Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 13 of 39

CDC Violated Law to Inflate COVID Cases and Fatalities

From: Dr. Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Dr. Henry Ealy and his team started looking at CDC data on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in mid-March 2020, quickly realizing the agency was vastly exaggerating fatalities
  • Over-reporting of fatalities was enabled by a March 2020 change in how cause of death is reported on death certificates. Rather than listing COVID-19 as a contributing cause in cases where people died from other underlying conditions, it was to be listed as the primary cause
  • As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19
  • The CDC violated federal law, as the Paperwork Reduction Act requires data collection and publication to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Proposed changes must be published in the Federal Register and be open to public comment. None of these transparency rules were followed
  • We don’t yet know who was responsible for altering the reporting rules in violation of federal law. To identify the culprits, formal grand jury investigation petitions have been sent to all U.S. attorneys and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a thorough, independent and transparent investigation; a direct public effort to gather signatures also commenced on the one-year anniversary of the CDC reporting change


Masks: The Science with Dr. Lee Merritt — Why masks don’t work for Covid

4:45 Surgical masks blow air out the sides intentionally

Video Link

Pagan Serpent Rod of Asclepius – Symbol of American Medical Association — Original Hippocratic Oath: “I swear by Apollo the healer and by *Asclepius* and by Hygieia and Panacea and by all the gods”

In Greek mythology, the Rod of *Asclepius*… is a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine.

The original Hippocratic Oath began with the invocation “I swear by Apollo the Healer and by *Asclepius* and by Hygieia and Panacea and by all the gods …”

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Rod of Asclepius

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, the Rod of Asclepius (Greek: Ράβδος του Ασκληπιού, Rábdos tou Asklipioú, sometimes also spelled Asklepios), also known as the Staff of Aesculapius and as the asklepian,[1] is a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine. The symbol has continued to be used in modern times, where it is associated with medicine and health care, yet frequently confused with the staff of the god Hermes, the caduceus. Theories have been proposed about the Greek origin of the symbol and its implications.

The Rod of Asclepius takes its name from the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicinal arts in Greek mythology. Asclepius’ attributes, the snake and the staff, sometimes depicted separately in antiquity, are combined in this symbol.[2]

COVID Natural Remedies BANNED as DOJ Silences Doctors Promoting Vitamin D, Zinc, etc.

Trump betrayed us! Pushed multi-billion dollar, no liability, experimental vaccines, then threatened doctors with fines who tell the truth about vitamin D3, etc. for Covid!

So this is why Dr. Mercola took down his articles on natural treatments for Covid that have been proven to work. Ugh!

Donald Trump signed the ‘COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act’ last December that makes it illegal for anyone to promote non-pharmaceutical products as treatments for COVID-19. The law threatens doctors with $10,000 fines for each violation if they tell you the science about how vitamins and minerals can help with COVID. The Department of Justice is pursuing a case against a Missouri chiropractor for “deceptive marketing” of COVID treatments after he publicly stated that a vitamin-D and zinc supplement could prevent or effectively treat COVID—claims that are well-supported in the scientific literature. – G. Edward Griffin

Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show

VERY SERIOUS considering a Harvard study showed that for the flu, only about 1% of vaccine injuries were reported to VAERS. So there could be as many as 100 times more than what’s been reported; though, not all of these are directly related to the jabs. But probably most are. I’ve heard that Big Pharma won’t do the follow-up work to know for sure, because they don’t want to admit the truth about the harm they’re doing in treating human beings in such an unnatural and invasive way, completely ignoring God’s remedies that are proven to work.

The “love of money” and drive to control are the main driving forces behind their machinations. These people lack real love, while claiming in the ads that the vaccines are all about love.

Dr. Ron Paul: CDC Director Meltdown: ‘Please Hold On A Little While Longer!’

CDC is a private organization, a 501(c)3 dictating policy for their own interests!

Covid chart at minute-9 shows deaths directly correspond to low sunshine in winter, low vitamin D — November to March. Enough vitamin D has been the solution all along!

Ron Paul: Vaccine Passports – Your Ticket To Tyranny

(video) Dr. Ryan Cole: “If you are MIDRANGE VITAMIN D you cannot die from Covid [cytokine storm]” — MOST are D deficient — “No such thing as ‘flu and cold season,’ only low vitamin D season”

“The biggest lost message on this entire pandemic is vitamin D.”

Slide from Dr. Cole’s presentation: If one has a D level of 50ng/ml (range 20-100) one cannot develop a “cytokine storm” (that which kills in covid)


Average Covid-19 age of death: 78.6. Average annual US age of death historically: 78.6.

