Bob Chapman explains in this segment of the Alex Jones Show, 7/10/09, why he thinks hyperinflation still will begin this fall.
Bob Chapman explains in this segment of the Alex Jones Show, 7/10/09, why he thinks hyperinflation still will begin this fall.
From: The International Forecaster
International Forecaster Weekly
The Fed The Ultimate Zombie
Latest Issue: June 24th, 2009: Mistakes of and good intentions of Lincoln and Kennedy, As the Fed absorbs the toxic waste of its friends, it becomes a zombie bank in its own right, the perils of printing the dollar, the deliberate march to the destruction of the dollar, – No comments yet.
Spending, Debt and Collapse Predicts Hyperinflation
June 20th, 2009: Public Private Investment Partnerships sell off toxic waste, hyperinflation clearly in our future, gold and silver must eventually skyrocket, bailouts behind everyones backs, since central banks control the money flow, they are responsible, the king of stagflation – No comments yet.
The Credit Crisis Is Not Over After 23 Months
June 17th, 2009: Rally of 1931 to haunt the markets this year, SEC hasnt really stopped anything, Fed must find a way to hide toxic assets, bear market not reversible, Currencies deprecate against gold, funding new health insurance initiatives not easy in times of debts, Monetary policy to become inflationary – No comments yet.
Profits Privatized and Losses Socialized
June 13th, 2009: How much longer for USD as world currency? moral abdication enables collapse of dollar, hyperinflation, china to be in a currency war, more money being created out of thin air, experts have reasons for their pessimism, default swaps were never understood by regulators, – No comments yet.
Financial Bailout Plan Keeps Zombie Banks Alive
June 10th, 2009: 37th bank failure this week Madoff fraud tally being calculated, recession continues to deepen, financial zombies kept alive after almost destroying our financial system, Promise to head of hyperinflation is hollow, We get trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, VAT on the way, on Wall Street, transparency, oversight, and accountability do not exist, details on bailouts are state secrets – No comments yet.
. . .
MSNBC interview with Dr Ron Paul (6/18/09)
The system of regulations can’t compensate for the errors of the Federal Reserve
“It’s not a question of being optimistic or pessimistic.
It’s a question of what is.”
[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Washington is Wall St. and Wall St. is Washington
The founder of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente, shared his thoughts on Obama’s new initiative and the politicization of the Federal Reserve.
Quotations transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show broadcast, 6/10/09
[Updated & expanded 6/14]
Ron Paul mentioned how the Chinese students laughed at Timothy Geithner, recently, when Geithner said we’re going to get things under control and reign back our spending. Paul then added:
“Well, I imagine there’s a lot of students around the country and a lot of other people, now, who just laugh at us up here in Washington.”
Paul is encouraged that he now has “209 sponsors” in Congress for his “audit the ‘Fed'” bill, a goal he’s been pushing for many years, along with his bills to abolish this privately owned cartel. But he’s not overly hopeful.
“We just have to do our best and see what happens, see if the calamity hits us before we can make some calm, deliberate decisions that make some changes. But my guess is that we’ll have the crisis before we can do that.”
Alex Jones asked: “When do you see the next big plunge downward, deeper into this globally engineered depression?” Paul responds:
“I think it’s really going down now, but the government statistics sort of are giving people a false sense of security, so I think we’re still slipping.
There will be more announcements, and more bankruptcies, and probably more commercial property problems, more states going bankrupt, and more unemployment. Then finally the euphoria on Wall Street of the last four months, it will dissipate….”
“I was impressed, the other day, that some of the news media have reported that the real rate of unemployment isn’t 9%, it’s like 18%….”
Despite the dismal facts, Ron Paul seems to be focusing on the bright side:
“I so strongly feel that if we get transparency of the Fed, and the people know what they’ve done, I think their days are numbered.”
