holly Williams, Sky News[youtube=]GM Cows Produce Human Breast Milk !!!!

Uploaded by on Jun 8, 2011

GM Cows Produce Human Breast Milk

Chinese scientists have genetically modified dairy cows to produce human breast milk, and hope to be selling it in supermarkets within three years.

Sick !!


Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole

This story currently top-linked on Drudge

From: Infowars

Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole

Kurt Nimmo
June 8, 2011

Alex Jones and have received inside information regarding the Bilderberg agenda now unfolding in the idyllic Swiss countryside.

According to AFP journalist and legendary Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker’s inside sources, the agenda now under review includes a number of critical issues at the top of the elite’s to-do list. These breakdown as follows:

The elite are concerned that the American Congress may soon turn against the illegal and immoral invasion under humanitarian cover by NATO and the UN against the north African dictator Moammar Gaddafi.

As columnist Patrick Buchanan noted yesterday, Congress is rising in opposition to bogus wars launched by the executive branch in violation of the Constitution.

“Last week, House Speaker John Boehner had to scramble to cobble up a substitute resolution to prevent half his GOP caucus from joining with Democrats to denounce President Obama’s war in Libya as unconstitutional and to demand a total U.S. pullout in 15 days,” Buchanan wrote.

More than a third of House Republicans voted to pull out of the NATO coalition attacking Gaddafi’s forces, in essence forcing a NATO withdrawal from the color revolution engineered civil war in that country.

In January, former oil industry pastor Lindsey Williams revealed that his inside sources said oil prices will skyrocket – a fait accompli with gas prices at the pump now at historically high levels – as the global elite work behind the scenes to take take down national economies. Williams appeared on the Alex Jones Show to talk about new revelations that deal with the death of the dollar, exploding energy prices, and the engineered onset of order out of chaos revolution worldwide.

The elite now meeting behind closed door in the Switzerland are pushing for a wider war and incalculable suffering in the Middle East.

The money masters have long profited from war and mass murder. Nathan Rothschild made a financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo and while also funding the Duke of Wellington’s peninsular campaign against Napoleon. The House of Rothschild financed the Prussian War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from the French and also financed the Mexican War and the Civil War in the U.S.

In addition to worrying about Congress waking up to the Libyan scam, the global elite is also concerned about a diverse liberty movement that has grown exponentially with the help of an open and free internet.

In response, the pocketed pawns in Congress have introduced a raft of bills over the last few months designed to take down the internet and blunt its impact as a medium for alternative news and information.

On April 1, 2009, the Senate introduced two bills, endangering a free and open internet: S. 773: Cybersecurity Act of 2009 and S. 778 to establish a White House cybersecurity czar.

In addition, on September 20, 2010, S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was introduced.

Early last month, an especially ominous bill was introduced in the Senate. Entitled Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011, PROTECT IP for short, this legislation would use copyright infringement as a smoke screen to take down web domains and institute rolling censorship.

On the international front, the European Commission gave a nod toward implementing the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), a draconian measure that will subvert national sovereignty, trash Net Neutrality, consumer privacy, and civil liberties. In the United States, the corporate media has virtually ignored ACTA, but then key players in the Mockingbird media are often Bilderberg attendees and privy to aspects of the agenda.

The above represent a small sampling of legislation and treaties that will be used to shut down the opposition under the cover of protecting copyright and preventing terrorism.

Hyperventilating over exaggerated threats of cybersecurity, Senator Jay Rockefeller mused during a congressional meeting on cyber crime and terrorism in 2009: “It really almost makes you ask the question would it have been better if we had never invented the internet.”

The globalists are not opposed to the internet, especially as a corporatized money-making instrument. They are, however, opposed to an open, free, and unregulated by government internet where alternative media opposed to their globalist devices are allowed to thrive.

In addition, we can expect minions of the global elite who parade around as our elected representatives and appointed government officials to continue their propaganda efforts to convince the American people that the internet will be used as a terrorist weapon of mass destruction and as such needs to be tightly regulated – for our own safety, of course, and that of the children.

Finally, the Bilderbergers will work on an effort to sucker an already economically besieged American public into further fantastic debt producing bankster bailouts, specifically for Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and other member EU nations sliding toward bankruptcy and social disruption on a monumental scale.

In late 2010, the U.S. Treasury, now operating as a liaison between the government and the bankster owned private Federal Reserve, indicated it was ready to fork over billions more to the European black hole.

“There are obviously some severe market problems,” said a faceless bureaucrat, speaking on condition of anonymity. “In May, it was Greece. This is Ireland and Portugal. If there is contagion that’s a huge problem for the global economy.”

As of late 2010, the IMF, whose biggest single “shareholder” (read: parasitical host) is the United States, has committed 250 billion euros to the bankster engineered black hole.

“Why should American taxpayers be on the hook because a foreign government cannot cover its debts?” asked Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, at a House subcommittee hearing last May.

Because the plan is to take down national sovereignty, impose drastic austerity measures, hold fire sales on national assets, consolidate wealth and power, and use an endless economic crisis as an excuse to usher in world government, a one-world currency, and a sprawling high-tech police state.


Bilderbergers Build Wall to Hide Attendees

Europe Marches on Bilderberg Tyrants

2011 Bilderberg Coverage Day 1 with Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes

[youtube=] 2011 Bilderberg Coverage Day 1 with Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes 1/2

Uploaded by on Jun 8, 2011

Prison editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson and researcher and editor Aaron Dykes report from the secretive Bilderberg confab in Switzerland.


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