4:40 “The biggest lost message on this entire pandemic is vitamin D. … There is no such thing as ‘flu and cold season.’ There is only low vitamin D season.”

“It is the master key to your immune system. If one has a level in midrange you cannot develop a cytokine storm, data shows. What kills people? Cytokine storm. If you are in midlevel range, you cannot die from Covid because you cannot get a cytokine storm.”

70-80% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. 82-88% of nursing home patients, 83% of African Americans, 70% of Latinos, 72% of Native Americans, 47% of Caucasians are vitamin D deficient. 96% of ICU patients are vitamin D deficient.

“The best mask of all is a healthy immune system, and a healthy immune system doesn’t occur if you don’t have D in normal range.”

Above the 35th parallel, WE CANNOT make natural vitamin D from the sun in winter for 4-5 months.

“Obesity drastically reduces your ability to get vitamin D into your circulation.”

9:35 “Normal D levels decrease your risk for Covid symptom severity risk for hospitalization by 90%. That’s the world data now. There have been a lot of placebo controlled trials that show this, all around the world. It is scientific fact.”

10;25 “That’s why the hospitalizations and the death rates in the darker skinned populations. It is not social disparity. It is plain and simple biology.”

The RDA, the recommended daily allowance: that was after WWII to sustain basic life. … It is absolute nonsense.”

Fauci said in an interview in November, 2020 he takes 8,000-9,000 iu per day, but then doesn’t make this a public health message.

13:00 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: If there’s a treatment [like HCL or Ivermectin], by rule, the FDA cannot give [fast-track] approval for a vaccine.

14:00 Treatments that don’t work by the time people are in the hospital: Remdesivir at $3,000 and still used by hospitals does NOT add survival benefit. Convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies only work early. Steroids at the right point in the disease do add benefit.

Ivermectin works, and is safe. Over 4 billion people have taken it since 1980! “There is blood on the hands of bureaucrats in Washington who have suppressed this lifesaving medication.” In India, Ivermectin packets costing only 2 cents have been given out, and have brought life in India back to normal. In the U.S., it’s less than $30 for an entire treatment.

20:30 The experimental mRNA vaccines are not vaccines. Long term safety is highly suspect.

23:15 “Masks don’t do anything.”

We are in an endemic right now. We are not in a pandemic.”

26:00 Cytokine storm explained, which vitamin D stops.

Both video I posted originally (below this one) were censored, which is tantamount to murder, blocking vital information that would have saved thousands of lives, so Big Pharma can make their $billions on their not thoroughly tested, experimental vaccines.

VIDEO LINK for full screen — Also HERE – 720p

Idaho Freedom Foundation Facebook Video

Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP) and the CEO/Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics [in Boise, Idaho], explained what the United States got very wrong during the Covid crisis.

First 30 minutes of this YouTube version:

Tom Woods: The COVID Cult

Dr. Ron Paul on Rand’s battle with Fauci’s ‘unscientific gobbledygook’ — like the pre-Iraq war rhetoric that Ron worked so hard warning us about

Dr. Ron Paul:

17:20 “I think so far there is more unscientific gobbledygook going out there than real scientific activity they should be working on.”

34:35 “Truth will come out. It’s just too bad we can’t do that before the crisis hits. We should be able to do that on foreign policy too. Daniel and I worked so hard trying to send out a message prior to the invasion of Iraq…. Then thousands and thousands of people died, and finally it became known as the ‘stupid war.'”

Franklin Graham Says Jesus Woulda Submitted to Big Pharmakeia!!!

Please excuse his ‘WTF’ terminology, but Brian Young here tells the truth!

The Graham family has reinterpreted Christianity to be a one-time decision instead of a life abiding in Christ where joy and peace remain — life in the Son, Jesus Himself — overcoming sin by His grace — led by the Holy Spirit — real Christianity!

This post of mine has many links to my other posts telling the truth about Billy Graham:

When Billy Graham laughed to minimize Bill Clinton’s adultery

Dr. Mercola w/ Del Bigtree: Peer Reviewed Covid Truth — Great Interview!

Key solutions mentioned here. Most MDs are recommending too low of vitamin D levels. Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is “the single most effective strategy!”

Dr. Mercola is currently under attack from Big Pharma. He’s unconcerned, because he didn’t make the ‘cure’ claims they say he did, and he’s lawyered up. But they use this kind of publicity to smear people who tell the truth.

37 $Trillions have been transferred to the wealthy in the past year because of Covid: Billionaires’ wealth rises to $10.2 trillion amid Covid crisis, 10/6/20

42:30 Get off of platforms like Google. Stop using their search engine; stop using their Chrome browser; stop using their Android phone system, because they’re capturing your data, and are using it to manipulate you.”