Alex asks Paul what he expects to find if the audit does happen. Paul:
“I’d be most interested in what they’ve done with the international organizations: which countries that they’ve bailed out and which central banks that they’ve helped; what they have done with gold, and whether or not they’ve loaned and sold gold, and how they manipulate markets. I would imagine they even manipulate stock market…. How they do it would be the thing.
Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show:
Their Time Has Come “Audit The FED!”
Ron Paul’s Bill To Audit ‘Federal’ Reserve Now Has 207 Co-Sponsors!
This is pretty heavy!
Current chairman of the private Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke made a visit to Chicago on June 10th. He was unexpectedly confronted by patriots and members of We Are Change Chicago regarding his treasonous attendance at Bilderberg in 2008.
From: Infowars, June 10, 2009
At time of writing, a bill that would see the Federal Reserve bank audited for the first time in 59 years has 207 cosponsers in the House and is gaining traction with every single day.
This means just 11 more are needed for a majority to be reached in the House.
If enacted, HR 1207 will amend title 31 of the United States Code and reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States.
In other words, for the first time since 1950, the the independent financial powerhouse that creates and regulates all money in the US will be forced by law to open its books.
HR 1207 was sponsored and introduced by Rep. Ron Paul. On February 26, 2009, it was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services, where it remains under consideration.
HR 1207 also has a companion bill, S 604: F R Sunshine Act of 2009, in the Senate.
This news also dovetails with reports detailing how the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the panel responsible for investigating the use of bailout money, has issued a subpoena to the Federal Reserve, asking them to hand over all documents relating to the takeover of Merrill Lynch by the Bank of America.
Claims by New York Attorney-General Andrew Cuomo that former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke strong-armed BofA into buying Merrill, could see the two exposed to prosecution.
There is no doubt that the privately owned Federal Reserve is in hot water, and it knows it.
As we reported last week, the Fed is hiring a veteran lobbyist to “manage its relations with Congress”.
From: The Independent
The rock legend Jimi Hendrix was murdered by his manager, who stood to collect millions of dollars on the star’s life insurance policy, a former roadie has claimed in a new book.
James “Tappy” Wright says that Hendrix’s manager, Michael Jeffrey, drunkenly confessed to killing him by stuffing pills into his mouth and washing them down with several bottles of red wine because he feared Hendrix intended to dump him for a new manager, according to a report in the Mail on Sunday.
In his book, Rock Roadie, Mr Wright says Jeffrey told him in 1971 that Hendrix had been “worth more to him dead than alive” as he had taken out a life insurance policy on the musician worth $2m (about £1.2m at the time), with himself as the beneficiary. Two years later, Jeffrey was killed in a plane crash.
From: canonrumors
TOKYO, May 13 (Reuters) – Japanese precision equipment and camera maker Nikon Corp (7731.T: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) said on Wednesday annual operating profit fell 64 percent, hurt by weak sales of chip-making machines, and it forecast a tumble into the red this year. …
Shares of Nikon shed 58 percent in the year ended in March, while Canon lost close to 39 percent and Olympus Corp (7733.T: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) lost 48 percent. (Reporting by Mayumi Negishi; Editing by Edwina Gibbs)
From: Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives
Date: 04-17-09 | |
Hour: a – 1 hr. | |
3:00: Dr. Dennis Cuddy – The Rockefeller Plan | |
Hour: b – 1 hr. | |
4:00: Lindsey Williams – Oil, Hyper-inflation, & the next 6-9 months | |
Hour: c – 2 hrs. | |
8:00: John Quirk – Current Events 9:00: William Grigg – Current Events |
Economist William K. Black of the University of Missouri appeared in an interview on PBS last week with Bill Moyers. He pulls no punches in spelling out who is really responsible for our current economic disaster, and why our own Treasury Secretary is leading the charge to keep the truth covered up.
Please be sure to watch the full interview (link below) and share it with all your friends.