44:50 Great Dr. Mercola quote comparing the way Big Pharma reports vaccine deaths with Covid deaths, considering that injuries and deaths reported to VAERS are only 1% of actual:

“The reported complication of a vaccine to VAERS is 1%. And here is the interesting component: If you had a positive Covid test, which was absolutely bastardized. They had cycle thresholds that were increased from something like 25 to 40, so it makes almost everyone taking the test falsely positive. If you had a positive test and you died from a motorcycle accident, you ‘died from Covid.’ That’s not controversial. That’s what happened. BUT, on the converse: if you get a Covid-19 vaccine and you’re healthy, and you die the next day, ‘ah, just coincidence, just a coincidence. It couldn’t possibly be related!'”

45:30 Q: “Are they evil people?”

47 Synthetic meat is horribly unhealthy, mostly made with soy beans and canola oil. “Vegetable oils are the single most, pernicious poison you could possibly eat.”

“The omega 6 fat called Linoleic acid disrupts your mitochondrial health and energy, and is probably the primary contributor to almost all chronic degenerative disease.”

49:15 See Mercola’s site, for info on D3 and do-it-yourself nebulized hydrogen based on peer reviewed literature.

“Vitamin D is huge” for Covid. “Make sure your vitamin D levels are up between 60 and 80 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml).”

47:30 “Make sure it’s over 40. 40 is the bare minimum.” They [doctors] “don’t have the right normals.” Many consider anything about 20 as okay. 90% of people’s vitamin D levels are too low.”

The other thing is nebulized hydrogen peroxide, “the single most effective strategy,” which apparently works as well as ozone therapy, and can easily be done at home. Paper:

A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies, David Brownstein, M.D., Richard Ng, M.D., Robert Rowen, M.D. …

Zinc, Quercetin.

Time restricted eating to between 6 and 8 hours.

Dr. Mercola starts at 26:10

Rand Paul to ‘theatrical’ Fauci: “You parade around in two masks for show”

Fauci is physically looking rough, as if all of the lying is finally getting to him.

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Rand Paul: “what specific studies do you cite to argue that the public should be wearing masks well into 2022?”

“You’ve had the vaccine and you’re wearing two masks. Isn’t that theater?”

“You’ve been vaccinated, and you parade around in two masks for show.”

[2:29 Rand’s notes are bold, very large print, fully written out paragraphs on single sided paper.]

COVID is not a hoax, but the numbers are: A look at the first flu season with COVID — An incredibly disturbing act of societal selfishness

We could have just as easily produced a pandemic out of the 2017-2018 flu season

It is undeniable that we are recording COVID-19 deaths in a way that is fundamentally different from how we have recorded influenza deaths in past flu seasons. …

In summary, if we had treated the flu back in 2017-2018 like we are treating COVID-19 now, we could have seen 150,000 to 250,000 flu deaths and a corresponding level of panic. In other words, if we overreacted to the flu in 2017-2018 like we are overreacting now to COVID-19, we could have had the same level of panic, harm, and death. …

The story of 2020 won’t be COVID-19; it will be our reaction to COVID-19.  COVID-19 is comparable to a bad flu season–at the very worst, twice as bad.  Yet we made it into a worldwide panic-filled disaster. …

Instead of treating COVID-19 rationally, we panicked and killed tens of thousands of Americans, put hundreds of thousands more in jeopardy due to missed healthcare and emotional and financial hardship, stunted the education and future of millions of kids, and allowed tens of thousands of seniors to die in isolation, all to protect those in between childhood and old age from a disease that, for anybody modestly healthy under around 60, was comparable to the flu. It is an incredibly disturbing act of societal selfishness.

If in March 2020, instead of predicting 2.2 million COVID-19 deaths for the U.S. by the end of August 2020, the experts predicted 100,000 per year, we would have warned the vulnerable, advocated for better hygiene and personal responsibility, and carried on with our lives.

STORY with lots of data

Dr. Robert Rowen: “About 75% of deaths from COVID are false” | Ozone therapy could have quickly ended the pandemic

Dr. Robert J. Rowen Comment on March 11, 2021 under the ‘Facebook Caught’ post

The fact that the report has been blocked already serves as strong evidence that the media is programming you. I am amazed at how bamboozled the average man on the street is about this. Yes, COVID has killed many people. But, from what I can see, it culled the most vulnerable, people already quite ill or towards the end of their lives. In my estimation, about 75% of deaths from COVID are false. Just MY opinion. That does leave 25% who suffered from a rather serious disease for them. I still don’t know of a single case of COVID that died from the disease after ozone therapy. I believe this pandemic could have been put to an end by last June if we had leaders who served the people rather than their “owners”. Even in California, I know of a strong personal attempt by a personal friend of Newsom to get him to look at oxidation therapy. No response!!!!

Facebook Caught with No Clothes on This Page for Misleading Information

The Facebook “fact checkers” have splashed the attached message to all visitors of my page telling you that the COVID vaccine goes through “many tests for safety and effectiveness before they’re approved”.

If this company were honorable, it would permit fact checkers for their own posts that cloud my posts.

New Book Confirms Fauci’s NIH Funded Wuhan Bat-COVID Experiments At Understaffed Chinese Lab

Facebook locked me out of my account for the first time after posting this 2 days ago.

They can’t “fact check” this as “false” because it’s true.

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Last April, the Washington Post‘s Josh Rogin revealed that in January 2018, the US Embassy in Beijing “took the unusual step of repeatedly sending US science diplomats to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV),” and subsequently sent two official warnings back to Washington about “inadequate safety at the lab.”

Now, Rogin is out with a new book; “Chaos Under Heaven: Trump, Xi, and the Battle for the Twenty-First Century,” where he offers a 10,000-foot view of the evidence implicating the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also confirming that the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) – headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, “had funded a number of projects that involved WIV scientists, including much of the Wuhan lab’s work with bat coronaviruses.”

The punchline hasn’t changed….


New Book Confirms Fauci’s NIH Funded Wuhan Bat-COVID Experiments At Understaffed Chinese Lab | ZeroHedge

Last April, the Washington Post‘s Josh Rogin revealed that in January 2018, the US Embassy in Beijing “took the unusual step of repeatedly sending US science diplomats to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV),” and subsequently sent two official warnings back to Washington about “inadequate safety at the lab.”

Now, Rogin is out with a new book; “Chaos Under Heaven: Trump, Xi, and the Battle for the Twenty-First Century,” where he offers a 10,000-foot view of the evidence implicating the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also confirming that the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) – headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, “had funded a number of projects that involved WIV scientists, including much of the Wuhan lab’s work with bat coronaviruses.”


1700 Pet Deaths from Bayer’s Flea Collar!

Big Pharma for dogs — BAYER KILLING THEM — “love of money,” not wellness driven! 1700 deaths and 75,000 adverse effects reported, and they keep selling it as long as they don’t get sued too much. Pet owners getting sick too. Outrageous!

Anti-Flea and anti-Tick options:

Johnson & Johnson’s recent criminal history & morally compromised Covid vaccine

Media Hails New J&J Vaccine, Ignores Pharma Giant’s ‘Checkered Past’



‘Morally compromised’

In response to the FDA’s emergency authorization of J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine, the Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans and Catholic leaders in St. Louis immediately pronounced the injection “morally compromised,” citing the company’s “extensive use of abortion-derived cell lines” and urging local Catholics not to take it. These objections are in the same vein as a letter submitted to the FDA a year ago by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which expressed concern about the development of COVID-19 vaccines reliant on “ethically problematic” cell lines.

The cell line in which Janssen grows its adenovirus vector is a human embryonic cell line called PER.C6. The retinal tissue that launched the cell line was obtained following the elective abortion of a healthy, 18-week-old fetus. The AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID vaccine uses a different human embryonic cell line called HEK293T to propagate its adenovirus.


Serial felons

When evaluating the potential safety of the J&J-plus-Merck experimental COVID vaccine, it would be prudent to take note of the corporate behemoths’ less-than-flattering track records as serial felons.

Gov. Kristi Noem torches Fauci during emotional CPAC speech

Covid deaths by country 3rd highest in US – Where Big Pharma and lockdowns ruled


While #Covid19 cases in the richest, most locked down nations of the world continue, many of the poorest nations in the world, where these restrictions are not in place, are seeing numbers drastically plummet. Why are countries with such poorly funded healthcare systems faring so much better than the US. (hint: herd immunity)

The Highwire with Del Bigtree


Great examples: Meghan McCain, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, etc., and Australians boo at an announcement at the Australian open at 20:30.

About halfway through, it’s important to know that the PCR tests have been proven to be inaccurate, and the University of Florida proved that asymptomatic people don’t spread Covid.

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The one-time hero of the pandemic, Tony Fauci, is losing the trust of mainstream America after flip flopping on critical #Covid19 information one too many times. His latest admission is the final straw for many public figures, including avid pro-vaxxers.