Full Moyers interview with WIlliam K. Black:
Raw Story article that inspired this video:
Privatizing profits [to the elite]
Socializing losses [common people left with the tab]
An Argentine opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme. Like a pyramid, it has four sides and is a predictable model. The four sides are: (1) Artificially control the supply of public State-issued Currency, (2) Artificially impose Banking Money as the primary source of funding in the economy, (3) Promote doing everything by Debt and (4) Erect complex channels that allow privatizing profits when the Model is in expansion mode and socialize losses when the model goes into contraction mode.
Encourage your representitive to support HR 1207 – the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. The Fed is a private institution and is therefore not subject to normal Governmental Freedom of Information requests, as Bloomberg recently found out.
HR 1207 will help to reveal where the Fed is funnelling trillions of dollars of taxpayer’s money.
From: Infowars
The international business editor of the London Telegraph has today penned a piece admitting that the fallout of the G20 summit sets the stage for a global central bank and a global fiat currency.
After yesterday’s widespread announcement of a “new world order” by the world’s media, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Telegraph writes “The world is a step closer to a global currency, backed by a global central bank, running monetary policy for all humanity.”
The economic analyst points to a clause in Point 19 of the communiqué issued by the G20 leaders, saying it “amounts to revolution in the global financial order.”
“We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity,” The clause states.
SDRs are Special Drawing Rights, a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund that has lain dormant for half a century.
“In effect, the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and begin global ‘quantitative easing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body. Conspiracy theorists will love it.” Evans-Pritchard comments.
Read the Entire Telegraph article here.
Even though Evans-Pritchard directly admits the political agenda to diminish the power of sovereign states in favor of a move towards global governance, he still couches it under the term “conspiracy theory”, suggesting it is some sort of paranoid delusion.
It is time to face this agenda head on, expose it for what it really is and stop engaging in cognitive dissonance and blind ignorance.
Furthermore, why would we “love” to see unfold before our eyes the very diabolical strategy that we have consistently warned will eventually strip us of all our freedoms?
As we have exhaustively documented, the new world order has nothing to do with saving the world and everything to do with centralizing power and control into the hands of a gaggle of criminal globalists who are concerned about nothing other than increasing their domination over the planet – at the expense of the rest of the population.
The new world order is totalitarian by its very nature – shifting power away from sovereign countries to global institutions which have no accountability to the general public whatsoever, and through which the public has no voice or influence. That cannot be defined as anything else but undemocratic. There is no such thing as a “benign” new world order.
It’s about time the establishment media stopped parroting the words of globalists, stopped dismissing as trite their clear and outright agenda to seize power, and actually started exposing what is really happening in this world with purpose.
From: Human Events
For the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage.
Fannie and Freddie. The idiot-bankers. The AIG bonus babies. The Bush Republicans and Barney Frank Democrats who bullied banks into making mortgages to minorities who could not afford the houses they were moving into.
But the Big Kahuna has escaped.
The Federal Reserve.
“(T)he very people who devised the policies that produced the mess are now posing as the wise public servants who will show us the way out,” writes Thomas Woods in “Meltdown.”
Already in its sixth week on the New York Times best-seller list, this eminently readable book traces the Fed’s role in every financial crisis since this creature was spawned on Jekyl Island in 1913.
The “forgotten depression” of 1920-21 was caused by a huge increase in the money supply for President Wilson’s war. When the Fed started to tighten at war’s end, production fell 20 percent from mid-1920 to mid-1921, far more than today.
Why did we not read about that depression?
Because the much-maligned Warren Harding refused to intervene. He let businesses and banks fail and prices fall. Hence, the fever quickly broke, and we were off into “the Roaring Twenties.”
But, the Fed reverted, expanding the money supply by 55 percent, an average of 7.3 percent a year, not through an expansion of the currency, but through loans to businesses.
Thus, when the Fed tightened in the overheated economy, the Crash came, as the stock market bubble the Fed had created burst.
Herbert Hoover, contrary to the myth that he was a small-government conservative, renounced laissez-faire, raised taxes, launched public works projects, extended emergency loans to failing businesses and lent money to the states for relief programs.
Hoover did what Obama is doing.
Indeed, in 1932, FDR lacerated Hoover for having presided over the “greatest spending administration in peacetime in all of history.” His running mate, John Nance Garner, accused Hoover of “leading the country down the path to socialism.” And “Cactus Jack” was right.
Hannity, Morris Agree with Conspiracy People
About the New World Order
It must have really been tough for Hannity to do so, but he and Dick Morris had to concede that the “Conspiracy People” were right about Global Governance and and a Global Currency.
Many gold investors suspect that the US has periodically attempted to flood the market with Fort Knox gold to keep prices low and the dollar high – perhaps through international swap agreements with other central banks….
From: The Times
It is said to be the most impregnable vault on Earth: built out of granite, sealed behind a 22-tonne door, located on a US military base and watched over day and night by army units with tanks, heavy artillery and Apache helicopter gunships at their disposal. …
For several prominent investors and at least one senior US congressman it is not the security of the facility in Kentucky that is a cause of concern: it is the matter of how much gold remains stored there – and who owns it.
They are worried that no independent auditors appear to have had access to the reported $137 billion (£96 billion) stockpile of brick-shaped gold bars in Fort Knox since the era of President Eisenhower. After the risky trading activities at supposedly safe institutions such as AIG they want to be reassured that the gold reserves are still the exclusive property of the US and have not been used to fund risky transactions. …
“It has been several decades since the gold in Fort Knox was independently audited or properly accounted for,” said Ron Paul, the Texas Congressman and former Republican presidential candidate, in an e-mail interview with The Times. “The American people deserve to know the truth.”
Mr Paul has so far attracted 21 co-sponsors for a Bill to conduct an independent audit of the Federal Reserve System – including its claims to Fort Knox gold – but an organisation named the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) is taking a different approach. …
Many gold investors suspect that the US has periodically attempted to flood the market with Fort Knox gold to keep prices low and the dollar high – perhaps through international swap agreements with other central banks – but facts remain scarce and the US Treasury denies that any such meddling has gone on for at least the past decade.
“If we have freedom and sound money, I think we’d get back to work so quickly and recover. But that’s not what THEY‘re interested in.”
From: Financial Times, Believer in small government predicts 15-year depression, March 22 2009
Unfortunately, cashing out will not protect the value of investments, he [Congressman Ron Paul] insists, because “fiat” currencies will all decline over the coming years as measures to try to haul the world economy out of recession fail. “The current stimulus measures are making things a lot worse,” says Mr Paul.
“The US government just won’t allow the correction the economy needs.” He cites the mini-depression of 1921, which lasted just a year largely because insolvent companies were allowed to fail. “No one remembers that one. They’ll remember this one, because it will last 15 years.”
At some stage – Mr Paul estimates it will be between one and four years – the dollar will implode. “The dollar as a reserve standard is done,” he says. …
A deep recession had only been avoided up until now because of the efforts of successive governments to reflate the economy. But there are no more policy levers left, says Mr Paul. “This is the big one.”
Unsurprisingly, Mr Paul has been viewed as a crank in Washington, dismissed as a doomsayer and a party-pooper. His bill early this year to abolish the Federal Reserve was largely ignored. And his adherence to the Austrian School of economics, which predicted that fiat currencies would destabilise the world economy, has won him few friends.
“People don’t like the Austrians because they are against big government, against armies and against the welfare state. To accept Austrian economics, you have to accept limitations of credit expansion and that is what has kept the government and financial firms in business for so long.”
However, his views are, for the first time, being taken seriously in Washington. Like another politician who recently aimed for high office, Al Gore, Mr Paul’s uncomfortable truths are starting to be deliberated at elevated political levels. “Before last summer, in meetings nobody really knew I was there. Now they often defer to me on economic matters. But you won’t catch any of them admitting that publicly – not yet at least.”
He believes that markets will fall much further and inflation rise much higher before his fellow politicians recognise that the system has failed. “We are likely to see an inflation depression,” Mr Paul says.
“In the 1970s, we had stagflation, but not depression. Inflation depression is what you see in Zimbabwe.”
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