The Highwire with Del Bigtree

Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with Globalists Ted Turner, George Soros, Bill Gates Sr. & David Rockefeller

Fauci is part of the globalist cabal!

Source says this is from 2001.

Large Image

BREAKING: Shocking Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More

BREAKING: Shocking Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More


Dr. Simone Gold: How do we know what’s true? Think critically. Go to a source you trust or become an expert on it yourself. Just because a guy with a bunch of degrees says something…

How do we know what’s true?

At 42:10 “One of the things that has really gone wrong…: Do not forget that you have the capacity to think. … Just because a guy with a bunch of degrees is saying something, he may or may not be correct. And you cannot throw away your own ability to think critically about a subject. I’m very frustrated. It’s not that lay people don’t know enough. There were many physicians who got on the bandwagon saying a safe, generic isn’t safe. How did they get that? It’s not a knowledge thing. It’s an acceptance that somebody’s smarter than me, brighter than me, more credentialed than me. Don’t do it. Think critically for yourself, and then either go to a source that you absolutely trust, or become an expert on it yourself.”

Dr. Simone Gold w/ Michelle Malkin: Experimental Vaccine Lies | FBI ‘broke down my door’ in swat team raid of 20 men

Unknown infertility risk

80 times reported death rate compared to flu vaccines according to what’s been reported at the time of the interview, 2/10/2021

Antibody dependent enhancement can create an overreaction when encountering the virus in the future, “2 and 5 years from now,” the dreaded cytokine storm — the reason why the SARS Covid vaccines failed.

Naomi Wolf on ‘Tucker’ (VIDEO): ‘Under the Guise of a Real Medical Pandemic, We’re Really Moving into a Coup Situation, a Police State Situation’


Thomas Massie: “Once you realize the ethical standards of Dr. Fauci and the CDC lead them to comfortably misrepresent scientific data in order to achieve public policy goals, it’s our duty to question their ‘science'”

Thomas Massie

Once you realize the personal ethical standards of policy makers like Dr Fauci and many of those at the CDC lead them to comfortably misrepresent scientific data in order to achieve public policy goals, it is not just your prerogative to question their “science,” it is your duty.

Covid-20? Biden’s NIH Authorizes Wuhan Lab To Again Receive Taxpayer Funding

Infamous Wuhan Lab Authorized To Receive US Taxpayer Funding, NIH Confirms

The National Institutes of Health confirmed Tuesday that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is authorized to receive U.S. taxpayer funding for animal research through January 2024, according to the Daily Caller.

The research lab in Wuhan is suspected to have caused the COVID-19 pandemic through an accidental lab leak and has already received $600,000 in U.S. taxpayer funds between 2014 and 2019 to study bat-based coronaviruses through EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization.

EcoHealth Alliance’s research of bat-based coronaviruses in China was funded by a $3.7 million grant in 2014 from a branch of the NIH, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, according to the Wall Street Journal.


Skousen: Arrest of Dr. Simone Gold was Excessively Heavy-handed

World Affairs Brief, February 19, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Arrest of Dr. Simone Gold was Excessively Heavy-handed: I mentioned last week that the FBI had arrested Covid and CDC critic, Dr. Simone Gold, for merely being at the capitol protest and speaking to Trump supporters about the exaggerated pandemicPamela Geller points out that she was treated rather violently during the arrest, unlike how the FBI treated agent provocateurs on the Left.

FBI agents banged on the door of the Beverly Hills home of Dr. Simone Gold, emergency room physician, attorney and founder of America’s Frontline Doctors ( In short order, law enforcement broke down the front door and took her into custody. Shades of Roger Stone. Not knowing what charges were filed against her, Dr. Gold was removed from home, shackled and prohibited from taking any belongings, not even a purse. Her phone and computer were removed as evidence.

This is how the Deep State treats enemies of the state—sending a message to other’s who don’t accept the official narrative, especially those who have a voice and a following.

Study: CDC Inflated Covid Numbers 1,600%, Accused of Violating Federal Law

From Figure 9 of the Oct. 12, 2020 peer reviewed study:


Had the CDC used the 2003 guidelines [in use until March 24, 2020], the total COVID-19 [fatalities would] be approximately 16.7 times lower than is currently being reported. [1][30][State & Territory Health Departments]

WorldNetDaily also published this story, which has many comments.

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BUSTED: CDC Inflated COVID Numbers, Accused of Violating Federal Law

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands accused of violating federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE.

CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective,” was authored by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy, Daniel Chong, John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta, David White, James Jordan , Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson. (READ THE LANDMARK RESEARCH HERE)

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